From cb92fcf27c74597d452cde67af29bc9a52b52dd9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: armar-user <armar6@kit>
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2022 14:31:42 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/8] location graph export draft

 .../NavigationMemory/CMakeLists.txt           |  5 ++
 .../NavigationMemory/   | 47 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp     | 10 ++++
 .../NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.h       | 12 +++--
 4 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/

diff --git a/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/CMakeLists.txt b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/CMakeLists.txt
index 06bd4080..01196c14 100644
--- a/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
+        ArmarXCoreInterfaces
+        RobotAPIInterfaces
         # ArmarXCore
diff --git a/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/ b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b7c4d6d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+* @package    RobotAPI
+* @author     Rainer Kartmann
+* @copyright  2020 Humanoids Group, H2T, KIT
+* @license
+*             GNU General Public License
+#pragma once
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/armem/server/>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/objectpose/>
+#include <ArmarXCore/interface/core/>
+// #include <ArmarXCore/interface/core/PackagePath.h>
+module armarx
+    module navigation
+    {
+        module memory
+        {
+            interface NavigationMemoryInterface extends
+                    armarx::armem::server::MemoryInterface
+            {
+                bool storeLocationGraph(armarx::data::PackagePath packagePath); 
+            };
+        };
+    };
diff --git a/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
index c3bec2c6..dd8b20b0 100644
--- a/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
+++ b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
@@ -457,5 +457,15 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
+    bool NavigationMemory::storeLocationGraph(const armarx::data::PackagePath& packagePath, const Ice::Current& current)
+    {
+        const auto& locationCoreSegment = workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::location::coreSegmentID);
+                          workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::graph::coreSegmentID)};
+        return true;
+    }
 } // namespace armarx::navigation
diff --git a/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.h b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.h
index 11bd41fd..e6464265 100644
--- a/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.h
+++ b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.h
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/Component.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/services/tasks/TaskUtil.h>
+#include <ArmarXCore/interface/core/PackagePath.h>
 #include <ArmarXGui/libraries/ArmarXGuiComponentPlugins/LightweightRemoteGuiComponentPlugin.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPIComponentPlugins/ArVizComponentPlugin.h>
@@ -34,6 +35,8 @@
 #include <mutex>
+#include <armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/ComponentInterface.h>
 namespace armarx::navigation
@@ -50,17 +53,20 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
      * Detailed description of class NavigationMemory.
     class NavigationMemory :
-        virtual public armarx::Component
+        virtual public armarx::Component,
         // , virtual public armarx::DebugObserverComponentPluginUser
-        ,
         virtual public armarx::LightweightRemoteGuiComponentPluginUser,
         virtual public armarx::ArVizComponentPluginUser,
-        virtual public armarx::armem::server::ReadWritePluginUser
+        virtual public armarx::armem::server::ReadWritePluginUser,
+        virtual public memory::NavigationMemoryInterface
         /// @see armarx::ManagedIceObject::getDefaultName()
         std::string getDefaultName() const override;
+        bool storeLocationGraph(const armarx::data::PackagePath& packagePath, const Ice::Current& current) override; 
         /// @see PropertyUser::createPropertyDefinitions()

From b977bbde27bee29830dc11e98ce8df6444b7e960 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fabian Reister <>
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2022 20:37:43 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/8] successfully exported location graph. still wip

 .../NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp     | 158 +++++++++++++++++-
 .../LocationGraphEditor/CMakeLists.txt        |   1 +
 .../LocationGraphEditorWidget.ui              |  52 ++++++
 .../LocationGraphEditor/WidgetController.cpp  |  15 ++
 .../LocationGraphEditor/WidgetController.h    |   1 +
 5 files changed, 221 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
index dd8b20b0..c0e62cb7 100644
--- a/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
+++ b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
@@ -26,12 +26,17 @@
 #include <filesystem>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <iostream>
+#include <iterator>
+#include "ArmarXCore/core/PackagePath.h"
+#include "ArmarXCore/core/logging/Logging.h"
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/system/ArmarXDataPath.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/time/CycleUtil.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/libraries/DecoupledSingleComponent/Decoupled.h>
+#include "RobotAPI/libraries/armem/core/wm/aron_conversions.h"
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/armem/client/query.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/libraries/armem/core/aron_conversions.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/armem/core/operations.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/armem/server/ltm/disk/Memory.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/armem/server/wm/memory_definitions.h>
@@ -39,7 +44,6 @@
 #include "Visu.h"
 #include <armarx/navigation/algorithms/Costmap.h>
-#include <armarx/navigation/memory/constants.h>
 #include <armarx/navigation/algorithms/aron/Costmap.aron.generated.h>
 #include <armarx/navigation/core/Graph.h>
 #include <armarx/navigation/core/aron/Graph.aron.generated.h>
@@ -48,7 +52,7 @@
 #include <armarx/navigation/core/aron/Twist.aron.generated.h>
 #include <armarx/navigation/graph/constants.h>
 #include <armarx/navigation/location/constants.h>
+#include <armarx/navigation/memory/constants.h>
 namespace armarx::navigation
@@ -158,6 +162,7 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
                         if (std::filesystem::is_regular_file(
                                 location)) // check if its a file (otherwise skip)
+                            ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Loading " << location;
                             std::ifstream ifs(location);
                             const std::string content((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs)),
@@ -199,7 +204,7 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
                             up.timeCreated = armem::Time::Now();
                             up.timeSent = armem::Time::Now();
                             up.timeArrived = armem::Time::Now();
-                            up.entityID = providerID.withEntityName(location.filename().string());
+                            up.entityID = providerID.withEntityName(location.filename().stem().string());
                             up.instancesData = {loc.toAron()};
@@ -457,15 +462,156 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
-    bool NavigationMemory::storeLocationGraph(const armarx::data::PackagePath& packagePath, const Ice::Current& current)
+    bool
+    store(const std::map<armem::MemoryID, core::Graph>& graphs,
+          const std::filesystem::path& baseDirectory)
-        const auto& locationCoreSegment = workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::location::coreSegmentID);
-                          workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::graph::coreSegmentID)};
+        ARMARX_INFO << "Creating export directory `" << baseDirectory << "`.";
+        std::filesystem::create_directories(baseDirectory);
+        for (const auto& [memoryId, graph] : graphs)
+        {
+            const std::filesystem::path nestedSubDir =
+                std::filesystem::path(memoryId.providerSegmentName) / memoryId.coreSegmentName;
+            const std::filesystem::path dir = baseDirectory / nestedSubDir;
+            std::filesystem::create_directories(dir);
+            nlohmann::json j;
+            // std::vector<std::size_t> outgoingEdges;
+            // std::transform(graph.m_edges.begin(),
+            //                graph.m_edges.end(),
+            //                std::back_inserter(outgoingEdges),
+            //                [](const auto& edge) { return edge.m_target; });
+            j["edges"] = outgoingEdges; // TODO pairs of vertices as list
+            j["location"] = memoryId.getEntityID().str();
+            // save to disk
+            const std::filesystem::path filename = dir / (memoryId.entityName + ".json");
+            ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Saving file `" << filename << "`.";
+            std::ofstream ofs(filename);
+            ofs << std::setw(4) << j;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    bool
+    store(const std::map<armem::MemoryID, location::arondto::Location>& locations,
+          const std::filesystem::path& baseDirectory)
+    {
+        ARMARX_INFO << "Creating export directory `" << baseDirectory << "`.";
+        std::filesystem::create_directories(baseDirectory);
+        for (const auto& [memoryId, location] : locations)
+        {
+            const std::filesystem::path nestedSubDir =
+                std::filesystem::path(memoryId.providerSegmentName) / memoryId.coreSegmentName;
+            const std::filesystem::path dir = baseDirectory / nestedSubDir;
+            std::filesystem::create_directories(dir);
+            nlohmann::json j;
+            j["globalRobotPose"] = location.globalRobotPose;
+            if (location.relativeToObject)
+            {
+                armarx::armem::MemoryID memoryId;
+                fromAron(location.relativeToObject->objectInstanceID, memoryId);
+                j["relativeToObject"]["objectInstanceID"] = memoryId.str();
+                j["relativeToObject"]["relativeRobotPose"] =
+                    location.relativeToObject->relativeRobotPose;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                j["relativeToObject"] = "null";
+            }
+            // save to disk
+            const std::filesystem::path filename = dir / (memoryId.entityName + ".json");
+            ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Saving file `" << filename << "`.";
+            std::ofstream ofs(filename);
+            ofs << std::setw(4) << j;
+        }
         return true;
+    bool
+    NavigationMemory::storeLocationGraph(const armarx::data::PackagePath& packagePath,
+                                         const Ice::Current& current)
+    {
+        armem::server::wm::CoreSegment& locationCoreSegment =
+            workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::location::coreSegmentID);
+        armem::server::wm::CoreSegment& graphCoreSegment =
+            workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::graph::coreSegmentID);
+        // obtain locations and graphs
+        const std::map<armem::MemoryID, location::arondto::Location> locations =
+            [&locationCoreSegment]()
+        {
+            std::map<armem::MemoryID, location::arondto::Location> locations;
+            locationCoreSegment.doLocked(
+                [&]()
+                {
+                    locationCoreSegment.forEachEntity(
+                        [&](const armarx::armem::server::wm::Entity& entity) -> bool
+                        {
+                            if (const armarx::armem::server::wm::EntityInstance* instance =
+                                    entity.findLatestInstance())
+                            {
+                                locations[].fromAron(instance->data());
+                            }
+                            return true;
+                        });
+                    return true;
+                });
+            return locations;
+        }();
+        const auto graphs = [&graphCoreSegment]()
+        {
+            std::map<armem::MemoryID, core::Graph> graphs;
+            graphCoreSegment.doLocked(
+                [&]()
+                {
+                    graphCoreSegment.forEachEntity(
+                        [&](const armarx::armem::server::wm::Entity& entity) -> bool
+                        {
+                            core::Graph& graph = graphs[];
+                            if (const armarx::armem::server::wm::EntityInstance* instance =
+                                    entity.findLatestInstance())
+                            {
+                                navigation::core::arondto::Graph aron;
+                                aron.fromAron(instance->data());
+                                fromAron(aron, graph);
+                            }
+                            return true;
+                        });
+                });
+            return graphs;
+        }();
+        // store on disk
+        const std::filesystem::path baseDirectory = armarx::PackagePath(packagePath).toSystemPath();
+        store(locations, baseDirectory);
+        store(graphs, baseDirectory);
+        return true;
+    }
 } // namespace armarx::navigation
diff --git a/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/CMakeLists.txt b/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/CMakeLists.txt
index e12c2b6a..c8cd2932 100644
--- a/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -56,4 +56,5 @@ armarx_add_qt_plugin(qt_plugin_LocationGraphEditor
+        armarx_navigation::navigation_memory_ice
diff --git a/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/LocationGraphEditorWidget.ui b/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/LocationGraphEditorWidget.ui
index db72fa0c..7173033c 100644
--- a/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/LocationGraphEditorWidget.ui
+++ b/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/LocationGraphEditorWidget.ui
@@ -120,6 +120,58 @@
+           <item>
+            <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox">
+             <property name="minimumSize">
+              <size>
+               <width>0</width>
+               <height>200</height>
+              </size>
+             </property>
+             <property name="title">
+              <string>Export</string>
+             </property>
+             <widget class="QLineEdit" name="packageNameEdit">
+              <property name="geometry">
+               <rect>
+                <x>10</x>
+                <y>30</y>
+                <width>113</width>
+                <height>28</height>
+               </rect>
+              </property>
+              <property name="text">
+               <string>PriorKnowledgeData</string>
+              </property>
+             </widget>
+             <widget class="QLineEdit" name="packageDirectoryEdit">
+              <property name="geometry">
+               <rect>
+                <x>10</x>
+                <y>80</y>
+                <width>113</width>
+                <height>28</height>
+               </rect>
+              </property>
+              <property name="text">
+               <string>navigation-graphs</string>
+              </property>
+             </widget>
+             <widget class="QPushButton" name="exportButton">
+              <property name="geometry">
+               <rect>
+                <x>20</x>
+                <y>140</y>
+                <width>84</width>
+                <height>28</height>
+               </rect>
+              </property>
+              <property name="text">
+               <string>Export</string>
+              </property>
+             </widget>
+            </widget>
+           </item>
             <widget class="QGroupBox" name="robotVisuGroupBox">
              <property name="title">
diff --git a/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/WidgetController.cpp b/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/WidgetController.cpp
index 33c40dfc..b59ac4cf 100644
--- a/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/WidgetController.cpp
+++ b/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/WidgetController.cpp
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/exceptions/local/ExpressionException.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/logging/Logging.h>
+#include <ArmarXCore/core/PackagePath.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Client/Client.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/armem/client/MemoryNameSystem.h>
@@ -40,11 +41,13 @@
 #include "widgets/graph_scene/Scene.h"
 #include "widgets/graph_scene/Widget.h"
 #include "widgets/utils.h"
+#include <armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/ComponentInterface.h>
 #include <armarx/navigation/core/aron/Graph.aron.generated.h>
 #include <armarx/navigation/core/aron/Location.aron.generated.h>
 #include <armarx/navigation/graph/constants.h>
 #include <armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/ui_LocationGraphEditorWidget.h>
 #include <armarx/navigation/location/constants.h>
+#include <armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/ComponentInterface.h>
 // Qt headers
 #include <QDialog>
@@ -165,8 +168,20 @@ namespace armarx::navigation::qt_plugins::location_graph_editor
         connect(view.edgeTable, &EdgeTableWidget::edgeRemovalRequested, this, &This::removeEdges);
+        // export
+        connect(widget.exportButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &This::exportLocationGraph);
+    void WidgetController::exportLocationGraph()
+    {
+         auto navigationMemoryPrx =
+            getProxy<memory::NavigationMemoryInterfacePrx>("NavigationMemory");
+        const ::armarx::PackagePath packagePath(widget.packageNameEdit->text().toStdString(), widget.packageDirectoryEdit->text().toStdString());
+        navigationMemoryPrx->storeLocationGraph(packagePath.serialize());
+    }
diff --git a/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/WidgetController.h b/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/WidgetController.h
index 080b9617..f8f6e97d 100644
--- a/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/WidgetController.h
+++ b/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/WidgetController.h
@@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ namespace armarx::navigation::qt_plugins::location_graph_editor
         QString getGraphDisplayName(const armem::MemoryID& entityID, bool changed = false) const;
+        void exportLocationGraph();
         /// Widget Form

