From db8948f8f42c27156bfececcf8eaf2d4181edf73 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raphael Grimm <>
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2020 17:46:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Remove using namespace on global scope and format code

 .../RobotControlUI/RobotControlUI.cpp         |   77 +-
 .../components/ArViz/ArVizStorage.cpp         |  252 +-
 .../RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Client/Client.h |   15 +-
 .../ArViz/Coin/ElementVisualizer.cpp          |   99 +-
 .../components/ArViz/Coin/ElementVisualizer.h |  114 +-
 .../ArViz/Coin/VisualizationObject.cpp        |   12 +-
 .../ArViz/Coin/VisualizationRobot.cpp         |   12 +-
 .../components/ArViz/Example/ArVizExample.cpp |  517 +-
 .../components/ArViz/IceConversions.h         |   45 +-
 .../ArViz/test/Client/PointCloudTest.cpp      |   24 +-
 .../CyberGloveObserver/CyberGloveObserver.cpp |  142 +-
 .../DebugDrawer/DebugDrawerHelper.cpp         |   12 +-
 .../DummyTextToSpeech/DummyTextToSpeech.cpp   |   76 +-
 .../FrameTracking/FrameTracking.cpp           |  895 ++-
 .../GamepadControlUnit/GamepadControlUnit.cpp |   77 +-
 .../KITProstheticHandObserver.cpp             |   37 +-
 .../KITProstheticHandUnit.cpp                 |  323 +-
 .../components/RobotHealth/RobotHealth.cpp    |  400 +-
 .../RobotHealth/RobotHealthDummy.cpp          |  195 +-
 .../RobotNameService/RobotNameService.cpp     |   37 +-
 .../TopicTimingTest/TopicTimingClient.h       |    4 +-
 .../TopicTimingTest/TopicTimingServer.cpp     |    2 +-
 .../ViewSelection/ViewSelection.cpp           |  690 ++-
 .../components/units/ATINetFTUnit.cpp         |  388 +-
 .../components/units/ForceTorqueObserver.cpp  |  653 +--
 .../components/units/ForceTorqueUnit.cpp      |   41 +-
 .../units/ForceTorqueUnitSimulation.cpp       |   90 +-
 .../components/units/GamepadUnitObserver.cpp  |  119 +-
 .../components/units/HandUnitSimulation.cpp   |  125 +-
 .../components/units/HapticObserver.cpp       |  219 +-
 .../RobotAPI/components/units/HapticUnit.cpp  |   37 +-
 .../units/InertialMeasurementUnit.cpp         |   47 +-
 .../units/InertialMeasurementUnitObserver.cpp |  191 +-
 .../components/units/KinematicUnit.cpp        |  225 +-
 .../units/KinematicUnitObserver.cpp           |  415 +-
 .../components/units/KinematicUnitObserver.h  |   23 +-
 .../units/LaserScannerUnitObserver.cpp        |  111 +-
 .../components/units/MetaWearIMUObserver.cpp  |  108 +-
 .../units/OptoForceUnitObserver.cpp           |  165 +-
 .../OrientedTactileSensorUnitObserver.cpp     |  110 +-
 .../components/units/PlatformUnit.cpp         |   64 +-
 .../components/units/PlatformUnitObserver.cpp |  187 +-
 .../components/units/PlatformUnitObserver.h   |   17 +-
 .../units/PlatformUnitSimulation.cpp          |  300 +-
 .../components/units/RobotPoseUnit.cpp        |   64 +-
 .../components/units/RobotUnit/CMakeLists.txt |    1 +
 .../components/units/RobotUnit/Constants.h    |    7 +-
 .../components/units/RobotUnit/ControlModes.h |   65 +-
 .../RobotUnit/DefaultWidgetDescriptions.cpp   |   95 +-
 .../RobotUnit/DefaultWidgetDescriptions.h     |   97 +-
 .../units/RobotUnit/Devices/DeviceBase.h      |    4 -
 .../JointControllers/JointController.cpp      |   19 +-
 ...tformUnitVelocityPassThroughController.cpp |   93 +-
 ...ointKinematicUnitPassThroughController.cpp |   93 +-
 .../components/units/RobotUnit/util.h         |    2 +
 .../units/RobotUnit/util/CtrlUtil.h           |  269 +-
 .../units/RobotUnit/util/DynamicsHelper.h     |   11 +-
 .../util/introspection/ClassMemberInfo.h      |  279 +-
 .../util/introspection/ClassMemberInfoEntry.h |  383 +-
 .../util/introspection/DataFieldsInfo.cpp     |  285 +-
 .../util/introspection/DataFieldsInfo.h       |  369 +-
 .../drivers/XsensIMU/IMU/Xsens/Xsens.h        |   25 +-
 .../XsensIMU/IMU/Xsens/XsensMTiModule.cpp     | 4891 ++++++++---------
 .../XsensIMU/IMU/Xsens/XsensMTiModule.h       |  331 +-
 source/RobotAPI/drivers/XsensIMU/XsensIMU.cpp |  186 +-
 .../gui-plugins/ArViz/ArVizGuiPlugin.cpp      |   13 +-
 .../gui-plugins/ArViz/ArVizGuiPlugin.h        |    3 +-
 .../ArViz/ArVizWidgetController.cpp           | 1299 ++---
 .../DebugDrawerViewerGuiPlugin.cpp            |    9 +-
 .../DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController.cpp     |  381 +-
 .../GuiHealthClientGuiPlugin.cpp              |    9 +-
 .../GuiHealthClientWidgetController.cpp       |  183 +-
 .../HandUnitPlugin/HandUnitGuiPlugin.cpp      |  387 +-
 .../HapticUnitPlugin/HapticUnitGuiPlugin.cpp  |  258 +-
 .../MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget.cpp          |  199 +-
 .../HapticUnitPlugin/MatrixDisplayWidget.cpp  |  121 +-
 .../HomogeneousMatrixCalculatorGuiPlugin.cpp  |    9 +-
 .../ViewSelection/ViewSelectionConfigDialog.h |    4 +-
 .../KinematicUnitInterfaceStdOverloads.cpp    |   50 +-
 .../KinematicUnitInterfaceStdOverloads.h      |    5 +-
 .../DSControllers/DSRTBimanualController.cpp  | 1407 ++---
 .../DSControllers/DSRTController.cpp          |  587 +-
 .../libraries/DSControllers/Gaussians.cpp     |  777 +--
 .../libraries/DSControllers/Gaussians.h       |    2 -
 .../JointPWMPositionController.cpp            |  496 +-
 .../JointPWMVelocityController.cpp            |  363 +-
 .../JointZeroTorqueController.cpp             |  339 +-
 .../ParallelGripperPositionController.cpp     |   67 +-
 .../ParallelGripperVelocityController.cpp     |   55 +-
 .../KITGripperBasisBoardSlave.h               |    2 +-
 .../NJointAdaptiveWipingController.h          |   14 -
 ...AnomalyDetectionAdaptiveWipingController.h |   14 -
 .../NJointBimanualCCDMPController.h           |    6 +-
 .../NJointBimanualCCDMPVelocityController.h   |    5 +-
 .../NJointBimanualDMPForceController.h        |    6 +-
 .../NJointBimanualForceMPController.cpp       |    2 +-
 .../NJointBimanualForceMPController.h         |    7 +-
 .../DMPController/NJointCCDMPController.cpp   |   16 +-
 .../DMPController/NJointCCDMPController.h     |   40 +-
 .../NJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantController.h  |   14 -
 .../NJointPeriodicTSDMPForwardVelController.h |   14 -
 .../DMPController/NJointTSDMPController.h     |   33 +-
 .../NJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPController.h   |    5 -
 .../RobotAPIVariantWidget.cpp                 |  803 ++-
 .../RobotAPIVariantWidget.h                   |   20 +-
 .../ForceTorqueHelper.cpp                     |   39 +-
 .../KinematicUnitHelper.cpp                   |   54 +-
 .../PositionControllerHelper.cpp              |  375 +-
 .../RobotNameHelper.cpp                       |  316 +-
 .../RobotStatechartHelpers.cpp                |    5 -
 .../VelocityControllerHelper.cpp              |   98 +-
 .../SimpleJsonLogger/SimpleJsonLogger.cpp     |   60 +-
 .../SimpleJsonLoggerEntry.cpp                 |  239 +-
 .../libraries/SimpleTrajectory/exceptions.cpp |   94 +-
 ...CartesianFeedForwardPositionController.cpp |  127 +-
 .../CartesianFeedForwardPositionController.h  |    2 +-
 .../core/CartesianPositionController.cpp      |  209 +-
 .../core/CartesianPositionController.h        |   15 +-
 .../core/CartesianVelocityController.cpp      |  267 +-
 .../CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp.cpp   |   97 +-
 .../libraries/core/CartesianVelocityRamp.cpp  |   94 +-
 .../core/CartesianWaypointController.cpp      |    2 +-
 .../libraries/core/FramedOrientedPoint.cpp    |  250 +-
 .../libraries/core/FramedOrientedPoint.h      |   12 +-
 source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/FramedPose.h   |   17 +-
 .../libraries/core/JointVelocityRamp.cpp      |   55 +-
 source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/LinkedPose.h   |   22 +-
 .../RobotAPI/libraries/core/OrientedPoint.h   |   12 +-
 .../RobotAPI/libraries/core/PIDController.cpp |  239 +-
 source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Pose.cpp       |   59 +-
 source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Pose.h         |   25 +-
 .../libraries/core/RobotAPIObjectFactories.h  |   26 +-
 .../RobotAPI/libraries/core/SimpleDiffIK.cpp  |  111 +-
 .../libraries/core/SimpleGridReachability.cpp |   60 +-
 source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Trajectory.cpp |   11 +-
 source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Trajectory.h   |   14 +-
 .../RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/ColorUtils.h |  264 +-
 .../core/math/LinearizeAngularTrajectory.h    |   36 +-
 .../RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/MathUtils.h  |  238 +-
 .../libraries/core/math/MatrixHelpers.h       |   54 +-
 source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/SVD.h     |   50 +-
 .../core/math/SlidingWindowVectorMedian.h     |   90 +-
 .../RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/StatUtils.h  |   66 +-
 .../libraries/core/math/TimeSeriesUtils.h     |   40 +-
 .../libraries/core/math/Trigonometry.h        |   50 +-
 .../core/observerfilters/MatrixFilters.h      |  442 +-
 .../MedianDerivativeFilterV3.h                |   68 +-
 .../core/observerfilters/OffsetFilter.h       |  204 +-
 .../observerfilters/PoseAverageFilter.cpp     |  139 +-
 .../core/observerfilters/PoseAverageFilter.h  |   55 +-
 .../core/observerfilters/PoseMedianFilter.h   |  186 +-
 .../observerfilters/PoseMedianOffsetFilter.h  |   64 +-
 .../core/remoterobot/test/ArmarPoseTest.cpp   |    1 +
 .../core/test/DebugDrawerTopicTest.cpp        |   50 +-
 .../core/visualization/DebugDrawerTopic.cpp   |   34 +-
