diff --git a/source/armarx/navigation/human/HumanFilter.cpp b/source/armarx/navigation/human/HumanFilter.cpp
index 436a9cebd18cdb70d3100edcdc80625de747a6c4..3c25d4ae423e64333a8813f8b22f5b308650e625 100644
--- a/source/armarx/navigation/human/HumanFilter.cpp
+++ b/source/armarx/navigation/human/HumanFilter.cpp
@@ -3,8 +3,117 @@
 namespace armarx::navigation::human
-    HumanFilter::HumanFilter()
+    HumanFilter::HumanFilter(const core::Pose2D& pose0, const DateTime& detectionTime)
+        //initialize new human for detected human
+        human.pose = pose0;
+        human.linearVelocity = Eigen::Vector2f::Zero();
+        human.detectionTime = detectionTime;
+        //initialize new kalman filter for new detected human
+        UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>::PropCovT Q =
+            UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>::PropCovT::Identity();
+        Q.block<2, 2>(0, 0) *= params.control_pos_cov * params.control_pos_cov;
+        Q.block<1, 1>(2, 2) *= params.control_rot_cov * params.control_rot_cov;
+        UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>::ObsCovT R =
+            UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>::ObsCovT::Identity();
+        R.block<2, 2>(0, 0) *= params.obs_pos_cov * params.obs_pos_cov;
+        R.block<1, 1>(2, 2) *= params.obs_rot_cov * params.obs_rot_cov;
+        UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>::StateCovT P0 =
+            UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>::StateCovT::Identity();
+        P0.block<2, 2>(0, 0) *= params.initial_state_pos_cov * params.initial_state_pos_cov;
+        P0.block<1, 1>(2, 2) *= params.initial_state_rot_cov * params.initial_state_rot_cov;
+        UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>::AlphaT alpha =
+            UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>::AlphaT::Ones() * params.alpha;
+        //initial position and orientation according to detected human
+        SystemModelT::StateT state0 = toUkfState(pose0);
+        ukf = std::make_unique<UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>>(Q, R, alpha, state0, P0);
+    }
+    void
+    HumanFilter::propagation(const armarx::core::time::DateTime& detectionTime)
+    {
+        double dt = (detectionTime - human.detectionTime).toSecondsDouble();
+        oldPose = human.pose;
+        SystemModelT::ControlT control = toUkfControl(human.linearVelocity);
+        ukf->propagation(control, dt);
+        human.pose = fromUkfState(ukf->getCurrentState());
+    }
+    void
+    HumanFilter::update(const core::Pose2D& pose, const DateTime& detectionTime)
+    {
+        double dt = (detectionTime - human.detectionTime).toSecondsDouble();
+        SystemModelT::ObsT observation = toUkfObs(pose);
+        ukf->update(observation);
+        core::Pose2D newPose = fromUkfState(ukf->getCurrentState());
+        // calculate velocity
+        Eigen::Vector2f ds = newPose.translation() - oldPose.translation();
+        Eigen::Vector2f linVelocity = ds / dt;
+        Eigen::Vector2f newVelocity =
+            params.velocityAlpha * linVelocity + (1 - params.velocityAlpha) * human.linearVelocity;
+        human.detectionTime = detectionTime;
+        human.pose = newPose;
+        human.linearVelocity = newVelocity;
+    const Human&
+    HumanFilter::get() const
+    {
+        return human;
+    }
+    HumanFilter::SystemModelT::StateT
+    HumanFilter::toUkfState(const core::Pose2D& pose)
+    {
+        // [mm] to [m]
+        return {{pose.translation().x() / 1000,
+                 pose.translation().y() / 1000,
+                 Eigen::Rotation2Df(pose.linear()).angle()}};
+    }
+    core::Pose2D
+    HumanFilter::fromUkfState(const SystemModelT::StateT& pose)
+    {
+        core::Pose2D pose2d;
+        // [m] to [mm]
+        pose2d.translation().x() = pose.pose.x() * 1000;
+        pose2d.translation().y() = pose.pose.y() * 1000;
+        pose2d.linear() = Eigen::Rotation2Df(pose.pose.angle()).toRotationMatrix();
+        return pose2d;
+    }
+    HumanFilter::SystemModelT::ControlT
+    HumanFilter::toUkfControl(const Eigen::Vector2f& vel)
+    {
+        // convert velocity from global frame to human frame (required by kalman filter)
+        const auto& global_R_human = human.pose.linear();
+        const auto& human_V_vel = global_R_human.inverse() * vel;
+        // [mm] to [m]
+        return {{human_V_vel.x() / 1000, human_V_vel.y() / 1000, 0}};
+    }
+    HumanFilter::SystemModelT::ObsT
+    HumanFilter::toUkfObs(const core::Pose2D& pose)
+    {
+        return SystemModelT::observationFunction(toUkfState(pose));
+    }
 } // namespace armarx::navigation::human
diff --git a/source/armarx/navigation/human/HumanFilter.h b/source/armarx/navigation/human/HumanFilter.h
index 9f4cf3ec4d6c06abb07a80c59d901cfe2a4c4272..14be9eb1298ec57377c1b8d0d0b3878e53bd1bce 100644
--- a/source/armarx/navigation/human/HumanFilter.h
+++ b/source/armarx/navigation/human/HumanFilter.h
@@ -22,13 +22,52 @@
 #pragma once
+#include <RobotAPI/libraries/ukfm/UnscentedKalmanFilter.h>
+#include <armarx/navigation/human/HumanSystemModel.h>
+#include <armarx/navigation/human/types.h>
 namespace armarx::navigation::human
     class HumanFilter
-        HumanFilter();
+        struct Parameters
+        {
+            //TODO which values are appropriate?
