diff --git a/data/RobotAPI/tests/robotmodel/ArmarIII-Head.xml b/data/RobotAPI/tests/robotmodel/ArmarIII-Head.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index bf0056f808b59d2a02aeafa36c8f5657ad450479..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/data/RobotAPI/tests/robotmodel/ArmarIII-Head.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-<Robot Type="ArmarIII Head" RootNode="Head Base">
-    <RobotNode name="Head Base">
-        <Transform>
-            <DH theta="90" d="0" a="0" alpha="0" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/>
-        </Transform>
-        <Visualization>
-            <File type="Inventor">fullmodel/head_base.iv</File>
-        </Visualization>
-        <Physics>
-            <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-            <Mass value="4" units="kg" />
-        </Physics>
-        <CollisionModel>
-            <File type="Inventor">convexModel/head_base.iv</File>
-        </CollisionModel>   
-        <Child name="Neck_1_Pitch"/>
-    </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="Neck_1_Pitch">
-        <Transform>
-            <DH theta="0" d="0" a="0" alpha="90" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/>
-            <DH theta="90" d="0" a="0" alpha="0" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/>
-        </Transform>
-        <Joint type="revolute">
-            <!--DH theta="90" d="0" a="0" alpha="90" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/-->
-            <axis x="0" y="0" z="-1"/>
-            <Limits unit="degree" lo="-45" hi="45"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="5000"/>
-        </Joint>
-        <Visualization>
-            <File type="Inventor">fullmodel/neck_pitch_link.iv</File>           
-        </Visualization>
-        <Physics>
-            <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-            <Mass value="4" units="kg" />
-            <IgnoreCollision name="Hip Yaw"/>
-        </Physics>
-        <CollisionModel>
-            <File type="Inventor">convexModel/neck_pitch_link.iv</File>
-        </CollisionModel>
-        <Child name="Neck_2_Roll"/>
-    </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="Neck_2_Roll">
-        <Transform>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="0" alpha="90" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="90" alpha="0" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/>
-		</Transform>
-        <Joint type="revolute">
-            <!--DH theta="90" d="0" a="0" alpha="90" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/-->
-            <axis x="0" y="0" z="1"/>
-            <Limits unit="degree" lo="-45" hi="45"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="5000"/>
-        </Joint>
-        <Visualization>
-            <File type="Inventor">fullmodel/neck_roll_link.iv</File>
-        </Visualization>
-        <Physics>
-            <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-            <Mass value="2" units="kg" />
-            <IgnoreCollision name="Hip Yaw"/>
-            <IgnoreCollision name="Head Base"/>
-        </Physics>
-        <CollisionModel>
-            <File type="Inventor">convexModel/neck_roll_link.iv</File>
-        </CollisionModel>
-        <Child name="Neck_3_Yaw"/>
-    </RobotNode>    
-    <RobotNode name="Neck_3_Yaw">
-       <Transform>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="0" alpha="90" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="90" alpha="0" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/>
-		</Transform>
-        <Joint type="revolute">
-            <!--DH theta="90" d="120" a="0"  alpha="90" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/-->
-            <axis x="0" y="0" z="-1"/>
-            <Limits unit="degree" lo="-45" hi="45"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="5000"/>
-        </Joint>
-        <Visualization>
-            <File type="Inventor">fullmodel/neck_yaw_link.iv</File>
-        </Visualization>
-        <Physics>
-            <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-            <Mass value="2" units="kg" />
-        </Physics>
-        <CollisionModel>
-            <File type="Inventor">convexModel/neck_yaw_link.iv</File>
-        </CollisionModel>
-        <Child name="Head_Tilt"/>
-    </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="Head_Tilt">
-        <Transform>
-			<DH theta="0" d="120" a="0" alpha="90" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/>
-		</Transform>
-        <Joint type="revolute">
-            <!--DH theta="0" d="0" a="0"  alpha="-90" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/-->
-            <axis x="0" y="0" z="1"/>
-            <!--<Limits unit="degree" lo="-45" hi="45"/>/-->
-            <Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="5000"/>
-        </Joint>
-        <Physics>
-            <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-            <Mass value="6.79877000" units="kg" />
-            <IgnoreCollision name="Neck_2_Roll"/>
-            <IgnoreCollision name="Hip Yaw"/>
-        </Physics>
-        <Visualization>
-            <File type="Inventor">fullmodel/head.iv</File>
-        </Visualization>
-        <CollisionModel>
-            <File type="Inventor">convexModel/head.iv</File>
-        </CollisionModel>  
-        <Child name="Head Center1"/>
-    </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="Head Center1">
-        <Transform>
-			<DH theta="0" d="0" a="0" alpha="-90" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/>
-		</Transform>
-        <Child name="Head Center"/>
-    </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="Head Center">
-        <Transform>
-			<DH theta="0" d="54.5" a="0" alpha="-90" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/>
-		</Transform>
-        <Child name="Cameras"/>
-        <Child name="Jaw"/>
-        <Child name="Kinect"/>
-        <Child name="DepthCamera"/>
-    </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="Jaw"> 
-        <Joint type="revolute"> 
-            <axis x="0" y="0" z="1"/>
-            <Limits unit="degree" lo="-30" hi="30"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="5000"/>
-        </Joint>
-        <Visualization> 
-            <File type="Inventor">fullmodel/jaw.iv</File>
-        </Visualization>
-    </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="Cameras">
-        <Transform>
-            <Translation x="100" y="0" z="0" units='mm'/>
-        </Transform>
-        <Joint type="revolute">
-            <Axis x="0" y="0" z="-1"/>
-            <Limits unit="degree" lo="-30" hi="45"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="5000"/>
-        </Joint>
-        <CollisionModel>
-            <File type="Inventor">iv_primitives/cyl2.wrl</File>
-        </CollisionModel> 
-        <Physics>
-            <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-            <Mass value="0.2" units="kg" />
-            <IgnoreCollision name="Neck_2_Roll"/>
-            <IgnoreCollision name="Hip Yaw"/>            
-	    <IgnoreCollision name="Head_Tilt"/>
-        </Physics>
-        <Child name="Eye_Left_Dummy"/>
-        <Child name="Eye_Right_Dummy"/>
-        <Child name="VirtualCentralGaze"/>
-    </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="VirtualCentralGaze">
-        <Joint type="prismatic">
-            <TranslationDirection x="1" y="0" z="0"/>
-            <Limits unit="mm" lo="0" hi="10000"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="5000"/>
-        </Joint>
-        <Visualization enable="true">
-            <CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="3"/>
-        </Visualization>
-    </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="Kinect">
-        <Transform>
-            <Translation x="140" y="-100" z="0" units='mm'/>
-        </Transform>
-        <Joint type="prismatic">
-            <TranslationDirection x="1" y="0" z="0"/>
-            <Limits unit="mm" lo="0" hi="10000"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="5000"/>
-        </Joint>
-        <Visualization enable="true">
-            <CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="3"/>
-        </Visualization>
-    </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="DepthCamera">
-        <Transform>
-            <Translation x="130" y="-80" z="0" units='mm'/>
-            <rollpitchyaw roll="0" pitch="90" yaw="0" unitsAngle="degree"/>
-            <rollpitchyaw roll="0" pitch="0" yaw="180" unitsAngle="degree"/>
-            <rollpitchyaw roll="30" pitch="0" yaw="0" unitsAngle="degree"/>
-        </Transform>
-        <Visualization enable="true">
-            <CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="3"/>
-        </Visualization>
-    </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="Eye_Left_Dummy">
-        <Transform>
-          <DH a="0" d="46.5" theta="0" alpha="-90" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/>
-        </Transform>
-        <Child name="Eye_Left"/>
-    </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="Eye_Right_Dummy">
-        <Transform>
-          <DH a="0" d="-46.5" theta="0" alpha="-90" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/>
-        </Transform>
-        <Child name="Eye_Right"/>
-      </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="Eye_Left">
-        <Joint type="revolute">
-          <Axis x="0" y="0" z="-1"/>
-          <Limits unit="degree" lo="-30" hi="30"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="5000"/>
-        </Joint>
