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Commit f5ff81b6 authored by Rainer Kartmann's avatar Rainer Kartmann
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Refactor and document ReadStream

parent 77adbf6a
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#include "ReadStream.h"
#include <ArmarXCore/core/time/Clock.h>
#include <RobotAPI/libraries/armem/client/query/Builder.h>
namespace armarx::armem::client
ReadStream::stream(const Reader& reader,
const MemoryID& queriedId,
CallbackT& callback,
const armarx::core::time::Frequency& maxFreq)
ReadStream::ReadStream() : metronome{armarx::core::time::Frequency::Hertz(10)}
// noone else is allowed to open a stream while this stream is running
std::scoped_lock l(runningMutex);
armarx::core::time::Metronome metronome(maxFreq);
auto timeStart = armarx::core::time::Clock::Now();
ReadStream::ReadStream(const Reader& reader,
const MemoryID& queriedId,
const core::time::Frequency& maxPollFrequency) :
reader{reader}, queriedId{queriedId}, metronome{maxPollFrequency}
timeStart = armarx::core::time::Clock::Now();
bool callbackReturnedFalse = false;
while (not streamStoppedExternally && not callbackReturnedFalse)
ReadStream::pollBlocking(SnapshotCallbackT& callback)
if (
// make sure to not busy wait. Also wait until probably data is available in first iteration
auto timeEnd = armarx::core::time::Clock::Now();
auto makeQuery = [&timeStart, &timeEnd](const MemoryID& id)
query::Builder qb;
query::CoreSegmentSelector& core = id.hasCoreSegmentName()
? qb.coreSegments().withID(id)
: qb.coreSegments().all();
query::ProviderSegmentSelector& prov = id.hasProviderSegmentName()
? core.providerSegments().withID(id)
: core.providerSegments().all();
query::EntitySelector& entity =
id.hasEntityName() ? prov.entities().withID(id) : prov.entities().all();
entity.snapshots().timeRange(timeStart, timeEnd);
throw armarx::armem::error::ReadStreamAlreadyPolling(queriedId, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
pollingStoppedExternally = false;
return qb.buildQueryInput();
auto result = _pollBlocking(callback);
auto query = makeQuery(queriedId);
isPolling = false;
return result;
auto result = reader.query(query);
ReadStream::pollAsync(SnapshotCallbackT& callback)
if (
throw armarx::armem::error::ReadStreamAlreadyPolling(queriedId, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
pollingStoppedExternally = false;
if (result.success)
using EntitySnapshotReference =
// copy references of snapshots into vector to sort them
std::vector<EntitySnapshotReference> snapshots;
[&snapshots](armarx::armem::wm::EntitySnapshot& snapshot)
{ snapshots.push_back(snapshot); });
// sort correctly
[](const EntitySnapshotReference& a, const EntitySnapshotReference& b)
{ return a.get().id().timestamp < b.get().id().timestamp; });
for (const auto& snapshot : snapshots)
// assert times in correct interval
ARMARX_CHECK_LESS_EQUAL(timeStart, snapshot.get().id().timestamp);
ARMARX_CHECK_GREATER_EQUAL(timeEnd, snapshot.get().id().timestamp);
if (!callback(snapshot.get()))
return snapshot;
this->pollingThread = std::thread([&]() { this->_pollBlocking(callback); });
timeStart = timeEnd + armarx::core::time::Duration::MicroSeconds(1);
ReadStream::_pollBlocking(SnapshotCallbackT& callback)
while (not pollingStoppedExternally)
auto snapshot = pollOnce(callback);
if (snapshot.has_value())
<< deactivateSpam()
<< "Received an error in ReadStream when querying data from a "
"memory. The error was '"
<< result.errorMessage
<< "'. Continue with stream, perhaps the memory was not yet initialized.";
return snapshot;
return std::nullopt;
ReadStream::openInBackground(const Reader& reader,
const MemoryID& queriedId,
CallbackT& continueIf,
const armarx::core::time::Frequency& maxFreq)
pollingStoppedExternally = true;
if (pollingThread.joinable())
isPolling = false;
ReadStream::pollOnce(SnapshotCallbackT& callback)
std::scoped_lock r(runningMutex);
std::scoped_lock l(threadMutex);
if (
throw armarx::armem::error::ReadStreamAlreadyPolling(queriedId, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
streaming = true;
streamStoppedExternally = true;
auto snapshot = _pollOnce(callback);
// thread is part of this streamreader. Do not detach
this->runningThread =
std::thread([&]() { this->stream(reader, queriedId, continueIf, maxFreq); });
isPolling = false;
return snapshot;
ReadStream::open(const Reader& reader,
const MemoryID& queriedId,
CallbackT& continueIf,
const armarx::core::time::Frequency& maxFreq)
ReadStream::_pollOnce(SnapshotCallbackT& callback)
std::unique_lock r(runningMutex);
std::scoped_lock l(threadMutex);
// Make sure to not busy wait. Also wait until probably data is available in first iteration.
