diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/Segment.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/Segment.cpp
index 226df0fffee073ca8bc5560bbdb118d095c1ebb3..a141b97e4e8b9d4b169ff5b9118c330b71080d5a 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/Segment.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/Segment.cpp
@@ -143,423 +143,6 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::familiar_object_instance
-    // Segment::CommitStats
-    // Segment::commitObjectPoses(const std::string& providerName,
-    //                            const objpose::data::ProvidedObjectPoseSeq& providedPoses,
-    //                            const Calibration& calibration,
-    //                            std::optional<armem::Time> discardUpdatesUntil)
-    // {
-    //     CommitStats stats;
-    //     // Build new poses.
-    //     objpose::ObjectPoseSeq newObjectPoses;
-    //     stats.numUpdated = 0;
-    //     // timestamp used to reduce the rpc calls for robot sync
-    //     Time robotSyncTimestamp = Time::Invalid();
-    //     for (const objpose::data::ProvidedObjectPose& provided : providedPoses)
-    //     {
-    //         const Time timestamp = armarx::fromIce<Time>(provided.timestamp);
-    //         // Check whether we have an old snapshot for this object.
-    //         std::optional<objpose::ObjectPose> previousPose;
-    //         const wm::Entity* entity =
-    //             findObjectEntity(armarx::fromIce(provided.objectID), providerName);
-    //         if (entity)
-    //         {
-    //             const arondto::ObjectInstance data = getLatestInstanceData(*entity);
-    //             previousPose = objpose::ObjectPose();
-    //             fromAron(data, *previousPose);
-    //         }
-    //         bool discard = false;
-    //         if (discardUpdatesUntil && timestamp < discardUpdatesUntil.value())
-    //         {
-    //             // Dicard updates temporarily (e.g. due to head movement).
-    //             discard = true;
-    //         }
-    //         else if (previousPose)
-    //         {
-    //             // if (p.discardSnapshotsWhileAttached && previousPose->attachment)
-    //             // {
-    //             //     // Discard update due to active attachemnt.
-    //             //     discard = true;
-    //             // }
-    //             else if (timestamp == previousPose->timestamp)
-    //             {
-    //                 // Discard update as it is not new.
-    //                 discard = true;
-    //             }
-    //         }
-    //         if (discard)
-    //         {
-    //             continue;
-    //         }
-    //         // Update the entity.
-    //         stats.numUpdated++;
-    //         VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot = robots.get(provided.robotName, provided.providerName);
-    //         if (not robot)
-    //         {
-    //             ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << "Failed to retrieve robot `"
-    //                         << provided.robotName << "`.";
-    //         }
-    //         // robot may be null!
-    //         bool synchronized = false;
-    //         // Update the robot to obtain correct local -> global transformation
-    //         if (robot and robotSyncTimestamp != timestamp)
-    //         {
-    //             synchronized = robots.reader->synchronizeRobot(*robot, timestamp);
-    //             if (not synchronized)
-    //             {
-    //                 ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(5) << "Failed to synchronize robot to timestamp "
-    //                             << timestamp << " of provided object pose (" << provided.objectID
-    //                             << "). This is " << (Clock::Now() - timestamp).toSecondsDouble()
-    //                             << " seconds in the past.";
-    //             }
-    //             robotSyncTimestamp = timestamp;
-    //             // Apply calibration offset after synchronizing the robot.
-    //             {
-    //                 if (calibration.offset != 0 and robot->hasRobotNode(calibration.robotNode))
-    //                 {
-    //                     VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr robotNode =
-    //                         robot->getRobotNode(calibration.robotNode);
-    //                     float value = robotNode->getJointValue();
-    //                     float newValue = value + calibration.offset;
-    //                     /*
-    //                          * If newValue is out of the joint's limits, then the calibration would be ignored.
-    //                          * In that case, we expand the joint value limits of the local robot model to allow
-    //                          * for the calibrated value.
-    //                          * As this is just for perception (and not for controlling the robot), this should be fine^TM.
-    //                          */
-    //                     VirtualRobot::RobotNode::JointLimits limits = robotNode->getJointLimits();
-    //                     bool limitsChanged = false;
-    //                     if (newValue < limits.low)
-    //                     {
-    //                         limits.low = newValue;
-    //                         limitsChanged = true;
-    //                     }
-    //                     if (newValue > limits.high)
-    //                     {
-    //                         limits.high = newValue;
-    //                         limitsChanged = true;
-    //                     }
-    //                     if (limitsChanged)
-    //                     {
-    //                         robotNode->setJointLimits(limits.low, limits.high);
-    //                     }
-    //                     robotNode->setJointValue(newValue);
-    //                 }
-    //             }
-    //         }
-    //         else if (robot and timestamp == robotSyncTimestamp)
-    //         {
-    //             synchronized = true;
-    //         }
-    //         if (not synchronized)
-    //         {
-    //             /*
-    //              * We know nothing about the current robot configuration. So the behvaiour of the
-    //              * following code is the same as if we have no robot model at all.
-    //              */
-    //             ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(5)
-    //                         << "Robot could not be synchronized; discarding robot";
-    //             robot = nullptr;
-    //         }
-    //         objpose::ObjectPose& newPose = newObjectPoses.emplace_back();
-    //         if (provided.objectPoseFrame.empty())
-    //         {
-    //             objpose::data::ProvidedObjectPose copy = provided;
-    //             copy.objectPoseFrame = armarx::GlobalFrame;
-    //             newPose.fromProvidedPose(copy, robot); // robot == nullptr is OK.
-    //         }
-    //         else
-    //         {
-    //             newPose.fromProvidedPose(provided, robot); // robot == nullptr is OK.
-    //         }
-    //         if (previousPose && previousPose->attachment)
-    //         {
-    //             // Keep current attachment.
-    //             ARMARX_CHECK(!p.discardSnapshotsWhileAttached);
-    //             newPose.attachment = previousPose->attachment;
-    //         }
-    //         if (newPose.objectID.dataset().empty())
-    //         {
-    //             // Try to find the data set.
-    //             // const std::string dataset =
-    //             //     classNameToDatasetCache.get(newPose.objectID.className());
-    //             // if (!dataset.empty())
-    //             // {
-    //                 newPose.objectID = {
-    //                     dataset, newPose.objectID.className(), newPose.objectID.instanceName()};
-    //             // }
-    //         }
-    //         if (!provided.localOOBB)
-    //         {
-    //             // Try to load oobb from disk.
-    //             newPose.localOOBB = getObjectOOBB(newPose.objectID);
-    //         }
-    //     }
-    //     commitObjectPoses(newObjectPoses, providerName);
-    //     return stats;
-    // }
-    // void
-    // Segment::commitObjectPoses(const ObjectPoseSeq& objectPoses, const std::string& providerName)
-    // {
-    //     Time now = Time::Now();
-    //     ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(segmentPtr);
-    //     const MemoryID coreSegmentID = segmentPtr->id();
-    //     Commit commit;
-    //     for (const objpose::ObjectPose& pose : objectPoses)
-    //     {
-    //         EntityUpdate& update = commit.updates.emplace_back();
-    //         const MemoryID providerID = coreSegmentID.withProviderSegmentName(
-    //             providerName.empty() ? pose.providerName : providerName);
-    //         update.entityID = providerID.withEntityName(pose.objectID.str());
-    //         update.arrivedTime = now;
-    //         update.referencedTime = pose.timestamp;
-    //         update.confidence = pose.confidence;
-    //         arondto::ObjectInstance dto;
-    //         toAron(dto, pose);
-    //         // Search for object class.
-    //         if (auto instance = findClassInstance(pose.objectID))
-    //         {
-    //             toAron(dto.classID, instance->id());
-    //         }
-    //         else
-    //         {
-    //             toAron(dto.classID, MemoryID());
-    //         }
-    //         toAron(dto.sourceID, MemoryID());
-    //         update.instancesData.push_back(dto.toAron());
-    //     }
-    //     // Commit non-locking.
-    //     iceMemory.commit(commit);
-    // }
-    // objpose::ObjectPoseMap
-    // Segment::getObjectPoses(const DateTime& now)
-    // {
-    //     ObjectPoseMap objectPoses = getLatestObjectPoses();
-    //     updateObjectPoses(objectPoses, now);
-    //     return filterObjectPoses(objectPoses);
-    // }
-    // objpose::ObjectPoseMap
-    // Segment::getObjectPosesByProvider(const std::string& providerName, const DateTime& now)
-    // {
-    //     ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(segmentPtr);
-    //     ObjectPoseMap objectPoses =
-    //         getLatestObjectPoses(segmentPtr->getProviderSegment(providerName));
-    //     updateObjectPoses(objectPoses, now);
-    //     return filterObjectPoses(objectPoses);
-    // }
-    // wm::Entity*
-    // Segment::findObjectEntity(const ObjectID& objectID, const std::string& providerName)
-    // {
-    //     ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(segmentPtr);
-    //     armem::MemoryID entityID = armem::MemoryID().withEntityName(objectID.str());
-    //     if (providerName.empty())
-    //     {
-    //         wm::Entity* result = nullptr;
-    //         segmentPtr->forEachProviderSegment(
-    //             [&result, &entityID](wm::ProviderSegment& prov)
-    //             {
-    //                 if (prov.hasEntity(entityID.entityName))
-    //                 {
-    //                     result = &prov.getEntity(entityID);
-    //                     return false;
-    //                 }
-    //                 return true;
-    //             });
-    //         return result;
-    //     }
-    //     else
-    //     {
-    //         entityID.providerSegmentName = providerName;
-    //         if (segmentPtr->hasProviderSegment(providerName))
-    //         {
-    //             wm::ProviderSegment& prov = segmentPtr->getProviderSegment(providerName);
-    //             return prov.hasEntity(entityID.entityName) ? &prov.getEntity(entityID) : nullptr;
-    //         }
-    //         else
-    //         {
-    //             return nullptr;
-    //         }
-    //     }
-    // }
-    // void
-    // Segment::updateObjectPoses(ObjectPoseMap& objectPoses, const DateTime& now)
-    // {
-    //     bool agentSynchronized = false;
-    //     for (auto& [id, objectPose] : objectPoses)
-    //     {
-    //         VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot =
-    //             robots.get(objectPose.robotName, objectPose.providerName);
-    //         updateObjectPose(objectPose, now, robot, agentSynchronized);
-    //     }
-    // }
-    // void
-    // Segment::updateObjectPoses(ObjectPoseMap& objectPoses,
-    //                            const DateTime& now,
-    //                            VirtualRobot::RobotPtr agent,
-    //                            bool& agentSynchronized) const
-    // {
-    //     for (auto& [id, objectPose] : objectPoses)
-    //     {
-    //         updateObjectPose(objectPose, now, agent, agentSynchronized);
-    //     }
-    // }
-    // void
-    // Segment::updateObjectPose(ObjectPose& objectPose,
-    //                           const DateTime& now,
-    //                           VirtualRobot::RobotPtr agent,
-    //                           bool& agentSynchronized) const
-    // {
-    //     updateAttachement(objectPose, agent, agentSynchronized);
-    //     if (decay.enabled)
-    //     {
-    //         decay.updateConfidence(objectPose, now);
-    //     }
-    // }
-    // Segment::ObjectPoseMap
-    // Segment::filterObjectPoses(const ObjectPoseMap& objectPoses) const
-    // {
-    //     ObjectPoseMap result;
-    //     for (const auto& [id, objectPose] : objectPoses)
-    //     {
-    //         if (!(decay.enabled && objectPose.confidence < decay.removeObjectsBelowConfidence))
-    //         {
-    //             result[id] = objectPose;
-    //         }
-    //     }
-    //     return result;
-    // }
-    // void
-    // Segment::updateAttachement(ObjectPose& objectPose,
-    //                            VirtualRobot::RobotPtr agent,
-    //                            bool& synchronized) const
-    // {
-    //     if (not objectPose.attachment.has_value())
-    //     {
-    //         // No attachment, nothing to do.
