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Commit 76baa62c authored by Christian Dreher's avatar Christian Dreher
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fix: Transfer gaze targets to a dedicated gaze root frame (relative to head...

fix: Transfer gaze targets to a dedicated gaze root frame (relative to head base frame); Normalize calculation of pitch depending on selected yaw.

The issue here was that the calibration using the quadratic regression worked okay for yaw=0. However, as soon as there is a small tilt of the head base frame (i.e., the robot root frame and the head root frame where not parallel as in ARMAR-6), this calculation failed and resulted in a sinuidal movement of the head when the platform was rotated.
To fix this, the gaze targets are now transformed to a gaze root frame which in turn is relative to the head frame. Additionally, the target yaw is compensated before calculating the pitch.
parent 0063153e
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"params": {
"gazeRootNodeName": "Gaze_Root",
"cameraNodeName": "VirtualCentralGaze",
"hemiANodeName": "Neck_2_Hemisphere_A",
"hemiBNodeName": "Neck_3_Hemisphere_B",
......@@ -19,9 +19,10 @@ armarx_add_library(gaze_controller_hemisphere
RobotUnit # RobotAPI
#include "GazeController.h"
#include <ArmarXCore/core/logging/Logging.h>
......@@ -42,6 +41,8 @@ namespace armarx::view_selection::gaze_controller::hemisphere
_rtGazeNodeName = configData.params.gazeRootNodeName;
_rtGazeNode = _rtRobot->getRobotNode(_rtGazeNodeName);
_rtCameraNode = _rtRobot->getRobotNode(configData.params.cameraNodeName);
_rtHemiANode = _rtRobot->getRobotNode(configData.params.hemiANodeName);
_rtHemiBNode = _rtRobot->getRobotNode(configData.params.hemiBNodeName);
......@@ -89,11 +90,13 @@ namespace armarx::view_selection::gaze_controller::hemisphere
......@@ -109,7 +112,7 @@ namespace armarx::view_selection::gaze_controller::hemisphere
const float currentYawAngle = _rtYawNode->getJointValue();
// const float currentPitchAngle = _rtPitchNode->getJointValue();
const float h = _rtCameraNode->getPositionInRootFrame().z();
//const float h = _rtCameraNode->getPositionInRootFrame().z();
// report debugging variables
_publishCurrentYawAngle = currentYawAngle;
......@@ -135,57 +138,68 @@ namespace armarx::view_selection::gaze_controller::hemisphere
target.frame = GlobalFrame;
const Eigen::Vector3f targetPoint = target.toRootEigen(_rtRobot);
target.changeFrame(_rtRobot, _rtGazeNodeName); // Change frame to gaze root frame.
Eigen::Vector3f targetPoint = target.toEigen(); // In gaze root frame.
// compute spherical targets: pitch and yaw
float targetYawAngle = -std::atan2(targetPoint.x(), targetPoint.y());
const float targetPitchAngle = std::atan2(h - targetPoint.z(), targetPoint.y());
// derive hemisphere targets from pitch
float targetHemiA = rtGetControlStruct().params.yawToHemiFactorLinear * targetPitchAngle +
rtGetControlStruct().params.yawToHemiFactorQuadratic *
targetPitchAngle * targetPitchAngle;
float targetHemiB = rtGetControlStruct().params.yawToHemiFactorLinear * targetPitchAngle +
rtGetControlStruct().params.yawToHemiFactorQuadratic *
targetPitchAngle * targetPitchAngle;
// check reachability
const bool targetReachable = _rtYawNode->checkJointLimits(targetYawAngle) &&
_rtHemiANode->checkJointLimits(targetHemiA) &&
if (not targetReachable)
// The pitch depends on the yaw because in most but one case the head reference frame
// (Gaze_Root) is not axis aligned. We need to rotate the target point by the negative yaw
// angle to account for that. If this is not done, the head will show a sinuidal movement
// when the platform is rotated.
