Fix automatic loading for some gui plugins
Gui plugins created with new CMake style get the added suffix '_qt_plugin'. This allows to recognize plugins that do not end with the old 'GuiPlugin' suffix
Merge request reports
requested review from @kartmann
assigned to @uhxkb_naumann
Thanks for preparing the MR @uhxkb_naumann
Qt Plugins in modern ArmarX projects are not loaded automatically because the ArmarX Gui checks lib files for the ending ""
There are two possible fixes:
- Always append "_qt_plugin" to Qt plugin target names and check also for that (implemented in this MR)
- Put (links to) Qt plugin so files into another directory than "lib" and have the gui search that one, assuming that all of them are Qt plugins.
Note: The Gui can handle so files which are not Qt plugins, but loading and checking many files this way is very slow, so we kind of need file-system-based mechanism to find the correct files.
We can also merge this MR first and implement option 2. later
added 8 commits
94291ec9...9e67d43b - 7 commits from branch
- 9d95ee76 - Merge branch 'master' into fix/gui-plugin-loading
94291ec9...9e67d43b - 7 commits from branch
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for 9d95ee76 succeeds
mentioned in commit b8ff136c