-        <Visualization>
-          <File type="Inventor">fullmodel/eye_l.iv</File>
-        </Visualization>
-        <CollisionModel>
-            <File type="Inventor">iv_primitives/cyl1.wrl</File>
-        </CollisionModel> 
-        <Physics>
-            <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-            <Mass value="0.1" units="kg" />
-            <IgnoreCollision name="Cameras"/>            
-	    <IgnoreCollision name="Head_Tilt"/>
-        </Physics>
-        <Child name="Lid Left Bottom"/>
-        <Child name="Lid Left Top"/>
-        <Child name="EyeLeftCameraPreTransformation"/>
-    </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="Eye_Right">
-        <Joint type="revolute">
-          <Axis x="0" y="0" z="-1"/>
-          <Limits unit="degree" lo="-30" hi="30"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="5000"/>
-        </Joint>
-        <Visualization>
-          <File type="Inventor">fullmodel/eye_r.iv</File>
-        </Visualization>
-        <CollisionModel>
-            <File type="Inventor">iv_primitives/cyl1.wrl</File>
-        </CollisionModel> 
-        <Physics>
-            <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-            <Mass value="0.1" units="kg" />
-            <IgnoreCollision name="Cameras"/>            
-	    <IgnoreCollision name="Head_Tilt"/>
-        </Physics>
-        <Child name="Lid Right Bottom"/>
-        <Child name="Lid Right Top"/>
-        <Child name="EyeRightCameraPreTransformation"/>
-    </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="EyeLeftCameraPreTransformation">
-        <Transform>
-            <translation x="20" y="0" z="0"/>
-            <RollPitchYaw roll="0" pitch="90" yaw ="0" units="degree"/>
-        </Transform>
-        <Child name="EyeLeftCamera"/>
-        <Child name="EyeLeftCameraSim"/>
-    </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="EyeLeftCamera">
-        <Transform>
-            <RollPitchYaw roll="0" pitch="0" yaw ="90" units="degree"/>
-        </Transform>
-	<Visualization enable="true">
-                <CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="5"/>
-	</Visualization>
-        <Child name="HeadMotionMeasurementTCP"/>
-        <!--Sensor type="Camera" name="LeftEyeCam">
-        </Sensor-->
-    </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="EyeLeftCameraSim">
-        <Transform>
-            <RollPitchYaw roll="0" pitch="0" yaw ="180" units="degree"/>
-        </Transform>
-    </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="HeadMotionMeasurementTCP">
-        <Transform>
-            <translation x="0" y="0" z="1000"/>
-        </Transform>
-    </RobotNode>
-  <RobotNode name="Lid Left Bottom">
-    <Joint type="revolute">
-      <Axis x="0" y="1" z="0"/>
-        <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-        <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-        <MaxTorque value="5000"/>
-    </Joint>
-    <Visualization>
-      <File type="Inventor">fullmodel/lid_l_bottom.iv</File>
-    </Visualization>
-  </RobotNode>
-  <RobotNode name="Lid Left Top">
-    <Joint type="revolute">
-      <Axis x="0" y="1" z="0"/>
-    </Joint>
-    <Visualization>
-      <File type="Inventor">fullmodel/lid_l_top.iv</File>
-    </Visualization>
-  </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="EyeRightCameraPreTransformation">
-        <Transform>
-            <translation x="20" y="0" z="0"/>
-            <RollPitchYaw roll="0" pitch="90" yaw ="0" units="degree"/>
-        </Transform>
-        <Child name="EyeRightCamera"/>
-        <Child name="EyeRightCameraSim"/>
-    </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="EyeRightCamera">
-        <Transform>
-            <RollPitchYaw roll="0" pitch="0" yaw ="90" units="degree"/>
-        </Transform>
-        <!--Sensor type="Camera" name="RightEyeCam">
-        </Sensor-->
-    </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNode name="EyeRightCameraSim">
-        <Transform>
-            <RollPitchYaw roll="0" pitch="0" yaw ="180" units="degree"/>
-        </Transform>
-    </RobotNode>
-  <RobotNode name="Lid Right Bottom">
-    <Joint type="revolute">
-      <Axis x="0" y="1" z="0"/>
-        <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-        <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-        <MaxTorque value="5000"/>
-    </Joint>
-    <Visualization>
-      <File type="Inventor">fullmodel/lid_r_bottom.iv</File>
-    </Visualization>
-  </RobotNode>
-  <RobotNode name="Lid Right Top">
-  <Joint type="revolute">
-    <Axis x="0" y="1" z="0"/>
-      <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-      <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-      <MaxTorque value="5000"/>
-  </Joint>
-    <Visualization>
-      <File type="Inventor">fullmodel/lid_r_top.iv</File>
-    </Visualization>
-  </RobotNode>
-    <RobotNodeSet name="Head" kinematicRoot="Neck_1_Pitch">
-        <Node name="Neck_1_Pitch"/>
-        <Node name="Neck_2_Roll"/>
-        <Node name="Neck_3_Yaw"/>
-        <Node name="Head_Tilt"/>
-        <Node name="Cameras"/>
-        <Node name="Eye_Left"/>
-        <Node name="Eye_Right"/>
-    </RobotNodeSet>
-    <RobotNodeSet name="Neck" kinematicRoot="Neck_1_Pitch">
-        <Node name="Neck_1_Pitch"/>
-        <Node name="Neck_2_Roll"/>
-        <Node name="Neck_3_Yaw"/>
-        <Node name="Head_Tilt"/>
-    </RobotNodeSet>
-    <RobotNodeSet name="IKVirtualGaze" kinematicRoot="Neck_1_Pitch" tcp="VirtualCentralGaze">
-        <Node name="Neck_1_Pitch"/>
-        <Node name="Neck_2_Roll"/>
-        <Node name="Neck_3_Yaw"/>
-        <Node name="Cameras"/>
-        <Node name="VirtualCentralGaze"/>
-    </RobotNodeSet>
-    <RobotNodeSet name="IKVirtualGazeKinect" kinematicRoot="Neck_1_Pitch" tcp="Kinect">
-        <Node name="Neck_1_Pitch"/>
-        <Node name="Neck_2_Roll"/>
-        <Node name="Neck_3_Yaw"/>
-        <Node name="Kinect"/>
-    </RobotNodeSet>
-    <RobotNodeSet name="IKVirtualGaze_WithHeadTilt" kinematicRoot="Neck_1_Pitch" tcp="VirtualCentralGaze">
-        <Node name="Neck_1_Pitch"/>
-        <Node name="Neck_2_Roll"/>
-        <Node name="Neck_3_Yaw"/>
-        <Node name="Head_Tilt"/>
-        <Node name="Cameras"/>
-        <Node name="VirtualCentralGaze"/>
-    </RobotNodeSet>
diff --git a/data/RobotAPI/tests/robotmodel/ArmarIII-LeftArm.xml b/data/RobotAPI/tests/robotmodel/ArmarIII-LeftArm.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f4e74ae6cf4fa6b05f6dec3d2f02587d930ca626..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/data/RobotAPI/tests/robotmodel/ArmarIII-LeftArm.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-<Robot Type="ArmarIII LeftArm" RootNode="Left Arm Base">
-  <RobotNode name="Left Arm Base">
-    <!-- Trafo BTo0; COS 0; DOF q1 -->
-    <Transform>
-      <DH a="0" d="0" theta="-90" alpha="90" units="degree"/>
-    </Transform>
-    <Child name="Shoulder 1 L"/>
-  </RobotNode>
-  <RobotNode name="Shoulder 1 L">
-    <!-- Trafo BTo0; COS 0; DOF q1 -->
-    <Transform>
-      <DH a="0" d="0" theta="90" alpha="0" units="degree"/>
-    </Transform>
-    <Joint type="revolute">
-      <!--DH a="0" d="0" theta="90" alpha="90" units="degree"/-->
-      <axis x="0" y="0" z="1"/>
-      <Limits unit="degree" lo="-107" hi="42"/>
-		<MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-		<MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-                <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-    </Joint>
-    <Physics>
-      <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-      <Mass value="3.65" units="kg" />
-    </Physics>
-    <Visualization enable="true">
-      <File type="Inventor">fullmodel/shoulder_l.iv</File>
-    </Visualization>
-    <CollisionModel>
-      <File type="Inventor">convexModel/shoulder_l.iv</File>
-    </CollisionModel>
-    <Child name="Shoulder 2 L"/>
-  </RobotNode>
-  <RobotNode name="Shoulder 2 L">
-    <!-- Trafo 0To1; COS 1; DOF q2 -->
-    <Transform>
-      <DH a="0" d="0" theta="0" alpha="90" units="degree"/>
-      <DH a="0" d="0" theta="75" alpha="0" units="degree"/>
-    </Transform>
-    <Joint type="revolute">
-      <!--DH a="0" d="0" theta="75" alpha="90" units="degree"/-->
-      <axis x="0" y="0" z="-1"/>
-      <Limits unit="degree" lo="-14" hi="95"/>
-		<MaxVelocity unit="radian"  value="1"/>
-		<MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-                <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-    </Joint>
-    <Physics>
-      <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-      <Mass value="2.5" units="kg" />
-    </Physics>
-    <Visualization enable="true">
-      <File type="Inventor">fullmodel/shoulder2_l_rot.iv</File>
-    </Visualization>
-    <CollisionModel>
-      <File type="Inventor">convexModel/shoulder2_l_rot.iv</File>
-    </CollisionModel>
-    <Child name="Upperarm L"/>
-  </RobotNode>
-  <RobotNode name="Upperarm L">
-    <!-- Trafo 1To2; COS 2; DOF q3 -->
-    <Transform>
-      <DH a="0" d="0" theta="0" alpha="90" units="degree"/>
-      <DH a="0" d="0" theta="-90" alpha="0" units="degree"/>
-    </Transform>
-    <Joint type="revolute">
-      <!--DH a="20" d="-310" theta="-90" alpha="90" units="degree"/-->
-      <axis x="0" y="0" z="-1"/>
-      <Limits unit="degree" lo="-70" hi="109"/>
-		<MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-		<MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-                <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-    </Joint>
-    <Physics>
-      <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-      <Mass value="1.55685000" units="kg" />
