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Commit dbd1b2ee authored by Rainer Kartmann's avatar Rainer Kartmann
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Merge branch '121-object-memory-allow-specifying-scene-snapshot-via-standard-armarx-data-path-in-addition-to' into 'master'

Object Memory: Allow specifying scene snapshot via standard ArmarX Data path (in addition to inside PriorKnowledgeData), similar to simulator

Closes #121

See merge request !307
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1 merge request!307Object Memory: Allow specifying scene snapshot via standard ArmarX Data path (in addition to inside PriorKnowledgeData), similar to simulator
......@@ -93,6 +93,22 @@ ArmarX.ArticulatedObjectLocalizerExample.mem.obj.articulated.write.ProviderName
# ArmarX.ArticulatedObjectLocalizerExample.mns.MemoryNameSystemName = MemoryNameSystem
# ArmarX.ArticulatedObjectLocalizerExample.p.obj.class:
# Attributes:
# - Default: mobile-dishwasher
# - Case sensitivity: yes
# - Required: no
# ArmarX.ArticulatedObjectLocalizerExample.p.obj.class = mobile-dishwasher
# ArmarX.ArticulatedObjectLocalizerExample.p.obj.dataset:
# Attributes:
# - Default: Kitchen
# - Case sensitivity: yes
# - Required: no
# ArmarX.ArticulatedObjectLocalizerExample.p.obj.dataset = Kitchen
# Name of the `DebugObserver` topic to publish data to.
# Attributes:
# - Default: DebugObserver
......@@ -150,6 +150,22 @@
# ArmarX.ObjectMemory.cmp.KinematicUnitObserverName = KinematicUnitObserver
# ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem..marker.Name: Marker Memory Name
# Attributes:
# - Default: Marker
# - Case sensitivity: yes
# - Required: no
# ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem..marker.Name = Marker
# ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem..marker.maxHistorySize: Maximum marker memory history size
# Attributes:
# - Default: -1
# - Case sensitivity: yes
# - Required: no
# ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem..marker.maxHistorySize = -1
# ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem.MemoryName: Name of this memory server.
# Attributes:
# - Default: Object
......@@ -375,9 +391,12 @@ ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem.inst.robots.FallbackName = CameraOnTripod
# ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem.inst.scene.11_Directory = scenes
# ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem.inst.scene.12_SnapshotToLoad: Scene to load on startup (e.g. 'Scene_2021-06-24_20-20-03').
# You can also specify paths relative to 'Package/scenes/'.
# You can also specify a ; separated list of scenes.
# ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem.inst.scene.12_SnapshotToLoad: Scene(s) to load on startup.
# Specify multiple scenes in a ; separated list.
# Each entry must be one of the following:
# (1) A scene file in 'Package/scenes/' (with or without '.json' extension), e.g. 'MyScene', 'MyScene.json'
# (2) A path to a scene file relative to 'Package/scenes/' (with or without '.json' extension), e.g. 'path/to/MyScene', 'path/to/MyScene.json'
# (3) An ArmarX data path to a scene file, e.g. 'Package/scenes/path/to/MyScene.json'
# Attributes:
# - Default: ""
# - Case sensitivity: yes
......@@ -496,13 +515,39 @@ ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem.inst.scene.12_SnapshotToLoad = R003
# ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem.inst.visu.oobbs = false
# Show arrows linearly predicting object positions.
# ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem.inst.visu.predictions.linear.ghostAlpha: Alpha of linear prediction ghosts.
# Attributes:
# - Default: 0.699999988
# - Case sensitivity: yes
# - Required: no
# ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem.inst.visu.predictions.linear.ghostAlpha = 0.699999988
# ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem.inst.visu.predictions.linear.showArrow: Show arrows from current object poses to the linearly predicted ones.
# Attributes:
# - Default: false
# - Case sensitivity: yes
# - Required: no
# - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
# ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem.inst.visu.predictions.linear.showArrow = false
# ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem.inst.visu.predictions.linear.showFrame: Show frames at linearly predicted object poses.
# Attributes:
# - Default: false
# - Case sensitivity: yes
# - Required: no
# - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
# ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem.inst.visu.predictions.linear.showFrame = false
# ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem.inst.visu.predictions.linear.showGhost: Show ghosts at linearly predicted object poses.