streaming = true;
streamStoppedExternally = true;
auto timeEnd = armarx::core::time::Clock::Now();
auto makeQuery = [this, &timeEnd](const MemoryID& id)
query::Builder qb;
query::CoreSegmentSelector& core =
id.hasCoreSegmentName() ? qb.coreSegments().withID(id) : qb.coreSegments().all();
query::ProviderSegmentSelector& prov = id.hasProviderSegmentName()
? core.providerSegments().withID(id)
: core.providerSegments().all();
query::EntitySelector& entity =
id.hasEntityName() ? prov.entities().withID(id) : prov.entities().all();
entity.snapshots().timeRange(timeStart, timeEnd);
std::optional<wm::EntitySnapshot> ret = std::nullopt;
return qb.buildQueryInput();
// thread is part of this streamreader. Do not detach
this->runningThread =
std::thread([&]() { ret = this->stream(reader, queriedId, continueIf, maxFreq); });
auto query = makeQuery(queriedId);
// we keep the threadMutex to make sure that noone is replacing the thread member
auto result = reader.query(query);
if (this->runningThread.joinable())
if (result.success)
// wait until finished
using EntitySnapshotReference =
// Copy references of snapshots into vector to sort them.
std::vector<EntitySnapshotReference> snapshots;
result.memory.forEachSnapshot([&snapshots](armarx::armem::wm::EntitySnapshot& snapshot)
{ snapshots.push_back(snapshot); });
// Sort correctly.
[](const EntitySnapshotReference& a, const EntitySnapshotReference& b)
{ return a.get().id().timestamp < b.get().id().timestamp; });
// Determine the next start time.
DateTime nextStart;
if (snapshots.size() > 0)
// Because they are sorted, back() has the highest time stamp.
nextStart = snapshots.back().get().id().timestamp +
nextStart = timeStart;
// Call the callback on all snapshots.
for (const auto& snapshot : snapshots)
// Assert times in correct interval.
ARMARX_CHECK_LESS_EQUAL(timeStart, snapshot.get().id().timestamp);
ARMARX_CHECK_GREATER_EQUAL(timeEnd, snapshot.get().id().timestamp);
const bool continue_ = callback(snapshot.get());
if (not continue_)
return snapshot;
timeStart = nextStart;
<< deactivateSpam()
<< "Received an error in ReadStream when querying data from a "
"memory. The error was '"
<< result.errorMessage
<< "'. Continue with stream, perhaps the memory was not yet initialized.";
return ret;
return std::nullopt;
this->streamStoppedExternally = true;
} // namespace armarx::armem::client
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
#include <thread>
#include <ArmarXCore/core/time/Clock.h>
#include <ArmarXCore/core/time/DateTime.h>
#include <ArmarXCore/core/time/Duration.h>
#include <ArmarXCore/core/time/Frequency.h>
#include <ArmarXCore/core/time/Metronome.h>
#include <RobotAPI/libraries/armem/client/query/Builder.h>
#include <RobotAPI/libraries/armem/core/MemoryID.h>
#include <RobotAPI/libraries/armem/core/wm.h>
#include <RobotAPI/libraries/armem/core/wm/memory_definitions.h>
#include "Reader.h"
namespace armarx::armem::client
* @brief A readstream from the memory.
* @brief A stream reading entity snapshots from the memory.
* After constructing a ReadStream, polling can be started in three ways:
* 1. Run a polling loop in this thread, blocking execution until terminated.
* See pollBlocking().
* 2. Run a polling loop in a new, separate thread, until it is stopped via stop().
* See pollAsync() and stop().
* 3. Perform a single query and process the result, embedded in your own loop or other control
* flow logic.