 .../widgets/DebugLayerControlWidget.cpp       |    2 +-
 .../widgets/DebugLayerControlWidget.h         |    5 +-
 .../ForceTorqueUtility/DetectForceFlank.h     |   46 +-
 .../ForceTorqueUtility/DetectForceSpike.h     |   41 +-
 .../ForceTorqueUtilityRemoteStateOfferer.h    |   32 +-
 ...ntedTactileSensorGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h |   32 +-
 .../OrientedTactileSensorTest.h               |   42 +-
 .../CyberGloveProsthesisControl.cpp           |   42 +-
 .../CyberGloveProsthesisControl.h             |   64 +-
 ...esisKinestheticTeachInRemoteStateOfferer.h |   32 +-
 ...botNameHelperTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h |   32 +-
 .../RobotNameHelperTestGroup/TestGetNames.h   |   48 +-
 ...peechObserverTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h |   32 +-
 .../TestTextToSpeech.h                        |   45 +-
 .../StatechartExecution.h                     |   43 +-
 ...atechartExecutionGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h |   32 +-
 .../Substates/Executor.h                      |   44 +-
 .../Substates/PrepareNext.h                   |   43 +-
 .../Substates/WaitForNext.h                   |   44 +-
 .../Testing/TestStateForStatechartExecution.h |   43 +-
 ...chartProfilesTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h |   32 +-
 .../StatechartProfilesTestGroup/TestState.h   |   38 +-
 .../TrajectoryExecutionCode/PlayTrajectory.h  |   48 +-
 ...rajectoryExecutionCodeRemoteStateOfferer.h |   32 +-
 .../WeissHapticGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h      |   32 +-
 .../WeissHapticGroup/WeissHapticSensorTest.h  |   40 +-
 181 files changed, 14556 insertions(+), 14832 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControlUI/RobotControlUI.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControlUI/RobotControlUI.cpp
index a7665b076..e67717c86 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControlUI/RobotControlUI.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/applications/RobotControlUI/RobotControlUI.cpp
@@ -28,49 +28,50 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <ArmarXCore/observers/ObserverObjectFactories.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-void RobotControlUI::onInitComponent()
+namespace armarx
-    usingProxy("RobotControl");
-    stateId = -1;
-    controlTask = new RunningTask<RobotControlUI>(this, &RobotControlUI::run, "RobotControlUI");
-void RobotControlUI::onConnectComponent()
-    robotProxy = getProxy<RobotControlInterfacePrx>("RobotControl");
-    controlTask->start();
-void RobotControlUI::onExitComponent()
-    controlTask->stop();
-void RobotControlUI::run()
-    std::string eventstring;
-    std::cout << "Please insert the event string: " <<  std::flush;
-    //    cin >> eventstring;
-    eventstring = "EvLoadScenario";
+    void RobotControlUI::onInitComponent()
+    {
+        usingProxy("RobotControl");
+        stateId = -1;
+        controlTask = new RunningTask<RobotControlUI>(this, &RobotControlUI::run, "RobotControlUI");
+    }
-    if (eventstring == "q")
+    void RobotControlUI::onConnectComponent()
-        //        shutdown();
+        robotProxy = getProxy<RobotControlInterfacePrx>("RobotControl");
+        controlTask->start();
-    else
+    void RobotControlUI::onExitComponent()
-        std::cout << "Please insert the state id of the state that should process the event: " <<  std::flush;
-        int id;
-        //        cin >> id;
-        id = 11;
-        std::cout << "sending to id:" << id << std::endl;
-        EventPtr evt = new Event("EVENTTOALL", eventstring);
-        StateUtilFunctions::addToDictionary(evt, "proxyName", "RemoteStateOfferer");
-        StateUtilFunctions::addToDictionary(evt, "stateName", "MoveArm");
-        //robotProxy->issueEvent(id, evt);
+        controlTask->stop();
-    //    cin >> eventstring;
+    void RobotControlUI::run()
+    {
+        std::string eventstring;
+        std::cout << "Please insert the event string: " <<  std::flush;
+        //    cin >> eventstring;
+        eventstring = "EvLoadScenario";
+        if (eventstring == "q")
+        {
+            //        shutdown();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            std::cout << "Please insert the state id of the state that should process the event: " <<  std::flush;
+            int id;
+            //        cin >> id;
+            id = 11;
+            std::cout << "sending to id:" << id << std::endl;
+            EventPtr evt = new Event("EVENTTOALL", eventstring);
+            StateUtilFunctions::addToDictionary(evt, "proxyName", "RemoteStateOfferer");
+            StateUtilFunctions::addToDictionary(evt, "stateName", "MoveArm");
+            //robotProxy->issueEvent(id, evt);
+        }
+        //    cin >> eventstring;
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/ArVizStorage.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/ArVizStorage.cpp
index cc41ae605..84576c3f3 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/ArVizStorage.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/ArVizStorage.cpp
@@ -31,173 +31,174 @@
 #include <iomanip>
-using namespace armarx;
-static std::filesystem::path getAbsolutePath(const std::filesystem::path& path)
+namespace armarx
-    if (path.is_absolute())
-    {
-        return path;
-    }
-    else
+    static std::filesystem::path getAbsolutePath(const std::filesystem::path& path)
-        std::string absolute;
-        if (ArmarXDataPath::getAbsolutePath(path.string(), absolute))
+        if (path.is_absolute())
-            return absolute;
+            return path;
-            ARMARX_WARNING_S << "Could not resolve relative file as package data file: "
-                             << path;
-            return path;
+            std::string absolute;
+            if (ArmarXDataPath::getAbsolutePath(path.string(), absolute))
+            {
+                return absolute;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                ARMARX_WARNING_S << "Could not resolve relative file as package data file: "
+                                 << path;
+                return path;
+            }
-void ArVizStorage::onInitComponent()
-    topicName = getProperty<std::string>("TopicName").getValue();
-    maxHistorySize = getProperty<int>("MaxHistorySize").getValue();
-    std::filesystem::path historyPathProp = getProperty<std::string>("HistoryPath").getValue();
-    historyPath = getAbsolutePath(historyPathProp);
-    if (!std::filesystem::exists(historyPath))
+    void ArVizStorage::onInitComponent()
-        ARMARX_INFO << "Creating history path: " << historyPath;
-        std::error_code error;
-        std::filesystem::create_directory(historyPath, error);
-        if (error)
+        topicName = getProperty<std::string>("TopicName").getValue();
+        maxHistorySize = getProperty<int>("MaxHistorySize").getValue();
+        std::filesystem::path historyPathProp = getProperty<std::string>("HistoryPath").getValue();
+        historyPath = getAbsolutePath(historyPathProp);
+        if (!std::filesystem::exists(historyPath))
-            ARMARX_WARNING << "Could not create directory for history: \n"
-                           << error.message();
+            ARMARX_INFO << "Creating history path: " << historyPath;
+            std::error_code error;
+            std::filesystem::create_directory(historyPath, error);
+            if (error)
+            {
+                ARMARX_WARNING << "Could not create directory for history: \n"
+                               << error.message();
+            }
-    }
-    usingTopic(topicName);
+        usingTopic(topicName);
+    }
-void ArVizStorage::onConnectComponent()
-    revision = 0;
-    currentState.clear();
-    history.clear();
-    recordingInitialState.clear();
+    void ArVizStorage::onConnectComponent()
+    {
+        revision = 0;
+        currentState.clear();
+        history.clear();
+        recordingInitialState.clear();
-    recordingBuffer.clear();
- = "";
+        recordingBuffer.clear();
+ = "";
+    }
-void ArVizStorage::onDisconnectComponent()
-    if (recordingTask)
+    void ArVizStorage::onDisconnectComponent()
-        recordingTask->stop();
-        recordingTask = nullptr;
+        if (recordingTask)
+        {
+            recordingTask->stop();
+            recordingTask = nullptr;
+        }
-void ArVizStorage::onExitComponent()
-armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr ArVizStorage::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new ArVizPropertyDefinitions(
-            getConfigIdentifier()));
+    void ArVizStorage::onExitComponent()
+    {
-void ArVizStorage::updateLayers(viz::data::LayerUpdateSeq const& updates, const Ice::Current&)
-    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(historyMutex);
+    }
-    revision += 1;
-    IceUtil::Time now = TimeUtil::GetTime();
-    long nowInMicroSeconds = now.toMicroSeconds();
+    armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr ArVizStorage::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new ArVizPropertyDefinitions(
+                getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
-    for (auto& update : updates)
+    void ArVizStorage::updateLayers(viz::data::LayerUpdateSeq const& updates, const Ice::Current&)
-        auto& historyEntry = history.emplace_back();
-        historyEntry.revision = revision;
-        historyEntry.timestampInMicroseconds = nowInMicroSeconds;
-        historyEntry.update = update;
+        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(historyMutex);