-    //         return;
-    //     }
-    //     ARMARX_CHECK(objectPose.attachment);
-    //     if (not agent)
-    //     {
-    //         // Without a robot model, we cannot update the object pose.
-    //         return;
-    //     }
-    //     ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(agent);
-    //     if (not synchronized) // Synchronize only once.
-    //     {
-    //         ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(robots.reader);
-    //         const armarx::DateTime timestamp = armarx::Clock::Now();
-    //         ARMARX_CHECK(robots.reader->synchronizeRobot(*agent, timestamp));
-    //         synchronized = true;
-    //     }
-    //     objectPose.updateAttached(agent);
-    // }
-    // objpose::ObjectPoseMap
-    // Segment::getLatestObjectPoses() const
-    // {
-    //     ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(segmentPtr);
-    //     return getLatestObjectPoses(*segmentPtr);
-    // }
-    // objpose::ObjectPoseMap
-    // Segment::getLatestObjectPoses(const wm::CoreSegment& coreSeg)
-    // {
-    //     ObjectPoseMap result;
-    //     getLatestObjectPoses(coreSeg, result);
-    //     return result;
-    // }
-    // objpose::ObjectPoseMap
-    // Segment::getLatestObjectPoses(const wm::ProviderSegment& provSeg)
-    // {
-    //     ObjectPoseMap result;
-    //     getLatestObjectPoses(provSeg, result);
-    //     return result;
-    // }
-    // objpose::ObjectPose
-    // Segment::getLatestObjectPose(const wm::Entity& entity)
-    // {
-    //     ObjectPose result;
-    //     getLatestObjectPose(entity, result);
-    //     return result;
-    // }
-    // void
-    // Segment::getLatestObjectPoses(const wm::CoreSegment& coreSeg, ObjectPoseMap& out)
-    // {
-    //     coreSeg.forEachProviderSegment([&out](const wm::ProviderSegment& provSegment)
-    //                                    { getLatestObjectPoses(provSegment, out); });
-    // }
-    // void
-    // Segment::getLatestObjectPoses(const wm::ProviderSegment& provSegment, ObjectPoseMap& out)
-    // {
-    //     provSegment.forEachEntity(
-    //         [&out](const wm::Entity& entity)
-    //         {
-    //             if (!entity.empty())
-    //             {
-    //                 ObjectPose pose = getLatestObjectPose(entity);
-    //                 // Try to insert. Fails and returns false if an entry already exists.
-    //                 const auto [it, success] = out.insert({pose.objectID, pose});
-    //                 if (!success)
-    //                 {
-    //                     // An entry with that ID already exists. We keep the newest.
-    //                     if (it->second.timestamp < pose.timestamp)
-    //                     {
-    //                         it->second = pose;
-    //                     }
-    //                 }
-    //             }
-    //         });
-    // }
     Segment::getFamiliarObjects(const DateTime& now)
@@ -618,737 +201,6 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::familiar_object_instance
         return familiarObjectsByProvider;
-    // void
-    // Segment::getLatestObjectPose(const wm::Entity& entity, ObjectPose& out)
-    // {
-    //     entity.getLatestSnapshot().forEachInstance(
-    //         [&out](const wm::EntityInstance& instance)
-    //         {
-    //             arondto::ObjectInstance dto;
-    //             dto.fromAron(instance.data());
-    //             fromAron(dto, out);
-    //         });
-    // }
-    // arondto::ObjectInstance
-    // Segment::getLatestInstanceData(const wm::Entity& entity)
-    // {
-    //     ARMARX_CHECK_GREATER_EQUAL(entity.size(), 1);
-    //     const wm::EntitySnapshot& snapshot = entity.getLatestSnapshot();
-    //     ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(snapshot.size(), 1);
-    //     const wm::EntityInstance& instance = snapshot.getInstance(0);
-    //     arondto::ObjectInstance data;
-    //     data.fromAron(instance.data());
-    //     return data;
-    // }
-    // ::armarx::armem::articulated_object::ArticulatedObjects
-    // Segment::getArticulatedObjects()
-    // {
-    //     objpose::ObjectPoseMap objectPoses = getObjectPoses(Time::Now());
-    //     ARMARX_INFO << "Found " << objectPoses.size() << " object poses";
-    //     ::armarx::armem::articulated_object::ArticulatedObjects objects;
-    //     for (const auto& [objectId, objectPose] : objectPoses)
-    //     {
-    //         armem::articulated_object::ArticulatedObject articulatedObject;
-    //         articulatedObject.config.jointMap = objectPose.objectJointValues;
-    //         articulatedObject.config.globalPose = objectPose.objectPoseGlobal;
-    //         articulatedObject.config.timestamp = objectPose.timestamp;
-    //         articulatedObject.instance = objectPose.objectID.instanceName();
-    //         articulatedObject.timestamp = objectPose.timestamp;
-    //         ARMARX_INFO << "Object id is " << objectId.str();
-    //         ARMARX_INFO << "Object id for objectPose is " << objectPose.objectID.str();
-    //         // Search for object class.
-    //         if (auto classInstance = findClassInstance(objectPose.objectID))
-    //         {
-    //             arondto::ObjectClass dto;
-    //             try
-    //             {
-    //                 dto.fromAron(classInstance->data());
-    //                 robot_state::description::RobotDescription description;
-    //                 fromAron(dto, description);
-    //                 articulatedObject.description = description;
-    //             }
-    //             catch (...)
-    //             {
-    //                 ARMARX_WARNING << "Conversion failed!";
-    //                 continue;
-    //             }
-    //         }
-    //         else
-    //         {
-    //             ARMARX_WARNING << "Class instance not found!";
-    //             continue;
-    //         }
-    //         if (not articulatedObject.config.jointMap.empty())
-    //         {
-    //             objects.push_back(articulatedObject);
-    //         }
-    //     }
-    //     return objects;
-    // }
-    // std::map<DateTime, objpose::ObjectPose>
-    // Segment::getObjectPosesInRange(const wm::Entity& entity,
-    //                                const DateTime& start,
-    //                                const DateTime& end)
-    // {
-    //     std::map<DateTime, objpose::ObjectPose> result;
-    //     entity.forEachSnapshotInTimeRange(
-    //         start,
-    //         end,
-    //         [&result](const wm::EntitySnapshot& snapshot)
-    //         {
-    //             snapshot.forEachInstance(
-    //                 [&result, &snapshot](const wm::EntityInstance& instance)
-    //                 {
-    //                     arondto::ObjectInstance dto;
-    //                     dto.fromAron(instance.data());
-    //                     ObjectPose pose;
-    //                     fromAron(dto, pose);
-    //                     result.emplace(snapshot.time(), pose);
-    //                 });
-    //         });
-    //     return result;
-    // }
-    // std::optional<simox::OrientedBoxf>
-    // Segment::getObjectOOBB(const ObjectID& id)
-    // {
-    //     return oobbCache.get(id);
-    // }
-    // objpose::ProviderInfo
-    // Segment::getProviderInfo(const std::string& providerName)
-    // {
-    //     try
-    //     {
-    //         return providers.at(providerName);
-    //     }
-    //     catch (const std::out_of_range&)
-    //     {
-    //         std::stringstream ss;
-    //         ss << "No provider with name '" << providerName << "' available.\n";
-    //         ss << "Available are:\n";
-    //         for (const auto& [name, _] : providers)
-    //         {
-    //             ss << "- '" << name << "'\n";
-    //         }
-    //         throw std::out_of_range(ss.str());
-    //     }
-    // }
-    // objpose::AttachObjectToRobotNodeOutput
-    // Segment::attachObjectToRobotNode(const objpose::AttachObjectToRobotNodeInput& input)
-    // {
-    //     const armem::Time now = armem::Time::Now();
-    //     objpose::AttachObjectToRobotNodeOutput output;
-    //     output.success = false; // We are not successful until proven otherwise.
-    //     ObjectID objectID = armarx::fromIce(input.objectID);
-    //     VirtualRobot::RobotPtr agent = robots.get(input.agentName);
-    //     if (not agent)
-    //     {
-    //         std::stringstream ss;
-    //         ss << "Tried to attach object " << objectID << " to unknown agent '" << input.agentName
-    //            << "'."
-    //            << "\n(You can leave the agent name empty if there is only one agent.)\n"
-    //            << "\nKnown agents: ";
-    //         for (const auto& [name, robot] : robots.loaded)
-    //         {
-    //             ss << "\n- '" << name << "'";
-    //         }
-    //         ARMARX_WARNING << ss.str();
-    //         return output;
-    //     }
-    //     ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(agent);
-    //     if (!agent->hasRobotNode(input.frameName))
-    //     {
-    //         ARMARX_WARNING << "Tried to attach object " << objectID << " to unknown node '"
-    //                        << input.frameName << "' of agent '" << agent->getName() << "'.";
-    //         return output;
-    //     }
-    //     std::string frameName = input.frameName;
-    //     // Find object pose (provider name can be empty).
