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Nikolaus Vahrenkamp's avatar
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 * This file is part of ArmarX.
 * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
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Nikolaus Vahrenkamp committed
 * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
 * @package    RobotComponents::ArmarXObjects::MMMPlayer
 * @author     Mirko Waechter ( mirko dot waechter at kit dot edu )
 * @date       2014
 * @copyright
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 *             GNU General Public License

#ifndef _ARMARX_COMPONENT_RobotComponents_MMMPlayer_H
#define _ARMARX_COMPONENT_RobotComponents_MMMPlayer_H

#include <MMM/Motion/Motion.h>

#include <ArmarXCore/core/Component.h>
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#include <RobotAPI/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterface.h>

#include <ArmarXCore/core/services/tasks/PeriodicTask.h>
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#include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/PIDController.h>

#include <ArmarXCore/interface/observers/ObserverInterface.h>
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#include <RobotComponents/interface/components/MMMPlayerInterface.h>

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Nikolaus Vahrenkamp committed
namespace armarx
     * \class MMMPlayerPropertyDefinitions
     * \brief
    class MMMPlayerPropertyDefinitions:
        public ComponentPropertyDefinitions
        MMMPlayerPropertyDefinitions(std::string prefix):
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Nikolaus Vahrenkamp committed
            defineRequiredProperty<std::string>("KinematicUnitName", "Name of the KinematicUnit to which the joint values should be sent");
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Nikolaus Vahrenkamp committed
            defineRequiredProperty<std::string>("KinematicTopicName", "Name of the KinematicUnit reporting topic");
            defineOptionalProperty<std::string>("ArmarXProjects", "", "Comma-separated list with names of ArmarXProjects (e.g. 'Armar3,Armar4'). The MMM XML File can be specified relatively to a data path of one of these projects.");
            defineOptionalProperty<std::string>("MMMFile", "", "Path to MMM XML File");
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Nikolaus Vahrenkamp committed
            defineOptionalProperty<float>("FPS", 100.0f, "FPS with which the recording should be executed. Velocities will be adapted.");
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Patrick Grube committed
            defineOptionalProperty<bool>("LoopPlayback", false, "Specify whether motion should be repeated after execution")
            .map("true",    true)
            .map("yes",     true)
            .map("1",       true)
            .map("false",   false)
            .map("no",      false)
            .map("0",       false);
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Nikolaus Vahrenkamp committed
            defineOptionalProperty<bool>("UsePIDController", true, "Specify whether the PID Controller should be used")
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            .map("true",    true)
            .map("yes",     true)
            .map("1",       true)
            .map("false",   false)
            .map("no",      false)
            .map("0",       false);
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            defineOptionalProperty<float>("Kp", 1.f, "Proportional gain value of PID Controller");
            defineOptionalProperty<float>("Ki", 0.00001f, "Integral gain value of PID Controller");
            defineOptionalProperty<float>("Kd", 1.0f, "Differential gain value of PID Controller");
            defineOptionalProperty<float>("absMaximumVelocity", 120.0f, "The PID will never set a velocity above this threshold in degree");
            defineOptionalProperty<std::string>("RobotNodeSetName", "RobotState", "The name of the robot node set to be used (only need for PIDController mode)");


Mirko Wächter's avatar
Mirko Wächter committed
     * \defgroup Component-MMMPlayer MMMPlayer
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Nikolaus Vahrenkamp committed
     * \ingroup RobotComponents-Components
     * \brief Replays an MMM trajectory from a file.
     * MMMPlayer reads an MMM trajectory from an MMM XML file (component property) and replays the motion using the KinematicUnit and its currently loaded robot.
     * The trajectory can be replayed using position control or velocity control.
     * In the latter case, the control parameters (P, I, D) can be configured via component properties.
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Mirko Wächter committed

     * @ingroup Component-MMMPlayer
     * @brief The MMMPlayer class
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    class MMMPlayer :
        virtual public armarx::Component,
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    public armarx::MMMPlayerInterface
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         * @see armarx::ManagedIceObject::getDefaultName()
        virtual std::string getDefaultName() const
            return "MMMPlayer";

         * @see armarx::ManagedIceObject::onInitComponent()
        virtual void onInitComponent();

         * @see armarx::ManagedIceObject::onConnectComponent()
        virtual void onConnectComponent();

         * @see armarx::ManagedIceObject::onDisconnectComponent()
        virtual void onDisconnectComponent();

         * @see armarx::ManagedIceObject::onExitComponent()
        virtual void onExitComponent();

         * @see PropertyUser::createPropertyDefinitions()
        virtual PropertyDefinitionsPtr createPropertyDefinitions();

        void run();
        void setJointAngles(int frameNumber);
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        MMM::MotionPtr motion;
        KinematicUnitInterfacePrx kinematicUnit;
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        DebugObserverInterfacePrx debugObserver;
        PeriodicTask<MMMPlayer>::pointer_type task;
        StringList jointNames;
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        NameValueMap jointNamesUsed;
        std::string motionPath;
        bool usePIDController;
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        int currentFrame;
        double currentMotionTime, frameOffset;
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        float motionFPS;
        float desiredFPS;
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        std::map<std::string, PIDControllerPtr> PIDs;
        NameValueMap targetPositionValues;
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        NameValueMap nullVelocities;
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        IceUtil::Time motionStartTime;
        //        float start, end;
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        int direction;
        NameValueMap jointOffets;
        float maxVel;
        bool start();
        bool pause();
        bool stop();
        void load(const std::string& filename, const std::string& projects);
        void updatePIDController(const NameValueMap& angles);
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        RecursiveMutex mmmMutex;
        NameValueMap latestJointAngles;
        Mutex jointAnglesMutex;
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        bool paused;
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        // MMMPlayerInterface
        virtual bool startMMMPlayer(const Ice::Current&);
        virtual bool pauseMMMPlayer(const Ice::Current&);
        virtual bool stopMMMPlayer(const Ice::Current&);
        virtual bool loadTrajectory(const std::string& filename, const std::string& projects, const Ice::Current&);
        virtual int getNumberOfFrames(const Ice::Current&);
        virtual int getCurrentFrame(const Ice::Current&);
        virtual void setCurrentFrame(const int frame, const Ice::Current&);
        virtual bool setLoopPlayback(bool loop, const Ice::Current&);
        virtual std::string getMotionPath(const Ice::Current&);
        virtual StringList getJointNames(const Ice::Current&);
        virtual int setUsePID(bool usePID, const Ice::Current&);
        virtual void setFPS(float FPS, const Ice::Current&);
        virtual bool setJointsInUse(const std::string& jointName, bool inUse, const Ice::Current&);
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        // KinematicUnitListener interface
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        void reportControlModeChanged(const NameControlModeMap&, bool, const Ice::Current&) {}
        void reportJointAngles(const NameValueMap& angles, bool, const Ice::Current&);
        void reportJointVelocities(const NameValueMap&, bool, const Ice::Current&) {}
        void reportJointTorques(const NameValueMap&, bool, const Ice::Current&) {}
        void reportJointAccelerations(const NameValueMap&, bool, const Ice::Current&) {}
        void reportJointCurrents(const NameValueMap&, bool, const Ice::Current&) {}
        void reportJointMotorTemperatures(const NameValueMap&, bool, const Ice::Current&) {}
        void reportJointStatuses(const NameStatusMap&, bool, const Ice::Current&) {}