-        // Insert or create the layer
-        bool found = false;
-        for (auto& layer : currentState)
+        revision += 1;
+        IceUtil::Time now = TimeUtil::GetTime();
+        long nowInMicroSeconds = now.toMicroSeconds();
+        for (auto& update : updates)
-            if (layer.update.component == update.component
-                && ==
+            auto& historyEntry = history.emplace_back();
+            historyEntry.revision = revision;
+            historyEntry.timestampInMicroseconds = nowInMicroSeconds;
+            historyEntry.update = update;
+            // Insert or create the layer
+            bool found = false;
+            for (auto& layer : currentState)
-                layer = historyEntry;
-                found = true;
-                continue;
+                if (layer.update.component == update.component
+                    && ==
+                {
+                    layer = historyEntry;
+                    found = true;
+                    continue;
+                }
+            }
+            if (!found)
+            {
+                currentState.push_back(historyEntry);
-        if (!found)
-        {
-            currentState.push_back(historyEntry);
-        }
-    }
-    long currentHistorySize = history.size();
-    if (currentHistorySize >= maxHistorySize)
-    {
+        long currentHistorySize = history.size();
+        if (currentHistorySize >= maxHistorySize)
-            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(recordingMutex);
-            if ( > 0)
-                auto& newBatch = recordingBuffer.emplace_back();
-                newBatch.initialState = recordingInitialState;
-                newBatch.updates = std::move(history);
-                recordingInitialState = currentState;
-                recordingCondition.notify_one();
+                std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(recordingMutex);
+                if ( > 0)
+                {
+                    auto& newBatch = recordingBuffer.emplace_back();
+                    newBatch.initialState = recordingInitialState;
+                    newBatch.updates = std::move(history);
+                    recordingInitialState = currentState;
+                    recordingCondition.notify_one();
+                }
+            history.clear();
-        history.clear();
-viz::data::LayerUpdates armarx::ArVizStorage::pullUpdatesSince(Ice::Long revision, const Ice::Current&)
-    viz::data::LayerUpdates result;
+    viz::data::LayerUpdates armarx::ArVizStorage::pullUpdatesSince(Ice::Long revision, const Ice::Current&)
+    {
+        viz::data::LayerUpdates result;
-    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(historyMutex);
+        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(historyMutex);
-    result.updates.reserve(currentState.size());
-    for (auto& layer : currentState)
-    {
-        if (layer.revision > revision)
+        result.updates.reserve(currentState.size());
+        for (auto& layer : currentState)
-            result.updates.push_back(layer.update);
+            if (layer.revision > revision)
+            {
+                result.updates.push_back(layer.update);
+            }
-    }
-    result.revision = this->revision;
+        result.revision = this->revision;
-    return result;
+        return result;
+    }
-void ArVizStorage::record()
-    while (!recordingTask->isStopped())
+    void ArVizStorage::record()
-        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(recordingMutex);
-        while (!recordingTask->isStopped() && recordingBuffer.empty())
+        while (!recordingTask->isStopped())
-            recordingCondition.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(10));
-        }
-        for (auto& batch : recordingBuffer)
-        {
-            recordBatch(batch);
+            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(recordingMutex);
+            while (!recordingTask->isStopped() && recordingBuffer.empty())
+            {
+                recordingCondition.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(10));
+            }
+            for (auto& batch : recordingBuffer)
+            {
+                recordBatch(batch);
+            }
+            recordingBuffer.clear();
-        recordingBuffer.clear();
@@ -276,9 +277,9 @@ static std::string readCompleteFile(std::filesystem::path const& path)
     return result;
-static std::optional<viz::data::Recording> readRecordingInfo(std::filesystem::path const& recordingDirectory)
+static std::optional<armarx::viz::data::Recording> readRecordingInfo(std::filesystem::path const& recordingDirectory)
-    std::optional<viz::data::Recording> result;
+    std::optional<::armarx::viz::data::Recording> result;
     std::filesystem::path recordingFilePath = recordingDirectory / "recording.json";
     if (!std::filesystem::exists(recordingFilePath))
@@ -292,7 +293,7 @@ static std::optional<viz::data::Recording> readRecordingInfo(std::filesystem::pa
         std::string recordingString = readCompleteFile(recordingFilePath);
         nlohmann::json recordingJson = nlohmann::json::parse(recordingString);
-        viz::data::Recording recording;
+        ::armarx::viz::data::Recording recording;
         result = std::move(recording);
@@ -306,12 +307,12 @@ static std::optional<viz::data::Recording> readRecordingInfo(std::filesystem::pa
-static std::string batchFileName(viz::data::RecordingBatchHeader const& batchHeader)
+static std::string batchFileName(armarx::viz::data::RecordingBatchHeader const& batchHeader)
     return std::to_string(batchHeader.firstRevision) + ".bin";
-void ArVizStorage::recordBatch(viz::data::RecordingBatch& batch)
+void armarx::ArVizStorage::recordBatch(armarx::viz::data::RecordingBatch& batch)
     if (batch.updates.empty())
@@ -353,7 +354,7 @@ void ArVizStorage::recordBatch(viz::data::RecordingBatch& batch)
     recordingMetaData.lastTimestampInMicroSeconds = last.timestampInMicroseconds;
-    viz::data::RecordingBatchHeader& newBatch = recordingMetaData.batchHeaders.emplace_back();
+    armarx::viz::data::RecordingBatchHeader& newBatch = recordingMetaData.batchHeaders.emplace_back();
     newBatch.index = recordingMetaData.batchHeaders.size() - 1;
     newBatch.firstRevision = first.revision;
     newBatch.lastRevision = last.revision;
@@ -373,7 +374,6 @@ void ArVizStorage::recordBatch(viz::data::RecordingBatch& batch)
     ARMARX_INFO << "Recorded ArViz batch to: " << filePath;
 std::string armarx::ArVizStorage::startRecording(std::string const& newRecordingPrefix, const Ice::Current&)
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ void armarx::ArVizStorage::stopRecording(const Ice::Current&)
     recordingMetaData.firstTimestampInMicroSeconds = -1;
-viz::data::RecordingSeq armarx::ArVizStorage::getAllRecordings(const Ice::Current&)
+armarx::viz::data::RecordingSeq armarx::ArVizStorage::getAllRecordings(const Ice::Current&)
     viz::data::RecordingSeq result;
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ viz::data::RecordingSeq armarx::ArVizStorage::getAllRecordings(const Ice::Curren
     return result;
-viz::data::RecordingBatch armarx::ArVizStorage::getRecordingBatch(std::string const& recordingID, Ice::Long batchIndex, const Ice::Current&)
+armarx::viz::data::RecordingBatch armarx::ArVizStorage::getRecordingBatch(std::string const& recordingID, Ice::Long batchIndex, const Ice::Current&)
     viz::data::RecordingBatch result;
     result.header.index = -1;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Client/Client.h b/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Client/Client.h
index 8e5cc4088..1307eae6e 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Client/Client.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Client/Client.h
@@ -46,7 +46,10 @@ namespace armarx::viz
             std::transform(layers.begin(), layers.end(), std::back_inserter(updates),
-                           [](const auto& layer) { return layer.data_; });
+                           [](const auto & layer)
+            {
+                return layer.data_;
+            });
@@ -59,7 +62,10 @@ namespace armarx::viz
             std::transform(layers.begin(), layers.end(), std::back_inserter(updates),
-                           [](const auto& layerRef) { return layerRef->data_; });
+                           [](const auto & layerRef)
+            {
+                return layerRef->data_;
+            });
@@ -67,7 +73,10 @@ namespace armarx::viz
             std::transform(layers.begin(), layers.end(), std::back_inserter(updates),
-                           [](const auto& layer) { return layer.data_; });
+                           [](const auto & layer)
+            {
+                return layer.data_;
+            });
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Coin/ElementVisualizer.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Coin/ElementVisualizer.cpp
index 502bca5d0..2103961b7 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Coin/ElementVisualizer.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Coin/ElementVisualizer.cpp
@@ -4,59 +4,54 @@
 #include <VirtualRobot/Visualization/CoinVisualization/CoinVisualizationFactory.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::viz::coin
-    namespace viz
+    ElementVisualization::ElementVisualization()
-        namespace coin
-        {
-            ElementVisualization::ElementVisualization()
-            {
-                // We do everything in millimeters...