targetPoint = Eigen::AngleAxisf(-targetYawAngle, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ()) * targetPoint;
// Limit yaw range to avoid damage.
const bool yawTargetReachable = _rtYawNode->checkJointLimits(targetYawAngle);
if (not yawTargetReachable)
// limit joint ranges to avoid damage
targetYawAngle = std::clamp(
targetYawAngle, _rtYawNode->getJointLimitLow(), _rtYawNode->getJointLimitHigh());
targetHemiA = std::clamp(
targetHemiA, _rtHemiANode->getJointLimitLow(), _rtHemiANode->getJointLimitHigh());
// Derive target head pitch angle.
float targetPitchAngle = -std::atan2(targetPoint.z(), targetPoint.y());
// Adjust pitch to target position of hemisphere actuators using a simplified quadratic
// regression.
targetPitchAngle = (rtGetControlStruct().params.yawToHemiFactorLinear * targetPitchAngle) +
(rtGetControlStruct().params.yawToHemiFactorQuadratic *
targetPitchAngle * targetPitchAngle);
// limit pitch range to avoid damage.
const bool pitchTargetReachable = _rtHemiANode->checkJointLimits(targetPitchAngle) and
if (not pitchTargetReachable)
targetPitchAngle = std::clamp(targetPitchAngle,
targetHemiB = std::clamp(
targetHemiB, _rtHemiBNode->getJointLimitLow(), _rtHemiBNode->getJointLimitHigh());
targetPitchAngle = std::clamp(targetPitchAngle,
// report debugging variables
_publishTargetYawAngle = targetYawAngle;
// _publishTargetPitchAngle = targetPitchAngle;
// update control positions
_rtYawCtrlTarget->position = targetYawAngle;
_rtHemiACtrlTarget->position = targetHemiA;
_rtHemiBCtrlTarget->position = targetHemiB;
_rtHemiACtrlTarget->position = targetPitchAngle;
_rtHemiBCtrlTarget->position = targetPitchAngle;
......@@ -34,16 +34,15 @@
#include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/FramedPose.h>
#include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/PIDController.h>
#include <armarx/view_selection/gaze_controller/types.h>
#include <armarx/view_selection/gaze_controller/hemisphere/aron/ControllerConfig.aron.generated.h>
#include <armarx/control/interface/ConfigurableNJointControllerInterface.h>
#include <armarx/view_selection/gaze_controller/hemisphere/aron/ControllerConfig.aron.generated.h>
#include <armarx/view_selection/gaze_controller/types.h>
#include <armarx/view_selection/gaze_targets/GazeTarget.h>
namespace armarx::view_selection::gaze_controller::hemisphere
struct Config
arondto::Params params;
......@@ -77,7 +76,8 @@ namespace armarx::view_selection::gaze_controller::hemisphere
void updateConfig(const ::armarx::aron::data::dto::DictPtr& dto,
const Ice::Current& iceCurrent = Ice::emptyCurrent) override;
::armarx::aron::data::dto::DictPtr getConfig(const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::emptyCurrent) override
getConfig(const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::emptyCurrent) override
return nullptr;
......@@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ namespace armarx::view_selection::gaze_controller::hemisphere
// rt variables
VirtualRobot::RobotPtr _rtRobot;
std::string _rtGazeNodeName;
VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr _rtGazeNode;
VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr _rtYawNode;
VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr _rtHemiANode;
VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr _rtHemiBNode;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
......@@ -9,6 +8,10 @@
<Object name='armarx::view_selection::gaze_controller::hemisphere::arondto::Params'>
<ObjectChild key="gazeRootNodeName">
<string />
<ObjectChild key='cameraNodeName'>
<string />
......@@ -32,10 +35,8 @@
<ObjectChild key='yawToHemiFactorQuadratic'>
<float32 />
<Object name='armarx::view_selection::gaze_controller::hemisphere::arondto::Config' extends='armarx::view_selection::gaze_controller::arondto::ConfigBase' >
<ObjectChild key='params'>
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