adding skills from mobile manipulation package
This PR adds the following:
geometric_planning: for articulated objects (e.g. doors and drawers), generates paths based on primitives (line, circle, circle segment)
control non RT-controllers suited to move the TCP along the path primitive
- new types for arm, hand and side. Well, likely only 'side' is really necessary
- the ArmarX robot which we already know from python. The implementation provides access to the robot unit, both hand contorllers and the robot's state via the new memory to synchronize the robot and to access force and torque values. The robot arm helper is also part of the class so we also have access to the node info from the simox xml.
skills: the skills to open the dishwasher. They are only partially migrated and are not fully working. At least, the build succeeds. Only a coarse review is needed here.
Edited by Fabian Reister