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#include <iostream>

#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>

#include "rbdl/rbdl.h"
#include "model_generator.h"
#include "Human36Model.h"
#include "SampleData.h"
#include "Timer.h"

#include "../addons/luamodel/luamodel.h"
bool have_luamodel = true;
bool have_luamodel = false;

#include "../addons/urdfreader/urdfreader.h"
bool have_urdfreader = true;
bool urdf_floating_base = false;
bool have_urdfreader = false;

using namespace std;
using namespace RigidBodyDynamics;
using namespace RigidBodyDynamics::Math;

int benchmark_sample_count = 1000;
int benchmark_model_max_depth = 5;

bool benchmark_run_fd_aba = true;
bool benchmark_run_fd_lagrangian = true;
bool benchmark_run_id_rnea = true;
bool benchmark_run_crba = true;
bool benchmark_run_nle = true;
bool benchmark_run_calc_minv_times_tau = true;
bool benchmark_run_contacts = false;

string model_file = "";

enum ContactsMethod {
  ContactsMethodLagrangian = 0,

double run_forward_dynamics_ABA_benchmark (Model *model, int sample_count) {
  SampleData sample_data;
  sample_data.fillRandom(model->dof_count, sample_count);

  TimerInfo tinfo;
  timer_start (&tinfo);

  for (int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++) {
    ForwardDynamics (*model,

  double duration = timer_stop (&tinfo);

  cout << "#DOF: " << setw(3) << model->dof_count 
    << " #samples: " << sample_count 
    << " duration = " << setw(10) << duration << "(s)"
    << " (~" << setw(10) << duration / sample_count << "(s) per call)" << endl;

  return duration;

double run_forward_dynamics_lagrangian_benchmark (Model *model, int sample_count) {
  SampleData sample_data;
  sample_data.fillRandom(model->dof_count, sample_count);

  TimerInfo tinfo;
  timer_start (&tinfo);

  MatrixNd H (MatrixNd::Zero(model->dof_count, model->dof_count));
  VectorNd C (VectorNd::Zero(model->dof_count));

  for (int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++) {
    ForwardDynamicsLagrangian (*model,

  double duration = timer_stop (&tinfo);

  cout << "#DOF: " << setw(3) << model->dof_count 
    << " #samples: " << sample_count 
    << " duration = " << setw(10) << duration << "(s)"
    << " (~" << setw(10) << duration / sample_count << "(s) per call)" << endl;

  return duration;

double run_inverse_dynamics_RNEA_benchmark (Model *model, int sample_count) {
  SampleData sample_data;
  sample_data.fillRandom(model->dof_count, sample_count);

  TimerInfo tinfo;
  timer_start (&tinfo);

  for (int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++) {
    InverseDynamics (*model,

  double duration = timer_stop (&tinfo);

  cout << "#DOF: " << setw(3) << model->dof_count 
    << " #samples: " << sample_count 
    << " duration = " << setw(10) << duration << "(s)"
    << " (~" << setw(10) << duration / sample_count << "(s) per call)" << endl;

  return duration;

double run_CRBA_benchmark (Model *model, int sample_count) {
  SampleData sample_data;
  sample_data.fillRandom(model->dof_count, sample_count);

  Math::MatrixNd H = Math::MatrixNd::Zero(model->dof_count, model->dof_count);
  Math::MatrixNd identity = Math::MatrixNd::Identity(model->dof_count, model->dof_count);
  Math::MatrixNd Hinv = Math::MatrixNd::Zero(model->dof_count, model->dof_count);

  TimerInfo tinfo;
  timer_start (&tinfo);

  for (int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++) {
    CompositeRigidBodyAlgorithm (*model, sample_data.q[i], H, true);

  double duration = timer_stop (&tinfo);

  cout << "#DOF: " << setw(3) << model->dof_count 
    << " #samples: " << sample_count 
    << " duration = " << setw(10) << duration << "(s)"
    << " (~" << setw(10) << duration / sample_count << "(s) per call)" << endl;

  return duration;

double run_nle_benchmark (Model *model, int sample_count) {
  SampleData sample_data;
  sample_data.fillRandom(model->dof_count, sample_count);