-      <IgnoreCollision name="Shoulder 1 L"/>
-    </Physics>
-    <Visualization enable="true">
-      <File type="Inventor">fullmodel/upperarm_l.iv</File>
-    </Visualization>
-    <CollisionModel>
-      <File type="Inventor">convexModel/upperarm_l.iv</File>
-    </CollisionModel>
-    <Child name="Elbow L"/>
-  </RobotNode>
-  <RobotNode name="Elbow L">
-    <Transform>
-      <DH a="20" d="-310" theta="0" alpha="90" units="degree"/>
-      <DH a="0" d="0" theta="90" alpha="0" units="degree"/>
-    </Transform>
-    <Joint type="revolute">
-      <!--DH a="0" d="-7.5" theta="90" alpha="-90" units="degree"/-->
-      <axis x="0" y="0" z="1"/>
-      <Limits unit="degree" lo="-120" hi="40"/>
-		<MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-		<MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-                <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-    </Joint>
-    <Visualization enable="true">
-      <CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="8"/>
-      <File type="Inventor">fullmodel/elbow_l.iv</File>
-    </Visualization>
-    <CollisionModel>
-      <File type="Inventor">convexModel/elbow_l.iv</File>
-    </CollisionModel>
-    <Physics>
-      <CoM location="Joint"/>
-      <Mass value="1.15744000" units="kg" />
-    </Physics>
-    <Child name="Underarm L"/>
-  </RobotNode>
-  <RobotNode name="Underarm L">
-    <Transform>
-      <DH a="0" d="-7.5" theta="0" alpha="-90" units="degree"/>
-      <DH a="0" d="0" theta="90" alpha="0" units="degree"/>
-    </Transform>
-    <Joint type="revolute">
-      <!--DH a="0" d="-240" theta="90" alpha="-90" units="degree"/-->
-      <axis x="0" y="0" z="-1"/>
-      <!--Limits unit="degree" lo="-57.29" hi="174.48"/-->
-      <Limits unit="degree" lo="-90" hi="200"/>
-		<MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-		<MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-                <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-    </Joint>
-    <Visualization enable="true">
-      <File type="Inventor">fullmodel/underarm_l.iv</File>
-    </Visualization>
-    <CollisionModel>
-      <File type="Inventor">convexModel/underarm_l.iv</File>
-    </CollisionModel>
-    <Physics>
-      <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-      <Mass value="2.26566087" units="kg" />
-    </Physics>
-    <Child name="Wrist 1 L"/>
-  </RobotNode>
-  <RobotNode name="Wrist 1 L">
-    <Transform>
-      <DH a="0" d="-240" theta="0" alpha="-90" units="degree"/>
-      <DH a="0" d="0" theta="-90" alpha="0" units="degree"/>
-    </Transform>
-    <Joint type="revolute">
-      <!--DH a="0" d="0" theta="-90" alpha="-90" units="degree"/-->
-      <axis x="0" y="0" z="-1"/>
-      <Limits unit="degree" lo="-30" hi="30"/>
-		<MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-		<MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-                <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-    </Joint>
-    <Physics>
-      <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-      <Mass value="1.29945309" units="kg" />
-    </Physics>
-    <Visualization enable="true">
-      <CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="8"/>
-      <File type="Inventor">fullmodel/wrist1_l.iv</File>
-    </Visualization>
-    <CollisionModel>
-      <File type="Inventor">convexModel/wrist1_l.iv</File>
-    </CollisionModel>
-    <Child name="Wrist 2 L"/>
-  </RobotNode>
-  <RobotNode name="Wrist 2 L">
-    <Transform>
-      <DH a="0" d="0" theta="0" alpha="-90" units="degree"/>
-      <DH a="0" d="0" theta="-90" alpha="0" units="degree"/>
-    </Transform>
-    <Joint type="revolute">
-      <!--DH a="0" d="0" theta="-90" alpha="90" units="degree"/-->
-      <axis x="0" y="0" z="1"/>
-      <Limits unit="degree" lo="-38" hi="50"/>
-		<MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-		<MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-                <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-    </Joint>
-    <Visualization enable="true">
-      <CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="8"/>
-      <File type="Inventor">fullmodel/wrist2_l.iv</File>
-    </Visualization>
-    <!-- bullet doesn't like two models connected with a fixed joint -> disable this collisison model and just use the hand palm model-->
-    <!--CollisionModel>
-      <File type="Inventor">convexModel/wrist2_l.iv</File>
-    </CollisionModel>
-    <Physics>
-      <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-      <Mass value="2.59945309" units="kg" />
-      <IgnoreCollision name="Underarm L"/>
-    </Physics-->
-    <Sensor type="forcetorque">
-		<!--Transform>
-            <Translation x="0" y="-40" z="0"/>
-        </Transform-->
-    </Sensor>
-    <Child name="EndArmL"/>
-  </RobotNode>
-    <!--RobotNode name="FTSensorL">
-        <Transform>
-            <Translation x="0" y="-40" z="0"/>
-        </Transform>
-        <Sensor type="forcetorque"/>
-        <Child name="EndArmL"/>
-    </RobotNode-->
-  <RobotNode name="EndArmL">
-    <Transform>
-	  <Translation x="0" y="-40" z="0"/>
-      <DH a="0" d="0" theta="0" alpha="90" units="degree"/>
-    </Transform>
-    <Visualization enable="false">
-        <CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="true" scaling="2"/>
-    </Visualization>
-    <ChildFromRobot>
-      <File importEEF="true">ArmarIII-LeftHand.xml</File>
-    </ChildFromRobot>
-  </RobotNode>
-  <RobotNodeSet name="LeftArm" kinematicRoot="Left Arm Base" tcp="TCP L">
-    <Node name="Shoulder 1 L"/>
-    <Node name="Shoulder 2 L"/>
-    <Node name="Upperarm L"/>
-    <Node name="Elbow L"/>
-    <Node name="Underarm L"/>
-    <Node name="Wrist 1 L"/>
-    <Node name="Wrist 2 L"/>
-  </RobotNodeSet>
-  <RobotNodeSet name="LeftArmElbow" kinematicRoot="Left Arm Base" tcp="Upperarm L">
-    <Node name="Shoulder 1 L"/>
-    <Node name="Shoulder 2 L"/>
-    <Node name="Upperarm L"/>
-  </RobotNodeSet>
-  <RobotNodeSet name="LeftArmColModel" kinematicRoot="Left Arm Base" tcp="TCP L">
-		<Node name="Upperarm L"/>
-		<Node name="Underarm L"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 2 L"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>
-	<RobotNodeSet name="LeftArmHandColModel" kinematicRoot="Left Arm Base" tcp="TCP L">
-		<Node name="Upperarm L"/>
-		<Node name="Underarm L"/>
-		<Node name="Hand Palm 1 L"/>
-		<Node name="Hand Palm 2 L"/>
-		<Node name="Thumb L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Thumb L J1"/>
-		<Node name="Index L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Index L J1"/>
-		<Node name="Middle L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Middle L J1"/>
-		<Node name="Ring L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Ring L J1"/>
-		<Node name="Pinky L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Pinky L J1"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>
diff --git a/data/RobotAPI/tests/robotmodel/ArmarIII-LeftHand.xml b/data/RobotAPI/tests/robotmodel/ArmarIII-LeftHand.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e7a1bc5aa1d9596c028c2784ee4aee7163174b2a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/data/RobotAPI/tests/robotmodel/ArmarIII-LeftHand.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-<Robot Type="ArmarIII LeftHand" RootNode="Hand L Base">
-    <RobotNode name="Hand L Base">
-		<Child name="TCP L"/>
-		<Child name="GCP L"/>
-		<Child name="Marker L"/>
-		<Child name="left_hand_configuration_actual_float"/>
-		<Child name="Hand Palm 1 L"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="TCP L">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="0" z="130"/>
-		</Transform>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="GCP L">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation X="-40" Y="-20" Z="90"/>
-			<rollpitchyaw roll="0" pitch="-45" yaw="0" units="degree"/>
-		</Transform>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Marker L">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="-35" y="45" z="65"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Visualization enable="false">
-			<CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="true" scaling="1"/>
-		</Visualization>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="left_hand_configuration_actual_float">
-                <!--Joint type="revolute">
-			<Axis x="0" y="0" z="1"/>
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="-20" hi="20"/>
-                </Joint-->
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Hand Palm 1 L">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="0" z="36"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/palm1_l.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/palm1_l.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="800" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-		<Child name="Hand Palm 2 L"/>
-		<Child name="Thumb L"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Hand Palm 2 L">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="-8.7" y="13.5" z="29.25"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Axis x="0" y="-1" z="0"/>
-                        <Limits unit="degree" lo="-90" hi="90"/>
-                        <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                        <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-                        <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-                </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/palm2_l.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/palm2_l.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="800" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>	
