Fix/read variable size matrices and optionals
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3- Fabian Reister authored
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ namespace armarx::aron::codegenerator::cpp::generator
block_if_data->addLine("assert(" + cppAccessor + nextEl() + "rows() == " + dims + ".at(0) && " + cppAccessor + nextEl() + "cols() == " + dims + ".at(1) && \"Dimensions of member '"+cppAccessor+"' do not match (simox::alg::to_string(dims, ',')). Got (" + cppAccessor + nextEl() + "rows(), " + cppAccessor + nextEl() + "cols()) instead.\");");
block_if_data->addLine("ARMARX_CHECK(" + cppAccessor + nextEl() + "rows() == " + dims + ".at(0) and " + cppAccessor + nextEl() + "cols() == " + dims + ".at(1)) << \"Dimensions of member '"+cppAccessor+"' do not match (simox::alg::to_string(dims, ',')). Got (" + cppAccessor + nextEl() + "rows(), " + cppAccessor + nextEl() + "cols()) instead.\";");