From 53616cd5a05e1d4f952977ad1606cb8c9711aa89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fabian Reister <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2022 10:03:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/8] compact export of graph

 .../NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp     | 90 +++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 62 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
index c0e62cb7..e5eabda3 100644
--- a/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
+++ b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
@@ -28,12 +28,15 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <iterator>
+#include <SimoxUtility/json/json.hpp>
 #include "ArmarXCore/core/PackagePath.h"
 #include "ArmarXCore/core/logging/Logging.h"
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/system/ArmarXDataPath.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/time/CycleUtil.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/libraries/DecoupledSingleComponent/Decoupled.h>
+#include "RobotAPI/libraries/armem/core/MemoryID.h"
 #include "RobotAPI/libraries/armem/core/wm/aron_conversions.h"
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/armem/client/query.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/armem/core/aron_conversions.h>
@@ -155,6 +158,9 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
                     armem::MemoryID providerID = workingMemory().id();
                     providerID.coreSegmentName = "Location";
                     providerID.providerSegmentName = providerName;
+                    const auto now = armem::Time::Now();
                     for (const auto& subdir : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(
                              location)) // iterate over all files in folder (the locations)
@@ -186,13 +192,9 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
-                            std::vector<float> p ="globalRobotPose");
-                            ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(p.size(), 16);
                             navigation::location::arondto::Location loc;
-                            loc.globalRobotPose << p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7],
-                                p[8], p[9], p[10], p[11], p[12], p[13], p[14],
-                                p[15]; // load the 4x4 matrix
+                  "globalRobotPose")
+                                .get_to(loc.globalRobotPose); // load the 4x4 matrix
                             // TODO: All location I have seen were null.
                             // I don't know how this member should look like (von @Fabian Peller to @Fabian Reister)
@@ -201,10 +203,11 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
                             // send commit to memory
                             auto& up = c.add();
                             up.confidence = 1.0;
-                            up.timeCreated = armem::Time::Now();
-                            up.timeSent = armem::Time::Now();
-                            up.timeArrived = armem::Time::Now();
-                            up.entityID = providerID.withEntityName(location.filename().stem().string());
+                            up.timeCreated = now;
+                            up.timeSent = now;
+                            up.timeArrived = now;
+                            up.entityID =
+                                providerID.withEntityName(location.filename().stem().string());
                             up.instancesData = {loc.toAron()};
@@ -479,14 +482,29 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
             nlohmann::json j;
-            // std::vector<std::size_t> outgoingEdges;
-            // std::transform(graph.m_edges.begin(),
-            //                graph.m_edges.end(),
-            //                std::back_inserter(outgoingEdges),
-            //                [](const auto& edge) { return edge.m_target; });
+            // source -> target
+            std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t>> outgoingEdges;
+            std::transform(graph.m_edges.begin(),
+                           graph.m_edges.end(),
+                           std::back_inserter(outgoingEdges),
+                           [](const auto& edge)
+                           { return std::make_pair(edge.m_source, edge.m_target); });
-            j["edges"] = outgoingEdges; // TODO pairs of vertices as list
-            j["location"] = memoryId.getEntityID().str();
+            j["edges"] = outgoingEdges;
+            j["vertices"] = {};
+            for (const auto& vertex : graph.m_vertices)
+            {
+                armarx::armem::MemoryID locationId;
+                fromAron(vertex.m_property.aron.locationID, locationId);
+                nlohmann::json jVertex;
+                jVertex["locationID"] = locationId.getEntityID().str();
+                jVertex["vertexID"] = vertex.m_property.aron.vertexID;
+                j["vertices"].push_back(jVertex);
+            }
             // save to disk
             const std::filesystem::path filename = dir / (memoryId.entityName + ".json");
@@ -505,38 +523,54 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
         ARMARX_INFO << "Creating export directory `" << baseDirectory << "`.";
+        // key: provider id
+        std::map<std::string, nlohmann::json> js;
         for (const auto& [memoryId, location] : locations)
-            const std::filesystem::path nestedSubDir =
-                std::filesystem::path(memoryId.providerSegmentName) / memoryId.coreSegmentName;
-            const std::filesystem::path dir = baseDirectory / nestedSubDir;
+            auto& j = js[memoryId.coreSegmentName];
-            std::filesystem::create_directories(dir);
+            if (j.count("locations") == 0)
+            {
+                j["locations"] = nlohmann::json::array();
+            }
-            nlohmann::json j;
-            j["globalRobotPose"] = location.globalRobotPose;
+            nlohmann::json jLoc;
+            jLoc["globalRobotPose"] = location.globalRobotPose;
             if (location.relativeToObject)
                 armarx::armem::MemoryID memoryId;
                 fromAron(location.relativeToObject->objectInstanceID, memoryId);
-                j["relativeToObject"]["objectInstanceID"] = memoryId.str();
-                j["relativeToObject"]["relativeRobotPose"] =
+                jLoc["relativeToObject"]["objectInstanceID"] = memoryId.str();
+                jLoc["relativeToObject"]["relativeRobotPose"] =
-                j["relativeToObject"] = "null";
+                jLoc["relativeToObject"] = "null";
-            // save to disk
-            const std::filesystem::path filename = dir / (memoryId.entityName + ".json");
+            j["locations"].push_back(jLoc);
+        }
+        // save to disk
+        for (const auto& [providerId, j] : js)
+        {
+            const std::filesystem::path subDir = std::filesystem::path(providerId);
+            const std::filesystem::path dir = baseDirectory / subDir;
+            std::filesystem::create_directories(dir);
+            const std::filesystem::path filename = dir / "locations.json";
             ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Saving file `" << filename << "`.";
             std::ofstream ofs(filename);
             ofs << std::setw(4) << j;
         return true;

From 2d4103ffc64a024a8c9cbad3c24cd3ec4caffaf3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fabian Reister <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2022 10:14:35 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 4/8] location export

 .../components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp | 12 ++++++++----
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
index e5eabda3..9f70d948 100644
--- a/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
+++ b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
@@ -529,11 +529,11 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
         for (const auto& [memoryId, location] : locations)
-            auto& j = js[memoryId.coreSegmentName];
+            auto& j = js[memoryId.providerSegmentName];
             if (j.count("locations") == 0)
-                j["locations"] = nlohmann::json::array();
+                j["locations"] = {};
             nlohmann::json jLoc;
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
                 jLoc["relativeToObject"] = "null";
-            j["locations"].push_back(jLoc);
+            j["locations"][memoryId.getEntityID().str()] = jLoc;
         // save to disk
@@ -562,7 +562,11 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
             const std::filesystem::path subDir = std::filesystem::path(providerId);
             const std::filesystem::path dir = baseDirectory / subDir;
-            std::filesystem::create_directories(dir);
+            if(not std::filesystem::exists(dir))
+            {
+                std::filesystem::create_directories(dir);
+            }
             const std::filesystem::path filename = dir / "locations.json";
             ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Saving file `" << filename << "`.";

From c60c1287ba3545d6c2695a8b9255d5eec485ecae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fabian Reister <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2022 10:26:48 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 5/8] loading new locations.json