-                units = new SoUnits();
-                units->units = SoUnits::MILLIMETERS;
-                transform = new SoTransform;
-                material = new SoMaterial;
-                separator = new SoSeparator;
-                separator->addChild(units);
-                separator->addChild(transform);
-                separator->addChild(material);
-            }
-            void ElementVisualization::updateBase(data::Element const& element)
-            {
-                auto& p = element.pose;
-                transform->translation.setValue(p.x, p.y, p.z);
-                transform->rotation.setValue(p.qx, p.qy, p.qz, p.qw);
-                transform->scaleFactor.setValue(element.scale, element.scale, element.scale);
-                auto color = element.color;
-                const float conv = 1.0f / 255.0f;
-                SbColor coinColor(conv * color.r, conv * color.g, conv * color.b);
-                material->ambientColor.setValue(coinColor);
-                material->diffuseColor.setValue(coinColor);
-                material->transparency.setValue(1.0f - conv * color.a);
-                // This enables textured meshes to be displayed with transparency
-                bool overrideMaterial = (element.flags & data::ElementFlags::OVERRIDE_MATERIAL);
-                material->setOverride(overrideMaterial);
-            }
-            std::unique_ptr<ElementVisualization> ElementVisualizer::create(const data::Element& element)
-            {
-                std::unique_ptr<ElementVisualization> result(createDerived());
-                update(element, result.get());
-                return result;
-            }
-            bool ElementVisualizer::update(data::Element const& element, ElementVisualization* visu)
-            {
-                visu->updateBase(element);
-                return updateDerived(element, visu);
-            }
-        }
+        // We do everything in millimeters...
+        units = new SoUnits();
+        units->units = SoUnits::MILLIMETERS;
+        transform = new SoTransform;
+        material = new SoMaterial;
+        separator = new SoSeparator;
+        separator->addChild(units);
+        separator->addChild(transform);
+        separator->addChild(material);
+    }
+    void ElementVisualization::updateBase(data::Element const& element)
+    {
+        auto& p = element.pose;
+        transform->translation.setValue(p.x, p.y, p.z);
+        transform->rotation.setValue(p.qx, p.qy, p.qz, p.qw);
+        transform->scaleFactor.setValue(element.scale, element.scale, element.scale);
+        auto color = element.color;
+        const float conv = 1.0f / 255.0f;
+        SbColor coinColor(conv * color.r, conv * color.g, conv * color.b);
+        material->ambientColor.setValue(coinColor);
+        material->diffuseColor.setValue(coinColor);
+        material->transparency.setValue(1.0f - conv * color.a);
+        // This enables textured meshes to be displayed with transparency
+        bool overrideMaterial = (element.flags & data::ElementFlags::OVERRIDE_MATERIAL);
+        material->setOverride(overrideMaterial);
+    }
+    std::unique_ptr<ElementVisualization> ElementVisualizer::create(const data::Element& element)
+    {
+        std::unique_ptr<ElementVisualization> result(createDerived());
+        update(element, result.get());
+        return result;
+    }
+    bool ElementVisualizer::update(data::Element const& element, ElementVisualization* visu)
+    {
+        visu->updateBase(element);
+        return updateDerived(element, visu);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Coin/ElementVisualizer.h b/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Coin/ElementVisualizer.h
index f84dfbbdd..8c3f524fb 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Coin/ElementVisualizer.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Coin/ElementVisualizer.h
@@ -7,82 +7,78 @@
 #include <memory>
-namespace armarx::viz
+namespace armarx::viz::data
-    namespace data
-    {
-        class Element;
-    }
+    class Element;
-    namespace coin
+namespace armarx::viz::coin
+    struct ElementVisualization
-        struct ElementVisualization
-        {
-            ElementVisualization();
+        ElementVisualization();
-            virtual ~ElementVisualization() = default;
+        virtual ~ElementVisualization() = default;
-            void updateBase(data::Element const& element);
+        void updateBase(data::Element const& element);
-            SoSeparator* separator;
-            SoUnits* units;
-            SoTransform* transform;
-            SoMaterial* material;
-            bool wasUpdated = true;
-        };
+        SoSeparator* separator;
+        SoUnits* units;
+        SoTransform* transform;
+        SoMaterial* material;
+        bool wasUpdated = true;
+    };
-        class ElementVisualizer
-        {
-        public:
-            virtual ~ElementVisualizer() = default;
+    class ElementVisualizer
+    {
+    public:
+        virtual ~ElementVisualizer() = default;
-            std::unique_ptr<ElementVisualization> create(data::Element const& element);
-            bool update(data::Element const& element, ElementVisualization* visu);
+        std::unique_ptr<ElementVisualization> create(data::Element const& element);
+        bool update(data::Element const& element, ElementVisualization* visu);
-            virtual ElementVisualization* createDerived() = 0;
-            virtual bool updateDerived(data::Element const& element, ElementVisualization* data) = 0;
-        };
+        virtual ElementVisualization* createDerived() = 0;
+        virtual bool updateDerived(data::Element const& element, ElementVisualization* data) = 0;
+    };
-        template <typename NodeT>
-        struct TypedElementVisualization : ElementVisualization
+    template <typename NodeT>
+    struct TypedElementVisualization : ElementVisualization
+    {
+        using NodeType = NodeT;
+        TypedElementVisualization()
-            using NodeType = NodeT;
+            node = new NodeType;
+        }
-            TypedElementVisualization()
-            {
-                node = new NodeType;
-            }
+        NodeType* node;
+    };
-            NodeType* node;
-        };
+    template <typename DataT>
+    class TypedElementVisualizer : public ElementVisualizer
+    {
+    public:
+        using DataType = DataT;
+        using ElementType = typename DataType::ElementType;
-        template <typename DataT>
-        class TypedElementVisualizer : public ElementVisualizer
+        DataType* createDerived() final
-        public:
-            using DataType = DataT;
-            using ElementType = typename DataType::ElementType;
-            DataType* createDerived() final
-            {
-                DataType* result = new DataType;
-                result->separator->addChild(result->node);
-                return result;
-            }
+            DataType* result = new DataType;
+            result->separator->addChild(result->node);
+            return result;
+        }
-            bool updateDerived(data::Element const& element_, ElementVisualization* data_) final
+        bool updateDerived(data::Element const& element_, ElementVisualization* data_) final
+        {
+            auto const& element = static_cast<ElementType const&>(element_);
+            auto* data = dynamic_cast<DataType*>(data_);
+            if (data)
-                auto const& element = static_cast<ElementType const&>(element_);
-                auto* data = dynamic_cast<DataType*>(data_);
-                if (data)
-                {
-                    // We want to call  update with the correctly downcasted arguments
-                    return data->update(element);
-                }
-                return false;
+                // We want to call  update with the correctly downcasted arguments
+                return data->update(element);
-        };
-    }
+            return false;
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Coin/VisualizationObject.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Coin/VisualizationObject.cpp
index 7ade9a747..d1e10e97f 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Coin/VisualizationObject.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Coin/VisualizationObject.cpp
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ namespace armarx::viz::coin
             return result;
-        static std::vector<LoadedObject> cache;
+        static std::vector<LoadedObject> objectcache;
         LoadedObject getObjectFromCache(std::string const& project, std::string const& filename)
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ namespace armarx::viz::coin
             LoadedObject result;
-            for (LoadedObject const& loaded : cache)
+            for (LoadedObject const& loaded : objectcache)
                 if (loaded.project == project && loaded.filename == filename)
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ namespace armarx::viz::coin
             result.filename = filename;
             result.object = loadObject(project, filename);
-            cache.push_back(result);
+            objectcache.push_back(result);
             return result;
@@ -175,10 +175,6 @@ namespace armarx::viz::coin
     void clearObjectCache()
-        cache.clear();
+        objectcache.clear();
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Coin/VisualizationRobot.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Coin/VisualizationRobot.cpp
index 7de0d53c8..7c466cdac 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Coin/VisualizationRobot.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Coin/VisualizationRobot.cpp