  TimerInfo tinfo;
  timer_start (&tinfo);

  for (int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++) {
    NonlinearEffects (*model,

  double duration = timer_stop (&tinfo);

  cout << "#DOF: " << setw(3) << model->dof_count 
    << " #samples: " << sample_count 
    << " duration = " << setw(10) << duration << "(s)"
    << " (~" << setw(10) << duration / sample_count << "(s) per call)" << endl;

  return duration;

double run_calc_minv_times_tau_benchmark (Model *model, int sample_count) {
  SampleData sample_data;
  sample_data.fillRandom(model->dof_count, sample_count);

  CalcMInvTimesTau (*model, sample_data.q[0], sample_data.tau[0], sample_data.qddot[0]);

  TimerInfo tinfo;
  timer_start (&tinfo);

  for (int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++) {
    CalcMInvTimesTau (*model, sample_data.q[i], sample_data.tau[i], sample_data.qddot[i]);

  double duration = timer_stop (&tinfo);

  cout << "#DOF: " << setw(3) << model->dof_count 
    << " #samples: " << sample_count 
    << " duration = " << setw(10) << duration << "(s)"
    << " (~" << setw(10) << duration / sample_count << "(s) per call)" << endl;

  return duration;

double run_contacts_lagrangian_benchmark (Model *model, ConstraintSet *constraint_set, int sample_count) {
  SampleData sample_data;
  sample_data.fillRandom(model->dof_count, sample_count);

  TimerInfo tinfo;
  timer_start (&tinfo);

  for (int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++) {
    ForwardDynamicsConstraintsDirect (*model, sample_data.q[i], sample_data.qdot[i], sample_data.tau[i], *constraint_set, sample_data.qddot[i]); 

  double duration = timer_stop (&tinfo);

  return duration;

double run_contacts_lagrangian_sparse_benchmark (Model *model, ConstraintSet *constraint_set, int sample_count) {
  SampleData sample_data;
  sample_data.fillRandom(model->dof_count, sample_count);

  TimerInfo tinfo;
  timer_start (&tinfo);

  for (int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++) {
    ForwardDynamicsConstraintsRangeSpaceSparse (*model, sample_data.q[i], sample_data.qdot[i], sample_data.tau[i], *constraint_set, sample_data.qddot[i]); 

  double duration = timer_stop (&tinfo);

  return duration;

double run_contacts_null_space (Model *model, ConstraintSet *constraint_set, int sample_count) {
  SampleData sample_data;
  sample_data.fillRandom(model->dof_count, sample_count);

  TimerInfo tinfo;
  timer_start (&tinfo);

  for (int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++) {
    ForwardDynamicsConstraintsNullSpace (*model, sample_data.q[i], sample_data.qdot[i], sample_data.tau[i], *constraint_set, sample_data.qddot[i]); 

  double duration = timer_stop (&tinfo);

  return duration;

double run_contacts_kokkevis_benchmark (Model *model, ConstraintSet *constraint_set, int sample_count) {
  SampleData sample_data;
  sample_data.fillRandom(model->dof_count, sample_count);

  TimerInfo tinfo;
  timer_start (&tinfo);

  for (int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++) {
    ForwardDynamicsContactsKokkevis(*model, sample_data.q[i], sample_data.qdot[i], sample_data.tau[i], *constraint_set, sample_data.qddot[i]); 

  double duration = timer_stop (&tinfo);

  return duration;

double contacts_benchmark (int sample_count, ContactsMethod contacts_method) {
  // initialize the human model
  Model *model = new Model();
  // initialize the constraint sets
  unsigned int foot_r = model->GetBodyId ("foot_r");
  unsigned int foot_l = model->GetBodyId ("foot_l");
  unsigned int hand_r = model->GetBodyId ("hand_r");
  unsigned int hand_l = model->GetBodyId ("hand_l");

  ConstraintSet one_body_one_constraint;
  ConstraintSet two_bodies_one_constraint;
  ConstraintSet four_bodies_one_constraint;

  ConstraintSet one_body_four_constraints;
  ConstraintSet two_bodies_four_constraints;
  ConstraintSet four_bodies_four_constraints;

  LinearSolver linear_solver = LinearSolverPartialPivLU;

  one_body_one_constraint.linear_solver = linear_solver;
  two_bodies_one_constraint.linear_solver = linear_solver;
  four_bodies_one_constraint.linear_solver = linear_solver;
  one_body_four_constraints.linear_solver = linear_solver;
  two_bodies_four_constraints.linear_solver = linear_solver;
  four_bodies_four_constraints.linear_solver = linear_solver;

