/* * This file is part of ArmarX. * * ArmarX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * ArmarX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * @package RobotAPI::ArmarXObjects::DMPComponent * @author Mirko Waechter ( mirko dot waechter at kit dot edu ) * @date 2015 * @copyright http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt * GNU General Public License */ #include "DMPComponent.h" #include <MMM/Motion/MotionReaderXML.h> #include <dmp/io/MMMConverter.h> using namespace armarx; void DMPComponent::onInitComponent() { ARMARX_INFO << "initializing DMP component"; usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("LongtermMemoryName").getValue()); ARMARX_INFO << "successfully initialized DMP component" ; } void DMPComponent::onConnectComponent() { ARMARX_INFO << "connecting DMP component"; try { longtermMemoryPrx = getProxy<memoryx::LongtermMemoryInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("LongtermMemoryName").getValue()); } catch (...) { ARMARX_ERROR << "cannot get longterm memory proxy"; return; } try { dmpDataMemoryPrx = longtermMemoryPrx->getDMPSegment(); } catch (...) { ARMARX_ERROR << "cannot get dmp segment of longterm memory"; return; } ARMARX_INFO << "successfully connected DMP component"; } void DMPComponent::onDisconnectComponent() { ARMARX_INFO << "disconnecting DMP component"; } void DMPComponent::onExitComponent() { ARMARX_INFO << "exiting DMP component"; } void DMPComponent::instantiateDMP(int DMPType, const Ice::Current&) { ARMARX_INFO << "instantiate DMP"; dmpType = DMPType; switch (dmpType) { case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_BASICDMP: basicdmp.reset(new DMP::BasicDMP); break; case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_DMP3RDORDER: dmp3rdorder.reset(new DMP::DMP3rdOrder); break; case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_DMP3RDORDERFORCEFIELD: dmp3rdorder.reset(new DMP::DMP3rdOrderForceField); break; case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_ENDVELODMP: basicdmp.reset(new DMP::EndVeloDMP); break; case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_FORCEFIELDDMP: basicdmp.reset(new DMP::ForceFieldDMP); break; case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_SIMPLEENDVELODMP: basicdmp.reset(new DMP::SimpleEndVeloDMP); break; // case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_ENDVELFORCEFILELDDMP: basicdmp.reset(new DMP::EndVeloForceFieldDMP);break; // case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_QUATERNIONDMP: basicdmp.reset(new DMP::QuaternionDMP); break; //error: quanternionDMP is an abstract type. // case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_ADAPTIVEGOAL3RDORDERDMP: basicdmp.reset(new DMP::AdaptiveGoal3rdOrderDMP); break; //error: // case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_PERIODICTRANSIENTDMP: basicdmp.reset(new DMP::PeriodicTransientDMP); break; default: ARMARX_ERROR << "ERROR: It is not a valid dmp type. " ; } } void DMPComponent::storeDMPInDatabase(const std::string& name, const ::Ice::Current&) { ARMARX_INFO << "storing DMP in the database"; memoryx::DMPEntityPtr dmpEntity = new memoryx::DMPEntity(name); dmpEntity->setDMPType(dmpType); dmpEntity->setDMPName(name); dmpEntity->set3rdOrder(is3rdOrder); std::stringstream dmptext; boost::archive::text_oarchive ar(dmptext); if (is3rdOrder) { dmpEntity->set3rdOrder(true); ar << boost::serialization::make_nvp("dmp", *dmp3rdorder); } else { dmpEntity->set3rdOrder(false); ar << boost::serialization::make_nvp("dmp", *basicdmp); } dmpEntity->setDMPtextStr(dmptext.str()); std::cout << dmpEntity << std::endl; const std::string entityID = dmpDataMemoryPrx->addEntity(dmpEntity); dmpEntity->setId(entityID); ARMARX_INFO << "successfully stored DMP"; } void DMPComponent::getDMPFromDatabase(const std::string& dmpName, const Ice::Current&) { ARMARX_INFO << "getting DMP from database"; if (!dmpDataMemoryPrx->hasEntityByName(dmpName)) { ARMARX_ERROR << "DMP with name " + dmpName + " does not exist in the database"; return; } memoryx::DMPEntityPtr dmpEntity = memoryx::DMPEntityPtr::dynamicCast(dmpDataMemoryPrx->getDMPEntityByName(dmpName)); std::string name = dmpEntity->getDMPName(); ARMARX_INFO << "DMP with name: " + name + " is loaded"; dmpType = dmpEntity->getDMPType(); ARMARX_INFO << "dmp type is " + std::to_string(dmpType); is3rdOrder = dmpEntity->get3rdOrder(); ARMARX_INFO << "is3rdOrder is " + std::to_string(is3rdOrder); std::string textStr = dmpEntity->getDMPtextStr(); ARMARX_INFO << textStr; std::stringstream istr; istr.str(textStr); boost::archive::text_iarchive ar(istr); if (is3rdOrder) { ar >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("dmp", *dmp3rdorder); } else { ar >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("dmp", *basicdmp); } ARMARX_INFO << "successfully got dmp from database."; } void DMPComponent::trainDMP(const ::Ice::Current&) { // learn dmp if (getBasicDMPType() == ARMARX_DMPTYPE_BASICDMP) { basicdmp->learnFromTrajectories(trajs); } else if (getBasicDMPType() == ARMARX_DMPTYPE_DMP3RDORDER) { dmp3rdorder->learnFromTrajectories(trajs); } } void DMPComponent::calculateWholeTrajectory() { } DMP::Vec<DMP::DMPState> DMPComponent::calculateNextState(DMP::Vec<DMP::DMPState>& initialStates, double t, double tInit, DMP::DVec& canonicalValues) { if (configs.find(DMP_PARAMETERS_GOAL) == configs.end()) { ARMARX_ERROR << "The goal of DMP must be specified"; } DMP::DVec goal = boost::get<DMP::DVec>(configs[DMP_PARAMETERS_GOAL]); double temporalFactor; if (configs.find(DMP_PARAMETERS_TEMPORALFACTOR) != configs.end()) { temporalFactor = boost::get<double>(configs[DMP_PARAMETERS_TEMPORALFACTOR]); } else { temporalFactor = 1.0; } return basicdmp->calculateTrajectoryPoint(t, goal, tInit, initialStates, canonicalValues, temporalFactor); } DMP::Vec<DMP::_3rdOrderDMP> DMPComponent::calculateNextState(DMP::Vec<DMP::_3rdOrderDMP>& initialStates, double t, double tInit, DMP::DVec& canonicalValues) { if (configs.find(DMP_PARAMETERS_GOAL) == configs.end()) { ARMARX_ERROR << "The goal of DMP must be specified"; } DMP::DVec goal = boost::get<DMP::DVec>(configs[DMP_PARAMETERS_GOAL]); double temporalFactor; if (configs.find(DMP_PARAMETERS_TEMPORALFACTOR) != configs.end()) { temporalFactor = boost::get<double>(configs[DMP_PARAMETERS_TEMPORALFACTOR]); } else { temporalFactor = 1.0; } return dmp3rdorder->calculateTrajectoryPoint(t, goal, tInit, initialStates, canonicalValues, temporalFactor); } void DMPComponent::readTrajectoryFromFile(const std::string& file, const Ice::Current&) { std::string ext = file.rfind(".") == file.npos ? file : file.substr(file.rfind(".") + 1); if (ext == "xml") { DMP::SampledTrajectoryV2 traj; MMM::MotionReaderXML motionreader; MMM::MotionPtr motion = motionreader.loadMotion(file); traj = DMP::MMMConverter::fromMMMJoints(motion); trajs.push_back(traj); } else if (ext == "csv") { DMP::SampledTrajectoryV2 traj; traj.readFromCSVFile(file); trajs.push_back(traj); } else { ARMARX_ERROR << "Error: The file is not valid "; return; } } void DMPComponent::setDMPConfiguration() { // for(configMap::iterator it = configs.begin(); it != configs.end(); it++){ // if(getBasicDMPType() == ARMARX_DMPTYPE_BASICDMP){ // basicdmp->setConfiguration(it->first, it->second); // }else if(getBasicDMPType() == ARMARX_DMPTYPE_DMP3RDORDER){ // dmp3rdorder->setConfiguration(it->first, it->second); // } // } } configMap DMPComponent::constructConfigMap(DMP::Vec<int> paraIDs, DMP::Vec<paraType> paraVals) { if (paraIDs.size() != paraVals.size()) { ARMARX_WARNING << "ID list and value list have different sizes, which may cause error."; } for (size_t i = 0; i < paraIDs.size(); i++) { if (configs.find(paraIDs[i]) == configs.end()) { configs.insert(configPair(paraIDs[i], paraVals[i])); } else { configs[paraIDs[i]] = paraVals[i]; } } return configs; } std::string DMPComponent::getDMPTypeName() { switch (dmpType) { case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_BASICDMP: return "BasicDMP"; case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_ENDVELODMP: return "EndVeloDMP"; case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_SIMPLEENDVELODMP: return "SimpleEndVeloDMP"; case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_FORCEFIELDDMP: return "ForceFieldDMP"; case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_ENDVELFORCEFILELDDMP: return "EndVeloForceFieldDMP"; case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_PERIODICTRANSIENTDMP: return "PeriodicTransientDMP"; case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_DMP3RDORDER: return "3rdOrderDMP"; case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_DMP3RDORDERFORCEFIELD: return "3rdOrderForceFieldDMP"; case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_ADAPTIVEGOAL3RDORDERDMP: return "AdaptiveGoal3rdOrderDMP"; case ARMARX_DMPTYPE_QUATERNIONDMP: return "QuaternionDMP"; default: ARMARX_ERROR << "This is not a valid dmp type"; return "unknownDMP"; } } void DMPComponent::setDMPState(const ::armarx::cStateVec& state, const ::Ice::Current&) { if (!is3rdOrder) { currentDMPState.resize(state.