Migrate Speech Memory from SpeechX to armarx_speech
- Current speech memory: https://git.h2t.iar.kit.edu/sw/armarx/speechx/-/tree/master/source/SpeechX/components/armem/SpeechMemory
- Create new component
- Migrate SpeechMemoryInterface to generate ComponentInterface.ice
- Migrate implementation to generated component
- core # <- SpeechX::core (what is necessary for speech memory)
- components
- speech_memory
- Component.{h, cpp} # <- SpeechMemory
- ComponentInterface.ice # <- SpeechMemoryInterface
- For the things in SpeechX that depend on the migrated parts:
- Add armarx_speech as dependency to SpeechX
- Use contents of armarx_speech instead of SpeechX
Scenarios for testing (update so they use the migrated speech memory in armarx_speech)