  // one_body_one
  one_body_one_constraint.AddContactConstraint (foot_r, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));
  one_body_one_constraint.Bind (*model);

  // two_bodies_one
  two_bodies_one_constraint.AddContactConstraint (foot_r, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));
  two_bodies_one_constraint.AddContactConstraint (foot_l, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));
  two_bodies_one_constraint.Bind (*model);

  // four_bodies_one
  four_bodies_one_constraint.AddContactConstraint (foot_r, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));
  four_bodies_one_constraint.AddContactConstraint (foot_l, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));
  four_bodies_one_constraint.AddContactConstraint (hand_r, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));
  four_bodies_one_constraint.AddContactConstraint (hand_l, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));
  four_bodies_one_constraint.Bind (*model);

  // one_body_four
  one_body_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_r, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));
  one_body_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_r, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (0., 1., 0.));
  one_body_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_r, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (0., 0., 1.));
  one_body_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_r, Vector3d (-0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));
  one_body_four_constraints.Bind (*model);	

  // two_bodies_four
  two_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_r, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));
  two_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_r, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (0., 1., 0.));
  two_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_r, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (0., 0., 1.));
  two_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_r, Vector3d (-0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));

  two_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_l, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));
  two_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_l, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (0., 1., 0.));
  two_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_l, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (0., 0., 1.));
  two_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_l, Vector3d (-0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));

  two_bodies_four_constraints.Bind (*model);

  // four_bodies_four
  four_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_r, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));
  four_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_r, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (0., 1., 0.));
  four_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_r, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (0., 0., 1.));
  four_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_r, Vector3d (-0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));

  four_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_l, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));
  four_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_l, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (0., 1., 0.));
  four_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_l, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (0., 0., 1.));
  four_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (foot_l, Vector3d (-0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));
  four_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (hand_r, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));
  four_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (hand_r, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (0., 1., 0.));
  four_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (hand_r, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (0., 0., 1.));
  four_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (hand_r, Vector3d (-0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));

  four_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (hand_l, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));
  four_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (hand_l, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (0., 1., 0.));
  four_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (hand_l, Vector3d (0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (0., 0., 1.));
  four_bodies_four_constraints.AddContactConstraint (hand_l, Vector3d (-0.1, 0., -0.05), Vector3d (1., 0., 0.));

  four_bodies_four_constraints.Bind (*model);

  cout << "= #DOF: " << setw(3) << model->dof_count << endl;
  cout << "= #samples: " << sample_count << endl;
  cout << "= No constraints (Articulated Body Algorithm):" << endl;
  run_forward_dynamics_ABA_benchmark (model, sample_count);
  cout << "= Constraints:" << endl;
  double duration;

  // one body one
  if (contacts_method == ContactsMethodLagrangian) {
    duration = run_contacts_lagrangian_benchmark (model, &one_body_one_constraint, sample_count);
  } else if (contacts_method == ContactsMethodRangeSpaceSparse) {
    duration = run_contacts_lagrangian_sparse_benchmark (model, &one_body_one_constraint, sample_count);
  } else if (contacts_method == ContactsMethodNullSpace) {
    duration = run_contacts_null_space (model, &one_body_one_constraint, sample_count);
  } else {
    duration = run_contacts_kokkevis_benchmark (model, &one_body_one_constraint, sample_count);

  cout << "ConstraintSet: 1 Body 1 Constraint   : "
    << " duration = " << setw(10) << duration << "(s)"
    << " (~" << setw(10) << duration / sample_count << "(s) per call)" << endl;

  // two_bodies_one
  if (contacts_method == ContactsMethodLagrangian) {
    duration = run_contacts_lagrangian_benchmark (model, &two_bodies_one_constraint, sample_count);
  } else if (contacts_method == ContactsMethodRangeSpaceSparse) {
    duration = run_contacts_lagrangian_sparse_benchmark (model, &two_bodies_one_constraint, sample_count);
  } else if (contacts_method == ContactsMethodNullSpace) {
    duration = run_contacts_null_space (model, &two_bodies_one_constraint, sample_count);
  } else {
    duration = run_contacts_kokkevis_benchmark (model, &two_bodies_one_constraint, sample_count);

  cout << "ConstraintSet: 2 Bodies 1 Constraint : "
    << " duration = " << setw(10) << duration << "(s)"
    << " (~" << setw(10) << duration / sample_count << "(s) per call)" << endl;

