diff --git a/interface/slice/hardware/HardwareInterface.ice b/interface/slice/hardware/HardwareInterface.ice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..063eb09cb12b2842f284d1067264d50ca2edc2da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/slice/hardware/HardwareInterface.ice
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarX::Core
+ * @author     Peter Kaiser (peter dot kaiser at kit dot edu)
+ * @author     Matthias Hadlich (matthias dot hadlich at student dot kit dot edu)
+ * @copyright  2014 Peter Kaiser 
+ * @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include <core/UserException.ice>
+#include <core/BasicTypes.ice>
+#include <units/KinematicUnitInterface.ice>
+module armarx
+    exception UnknownBusException extends UserException
+    {
+        string busName;
+    };
+    exception UnknownDeviceException extends UserException
+    {
+        string deviceName;
+    };
+    exception UnknownCommandException extends UserException
+    {
+        string commandName;
+    };
+    struct DeviceStatus
+    {
+        OperationStatus operation;
+        ErrorStatus error;
+        bool enabled;
+        bool emergencyStop;
+    };
+    sequence<string> BusNames;
+    sequence<string> DeviceNames;
+    struct DeviceInformation
+    {
+        int id;
+        string type;
+        string node;
+        int heartBeatErrorCounter;
+        DeviceStatus status;
+    };
+    struct BusInformation
+    {
+        int baudrate;
+        int amountOfErrors;
+    };
+    enum BasicOperation { eStart, eStop, eReset };
+    interface HardwareInterface
+    {
+        BusNames getConfiguredBusses();
+        BusInformation getBusInformation(string bus) throws UnknownBusException;
+        DeviceNames getDevicesOnBus(string bus) throws UnknownBusException;
+        DeviceInformation getDeviceInformation(string device) throws UnknownDeviceException;
+        int performBasicOperation(BasicOperation operation);
+        int sendCommand(string command) throws UnknownCommandException;
+    };
+    interface HardwareListener extends KinematicUnitListener
+    {
+    };
diff --git a/interface/slice/observers/KinematicUnitObserverInterface.ice b/interface/slice/observers/KinematicUnitObserverInterface.ice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5e87abadd2bb2b97ee979d98bdbd0ba6b1a28e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/slice/observers/KinematicUnitObserverInterface.ice
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+  /*
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    ArmarX::Core::Observers
+* @author     Kai Welke <welke@kit.edu>
+* @copyright  2011 Humanoids Group, HIS, KIT
+* @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include <observers/ObserverInterface.ice>
+#include <units/KinematicUnitInterface.ice>
+module armarx
+    interface KinematicUnitObserverInterface extends ObserverInterface, KinematicUnitListener
+    {
+    };
diff --git a/interface/slice/observers/PlatformUnitObserverInterface.ice b/interface/slice/observers/PlatformUnitObserverInterface.ice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c2d0f73872f38f99ce527793ddae9468676589dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/slice/observers/PlatformUnitObserverInterface.ice
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+  /*
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    ArmarX::Core::Observers
+* @author     Manfred Kroehnert (manfred dot kroehnert at kit dot edu)
+* @copyright  2013 Humanoids Group, H2T, KIT
+* @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include <observers/ObserverInterface.ice>
+#include <units/PlatformUnitInterface.ice>
+module armarx
+    interface PlatformUnitObserverInterface extends ObserverInterface, PlatformUnitListener
+    {
+    };
diff --git a/interface/slice/robotstate/LinkedPoseBase.ice b/interface/slice/robotstate/LinkedPoseBase.ice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c1415a6b3721b9a74e4d060a2b6665e82338458d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/slice/robotstate/LinkedPoseBase.ice
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    ArmarX::Core
+* @author     Manfred Kroehnert (Manfred dot Kroehnert at kit dot edu)
+* @copyright  2013 H2T, KIT
+* @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include <robotstate/PoseBase.ice>
+#include <robotstate/RobotState.ice>
+module armarx
+    ["cpp:virtual"]
+    class LinkedPoseBase extends FramedPoseBase
+    {
+        SharedRobotInterface* referenceRobot;
+    };
+    ["cpp:virtual"]
+    class LinkedVector3Base extends FramedVector3Base
+    {
+        SharedRobotInterface* referenceRobot;
+    };
diff --git a/interface/slice/robotstate/PoseBase.ice b/interface/slice/robotstate/PoseBase.ice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a8a57a485abbec42eef55c6f8d29f2099888bb39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/slice/robotstate/PoseBase.ice
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    ArmarX::Core
+* @author     Stefan Ulbrich (ulbrich at kit dot edu)
+* @copyright  2011 Humanoids Group, HIS, KIT
+* @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include <observers/VariantBase.ice>
+module armarx
+    class Vector3Base extends VariantDataClass
+    {
+        float x = zeroInt;
+        float y = zeroInt;
+        float z = zeroInt;
+    };
+    class QuaternionBase extends VariantDataClass
+    {
+        float qw = zeroInt;
+        float qx = zeroInt;
+        float qy = zeroInt;
+        float qz = zeroInt;
+    };
+    ["cpp:virtual"]
+    class PoseBase extends VariantDataClass
+    {
+        Vector3Base position;
+        QuaternionBase orientation;
+    };
+    ["cpp:virtual"]
+    class FramedVector3Base extends Vector3Base
+    {
+        string frame;
+    };
+    ["cpp:virtual"]
+    class FramedPoseBase extends PoseBase
+    {
+        string frame;
+    };
+    ["cpp:virtual"]
+    class FramedPositionBase extends Vector3Base
+    {
+        string frame;
+    };
+   ["cpp:virtual"]
+    class FramedOrientationBase extends QuaternionBase
+    {
+        string frame;
+    };
+    dictionary<string, FramedVector3Base> FramedVector3Map;
+    dictionary<string, FramedPositionBase> FramedPositionMap;
diff --git a/interface/slice/robotstate/RobotState.ice b/interface/slice/robotstate/RobotState.ice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a881463fb14bf45f3b0f17c2988ec87da75cb244
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/slice/robotstate/RobotState.ice
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#include <units/KinematicUnitInterface.ice>
+#include <units/PlatformUnitInterface.ice>
+#include <robotstate/PoseBase.ice>
+module armarx
+    /**
+     * Available VirtualRobot joint types.
+     */
+    enum JointType
+    {
+        ePrismatic,
+        eFixed,
+        eRevolute
+    };
+    /**
+     * Distributed reference counting interface for the SharedRobotInterace
+     * instances.
+     */
+    interface SharedObjectInterface
+    {
+        void ref();
+        void unref();
+    };
+    sequence<string> NameList;
+    /**
+     * The data stored in a VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSet but accessable over Ice.
+     */
+    class RobotNodeSetInfo
+    {
+        NameList names;
+        string name;
+        string tcpName;
+        string rootName;
+    };
+    /**
+     * The SharedRobotNodeInterface provides access to a limited amount of
+     * VirtualRobot::RobotNode methods over the Ice network.
+     */
+    interface SharedRobotNodeInterface extends SharedObjectInterface
+    {
+        ["cpp:const"] idempotent
+        float getJointValue();
+        ["cpp:const"] idempotent
+        string getName();
+		["cpp:const"] idempotent
+        PoseBase getLocalTransformation();
+        ["cpp:const"] idempotent
+        PoseBase getGlobalPose();
+        ["cpp:const"] idempotent
+        PoseBase getGlobalPoseJoint();
+        ["cpp:const"] idempotent
+        JointType getType();
+        ["cpp:const"] idempotent
+        Vector3Base getJointTranslationDirection();
+        ["cpp:const"] idempotent
+        Vector3Base getJointRotationAxis();
+        ["cpp:const"] idempotent
+        bool hasChild(string name, bool recursive);
+        ["cpp:const"] idempotent
+        string getParent();
+        ["cpp:const"] idempotent
+        NameList getChildren();
+        ["cpp:const"] idempotent
+        NameList getAllParents(string name);
+        ["cpp:const"] idempotent
+        float getJointValueOffest();
+        ["cpp:const"] idempotent
+        float getJointLimitHigh();
+        ["cpp:const"] idempotent
+        float getJointLimitLow();
+    };
+    /**
+     * The SharedRobotInterface provides access to a limited amount of
+     * VirtualRobot::Robot methods over the Ice network.
+     */
+    interface SharedRobotInterface extends SharedObjectInterface
+    {
+        SharedRobotNodeInterface* getRobotNode(string name);
+        SharedRobotNodeInterface* getRootNode();
+        bool hasRobotNode(string name);
+        NameList getRobotNodes();
+        RobotNodeSetInfo getRobotNodeSet(string name);
+        NameList getRobotNodeSets();
+        bool hasRobotNodeSet(string name);
+        string getName();
+        string getType();
+        PoseBase getGlobalPose();
+        NameValueMap getConfig();
+    };
+    /**
+     * The interface used by the RobotStateComponent which allows creating
+     * snapshots of a robot configuration or retrieving a proxy to a constantly
+     * updating synchronized robot.
+     */
+    interface RobotStateComponentInterface extends KinematicUnitListener, PlatformUnitListener
+    {
+        /**
+         * @return proxy to the shared robot which constantly updates all joint values
+         */
+        SharedRobotInterface* getSynchronizedRobot();
+        /**
+         * @return proxy to a copy of the shared robot with non updating joint values
+         */
+        SharedRobotInterface* getRobotSnapshot(string time);
+    };
diff --git a/interface/slice/robotstate/RobotStateObserverInterface.ice b/interface/slice/robotstate/RobotStateObserverInterface.ice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..58b9554b834327e04d984ed768f9f7dcded74cf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/slice/robotstate/RobotStateObserverInterface.ice
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    ArmarX::Core
+* @author     Stefan Ulbrich (stefan dot ulbrich at kit dot edu)
+* @author     Kai Welke (welke at kit dot edu)
+* @copyright  2011 Humanoids Group, HIS, KIT
+* @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include <observers/ObserverInterface.ice>
+#include <units/KinematicUnitInterface.ice>
+module armarx
+    interface RobotStateObserverInterface extends ObserverInterface, KinematicUnitListener
+    {
+    };
diff --git a/interface/slice/units/HandUnitInterface.ice b/interface/slice/units/HandUnitInterface.ice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..acd22363daf3b15cdf94421aec36986822891496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/slice/units/HandUnitInterface.ice
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarX::Core
+ * @author     Manfred Kroehnert (manfred dot kroehnert at kit dot edu)
+ * @copyright  2013 Manfred Kroehnert
+ * @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include <units/UnitInterface.ice>
+#include <units/KinematicUnitInterface.ice>
+#include <core/UserException.ice>
+#include <core/BasicTypes.ice>
+#include <observers/VariantContainers.ice>
+module armarx
+    interface HandUnitInterface extends SensorActorUnitInterface
+    {
+        void open();
+        void close();
+        void preshape(string preshapeName);
+        SingleTypeVariantListBase getPreshapeNames();
+        NameValueMap getPreshapeJointValues(string preshapeName);
+    };
+    interface HandUnitListener
+    {
+        void reportHandClosed();
+        void reportHandOpened();
+        void reportHandPreshaped();
+    };
diff --git a/interface/slice/units/KinematicUnitInterface.ice b/interface/slice/units/KinematicUnitInterface.ice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..71cb7e6609f54e590ab126a56e4d371008341eed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/slice/units/KinematicUnitInterface.ice
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarX::Core
+ * @author     Christian Boege (boege at kit dot edu)
+ * @copyright  2011 Christian Boege
+ * @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include <core/UserException.ice>
+#include <core/BasicTypes.ice>
+#include <units/UnitInterface.ice>
+module armarx
+    struct RangeViolation
+    {
+        float rangeFrom;
+        float rangeTo;
+        float actualValue;
+    };
+    sequence<RangeViolation> RangeViolationSequence;
+    exception OutOfRangeException extends UserException
+    {
+        RangeViolationSequence violation;
+    };
+    enum ControlMode
+    {
+        eDisabled,
+        eUnknown,
+        ePositionControl,
+        eVelocityControl,
+        eTorqueControl,
+        ePositionVelocityControl
+    };
+    enum OperationStatus
+    {
+        eOffline,
+        eOnline,
+        eInitialized
+    };
+    enum ErrorStatus
+    {
+        eOk,
+        eWarning,
+        eError
+    };
+    struct JointStatus
+    {
+        OperationStatus operation;
+        ErrorStatus error;
+        bool enabled;
+        bool emergencyStop;
+    };
+    exception ControlModeNotSupportedException extends UserException
+    {
+        ControlMode mode;
+    };
+    exception KinematicUnitUnavailable extends ResourceUnavailableException
+    {
+        StringStringDictionary nodeOwners;
+    };
+    exception KinematicUnitNotOwnedException extends ResourceNotOwnedException
+    {
+        StringSequence nodes;
+    };
+    dictionary<string, float> NameValueMap;
+    dictionary<string, ControlMode> NameControlModeMap;
+    dictionary<string, JointStatus> NameStatusMap;
+    interface KinematicUnitInterface extends SensorActorUnitInterface
+    {
+        /*
+         * Requesting and releasing joints guarantees that a joint is controlled by exactly
+         * one component at any time
+         * 
+         * The request only affects the active access, sensor values can always be read.
+         * 
+         * TODO: The actual access has to be checked using a token.
+         */
+        void requestJoints(StringSequence joints) throws KinematicUnitUnavailable;
+        void releaseJoints(StringSequence joints) throws KinematicUnitNotOwnedException;
+        void switchControlMode(NameControlModeMap targetJointModes) throws ControlModeNotSupportedException;
+        /*
+         * Depending on the chosen control mode, one or more of the following functions need to be called
+         * to set all necessary parameters.
+         * 
+         * The motion starts after all values have been set.
+         */
+        void setJointAngles(NameValueMap targetJointAngles) throws OutOfRangeException;
+        void setJointVelocities(NameValueMap targetJointVelocities) throws OutOfRangeException;
+        void setJointTorques(NameValueMap targetJointTorques) throws OutOfRangeException;
+        void setJointAccelerations(NameValueMap targetJointAccelerations) throws OutOfRangeException;
+        void setJointDecelerations(NameValueMap targetJointDecelerations) throws OutOfRangeException;
+        /*
+         * NYI
+         */
+        //void set Trajectory(...);
+    };
+    interface KinematicUnitListener
+    {
+        void reportControlModeChanged(NameControlModeMap actualJointModes, bool aValueChanged);
+        void reportJointAngles(NameValueMap actualJointAngles, bool aValueChanged);
+        void reportJointVelocities(NameValueMap actualJointVelocities, bool aValueChanged);
+        void reportJointTorques(NameValueMap actualJointTorques, bool aValueChanged);
+        void reportJointCurrents(NameValueMap actualJointCurrents, bool aValueChanged);
+        void reportJointMotorTemperatures(NameValueMap actualJointMotorTemperatures, bool aValueChanged);
+        void reportJointStatuses(NameStatusMap actualJointStatuses, bool aValueChanged);
+    };
+    interface KinematicUnitHandInterface extends KinematicUnitInterface
+    {
+        void open();
+        void close();
+        void resetTactileSensors(bool r);
+        void getObjectPoseInHandFrame();
+        void getHandPoseInObjectFrame();
+    };
+    interface KinematicUnitHandListener
+    {
+        void reportTactileSensorData(NameValueMap actualTactileSensorData);
+        void reportTactileSensorRawData(NameValueMap actualTactileSensorRawData);
+        void reportTactileSensorContactData(NameValueMap actualTactileSensorContactData);
+    };
diff --git a/interface/slice/units/PlatformUnitInterface.ice b/interface/slice/units/PlatformUnitInterface.ice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9c207acc415e3f1b74d165b6df921e73f7f3caf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/slice/units/PlatformUnitInterface.ice
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarX::Core
+ * @author     Manfred Kroehnert (manfred dot kroehnert at kit dot edu)
+ * @copyright  2013 Manfred Kroehnert
+ * @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include <units/UnitInterface.ice>
+#include <core/UserException.ice>
+#include <core/BasicTypes.ice>
+module armarx
+    interface PlatformUnitInterface extends SensorActorUnitInterface
+    {
+        void moveTo(float targetPlatformPositionX, float targetPlatformPositionY, float targetPlatformRotation, float positionalAccuracy, float orientationalAccuracy);
+        void move(float targetPlatformVelocityX, float targetPlatformVelocityY, float targetPlatformVelocityRotation);
+        void moveRelative(float targetPlatformOffsetX, float targetPlatformOffsetY, float targetPlatformOffsetRotation, float positionalAccuracy, float orientationalAccuracy);
+        void setMaxVelocities(float positionalVelocity, float orientationalVelocity);
+    };
+    interface PlatformUnitListener
+    {
+        void reportPlatformPose(float currentPlatformPositionX, float currentPlatformPositionY, float currentPlatformRotation);
+        void reportNewTargetPose(float newPlatformPositionX, float newPlatformPositionY, float newPlatformRotation);
+        void reportPlatformVelocity(float currentPlatformVelocityX, float currentPlatformVelocityY, float currentPlatformVelocityRotation);
+    };
diff --git a/interface/slice/units/TCPMoverUnitInterface.ice b/interface/slice/units/TCPMoverUnitInterface.ice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dbe8e4d230d48ed453745e426750a2c3552de24b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/slice/units/TCPMoverUnitInterface.ice
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarX::Core
+ * @author     Christian Boege (boege at kit dot edu)
+ * @copyright  2011 Christian Boege
+ * @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include <core/UserException.ice>
+#include <units/KinematicUnitInterface.ice>
+module armarx
+    enum HandSelection{
+        eNone,
+        eLeftHand,
+        eRightHand
+    };
+    interface TCPMoverUnitInterface
+    {
+//        void moveTCPRelative(bool leftHand, float x, float y, float z, float speedFactor);
+        /**
+         * Resets the joint angles of the arm to the home position.
+         * NO MOVEMENT! Just sets the angles, so not suitable for a real robot.
+         * @param selectedHand Select which hand to move to home position.
+         */
+        void resetArmToHomePosition(HandSelection selectedHand);
+        /**
+         *  Request control over the robot.
+         */
+        void request();
+        /**
+         * Release control over the robot.
+         */
+        void release();
+        /**
+         * Set the velocities of one hand.
+         * The velocity values should be currently between 0-30.
+         * @param selectedHand Select which hand to move.
+         * @param x The velocity on the x-axis.
+         * @param y The velocity on the y-axis.
+         * @param z The velocity on the z-axis.
+         * @param speedFactor A factor by which the x,y,z values should be multiplied.
+         */
+        void setCartesianTCPVelocity(HandSelection selectedHand, float x, float y, float z, float speedFactor);
+        //! angles in radiant
+        /**
+         * Sets the orientation of one hand.<br/>
+         * All angles are in radiant.
+         * @param selectedHand Select which hand to move.
+         * @param alpha
+         * @param beta
+         * @param gamma
+         *
+         */
+        void setTCPOrientation(HandSelection selectedHand, float alpha, float beta, float gamma);
+        /**
+         * Let the robot look to a specific point in space. Coordinates in platform coordinates.<br/>
+         * Not yet implemented.
+         */
+        void lookWithHeadTo(float x, float y, float z);
+        /**
+         * Not yet implemented.
+         * @param x
+         * @param y
+         * @param theta
+         */
+        void setPlatformVelocities(float x, float y, float theta);
+        /**
+         * @brief setHandConfiguration
+         * @param configValue 		eOPEN     		= 1,
+        ePRESHAPE 		= 2,
+        eGRASP    		= 4,
+        eTHREE_FINGER_GRASP	= 5,
+        eMOVE_THUMB 		= 7,
+        ePRESHAPE_FINGERS 	= 8,
+        eCLOSE_FINGERS 		= 9
+         */
+        void setHandConfiguration(HandSelection selectedHand, int configValue);
+        void stopArm(HandSelection selectedHand);
+        void stopHead();
+        void stopPlatform();
+    };
diff --git a/interface/slice/units/UnitInterface.ice b/interface/slice/units/UnitInterface.ice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f46941fa09fd0da76636a7682a9c6857e145ff84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/slice/units/UnitInterface.ice
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    ArmarX::Core
+* @author     Kai Welke (welke at kit dot edu)
+* @copyright  2011 Humanoids Group, HIS, KIT
+* @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include <core/UserException.ice>
+module armarx
+    exception ResourceUnavailableException extends UserException
+    {
+    };
+    exception ResourceNotOwnedException extends UserException
+    { 
+    };
+    enum UnitExecutionState
+    {
+        eUnitConstructed,
+        eUnitInitialized,
+        eUnitStarted,
+        eUnitStopped
+    };
+    interface UnitExecutionManagementInterface
+    {
+        void init();
+        void start();
+        void stop();
+        UnitExecutionState getExecutionState();
+    };
+    interface UnitResourceManagementInterface
+    {
+        void request() throws ResourceUnavailableException;
+        void release() throws ResourceNotOwnedException;
+    };
+    interface SensorActorUnitInterface extends UnitExecutionManagementInterface, UnitResourceManagementInterface
+    {
+    };
diff --git a/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/RemoteRobotTestProject/CMakeLists.txt b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/RemoteRobotTestProject/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7a759e12aa690ee77337ce5ff94c615314fbee26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/RemoteRobotTestProject/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# RemoteRobotTestProject project
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
+if (COMMAND cmake_policy)
+    if (POLICY CMP0011)
+        cmake_policy(SET CMP0011 NEW)
+    endif()
+find_package("ArmarXCore" REQUIRED
+    PATHS "$ENV{HOME}/armarx/Core/build/cmake"
+    	  "$ENV{HOME}/Projects/armarx-8.04/Core/build/cmake"
+          "$ENV{HOME}/armarx-install/share/cmake/ArmarXCore"
+          "/org/share/archive/SFB588_RefDist/armarx/share/cmake/ArmarXCore"
+# start of RemoteRobotTestProject content
+find_package(Eigen3 QUIET)
+find_package(Simox QUIET)
+armarx_component_if(COMPONENT_BUILD "component disabled")
+armarx_component_if(Eigen3_FOUND "Eigen3 not available")
+armarx_component_if(Simox_FOUND "VirtualRobot not available")
+    include_directories(${ArmarXCore_INCLUDE_DIRS} )
+    include_directories(${Eigen3_INCLUDE_DIR})
+    include_directories(${Simox_INCLUDE_DIR})
+    set(COMPONENT_LIBS RemoteRobotTestProjectInterfaces ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCoreRemoteRobot ArmarXCore  ${Simox_LIBRARIES} ${Coin3D_LIBRARIES})
+    set(SOURCES RemoteRobotTestProject.cpp
+        RemoteRobotTestProject.h
+        RemoteRobotTestProjectApp.h)
+    armarx_add_component_executable("${SOURCES}")
+    armarx_add_component_test(RemoteRobotTestProjectTest test/RemoteRobotTestProjectTest.cpp)
diff --git a/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/RemoteRobotTestProject/RemoteRobotTestProject.cpp b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/RemoteRobotTestProject/RemoteRobotTestProject.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ccebd56e79d35980bf79ba9993d0520714fcc540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/RemoteRobotTestProject/RemoteRobotTestProject.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    RemoteRobotTestProject::
+* @author     ( at kit dot edu)
+* @date       
+* @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include "RemoteRobotTestProject.h"
+#include <Core/robotstate/RobotStateObjectFactories.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobot.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/XML/RobotIO.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/RobotNodeSet.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Nodes/RobotNode.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/LinkedCoordinate.h>
+namespace armarx
+    void RemoteRobotTestProject::onInitComponent()
+    {
+        std::cout << "onInitComponent" << std::endl;
+	usingProxy("RobotStateComponent");
+        // onInitComponent has to do the following tasks
+        // 1) Make sure the component is in a consistent state (initialize all members).
+        //   After onInitComponent, the Ice object adapter is activated and the component
+        //   is accessible via Ice. Therefore, the component needs to be in a sane state.
+        // 2) Make Ice dependencies explicit
+        //   All proxies and topics used by this component need to be made explicit. Further
+        //   all topics that are provided by the component need to be made explicit. 
+        //   Use the following calls:
+        //       usingProxy("proxyName"): this component used the proxy "proxyName"
+        //       usingTopic("topciName"): this component subscribes to the topic "topicName"
+        //       offeringTopic("topciName"): this component provides the topic "topicName"
+        //   The initialization procedure assures that all required proxies and topics are
+        //   available before the component is started.
+    }
+    void test2(VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot){
+	    std::cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!Robot: " << robot->getName() << std::endl;
+    }
+    void test(VirtualRobot::RobotWeakPtr robot){
+	    //std::cout << "!!!!!!Robot: " << robot->getName() << std::endl;
+	    test2(robot.lock());
+    }
+    /* Comment for gdb:
+     * start with: startApplication -> debugApplication (w/o `&' at the end)
+     * gdb $> b armarx::RemoteRobotTestProject::onStartComponent()
+     * gdb $> b RobotNodeSet.cpp:46
+     * gdb $> b RemoteRobot.cpp:48    
+     */
+    void RemoteRobotTestProject::onStartComponent()
+    {
+        std::cout << "onStartComponent" << std::endl;
+	RobotStateObjectFactories::addFactories(getIceManager()->ic());
+	this->server = getProxy<RobotStateComponentInterfacePrx>("RobotStateComponent");
+	this->robot.reset(new RemoteRobot(server->getSynchronizedRobot()));
+	// method removed 
+	//test(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<RemoteRobot>(robot)->getRobotPtr());
+	VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr set = this->robot->getRobotNodeSet("LeftArm");	
+    	VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr robotNodePtr = this->robot->getRobotNode("Wrist 2 L");
+	VirtualRobot::LinkedCoordinate c(this->robot);
+	c.set(robotNodePtr);
+	c.changeFrame("Shoulder 1 L");
+	std::cout << "Left tcp in right tcp frame: " << c.getPosition() << std::endl;
+        ARMARX_LOG << eINFO << "Starting RemoteRobotTestProject" << flush;
+        // onStartComponent is called once after the initialization procedure finished and the Ice object adapter is activated.