-		<Child name="Pinky L"/>
-		<Child name="Ring L"/>
-		<Child name="Middle L"/>
-		<Child name="Index L"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Thumb L">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="-48.9" y="0" z="29.25"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Child name="Thumb L J0"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Thumb L J0">
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="180"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-        </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/thumb_l1.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/thumb_l1.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>	
-		<Child name="Thumb L J1"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Thumb L J1">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="-40.2" y="0" z="0"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="180"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-        </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/thumb_l2.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/thumb_l2.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Pinky L">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="-73" z="40.4"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Child name="Pinky L J0"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Pinky L J0">
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="180"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="-1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-        </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/pinky_l1.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/pinky_l1.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-		<Child name="Pinky L J1"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Pinky L J1">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="0" z="40.2"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="180"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="-1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-        </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/pinky_l2.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/pinky_l2.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Ring L">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="-51" z="40.4"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Child name="Ring L J0"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Ring L J0">
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="180"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="-1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-        </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/ring_l1.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/ring_l1.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-		<Child name="Ring L J1"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Ring L J1">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="0" z="40.2"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="180"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="-1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-        </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/ring_l2.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/ring_l2.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Middle L">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="-27" z="40.4"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Child name="Middle L J0"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Middle L J0">
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="180"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="-1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-        </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/middle_l1.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/middle_l1.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-		<Child name="Middle L J1"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Middle L J1">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="0" z="40.2"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="180"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="-1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-        </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/middle_l2.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/middle_l2.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Index L">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="0" z="40.2"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Child name="Index L J0"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Index L J0">
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="180"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="-1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-        </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/index_l1.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/index_l1.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-		<Child name="Index L J1"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Index L J1">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="0" z="40.2"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="180"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="-1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-        </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/index_l2.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/index_l2.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNodeSet name="LeftHandColModel" kinematicRoot="Hand L Base" tcp="TCP L">
-		<Node name="Hand Palm 1 L"/>
-		<Node name="Hand Palm 2 L"/>
-		<Node name="Thumb L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Thumb L J1"/>
-		<Node name="Index L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Index L J1"/>
-		<Node name="Middle L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Middle L J1"/>
-		<Node name="Ring L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Ring L J1"/>
-		<Node name="Pinky L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Pinky L J1"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>
-	<RobotNodeSet name="LeftHandJoints" kinematicRoot="Hand L Base" tcp="TCP L">
-		<Node name="Thumb L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Thumb L J1"/>
-		<Node name="Index L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Index L J1"/>
-		<Node name="Middle L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Middle L J1"/>
-		<Node name="Ring L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Ring L J1"/>
-		<Node name="Pinky L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Pinky L J1"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>
-        <Endeffector name="TCP L" base="Hand L Base" tcp="TCP L" gcp="GCP L">
-	    <Preshape name="Open Preshape">
-	        <Node name="Thumb L J0" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	        <Node name="Thumb L J1" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	        <Node name="Index L J0" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	        <Node name="Index L J1" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	        <Node name="Middle L J0" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	        <Node name="Middle L J1" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	        <Node name="Ring L J0" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	        <Node name="Ring L J1" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	        <Node name="Pinky L J0" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	        <Node name="Pinky L J1" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	    </Preshape>
-            <Preshape name="Close Preshape">
-                <Node name="Thumb L J0" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                <Node name="Thumb L J1" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                <Node name="Index L J0" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                <Node name="Index L J1" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                <Node name="Middle L J0" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                <Node name="Middle L J1" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                <Node name="Ring L J0" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                <Node name="Ring L J1" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                <Node name="Pinky L J0" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                <Node name="Pinky L J1" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            </Preshape>
-		<Static>
-			<Node name="Hand Palm 1 L"/>
-			<Node name="Hand Palm 2 L"/>
-		</Static>
-		<Actor name="Thumb Left">
-			<Node name="Thumb L J0" considerCollisions="Actors"/>
-			<Node name="Thumb L J1" considerCollisions="All"/>
-		</Actor>
-		<Actor name="Index Left">
-			<Node name="Index L J0" considerCollisions="Actors"/>
-			<Node name="Index L J1" considerCollisions="All"/>
-		</Actor>
-		<Actor name="Middle Left">
-			<Node name="Middle L J0" considerCollisions="Actors"/>
-			<Node name="Middle L J1" considerCollisions="All"/>
-		</Actor>
-		<Actor name="Ring Left">
-			<Node name="Ring L J0" considerCollisions="Actors"/>
-			<Node name="Ring L J1" considerCollisions="All"/>
-		</Actor>
-		<Actor name="Pinky Left">
-			<Node name="Pinky L J0" considerCollisions="Actors"/>