 .../NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp     | 80 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
index 9f70d948..c3cfba42 100644
--- a/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
+++ b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
@@ -142,7 +142,8 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
                 // This section loads the snapshot specified by the scenario parameters
                 // resolve the paths for the locations and graphs
                 const std::filesystem::path graph = snapshotToLoadPath / "Graph";
-                const std::filesystem::path location = snapshotToLoadPath / "Location";
+                const std::filesystem::path locationsFilename =
+                    snapshotToLoadPath / "locations.json";
                 // remove date from folder name (if present)
                 // Sometimes, we use the date before the snapshotname and use a symlink to the real data (e.g. R003 and 2022-03-01_R003)
@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
                 // This if statement loads the location. Each location is a single file (without extension). The filename is the name of the location.
                 // The file contains json with the globalRobotPose (4x4 matrix) and relativeToObject information
-                if (std::filesystem::is_directory(location))
+                if (std::filesystem::is_regular_file(locationsFilename))
                     armem::Commit c;
                     armem::MemoryID providerID = workingMemory().id();
@@ -161,54 +162,53 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
                     const auto now = armem::Time::Now();
-                    for (const auto& subdir : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(
-                             location)) // iterate over all files in folder (the locations)
-                        const std::filesystem::path location = subdir.path();
                         if (std::filesystem::is_regular_file(
-                                location)) // check if its a file (otherwise skip)
+                                locationsFilename)) // check if its a file (otherwise skip)
-                            ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Loading " << location;
-                            std::ifstream ifs(location);
+                            ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Loading " << locationsFilename;
+                            std::ifstream ifs(locationsFilename);
                             const std::string content((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs)),
                             // parse location as json. All files in Location folder must be valid json objects!
-                            nlohmann::json j = nlohmann::json::parse(content);
+                            nlohmann::json js = nlohmann::json::parse(content);
-                            if (j.find("globalRobotPose") == j.end())
+                            for (const auto& [locationMemoryIdStr, j] : js["locations"].get<std::map<std::string, nlohmann::json>>())
-                                ARMARX_WARNING
-                                    << "The file '" << location.string()
-                                    << "' has no 'globalRobotPose' member. Skipping this file.";
-                                continue;
-                            }
-                            if (j.find("relativeToObject") == j.end())
-                            {
-                                ARMARX_WARNING
-                                    << "The file '" << location.string()
-                                    << "' has no 'relativeToObject' member. Skipping this file.";
-                                continue;
-                            }
-                            navigation::location::arondto::Location loc;
-                  "globalRobotPose")
-                                .get_to(loc.globalRobotPose); // load the 4x4 matrix
+                                if (j.find("globalRobotPose") == j.end())
+                                {
+                                    ARMARX_WARNING
+                                        << "The element '" << locationMemoryIdStr
+                                        << "' has no 'globalRobotPose' member. Skipping this entity.";
+                                    continue;
+                                }
-                            // TODO: All location I have seen were null.
-                            // I don't know how this member should look like (von @Fabian Peller to @Fabian Reister)
-                            loc.relativeToObject = std::nullopt;
+                                if (j.find("relativeToObject") == j.end())
+                                {
+                                    ARMARX_WARNING << "The element '" << locationMemoryIdStr
+                                                   << "' has no 'relativeToObject' member. "
+                                                      "Skipping this entity.";
+                                    continue;
+                                }
-                            // send commit to memory
-                            auto& up = c.add();
-                            up.confidence = 1.0;
-                            up.timeCreated = now;
-                            up.timeSent = now;
-                            up.timeArrived = now;
-                            up.entityID =
-                                providerID.withEntityName(location.filename().stem().string());
-                            up.instancesData = {loc.toAron()};
+                                navigation::location::arondto::Location loc;
+                      "globalRobotPose")
+                                    .get_to(loc.globalRobotPose); // load the 4x4 matrix
+                                // TODO: All location I have seen were null.
+                                // I don't know how this member should look like (von @Fabian Peller to @Fabian Reister)
+                                loc.relativeToObject = std::nullopt;
+                                // send commit to memory
+                                auto& up = c.add();
+                                up.confidence = 1.0;
+                                up.timeCreated = now;
+                                up.timeSent = now;
+                                up.timeArrived = now;
+                                up.entityID = armarx::armem::MemoryID(locationMemoryIdStr);
+                                up.instancesData = {loc.toAron()};
+                            }
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
             const std::filesystem::path subDir = std::filesystem::path(providerId);
             const std::filesystem::path dir = baseDirectory / subDir;
-            if(not std::filesystem::exists(dir))
+            if (not std::filesystem::exists(dir))

From 6d651aca3478495edf98976b36743a1c11d989df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fabian Reister <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2022 10:48:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 6/8] successfully loaded graph from new file