* See pollOnce().
class ReadStream
using CallbackT = std::function<bool(const wm::EntitySnapshot&)>;
/// Opens a stream and asyncronouely queries the memory and calls the callback function until the callback returns False.
void openInBackground(const Reader& reader,
const MemoryID& queriedId,
CallbackT& callback,
const armarx::core::time::Frequency& maxFreq =
/// close an opened stream
void close();
/// open a stream and block until the stop function returns True. Return the object that yielded True.
std::optional<wm::EntitySnapshot> open(const Reader& reader,
const MemoryID& queriedId,
CallbackT& stopIf,
const armarx::core::time::Frequency& maxFreq =
std::optional<wm::EntitySnapshot> stream(const Reader& reader,
const MemoryID& queriedId,
CallbackT& callback,
const armarx::core::time::Frequency& maxFreq);
* @brief Callback called on each entity snapshot in the queried ID.
* If it returns false, the stream is stopped.
using SnapshotCallbackT = std::function<bool(const wm::EntitySnapshot&)>;
* @brief Inizialize a ReadStream which does not represent a stream.
* @brief Initialize a read stream.
* @param reader
* The reader to perform the queries.
* @param queriedId
* The memory ID in which all snapshots should be processed by the stream.
* @param maxPollFrequency
* The maximum frequency with which queries are performed. The
* real frequency might be lower.
ReadStream(const Reader& reader,
const MemoryID& queriedId,
const armarx::core::time::Frequency& maxPollFrequency =
* @brief Poll in this thread as long as callback returns true.
* @param callback Function to call on each entity snapshot.
* @return The snapshot object that returns false.
* @throw armarx::armem::error::ReadStreamAlreadyPolling If the stream is already polling.
std::optional<wm::EntitySnapshot> pollBlocking(SnapshotCallbackT& callback);
* @brief Poll in a new thread as long as callback returns true.
* Note that callback will be called in a separate thread, so take care of synchronizing
* access to variables in the callback appropriately.
* Roughly equivalent to:
* @code
* std::thread thread([]() { stream.pollBlocking(); });
* @endcode
* @param callback Function to call on each entity snapshot.
* @throw armarx::armem::error::ReadStreamAlreadyPolling If the stream is already polling.
void pollAsync(SnapshotCallbackT& callback);
* @brief Stop a running polling loop.
* If a polling thread has been started by pollAsync() before, joins the thread.
void stop();
* @brief Perform one query and call the callbacks on each snapshot.
* This allows you to define your own loop, for example:
* @code
* bool condition = true;
* while (condition)
* {
* auto snapshot = stream.pollOnce(callback);
* ...
* if (...)
* {
* condition = false;
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @param callback Function to call on each entity snapshot.
* @throw armarx::armem::error::ReadStreamAlreadyPolling If the stream is already polling.
std::optional<wm::EntitySnapshot> pollOnce(SnapshotCallbackT& callback);
std::optional<wm::EntitySnapshot> _pollBlocking(SnapshotCallbackT& callback);
std::optional<wm::EntitySnapshot> _pollOnce(SnapshotCallbackT& callback);
mutable std::mutex runningMutex;
mutable std::mutex threadMutex;
std::thread runningThread;
Reader reader;
MemoryID queriedId;
armarx::core::time::Metronome metronome;
armarx::DateTime timeStart;
std::atomic_bool isPolling = false;
std::atomic_bool pollingStoppedExternally = false;
std::atomic_bool streaming = false;
std::atomic_bool streamStoppedExternally = false;
std::thread pollingThread;
} // namespace armarx::armem::client
......@@ -246,4 +246,19 @@ namespace armarx::armem::error
return sstream.str();
ReadStreamAlreadyPolling::ReadStreamAlreadyPolling(const MemoryID& queriedId,
const std::string& calledFunction) :
ArMemError(makeMsg(queriedId, calledFunction))
ReadStreamAlreadyPolling::makeMsg(const MemoryID& queriedId, const std::string& calledFunction)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "The ReadStream for " << queriedId << " was already running when " << calledFunction
<< " was called.";
return ss.str();
} // namespace armarx::armem::error
......@@ -220,4 +220,15 @@ namespace armarx::armem::error
static std::string makeMsg(const std::string& proxyName, const std::string& message = "");
* @brief Indicates that a ReadStream is already polling when a polling method was called.
class ReadStreamAlreadyPolling : public ArMemError
ReadStreamAlreadyPolling(const MemoryID& queriedId, const std::string& calledFunction);
static std::string makeMsg(const MemoryID& queriedId, const std::string& calledFunction);
} // namespace armarx::armem::error
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