diff --git a/etc/doxygen/pages/armarpose.dox b/etc/doxygen/pages/armarpose.dox
index 1b2b13736d32f4e5478230f657248452e4bd13ea..c3c4b2494f9de2f04f007489180acdfb40b8ce70 100644
--- a/etc/doxygen/pages/armarpose.dox
+++ b/etc/doxygen/pages/armarpose.dox
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ function.
 \section FramedPose-Possible-Frames Frames of coordinates
 The frame of FramedX or LinkedX is technically just a string.
 The possible values are the names of the robot nodes (use \ref RobotAPI-HowTos-RobotViewer "RobotViewer" app of Simox to inspect them).
-For global poses the exists the global constant string variable armarx::GlobalFrame located in the FramedPose.h.
+For global poses exists the global constant string variable armarx::GlobalFrame located in the FramedPose.h.
 Use this variable if you specify global poses and an empty Agent-string. Empty frames should be avoided (though, an empty string is mostly considered as the global frame).
 \section FramedPose-FramedPositionCreation Creation of new FramedPositions