+        // common tasks are:
+        // 1) retrieve used topic:
+        //    MyTopicPrx topicProxy = getTopic<MyTopicPrx>("topicName");
+        // 2) retrieve used proxy:
+        //    MyPrx proxy = getProxy<MyPrx>("proxyName");
+    }
diff --git a/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/RemoteRobotTestProject/RemoteRobotTestProject.h b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/RemoteRobotTestProject/RemoteRobotTestProject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05fe0c172c0ad0f8c78894e86f4d212f6c4a5edd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/RemoteRobotTestProject/RemoteRobotTestProject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    RemoteRobotTestProject::
+* @author     ( at kit dot edu)
+* @date       
+* @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#ifndef ARMARX_COMPONENT_RemoteRobotTestProject_RemoteRobotTestProject_H
+#define ARMARX_COMPONENT_RemoteRobotTestProject_RemoteRobotTestProject_H
+#include <Core/core/Component.h>
+#include <Core/core/ImportExportComponent.h>
+//#include <interface/cpp/RemoteRobotTestProject/RemoteRobotTestProject.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobot.h>
+#include <Core/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.h>
+namespace armarx
+	class ARMARXCOMPONENT_IMPORT_EXPORT RemoteRobotTestProject :
+		virtual public Component
+	{
+		public:
+			// inherited from Component
+			virtual std::string getDefaultName() { return "RemoteRobotTestProject"; };
+			virtual void onInitComponent();
+			virtual void onStartComponent();
+		private: 
+			std::string robotNodeSetName;
+			RobotStateComponentInterfacePrx server;
+			VirtualRobot::RobotPtr  robot ;
+	};
diff --git a/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/RemoteRobotTestProject/RemoteRobotTestProjectApp.h b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/RemoteRobotTestProject/RemoteRobotTestProjectApp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bbcb9cb5cd8ab5ae1fbbd34af6096cc48cbd4f00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/RemoteRobotTestProject/RemoteRobotTestProjectApp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    RemoteRobotTestProject::
+* @author     ( at kit dot edu)
+* @date
+* @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include "RemoteRobotTestProject.h"
+#include <Core/core/Application.h>
+namespace armarx
+    class RemoteRobotTestProjectApp :
+        virtual public armarx::Application
+    {
+        void setup()
+        {
+            addComponent<RemoteRobotTestProject>();
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/RemoteRobotTestProject/build/.gitkeep b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/RemoteRobotTestProject/build/.gitkeep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/RemoteRobotTestProject/test/RemoteRobotTestProjectTest.cpp b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/RemoteRobotTestProject/test/RemoteRobotTestProjectTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f1f617d0a94254c4ce6ca6fb2596c2742e74df1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/RemoteRobotTestProject/test/RemoteRobotTestProjectTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    RemoteRobotTestProject::
+* @author     (at kit dot edu)
+* @date       
+* @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE ArmarX::Component::RemoteRobotTestProject
+#include <Core/Test.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "../RemoteRobotTestProject.h"
+    armarx::RemoteRobotTestProject instance;
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(true, true);
diff --git a/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/ArmarXGui.cfg b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/ArmarXGui.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fbb6a74a2efd9036a234cda00d1221884bc485c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/ArmarXGui.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/ConditionHandler.cfg b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/ConditionHandler.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0c18d43f83d31fe758f58d0eb9ded3f2bb5cc52d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/ConditionHandler.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/DummyObjectRecognitionConfig.txt b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/DummyObjectRecognitionConfig.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..927e3cd49603929597972049b59d80e85a4e0ebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/DummyObjectRecognitionConfig.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+VisionX.DummyObjectRecognition.Object.Name = Amicelli
+VisionX.DummyObjectRecognition.Object.Pose.x = 1.0
+VisionX.DummyObjectRecognition.Object.Pose.y = 2.0
+VisionX.DummyObjectRecognition.Object.Pose.z = 3.0
+VisionX.DummyObjectRecognition.Object.Pose.qw = 4.0
+VisionX.DummyObjectRecognition.Object.Pose.qx = 5.0
+VisionX.DummyObjectRecognition.Object.Pose.qy = 6.0
+VisionX.DummyObjectRecognition.Object.Pose.qz = 7.0
+VisionX.DummyObjectRecognition.Object.RecognitionCertainty = 0.9
+VisionX.DummyObjectRecognition.LocalizationDelay = 100
diff --git a/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/HeadUnit.cfg b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/HeadUnit.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d5461f65d9b3b5c262485c291c219e0684c0987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/HeadUnit.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# test config file for KinematicUnit configured to be a Head
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitSimulation.RobotFileName=${ArmarXHome_DIR}/Armar3/data/robotmodel/ArmarIII-Head.xml  # (absolut path required) model XML file path containing a VirtualRobot RobotNodeSet that defines the joints
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitSimulation.RobotNodeSetName=Head          # node set name
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitSimulation.AdapterName=HeadKinematicUnit  # name of the Ice adapter
diff --git a/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/HeadUnitObserver.cfg b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/HeadUnitObserver.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..39353728c0e190eb24f1e6733daef3c35002c45e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/HeadUnitObserver.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# test config file for KinematicUnit configured to be a Head
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitObserver.RobotFileName=${ArmarXHome_DIR}/Armar3/data/robotmodel/ArmarIII-Head.xml  # (absolut path required) model XML file path containing a VirtualRobot RobotNodeSet that defines the joints
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitObserver.RobotNodeSetName=Head                  # node set name
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitObserver.AdapterName=HeadKinematicUnitObserver  # name of the Ice adapter
diff --git a/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/ObjectMemoryConfig.txt b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/ObjectMemoryConfig.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9f7a783128a6cf6aeaee595c74bffc3603044041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/ObjectMemoryConfig.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+VisionX.ObjectMemory.ObjectDatabaseFile = /home/staff/schieben/armarx/data/Objects/ObjectDB.txt
+VisionX.ObjectMemory.UpdateCycleTimeInMs = 10
diff --git a/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/ObjectMemoryObserverConfig.txt b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/ObjectMemoryObserverConfig.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6f35289d21f6825a967d80a2a258d7b04c4fa08c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/ObjectMemoryObserverConfig.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+VisionX.ObjectMemoryObserver.ObjectDatabaseFile = /home/staff/schieben/armarx/data/Objects/ObjectDB.txt
diff --git a/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/RobotStateComponent.cfg b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/RobotStateComponent.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..46260981c2de37a0dc21938875fdcf57797d5778
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/RemoteRobotTest/configs/RobotStateComponent.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# test config file for KinematicUnit configured to be a Head
+ArmarX.RobotStateComponent.RobotFileName=${ArmarXHome_DIR}/Armar3/data/robotmodel/ArmarIII-LeftArm.xml   # (absolut path required) model XML file path containing a VirtualRobot RobotNodeSet that defines the joints
+ArmarX.RobotStateComponent.RobotNodeSetName=LeftArm         # node set name
+ArmarX.RobotStateComponent.AdapterName=RobotStateComponent  # name of the Ice adapter
diff --git a/scenarios/TCPMoverScenario/configs/ArmarXGui.cfg b/scenarios/TCPMoverScenario/configs/ArmarXGui.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..510feb9a8f61aa560bfa61d31a2e34f9f8e72303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/TCPMoverScenario/configs/ArmarXGui.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/scenarios/TCPMoverScenario/configs/ConditionHandler.cfg b/scenarios/TCPMoverScenario/configs/ConditionHandler.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6d2073641857dc0c384872b03dcfd6fdd49b1675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/TCPMoverScenario/configs/ConditionHandler.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/scenarios/TCPMoverScenario/configs/Gui.armarxgui b/scenarios/TCPMoverScenario/configs/Gui.armarxgui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..32ff7093b9f934abbb176cf72a7e69c27abd58bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/TCPMoverScenario/configs/Gui.armarxgui
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+loadedLibs=Gui/build/lib/libConditionViewerGuiPlugin.so, Gui/build/lib/libHandUnitGuiPlugin.so, Gui/build/lib/libHardwareGuiPlugin.so, Gui/build/lib/libKinematicUnitGuiPlugin.so, Gui/build/lib/libLoggingGuiPlugin.so, Gui/build/lib/libObjectExaminerGuiPlugin.so, Gui/build/lib/libObserverPropertiesGuiPlugin.so, Gui/build/lib/libPlatformUnitGuiPlugin.so, Gui/build/lib/libSensorActorWidgetsGuiPlugin.so, Gui/build/lib/libStateChartGuiPlugin.so, Gui/build/lib/libSystemStateMonitorGuiPlugin.so
+DockWidgetsState="@ByteArray(\0\0\0\xff\0\0\0\0\xfd\0\0\0\x1\0\0\0\x1\0\0\x6\xdd\0\0\x4\x10\xfc\x2\0\0\0\x1\xfc\0\0\0\x19\0\0\x4\x10\0\0\x1^\0\xff\xff\xff\xfc\x1\0\0\0\x2\xfc\0\0\0\0\0\0\x2\x98\0\0\x2W\0\xff\xff\xff\xfa\0\0\0\x1\x1\0\0\0\x2\xfb\0\0\0,\0\x44\0o\0\x63\0k\0S\0y\0s\0t\0\x65\0m\0S\0t\0\x61\0t\0\x65\0M\0o\0n\0i\0t\0o\0r\x1\0\0\0\0\xff\xff\xff\xff\0\0\0\xd3\0\xff\xff\xff\xfb\0\0\0(\0\x44\0o\0\x63\0k\0K\0i\0n\0\x65\0m\0\x61\0t\0i\0\x63\0U\0n\0i\0t\0G\0U\0I\x1\0\0\0\0\xff\xff\xff\xff\0\0\x2W\0\xff\xff\xff\xfb\0\0\0\x1a\0\x44\0o\0\x63\0k\0\x33\0\x44\0 \0V\0i\0\x65\0w\0\x65\0r\x1\0\0\x2\x9e\0\0\x4?\0\0\0\xc7\0\xff\xff\xff\0\0\0\0\0\0\x4\x10\0\0\0\x4\0\0\0\x4\0\0\0\b\0\0\0\b\xfc\0\0\0\0)"
+WidgetCustomNames=3D Viewer, KinematicUnitGUI, SystemStateMonitor
+WidgetBaseName=3D Viewer
+MonitoredManagers=ArmarXGuiManager, ConditionHandlerManager, KinematicUnitObserverManager, KinematicUnitSimulationManager, SystemObserverManager
diff --git a/scenarios/TCPMoverScenario/configs/HeadUnit.cfg b/scenarios/TCPMoverScenario/configs/HeadUnit.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fdc0834859cb4c1bab784ecd3d10eef2cf80d89e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/TCPMoverScenario/configs/HeadUnit.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# test config file for KinematicUnit configured to be a Head
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitSimulation.RobotNodeSetName=Robot          # node set name vorher Head
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitSimulation.AdapterName=RobotKinematicUnit  # name of the Ice adapter vorher HeadKinematicUnit
diff --git a/scenarios/TCPMoverScenario/configs/RobotUnit.cfg b/scenarios/TCPMoverScenario/configs/RobotUnit.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..570dc025f13903ade94afc6aa47addc3742e65e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/TCPMoverScenario/configs/RobotUnit.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# A test config file for KinematicUnit configured to be a Head
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitSimulation.RobotFileName=${ArmarXHome_DIR}/Armar4/data/robotmodel/ArmarIV.xml  # (absolut path required) model XML file path containing a VirtualRobot RobotNodeSet that defines the joints
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitSimulation.RobotNodeSetName=Robot          # node set name vorher Head
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitSimulation.AdapterName=RobotKinematicUnit  # name of the Ice adapter vorher HeadKinematicUnit
diff --git a/scenarios/TCPMoverScenario/configs/RobotUnitObserver.cfg b/scenarios/TCPMoverScenario/configs/RobotUnitObserver.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b84969c59bb31c3c3026f641a655e42e7a52896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/TCPMoverScenario/configs/RobotUnitObserver.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# test config file for KinematicUnit configured to be a Head
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitObserver.RobotFileName=${ArmarXHome_DIR}/Armar4/data/robotmodel/ArmarIV.xml  # (absolut path required) model XML file path containing a VirtualRobot RobotNodeSet that defines the joints
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitObserver.RobotNodeSetName=Robot                  # node set name
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitObserver.AdapterName=RobotKinematicUnitObserver  # name of the Ice adapter
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/CMakeLists.txt
index 602631618f7001892a3d75cae0bf1cf744fd6373..928669e4b4bbbbf4dbbf12d6bbd79138aa6bfaa5 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -6,3 +6,6 @@ add_subdirectory(armarx-objects)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/applications/CMakeLists.txt
index 712ae22258ea34af1d8e82845c7d763fb61de97e..343addf16d384b97802185c482262eaea61242d9 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/applications/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -9,3 +9,14 @@ add_subdirectory(MovePlatformToLandmark)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/ForceTorqueObserver/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/applications/ForceTorqueObserver/CMakeLists.txt
index 449734e08065f0bade441eb2d435caf1eb2de911..fe1e3025a21324c21da24594ed522b7379c21022 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/applications/ForceTorqueObserver/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/ForceTorqueObserver/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ find_package(Simox QUIET)
 armarx_build_if(Simox_FOUND "Simox-VirtualRobot not available")
-set(COMPONENT_LIBS RobotAPIUnits RobotAPICore RobotAPIInterfaces  ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore ArmarXCoreObservers ArmarXCoreRemoteRobot)
+set(COMPONENT_LIBS RobotAPIUnits RobotAPICore RobotAPIInterfaces  ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore ArmarXCoreObservers RobotAPIRemoteRobot)
 set(SOURCES main.cpp ForceTorqueObserverApp.h)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/HeadIKUnit/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/applications/HeadIKUnit/CMakeLists.txt
index 8b57c0a7eaec0b6c99a026a638e95f845ad82dd6..666c2f9c63467498eed3602cd781a4192f12a2b3 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/applications/HeadIKUnit/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/HeadIKUnit/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ if (Eigen3_FOUND AND Simox_FOUND)
-set(COMPONENT_LIBS RobotAPIUnits RobotAPICore RobotAPIInterfaces  ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore ArmarXCoreObservers ArmarXCoreRemoteRobot ${Simox_LIBRARIES})
+set(COMPONENT_LIBS RobotAPIUnits RobotAPICore RobotAPIInterfaces  ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore ArmarXCoreObservers RobotAPIRemoteRobot 
+    ${Simox_LIBRARIES})
 set(SOURCES main.cpp HeadIKUnitApp.h)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitObserver/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitObserver/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..38b60d712b06b977365a860105baa8d734625eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitObserver/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+find_package(Simox 2.3.0 QUIET)
+armarx_build_if(Simox_FOUND "Simox-VirtualRobot not available")
+set(COMPONENT_LIBS ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore #ArmarXCoreUnits 
+    RobotAPIUnits
+    ArmarXCoreObservers)
+set(SOURCES main.cpp KinematicUnitObserverApp.h)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitObserver/KinematicUnitObserverApp.h b/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitObserver/KinematicUnitObserverApp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..608359985fa485ad7b703b2d0ec941e492e2ed83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitObserver/KinematicUnitObserverApp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::applications
+ * @author     Christian Boege (boege dot at kit dot edu)
+ * @date       2011
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include <Core/core/application/Application.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnitObserver.h>
+namespace armarx
+    /**
+     * Application for testing the armarx::KinematicUnitObserver
+     */
+	class KinematicUnitObserverApp :
+		virtual public armarx::Application
+	{
+        /**
+         * @see armarx::Application::setup()
+         */
+        void setup(const ManagedIceObjectRegistryInterfacePtr& registry, Ice::PropertiesPtr properties) 
+        { 
+            registry->addObject( Component::create<KinematicUnitObserver>(properties) ); 
+        }
+	};
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitObserver/config/testProperty b/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitObserver/config/testProperty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd3d73770dab1e8e52b2daef51b188df7b83d1da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitObserver/config/testProperty
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# test config file for KinematicUnit configured to be a Head
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitObserver.RobotFileName=/org/share/home/staff/welke/projects/armarx/data/ArmarIII/ArmarIII-Head.xml        	# (absolut path required) model XML file path containing a VirtualRobot RobotNodeSet that defines the joints
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitObserver.RobotNodeSetName=Head								# node set name
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitObserver.AdapterName=KinematicUnitObserver      						# name of the ICE adapter
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitObserver/main.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitObserver/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6caa89a542892ca94ff669dc94fc9034bb8c0dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitObserver/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    Core::application::KinematicUnitObserver
+ * @author     Manfred Kroehnert
+ * @date       2014
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "KinematicUnitObserverApp.h"
+#include <Core/core/logging/Logging.h>
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+    armarx::ApplicationPtr app = armarx::Application::createInstance<armarx::KinematicUnitObserverApp>();
+    app->setName("KinematicUnitObserver");
+    return app->main(argc, argv);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitSimulation/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitSimulation/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89f9c9c8fb1d687abf6f19244d9e8c163433780a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitSimulation/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+find_package(Eigen3 QUIET)
+armarx_build_if(Eigen3_FOUND "Eigen3 not available")
+find_package(Simox 2.3.0 QUIET)
+armarx_build_if(Simox_FOUND "Simox-VirtualRobot not available")
+set(COMPONENT_LIBS ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore #ArmarXCoreUnits 
+    RobotAPIUnits
+    ${Simox_LIBRARIES})
+set(SOURCES main.cpp KinematicUnitSimulationApp.h)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitSimulation/KinematicUnitSimulationApp.h b/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitSimulation/KinematicUnitSimulationApp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f9d41bb16c93c29a3f8f76a6b1b9066dfa6785da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitSimulation/KinematicUnitSimulationApp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::applications
+ * @author     Christian Boege (boege at kit dot edu)
+ * @date       2011
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include <Core/core/application/Application.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnitSimulation.h>
+namespace armarx
+    /**
+     * Application for testing the armarx::KinematicUnitSimulation
+     */
+    class KinematicUnitSimulationApp :
+        virtual public armarx::Application
+    {
+        /**
+         * @see armarx::Application::setup()
+         */
+        void setup(const ManagedIceObjectRegistryInterfacePtr& registry, Ice::PropertiesPtr properties) 
+        { 
+            registry->addObject( Component::create<KinematicUnitSimulation>(properties) ); 
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitSimulation/config/testProperty b/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitSimulation/config/testProperty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f5a03878511ff258740126bb8b4b916e603cd261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitSimulation/config/testProperty
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# test config file for KinematicUnit configured to be a Head
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitSimulation.RobotNodeSetName=Head                            # node set name
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitSimulation.AdapterName=HeadKinematicUnitInstructionChannel  # name of the Ice adapter
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitSimulation/main.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitSimulation/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..14648392913909c1fe51dc553e4e05938278251c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/KinematicUnitSimulation/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    Core::application::KinematicUnitSimulation
+ * @author     Manfred Kroehnert
+ * @date       2014
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "KinematicUnitSimulationApp.h"
+#include <Core/core/logging/Logging.h>
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+    armarx::ApplicationPtr app = armarx::Application::createInstance<armarx::KinematicUnitSimulationApp>();
+    app->setName("KinematicUnitSimulation");
+    return app->main(argc, argv);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/MotionControl/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/applications/MotionControl/CMakeLists.txt
index 65c7ee082dbf861f5c0a489e1999ead63da481cd..ae286cd4687e124e389649e5d2133718fb6f9207 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/applications/MotionControl/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/MotionControl/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ find_package(Simox QUIET)
 armarx_build_if(Simox_FOUND "Simox-VirtualRobot not available")
-set(COMPONENT_LIBS MotionControl RobotAPICore ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore ArmarXCoreObservers ArmarXCoreRobotStateComponent ArmarXCoreStatechart ArmarXCoreOperations)
+set(COMPONENT_LIBS MotionControl RobotAPICore ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore ArmarXCoreObservers RobotAPIRobotStateComponent ArmarXCoreStatechart ArmarXCoreOperations)
 set(SOURCES main.cpp MotionControlApp.h)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/MotionControlTest/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/applications/MotionControlTest/CMakeLists.txt
index 1d9334a529d21a2724aa4fbf24895c81d5efe76d..e608b5cd8192928f3f03f087ad66a842cdb06821 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/applications/MotionControlTest/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/MotionControlTest/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ if (Eigen3_FOUND AND Simox_FOUND)
-set(COMPONENT_LIBS MotionControl RobotAPICore ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore ArmarXCoreObservers ArmarXCoreRobotStateComponent ArmarXCoreStatechart ArmarXCoreOperations ${Simox_LIBRARIES})
+set(COMPONENT_LIBS MotionControl RobotAPICore ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore ArmarXCoreObservers RobotAPIRobotStateComponent ArmarXCoreStatechart ArmarXCoreOperations ${Simox_LIBRARIES})
 set(SOURCES main.cpp MotionControlTestApp.h)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/MovePlatform/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/applications/MovePlatform/CMakeLists.txt
index 1f767fbf93c4ecabd098a863fdd4582b62356c1e..0af49ec7c21cc1eedd06f970e509de59b31013fb 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/applications/MovePlatform/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/MovePlatform/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ set(COMPONENT_LIBS
-                   ArmarXCoreRemoteRobot
+                   RobotAPIRemoteRobot
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/MovePlatformToLandmark/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/applications/MovePlatformToLandmark/CMakeLists.txt
index 187ae9481a1e679f0b52ec30e92fd949fec3ccab..fa87a997919866e0012a3481f11ab32bc19afb79 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/applications/MovePlatformToLandmark/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/MovePlatformToLandmark/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ set(COMPONENT_LIBS
-                   ArmarXCoreRemoteRobot
+                   RobotAPIRemoteRobot
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/PlatformUnitObserver/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/applications/PlatformUnitObserver/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..13dbfdf627791c08a9c98c07ec3d853bb7b533d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/PlatformUnitObserver/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+find_package(Simox QUIET)
+armarx_build_if(Simox_FOUND "Simox VirtualRobot not found")
+set(COMPONENT_LIBS ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore ArmarXCoreObservers #ArmarXCoreUnits 
+    RobotAPIUnits
+    ${Simox_LIBRARIES})
+set(SOURCES main.cpp PlatformUnitObserverApp.h)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/PlatformUnitObserver/PlatformUnitObserverApp.h b/source/RobotAPI/applications/PlatformUnitObserver/PlatformUnitObserverApp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..786ea4c924fb71172e7b86cc50402c9a20f23c7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/PlatformUnitObserver/PlatformUnitObserverApp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::applications
+ * @author     Manfred Kroehnert (manfred dot kroehnert at kit dot edu)
+ * @date       2013
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include <Core/core/application/Application.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnitObserver.h>
+namespace armarx
+    /**
+     * Application for executing armarx::PlatformUnitObserver
+     */
+    class PlatformUnitObserverApp :
+        public armarx::Application
+    {
+        /**
+         * @see armarx::Application::setup()
+         */
+        void setup(const ManagedIceObjectRegistryInterfacePtr& registry, Ice::PropertiesPtr properties)
+        {
+            registry->addObject( Component::create<PlatformUnitObserver>(properties) );
+        }
+	};
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/PlatformUnitObserver/main.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/applications/PlatformUnitObserver/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d8c784b40dc36d5d5efc51150230d70d807170ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/PlatformUnitObserver/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    Core::application::PlatformUnitObserver
+ * @author     Manfred Kroehnert
+ * @date       2014
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "PlatformUnitObserverApp.h"
+#include <Core/core/logging/Logging.h>
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+    armarx::ApplicationPtr app = armarx::Application::createInstance<armarx::PlatformUnitObserverApp>();
+    app->setName("PlatformUnitObserver");
+    return app->main(argc, argv);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/PlatformUnitSimulation/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/applications/PlatformUnitSimulation/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bb60f53c08754be1ca3ac91d8aee93db959ba1ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/PlatformUnitSimulation/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+find_package(Simox QUIET)
+armarx_build_if(Simox_FOUND "Simox-VirtualRobot not available")
+set(COMPONENT_LIBS ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore #ArmarXCoreUnits 
+    RobotAPIUnits)
+set(SOURCES main.cpp PlatformUnitSimulationApp.h)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/PlatformUnitSimulation/PlatformUnitSimulationApp.h b/source/RobotAPI/applications/PlatformUnitSimulation/PlatformUnitSimulationApp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..35c7d14d438da8e10af571c14f0fedded868b9dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/PlatformUnitSimulation/PlatformUnitSimulationApp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::applications
+ * @author     tobias haass
+ * @date       2013
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include <Core/core/application/Application.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnitSimulation.h>
+namespace armarx
+    /**
+     * Application for testing the armarx::PlatformUnitSimulation
+     */
+    class PlatformUnitSimulationApp :
+        virtual public armarx::Application
+    {
+        /**
+         * @see armarx::Application::setup()
+         */
+        void setup(const ManagedIceObjectRegistryInterfacePtr& registry, Ice::PropertiesPtr properties) 
+        { 
+            registry->addObject( Component::create<PlatformUnitSimulation>(properties) );
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/PlatformUnitSimulation/main.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/applications/PlatformUnitSimulation/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d0f0d8d799942effde9f5208bcd0d1ca89cbd1ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/PlatformUnitSimulation/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    Core::application::PlatformUnitSimulation
+ * @author     Manfred Kroehnert
+ * @date       2014
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "PlatformUnitSimulationApp.h"
+#include <Core/core/logging/Logging.h>
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+    armarx::ApplicationPtr app = armarx::Application::createInstance<armarx::PlatformUnitSimulationApp>();
+    app->setName("PlatformUnitSimulation");
+    return app->main(argc, argv);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControl/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControl/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1041e0aaebf39c9ba8ec224ea9c18539190d22f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControl/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#find_package(Simox QUIET)
+#armarx_build_if(Simox_FOUND 2.3.0 "Simox-VirtualRobot not available")
+set(COMPONENT_LIBS ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore ArmarXCoreObservers RobotAPIInterfaces RobotAPIRobotStateComponent ArmarXCoreStatechart ArmarXCoreOperations RobotAPIUnits RobotAPIRemoteRobot)
+set(SOURCES main.cpp RobotControlApp.h)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControl/RobotControlApp.h b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControl/RobotControlApp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4fda633b799936d686aca189fd185f622e9fce4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControl/RobotControlApp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::applications
+ * @author     Kai Welke (weöle dot at kit dot edu)
+ * @date       2012
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include <Core/core/application/Application.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/operations/RobotControl.h>
+namespace armarx
+    /**
+     * Application for testing armarx::RobotControl
+     */
+    class RobotControlApp :
+		virtual public armarx::Application
+	{
+        /**
+         * @see armarx::Application::setup()
+         */
+        void setup(const ManagedIceObjectRegistryInterfacePtr& registry, Ice::PropertiesPtr properties) 
+        { 
+            registry->addObject( Component::create<RobotControl>(properties) ); 
+        }
+	};
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControl/main.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControl/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b42109ee66362d378a75014a5d4da3802577101c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControl/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    Core::application::RobotControl
+ * @author     Manfred Kroehnert
+ * @date       2014
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "RobotControlApp.h"
+#include <Core/core/logging/Logging.h>
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+    armarx::ApplicationPtr app = armarx::Application::createInstance<armarx::RobotControlApp>();
+    app->setName("RobotControl");
+    return app->main(argc, argv);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControlUI/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControlUI/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..943dba547a816236b6c9f69f7941bb4a3fc6758f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControlUI/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Removed dependency on Simox 2014-08-04
+#find_package(Simox 2.3.0 QUIET)
+#armarx_build_if(Simox_FOUND "Simox-VirtualRobot not available")
+set(COMPONENT_LIBS ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore #ArmarXCoreUnits 
+    ArmarXCoreObservers ArmarXCoreStatechart ArmarXCoreOperations)
+set(SOURCES main.cpp
+    RobotControlUI.cpp
+    RobotControlUI.h
+    RobotControlUIApp.h
+    )
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControlUI/RobotControlUI.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControlUI/RobotControlUI.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7862de8c1e1f915800f9c81443e5e6ae1aa66f5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControlUI/RobotControlUI.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public LIcense as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the LIcense, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public LIcense for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public LIcense
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/lIcenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarX::Applications
+ * @author     Jan Issac (jan dot issac at gmx dot net)
+ * @date       2011
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/lIcenses/gpl-2.0.txt
+ *             GNU General Public LIcense
+ */
+#include "RobotControlUI.h"
+#include <Core/core/application/Application.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <Core/observers/ObserverObjectFactories.h>
+using namespace armarx;
+using namespace std;
+void RobotControlUI::onInitComponent()
+    usingProxy("RobotControl");
+    stateId = -1;
+    controlTask = new RunningTask<RobotControlUI>(this, &RobotControlUI::run, "RobotControlUI");
+void RobotControlUI::onConnectComponent()
+    robotProxy = getProxy<RobotControlInterfacePrx>("RobotControl");
+    controlTask->start();
+void RobotControlUI::onExitComponent()
+    controlTask->stop();
+void RobotControlUI::run()
+    string eventstring;
+    cout << "Please insert the event string: " <<  std::flush;
+//    cin >> eventstring;
+    eventstring = "EvLoadScenario";
+    if(eventstring == "q")
+    {
+//        shutdown();
+    }
+    else{
+        cout << "Please insert the state id of the state that should process the event: " <<  std::flush;
+        int id;
+//        cin >> id;
+        id = 11;
+        cout << "sending to id:" << id << endl;
+        EventPtr evt = new Event("EVENTTOALL",eventstring);
+        StateUtilFunctions::addToDictionary(evt, "proxyName", "RemoteStateOfferer");
+        StateUtilFunctions::addToDictionary(evt, "stateName", "MoveArm");
+        //robotProxy->issueEvent(id, evt);
+    }
+//    cin >> eventstring;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControlUI/RobotControlUI.h b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControlUI/RobotControlUI.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e54c2978a45bd10707b3e05d6c14765e3067886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControlUI/RobotControlUI.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public LIcense as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the LIcense, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public LIcense for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public LIcense
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/lIcenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarX::Applications
+ * @author     Jan Issac (jan dot issac at gmx dot net)
+ * @date       2011
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/lIcenses/gpl-2.0.txt
+ *             GNU General Public LIcense
+ */
+// ArmarXCore
+#include <Core/core/Component.h>
+#include <Core/core/services/tasks/RunningTask.h>
+#include <Core/core/IceManager.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/operations/RobotControl.h>
+#include <string>
+namespace armarx
+    class RobotControlUI :
+        virtual public Component
+    {
+    public:
+        int stateId;
+        RobotControlInterfacePrx robotProxy;
+        virtual std::string getDefaultName() const { return "RobotControlUI"; }
+        virtual void onInitComponent();
+        virtual void onConnectComponent();
+        virtual void onExitComponent();
+        void run();
+    private:
+        RunningTask<RobotControlUI>::pointer_type controlTask;
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControlUI/RobotControlUIApp.h b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControlUI/RobotControlUIApp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..923620f9e4ab35948a4d0ebc5f064cfda444c7cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControlUI/RobotControlUIApp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::applications
+ * @author     Kai Welke (weöle dot at kit dot edu)
+ * @date       2012
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include <Core/core/application/Application.h>
+#include "RobotControlUI.h"
+namespace armarx
+    /**
+     * Application for testing armarx::RobotControlUI
+     */
+    class RobotControlUIApp :
+        virtual public armarx::Application
+    {
+        /**
+         * @see armarx::Application::setup()
+         */
+        void setup(const ManagedIceObjectRegistryInterfacePtr& registry, Ice::PropertiesPtr properties)
+        {
+            registry->addObject( Component::create<RobotControlUI>(properties) );
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControlUI/main.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControlUI/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..69a727b32d7c36e304ed6ed72e9ba04b5cb07671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControlUI/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    Core::application::RobotControlUI
+ * @author     Manfred Kroehnert
+ * @date       2014
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "RobotControlUIApp.h"
+#include <Core/core/logging/Logging.h>
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+    armarx::ApplicationPtr app = armarx::Application::createInstance<armarx::RobotControlUIApp>();
+    app->setName("RobotControlUI");
+    return app->main(argc, argv);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateComponent/._CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateComponent/._CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d447e07e4bda6d9ea8f234bffb1da91c3490cf81
Binary files /dev/null and b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateComponent/._CMakeLists.txt differ
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateComponent/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateComponent/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a1c1856f83776f3aceba1abd1caf46716cb1b669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateComponent/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+find_package(Eigen3 QUIET)
+armarx_build_if(Eigen3_FOUND "component disabled")
+find_package(Simox 2.3.0 QUIET)
+armarx_build_if(Simox_FOUND "Simox-VirtualRobot not available")
+set(COMPONENT_LIBS ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore RobotAPIUnits RobotAPIInterfaces #ArmarXCoreUnits
+    RobotAPIRobotStateComponent)
+set(SOURCES main.cpp RobotStateComponentApp.h)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateComponent/RobotStateComponentApp.h b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateComponent/RobotStateComponentApp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..30361b7b20ef4588704b563ead1867dc4e82240e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateComponent/RobotStateComponentApp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    RobotStateComponent::
+* @author     ( at kit dot edu)
+* @date
+* @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include <Core/core/application/Application.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/RobotStateComponent.h>
+namespace armarx
+    /**
+     * Application for testing armarx::RobotStateComponent
+     */
+    class RobotStateComponentApp :
+        virtual public armarx::Application
+    {
+        /**
+         * @see armarx::Application::setup()
+         */
+        void setup(const ManagedIceObjectRegistryInterfacePtr& registry, Ice::PropertiesPtr properties) 
+        { 
+            registry->addObject( Component::create<RobotStateComponent>(properties) ); 
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateComponent/main.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateComponent/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b602b6260fc3ddd8116c45c2e168bc13b5151a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateComponent/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    Core::application::RobotStateComponent
+ * @author     Manfred Kroehnert
+ * @date       2014
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "RobotStateComponentApp.h"
+#include <Core/core/logging/Logging.h>
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+    armarx::ApplicationPtr app = armarx::Application::createInstance<armarx::RobotStateComponentApp>();
+    app->setName("RobotStateComponent");
+    return app->main(argc, argv);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateObserver/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateObserver/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b59006f2cc85180f9944068d1186cff65a435843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateObserver/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+find_package(Eigen3 QUIET)
+armarx_build_if(Eigen3_FOUND "component disabled")
+find_package(Simox 2.3.0 QUIET)
+armarx_build_if(Simox_FOUND "Simox-VirtualRobot not available")
+set(COMPONENT_LIBS ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore RobotAPIInterfaces RobotAPIUnits #ArmarXCoreUnits
+    ArmarXCoreObservers RobotAPIRemoteRobot)
+set(SOURCES main.cpp RobotStateObserverApp.h)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateObserver/RobotStateObserverApp.h b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateObserver/RobotStateObserverApp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9b85a6868a5040af556d41cd71811e9744bc69f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateObserver/RobotStateObserverApp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::applications
+ * @author     Kai Welke (welke dot at kit dot edu)
+ * @date       2012
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include <Core/core/application/Application.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RobotStateObserver.h>
+namespace armarx
+    /**
+     * Application for testing armarx::RobotStateObserver
+     */
+	class RobotStateObserverApp :
+		virtual public armarx::Application
+	{
+        /**
+         * @see armarx::Application::setup()
+         */
+        void setup(const ManagedIceObjectRegistryInterfacePtr& registry, Ice::PropertiesPtr properties) 
+        { 
+            registry->addObject( Component::create<RobotStateObserver>(properties) ); 
+        }
+	};
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateObserver/config/testProperty b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateObserver/config/testProperty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd3d73770dab1e8e52b2daef51b188df7b83d1da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateObserver/config/testProperty
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# test config file for KinematicUnit configured to be a Head
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitObserver.RobotFileName=/org/share/home/staff/welke/projects/armarx/data/ArmarIII/ArmarIII-Head.xml        	# (absolut path required) model XML file path containing a VirtualRobot RobotNodeSet that defines the joints
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitObserver.RobotNodeSetName=Head								# node set name
+ArmarX.KinematicUnitObserver.AdapterName=KinematicUnitObserver      						# name of the ICE adapter
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateObserver/main.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateObserver/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..30ecac9a8f70d004c44097c49ab5e7c5d640658d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotStateObserver/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    Core::application::RobotStateObserver
+ * @author     Manfred Kroehnert
+ * @date       2014
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "RobotStateObserverApp.h"
+#include <Core/core/logging/Logging.h>
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+    armarx::ApplicationPtr app = armarx::Application::createInstance<armarx::RobotStateObserverApp>();
+    app->setName("RobotStateObserver");
+    return app->main(argc, argv);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/TCPControlUnit/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/applications/TCPControlUnit/CMakeLists.txt
index c914803ce89b716f6ce7e82e844f599a6b205023..eabfd7b4aee6ecf6030530433236f0d481de9648 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/applications/TCPControlUnit/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/TCPControlUnit/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ if (Eigen3_FOUND AND Simox_FOUND)
-set(COMPONENT_LIBS RobotAPIUnits RobotAPICore RobotAPIInterfaces  ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore ArmarXCoreObservers ArmarXCoreRemoteRobot ${Simox_LIBRARIES})
+set(COMPONENT_LIBS RobotAPIUnits RobotAPICore RobotAPIInterfaces  ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore ArmarXCoreObservers RobotAPIRemoteRobot 
+    ${Simox_LIBRARIES})
 set(SOURCES main.cpp TCPControlUnitApp.h)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/TCPMoverUnit/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/applications/TCPMoverUnit/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c17f356fee3d4ecbc879653effd1ae93294bafa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/TCPMoverUnit/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+find_package(Simox 2.3.0 QUIET)
+armarx_build_if(Simox_FOUND "Simox-VirtualRobot not available")
+set(COMPONENT_LIBS ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore #ArmarXCoreUnits 
+    RobotAPIInterfaces RobotAPIUnits
+    ${Simox_LIBRARIES})
+set(SOURCES main.cpp TCPMoverUnitApp.h)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/TCPMoverUnit/TCPMoverUnitApp.h b/source/RobotAPI/applications/TCPMoverUnit/TCPMoverUnitApp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f03d33496fc7d3ea6b55dc1da651951e29cb10d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/TCPMoverUnit/TCPMoverUnitApp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::applications
+ * @author     Christian Boege (boege at kit dot edu)
+ * @date       2011
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include <Core/core/application/Application.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/units/TCPMoverUnit.h>
+namespace armarx
+    /**
+     * Application for testing armarx::TCPMoverUnit
+     */
+    class TCPMoverUnitApp :
+		virtual public armarx::Application
+	{
+        /**
+         * @see armarx::Application::setup()
+         */
+        void setup(const ManagedIceObjectRegistryInterfacePtr& registry, Ice::PropertiesPtr properties) 
+        { 
+            registry->addObject( Component::create<TCPMoverUnit>(properties) ); 
+        }
+	};
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/TCPMoverUnit/main.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/applications/TCPMoverUnit/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f941f038d5f42b4915eb785f669c9cc790319bc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/TCPMoverUnit/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    Core::application::TCPMoverUnit
+ * @author     Manfred Kroehnert
+ * @date       2014
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "TCPMoverUnitApp.h"
+#include <Core/core/logging/Logging.h>
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+    armarx::ApplicationPtr app = armarx::Application::createInstance<armarx::TCPMoverUnitApp>();
+    app->setName("TCPMoverUnit");
+    return app->main(argc, argv);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/core/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/core/CMakeLists.txt
index 6f5e670c2bdfe09f914c6e25232b4fb4bd756e16..58a91cb8bfe810ac80cd9c76d21930d371f791b7 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/core/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/core/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ set(LIB_NAME       RobotAPICore)
 set(LIB_VERSION    0.1.0)
-set(LIBS RobotAPIInterfaces ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore ArmarXCoreObservers ArmarXCoreStatechart ArmarXCoreRobotStateComponent ${Simox_LIBRARIES})
+set(LIBS RobotAPIInterfaces ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore ArmarXCoreObservers ArmarXCoreStatechart RobotAPIRobotStateComponent ${Simox_LIBRARIES})
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/core/RobotStatechartContext.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/core/RobotStatechartContext.cpp
index 07046eed4fe71c42dc2fb370d1fe21160d5fb0ee..ca0e20b251d6fbec28687dd816a0339a244bd685 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/core/RobotStatechartContext.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/core/RobotStatechartContext.cpp
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
 #include <Core/core/Component.h>
 #include <Core/core/system/ImportExportComponent.h>
 #include <Core/statechart/Statechart.h>
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.h>
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
 //#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobot.h>
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/core/RobotStatechartContext.h b/source/RobotAPI/core/RobotStatechartContext.h
index a8ce3d992ddc73a91567be210f6fbfa13598d54c..09b35842c788ddcb20bbf77ae0e539c3aea5409d 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/core/RobotStatechartContext.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/core/RobotStatechartContext.h
@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@
 #include <Core/core/Component.h>
 #include <Core/core/system/ImportExportComponent.h>
 #include <Core/statechart/StatechartContext.h>
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.h>
-#include <Core/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterface.h>
-#include <Core/interface/units/HandUnitInterface.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterface.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/units/HandUnitInterface.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/interface/units/TCPControlUnit.h>
-#include <Core/units/KinematicUnitObserver.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnitObserver.h>
 //#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobot.h>
 #include <IceUtil/Time.h>
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/motioncontrol/MotionControl.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/motioncontrol/MotionControl.cpp
index b0a3bf1ede7957bb68b01eb1250a3b222c5a6fe2..1b2631c9fd049b345840b104fc7c215dc6705992 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/motioncontrol/MotionControl.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/motioncontrol/MotionControl.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #include "MotionControl.h"
 // Core
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.h>
 #include <Core/observers/variant/ChannelRef.h>
 #include <Core/observers/ConditionCheck.h>
 #include <Core/core/system/ArmarXDataPath.h>
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/motioncontrol/ZeroForceControl.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/motioncontrol/ZeroForceControl.cpp
index 2730d8056bca6899edc9dd9bc8b15a6b6ab97871..fb240c1643e68c5ef50d068e3ff170f39741d56d 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/motioncontrol/ZeroForceControl.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/motioncontrol/ZeroForceControl.cpp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 #include "ZeroForceControl.h"
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/RobotStateObjectFactories.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RobotStateObjectFactories.h>
 #include <Core/core/exceptions/local/ExpressionException.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/core/RobotStatechartContext.h>
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/operations/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/operations/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63e05442cd7f5aa0f754651dfba18d36e824d6a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/operations/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+armarx_set_target("Core Library: ArmarXCoreOperations")
+find_package(Eigen3 QUIET)
+find_package(Simox 2.3.0 QUIET)
+armarx_build_if(Eigen3_FOUND "Eigen3 not available")
+armarx_build_if(Simox_FOUND "Simox-VirtualRobot not available")
+set(LIB_NAME       ArmarXCoreOperations)
+set(LIB_VERSION    0.1.0)
+set(LIBS RobotAPIRemoteRobot ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore ArmarXCoreStatechart ArmarXCoreObservers )
+set(LIB_FILES RobotControl.cpp)
+set(LIB_HEADERS RobotControl.h)
+armarx_add_library("${LIB_NAME}" "${LIB_VERSION}" "${LIB_SOVERSION}" "${LIB_FILES}" "${LIB_HEADERS}" "${LIBS}")
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/operations/RobotControl.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/operations/RobotControl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..21023484ac54b8aed0b4e0d23bee5f23cfa95d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/operations/RobotControl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    ArmarX::
+* @author     Mirko Waechter ( mirko.waechter at kit dot edu)
+* @date       2012
+* @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include "RobotControl.h"
+#include <RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnitObserver.h>
+#include <Core/observers/variant/ChannelRef.h>
+#include <Core/statechart/DynamicRemoteState.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RobotStateObjectFactories.h>
+namespace armarx
+    void RobotControl::onInitRemoteStateOfferer()
+    {
+        addState<Statechart_Robot>("RobotControl");
+    }
+    void RobotControl::onConnectRemoteStateOfferer()
+    {
+        startRobotStatechart();
+    }
+    void RobotControl::onExitRemoteStateOfferer()
+    {
+        removeInstance(stateId);
+        robotFunctionalState = NULL;
+    }
+    // this function creates an instance of the robot-statechart,
+    // so there is always one running-instance active that can
+    // be controlled by the GUI
+    void RobotControl::startRobotStatechart()
+    {
+        task = new RunningTask< RobotControl >(this, &RobotControl::createStaticInstance);
+        task->start();
+    }
+    void RobotControl::hardReset(const Ice::Current &)
+    {
+        removeInstance(robotFunctionalState->getLocalUniqueId());
+        startRobotStatechart();
+    }
+    void RobotControl::createStaticInstance()
+    {
+        getObjectScheduler()->waitForObjectState(eManagedIceObjectStarted, 5000);
+        stateId = createRemoteStateInstance("RobotControl", NULL, "RobotStatechart");
+        std::map<int, StateBasePtr> stateList = getChildStatesByName(stateId,"Functional");
+        ARMARX_INFO << "Functional State Id:" << stateList.begin()->first << flush;
+        assert(stateList.size() > 0);
+        robotFunctionalState = stateList.begin()->second;
+        callRemoteState(stateId, StringVariantContainerBaseMap());
+    }
+    void Statechart_Robot::defineState()
+    {
+    }
+    void Statechart_Robot::defineSubstates()
+    {
+        //add substates
+        StateBasePtr stateFunctional = setInitState(addState<StateRobotControl>("Functional"));
+        StateBasePtr stateStopped = addState<State>("Stopped");
+        StateBasePtr stateFailure = addState<State>("Failure");
+        // add transitions
+        addTransition<EvFailure>(stateFunctional, stateFailure);
+        addTransition<EvStopRobot>(stateFunctional, stateStopped);
+        addTransition<EvStartRobot>(stateStopped, stateFunctional);
+        addTransition<EvStartRobot>(stateFailure, stateFunctional);
+    }
+    void StateRobotControl::defineSubstates()
+    {
+        // add substates
+        StateBasePtr stateIdling = addState<State>("Idling");
+        StateBasePtr stateRobotPreInitialized = addState<RobotPreInitialized>("RobotPreInitialized");
+        StateBasePtr stateRobotInitialized = addState<State>("RobotInitialized");
+        StateBasePtr stateScenarioRunning = addDynamicRemoteState();
+        StateBasePtr stateFatalError = addState<FailureState>("FatalError");
+        setInitState(stateRobotInitialized);
+        // add transitions
+        addTransition<EvInit>(stateIdling, stateRobotPreInitialized);
+        addTransition<EvInitialized>(stateRobotPreInitialized, stateRobotInitialized);
+        addTransition<EvLoadScenario>(stateRobotInitialized, stateScenarioRunning,
+                                      PM::createMapping()->mapFromEvent("*","*"));
+        addTransition<EvInit>(stateScenarioRunning, stateRobotPreInitialized);
+        addTransition<EvSuccess>(stateScenarioRunning, stateRobotPreInitialized);
+        // failure transitions
+        addTransition<EvLoadingFailed>(stateScenarioRunning, stateFatalError);
+        addTransition<EvConnectionLost>(stateScenarioRunning, stateFatalError);
+        addTransition<EvInitFailed>(stateRobotPreInitialized, stateFatalError);
+        addTransitionFromAllStates<EvFailure>(stateFatalError);
+    }
+    void StateRobotControl::onEnter()
+    {
+        // install global running conditions for the robot (e.g. temperature < xx°C)
+//        KinematicUnitObserverInterfacePrx prx = getContext()->getProxy<KinematicUnitObserverInterfacePrx>("KinematicUnitObserver");
+//        installCondition<EvFailure>(Expression::create()
+//                         ->add(channels::KinematicUnitObserver::jointTemperatures.getDatafield("KinematicUnitObserver", "NECK_JOINT0"), checks::KinematicUnitObserver::larger->getCheckStr(),  50.f));
+    }
+    RobotPreInitialized::RobotPreInitialized()
+    {
+    }
+    void RobotPreInitialized::onEnter()
+    {
+        // issue init on remote components and install condition "RobotInitialized"
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/operations/RobotControl.h b/source/RobotAPI/operations/RobotControl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dd7c8e2b1fec11fcd8c71fc9fe420a061d4ada3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/operations/RobotControl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    Robot::
+* @author     Mirko Waechter( mirko.waechter at kit dot edu)
+* @date       2012
+* @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include <Core/statechart/Statechart.h>
+#include <Core/core/system/ImportExportComponent.h>
+#include <Core/interface/operations/RobotControlIceBase.h>
+namespace armarx
+    /**
+     * \class RobotControl
+     * \brief RobotControl is used for dynamically loading and starting robot programs
+     * \ingroup Statechart
+     *
+     * The toplevel state Statechart_Robot describes the basic operational levels
+     * of the robot.
