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 * This file is part of ArmarX.
 * Copyright (C) 2012-2016, High Performance Humanoid Technologies (H2T), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), all rights reserved.
 * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
 * @package    ArmarXCore::units
 * @author     Manfred Kroehnert (manfred dot kroehnert at kit dot edu)
 * @date       2013
 * @copyright
 *             GNU General Public License

#include <RobotAPI/components/units/SensorActorUnit.h>

#include <RobotAPI/interface/units/HandUnitInterface.h>

#include <ArmarXCore/core/application/properties/Properties.h>
#include <ArmarXCore/core/system/ImportExportComponent.h>
#include <ArmarXCore/observers/variant/SingleTypeVariantList.h>
#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobot.h>
     * \class HandUnitPropertyDefinitions
     * \brief Defines all necessary properties for armarx::HandUnit
    class HandUnitPropertyDefinitions:
        public ComponentPropertyDefinitions
        HandUnitPropertyDefinitions(std::string prefix):
            defineRequiredProperty<std::string>("RobotFileName", "VirtualRobot XML file in which the endeffector is is stored.");
            defineRequiredProperty<std::string>("EndeffectorName", "Name of the endeffector as stored in the XML file (will publish values on EndeffectorName + 'State')");
     * @ingroup Component-HandUnit HandUnit
     * \brief Base unit for high-level access to robot hands.
     * \ingroup RobotAPI-SensorActorUnits
     * An instance of a HandUnit provides means to open, close, and preshape hands.
     * It uses the HandUnitListener Ice interface to report updates of its current state

     * @brief The HandUnit class
     * @ingroup Component-HandUnit
    class HandUnit :
        virtual public HandUnitInterface,
        virtual public SensorActorUnit
        // inherited from Component
        std::string getDefaultName() const override
            return "HandUnit";

         * Retrieve proxy for publishing State information and call
         * armarx::PlatformUnit::onInitPlatformUnit().
         * \see armarx::Component::onInitComponent()
        void onInitComponent() override;
         * Calls armarx::PlatformUnit::onStartPlatformUnit().
         * \see armarx::Component::onConnectComponent()
        void onConnectComponent() override;
         * Calls armarx::PlatformUnit::onExitPlatformUnit().
         * \see armarx::Component::onExitComponent()
        void onExitComponent() override;

        virtual void onInitHandUnit() = 0;
        virtual void onStartHandUnit() = 0;
        virtual void onExitHandUnit() = 0;

         * Send command to the hand to form a specific shape position. The shapes are defined in the robot.xml file.
        void setShape(const std::string& shapeName, const Ice::Current& c = Ice::emptyCurrent) override;
         * @brief setShapeWithObjectInstance Send command to the hand to form a specific shape position.
         * While trying to form the specified shape, collison checking with the named object instance is performed.
         * The resulting joint angles of the hand might differ from the predefined joint angles for the given shape.
         * @param shapeName Name of the well known shape that the hand should form
         * @param graspedObjectInstanceName name of the object instance which is used to check for collisions while setting the shape
        void setShapeWithObjectInstance(const std::string& shapeName, const std::string& objectInstanceName, const Ice::Current& c = Ice::emptyCurrent) override;
         * \return a list of strings for shape positions which can be used together with HandUnit::shape().
        SingleTypeVariantListBasePtr getShapeNames(const Ice::Current& c = Ice::emptyCurrent) override;
        NameValueMap getShapeJointValues(const std::string& shapeName, const Ice::Current& c = Ice::emptyCurrent) override;
        NameValueMap getCurrentJointValues(const Ice::Current& c = Ice::emptyCurrent) override;
        void setObjectGrasped(const std::string& objectName, const Ice::Current&) override;
        void setObjectReleased(const std::string& objectName, const Ice::Current&) override;
        void setJointAngles(const NameValueMap& targetJointAngles, const Ice::Current&) override;
        std::string describeHandState(const Ice::Current&) override;
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         * \see armarx::PropertyUser::createPropertyDefinitions()
        PropertyDefinitionsPtr createPropertyDefinitions() override;
        void reloadPreshapes(const Ice::Current&) override;

         * HandUnitListener proxy for publishing state updates
        HandUnitListenerPrx listenerPrx;
         * Ice Topic name on which armarx::HandUnit::listenerPrx publishes information
        std::string listenerChannelName;
         * List containing the names of all valid shapes.
        SingleTypeVariantListPtr shapeNames;
        std::string kinematicUnitName;

        VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot;
        VirtualRobot::EndEffectorPtr eef;

        std::string robotName;
        std::string tcpName;
        std::map <std::string, float> handJoints;
        std::string graspedObject;

        // HandUnitInterface interface
        std::string getHandName(const Ice::Current& = Ice::emptyCurrent) override;
        void setJointForces(const NameValueMap& targetJointForces, const Ice::Current&) override;
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        void sendJointCommands(const NameCommandMap& targetJointCommands, const Ice::Current&) override;