-    //     wm::Entity* objectEntity = this->findObjectEntity(objectID, input.providerName);
-    //     if (!objectEntity || objectEntity->empty())
-    //     {
-    //         ARMARX_WARNING << "Tried to attach object " << objectID << " to node '" << frameName
-    //                        << "' of agent '" << agent->getName()
-    //                        << "', but object is currently not provided.";
-    //         return output;
-    //     }
-    //     arondto::ObjectInstance data = getLatestInstanceData(*objectEntity);
-    //     objpose::ObjectAttachmentInfo info;
-    //     info.agentName = agent->getName();
-    //     info.frameName = frameName;
-    //     if (input.poseInFrame)
-    //     {
-    //         info.poseInFrame = PosePtr::dynamicCast(input.poseInFrame)->toEigen();
-    //     }
-    //     else
-    //     {
-    //         ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(robots.reader);
-    //         const auto timestamp = armarx::Clock::Now();
-    //         ARMARX_CHECK(robots.reader->synchronizeRobot(*agent, timestamp));
-    //         armarx::FramedPose framed(
-    //             data.pose.objectPoseGlobal, armarx::GlobalFrame, agent->getName());
-    //         if (frameName == armarx::GlobalFrame)
-    //         {
-    //             info.poseInFrame = framed.toGlobalEigen(agent);
-    //         }
-    //         else
-    //         {
-    //             framed.changeFrame(agent, info.frameName);
-    //             info.poseInFrame = framed.toEigen();
-    //         }
-    //     }
-    //     // Store attachment in new entity snapshot.
-    //     {
-    //         armem::Commit commit;
-    //         armem::EntityUpdate& update = commit.add();
-    //         update.entityID = objectEntity->id();
-    //         update.referencedTime = now;
-    //         {
-    //             arondto::ObjectInstance updated = data;
-    //             toAron(updated.pose.attachment, info);
-    //             updated.pose.attachmentValid = true;
-    //             update.instancesData = {updated.toAron()};
-    //         }
-    //         iceMemory.commit(commit);
-    //     }
-    //     ARMARX_INFO << "Attached object " << objectID << " by provider '" << data.pose.providerName
-    //                 << "' "
-    //                 << "to node '" << info.frameName << "' of agent '" << info.agentName << "'.\n"
-    //                 << "Object pose in frame: \n"
-    //                 << info.poseInFrame;
-    //     output.success = true;
-    //     output.attachment = new objpose::data::ObjectAttachmentInfo();
-    //     output.attachment->frameName = info.frameName;
-    //     output.attachment->agentName = info.agentName;
-    //     output.attachment->poseInFrame = new Pose(info.poseInFrame);
-    //     return output;
-    // }
-    // objpose::DetachObjectFromRobotNodeOutput
-    // Segment::detachObjectFromRobotNode(const objpose::DetachObjectFromRobotNodeInput& input)
-    // {
-    //     const armem::Time now = armem::Time::Now();
-    //     ObjectID objectID = armarx::fromIce(input.objectID);
-    //     std::string providerName = input.providerName;
-    //     std::optional<objpose::arondto::ObjectAttachmentInfo> attachment;
-    //     {
-    //         // Remove from latest pose (if it was cached).
-    //         // Find object pose (provider name can be empty).
-    //         wm::Entity* entity = this->findObjectEntity(objectID, input.providerName);
-    //         if (entity)
-    //         {
-    //             const arondto::ObjectInstance data = getLatestInstanceData(*entity);
-    //             if (data.pose.attachmentValid)
-    //             {
-    //                 attachment = data.pose.attachment;
-    //                 // Store non-attached pose in new snapshot.
-    //                 storeDetachedSnapshot(*entity, data, now, input.commitAttachedPose);
-    //             }
-    //             if (providerName.empty())
-    //             {
-    //                 providerName = data.pose.providerName;
-    //             }
-    //         }
-    //     }
-    //     objpose::DetachObjectFromRobotNodeOutput output;
-    //     output.wasAttached = bool(attachment);
-    //     if (attachment)
-    //     {
-    //         ARMARX_INFO << "Detached object " << objectID << " by provider '" << providerName
-    //                     << "' from robot node '" << attachment->frameName << "' of agent '"
-    //                     << attachment->agentName << "'.";
-    //     }
-    //     else
-    //     {
-    //         ARMARX_INFO << "Tried to detach object " << objectID << " by provider '" << providerName
-    //                     << "' "
-    //                     << "from robot node, but it was not attached.";
-    //     }
-    //     return output;
-    // }
-    // objpose::DetachAllObjectsFromRobotNodesOutput
-    // Segment::detachAllObjectsFromRobotNodes(
-    //     const objpose::DetachAllObjectsFromRobotNodesInput& input)
-    // {
-    //     ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(segmentPtr);
-    //     const armem::Time now = armem::Time::Now();
-    //     objpose::DetachAllObjectsFromRobotNodesOutput output;
-    //     output.numDetached = 0;
-    //     segmentPtr->forEachEntity(
-    //         [this, now, &input, &output](wm::Entity& entity)
-    //         {
-    //             const arondto::ObjectInstance data = this->getLatestInstanceData(entity);
-    //             if (data.pose.attachmentValid)
-    //             {
-    //                 ++output.numDetached;
-    //                 // Store non-attached pose in new snapshot.
-    //                 this->storeDetachedSnapshot(entity, data, now, input.commitAttachedPose);
-    //             }
-    //         });
-    //     ARMARX_INFO << "Detached all objects (" << output.numDetached << ") from robot nodes.";
-    //     return output;
-    // }
-    // void
-    // Segment::storeDetachedSnapshot(wm::Entity& entity,
-    //                                const arondto::ObjectInstance& data,
-    //                                Time now,
-    //                                bool commitAttachedPose)
-    // {
-    //     armem::Commit commit;
-    //     armem::EntityUpdate& update = commit.add();
-    //     update.entityID = entity.id();
-    //     update.referencedTime = now;
-    //     {
-    //         arondto::ObjectInstance updated;
-    //         if (commitAttachedPose and data.pose.attachmentValid)
-    //         {
-    //             ObjectPose objectPose;
-    //             fromAron(data, objectPose);
-    //             VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot =
-    //                 robots.get(objectPose.robotName, objectPose.providerName);
-    //             bool agentSynchronized = false;
-    //             updateAttachement(objectPose, robot, agentSynchronized);
-    //             objectPose.attachment = std::nullopt;
-    //             toAron(updated, objectPose);
-    //         }
-    //         else
-    //         {
-    //             updated = data;
-    //             updated.pose.attachmentValid = false;
-    //             toAron(updated.pose.attachment, objpose::ObjectAttachmentInfo{});
-    //         }
-    //         update.instancesData = {updated.toAron()};
-    //     }
-    //     iceMemory.commit(commit);
-    // }
-    // std::optional<wm::EntityInstance>
-    // Segment::findClassInstance(const ObjectID& objectID) const
-    // {
-    //     const ObjectID classID = {objectID.dataset(), objectID.className()};
-    //     try
-    //     {
-    //         std::optional<wm::EntityInstance> result;
-    //         iceMemory.workingMemory->getCoreSegment("Class").forEachProviderSegment(
-    //             [&classID, &result](const wm::ProviderSegment& provSeg)
-    //             {
-    //                 if (provSeg.hasEntity(classID.str()))
-    //                 {
-    //                     result =
-    //                         provSeg.getEntity(classID.str()).getLatestSnapshot().getInstance(0);
-    //                     return false;
-    //                 }
-    //                 return true;
-    //             });
-    //         if (not result.has_value())
-    //         {
-    //             ARMARX_WARNING << deactivateSpam(120) << "No provider segment for classID "
-    //                            << classID.str() << " found";
-    //         }
-    //         return result;
-    //     }
-    //     catch (const armem::error::ArMemError& e)
-    //     {
-    //         // Some segment or entity did not exist.
-    //         ARMARX_WARNING << e.what();
-    //         return std::nullopt;
-    //     }
-    // }
-    // void
-    // Segment::storeScene(const std::string& filename, const armarx::objects::Scene& scene)
-    // {
-    //     if (const std::optional<std::filesystem::path> path = resolveSceneFilepath(filename))
-    //     {
-    //         ARMARX_INFO << "Storing scene snapshot at: \n" << path.value();
-    //         try
-    //         {
-    //             simox::json::write(path.value(), scene, 2);
-    //         }
-    //         catch (const simox::json::error::JsonError& e)
-    //         {
-    //             ARMARX_WARNING << "Storing scene snapshot failed: \n" << e.what();
-    //         }
-    //     }
-    // }
-    // std::optional<armarx::objects::Scene>
-    // Segment::loadScene(const std::string& filename)
-    // {
-    //     if (const std::optional<std::filesystem::path> path = resolveSceneFilepath(filename))
-    //     {
-    //         return loadScene(path.value());
-    //     }
-    //     else
-    //     {
-    //         return std::nullopt;
-    //     }
-    // }
-    // std::optional<armarx::objects::Scene>
-    // Segment::loadScene(const std::filesystem::path& path)
-    // {
-    //     try
-    //     {
-    //         ARMARX_CHECK(std::filesystem::exists(path)) << path;
-    //         return simox::json::read<armarx::objects::Scene>(path);
-    //     }
-    //     catch (const simox::json::error::JsonError& e)
-    //     {
-    //         ARMARX_WARNING << "Loading scene snapshot failed: \n" << e.what();
-    //         return std::nullopt;
-    //     }
-    // }
-    // const std::string Segment::timestampPlaceholder = "%TIMESTAMP";
-    // std::optional<std::filesystem::path>
-    // Segment::resolveSceneFilepath(const std::string& _filename)
-    // {
-    //     std::stringstream log;
-    //     std::filesystem::path filepath = _filename;
-    //     filepath = simox::alg::replace_all(
-    //         filepath, timestampPlaceholder, Time::Now().toString("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"));
-    //     if (not simox::alg::ends_with(filepath, ".json"))
-    //     {
-    //         filepath += ".json";
-    //     }
-    //     if (filepath.is_absolute())
-    //     {
-    //         return filepath;
-    //     }
-    //     armarx::PackagePath packagePath = [&filepath, this]()
-    //     {
-    //         if (filepath.has_parent_path())
-    //         {
-    //             // Interpret the first component as package name.
-    //             std::string packageName = *filepath.begin();
-    //             return PackagePath(packageName, std::filesystem::relative(filepath, packageName));
-    //         }
-    //         else
-    //         {
-    //             // Only a filename => Interprete it as relative to 'Package/scenes/'.
-    //             return PackagePath(p.sceneSnapshotsPackage, p.sceneSnapshotsDirectory / filepath);
-    //         }
-    //     }();
-    //     try
-    //     {
-    //         std::filesystem::path systemPath = packagePath.toSystemPath();
-    //         return systemPath;
-    //     }
-    //     catch (const armarx::PackageNotFoundException& e)
-    //     {
-    //         ARMARX_INFO << "Could not interpret '" << packagePath.serialize().package
-    //                     << "' as ArmarX package name (" << e.what() << ").";
-    //         return std::nullopt;
-    //     }
-    // }
-    // armarx::objects::Scene
-    // Segment::getSceneSnapshot() const
-    // {
-    //     using armarx::objects::SceneObject;
-    //     // We only store the latest version of each objectID.