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < state.size(); i++) { currentDMPState[i].pos = state[i].pos; currentDMPState[i].vel = state[i].vel; } } else { currentDMP3rdOrder.resize(state.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < state.size(); i++) { currentDMP3rdOrder[i].pos = state[i].pos; currentDMP3rdOrder[i].vel = state[i].vel; currentDMP3rdOrder[i].acc = state[i].acc; } } } void DMPComponent::setParameter(const int paraID, double value, const ::Ice::Current&) { if (configs.find(paraID) == configs.end()) { configs.insert(configPair(paraID, value)); } else { configs[paraID] = value; } } void DMPComponent::setGoal(const DVector& value, const Ice::Current&) { if (configs.find(DMP_PARAMETERS_GOAL) == configs.end()) { configs.insert(configPair(DMP_PARAMETERS_GOAL, DMP::DVec(value))); } else { configs[DMP_PARAMETERS_GOAL] = DMP::DVec(value); } } void DMPComponent::setStartPosition(const DVector& value, const Ice::Current&) { if (configs.find(DMP_PARAMETERS_STARTPOSITION) == configs.end()) { configs.insert(configPair(DMP_PARAMETERS_STARTPOSITION, DMP::DVec(value))); } else { configs[DMP_PARAMETERS_STARTPOSITION] = DMP::DVec(value); } } void DMPComponent::setTimeStamps(const DVector& value, const Ice::Current&) { timestamps = DMP::DVec(value); } void DMPComponent::setCanonicalValues(const DVector& value, const Ice::Current&) { canonicalValues = DMP::DVec(value); } ::armarx::cStateVec getcStateVec(const DMP::Vec<DMP::DMPState>& dmpstate) { ::armarx::cStateVec sv; sv.resize(dmpstate.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < dmpstate.size(); i++) { sv[i].pos = dmpstate[i].pos; sv[i].vel = dmpstate[i].vel; } return sv; } ::armarx::cStateVec getcStateVec(const DMP::Vec<DMP::_3rdOrderDMP>& dmpstate) { ::armarx::cStateVec sv; sv.resize(dmpstate.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < dmpstate.size(); i++) { sv[i].pos = dmpstate[i].pos; sv[i].vel = dmpstate[i].vel; sv[i].acc = dmpstate[i].acc; } return sv; } ::armarx::cStateVec DMPComponent::getNextState(const ::Ice::Current&) { setDMPConfiguration(); if (timestamps.size() == 0) { ARMARX_ERROR << "Timestampes must be specified."; } if (canonicalValues.size() == 0) { ARMARX_WARNING << "Canonical value is not specified. It will be set 1.0."; canonicalValues.push_back(1.0); } double tInit = timestamps[tCurrent++]; if (timestamps.size() <= tCurrent) { ARMARX_ERROR << "Unable to get next state, because time is gone."; if (!is3rdOrder) { return getcStateVec(currentDMPState); } else { return getcStateVec(currentDMP3rdOrder); } tCurrent = 0; } double t = timestamps[tCurrent]; if (!is3rdOrder) { if (currentDMPState.size() == 0) { ARMARX_ERROR << "The current state is not available. Please specify current state with setDMPState()."; } currentDMPState = calculateNextState(currentDMPState, t, tInit, canonicalValues); return getcStateVec(currentDMPState); } else { if (currentDMP3rdOrder.size() == 0) { ARMARX_ERROR << "The current state is not available. Please specify current state with setDMPState()."; } currentDMP3rdOrder = calculateNextState(currentDMP3rdOrder, t, tInit, canonicalValues); return getcStateVec(currentDMP3rdOrder); } } void DMPComponent::removeDMPFromDatabase(const std::string& dmpName, const ::Ice::Current&) { ARMARX_INFO << "removing DMP from database"; if (!dmpDataMemoryPrx->hasEntityByName(dmpName)) { ARMARX_ERROR << "DMP with name " + dmpName + " does not exist in the database"; return; } memoryx::DMPEntityPtr dmpEntity = memoryx::DMPEntityPtr::dynamicCast(dmpDataMemoryPrx->getDMPEntityByName(dmpName)); dmpDataMemoryPrx->removeEntity(dmpEntity->getId()); if (!dmpDataMemoryPrx->hasEntityByName(dmpName)) { ARMARX_INFO << "successfully removed dmp from database"; } } //PropertyDefinitionsPtr DMPComponent::createPropertyDefinitions() //{ // return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new DMPComponentPropertyDefinitions( // getConfigIdentifier())); //}