-			<Node name="Pinky L J1" considerCollisions="All"/>
-		</Actor>
-	</Endeffector>
diff --git a/data/RobotAPI/tests/robotmodel/ArmarIII-RightArm.xml b/data/RobotAPI/tests/robotmodel/ArmarIII-RightArm.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index cf073e6d5a1b997cb4887aa97f743faeedb9018a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/data/RobotAPI/tests/robotmodel/ArmarIII-RightArm.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>	
-<Robot Type="ArmarIII RightArm" RootNode="Right Arm Base">	
-    <RobotNode name="Right Arm Base">
-		<Transform>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="-90" alpha="90" units="degree"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="8"/>
-		</Visualization>
-		<Child name="Shoulder 1 R"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Shoulder 1 R">
-		<Transform>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="90" alpha="0" units="degree"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<!--DH a="0" d="0" theta="90" alpha="90" units="degree"/-->
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="-107" hi="42"/>
-                        <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="0.5"/>
-                        <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-                        <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-                </Joint>
-		<Physics>
-            <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-            <Mass value="3.65" units="kg" />
-        </Physics>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-                        <CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="4"/>
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/shoulder_r.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/shoulder_r.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-		<Child name="Shoulder 2 R"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Shoulder 2 R">
-		<Transform>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="0" alpha="90" units="degree"/>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="105" alpha="0" units="degree"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<!--DH a="0" d="0" theta="105" alpha="90" units="degree"/-->
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="-14" hi="95"/> 
-                        <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="0.5"/>
-                        <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-                        <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-                </Joint>
-        <Physics>
-            <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-            <Mass value="2.5" units="kg" />
-        </Physics>
-        <Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/shoulder2_r_rot.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/shoulder2_r_rot.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-		<Child name="Upperarm R"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Upperarm R">
-		<Transform>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="0" alpha="90" units="degree"/>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="-90" alpha="0" units="degree"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<!--DH a="20" d="-310" theta="-90" alpha="90" units="degree"/-->
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="-109" hi="70"/>
-                        <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="0.5"/>
-                        <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-                        <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-                </Joint>
-		<Physics>
-            <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-            <Mass value="1.55685000" units="kg" />
-            <IgnoreCollision name="Shoulder 1 R"/>
-        </Physics>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/upperarm_r.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/upperarm_r.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-		<Child name="Elbow R"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Elbow R">
-		<Transform>
-			<DH a="20" d="-310" theta="0" alpha="90" units="degree"/>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="90" alpha="0" units="degree"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<!--DH a="0" d="7.5" theta="90" alpha="-90" units="degree"/-->
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="-120" hi="40"/> 
-                        <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                        <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-                        <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-                </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-                        <CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="4"/>
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/elbow_r.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/elbow_r.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-		<Physics>
-            <CoM location="Joint"/>
-            <Mass value="1.15744000" units="kg" />
-        </Physics>
-		<Child name="Underarm R"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Underarm R">
-		<Transform>
-			<DH a="0" d="7.5" theta="0" alpha="-90" units="degree"/>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="90" alpha="0" units="degree"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<!--DH a="0" d="-240" theta="90" alpha="-90" units="degree"/-->
-            <Limits unit="degree" lo="-90" hi="200"/>
-                        <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="0.5"/>
-                        <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-                        <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-                </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/underarm_r.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
- 		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/underarm_r.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-		<Physics>
-            <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-            <Mass value="2.26566087" units="kg" />
-        </Physics>
-		<Child name="Wrist 1 R"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Wrist 1 R">
-		<Transform>
-			<DH a="0" d="-240" theta="0" alpha="-90" units="degree"/>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="-90" alpha="0" units="degree"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<!--DH a="0" d="0" theta="-90" alpha="-90" units="degree"/-->
-            <Limits unit="degree" lo="-22.3" hi="22.8"/>
-                        <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="0.5"/>
-                        <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-                        <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-                </Joint>
-		<Physics>
-            <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-            <Mass value="1.29945309" units="kg" /><!--1.13047000-->
-        </Physics>
-   	    <Visualization enable="true">
-                        <CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="2"/>
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/wrist1_r.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/wrist1_r.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-		<Child name="Wrist 2 R"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Wrist 2 R">
-		<Transform>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="0" alpha="-90" units="degree"/>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="-90" alpha="0" units="degree"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<!--DH a="0" d="0" theta="-90" alpha="90" units="degree"/-->
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="-38" hi="50"/>
-                        <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="0.5"/>
-                        <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-                        <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-                </Joint>
-    	<Visualization enable="true">
-                        <CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="2"/>
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/wrist2_r.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<!-- bullet doesn't like two models connected with a fixed joint -> disable this collisison model and just use the hand palm model-->
-        <!--CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/wrist2_r.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-		<Physics>
-            <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-            <Mass value="2.59945309" units="kg" />
-            <IgnoreCollision name="Underarm R"/>
-        </Physics-->
-        <Sensor type="forcetorque">
-			<!--Transform>
-				<Translation x="0" y="-40" z="0"/>
-			</Transform-->
-		</Sensor>
-		<Child name="EndArmR"/>
-    </RobotNode>
-    <!--RobotNode name="FTSensorR">
-        <Transform>
-            <Translation x="0" y="-40" z="0"/>
-        </Transform>
-        <Sensor type="forcetorque"/>
-        <Child name="EndArmR"/>
-    </RobotNode-->
-	<RobotNode name="EndArmR">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="-40" z="0"/>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="0" alpha="90" units="degree"/>
-		</Transform>
-	    <ChildFromRobot>
-			<File importEEF="true">ArmarIII-RightHand.xml</File>
-		</ChildFromRobot>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNodeSet name="RightArm" kinematicRoot="Right Arm Base" tcp="TCP R">