-    //     struct StampedSceneObject
-    //     {
-    //         SceneObject object;
-    //         Time timestamp;
-    //     };
-    //     std::map<ObjectID, StampedSceneObject> objects;
-    //     segmentPtr->forEachEntity(
-    //         [&objects](wm::Entity& entity)
-    //         {
-    //             const wm::EntityInstance* entityInstance = entity.findLatestInstance();
-    //             if (entityInstance)
-    //             {
-    //                 std::optional<arondto::ObjectInstance> objectInstance =
-    //                     tryCast<arondto::ObjectInstance>(*entityInstance);
-    //                 if (objectInstance)
-    //                 {
-    //                     const ObjectID objectID =
-    //                         ObjectID::FromString(objectInstance->classID.entityName);
-    //                     auto it = objects.find(objectID);
-    //                     if (it == objects.end() or
-    //                         objectInstance->pose.timestamp > it->second.timestamp)
-    //                     {
-    //                         StampedSceneObject& stamped = objects[objectID];
-    //                         stamped.timestamp = objectInstance->pose.timestamp;
-    //                         SceneObject& object = stamped.object;
-    //                         object.className = objectID.getClassID().str();
-    //                         object.instanceName = objectID.instanceName();
-    //                         object.collection = "";
-    //                         object.position =
-    //                             simox::math::position(objectInstance->pose.objectPoseGlobal);
-    //                         object.orientation =
-    //                             simox::math::orientation(objectInstance->pose.objectPoseGlobal);
-    //                         object.isStatic = objectInstance->pose.isStatic;
-    //                         object.jointValues = objectInstance->pose.objectJointValues;
-    //                     }
-    //                 }
-    //             }
-    //         });
-    //     armarx::objects::Scene scene;
-    //     for (const auto& [id, stamped] : objects)
-    //     {
-    //         scene.objects.emplace_back(std::move(stamped.object));
-    //     }
-    //     return scene;
-    // }
-    // void
-    // Segment::commitSceneSnapshot(const armarx::objects::Scene& scene, const std::string& sceneName)
-    // {
-    //     const Time now = Time::Now();
-    //     std::map<ObjectID, int> idCounters;
-    //     objpose::ObjectPoseSeq objectPoses;
-    //     for (const auto& object : scene.objects)
-    //     {
-    //         if (simox::alg::starts_with(object.className, "#"))
-    //         {
-    //             // marked to be ignored
-    //             continue;
-    //         }
-    //         const ObjectID classID = object.getClassID(objectFinder);
-    //         objpose::ObjectPose& pose = objectPoses.emplace_back();
-    //         pose.providerName = sceneName;
-    //         pose.objectType = objpose::ObjectType::KnownObject;
-    //         // If not specified, assume loaded objects are static.
-    //         pose.isStatic = object.isStatic.has_value() ? object.isStatic.value() : true;
-    //         pose.objectID = classID.withInstanceName(object.instanceName.empty()
-    //                                                      ? std::to_string(idCounters[classID]++)
-    //                                                      : object.instanceName);
-    //         pose.objectPoseGlobal = simox::math::pose(object.position, object.orientation);
-    //         pose.objectPoseRobot = pose.objectPoseGlobal;
-    //         pose.objectPoseOriginal = pose.objectPoseGlobal;
-    //         pose.objectPoseOriginalFrame = armarx::GlobalFrame;
-    //         pose.objectJointValues = object.jointValues;
-    //         pose.robotConfig = {};
-    //         pose.robotPose = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
-    //         pose.robotName = "";
-    //         pose.confidence = 1.0;
-    //         pose.localOOBB = getObjectOOBB(classID);
-    //         pose.timestamp = now;
-    //     }
-    //     commitObjectPoses(objectPoses);
-    // }
-    // void
-    // Segment::commitSceneSnapshotFromFilename(const std::string& filename, bool lockMemory)
-    // {
-    //     std::stringstream ss;
-    //     ss << "Loading scene '" << filename << "' ...";
-    //     if (std::optional<std::filesystem::path> path = resolveSceneFilepath(filename))
-    //     {
-    //         ARMARX_INFO << ss.str() << "\nfrom " << path.value();
-    //         if (const auto snapshot = loadScene(path.value()))
-    //         {
-    //             auto makeSceneName = [](const std::filesystem::path& path)
-    //             {
-    //                 std::filesystem::path filename = path.filename();
-    //                 filename.replace_extension(); // Removes extension
-    //                 return filename.string();
-    //             };
-    //             std::string sceneName = makeSceneName(path.value());
-    //             // The check seems useless?
-    //             if (lockMemory)
-    //             {
-    //                 segmentPtr->doLocked([this, &snapshot, &sceneName]()
-    //                                      { commitSceneSnapshot(snapshot.value(), sceneName); });
-    //             }
-    //             else
-    //             {
-    //                 commitSceneSnapshot(snapshot.value(), sceneName);
-    //             }
-    //         }
-    //     }
-    //     else
-    //     {
-    //         ARMARX_INFO << ss.str() << " failed: Could not resolve scene name or path.";
-    //     }
-    // }
-    // void
-    // Segment::RemoteGui::setup(const Segment& data)
-    // {
-    //     using namespace armarx::RemoteGui::Client;
-    //     maxHistorySize.setValue(std::max(1, int(data.properties.maxHistorySize)));
-    //     maxHistorySize.setRange(1, 1e6);
-    //     infiniteHistory.setValue(data.properties.maxHistorySize == -1);
-    //     discardSnapshotsWhileAttached.setValue(data.p.discardSnapshotsWhileAttached);
-    //     const std::string storeLoadPath = [&data]()
-    //     {
-    //         const std::vector<std::string> scenes = data.p.getSceneSnapshotsToLoad();
-    //         if (scenes.empty())
-    //         {
-    //             std::string storeLoadFilename = "Scene_" + timestampPlaceholder;
-    //             return data.p.sceneSnapshotsPackage + "/" + data.p.sceneSnapshotsToLoad;
-    //         }
-    //         else
-    //         {
-    //             return scenes.front();
-    //         }
-    //     }();
-    //     storeLoadLine.setValue(storeLoadPath);
-    //     loadButton.setLabel("Load Scene");
-    //     storeButton.setLabel("Store Scene");
-    //     HBoxLayout storeLoadLineLayout({storeLoadLine, Label(".json")});
-    //     HBoxLayout storeLoadButtonsLayout({loadButton, storeButton});
-    //     detachAllObjectsButton.setLabel("Detach All Objects");
-    //     detachAllObjectsCommitAttachedPoseCheckBox.setValue(true);
-    //     HBoxLayout detachAllObjectsCommitAttachedPoseLayout(
-    //         {Label("Commit Attached Pose"), detachAllObjectsCommitAttachedPoseCheckBox});
-    //     GridLayout grid;
-    //     int row = 0;
-    //     grid.add(storeLoadLineLayout, {row, 0}, {1, 2});
-    //     row++;
-    //     grid.add(storeLoadButtonsLayout, {row, 0}, {1, 2});
-    //     row++;
-    //     grid.add(Label("Max History Size"), {row, 0}).add(maxHistorySize, {row, 1});
-    //     row++;
-    //     grid.add(Label("Infinite History Size"), {row, 0}).add(infiniteHistory, {row, 1});
-    //     row++;
-    //     grid.add(Label("Discard Snapshots while Attached"), {row, 0})
-    //         .add(discardSnapshotsWhileAttached, {row, 1});
-    //     row++;
-    //     grid.add(detachAllObjectsButton, {row, 0})
-    //         .add(detachAllObjectsCommitAttachedPoseLayout, {row, 1});
-    //     group.setLabel("Data");
-    //     group.addChild(grid);
-    // }
-    // void
-    // Segment::RemoteGui::update(Segment& segment)
-    // {
-    //     if (loadButton.wasClicked())
-    //     {
-    //         bool lockMemory = true;
-    //         segment.commitSceneSnapshotFromFilename(storeLoadLine.getValue(), lockMemory);
-    //     }
-    //     if (storeButton.wasClicked())
-    //     {
-    //         armarx::objects::Scene scene;
-    //         segment.doLocked([&scene, &segment]() { scene = segment.getSceneSnapshot(); });
-    //         segment.storeScene(storeLoadLine.getValue(), scene);
-    //     }
-    //     if (infiniteHistory.hasValueChanged() || maxHistorySize.hasValueChanged() ||
-    //         discardSnapshotsWhileAttached.hasValueChanged())
-    //     {
-    //         segment.doLocked(
-    //             [this, &segment]()
-    //             {
-    //                 if (infiniteHistory.hasValueChanged() || maxHistorySize.hasValueChanged())
-    //                 {
-    //                     segment.properties.maxHistorySize =
-    //                         infiniteHistory.getValue() ? -1 : maxHistorySize.getValue();
-    //                     if (segment.segmentPtr)
-    //                     {
-    //                         segment.segmentPtr->setMaxHistorySize(
-    //                             long(segment.properties.maxHistorySize));
-    //                     }
-    //                 }
-    //                 segment.p.discardSnapshotsWhileAttached =
-    //                     discardSnapshotsWhileAttached.getValue();
-    //             });
-    //     }
-    //     if (detachAllObjectsButton.wasClicked())
-    //     {
-    //         objpose::DetachAllObjectsFromRobotNodesInput input;
-    //         input.commitAttachedPose = detachAllObjectsCommitAttachedPoseCheckBox.getValue();
-    //         objpose::DetachAllObjectsFromRobotNodesOutput output = segment.doLocked(
-    //             [&segment, &input]() { return segment.detachAllObjectsFromRobotNodes(input); });
-    //         (void)output;
-    //     }
-    // }
     Segment::RobotsCache::get(const std::string& _robotName, const std::string& providerName)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/Segment.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/Segment.h
index 9a113e8aecf42a562129d6cc1cef7db6645fdf73..f5fa90ad48d7b7a8d5529fc7b46e5d876f6b845f 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/Segment.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/Segment.h
@@ -70,102 +70,17 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::familiar_object_instance
                     const std::string& providerName);
-        // CommitStats commitObjectPoses(const std::string& providerName,
-        //                               const objpose::data::ProvidedObjectPoseSeq& providedPoses,
-        //                               const Calibration& calibration,
-        //                               std::optional<Time> discardUpdatesUntil = std::nullopt);
-        // void commitObjectPoses(const ObjectPoseSeq& objectPoses,
-        //                        const std::string& providerName = "");
-        // objpose::ObjectPoseMap getObjectPoses(const DateTime& now);
-        // objpose::ObjectPoseMap getObjectPosesByProvider(const std::string& providerName,
-        //                                                 const DateTime& now);
-        // wm::Entity* findObjectEntity(const ObjectID& objectID,
-        //                              const std::string& providerName = "");
-        // std::optional<simox::OrientedBoxf> getObjectOOBB(const ObjectID& id);
-        // objpose::ProviderInfo getProviderInfo(const std::string& providerName);
-        // objpose::AttachObjectToRobotNodeOutput
-        // attachObjectToRobotNode(const objpose::AttachObjectToRobotNodeInput& input);
-        // objpose::DetachObjectFromRobotNodeOutput
-        // detachObjectFromRobotNode(const objpose::DetachObjectFromRobotNodeInput& input);
-        // objpose::DetachAllObjectsFromRobotNodesOutput
-        // detachAllObjectsFromRobotNodes(const objpose::DetachAllObjectsFromRobotNodesInput& input);
-        /**
-         * @brief If the object is attached to a robot node, update it according to the current robot state.