+     *
+     * The behavior of the functional state is described in StateRobotControl
+     */
+        virtual public RemoteStateOfferer<StatechartContext>,
+        virtual public RobotControlIceBase
+    {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Refernce to the currently active Functionsl state.
+         */
+        StateBasePtr robotFunctionalState;
+        // inherited from RemoteStateOfferer
+        std::string getStateOffererName() const
+        {
+            return "RobotControl";
+        }
+        void onInitRemoteStateOfferer();
+        void onConnectRemoteStateOfferer();
+        void onExitRemoteStateOfferer();
+        void startRobotStatechart();
+        void hardReset(const Ice::Current & = ::Ice::Current());
+    private:
+        void createStaticInstance();
+        RunningTask< RobotControl >::pointer_type task;
+        int stateId;
+    };
+    DEFINEEVENT(EvRobotFailure)
+    DEFINEEVENT(EvStopRobot)
+    DEFINEEVENT(EvStartRobot)
+    /**
+     * Statechart which describes the most basic states of a robot:
+       \dot
+           digraph States {
+               functional [ label="Functional (Initial State)" ];
+               stopped [ label="Stopped" ];
+               failure [ label="Failure" ];
+               functional -> failure [ label="EvFailure" ];
+               functional -> stopped [ label="EvStopRobot" ];
+               stopped -> functional [ label="EvStartRobot" ];
+               failure -> functional [ label="EvStartRobot" ];
+           }
+       \enddot
+     */
+    struct Statechart_Robot :
+        StateTemplate<Statechart_Robot>
+    {
+        void defineState();
+        void defineSubstates();
+    };
+    DEFINEEVENT(EvInitialized)
+    DEFINEEVENT(EvLoadScenario)
+    DEFINEEVENT(EvStartScenario)
+    DEFINEEVENT(EvInitFailed)
+    /**
+     * Statechart which describes the operational states of a robot program.
+     * The state "Robot Program Running" is a DynamicRemoteState and needs to
+     * be passed the input parameters \p proxyName and \p stateName via Event
+     * parameters.
+       \dot
+           digraph States {
+               idle [ label="Idling" ];
+               preinit [ label="RobotPreInitialized" ];
+               init [ label="RobotInitialized (Initial State)" ];
+               running [ label="Robot Program Running" ];
+               error [ label="FatalError" ];
+               idle -> preinit [ label="EvInit" ];
+               preinit -> init [ label="EvInitialized" ];
+               init -> running [ label="EvLoadScenario" ];
+               running -> preinit [ label="EvInit" ];
+               running -> preinit [ label="EvSuccess" ];
+               running -> error [ label="EvLoadingFailed" ];
+               preinit -> error [ label="EvInitFailed" ];
+               ALL -> error [ label="EvFailure" ];
+           }
+       \enddot
+     */
+    struct StateRobotControl :
+        StateTemplate<StateRobotControl>
+    {
+        void onEnter();
+        void defineSubstates();
+    };
+    /**
+     * Robot is in the state preinitialized.
+     */
+    struct RobotPreInitialized :
+        StateTemplate<RobotPreInitialized>
+    {
+        RobotPreInitialized();
+        void onEnter();
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa5318d9c58517cda33f3a78a3e51f9c099ebc84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+armarx_set_target("Core Library: ArmarXCoreRobotStateComponent")
+find_package(Eigen3 QUIET)
+find_package(Simox 2.3.0 QUIET)
+armarx_build_if(Eigen3_FOUND "Eigen3 not available")
+armarx_build_if(Simox_FOUND "Simox-VirtualRobot not available")
+set(LIB_NAME       RobotAPIRobotStateComponent)
+set(LIB_VERSION    0.1.0)
+set(LIBS ArmarXInterfaces RobotAPIRemoteRobot 
+    ArmarXCore ${Simox_LIBRARIES})
+        RobotStateComponent.cpp
+        SharedRobotServants.cpp
+    )
+        RobotStateComponent.h
+        SharedRobotServants.h
+armarx_add_library("${LIB_NAME}" "${LIB_VERSION}" "${LIB_SOVERSION}" "${LIB_FILES}" "${LIB_HEADERS}" "${LIBS}")
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/RobotStateComponent.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/RobotStateComponent.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5726bd529dcf9ee102f20978b1406655f5be23e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/RobotStateComponent.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    RobotStateComponent::
+ * @author     ( at kit dot edu)
+ * @date
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "RobotStateComponent.h"
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+#include <VirtualRobot/XML/RobotIO.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Nodes/RobotNode.h>
+#include <boost/format.hpp>
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+#include <Core/core/system/ArmarXDataPath.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace VirtualRobot;
+using namespace Eigen;
+using namespace Ice;
+using namespace boost;
+std::ofstream out_file;
+namespace armarx
+    RobotStateComponent::~RobotStateComponent()
+    {
+        if (_synchronizedPrx)
+        {
+            _synchronizedPrx->unref();
+        }
+        ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Destructor";
+    }
+    void RobotStateComponent::onInitComponent()
+    {
+        std::string robotFile = getProperty<std::string>("RobotFileName").getValue();
+        if (!ArmarXDataPath::getAbsolutePath(robotFile,robotFile))
+        {
+            throw UserException("Could not find robot file " + robotFile);
+        }
+        this->_synchronized = VirtualRobot::RobotIO::loadRobot(robotFile, VirtualRobot::RobotIO::eStructure);
+        if (this->_synchronized)
+        {
+            ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Loaded robot from file " << robotFile;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Failed loading robot from file " << robotFile;
+        }
+        string robotNodeSetName = getProperty<std::string>("RobotNodeSetName").getValue();
+        if(robotNodeSetName == "")
+        {
+            throw UserException("RobotNodeSet not defined");
+        }
+        VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr rns =  this->_synchronized->getRobotNodeSet(robotNodeSetName);
+        if (!rns)
+        {
+             throw UserException("RobotNodeSet not defined");
+        }
+        vector<RobotNodePtr> nodes = rns->getAllRobotNodes();
+        ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Using RobotNodeSet " << robotNodeSetName << " with " << nodes.size() << " robot nodes.";
+        BOOST_FOREACH(RobotNodePtr node, nodes)
+        {
+            ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Node: " << node->getName() << endl;
+        }
+        usingTopic(robotNodeSetName + "State");
+        VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr pns = this->_synchronized->getRobotNodeSet("Platform");
+        if (pns)
+        {
+            usingTopic("PlatformState");
+            vector<RobotNodePtr> nodes = pns->getAllRobotNodes();
+            ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Using RobotNodeSet Platform with " << nodes.size() << " robot nodes.";
+            BOOST_FOREACH(RobotNodePtr node, nodes)
+            {
+                ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Node: " << node->getName() << endl;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    void RobotStateComponent::onConnectComponent()
+    {
+        ARMARX_INFO << "Started RobotStateComponent" << flush;
+    }
+    SharedRobotInterfacePrx RobotStateComponent::getSynchronizedRobot(const Current & current)
+    {
+        if (!this->_synchronizedPrx)
+        {
+            SharedRobotInterfacePtr shared =  new SharedRobotServant(this->_synchronized);
+            shared->ref();
+            this->_synchronizedPrx = SharedRobotInterfacePrx::uncheckedCast(current.adapter->addWithUUID(shared));
+        }
+        return this->_synchronizedPrx;
+    }
+    SharedRobotInterfacePrx RobotStateComponent::getRobotSnapshot(const string & time,const Current & current)
+    {
+        SharedRobotInterfacePtr p = new SharedRobotServant(this->_synchronized->clone(time));
+        return SharedRobotInterfacePrx::uncheckedCast(current.adapter->addWithUUID(p));
+    }
+    void RobotStateComponent::reportJointAngles(const NameValueMap& jointAngles, bool aValueChanged, const Current& c)
+    {
+//        IceUtil::Time start = IceUtil::Time::now();
+        if(aValueChanged)
+        {
+            ReadLockPtr lock = _synchronized->getReadLock();
+            std::vector<float> jv;
+            std::vector< RobotNodePtr > nodes;
+            BOOST_FOREACH(NameValueMap::value_type namedAngle, jointAngles )
+            {
+                RobotNodePtr node = this->_synchronized->getRobotNode(namedAngle.first);
+                nodes.push_back(node);
+                jv.push_back(namedAngle.second);
+            }
+            _synchronized->setJointValues(nodes, jv);
+        }
+//        ARMARX_VERBOSE_S << "duration: " << (IceUtil::Time::now() - start).toMilliSeconds() << " ms";
+    }
+    void RobotStateComponent::reportControlModeChanged(const NameControlModeMap& jointModes,  bool aValueChanged,const Current& c){}
+    void RobotStateComponent::reportJointVelocities(const NameValueMap& jointVelocities,  bool aValueChanged,const Current& c){}
+    void RobotStateComponent::reportJointTorques(const NameValueMap& jointTorques,  bool aValueChanged,const Current& c){}
+    void RobotStateComponent::reportJointCurrents(const NameValueMap& jointCurrents,  bool aValueChanged,const Current& c){}
+    void RobotStateComponent::reportJointMotorTemperatures(const NameValueMap& jointMotorTemperatures, bool aValueChanged, const Current& c){}
+    void RobotStateComponent::reportJointStatuses(const NameStatusMap& jointStatuses, bool aValueChanged, const Current& c){}
+    void RobotStateComponent::reportPlatformPose(float currentPlatformPositionX, float currentPlatformPositionY, float currentPlatformRotation, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        if (!this->_synchronized->hasRobotNodeSet("Platform") && !this->_synchronized->hasRobotNode("Platform"))
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        {
+            WriteLockPtr lock = _synchronized->getWriteLock();
+            _synchronized->setJointValue("X_Platform", currentPlatformPositionX);
+            _synchronized->setJointValue("Y_Platform", currentPlatformPositionY);
+            _synchronized->setJointValue("Yaw_Platform", currentPlatformRotation);
+            _synchronized->applyJointValues();
+        }
+    }
+    void RobotStateComponent::reportNewTargetPose(float newPlatformPositionX, float newPlatformPositionY, float newPlatformRotation, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+    }
+    void RobotStateComponent::reportPlatformVelocity(float currentPlatformVelocityX, float currentPlatformVelocityY, float currentPlatformVelocityRotation, const Ice::Current &c)
+    {
+    }
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr RobotStateComponent::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new RobotStatePropertyDefinitions(
+                                               getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/RobotStateComponent.h b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/RobotStateComponent.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..11c4128aa387f64d63029daa97e621fc06cfc3ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/RobotStateComponent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    RobotStateComponent::
+ * @author     ( stefan dot ulbrich at kit dot edu)
+ * @date
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#ifndef _ARMARX_COMPONENT_RobotStateComponent_RobotStateComponent_H
+#define _ARMARX_COMPONENT_RobotStateComponent_RobotStateComponent_H
+#include "SharedRobotServants.h"
+#include <Core/core/Component.h>
+#include <Core/core/application/properties/Properties.h>
+#include <Core/core/system/ImportExportComponent.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/robotstate/RobotState.h>
+#include "remote/RobotStateObjectFactories.h"
+namespace armarx
+    /**
+     * RobotStatePropertyDefinition Property Definitions
+     */
+    class RobotStatePropertyDefinitions:
+            public ComponentPropertyDefinitions
+    {
+    public:
+        RobotStatePropertyDefinitions(std::string prefix):
+            ComponentPropertyDefinitions(prefix)
+        {
+            defineRequiredProperty<std::string>("RobotNodeSetName","Set of nodes that is controlled by the KinematicUnit");
+            defineRequiredProperty<std::string>("RobotFileName", "Filename of VirtualRobot robot model (e.g. robot_model.xml)");
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * The RobotStateComponent creates an internal robot representation from
+     * a VirtualRobot XML file.
+     * Upon request, an Ice proxy to a shared instance of this internal robot
+     * can be acquired through a call to RobotStateComponent::getSynchronizedRobot().
+     * Additionally it is possible to retrieve a proxy for robot snapshot with
+     * RobotStateComponent::getRobotSnapshot().
+     * While the synchronized robot will constantly update its internal state
+     * the robot snapshot is a clone of the original robot an won't update its
+     * configuration over time.
+     */
+    class ARMARXCOMPONENT_IMPORT_EXPORT RobotStateComponent :
+        virtual public Component,
+        virtual public RobotStateComponentInterface
+    {
+    public:
+        // inherited from KinematicUnitInterface
+        void reportControlModeChanged(const NameControlModeMap& jointModes, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportJointAngles(const NameValueMap& jointAngles,  bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportJointVelocities(const NameValueMap& jointVelocities,  bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportJointTorques(const NameValueMap& jointTorques,  bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportJointCurrents(const NameValueMap& jointCurrents,  bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportJointMotorTemperatures(const NameValueMap& jointMotorTemperatures,  bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportJointStatuses(const NameStatusMap& jointStatuses,  bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        // inherited from PlatformUnitInterface
+        void reportPlatformPose(float currentPlatformPositionX, float currentPlatformPositionY, float currentPlatformRotation, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportNewTargetPose(float newPlatformPositionX, float newPlatformPositionY, float newPlatformRotation, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportPlatformVelocity(float currentPlatformVelocityX, float currentPlatformVelocityY, float currentPlatformVelocityRotation, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        /**
+         * \return SharedRobotInterface proxy to the internal synchronized robot (gets created upon first call)
+         */
+        virtual SharedRobotInterfacePrx getSynchronizedRobot(const Ice::Current&);
+        /**
+         * \return clone of the internal synchronized robot
+         */
+        virtual SharedRobotInterfacePrx getRobotSnapshot(const std::string & time, const Ice::Current&);
+        /**
+         * Create an instance of RobotStatePropertyDefinitions.
+         */
+        virtual PropertyDefinitionsPtr createPropertyDefinitions();
+        virtual std::string getDefaultName() const
+        {
+            return "RobotStateComponent";
+        }
+    protected:
+        /**
+         * Load and create a VirtualRobot::Robot instance from the RobotFileName
+         * property. Additionally listen on the KinematicUnit topic for the
+         * RobotNodeSet specified in the RobotNodeSetName property.
+         */
+        virtual void onInitComponent();
+        /**
+         * Setup RobotStateObjectFactories needed for creating RemoteRobot instances.
+         */
+        virtual void onConnectComponent();
+        /**
+         * Calls unref() on RobotStateComponent::_synchronizedPrx.
+         */
+        virtual ~RobotStateComponent();
+    private:
+        SharedRobotInterfacePrx _synchronizedPrx;
+        VirtualRobot::RobotPtr _synchronized;
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/SharedRobotServants.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/SharedRobotServants.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..28c84a870741e8f20b39c634fe8ad1e7fc1a0ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/SharedRobotServants.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+#include "SharedRobotServants.h"
+#include <Core/core/logging/Logging.h>
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+#include <Eigen/Geometry>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Nodes/RobotNode.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Nodes/RobotNodeRevolute.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Nodes/RobotNodePrismatic.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/RobotConfig.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace VirtualRobot;
+using namespace Eigen;
+using namespace Ice;
+using namespace boost;
+#undef VERBOSE
+namespace armarx
+typedef std::map<std::string, SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx> NodeCache;
+// SharedObjectBase
+    this-> _referenceCount=0;
+    #ifdef VERBOSE
+    ARMARX_LOG_S << "construct " << this << flush;
+    #endif
+void SharedObjectBase::ref(const Current &c)
+    lock_guard<mutex> lock(this->_counterMutex);
+    _referenceCount++;
+    #ifdef VERBOSE
+    ARMARX_LOG_S << "ref: " <<  _referenceCount << " " << this << flush;
+    #endif
+void SharedObjectBase::unref(const Current &c)
+    lock_guard<mutex> lock(this->_counterMutex);
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+    ARMARX_LOG_S << "unref: " <<   _referenceCount << " " << this << flush;
+    _referenceCount --;
+    if (_referenceCount==0)
+        this->destroy(c);
+void SharedObjectBase::destroy(const Current &c)
+    try {
+        c.adapter->remove(c.id);
+    #ifdef VERBOSE
+        ARMARX_ERROR_S << "[SharedObject] destroy " << " " << this << flush;
+    #endif
+    } catch (const NotRegisteredException&){
+        throw ObjectNotExistException(__FILE__, __LINE__);
+    };
+// SharedRobotNodeServant
+SharedRobotNodeServant::SharedRobotNodeServant(RobotNodePtr node) :
+    _node(node)
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+    ARMARX_LOG_S << "[SharedRobotNodeServant] construct " << " " << this << flush;
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+    ARMARX_LOG_S << "[SharedRobotNodeServant] destruct " << " " << this << flush;
+float SharedRobotNodeServant::getJointValue(const Current &current) const
+    ReadLockPtr lock = _node->getRobot()->getReadLock();
+    return _node->getJointValue();
+string SharedRobotNodeServant::getName(const Current &current) const
+    ReadLockPtr lock = _node->getRobot()->getReadLock();
+    return _node->getName();
+PoseBasePtr SharedRobotNodeServant::getLocalTransformation(const Current &current) const
+    ReadLockPtr lock = _node->getRobot()->getReadLock();
+    return new Pose(_node->getLocalTransformation());
+PoseBasePtr SharedRobotNodeServant::getPostJointTransformation(const Current &current) const
+    ReadLockPtr lock = _node->getRobot()->getReadLock();
+    return new Pose(_node->getPostJointTransformation());
+PoseBasePtr SharedRobotNodeServant::getGlobalPose(const Current &current) const
+    ReadLockPtr lock = _node->getRobot()->getReadLock();
+    return new Pose(_node->getGlobalPose());
+PoseBasePtr SharedRobotNodeServant::getGlobalPoseJoint(const Current &current) const
+    ReadLockPtr lock = _node->getRobot()->getReadLock();
+    return new Pose(_node->getGlobalPoseJoint());
+JointType SharedRobotNodeServant::getType(const Current &current) const
+    ReadLockPtr lock = _node->getRobot()->getReadLock();
+    if (_node->isRotationalJoint()) return eRevolute;
+    else if (_node->isTranslationalJoint()) return ePrismatic;
+    else return eFixed;
+Vector3BasePtr SharedRobotNodeServant::getJointTranslationDirection(const Current &current) const
+    ReadLockPtr lock = _node->getRobot()->getReadLock();
+    shared_ptr<RobotNodePrismatic> prismatic = dynamic_pointer_cast<RobotNodePrismatic>(_node);
+    if (prismatic)
+        return new Vector3(prismatic->getJointTranslationDirection());
+    else
+        return new Vector3;
+Vector3BasePtr SharedRobotNodeServant::getJointRotationAxis(const Current &current) const
+    ReadLockPtr lock = _node->getRobot()->getReadLock();
+    shared_ptr<RobotNodeRevolute> revolute = dynamic_pointer_cast<RobotNodeRevolute>(_node);
+    if (revolute)
+        return new Vector3(revolute->getJointRotationAxis());
+    else
+        return new Vector3;
+bool SharedRobotNodeServant::hasChild(const string &name, bool recursive, const Current &current) const
+    ReadLockPtr lock = _node->getRobot()->getReadLock();
+    //return _node->hasChild(name,recursive);
+    return false;
+string SharedRobotNodeServant::getParent(const Current &current) const
+    ReadLockPtr lock = _node->getRobot()->getReadLock();
+    SceneObjectPtr parent = _node->getParent();
+    if (!parent) throw UserException("This RobotNode has no parent.");
+    return parent->getName();
+NameList SharedRobotNodeServant::getChildren(const Current &current) const
+    ReadLockPtr lock = _node->getRobot()->getReadLock();
+    vector<SceneObjectPtr> children = _node->getChildren();
+    NameList names;
+    BOOST_FOREACH(SceneObjectPtr node, children){
+        names.push_back(node->getName());
+    }
+    return names;
+NameList SharedRobotNodeServant::getAllParents(const std::string &name, const Ice::Current &current) const
+    ReadLockPtr lock = _node->getRobot()->getReadLock();
+    vector<RobotNodePtr> parents = _node->getAllParents(_node->getRobot()->getRobotNodeSet(name));
+    NameList names;
+    BOOST_FOREACH(RobotNodePtr node, parents){
+        names.push_back(node->getName());
+    }
+    return names;
+float SharedRobotNodeServant::getJointValueOffest(const Current &current) const
+    ReadLockPtr lock = _node->getRobot()->getReadLock();
+    return _node->getJointValueOffset();
+float SharedRobotNodeServant::getJointLimitHigh(const Current &current) const
+    ReadLockPtr lock = _node->getRobot()->getReadLock();
+    return _node->getJointLimitHigh();
+float SharedRobotNodeServant::getJointLimitLow(const Current &current) const
+    ReadLockPtr lock = _node->getRobot()->getReadLock();
+    return _node->getJointLimitLow();
+// SharedRobotServant
+SharedRobotServant::SharedRobotServant(RobotPtr robot)
+    : _robot(robot)
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+    ARMARX_WARNING_S << "construct " << this << flush;
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+    ARMARX_WARNING_S << "destruct " << this << flush;
+    BOOST_FOREACH(NodeCache::value_type value, this->_cachedNodes)
+        value.second->unref();
+SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx SharedRobotServant::getRobotNode(const string &name, const Current &current)
+//    ARMARX_LOG_S << "Looking for node: " << name << flush;
+    assert(_robot);
+    if (this->_cachedNodes.find(name) == this->_cachedNodes.end()){
+        RobotNodePtr robotNode = _robot->getRobotNode(name);
+        if (!robotNode){
+            ARMARX_WARNING_S << "RobotNode \"" + name + "\" not defined.";
+            throw UserException("RobotNode \"" + name + "\" not defined.");
+        }
+        SharedRobotNodeInterfacePtr servant = new SharedRobotNodeServant(
+            _robot->getRobotNode(name));
+        //servant->ref();
+        this->_cachedNodes[name] = SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx::uncheckedCast(current.adapter->addWithUUID(servant));
+        this->_cachedNodes[name]->ref();
+    }
+    return this->_cachedNodes[name];
+SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx SharedRobotServant::getRootNode(const Current &current)
+    assert(_robot);
+    string name = _robot->getRootNode()/*,current*/->getName();
+    return this->getRobotNode(name, current);
+bool SharedRobotServant::hasRobotNode(const string & name, const Current &current)
+    return _robot->hasRobotNode(name);
+NameList SharedRobotServant::getRobotNodes(const Current &current)
+    vector<RobotNodePtr> robotNodes = _robot->getRobotNodes();
+    NameList names;
+    BOOST_FOREACH(RobotNodePtr node, robotNodes){
+        names.push_back(node->getName());
+    }
+    return names;
+RobotNodeSetInfoPtr SharedRobotServant::getRobotNodeSet(const string & name, const Current &current)
+    RobotNodeSetPtr robotNodeSet = _robot->getRobotNodeSet(name);
+    if (!robotNodeSet) throw UserException("RobotNodeSet \""+name+"\" not defined");
+    vector<RobotNodePtr> robotNodes = robotNodeSet->getAllRobotNodes();
+    NameList names;
+    BOOST_FOREACH(RobotNodePtr node, robotNodes){
+        names.push_back(node->getName());
+    }
+    RobotNodeSetInfoPtr info = new RobotNodeSetInfo;
+    info->names = names;
+    info->name = name;
+    info->tcpName = robotNodeSet->getTCP()->getName();
+    info->rootName = robotNodeSet->getKinematicRoot()->getName();
+    return info;
+NameList SharedRobotServant::getRobotNodeSets(const Current &current)
+    vector<RobotNodeSetPtr> robotNodeSets = _robot->getRobotNodeSets();
+    NameList names;
+    BOOST_FOREACH(RobotNodeSetPtr set, robotNodeSets){
+        names.push_back(set->getName());
+    }
+    return names;
+bool SharedRobotServant::hasRobotNodeSet(const string & name, const Current &current)
+    return _robot->hasRobotNodeSet(name);
+string SharedRobotServant::getName(const Current &current)
+    return _robot->getName();
+string SharedRobotServant::getType(const Current &current)
+    return _robot->getType();
+PoseBasePtr SharedRobotServant::getGlobalPose(const Current &current)
+    ReadLockPtr lock = _robot->getReadLock();
+    return new Pose(_robot->getGlobalPose());
+NameValueMap SharedRobotServant::getConfig(const Current &current)
+    if(!_robot)
+    {
+        ARMARX_WARNING_S << "no robot set";
+        return NameValueMap();
+    }
+    std::map < std::string, float > values = _robot->getConfig()->getRobotNodeJointValueMap();
+    NameValueMap result(values.begin(), values.end());
+    return result;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/SharedRobotServants.h b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/SharedRobotServants.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89a063b4649f3f48caaede8487210235810c7b4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/SharedRobotServants.h
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#include <Core/core/Component.h>
+#include <Core/core/system/ImportExportComponent.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobot.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Robot.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/RobotNodeSet.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Nodes/RobotNode.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/robotstate/RobotState.h>
+#include <boost/thread.hpp>
+namespace armarx {
+    // Zugriff muss mutex geschuetzt werden!
+    class SharedObjectBase :
+        virtual public SharedObjectInterface
+    {
+        public:
+            virtual void ref(const Ice::Current &c);
+            virtual void unref(const Ice::Current &c);
+            virtual void destroy(const Ice::Current &c);
+            SharedObjectBase();
+        private:
+            unsigned int _referenceCount;
+            boost::mutex _counterMutex;
+    };
+    class SharedRobotNodeServant :
+        virtual public SharedRobotNodeInterface,
+        public SharedObjectBase
+    {
+    public:
+        SharedRobotNodeServant(VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr node /*,const Ice::Current &current*/);
+        ~SharedRobotNodeServant();
+        virtual float getJointValue(const Ice::Current &current) const;
+        virtual std::string getName(const Ice::Current &current) const;
+        virtual PoseBasePtr getLocalTransformation(const Ice::Current &current) const;
+        //virtual PoseBasePtr getPostJointTransformation(const Ice::Current &current) const;
+        virtual PoseBasePtr getGlobalPose(const Ice::Current &current) const;
+        virtual PoseBasePtr getGlobalPoseJoint(const Ice::Current &current) const;
+        virtual JointType getType(const Ice::Current &current) const;
+        virtual Vector3BasePtr getJointTranslationDirection(const Ice::Current &current) const;
+        virtual Vector3BasePtr getJointRotationAxis(const Ice::Current &current) const;
+        virtual bool hasChild(const std::string &name, bool recursive, const Ice::Current &current) const;
+        virtual std::string getParent(const Ice::Current &current) const;
+        virtual NameList getChildren(const Ice::Current &current) const;
+        virtual NameList getAllParents(const std::string &name, const Ice::Current &current) const;
+        virtual float getJointValueOffest(const Ice::Current &current) const;
+        virtual float getJointLimitHigh(const Ice::Current &current) const;
+        virtual float getJointLimitLow(const Ice::Current &current) const;
+    protected:
+        VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr _node;
+    };
+    class   SharedRobotServant :
+        public virtual SharedRobotInterface,
+        public SharedObjectBase
+    {
+    public:
+        SharedRobotServant(VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot);
+        ~SharedRobotServant();
+        virtual SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx getRobotNode(const std::string & name, const Ice::Current &current);
+        virtual SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx getRootNode(const Ice::Current &current);
+        virtual bool hasRobotNode(const std::string & name, const Ice::Current &current);
+        virtual NameList getRobotNodes(const Ice::Current &current);
+        virtual RobotNodeSetInfoPtr getRobotNodeSet(const std::string & name, const Ice::Current &current);
+        virtual NameList getRobotNodeSets(const Ice::Current &current);
+        virtual bool hasRobotNodeSet(const std::string & name, const Ice::Current &current);
+        virtual std::string getName(const Ice::Current &current);
+        virtual std::string getType(const Ice::Current &current);
+        virtual PoseBasePtr getGlobalPose(const Ice::Current &current);
+        NameValueMap getConfig(const Ice::Current &current);
+        VirtualRobot::RobotPtr getRobot()
+        {
+            return this->_robot;
+        }
+    protected:
+        VirtualRobot::RobotPtr _robot;
+        std::map<std::string, SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx> _cachedNodes;
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..311615f9fd09cfb71ea45fb6c345ad1f9d514d83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+#include "ArmarPose.h"
+// boost includes
+#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
+#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
+#include <Eigen/Geometry>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Robot.h>
+using namespace Eigen;
+using namespace std;
+namespace armarx
+    Vector3::Vector3()
+    {
+        x = 0;
+        y = 0;
+        z = 0;
+    }
+    Vector3::Vector3(const Vector3f & v)
+    {
+        x = v(0);
+        y = v(1);
+        z = v(2);
+    }
+    Vector3::Vector3(const Matrix4f & m)
+    {
+        x = m(0,3);
+        y = m(1,3);
+        z = m(2,3);
+    }
+    Vector3f Vector3::toEigen() const
+    {
+        Vector3f v;
+        v << this->x,this->y,this->z;
+        return v;
+    }
+    int Vector3::readFromXML(const string &xmlData, const Ice::Current &c)
+    {
+        boost::property_tree::ptree pt = Variant::GetPropertyTree(xmlData);
+        x = (pt.get<float>("x"));
+        y = (pt.get<float>("y"));
+        z = (pt.get<float>("z"));
+        return 1;
+    }
+    string Vector3::writeAsXML(const Ice::Current &)
+    {
+        using namespace boost::property_tree;
+        ptree pt;
+        pt.add("x", x);
+        pt.add("y", y);
+        pt.add("z", z);
+        std::stringstream stream;
+        xml_parser::write_xml(stream, pt);
+        return stream.str();
+    }
+    void Vector3::serialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current&) const
+    {
+        AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
+        obj->setFloat("x", x);
+        obj->setFloat("y", y);
+        obj->setFloat("z", z);
+    }
+    void Vector3::deserialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
+        x = obj->getFloat("x");
+        y = obj->getFloat("y");
+        z = obj->getFloat("z");
+    }
+    Quaternion::Quaternion()
+    {
+    }
+    Quaternion::Quaternion(const Matrix4f &m4)
+    {
+        Matrix3f m3=m4.block<3,3>(0,0);
+        this->init(m3);
+    }
+    Quaternion::Quaternion(const Matrix3f &m3)
+    {
+        this->init(m3);
+    }
+    Quaternion::Quaternion(const Eigen::Quaternionf &q)
+    {
+        this->init(q);
+    }
+    Matrix3f Quaternion::toEigen() const
+    {
+        Matrix3f rot;
+        rot = Quaternionf(
+                    this->qw,
+                    this->qx,
+                    this->qy,
+                    this->qz);
+        return rot;
+    }
+    void Quaternion::init(const Matrix3f &m3)
+    {
+        Quaternionf q;
+        q = m3;
+        init(q);
+    }
+    void Quaternion::init(const Eigen::Quaternionf &q)
+    {
+        this->qw=q.w();
+        this->qx=q.x();
+        this->qy=q.y();
+        this->qz=q.z();
+    }
+    Matrix3f Quaternion::slerp(float alpha, const Eigen::Matrix3f &m)
+    {
+        return Quaternion::slerp(alpha,this->toEigen(),m);
+    }
+    Matrix3f Quaternion::slerp(float alpha, const Eigen::Matrix3f &m1, const Eigen::Matrix3f &m2)
+    {
+        Matrix3f result;
+        Quaternionf q1,q2;
+        q1 = m1;
+        q2=m2;
+        result= q1.slerp(alpha,q2);
+        return result;
+    }
+    int Quaternion::readFromXML(const string &xmlData, const Ice::Current &c)
+    {
+        boost::property_tree::ptree pt = Variant::GetPropertyTree(xmlData);
+        using namespace Eigen;
+        Quaternionf q;
+        if(pt.get_optional<float>("angle"))
+        {// AxisAngle-Notation
+            float angle = pt.get<float>("angle");
+            Vector3f axis;
+            axis << pt.get<float>("x")  , pt.get<float>("y"), pt.get<float>("z");
+            AngleAxisf aa(angle, axis);
+            q = aa;
+            qw = q.w();
+            qx = q.x();
+            qy = q.y();
+            qz = q.z();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            qx = (pt.get<float>("qx"));
+            qy = (pt.get<float>("qy"));
+            qz = (pt.get<float>("qz"));
+            qw = (pt.get<float>("qw"));
+        }
+        return 1;
+    }
+    string Quaternion::writeAsXML(const Ice::Current &)
+    {
+        using namespace boost::property_tree;
+        ptree pt;
+        pt.add("qx", qx);
+        pt.add("qy", qy);
+        pt.add("qz", qz);
+        pt.add("qw", qw);
+        std::stringstream stream;
+        xml_parser::write_xml(stream, pt);
+        return stream.str();
+    }
+    void Quaternion::serialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current&) const
+    {
+        AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
+        obj->setFloat("qx", qx);
+        obj->setFloat("qy", qy);
+        obj->setFloat("qz", qz);
+        obj->setFloat("qw", qw);
+    }
+    void Quaternion::deserialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
+        qx = obj->getFloat("qx");
+        qy = obj->getFloat("qy");
+        qz = obj->getFloat("qz");
+        qw = obj->getFloat("qw");
+    }
+    Pose::Pose(const Eigen::Matrix3f &m, const Eigen::Vector3f &v)
+    {
+        this->orientation = new Quaternion(m);
+        this->position = new Vector3(v);
+        //The initializiation has to take place ALSO after the demarshalling
+        this->c_position = Vector3Ptr::dynamicCast(this->position);
+        this->c_orientation = QuaternionPtr::dynamicCast(this->orientation);
+    }
+    Pose::Pose()
+    {
+        this->orientation = new Quaternion();
+        this->position = new Vector3();
+        this->c_position = Vector3Ptr::dynamicCast(this->position);
+        this->c_orientation = QuaternionPtr::dynamicCast(this->orientation);
+    }
+    Pose::Pose(const Matrix4f &m)
+    {
+        this->orientation = new Quaternion(m);
+        this->position = new Vector3(m);
+        this->c_position = Vector3Ptr::dynamicCast(this->position);
+        this->c_orientation = QuaternionPtr::dynamicCast(this->orientation);
+    }
+    Matrix4f Pose::toEigen() const
+    {
+        Matrix4f m = Matrix4f::Identity();
+        // WARNING dynamicCast is slow! To speed this up (if necessary)
+        // create Member variables in the demarshalization.