-		<Node name="Shoulder 1 R"/>
-		<Node name="Shoulder 2 R"/>
-		<Node name="Upperarm R"/>
-		<Node name="Elbow R"/>
-		<Node name="Underarm R"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 1 R"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 2 R"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>
-	<RobotNodeSet name="RightArmColModel" kinematicRoot="Right Arm Base" tcp="TCP R">
-		<Node name="Upperarm R"/>
-		<Node name="Underarm R"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 2 R"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>
-	<RobotNodeSet name="RightArmHandColModel" kinematicRoot="Right Arm Base" tcp="TCP R">
-		<Node name="Upperarm R"/>
-		<Node name="Underarm R"/>
-		<Node name="Hand Palm 1 R"/>
-		<Node name="Hand Palm 2 R"/>
-		<Node name="Thumb R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Thumb R J1"/>
-		<Node name="Index R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Index R J1"/>
-		<Node name="Middle R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Middle R J1"/>
-		<Node name="Ring R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Ring R J1"/>
-		<Node name="Pinky R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Pinky R J1"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>
diff --git a/data/RobotAPI/tests/robotmodel/ArmarIII-RightHand.xml b/data/RobotAPI/tests/robotmodel/ArmarIII-RightHand.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bd73d4a3544b4ac1329c0eb919aee7828212bba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/data/RobotAPI/tests/robotmodel/ArmarIII-RightHand.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-<Robot Type="ArmarIII RightHand" RootNode="Hand R Base">
-    <RobotNode name="Hand R Base">
-		<Child name="TCP R"/>
-		<Child name="GCP R"/>
-		<Child name="Marker R"/>
-		<Child name="right_hand_configuration_actual_float"/>
-		<Child name="Hand Palm 1 R"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="TCP R">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="0" z="130"/>
-		</Transform>
-                <Visualization enable="false">
-                        <CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="true" scaling="1"/>
-                </Visualization>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="GCP R">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation X="-40" Y="20" Z="90"/>
-			<rollpitchyaw roll="0" pitch="-45" yaw="0" units="degree"/>
-		</Transform>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Marker R">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="-35" y="-45" z="65"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Visualization enable="false">
-			<CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="true" scaling="1"/>
-		</Visualization>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="right_hand_configuration_actual_float">
-                <!--Joint type="revolute">
-			<Axis x="0" y="0" z="1"/>
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="-20" hi="20"/>
-                </Joint-->
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Hand Palm 1 R">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="0" z="36"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/palm1_r.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/palm1_r.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="800" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>	
-		<Child name="Hand Palm 2 R"/>
-		<Child name="Thumb R"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Hand Palm 2 R">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="-8.7" y="-13.5" z="29.25"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Axis x="0" y="-1" z="0"/>
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="-90" hi="90"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-        </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/palm2_r.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/palm2_r.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="800" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>		
-		<Child name="Pinky R"/>
-		<Child name="Ring R"/>
-		<Child name="Middle R"/>
-		<Child name="Index R"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Thumb R">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="-48.9" y="0" z="29.25"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Child name="Thumb R J0"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Thumb R J0">
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="90"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-        </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/thumb_r1.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/thumb_r1.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-		<Child name="Thumb R J1"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Thumb R J1">
-        <Transform>
-			<Translation x="-40.2" y="0" z="0"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="90"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-        </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/thumb_r2.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/thumb_r2.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Pinky R">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="73" z="40.4"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Child name="Pinky R J0"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Pinky R J0">
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="90"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="-1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-        </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/pinky_r1.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/pinky_r1.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-		<Child name="Pinky R J1"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Pinky R J1">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="0" z="40.2"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="90"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="-1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-		</Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/pinky_r2.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/pinky_r2.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Ring R">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="51" z="40.4"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Child name="Ring R J0"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Ring R J0">
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="90"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="-1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-		</Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/ring_r1.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/ring_r1.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-		<Child name="Ring R J1"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Ring R J1">
-    	<Transform>
-    		<Translation x="0" y="0" z="40.2"/>
-    	</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="90"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="-1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-		</Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/ring_r2.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/ring_r2.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Middle R">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="27" z="40.4"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Child name="Middle R J0"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Middle R J0">
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="90"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="-1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-        </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/middle_r1.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/middle_r1.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-		<Child name="Middle R J1"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Middle R J1">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="0" z="40.2"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="90"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="-1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-        </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/middle_r2.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/middle_r2.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Index R">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="0" z="40.2"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Child name="Index R J0"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Index R J0">
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="90"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="-1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-        </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/index_r1.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/index_r1.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-		<Child name="Index R J1"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Index R J1">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="0" z="40.2"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="0" hi="90"/>
-			<Axis x="0" y="-1" z="0"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-        </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/index_r2.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/index_r2.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-	    <Physics>
-			<Mass value="500" unit="g"/>
-			<CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-		</Physics>