 .../config/VisionMemory.cfg                   | 109 +---
 .../config/navigation_memory.cfg              |   4 +-
 .../PlatformNavigation/config/navigator.cfg   | 255 ++++----
 .../NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp     | 606 +++++++++---------
 4 files changed, 438 insertions(+), 536 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scenarios/PlatformNavigation/config/VisionMemory.cfg b/scenarios/PlatformNavigation/config/VisionMemory.cfg
index 22e0d3e6..1b95447f 100644
--- a/scenarios/PlatformNavigation/config/VisionMemory.cfg
+++ b/scenarios/PlatformNavigation/config/VisionMemory.cfg
@@ -210,21 +210,12 @@
 # ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.MemoryName = Vision
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm..buffer.storeFreq:  Frequency to store the buffer to the LTM in Hz.
+# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.configuration:  
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            10
+#  - Default:            {}
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm..buffer.storeFreq = 10
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.depthImageExtractor.Enabled:  
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            true
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.depthImageExtractor.Enabled = true
+# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.configuration = {}
 # ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.enabled:  
@@ -236,100 +227,6 @@
 # ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.enabled = false
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.exrConverter.Enabled:  
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            true
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.exrConverter.Enabled = true
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.imageExtractor.Enabled:  
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            true
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.imageExtractor.Enabled = true
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.memFreqFilter.Enabled:  
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            false
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.memFreqFilter.Enabled = false
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.memFreqFilter.WaitingTime:  Waiting time in MS after each LTM update.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            -1
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.memFreqFilter.WaitingTime = -1
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.pngConverter.Enabled:  
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            true
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.pngConverter.Enabled = true
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.sizeToCompressDataInMegaBytes:  The size in MB to compress away the current export. Exports are numbered (lower number means newer).
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            1024
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.sizeToCompressDataInMegaBytes = 1024
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.snapEqFilter.Enabled:  
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            false
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.snapEqFilter.Enabled = false
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.snapEqFilter.MaxWaitingTime:  Max Waiting time in MS after each Entity update.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            -1
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.snapEqFilter.MaxWaitingTime = -1
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.snapFreqFilter.Enabled:  
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            false
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.snapFreqFilter.Enabled = false
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.snapFreqFilter.WaitingTime:  Waiting time in MS after each Entity update.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            -1
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.snapFreqFilter.WaitingTime = -1
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.storagepath:  The path to the memory storage (the memory will be stored in a seperate subfolder).
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Default value not mapped.
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.VisionMemory.mem.ltm.storagepath = Default value not mapped.
 # ArmarX.VisionMemory.mns.MemoryNameSystemEnabled:  Whether to use (and depend on) the Memory Name System (MNS).
 # Set to false to use this memory as a stand-alone.
 #  Attributes:
diff --git a/scenarios/PlatformNavigation/config/navigation_memory.cfg b/scenarios/PlatformNavigation/config/navigation_memory.cfg
index f808f777..8945e9ca 100644
--- a/scenarios/PlatformNavigation/config/navigation_memory.cfg
+++ b/scenarios/PlatformNavigation/config/navigation_memory.cfg
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
 #  - Default:            ""
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-ArmarX.NavigationMemory.p.snapshotToLoad = ./PriorKnowledgeData/navigation-graphs/audimax-science-week-opening
+ArmarX.NavigationMemory.p.snapshotToLoad = ./PriorKnowledgeData/navigation-graphs/R003
 # ArmarX.RedirectStdout:  Redirect std::cout and std::cerr to ArmarXLog
@@ -285,6 +285,6 @@ ArmarX.NavigationMemory.p.snapshotToLoad = ./PriorKnowledgeData/navigation-graph
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
 #  - Possible values: {Debug, Error, Fatal, Important, Info, Undefined, Verbose, Warning}
-# ArmarX.Verbosity = Info
+ArmarX.Verbosity = Verbose
diff --git a/scenarios/PlatformNavigation/config/navigator.cfg b/scenarios/PlatformNavigation/config/navigator.cfg
index f6a497b2..c94f4489 100644
--- a/scenarios/PlatformNavigation/config/navigator.cfg
+++ b/scenarios/PlatformNavigation/config/navigator.cfg
@@ -92,298 +92,323 @@
 # ArmarX.LoggingGroup = ""
-# ArmarX.Navigator.ArVizStorageName:  Name of the ArViz storage
+# ArmarX.Navigator.ObjectName:  No Description
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ArVizStorage
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
+#  - Default:            navigator
+#  - Case sensitivity:   no
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Navigator.ArVizStorageName = ArVizStorage
+ArmarX.Navigator.ObjectName = navigator
-# ArmarX.Navigator.ArVizTopicName:  Name of the ArViz topic
+# ArmarX.Navigator.RobotUnitName:  No Description
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ArVizTopic
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
+#  - Default:            Armar6Unit
+#  - Case sensitivity:   no
+#  - Required:           no
+ArmarX.Navigator.RobotUnitName = Armar6Unit
+# ArmarX.Navigator.cmp.PlatformUnit:  No Description
+#  Attributes:
+#  - Default:            Armar6PlatformUnit
+#  - Case sensitivity:   no
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Navigator.ArVizTopicName = ArVizTopic
+ArmarX.Navigator.cmp.PlatformUnit = Armar6PlatformUnit
-# ArmarX.Navigator.EnableProfiling:  enable profiler which is used for logging performance events
+# ArmarX.Navigator.p.occupancy_grid.occopied_threshold:  No Description
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            false
+#  - Default:            0.8
+#  - Case sensitivity:   no
+#  - Required:           no
+ArmarX.Navigator.p.occupancy_grid.occopied_threshold = 0.8
+# ArmarX.RedirectStdout:  Redirect std::cout and std::cerr to ArmarXLog
+#  Attributes:
+#  - Default:            true
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
 #  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.Navigator.EnableProfiling = false
+# ArmarX.RedirectStdout = true
-# ArmarX.Navigator.MinimumLoggingLevel:  Local logging level only for this component
+# ArmarX.RemoteHandlesDeletionTimeout:  The timeout (in ms) before a remote handle deletes the managed object after the use count reached 0. This time can be used by a client to increment the count again (may be required when transmitting remote handles)
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Undefined
+#  - Default:            3000
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {Debug, Error, Fatal, Important, Info, Undefined, Verbose, Warning}
-# ArmarX.Navigator.MinimumLoggingLevel = Undefined
+# ArmarX.RemoteHandlesDeletionTimeout = 3000
-# ArmarX.Navigator.ObjectMemoryName:  Name of the object memory.
+# ArmarX.SecondsStartupDelay:  The startup will be delayed by this number of seconds (useful for debugging)
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ObjectMemory
+#  - Default:            0
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Navigator.ObjectMemoryName = ObjectMemory
+# ArmarX.SecondsStartupDelay = 0
-# ArmarX.Navigator.ObjectName:  Name of IceGrid well-known object
+# ArmarX.StartDebuggerOnCrash:  If this application crashes (segmentation fault) qtcreator will attach to this process and start the debugger.
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
+#  - Default:            false
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-ArmarX.Navigator.ObjectName = navigator
+#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
+# ArmarX.StartDebuggerOnCrash = false
-# ArmarX.Navigator.RobotUnitName:  Name of the RobotUnit
+# ArmarX.ThreadPoolSize:  Size of the ArmarX ThreadPool that is always running.
 #  Attributes:
+#  - Default:            1
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           yes
-ArmarX.Navigator.RobotUnitName = Armar6Unit
+#  - Required:           no
+# ArmarX.ThreadPoolSize = 1
-# ArmarX.Navigator.cmp.PlatformUnit:  No Description
+# ArmarX.TopicSuffix:  Suffix appended to all topic names for outgoing topics. This is mainly used to direct all topics to another name for TopicReplaying purposes.
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Armar6PlatformUnit
-#  - Case sensitivity:   no
+#  - Default:            ""
+#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-ArmarX.Navigator.cmp.PlatformUnit = Armar6PlatformUnit
+# ArmarX.TopicSuffix = ""
-# ArmarX.Navigator.cmp.RemoteGui:  Ice object name of the `RemoteGui` component.
+# ArmarX.UseTimeServer:  Enable using a global Timeserver (e.g. from ArmarXSimulator)
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            RemoteGuiProvider
+#  - Default:            false
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Navigator.cmp.RemoteGui = RemoteGuiProvider
+#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
+# ArmarX.UseTimeServer = false
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.costmap.CoreSegment:  
+# ArmarX.Verbosity:  Global logging level for whole application
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Costmap
+#  - Default:            Info
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.costmap.CoreSegment = Costmap
+#  - Possible values: {Debug, Error, Fatal, Important, Info, Undefined, Verbose, Warning}
+ArmarX.Verbosity = Verbose
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.costmap.Memory:  
+# ArmarX.navigator.ArVizStorageName:  Name of the ArViz storage
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Navigation
+#  - Default:            ArVizStorage
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.costmap.Memory = Navigation
+# ArmarX.navigator.ArVizStorageName = ArVizStorage
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.costmap.Provider:  Name of this provider
+# ArmarX.navigator.ArVizTopicName:  Name of the ArViz topic
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
+#  - Default:            ArVizTopic
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.costmap.Provider = ""
+# ArmarX.navigator.ArVizTopicName = ArVizTopic
+# ArmarX.navigator.EnableProfiling:  enable profiler which is used for logging performance events
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Events
+#  - Default:            false
+#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
+#  - Required:           no
+#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
+# ArmarX.navigator.EnableProfiling = false
+# ArmarX.navigator.MinimumLoggingLevel:  Local logging level only for this component
+#  Attributes:
+#  - Default:            Undefined
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# = Events
+#  - Possible values: {Debug, Error, Fatal, Important, Info, Undefined, Verbose, Warning}
+# ArmarX.navigator.MinimumLoggingLevel = Undefined
+# ArmarX.navigator.ObjectMemoryName:  Name of the object memory.
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Navigation
+#  - Default:            ObjectMemory
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# = Navigation
+# ArmarX.navigator.ObjectMemoryName = ObjectMemory
-#  Name of this provider
+# ArmarX.navigator.ObjectName:  Name of IceGrid well-known object
 #  Attributes:
 #  - Default:            ""
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# = ""
+# ArmarX.navigator.ObjectName = ""
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.graph.CoreSegment:  
+# ArmarX.navigator.RobotUnitName:  Name of the RobotUnit
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Location
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.graph.CoreSegment = Location
+#  - Required:           yes
+# ArmarX.navigator.RobotUnitName = ::_NOT_SET_::
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.graph.Memory:  
+# ArmarX.navigator.cmp.RemoteGui:  Ice object name of the `RemoteGui` component.
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Navigation
+#  - Default:            RemoteGuiProvider
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.graph.Memory = Navigation
+# ArmarX.navigator.cmp.RemoteGui = RemoteGuiProvider
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.param.CoreSegment:  
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.costmap.CoreSegment:  
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Parameterization
+#  - Default:            Costmap
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.param.CoreSegment = Parameterization
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.costmap.CoreSegment = Costmap
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.param.Memory:  
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.costmap.Memory:  
 #  Attributes:
 #  - Default:            Navigation
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.param.Memory = Navigation
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.costmap.Memory = Navigation
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.param.Provider:  Name of this provider
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
+#  - Default:            Events
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.param.Provider = ""
+# = Events
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.stack_result.CoreSegment:  
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
+#  - Default:            Navigation
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.stack_result.CoreSegment = ""
+# = Navigation
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.stack_result.Memory:  
+#  Name of this provider
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Navigation
+#  - Default:            ""
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.stack_result.Memory = Navigation
+# = ""
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.stack_result.Provider:  Name of this provider
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.graph.CoreSegment:  
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
+#  - Default:            Location
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.nav.stack_result.Provider = ""
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.graph.CoreSegment = Location
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.robot_state.Memory:  
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.graph.Memory:  
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            RobotState
+#  - Default:            Navigation
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.robot_state.Memory = RobotState
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.graph.Memory = Navigation
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.robot_state.localizationSegment:  Name of the localization memory core segment to use.
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.param.CoreSegment:  
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Localization
+#  - Default:            Parameterization
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mem.robot_state.localizationSegment = Localization
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.param.CoreSegment = Parameterization
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mns.MemoryNameSystemEnabled:  Whether to use (and depend on) the Memory Name System (MNS).
-# Set to false to use this memory as a stand-alone.
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.param.Memory:  
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            true
+#  - Default:            Navigation