-         *
-         * If there is no attachement info in `objectPose` itself, the internal data
-         * structure `attachments` is queried. If an attachment is found there,
-         * it is written into the given `objectPose` (thus, it is "cached" in the
-         * info `objectPose`).
-         *
-         * @param synchronized Indicates whether the agent is already synchronized to the current time.
-         */
-        // void updateAttachement(ObjectPose& objectPose,
-        //                        VirtualRobot::RobotPtr agent,
-        //                        bool& synchronized) const;
         getFamiliarObjects(const DateTime& now);
         std::map<std::string, std::vector<armarx::armem::arondto::FamiliarObjectInstance>>
         getFamiliarObjectsByProvider(const DateTime& now);
-        // static ObjectPoseMap getLatestObjectPoses(const wm::ProviderSegment& provSeg);
-        // static ObjectPose getLatestObjectPose(const wm::Entity& entity);
-        // static void getLatestObjectPoses(const wm::CoreSegment& coreSeg, ObjectPoseMap& out);
-        // static void getLatestObjectPoses(const wm::ProviderSegment& provSeg, ObjectPoseMap& out);
-        // static void getLatestObjectPose(const wm::Entity& entity, ObjectPose& out);
-        // static arondto::ObjectInstance getLatestInstanceData(const wm::Entity& entity);
-        // static std::map<DateTime, ObjectPose>
-        // getObjectPosesInRange(const wm::Entity& entity, const DateTime& start, const DateTime& end);
-        // ObjectPoseMap getLatestObjectPoses() const;
-        // void updateObjectPoses(ObjectPoseMap& objectPoses, const DateTime& now);
-        // void updateObjectPoses(ObjectPoseMap& objectPoses,
-        //                        const DateTime& now,
-        //                        VirtualRobot::RobotPtr agent,
-        //                        bool& agentSynchronized) const;
-        // void updateObjectPose(ObjectPose& objectPose,
-        //                       const DateTime& now,
-        //                       VirtualRobot::RobotPtr agent,
-        //                       bool& agentSynchronized) const;
-        // ObjectPoseMap filterObjectPoses(const ObjectPoseMap& objectPoses) const;
-        // void storeDetachedSnapshot(wm::Entity& entity,
-        //                            const arondto::ObjectInstance& data,
-        //                            Time now,
-        //                            bool commitAttachedPose);
-        // std::optional<wm::EntityInstance> findClassInstance(const ObjectID& objectID) const;
         friend struct DetachVisitor;
-    private:
-        // void storeScene(const std::string& filename, const armarx::objects::Scene& scene);
-        // armarx::objects::Scene getSceneSnapshot() const;
-        // void commitSceneSnapshot(const armarx::objects::Scene& scene, const std::string& sceneName);
-        // void commitSceneSnapshotFromFilename(const std::string& filename, bool lockMemory);
         /// Loaded robot models identified by the robot name.
         struct RobotsCache : public armarx::Logging
@@ -194,54 +109,15 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::familiar_object_instance
         struct Properties
-            // bool discardSnapshotsWhileAttached = true;
-            // /// Package containing the scene snapshots
-            // std::string sceneSnapshotsPackage = armarx::ObjectFinder::DefaultObjectsPackageName;
-            // std::string sceneSnapshotsDirectory = "scenes";
-            // std::string sceneSnapshotsToLoad = "";
-            // bool autoReloadSceneSnapshotsOnFileChange = false;
-            // std::vector<std::string> getSceneSnapshotsToLoad() const;
         Properties p;
-        /// Caches results of attempts to retrieve the OOBB from ArmarXObjects.
-        // simox::caching::CacheMap<ObjectID, std::optional<simox::OrientedBoxf>> oobbCache;
-        /// Class name -> dataset name.
-        // simox::caching::CacheMap<std::string, std::string> classNameToDatasetCache;
-        // std::unique_ptr<CMakePackageFinder> finder;
         static const std::string timestampPlaceholder;
-    public:
-        // struct RemoteGui
-        // {
-        //     armarx::RemoteGui::Client::GroupBox group;
-        //     armarx::RemoteGui::Client::LineEdit storeLoadLine;
-        //     armarx::RemoteGui::Client::Button storeButton;
-        //     armarx::RemoteGui::Client::Button loadButton;
-        //     armarx::RemoteGui::Client::IntSpinBox maxHistorySize;
-        //     armarx::RemoteGui::Client::CheckBox infiniteHistory;
-        //     armarx::RemoteGui::Client::CheckBox discardSnapshotsWhileAttached;
-        //     armarx::RemoteGui::Client::Button detachAllObjectsButton;
-        //     armarx::RemoteGui::Client::CheckBox detachAllObjectsCommitAttachedPoseCheckBox;
-        //     void setup(const Segment& data);
-        //     void update(Segment& data);
-        // };
-        // private:
-        //     SimpleRunningTask<>::pointer_type fileWatcherTask;
 } // namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::familiar_object_instance
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/SegmentAdapter.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/SegmentAdapter.cpp
index 7a4397da146cb78a78f1caf7f96a82208ac36a64..dab922c5a7d4726ec5655e6450fe7ff864438461 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/SegmentAdapter.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/SegmentAdapter.cpp
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 #include <iterator>
 #include <memory>
+#include <optional>
 #include <SimoxUtility/algorithm/get_map_keys_values.h>
 #include <VirtualRobot/Robot.h>
@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/ice_conversions/ice_conversions_templates.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/logging/Logging.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/time/CycleUtil.h>
+#include <ArmarXCore/core/time/DateTime.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/time/Duration.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/time/Frequency.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/time/Metronome.h>
@@ -112,8 +114,18 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::familiar_object_instance
         const Ice::Current&)
+        if(data.empty())
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        // Note, that in general, timestamps in `data` can differ. Therefore, we maintain the sync timestamp 
+        // and check whether we have to update the robot. Otherwise, we can avoid these Ice calls.
+        std::optional<armarx::DateTime> syncTimestamp;
         const auto convertAndFillFamiliarObjectInstances =
-            [this, providerName](const ::armarx::aron::data::dto::DictPtr& data)
+            [this, providerName, &syncTimestamp](const ::armarx::aron::data::dto::DictPtr& data)
             -> armarx::armem::arondto::FamiliarObjectInstance
             auto famObjInstance = armarx::armem::arondto::FamiliarObjectInstance::FromAron(data);
@@ -130,9 +142,13 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::familiar_object_instance
                 segment.robots.get(famObjInstance.poseSensFrame.header.agent, providerName);
             ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(robot) << famObjInstance.poseSensFrame.header.agent;
-            // const Time timestamp = armarx::fromIce<Time>(famObjInstance);
-            // FIXME proper timestmap
-            ARMARX_CHECK(segment.robots.reader->synchronizeRobot(*robot, armarx::Clock::Now()));
+            if(not syncTimestamp.has_value() or syncTimestamp.value() != famObjInstance.timestamp)
+            {
+                ARMARX_CHECK(segment.robots.reader->synchronizeRobot(*robot, famObjInstance.timestamp));
+                syncTimestamp = famObjInstance.timestamp;
+            }
             // fill global pose info
@@ -154,40 +170,6 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::familiar_object_instance
         segment.commit(familiarObjectInstances, providerName);
-    // void SegmentAdapter::reportProviderAvailable(const std::string& providerName, const objpose::ProviderInfo& info, const Ice::Current&)
-    // {
-    //     updateProviderInfo(providerName, info);
-    // }
-    // void SegmentAdapter::reportObjectPoses(
-    //     const std::string& providerName, const objpose::data::ProvidedObjectPoseSeq& providedPoses, const Ice::Current&)
-    // {
-    //     ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Received " << providedPoses.size() << " object poses from provider '" << providerName << "'.";
-    //     updateObjectPoses(providerName, providedPoses);
-    // }
-    // void SegmentAdapter::updateProviderInfo(const std::string& providerName, const objpose::ProviderInfo& info)
-    // {
-    //     if (!info.proxy)
-    //     {
-    //         ARMARX_WARNING << "Received availability signal by provider '" << providerName << "' "
-    //                        << "with invalid provider proxy.\nIgnoring provider '" << providerName << "'.";
-    //         return;
-    //     }
-    //     segment.doLocked([this, &providerName, &info]()
-    //     {
-    //         std::stringstream ss;
-    //         for (const auto& id : info.supportedObjects)
-    //         {
-    //             ss << "- " << id << "\n";
-    //         }
-    //         ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Provider '" << providerName << "' available.\n"
-    //                        << "Supported objects: \n" << ss.str();
-    //         segment.providers[providerName] = info;
-    //     });
-    // }
@@ -200,314 +182,16 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::familiar_object_instance
-    // objpose::data::ObjectPoseSeq SegmentAdapter::getObjectPoses(const Ice::Current&)
-    // {
-    //     TIMING_START(tGetObjectPoses);
-    //     const Time now = Time::Now();
-    //     const objpose::ObjectPoseSeq objectPoses = segment.doLocked([this, &now]()
-    //     {
-    //         return simox::alg::get_values(segment.getObjectPoses(now));
-    //     });
-    //     const objpose::data::ObjectPoseSeq result = objpose::toIce(objectPoses);
-    //     TIMING_END_STREAM(tGetObjectPoses, ARMARX_VERBOSE);
-    //     if (debugObserver)
-    //     {
-    //         debugObserver->setDebugChannel(getName(),
-    //         {
-    //             { "t GetObjectPoses() [ms]", new Variant(tGetObjectPoses.toMilliSecondsDouble()) },
-    //         });
-    //     }
-    //     return result;
-    // }
-    // objpose::data::ObjectPoseSeq SegmentAdapter::getObjectPosesByProvider(const std::string& providerName, const Ice::Current&)
-    // {
-    //     TIMING_START(GetObjectPoses);
-    //     const Time now = Time::Now();
-    //     const objpose::ObjectPoseSeq objectPoses = segment.doLocked([this, &now, &providerName]()
-    //     {
-    //         return simox::alg::get_values(segment.getObjectPosesByProvider(providerName, now));
-    //     });
-    //     const objpose::data::ObjectPoseSeq result = objpose::toIce(objectPoses);
-    //     TIMING_END_STREAM(GetObjectPoses, ARMARX_VERBOSE);
-    //     if (debugObserver)
-    //     {
-    //         debugObserver->setDebugChannel(getName(),
-    //         {
-    //             { "t GetObjectPosesByProvider() [ms]", new Variant(GetObjectPoses.toMilliSecondsDouble()) },
-    //         });
-    //     }
-    //     return result;
-    // }
-    // objpose::observer::RequestObjectsOutput SegmentAdapter::requestObjects(
-    //     const objpose::observer::RequestObjectsInput& input, const Ice::Current&)
-    // {
-    //     std::map<std::string, objpose::provider::RequestObjectsInput> providerRequests;
-    //     std::map<std::string, objpose::ObjectPoseProviderPrx> proxies;
-    //     objpose::observer::RequestObjectsOutput output;
-    //     auto updateProxy = [&](const std::string & providerName)
-    //     {
-    //         if (proxies.count(providerName) == 0)
-    //         {
-    //             if (auto it = segment.providers.find(providerName); it != segment.providers.end())
-    //             {
-    //                 proxies[providerName] = it->second.proxy;
-    //             }
-    //             else
-    //             {
-    //                 ARMARX_ERROR << "No proxy for provider ' " << providerName << "'.";
-    //                 proxies[providerName] = nullptr;
-    //             }
-    //         }
-    //     };
-    //     if (input.provider.size() > 0)
-    //     {
-    //         providerRequests[input.provider] = input.request;
-    //         updateProxy(input.provider);
-    //     }
-    //     else
-    //     {
-    //         segment.doLocked([&]()
-    //         {
-    //             for (const auto& objectID : input.request.objectIDs)
-    //             {
-    //                 bool found = true;
-    //                 for (const auto& [providerName, info] : segment.providers)
-    //                 {
-    //                     // ToDo: optimize look up.