+        m.block<3,3>(0,0) = QuaternionPtr::dynamicCast(this->orientation)->toEigen();
+        m.block<3,1>(0,3) = Vector3Ptr::dynamicCast(this->position)->toEigen();
+        return m;
+    }
+    int Pose::readFromXML(const string &xmlData, const Ice::Current &c)
+    {
+        position->readFromXML(xmlData);
+        orientation->readFromXML(xmlData);
+        return 1;
+    }
+    string Pose::writeAsXML(const Ice::Current &)
+    {
+        using namespace boost::property_tree;
+        std::stringstream stream;
+        stream <<
+                  position->writeAsXML() <<
+                  orientation->writeAsXML();
+        return stream.str();
+    }
+    void Pose::serialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& c) const
+    {
+        position->serialize(serializer, c);
+        orientation->serialize(serializer, c);
+    }
+    void Pose::deserialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
+        position->deserialize(obj);
+        orientation->deserialize(obj);
+    }
+    FramedVector3::FramedVector3()
+    {
+    }
+    FramedVector3::FramedVector3(const FramedVector3 &source) :
+        IceUtil::Shared(source),
+        Vector3Base(source),
+        FramedVector3Base(source),
+        Vector3(source)
+    {
+    }
+    FramedVector3::FramedVector3(const Eigen::Vector3f &vec, const string &frame) :
+        Vector3(vec)
+    {
+        this->frame = frame;
+    }
+    string FramedVector3::getFrame() const
+    {
+        return frame;
+    }
+    FramedVector3Ptr FramedVector3::ChangeFrame(const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot, const FramedVector3 &framedVec, const string &newFrame)
+    {
+        if(framedVec.getFrame() == newFrame)
+            return FramedVector3Ptr::dynamicCast(framedVec.clone());
+        Eigen::Matrix4f rotToNewFrame = __GetRotationBetweenFrames(framedVec.frame, newFrame, robot);
+        Eigen::Vector3f vecOldFrame = framedVec.Vector3::toEigen();
+        Eigen::Vector3f newVec = rotToNewFrame.block(0,0,3,3).inverse() * vecOldFrame;
+        FramedVector3Ptr result = new FramedVector3();
+        result->x = newVec(0);
+        result->y = newVec(1);
+        result->z = newVec(2);
+        result->frame = newFrame;
+        return result;
+    }
+    Eigen::Matrix4f FramedVector3::__GetRotationBetweenFrames(const std::string &oldFrame, const std::string &newFrame, VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robotState)
+    {
+        Eigen::Matrix4f toNewFrame = robotState->getRobotNode(oldFrame)->getTransformationTo(robotState->getRobotNode(newFrame));
+        toNewFrame(0,3) = 0;
+        toNewFrame(1,3) = 0;
+        toNewFrame(2,3) = 0;
+        return toNewFrame;
+    }
+    int FramedVector3::readFromXML(const string &xmlData, const Ice::Current &c)
+    {
+        int result = Vector3::readFromXML(xmlData);
+        boost::property_tree::ptree pt = Variant::GetPropertyTree(xmlData);
+        frame = (pt.get<std::string>("frame"));
+        return result;
+    }
+    string FramedVector3::writeAsXML(const Ice::Current &c)
+    {
+        using namespace boost::property_tree;
+        ptree pt = Variant::GetPropertyTree(Vector3::writeAsXML());
+        pt.add("frame", frame);
+        std::stringstream stream;
+        boost::property_tree::xml_parser::xml_writer_settings<char> settings('\t', 1);
+        xml_parser::write_xml(stream, pt, settings);
+        return stream.str();
+    }
+    void FramedVector3::serialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr &serializer, const Ice::Current &) const
+    {
+        throw LocalException("NYI");
+    }
+    void FramedVector3::deserialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr &serializer, const Ice::Current &)
+    {
+        throw LocalException("NYI");
+    }
+    FramedPose::FramedPose() :
+        Pose()
+    {
+        frame = "";
+    }
+    FramedPose::FramedPose(const Eigen::Matrix3f& m, const Eigen::Vector3f& v, const std::string& s) :
+        Pose(m, v)
+    {
+        frame = s;
+    }
+    FramedPose::FramedPose(const Eigen::Matrix4f& m, const std::string& s) :
+        Pose(m)
+    {
+        frame = s;
+    }
+    std::string FramedPose::getFrame() const
+    {
+        return frame;
+    }
+    int FramedPose::readFromXML(const string &xmlData, const Ice::Current &c){
+        boost::property_tree::ptree pt = Variant::GetPropertyTree(xmlData);
+        Pose::readFromXML(xmlData);
+        frame = (pt.get<std::string>("frame"));
+        return 1;
+    }
+    string FramedPose::writeAsXML(const Ice::Current &)
+    {
+        using namespace boost::property_tree;
+        std::stringstream stream;
+        stream << Pose::writeAsXML()
+               << "<frame>"<<frame<<"</frame>";
+        return stream.str();
+    }
+    void FramedPose::serialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& c) const
+    {
+        AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
+        Pose::serialize(obj, c);
+        obj->setString("frame", frame);
+    }
+    void FramedPose::deserialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
+        Pose::deserialize(obj);
+        frame = obj->getString("frame");
+    }
+    FramedPosition::FramedPosition() :
+        Vector3()
+    {
+        frame = "";
+    }
+    FramedPosition::FramedPosition(const Eigen::Vector3f &v, const std::string &s) :
+        Vector3(v)
+    {
+        frame = s;
+    }
+    FramedPosition::FramedPosition(const Eigen::Matrix4f &m, const std::string &s) :
+        Vector3(m)
+    {
+        frame = s;
+    }
+    // this doesnt work for unknown reasons
+//    FramedPosition::FramedPosition(const Vector3BasePtr pos, const std::string &frame )
+//    {
+//        this->x = pos->x;
+//        this->y = pos->y;
+//        this->z = pos->z;
+//        this->frame = frame;
+//    }
+    std::string FramedPosition::getFrame() const
+    {
+        return this->frame;
+    }
+    int FramedPosition::readFromXML(const string &xmlData, const Ice::Current &c){
+        using namespace boost::property_tree;
+        ptree pt;
+        std::stringstream stream;
+        stream << xmlData;
+        xml_parser::read_xml(stream, pt);
+        Vector3::readFromXML(xmlData);
+        frame = (pt.get<std::string>("frame"));
+        return 1;
+    }
+    string FramedPosition::writeAsXML(const Ice::Current &)
+    {
+        using namespace boost::property_tree;
+        std::stringstream stream;
+        stream << Vector3::writeAsXML() <<
+                  "<frame>"<<frame<<"</frame>";
+        return stream.str();
+    }
+    void FramedPosition::serialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& c) const
+    {
+        AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
+        Vector3::serialize(obj, c);
+        obj->setString("frame", frame);
+    }
+    void FramedPosition::deserialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
+        Vector3::deserialize(obj);
+        frame = obj->getString("frame");
+    }
+    FramedOrientation::FramedOrientation() :
+        Quaternion()
+    {
+        frame = "";
+    }
+    FramedOrientation::FramedOrientation(const Eigen::Matrix3f &m, const std::string &s) :
+        Quaternion(m)
+    {
+        frame = s;
+    }
+    FramedOrientation::FramedOrientation(const Eigen::Matrix4f &m, const std::string &s) :
+        Quaternion(m)
+    {
+        frame = s;
+    }
+    // this doesnt work for an unknown reason
+//    FramedOrientation::FramedOrientation(const QuaternionBasePtr ori, const std::string &frame )
+//    {
+//        Matrix3f rot;
+//        rot = Quaternionf(ori->qw, ori->qx, ori->qy, ori->qz);
+//        FramedOrientation(rot, frame);
+//    }
+    std::string FramedOrientation::getFrame() const
+    {
+        return this->frame;
+    }
+    int FramedOrientation::readFromXML(const string &xmlData, const Ice::Current &c)
+    {
+        using namespace boost::property_tree;
+        ptree pt;
+        std::stringstream stream;
+        stream << xmlData;
+        xml_parser::read_xml(stream, pt);
+        Quaternion::readFromXML(xmlData);
+        frame = (pt.get<std::string>("frame"));
+        return 1;
+    }
+    string FramedOrientation::writeAsXML(const Ice::Current &)
+    {
+        using namespace boost::property_tree;
+        std::stringstream stream;
+        stream << Quaternion::writeAsXML() <<
+                  "<frame>" << frame << "</frame>";
+        return stream.str();
+    }
+    void FramedOrientation::serialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& c) const
+    {
+        AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
+        Quaternion::serialize(obj, c);
+        obj->setString("frame", frame);
+    }
+    void FramedOrientation::deserialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
+        Quaternion::deserialize(obj);
+        frame = obj->getString("frame");
+    }
+    namespace ArmarPose
+    {
+        VirtualRobot::LinkedCoordinate createLinkedCoordinate(VirtualRobot::RobotPtr &virtualRobot, const FramedPositionPtr& position, const FramedOrientationPtr& orientation)
+        {
+            VirtualRobot::LinkedCoordinate c(virtualRobot);
+            std::string frame = position->getFrame();
+            if(!(frame == orientation->getFrame()))
+                throw armarx::UserException("Error: frames mismatch");
+            Eigen::Matrix4f pose = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
+            pose.block<3,3>(0,0) = orientation->toEigen();
+            pose.block<3,1>(0,3) = position->toEigen();
+            c.set(frame, pose);
+            return c;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b5e2378fa02812dbc158a306ded1a35141057f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    RobotStateComponent::
+ * @author     ( stefan dot ulbrich at kit dot edu)
+ * @date
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#ifndef _ARMARX_COMPONENT_RobotStateComponent_ArmarPose_H
+#define _ARMARX_COMPONENT_RobotStateComponent_ArmarPose_H
+#include <sstream>
+#include <Eigen/Core>
+#include <Eigen/Geometry>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/robotstate/RobotState.h>
+#include <Core/observers/variant/Variant.h>
+#include <Core/observers/AbstractObjectSerializer.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/LinkedCoordinate.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/LinkedCoordinate.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobot.h>
+#include <Core/core/exceptions/local/ExpressionException.h>
+namespace armarx
+    namespace VariantType
+    {
+        // variant types
+        const VariantTypeId Vector3 = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::Vector3Base");
+        const VariantTypeId Quaternion = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::QuaternionBase");
+        const VariantTypeId Pose = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::PoseBase");
+        const VariantTypeId FramedVector3 = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::FramedVector3Base");
+        const VariantTypeId FramedPose = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::FramedPoseBase");
+        const VariantTypeId FramedPosition = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::FramedPositionBase");
+        const VariantTypeId FramedOrientation = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::FramedOrientationBase");
+    }
+    /**
+     * @class Vector3
+     * @ingroup Variants
+     * @brief The Vector3 class
+     */
+    class Vector3 :
+            virtual public Vector3Base
+    {
+    public:
+        Vector3();
+        Vector3(const Eigen::Vector3f &);
+        Vector3(const Eigen::Matrix4f &);
+        virtual Eigen::Vector3f toEigen() const;
+        // inherited from VariantDataClass
+        Ice::ObjectPtr ice_clone() const
+        {
+            return this->clone();
+        }
+        VariantDataClassPtr clone(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            return new Vector3(*this);
+        }
+        std::string output(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            std::stringstream s;
+            s << toEigen();
+            return s.str();
+        }
+        VariantTypeId getType(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            return VariantType::Vector3;
+        }
+        bool validate(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current())
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        /**
+             * @brief Implementation of virtual function to read a Vector3 from an XML-file.
+             *Example xml-layout:
+             * @code
+             *      <x>0</x>
+             *      <y>0</y>
+             *      <z>0</z>
+             * @endcode
+             * @param xmlData String with xml-data. NOT a file path!
+             * @return ErrorCode, 1 on Success
+             */
+        int readFromXML(const std::string &xmlData, const Ice::Current &c = ::Ice::Current());
+        std::string writeAsXML(const Ice::Current &c = ::Ice::Current());
+        friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Vector3& rhs)
+        {
+            stream << "Vector3: " << std::endl << rhs.output() << std::endl;
+            return stream;
+        };
+    public: // serialization
+        virtual void serialize(const armarx::ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current()) const;
+        virtual void deserialize(const armarx::ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current());
+    };
+    typedef IceInternal::Handle<Vector3> Vector3Ptr;
+    /**
+     * @class Quaternion
+     * @ingroup Variants
+     * @brief The Quaternion class
+     */
+    class Quaternion :
+            virtual public QuaternionBase
+    {
+    public:
+        Quaternion();
+        Quaternion(const Eigen::Matrix4f &);
+        Quaternion(const Eigen::Matrix3f &);
+        Quaternion(const Eigen::Quaternionf &);
+        Eigen::Matrix3f toEigen() const;
+        Eigen::Matrix3f slerp(float, const Eigen::Matrix3f &);
+        static Eigen::Matrix3f slerp(float, const Eigen::Matrix3f &, const Eigen::Matrix3f &);
+        // inherited from VariantDataClass
+        Ice::ObjectPtr ice_clone() const
+        {
+            return this->clone();
+        }
+        VariantDataClassPtr clone(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            return new Quaternion(*this);
+        }
+        std::string output(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            std::stringstream s;
+            s << toEigen();
+            return s.str();
+        }
+        VariantTypeId getType(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            return VariantType::Quaternion;
+        }
+        bool validate(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current())
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        /**
+             * @brief Implementation of virtual function to read a Quaternion from an XML-file.
+             *Example xml-layout:
+             * @code
+             *      <qw>0</qw>
+             *      <qx>0</qx>
+             *      <qy>0</qy>
+             *      <qz>0</qz>
+             * @endcode
+             *
+             *OR in AngleAxis-Notation with radiant
+             *
+             * @code
+             *      <angle>0.5</qw>
+             *      <x>0.2</x>
+             *      <y>0.1</y>
+             *      <z>0.7</z>
+             * @endcode
+             *
+             * @param xmlData String with xml-data. NOT a file path!
+             * @param c
+             * @return ErrorCode, 1 on Success
+             */
+        int readFromXML(const std::string &xmlData, const Ice::Current &c = ::Ice::Current());
+        std::string writeAsXML(const Ice::Current &c = ::Ice::Current());
+        friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Quaternion& rhs)
+        {
+            stream << "Quaternion: " << std::endl << rhs.output() << std::endl;
+            return stream;
+        };
+    public: // serialization
+        virtual void serialize(const armarx::ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current()) const;
+        virtual void deserialize(const armarx::ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current());
+    private:
+        void init(const Eigen::Matrix3f &);
+        void init(const Eigen::Quaternionf &);
+    };
+    typedef IceInternal::Handle<Quaternion> QuaternionPtr;
+    /**
+     * @class Pose
+     * @ingroup Variants
+     * @brief The Pose class
+     */
+    class Pose :
+            virtual public PoseBase
+    {
+    public:
+        Pose();
+        Pose(const Eigen::Matrix4f &);
+        Pose(const Eigen::Matrix3f &, const Eigen::Vector3f &);
+        virtual Eigen::Matrix4f toEigen() const;
+        // inherited from VariantDataClass
+        Ice::ObjectPtr ice_clone() const
+        {
+            return this->clone();
+        }
+        VariantDataClassPtr clone(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            return new Pose(*this);
+        }
+        std::string output(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            std::stringstream s;
+            s << toEigen();
+            return s.str();
+        }
+        VariantTypeId getType(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            return VariantType::Pose;
+        }
+        bool validate(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current())
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        /**
+             * @brief Implementation of virtual function to read a FramedOrientation from an XML-file.
+             *Example xml-layout:
+             * @code
+             *      <frame>leftHand</frame>
+             *      <x>0</x>
+             *      <y>0</y>
+             *      <z>0</z>
+             *      <qw>0.45</qw>
+             *      <qx>0.2</qx>
+             *      <qy>0</qy>
+             *      <qz>0</qz>
+             * @endcode
+             * @param xmlData String with xml-data. NOT a file path!
+             * @param c
+             * @return ErrorCode, 1 on Success
+             * @see Quaternion::readFromXml() for AxisAngle-Notation
+             */
+        int readFromXML(const std::string &xmlData, const Ice::Current &c = ::Ice::Current());
+        std::string writeAsXML(const Ice::Current &c = ::Ice::Current());
+        friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Pose& rhs)
+        {
+            stream << "Pose: " << std::endl << rhs.output() << std::endl;
+            return stream;
+        };
+    public: // serialization
+        virtual void serialize(const armarx::ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current()) const;
+        virtual void deserialize(const armarx::ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current());
+    private:
+        QuaternionPtr c_orientation;
+        Vector3Ptr c_position;
+    };
+    typedef IceInternal::Handle<Pose> PosePtr;
+    /**
+     * @class FramedPose
+     * @ingroup Variants
+     * @brief The FramedPose class
+     */
+    class FramedPose :
+            virtual public FramedPoseBase,
+            virtual public Pose
+    {
+    public:
+        FramedPose();
+        FramedPose(const Eigen::Matrix3f& m, const Eigen::Vector3f& v, const std::string& frame);
+        FramedPose(const Eigen::Matrix4f& m, const std::string& frame);
+        std::string getFrame() const;
+        // inherited from VariantDataClass
+        Ice::ObjectPtr ice_clone() const
+        {
+            return this->clone();
+        }
+        VariantDataClassPtr clone(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            return new FramedPose(*this);
+        }
+        std::string output(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            std::stringstream s;
+            s << toEigen() << std::endl << "frame: " << getFrame();
+            return s.str();
+        }
+        VariantTypeId getType(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            return VariantType::FramedPose;
+        }
+        bool validate(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current())
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        /**
+             * @brief Implementation of virtual function to read a FramedPose from an XML-file.
+             *Example xml-layout:
+             * @code
+             *      <frame>leftHand</frame>
+             *      <x>0</x>
+             *      <y>0</y>
+             *      <z>0</z>
+             * @endcode
+             * @param xmlData String with xml-data. NOT a file path!
+             * @return ErrorCode, 1 on Success
+             */
+        int readFromXML(const std::string &xmlData, const Ice::Current &c = ::Ice::Current());
+        std::string writeAsXML(const Ice::Current &c = ::Ice::Current());
+        friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const FramedPose& rhs)
+        {
+            stream << "FramedPose: " << std::endl << rhs.output() << std::endl;
+            return stream;
+        };
+    public:
+        virtual void serialize(const armarx::ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current()) const;
+        virtual void deserialize(const armarx::ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current());
+    };
+    typedef IceInternal::Handle<FramedPose> FramedPosePtr;
+    /**
+     * @class FramedVector3
+     * @brief FramedVector3 is a 3 dimensional vector with a reference frame.
+     * @ingroup Variants
+     * The reference frame can be used to change the coordinate system to which
+     * the vector relates. The difference to a framed position is, that on frame
+     * changing only the orientation of the vector is changed. The translation
+     * part remains unchanged. This class is usefull e.g. for forces, torques and tcp
+     * velocities.
+     *
+     * @see Vector3, FramedPosition
+     */
+    class FramedVector3;
+    typedef IceInternal::Handle<FramedVector3> FramedVector3Ptr;
+    class FramedVector3 :
+            virtual public FramedVector3Base,
+            virtual public Vector3
+    {
+    public:
+        FramedVector3();
+        FramedVector3(const FramedVector3& source);
+        FramedVector3(const Eigen::Vector3f & vec, const std::string &frame );
+        std::string getFrame() const;
+        static FramedVector3Ptr ChangeFrame(const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot, const FramedVector3& framedVec, const std::string &newFrame);
+        // inherited from VariantDataClass
+        Ice::ObjectPtr ice_clone() const
+        {
+            return this->clone();
+        }
+        VariantDataClassPtr clone(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            return new FramedVector3(*this);
+        }
+        std::string output(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            std::stringstream s;
+            s << toEigen() << std::endl << "frame: " << getFrame();
+            return s.str();
+        }
+        VariantTypeId getType(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            return VariantType::FramedVector3;
+        }
+        bool validate(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current())
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        /**
+             * @brief Implementation of virtual function to read a FramedVector3 from an XML-file.
+             *Example xml-layout:
+             * @code
+             *      <frame>leftHand</frame>
+             *      <x>0</x>
+             *      <y>0</y>
+             *      <z>0</z>
+             * @endcode
+             * @param xmlData String with xml-data. NOT a file path!
+             * @return ErrorCode, 1 on Success
+             */
+        int readFromXML(const std::string &xmlData, const Ice::Current &c = ::Ice::Current());
+        std::string writeAsXML(const Ice::Current &c = ::Ice::Current());
+        friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const FramedVector3& rhs)
+        {
+            stream << "FramedVector3: " << std::endl << rhs.output() << std::endl;
+            return stream;
+        }
+    public: // serialization
+        virtual void serialize(const armarx::ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current()) const;
+        virtual void deserialize(const armarx::ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current());
+    private:
+        static Eigen::Matrix4f __GetRotationBetweenFrames(const std::string &oldFrame, const std::string &newFrame, VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robotState);
+    };
+    /**
+     * @class FramedPosition
+     * @ingroup Variants
+     * @brief The FramedPosition class
+     */
+    class FramedPosition :
+            virtual public FramedPositionBase,
+            virtual public Vector3
+    {
+    public:
+        FramedPosition( );
+        FramedPosition(const Eigen::Vector3f &, const std::string &frame );
+        FramedPosition(const Eigen::Matrix4f &, const std::string &frame );
+        //FramedPosition(const Vector3BasePtr pos, const std::string &frame ); // this doesnt work for unknown reasons
+        std::string getFrame() const;
+        // inherited from VariantDataClass
+        Ice::ObjectPtr ice_clone() const
+        {
+            return this->clone();
+        }
+        VariantDataClassPtr clone(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            return new FramedPosition(*this);
+        }
+        std::string output(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            std::stringstream s;
+            s << toEigen() << std::endl << "frame: " << getFrame();
+            return s.str();
+        }
+        VariantTypeId getType(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            return VariantType::FramedPosition;
+        }
+        bool validate(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current())
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        /**
+             * @brief Implementation of virtual function to read a FramedPosition from an XML-file.
+             *Example xml-layout:
+             * @code
+             *      <frame>leftHand</frame>
+             *      <x>0</x>
+             *      <y>0</y>
+             *      <z>0</z>
+             * @endcode
+             * @param xmlData String with xml-data. NOT a file path!
+             * @return ErrorCode, 1 on Success
+             */
+        int readFromXML(const std::string &xmlData, const Ice::Current &c = ::Ice::Current());
+        std::string writeAsXML(const Ice::Current &c = ::Ice::Current());
+        friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const FramedPosition& rhs)
+        {
+            stream << "FramedPosition: " << std::endl << rhs.output() << std::endl;
+            return stream;
+        };
+    public: // serialization
+        virtual void serialize(const armarx::ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current()) const;
+        virtual void deserialize(const armarx::ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current());
+    };
+    typedef IceInternal::Handle<FramedPosition> FramedPositionPtr;
+    /**
+     * @class FramedOrientation
+     * @ingroup Variants
+     * @brief The FramedOrientation class
+     */
+    class FramedOrientation :
+            virtual public FramedOrientationBase,
+            virtual public Quaternion
+    {
+    public:
+        FramedOrientation();
+        FramedOrientation(const Eigen::Matrix4f &, const std::string &frame );
+        FramedOrientation(const Eigen::Matrix3f &, const std::string &frame );
+        // this doesnt work for an unknown reason
+        //FramedOrientation(const QuaternionBasePtr ori, const std::string &frame );
+        std::string getFrame()const ;
+        // inherited from VariantDataClass
+        Ice::ObjectPtr ice_clone() const
+        {
+            return this->clone();
+        }
+        VariantDataClassPtr clone(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            return new FramedOrientation(*this);
+        }
+        std::string output(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            std::stringstream s;
+            s << toEigen() << std::endl << "frame: " << getFrame();
+            return s.str();
+        }
+        VariantTypeId getType(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            return VariantType::FramedOrientation;
+        }
+        bool validate(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current())
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        /**
+             * @brief Implementation of virtual function to read a FramedOrientation from an XML-file.
+             *Example xml-layout:
+             * @code
+             *      <frame>leftHand</frame>
+             *      <qw>0.45</qw>
+             *      <qx>0.2</qx>
+             *      <qy>0</qy>
+             *      <qz>0</qz>
+             * @endcode
+             * @param xmlData String with xml-data. NOT a file path!
+             * @param c
+             * @return ErrorCode, 1 on Success
+             */
+        int readFromXML(const std::string &xmlData, const Ice::Current &c = ::Ice::Current());
+        std::string writeAsXML(const Ice::Current &c = ::Ice::Current());
+        friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const FramedOrientation& rhs)
+        {
+            stream << "FramedOrientation: " << std::endl << rhs.output() << std::endl;
+            return stream;
+        };
+    public: // serialization
+        virtual void serialize(const armarx::ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current()) const;
+        virtual void deserialize(const armarx::ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current());
+    };
+    typedef IceInternal::Handle<FramedOrientation> FramedOrientationPtr;
+    namespace ArmarPose
+    {
+        VirtualRobot::LinkedCoordinate createLinkedCoordinate(VirtualRobot::RobotPtr &virtualRobot, const FramedPositionPtr& position, const FramedOrientationPtr& orientation);
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e2467fb00728633d76cc178e089e80d42b0f90e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+armarx_set_target("Core Library: ArmarXCoreRemoteRobot")
+find_package(Eigen3 QUIET)
+if (NOT Simox_FOUND)
+    find_package(Simox 2.3.0 QUIET)
+armarx_build_if(Eigen3_FOUND "Eigen3 not available")
+armarx_build_if(Simox_FOUND "Simox-VirtualRobot not available")
+set(LIB_NAME       RobotAPIRemoteRobot)
+set(LIB_VERSION    0.1.0)
+set(LIBS ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore ArmarXCoreObservers RobotAPIInterfaces
+    ${Simox_LIBRARIES} )
+set(LIB_FILES ArmarPose.cpp
+            LinkedPose.cpp
+            RobotStateObserver.cpp
+            RemoteRobot.cpp
+            RemoteRobotNode.cpp
+            checks/ConditionCheckMagnitudeChecks.cpp
+            )
+set(LIB_HEADERS ArmarPose.h
+            LinkedPose.h
+            RobotStateObserver.h
+            RemoteRobot.h
+            checks/ConditionCheckEqualsPose.h
+            checks/ConditionCheckEqualsPoseWithTolerance.h
+            checks/ConditionCheckMagnitudeChecks.h
+            RobotStateObjectFactories.h)
+armarx_add_library("${LIB_NAME}" "${LIB_VERSION}" "${LIB_SOVERSION}" "${LIB_FILES}" "${LIB_HEADERS}" "${LIBS}")
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/LinkedPose.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/LinkedPose.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..23de4ee3ea5280558a126b45779cada9c132e5c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/LinkedPose.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+#include "LinkedPose.h"
+#include "RemoteRobot.h"
+#include "../SharedRobotServants.h"
+#include <Core/core/logging/Logging.h>
+#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
+#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
+#include <Eigen/Geometry>
+namespace armarx {
+    LinkedPose::LinkedPose() :
+        Pose(),
+        FramedPose()
+    {
+        this->referenceRobot = NULL;
+    }
+    LinkedPose::LinkedPose(const Eigen::Matrix3f& m, const Eigen::Vector3f& v, const std::string& s, const SharedRobotInterfacePrx& referenceRobot) :
+        Pose(m, v),
+        FramedPose(m, v, s)
+    {
+        referenceRobot->ref();
+        this->referenceRobot = referenceRobot;
+    }
+    LinkedPose::LinkedPose(const Eigen::Matrix4f& m, const std::string& s, const SharedRobotInterfacePrx& referenceRobot) :
+        Pose(m),
+        FramedPose(m, s)
+    {
+        referenceRobot->ref();
+        this->referenceRobot = referenceRobot;
+    }
+    LinkedPose::~LinkedPose()
+    {
+        try{
+            if(referenceRobot)
+            {
+                referenceRobot->unref();
+            }
+        }
+        catch(...)
+        {
+            handleExceptions();
+        }
+    }
+    VirtualRobot::LinkedCoordinate LinkedPose::createLinkedCoordinate()
+    {
+        VirtualRobot::RobotPtr sharedRobot(new RemoteRobot(referenceRobot));
+        VirtualRobot::LinkedCoordinate c(sharedRobot);
+        std::string frame = this->getFrame();
+        Eigen::Matrix4f pose = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
+        pose.block<3,3>(0,0) = QuaternionPtr::dynamicCast(orientation)->toEigen();
+        pose.block<3,1>(0,3) = Vector3Ptr::dynamicCast(position)->toEigen();
+        c.set(frame, pose);
+        return c;
+    }
+    int LinkedPose::readFromXML(const std::string &xmlData, const Ice::Current &c){
+        using namespace boost::property_tree;
+        ptree pt;
+        std::stringstream stream;
+        stream << xmlData;
+        xml_parser::read_xml(stream, pt);
+        Pose::readFromXML(xmlData);
+        frame = (pt.get<std::string>("frame"));
+        std::string remoteRobotId = pt.get<std::string>("referenceRobot");
+        referenceRobot = SharedRobotInterfacePrx::uncheckedCast(c.adapter->getCommunicator()->stringToProxy(remoteRobotId));
+        if(!referenceRobot)
+        {
+            ARMARX_ERROR_S << "ReferenceRobot for LinkedPose not registered: " << remoteRobotId << flush;
+            return 0;
+        }
+        return 1;
+    }
+    std::string LinkedPose::writeAsXML(const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        using namespace boost::property_tree;
+        std::stringstream stream;
+        stream << FramedPose::writeAsXML()
+               << "<referenceRobot>" << "Not serializable" <<"</referenceRobot>";
+        return stream.str();
+    }
+    void LinkedPose::serialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& c) const
+    {
+        AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
+        Pose::serialize(obj, c);
+        obj->setString("referenceRobot", "");
+    }
+    void LinkedPose::deserialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
+        FramedPose::deserialize(obj);
+        std::string remoteRobotId = obj->getString("referenceRobot");
+        referenceRobot = SharedRobotInterfacePrx::uncheckedCast(c.adapter->getCommunicator()->stringToProxy(remoteRobotId));
+        if(!referenceRobot)
+        {
+            ARMARX_ERROR_S << "ReferenceRobot for LinkedPose not registered: " << remoteRobotId << flush;
+        }
+    }
+    LinkedVector3::LinkedVector3()
+    {
+    }
+    LinkedVector3::LinkedVector3(const LinkedVector3 &source) :
+        IceUtil::Shared(source),
+        Vector3Base(source),
+        FramedVector3Base(source),
+        LinkedVector3Base(source),
+        Vector3(source),
+        FramedVector3(source)
+    {
+        referenceRobot = source.referenceRobot;
+    }
+    LinkedVector3::LinkedVector3(const Eigen::Vector3f &v, const std::string &frame, const SharedRobotInterfacePrx &referenceRobot) :
+        FramedVector3(v, frame)
+    {
+        referenceRobot->ref();
+        this->referenceRobot = referenceRobot;
+    }
+    LinkedVector3::~LinkedVector3()
+    {
+        try{
+            if(referenceRobot)
+            {
+                referenceRobot->unref();
+            }
+        }
+        catch(...)
+        {
+            handleExceptions();
+        }
+    }
+    void LinkedVector3::changeFrame(const std::string &newFrame, const Ice::Current &c)
+    {
+        if(newFrame == frame)
+            return;
+        VirtualRobot::RobotPtr sharedRobot(new RemoteRobot(referenceRobot));
+        FramedVector3Ptr frVec = ChangeFrame(sharedRobot, *this, newFrame);
+        x = frVec->x;
+        y = frVec->y;
+        z = frVec->z;
+        frame = frVec->frame;
+    }
+    int LinkedVector3::readFromXML(const std::string &xmlData, const Ice::Current &c)
+    {
+        throw LocalException("LinkedVector3 cannot be serialized! Serialize FramedVector3");
+    }
+    std::string LinkedVector3::writeAsXML(const Ice::Current &c)
+    {
+        throw LocalException("LinkedVector3 cannot be deserialized! Serialize FramedVector3");
+    }
+    void LinkedVector3::serialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr &serializer, const Ice::Current &) const
+    {
+        throw LocalException("LinkedVector3 cannot be serialized! Serialize FramedVector3");
+    }
+    void LinkedVector3::deserialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr &serializer, const Ice::Current &)
+    {
+        throw LocalException("LinkedVector3 cannot be deserialized! Deserialize FramedVector3");
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/LinkedPose.h b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/LinkedPose.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..107617e9e22f766ad6ad081daec7ae2bb664cfd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/LinkedPose.h
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    RobotStateComponent::
+ * @author     ( stefan dot ulbrich at kit dot edu)
+ * @date
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#ifndef _ARMARX_RobotState_LinkedPose_H
+#define _ARMARX_RobotState_LinkedPose_H
+#include "ArmarPose.h"
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/robotstate/LinkedPoseBase.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/robotstate/RobotState.h>
+#include <Core/observers/AbstractObjectSerializer.h>
+#include <Core/observers/variant/Variant.h>
+#include <Eigen/Core>
+#include <Eigen/Geometry>
+#include <VirtualRobot/LinkedCoordinate.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobot.h>
+#include <sstream>
+namespace armarx
+    namespace VariantType
+    {
+        // variant types
+        const VariantTypeId LinkedPose = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::LinkedPoseBase");
+        const VariantTypeId LinkedVector3 = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::LinkedVector3Base");
+    }
+    /**
+     * @class LinkedPose
+     * @ingroup Variants
+     * @brief The LinkedPose class
+     */
+    class LinkedPose :
+            virtual public LinkedPoseBase,
+            virtual public FramedPose
+    {
+    public:
+        LinkedPose();
+        LinkedPose(const Eigen::Matrix3f& m, const Eigen::Vector3f& v, const std::string& frame, const SharedRobotInterfacePrx& referenceRobot);
+        LinkedPose(const Eigen::Matrix4f& m, const std::string& frame, const SharedRobotInterfacePrx& referenceRobot);
+        virtual ~LinkedPose();
+        VirtualRobot::LinkedCoordinate createLinkedCoordinate();
+        // inherited from VariantDataClass
+        Ice::ObjectPtr ice_clone() const
+        {
+            return this->clone();
+        }
+        VariantDataClassPtr clone(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            return new LinkedPose(*this);
+        }
+        std::string output(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            std::stringstream s;
+            s << FramedPose::toEigen() << std::endl << "reference robot: " << referenceRobot;
+            return s.str();
+        }
+        VariantTypeId getType(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            return VariantType::LinkedPose;
+        }
+        bool validate(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current())
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        /**
+             * @brief Implementation of virtual function to read a LinkedPose from an XML-file.
+             *Example xml-layout:
+             * @code
+             *      <referenceRobot>5029a22c-e333-4f87-86b1-cd5e0fcce509</referenceRobot>
+             *      <frame>leftHand</frame>
+             *      <x>0</x>
+             *      <y>0</y>
+             *      <z>0</z>
+             * @endcode
+             * @param xmlData String with xml-data. NOT a file path!
+             * @return ErrorCode, 1 on Success
+             */
+        int readFromXML(const std::string &xmlData, const Ice::Current &c = ::Ice::Current());
+        std::string writeAsXML(const Ice::Current &c = ::Ice::Current());
+        friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const LinkedPose& rhs)
+        {
+            stream << "LinkedPose: " << std::endl << rhs.output() << std::endl;
+            return stream;
+        };
+    public:
+        virtual void serialize(const armarx::ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current()) const;
+        virtual void deserialize(const armarx::ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current());
+    };
+    typedef IceInternal::Handle<LinkedPose> LinkedPosePtr;
+    /**
+     * @class LinkedVector3
+     * @ingroup Variants
+     * @brief The LinkedVector3 class
+     */
+    class LinkedVector3 :
+            virtual public LinkedVector3Base,
+            virtual public FramedVector3
+    {
+    public:
+        LinkedVector3();
+        LinkedVector3(const LinkedVector3& source);
+        LinkedVector3(const Eigen::Vector3f& v, const std::string& frame, const SharedRobotInterfacePrx& referenceRobot);
+        virtual ~LinkedVector3();
+        void changeFrame(const std::string &newFrame, const Ice::Current &c = Ice::Current());
+        // inherited from VariantDataClass
+        Ice::ObjectPtr ice_clone() const
+        {
+            return this->clone();
+        }
+        VariantDataClassPtr clone(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            return new LinkedVector3(*this);
+        }
+        std::string output(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            std::stringstream s;
+            s << FramedVector3::toEigen() << std::endl << "reference robot: " << referenceRobot;
+            return s.str();
+        }
+        VariantTypeId getType(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current()) const
+        {
+            return VariantType::LinkedVector3;
+        }
+        bool validate(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current())
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        int readFromXML(const std::string &xmlData, const Ice::Current &c = ::Ice::Current());
+        std::string writeAsXML(const Ice::Current &c = ::Ice::Current());
+        friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const LinkedVector3& rhs)
+        {
+            stream << "LinkedVector3: " << std::endl << rhs.output() << std::endl;
+            return stream;
+        };
+        virtual void serialize(const armarx::ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current()) const;
+        virtual void deserialize(const armarx::ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const ::Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current());
+    };
+    typedef IceInternal::Handle<LinkedVector3> LinkedVector3Ptr;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..53302b488e0d5371e370134fa7902bdc1ac64d06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+#include "RemoteRobot.h"
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+#include <boost/format.hpp>
+#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobot.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/XML/RobotIO.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/RobotConfig.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Nodes/RobotNodeFixedFactory.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Nodes/RobotNodePrismaticFactory.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Nodes/RobotNodeRevoluteFactory.h>
+#include <Eigen/Geometry>
+//#define DMES(Obj) cout << format("[%1%|%2%|%3%] %4%") % __FILE__ % __LINE__ % __func__ % Obj << endl;
+#define DMES(Obj) ;
+using namespace std;
+using namespace boost;
+using namespace VirtualRobot;
+using namespace Eigen;
+namespace armarx{
+RemoteRobot::RemoteRobot(SharedRobotInterfacePrx robot) :
+    Robot(),
+    _robot(robot)
+    _robot->ref();
+    _robot->unref();
+/*Matrix4f RemoteRobot::Pose2Matrix4f(PosePtr p){
+    Matrix4f m = Matrix4f::Identity();
+    Matrix3f rot; // Matrix3f rot = Quaternionf .... does NOT work!