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ namespace armarx::viz::coin
             return result;
-        static std::vector<LoadedRobot> cache;
+        static std::vector<LoadedRobot> robotcache;
         LoadedRobot getRobotFromCache(std::string const& project, std::string const& filename)
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ namespace armarx::viz::coin
             LoadedRobot result;
-            for (LoadedRobot const& loaded : cache)
+            for (LoadedRobot const& loaded : robotcache)
                 if (loaded.project == project && loaded.filename == filename)
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ namespace armarx::viz::coin
             result.filename = filename;
             result.robot = loadRobot(project, filename);
-            cache.push_back(result);
+            robotcache.push_back(result);
             return result;
@@ -209,10 +209,6 @@ namespace armarx::viz::coin
     void clearRobotCache()
-        cache.clear();
+        robotcache.clear();
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Example/ArVizExample.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Example/ArVizExample.cpp
index ef8365958..bf823730d 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Example/ArVizExample.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/Example/ArVizExample.cpp
@@ -29,327 +29,328 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/time/CycleUtil.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/time/TimeUtil.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-void ArVizExample::onInitComponent()
+namespace armarx
-    offeringTopicFromProperty("ArVizTopicName");
+    void ArVizExample::onInitComponent()
+    {
+        offeringTopicFromProperty("ArVizTopicName");
+    }
-void ArVizExample::onConnectComponent()
-    task = new RunningTask<ArVizExample>(this, &ArVizExample::update);
-    task->start();
+    void ArVizExample::onConnectComponent()
+    {
+        task = new RunningTask<ArVizExample>(this, &ArVizExample::update);
+        task->start();
+    }
-void ArVizExample::onDisconnectComponent()
-    task->stop();
-    task = nullptr;
+    void ArVizExample::onDisconnectComponent()
+    {
+        task->stop();
+        task = nullptr;
+    }
-void fillTestLayer(viz::Layer& layer, double timeInSeconds)
+    void fillTestLayer(viz::Layer& layer, double timeInSeconds)
-        Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
-        pos.x() = 100.0f * std::sin(timeInSeconds);
+        {
+            Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
+            pos.x() = 100.0f * std::sin(timeInSeconds);
-        viz::Box box = viz::Box("box")
-                       .position(pos)
-                       .color(viz::Color::red())
-                       .size(Eigen::Vector3f(100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f));
+            viz::Box box = viz::Box("box")
+                           .position(pos)
+                           .color(viz::Color::red())
+                           .size(Eigen::Vector3f(100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f));
-        layer.add(box);
-    }
-    {
-        Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
-        pos.y() = 100.0f * std::sin(timeInSeconds);
-        pos.x() = 150.0f;
+            layer.add(box);
+        }
+        {
+            Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
+            pos.y() = 100.0f * std::sin(timeInSeconds);
+            pos.x() = 150.0f;
-        viz::Cylinder cyl = viz::Cylinder("cylinder")
-                            .position(pos)
-                            .color(viz::Color::green())
-                            .radius(50.0f)
-                            .height(100.0f);
+            viz::Cylinder cyl = viz::Cylinder("cylinder")
+                                .position(pos)
+                                .color(viz::Color::green())
+                                .radius(50.0f)
+                                .height(100.0f);
-        layer.add(cyl);
-    }
+            layer.add(cyl);
+        }
-    {
-        Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
-        pos.z() = 100.0f * std::sin(timeInSeconds);
-        pos.x() = -150.0f;
+        {
+            Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
+            pos.z() = 100.0f * std::sin(timeInSeconds);
+            pos.x() = -150.0f;
-        viz::Pose pose = viz::Pose("pose")
-                         .position(pos)
-                         .scale(1.0f);
+            viz::Pose pose = viz::Pose("pose")
+                             .position(pos)
+                             .scale(1.0f);
-        layer.add(pose);
-    }
-    {
-        Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
-        pos.z() = +300.0f;
+            layer.add(pose);
+        }
+        {
+            Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
+            pos.z() = +300.0f;
-        viz::Text text = viz::Text("text")
-                         .text("Test Text")
-                         .scale(4.0f)
-                         .position(pos)
-                         .color(viz::Color::black());
+            viz::Text text = viz::Text("text")
+                             .text("Test Text")
+                             .scale(4.0f)
+                             .position(pos)
+                             .color(viz::Color::black());
-        layer.add(text);
-    }
-    {
-        viz::Arrow arrow = viz::Arrow("arrow");
+            layer.add(text);
+        }
+        {
+            viz::Arrow arrow = viz::Arrow("arrow");
-        float modTime = std::fmod(timeInSeconds, 2.0 * M_PI);
-        arrow.length(200.0f + 100.0f * std::sin(modTime));
+            float modTime = std::fmod(timeInSeconds, 2.0 * M_PI);
+            arrow.length(200.0f + 100.0f * std::sin(modTime));
-        Eigen::AngleAxisf dirRot(modTime, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ());
-        Eigen::Vector3f direction = dirRot * Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX();
-        arrow.direction(direction);
+            Eigen::AngleAxisf dirRot(modTime, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ());
+            Eigen::Vector3f direction = dirRot * Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX();
+            arrow.direction(direction);
-        Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
-        pos.z() = +300.0f;
-        pos.x() = -500.0f;
-        arrow.position(pos);
-        arrow.color(viz::Color::blue());
+            Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
+            pos.z() = +300.0f;
+            pos.x() = -500.0f;
+            arrow.position(pos);
+            arrow.color(viz::Color::blue());
-        layer.add(arrow);
+            layer.add(arrow);
+        }
-void fillExampleLayer(viz::Layer& layer, double timeInSeconds)
+    void fillExampleLayer(viz::Layer& layer, double timeInSeconds)
-        Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
-        pos.z() = +300.0f;
+        {
+            Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
+            pos.z() = +300.0f;
-        viz::ArrowCircle circle = viz::ArrowCircle("circle")
-                                  .position(pos)
-                                  .radius(100.0f)
-                                  .width(10.0f)
-                                  .color(viz::Color::fromRGBA(255, 0, 255));
+            viz::ArrowCircle circle = viz::ArrowCircle("circle")
+                                      .position(pos)
+                                      .radius(100.0f)
+                                      .width(10.0f)
+                                      .color(viz::Color::fromRGBA(255, 0, 255));
-        float modTime = std::fmod(timeInSeconds, 2.0 * M_PI);
-        circle.completion(std::sin(modTime));
+            float modTime = std::fmod(timeInSeconds, 2.0 * M_PI);
+            circle.completion(std::sin(modTime));
-        layer.add(circle);
-    }
-    {
-        Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
-        pos.z() = +1000.0f;
-        viz::Polygon poly = viz::Polygon("poly")
-                            .position(pos)
-                            .color(viz::Color::fromRGBA(0, 128, 255, 128))
-                            .lineColor(viz::Color::fromRGBA(0, 0, 255))
-                            .lineWidth(1.0f);
-        float t = 1.0f + std::sin(timeInSeconds);
-        float offset = 50.0f * t;
-        poly.addPoint(Eigen::Vector3f{-200.0f - offset, -200.0f - offset, 0.0f});
-        poly.addPoint(Eigen::Vector3f{-200.0f, +200.0f, 0.0f});
-        poly.addPoint(Eigen::Vector3f{+200.0f + offset, +200.0f + offset, 0.0f});
-        poly.addPoint(Eigen::Vector3f{+200.0f, -200.0f, 0.0f});
-        layer.add(poly);
-    }
-    {
-        Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
-        pos.z() = +1500.0f;
-        viz::Polygon poly = viz::Polygon("poly2")
-                            .position(pos)
-                            .color(viz::Color::fromRGBA(255, 128, 0, 128))
-                            .lineWidth(0.0f);
-        float t = 1.0f + std::sin(timeInSeconds);
-        float offset = 20.0f * t;
-        poly.addPoint(Eigen::Vector3f{-100.0f - offset, -100.0f - offset, 0.0f});
-        poly.addPoint(Eigen::Vector3f{-100.0f, +100.0f, 0.0f});
-        poly.addPoint(Eigen::Vector3f{+100.0f + offset, +100.0f + offset, 0.0f});
-        poly.addPoint(Eigen::Vector3f{+100.0f, -100.0f, 0.0f});
-        layer.add(poly);
-    }
-    {
-        armarx::Vector3f vertices[] =
+            layer.add(circle);
+        }
-            {-100.0f, -100.0f, 0.0f},
-            {-100.0f, +100.0f, 0.0f},
-            {+100.0f, +100.0f, 0.0f},
-            {+100.0f, +100.0f, 200.0f},
