From 2f35223a22736e53e5049404f8bc21171091f939 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mirko Waechter <> Date: Mon, 2 May 2016 20:31:31 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Removed non-working joint limit avoidance from TCPControlUnit --- .../components/units/TCPControlUnit.cpp | 40 ------------------- 1 file changed, 40 deletions(-) diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/TCPControlUnit.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/TCPControlUnit.cpp index 7b0c9430d..f0a9068ef 100644 --- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/TCPControlUnit.cpp +++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/TCPControlUnit.cpp @@ -493,50 +493,10 @@ namespace armarx dIK->computeSteps(jointDelta, 0.8f, 0.001, 1, &EDifferentialIK::computeStep); // 1.0, 0.00001, 50 // ARMARX_VERBOSE << deactivateSpam(1) << "New Goal: \n" << robotNodeSet->getTCP()->getGlobalPose(); - MatrixXf fullJac = dIK->calcFullJacobian(); - MatrixXf fullJacInv = dIK->computePseudoInverseJacobianMatrix(fullJac); - Eigen::VectorXf jointLimitCompensation = CalcJointLimitAvoidanceDeltas(robotNodeSet, fullJac, fullJacInv); - - // for debugging only! - /*{ - MatrixXf posJac = fullJac.block(0, 0, fullJac.rows(), 3); - MatrixXf oriJac = fullJac.block(0, 3, fullJac.rows(), 3); - JacobiSVD<MatrixXf> svdPos(posJac); - JacobiSVD<MatrixXf> svdOri(oriJac); - if (svdPos.singularValues()[2] < 90) - { - ARMARX_IMPORTANT << deactivateSpam() << "The robot is close to a singularity! Minimal singular value of the position Jacobian: " << svdPos.singularValues()[2]; - } - if (svdOri.singularValues()[2] < 0.6) - { - ARMARX_IMPORTANT << deactivateSpam() << "The robot is close to a singularity! Minimal singular value of the orientation Jacobian: " << svdOri.singularValues()[2]; - } - }*/ - - // added by David S - const float maxJointLimitCompensationRatio = 1.0f; - - // if (jointLimitCompensation(0) == jointLimitCompensation(0)) - // { - // // if (jointLimitCompensation.norm() > maxJointLimitCompensationRatio * jointDelta.norm()) - // // { - // // jointLimitCompensation = maxJointLimitCompensationRatio * jointDelta.norm() / jointLimitCompensation.norm() * jointLimitCompensation; - // // } - - // jointDelta += jointLimitCompensation; - // } - jointDelta /= (cycleTime * 0.001); jointDelta = applyMaxJointVelocity(jointDelta, maxJointVelocity); - // Eigen::Vector3f currentTCPPosition = robotNodeSet->getTCP()->getGlobalPose().block(0,3,3,1); - // const Eigen::Matrix4f mat = robotNodeSet->getTCP()->getGlobalPose() * lastTCPPose.inverse(); - // const Eigen::Matrix3f rot = currentPose.block(0,0,3,3) * lastPose->toEigen().block(0,0,3,3).inverse(); - // Eigen::Vector3f rpy; - // VirtualRobot::MathTools::eigen4f2rpy(mat, rpy); - // ARMARX_DEBUG << deactivateSpam(2) << "Current TCP Position: \n" << currentTCPPosition; - // ARMARX_VERBOSE << deactivateSpam(2)<< "ActualTCPVelocity: " << (rpy/(0.001*cycleTime)); lastTCPPose = robotNodeSet->getTCP()->getGlobalPose(); // build name value map -- GitLab