  // four_bodies_one
  if (contacts_method == ContactsMethodLagrangian) {
    duration = run_contacts_lagrangian_benchmark (model, &four_bodies_one_constraint, sample_count);
  } else if (contacts_method == ContactsMethodRangeSpaceSparse) {
    duration = run_contacts_lagrangian_sparse_benchmark (model, &four_bodies_one_constraint, sample_count);
  } else if (contacts_method == ContactsMethodNullSpace) {
    duration = run_contacts_null_space (model, &four_bodies_one_constraint, sample_count);
  } else {
    duration = run_contacts_kokkevis_benchmark (model, &four_bodies_one_constraint, sample_count);

  cout << "ConstraintSet: 4 Bodies 1 Constraint : "
    << " duration = " << setw(10) << duration << "(s)"
    << " (~" << setw(10) << duration / sample_count << "(s) per call)" << endl;

  // one_body_four
  if (contacts_method == ContactsMethodLagrangian) {
    duration = run_contacts_lagrangian_benchmark (model, &one_body_four_constraints, sample_count);
  } else if (contacts_method == ContactsMethodRangeSpaceSparse) {
    duration = run_contacts_lagrangian_sparse_benchmark (model, &one_body_four_constraints, sample_count);
  } else if (contacts_method == ContactsMethodNullSpace) {
    duration = run_contacts_null_space (model, &one_body_four_constraints, sample_count);
  } else {
    duration = run_contacts_kokkevis_benchmark (model, &one_body_four_constraints, sample_count);

  cout << "ConstraintSet: 1 Body 4 Constraints  : "
    << " duration = " << setw(10) << duration << "(s)"
    << " (~" << setw(10) << duration / sample_count << "(s) per call)" << endl;

  // two_bodies_four
  if (contacts_method == ContactsMethodLagrangian) {
    duration = run_contacts_lagrangian_benchmark (model, &two_bodies_four_constraints, sample_count);
  } else if (contacts_method == ContactsMethodRangeSpaceSparse) {
    duration = run_contacts_lagrangian_sparse_benchmark (model, &two_bodies_four_constraints, sample_count);
  } else if (contacts_method == ContactsMethodNullSpace) {
    duration = run_contacts_null_space (model, &two_bodies_four_constraints, sample_count);
  } else {
    duration = run_contacts_kokkevis_benchmark (model, &two_bodies_four_constraints, sample_count);

  cout << "ConstraintSet: 2 Bodies 4 Constraints: "
    << " duration = " << setw(10) << duration << "(s)"
    << " (~" << setw(10) << duration / sample_count << "(s) per call)" << endl;

  // four_bodies_four
  if (contacts_method == ContactsMethodLagrangian) {
    duration = run_contacts_lagrangian_benchmark (model, &four_bodies_four_constraints, sample_count);
  } else if (contacts_method == ContactsMethodRangeSpaceSparse) {
    duration = run_contacts_lagrangian_sparse_benchmark (model, &four_bodies_four_constraints, sample_count);
  } else if (contacts_method == ContactsMethodNullSpace) {
    duration = run_contacts_null_space (model, &four_bodies_four_constraints, sample_count);
  } else {
    duration = run_contacts_kokkevis_benchmark (model, &four_bodies_four_constraints, sample_count);

  cout << "ConstraintSet: 4 Bodies 4 Constraints: "
    << " duration = " << setw(10) << duration << "(s)"
    << " (~" << setw(10) << duration / sample_count << "(s) per call)" << endl;

  delete model;

  return duration;