-        };
-        std::size_t verticesSize = sizeof(vertices) / sizeof(vertices[0]);
-        armarx::viz::data::Color colors[] =
+            Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
+            pos.z() = +1000.0f;
+            viz::Polygon poly = viz::Polygon("poly")
+                                .position(pos)
+                                .color(viz::Color::fromRGBA(0, 128, 255, 128))
+                                .lineColor(viz::Color::fromRGBA(0, 0, 255))
+                                .lineWidth(1.0f);
+            float t = 1.0f + std::sin(timeInSeconds);
+            float offset = 50.0f * t;
+            poly.addPoint(Eigen::Vector3f{-200.0f - offset, -200.0f - offset, 0.0f});
+            poly.addPoint(Eigen::Vector3f{-200.0f, +200.0f, 0.0f});
+            poly.addPoint(Eigen::Vector3f{+200.0f + offset, +200.0f + offset, 0.0f});
+            poly.addPoint(Eigen::Vector3f{+200.0f, -200.0f, 0.0f});
+            layer.add(poly);
+        }
-            {255, 255, 0, 0},
-            {255, 0, 255, 0},
-            {255, 0, 0, 255},
-        };
-        std::size_t colorsSize = sizeof(colors) / sizeof(colors[0]);
-        viz::data::Face faces[] =
+            Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
+            pos.z() = +1500.0f;
+            viz::Polygon poly = viz::Polygon("poly2")
+                                .position(pos)
+                                .color(viz::Color::fromRGBA(255, 128, 0, 128))
+                                .lineWidth(0.0f);
+            float t = 1.0f + std::sin(timeInSeconds);
+            float offset = 20.0f * t;
+            poly.addPoint(Eigen::Vector3f{-100.0f - offset, -100.0f - offset, 0.0f});
+            poly.addPoint(Eigen::Vector3f{-100.0f, +100.0f, 0.0f});
+            poly.addPoint(Eigen::Vector3f{+100.0f + offset, +100.0f + offset, 0.0f});
+            poly.addPoint(Eigen::Vector3f{+100.0f, -100.0f, 0.0f});
+            layer.add(poly);
+        }
+            armarx::Vector3f vertices[] =
-                0, 1, 2,
-                0, 1, 2,
-            },
+                {-100.0f, -100.0f, 0.0f},
+                {-100.0f, +100.0f, 0.0f},
+                {+100.0f, +100.0f, 0.0f},
+                {+100.0f, +100.0f, 200.0f},
+            };
+            std::size_t verticesSize = sizeof(vertices) / sizeof(vertices[0]);
+            armarx::viz::data::Color colors[] =
-                1, 2, 3,
-                0, 1, 2,
-            },
-        };
-        std::size_t facesSize = sizeof(faces) / sizeof(faces[0]);
-        Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
-        pos.z() = +1000.0f;
-        pos.x() = -500.0f;
-        viz::Mesh mesh = viz::Mesh("mesh")
-                         .position(pos)
-                         .vertices(vertices, verticesSize)
-                         .colors(colors, colorsSize)
-                         .faces(faces, facesSize);
-        layer.add(mesh);
-    }
-    {
-        Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
-        pos.x() = 500.0f;
+                {255, 255, 0, 0},
+                {255, 0, 255, 0},
+                {255, 0, 0, 255},
+            };
+            std::size_t colorsSize = sizeof(colors) / sizeof(colors[0]);
-        viz::Robot robot = viz::Robot("robot")
-                           .position(pos)
-                           .file("Armar6RT", "Armar6RT/robotmodel/Armar6-SH/Armar6-SH.xml");
+            viz::data::Face faces[] =
+            {
+                {
+                    0, 1, 2,
+                    0, 1, 2,
+                },
+                {
+                    1, 2, 3,
+                    0, 1, 2,
+                },
+            };
+            std::size_t facesSize = sizeof(faces) / sizeof(faces[0]);
+            Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
+            pos.z() = +1000.0f;
+            pos.x() = -500.0f;
+            viz::Mesh mesh = viz::Mesh("mesh")
+                             .position(pos)
+                             .vertices(vertices, verticesSize)
+                             .colors(colors, colorsSize)
+                             .faces(faces, facesSize);
-        // Full model
-        if (true)
-        {
-            robot.useFullModel();
+            layer.add(mesh);
-        else
-            robot.useCollisionModel()
-            .overrideColor(viz::Color::fromRGBA(0, 255, 128, 128));
-        }
+            Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
+            pos.x() = 500.0f;
-        float value = 0.5f * (1.0f + std::sin(timeInSeconds));
-        robot.joint("ArmR2_Sho1", value);
-        robot.joint("ArmR3_Sho2", value);
+            viz::Robot robot = viz::Robot("robot")
+                               .position(pos)
+                               .file("Armar6RT", "Armar6RT/robotmodel/Armar6-SH/Armar6-SH.xml");
-        layer.add(robot);
-    }
+            // Full model
+            if (true)
+            {
+                robot.useFullModel();
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                robot.useCollisionModel()
+                .overrideColor(viz::Color::fromRGBA(0, 255, 128, 128));
+            }
-void fillPermanentLayer(viz::Layer& layer)
-    viz::Box box = viz::Box("permBox")
-                   .position(Eigen::Vector3f(2000.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))
-                   .size(Eigen::Vector3f(200.0f, 200.0f, 200.0f))
-                   .color(viz::Color::fromRGBA(255, 165, 0));
+            float value = 0.5f * (1.0f + std::sin(timeInSeconds));
+            robot.joint("ArmR2_Sho1", value);
+            robot.joint("ArmR3_Sho2", value);
-    layer.add(box);
+            layer.add(robot);
+        }
+    }
-void fillPointsLayer(viz::Layer& layer, double timeInSeconds)
-    viz::PointCloud pc = viz::PointCloud("points")
-                         .position(Eigen::Vector3f(2000.0f, 0.0f, 400.0f))
-                         .transparency(0.0f);
+    void fillPermanentLayer(viz::Layer& layer)
+    {
+        viz::Box box = viz::Box("permBox")
+                       .position(Eigen::Vector3f(2000.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))
+                       .size(Eigen::Vector3f(200.0f, 200.0f, 200.0f))
+                       .color(viz::Color::fromRGBA(255, 165, 0));
+        layer.add(box);
+    }
-    viz::ColoredPoint p;
-    p.color = viz::Color::fromRGBA(255, 255, 0, 255);
-    for (int x = -200; x <= 200; ++x)
+    void fillPointsLayer(viz::Layer& layer, double timeInSeconds)
-        p.x = 2.0f * x;
-        double phase = timeInSeconds + x / 50.0f;
-        double heightT = std::max(0.0, std::min(0.5 * (1.0 + std::sin(phase)), 1.0));
-        for (int y = -200; y <= 200; ++y)
+        viz::PointCloud pc = viz::PointCloud("points")
+                             .position(Eigen::Vector3f(2000.0f, 0.0f, 400.0f))
+                             .transparency(0.0f);
+        viz::ColoredPoint p;
+        p.color = viz::Color::fromRGBA(255, 255, 0, 255);
+        for (int x = -200; x <= 200; ++x)
-            p.y = 2.0f * y;
-            p.z = 100.0 * heightT;
+            p.x = 2.0f * x;
+            double phase = timeInSeconds + x / 50.0f;
+            double heightT = std::max(0.0, std::min(0.5 * (1.0 + std::sin(phase)), 1.0));
+            for (int y = -200; y <= 200; ++y)
+            {
+                p.y = 2.0f * y;
+                p.z = 100.0 * heightT;
-            p.color.g = 255.0 * heightT;
-            p.color.b = 255.0 * (1.0 - heightT);
-            pc.addPoint(p);
+                p.color.g = 255.0 * heightT;
+                p.color.b = 255.0 * (1.0 - heightT);
+                pc.addPoint(p);
+            }
-    }
-    layer.add(pc);
+        layer.add(pc);
+    }
-void fillObjectsLayer(viz::Layer& layer, double timeInSeconds)
+    void fillObjectsLayer(viz::Layer& layer, double timeInSeconds)
-        Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
-        pos.x() = 100.0f * std::sin(timeInSeconds);
-        pos.y() = 1000.0f;
+        {
+            Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
+            pos.x() = 100.0f * std::sin(timeInSeconds);
+            pos.y() = 1000.0f;
-        viz::Object sponge = viz::Object("sponge")
-                             .position(pos)
-                             .file("ArmarObjects", "ArmarObjects/sponge/sponge.xml");
+            viz::Object sponge = viz::Object("sponge")
+                                 .position(pos)
+                                 .file("ArmarObjects", "ArmarObjects/sponge/sponge.xml");
-        layer.add(sponge);
-    }
+            layer.add(sponge);
+        }
-    {
-        Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
-        pos.x() = 300.0f + 100.0f * std::sin(timeInSeconds);
-        pos.y() = 1000.0f;
+        {
+            Eigen::Vector3f pos = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero();
+            pos.x() = 300.0f + 100.0f * std::sin(timeInSeconds);
+            pos.y() = 1000.0f;
-        viz::Object spraybottle = viz::Object("spraybottle")
-                                  .position(pos)
-                                  .file("ArmarObjects", "ArmarObjects/spraybottle/spraybottle.xml");
+            viz::Object spraybottle = viz::Object("spraybottle")
+                                      .position(pos)
+                                      .file("ArmarObjects", "ArmarObjects/spraybottle/spraybottle.xml");
-        layer.add(spraybottle);
+            layer.add(spraybottle);
+        }
-void ArVizExample::update()
-    viz::Client arviz(*this);
+    void ArVizExample::update()
+    {
+        viz::Client arviz(*this);
-    viz::Layer testLayer = arviz.layer("Test");
-    viz::Layer exampleLayer = arviz.layer("Example");
