Discussion: Extending the built-in module database
Problem: Allow users to extend the built-in (i.e. committed) module database (data/modules/) locally.
Option 1: (Part of) Module Database as Git submodule
E.g., the h2t/ directory in data/modules/ could be a git submodule which only H2T people have access to.
This way, we do not have to be afraid of leaking urls when adding private repositories to the module database.
Caveat: It slightly complicates the setup of the setup tool. However, this is just one of a couple of steps and could be done by a bootstrapping script.
Option 2: PATH-like env variable with locations that are searched
Have an env variable that can be extended like PATH (e.g. export ARMARX_MODULES=$HOME/my/local/database/:ARMARX_MODULES
that lists directories that behave like roots of a module database. Modules are searched in all paths until the first definition is found.
We can also have a local workspace config where such paths can be entered.