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ObjectIO.cpp 17.6 KiB
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#include "ObjectIO.h"
#include "../VirtualRobotException.h"
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#include "rapidxml.hpp"
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#include "RobotIO.h"
#include "../ManipulationObject.h"
#include "../Visualization/TriMeshModel.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
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namespace VirtualRobot
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        = default;
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        = default;
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    VirtualRobot::ObstaclePtr ObjectIO::loadObstacle(const std::string& xmlFile)
        // load file
        std::ifstream in(xmlFile.c_str());

        THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!in.is_open(), "Could not open XML file:" << xmlFile);

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        std::filesystem::path filenameBaseComplete(xmlFile);
        std::filesystem::path filenameBasePath = filenameBaseComplete.parent_path();
        std::string basePath = filenameBasePath.string();
        VirtualRobot::ObstaclePtr res = loadObstacle(in, basePath);
        THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!res, "Error while parsing file " << xmlFile);
        return res;
    VirtualRobot::ObstaclePtr ObjectIO::loadObstacle(const std::ifstream& xmlFile, const std::string& basePath /*= ""*/)
        // load file
        THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!xmlFile.is_open(), "Could not open XML file");
        std::stringstream buffer;
        buffer << xmlFile.rdbuf();
        std::string objectXML(buffer.str());
        VirtualRobot::ObstaclePtr res = createObstacleFromString(objectXML, basePath);
        THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!res, "Error while parsing file.");
        return res;
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    VirtualRobot::ManipulationObjectPtr ObjectIO::loadManipulationObject(const std::string& xmlFile)
        // load file
        std::ifstream in(xmlFile.c_str());

        THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!in.is_open(), "Could not open XML file:" << xmlFile);

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        std::filesystem::path filenameBaseComplete(xmlFile);
        std::filesystem::path filenameBasePath = filenameBaseComplete.parent_path();
        std::string basePath = filenameBasePath.string();
        VirtualRobot::ManipulationObjectPtr res = loadManipulationObject(in, basePath);
        THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!res, "Error while parsing file " << xmlFile);
        return res;
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    VirtualRobot::ManipulationObjectPtr ObjectIO::loadManipulationObject(const std::ifstream& xmlFile, const std::string& basePath /*= ""*/)
        // load file
        THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!xmlFile.is_open(), "Could not open XML file");
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        std::stringstream buffer;
        buffer << xmlFile.rdbuf();
        std::string objectXML(buffer.str());

        VirtualRobot::ManipulationObjectPtr res = createManipulationObjectFromString(objectXML, basePath);
        THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!res, "Error while parsing file.");
        return res;

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    bool ObjectIO::writeSTL(TriMeshModelPtr t, const std::string& filename, const std::string& objectName, float scaling)
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        if (!t || t->faces.size() == 0)
            VR_ERROR << "Wrong input" << std::endl;
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        if (!of)
            VR_ERROR << "Could not open " << filename << " for writing" << std::endl;
        of << "solid " << objectName << std::endl;
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        for (size_t i = 0; i < t->faces.size(); i++)
            MathTools::TriangleFace& face = t->;
            auto& p1 = t->;
            auto& p2 = t->;
            auto& p3 = t->;
            auto normal1 = face.idNormal1 < t->normals.size() ? t-> : face.normal;
            auto normal2 = face.idNormal2 < t->normals.size() ? t-> : face.normal;
            auto normal3 = face.idNormal3 < t->normals.size() ? t-> : face.normal;
            Eigen::Vector3f n = normal1 + normal2 + normal3;

            //Point p = h->vertex()->point();
            //Point q = h->next()->vertex()->point();
            //Point r = h->next()->next()->vertex()->point();
            // compute normal
            //Vector n = CGAL::cross_product( q-p, r-p);
            //Vector norm = n / std::sqrt( n * n);
            of << "    facet normal " << n(0) << " " << n(1) << " " << n(2) << std::endl;
            of << "      outer loop " << std::endl;
            of << "        vertex " << p1(0)*scaling << " " << p1(1)*scaling << " " << p1(2)*scaling <<  std::endl;
            of << "        vertex " << p2(0)*scaling << " " << p2(1)*scaling << " " << p2(2)*scaling << std::endl;
            of << "        vertex " << p3(0)*scaling << " " << p3(1)*scaling << " " << p3(2)*scaling << std::endl;
            of << "      endloop " << std::endl;
            of << "    endfacet " << std::endl;
        of << "endsolid " << objectName << std::endl;
    ObstaclePtr ObjectIO::processObstacle(rapidxml::xml_node<char>* objectXMLNode, const std::string& basePath)
        THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!objectXMLNode, "No <Obstacle> tag in XML definition");

        bool visuProcessed = false;
        bool colProcessed = false;
        VisualizationNodePtr visualizationNode;
        CollisionModelPtr collisionModel;
        bool useAsColModel = false;
        SceneObject::Physics physics;
        bool physicsDefined = false;
        Eigen::Matrix4f globalPose = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
        SceneObject::PrimitiveApproximation primitiveApproximation;