-		<Child name="Index R Fingertip"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Index R Fingertip">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="-5" y="0" z="40.2"/>
-		</Transform>
-                <Visualization enable="false">
-			<CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="true" scaling="1"/>
-		</Visualization>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNodeSet name="RightHandColModel" kinematicRoot="Hand R Base" tcp="TCP R">
-		<Node name="Hand Palm 1 R"/>
-		<Node name="Hand Palm 2 R"/>
-		<Node name="Thumb R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Thumb R J1"/>
-		<Node name="Index R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Index R J1"/>
-		<Node name="Middle R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Middle R J1"/>
-		<Node name="Ring R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Ring R J1"/>
-		<Node name="Pinky R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Pinky R J1"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>
-	<RobotNodeSet name="RightHandJoints" kinematicRoot="Hand R Base" tcp="TCP R">
-		<Node name="Thumb R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Thumb R J1"/>
-		<Node name="Index R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Index R J1"/>
-		<Node name="Middle R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Middle R J1"/>
-		<Node name="Ring R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Ring R J1"/>
-		<Node name="Pinky R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Pinky R J1"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>
-        <Endeffector name="TCP R" base="Hand R Base" tcp="TCP R" gcp="GCP R">
-	    <Preshape name="Open Preshape">
-	        <Node name="Thumb R J0" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	        <Node name="Thumb R J1" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	        <Node name="Index R J0" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	        <Node name="Index R J1" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	        <Node name="Middle R J0" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	        <Node name="Middle R J1" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	        <Node name="Ring R J0" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	        <Node name="Ring R J1" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	        <Node name="Pinky R J0" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	        <Node name="Pinky R J1" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-	    </Preshape>
-            <Preshape name="Close Preshape">
-                <Node name="Thumb R J0" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                <Node name="Thumb R J1" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                <Node name="Index R J0" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                <Node name="Index R J1" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                <Node name="Middle R J0" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                <Node name="Middle R J1" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                <Node name="Ring R J0" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                <Node name="Ring R J1" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                <Node name="Pinky R J0" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                <Node name="Pinky R J1" unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            </Preshape>
-            <Preshape name="Julia Preshape">
-                <Node name="Thumb R J0" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-                <Node name="Thumb R J1" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-                <Node name="Index R J0" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-                <Node name="Index R J1" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-                <Node name="Middle R J0" unit="radian" value="1.5"/>
-                <Node name="Middle R J1" unit="radian" value="1.5"/>
-                <Node name="Ring R J0" unit="radian" value="1.5"/>
-                <Node name="Ring R J1" unit="radian" value="1.5"/>
-                <Node name="Pinky R J0" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-                <Node name="Pinky R J1" unit="radian" value="0"/>
-            </Preshape>
-		<Static>
-			<Node name="Hand Palm 1 R"/>
-			<Node name="Hand Palm 2 R"/>
-		</Static>
-		<Actor name="Thumb Right">
-			<Node name="Thumb R J0" considerCollisions="Actors"/>
-			<Node name="Thumb R J1" considerCollisions="All"/>
-		</Actor>
-		<Actor name="Index Right">
-			<Node name="Index R J0" considerCollisions="Actors"/>
-			<Node name="Index R J1" considerCollisions="All"/>
-		</Actor>
-		<Actor name="Middle Right">
-			<Node name="Middle R J0" considerCollisions="Actors"/>
-			<Node name="Middle R J1" considerCollisions="All"/>
-		</Actor>
-		<Actor name="Ring Right">
-			<Node name="Ring R J0" considerCollisions="Actors"/>
-			<Node name="Ring R J1" considerCollisions="All"/>
-		</Actor>
-		<Actor name="Pinky Right">
-			<Node name="Pinky R J0" considerCollisions="Actors"/>
-			<Node name="Pinky R J1" considerCollisions="All"/>
-		</Actor>
-	</Endeffector>
diff --git a/data/RobotAPI/tests/robotmodel/ArmarIII.xml b/data/RobotAPI/tests/robotmodel/ArmarIII.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ff794e8e0b979ce95e9fcd1b4bfc773e25d66257..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/data/RobotAPI/tests/robotmodel/ArmarIII.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-<Robot Type="Armar3" RootNode="Armar3_Base">
-	<RobotNode name="Armar3_Base">
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<CoordinateAxis  type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="20"/>
-		</Visualization>
-		<Child name="Dummy_Platform"/>
-		<!--Child name="Platform"/-->
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Dummy_Platform">
-		<Transform>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="0" alpha="-90" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Child name="X_Platform"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="X_Platform">
-		<Transform>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="90" alpha="-90" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/>
-            <!--Limits unit="mm" lo="-10000" hi="10000"/-->
-		</Transform>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="8"/>
-		</Visualization>
-		<Child name="Y_Platform"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Y_Platform">
-		<Transform>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="-90" alpha="90" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/>
-            <!--Limits unit="mm" lo="-10000" hi="10000"/-->
-		</Transform>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="8"/>
-		</Visualization>
-		<Child name="Yaw_Platform"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Yaw_Platform">
-	    <Transform>
-			<DH a="0" d="0" theta="-90" alpha="0" unitsangle="degree" unitslength="mm"/>
-            <!--Limits unit="mm" lo="-10000" hi="10000"/-->
-		</Transform>
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<axis x="0" y="0" z="1"/>
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="-360" hi="360"/>
-            <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-            <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-            <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-        </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="8"/>
-		</Visualization>
-		<Child name="Platform"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Platform">  <!-- visualization via 3D-model at the very end of the kinematic chain-->
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="8"/>
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/platform.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<Physics>
-            <CoM location="Joint" x="0" y="0" z="200"/>
-            <Mass value="100" units="kg" />
-        </Physics>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/platform.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-		<Child name="Hip Pitch"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Hip Pitch">
-			<Transform>
-				<Translation x="0" y="158" z="890" units='mm'/>
-			</Transform>
-                <Joint type="revolute">
-			<Axis x="1" y="0" z="0"/>
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="-45" hi="45"/>
-                    <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                    <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-                    <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-                </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="8"/>
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/platform_pitch_link.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<Physics>
-            <Mass value="10" units="kg" />
-        </Physics>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/platform_pitch_link.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-		<Child name="Hip Roll"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Hip Roll">
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Axis x="0" y="1" z="0"/>
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="-45" hi="45"/>