-    //                     if (std::find(info.supportedObjects.begin(), info.supportedObjects.end(), objectID) != info.supportedObjects.end())
-    //                     {
-    //                         providerRequests[providerName].objectIDs.push_back(objectID);
-    //                         updateProxy(providerName);
-    //                         break;
-    //                     }
-    //                 }
-    //                 if (!found)
-    //                 {
-    //                     ARMARX_ERROR << "Did not find a provider for " << objectID << ".";
-    //                     output.results[objectID].providerName = "";
-    //                 }
-    //             }
-    //         });
-    //     }
-    //     for (const auto& [providerName, request] : providerRequests)
-    //     {
-    //         if (objpose::ObjectPoseProviderPrx proxy = proxies.at(providerName); proxy)
-    //         {
-    //             ARMARX_INFO << "Requesting " << request.objectIDs.size() << " objects by provider '"
-    //                         << providerName << "' for " << request.relativeTimeoutMS << " ms.";
-    //             objpose::provider::RequestObjectsOutput providerOutput = proxy->requestObjects(request);
-    //             int successful = 0;
-    //             for (const auto& [objectID, result] : providerOutput.results)
-    //             {
-    //                 objpose::observer::ObjectRequestResult& res = output.results[objectID];
-    //                 res.providerName = providerName;
-    //                 res.result = result;
-    //                 successful += int(result.success);
-    //             }
-    //             ARMARX_INFO << successful << " of " << request.objectIDs.size() << " object requests successful.";
-    //         }
-    //     }
-    //     return output;
-    // }
-    // objpose::ProviderInfoMap SegmentAdapter::getAvailableProvidersInfo(const Ice::Current&)
-    // {
-    //     return segment.doLocked([this]()
-    //     {
-    //         return segment.providers;
-    //     });
-    // }
-    // Ice::StringSeq SegmentAdapter::getAvailableProviderNames(const Ice::Current&)
-    // {
-    //     return segment.doLocked([this]()
-    //     {
-    //         return simox::alg::get_keys(segment.providers);
-    //     });
-    // }
-    // objpose::ProviderInfo SegmentAdapter::getProviderInfo(const std::string& providerName, const Ice::Current&)
-    // {
-    //     return segment.doLocked([this, &providerName]()
-    //     {
-    //         return segment.getProviderInfo(providerName);
-    //     });
-    // }
-    // bool SegmentAdapter::hasProvider(const std::string& providerName, const Ice::Current&)
-    // {
-    //     return segment.doLocked([this, &providerName]()
-    //     {
-    //         return segment.providers.count(providerName) > 0;
-    //     });
-    // }
-    // objpose::AttachObjectToRobotNodeOutput SegmentAdapter::attachObjectToRobotNode(
-    //     const objpose::AttachObjectToRobotNodeInput& input, const Ice::Current&)
-    // {
-    //     return segment.doLocked([this, &input]()
-    //     {
-    //         return segment.attachObjectToRobotNode(input);
-    //     });
-    // }
-    // objpose::DetachObjectFromRobotNodeOutput SegmentAdapter::detachObjectFromRobotNode(
-    //     const objpose::DetachObjectFromRobotNodeInput& input, const Ice::Current&)
-    // {
-    //     return segment.doLocked([this, &input]()
-    //     {
-    //         return segment.detachObjectFromRobotNode(input);
-    //     });
-    // }
-    // objpose::DetachAllObjectsFromRobotNodesOutput SegmentAdapter::detachAllObjectsFromRobotNodes(
-    //     const objpose::DetachAllObjectsFromRobotNodesInput& input, const Ice::Current&)
-    // {
-    //     return segment.doLocked([this, &input]()
-    //     {
-    //         return segment.detachAllObjectsFromRobotNodes(input);
-    //     });
-    // }
-    // objpose::AgentFramesSeq SegmentAdapter::getAttachableFrames(const Ice::Current&)
-    // {
-    //     return segment.doLocked([this]()
-    //     {
-    //         objpose::AgentFramesSeq output;
-    //         for (const auto& [name, agent] : segment.robots.loaded)
-    //         {
-    //             objpose::AgentFrames& frames = output.emplace_back();
-    //             frames.agent = agent->getName();
-    //             frames.frames = agent->getRobotNodeNames();
-    //         }
-    //         return output;
-    //     });
-    // }
-    // objpose::SignalHeadMovementOutput
-    // SegmentAdapter::signalHeadMovement(const objpose::SignalHeadMovementInput& input, const Ice::Current&)
-    // {
-    //     std::scoped_lock lock(robotHeadMutex);
-    //     return robotHead.signalHeadMovement(input);
-    // }
-    // objpose::ObjectPosePredictionResultSeq
-    // SegmentAdapter::predictObjectPoses(const objpose::ObjectPosePredictionRequestSeq& requests,
-    //                                    const Ice::Current&)
-    // {
-    //     objpose::ObjectPosePredictionResultSeq results;
-    //     std::vector<std::map<DateTime, objpose::ObjectPose>> poses;
-    //     std::vector<objpose::ObjectPose> latestPoses;
-    //     segment.doLocked(
-    //         [this, &requests, &results, &poses, &latestPoses]()
-    //         {
-    //             for (const auto& request : requests)
-    //             {
-    //                 auto& result = results.emplace_back();
-    //                 const ObjectID objID = armarx::fromIce(request.objectID);
-    //                 const Duration timeWindow = armarx::fromIce<Duration>(request.timeWindow);
-    //                 const wm::Entity* entity = segment.findObjectEntity(objID);
-    //                 // Use result.success as a marker for whether to continue later
-    //                 result.success = false;
-    //                 poses.emplace_back();
-    //                 latestPoses.emplace_back();
-    //                 if (!entity)
-    //                 {
-    //                     std::stringstream sstream;
-    //                     sstream << "Could not find object with ID " << objID << ".";
-    //                     result.errorMessage = sstream.str();
-    //                     continue;
-    //                 }
-    //                 const auto dto = entity->findLatestInstanceDataAs<arondto::ObjectInstance>();
-    //                 if (!dto)
-    //                 {
-    //                     std::stringstream sstream;
-    //                     sstream << "No snapshots of the object " << objID << " were found."
-    //                             << " Cannot make a prediction.";
-    //                     result.errorMessage = sstream.str();
-    //                     continue;
-    //                 }
-    //                 result.success = true;
-    //                 poses.back() = segment.getObjectPosesInRange(
-    //                     *entity, Time::Now() - timeWindow, Time::Invalid());
-    //                 latestPoses.back() = aron::fromAron<objpose::ObjectPose>(dto.value().pose);
-    //             }
-    //         });
-    //     for (size_t i = 0; i < requests.size(); ++i)
-    //     {
-    //         const objpose::ObjectPosePredictionRequest& request = requests.at(i);
-    //         objpose::ObjectPosePredictionResult& result = results.at(i);
-    //         if (result.success)
-    //         {
-    //             armem::PredictionSettings settings =
-    //                     armem::PredictionSettings::fromIce(request.settings);
-    //             if (settings.predictionEngineID.empty()
-    //                 or settings.predictionEngineID == linearPredictionEngineID)
-    //             {
-    //                 result = objpose::predictObjectPoseLinear(
-    //                     poses.at(i),
-    //                     armarx::fromIce<DateTime>(request.timestamp),
-    //                     latestPoses.at(i));
-    //             }
-    //             else
-    //             {
-    //                 result.errorMessage = "Prediction engine '" + settings.predictionEngineID +
-    //                                       "' not available for object pose prediction.";
-    //                 result.success = false;
-    //             }
-    //         }
-    //     }
-    //     return results;
-    // }
-    // armem::prediction::data::PredictionEngineSeq
-    // SegmentAdapter::getAvailableObjectPoseEngines(const Ice::Current&)
-    // {
-    //     return armarx::toIce<armem::prediction::data::PredictionEngineSeq>(predictionEngines);
-    // }
-    // FIXME implement
-        // if (not visu.enabled)
-        // {
-        //     ARMARX_INFO << "Visu disabled";
-        //     return;
-        // }
+        if (not visu.enabled)
+        {
+            ARMARX_INFO << "Visu disabled";
+            return;
+        }
         armarx::Metronome metronome(armarx::Frequency::HertzDouble(visu.frequencyHz));
@@ -530,78 +214,7 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::familiar_object_instance
-    //     ObjectFinder objectFinder;
-    //     CycleUtil cycle(static_cast<int>(1000 / visu.frequencyHz));
-    //     while (visu.updateTask && !visu.updateTask->isStopped())
-    //     {
-    //         {
-    //             std::scoped_lock lock(visuMutex);
-    //             if (visu.enabled)
-    //             {
-    //                 TIMING_START(tVisu);
-    //                 objpose::ObjectPoseMap objectPoses;
-    //                 std::map<ObjectID, std::map<DateTime, objpose::ObjectPose>> poseHistories;
-    //                 visu.minConfidence = -1;
-    //                 segment.doLocked([this, &objectPoses, &poseHistories, &objectFinder]()
-    //                 {
-    //                     const Time now = Time::Now();
-    //                     // Also include decayed objects in result
-    //                     // Store original setting.
