feature: Azure Kinect Body Tracking SDK
Blocking TODOs:
Fix HumanPoseReader
Fix current OpenPose component (with memory reader) to correctly write into redesigned human memory -
Verify CPU vs GPU mode, dependency to CUDA 11 cuDNN 8 in Axii (might be optional) -
Look into code of Azure Kinect component again - Broadcast images first, then push image to pose tracker and pop result?
- Multithread body tracking part?
- Exceptions, error handling, what if human memory is not available?
Allow setting a property to disable the memory dependency => in writer? If possible, this would make the optional point below (*) obsolete
Other TODOs:
Deprecate OpenPose topic -
* Build Azure Kinect component with body tracking if available, but in any case without body tracking as fallback if not needed otherwise
Downstream MRs:
Edited by Rainer Kartmann