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Feature/location graph export

Merged Fabian Reister requested to merge feature/location-graph-export into master
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@@ -142,7 +142,8 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
// This section loads the snapshot specified by the scenario parameters
// resolve the paths for the locations and graphs
const std::filesystem::path graph = snapshotToLoadPath / "Graph";
const std::filesystem::path location = snapshotToLoadPath / "Location";
const std::filesystem::path locationsFilename =
snapshotToLoadPath / "locations.json";
// remove date from folder name (if present)
// Sometimes, we use the date before the snapshotname and use a symlink to the real data (e.g. R003 and 2022-03-01_R003)
@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
// This if statement loads the location. Each location is a single file (without extension). The filename is the name of the location.
// The file contains json with the globalRobotPose (4x4 matrix) and relativeToObject information
if (std::filesystem::is_directory(location))
if (std::filesystem::is_regular_file(locationsFilename))
armem::Commit c;
armem::MemoryID providerID = workingMemory().id();
@@ -161,54 +162,53 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
const auto now = armem::Time::Now();
for (const auto& subdir : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(
location)) // iterate over all files in folder (the locations)
const std::filesystem::path location = subdir.path();
if (std::filesystem::is_regular_file(
location)) // check if its a file (otherwise skip)
locationsFilename)) // check if its a file (otherwise skip)
ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Loading " << location;
std::ifstream ifs(location);
ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Loading " << locationsFilename;
std::ifstream ifs(locationsFilename);
const std::string content((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs)),
// parse location as json. All files in Location folder must be valid json objects!
nlohmann::json j = nlohmann::json::parse(content);
nlohmann::json js = nlohmann::json::parse(content);
if (j.find("globalRobotPose") == j.end())
for (const auto& [locationMemoryIdStr, j] : js["locations"].get<std::map<std::string, nlohmann::json>>())
<< "The file '" << location.string()
<< "' has no 'globalRobotPose' member. Skipping this file.";
if (j.find("relativeToObject") == j.end())
<< "The file '" << location.string()
<< "' has no 'relativeToObject' member. Skipping this file.";
navigation::location::arondto::Location loc;"globalRobotPose")
.get_to(loc.globalRobotPose); // load the 4x4 matrix
if (j.find("globalRobotPose") == j.end())
<< "The element '" << locationMemoryIdStr
<< "' has no 'globalRobotPose' member. Skipping this entity.";
// TODO: All location I have seen were null.
// I don't know how this member should look like (von @Fabian Peller to @Fabian Reister)
loc.relativeToObject = std::nullopt;
if (j.find("relativeToObject") == j.end())
ARMARX_WARNING << "The element '" << locationMemoryIdStr
<< "' has no 'relativeToObject' member. "
"Skipping this entity.";
// send commit to memory
auto& up = c.add();
up.confidence = 1.0;
up.timeCreated = now;
up.timeSent = now;
up.timeArrived = now;
up.entityID =
up.instancesData = {loc.toAron()};
navigation::location::arondto::Location loc;"globalRobotPose")
.get_to(loc.globalRobotPose); // load the 4x4 matrix
// TODO: All location I have seen were null.
// I don't know how this member should look like (von @Fabian Peller to @Fabian Reister)
loc.relativeToObject = std::nullopt;
// send commit to memory
auto& up = c.add();
up.confidence = 1.0;
up.timeCreated = now;
up.timeSent = now;
up.timeArrived = now;
up.entityID = armarx::armem::MemoryID(locationMemoryIdStr);
up.instancesData = {loc.toAron()};
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
const std::filesystem::path subDir = std::filesystem::path(providerId);
const std::filesystem::path dir = baseDirectory / subDir;
if(not std::filesystem::exists(dir))
if (not std::filesystem::exists(dir))