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Fix/read variable size matrices and optionals

Merged Fabian Reister requested to merge fix/read-variable-size-matrices-and-optionals into master
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@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ namespace armarx::aron::codegenerator::cpp::generator
"Eigen::Matrix<" + std::get<0>( + ", " + (n.getRows() == -1 ? "Eigen::Dynamic" : std::to_string(n.getRows())) + ", " + (n.getCols() == -1 ? "Eigen::Dynamic" : std::to_string(n.getCols())) + ">",
"Eigen::Matrix<" + std::get<0>( + ", " + (n.getRows() == -1 ? "Eigen::Dynamic" : std::to_string(n.getRows())) + ", " + (n.getCols() == -1 ? "Eigen::Dynamic" : std::to_string(n.getCols())) + ">",
simox::meta::get_type_name<type::dto::Matrix>(), n), matrixType(n)
simox::meta::get_type_name<type::dto::Matrix>(), n)
@@ -101,14 +101,25 @@ namespace armarx::aron::codegenerator::cpp::generator
block_if_data->addLine("std::string " + type + ";");
block_if_data->addLine("std::vector<int> " + dims + ";");
block_if_data->addLine("std::vector<unsigned char> " + data + ";");
block_if_data->addLine("" + ARON_READER_ACCESSOR + ".readNDArray("+variantAccessor+", "+dims+", "+type+", "+data+"); // of " + cppAccessor);
if(matrixType.getRows() == Eigen::Dynamic or matrixType.getCols() == Eigen::Dynamic)
if((this->type.getRows() == -1 or this->type.getRows() == Eigen::Dynamic) and this->type.getCols() != -1)
block_if_data->addLine(cppAccessor + nextEl() + "resize(" + dims + ".at(0));");
if(this->type.getRows() != -1 and (this->type.getCols() == -1 or this->type.getCols() == Eigen::Dynamic))
block_if_data->addLine(cppAccessor + nextEl() + "resize(" + dims + ".at(1));");
if((this->type.getRows() == -1 or this->type.getRows() == Eigen::Dynamic) and (this->type.getCols() == -1 or this->type.getCols() == Eigen::Dynamic))
// TODO assert(aron_variant_kpImpedance_shape.size() == 2);
block_if_data->addLine(cppAccessor + nextEl() + "resize(" + dims + ".at(0), " + dims + ".at(1));");
block_if_data->addLine("assert(" + cppAccessor + nextEl() + "rows() == " + dims + ".at(0) && " + cppAccessor + nextEl() + "cols() == " + dims + ".at(1) && \"Dimensions of member '"+cppAccessor+"' do not match (simox::alg::to_string(dims, ',')). Got (" + cppAccessor + nextEl() + "rows(), " + cppAccessor + nextEl() + "cols()) instead.\");");
block_if_data->addLine("std::memcpy(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(" + cppAccessor + nextEl() + "data()), "+data+".data(), "+data+".size());");
return resolveMaybeReadBlock(block_if_data, cppAccessor, variantAccessor);