+    rot	=Quaternionf(p->orientation->qw,p->orientation->qx,p->orientation->qy,p->orientation->qz);
+    m.block<3,3>(0,0) = rot;
+    m.block<3,1>(0,3) << p->position->x,p->position->y,p->position->z;
+    return m;
+RobotNodePtr RemoteRobot::getRootNode()
+    if (!_root)
+        _root = RemoteRobot::createRemoteRobotNode(_robot->getRootNode(),shared_from_this());
+    return _root;
+bool RemoteRobot::hasRobotNode( const string &robotNodeName )
+    if (_cachedNodes.find(name)==_cachedNodes.end())
+        return _robot->hasRobotNode(robotNodeName);
+    else
+        return true;
+bool RemoteRobot::hasRobotNode( RobotNodePtr robotNode )
+    return this->hasRobotNode(robotNode->getName());
+    /*
+     * This just does nost work. because you cannot tell wheter RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeRevolute> or another type is used
+     * perhaps you can infer the actual RobotNodeType somehow. Until now we just check for names which is
+     * much faster!
+     *
+    if  ( (_cachedNodes.find(name)==_cachedNodes.end()) || _robot->hasRobotNode(robotNode->getName())) {
+        shared_ptr<RemoteRobotNode> remoteNode(dynamic_pointer_cast<RemoteRobotNode>(robotNode));
+        if (! remoteNode) return false;
+        SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx sharedNode = remoteNode->getSharedNode();
+        SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx otherSharedNode = dynamic_pointer_cast<RemoteRobotNode>(this->getRobotNode(robotNodeName))->getSharedNode();
+        if (sharedNode == otherSharedNode)
+            return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+    */
+RobotNodePtr RemoteRobot::getRobotNode(const string &robotNodeName)
+    DMES((format("Node: %1%") % robotNodeName));
+    if (_cachedNodes.find(robotNodeName)==_cachedNodes.end())
+    {
+        DMES("No cache hit");
+        _cachedNodes[robotNodeName]=RemoteRobot::createRemoteRobotNode(_robot->getRobotNode(robotNodeName),
+                shared_from_this());
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        DMES("Cache hit");
+    }
+    return _cachedNodes[robotNodeName];
+void RemoteRobot::getRobotNodes(vector< RobotNodePtr > &storeNodes, bool clearVector)
+    if (clearVector) storeNodes.clear();
+    NameList nodes = _robot->getRobotNodes();
+    BOOST_FOREACH(string name, nodes){
+        storeNodes.push_back(this->getRobotNode(name));
+    }
+bool RemoteRobot::hasRobotNodeSet( const string &name )
+    return _robot->hasRobotNodeSet(name);
+RobotNodeSetPtr RemoteRobot::getRobotNodeSet(const string &nodeSetName)
+    vector<RobotNodePtr> storeNodes;
+    RobotNodeSetInfoPtr info = _robot->getRobotNodeSet(nodeSetName);
+    return RobotNodeSet::createRobotNodeSet(
+            shared_from_this(),nodeSetName, info->names, info->rootName, info->tcpName);
+void RemoteRobot::getRobotNodeSets(vector<RobotNodeSetPtr> &storeNodeSet)
+    NameList sets= _robot->getRobotNodeSets();
+    BOOST_FOREACH(string name, sets){
+        storeNodeSet.push_back(this->getRobotNodeSet(name));
+    }
+Matrix4f RemoteRobot::getGlobalPose()
+    PosePtr p = PosePtr::dynamicCast(_robot->getGlobalPose());
+    return p->toEigen(); // convert to eigen first
+string RemoteRobot::getName()
+    return _robot->getName();
+VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr RemoteRobot::createLocalNode(SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx remoteNode, std::vector<VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr>& allNodes, std::map< VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr, std::vector<std::string> > &childrenMap, RobotPtr robo)
+    static int nonameCounter = 0;
+    if (!remoteNode || !robo)
+    {
+        ARMARX_ERROR_S << " NULL data " << endl;
+        return VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr();
+    }
+    VirtualRobot::RobotNodeFactoryPtr revoluteNodeFactory = VirtualRobot::RobotNodeFactory::fromName(VirtualRobot::RobotNodeRevoluteFactory::getName(), NULL);
+    VirtualRobot::RobotNodeFactoryPtr fixedNodeFactory = VirtualRobot::RobotNodeFactory::fromName(VirtualRobot::RobotNodeFixedFactory::getName(), NULL);
+    VirtualRobot::RobotNodeFactoryPtr prismaticNodeFactory = VirtualRobot::RobotNodeFactory::fromName(VirtualRobot::RobotNodePrismaticFactory::getName(), NULL);
+    Eigen::Matrix4f idMatrix = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
+    Eigen::Vector3f idVec3 = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
+    std::string name = remoteNode->getName();
+    if (name.empty())
+    {
+        ARMARX_LOG_S << "Node without name!!!" << endl;
+        std::stringstream ss;
+        ss << "robot_node_" << nonameCounter;
+        nonameCounter++;
+        name = ss.str();
+    }
+    VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr result;
+    PosePtr lTbase = PosePtr::dynamicCast(remoteNode->getLocalTransformation());
+    Eigen::Matrix4f localTransform = lTbase->toEigen();
+    //float jv = remoteNode->getJointValue();
+    float jvLo = remoteNode->getJointLimitLow();
+    float jvHi = remoteNode->getJointLimitHigh();
+    float jointOffset = 0;//remoteNode->getJointOffset();
+    JointType jt = remoteNode->getType();
+    switch (jt)
+    {
+        case ePrismatic:
+        {
+            Vector3Ptr axisBase = Vector3Ptr::dynamicCast(remoteNode->getJointTranslationDirection());
+            Eigen::Vector3f axis = axisBase->toEigen();
+            // convert axis to local coord system
+            Eigen::Vector4f result4f = Eigen::Vector4f::Zero();
+            result4f.segment(0,3) = axis;
+            PosePtr gp = PosePtr::dynamicCast(remoteNode->getGlobalPose());
+            result4f = gp->toEigen().inverse() * result4f;
+            axis = result4f.block(0,0,3,1);
+            result = prismaticNodeFactory->createRobotNode(robo, name, VirtualRobot::VisualizationNodePtr(), VirtualRobot::CollisionModelPtr(),
+            jvLo, jvHi, jointOffset, idMatrix, idVec3, axis);
+        }
+        break;
+        case eFixed:
+            result = fixedNodeFactory->createRobotNode(robo, name, VirtualRobot::VisualizationNodePtr(), VirtualRobot::CollisionModelPtr(), 0,
+            0, 0, localTransform, idVec3, idVec3);
+        break;
+        case eRevolute:
+        {
+            Vector3Ptr axisBase = Vector3Ptr::dynamicCast(remoteNode->getJointRotationAxis());
+            Eigen::Vector3f axis = axisBase->toEigen();
+            // convert axis to local coord system
+            Eigen::Vector4f result4f = Eigen::Vector4f::Zero();
+            result4f.segment(0,3) = axis;
+            PosePtr gp = PosePtr::dynamicCast(remoteNode->getGlobalPose());
+            result4f = gp->toEigen().inverse() * result4f;
+            axis = result4f.block(0,0,3,1);
+            result = revoluteNodeFactory->createRobotNode(robo, name, VirtualRobot::VisualizationNodePtr(), VirtualRobot::CollisionModelPtr(),
+            jvLo, jvHi, jointOffset, localTransform, axis, idVec3);
+        }
+        break;
+        default:
+            ARMARX_ERROR_S << "JointType nyi..." << endl;
+            return VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr();
+            break;
+    }
+    robo->registerRobotNode(result);
+    allNodes.push_back(result);
+    // setup joint->nextNodes children
+    std::vector<std::string> childrenBase = remoteNode->getChildren();
+    std::vector<std::string> children;
+    // check for RobotNodes (sensors do also register as children!)
+    for (size_t i=0;i<childrenBase.size();i++)
+    {
+        if (_robot->hasRobotNode(childrenBase[i]))
+        {
+            SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx rnRemote = _robot->getRobotNode(childrenBase[i]);
+            VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr localNode = createLocalNode(rnRemote, allNodes, childrenMap, robo);
+            /* boost::shared_ptr< RemoteRobotNode<VirtualRobotNodeType> > rnRemote = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<RemoteRobotNode>(rnRemoteBase);
+            if (!rnRemote)
+            {
+                ARMARX_ERROR_S << "RemoteRobot does not know robot node with name " << children[i] << endl;
+                continue;
+            }*/
+            if (!localNode)
+            {
+                ARMARX_ERROR_S << "Could not create local node: " << children[i] << endl;
+                continue;
+            }
+            children.push_back(childrenBase[i]);
+        }
+    }
+    childrenMap[result] = children;
+    return result;
+VirtualRobot::RobotPtr RemoteRobot::createLocalClone()
+    std::string robotType = getName();
+    std::string robotName = getName();
+    VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robo(new VirtualRobot::LocalRobot(robotName,robotType));
+    //RobotNodePtr
+    SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx root = _robot->getRootNode();
+    std::vector<VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr> allNodes;
+    std::map< VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr, std::vector<std::string> > childrenMap;
+    VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr rootLocal = createLocalNode(root, allNodes, childrenMap, robo);
+    bool res = VirtualRobot::RobotFactory::initializeRobot(robo, allNodes, childrenMap, rootLocal);
+    if (!res)
+    {
+        ARMARX_ERROR_S << "Failed to initialize local robot..." << endl;
+        return VirtualRobot::RobotPtr();
+    }
+    // clone rns
+   std::vector<std::string> rns = _robot->getRobotNodeSets();
+   for (size_t i=0;i<rns.size();i++)
+   {
+      RobotNodeSetInfoPtr rnsInfo = _robot->getRobotNodeSet(rns[i]);
+      RobotNodeSet::createRobotNodeSet(robo,rnsInfo->name,rnsInfo->names,rnsInfo->rootName,rnsInfo->tcpName,true);
+   }
+    return robo;
+VirtualRobot::RobotPtr RemoteRobot::createLocalClone(RobotStateComponentInterfacePrx robotStatePrx, const string &filename)
+    ARMARX_VERBOSE_S << "Creating local clone of remote robot (filename:" << filename << ")" << endl;
+    VirtualRobot::RobotPtr result;
+    if (!robotStatePrx)
+    {
+        ARMARX_ERROR_S << "NULL robotStatePrx. Aborting..." << endl;
+        return result;
+    }
+    if (filename.empty())
+    {
+        RemoteRobotPtr rob(new RemoteRobot(robotStatePrx->getSynchronizedRobot()));
+        result = rob->createLocalClone();
+        if (!result)
+        {
+            ARMARX_ERROR_S << "Could not create local clone. Aborting..." << endl;
+            return result;
+        }
+    } else
+    {
+        result = RobotIO::loadRobot(filename);
+        if (!result)
+        {
+            ARMARX_ERROR_S << "Could not load robot file " << filename << ". Aborting..." << endl;
+            return result;
+        }
+    }
+    synchronizeLocalClone(result,robotStatePrx);
+    return result;
+bool RemoteRobot::synchronizeLocalClone(VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot, RobotStateComponentInterfacePrx robotStatePrx)
+    if (!robotStatePrx || !robot)
+    {
+        ARMARX_ERROR_S << "NULL data. Aborting..." << endl;
+        return false;
+    }
+    RobotConfigPtr c(new RobotConfig(robot,"synchronizeLocalClone"));
+    NameValueMap jv = robotStatePrx->getSynchronizedRobot()->getConfig();
+    for ( NameValueMap::const_iterator it = jv.begin(); it!=jv.end(); it++ )
+    {
+        // joint values
+        std::string jointName = it->first;
+        float jointAngle = it->second;
+        if (!c->setConfig(jointName,jointAngle))
+        {
+            ARMARX_WARNING_S << "Joint not known in local copy:" << jointName << ". Skipping..." << endl;
+        }
+    }
+    robot->setConfig(c);
+    return true;
+// Private (unused methods)
+bool RemoteRobot::hasEndEffector(const string& endEffectorName)
+    return false;
+EndEffectorPtr RemoteRobot::getEndEffector(const string& endEffectorName)
+    return EndEffectorPtr();
+void RemoteRobot::getEndEffectors(vector<EndEffectorPtr> &storeEEF){}
+void RemoteRobot::setRootNode(RobotNodePtr node){}
+void RemoteRobot::registerRobotNode(RobotNodePtr node){}
+void RemoteRobot::deregisterRobotNode(RobotNodePtr node){}
+void RemoteRobot::registerRobotNodeSet(RobotNodeSetPtr nodeSet){}
+void RemoteRobot::deregisterRobotNodeSet(RobotNodeSetPtr nodeSet){}
+void RemoteRobot::registerEndEffector(EndEffectorPtr endEffector){}
+void RemoteRobot::setGlobalPose(const Eigen::Matrix4f &globalPose, bool applyValues){}
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.h b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0b6341107b10cd81c79bba011671a12bb235ae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.h
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ExampleClient::
+ * @author     (stefan dot ulbrich at kit dot edu)
+ * @date
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobot.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Robot.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/RobotNodeSet.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Nodes/RobotNode.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Nodes/RobotNodeRevolute.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Nodes/RobotNodePrismatic.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Nodes/RobotNodeFixed.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/CollisionDetection/CollisionChecker.h>
+#include "ArmarPose.h"
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/robotstate/RobotState.h>
+// boost
+#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_base_of.hpp>
+namespace armarx
+    // forward declaration of RemoteRobotNode
+    template<class VirtualRobotNodeType> class RemoteRobotNode;
+    /** @brief RemoteRobotNodeInitializer is used to initialize the robot node for a given node type.
+     *  For each robot type to be supported make a specialization of the initialize function.
+     * Currently supports: RobotNodeRevolute, RobotNodePrismatic, RobotNodeFixed. Node type specific
+     * initializations go here.
+     */
+    template<typename VirtualRobotNodeType>
+    struct RemoteRobotNodeInitializer
+    {
+        static void initialize(RemoteRobotNode<VirtualRobotNodeType>* remoteNode);
+    };
+    // specializations
+    template<>
+        void RemoteRobotNodeInitializer<VirtualRobot::RobotNodeRevolute>::initialize(RemoteRobotNode<VirtualRobot::RobotNodeRevolute>* remoteNode);
+    template<>
+        void RemoteRobotNodeInitializer<VirtualRobot::RobotNodePrismatic>::initialize(RemoteRobotNode<VirtualRobot::RobotNodePrismatic>* remoteNode);
+    template<>
+        void RemoteRobotNodeInitializer<VirtualRobot::RobotNodeFixed>::initialize(RemoteRobotNode<VirtualRobot::RobotNodeFixed>* remoteNode);
+    /** @brief Mimics the behaviour of robot nodes while redirecting everything to Ice proxies.
+     * @tparam VirtualRobotNodeType Must be a descendant of VirtualRobot::RobotNode
+     * @details This class is for <b> internal use only</b> as classes cannot be referenced!
+     */
+    template<class VirtualRobotNodeType>
+    class RemoteRobotNode :
+        public VirtualRobotNodeType
+    {
+        friend struct RemoteRobotNodeInitializer<VirtualRobotNodeType>;
+    public:
+        RemoteRobotNode(SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx node, VirtualRobot::RobotPtr vr) :
+            _node(node)
+        {
+            _node->ref();
+            this->name=_node->getName();
+            this->robot = vr;
+            _node->getJointValueOffest();
+            setJointLimits(_node->getJointLimitLow(), _node->getJointLimitHigh());
+            this->collisionChecker = VirtualRobot::CollisionChecker::getGlobalCollisionChecker();
+            RemoteRobotNodeInitializer<VirtualRobotNodeType>::initialize(this);
+        }
+        virtual ~RemoteRobotNode();
+        virtual float getJointValue() const;
+        virtual float getJointLimitHi() const;
+        virtual float getJointLimitLo() const;
+        //virtual Eigen::Matrix4f getPostJointTransformation();
+        virtual Eigen::Matrix4f getLocalTransformation();
+        virtual Eigen::Matrix4f getGlobalPose() const;
+        virtual Eigen::Matrix4f getGlobalPoseVisualization() const;
+        virtual Eigen::Matrix4f getGlobalPoseJoint() const;
+        virtual bool hasChildNode(const std::string &child, bool recursive = false) const;
+        virtual std::vector<VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr> getAllParents( VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr rns );
+        virtual VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr getParent();
+        inline SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx getSharedRobotNode()
+        {
+            return _node;
+        }
+        virtual std::vector<std::string> getChildrenNames() const;
+        protected:
+        ///////////////////////// SETUP ////////////////////////////////////
+        virtual void setJointLimits(float lo, float hi);
+        //virtual void setPostJointTransformation(const Eigen::Matrix4f &trafo);
+        virtual void setLocalTransformation(const Eigen::Matrix4f &trafo);
+        virtual std::string getParentName() const;
+        virtual std::vector< VirtualRobot::SceneObjectPtr> getChildren() const;
+        virtual void updateTransformationMatrices();
+        virtual void updateTransformationMatrices(const Eigen::Matrix4f &globalPose);
+        virtual bool hasChildNode(const VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr child, bool recursive = false) const;
+        virtual void addChildNode(VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr child);
+        virtual bool initialize(VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr parent, bool initializeChildren = false);
+        virtual void reset();
+        virtual void setGlobalPose( const Eigen::Matrix4f &pose );
+        virtual void setJointValue(float q, bool updateTransformations = true, bool clampToLimits = true);
+        SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx _node;
+    };
+    /** @brief Mimics the behaviour of the VirtualRobot::Robot class while redirecting everything to an Ice proxy.
+     * @details For a description of the  members please refer to the Simox documentation (VirtualRobot::Robot).
+     * Note that not the complete interface has been made available yet. These functions are marked as protected.
+     */
+    class RemoteRobot : public VirtualRobot::Robot
+    {
+        public:
+            RemoteRobot (SharedRobotInterfacePrx robot);
+            ~RemoteRobot();
+            static Eigen::Matrix4f Pose2Matrix4f(PosePtr p);
+            virtual VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr getRootNode();
+            virtual bool hasRobotNode( const std::string &robotNodeName );
+            virtual bool hasRobotNode( VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr );
+            virtual VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr getRobotNode(const std::string &robotNodeName);
+            virtual void getRobotNodes(std::vector< VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr > &storeNodes, bool clearVector=true);
+            virtual bool hasRobotNodeSet( const std::string &name );
+            virtual VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr getRobotNodeSet(const std::string &nodeSetName);
+            virtual void getRobotNodeSets(std::vector<VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr> &storeNodeSet);
+            virtual Eigen::Matrix4f getGlobalPose();
+            /// Use this method to share the robot instance over Ice.
+            inline SharedRobotInterfacePrx getSharedRobot()
+            {
+                return this->_robot;
+            }
+            std::string getName();
+            /*!
+              Creates a local robot that is synchronized once but not updated any more. You can use the synchronizeLocalClone method to update the joint values.
+              Note that only the kinematic structure is cloned, but the visualization files, collision mdoels, end effectors, etc are not copied.
+              This means you can use this model for kinematic computations (e.g. coordinate transformations) but not for advanced features like collision detection.
+              In order to get a fully featured robot model you can pass a filename to VirtualRobot::Robot,
+              but then you need to make sure that the loaded model is identical to the model of the remote robot (otherwise errors will occur).
+            */
+            static VirtualRobot::RobotPtr createLocalClone(RobotStateComponentInterfacePrx robotStatePrx, const std::string &filename=std::string());
+            /*!
+                Use this method to synchronize (i.e. copy the joint values) from the remote robot to the local clone.
+                The local clone must have the identical structure as the remote robot model, otherwise an error will be reported.
+              */
+            static bool synchronizeLocalClone(VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot, RobotStateComponentInterfacePrx robotStatePrx);
+            // VirtualRobot::RobotPtr getRobotPtr() { return shared_from_this();} // only for debugging
+            //! Clones the structure of this remote robot to a local instance
+            VirtualRobot::RobotPtr createLocalClone();
+    protected:
+            /// Not implemented yet
+            virtual bool hasEndEffector(const std::string& endEffectorName);
+            /// Not implemented yet
+            virtual VirtualRobot::EndEffectorPtr getEndEffector(const std::string& endEffectorName);
+            /// Not implemented yet
+            virtual void getEndEffectors(std::vector<VirtualRobot::EndEffectorPtr> &storeEEF);
+            /// Not implemented yet
+            virtual void setRootNode(VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr node);
+            /// Not implemented yet
+            virtual void registerRobotNode(VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr node);
+            /// Not implemented yet
+            virtual void deregisterRobotNode(VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr node);
+            /// Not implemented yet
+            virtual void registerRobotNodeSet(VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr nodeSet);
+            /// Not implemented yet
+            virtual void deregisterRobotNodeSet(VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr nodeSet);
+            /// Not implemented yet
+            virtual void registerEndEffector(VirtualRobot::EndEffectorPtr endEffector);
+            /// Not implemented yet
+            virtual void setGlobalPose(const Eigen::Matrix4f &globalPose, bool applyValues = true);
+            VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr createLocalNode(SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx remoteNode, std::vector<VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr> &allNodes, std::map<VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr, std::vector<std::string> > &childrenMap, VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robo);
+        protected:
+            SharedRobotInterfacePrx _robot;
+            std::map<std::string, VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr> _cachedNodes;
+            VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr _root;
+            static VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr createRemoteRobotNode(SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx, VirtualRobot::RobotPtr);
+    };
+    typedef boost::shared_ptr<RemoteRobot> RemoteRobotPtr;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobotNode.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobotNode.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e597d92453376cf4264aefb8ca97122d472753f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobotNode.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+#include "RemoteRobot.h"
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+#include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
+#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobot.h>
+#include <Core/interface/core/BasicTypes.h>
+namespace armarx
+using namespace std;
+using namespace boost;
+using namespace VirtualRobot;
+using namespace Eigen;
+RobotNodePtr RemoteRobot::createRemoteRobotNode(SharedRobotNodeInterfacePrx node, RobotPtr robot)
+    switch (node->getType()) {
+        case ePrismatic:
+            return RobotNodePtr(new RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodePrismatic>(node,robot));
+        case eRevolute:
+            return RobotNodePtr(new RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeRevolute>(node,robot));
+        case eFixed:
+            return RobotNodePtr(new RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeFixed>(node,robot));
+        default:
+            break; // thow an exception
+    }
+    return RobotNodePtr();
+void RemoteRobotNodeInitializer<VirtualRobot::RobotNodeRevolute>::initialize(RemoteRobotNode<VirtualRobot::RobotNodeRevolute>* remoteNode)
+    // set rotation axis
+    remoteNode->jointRotationAxis = remoteNode->getGlobalPoseJoint().block<3,3>(0,0).inverse() * Vector3Ptr::dynamicCast(remoteNode->_node->getJointRotationAxis())->toEigen();
+void RemoteRobotNodeInitializer<VirtualRobot::RobotNodePrismatic>::initialize(RemoteRobotNode<VirtualRobot::RobotNodePrismatic>* remoteNode)
+    // set translation direction
+    remoteNode->jointTranslationDirection = remoteNode->getGlobalPose().block<3,3>(0,0).inverse() * Vector3Ptr::dynamicCast(remoteNode->_node->getJointTranslationDirection())->toEigen();
+void RemoteRobotNodeInitializer<VirtualRobot::RobotNodeFixed>::initialize(RemoteRobotNode<VirtualRobot::RobotNodeFixed>* remoteNode)
+    // nothing to do for fixed joints
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+	_node->unref();
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+float RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::getJointValue() const{
+    return _node->getJointValue();
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+float RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::getJointLimitHi() const
+    return _node->getJointLimitHigh();
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+float RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::getJointLimitLo() const
+    return _node->getJointLimitLow();
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+Eigen::Matrix4f RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::getPostJointTransformation(){
+	return PosePtr::dynamicCast(_node->getPostJointTransformation())->toEigen();
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+Eigen::Matrix4f RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::getLocalTransformation(){
+	return PosePtr::dynamicCast(_node->getLocalTransformation())->toEigen();
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+Eigen::Matrix4f RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::getGlobalPose() const {
+	return PosePtr::dynamicCast(_node->getGlobalPose())->toEigen();
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+Eigen::Matrix4f RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::getGlobalPoseVisualization() const {
+	return PosePtr::dynamicCast(_node->getGlobalPose())->toEigen();
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+Eigen::Matrix4f RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::getGlobalPoseJoint() const {
+	return PosePtr::dynamicCast(_node->getGlobalPoseJoint())->toEigen();
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+bool RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::hasChildNode(const RobotNodePtr child, bool recursive) const{
+	return false;
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+bool RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::hasChildNode(const std::string &child, bool recursive) const{
+	return _node->hasChild(child,recursive);
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+void RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::setJointLimits(float lo, float hi){
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+vector<RobotNodePtr> RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::getAllParents( RobotNodeSetPtr rns ){
+	NameList nodes = _node->getAllParents(rns->getName());
+	vector<RobotNodePtr> result;
+	RobotPtr robot = this->robot.lock();
+	BOOST_FOREACH(string name, nodes){
+		result.push_back(robot->getRobotNode(name));
+	}
+	return result;
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+RobotNodePtr RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::getParent(){
+	return this->robot.lock()->getRobotNode(_node->getParent());
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+void RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::setPostJointTransformation(const Eigen::Matrix4f &trafo){
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+void RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::setLocalTransformation(const Eigen::Matrix4f &trafo){
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+std::vector<std::string> RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::getChildrenNames() const{
+	return _node->getChildren();
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+std::string RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::getParentName() const{
+	return _node->getParent();
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+std::vector<SceneObjectPtr> RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::getChildren() const{
+	NameList nodes = _node->getChildren();
+	vector<SceneObjectPtr> result;
+	BOOST_FOREACH(string name, nodes){
+		result.push_back(this->robot.lock()->getRobotNode(name));
+	}
+	return result;
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+void RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::updateTransformationMatrices(){
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+void RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::updateTransformationMatrices(const Eigen::Matrix4f &globalPose){
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+void RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::addChildNode(RobotNodePtr child){
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+bool RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::initialize(RobotNodePtr parent, bool initializeChildren){
+	return false;
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+void RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::reset(){
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+void RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::setGlobalPose( const Eigen::Matrix4f &pose ){
+template<class RobotNodeType>
+void RemoteRobotNode<RobotNodeType>::setJointValue(float q, bool updateTransformations, bool clampToLimits){
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RobotStateObjectFactories.h b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RobotStateObjectFactories.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..75fd46891106e162941b6b8c0ddf155e94711d10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RobotStateObjectFactories.h
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    ArmarX::Core
+* @author     Kai Welke (welke _at_ kit _dot_ edu)
+* @date       2011 Kai Welke
+* @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include <Core/core/system/FactoryCollectionBase.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/robotstate/PoseBase.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/robotstate/RobotState.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/robotstate/LinkedPoseBase.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/LinkedPose.h>
+#include <Ice/Ice.h>
+namespace armarx
+    class QuaternionObjectFactory : public Ice::ObjectFactory
+    {
+    public:
+        virtual Ice::ObjectPtr create(const std::string& type)
+        {
+            assert(type == armarx::QuaternionBase::ice_staticId());
+            return new Quaternion();
+        }
+        virtual void destroy()
+        {}
+    };
+    class Vector3ObjectFactory : public Ice::ObjectFactory
+    {
+    public:
+        virtual Ice::ObjectPtr create(const std::string& type)
+        {
+            assert(type == armarx::Vector3::ice_staticId());
+            return new Vector3();
+        }
+        virtual void destroy()
+        {}
+    };
+    class FramedVector3ObjectFactory : public Ice::ObjectFactory
+    {
+    public:
+        virtual Ice::ObjectPtr create(const std::string& type)
+        {
+            assert(type == armarx::FramedVector3Base::ice_staticId());
+            return new FramedVector3();
+        }
+        virtual void destroy()
+        {}
+    };
+    class LinkedVector3ObjectFactory : public Ice::ObjectFactory
+    {
+    public:
+        virtual Ice::ObjectPtr create(const std::string& type)
+        {
+            assert(type == armarx::LinkedVector3Base::ice_staticId());
+            return new LinkedVector3();
+        }
+        virtual void destroy()
+        {}
+    };
+    class PoseObjectFactory : public Ice::ObjectFactory
+    {
+    public:
+        virtual Ice::ObjectPtr create(const std::string& type)
+        {
+            assert(type == armarx::PoseBase::ice_staticId());
+            return new Pose();
+        }
+        virtual void destroy()
+        {}
+    };
+    class FramedPoseObjectFactory : public Ice::ObjectFactory
+    {
+    public:
+        virtual Ice::ObjectPtr create(const std::string& type)
+        {
+            assert(type == armarx::FramedPoseBase::ice_staticId());
+            return new FramedPose();
+        }
+        virtual void destroy()
+        {}
+    };
+    class FramedPositionObjectFactory : public Ice::ObjectFactory
+    {
+    public:
+        virtual Ice::ObjectPtr create(const std::string& type)
+        {
+            assert(type == armarx::FramedPositionBase::ice_staticId());
+            return new FramedPosition();
+        }
+        virtual void destroy()
+        {}
+    };
+    class FramedOrientationObjectFactory : public Ice::ObjectFactory
+    {
+    public:
+        virtual Ice::ObjectPtr create(const std::string& type)
+        {
+            assert(type == armarx::FramedOrientationBase::ice_staticId());
+            return new FramedOrientation();
+        }
+        virtual void destroy()
+        {}
+    };
+    class LinkedPoseObjectFactory : public Ice::ObjectFactory
+    {
+    public:
+        virtual Ice::ObjectPtr create(const std::string& type)
+        {
+            assert(type == armarx::LinkedPoseBase::ice_staticId());
+            return new LinkedPose();
+        }
+        virtual void destroy()
+        {}
+    };
+    namespace ObjectFactories
+    {
+        /**
+     * @class RobotStateObjectFactories
+     */
+        class RobotStateObjectFactories : public FactoryCollectionBase
+        {
+        public:
+            ObjectFactoryMap getFactories()
+            {
+                ObjectFactoryMap map;
+                map.insert(std::make_pair(armarx::Vector3Base::ice_staticId(), new Vector3ObjectFactory));
+                map.insert(std::make_pair(armarx::FramedVector3Base::ice_staticId(), new FramedVector3ObjectFactory));
+                map.insert(std::make_pair(armarx::LinkedVector3Base::ice_staticId(), new LinkedVector3ObjectFactory));
+                map.insert(std::make_pair(armarx::QuaternionBase::ice_staticId(), new QuaternionObjectFactory));
+                map.insert(std::make_pair(armarx::PoseBase::ice_staticId(), new PoseObjectFactory));
+                map.insert(std::make_pair(armarx::FramedPoseBase::ice_staticId(), new FramedPoseObjectFactory));
+                map.insert(std::make_pair(armarx::FramedOrientationBase::ice_staticId(), new FramedOrientationObjectFactory));
+                map.insert(std::make_pair(armarx::FramedPositionBase::ice_staticId(), new FramedPositionObjectFactory));
+                map.insert(std::make_pair(armarx::LinkedPoseBase::ice_staticId(), new LinkedPoseObjectFactory));
+                return map;
+            }
+        };
+        const FactoryCollectionBaseCleanUp RobotStateObjectFactoriesVar = FactoryCollectionBase::addToPreregistration(new RobotStateObjectFactories());
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RobotStateObserver.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RobotStateObserver.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7de0260562933f47fd3c9853015b0170b84b77d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RobotStateObserver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    ArmarX::Core
+* @author     Stefan Ulbrich <stefan dot ulbrich at kit dot edu>, Kai Welke (welke _at_ kit _dot_ edu)
+* @date       2011 Kai Welke
+* @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include "RobotStateObserver.h"
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/RobotStateComponent.h>
+#include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckEquals.h>
+#include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckInRange.h>
+#include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckLarger.h>
+#include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckSmaller.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobot.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/RobotNodeSet.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Nodes/RobotNode.h>
+using namespace armarx;
+// ********************************************************************
+// observer framework hooks
+// ********************************************************************
+void RobotStateObserver::onInitObserver()
+	// read names of kinematic chain elements belonging to this unit from XML and setup a map of all joints
+    // the kinematic chain elements belonging to this unit are defined in a RobotNodeSet
+    std::string robotFile = getProperty<std::string>("RobotFileName").getValue();
+    robotNodeSetName = getProperty<std::string>("RobotNodeSetName").getValue();
+	this->server = getProxy<RobotStateComponentInterfacePrx>("RobotStateComponent");
+	this->robot.reset(new RemoteRobot(server->getSynchronizedRobot()));
+    if(robotNodeSetName == "")
+    {
+        throw UserException("RobotNodeSet not defined");
+    }
+    VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr robotNodeSetPtr = this->robot->getRobotNodeSet(robotNodeSetName);
+    std::vector< VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr > robotNodes;
+    robotNodes = robotNodeSetPtr->getAllRobotNodes();
+	// register all channels
+	offerChannel("positions","Link positions of the " + robotNodeSetName + " kinematic chain");
+	offerChannel("orientations","Link orientations of the" + robotNodeSetName + "kinematic chain");
+	// register all data fields
+    for (std::vector<VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr>::iterator it = robotNodes.begin(); it != robotNodes.end(); it++)
+    {
+        std::string jointName = (*it)->getName();
+        std::cout << "* " << jointName << std::endl;
+  		offerDataField("positions", jointName, VariantType::FramedPosition, "" + jointName + "");
+  		offerDataField("orientations", jointName, VariantType::FramedOrientation, "" + jointName + "");
+  		// create lookup map
+  		namesToNodes.insert(make_pair(jointName, *it));
+    }
+	// register all checks
+	offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
+	offerConditionCheck("inrange", new ConditionCheckInRange());
+	offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
+	offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
+	usingTopic(robotNodeSetName + "State");
+void RobotStateObserver::onConnectObserver()
+// ********************************************************************
+// KinematicUnitListener interface implementation
+// ********************************************************************
+void RobotStateObserver::reportControlModeChanged(const NameControlModeMap& jointModes, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
+void RobotStateObserver::reportJointAngles(const NameValueMap& jointAngles, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
+    if(!aValueChanged)
+        return;
+	// update current model
+	updateRobotModel(jointAngles);
+	// update datafields
+	updatePoses();
+	// update channels
+	updateChannel("positions");
+	updateChannel("orientations");
+void RobotStateObserver::reportJointVelocities(const NameValueMap& jointVelocities, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
+void RobotStateObserver::reportJointTorques(const NameValueMap& jointTorques, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
+void RobotStateObserver::reportJointCurrents(const NameValueMap& jointCurrents, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
+void RobotStateObserver::reportJointMotorTemperatures(const NameValueMap& jointMotorTemperatures, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
+void RobotStateObserver::reportJointStatuses(const NameStatusMap &jointStatuses, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current &c)
+// ********************************************************************
+// private methods
+// ********************************************************************
+void RobotStateObserver::updateRobotModel(const NameValueMap& nameValueMap)
+	// update all nodes contained in the valueMap
+	NameValueMap::const_iterator iter = nameValueMap.begin();
+	while(iter != nameValueMap.end())
+	{
+	    VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr robotNode = namesToNodes[iter->first];
+	    robotNode->setJointValue(iter->second);
+		iter++;
+	}
+void RobotStateObserver::updatePoses()
+	// go through all nodes
+	VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr robotNodeSetPtr = this->robot->getRobotNodeSet(robotNodeSetName);
+    std::vector< VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr > robotNodes;
+    robotNodes = robotNodeSetPtr->getAllRobotNodes();
+	// set all data fields
+	// TODO: maybe global pose is not correct!!!
+    for (std::vector<VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr>::iterator it = robotNodes.begin(); it != robotNodes.end(); it++)
+    {
+        std::string jointName = (*it)->getName();
+        setDataField("positions", jointName, FramedPositionPtr(new FramedPosition((*it)->getGlobalPose(), "global")));
+        setDataField("orientations", jointName, FramedOrientationPtr(new FramedOrientation((*it)->getGlobalPose(), "global")));
+    }
+PropertyDefinitionsPtr RobotStateObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new RobotStatePropertyDefinitions(
+                                           getConfigIdentifier()));
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RobotStateObserver.h b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RobotStateObserver.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..16c6698ee09d2501d4db4492b9de1f9f499dffff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RobotStateObserver.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    ArmarX::Core
+* @author     Stefan Ulbrich <stefan dot ulbrich at kit dot edu>, Kai Welke (welke _at_ kit _dot_ edu)
+* @date       2011 Kai Welke
+* @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include <Core/core/system/ImportExport.h>
+#include <Core/core/Component.h>
+#include <Core/interface/observers/VariantBase.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterface.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/robotstate/RobotStateObserverInterface.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/robotstate/RobotState.h>
+#include <Core/observers/ConditionCheck.h>
+#include <Core/observers/Observer.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobot.h>
+namespace armarx
+   /**
+    * ArmarX RobotStateObserver.
