diff --git a/scenarios/dasd/config/DynamicObstacleManager.cfg b/scenarios/dasd/config/DynamicObstacleManager.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eabec6c1f57706ae48e25fe4b2f92f67c85c8a5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scenarios/dasd/config/DynamicObstacleManager.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-# ==================================================================
-# DynamicObstacleManager properties
-# ==================================================================
-# ArmarX.AdditionalPackages:  List of additional ArmarX packages which should be in the list of default packages. If you have custom packages, which should be found by the gui or other apps, specify them here. Comma separated List.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Default value not mapped.
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.AdditionalPackages = Default value not mapped.
-# ArmarX.ApplicationName:  Application name
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ApplicationName = ""
-# ArmarX.CachePath:  Path for cache files. If relative path AND env. variable ARMARX_USER_CONFIG_DIR is set, the cache path will be made relative to ARMARX_USER_CONFIG_DIR. Otherwise if relative it will be relative to the default ArmarX config dir (${HOME}/.armarx)
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            mongo/.cache
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.CachePath = mongo/.cache
-# ArmarX.Config:  Comma-separated list of configuration files 
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Config = ""
-# ArmarX.DataPath:  Semicolon-separated search list for data files
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.DataPath = ""
-# ArmarX.DefaultPackages:  List of ArmarX packages which are accessible by default. Comma separated List. If you want to add your own packages and use all default ArmarX packages, use the property 'AdditionalPackages'.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Default value not mapped.
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.DefaultPackages = Default value not mapped.
-# ArmarX.DependenciesConfig:  Path to the (usually generated) config file containing all data paths of all dependent projects. This property usually does not need to be edited.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ./config/dependencies.cfg
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.DependenciesConfig = ./config/dependencies.cfg
-# ArmarX.DisableLogging:  Turn logging off in whole application
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            false
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.DisableLogging = false
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.AllowInRobotSpawning:  Allow obstacles to spawn inside the robot
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            false
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.AllowInRobotSpawning = false
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.ArVizTopicName:  Name of the ArViz topic
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ArVizTopic
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.ArVizTopicName = ArVizTopic
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.EnableProfiling:  enable profiler which is used for logging performance events
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            false
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.EnableProfiling = false
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.EnableRemove:  Delete Obstacles when value < 0
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            false
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.EnableRemove = true
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.LineSecurityMargin:  Security margin of line obstacles
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            400
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.LineSecurityMargin = 250
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.LineThickness:  The thickness of line obstacles
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            200
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.LineThickness = 200
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.MaxLengthOfLines:  Maximum length of lines in mm
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            10000
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.MaxLengthOfLines = 10000
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.MaxObstacleSize:  The maximal obstacle size in mm.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            600
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.MaxObstacleSize = 400
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.MaxObstacleValue:  Maximum value for the obstacles
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            5000
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.MaxObstacleValue = 5000
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.MinLengthOfLines:  Minimum length of lines in mm
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            50
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.MinLengthOfLines = 200
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.MinObstacleSize:  The minimal obstacle size in mm.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            100
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.MinObstacleSize = 5
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.MinObstacleValueForAccepting:  Minimum value for the obstacles to get accepted
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            1000
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.MinObstacleValueForAccepting = 50
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.MinSampleRatioPerEllipsis:  Minimum percentage of samples which have to be in an elllipsis to be considered as known obsacle
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            0.699999988
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.MinSampleRatioPerEllipsis = 0.699999988
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.MinSampleRatioPerLineSegment:  Minimum percentage of samples which have to be in an elllipsis to be considered as known obsacle
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            0.899999976
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.MinSampleRatioPerLineSegment = 0.5
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.MinimumLoggingLevel:  Local logging level only for this component
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Undefined
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {Debug, Error, Fatal, Important, Info, Undefined, Verbose, Warning}
-ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.MinimumLoggingLevel = Debug
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.ObjectName:  Name of IceGrid well-known object
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.ObjectName = ""
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.ObstacleAvoidanceName:  The name of the used obstacle avoidance interface
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            PlatformObstacleAvoidance
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.ObstacleAvoidanceName = PlatformObstacleAvoidance
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.ObstacleSecurityMargin:  Security margin of ellipsis obstacles
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            500
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.ObstacleSecurityMargin = 300
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.OnlyVisualizeObstacles:  Connection to obstacle avoidance
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            false
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.OnlyVisualizeObstacles = false
-# ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.UpdateInterval:  The interval to check the obstacles
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            500
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-ArmarX.DynamicObstacleManager.UpdateInterval = 350
-# ArmarX.EnableProfiling:  Enable profiling of CPU load produced by this application
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            false
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.EnableProfiling = false
-# ArmarX.LoadLibraries:  Libraries to load at start up of the application. Must be enabled by the Application with enableLibLoading(). Format: PackageName:LibraryName;... or /absolute/path/to/library;...
