feature: Jammy support.
Support for Ubuntu 22.04.
Some changes are in this repository, but there are also code changes in other repositories that need to be merged before this.
- armarx/ArmarXCore sw/armarx/armarx-core!215 (merged)
- armarx/ArmarXGui sw/armarx/armarx-gui!77 (merged)
- armarx/RobotAPI sw/armarx/robot-api!282 (merged)
- armarx/core/arviz-godot sw/armarx/core/arviz-godot!80 (merged)
- mmm/tools sw/mmm/tools!8 (merged)
- mmm/core sw/mmm/core!7 (merged)
- simox sw/simox/simox!100 (merged)
After these branches are merged, the checkout_ref definitions in this merge request need to be updated.
Edited by Christian Dreher