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mns.MemoryNameSystemEnabled = true
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.param.Memory = Navigation
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mns.MemoryNameSystemName:  Name of the Memory Name System (MNS) component.
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.param.Provider:  Name of this provider
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            MemoryNameSystem
+#  - Default:            ""
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Navigator.mns.MemoryNameSystemName = MemoryNameSystem
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.param.Provider = ""
-# ArmarX.Navigator.p.occupancy_grid.occopied_threshold:  Threshold for each cell to be considered occupied. Increase this value to reduce noise.
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.stack_result.CoreSegment:  
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            0.550000012
+#  - Default:            ""
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-ArmarX.Navigator.p.occupancy_grid.occopied_threshold = 0.8
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.stack_result.CoreSegment = ""
-# ArmarX.RedirectStdout:  Redirect std::cout and std::cerr to ArmarXLog
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.stack_result.Memory:  
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            true
+#  - Default:            Navigation
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.RedirectStdout = true
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.stack_result.Memory = Navigation
-# ArmarX.RemoteHandlesDeletionTimeout:  The timeout (in ms) before a remote handle deletes the managed object after the use count reached 0. This time can be used by a client to increment the count again (may be required when transmitting remote handles)
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.stack_result.Provider:  Name of this provider
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            3000
+#  - Default:            ""
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.RemoteHandlesDeletionTimeout = 3000
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.nav.stack_result.Provider = ""
-# ArmarX.SecondsStartupDelay:  The startup will be delayed by this number of seconds (useful for debugging)
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.robot_state.Memory:  
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            0
+#  - Default:            RobotState
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.SecondsStartupDelay = 0
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.robot_state.Memory = RobotState
-# ArmarX.StartDebuggerOnCrash:  If this application crashes (segmentation fault) qtcreator will attach to this process and start the debugger.
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.robot_state.localizationSegment:  Name of the localization memory core segment to use.
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            false
+#  - Default:            Localization
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.StartDebuggerOnCrash = false
+# ArmarX.navigator.mem.robot_state.localizationSegment = Localization
-# ArmarX.ThreadPoolSize:  Size of the ArmarX ThreadPool that is always running.
+# ArmarX.navigator.mns.MemoryNameSystemEnabled:  Whether to use (and depend on) the Memory Name System (MNS).
+# Set to false to use this memory as a stand-alone.
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            1
+#  - Default:            true
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ThreadPoolSize = 1
+#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
+# ArmarX.navigator.mns.MemoryNameSystemEnabled = true
-# ArmarX.TopicSuffix:  Suffix appended to all topic names for outgoing topics. This is mainly used to direct all topics to another name for TopicReplaying purposes.
+# ArmarX.navigator.mns.MemoryNameSystemName:  Name of the Memory Name System (MNS) component.
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
+#  - Default:            MemoryNameSystem
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.TopicSuffix = ""
+# ArmarX.navigator.mns.MemoryNameSystemName = MemoryNameSystem
-# ArmarX.UseTimeServer:  Enable using a global Timeserver (e.g. from ArmarXSimulator)
+# ArmarX.navigator.p.disableExecutor:  If the executor is disabled, the navigator will only plan the trajectory but won't execute it.
 #  Attributes:
 #  - Default:            false
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
 #  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.UseTimeServer = false
+# ArmarX.navigator.p.disableExecutor = false
-# ArmarX.Verbosity:  Global logging level for whole application
+# ArmarX.navigator.p.occupancy_grid.occopied_threshold:  Threshold for each cell to be considered occupied. Increase this value to reduce noise.
 #  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Info
+#  - Default:            0.550000012
 #  - Case sensitivity:   yes
 #  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {Debug, Error, Fatal, Important, Info, Undefined, Verbose, Warning}
-ArmarX.Verbosity = Verbose
+# ArmarX.navigator.p.occupancy_grid.occopied_threshold = 0.550000012
diff --git a/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
index c3cfba42..d9930d23 100644
--- a/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
+++ b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #include "NavigationMemory.h"
 // STD / STL
+#include <cstddef>
 #include <filesystem>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <iostream>
@@ -174,13 +175,14 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
                             // parse location as json. All files in Location folder must be valid json objects!
                             nlohmann::json js = nlohmann::json::parse(content);
-                            for (const auto& [locationMemoryIdStr, j] : js["locations"].get<std::map<std::string, nlohmann::json>>())
+                            for (const auto& [locationMemoryIdStr, j] :
+                                 js["locations"].get<std::map<std::string, nlohmann::json>>())
                                 if (j.find("globalRobotPose") == j.end())
-                                    ARMARX_WARNING
-                                        << "The element '" << locationMemoryIdStr
-                                        << "' has no 'globalRobotPose' member. Skipping this entity.";
+                                    ARMARX_WARNING << "The element '" << locationMemoryIdStr
+                                                   << "' has no 'globalRobotPose' member. Skipping "
+                                                      "this entity.";
@@ -216,7 +218,9 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
-                // Next we load the graphs. The graph folder may contain several graphs, represented by different folders.
+                const auto now = armem::Time::Now();
+                // Next we load the graphs. The graph folder may contain several graphs, represented by different json files.
                 // Each of those graphs contains a list of files representing the vertices. The filename is the vertice id (ideally starting at 0).
                 // The file contains a json with the corresponding location name (as path) and the adjacent vertives (representing the directed outgoing edges).
                 if (std::filesystem::is_directory(graph))
@@ -227,114 +231,90 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
                     providerID.providerSegmentName = providerName;
                     for (const auto& graphdir : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(
-                             graph)) // iterate over the different graphs (subfolders)
+                             graph)) // iterate over the different graphs (json files)
-                        const std::filesystem::path singleGraph = graphdir.path();
-                        if (std::filesystem::is_directory(
-                                singleGraph)) // assure that its a folder. otherwise skip
+                        if (std::filesystem::is_regular_file(
+                                graphdir.path())) // assure that its a json file
+                            const std::string graphName = graphdir.path().stem();
                             navigation::core::arondto::Graph g;
-                            for (const auto& subdir : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(
-                                     singleGraph)) // iterate over all files in the graph
+                            ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Loading graph `" << graphName << " `from file `"
+                                           << graphdir.path() << "`.";
+                            std::ifstream ifs(graphdir.path());
+                            const std::string content((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs)),
+                                                      (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()));
+                            nlohmann::json j = nlohmann::json::parse(content);
+                            const auto& jEdges ="edges");
+                            const auto& jVertices ="vertices");
+                            for (const auto& jVertex : jVertices)
-                                const std::filesystem::path vertice = subdir.path();
-                                if (std::filesystem::is_regular_file(
-                                        vertice)) // assure its a file. otherwise skip
-                                {
-                                    std::ifstream ifs(vertice);
-                                    const std::string content((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs)),
-                                                              (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()));
-                                    // parse vertice. Each vertice must be a valid json object
-                                    nlohmann::json j = nlohmann::json::parse(content);
-                                    if (j.find("location") == j.end())
-                                    {
-                                        ARMARX_WARNING
-                                            << "The file '" << vertice.string()
-                                            << "' has no 'location' member. Skipping this file.";
-                                        continue;
-                                    }
-                                    if (j.find("outgoingEdges") == j.end())
-                                    {
-                                        ARMARX_WARNING << "The file '" << vertice.string()
-                                                       << "' has no 'outgoingEdges' member. "
-                                                          "Skipping this file.";
-                                        continue;
-                                    }
-                                    std::string location ="location");
-                                    int id = std::stoi(vertice.filename());
-                                    auto split = simox::alg::split(location, "/");
-                                    ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(
-                                        split.size(),
-                                        4); // the location is always a path like Navigation/Location/XXX/YYY
-                                    armarx::navigation::core::arondto::Vertex v;
-                                    v.vertexID = id;
-                                    v.locationID.memoryName = split[0];
-                                    v.locationID.coreSegmentName = split[1];
-                                    v.locationID.providerSegmentName = split[2];
-                                    v.locationID.entityName = split[3];
-                                    toAron(v.locationID.timestamp, armem::Time::Invalid());
-                                    v.locationID.instanceIndex = 0;
-                                    g.vertices.push_back(v);
-                                    // add edges of this vertice to graph
-                                    std::vector<float> edges ="outgoingEdges");
-                                    for (const auto edge_id : edges)
-                                    {
-                                        armarx::navigation::core::arondto::Edge e;
-                                        e.sourceVertexID = id;
-                                        e.targetVertexID = edge_id;
-                                        g.edges.push_back(e);
-                                    }
-                                }
+                                const armarx::armem::MemoryID vertexLocationMemoryId(
+                          "locationID"));
+                                armarx::navigation::core::arondto::Vertex v;
+                                v.vertexID ="vertexID");
+                                toAron(v.locationID, vertexLocationMemoryId);
+                                toAron(v.locationID.timestamp, armem::Time::Invalid());
+                                v.locationID.instanceIndex = 0;
+                                g.vertices.push_back(v);
+                            }
+                            for (const auto& jEdge : jEdges)
+                            {
+                                std::pair<std::int64_t, std::int64_t> edgeSourceTargetPair;
+                                jEdge.get_to(edgeSourceTargetPair);
+                                armarx::navigation::core::arondto::Edge e;
+                                e.sourceVertexID = edgeSourceTargetPair.first;
+                                e.targetVertexID = edgeSourceTargetPair.second;
+                                g.edges.push_back(e);
                             auto& up = c.add();
                             up.confidence = 1.0;
-                            up.timeCreated = armem::Time::Now();
-                            up.timeSent = armem::Time::Now();
-                            up.timeArrived = armem::Time::Now();
-                            up.entityID =
-                                providerID.withEntityName(singleGraph.filename().string());
+                            up.timeCreated = now;
+                            up.timeSent = now;
+                            up.timeArrived = now;
+                            up.entityID = providerID.withEntityName(graphName);
                             up.instancesData = {g.toAron()};
-                        }
-                    // send graph to memory
-                    iceAdapter().commit(c);
-                // LEGACY CODE (Not working anymore since the wm json export changed due to ltm updates and aron updates)
-                // armem::wm::Memory memory = armem::server::ltm::disk::load(path.value());
-                //armem::server::ltm::disk::Memory ltm(path.value());
-                //armem::wm::Memory memory;
-                //ltm.loadAll(memory);
-                //workingMemory().update(armem::toCommit(memory));
-                ARMARX_INFO << "Loaded NavigationMemory '" << properties.snapshotToLoad << "'";
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                ARMARX_WARNING << "Could not load NavigationMemory '" << properties.snapshotToLoad
-                               << "'. Continue with empty memory.";
+                // send graph to memory
+                iceAdapter().commit(c);
+            // LEGACY CODE (Not working anymore since the wm json export changed due to ltm updates and aron updates)
+            // armem::wm::Memory memory = armem::server::ltm::disk::load(path.value());
+            //armem::server::ltm::disk::Memory ltm(path.value());
+            //armem::wm::Memory memory;
+            //ltm.loadAll(memory);
+            //workingMemory().update(armem::toCommit(memory));
+            ARMARX_INFO << "Loaded NavigationMemory '" << properties.snapshotToLoad << "'";
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "Could not load NavigationMemory '" << properties.snapshotToLoad
+                           << "'. Continue with empty memory.";
-    void
-    NavigationMemory::onConnectComponent()
-    {
-        // Do things after connecting to topics and components.
+    // Do things after connecting to topics and components.
-        /* (Requies the armarx::DebugObserverComponentPluginUser.)
+    /* (Requies the armarx::DebugObserverComponentPluginUser.)
         // Use the debug observer to log data over time.
         // The data can be viewed in the ObserverView and the LivePlotter.
         // (Before starting any threads, we don't need to lock mutexes.)
@@ -345,311 +325,311 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
-        // Setup the remote GUI.
-        {
-            createRemoteGuiTab();
-            RemoteGui_startRunningTask();
-        }
-        tasks.visuTask = new SimpleRunningTask<>([this]() { this->visuRun(); }, "Visualization");
