diff --git a/source/Navigation/components/Navigator/Navigator.cpp b/source/Navigation/components/Navigator/Navigator.cpp
index 98d80fc4aa38d7c1651c7b2731987cc8861eabbd..a98856e9ab7bd64997057242bd405ecdb27ae57a 100644
--- a/source/Navigation/components/Navigator/Navigator.cpp
+++ b/source/Navigation/components/Navigator/Navigator.cpp
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include "Navigator.h"
+#include <cmath>
 #include <iterator>
 #include <boost/uuid/uuid.hpp>
@@ -198,32 +199,121 @@ void armarx::nav::components::Navigator::createRemoteGuiTab()
     // Setup the widgets.
-    tab.boxLayerName.setValue(0);
-    tab.numBoxes.setValue(1);
-    tab.numBoxes.setRange(0, 100);
+    {
+        tab.targetPoseGroup.group.setLabel("Target pose");
+        {
+            float max = 10'000;
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseX.setRange(-max, max);
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseX.setDecimals(0);
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseX.setSteps(int(max / 10));
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseX.setValue(0.F);
+        }
+        {
+            float max = 10'000;
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseY.setRange(-max, max);
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseY.setDecimals(0);
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseY.setSteps(int(max / 10));
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseY.setValue(0.F);
+        }
+        {
+            float max = 10'000;
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseZ.setRange(-max, max);
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseZ.setDecimals(0);
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseZ.setSteps(int(max / 10));
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseZ.setValue(0.F);
+        }
+        {
+            float max = 180;
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseRoll.setRange(-max, max);
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseRoll.setDecimals(0);
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseRoll.setSteps(2 * max);
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseRoll.setValue(0.F);
+        }
+        {
+            float max = 180;
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPosePitch.setRange(-max, max);
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPosePitch.setDecimals(0);
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPosePitch.setSteps(2 * max);
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPosePitch.setValue(0.F);
+        }
+        {
+            float max = 180;
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseYaw.setRange(-max, max);
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseYaw.setDecimals(0);
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseYaw.setSteps(2 * max);
+            tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseYaw.setValue(0.F);
+        }
+        // tab.boxLayerName.setValue(0);
+        // tab.numBoxes.setValue(1);
+        // tab.numBoxes.setRange(0, 100);
+        // tab.drawBoxes.setLabel("Draw Boxes");
+        // Setup the layout.
+        GridLayout grid;
+        int row = 0;
+        {
+            grid.add(Label("X"), {row, 0}).add(tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseX, {row, 1});
+            ++row;
+            grid.add(Label("Y"), {row, 0}).add(tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseY, {row, 1});
+            ++row;
+            grid.add(Label("Z"), {row, 0}).add(tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseZ, {row, 1});
+            ++row;
+            grid.add(Label("Roll"), {row, 0}).add(tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseRoll, {row, 1});
+            ++row;
+            grid.add(Label("Pitch"), {row, 0}).add(tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPosePitch, {row, 1});
+            ++row;
+            grid.add(Label("Yaw"), {row, 0}).add(tab.targetPoseGroup.targetPoseYaw, {row, 1});
+            ++row;
+            // grid.add(Label("Num Boxes"), {row, 0}).add(tab.numBoxes, {row, 1});
+            // ++row;
+            // grid.add(tab.drawBoxes, {row, 0}, {2, 1});
+            // ++row;
+        }
+        VBoxLayout root = {grid, VSpacer()};
+        tab.targetPoseGroup.group.addChild(root);
+    }
-    tab.drawBoxes.setLabel("Draw Boxes");
+    {
+        tab.controlGroup.group.setLabel("Control");
-    // Setup the layout.
+        GridLayout grid;
+        int row = 0;
+        {
+            grid.add(tab.controlGroup.moveToButton, {row, 1});
+            ++row;
-    GridLayout grid;
-    int row = 0;
-    {
-        grid.add(Label("Box Layer"), {row, 0}).add(tab.boxLayerName, {row, 1});
-        ++row;
+            grid.add(tab.controlGroup.pauseButton, {row, 1});
+            ++row;
-        grid.add(Label("Num Boxes"), {row, 0}).add(tab.numBoxes, {row, 1});
-        ++row;
+            grid.add(tab.controlGroup.continueButton, {row, 1});
+            ++row;
+        }
-        grid.add(tab.drawBoxes, {row, 0}, {2, 1});
-        ++row;
+        VBoxLayout root = {grid, VSpacer()};
+        tab.controlGroup.group.addChild(root);
-    VBoxLayout root = {grid, VSpacer()};
-    RemoteGui_createTab(getName(), root, &tab);
+    RemoteGui_createTab(getName(), tab.targetPoseGroup.group, &tab);
 void armarx::nav::components::Navigator::RemoteGui_update()
@@ -242,12 +332,13 @@ void armarx::nav::components::Navigator::RemoteGui_update()
     //         sendDebugObserverBatch();
     //     }
     // }
-    if (tab.drawBoxes.wasClicked())
-    {
-        // Lock shared variables in methods running in seperate threads
-        // and pass them to functions. This way, the called functions do
-        // not need to think about locking.
-        std::scoped_lock lock(propertiesMutex);
-        // drawBoxes(properties, arviz);
-    }
+    // if (tab.drawBoxes.wasClicked())
+    // {
+    //     ARMARX_INFO << "Navigator control requested from remote GUI";
+    //     // Lock shared variables in methods running in seperate threads
+    //     // and pass them to functions. This way, the called functions do
+    //     // not need to think about locking.
+    //     std::scoped_lock lock(propertiesMutex);
+    //     // drawBoxes(properties, arviz);
+    // }
diff --git a/source/Navigation/components/Navigator/Navigator.h b/source/Navigation/components/Navigator/Navigator.h
index 16ad98af456be7461d78847456433a9836e0c072..a3ec542b7884cc5d1e862ccd5d36232802c7d4dc 100644
--- a/source/Navigation/components/Navigator/Navigator.h
+++ b/source/Navigation/components/Navigator/Navigator.h
@@ -114,11 +114,9 @@ namespace armarx::nav::components
         VirtualRobot::RobotPtr getRobot();
         void createRemoteGuiTab();
         void RemoteGui_update() override;
         // TODO update context periodically
@@ -128,17 +126,32 @@ namespace armarx::nav::components
         server::PlatformUnitExecutor executor;
         std::map<std::string, server::Navigator> navigators;
         std::mutex propertiesMutex;
         struct RemoteGuiTab : armarx::RemoteGui::Client::Tab
-            armarx::RemoteGui::Client::LineEdit boxLayerName;
-            armarx::RemoteGui::Client::IntSpinBox numBoxes;
+            struct
+            {
+                armarx::RemoteGui::Client::GroupBox group;
+                armarx::RemoteGui::Client::FloatSpinBox targetPoseX;
+                armarx::RemoteGui::Client::FloatSpinBox targetPoseY;
+                armarx::RemoteGui::Client::FloatSpinBox targetPoseZ;
+                armarx::RemoteGui::Client::FloatSpinBox targetPoseRoll;
+                armarx::RemoteGui::Client::FloatSpinBox targetPosePitch;
+                armarx::RemoteGui::Client::FloatSpinBox targetPoseYaw;
+            } targetPoseGroup;
+            struct
+            {
+                armarx::RemoteGui::Client::GroupBox group;
+                armarx::RemoteGui::Client::Button moveToButton;
+                armarx::RemoteGui::Client::Button pauseButton;
+                armarx::RemoteGui::Client::Button continueButton;
+            } controlGroup;
-            armarx::RemoteGui::Client::Button drawBoxes;
         RemoteGuiTab tab;