+            double control_pos_cov = 0.01;
+            double control_rot_cov = 0.01;
+            double obs_pos_cov = 0.01;
+            double obs_rot_cov = 0.01;
+            double initial_state_pos_cov = 0.01;
+            double initial_state_rot_cov = 0.01;
+            double alpha = 0.5;
+            float velocityAlpha = 0.7;
+        };
+        HumanFilter(const core::Pose2D& pose0, const DateTime& detectionTime);
+        void propagation(const DateTime& detectionTime);
+        void update(const core::Pose2D& pose, const DateTime& detectionTime);
+        const Human& get() const;
+    private:
+        using SystemModelT = kalman_filter::SystemModelSE2<double>;
+        SystemModelT::StateT toUkfState(const core::Pose2D& pose);
+        core::Pose2D fromUkfState(const SystemModelT::StateT& pose);
+        SystemModelT::ControlT toUkfControl(const Eigen::Vector2f& vel);
+        SystemModelT::ObsT toUkfObs(const core::Pose2D& pose);
+    private:
+        Parameters params;
+        core::Pose2D oldPose;
+        Human human;
+        std::unique_ptr<UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>> ukf;
 } // namespace armarx::navigation::human
diff --git a/source/armarx/navigation/human/HumanTracker.cpp b/source/armarx/navigation/human/HumanTracker.cpp
index 6db5b4b3611e099ae8276ce530e306a87deb0643..aecbfedaf9138ad67d8a577c14c46d4dadc8ee26 100644
--- a/source/armarx/navigation/human/HumanTracker.cpp
+++ b/source/armarx/navigation/human/HumanTracker.cpp
@@ -10,13 +10,6 @@
 namespace armarx::navigation::human
-    //TODO which values are appropriate?
-    constexpr T pos_noise_std = 0.01;
-    constexpr T rot_noise_std = 0.01;
-    constexpr T obs_noise_std = 0.01;
-    constexpr T initial_pos_state_cov = 0.01;
-    constexpr T initial_rot_state_cov = 0.01;
     convertHumanPoseToPosition(const DateTime& time, const armem::human::HumanPose& humanPose)
@@ -49,7 +42,7 @@ namespace armarx::navigation::human
         for (auto it = trackedHumans.begin(); it != trackedHumans.end();)
             auto& human = *it;
-            if ((measurements.detectionTime - human.human.detectionTime) >=
+            if ((measurements.detectionTime - human.humanFilter.get().detectionTime) >=
                 it = trackedHumans.erase(it);
@@ -57,7 +50,7 @@ namespace armarx::navigation::human
                 human.associated = false;
-                human.human.pose = human.human.estimateAt(measurements.detectionTime);
+                human.humanFilter.propagation(measurements.detectionTime);
@@ -76,47 +69,11 @@ namespace armarx::navigation::human
             if (!detectedHuman.associated)
-                //initialize new human for detected human
-                human::Human human{.pose = detectedHuman.pose,
-                                   .linearVelocity = Eigen::Vector2f::Zero(),
-                                   .detectionTime = detectedHuman.detectionTime};
-                //initialize new kalman filter for new detected human
-                UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>::PropCovT Q =
-                    UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>::PropCovT::Identity();
-                //rotation noise at (0,0)
-                Q.block<1, 1>(0, 0) *= rot_noise_std * rot_noise_std;
-                //position noise at (1,1) and (2,2)
-                Q.block<2, 2>(1, 1) *= pos_noise_std * pos_noise_std;
-                //observation noise at (0,0), (1,1) and (2,2)
-                UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>::ObsCovT R =
-                    UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>::ObsCovT::Identity() * obs_noise_std *
-                    obs_noise_std;
-                UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>::StateCovT P0 =
-                    UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>::StateCovT::Identity();
-                P0.block<1, 1>(0, 0) *= initial_rot_state_cov * initial_rot_state_cov;
-                P0.block<2, 2>(1, 1) *= initial_pos_state_cov * initial_pos_state_cov;
-                UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>::AlphaT alpha =
-                    UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>::AlphaT::Ones() * 1e-3;
-                //initial position and orientation according to detected human
-                SystemModelT::StateT state0;
-                //initialize with detected human pose position
-                state0.position = human.pose.translation().cast<T>();
-                //initialize with SO2 matrix according to detected human pose rotation
-                state0.orientation = manif::SO2<T>{Eigen::Rotation2Df(human.pose.linear()).angle()};