-    //                     const float minConf = segment.decay.removeObjectsBelowConfidence;
-    //                     segment.decay.removeObjectsBelowConfidence = -1;
-    //                     // Get result.
-    //                     objectPoses = segment.getObjectPoses(now);
-    //                     // Restore original setting.
-    //                     segment.decay.removeObjectsBelowConfidence = minConf;
-    //                     objectFinder = segment.objectFinder;
-    //                     if (segment.decay.enabled)
-    //                     {
-    //                         visu.minConfidence = segment.decay.removeObjectsBelowConfidence;
-    //                     }
-    //                     // Get histories.
-    //                     for (const auto& [id, objectPose] : objectPoses)
-    //                     {
-    //                         const wm::Entity* entity = segment.findObjectEntity(id);
-    //                         if (entity != nullptr)
-    //                         {
-    //                             poseHistories[id] = familiar_object_instance::Segment::getObjectPosesInRange(
-    //                                 *entity,
-    //                                 Time::Now() - Duration::SecondsDouble(
-    //                                                   visu.linearPredictions.timeWindowSeconds),
-    //                                 Time::Invalid());
-    //                         }
-    //                     }
-    //                 });
-    //                 const std::vector<viz::Layer> layers =
-    //                     visu.visualizeCommit(objectPoses, poseHistories, objectFinder);
-    //                 arviz.commit(layers);
-    //                 TIMING_END_STREAM(tVisu, ARMARX_VERBOSE);
-    //                 if (debugObserver)
-    //                 {
-    //                     armarx::StringVariantBaseMap debugValues;
-    //                     debugValues["t Visualize [ms]"] = new Variant(tVisu.toMilliSecondsDouble());
-    //                     for (const auto& [id, pose] : objectPoses)
-    //                     {
-    //                         debugValues["confidence(" + id.str() + ")"] = new Variant(pose.confidence);
-    //                     }
-    //                     debugObserver->setDebugChannel(getName(), debugValues);
-    //                 }
-    //             }
-    //         }
-    //         cycle.waitForCycleDuration();
-    //     }
-    // }
 } // namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::familiar_object_instance
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/Visu.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/Visu.cpp
index 7dabba527d94f03ce7806832ccbf7a1f92e7a3c8..4fae54877da2538c247c102011e86d4a1ba2ceb0 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/Visu.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/Visu.cpp
@@ -41,30 +41,8 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::familiar_object_instance
             objectFramesScale, prefix + "objectFramesScale", "Scaling of object frames.");
-        gaussians.defineProperties(defs, prefix + "gaussians.");
-        defs->optional(useArticulatedModels,
-                       prefix + "useArticulatedModels",
-                       "Prefer articulated object models if available.");
-    }
-    void
-    Visu::Gaussians::defineProperties(PropertyDefinitionsPtr defs, const std::string& prefix)
-    {
-        defs->optional(
-            position, prefix + "position", "Enable showing pose gaussians (position part).");
-        defs->optional(
-            positionScale, prefix + "positionScale", "Scaling of pose gaussians (position part).");
-        defs->optional(
-            orientation, prefix + "position", "Enable showing pose gaussians (orientation part).");
-        defs->optional(orientationScale,
-                       prefix + "positionScale",
-                       "Scaling of pose gaussians (orientation part).");
-        defs->optional(
-            orientationDisplaced,
-            prefix + "positionDisplaced",
-            "Displace center orientation (co)variance circle arrows along their rotation axis.");
@@ -125,366 +103,5 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::familiar_object_instance
-    std::vector<viz::Layer>
-    Visu::visualizeCommit(
-        const std::map<std::string, objpose::ObjectPoseSeq>& objectPoses,
-        const std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::map<DateTime, objpose::ObjectPose>>>&
-            poseHistories,
-        const ObjectFinder& objectFinder) const
-    {
-        std::vector<viz::Layer> layers;
-        for (const auto& [name, poses] : objectPoses)
-        {
-            if (name.empty())
-            {
-                continue;
-            }
-            auto poseHistoryMap = poseHistories.find(name);
-            if (poseHistoryMap != poseHistories.end())
-            {
-                layers.push_back(
-                    visualizeProvider(name, poses, poseHistoryMap->second, objectFinder));
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                layers.push_back(visualizeProvider(name, poses, {}, objectFinder));
-            }
-        }
-        return layers;
-    }
-    std::vector<viz::Layer>
-    Visu::visualizeCommit(const objpose::ObjectPoseSeq& objectPoses,
-                          const std::vector<std::map<DateTime, objpose::ObjectPose>>& poseHistories,
-                          const ObjectFinder& objectFinder) const
-    {
-        std::map<std::string, viz::Layer> stage;
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < objectPoses.size(); ++i)
-        {
-            if (objectPoses.at(i).providerName.empty())
-            {
-                ARMARX_INFO << "Object pose provider not set!";
-                continue;
-            }
-            visualizeObjectPose(getLayer(objectPoses.at(i).providerName, stage),
-                                objectPoses.at(i),
-                                poseHistories.at(i),
-                                objectFinder);
-        }
-        return simox::alg::get_values(stage);
-    }
-    std::vector<viz::Layer>
-    Visu::visualizeCommit(
-        const objpose::ObjectPoseMap& objectPoses,
-        const std::map<ObjectID, std::map<DateTime, objpose::ObjectPose>>& poseHistories,
-        const ObjectFinder& objectFinder) const
-    {
-        std::map<std::string, viz::Layer> stage;
-        for (const auto& [id, pose] : objectPoses)
-        {
-            auto poseHistoryMap = poseHistories.find(id);
-            if (poseHistoryMap != poseHistories.end())
-            {
-                visualizeObjectPose(
-                    getLayer(pose.providerName, stage), pose, poseHistoryMap->second, objectFinder);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                visualizeObjectPose(getLayer(pose.providerName, stage), pose, {}, objectFinder);
-            }
-        }
-        return simox::alg::get_values(stage);
-    }
-    viz::Layer&
-    Visu::getLayer(const std::string& providerName, std::map<std::string, viz::Layer>& stage) const
-    {
-        auto it = stage.find(providerName);
-        if (it == stage.end())
-        {
-            it = stage.emplace(providerName, arviz.layer(providerName)).first;
-        }
-        return it->second;
-    }
-    viz::Layer
-    Visu::visualizeProvider(
-        const std::string& providerName,
-        const objpose::ObjectPoseSeq& objectPoses,
-        const std::vector<std::map<DateTime, objpose::ObjectPose>>& poseHistories,
-        const ObjectFinder& objectFinder) const
-    {
-        viz::Layer layer = arviz.layer(providerName);
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < poseHistories.size(); ++i)
-        {
-            visualizeObjectPose(layer, objectPoses.at(i), poseHistories.at(i), objectFinder);
-        }
-        return layer;
-    }
-    void
-    Visu::visualizeObjectPose(viz::Layer& layer,
-                              const objpose::ObjectPose& objectPose,
-                              const std::map<DateTime, objpose::ObjectPose>& poseHistory,
-                              const ObjectFinder& objectFinder) const
-    {
-        const bool show = objectPose.confidence >= minConfidence;
-        if (not show)
-        {
-            return;
-        }
-        const armarx::ObjectID id = objectPose.objectID;
-        const std::string key = id.str();
-        const Eigen::Matrix4f pose =
-            inGlobalFrame ? objectPose.objectPoseGlobal : objectPose.objectPoseRobot;
-        std::optional<ObjectInfo> objectInfo = objectFinder.findObject(id);
-        auto makeObject = [&objectInfo, &id](const std::string& key)
-        {
-            viz::Object object(key);
-            if (objectInfo)
-            {
-                object.file(objectInfo->package(), objectInfo->simoxXML().relativePath);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                object.fileByObjectFinder(id);
-            }
-            return object;
-        };
-        bool hasObject = false;
-        {
-            bool done = false;
-            if (useArticulatedModels and objectInfo)
-            {
-                if (std::optional<PackageFileLocation> model = objectInfo->getArticulatedModel())
-                {
-                    viz::Robot robot(key);
-                    robot.pose(pose);
-                    robot.file(model->package, model->package + "/" + model->relativePath);
-                    robot.joints(objectPose.objectJointValues);
-                    layer.add(robot);
-                    done = true;
-                }
-            }
-            if (not done)
-            {
-                viz::Object object = makeObject(key).pose(pose);
-                if (alphaByConfidence && objectPose.confidence < 1.0f)
-                {
-                    object.overrideColor(simox::Color::white().with_alpha(objectPose.confidence));
-                }
-                else if (alpha < 1)
-                {
-                    object.overrideColor(simox::Color::white().with_alpha(alpha));
-                }
-                layer.add(object);
-                hasObject = true;
-            }
-        }
-        if (oobbs and objectPose.localOOBB)
-        {
-            const simox::OrientedBoxf oobb =
-                inGlobalFrame ? objectPose.oobbGlobal().value() : objectPose.oobbRobot().value();
-            layer.add(viz::Box(key + " OOBB").set(oobb).color(simox::Color::lime(255, 64)));
-        }
-        if (objectFrames)
-        {
-            layer.add(viz::Pose(key + " Pose").pose(pose).scale(objectFramesScale));
-        }
-        if (gaussians.showAny() and
-            (inGlobalFrame ? objectPose.objectPoseGlobalGaussian.has_value()
-                           : objectPose.objectPoseRobotGaussian.has_value()))
-        {
-            gaussians.draw(layer, objectPose, inGlobalFrame);
-        }
-    }
-    bool
-    Visu::Gaussians::showAny() const
-    {
-        return position or orientation;
-    }
-    void
-    Visu::Gaussians::draw(viz::Layer& layer,
-                          const objpose::ObjectPose& objectPose,
-                          bool inGlobalFrame) const
-    {
-        const std::string key = objectPose.objectID.str();
-        const objpose::PoseManifoldGaussian& gaussian =
-            inGlobalFrame ? objectPose.objectPoseGlobalGaussian.value()
-                          : objectPose.objectPoseRobotGaussian.value();
-        objpose::PoseManifoldGaussian::Ellipsoid ellipsoid = gaussian.getPositionEllipsoid();
-        if (position)
-        {
-            layer.add(viz::Ellipsoid(key + " Gaussian (Translation)")
-                          .position(ellipsoid.center)
-                          .orientation(ellipsoid.orientation)
-                          .axisLengths(positionScale * ellipsoid.size)
-                          .color(viz::Color::azure(255, 32)));
-            if (false) // Arrows can be visualized for debugging.