# Attributes:
# - Default: false
# - Case sensitivity: yes
# - Required: no
# - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
# = false
# ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem.inst.visu.predictions.linear.showGhost = false
# ArmarX.ObjectMemory.mem.inst.visu.predictions.linear.timeOffset: The offset (in seconds) to the current time to make predictions for.
......@@ -274,6 +274,15 @@
# ArmarX.RobotStateMemory.mem.visu.enabled = true
# ArmarX.RobotStateMemory.mem.visu.famesEnabled: Enable or disable visualization of frames.
# Attributes:
# - Default: false
# - Case sensitivity: yes
# - Required: no
# - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
# ArmarX.RobotStateMemory.mem.visu.famesEnabled = false
# ArmarX.RobotStateMemory.mem.visu.frequenzyHz: Frequency of visualization.
# Attributes:
# - Default: 25
......@@ -300,6 +309,14 @@
# ArmarX.RobotStateMemory.mns.MemoryNameSystemName = MemoryNameSystem
# ArmarX.RobotStateMemory.prediction.TimeWindow: Duration of time window into the past to use for predictions when requested via the PredictingMemoryInterface (in seconds).
# Attributes:
# - Default: 2
# - Case sensitivity: yes
# - Required: no
# ArmarX.RobotStateMemory.prediction.TimeWindow = 2
# ArmarX.SecondsStartupDelay: The startup will be delayed by this number of seconds (useful for debugging)
# Attributes:
# - Default: 0
......@@ -170,6 +170,14 @@
# ArmarX.SimpleVirtualRobot.p.oneShot = true
# ArmarX.SimpleVirtualRobot.p.robot.jointValues: Specify a certain joint configuration.
# Attributes:
# - Default: ""
# - Case sensitivity: yes
# - Required: no
# ArmarX.SimpleVirtualRobot.p.robot.jointValues = ""
# Optional override for the robot name. If not set, the default name from the robot model is used.
# Attributes:
# - Default: ""
......@@ -119,10 +119,20 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::instance
"Scene snapshots are expected to be located in Package/data/Package/Scenes/*.json.");
defs->optional(p.sceneSnapshotsDirectory, prefix + "scene.11_Directory",
"Directory in Package/data/Package/ containing the scene snapshots.");
defs->optional(p.sceneSnapshotToLoad, prefix + "scene.12_SnapshotToLoad",
"Scene to load on startup (e.g. 'Scene_2021-06-24_20-20-03').\n"
"You can also specify paths relative to 'Package/scenes/'. \n"
"You can also specify a ; separated list of scenes.");
std::vector<std::string> sceneSnapshotToLoadDescription =
"Scene(s) to load on startup.",
"Specify multiple scenes in a ; separated list.",
"Each entry must be one of the following:",
"(1) A scene file in 'Package/scenes/' (with or without '.json' extension), "
"e.g. 'MyScene', 'MyScene.json'",
"(2) A path to a scene file relative to 'Package/scenes/' (with or without '.json' extension), "
"e.g. 'path/to/MyScene', 'path/to/MyScene.json'",
"(3) An ArmarX data path to a scene file, e.g. 'Package/scenes/path/to/MyScene.json'",
defs->optional(p.sceneSnapshotsToLoad, prefix + "scene.12_SnapshotToLoad",
simox::alg::join(sceneSnapshotToLoadDescription, " \n"));
decay.defineProperties(defs, prefix + "decay.");
......@@ -132,10 +142,10 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::instance
if (not p.sceneSnapshotToLoad.empty())
if (not p.sceneSnapshotsToLoad.empty())
bool trim = true;
const std::vector<std::string> scenes = simox::alg::split(p.sceneSnapshotToLoad, ";", trim);
const std::vector<std::string> scenes = simox::alg::split(p.sceneSnapshotsToLoad, ";", trim);
for (const std::string& scene : scenes)
const bool lockMemory = false;
......@@ -934,7 +944,7 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::instance
void Segment::storeScene(const std::string& filename, const armarx::objects::Scene& scene)
if (const std::optional<std::filesystem::path> path = resolveSceneFilename(filename))
if (const std::optional<std::filesystem::path> path = resolveSceneFilepath(filename))
ARMARX_INFO << "Storing scene snapshot at: \n" << path.value();
......@@ -953,7 +963,7 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::instance
Segment::loadScene(const std::string& filename)
if (const std::optional<std::filesystem::path> path = resolveSceneFilename(filename))
if (const std::optional<std::filesystem::path> path = resolveSceneFilepath(filename))
return loadScene(path.value());
......@@ -983,17 +993,18 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::instance
Segment::resolveSceneFilename(const std::string& _filename)
Segment::resolveSceneFilepath(const std::string& _filename)
std::string filename = _filename;
std::string filepath = _filename;
filename = simox::alg::replace_all(filename, timestampPlaceholder,
filepath = simox::alg::replace_all(filepath, timestampPlaceholder,
if (not simox::alg::ends_with(filename, ".json"))
if (not simox::alg::ends_with(filepath, ".json"))
filename += ".json";
filepath += ".json";
// Try to interprete it as relative to 'Package/scenes/'.