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.LoadLibraries = ""
-# ArmarX.LoggingGroup:  The logging group is transmitted with every ArmarX log message over Ice in order to group the message in the GUI.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.LoggingGroup = ""
-# ArmarX.RedirectStdout:  Redirect std::cout and std::cerr to ArmarXLog
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            true
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.RedirectStdout = true
-# ArmarX.RemoteHandlesDeletionTimeout:  The timeout (in ms) before a remote handle deletes the managed object after the use count reached 0. This time can be used by a client to increment the count again (may be required when transmitting remote handles)
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            3000
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.RemoteHandlesDeletionTimeout = 3000
-# ArmarX.SecondsStartupDelay:  The startup will be delayed by this number of seconds (useful for debugging)
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            0
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.SecondsStartupDelay = 0
-# ArmarX.StartDebuggerOnCrash:  If this application crashes (segmentation fault) qtcreator will attach to this process and start the debugger.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            false
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.StartDebuggerOnCrash = false
-# ArmarX.ThreadPoolSize:  Size of the ArmarX ThreadPool that is always running.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            1
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ThreadPoolSize = 1
-# ArmarX.TopicSuffix:  Suffix appended to all topic names for outgoing topics. This is mainly used to direct all topics to another name for TopicReplaying purposes.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.TopicSuffix = ""
-# ArmarX.UseTimeServer:  Enable using a global Timeserver (e.g. from ArmarXSimulator)
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            false
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.UseTimeServer = false
-# ArmarX.Verbosity:  Global logging level for whole application
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Info
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {Debug, Error, Fatal, Important, Info, Undefined, Verbose, Warning}
-# ArmarX.Verbosity = Info
diff --git a/scenarios/dasd/config/ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.cfg b/scenarios/dasd/config/ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index c397d978b79078ebfd9908eb5bfd7c9a3e103c59..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scenarios/dasd/config/ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-# ==================================================================
-# ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit properties
-# ==================================================================
-# ArmarX.AdditionalPackages:  List of additional ArmarX packages which should be in the list of default packages. If you have custom packages, which should be found by the gui or other apps, specify them here. Comma separated List.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Default value not mapped.
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.AdditionalPackages = Default value not mapped.
-# ArmarX.ApplicationName:  Application name
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ApplicationName = ""
-# ArmarX.CachePath:  Path for cache files. If relative path AND env. variable ARMARX_USER_CONFIG_DIR is set, the cache path will be made relative to ARMARX_USER_CONFIG_DIR. Otherwise if relative it will be relative to the default ArmarX config dir (${HOME}/.armarx)
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            mongo/.cache
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.CachePath = mongo/.cache
-# ArmarX.Config:  Comma-separated list of configuration files 
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.Config = ""
-# ArmarX.DataPath:  Semicolon-separated search list for data files
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.DataPath = ""
-# ArmarX.DefaultPackages:  List of ArmarX packages which are accessible by default. Comma separated List. If you want to add your own packages and use all default ArmarX packages, use the property 'AdditionalPackages'.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Default value not mapped.
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.DefaultPackages = Default value not mapped.
-# ArmarX.DependenciesConfig:  Path to the (usually generated) config file containing all data paths of all dependent projects. This property usually does not need to be edited.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ./config/dependencies.cfg
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.DependenciesConfig = ./config/dependencies.cfg
-# ArmarX.DisableLogging:  Turn logging off in whole application
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            false
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.DisableLogging = false
-# ArmarX.EnableProfiling:  Enable profiling of CPU load produced by this application
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            false
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.EnableProfiling = false
-# ArmarX.LoadLibraries:  Libraries to load at start up of the application. Must be enabled by the Application with enableLibLoading(). Format: PackageName:LibraryName;... or /absolute/path/to/library;...
