Forked from
Software / ArmarX / RobotAPI
1026 commits behind the upstream repository.
Peter Albrecht authoredPeter Albrecht authored 7.49 KiB
* This file is part of ArmarX.
* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @package RobotAPI::ArmarXObjects::SkillManager
* @author Raphael Grimm ( raphael dot grimm at kit dot edu )
* @date 2020
* @copyright
* GNU General Public License
#pragma once
#include <ArmarXCore/interface/core/>
#include <RobotAPI/interface/>
// We need to prototype the interface
module armarx
module skills
module callback
module dti
interface SkillProviderCallbackInterface;
module provider
module dti
interface SkillProviderInterface;
module armarx
module skills
module core
module dto
// The status enum of a skill
module Execution
enum Status
// terminating values
module armarx
module skills
module provider
module dto
// A profile is something that is client side!
// // A parameterization profile
// struct SkillProfile
// {
// string profileName;
// string predecessorProfileName; // may be empty
// aron::data::dto::Dict
// parameterization; // may be only a partial set of accepted type
// };
// // A list of parameterization profiles. Note that the first element is recognized as root. Following elements overwrite the previous.
// dictionary<string, SkillProfile> SkillProfileDict;
// A skill ID. Must be unique within one SkillManager
struct SkillID
string skillName;
// Description of a skill, independant of a provider
// A skill is nothing but a executable thing, which can be executed
struct SkillDescription
SkillID skillId;
string description;
armarx::core::time::dto::Duration timeout;
aron::type::dto::AronObject parametersType;
aron::type::dto::AronObject resultType;
aron::data::dto::Dict rootProfileDefaults;
dictionary<SkillID, SkillDescription> SkillDescriptionMap;
// Input to a provider to execute a skill
struct SkillExecutionRequest
SkillID skillId;
string executorName;
aron::data::dto::Dict parameters;
callback::dti::SkillProviderCallbackInterface* callbackInterface;
// The minimum information that is needed to uniquely identifying a past skill execution
struct SkillExecutionID
SkillID skillId;
string executorName;
armarx::core::time::dto::DateTime executionStartedTime;
string uuid;
// Status updates of a skill
struct SkillStatusUpdate
SkillExecutionID executionId;
aron::data::dto::Dict parameters;
callback::dti::SkillProviderCallbackInterface* callbackInterface;
core::dto::Execution::Status status;
aron::data::dto::Dict result;
/// @todo maybe add in future:
// aron::data::dto::Dict feedback;
dictionary<SkillExecutionID, SkillStatusUpdate> SkillStatusUpdateMap;
struct ParameterUpdateResult
bool success; // false if skill is not running (anymore) or already prepared
struct AbortSkillResult
bool success; // false if skill is not running (anymore)
module dti
interface SkillProviderInterface
optional(1) dto::SkillDescription getSkillDescription(dto::SkillID skill);
dto::SkillDescriptionMap getSkillDescriptions();
optional(2) dto::SkillStatusUpdate
getSkillExecutionStatus(dto::SkillExecutionID executionId);
getSkillExecutionStatuses(); // returns all current skill executions
// execute skill will ALWAYS fully execute the skill and wait, until the skill is finished.
// TODO: Explain skill phases
// This method returns a status update where the status is ALWAYS one of the terminating values
dto::SkillStatusUpdate executeSkill(dto::SkillExecutionRequest executionInfo);
executeSkillAsync(dto::SkillExecutionRequest executionInfo);
updateSkillParameters(dto::SkillExecutionID executionId,
aron::data::dto::Dict params); // add params to a skill
// try to kill a skill as soon as possible. When the skill is stopped depends on the implementation.
dto::AbortSkillResult abortSkill(dto::SkillExecutionID skill);
dto::AbortSkillResult abortSkillAsync(dto::SkillExecutionID skill);
module armarx
module skills
module callback
module dto
struct ProviderID
string providerName;
module dti
interface SkillProviderCallbackInterface
// used for callbacks from providers to update their skill execution status
void updateStatusForSkill(provider::dto::SkillStatusUpdate statusUpdate,
dto::ProviderID providerId);