-        tasks.visuTask->start();
+    // Setup the remote GUI.
+    {
+        createRemoteGuiTab();
+        RemoteGui_startRunningTask();
+    tasks.visuTask = new SimpleRunningTask<>([this]() { this->visuRun(); }, "Visualization");
+    tasks.visuTask->start();
-    void
-    NavigationMemory::onDisconnectComponent()
-    {
-    }
-    void
-    NavigationMemory::onExitComponent()
-    {
-    }
-    std::string
-    NavigationMemory::getDefaultName() const
-    {
-        return "NavigationMemory";
-    }
+NavigationMemory::getDefaultName() const
+    return "NavigationMemory";
-    void
-    NavigationMemory::createRemoteGuiTab()
-    {
-        using namespace armarx::RemoteGui::Client;
-        // Setup the widgets.
-        tab.locationGraph.setup(*this);
+    using namespace armarx::RemoteGui::Client;
+    // Setup the widgets.
+    tab.locationGraph.setup(*this);
-        // Setup the layout.
-        VBoxLayout root = {, VSpacer()};
-        RemoteGui_createTab(getName(), root, &tab);
-    }
+    // Setup the layout.
+    VBoxLayout root = {, VSpacer()};
+    RemoteGui_createTab(getName(), root, &tab);
-    void
-    NavigationMemory::RemoteGui_update()
-    {
-        tab.locationGraph.update(*this);
-    }
+    tab.locationGraph.update(*this);
-    void
-    NavigationMemory::RemoteGuiTab::LocationGraph::setup(NavigationMemory& owner)
-    {
-        using namespace armarx::RemoteGui::Client;
-        GridLayout grid;
-        int row = 0;
-        {
-            visuLocations.setValue(;
-            visuGraphEdges.setValue(;
-            grid.add(Label("Visualize Locations"), {row, 0}).add(visuLocations, {row, 1});
-            ++row;
+NavigationMemory::RemoteGuiTab::LocationGraph::setup(NavigationMemory& owner)
+    using namespace armarx::RemoteGui::Client;
+    GridLayout grid;
+    int row = 0;
+    {
+        visuLocations.setValue(;
+        visuGraphEdges.setValue(;
-            grid.add(Label("Visualize Graph Edges"), {row, 0}).add(visuGraphEdges, {row, 1});
-            ++row;
-        }
+        grid.add(Label("Visualize Locations"), {row, 0}).add(visuLocations, {row, 1});
+        ++row;
-        group = GroupBox({grid});
+        grid.add(Label("Visualize Graph Edges"), {row, 0}).add(visuGraphEdges, {row, 1});
+        ++row;
+    group = GroupBox({grid});
-    void
-    NavigationMemory::RemoteGuiTab::LocationGraph::update(NavigationMemory& owner)
+NavigationMemory::RemoteGuiTab::LocationGraph::update(NavigationMemory& owner)
+    if (visuLocations.hasValueChanged() or visuGraphEdges.hasValueChanged())
-        if (visuLocations.hasValueChanged() or visuGraphEdges.hasValueChanged())
-        {
-            std::scoped_lock lock(owner.propertiesMutex);
-   = visuLocations.getValue();
-   = visuGraphEdges.getValue();
-        }
+        std::scoped_lock lock(owner.propertiesMutex);
+ = visuLocations.getValue();
+ = visuGraphEdges.getValue();
-    void
-    NavigationMemory::visuRun()
+    memory::Visu visu{arviz,
+                      workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::location::coreSegmentID),
+                      workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::graph::coreSegmentID)};
+    Properties::LocationGraph p;
-        memory::Visu visu{arviz,
-                          workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::location::coreSegmentID),
-                          workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::graph::coreSegmentID)};
+        std::scoped_lock lock(propertiesMutex);
+        p = properties.locationGraph;
+    }
-        Properties::LocationGraph p;
+    CycleUtil cycle(static_cast<int>(1000 / p.visuFrequency));
+    while (tasks.visuTask and not tasks.visuTask->isStopped())
+    {
             std::scoped_lock lock(propertiesMutex);
             p = properties.locationGraph;
-        CycleUtil cycle(static_cast<int>(1000 / p.visuFrequency));
-        while (tasks.visuTask and not tasks.visuTask->isStopped())
-        {
-            {
-                std::scoped_lock lock(propertiesMutex);
-                p = properties.locationGraph;
-            }
-            std::vector<viz::Layer> layers;
+        std::vector<viz::Layer> layers;
-            // Locations
-            visu.drawLocations(layers, p.visuLocations);
+        // Locations
+        visu.drawLocations(layers, p.visuLocations);
-            // Graph Edges
-            visu.drawGraphs(layers, p.visuGraphEdges);
+        // Graph Edges
+        visu.drawGraphs(layers, p.visuGraphEdges);
-            arviz.commit(layers);
+        arviz.commit(layers);
-            cycle.waitForCycleDuration();
-        }
+        cycle.waitForCycleDuration();
-    bool
-    store(const std::map<armem::MemoryID, core::Graph>& graphs,
-          const std::filesystem::path& baseDirectory)
-    {
-        ARMARX_INFO << "Creating export directory `" << baseDirectory << "`.";
-        std::filesystem::create_directories(baseDirectory);
-        for (const auto& [memoryId, graph] : graphs)
-        {
-            const std::filesystem::path nestedSubDir =
-                std::filesystem::path(memoryId.providerSegmentName) / memoryId.coreSegmentName;
-            const std::filesystem::path dir = baseDirectory / nestedSubDir;
+store(const std::map<armem::MemoryID, core::Graph>& graphs,
+      const std::filesystem::path& baseDirectory)
+    ARMARX_INFO << "Creating export directory `" << baseDirectory << "`.";
+    std::filesystem::create_directories(baseDirectory);
-            std::filesystem::create_directories(dir);
+    for (const auto& [memoryId, graph] : graphs)
+    {
+        const std::filesystem::path nestedSubDir =
+            std::filesystem::path(memoryId.providerSegmentName) / memoryId.coreSegmentName;
+        const std::filesystem::path dir = baseDirectory / nestedSubDir;
-            nlohmann::json j;
+        std::filesystem::create_directories(dir);
-            // source -> target
-            std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t>> outgoingEdges;
-            std::transform(graph.m_edges.begin(),
-                           graph.m_edges.end(),
-                           std::back_inserter(outgoingEdges),
-                           [](const auto& edge)
-                           { return std::make_pair(edge.m_source, edge.m_target); });
+        nlohmann::json j;
-            j["edges"] = outgoingEdges;
-            j["vertices"] = {};
+        // source -> target
+        std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t>> outgoingEdges;
+        std::transform(graph.m_edges.begin(),
+                       graph.m_edges.end(),
+                       std::back_inserter(outgoingEdges),
+                       [](const auto& edge)
+                       { return std::make_pair(edge.m_source, edge.m_target); });
-            for (const auto& vertex : graph.m_vertices)
-            {
+        j["edges"] = outgoingEdges;
+        j["vertices"] = {};
-                armarx::armem::MemoryID locationId;
-                fromAron(vertex.m_property.aron.locationID, locationId);
+        for (const auto& vertex : graph.m_vertices)
+        {
-                nlohmann::json jVertex;
-                jVertex["locationID"] = locationId.getEntityID().str();
-                jVertex["vertexID"] = vertex.m_property.aron.vertexID;
+            armarx::armem::MemoryID locationId;
+            fromAron(vertex.m_property.aron.locationID, locationId);
-                j["vertices"].push_back(jVertex);
-            }
+            nlohmann::json jVertex;
+            jVertex["locationID"] = locationId.getEntityID().str();
+            jVertex["vertexID"] = vertex.m_property.aron.vertexID;
-            // save to disk
-            const std::filesystem::path filename = dir / (memoryId.entityName + ".json");
-            ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Saving file `" << filename << "`.";
-            std::ofstream ofs(filename);
-            ofs << std::setw(4) << j;
+            j["vertices"].push_back(jVertex);
-        return true;
+        // save to disk
+        const std::filesystem::path filename = dir / (memoryId.entityName + ".json");
+        ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Saving file `" << filename << "`.";
+        std::ofstream ofs(filename);
+        ofs << std::setw(4) << j;
-    bool
-    store(const std::map<armem::MemoryID, location::arondto::Location>& locations,
-          const std::filesystem::path& baseDirectory)
-    {
-        ARMARX_INFO << "Creating export directory `" << baseDirectory << "`.";
-        std::filesystem::create_directories(baseDirectory);
+    return true;
-        // key: provider id
-        std::map<std::string, nlohmann::json> js;
+store(const std::map<armem::MemoryID, location::arondto::Location>& locations,
+      const std::filesystem::path& baseDirectory)
+    ARMARX_INFO << "Creating export directory `" << baseDirectory << "`.";
+    std::filesystem::create_directories(baseDirectory);
+    // key: provider id
+    std::map<std::string, nlohmann::json> js;
-        for (const auto& [memoryId, location] : locations)
-        {
-            auto& j = js[memoryId.providerSegmentName];
-            if (j.count("locations") == 0)
-            {
-                j["locations"] = {};
-            }
+    for (const auto& [memoryId, location] : locations)
+    {
+        auto& j = js[memoryId.providerSegmentName];
-            nlohmann::json jLoc;
+        if (j.count("locations") == 0)
+        {
+            j["locations"] = {};
+        }
-            jLoc["globalRobotPose"] = location.globalRobotPose;
+        nlohmann::json jLoc;
-            if (location.relativeToObject)
-            {
-                armarx::armem::MemoryID memoryId;
-                fromAron(location.relativeToObject->objectInstanceID, memoryId);
+        jLoc["globalRobotPose"] = location.globalRobotPose;
-                jLoc["relativeToObject"]["objectInstanceID"] = memoryId.str();
-                jLoc["relativeToObject"]["relativeRobotPose"] =
-                    location.relativeToObject->relativeRobotPose;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                jLoc["relativeToObject"] = "null";
-            }
+        if (location.relativeToObject)
+        {
+            armarx::armem::MemoryID memoryId;
+            fromAron(location.relativeToObject->objectInstanceID, memoryId);
-            j["locations"][memoryId.getEntityID().str()] = jLoc;
+            jLoc["relativeToObject"]["objectInstanceID"] = memoryId.str();
+            jLoc["relativeToObject"]["relativeRobotPose"] =
+                location.relativeToObject->relativeRobotPose;
-        // save to disk
-        for (const auto& [providerId, j] : js)
+        else
-            const std::filesystem::path subDir = std::filesystem::path(providerId);
-            const std::filesystem::path dir = baseDirectory / subDir;
+            jLoc["relativeToObject"] = "null";
+        }
-            if (not std::filesystem::exists(dir))
-            {
-                std::filesystem::create_directories(dir);
-            }
+        j["locations"][memoryId.getEntityID().str()] = jLoc;
+    }
-            const std::filesystem::path filename = dir / "locations.json";
-            ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Saving file `" << filename << "`.";
-            std::ofstream ofs(filename);
-            ofs << std::setw(4) << j;
-        }
+    // save to disk
+    for (const auto& [providerId, j] : js)
+    {
+        const std::filesystem::path subDir = std::filesystem::path(providerId);
+        const std::filesystem::path dir = baseDirectory / subDir;
+        if (not std::filesystem::exists(dir))
+        {
+            std::filesystem::create_directories(dir);
+        }
-        return true;
+        const std::filesystem::path filename = dir / "locations.json";
+        ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Saving file `" << filename << "`.";
+        std::ofstream ofs(filename);
+        ofs << std::setw(4) << j;
-    bool
-    NavigationMemory::storeLocationGraph(const armarx::data::PackagePath& packagePath,
-                                         const Ice::Current& current)
-    {
-        armem::server::wm::CoreSegment& locationCoreSegment =
-            workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::location::coreSegmentID);
-        armem::server::wm::CoreSegment& graphCoreSegment =
-            workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::graph::coreSegmentID);
+    return true;
-        // obtain locations and graphs
-        const std::map<armem::MemoryID, location::arondto::Location> locations =
-            [&locationCoreSegment]()
-        {
-            std::map<armem::MemoryID, location::arondto::Location> locations;
-            locationCoreSegment.doLocked(
-                [&]()
-                {
-                    locationCoreSegment.forEachEntity(
-                        [&](const armarx::armem::server::wm::Entity& entity) -> bool
+NavigationMemory::storeLocationGraph(const armarx::data::PackagePath& packagePath,
+                                     const Ice::Current& current)
+    armem::server::wm::CoreSegment& locationCoreSegment =
+        workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::location::coreSegmentID);
+    armem::server::wm::CoreSegment& graphCoreSegment =
+        workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::graph::coreSegmentID);
+    // obtain locations and graphs
+    const std::map<armem::MemoryID, location::arondto::Location> locations =
+        [&locationCoreSegment]()
+    {
+        std::map<armem::MemoryID, location::arondto::Location> locations;
+        locationCoreSegment.doLocked(
+            [&]()
+            {
+                locationCoreSegment.forEachEntity(
+                    [&](const armarx::armem::server::wm::Entity& entity) -> bool
+                    {
+                        if (const armarx::armem::server::wm::EntityInstance* instance =
+                                entity.findLatestInstance())
-                            if (const armarx::armem::server::wm::EntityInstance* instance =
-                                    entity.findLatestInstance())
-                            {
-                                locations[].fromAron(instance->data());
-                            }
+                            locations[].fromAron(instance->data());
+                        }
-                            return true;
-                        });
+                        return true;
+                    });
-                    return true;
-                });
+                return true;
+            });
-            return locations;
-        }();
+        return locations;
+    }();
-        const auto graphs = [&graphCoreSegment]()
-        {
-            std::map<armem::MemoryID, core::Graph> graphs;
-            graphCoreSegment.doLocked(
-                [&]()
-                {
-                    graphCoreSegment.forEachEntity(
-                        [&](const armarx::armem::server::wm::Entity& entity) -> bool
+    const auto graphs = [&graphCoreSegment]()
+    {
+        std::map<armem::MemoryID, core::Graph> graphs;
+        graphCoreSegment.doLocked(
+            [&]()
+            {
+                graphCoreSegment.forEachEntity(
+                    [&](const armarx::armem::server::wm::Entity& entity) -> bool
+                    {
+                        core::Graph& graph = graphs[];
+                        if (const armarx::armem::server::wm::EntityInstance* instance =
+                                entity.findLatestInstance())
-                            core::Graph& graph = graphs[];
-                            if (const armarx::armem::server::wm::EntityInstance* instance =
-                                    entity.findLatestInstance())
-                            {
-                                navigation::core::arondto::Graph aron;
-                                aron.fromAron(instance->data());
-                                fromAron(aron, graph);
-                            }
+                            navigation::core::arondto::Graph aron;
+                            aron.fromAron(instance->data());
+                            fromAron(aron, graph);
+                        }
-                            return true;
-                        });
-                });
+                        return true;
+                    });
+            });
-            return graphs;
-        }();
+        return graphs;
+    }();
-        // store on disk
+    // store on disk
-        const std::filesystem::path baseDirectory = armarx::PackagePath(packagePath).toSystemPath();
+    const std::filesystem::path baseDirectory = armarx::PackagePath(packagePath).toSystemPath();
-        store(locations, baseDirectory);
-        store(graphs, baseDirectory);
+    store(locations, baseDirectory);
+    store(graphs, baseDirectory);
-        return true;
-    }
+    return true;
 } // namespace armarx::navigation