-    viz::Layer pointsLayer = arviz.layer("Points");
-    viz::Layer objectsLayer = arviz.layer("Objects");
+        viz::Layer testLayer = arviz.layer("Test");
+        viz::Layer exampleLayer = arviz.layer("Example");
+        viz::Layer pointsLayer = arviz.layer("Points");
+        viz::Layer objectsLayer = arviz.layer("Objects");
-    // This layer is not updated in the loop
-    viz::Layer permanentLayer = arviz.layer("Permanent");
-    fillPermanentLayer(permanentLayer);
-    arviz.commit(permanentLayer);
+        // This layer is not updated in the loop
+        viz::Layer permanentLayer = arviz.layer("Permanent");
+        fillPermanentLayer(permanentLayer);
+        arviz.commit(permanentLayer);
-    CycleUtil c(20);
-    while (!task->isStopped())
-    {
-        double timeInSeconds = TimeUtil::GetTime().toSecondsDouble();
+        CycleUtil c(20);
+        while (!task->isStopped())
+        {
+            double timeInSeconds = TimeUtil::GetTime().toSecondsDouble();
-        testLayer.clear();
-        fillTestLayer(testLayer, timeInSeconds);
-        exampleLayer.clear();
-        fillExampleLayer(exampleLayer, timeInSeconds);
-        pointsLayer.clear();
-        fillPointsLayer(pointsLayer, timeInSeconds);
-        objectsLayer.clear();
-        fillObjectsLayer(objectsLayer, timeInSeconds);
+            testLayer.clear();
+            fillTestLayer(testLayer, timeInSeconds);
+            exampleLayer.clear();
+            fillExampleLayer(exampleLayer, timeInSeconds);
+            pointsLayer.clear();
+            fillPointsLayer(pointsLayer, timeInSeconds);
+            objectsLayer.clear();
+            fillObjectsLayer(objectsLayer, timeInSeconds);
-        arviz.commit({testLayer, exampleLayer, pointsLayer, objectsLayer});
+            arviz.commit({testLayer, exampleLayer, pointsLayer, objectsLayer});
-        c.waitForCycleDuration();
+            c.waitForCycleDuration();
+        }
-void ArVizExample::onExitComponent()
+    void ArVizExample::onExitComponent()
+    {
+    }
-armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr ArVizExample::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new ArVizExamplePropertyDefinitions(
-            getConfigIdentifier()));
+    armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr ArVizExample::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new ArVizExamplePropertyDefinitions(
+                getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/IceConversions.h b/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/IceConversions.h
index 8a9eb2564..4c1dc54f4 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/IceConversions.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/IceConversions.h
@@ -5,32 +5,29 @@
 #include <Eigen/Core>
 #include <Eigen/Geometry>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::viz
-    namespace viz
-    {
-        inline Eigen::Matrix4f toEigen(data::GlobalPose const& pose)
-        {
-            Eigen::Matrix4f result;
-            result.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = Eigen::Quaternionf(pose.qw, pose.qx, pose.qy, pose.qz).toRotationMatrix();
-            result.block<3, 1>(0, 3) = Eigen::Vector3f(pose.x, pose.y, pose.z);
-            result.block<1, 4>(3, 0) = Eigen::Vector4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
-            return result;
-        }
-        inline data::GlobalPose poseToIce(Eigen::Vector3f const& pos, Eigen::Quaternionf const& ori)
-        {
-            data::GlobalPose result;
-            result.x = pos.x();
-            result.y = pos.y();
-            result.z = pos.z();
-            result.qw = ori.w();
-            result.qx = ori.x();
-            result.qy = ori.y();
-            result.qz = ori.z();
-            return result;
-        }
+    inline Eigen::Matrix4f toEigen(data::GlobalPose const& pose)
+    {
+        Eigen::Matrix4f result;
+        result.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = Eigen::Quaternionf(pose.qw, pose.qx, pose.qy, pose.qz).toRotationMatrix();
+        result.block<3, 1>(0, 3) = Eigen::Vector3f(pose.x, pose.y, pose.z);
+        result.block<1, 4>(3, 0) = Eigen::Vector4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
+        return result;
+    }
+    inline data::GlobalPose poseToIce(Eigen::Vector3f const& pos, Eigen::Quaternionf const& ori)
+    {
+        data::GlobalPose result;
+        result.x = pos.x();
+        result.y = pos.y();
+        result.z = pos.z();
+        result.qw = ori.w();
+        result.qx = ori.x();
+        result.qy = ori.y();
+        result.qz = ori.z();
+        return result;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/test/Client/PointCloudTest.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/test/Client/PointCloudTest.cpp
index 25825973d..f420ee596 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/test/Client/PointCloudTest.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/ArViz/test/Client/PointCloudTest.cpp
@@ -56,24 +56,24 @@ namespace
-    static_assert (!armarx::viz::detail::has_members_rgba<PointXYZ>::value,
-                   "has_members_rgba<PointXYZ>::value must be false.");
+    static_assert(!armarx::viz::detail::has_members_rgba<PointXYZ>::value,
+                  "has_members_rgba<PointXYZ>::value must be false.");
-    static_assert (armarx::viz::detail::has_members_rgba<PointXYZRGBA>::value,
-                   "has_members_rgba<PointXYZRGBA>::value must be true.");
+    static_assert(armarx::viz::detail::has_members_rgba<PointXYZRGBA>::value,
+                  "has_members_rgba<PointXYZRGBA>::value must be true.");
-    static_assert (armarx::viz::detail::has_members_rgba<PointXYZRGBL>::value,
-                   "has_members_rgba<PointXYZRGBL>::value must be true.");
+    static_assert(armarx::viz::detail::has_members_rgba<PointXYZRGBL>::value,
+                  "has_members_rgba<PointXYZRGBL>::value must be true.");
-    static_assert (!armarx::viz::detail::has_member_label<PointXYZ>::value,
-                   "has_member_label<PointXYZ>::value must be false.");
+    static_assert(!armarx::viz::detail::has_member_label<PointXYZ>::value,
+                  "has_member_label<PointXYZ>::value must be false.");
-    static_assert (!armarx::viz::detail::has_member_label<PointXYZRGBA>::value,
-                   "has_member_label<PointXYZRGBA>::value must be false.");
+    static_assert(!armarx::viz::detail::has_member_label<PointXYZRGBA>::value,
+                  "has_member_label<PointXYZRGBA>::value must be false.");
-    static_assert (armarx::viz::detail::has_member_label<PointXYZRGBL>::value,
-                   "has_member_label<PointXYZRGBL>::value must be true.");
+    static_assert(armarx::viz::detail::has_member_label<PointXYZRGBL>::value,
+                  "has_member_label<PointXYZRGBL>::value must be true.");
     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(true, true);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/CyberGloveObserver/CyberGloveObserver.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/CyberGloveObserver/CyberGloveObserver.cpp
index a7697f8d5..a68eb49d8 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/CyberGloveObserver/CyberGloveObserver.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/CyberGloveObserver/CyberGloveObserver.cpp
@@ -23,91 +23,91 @@
 #include "CyberGloveObserver.h"
 #include <ArmarXCore/observers/variant/TimestampVariant.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-void CyberGloveObserver::onInitObserver()
-    usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("CyberGloveTopicName").getValue());
-void CyberGloveObserver::onConnectObserver()
+namespace armarx
-    lastUpdate = TimeUtil::GetTime();
-//void CyberGloveObserver::onDisconnectComponent()
+    void CyberGloveObserver::onInitObserver()
+    {
+        usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("CyberGloveTopicName").getValue());
+    }
-void CyberGloveObserver::onExitObserver()
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr CyberGloveObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new CyberGloveObserverPropertyDefinitions(
-                                      getConfigIdentifier()));
+    void CyberGloveObserver::onConnectObserver()
+    {
+        lastUpdate = TimeUtil::GetTime();
+    }
-void CyberGloveObserver::reportGloveValues(const CyberGloveValues& gloveValues, const Ice::Current&)
-    ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
-    IceUtil::Time now = TimeUtil::GetTime();
+    //void CyberGloveObserver::onDisconnectComponent()
+    //{
-    long deltaUS = (now - lastUpdate).toMicroSeconds();
+    //}
-    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << deltaUS << " " << gloveValues.time << " " << gloveValues.indexDIP;
-    lastUpdate = now;
-    latestValues = gloveValues;
+    void CyberGloveObserver::onExitObserver()
+    {
+    }
-    std::string name =;
-    if (!existsChannel(name))
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr CyberGloveObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
-        offerChannel(name, "CyberGlove motor data");
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new CyberGloveObserverPropertyDefinitions(
+                                          getConfigIdentifier()));