void print_usage () {
  cout << "Usage: benchmark [--count|-c <sample_count>] [--depth|-d <depth>] <model.lua>" << endl;
  cout << "Usage: benchmark [--count|-c <sample_count>] [--depth|-d <depth>]" << endl;
  cout << "Simple benchmark tool for the Rigid Body Dynamics Library." << endl;
  cout << "  --count | -c <sample_count> : sets the number of sample states that should" << endl;
  cout << "                be calculated (default: 1000)" << endl;
  cout << "  --depth | -d <depth>        : sets maximum depth for the branched test model" << endl;
  cout << "                which is created increased from 1 to <depth> (default: 5)." << endl;
  cout << "  --floating-base | -f        : the specified URDF model is a floating base model." << endl;
  cout << "  --no-fd                     : disables benchmarking of forward dynamics." << endl;
  cout << "  --no-fd-aba                 : disables benchmark for forwards dynamics using" << endl;
  cout << "                                the Articulated Body Algorithm" << endl;
  cout << "  --no-fd-lagrangian          : disables benchmark for forward dynamics via" << endl;
  cout << "                                solving the lagrangian equation." << endl;
  cout << "  --no-id-rnea                : disables benchmark for inverse dynamics using" << endl;
  cout << "                                the recursive newton euler algorithm." << endl;
  cout << "  --no-crba                   : disables benchmark for joint space inertia" << endl;
  cout << "                                matrix computation using the composite rigid" << endl;
  cout << "                                body algorithm." << endl;
  cout << "  --no-nle                    : disables benchmark for the nonlinear effects." << endl;
  cout << "  --no-calc-minv              : disables benchmark M^-1 * tau benchmark." << endl;
  cout << "  --only-contacts | -C        : only runs contact model benchmarks." << endl;
  cout << "  --only-ik                   : only runs inverse kinematics benchmarks." << endl;
  cout << "  --help | -h                 : prints this help." << endl;

void disable_all_benchmarks () {
  benchmark_run_fd_aba = false;
  benchmark_run_fd_lagrangian = false;
  benchmark_run_id_rnea = false;
  benchmark_run_crba = false;
  benchmark_run_nle = false;
  benchmark_run_calc_minv_times_tau = false;
  benchmark_run_contacts = false;

void parse_args (int argc, char* argv[]) {
  int argi = 1;

  while (argi < argc) {
    string arg = argv[argi];

    if (arg == "--help" || arg == "-h") {
      exit (1);
    } else if (arg == "--count" || arg == "-c" ) {
      if (argi == argc - 1) {

        cerr << "Error: missing number of samples!" << endl;
        exit (1);

      stringstream count_stream (argv[argi]);

      count_stream >> benchmark_sample_count;
    } else if (arg == "--depth" || arg == "-d" ) {
      if (argi == argc - 1) {

        cerr << "Error: missing number for model depth!" << endl;
        exit (1);

      stringstream depth_stream (argv[argi]);

      depth_stream >> benchmark_model_max_depth;
    } else if (arg == "--floating-base" || arg == "-f") {
      urdf_floating_base = true;
    } else if (arg == "--no-fd" ) {
      benchmark_run_fd_aba = false;
      benchmark_run_fd_lagrangian = false;
    } else if (arg == "--no-fd-aba" ) {
      benchmark_run_fd_aba = false;
    } else if (arg == "--no-fd-lagrangian" ) {
      benchmark_run_fd_lagrangian = false;
    } else if (arg == "--no-id-rnea" ) {
      benchmark_run_id_rnea = false;
    } else if (arg == "--no-crba" ) {
      benchmark_run_crba = false;
    } else if (arg == "--no-nle" ) {
      benchmark_run_nle = false;
    } else if (arg == "--no-calc-minv" ) {
      benchmark_run_calc_minv_times_tau = false;
    } else if (arg == "--only-contacts" || arg == "-C") {
      benchmark_run_contacts = true;
    } else if (model_file == "") {
      model_file = arg;
    } else {
      cerr << "Invalid argument '" << arg << "'." << endl;

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
  parse_args (argc, argv);

  Model *model = NULL;

  model = new Model();

  if (model_file != "") {
    if (model_file.substr (model_file.size() - 4, 4) == ".lua") {
      RigidBodyDynamics::Addons::LuaModelReadFromFile (model_file.c_str(), model);
      cerr << "Could not load Lua model: LuaModel addon not enabled!" << endl;
    if (model_file.substr (model_file.size() - 5, 5) == ".urdf") {
      RigidBodyDynamics::Addons::URDFReadFromFile(model_file.c_str(), model, urdf_floating_base);
      cerr << "Could not load URDF model: urdfreader addon not enabled!" << endl;

    if (benchmark_run_fd_aba) {
      cout << "= Forward Dynamics: ABA =" << endl;
      run_forward_dynamics_ABA_benchmark (model, benchmark_sample_count);