        // get name
        std::string objName = processNameAttribute(objectXMLNode);

        // update global pose
        rapidxml::xml_node<>* poseNode = objectXMLNode->first_node("globalpose", 0, false);
        if (poseNode != nullptr)
            processTransformNode(poseNode, objName, globalPose);

        // Check if there is an xml file to load
        rapidxml::xml_node<>* xmlFileNode = objectXMLNode->first_node("file", 0, false);

        if (xmlFileNode)
            std::string xmlFile = processFileNode(xmlFileNode, basePath);
            ObstaclePtr result = loadObstacle(xmlFile);

            if (!result)
                return result;

            if (!objName.empty())

        THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(objName.empty(), "Obstacle definition expects attribute 'name'");

        rapidxml::xml_node<>* node = objectXMLNode->first_node();

        while (node)
            std::string nodeName = getLowerCase(node->name());

            if (nodeName == "visualization")
                THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(visuProcessed, "Two visualization tags defined in Obstacle '" << objName << "'." << endl);
                visualizationNode = processVisualizationTag(node, objName, basePath, useAsColModel);
                visuProcessed = true;

                if (useAsColModel)
                    THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(colProcessed, "Two collision tags defined in Obstacle '" << objName << "'." << endl);
                    std::string colModelName = objName;
                    colModelName += "_VISU_ColModel";
                    // todo: ID?
                    collisionModel.reset(new CollisionModel(visualizationNode, colModelName, CollisionCheckerPtr()));
                    colProcessed = true;
            else if (nodeName == "collisionmodel")
                THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(colProcessed, "Two collision tags defined in Obstacle '" << objName << "'." << endl);
                collisionModel = processCollisionTag(node, objName, basePath);
                colProcessed = true;
            else if (nodeName == "primitivemodel")
                processPrimitiveModelTag(primitiveApproximation, node);
            else if (nodeName == "physics")
                THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(physicsDefined, "Two physics tags defined in Obstacle '" << objName << "'." << endl);
                processPhysicsTag(node, objName, physics);
                physicsDefined = true;
            else if (nodeName == "globalpose")
                processTransformNode(node, objName, globalPose);
                THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("XML definition <" << nodeName << "> not supported in Obstacle <" << objName << ">." << endl);

            node = node->next_sibling();

        // build object
        ObstaclePtr object(new Obstacle(objName, visualizationNode, collisionModel, physics));
        return object;
    VirtualRobot::ManipulationObjectPtr ObjectIO::createManipulationObjectFromString(const std::string& xmlString, const std::string& basePath /*= ""*/)
        // copy string content to char array
        std::vector<char> y(xmlString.size() + 1);
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstringop-truncation"
        strncpy(, xmlString.c_str(), xmlString.size() + 1);
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
        VirtualRobot::ManipulationObjectPtr obj;
            rapidxml::xml_document<char> doc;    // character type defaults to char
            doc.parse<0>(;    // 0 means default parse flags
            rapidxml::xml_node<char>* objectXMLNode = doc.first_node("ManipulationObject");
            obj = processManipulationObject(objectXMLNode, basePath);
        catch (rapidxml::parse_error& e)
            THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Could not parse data in xml definition" << endl
                               << "Error message:" << e.what() << endl
                               << "Position: " << endl << e.where<char>() << endl);
            return ManipulationObjectPtr();
        catch (VirtualRobot::VirtualRobotException&)
            // rethrow the current exception
        catch (std::exception& e)
            THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Error while parsing xml definition" << endl
                               << "Error code:" << e.what() << endl);
            return ManipulationObjectPtr();
        catch (...)
            THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Error while parsing xml definition" << endl);
            return ManipulationObjectPtr();

        return obj;
    ManipulationObjectPtr ObjectIO::processManipulationObject(rapidxml::xml_node<char>* objectXMLNode, const std::string& basePath)
        THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!objectXMLNode, "No <ManipulationObject> tag in XML definition");

        bool visuProcessed = false;
        bool colProcessed = false;
        VisualizationNodePtr visualizationNode;
        CollisionModelPtr collisionModel;
        bool useAsColModel = false;
        SceneObject::Physics physics;
        bool physicsDefined = false;
        std::vector<GraspSetPtr> graspSets;
        Eigen::Matrix4f globalPose = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
        std::vector< rapidxml::xml_node<>* > sensorTags;
        SceneObject::PrimitiveApproximation primitiveApproximation;