+    *
+    * The RobotStateObserver allows to install conditions on all channel reported by the KinematicUnit.
+    * These include joint angles, velocities, torques and motor temperatures
+    *
+    * The RobotStateObserver retrieves its configuration from a VirtualRobot robot model. Within the model, the joints
+    * which are observer by the unit are define by a robotnodeset
+    */
+    class ARMARXCORE_IMPORT_EXPORT RobotStateObserver :
+        virtual public Observer,
+        virtual public RobotStateObserverInterface
+    {
+    public:
+   		// framework hooks
+   		void onInitObserver();
+   		void onConnectObserver();
+		// slice interface implementation
+        void reportControlModeChanged(const NameControlModeMap& jointModes, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportJointAngles(const NameValueMap& jointAngles, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportJointVelocities(const NameValueMap& jointVelocities, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportJointTorques(const NameValueMap& jointTorques, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportJointCurrents(const NameValueMap& jointCurrents, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportJointMotorTemperatures(const NameValueMap& jointMotorTemperatures, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportJointStatuses(const NameStatusMap& jointStatuses, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = Ice::Current());
+        virtual PropertyDefinitionsPtr createPropertyDefinitions();
+        virtual std::string getDefaultName() const { return "RobotStateObserver"; };
+    protected:
+		void updateRobotModel(const NameValueMap& nameValueMap);
+		void updatePoses();
+    private:
+    	std::string robotNodeSetName;
+		RobotStateComponentInterfacePrx server;
+		VirtualRobot::RobotPtr  robot;
+		std::map<std::string,VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr> namesToNodes;
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/checks/ConditionCheckEqualsPose.h b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/checks/ConditionCheckEqualsPose.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..42a683456f77128c6f12aa32543f92fbdd7f7960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/checks/ConditionCheckEqualsPose.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#include <Core/core/system/ImportExport.h>
+#include <Core/observers/ConditionCheck.h>
+#include <Core/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
+namespace armarx
+    class ARMARXCORE_IMPORT_EXPORT ConditionCheckEqualsPose :
+        public ConditionCheck
+    {
+    public:
+        ConditionCheckEqualsPose()
+        {
+            setNumberParameters(1);
+            addSupportedType(VariantType::FramedPosition, createParameterTypeList(1, VariantType::FramedPosition);
+            addSupportedType(VariantType::FramedOrientation, createParameterTypeList(1, VariantType::FramedOrientation);
+            addSupportedType(VariantType::Vector3, createParameterTypeList(1, VariantType::Vector3);
+            addSupportedType(VariantType::Quaternion, createParameterTypeList(1, VariantType::Quaternion);
+            addSupportedType(VariantType::Pose, createParameterTypeList(1, VariantType::Pose);
+        }
+        ConditionCheck* clone()
+        {
+            return new ConditionCheckEqualsPose(*this);
+        }
+        bool evaluate(const StringVariantMap &dataFields)
+        {
+            if(dataFields.size() != 1)
+            {
+                printf("Size of dataFields: %d\n", (int)dataFields.size());
+                throw InvalidConditionException("Wrong number of datafields for condition equals ");
+            }
+            Variant& value = dataFields.begin()->second;
+            VariantTypeId type = value.getType();
+            if(type == VariantType::Vector3)
+                return (sqrt(((value.x-getParameter(0).getClass<Vector3>().x)*(value.x-getParameter(0).getClass<Vector3>().x))+
+                             ((value.y-getParameter(0).getClass<Vector3>().y)*(value.y-getParameter(0).getClass<Vector3>().y))+
+                             ((value.z-getParameter(0).getClass<Vector3>().x)*(value.x-getParameter(0).getClass<Vector3>().z))) == 0);
+            if(type == VariantType::FramedPosition)
+                return (sqrt(((value.x-getParameter(0).getClass<FramedPosition>().x)*(value.x-getParameter(0).getClass<FramedPosition>().x))+
+                             ((value.y-getParameter(0).getClass<FramedPosition>().y)*(value.y-getParameter(0).getClass<FramedPosition>().y))+
+                             ((value.z-getParameter(0).getClass<FramedPosition>().x)*(value.x-getParameter(0).getClass<FramedPosition>().z))) == 0);
+            if(type == VariantType::Quaternion)
+                return (sqrt(((value.qw-getParameter(0).getClass<Quaternion>().qw)*(value.qw-getParameter(0).getClass<Quaternion>().qw))+
+                             ((value.qx-getParameter(0).getClass<Quaternion>().qx)*(value.qx-getParameter(0).getClass<Quaternion>().qx))+
+                             ((value.qy-getParameter(0).getClass<Quaternion>().qy)*(value.qy-getParameter(0).getClass<Quaternion>().qy))+
+                             ((value.qz-getParameter(0).getClass<Quaternion>().qx)*(value.qx-getParameter(0).getClass<Quaternion>().qz))) == 0);
+            if(type == VariantType::FramedOrientation)
+                return (sqrt(((value.qw-getParameter(0).getClass<FramedOrientation>().qw)*(value.qw-getParameter(0).getClass<FramedOrientation>().qw))+
+                             ((value.qx-getParameter(0).getClass<FramedOrientation>().qx)*(value.qx-getParameter(0).getClass<FramedOrientation>().qx))+
+                             ((value.qy-getParameter(0).getClass<FramedOrientation>().qy)*(value.qy-getParameter(0).getClass<FramedOrientation>().qy))+
+                             ((value.qz-getParameter(0).getClass<FramedOrientation>().qx)*(value.qx-getParameter(0).getClass<FramedOrientation>().qz))) == 0);
+            if(type == VariantType::Pose)
+                return (sqrt(((value.x-getParameter(0).getClass<Pose>().x)*(value.x-getParameter(0).getClass<Pose>().x))+
+                             ((value.y-getParameter(0).getClass<Pose>().y)*(value.y-getParameter(0).getClass<Pose>().y))+
+                             ((value.z-getParameter(0).getClass<Pose>().x)*(value.x-getParameter(0).getClass<Pose>().z)))+
+                            sqrt(((value.qw-getParameter(0).getClass<Pose>().qw)*(value.qw-getParameter(0).getClass<Pose>().qw))+
+                             ((value.qx-getParameter(0).getClass<Pose>().qx)*(value.qx-getParameter(0).getClass<Pose>().qx))+
+                             ((value.qy-getParameter(0).getClass<Pose>().qy)*(value.qy-getParameter(0).getClass<Pose>().qy))+
+                             ((value.qz-getParameter(0).getClass<Pose>().qx)*(value.qx-getParameter(0).getClass<Pose>().qz))) == 0);
+            return false;
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/checks/ConditionCheckEqualsPoseWithTolerance.h b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/checks/ConditionCheckEqualsPoseWithTolerance.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f00a496cd9062938dc81203601b5e915857b009e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/checks/ConditionCheckEqualsPoseWithTolerance.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#include <Core/core/system/ImportExport.h>
+#include <Core/observers/ConditionCheck.h>
+#include <Core/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
+namespace armarx
+    class ARMARXCORE_IMPORT_EXPORT ConditionCheckEqualsPoseWithTolerance :
+        public ConditionCheck
+    {
+    public:
+        ConditionCheckEqualsPoseWithTolerance()
+        {
+            setNumberParameters(2);
+            addSupportedType(VariantType::FramedPosition, createParameterTypeList(2, VariantType::FramedPosition, VariantType::Float));
+            addSupportedType(VariantType::FramedOrientation, createParameterTypeList(2, VariantType::FramedOrientation, VariantType::Float));
+            addSupportedType(VariantType::Vector3, createParameterTypeList(2, VariantType::Vector3, VariantType::Float));
+            addSupportedType(VariantType::Quaternion, createParameterTypeList(2, VariantType::Quaternion, VariantType::Float));
+            addSupportedType(VariantType::Pose, createParameterTypeList(2, VariantType::Pose, VariantType::Float));
+        }
+        ConditionCheck* clone()
+        {
+            return new ConditionCheckEqualsPoseWithTolerance(*this);
+        }
+        bool evaluate(const StringVariantMap &dataFields)
+        {
+            if(dataFields.size() != 1)
+            {
+                printf("Size of dataFields: %d\n", (int)dataFields.size());
+                throw InvalidConditionException("Wrong number of datafields for condition equals ");
+            }
+            Variant& value = dataFields.begin()->second;
+            VariantTypeId type = value.getType();
+            if(type == VariantType::Vector3)
+            {
+                Vector3Ptr & typedValue =  value.getClass<Vector3>();
+                Vector3Ptr & param =  getParameter(0).getClass<Vector3>();
+                return (sqrt(((typedValue->x-param->x)*(typedValue->x-param->x))+
+                             ((typedValue->y-param->y)*(typedValue->y-param->y))+
+                             ((typedValue->z-param->x)*(typedValue->x-param->z))) < getParameter(1).getFloat());
+            }
+            if(type == VariantType::Quaternion)
+            {
+                QuaternionPtr & typedValue =  value.getClass<Quaternion>();
+                QuaternionPtr & param =  getParameter(0).getClass<Quaternion>();
+                return (sqrt(((typedValue->qw-param->qw)*(typedValue->qw-param->qw))+
+                             ((typedValue->qx-param->qx)*(typedValue->qx-param->qx))+
+                             ((typedValue->qy-param->qy)*(typedValue->qy-param->qy))+
+                             ((typedValue->qz-param->qx)*(typedValue->qx-param->qz))) < getParameter(1).getFloat());
+            }
+            if(type == VariantType::FramedPosition)
+            {
+                FramedPositionPtr & typedValue =  value.getClass<FramedPosition>();
+                FramedPositionPtr & param =  getParameter(0).getClass<FramedPosition>();
+                return param->getFrame() == typedValue->getFrame()
+                        && (sqrt(((typedValue->x-param->x)*(typedValue->x-param->x))+
+                             ((typedValue->y-param->y)*(typedValue->y-param->y))+
+                             ((typedValue->z-param->x)*(typedValue->x-param->z))) < getParameter(1).getFloat());
+            }
+            if(type == VariantType::FramedOrientation)
+            {
+                FramedOrientationPtr & typedValue =  value.getClass<FramedOrientation>();
+                FramedOrientationPtr & param =  getParameter(0).getClass<FramedOrientation>();
+                return param->getFrame() == typedValue->getFrame()
+                        &&(sqrt(((typedValue->qw-param->qw)*(typedValue->qw-param->qw))+
+                             ((typedValue->qx-param->qx)*(typedValue->qx-param->qx))+
+                             ((typedValue->qy-param->qy)*(typedValue->qy-param->qy))+
+                             ((typedValue->qz-param->qx)*(typedValue->qx-param->qz))) < getParameter(1).getFloat());
+            }
+            if(type == VariantType::Pose)
+            {
+                // TODO:  This comparison is bullshit!
+                PosePtr & typedValue =  value.getClass<Pose>();
+                PosePtr & param =  getParameter(0).getClass<Pose>();
+                return (sqrt(((typedValue->position->x-param->position->x)*(typedValue->position->x-param->position->x))+
+                             ((typedValue->position->y-param->position->y)*(typedValue->position->y-param->position->y))+
+                             ((typedValue->position->z-param->position->x)*(typedValue->position->x-param->position->z)))+
+                            sqrt(((typedValue->orientation->qw-param->orientation->qw)*(typedValue->orientation->qw-param->orientation->qw))+
+                             ((typedValue->orientation->qx-param->orientation->qx)*(typedValue->orientation->qx-param->orientation->qx))+
+                             ((typedValue->orientation->qy-param->orientation->qy)*(typedValue->orientation->qy-param->orientation->qy))+
+                             ((typedValue->orientation->qz-param->orientation->qx)*(typedValue->orientation->qx-param->orientation->qz))) < getParameter(1).getFloat());
+            }
+           return false;
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/checks/ConditionCheckMagnitudeChecks.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/checks/ConditionCheckMagnitudeChecks.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b35ef5228d5b2fd241ed79a2061f4a3e5269f8af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/checks/ConditionCheckMagnitudeChecks.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#include "ConditionCheckMagnitudeChecks.h"
+namespace armarx {
+    ConditionCheckMagnitudeLarger::ConditionCheckMagnitudeLarger()
+    {
+        setNumberParameters(1);
+        addSupportedType(VariantType::Vector3, createParameterTypeList(1, VariantType::Float));
+        addSupportedType(VariantType::FramedVector3, createParameterTypeList(1, VariantType::Float));
+        addSupportedType(VariantType::LinkedVector3, createParameterTypeList(1, VariantType::Float));
+    }
+    ConditionCheck* ConditionCheckMagnitudeLarger::clone()
+    {
+        return new ConditionCheckMagnitudeLarger(*this);
+    }
+    bool ConditionCheckMagnitudeLarger::evaluate(const StringVariantMap &dataFields)
+    {
+        if(dataFields.size() != 1)
+        {
+            printf("Size of dataFields: %d\n", (int)dataFields.size());
+            throw InvalidConditionException("Wrong number of datafields for condition equals ");
+        }
+        const Variant& value = dataFields.begin()->second;
+        VariantTypeId type = value.getType();
+        if(type == VariantType::Vector3)
+        {
+            Eigen::Vector3f vec = value.getClass<Vector3>()->toEigen();
+            Eigen::Vector3f vec2 = getParameter(0).getClass<Vector3>()->toEigen();
+            return (vec-vec2).norm() > getParameter(1).getFloat();
+        }
+        if(type == VariantType::FramedVector3)
+        {
+            FramedVector3Ptr fV1 = value.getClass<FramedVector3>();
+            FramedVector3Ptr fV2 = getParameter(0).getClass<FramedVector3>();
+            if(fV1->frame != fV2->frame)
+            {
+                ARMARX_WARNING_S << deactivateSpam(3) << "Cannot compare FramedVector3 with different reference frames, because no robot is here available. Use LinkedVector3 instead or provide in correct frames";
+                return false;
+            }
+            Eigen::Vector3f vec = value.getClass<FramedVector3>()->toEigen();
+            Eigen::Vector3f vec2 = getParameter(0).getClass<FramedVector3>()->toEigen();
+            return (vec-vec2).norm() > getParameter(1).getFloat();
+        }
+        if(type == VariantType::LinkedVector3)
+        {
+            LinkedVector3Ptr lV1 = value.getClass<LinkedVector3>();
+            LinkedVector3Ptr lV2 = getParameter(0).getClass<LinkedVector3>();
+            if(lV1->frame != lV2->frame)
+                lV1->changeFrame(lV2->frame);
+            Eigen::Vector3f vec = value.getClass<LinkedVector3>()->toEigen();
+            Eigen::Vector3f vec2 = getParameter(0).getClass<LinkedVector3>()->toEigen();
+            return (vec-vec2).norm() > getParameter(1).getFloat();
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/checks/ConditionCheckMagnitudeChecks.h b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/checks/ConditionCheckMagnitudeChecks.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e8c76a87be1f891ed5daff8b4f7ffbb013dc00ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/checks/ConditionCheckMagnitudeChecks.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#include <Core/core/system/ImportExport.h>
+#include <Core/observers/ConditionCheck.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/LinkedPose.h>
+namespace armarx {
+    class ConditionCheckMagnitudeLarger : public ConditionCheck, Logging
+    {
+    public:
+        ConditionCheckMagnitudeLarger();
+        ConditionCheck *clone();
+        bool evaluate(const StringVariantMap &dataFields);
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/GraspingWithTorques/GraspingWithTorques.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/GraspingWithTorques/GraspingWithTorques.cpp
index 60a123777500c06dc11a3de053210af82e1648be..8345036888870295fc582c90ea9593f421a14581 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/GraspingWithTorques/GraspingWithTorques.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/GraspingWithTorques/GraspingWithTorques.cpp
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@
 #include <Core/observers/variant/ChannelRef.h>
 #include <Core/observers/variant/SingleTypeVariantList.h>
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
 #include <VirtualRobot/IK/DifferentialIK.h>
-#include <Core/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterface.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterface.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/core/RobotStatechartContext.h>
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/MovePlatform/MovePlatform.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/MovePlatform/MovePlatform.cpp
index c869ee5ea6caab7f948a6b2f1367821f57293ab5..b70d3f73a0f39d16ec58d4d0ad65297c0ebf80d0 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/MovePlatform/MovePlatform.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/MovePlatform/MovePlatform.cpp
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
 #include <Core/observers/variant/ChannelRef.h>
 #include <Core/observers/variant/SingleTypeVariantList.h>
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
 #include <VirtualRobot/IK/DifferentialIK.h>
-#include <Core/interface/units/PlatformUnitInterface.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/units/PlatformUnitInterface.h>
 namespace armarx
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/MovePlatform/PlatformContext.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/MovePlatform/PlatformContext.h
index c1321c03e8c28177015bf3df4071373241d2c03e..e0e419bea7e119f16504195bf3562bc21d96665b 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/MovePlatform/PlatformContext.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/MovePlatform/PlatformContext.h
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
 #include <Core/core/Component.h>
 #include <Core/core/system/ImportExportComponent.h>
 #include <Core/statechart/StatechartContext.h>
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.h>
-#include <Core/interface/units/PlatformUnitInterface.h>
-#include <Core/interface/observers/PlatformUnitObserverInterface.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/units/PlatformUnitInterface.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/observers/PlatformUnitObserverInterface.h>
-#include <Core/units/PlatformUnitObserver.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnitObserver.h>
 //#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobot.h>
 #include <IceUtil/Time.h>
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/MovePlatformToLandmark/MovePlatformToLandmark.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/MovePlatformToLandmark/MovePlatformToLandmark.cpp
index 9533b6d0f957e464b1ca0b1bbf1287ce7364219e..b2cbb39913e1248e5ab7a353ef7e5a80725cb74c 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/MovePlatformToLandmark/MovePlatformToLandmark.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/MovePlatformToLandmark/MovePlatformToLandmark.cpp
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@
 #include <Core/observers/variant/ChannelRef.h>
 #include <Core/observers/variant/SingleTypeVariantList.h>
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
 #include <Core/core/ManagedIceObject.h>
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/RobotStateObjectFactories.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RobotStateObjectFactories.h>
 #include <Core/core/CoreObjectFactories.h>
 #include <Core/observers/ObserverObjectFactories.h>
-#include <Core/interface/units/PlatformUnitInterface.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/units/PlatformUnitInterface.h>
 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/OpenHand/OpenHand.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/OpenHand/OpenHand.cpp
index 74b3bdb8507ad92d5025a9721ba7aae8ae93f935..0d98395ae75b6ad530fce1dc953cb6716a0bd04b 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/OpenHand/OpenHand.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/OpenHand/OpenHand.cpp
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@
 #include <Core/observers/variant/ChannelRef.h>
 #include <Core/observers/variant/SingleTypeVariantList.h>
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
 #include <VirtualRobot/IK/DifferentialIK.h>
-#include <Core/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterface.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterface.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/core/RobotStatechartContext.h>
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/units/CMakeLists.txt
index 0bc0993563f552e2dd27def2a175066064346bfe..fd4a6fda6ed0eee68f165b88c9f6c7510ef8893c 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/units/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -19,7 +19,13 @@ set(LIB_NAME       RobotAPIUnits)
 set(LIB_VERSION    0.1.0)
-set(LIBS RobotAPIInterfaces RobotAPICore ArmarXInterfaces ArmarXCore ArmarXCoreObservers ArmarXCoreEigen3Variants ArmarXCoreRemoteRobot  ${Simox_LIBRARIES})
+set(LIBS RobotAPIInterfaces 
+         RobotAPICore 
+         ArmarXInterfaces 
+         ArmarXCore 
+         ArmarXCoreObservers 
+         ArmarXCoreEigen3Variants 
+         RobotAPIRemoteRobot  ${Simox_LIBRARIES})
@@ -29,6 +35,17 @@ set(LIB_HEADERS
+    HandUnit.h
+    HardwareUnit.h
+    KinematicUnit.h
+    KinematicUnitSimulation.h
+    PlatformUnit.h
+    PlatformUnitSimulation.h
+    TCPMoverUnit.h
+    KinematicUnitObserver.h
+    PlatformUnitObserver.h
+    SensorActorUnit.h
@@ -39,6 +56,17 @@ set(LIB_FILES
+    HandUnit.cpp
+    HardwareUnit.cpp
+    KinematicUnit.cpp
+    KinematicUnitSimulation.cpp
+    PlatformUnit.cpp
+    PlatformUnitSimulation.cpp
+    TCPMoverUnit.cpp
+    KinematicUnitObserver.cpp
+    PlatformUnitObserver.cpp
+    SensorActorUnit.cpp
 armarx_add_library("${LIB_NAME}" "${LIB_VERSION}" "${LIB_SOVERSION}" "${LIB_FILES}" "${LIB_HEADERS}" "${LIBS}")
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/ForceTorqueObserver.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/units/ForceTorqueObserver.cpp
index df83a533c9b252f5a6253d6ccc98395fc751a27b..d469ac1135300ddedb518ee26f56031483647b03 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/units/ForceTorqueObserver.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/ForceTorqueObserver.cpp
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
 #include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckInRange.h>
 #include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckLarger.h>
 #include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckSmaller.h>
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/checks/ConditionCheckMagnitudeChecks.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/checks/ConditionCheckMagnitudeChecks.h>
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/RobotStateObjectFactories.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RobotStateObjectFactories.h>
 #define RAWFORCE "_rawforcevectors"
 #define OFFSETFORCE "_forceswithoffsetvectors"
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/ForceTorqueUnit.h b/source/RobotAPI/units/ForceTorqueUnit.h
index ca4f4a83f0031775b4982639f8276d287f92cb5b..df6b0566f27b05f72fcfda5e01a137b0cac5869c 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/units/ForceTorqueUnit.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/ForceTorqueUnit.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 #include <Core/core/Component.h>
 #include <Core/core/application/properties/Properties.h>
 #include <Core/core/system/ImportExportComponent.h>
-#include "Core/units/SensorActorUnit.h"
+#include "RobotAPI/units/SensorActorUnit.h"
 #include <RobotAPI/interface/units/ForceTorqueUnit.h>
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/HandUnit.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/units/HandUnit.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8545fa4352f89820c70a3d976c696823d1742b1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/HandUnit.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::units
+ * @author     Manfred Kroehnert (Manfred dot Kroehnert at kit dot edu)
+ * @date       2013
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "HandUnit.h"
+#include <Core/core/system/ArmarXDataPath.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobot.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/XML/RobotIO.h>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace armarx;
+using namespace VirtualRobot;
+void HandUnit::onInitComponent()
+    std::string endeffectorFile = getProperty<std::string>("EndeffectorFile").getValue();
+    std::string endeffectorName = getProperty<std::string>("EndeffectorName").getValue();
+    if (!ArmarXDataPath::getAbsolutePath(endeffectorFile, endeffectorFile))
+    {
+        throw UserException("Could not find robot file " + endeffectorFile);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        robot = VirtualRobot::RobotIO::loadRobot(endeffectorFile, VirtualRobot::RobotIO::eStructure);
+    }
+    catch(VirtualRobot::VirtualRobotException& e)
+    {
+        throw UserException(e.what());
+    }
+    if(endeffectorName == "")
+    {
+        throw UserException("EndeffectorName not defined");
+    }
+    if(!robot->hasEndEffector(endeffectorName))
+    {
+        throw UserException("Robot does not contain an endeffector with name: " + endeffectorName);
+    }
+    const std::vector<std::string> endeffectorPreshapes = robot->getEndEffector(endeffectorName)->getPreshapes();
+    preshapeNames = new SingleTypeVariantList(VariantType::String);
+    std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter = endeffectorPreshapes.begin();
+    while(iter != endeffectorPreshapes.end())
+    {
+        Variant currentPreshape;
+        currentPreshape.setString(*iter);
+        preshapeNames->addVariant(currentPreshape);
+        iter++;
+    }
+    // component dependencies
+    listenerChannelName = endeffectorName + "State";
+    offeringTopic(listenerChannelName);
+    this->onInitHandUnit();
+void HandUnit::onConnectComponent()
+    ARMARX_INFO << "setting report topic to " << listenerChannelName << flush;
+    listenerPrx = getTopic<HandUnitListenerPrx>(listenerChannelName);
+    this->onStartHandUnit();
+void HandUnit::onExitComponent()
+    this->onExitHandUnit();
+void HandUnit::open(const Ice::Current& c)
+void HandUnit::close(const Ice::Current& c)
+void HandUnit::preshape(const std::string& preshapeName, const Ice::Current& c)
+SingleTypeVariantListBasePtr HandUnit::getPreshapeNames(const Ice::Current& c)
+    return preshapeNames;
+PropertyDefinitionsPtr HandUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new HandUnitPropertyDefinitions(
+                                           getConfigIdentifier()));
+NameValueMap HandUnit::getPreshapeJointValues(const std::string &preshapeName, const Ice::Current &)
+    EndEffectorPtr efp = robot->getEndEffector(getProperty<std::string>("EndeffectorName").getValue());
+    RobotConfigPtr rc = efp->getPreshape(preshapeName);
+    return rc->getRobotNodeJointValueMap();
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/HandUnit.h b/source/RobotAPI/units/HandUnit.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a73ee435eb585bdd8621a88cec76600e78516287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/HandUnit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::units
+ * @author     Manfred Kroehnert (manfred dot kroehnert at kit dot edu)
+ * @date       2013
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include <RobotAPI/units/SensorActorUnit.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/units/HandUnitInterface.h>
+#include <Core/core/application/properties/Properties.h>
+#include <Core/core/system/ImportExportComponent.h>
+#include <Core/observers/variant/SingleTypeVariantList.h>
+namespace VirtualRobot
+    class Robot;
+    typedef boost::shared_ptr<Robot> RobotPtr;
+namespace armarx
+    /**
+     * @class HandUnitPropertyDefinitions
+     * @brief Defines all necessary properties for armarx::HandUnit
+     * @ingroup SensorActorUnits
+     */
+    class HandUnitPropertyDefinitions:
+            public ComponentPropertyDefinitions
+    {
+    public:
+        HandUnitPropertyDefinitions(std::string prefix):
+            ComponentPropertyDefinitions(prefix)
+        {
+            defineRequiredProperty<std::string>("EndeffectorFile","VirtualRobot XML file in which the endeffector is is stored.");
+            defineRequiredProperty<std::string>("EndeffectorName","Name of the endeffector as stored in the XML file (will publish values on EndeffectorName + 'State')");
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * @class HandUnit
+     * @brief This class defines an interface for providing high level access to robot hands
+     * @ingroup SensorActorUnits
+     *
+     * An instance of a HandUnit provides means to open, close, and preshape hands.
+     * It uses the HandUnitListener Ice interface to report updates of its current state
+     *
+     */
+    class HandUnit :
+        virtual public HandUnitInterface,
+        virtual public SensorActorUnit
+    {
+    public:
+        // inherited from Component
+        virtual std::string getDefaultName() const
+        {
+            return "HandUnit";
+        }
+        /**
+         * Retrieve proxy for publishing State information and call
+         * armarx::PlatformUnit::onInitPlatformUnit().
+         * @see armarx::Component::onInitComponent()
+         */
+        virtual void onInitComponent();
+        /**
+         * Calls armarx::PlatformUnit::onStartPlatformUnit().
+         * @see armarx::Component::onConnectComponent()
+         */
+        virtual void onConnectComponent();
+        /**
+         * Calls armarx::PlatformUnit::onExitPlatformUnit().
+         * @see armarx::Component::onExitComponent()
+         */
+        virtual void onExitComponent();
+        /**
+         *
+         */
+        virtual void onInitHandUnit() = 0;
+        /**
+         *
+         */
+        virtual void onStartHandUnit() = 0;
+        /**
+         *
+         */
+        virtual void onExitHandUnit() = 0;
+        /**
+         * Send command to the hand to open all fingers.
+         */
+        virtual void open(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        /**
+         * Send command to the hand to close all fingers.
+         */
+        virtual void close(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        /**
+         * Send command to the hand to form a specific preshape position.
+         */
+        virtual void preshape(const std::string& preshapeName, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        /**
+         * @return a list of strings for preshape positions which can be used together with HandUnit::preshape().
+         */
+        virtual SingleTypeVariantListBasePtr getPreshapeNames(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        NameValueMap getPreshapeJointValues(const std::string &preshapeName, const Ice::Current &);
+        /**
+         * @see armarx::PropertyUser::createPropertyDefinitions()
+         */
+        virtual PropertyDefinitionsPtr createPropertyDefinitions();
+    protected:
+        /**
+         * HandUnitListener proxy for publishing state updates
+         */
+        HandUnitListenerPrx listenerPrx;
+        /**
+         * Ice Topic name on which armarx::HandUnit::listenerPrx publishes information
+         */
+        std::string listenerChannelName;
+        /**
+         * List containing the names of all valid preshapes.
+         */
+        SingleTypeVariantListPtr preshapeNames;
+        VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot;
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/HapticObserver.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/units/HapticObserver.cpp
index 033532980dbb7f79334d1196ebf2edf4d503bb24..cc83771e237dfbd9b62cdf110ea49e94f58ffcb6 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/units/HapticObserver.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/HapticObserver.cpp
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
 #include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckInRange.h>
 #include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckLarger.h>
 #include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckSmaller.h>
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/checks/ConditionCheckMagnitudeChecks.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/checks/ConditionCheckMagnitudeChecks.h>
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/RobotStateObjectFactories.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RobotStateObjectFactories.h>
 #include <Eigen/Dense>
 #include <Core/observers/variant/TimestampVariant.h>
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/HapticUnit.h b/source/RobotAPI/units/HapticUnit.h
index 1d8c58283f066eb54a42673b6a90a1586b720d70..1694550e465636ac8e3839a452ea40fda2661682 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/units/HapticUnit.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/HapticUnit.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 #include <Core/core/Component.h>
 #include <Core/core/application/properties/Properties.h>
 #include <Core/core/system/ImportExportComponent.h>
-#include "Core/units/SensorActorUnit.h"
+#include "RobotAPI/units/SensorActorUnit.h"
 #include <RobotAPI/interface/units/HapticUnit.h>
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/HardwareUnit.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/units/HardwareUnit.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0aae5cc96d5d3acb5c47bda6955b3dae9872acd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/HardwareUnit.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    Core
+ * @author     Matthias Hadlich (matthias dot hadlich at student dot kit dot edu)
+ * @copyright  2014 Matthias Hadlich
+ * @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "HardwareUnit.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace armarx;
+void HardwareUnit::onInitComponent() {
+     this->onInitHardwareUnit();
+     offeringTopic("HardwareValues");
+void HardwareUnit::onConnectComponent() {
+    ARMARX_INFO << flush;
+    // TODO: muss das hier gleich sein wie der Channel der Kinematicunit?!?!
+    //std::string hardwareChannel = "hardware";
+    hardwareValuePrx = getTopic<HardwareInterfacePrx>("HardwareValues");
+    ARMARX_INFO << "subscribing topic: " << "HardwareValues" << flush;
+    this->onConnectHardwareUnit();
+void HardwareUnit::onExitComponent() {
+  this->onExitHardwareUnit();
+BusNames HardwareUnit::getConfiguredBusses( const Ice::Current& c) {
+    return *(new vector<string>());
+BusInformation HardwareUnit::getBusInformation(const std::string& bus, const Ice::Current& c){
+    return *(new BusInformation);
+DeviceNames HardwareUnit::getDevicesOnBus(const std::string &bus, const Ice::Current& c ){
+      return *(new vector<string>());
+DeviceInformation HardwareUnit::getDeviceInformation(const std::string& device,  const Ice::Current& c ) {
+  return *(new DeviceInformation);
+int HardwareUnit::performBasicOperation( BasicOperation& operation,  const Ice::Current& c) {
+    return 0;
+int HardwareUnit::sendCommand(const std::string& command,  const Ice::Current& c ) {
+    return 0;
+PropertyDefinitionsPtr HardwareUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new HardwareUnitPropertyDefinitions(
+                                           getConfigIdentifier()));
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/HardwareUnit.h b/source/RobotAPI/units/HardwareUnit.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eab13210ba1099e44a277b721f4e271484c04724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/HardwareUnit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    Core
+ * @author     Matthias Hadlich (matthias dot hadlich at student dot kit dot edu)
+ * @copyright  2014 Matthias Hadlich
+ * @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include <Core/core/Component.h>
+#include <Core/core/application/properties/Properties.h>
+#include <Core/core/system/ImportExportComponent.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/hardware/HardwareInterface.h>
+namespace armarx {
+   class HardwareUnitPropertyDefinitions:
+           public ComponentPropertyDefinitions
+   {
+   public:
+       HardwareUnitPropertyDefinitions(std::string prefix):
+           ComponentPropertyDefinitions(prefix)
+       {
+           //defineRequiredProperty<std::string>("RobotNodeSetName","Robot node name");
+           //defineRequiredProperty<std::string>("RobotFileName", "Robot file name, e.g. robot_model.xml");
+       }
+   };
+class HardwareUnit :
+        virtual public HardwareInterface, virtual public Component
+    {
+    public:
+        // inherited from Component
+        virtual std::string getDefaultName() const { return "HardwareUnit"; }
+        virtual void onInitComponent();
+        virtual void onConnectComponent();
+        virtual void onExitComponent();
+        virtual void onInitHardwareUnit() = 0;
+        virtual void onConnectHardwareUnit() = 0;
+        virtual void onExitHardwareUnit() = 0;
+         virtual BusNames getConfiguredBusses( const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+         virtual BusInformation getBusInformation(const std::string &bus, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+         virtual DeviceNames getDevicesOnBus(const std::string &bus, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+         virtual DeviceInformation getDeviceInformation(const std::string &device,  const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+         virtual int performBasicOperation(BasicOperation &operation,  const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+         virtual int sendCommand(const std::string &command,  const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        /**
+         * @see PropertyUser::createPropertyDefinitions()
+         */
+        virtual PropertyDefinitionsPtr createPropertyDefinitions();
+	  protected:
+	    std::string channel;
+	    HardwareInterfacePrx hardwareValuePrx; // gets commands from hardware
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/HeadIKUnit.h b/source/RobotAPI/units/HeadIKUnit.h
index b9365e1e15b17aa0f289f2931e9826c9b71cb4fe..1862188317a891a9bf08fc3d59d4cb02b248e425 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/units/HeadIKUnit.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/HeadIKUnit.h
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
 #include <Core/core/Component.h>
 #include <Core/core/services/tasks/PeriodicTask.h>
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/interface/units/HeadIKUnit.h>
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnit.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnit.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b360f799b39e4cc34ade44cac5c3ed6c974ca8b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnit.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::units
+ * @author     Christian Boege (boege at kit dot edu)
+ * @date       2011
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "KinematicUnit.h"
+#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobot.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/XML/RobotIO.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/RobotNodeSet.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobotException.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/RuntimeEnvironment.h>
+#include <Core/core/system/ArmarXDataPath.h>
+using namespace armarx;
+void KinematicUnit::onInitComponent()
+    // read names of kinematic chain elements belonging to this unit from XML and setup a map of all joints
+    // the kinematic chain elements belonging to this unit are defined in a RobotNodeSet
+    std::string robotFile = getProperty<std::string>("RobotFileName").getValue();
+    robotNodeSetName = getProperty<std::string>("RobotNodeSetName").getValue();
+    if (!ArmarXDataPath::getAbsolutePath(robotFile,robotFile))
+    {
+        throw UserException("Could not find robot file " + robotFile);
+    }
+    // read the robot node set and initialize the joints of this kinematic unit
+    try
+    {
+        robot = VirtualRobot::RobotIO::loadRobot(robotFile, VirtualRobot::RobotIO::eStructure);
+    }
+    catch(VirtualRobot::VirtualRobotException& e)
+    {
+        throw UserException(e.what());
+    }
+    if(robotNodeSetName == "")
+    {
+        throw UserException("RobotNodeSet not defined");
+    }
+    VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr robotNodeSetPtr = robot->getRobotNodeSet(robotNodeSetName);
+    robotNodes = robotNodeSetPtr->getAllRobotNodes();
+    // component dependencies
+    listenerName = robotNodeSetName + "State";
+    offeringTopic(listenerName);
+    this->onInitKinematicUnit();
+void KinematicUnit::onConnectComponent()
+    ARMARX_INFO << "setting report topic to " << listenerName << flush;
+    listenerPrx = getTopic<KinematicUnitListenerPrx>(listenerName);
+    this->onStartKinematicUnit();
+void KinematicUnit::onExitComponent()
+    this->onExitKinematicUnit();
+void KinematicUnit::switchControlMode(const NameControlModeMap& targetJointModes, const Ice::Current& c)
+void KinematicUnit::setJointAngles(const NameValueMap& targetJointAngles, const Ice::Current& c)
+void KinematicUnit::setJointVelocities(const NameValueMap& targetJointVelocities, const Ice::Current& c)
+void KinematicUnit::requestKinematicUnit(const StringSequence& nodes, const Ice::Current& c)
+    SensorActorUnit::request(c);
+void KinematicUnit::releaseKinematicUnit(const StringSequence& nodes, const Ice::Current& c)
+    SensorActorUnit::release(c);
+PropertyDefinitionsPtr KinematicUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new KinematicUnitPropertyDefinitions(
+                                           getConfigIdentifier()));
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnit.h b/source/RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnit.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..084106dfe706d9ab80c391332359c792f6fa654d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::units
+ * @author     Christian Boege (boege at kit dot edu)
+ * @date       2011
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include <RobotAPI/units/SensorActorUnit.h>
+#include <Core/core/Component.h>
+#include <Core/core/application/properties/Properties.h>
+#include <Core/core/system/ImportExportComponent.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterface.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Nodes/RobotNode.h>
+#include <vector>
+namespace armarx
+    /**
+     * @class KinematicUnitPropertyDefinitions
+     * @brief
+     * @ingroup SensorActorUnits
+     */
+    class KinematicUnitPropertyDefinitions:
+            public ComponentPropertyDefinitions
+    {
+    public:
+        KinematicUnitPropertyDefinitions(std::string prefix):
+            ComponentPropertyDefinitions(prefix)
+        {
+            defineRequiredProperty<std::string>("RobotNodeSetName","Robot node name");
+            defineRequiredProperty<std::string>("RobotFileName", "Robot file name, e.g. robot_model.xml");
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * @class KinematicUnit
+     * @brief
+     * @ingroup SensorActorUnits
+     *
+     * KinematicUnits are SensorActorUnits which provide sensory data in terms of joints angles, joint velocities and joint forces.