    if (benchmark_run_fd_lagrangian) {
      cout << "= Forward Dynamics: Lagrangian (Piv. LU decomposition) =" << endl;
      run_forward_dynamics_lagrangian_benchmark (model, benchmark_sample_count);

    if (benchmark_run_id_rnea) {
      cout << "= Inverse Dynamics: RNEA =" << endl;
      run_inverse_dynamics_RNEA_benchmark (model, benchmark_sample_count);

    if (benchmark_run_crba) {
      cout << "= Joint Space Inertia Matrix: CRBA =" << endl;
      run_CRBA_benchmark (model, benchmark_sample_count);

    if (benchmark_run_nle) {
      cout << "= Nonlinear effects  =" << endl;
      run_nle_benchmark (model, benchmark_sample_count);

    delete model;

    return 0;
  cout << endl;

  if (benchmark_run_fd_aba) {
    cout << "= Forward Dynamics: ABA =" << endl;
    for (int depth = 1; depth <= benchmark_model_max_depth; depth++) {
      model = new Model();
      model->gravity = Vector3d (0., -9.81, 0.);

      generate_planar_tree (model, depth);

      run_forward_dynamics_ABA_benchmark (model, benchmark_sample_count);

      delete model;
    cout << endl;

  if (benchmark_run_fd_lagrangian) {
    cout << "= Forward Dynamics: Lagrangian (Piv. LU decomposition) =" << endl;
    for (int depth = 1; depth <= benchmark_model_max_depth; depth++) {
      model = new Model();
      model->gravity = Vector3d (0., -9.81, 0.);

      generate_planar_tree (model, depth);

      run_forward_dynamics_lagrangian_benchmark (model, benchmark_sample_count);

      delete model;
    cout << endl;

  if (benchmark_run_id_rnea) {
    cout << "= Inverse Dynamics: RNEA =" << endl;
    for (int depth = 1; depth <= benchmark_model_max_depth; depth++) {
      model = new Model();
      model->gravity = Vector3d (0., -9.81, 0.);

      generate_planar_tree (model, depth);

      run_inverse_dynamics_RNEA_benchmark (model, benchmark_sample_count);

      delete model;
    cout << endl;

  if (benchmark_run_crba) {
    cout << "= Joint Space Inertia Matrix: CRBA =" << endl;
    for (int depth = 1; depth <= benchmark_model_max_depth; depth++) {
      model = new Model();
      model->gravity = Vector3d (0., -9.81, 0.);

      generate_planar_tree (model, depth);

      run_CRBA_benchmark (model, benchmark_sample_count);

      delete model;
    cout << endl;

  if (benchmark_run_nle) {
    cout << "= Nonlinear Effects =" << endl;
    for (int depth = 1; depth <= benchmark_model_max_depth; depth++) {
      model = new Model();
      model->gravity = Vector3d (0., -9.81, 0.);

      generate_planar_tree (model, depth);

      run_nle_benchmark (model, benchmark_sample_count);

      delete model;
    cout << endl;

  if (benchmark_run_calc_minv_times_tau) {
    cout << "= CalcMInvTimesTau =" << endl;
    for (int depth = 1; depth <= benchmark_model_max_depth; depth++) {
      model = new Model();
      model->gravity = Vector3d (0., -9.81, 0.);

      generate_planar_tree (model, depth);

      run_calc_minv_times_tau_benchmark (model, benchmark_sample_count);

      delete model;
    cout << endl;

  if (benchmark_run_contacts) {
    cout << "= Contacts: ForwardDynamicsConstraintsLagrangian" << endl;
    contacts_benchmark (benchmark_sample_count, ContactsMethodLagrangian);

    cout << "= Contacts: ForwardDynamicsConstraintsRangeSpaceSparse" << endl;
    contacts_benchmark (benchmark_sample_count, ContactsMethodRangeSpaceSparse);

    cout << "= Contacts: ForwardDynamicsConstraintsNullSpace" << endl;
    contacts_benchmark (benchmark_sample_count, ContactsMethodNullSpace);

    cout << "= Contacts: ForwardDynamicsContactsKokkevis" << endl;
    contacts_benchmark (benchmark_sample_count, ContactsMethodKokkevis);

  return 0;