        // get name
        std::string objName = processNameAttribute(objectXMLNode);

        // first check if there is an xml file to load
        rapidxml::xml_node<>* xmlFileNode = objectXMLNode->first_node("file", 0, false);

        if (xmlFileNode)
            std::string xmlFile = processFileNode(xmlFileNode, basePath);
            ManipulationObjectPtr result = loadManipulationObject(xmlFile);

            if (!result)
                return result;

            if (!objName.empty())

            // update global pose
            rapidxml::xml_node<>* poseNode = objectXMLNode->first_node("globalpose", 0, false);

            if (poseNode)
                processTransformNode(poseNode, objName, globalPose);

            return result;
        THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(objName.empty(), "ManipulationObject definition expects attribute 'name'");

        rapidxml::xml_node<>* node = objectXMLNode->first_node();

        while (node)
            std::string nodeName = getLowerCase(node->name());

            if (nodeName == "visualization")
                THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(visuProcessed, "Two visualization tags defined in ManipulationObject '" << objName << "'." << endl);
                visualizationNode = processVisualizationTag(node, objName, basePath, useAsColModel);
                visuProcessed = true;

                if (useAsColModel)
                    THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(colProcessed, "Two collision tags defined in ManipulationObject '" << objName << "'." << endl);
                    std::string colModelName = objName;
                    colModelName += "_VISU_ColModel";
                    // todo: ID?
                    collisionModel.reset(new CollisionModel(visualizationNode, colModelName, CollisionCheckerPtr()));
                    colProcessed = true;
            else if (nodeName == "collisionmodel")
                THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(colProcessed, "Two collision tags defined in ManipulationObject '" << objName << "'." << endl);
                collisionModel = processCollisionTag(node, objName, basePath);
                colProcessed = true;
            else if (nodeName == "primitivemodel")
                processPrimitiveModelTag(primitiveApproximation, node);
            else if (nodeName == "physics")
                THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(physicsDefined, "Two physics tags defined in ManipulationObject '" << objName << "'." << endl);
                processPhysicsTag(node, objName, physics);
                physicsDefined = true;
            else if (nodeName == "graspset")
                GraspSetPtr gs = processGraspSet(node, objName);
                THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!gs, "Invalid grasp set in '" << objName << "'." << endl);

            else if (nodeName == "sensor")
            else if (nodeName == "globalpose")
                processTransformNode(node, objName, globalPose);
                THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("XML definition <" << nodeName << "> not supported in ManipulationObject <" << objName << ">." << endl);
        // build object
        ManipulationObjectPtr object(new ManipulationObject(objName, visualizationNode, collisionModel, physics));
        // process sensors
        for (auto& sensorTag : sensorTags)
            processSensor(object, sensorTag, RobotDescription::eFull, basePath);

        for (const auto& graspSet : graspSets)
        return object;

    VirtualRobot::ObstaclePtr ObjectIO::createObstacleFromString(const std::string& xmlString, const std::string& basePath /*= ""*/)
        // copy string content to char array
        char* y = new char[xmlString.size() + 1];
        strncpy(y, xmlString.c_str(), xmlString.size() + 1);

        VirtualRobot::ObstaclePtr obj;

            rapidxml::xml_document<char> doc;    // character type defaults to char
            doc.parse<0>(y);    // 0 means default parse flags
            rapidxml::xml_node<char>* objectXMLNode = doc.first_node("Obstacle");

            obj = processObstacle(objectXMLNode, basePath);

        catch (rapidxml::parse_error& e)
            delete[] y;
            THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Could not parse data in xml definition" << endl
                               << "Error message:" << e.what() << endl
                               << "Position: " << endl << e.where<char>() << endl);
            return ObstaclePtr();
        catch (VirtualRobot::VirtualRobotException&)
            // rethrow the current exception
            delete[] y;
        catch (std::exception& e)
            delete[] y;
            THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Error while parsing xml definition" << endl
                               << "Error code:" << e.what() << endl);
            return ObstaclePtr();
        catch (...)
            delete[] y;
            THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Error while parsing xml definition" << endl);
            return ObstaclePtr();

        delete[] y;
        return obj;

    bool ObjectIO::saveManipulationObject(ManipulationObjectPtr object, const std::string& xmlFile)
        THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!object, "NULL object");

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        std::filesystem::path filenameBaseComplete(xmlFile);
        std::filesystem::path filenameBasePath = filenameBaseComplete.parent_path();
        std::string basePath = filenameBasePath.string();

        std::string xmlString = object->toXML(basePath);

        // save file
        return BaseIO::writeXMLFile(xmlFile, xmlString, true);
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} // namespace VirtualRobot