+     * Further target joint angles and velocities can be controlled.
+     *
+     * The KinematicUnit retrieves its configuration from a VirtualRobot robot model. Within the model, the joints, the unit
+     * controls are defined with a RobotNodeSet.
+     */
+    class KinematicUnit :
+        virtual public KinematicUnitInterface,
+        virtual public SensorActorUnit
+    {
+    public:
+        // inherited from Component
+        virtual std::string getDefaultName() const { return "KinematicUnit"; }
+        virtual void onInitComponent();
+        virtual void onConnectComponent();
+        virtual void onExitComponent();
+        virtual void onInitKinematicUnit() = 0;
+        virtual void onStartKinematicUnit() = 0;
+        virtual void onExitKinematicUnit() = 0;
+        // proxy implementation
+        virtual void requestKinematicUnit(const StringSequence& nodes, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        virtual void releaseKinematicUnit(const StringSequence& nodes, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        virtual void switchControlMode(const NameControlModeMap& targetJointModes, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        virtual void setJointAngles(const NameValueMap& targetJointAngles, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        virtual void setJointVelocities(const NameValueMap& targetJointVelocities, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        /**
+         * @see PropertyUser::createPropertyDefinitions()
+         */
+        virtual PropertyDefinitionsPtr createPropertyDefinitions();
+    protected:
+        KinematicUnitListenerPrx listenerPrx;
+        VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot;
+        std::string robotNodeSetName;
+        std::string listenerName;
+        std::vector< VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr > robotNodes;
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnitObserver.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnitObserver.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f0bb77d15aa50362a7882ebd303451396e83e1c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnitObserver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    ArmarX::Core
+* @author     Kai Welke (welke _at_ kit _dot_ edu)
+* @date       2011 Kai Welke
+* @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include "KinematicUnitObserver.h"
+#include "KinematicUnit.h"
+#include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckValid.h>
+#include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckUpdated.h>
+#include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckEquals.h>
+#include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckInRange.h>
+#include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckLarger.h>
+#include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckSmaller.h>
+#include <Core/observers/variant/ChannelRef.h>
+#include <Core/core/system/ArmarXDataPath.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobot.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/XML/RobotIO.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/RobotNodeSet.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Nodes/RobotNode.h>
+using namespace armarx;
+// ********************************************************************
+// observer framework hooks
+// ********************************************************************
+void KinematicUnitObserver::onInitObserver()
+	// read names of kinematic chain elements belonging to this unit from XML and setup a map of all joints
+    // the kinematic chain elements belonging to this unit are defined in a RobotNodeSet
+    std::string robotFile = getProperty<std::string>("RobotFileName").getValue();
+    robotNodeSetName = getProperty<std::string>("RobotNodeSetName").getValue();
+    if (!ArmarXDataPath::getAbsolutePath(robotFile,robotFile))
+    {
+        throw UserException("Could not find robot file " + robotFile);
+    }
+    VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot = VirtualRobot::RobotIO::loadRobot(robotFile, VirtualRobot::RobotIO::eStructure);
+    if(robotNodeSetName == "")
+    {
+        throw UserException("RobotNodeSet not defined");
+    }
+    VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr robotNodeSetPtr = robot->getRobotNodeSet(robotNodeSetName);
+    std::vector< VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr > robotNodes;
+    robotNodes = robotNodeSetPtr->getAllRobotNodes();
+	// register all channels
+	offerChannel("jointangles","Joint values of the " + robotNodeSetName + " kinematic chain");
+	offerChannel("jointvelocities","Joint velocities of the " + robotNodeSetName + "kinematic chain");
+	offerChannel("jointtorques","Joint torques of the" + robotNodeSetName + " kinematic chain");
+	offerChannel("jointcurrents","Joint currents of the " + robotNodeSetName + " kinematic chain");
+	offerChannel("jointmotortemperatures","Joint motor temperatures of the " + robotNodeSetName + " kinematic chain");
+	// register all data fields
+    for (std::vector<VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr>::iterator it = robotNodes.begin(); it != robotNodes.end(); it++)
+    {
+        std::string jointName = (*it)->getName();
+        ARMARX_VERBOSE << "* " << jointName << std::endl;
+        offerDataField("jointangles", jointName, VariantType::Float, "Joint angle of the " + jointName + "  joint in radians");
+        offerDataField("jointvelocities", jointName, VariantType::Float, "Joint velocity of the " + jointName + "  joint");
+  		offerDataField("jointtorques", jointName, VariantType::Float, "Joint torque of the " + jointName + "  joint");
+  		offerDataField("jointcurrents", jointName, VariantType::Float, "Joint current of the " + jointName + "  joint");
+  		offerDataField("jointmotortemperatures", jointName, VariantType::Float, "Joint motor temperature of the " + jointName + "  joint");
+    }   
+	// register all checks	
+    offerConditionCheck("valid", new ConditionCheckValid());
+    offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
+    offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
+	offerConditionCheck("inrange", new ConditionCheckInRange());
+	offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
+	offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
+	usingTopic(robotNodeSetName + "State");
+void KinematicUnitObserver::onConnectObserver()
+// ********************************************************************
+// KinematicUnitListener interface implementation
+// ********************************************************************
+void KinematicUnitObserver::reportControlModeChanged(const NameControlModeMap& jointModes, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
+	// TODO: offer this as channel???
+void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointAngles(const NameValueMap& jointAngles,  bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
+    if(jointAngles.size() == 0)
+        return;
+    nameValueMapToDataFields("jointangles", jointAngles);
+	updateChannel("jointangles");
+void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointVelocities(const NameValueMap& jointVelocities, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
+    if(jointVelocities.size() == 0)
+        return;
+    nameValueMapToDataFields("jointvelocities", jointVelocities);
+	updateChannel("jointvelocities");
+void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointTorques(const NameValueMap& jointTorques, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
+    if(jointTorques.size() == 0)
+        return;
+    nameValueMapToDataFields("jointtorques", jointTorques);
+	updateChannel("jointtorques");
+void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointCurrents(const NameValueMap& jointCurrents,  bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
+    if(jointCurrents.size() == 0)
+        return;
+    nameValueMapToDataFields("jointcurrents", jointCurrents);
+	updateChannel("jointcurrents");
+void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointMotorTemperatures(const NameValueMap& jointMotorTemperatures, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
+    if(jointMotorTemperatures.size() == 0)
+        return;
+    nameValueMapToDataFields("jointmotortemperatures", jointMotorTemperatures);
+    updateChannel("jointmotortemperatures");
+void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointStatuses(const NameStatusMap &jointStatuses, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current &c)
+// ********************************************************************
+// private methods
+// ********************************************************************
+void KinematicUnitObserver::nameValueMapToDataFields(const std::string &channelName, const NameValueMap& nameValueMap)
+	NameValueMap::const_iterator iter = nameValueMap.begin();
+	while(iter != nameValueMap.end())
+	{
+        setDataFieldFlatCopy(channelName, iter->first, new Variant(iter->second));
+		iter++;
+	}
+PropertyDefinitionsPtr KinematicUnitObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new KinematicUnitPropertyDefinitions(
+                                           getConfigIdentifier()));
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnitObserver.h b/source/RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnitObserver.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..80dde03445f3b6fe287f5b8b59b7ca0578a3dd50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnitObserver.h
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    ArmarX::Core
+* @author     Kai Welke (welke _at_ kit _dot_ edu)
+* @date       2011 Kai Welke
+* @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include <Core/core/system/ImportExport.h>
+#include <Core/core/Component.h>
+#include <Core/core/application/properties/Properties.h>
+#include <Core/interface/observers/VariantBase.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterface.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/observers/KinematicUnitObserverInterface.h>
+#include <Core/observers/ConditionCheck.h>
+#include <Core/observers/Observer.h>
+#include <string>
+namespace armarx
+    ARMARX_CREATE_CHECK(KinematicUnitObserver, equals)
+    ARMARX_CREATE_CHECK(KinematicUnitObserver, larger)
+   /**
+    * @class KinematicUnitObserver
+    * @brief
+    * @ingroup SensorActorUnits
+    *
+    * The KinematicUnitObserver allows to install conditions on all channel reported by the KinematicUnit.
+    * These include joint angles, velocities, torques and motor temperatures
+    *
+    * The KinematicUnitObserver retrieves its configuration from a VirtualRobot robot model. Within the model, the joints
+    * which are observer by the unit are define by a robotnodeset
+    */
+    class ARMARXCORE_IMPORT_EXPORT KinematicUnitObserver :
+        virtual public Observer,
+        virtual public KinematicUnitObserverInterface
+    {
+    public:
+        // framework hooks
+        void onInitObserver();
+        void onConnectObserver();
+        // slice interface implementation
+        void reportControlModeChanged(const NameControlModeMap& jointModes, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportJointAngles(const NameValueMap& jointAngles,  bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportJointVelocities(const NameValueMap& jointVelocities,  bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportJointTorques(const NameValueMap& jointTorques,  bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportJointCurrents(const NameValueMap& jointCurrents,  bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportJointMotorTemperatures(const NameValueMap& jointMotorTemperatures,  bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportJointStatuses(const NameStatusMap& jointStatuses, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        virtual std::string getDefaultName() const { return "KinematicUnitObserver"; };
+        /**
+         * @see PropertyUser::createPropertyDefinitions()
+         */
+        virtual PropertyDefinitionsPtr createPropertyDefinitions();
+    protected:
+        void nameValueMapToDataFields(const std::string& channelName, const NameValueMap& nameValueMap);
+    private:
+        std::string robotNodeSetName;
+    };
+    /**
+      @class KinematicUnitDatafieldCreator
+      @brief
+      @ingroup SensorActorUnits
+     */
+    class KinematicUnitDatafieldCreator
+    {
+    public:
+        KinematicUnitDatafieldCreator(const std::string &channelName): _channelName(channelName){}
+        /**
+         * @brief Function to create a Channel Representation for a KinematicUnitObserver
+         * @param kinematicUnitOberserverName Name of the KinematicUnitObserver
+         * @param jointName Name of a joint of the robot like it is specified
+         * in the simox-robot-xml-file
+         * @return returns a ChannelRepresentationPtr
+         */
+        DataFieldIdentifier getDatafield(const std::string &kinematicUnitObserverName, const std::string &jointName) const
+        {
+            if(kinematicUnitObserverName.empty())
+                throw LocalException("kinematicUnitObserverName must not be empty!");
+            if(jointName.empty())
+                throw LocalException("jointName must not be empty!");
+            return DataFieldIdentifier(kinematicUnitObserverName, _channelName, jointName);
+        }
+    private:
+        std::string _channelName;
+    };
+    namespace channels{
+        namespace KinematicUnitObserver{
+            const KinematicUnitDatafieldCreator jointAngles("jointAngles");
+            const KinematicUnitDatafieldCreator jointVelocities("jointVelocities");
+            const KinematicUnitDatafieldCreator jointTorques("jointTorques");
+            const KinematicUnitDatafieldCreator jointCurrents("jointCurrents");
+            const KinematicUnitDatafieldCreator jointTemperatures("jointTemperatures");
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnitSimulation.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnitSimulation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6f4af469d18319f503b48c4ba6d938bcfddf9d42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnitSimulation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::units
+ * @author     Christian Boege (boege at kit dot edu)
+ * @date       2011
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "KinematicUnitSimulation.h"
+#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobot.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/XML/RobotIO.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/RobotNodeSet.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Nodes/RobotNode.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/VirtualRobotException.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/RuntimeEnvironment.h>
+#include <Core/core/system/ArmarXDataPath.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+using namespace armarx;
+void KinematicUnitSimulation::onInitKinematicUnit()
+    for (std::vector<VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr>::iterator it = robotNodes.begin(); it != robotNodes.end(); it++)
+    {
+        std::string jointName = (*it)->getName();
+        jointInfos[jointName].limitLo =  (*it)->getJointLimitLo();
+        jointInfos[jointName].limitHi =  (*it)->getJointLimitHi();
+        if ((*it)->isRotationalJoint())
+        {
+            if (jointInfos[jointName].limitHi - jointInfos[jointName].limitLo >= float(M_PI * 2))
+            {
+                jointInfos[jointName].reset();
+            }
+        }
+        ARMARX_VERBOSE << jointName << " with limits: lo: " << jointInfos[jointName].limitLo << " hi: " << jointInfos[jointName].limitHi;
+    }
+    {
+        // duplicate the loop because of locking
+        boost::mutex::scoped_lock(jointStatesMutex);
+        // initialize JoinStates
+        for (std::vector<VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr>::iterator it = robotNodes.begin(); it != robotNodes.end(); it++)
+        {
+            std::string jointName = (*it)->getName();
+            jointStates[jointName] = JointState();
+            jointStates[jointName].init();
+        }
+    }
+    intervalMs = getProperty<int>("IntervalMs").getValue();
+    ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Starting kinematic unit simulation with " << intervalMs << " ms interval";
+    simulationTask = new PeriodicTask<KinematicUnitSimulation>(this, &KinematicUnitSimulation::simulationFunction, intervalMs, false, "KinematicUnitSimulation");
+void KinematicUnitSimulation::onStartKinematicUnit()
+    lastExecutionTime = IceUtil::Time::now();
+    simulationTask->start();
+void KinematicUnitSimulation::onExitKinematicUnit()
+    simulationTask->stop();
+void KinematicUnitSimulation::simulationFunction()
+    // the time it took until this method was called again
+    double timeDeltaInSeconds = (IceUtil::Time::now() - lastExecutionTime).toMilliSecondsDouble() / 1000.0;
+    lastExecutionTime = IceUtil::Time::now();
+    // name value maps for reporting
+    NameValueMap actualJointAngles;
+    NameValueMap actualJointVelocities;
+    bool aPosValueChanged = false;
+    bool aVelValueChanged = false;
+    {
+        boost::mutex::scoped_lock(jointStatesMutex);
+        for ( JointStates::iterator it = jointStates.begin(); it!=jointStates.end(); it++ )
+        {
+            float newAngle = 0.0f;
+            // calculate joint positions if joint is in velocity control mode
+            if ( it->second.controlMode == eVelocityControl )
+            {
+                double change = (it->second.velocity * timeDeltaInSeconds);
+                newAngle = it->second.angle + change;
+            }
+            else if(it->second.controlMode == ePositionControl)
+            {
+                newAngle = it->second.angle;
+            }
+            // constrain the angle
+            JointInfo & jointInfo = jointInfos[it->first];
+            float maxAngle = (jointInfo.hasLimits()) ? jointInfo.limitHi : 2.0 * M_PI;
+            float minAngle = (jointInfo.hasLimits()) ? jointInfo.limitLo : -2.0 * M_PI;
+            newAngle = std::max<float>(newAngle, minAngle);
+            newAngle = std::min<float>(newAngle, maxAngle);
+            // Check if joint existed before
+            JointStates::iterator itPrev = previousJointStates.find(it->first);
+            if(itPrev == previousJointStates.end())
+            {
+                aPosValueChanged = aVelValueChanged = true;
+            }
+            // check if the angle has changed
+            if(fabs(previousJointStates[it->first].angle - newAngle) > 0.00000001 )
+            {
+                aPosValueChanged = true;
+                // set the new joint angle locally for the next simulation iteration
+                it->second.angle = newAngle;
+            }
+            // check if velocities have changed
+            if(fabs(previousJointStates[it->first].velocity - it->second.velocity) > 0.00000001 )
+            {
+                aVelValueChanged = true;
+            }
+            actualJointAngles[it->first] = newAngle;
+            actualJointVelocities[it->first] = it->second.velocity;
+        }
+        previousJointStates = jointStates;
+    }
+    listenerPrx->reportJointAngles(actualJointAngles, aPosValueChanged);
+    listenerPrx->reportJointVelocities(actualJointVelocities, aVelValueChanged);
+void KinematicUnitSimulation::switchControlMode(const NameControlModeMap& targetJointModes, const Ice::Current& c)
+    bool aValueChanged = false;
+    NameControlModeMap changedControlModes;
+    {
+        boost::mutex::scoped_lock(jointStatesMutex);
+        for ( NameControlModeMap::const_iterator it = targetJointModes.begin(); it!=targetJointModes.end(); it++ )
+        {
+            // target values
+            std::string targetJointName = it->first;
+            ControlMode targetControlMode = it->second;
+            JointStates::iterator iterJoints = jointStates.find(targetJointName);
+            // check whether there is a joint with this name and set joint angle
+            if(iterJoints != jointStates.end())
+            {
+                if(iterJoints->second.controlMode != targetControlMode)
+                    aValueChanged = true;
+                iterJoints->second.controlMode = targetControlMode;
+                changedControlModes.insert(*it);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // only report control modes which have been changed
+    if (aValueChanged)
+        listenerPrx->reportControlModeChanged(changedControlModes, aValueChanged);
+void KinematicUnitSimulation::setJointAngles(const NameValueMap& targetJointAngles, const Ice::Current& c)
+    boost::mutex::scoped_lock(jointStatesMutex);
+    // name value maps for reporting
+    NameValueMap actualJointAngles;
+    bool aValueChanged = false;
+    for ( NameValueMap::const_iterator it = targetJointAngles.begin(); it!=targetJointAngles.end(); it++ )
+    {
+        // target values
+        std::string targetJointName = it->first;
+        float targetJointAngle = it->second;
+        // check whether there is a joint with this name and set joint angle
+        JointStates::iterator iterJoints = jointStates.find(targetJointName);
+        if(iterJoints != jointStates.end())
+        {
+            if (fabs(iterJoints->second.angle - targetJointAngle)>0)
+                aValueChanged = true;
+            if (jointInfos[targetJointName].hasLimits())
+            {
+                targetJointAngle = std::max<float>(targetJointAngle, jointInfos[targetJointName].limitLo);
+                targetJointAngle = std::min<float>(targetJointAngle, jointInfos[targetJointName].limitHi);
+            }
+            iterJoints->second.angle = targetJointAngle;
+        }
+        else
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "Joint not found!";
+    }
+    if (aValueChanged)
+        listenerPrx->reportJointAngles(actualJointAngles, aValueChanged);
+void KinematicUnitSimulation::setJointVelocities(const NameValueMap& targetJointVelocities, const Ice::Current& c)
+    boost::mutex::scoped_lock(jointStatesMutex);
+    NameValueMap actualJointVelocities;
+    bool aValueChanged = false;
+    for ( NameValueMap::const_iterator it = targetJointVelocities.begin(); it!=targetJointVelocities.end(); it++ )
+    {
+        // target values
+        std::string targetJointName = it->first;
+        float targetJointVelocity = it->second;
+        JointStates::iterator iterJoints = jointStates.find(targetJointName);
+        // check whether there is a joint with this name and set joint angle
+        if(iterJoints != jointStates.end())
+        {
+            if (fabs(iterJoints->second.velocity - targetJointVelocity) > 0)
+                aValueChanged = true;
+            iterJoints->second.velocity = targetJointVelocity;
+            actualJointVelocities[targetJointName] = iterJoints->second.velocity;
+        }
+    }
+    if (aValueChanged)
+        listenerPrx->reportJointVelocities(actualJointVelocities, aValueChanged);
+void KinematicUnitSimulation::setJointTorques(const NameValueMap& targetJointTorques, const Ice::Current& c)
+    boost::mutex::scoped_lock(jointStatesMutex);
+    NameValueMap actualJointTorques;
+    bool aValueChanged = false;
+    for ( NameValueMap::const_iterator it = targetJointTorques.begin(); it!=targetJointTorques.end(); it++ )
+    {
+        // target values
+        std::string targetJointName = it->first;
+        float targetJointTorque = it->second;
+        JointStates::iterator iterJoints = jointStates.find(targetJointName);
+        // check whether there is a joint with this name and set joint angle
+        if(iterJoints != jointStates.end())
+        {
+            if (fabs(iterJoints->second.torque - targetJointTorque) > 0)
+                aValueChanged = true;
+            iterJoints->second.torque = targetJointTorque;
+            actualJointTorques[targetJointName] = iterJoints->second.torque;
+        }
+    }
+    if (aValueChanged)
+        listenerPrx->reportJointTorques(actualJointTorques, aValueChanged);
+void KinematicUnitSimulation::setJointAccelerations(const NameValueMap& targetJointAccelerations, const Ice::Current& c)
+void KinematicUnitSimulation::setJointDecelerations(const NameValueMap& targetJointDecelerations, const Ice::Current& c)
+void KinematicUnitSimulation::stop(const Ice::Current &c)
+    boost::mutex::scoped_lock(jointStatesMutex);
+    for ( JointStates::iterator it = jointStates.begin(); it!=jointStates.end(); it++ )
+    {
+        it->second.velocity = 0;
+    }
+    SensorActorUnit::stop(c);
+PropertyDefinitionsPtr KinematicUnitSimulation::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(
+               new KinematicUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+bool mapEntryEqualsString(std::pair<std::string, JointState> iter, std::string compareString)
+    return (iter.first == compareString);
+void KinematicUnitSimulation::requestJoints(const StringSequence& joints, const Ice::Current& c)
+    ARMARX_INFO << flush;
+    // if one of the joints belongs to this unit, lock access to this unit for other components except for the requesting one
+    JointStates::const_iterator it = std::find_first_of(jointStates.begin(), jointStates.end(), joints.begin(), joints.end(), mapEntryEqualsString);
+    if (jointStates.end() != it)
+    {
+        KinematicUnit::request(c);
+    }
+void KinematicUnitSimulation::releaseJoints(const StringSequence& joints, const Ice::Current& c)
+    ARMARX_INFO << flush;
+    // if one of the joints belongs to this unit, unlock access
+    JointStates::const_iterator it = std::find_first_of(jointStates.begin(), jointStates.end(), joints.begin(), joints.end(), mapEntryEqualsString);
+    if (jointStates.end() != it)
+    {
+        KinematicUnit::release(c);
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnitSimulation.h b/source/RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnitSimulation.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8765110f8417f7ea27fbdd4c21b336611767dc4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/KinematicUnitSimulation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::units
+ * @author     Christian Boege (boege dot at kit dot edu)
+ * @date       2011
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "KinematicUnit.h"
+#include <Core/core/services/tasks/PeriodicTask.h>
+#include <Core/core/system/ImportExportComponent.h>
+#include <IceUtil/Time.h>
+namespace armarx
+    /**
+     * @class JointState.
+     * @brief State of a joint.
+     * @ingroup SensorActorUnits
+     *
+     * Includes the control mode, the joint angle, velocitym torquem and motor temperature.
+     * Controlmode defaults to ePositionControl. All other values to zero.
+     */
+    class JointState
+    {
+    public:
+        JointState()
+        {
+            init();
+        }
+        void init()
+        {
+            controlMode = ePositionControl;
+            angle = 0.0f;
+            velocity = 0.0f;
+            torque = 0.0f;
+            temperature = 0.0f;
+        }
+        ControlMode controlMode;
+        float       angle;
+        float       velocity;
+        float       torque;
+        float       temperature;
+    };
+    typedef std::map<std::string, JointState> JointStates;
+    /**
+     * @class JointInfo.
+     * @brief
+     * @ingroup SensorActorUnits
+     *
+     * Joint info including lower and upper joint limits (rad). No limits set by default (lo=hi).
+     */
+    class JointInfo
+    {
+    public:
+        JointInfo()
+        {
+            reset();
+        }
+        void reset()
+        {
+            limitLo = 0.0f;
+            limitHi = 0.0f;
+        }
+        bool hasLimits() const
+        {
+            return (limitLo != limitHi);
+        }
+        float limitLo;
+        float limitHi;
+    };
+    typedef std::map<std::string, JointInfo> JointInfos;
+    /**
+     * @class KinematicUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions
+     * @brief
+     * @ingroup SensorActorUnits
+     */
+    class KinematicUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions :
+            public KinematicUnitPropertyDefinitions
+    {
+    public:
+        KinematicUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions(std::string prefix) :
+            KinematicUnitPropertyDefinitions(prefix)
+        {
+            defineOptionalProperty<int>("IntervalMs", 10, "The time in milliseconds between two calls to the simulation method.");
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * @class KinematicUnitSimulation
+     * @brief
+     * @ingroup SensorActorUnits
+     */
+    class KinematicUnitSimulation :
+        virtual public KinematicUnit
+    {
+    public:
+        // inherited from Component
+        virtual std::string getDefaultName() const { return "KinematicUnitSimulation"; }
+        virtual void onInitKinematicUnit();
+        virtual void onStartKinematicUnit();
+        virtual void onExitKinematicUnit();
+        void simulationFunction();
+        // proxy implementation
+        virtual void requestJoints(const StringSequence& joints, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        virtual void releaseJoints(const StringSequence& joints, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        virtual void switchControlMode(const NameControlModeMap& targetJointModes, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        virtual void setJointAngles(const NameValueMap& targetJointAngles, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        virtual void setJointVelocities(const NameValueMap& targetJointVelocities, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        virtual void setJointTorques(const NameValueMap& targetJointTorques, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        virtual void setJointAccelerations(const NameValueMap& targetJointAccelerations, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        virtual void setJointDecelerations(const NameValueMap& targetJointDecelerations, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void stop(const Ice::Current &c = Ice::Current());
+        /**
+         * @see PropertyUser::createPropertyDefinitions()
+         */
+        virtual PropertyDefinitionsPtr createPropertyDefinitions();
+    protected:
+        JointStates jointStates;
+        JointStates previousJointStates;
+        JointInfos jointInfos;
+        boost::mutex jointStatesMutex;
+        IceUtil::Time lastExecutionTime;
+        int intervalMs;
+        PeriodicTask<KinematicUnitSimulation>::pointer_type simulationTask;
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnit.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnit.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bf5b2cd760b6db168c8f1856e7deabbb283c256b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnit.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::units
+ * @author     Manfred Kroehnert (Manfred dot Kroehnert at kit dot edu)
+ * @date       2013
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "PlatformUnit.h"
+using namespace armarx;
+void PlatformUnit::onInitComponent()
+    std::string platformName = getProperty<std::string>("PlatformName").getValue();
+    // component dependencies
+    listenerChannelName = platformName + "State";
+    offeringTopic(listenerChannelName);
+    this->onInitPlatformUnit();
+void PlatformUnit::onConnectComponent()
+    ARMARX_INFO << "setting report topic to " << listenerChannelName << flush;
+    listenerPrx = getTopic<PlatformUnitListenerPrx>(listenerChannelName);
+    this->onStartPlatformUnit();
+void PlatformUnit::onExitComponent()
+    this->onExitPlatformUnit();
+void PlatformUnit::moveTo(Ice::Float targetPlatformPositionX, Ice::Float targetPlatformPositionY, Ice::Float targetPlatformRotation, Ice::Float positionalAccuracy, Ice::Float orientationalAccuracy, const Ice::Current &c)
+PropertyDefinitionsPtr PlatformUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new PlatformUnitPropertyDefinitions(
+                                           getConfigIdentifier()));
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnit.h b/source/RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnit.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..73e0f1fb75dfdb97aec528d58e42d0971cdb7850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::units
+ * @author     Manfred Kroehnert (Manfred dot Kroehnert at kit dot edu)
+ * @date       2013
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include <RobotAPI/units/SensorActorUnit.h>
+#include <Core/core/application/properties/Properties.h>
+#include <Core/core/system/ImportExportComponent.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/units/PlatformUnitInterface.h>
+#include <vector>
+namespace armarx
+    /**
+     * @class PlatformUnitPropertyDefinitions
+     * @brief Defines all necessary properties for armarx::PlatformUnit
+     * @ingroup SensorActorUnits
+     */
+    class PlatformUnitPropertyDefinitions:
+            public ComponentPropertyDefinitions
+    {
+    public:
+        PlatformUnitPropertyDefinitions(std::string prefix):
+            ComponentPropertyDefinitions(prefix)
+        {
+            defineOptionalProperty<std::string>("PlatformName", "Platform", "Name of the platform (will publish values on PlatformName + 'State')");
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * @class PlatformUnit
+     * @brief This class defines an interface for providing high level access to robot platforms
+     * @ingroup SensorActorUnits
+     *
+     * An instance of a PlatformUnit provides means to set target positions.
+     * It uses the PlatformUnitListener Ice interface to report updates of its current state.
+     *
+     */
+    class PlatformUnit :
+        virtual public PlatformUnitInterface,
+        virtual public SensorActorUnit
+    {
+    public:
+        // inherited from Component
+        virtual std::string getDefaultName() const
+        {
+            return "PlatformUnit";
+        }
+        /**
+         * Retrieve proxy for publishing State information and call
+         * armarx::PlatformUnit::onInitPlatformUnit().
+         * @see armarx::Component::onInitComponent()
+         */
+        virtual void onInitComponent();
+        /**
+         * Calls armarx::PlatformUnit::onStartPlatformUnit().
+         * @see armarx::Component::onConnectComponent()
+         */
+        virtual void onConnectComponent();
+        /**
+         * Calls armarx::PlatformUnit::onExitPlatformUnit().
+         * @see armarx::Component::onExitComponent()
+         */
+        virtual void onExitComponent();
+        /**
+         *
+         */
+        virtual void onInitPlatformUnit() = 0;
+        /**
+         *
+         */
+        virtual void onStartPlatformUnit() = 0;
+        /**
+         *
+         */
+        virtual void onExitPlatformUnit() = 0;
+        /**
+         * Set a new target position and orientation for the platform.
+         * The platform will move until it reaches the specified target with the specified accuracy.
+         */
+        virtual void moveTo(Ice::Float targetPlatformPositionX, Ice::Float targetPlatformPositionY, Ice::Float targetPlatformRotation,
+                            Ice::Float positionalAccuracy, Ice::Float orientationalAccuracy, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        /**
+         * @see armarx::PropertyUser::createPropertyDefinitions()
+         */
+        virtual PropertyDefinitionsPtr createPropertyDefinitions();
+    protected:
+        /**
+         * PlatformUnitListener proxy for publishing state updates
+         */
+        PlatformUnitListenerPrx listenerPrx;
+        /**
+         * Ice Topic name on which armarx::PlatformUnit::listenerPrx publishes information
+         */
+        std::string listenerChannelName;
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnitObserver.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnitObserver.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7485e323f21a29ce1d889880adf92485ff7ca8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnitObserver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    ArmarX::Core
+* @author     Kai Welke (welke _at_ kit _dot_ edu)
+* @date       2011 Kai Welke
+* @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include "PlatformUnitObserver.h"
+#include "PlatformUnit.h"
+#include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckUpdated.h>
+#include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckEquals.h>
+#include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckInRange.h>
+#include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckLarger.h>
+#include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckSmaller.h>
+#include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckValid.h>
+using namespace armarx;
+// ********************************************************************
+// observer framework hooks
+// ********************************************************************
+void PlatformUnitObserver::onInitObserver()
+    // TODO: check if platformNodeName exists?
+    platformNodeName = getProperty<std::string>("PlatformName").getValue();
+    // register all channels
+    offerChannel("platformPose", "Current Position of " + platformNodeName);
+    offerChannel("targetPose", "Target Position of " + platformNodeName);
+    offerChannel("platformVelocity", "Current velocity of " + platformNodeName);
+    // register all data fields
+    offerDataField("platformPose", "positionX", VariantType::Float, "Current X position of " + platformNodeName + " in mm");
+    offerDataField("platformPose", "positionY", VariantType::Float, "Current Y position of " + platformNodeName + " in mm");
+    offerDataField("platformPose", "rotation", VariantType::Float, "Current Rotation of " + platformNodeName + " in radian");
+    offerDataField("targetPose", "positionX", VariantType::Float, "Target X position of " + platformNodeName + " in mm");
+    offerDataField("targetPose", "positionY", VariantType::Float, "Target Y position of " + platformNodeName + " in mm");
+    offerDataField("targetPose", "rotation", VariantType::Float, "Target Rotation of " + platformNodeName + " in radian");
+    offerDataField("platformVelocity", "velocityX", VariantType::Float, "Current X velocity of " + platformNodeName + " in mm/s");
+    offerDataField("platformVelocity", "velocityY", VariantType::Float, "Current Y velocity of " + platformNodeName + " in mm/s");
+    offerDataField("platformVelocity", "velocityRotation", VariantType::Float, "Current Rotation velocity of " + platformNodeName + " in radian/s");
+    // register all checks
+    offerConditionCheck("valid", new ConditionCheckValid());
+    offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
+    offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
+    offerConditionCheck("inrange", new ConditionCheckInRange());
+    offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
+    offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
+    usingTopic(platformNodeName + "State");
+void PlatformUnitObserver::onConnectObserver()
+void PlatformUnitObserver::reportPlatformPose(::Ice::Float currentPlatformPositionX, ::Ice::Float currentPlatformPositionY, ::Ice::Float currentPlatformRotation, const Ice::Current& c)
+    nameValueMapToDataFields("platformPose", currentPlatformPositionX, currentPlatformPositionY, currentPlatformRotation);
+    updateChannel("platformPose");
+void PlatformUnitObserver::reportNewTargetPose(::Ice::Float newPlatformPositionX, ::Ice::Float newPlatformPositionY, ::Ice::Float newPlatformRotation, const Ice::Current& c)
+    nameValueMapToDataFields("targetPose", newPlatformPositionX, newPlatformPositionY, newPlatformRotation);
+    updateChannel("targetPose");
+void PlatformUnitObserver::reportPlatformVelocity(::Ice::Float currentPlatformVelocityX, ::Ice::Float currentPlatformVelocityY, ::Ice::Float currentPlatformVelocityRotation, const Ice::Current& c)
+    setDataField("platformVelocity", "velocityX", currentPlatformVelocityX);
+    setDataField("platformVelocity", "velocityY", currentPlatformVelocityY);
+    setDataField("platformVelocity", "velocityRotation", currentPlatformVelocityRotation);
+    updateChannel("platformVelocity");
+// ********************************************************************
+// private methods
+// ********************************************************************
+void PlatformUnitObserver::nameValueMapToDataFields(std::string channelName, ::Ice::Float platformPositionX, ::Ice::Float platformPositionY, ::Ice::Float platformRotation)
+    setDataField(channelName, "positionX", platformPositionX);
+    setDataField(channelName, "positionY", platformPositionY);
+    setDataField(channelName, "rotation", platformRotation);
+PropertyDefinitionsPtr PlatformUnitObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new PlatformUnitPropertyDefinitions(
+                                           getConfigIdentifier()));
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnitObserver.h b/source/RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnitObserver.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1ac71cbe329ce677e9cf7a8a49ab675a3d079e8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnitObserver.h
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    ArmarX::Core
+* @author     Kai Welke (welke _at_ kit _dot_ edu)
+* @date       2011 Kai Welke
+* @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include <Core/core/system/ImportExport.h>
+#include <Core/core/Component.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/observers/PlatformUnitObserverInterface.h>
+#include <Core/interface/observers/VariantBase.h>
+#include <Core/observers/ConditionCheck.h>
+#include <Core/observers/Observer.h>
+#include <string>
+namespace armarx
+    ARMARX_CREATE_CHECK(PlatformUnitObserver, equals)
+    ARMARX_CREATE_CHECK(PlatformUnitObserver, larger)
+    ARMARX_CREATE_CHECK(PlatformUnitObserver, inrange)
+   /**
+    * @class PlatformUnitObserver
+    * @brief
+    * @ingroup SensorActorUnits
+    *
+    * The PlatformUnitObserver allows the installation of conditions on all channel reported by the PlatformUnit.