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.LoadLibraries = ""
-# ArmarX.LoggingGroup:  The logging group is transmitted with every ArmarX log message over Ice in order to group the message in the GUI.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.LoggingGroup = ""
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.ArVizTopicName:  Name of the ArViz topic
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ArVizTopic
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.ArVizTopicName = ArVizTopic
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.DebugObserverTopicName:  Name of the topic the DebugObserver listens on
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            DebugObserver
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.DebugObserverTopicName = DebugObserver
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.EnableProfiling:  enable profiler which is used for logging performance events
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            false
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.EnableProfiling = false
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.MinimumLoggingLevel:  Local logging level only for this component
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Undefined
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {Debug, Error, Fatal, Important, Info, Undefined, Verbose, Warning}
-ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.MinimumLoggingLevel = Debug
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.ObjectName:  Name of IceGrid well-known object
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.ObjectName = ""
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.PlatformName:  Name of the platform (will publish values on PlatformName + 'State')
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Platform
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.PlatformName = Armar6PlatformUnit
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.RemoteStateComponentName:  Name of the robot state component
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            RobotStateComponent
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.RemoteStateComponentName = RobotStateComponent
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.cmp.DynamicObstacleManager:  Ice object name of the `DynamicObstacleManager` component.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ObstacleAvoidingPlatformUnit
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.cmp.DynamicObstacleManager = DynamicObstacleManager
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.cmp.PlatformUnit:  Ice object name of the `PlatformUnit` component.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Platform
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.cmp.PlatformUnit = Armar6PlatformUnit
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.cmp.RobotStateComponent:  Ice object name of the `RobotStateComponent` component.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            RobotStateComponent
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.cmp.RobotStateComponent = RobotStateComponent
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.control.pos.kp:  
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            3.5
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.control.pos.kp = 3.5
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.control.pose.cycle_time:  Control loop cycle time.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            10 ms
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.control.pose.cycle_time = 10 ms
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.control.rot.kd:  
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            0
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.control.rot.kd = 0
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.control.rot.ki:  
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            9.00000014e-05
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.control.rot.ki = 9.00000014e-05
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.control.rot.kp:  
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            1
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.control.rot.kp = 1
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.doa.agent_safety_margin:  
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            0
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.doa.agent_safety_margin = 0
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.min_vel_general:  Velocity in [mm/s] the robot should at least set on general
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            100
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.min_vel_general = 100
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.min_vel_near_target:  Velocity in [mm/s] the robot should at least set when near the target
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            50
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.min_vel_near_target = 50
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.pos_near_threshold:  Distance in [mm] after which the robot is considered to be near the target for min velocity, smoothing, etc.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            250
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.pos_near_threshold = 250
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.tpc.pub.GlobalRobotPoseLocalization:  Name of the `GlobalRobotPoseLocalization` topic to publish data to.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            GlobalRobotPoseLocalization
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.tpc.pub.GlobalRobotPoseLocalization = GlobalRobotPoseLocalization
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.tpc.pub.Odometry:  Name of the `Odometry` topic to publish data to.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Odometry
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit.tpc.pub.Odometry = Odometry
-# ArmarX.RedirectStdout:  Redirect std::cout and std::cerr to ArmarXLog
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            true
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.RedirectStdout = true
-# ArmarX.RemoteHandlesDeletionTimeout:  The timeout (in ms) before a remote handle deletes the managed object after the use count reached 0. This time can be used by a client to increment the count again (may be required when transmitting remote handles)
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            3000
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.RemoteHandlesDeletionTimeout = 3000
-# ArmarX.SecondsStartupDelay:  The startup will be delayed by this number of seconds (useful for debugging)
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            0
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.SecondsStartupDelay = 0
-# ArmarX.StartDebuggerOnCrash:  If this application crashes (segmentation fault) qtcreator will attach to this process and start the debugger.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            false
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.StartDebuggerOnCrash = false
-# ArmarX.ThreadPoolSize:  Size of the ArmarX ThreadPool that is always running.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            1
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.ThreadPoolSize = 1
-# ArmarX.TopicSuffix:  Suffix appended to all topic names for outgoing topics. This is mainly used to direct all topics to another name for TopicReplaying purposes.
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            ""
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-# ArmarX.TopicSuffix = ""
-# ArmarX.UseTimeServer:  Enable using a global Timeserver (e.g. from ArmarXSimulator)
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            false
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {0, 1, false, no, true, yes}
-# ArmarX.UseTimeServer = false
-# ArmarX.Verbosity:  Global logging level for whole application
-#  Attributes:
-#  - Default:            Info
-#  - Case sensitivity:   yes
-#  - Required:           no
-#  - Possible values: {Debug, Error, Fatal, Important, Info, Undefined, Verbose, Warning}
-# ArmarX.Verbosity = Info
diff --git a/scenarios/dasd/config/global.cfg b/scenarios/dasd/config/global.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 897f1c82a0578538e7b463f4246587ba134e24de..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scenarios/dasd/config/global.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# ==================================================================
-# Global Config from Scenario dasd
-# ==================================================================
diff --git a/scenarios/dasd/dasd.scx b/scenarios/dasd/dasd.scx
deleted file mode 100644
index b12d5a0c9d6feb2eb4f19076d28212d9294eff02..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scenarios/dasd/dasd.scx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<scenario name="dasd" creation="2021-06-07.18:00:09" globalConfigName="./config/global.cfg" package="RobotAPI" deploymentType="local" nodeName="NodeMain">
-	<application name="ObstacleAwarePlatformUnit" instance="" package="RobotAPI" nodeName="" enabled="true" iceAutoRestart="false"/>
-	<application name="DynamicObstacleManager" instance="" package="RobotAPI" nodeName="" enabled="true" iceAutoRestart="false"/>