-                    <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                    <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-                    <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-                </Joint>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="8"/>
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/platform_roll_link.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<Physics>
-            <Mass value="10" units="kg" />
-            <IgnoreCollision name="Platform"/>
-        </Physics>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/platform_roll_link.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-		<Child name="Hip Yaw"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Hip Yaw">
-		<Joint type="revolute">
-			<Axis x="0" y="0" z="1"/>
-			<Limits unit="degree" lo="-45" hi="45"/>
-                    <MaxVelocity unit="radian" value="1"/>
-                    <MaxAcceleration value="10"/>
-                    <MaxTorque value="20000"/>
-                </Joint>
-		<Physics>
-            <CoM location="VisualizationBBoxCenter"/>
-            <Mass value="15.415" units="kg" />
-            <IgnoreCollision name="Hip Pitch"/>
-            <IgnoreCollision name="Platform"/>
-        </Physics>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="8"/>
-			<File type="Inventor">fullmodel/torso.iv</File>
-		</Visualization>
-		<CollisionModel>
-			<File type="Inventor">convexModel/torso.iv</File>
-		</CollisionModel>
-		<Child name="Center of Arms"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="Center of Arms">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="-35" z="485" units='mm'/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="8"/>
-		</Visualization>
-		<Child name="TrafoToHead"/>
-		<Child name="TrafoToLeftArm"/>
-		<Child name="TrafoToRightArm"/>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="TrafoToHead">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="0" y="0" z="118" units='mm'/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="8"/>
-		</Visualization>
-		<ChildFromRobot>
-			<File importEEF="true">ArmarIII-Head.xml</File>
-		</ChildFromRobot>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="TrafoToLeftArm">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="-232" y="0" z="0" units='mm'/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="8"/>
-		</Visualization>
-		<ChildFromRobot>
-			<File importEEF="true">ArmarIII-LeftArm.xml</File>
-		</ChildFromRobot>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNode name="TrafoToRightArm">
-		<Transform>
-			<Translation x="232" y="0" z="0" units='mm'/>
-		</Transform>
-		<Visualization enable="true">
-			<CoordinateAxis type="Inventor" enable="false" scaling="8"/>
-		</Visualization>
-		<ChildFromRobot>
-			<File importEEF="true">ArmarIII-RightArm.xml</File>
-		</ChildFromRobot>
-	</RobotNode>
-	<RobotNodeSet name="Torso" kinematicRoot="Platform">
-		<Node name="Hip Pitch"/>
-		<Node name="Hip Roll"/>
-		<Node name="Hip Yaw"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>
-	<RobotNodeSet name="TorsoHeadColModel">
-		<Node name="Hip Yaw"/>
-		<Node name="Head_Tilt"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>
-	<RobotNodeSet name="PlatformTorsoColModel">
-		<Node name="Platform"/>
-		<Node name="Hip Yaw"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>
-	<RobotNodeSet name="PlatformTorsoHeadColModel">
-		<Node name="Platform"/>
-		<Node name="Hip Yaw"/>
-		<Node name="Head_Tilt"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>
-	<RobotNodeSet name="TorsoLeftArm" kinematicRoot="Platform" tcp="TCP L">
-		<Node name="Hip Pitch"/>
-		<Node name="Hip Roll"/>
-		<Node name="Hip Yaw"/>
-		<Node name="Shoulder 1 L"/>
-		<Node name="Shoulder 2 L"/>
-		<Node name="Upperarm L"/>
-		<Node name="Elbow L"/>
-		<Node name="Underarm L"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 1 L"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 2 L"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>	
-	<RobotNodeSet name="HipYawLeftArm" kinematicRoot="Platform" tcp="TCP L">
-		<Node name="Hip Yaw"/>
-		<Node name="Shoulder 1 L"/>
-		<Node name="Shoulder 2 L"/>
-		<Node name="Upperarm L"/>
-		<Node name="Elbow L"/>
-		<Node name="Underarm L"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 1 L"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 2 L"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>	
-	<RobotNodeSet name="TorsoRightArm" kinematicRoot="Platform" tcp="TCP R">
-		<Node name="Hip Pitch"/>
-		<Node name="Hip Roll"/>
-		<Node name="Hip Yaw"/>
-		<Node name="Shoulder 1 R"/>
-		<Node name="Shoulder 2 R"/>
-		<Node name="Upperarm R"/>
-		<Node name="Elbow R"/>
-		<Node name="Underarm R"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 1 R"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 2 R"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>
-	<RobotNodeSet name="TorsoRightArmIndexFingertip" kinematicRoot="Platform" tcp="Index R Fingertip">
-		<Node name="Hip Pitch"/>
-		<Node name="Hip Roll"/>
-		<Node name="Hip Yaw"/>
-		<Node name="Shoulder 1 R"/>
-		<Node name="Shoulder 2 R"/>
-		<Node name="Upperarm R"/>
-		<Node name="Elbow R"/>
-		<Node name="Underarm R"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 1 R"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 2 R"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>
-	<RobotNodeSet name="HipYawRightArm" kinematicRoot="Platform" tcp="TCP R">
-		<Node name="Hip Yaw"/>
-		<Node name="Shoulder 1 R"/>
-		<Node name="Shoulder 2 R"/>
-		<Node name="Upperarm R"/>
-		<Node name="Elbow R"/>
-		<Node name="Underarm R"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 1 R"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 2 R"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>
-    <RobotNodeSet name="TorsoBothArms" kinematicRoot="Platform">
-        <Node name="Hip Pitch"/>
-        <Node name="Hip Roll"/>
-        <Node name="Hip Yaw"/>
-        <Node name="Shoulder 1 L"/>
-        <Node name="Shoulder 2 L"/>
-        <Node name="Upperarm L"/>
-        <Node name="Elbow L"/>
-        <Node name="Underarm L"/>
-        <Node name="Wrist 1 L"/>
-        <Node name="Wrist 2 L"/>
-        <Node name="Shoulder 1 R"/>
-        <Node name="Shoulder 2 R"/>
-        <Node name="Upperarm R"/>
-        <Node name="Elbow R"/>
-        <Node name="Underarm R"/>
-        <Node name="Wrist 1 R"/>
-        <Node name="Wrist 2 R"/>
-    </RobotNodeSet>
-    <RobotNodeSet name="Robot" kinematicRoot="Platform">
-		<Node name="Neck_1_Pitch"/>
-		<Node name="Neck_2_Roll"/>
-		<Node name="Neck_3_Yaw"/>
-		<Node name="Head_Tilt"/>
-		<Node name="Cameras"/>
-		<Node name="Eye_Left"/>
-		<Node name="Eye_Right"/>
-		<Node name="VirtualCentralGaze"/>
-		<Node name="Hip Pitch"/>
-		<Node name="Hip Roll"/>
-		<Node name="Hip Yaw"/>
-		<Node name="Shoulder 1 L"/>
-		<Node name="Shoulder 2 L"/>
-		<Node name="Upperarm L"/>
-		<Node name="Elbow L"/>
-		<Node name="Underarm L"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 1 L"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 2 L"/>
-		<Node name="Shoulder 1 R"/>
-		<Node name="Shoulder 2 R"/>
-		<Node name="Upperarm R"/>
-		<Node name="Elbow R"/>
-		<Node name="Underarm R"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 1 R"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 2 R"/>
-		<Node name="Hand Palm 1 L"/>
-		<Node name="Hand Palm 2 L"/>
-		<Node name="Thumb L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Thumb L J1"/>
-		<Node name="Index L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Index L J1"/>
-		<Node name="Middle L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Middle L J1"/>
-		<Node name="Ring L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Ring L J1"/>
-		<Node name="Pinky L J0"/>
-		<Node name="Pinky L J1"/>
-		<Node name="Hand Palm 1 R"/>
-		<Node name="Hand Palm 2 R"/>
-		<Node name="Thumb R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Thumb R J1"/>
-		<Node name="Index R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Index R J1"/>
-		<Node name="Middle R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Middle R J1"/>
-		<Node name="Ring R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Ring R J1"/>
-		<Node name="Pinky R J0"/>
-		<Node name="Pinky R J1"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>	
-	<RobotNodeSet name="PlatformYawTorsoLeftArm" kinematicRoot="Armar3_Base" tcp="TCP L">
-	    <Node name="Yaw_Platform"/>
-		<Node name="Hip Pitch"/>
-		<Node name="Hip Roll"/>
-		<Node name="Hip Yaw"/>
-		<Node name="Shoulder 1 L"/>
-		<Node name="Shoulder 2 L"/>
-		<Node name="Upperarm L"/>
-		<Node name="Elbow L"/>
-		<Node name="Underarm L"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 1 L"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 2 L"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>	
-	<RobotNodeSet name="PlatformYawTorsoRightArm" kinematicRoot="Armar3_Base" tcp="TCP R">
-		<Node name="Yaw_Platform"/>
-		<Node name="Hip Pitch"/>
-		<Node name="Hip Roll"/>
-		<Node name="Hip Yaw"/>
-		<Node name="Shoulder 1 R"/>
-		<Node name="Shoulder 2 R"/>
-		<Node name="Upperarm R"/>
-		<Node name="Elbow R"/>
-		<Node name="Underarm R"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 1 R"/>
-		<Node name="Wrist 2 R"/>
-	</RobotNodeSet>
-    <RobotNodeSet name="HeadMotionMeasurementChain" kinematicRoot="Neck_1_Pitch" tcp="HeadMotionMeasurementTCP">
-        <Node name="Neck_1_Pitch"/>
-        <Node name="Neck_2_Roll"/>
-        <Node name="Neck_3_Yaw"/>
-        <Node name="Head_Tilt"/>
-        <Node name="Cameras"/>
-        <Node name="Eye_Left"/>
-        <Node name="HeadMotionMeasurementTCP"/>
-    </RobotNodeSet>