-            {
-                for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
-                {
-                    Eigen::Vector3i color = Eigen::Vector3i::Zero();
-                    color(i) = 255;
-                    layer.add(viz::Arrow(key + " Gaussian (Translation)" + std::to_string(i))
-                                  .fromTo(ellipsoid.center,
-                                          ellipsoid.center + positionScale * ellipsoid.size(i) *
-                                                                 ellipsoid.orientation.col(i))
-                                  .width(5)
-                                  .color(simox::Color(color)));
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (orientation)
-        {
-            const float pi = static_cast<float>(M_PI);
-            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
-            {
-                const bool global = true;
-                Eigen::AngleAxisf rot = gaussian.getScaledRotationAxis(i, global);
-                Eigen::Vector4i color = Eigen::Vector4i::Zero();
-                color(i) = 255;
-                color(3) = 64;
-                layer.add(viz::ArrowCircle(key + " Gaussian (Orientation) " + std::to_string(i))
-                              .position(orientationDisplaced
-                                            ? ellipsoid.center + orientationScale * rot.axis()
-                                            : ellipsoid.center)
-                              .normal(rot.axis())
-                              .radius(orientationScale)
-                              .completion(simox::math::rescale(rot.angle(), 0.f, pi * 2, 0.f, 1.f))
-                              .width(simox::math::rescale(rot.angle(), 0.f, pi * 2, 2.f, 7.f))
-                              .color(simox::Color(color)));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    void
-    Visu::RemoteGui::setup(const Visu& visu)
-    {
-        using namespace armarx::RemoteGui::Client;
-        enabled.setValue(visu.enabled);
-        inGlobalFrame.setValue(visu.inGlobalFrame);
-        alpha.setRange(0, 1.0);
-        alpha.setValue(visu.alpha);
-        alphaByConfidence.setValue(visu.alphaByConfidence);
-        oobbs.setValue(visu.oobbs);
-        auto initScale = [](FloatSpinBox& scale, float value, float stepResolution)
-        {
-            float max = 10000;
-            scale.setRange(0, max);
-            scale.setDecimals(2);
-            scale.setSteps(int(stepResolution * max));
-            scale.setValue(value);
-        };
-        objectFrames.setValue(visu.objectFrames);
-        initScale(objectFramesScale, visu.objectFramesScale, 10);
-        gaussians.position.setValue(visu.gaussians.position);
-        initScale(gaussians.positionScale, visu.gaussians.positionScale, 10);
-        gaussians.orientation.setValue(visu.gaussians.orientation);
-        initScale(gaussians.orientationScale, visu.gaussians.orientationScale, 0.5);
-        gaussians.orientationDisplaced.setValue(visu.gaussians.orientationDisplaced);
-        useArticulatedModels.setValue(visu.useArticulatedModels);
-        GridLayout grid;
-        int row = 0;
-        grid.add(Label("Enabled"), {row, 0}).add(enabled, {row, 1});
-        row++;
-        grid.add(Label("Global Frame"), {row, 0}).add(inGlobalFrame, {row, 1});
-        row++;
-        grid.add(Label("Alpha"), {row, 0}).add(alpha, {row, 1}, {1, 3});
-        row++;
-        grid.add(Label("Alpha by Confidence"), {row, 0}).add(alphaByConfidence, {row, 1});
-        row++;
-        grid.add(Label("OOBB"), {row, 0}).add(oobbs, {row, 1});
-        row++;
-        grid.add(Label("Object Frames"), {row, 0}).add(objectFrames, {row, 1});
-        grid.add(Label("Scale:"), {row, 2}).add(objectFramesScale, {row, 3});
-        row++;
-        gaussians.setup(visu);
-        grid.add(gaussians.group, {row, 0}, {1, 4});
-        row++;
-        grid.add(Label("Use Articulated Models"), {row, 0}).add(useArticulatedModels, {row, 1});
-        row++;
-        group = GroupBox();
-        group.setLabel("Visualization");
-        group.addChild(grid);
-    }
-    void
-    Visu::RemoteGui::Gaussians::setup(const Visu& data)
-    {
-        using namespace armarx::RemoteGui::Client;
-        GridLayout grid;
-        int row = 0;
-        grid.add(Label("Position"), {row, 0}).add(position, {row, 1});
-        grid.add(Label("Scale:"), {row, 2}).add(positionScale, {row, 3});
-        row++;
-        grid.add(Label("Orientation"), {row, 0}).add(orientation, {row, 1});
-        grid.add(Label("Scale:"), {row, 2}).add(orientationScale, {row, 3});
-        grid.add(Label("Displaced"), {row, 4}).add(orientationDisplaced, {row, 5});
-        row++;
-        group = GroupBox();
-        group.setLabel("Pose Gaussians");
-        group.addChild(grid);
-    }
-    void
-    Visu::RemoteGui::Gaussians::update(Visu::Gaussians& data)
-    {
-        data.position = position.getValue();
-        data.positionScale = positionScale.getValue();
-        data.orientation = orientation.getValue();
-        data.orientationScale = orientationScale.getValue();
-        data.orientationDisplaced = orientationDisplaced.getValue();
-    }
-    void
-    Visu::RemoteGui::update(Visu& visu)
-    {
-        visu.enabled = enabled.getValue();
-        visu.inGlobalFrame = inGlobalFrame.getValue();
-        visu.alpha = alpha.getValue();
-        visu.alphaByConfidence = alphaByConfidence.getValue();
-        visu.oobbs = oobbs.getValue();
-        visu.objectFrames = objectFrames.getValue();
-        visu.objectFramesScale = objectFramesScale.getValue();
-        gaussians.update(visu.gaussians);
-        visu.useArticulatedModels = useArticulatedModels.getValue();
-    }
 } // namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::familiar_object_instance
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/Visu.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/Visu.h
index f5707a2366a32873c7df199f6d36e3711a7f7972..0cfc80fe42f775947e6adc1af61438f23378a859 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/Visu.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/familiar_object_instance/Visu.h
@@ -36,41 +36,7 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::familiar_object_instance
-        std::vector<viz::Layer> visualizeCommit(
-            const std::map<std::string, objpose::ObjectPoseSeq>& objectPoses,
-            const std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::map<DateTime, objpose::ObjectPose>>>&
-                poseHistories,
-            const ObjectFinder& objectFinder) const;
-        /// Visualize the given object poses, with one layer per provider.
-        std::vector<viz::Layer>
-        visualizeCommit(const objpose::ObjectPoseSeq& objectPoses,
-                        const std::vector<std::map<DateTime, objpose::ObjectPose>>& poseHistories,
-                        const ObjectFinder& objectFinder) const;
-        std::vector<viz::Layer> visualizeCommit(
-            const objpose::ObjectPoseMap& objectPoses,
-            const std::map<ObjectID, std::map<DateTime, objpose::ObjectPose>>& poseHistories,
-            const ObjectFinder& objectFinder) const;
-        viz::Layer
-        visualizeProvider(const std::string& providerName,
-                          const objpose::ObjectPoseSeq& objectPoses,
-                          const std::vector<std::map<DateTime, objpose::ObjectPose>>& poseHistories,
-                          const ObjectFinder& objectFinder) const;
-        void visualizeObjectPose(viz::Layer& layer,
-                                 const objpose::ObjectPose& objectPose,
-                                 const std::map<DateTime, objpose::ObjectPose>& poseHistory,
-                                 const ObjectFinder& objectFinder) const;
-    private:
-        viz::Layer& getLayer(const std::string& providerName,
-                             std::map<std::string, viz::Layer>& stage) const;
-    public:
         viz::Client arviz;
         bool enabled = true;
@@ -85,66 +51,10 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::familiar_object_instance
         bool objectFrames = false;
         float objectFramesScale = 1.0;
-        struct Gaussians
-        {
-            bool position = true;
-            float positionScale = 1.0;
-            bool orientation = false;
-            float orientationScale = 100;
-            bool orientationDisplaced = false;
-            void defineProperties(armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr defs, const std::string& prefix);
-            bool showAny() const;
-            void draw(viz::Layer& layer,
-                      const objpose::ObjectPose& objectPose,
-                      bool inGlobalFrame) const;
-        };
-        Gaussians gaussians;
-        /// Prefer articulated models if available.
-        bool useArticulatedModels = true;
         SimpleRunningTask<>::pointer_type updateTask;
-        struct RemoteGui
-        {
-            armarx::RemoteGui::Client::GroupBox group;
-            armarx::RemoteGui::Client::CheckBox enabled;
-            armarx::RemoteGui::Client::CheckBox inGlobalFrame;
-            armarx::RemoteGui::Client::FloatSlider alpha;
-            armarx::RemoteGui::Client::CheckBox alphaByConfidence;
-            armarx::RemoteGui::Client::CheckBox oobbs;
-            armarx::RemoteGui::Client::CheckBox objectFrames;
-            armarx::RemoteGui::Client::FloatSpinBox objectFramesScale;
-            struct Gaussians
-            {
-                armarx::RemoteGui::Client::CheckBox position;
-                armarx::RemoteGui::Client::FloatSpinBox positionScale;
-                armarx::RemoteGui::Client::CheckBox orientation;
-                armarx::RemoteGui::Client::FloatSpinBox orientationScale;
-                armarx::RemoteGui::Client::CheckBox orientationDisplaced;
-                armarx::RemoteGui::Client::GroupBox group;
-                void setup(const Visu& data);
-                void update(Visu::Gaussians& data);
-            };
-            Gaussians gaussians;
-            armarx::RemoteGui::Client::CheckBox useArticulatedModels;
-            void setup(const Visu& visu);
-            void update(Visu& visu);
-        };
 } // namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::familiar_object_instance