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OpenPose hand pose estimation

Christian Dreher requested to merge openpose-hand-detection-estimation into master

This MR adds hand detection reporting (via 2D bounding boxes) and hand pose estimation (via 2D keypoints) to the OpenPoseEstimation component.

Edit: reporting bounding boxes was not helpful, since they are very coarse. If needed, bounding boxes can still be computed using the 2d hand keypoints.


New options:

All new options are prefixed with OP_hand_. See official OpenPose descriptions for more information.

  • OP_hand (bool): Disables/enables hand detection. Default is false. Performance hit is high and depends on number of detected persons (or hands, for that matter)
  • OP_hand_net_resolution (string): Size of the patch the CNN considers. Default is 368x368
  • OP_hand_scale_number (int): Analogous to OP_scale_number. Default is 1
  • OP_hand_scale_range (float): Analogous to OP_scale_gap. Default is 0.4
  • OP_hand_render_threshold (float): Render threshold. Default is 0.2, but for the screenshot I set it to 0.05 (equal to OP_render_threshold)
Edited by Christian Dreher

Merge request reports
