From 95dd0ee655c7672f4fbc42099349b2da7620188e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rainer Kartmann <>
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2023 08:04:27 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Use md for Overview

 etc/doxygen/pages/{Overview.dox =>} | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 rename etc/doxygen/pages/{Overview.dox =>} (95%)

diff --git a/etc/doxygen/pages/Overview.dox b/etc/doxygen/pages/
similarity index 95%
rename from etc/doxygen/pages/Overview.dox
rename to etc/doxygen/pages/
index 614040b1c..dfe0300de 100644
--- a/etc/doxygen/pages/Overview.dox
+++ b/etc/doxygen/pages/
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-\page RobotAPI-Overview RobotAPI Overview
+# RobotAPI Overview  {#RobotAPI-Overview}
 The RobotAPI package provides a robot-intependent API that other ArmarX packages can use for accessing central functionality of a robot.
 The central elements of RobotAPI are Sensor-Actor Units, i.e. components responsible for the propagation of sensor values and actor targets.
 Sensor-Actor Units work as a link between higher level ArmarX components and the actual robot hardware or a robot simulation environment, respectively.
 The RobotAPI package contains base classes for Sensor-Actor Units for different purposes, e.g. KinematicUnit for sensors and actors related to robotic joints.
 Concrete Sensor-Actor Units inherit from these base classes in order to provide a common interface.
-Each type of hardware and each type of simulation environment requires a distinct set of Sensor-Actor Units that handle the hardware/simulator access, e.g. KinematicUnitArmar3 and KinematicUnitArmar4 for accessing the kinematic elements of ARMAR-III and ARMAR-4, respectively:
+Each type of hardware and each type of simulation environment requires a distinct set of Sensor-Actor Units that handle the hardware/simulator access, 
+e.g. KinematicUnitArmar3 and KinematicUnitArmar4 for accessing the kinematic elements of ARMAR-III and ARMAR-4, respectively:
 \image html sensoractorunits2.svg "Inheritance diagram for Sensor-Actor Units"
@@ -68,4 +69,3 @@ RobotAPI also provides a GUI-plugin for robot visualization.
 \defgroup RobotAPI-Statecharts Statecharts
 \ingroup RobotAPI