-                UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT> ukf{Q, R, alpha, state0, P0};
                 //add new tracked human to list of tracked humans
-                trackedHumans.push_back(TrackedHuman{.human = human,
-                                                     .ukf = ukf,
-                                                     .trackingId = detectedHuman.trackingId,
-                                                     .associated = true});
+                trackedHumans.push_back(TrackedHuman{
+                    .humanFilter = HumanFilter{detectedHuman.pose, detectedHuman.detectionTime},
+                    .trackingId = detectedHuman.trackingId,
+                    .associated = true});
@@ -149,7 +106,8 @@ namespace armarx::navigation::human
-                     (newHuman.pose.translation() - oldHuman.human.pose.translation()).norm()});
+                     (newHuman.pose.translation() - oldHuman.humanFilter.get().pose.translation())
+                         .norm()});
@@ -211,50 +169,7 @@ namespace armarx::navigation::human
         trackedHuman->associated = true;
         detectedHuman->associated = true;
-        //estimate velocity via exponential smoothing
-        float dt =
-            (detectedHuman->detectionTime - trackedHuman->human.detectionTime).toSecondsDouble();
-        Eigen::Vector2f ds =
-            (detectedHuman->pose.translation() - trackedHuman->human.pose.translation());
-        Eigen::Vector2f linVelocity = ds / dt;
-        Eigen::Vector2f velocity =
-            parameters.velocityAlpha * linVelocity +
-            (1 - parameters.velocityAlpha) * trackedHuman->human.linearVelocity;
-        float angle_det = Eigen::Rotation2Df(detectedHuman->pose.linear()).angle();
-        float angle_track = Eigen::Rotation2Df(trackedHuman->human.pose.linear()).angle();
-        //TODO Check angular velocity! Calculation at turning point may be wrong (jump from +pi to -pi)
-        float angular_velocity = (angle_det - angle_track) / dt;
-        //estimate pose via ukf
-        //initialize with estimated velocity (control variables) from tracked human
-        UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>::ControlT control;
-        control.angular_velocity.coeffs() << static_cast<T>(angular_velocity);
-        control.euclidean_velocity << velocity.cast<T>();
-        //propagate control input for time diff
-        trackedHuman->ukf.propagation(control, dt);
-        //initialize observation with detected human data
-        UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>::ObsT observation;
-        observation.segment(0, 1) =
-            Eigen::Matrix<T, 1, 1>{Eigen::Rotation2Df(detectedHuman->pose.linear()).angle()};
-        observation.segment(1, 2) = detectedHuman->pose.translation().cast<T>();
-        //update with new observation
-        trackedHuman->ukf.update(observation);
-        //use current state as new pose of tracked human
-        UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT>::StateT state = trackedHuman->ukf.getCurrentState();
-        core::Pose2D filteredPose = core::Pose2D::Identity();
-        filteredPose.translation() = state.position.cast<float>();
-        filteredPose.linear() = Eigen::Rotation2Df(state.orientation.angle()).toRotationMatrix();
-        trackedHuman->human = {filteredPose, velocity, detectedHuman->detectionTime};
+        trackedHuman->humanFilter.update(detectedHuman->pose, detectedHuman->detectionTime);
         trackedHuman->trackingId = detectedHuman->trackingId;
@@ -263,7 +178,7 @@ namespace armarx::navigation::human
         return trackedHumans |
                ranges::views::transform([](const TrackedHuman& h) -> human::Human
-                                        { return h.human; }) |
+                                        { return h.humanFilter.get(); }) |
diff --git a/source/armarx/navigation/human/HumanTracker.h b/source/armarx/navigation/human/HumanTracker.h
index 099aca7b508d62794a063bb2b8acc713a6a3caec..3c4cc28f4b45353fc9d1e4fcbc6616c6e9e4bafc 100644
--- a/source/armarx/navigation/human/HumanTracker.h
+++ b/source/armarx/navigation/human/HumanTracker.h
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include <VisionX/libraries/armem_human/types.h>
 #include <armarx/navigation/core/basic_types.h>
+#include <armarx/navigation/human/HumanFilter.h>
 #include <armarx/navigation/human/HumanSystemModel.h>
 #include <armarx/navigation/human/types.h>
@@ -59,8 +60,7 @@ namespace armarx::navigation::human
         struct TrackedHuman
-            human::Human human;
-            UnscentedKalmanFilter<SystemModelT> ukf;
+            HumanFilter humanFilter;
             std::optional<std::string> trackingId = std::nullopt;
             bool associated;