From 05daa7b76eeec0d366e9bf9c99d4447970c3b0ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fabian Reister <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2022 10:59:34 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 7/8] formatting file

 .../NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp     | 482 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 241 insertions(+), 241 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
index d9930d23..d000113f 100644
--- a/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
+++ b/source/armarx/navigation/components/NavigationMemory/NavigationMemory.cpp
@@ -284,37 +284,37 @@ namespace armarx::navigation
                             up.timeArrived = now;
                             up.entityID = providerID.withEntityName(graphName);
                             up.instancesData = {g.toAron()};
+                        }
+                    // send graph to memory
+                    iceAdapter().commit(c);
-                // send graph to memory
-                iceAdapter().commit(c);
+                // LEGACY CODE (Not working anymore since the wm json export changed due to ltm updates and aron updates)
+                // armem::wm::Memory memory = armem::server::ltm::disk::load(path.value());
+                //armem::server::ltm::disk::Memory ltm(path.value());
+                //armem::wm::Memory memory;
+                //ltm.loadAll(memory);
+                //workingMemory().update(armem::toCommit(memory));
+                ARMARX_INFO << "Loaded NavigationMemory '" << properties.snapshotToLoad << "'";
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                ARMARX_WARNING << "Could not load NavigationMemory '" << properties.snapshotToLoad
+                               << "'. Continue with empty memory.";
-            // LEGACY CODE (Not working anymore since the wm json export changed due to ltm updates and aron updates)
-            // armem::wm::Memory memory = armem::server::ltm::disk::load(path.value());
-            //armem::server::ltm::disk::Memory ltm(path.value());
-            //armem::wm::Memory memory;
-            //ltm.loadAll(memory);
-            //workingMemory().update(armem::toCommit(memory));
-            ARMARX_INFO << "Loaded NavigationMemory '" << properties.snapshotToLoad << "'";
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ARMARX_WARNING << "Could not load NavigationMemory '" << properties.snapshotToLoad
-                           << "'. Continue with empty memory.";
-    // Do things after connecting to topics and components.
+    void
+    NavigationMemory::onConnectComponent()
+    {
+        // Do things after connecting to topics and components.
-    /* (Requies the armarx::DebugObserverComponentPluginUser.)
+        /* (Requies the armarx::DebugObserverComponentPluginUser.)
         // Use the debug observer to log data over time.
         // The data can be viewed in the ObserverView and the LivePlotter.
         // (Before starting any threads, we don't need to lock mutexes.)
@@ -325,311 +325,311 @@ NavigationMemory::onConnectComponent()
-    // Setup the remote GUI.
-    {
-        createRemoteGuiTab();
-        RemoteGui_startRunningTask();
-    }
+        // Setup the remote GUI.
+        {
+            createRemoteGuiTab();
+            RemoteGui_startRunningTask();
+        }
-    tasks.visuTask = new SimpleRunningTask<>([this]() { this->visuRun(); }, "Visualization");
-    tasks.visuTask->start();
+        tasks.visuTask = new SimpleRunningTask<>([this]() { this->visuRun(); }, "Visualization");
+        tasks.visuTask->start();
+    }
+    void
+    NavigationMemory::onDisconnectComponent()
+    {
+    }
+    void
+    NavigationMemory::onExitComponent()
+    {
+    }
-NavigationMemory::getDefaultName() const
-    return "NavigationMemory";
+    std::string
+    NavigationMemory::getDefaultName() const
+    {
+        return "NavigationMemory";
+    }
-    using namespace armarx::RemoteGui::Client;
+    void
+    NavigationMemory::createRemoteGuiTab()
+    {
+        using namespace armarx::RemoteGui::Client;
-    // Setup the widgets.
-    tab.locationGraph.setup(*this);
+        // Setup the widgets.
+        tab.locationGraph.setup(*this);
-    // Setup the layout.
-    VBoxLayout root = {, VSpacer()};
-    RemoteGui_createTab(getName(), root, &tab);
+        // Setup the layout.
+        VBoxLayout root = {, VSpacer()};
+        RemoteGui_createTab(getName(), root, &tab);
+    }
-    tab.locationGraph.update(*this);
+    void
+    NavigationMemory::RemoteGui_update()
+    {
+        tab.locationGraph.update(*this);
+    }
-NavigationMemory::RemoteGuiTab::LocationGraph::setup(NavigationMemory& owner)
-    using namespace armarx::RemoteGui::Client;
-    GridLayout grid;
-    int row = 0;
+    void
+    NavigationMemory::RemoteGuiTab::LocationGraph::setup(NavigationMemory& owner)
-        visuLocations.setValue(;
-        visuGraphEdges.setValue(;
+        using namespace armarx::RemoteGui::Client;
+        GridLayout grid;
+        int row = 0;
+        {
+            visuLocations.setValue(;
+            visuGraphEdges.setValue(;
-        grid.add(Label("Visualize Locations"), {row, 0}).add(visuLocations, {row, 1});
-        ++row;
+            grid.add(Label("Visualize Locations"), {row, 0}).add(visuLocations, {row, 1});
+            ++row;
-        grid.add(Label("Visualize Graph Edges"), {row, 0}).add(visuGraphEdges, {row, 1});
-        ++row;
-    }
+            grid.add(Label("Visualize Graph Edges"), {row, 0}).add(visuGraphEdges, {row, 1});
+            ++row;
+        }
-    group = GroupBox({grid});
+        group = GroupBox({grid});
+    }
-NavigationMemory::RemoteGuiTab::LocationGraph::update(NavigationMemory& owner)
-    if (visuLocations.hasValueChanged() or visuGraphEdges.hasValueChanged())
+    void
+    NavigationMemory::RemoteGuiTab::LocationGraph::update(NavigationMemory& owner)
-        std::scoped_lock lock(owner.propertiesMutex);
- = visuLocations.getValue();
- = visuGraphEdges.getValue();
+        if (visuLocations.hasValueChanged() or visuGraphEdges.hasValueChanged())
+        {
+            std::scoped_lock lock(owner.propertiesMutex);
+   = visuLocations.getValue();
+   = visuGraphEdges.getValue();
+        }
-    memory::Visu visu{arviz,
-                      workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::location::coreSegmentID),
-                      workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::graph::coreSegmentID)};
-    Properties::LocationGraph p;
+    void
+    NavigationMemory::visuRun()
-        std::scoped_lock lock(propertiesMutex);
-        p = properties.locationGraph;
-    }
+        memory::Visu visu{arviz,
+                          workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::location::coreSegmentID),
+                          workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::graph::coreSegmentID)};
-    CycleUtil cycle(static_cast<int>(1000 / p.visuFrequency));
-    while (tasks.visuTask and not tasks.visuTask->isStopped())
-    {
+        Properties::LocationGraph p;
             std::scoped_lock lock(propertiesMutex);
             p = properties.locationGraph;
-        std::vector<viz::Layer> layers;
+        CycleUtil cycle(static_cast<int>(1000 / p.visuFrequency));
+        while (tasks.visuTask and not tasks.visuTask->isStopped())
+        {
+            {
+                std::scoped_lock lock(propertiesMutex);
+                p = properties.locationGraph;
+            }
-        // Locations
-        visu.drawLocations(layers, p.visuLocations);
+            std::vector<viz::Layer> layers;
-        // Graph Edges
-        visu.drawGraphs(layers, p.visuGraphEdges);
+            // Locations
+            visu.drawLocations(layers, p.visuLocations);
-        arviz.commit(layers);
+            // Graph Edges
+            visu.drawGraphs(layers, p.visuGraphEdges);
-        cycle.waitForCycleDuration();
-    }
+            arviz.commit(layers);
-store(const std::map<armem::MemoryID, core::Graph>& graphs,
-      const std::filesystem::path& baseDirectory)
-    ARMARX_INFO << "Creating export directory `" << baseDirectory << "`.";
-    std::filesystem::create_directories(baseDirectory);
+            cycle.waitForCycleDuration();
+        }
+    }
-    for (const auto& [memoryId, graph] : graphs)
+    bool
+    store(const std::map<armem::MemoryID, core::Graph>& graphs,
+          const std::filesystem::path& baseDirectory)
-        const std::filesystem::path nestedSubDir =
-            std::filesystem::path(memoryId.providerSegmentName) / memoryId.coreSegmentName;
-        const std::filesystem::path dir = baseDirectory / nestedSubDir;
+        ARMARX_INFO << "Creating export directory `" << baseDirectory << "`.";
+        std::filesystem::create_directories(baseDirectory);
-        std::filesystem::create_directories(dir);
+        for (const auto& [memoryId, graph] : graphs)
+        {
+            const std::filesystem::path nestedSubDir =
+                std::filesystem::path(memoryId.providerSegmentName) / memoryId.coreSegmentName;
+            const std::filesystem::path dir = baseDirectory / nestedSubDir;
-        nlohmann::json j;
+            std::filesystem::create_directories(dir);
-        // source -> target
-        std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t>> outgoingEdges;
-        std::transform(graph.m_edges.begin(),
-                       graph.m_edges.end(),
-                       std::back_inserter(outgoingEdges),
-                       [](const auto& edge)
-                       { return std::make_pair(edge.m_source, edge.m_target); });
+            nlohmann::json j;
-        j["edges"] = outgoingEdges;
-        j["vertices"] = {};
+            // source -> target
+            std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t>> outgoingEdges;
+            std::transform(graph.m_edges.begin(),
+                           graph.m_edges.end(),
+                           std::back_inserter(outgoingEdges),
+                           [](const auto& edge)
+                           { return std::make_pair(edge.m_source, edge.m_target); });
-        for (const auto& vertex : graph.m_vertices)
-        {
+            j["edges"] = outgoingEdges;
+            j["vertices"] = {};
+            for (const auto& vertex : graph.m_vertices)
+            {
-            armarx::armem::MemoryID locationId;
-            fromAron(vertex.m_property.aron.locationID, locationId);
+                armarx::armem::MemoryID locationId;
+                fromAron(vertex.m_property.aron.locationID, locationId);
-            nlohmann::json jVertex;
-            jVertex["locationID"] = locationId.getEntityID().str();
-            jVertex["vertexID"] = vertex.m_property.aron.vertexID;
+                nlohmann::json jVertex;
+                jVertex["locationID"] = locationId.getEntityID().str();
+                jVertex["vertexID"] = vertex.m_property.aron.vertexID;
-            j["vertices"].push_back(jVertex);
+                j["vertices"].push_back(jVertex);
+            }
+            // save to disk
+            const std::filesystem::path filename = dir / (memoryId.entityName + ".json");
+            ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Saving file `" << filename << "`.";
+            std::ofstream ofs(filename);
+            ofs << std::setw(4) << j;
-        // save to disk
-        const std::filesystem::path filename = dir / (memoryId.entityName + ".json");
-        ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Saving file `" << filename << "`.";
-        std::ofstream ofs(filename);
-        ofs << std::setw(4) << j;
+        return true;
-    return true;
+    bool
+    store(const std::map<armem::MemoryID, location::arondto::Location>& locations,
+          const std::filesystem::path& baseDirectory)
+    {
+        ARMARX_INFO << "Creating export directory `" << baseDirectory << "`.";
+        std::filesystem::create_directories(baseDirectory);
-store(const std::map<armem::MemoryID, location::arondto::Location>& locations,
-      const std::filesystem::path& baseDirectory)
-    ARMARX_INFO << "Creating export directory `" << baseDirectory << "`.";
-    std::filesystem::create_directories(baseDirectory);
+        // key: provider id
+        std::map<std::string, nlohmann::json> js;
-    // key: provider id
-    std::map<std::string, nlohmann::json> js;
+        for (const auto& [memoryId, location] : locations)
+        {
+            auto& j = js[memoryId.providerSegmentName];
-    for (const auto& [memoryId, location] : locations)
-    {
-        auto& j = js[memoryId.providerSegmentName];
+            if (j.count("locations") == 0)
+            {
+                j["locations"] = {};
+            }
-        if (j.count("locations") == 0)
-        {
-            j["locations"] = {};
-        }
+            nlohmann::json jLoc;
-        nlohmann::json jLoc;
+            jLoc["globalRobotPose"] = location.globalRobotPose;
-        jLoc["globalRobotPose"] = location.globalRobotPose;
+            if (location.relativeToObject)
+            {
+                armarx::armem::MemoryID memoryId;
+                fromAron(location.relativeToObject->objectInstanceID, memoryId);
-        if (location.relativeToObject)
-        {
-            armarx::armem::MemoryID memoryId;
-            fromAron(location.relativeToObject->objectInstanceID, memoryId);
+                jLoc["relativeToObject"]["objectInstanceID"] = memoryId.str();
+                jLoc["relativeToObject"]["relativeRobotPose"] =
+                    location.relativeToObject->relativeRobotPose;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                jLoc["relativeToObject"] = "null";
+            }
-            jLoc["relativeToObject"]["objectInstanceID"] = memoryId.str();
-            jLoc["relativeToObject"]["relativeRobotPose"] =
-                location.relativeToObject->relativeRobotPose;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            jLoc["relativeToObject"] = "null";
+            j["locations"][memoryId.getEntityID().str()] = jLoc;
-        j["locations"][memoryId.getEntityID().str()] = jLoc;
-    }
+        // save to disk
+        for (const auto& [providerId, j] : js)
+        {
+            const std::filesystem::path subDir = std::filesystem::path(providerId);
+            const std::filesystem::path dir = baseDirectory / subDir;
-    // save to disk
-    for (const auto& [providerId, j] : js)
-    {
-        const std::filesystem::path subDir = std::filesystem::path(providerId);
-        const std::filesystem::path dir = baseDirectory / subDir;
+            if (not std::filesystem::exists(dir))
+            {
+                std::filesystem::create_directories(dir);
+            }
-        if (not std::filesystem::exists(dir))
-        {
-            std::filesystem::create_directories(dir);
+            const std::filesystem::path filename = dir / "locations.json";
+            ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Saving file `" << filename << "`.";
+            std::ofstream ofs(filename);
+            ofs << std::setw(4) << j;
-        const std::filesystem::path filename = dir / "locations.json";
-        ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Saving file `" << filename << "`.";
-        std::ofstream ofs(filename);
-        ofs << std::setw(4) << j;
-    }
-    return true;
+        return true;
+    }
-NavigationMemory::storeLocationGraph(const armarx::data::PackagePath& packagePath,
-                                     const Ice::Current& current)
-    armem::server::wm::CoreSegment& locationCoreSegment =
-        workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::location::coreSegmentID);
-    armem::server::wm::CoreSegment& graphCoreSegment =
-        workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::graph::coreSegmentID);
+    bool
+    NavigationMemory::storeLocationGraph(const armarx::data::PackagePath& packagePath,
+                                         const Ice::Current& current)
+    {
+        armem::server::wm::CoreSegment& locationCoreSegment =
+            workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::location::coreSegmentID);
+        armem::server::wm::CoreSegment& graphCoreSegment =
+            workingMemory().getCoreSegment(navigation::graph::coreSegmentID);
-    // obtain locations and graphs
+        // obtain locations and graphs
-    const std::map<armem::MemoryID, location::arondto::Location> locations =
-        [&locationCoreSegment]()
-    {
-        std::map<armem::MemoryID, location::arondto::Location> locations;
-        locationCoreSegment.doLocked(
-            [&]()
-            {
-                locationCoreSegment.forEachEntity(
-                    [&](const armarx::armem::server::wm::Entity& entity) -> bool
-                    {
-                        if (const armarx::armem::server::wm::EntityInstance* instance =
-                                entity.findLatestInstance())
+        const std::map<armem::MemoryID, location::arondto::Location> locations =
+            [&locationCoreSegment]()
+        {
+            std::map<armem::MemoryID, location::arondto::Location> locations;
+            locationCoreSegment.doLocked(
+                [&]()
+                {
+                    locationCoreSegment.forEachEntity(
+                        [&](const armarx::armem::server::wm::Entity& entity) -> bool
-                            locations[].fromAron(instance->data());
-                        }
+                            if (const armarx::armem::server::wm::EntityInstance* instance =
+                                    entity.findLatestInstance())
+                            {
+                                locations[].fromAron(instance->data());
+                            }
-                        return true;
-                    });
+                            return true;
+                        });
-                return true;
-            });
+                    return true;
+                });
-        return locations;
-    }();
+            return locations;
+        }();
-    const auto graphs = [&graphCoreSegment]()
-    {
-        std::map<armem::MemoryID, core::Graph> graphs;
-        graphCoreSegment.doLocked(
-            [&]()
-            {
-                graphCoreSegment.forEachEntity(
-                    [&](const armarx::armem::server::wm::Entity& entity) -> bool
-                    {
-                        core::Graph& graph = graphs[];
-                        if (const armarx::armem::server::wm::EntityInstance* instance =
-                                entity.findLatestInstance())
+        const auto graphs = [&graphCoreSegment]()
+        {
+            std::map<armem::MemoryID, core::Graph> graphs;
+            graphCoreSegment.doLocked(
+                [&]()
+                {
+                    graphCoreSegment.forEachEntity(
+                        [&](const armarx::armem::server::wm::Entity& entity) -> bool
-                            navigation::core::arondto::Graph aron;
-                            aron.fromAron(instance->data());
-                            fromAron(aron, graph);
-                        }
+                            core::Graph& graph = graphs[];
+                            if (const armarx::armem::server::wm::EntityInstance* instance =
+                                    entity.findLatestInstance())
+                            {
+                                navigation::core::arondto::Graph aron;
+                                aron.fromAron(instance->data());
+                                fromAron(aron, graph);
+                            }
-                        return true;
-                    });
-            });
+                            return true;
+                        });
+                });
-        return graphs;
-    }();
+            return graphs;
+        }();
-    // store on disk
+        // store on disk
-    const std::filesystem::path baseDirectory = armarx::PackagePath(packagePath).toSystemPath();
+        const std::filesystem::path baseDirectory = armarx::PackagePath(packagePath).toSystemPath();
-    store(locations, baseDirectory);
-    store(graphs, baseDirectory);
+        store(locations, baseDirectory);
+        store(graphs, baseDirectory);
-    return true;
+        return true;
+    }
 } // namespace armarx::navigation