if (!finder)
finder.reset(new CMakePackageFinder(p.sceneSnapshotsPackage));
......@@ -1004,14 +1015,26 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::instance
if (finder->packageFound())
std::filesystem::path dataDir = finder->getDataDir();
std::filesystem::path path = dataDir / p.sceneSnapshotsPackage / p.sceneSnapshotsDirectory / filename;
return path;
std::filesystem::path absDataDir = finder->getDataDir();
std::filesystem::path absPath = absDataDir / p.sceneSnapshotsPackage
/ p.sceneSnapshotsDirectory / filepath;
if (std::filesystem::is_regular_file(absPath))
return absPath;
// Try to interprete it as ArmarXDataPath.
return std::nullopt;
std::string resolved = ArmarXDataPath::resolvePath(filepath);
if (resolved != filepath)
return resolved;
// Else: Fail
return std::nullopt;
......@@ -1114,25 +1137,40 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::instance
void Segment::commitSceneSnapshotFromFilename(const std::string& filename, bool lockMemory)
ARMARX_INFO << "Loading scene snapshot '" << filename << "' ...";
if (auto path = resolveSceneFilename(filename))
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Loading scene '" << filename << "' ...";
if (std::optional<std::filesystem::path> path = resolveSceneFilepath(filename))
ARMARX_INFO << ss.str() << "\nfrom " << path.value();
if (const auto snapshot = loadScene(path.value()))
std::filesystem::path filename = path->filename();
filename.replace_extension(); // Removes extension
auto makeSceneName = [](const std::filesystem::path& path)
std::filesystem::path filename = path.filename();
filename.replace_extension(); // Removes extension
return filename.string();
std::string sceneName = makeSceneName(path.value());
// The check seems useless?
if (lockMemory)
commitSceneSnapshot(snapshot.value(), filename.string());
segmentPtr->doLocked([this,&snapshot, &sceneName]()
commitSceneSnapshot(snapshot.value(), sceneName);
commitSceneSnapshot(snapshot.value(), filename.string());
commitSceneSnapshot(snapshot.value(), sceneName);
ARMARX_INFO << ss.str() << " failed: Could not resolve scene name or path.";
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::instance
void storeScene(const std::string& filename, const armarx::objects::Scene& scene);
std::optional<armarx::objects::Scene> loadScene(const std::string& filename);
std::optional<armarx::objects::Scene> loadScene(const std::filesystem::path& path);
std::optional<std::filesystem::path> resolveSceneFilename(const std::string& filename);
std::optional<std::filesystem::path> resolveSceneFilepath(const std::string& filename);
armarx::objects::Scene getSceneSnapshot() const;
void commitSceneSnapshot(const armarx::objects::Scene& scene, const std::string& sceneName);
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::instance
/// Package containing the scene snapshots
std::string sceneSnapshotsPackage = armarx::ObjectFinder::DefaultObjectsPackageName;
std::string sceneSnapshotsDirectory = "scenes";
std::string sceneSnapshotToLoad = "";
std::string sceneSnapshotsToLoad = "";
Properties p;
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