defineOptionalProperty<int>("SleepingTimeBetweenViewDirectionChanges",2500,"Time between two view changes, to keep the head looking into one direction for a while (in ms)");
defineOptionalProperty<bool>("ActiveAtStartup",true,"Decide whether the automatic view selection will be activated (can be changed via the proxy during runtime)");
defineOptionalProperty<bool>("VisualizeViewDirection",false,"Draw view ray on DebugLayer.");
defineOptionalProperty<float>("MaxOverallHeadTiltAngle",50.0f,"Maximal angle the head and eyes can look down (in degrees)");
defineOptionalProperty<float>("MaxOverallHeadTiltAngle",55.0f,"Maximal angle the head and eyes can look down (in degrees)");
defineOptionalProperty<float>("CentralHeadTiltAngle",110.0f,"Defines the height direction that will be considered 'central' in the reachable area of the head (in degrees)");
defineOptionalProperty<float>("ProbabilityToLookForALostObject",0.03f,"Probability that one of the objects that have been seen but could later not been localized again will be included in the view selection");
defineOptionalProperty<float>("RandomNoiseLevel",1.0f,"Maximum for the random noise that will be added to the localization necessities");