+    * These include current and target position.
+    *
+    * The PlatformUnitObserver retrieves its platform configuration via properties.
+    * The name must exist in the used Simox robot model file.
+    */
+    class ARMARXCORE_IMPORT_EXPORT PlatformUnitObserver :
+        virtual public Observer,
+        virtual public PlatformUnitObserverInterface
+    {
+    public:
+        // framework hooks
+        void onInitObserver();
+        void onConnectObserver();
+        // slice interface implementation
+        void reportPlatformPose(::Ice::Float currentPlatformPositionX, ::Ice::Float currentPlatformPositionY, ::Ice::Float currentPlatformRotation, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportNewTargetPose(::Ice::Float newPlatformPositionX, ::Ice::Float newPlatformPositionY, ::Ice::Float newPlatformRotation, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void reportPlatformVelocity(::Ice::Float currentPlatformVelocityX, ::Ice::Float currentPlatformVelocityY, ::Ice::Float currentPlatformVelocityRotation, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        virtual std::string getDefaultName() const
+        {
+            return "PlatformUnitObserver";
+        };
+        /**
+         * @see PropertyUser::createPropertyDefinitions()
+         */
+        virtual PropertyDefinitionsPtr createPropertyDefinitions();
+    protected:
+        void nameValueMapToDataFields(std::string channelName, ::Ice::Float platformPositionX, ::Ice::Float platformPositionY, ::Ice::Float platformRotation);
+    private:
+        std::string platformNodeName;
+    };
+    /**
+      @class PlatformUnitDatafieldCreator
+      @brief
+      @ingroup SensorActorUnits
+     */
+    class PlatformUnitDatafieldCreator
+    {
+    public:
+        PlatformUnitDatafieldCreator(const std::string &channelName) :
+            channelName(channelName)
+        {}
+        /**
+         * @brief Function to create a Channel Representation for a PlatformUnitObserver
+         * @param platformUnitOberserverName Name of the PlatformUnitObserver
+         * @param platformName Name of the platform of the robot like it is specified
+         * in the simox-robot-xml-file
+         * @return returns a ChannelRepresentationPtr
+         */
+        DataFieldIdentifier getDatafield(const std::string& platformUnitObserverName, const std::string& platformName) const
+        {
+            if(platformUnitObserverName.empty())
+                throw LocalException("kinematicUnitObserverName must not be empty!");
+            if(platformName.empty())
+                throw LocalException("jointName must not be empty!");
+            return DataFieldIdentifier(platformUnitObserverName, channelName, platformName);
+        }
+    private:
+        std::string channelName;
+    };
+    namespace channels
+    {
+        namespace PlatformUnitObserver
+        {
+            const PlatformUnitDatafieldCreator platformPose("platformPose");
+            const PlatformUnitDatafieldCreator targetPose("targetPose");
+            const PlatformUnitDatafieldCreator platformVelocity("platformVelocity");
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnitSimulation.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnitSimulation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7bc242710f461d51b93af44ad853be3e215991c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnitSimulation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::units
+ * @author     Christian Boege (boege at kit dot edu)
+ * @date       2011
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "PlatformUnitSimulation.h"
+#include <cmath>
+using namespace armarx;
+void PlatformUnitSimulation::onInitPlatformUnit()
+    referenceFrame = getProperty<std::string>("ReferenceFrame").getValue();
+    targetPositionX = currentPositionX = getProperty<float>("InitialPosition.x").getValue();
+    targetPositionY = currentPositionY = getProperty<float>("InitialPosition.y").getValue();
+    targetRotation = 0.0;
+    targetRotation = currentRotation = getProperty<float>("InitialRotation").getValue();
+    linearVelocity = getProperty<float>("LinearVelocity").getValue();
+    angularVelocity = getProperty<float>("AngularVelocity").getValue();
+    positionalAccuracy = 0.01;
+    intervalMs = getProperty<int>("IntervalMs").getValue();
+    ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Starting platform unit simulation with " << intervalMs << " ms interval";
+    simulationTask = new PeriodicTask<PlatformUnitSimulation>(this, &PlatformUnitSimulation::simulationFunction, intervalMs, false, "PlatformUnitSimulation");
+void PlatformUnitSimulation::onStartPlatformUnit()
+    listenerPrx->reportPlatformPose(currentPositionX, currentPositionY, currentRotation);
+    simulationTask->start();
+void PlatformUnitSimulation::onExitPlatformUnit()
+    simulationTask->stop();
+void PlatformUnitSimulation::simulationFunction()
+    // the time it took until this method was called again
+    double timeDeltaInSeconds = (IceUtil::Time::now() - lastExecutionTime).toMilliSecondsDouble() / 1000.0;
+    lastExecutionTime = IceUtil::Time::now();
+    {
+        ScopedLock lock(currentPoseMutex);
+        float diff = fabs(targetPositionX - currentPositionX);
+        if (diff > positionalAccuracy)
+        {
+            int sign = copysignf(1.0f, (targetPositionX - currentPositionX));
+            currentPositionX += sign * std::min<float>(linearVelocity * timeDeltaInSeconds, diff);
+        }
+        diff = fabs(targetPositionY - currentPositionY);
+        if (diff > positionalAccuracy)
+        {
+            int sign = copysignf(1.0f, (targetPositionY - currentPositionY));
+            currentPositionY +=  sign * std::min<float>(linearVelocity * timeDeltaInSeconds, diff);
+        }
+        diff = fabs(targetRotation - currentRotation);
+        if (diff > orientationalAccuracy)
+        {
+            int sign = copysignf(1.0f, (targetRotation - currentRotation));
+            currentRotation += sign * std::min<float>(angularVelocity * timeDeltaInSeconds, diff);
+            // stay between +/- M_2_PI
+            if(currentRotation > 2 * M_PI)
+                currentRotation -= 2 * M_PI;
+            if(currentRotation < -2 * M_PI)
+                currentRotation += 2 * M_PI;
+        }
+    }
+    listenerPrx->reportPlatformPose(currentPositionX, currentPositionY, currentRotation);
+void PlatformUnitSimulation::moveTo(Ice::Float targetPlatformPositionX, Ice::Float targetPlatformPositionY, Ice::Float targetPlatformRotation, Ice::Float positionalAccuracy, Ice::Float orientationalAccuracy, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        ScopedLock lock(currentPoseMutex);
+        targetPositionX = targetPlatformPositionX;
+        targetPositionY = targetPlatformPositionY;
+        targetRotation = targetPlatformRotation;
+        this->positionalAccuracy = positionalAccuracy;
+        this->orientationalAccuracy = orientationalAccuracy;
+    }
+    listenerPrx->reportNewTargetPose(targetPositionX, targetPositionY, targetRotation);
+PropertyDefinitionsPtr PlatformUnitSimulation::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(
+               new PlatformUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+void armarx::PlatformUnitSimulation::move(float targetPlatformVelocityX, float targetPlatformVelocityY, float targetPlatformVelocityRotation, const Ice::Current &c)
+    throw LocalException("NYI");
+void PlatformUnitSimulation::moveRelative(float targetPlatformOffsetX, float targetPlatformOffsetY, float targetPlatformOffsetRotation, float positionalAccuracy, float orientationalAccuracy, const Ice::Current &c)
+    float targetPositionX, targetPositionY, targetRotation;
+    {
+        ScopedLock lock(currentPoseMutex);
+        targetPositionX = currentPositionX + targetPlatformOffsetX;
+        targetPositionY = currentPositionY + targetPlatformOffsetY;
+        targetRotation = currentRotation + targetPlatformOffsetRotation;
+    }
+    moveTo(targetPositionX, targetPositionY, targetRotation, positionalAccuracy, orientationalAccuracy);
+void PlatformUnitSimulation::setMaxVelocities(float positionalVelocity, float orientaionalVelocity, const Ice::Current &c)
+    ScopedLock lock(currentPoseMutex);
+    linearVelocity = positionalVelocity;
+    angularVelocity = orientaionalVelocity;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnitSimulation.h b/source/RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnitSimulation.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8260c99662d23e27140d9c816762c91af3248fbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/PlatformUnitSimulation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::units
+ * @author     Christian Boege (boege dot at kit dot edu)
+ * @date       2011
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "PlatformUnit.h"
+#include <Core/core/services/tasks/PeriodicTask.h>
+#include <Core/core/system/ImportExportComponent.h>
+#include <IceUtil/Time.h>
+#include <string>
+namespace armarx
+    /**
+     * @class PlatformUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions
+     * @brief
+     * @ingroup SensorActorUnits
+     */
+    class PlatformUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions :
+            public PlatformUnitPropertyDefinitions
+    {
+    public:
+        PlatformUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions(std::string prefix) :
+            PlatformUnitPropertyDefinitions(prefix)
+        {
+            defineOptionalProperty<int>("IntervalMs", 10, "The time in milliseconds between two calls to the simulation method.");
+            defineOptionalProperty<float>("InitialRotation", 0, "Initial rotation of the platform.");
+            defineOptionalProperty<float>("InitialPosition.x", 0, "Initial x position of the platform.");
+            defineOptionalProperty<float>("InitialPosition.y", 0, "Initial y position of the platform.");
+            defineOptionalProperty<std::string>("ReferenceFrame", "Platform", "Reference frame in which the platform position is reported.");
+            defineOptionalProperty<float>("LinearVelocity", 1000.0, "Linear velocity of the platform (default: 1000 mm/sec).");
+            defineOptionalProperty<float>("AngularVelocity", 1.5, "Angular velocity of the platform (default: 1.5 rad/sec).");
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * @class PlatformUnitSimulation
+     * @brief
+     * @ingroup SensorActorUnits
+     */
+    class PlatformUnitSimulation :
+        virtual public PlatformUnit
+    {
+    public:
+        // inherited from Component
+        virtual std::string getDefaultName() const
+        {
+            return "PlatformUnitSimulation";
+        }
+        virtual void onInitPlatformUnit();
+        virtual void onStartPlatformUnit();
+        virtual void onExitPlatformUnit();
+        void simulationFunction();
+        // proxy implementation
+        void moveTo(Ice::Float targetPlatformPositionX, Ice::Float targetPlatformPositionY, Ice::Float targetPlatformRotation, Ice::Float positionalAccuracy, Ice::Float orientationalAccuracy, const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        void move(float targetPlatformVelocityX, float targetPlatformVelocityY, float targetPlatformVelocityRotation, const Ice::Current &c = Ice::Current());
+        void moveRelative(float targetPlatformOffsetX, float targetPlatformOffsetY, float targetPlatformOffsetRotation, float positionalAccuracy, float orientationalAccuracy, const Ice::Current &c = Ice::Current());
+        void setMaxVelocities(float positionalVelocity, float orientaionalVelocity, const Ice::Current &c = Ice::Current());
+        /**
+         * @see PropertyUser::createPropertyDefinitions()
+         */
+        virtual PropertyDefinitionsPtr createPropertyDefinitions();
+    protected:
+        boost::mutex currentPoseMutex;
+        IceUtil::Time lastExecutionTime;
+        int intervalMs;
+        ::Ice::Float targetPositionX;
+        ::Ice::Float targetPositionY;
+        ::Ice::Float currentPositionX;
+        ::Ice::Float currentPositionY;
+        ::Ice::Float targetRotation;
+        ::Ice::Float currentRotation;
+        ::Ice::Float linearVelocity;
+        ::Ice::Float angularVelocity;
+        ::Ice::Float positionalAccuracy;
+        ::Ice::Float orientationalAccuracy;
+        std::string referenceFrame;
+        PeriodicTask<PlatformUnitSimulation>::pointer_type simulationTask;
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/SensorActorUnit.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/units/SensorActorUnit.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..25ef13d932328fc40630ce0c0c7f27869c673a4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/SensorActorUnit.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    ArmarXCore::untis
+* @author     Kai Welke (welke@kit.edu)
+* @date       2011
+* @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include "SensorActorUnit.h"
+using namespace armarx;
+#define CALLINFO //ARMARX_INFO <<__FILE__ << ":" << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << flush;
+    executionState = eUnitConstructed;
+void SensorActorUnit::init(const Ice::Current& c)
+	std::string currentName = c.adapter->getName();
+	Ice::Identity currentId = c.adapter->getCommunicator()->stringToIdentity(currentName);
+	if(ownerId == currentId)
+	{
+        CALLINFO
+    	if(executionState == eUnitConstructed)
+    	{
+        	executionState = eUnitInitialized;
+        	onInit();
+    	}
+    	else
+		{
+        	ARMARX_LOG << armarx::eWARN << "Unit " << getName() << " is already initialized." << armarx::flush;
+		}
+	}
+    else
+	{
+        ARMARX_LOG << armarx::eWARN << "Unit " << getName() << " can not be initialized while unrequested." << armarx::flush;
+	}
+void SensorActorUnit::start(const Ice::Current& c)
+	std::string currentName = c.adapter->getName();
+	Ice::Identity currentId = c.adapter->getCommunicator()->stringToIdentity(currentName);
+	if(ownerId == currentId)
+	{
+        CALLINFO
+    	if( (executionState == eUnitInitialized ) || (executionState == eUnitStopped) )
+    	{
+            executionState = eUnitStarted;
+            onStart();
+    	}
+    	else
+		{
+        	ARMARX_LOG << armarx::eWARN << "Unit " << getName() << " could not be started." << armarx::flush;
+    	}
+	}
+    else
+	{
+        ARMARX_LOG << armarx::eWARN << "Unit " << getName() << " can not be started while unrequested." << armarx::flush;
+	}
+void SensorActorUnit::stop(const Ice::Current& c)
+	std::string currentName = c.adapter->getName();
+	Ice::Identity currentId = c.adapter->getCommunicator()->stringToIdentity(currentName);
+	if(ownerId == currentId)
+	{
+        CALLINFO
+	    if(executionState == eUnitStarted)
+    	{
+    	    executionState = eUnitStopped;
+    	    onStop();
+    	}
+    	else
+		{
+        	ARMARX_LOG << armarx::eWARN << "Unit " << getName() << " could not be stopped." << armarx::flush;
+		}
+	}
+    else
+	{
+        ARMARX_LOG << armarx::eWARN << "Unit " << getName() << " can not be stopped while unrequested. " << armarx::flush;
+	}
+UnitExecutionState SensorActorUnit::getExecutionState(const Ice::Current& c)
+    return executionState;
+void SensorActorUnit::request(const Ice::Current& c)
+    // try to lock unit
+    if(!unitMutex.try_lock())
+    {
+        ARMARX_LOG << armarx::eERROR << "Trying to request already owned unit " << getName() << "\n" << armarx::flush;
+        throw ResourceUnavailableException("Trying to request already owned unit");
+    }
+    // retrieve owner id from current connection
+    std::string ownerName = c.adapter->getName();
+    ownerId = c.adapter->getCommunicator()->stringToIdentity(ownerName);
+    ARMARX_INFO << "unit requested by "<< ownerName << flush;
+void SensorActorUnit::release(const Ice::Current& c)
+    // retrieve owner id from current connection
+    std::string callerName = c.adapter->getName();
+    Ice::Identity callerId = c.adapter->getCommunicator()->stringToIdentity(callerName);
+    if(!(ownerId == callerId))
+    {
+        ARMARX_LOG << armarx::eERROR << "Trying to release unit owned by another component" << armarx::flush;
+        throw ResourceNotOwnedException("Trying to release unit owned by another component");
+    }
+    // unlock mutex
+    ownerId = c.adapter->getCommunicator()->stringToIdentity(" ");
+    unitMutex.unlock();
+    ARMARX_INFO << "unit released" << flush;
+void SensorActorUnit::onExitComponent()
+    unitMutex.try_lock(); // try to lock, to ensure that it is locked on unlock call
+    unitMutex.unlock();
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/SensorActorUnit.h b/source/RobotAPI/units/SensorActorUnit.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1436072d6240c27c54328a52b09af612263197d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/SensorActorUnit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+* This file is part of ArmarX.
+* ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+* @package    ArmarXCore::utils
+* @author     Kai Welke (welke@kit.edu)
+* @date       2011
+* @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
+*             GNU General Public License
+#include <Core/core/system/ImportExport.h>
+#include <Core/core/Component.h>
+#include <Core/core/exceptions/Exception.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/units/UnitInterface.h>
+  @defgroup SensorActorUnits ArmarX Sensor-Actor Units
+  Sensor-Actor units
+  @li provide resource management (e.g. exclusive access) @see KinematicUnit
+  @li receive control data through Ice remote procedure calls (e.g. setTargetJointAngles(...)) @see KinematicUnit
+  @li publish sensor data through Ice topics @see KinematicUnitListener
+ */
+namespace armarx
+    /**
+    * Base Class for all ArmarX SensorActorUnits.
+    *
+    * SensorActorUnits are ArmarX component which provide an actor API and a sensor data stream.
+    * The SensorActorUnit provides basic execution state handling and concurrent access handling.
+    */
+    class ARMARXCORE_IMPORT_EXPORT SensorActorUnit :
+        virtual public SensorActorUnitInterface,
+        virtual public Component
+    {
+        public:
+            /**
+            * Constructs a SensorActorUnit.
+            */
+            SensorActorUnit();
+            /**
+            * Destructor of SensorActorUnit.
+            */
+            virtual ~SensorActorUnit();
+            /**
+            * Set execution state to eInitialized.
+            *
+            * Assures that init is called only once and the calls subclass method onInit().
+            *
+            * @param c Ice context provided by the Ice framework
+            */
+            virtual void init(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+            /**
+            * Set execution state to eStarted
+            *
+            * Start streaming of sensory data and acceptance of control data.
+            *
+            * Start can be called if the unit is initialized and not started yet (stopped).
+            * Calls subclass method inStart().
+            *
+            * @param c Ice context provided by the Ice framework
+            */
+            virtual void start(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+            /**
+            * Set execution state to eStopped
+            *
+            * Stop streaming of sensory data and acceptance of control data.
+            *
+            * Stop can be called if the unit is started.
+            * Calls subclass method onStop()
+            *
+            * @param c Ice context provided by the Ice framework
+            */
+            virtual void stop(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+            /**
+            * Retrieve current execution state
+            *
+            * @param c Ice context provided by the Ice framework
+            * @return current execution state
+            */
+            UnitExecutionState getExecutionState(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+            /**
+            * Request exclusive access to current unit. Throws ResourceUnavailableException on error.
+            *
+            * @param c Ice context provided by the Ice framework
+            */
+            virtual void request(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+            /**
+            * Release exclusive access to current unit. Throws ResourceUnavailableException on error.
+            *
+            * @param c Ice context provided by the Ice framework
+            */
+            virtual void release(const Ice::Current& c = ::Ice::Current());
+        protected:
+            void onExitComponent();
+            /**
+            * callback onInit for subclass hook. See init().
+            */
+            virtual void onInit() {};
+            /**
+            * callback onStart for subclass hook. See start().
+            */
+            virtual void onStart() {};
+            /**
+            * callback onStop for subclass hook. See stop().
+            */
+            virtual void onStop() {};
+            boost::mutex unitMutex;
+            Ice::Identity ownerId;
+            UnitExecutionState  executionState;
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/TCPControlUnit.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/units/TCPControlUnit.cpp
index 7c49c31783e36d54fd4baeb8a5927601dcc21360..a0f8424a7232b2d55519e5b853472e84064db02d 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/units/TCPControlUnit.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/TCPControlUnit.cpp
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #include "TCPControlUnit.h"
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/LinkedPose.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/LinkedPose.h>
 #include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/TCPControlUnit.h b/source/RobotAPI/units/TCPControlUnit.h
index be466c92686f8f0933a8c3906b9f46026d2d6fe7..3349a4178c81b1a06b447808cf2704ea1e1f1832 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/units/TCPControlUnit.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/TCPControlUnit.h
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/interface/units/TCPControlUnit.h>
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
 #include <Core/core/services/tasks/PeriodicTask.h>
 #include <Core/core/Component.h>
 #include <VirtualRobot/IK/DifferentialIK.h>
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/RemoteRobot.h>
 #include <Core/interface/observers/ObserverInterface.h>
 namespace armarx {
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/TCPControlUnitObserver.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/units/TCPControlUnitObserver.cpp
index 3514c6b9b0528b73e7cac2497810a60abe7c0e4b..685c73779a4a4fd51c7be46ed429f20899e6b88d 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/units/TCPControlUnitObserver.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/TCPControlUnitObserver.cpp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 #include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckInRange.h>
 #include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckLarger.h>
 #include <Core/observers/checks/ConditionCheckSmaller.h>
-#include <Core/robotstate/remote/checks/ConditionCheckMagnitudeChecks.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/checks/ConditionCheckMagnitudeChecks.h>
 #include <Core/core/exceptions/local/ExpressionException.h>
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/TCPMoverUnit.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/units/TCPMoverUnit.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc16e5a605ba849692d16c3e609a589905bdfdda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/TCPMoverUnit.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::units
+ * @author     Christian Boege (boege at kit dot edu)
+ * @date       2011
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "TCPMoverUnit.h"
+#include <RobotAPI/robotstate/remote/ArmarPose.h>
+#include <Core/core/system/ArmarXDataPath.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/XML/RobotIO.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/LinkedCoordinate.h>
+/** VirtualRobot headers **/
+#include <VirtualRobot/Robot.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/Nodes/RobotNode.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/RobotNodeSet.h>
+#include <VirtualRobot/IK/DifferentialIK.h>
+#include <Eigen/Geometry>
+using namespace armarx;
+using namespace std;
+using namespace VirtualRobot;
+      selectedHand(eNone)
+    handData[eLeftHand];
+    handData[eRightHand];
+void TCPMoverUnit::onInitComponent()
+    kinematicUnitFile = getProperty<std::string>("RobotFileName").getValue();
+    kinematicUnitName = getProperty<std::string>("RobotNodeSetName").getValue();
+    if (!ArmarXDataPath::getAbsolutePath(kinematicUnitFile,kinematicUnitFile))
+    {
+        throw UserException("Could not find robot file " + kinematicUnitFile);
+    }
+    // Load Robot
+    ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Loading KinematicUnit " << kinematicUnitName << " from '" << kinematicUnitFile << "' ..." << flush;
+    robot = RobotIO::loadRobot(kinematicUnitFile);
+    if (!robot)
+    {
+        ARMARX_ERROR << "Could not find Robot XML file with name '" << kinematicUnitFile << "'" << flush;
+    }
+    usingProxy(kinematicUnitName);
+    periodicTask = new PeriodicTask<TCPMoverUnit>(this, &TCPMoverUnit::periodicExec, 40, false, "TCPMoverUnit");
+void TCPMoverUnit::onConnectComponent()
+    kinematicUnitPrx = getProxy<KinematicUnitInterfacePrx>(kinematicUnitName);
+    handData[eLeftHand].setTCPNodeSet(robot->getRobotNodeSet("LARM"));
+    handData[eRightHand].setTCPNodeSet(robot->getRobotNodeSet("RARM"));
+    resetToHomePosition(eLeftHand);
+    resetToHomePosition(eRightHand);
+    ARMARX_VERBOSE << "loaded";
+    periodicTask->start();
+void TCPMoverUnit::onExitComponent()
+    try{
+        if(robotRequested && kinematicUnitPrx)
+            kinematicUnitPrx->release();
+    }catch(Ice::NotRegisteredException e)
+    {
+//        ARMARX_ERROR << "Lost connection - shutting down" << flush;
+//        this->interrupt();
+    }
+    periodicTask->stop();
+void TCPMoverUnit::periodicExec()
+    this->calculateNewHandPosition(eLeftHand);
+    this->calculateNewHandPosition(eRightHand);
+    return;
+void TCPMoverUnit::request(const Ice::Current &)
+    try{
+        kinematicUnitPrx->request();
+        robotRequested = true;
+    }catch(ResourceUnavailableException &e)
+    {
+        ARMARX_WARNING << "Resource is unavailable" << flush;
+    }
+void TCPMoverUnit::release(const Ice::Current &)
+    try
+    {
+        kinematicUnitPrx->release();
+        robotRequested = false;
+    }
+    catch(ResourceNotOwnedException &e)
+    {
+        ARMARX_WARNING << "Resource is not owned" << flush;
+    }
+void TCPMoverUnit::resetArmToHomePosition(HandSelection selectedHand, const Ice::Current &)
+    resetToHomePosition(selectedHand);
+void TCPMoverUnit::setCartesianTCPVelocity(HandSelection selectedHand, Ice::Float x, Ice::Float y, Ice::Float z, Ice::Float speedFactor, const Ice::Current &)
+    if(selectedHand != eLeftHand && selectedHand != eRightHand)
+        throw LocalException("Please select a specific hand.");
+    if(handData.find(selectedHand) == handData.end())
+        throw LocalException("HandData not found.");
+    HandData  &hand  = handData[selectedHand];
+    ARMARX_VERBOSE << "setting new cartesian tcp velocity";
+    this->selectedHand = selectedHand;
+    hand.velocities[0] = x*speedFactor;
+    hand.velocities[1] = y*speedFactor;
+    hand.velocities[2] = z*speedFactor;
+void TCPMoverUnit::setTCPOrientation(HandSelection selectedHand, Ice::Float alpha, Ice::Float beta, Ice::Float gamma, const Ice::Current &)
+    if(selectedHand != eLeftHand && selectedHand != eRightHand)
+        throw LocalException("Please select a specific hand.");
+    if(handData.find(selectedHand) == handData.end())
+        throw LocalException("HandData not found.");
+    HandData  &hand  = handData[selectedHand];
+    ARMARX_VERBOSE << "setting new tcp orientation";
+    this->selectedHand = selectedHand;
+    hand.orientation[0] = alpha;
+    hand.orientation[1] = beta;
+    hand.orientation[2] = gamma;
+void TCPMoverUnit::setPlatformVelocities(Ice::Float x, Ice::Float y, Ice::Float theta, const Ice::Current &)
+void TCPMoverUnit::setRotationMat(Eigen::Matrix4f &matrix, float alpha, float beta, float gamma)
+     using namespace Eigen;
+    const float sinfalpha = sin(alpha);
+    const float cosfalpha = cos(alpha);
+    const float sinfbeta = sin(beta);
+    const float cosfbeta = cos(beta);
+    const float sinfgamma = sin(gamma);
+    const float cosfgamma = cos(gamma);
+    matrix(0,0) = cosfbeta * cosfgamma;
+    matrix(0,1) = - cosfbeta * sinfgamma;
+    matrix(0,2) = sinfbeta;
+    matrix(1,0) = cosfalpha * sinfgamma + sinfalpha * sinfbeta * cosfgamma;
+    matrix(1,1) = cosfalpha * cosfgamma - sinfalpha * sinfbeta * sinfgamma;
+    matrix(1,2) = - sinfalpha * cosfbeta;
+    matrix(2,0) = sinfalpha * sinfgamma - cosfalpha * sinfbeta * cosfgamma;
+    matrix(2,1) = sinfalpha * cosfgamma + cosfalpha * sinfbeta * sinfgamma;
+    matrix(2,2) = cosfalpha * cosfbeta;
+void TCPMoverUnit::resetToHomePosition(HandSelection selectedHand)
+    if(selectedHand != eLeftHand && selectedHand != eRightHand)
+        throw LocalException("Please select a specific hand.");
+    if(handData.find(selectedHand) == handData.end())
+        throw LocalException("HandData not found.");
+    HandData  &hand  = handData[selectedHand];
+    hand.orientation.resize(3, 0.f);
+    std::vector<float> targetVec(19,0.f);
+    targetVec[11] = -0.009199;
+    targetVec[14] = -3.14/2;
+    targetVec[15] = -90.f/180*3.145;
+    if(selectedHand == eRightHand)
+        targetVec[15] *= -1;
+    robot->setJointValues(hand.getTCPNodeSet(),targetVec);
+    hand.standardRot = hand.getTCPNodeSet()->getTCP()->getGlobalPoseVisualization();
+void TCPMoverUnit::setHandConfiguration(HandSelection, Ice::Int, const Ice::Current &)
+    ARMARX_INFO << "not yet implemented" << std::endl;
+void TCPMoverUnit::calculateNewHandPosition(HandSelection selectedHand)
+    if(selectedHand != eLeftHand && selectedHand != eRightHand)
+        throw LocalException("Please select a specific hand.");
+    if(handData.find(selectedHand) == handData.end())
+        throw LocalException("HandData not found.");
+    HandData  &hand  = handData[selectedHand];
+    RobotNodePtr tcpNode = hand.getTCPNodeSet()->getTCP();
+    using namespace Eigen;
+    Matrix4f pose = tcpNode->getGlobalPoseVisualization();
+//    cout << "angles: \n" << orientation[0] << ", " << orientation[1] << ", " << orientation[2] << endl;
+    Matrix4f targetPose;
+    Matrix4f xRot;
+    xRot << 1, 0, 0, 0,
+            0, cos(hand.orientation[0]), -sin(hand.orientation[0]), 0,
+            0, sin(hand.orientation[0]), cos(hand.orientation[0]), 0,
+            0, 0, 0, 1;
+    Matrix4f yRot;
+    yRot << cos(hand.orientation[1]), 0, sin(hand.orientation[1]), 0,
+            0, 1, 0, 0,
+            -sin(hand.orientation[1]), 0, cos(hand.orientation[1]), 0,
+            0, 0, 0, 1;
+    Matrix4f zRot;
+    zRot <<
+            cos(hand.orientation[2]), -sin(hand.orientation[2]), 0, 0,
+            sin(hand.orientation[2]), cos(hand.orientation[2]), 0, 0,
+            0, 0, 1, 0,
+            0, 0, 0, 1;
+    targetPose = xRot*yRot*zRot*hand.standardRot;
+    targetPose(0,3) = pose(0,3) + hand.velocities[0];
+    targetPose(1,3) = pose(1,3) + hand.velocities[1];
+    targetPose(2,3) = pose(2,3) + hand.velocities[2];
+//    std::cout << targetPose << std::endl;
+    hand.ik->setGoal(targetPose, tcpNode, IKSolver::All);
+    VectorXf errorJoint(hand.getTCPNodeSet()->getSize());
+    errorJoint = hand.ik->computeStep(0.1f);
+    // assign new values to local robot and to kinematicUnit
+    std::vector<float> angles = hand.getTCPNodeSet()->getJointValues();
+    std::vector<float> targetAngles(hand.getTCPNodeSet()->getSize());
+    NameValueMap targetMap;
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < hand.getTCPNodeSet()->getSize(); i++)
+    {
+        float newAngle = angles[i] + errorJoint(i);
+        targetAngles[i] = newAngle;
+        targetMap[hand.getTCPNodeSet()->getNode(i)->getName()] = newAngle;
+        //ARMARX_VERBOSE << tcpNodeSet->getNode(i)->getName() << ": " << newAngle;
+    }
+    robot->setJointValues(hand.getTCPNodeSet(), targetAngles);
+    try{
+        kinematicUnitPrx->setJointAngles(targetMap);
+    }catch(Ice::NotRegisteredException e)
+    {
+        ARMARX_ERROR << "Lost connection - shutting down" << flush;
+        this->terminate();
+    }
+void TCPMoverUnit::lookWithHeadTo(Ice::Float y, Ice::Float, Ice::Float, const Ice::Current &)
+void TCPMoverUnit::HandData::setTCPNodeSet(RobotNodeSetPtr tcpNodeSet)
+    this->tcpNodeSet = tcpNodeSet; ik =  VirtualRobot::DifferentialIKPtr(new DifferentialIK(tcpNodeSet));
+PropertyDefinitionsPtr TCPMoverUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new TCPMoverUnitPropertyDefinitions(
+                                           getConfigIdentifier()));
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/units/TCPMoverUnit.h b/source/RobotAPI/units/TCPMoverUnit.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d6b91cbd8fd9ef2dcfb9fb6e5a08e3f5a0f9c9f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/units/TCPMoverUnit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ * This file is part of ArmarX.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * @package    ArmarXCore::units
+ * @author     Christian Boege (boege dot at kit dot edu)
+ * @date       2011
+ * @copyright  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
+ *             GNU General Public License
+ */
+#include "KinematicUnit.h"
+#include <Core/core/Component.h>
+#include <Core/core/services/tasks/PeriodicTask.h>
+#include <Core/core/application/properties/Properties.h>
+#include <Core/core/system/ImportExportComponent.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/units/TCPMoverUnitInterface.h>
+#include <IceUtil/Time.h>
+#include <Eigen/Core>
+#ifndef WIN32
+#define KINEMATIC_UNIT_FILE_DEFAULT std::string(std::getenv("ArmarXHome_DIR")?std::getenv("ArmarXHome_DIR"):"../../")+std::string("/data/ArmarIV/RobotModel/ArmarIV.xml")
+#define KINEMATIC_UNIT_FILE_DEFAULT "/org/share/staff/home/waechter/projects/armarx/trunk/data/ArmarIV/RobotModel/ArmarIV.xml"
+#define KINEMATIC_UNIT_NAME_DEFAULT "RobotKinematicUnit"
+namespace VirtualRobot {
+    class Robot;
+    class RobotNodeSet;
+    class DifferentialIK;
+    typedef boost::shared_ptr<Robot> RobotPtr;
+    typedef boost::shared_ptr<RobotNodeSet> RobotNodeSetPtr;
+    typedef boost::shared_ptr<DifferentialIK> DifferentialIKPtr;
+namespace armarx
+    /**
+     * @class TCPMoverUnitPropertyDefinitions
+     * @brief
+     * @ingroup SensorActorUnits
+     */
+    class TCPMoverUnitPropertyDefinitions:
+            public ComponentPropertyDefinitions
+    {
+    public:
+        TCPMoverUnitPropertyDefinitions(std::string prefix):
+            ComponentPropertyDefinitions(prefix)
+        {
+            defineOptionalProperty<std::string>("RobotNodeSetName", KINEMATIC_UNIT_NAME_DEFAULT, "Robot node name");
+            defineOptionalProperty<std::string>("RobotFileName", KINEMATIC_UNIT_FILE_DEFAULT, "Robot file name, e.g. robot_model.xml");
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+      @class TCPMoverUnit
+      @brief
+      @ingroup SensorActorUnits
+     */
+    class TCPMoverUnit :
+        virtual public Component,
+        virtual public TCPMoverUnitInterface
+     {
+    public:
+        struct HandData{
+            HandSelection hand;
+            std::vector<float> velocities;
+            std::vector<float> orientation;
+            Eigen::Matrix4f standardRot;
+            VirtualRobot::DifferentialIKPtr ik;
+            HandData():
+                hand(eNone),
+                velocities(3, 0.f),
+                orientation(3, 0.f)
+            {}
+            void setTCPNodeSet( VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr tcpNodeSet);
+            VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr getTCPNodeSet(){ return tcpNodeSet;}
+        protected:
+              VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr tcpNodeSet;
+        };
+        TCPMoverUnit();
+        // inherited from Component
+        virtual std::string getDefaultName() const { return "TCPMoverUnit"; }
+        virtual void onInitComponent();
+        virtual void onConnectComponent();
+        virtual void onExitComponent();
+        virtual void periodicExec();
+        void request(const Ice::Current &);
+        void release(const Ice::Current &);
+        void resetArmToHomePosition(HandSelection selectedHand, const Ice::Current &);
+        void lookWithHeadTo(Ice::Float x, Ice::Float y, Ice::Float z, const Ice::Current &);
+        void setCartesianTCPVelocity(HandSelection selectedHand, Ice::Float x, Ice::Float y, Ice::Float z, Ice::Float speedFactor, const Ice::Current &);
+        void setTCPOrientation(HandSelection selectedHand, Ice::Float alpha, Ice::Float beta, Ice::Float gamma, const Ice::Current &);
+        void setPlatformVelocities(Ice::Float x, Ice::Float y, Ice::Float theta, const Ice::Current &);
+        void setRotationMat(Eigen::Matrix4f &matrix, float alpha, float beta, float gamma);
+        void resetToHomePosition(HandSelection selectedHand);
+        void setHandConfiguration(HandSelection, Ice::Int, const Ice::Current &);
+        void stopArm(HandSelection, const Ice::Current &){}
+        void stopHead(const Ice::Current &){}
+        void stopPlatform(const Ice::Current &){}
+        virtual PropertyDefinitionsPtr createPropertyDefinitions();
+    protected:
+        void calculateNewHandPosition(HandSelection selectedHand);
+    private:
+        std::map<HandSelection, HandData> handData;
+        IceUtil::Time lastExec;
+        HandSelection selectedHand;
+        NameValueMap velocityMap;
+        bool robotRequested;
+        std::string kinematicUnitName;
+        std::string kinematicUnitFile;
+        VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot;
+        KinematicUnitInterfacePrx kinematicUnitPrx;
+        PeriodicTask<TCPMoverUnit>::pointer_type periodicTask;
+    };