From 005f1c6fa9d8827c73d288be9b2f2484448d5334 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fabian Reister <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2022 11:12:09 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 8/8] improved ui

 .../LocationGraphEditorWidget.ui              | 66 +++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/LocationGraphEditorWidget.ui b/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/LocationGraphEditorWidget.ui
index 7173033c..d13d0c05 100644
--- a/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/LocationGraphEditorWidget.ui
+++ b/source/armarx/navigation/gui-plugins/LocationGraphEditor/LocationGraphEditorWidget.ui
@@ -125,50 +125,62 @@
              <property name="minimumSize">
-               <height>200</height>
+               <height>130</height>
              <property name="title">
-             <widget class="QLineEdit" name="packageNameEdit">
-              <property name="geometry">
-               <rect>
-                <x>10</x>
-                <y>30</y>
-                <width>113</width>
-                <height>28</height>
-               </rect>
-              </property>
-              <property name="text">
-               <string>PriorKnowledgeData</string>
-              </property>
-             </widget>
-             <widget class="QLineEdit" name="packageDirectoryEdit">
+             <widget class="QPushButton" name="exportButton">
               <property name="geometry">
-                <x>10</x>
-                <y>80</y>
-                <width>113</width>
+                <x>30</x>
+                <y>100</y>
+                <width>84</width>
               <property name="text">
-               <string>navigation-graphs</string>
+               <string>Export</string>
-             <widget class="QPushButton" name="exportButton">
+             <widget class="QWidget" name="horizontalLayoutWidget">
               <property name="geometry">
-                <x>20</x>
-                <y>140</y>
-                <width>84</width>
-                <height>28</height>
+                <x>0</x>
+                <y>30</y>
+                <width>308</width>
+                <height>61</height>
-              <property name="text">
-               <string>Export</string>
-              </property>
+              <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout">
+               <item>
+                <widget class="QLineEdit" name="packageNameEdit">
+                 <property name="minimumSize">
+                  <size>
+                   <width>150</width>
+                   <height>0</height>
+                  </size>
+                 </property>
+                 <property name="text">
+                  <string>PriorKnowledgeData</string>
+                 </property>
+                </widget>
+               </item>
+               <item>
+                <widget class="QLineEdit" name="packageDirectoryEdit">
+                 <property name="minimumSize">
+                  <size>
+                   <width>150</width>
+                   <height>0</height>
+                  </size>
+                 </property>
+                 <property name="text">
+                  <string>navigation-graphs</string>
+                 </property>
+                </widget>
+               </item>
+              </layout>