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "name", Variant(name), "Name of the prostesis");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "thumbCMC", Variant(gloveValues.thumbCMC), "Value of thumbCMC");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "thumbMCP", Variant(gloveValues.thumbMCP), "Value of thumbMCP");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "thumbIP", Variant(gloveValues.thumbIP), "Value of thumbIP");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "thumbAbd", Variant(gloveValues.thumbAbd), "Value of thumbAbd");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "indexMCP", Variant(gloveValues.indexMCP), "Value of indexMCP");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "indexPIP", Variant(gloveValues.indexPIP), "Value of indexPIP");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "indexDIP", Variant(gloveValues.indexDIP), "Value of indexDIP");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "middleMCP", Variant(gloveValues.middleMCP), "Value of middleMCP");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "middlePIP", Variant(gloveValues.middlePIP), "Value of middlePIP");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "middleDIP", Variant(gloveValues.middleDIP), "Value of middleDIP");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "middleAbd", Variant(gloveValues.middleAbd), "Value of middleAbd");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "ringMCP", Variant(gloveValues.ringMCP), "Value of ringMCP");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "ringPIP", Variant(gloveValues.ringPIP), "Value of ringPIP");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "ringDIP", Variant(gloveValues.ringDIP), "Value of ringDIP");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "ringAbd", Variant(gloveValues.ringAbd), "Value of ringAbd");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "littleMCP", Variant(gloveValues.littleMCP), "Value of littleMCP");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "littlePIP", Variant(gloveValues.littlePIP), "Value of littlePIP");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "littleDIP", Variant(gloveValues.littleDIP), "Value of littleDIP");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "littleAbd", Variant(gloveValues.littleAbd), "Value of littleAbd");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "palmArch", Variant(gloveValues.palmArch), "Value of palmArch");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "wristFlex", Variant(gloveValues.wristFlex), "Value of wristFlex");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "wristAbd", Variant(gloveValues.wristAbd), "Value of wristAbd");
-    updateChannel(name);
+    void CyberGloveObserver::reportGloveValues(const CyberGloveValues& gloveValues, const Ice::Current&)
+    {
+        ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
+        IceUtil::Time now = TimeUtil::GetTime();
+        long deltaUS = (now - lastUpdate).toMicroSeconds();
+        ARMARX_IMPORTANT << deltaUS << " " << gloveValues.time << " " << gloveValues.indexDIP;
+        lastUpdate = now;
+        latestValues = gloveValues;
+        std::string name =;
+        if (!existsChannel(name))
+        {
+            offerChannel(name, "CyberGlove motor data");
+        }
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "name", Variant(name), "Name of the prostesis");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "thumbCMC", Variant(gloveValues.thumbCMC), "Value of thumbCMC");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "thumbMCP", Variant(gloveValues.thumbMCP), "Value of thumbMCP");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "thumbIP", Variant(gloveValues.thumbIP), "Value of thumbIP");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "thumbAbd", Variant(gloveValues.thumbAbd), "Value of thumbAbd");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "indexMCP", Variant(gloveValues.indexMCP), "Value of indexMCP");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "indexPIP", Variant(gloveValues.indexPIP), "Value of indexPIP");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "indexDIP", Variant(gloveValues.indexDIP), "Value of indexDIP");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "middleMCP", Variant(gloveValues.middleMCP), "Value of middleMCP");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "middlePIP", Variant(gloveValues.middlePIP), "Value of middlePIP");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "middleDIP", Variant(gloveValues.middleDIP), "Value of middleDIP");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "middleAbd", Variant(gloveValues.middleAbd), "Value of middleAbd");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "ringMCP", Variant(gloveValues.ringMCP), "Value of ringMCP");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "ringPIP", Variant(gloveValues.ringPIP), "Value of ringPIP");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "ringDIP", Variant(gloveValues.ringDIP), "Value of ringDIP");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "ringAbd", Variant(gloveValues.ringAbd), "Value of ringAbd");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "littleMCP", Variant(gloveValues.littleMCP), "Value of littleMCP");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "littlePIP", Variant(gloveValues.littlePIP), "Value of littlePIP");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "littleDIP", Variant(gloveValues.littleDIP), "Value of littleDIP");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "littleAbd", Variant(gloveValues.littleAbd), "Value of littleAbd");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "palmArch", Variant(gloveValues.palmArch), "Value of palmArch");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "wristFlex", Variant(gloveValues.wristFlex), "Value of wristFlex");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "wristAbd", Variant(gloveValues.wristAbd), "Value of wristAbd");
+        updateChannel(name);
+    }
-CyberGloveValues armarx::CyberGloveObserver::getLatestValues(const Ice::Current&)
-    ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
-    return latestValues;
+    CyberGloveValues armarx::CyberGloveObserver::getLatestValues(const Ice::Current&)
+    {
+        ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
+        return latestValues;
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/DebugDrawer/DebugDrawerHelper.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/DebugDrawer/DebugDrawerHelper.cpp
index bad03e396..2edd13823 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/DebugDrawer/DebugDrawerHelper.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/DebugDrawer/DebugDrawerHelper.cpp
@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ namespace armarx::detail::DebugDrawerHelper
         if (_rn)
-            return math::Helpers::TransformDirection(_rn->getGlobalPose(), direction);
+            return ::math::Helpers::TransformDirection(_rn->getGlobalPose(), direction);
-        return math::Helpers::TransformDirection(_fallbackFrame, direction);
+        return ::math::Helpers::TransformDirection(_fallbackFrame, direction);
     PosePtr FrameView::makeGlobal(const Eigen::Matrix4f& pose) const
@@ -435,10 +435,10 @@ namespace armarx
         return DrawColor
-            math::Helpers::Lerp(a.r, b.r, f),
-            math::Helpers::Lerp(a.g, b.g, f),
-            math::Helpers::Lerp(a.b, b.b, f),
-            math::Helpers::Lerp(a.a, b.a, f)
+            ::math::Helpers::Lerp(a.r, b.r, f),
+            ::math::Helpers::Lerp(a.g, b.g, f),
+            ::math::Helpers::Lerp(a.b, b.b, f),
+            ::math::Helpers::Lerp(a.a, b.a, f)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/DummyTextToSpeech/DummyTextToSpeech.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/DummyTextToSpeech/DummyTextToSpeech.cpp
index c5a80a832..30cbeea21 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/DummyTextToSpeech/DummyTextToSpeech.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/DummyTextToSpeech/DummyTextToSpeech.cpp
@@ -24,58 +24,58 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/time/TimeUtil.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-void DummyTextToSpeech::onInitComponent()
+namespace armarx
-    usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("TextToSpeechTopicName").getValue());
-    offeringTopic(getProperty<std::string>("TextToSpeechStateTopicName").getValue());
+    void DummyTextToSpeech::onInitComponent()
+    {
+        usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("TextToSpeechTopicName").getValue());
+        offeringTopic(getProperty<std::string>("TextToSpeechStateTopicName").getValue());
+    }
-void DummyTextToSpeech::onConnectComponent()
-    textToSpeechStateTopicPrx = getTopic<TextToSpeechStateInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("TextToSpeechStateTopicName").getValue());
-    textToSpeechStateTopicPrx->reportState(eIdle);
+    void DummyTextToSpeech::onConnectComponent()
+    {
+        textToSpeechStateTopicPrx = getTopic<TextToSpeechStateInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("TextToSpeechStateTopicName").getValue());
+        textToSpeechStateTopicPrx->reportState(eIdle);
+    }
-void DummyTextToSpeech::onDisconnectComponent()
+    void DummyTextToSpeech::onDisconnectComponent()
+    {
+    }
-void DummyTextToSpeech::onExitComponent()
+    void DummyTextToSpeech::onExitComponent()
+    {
+    }
-armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr DummyTextToSpeech::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new DummyTextToSpeechPropertyDefinitions(
-            getConfigIdentifier()));
+    armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr DummyTextToSpeech::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new DummyTextToSpeechPropertyDefinitions(
+                getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
-void armarx::DummyTextToSpeech::reportText(const std::string& text, const Ice::Current&)
-    //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "reportState";
-    textToSpeechStateTopicPrx->reportState(eStartedSpeaking);
+    void armarx::DummyTextToSpeech::reportText(const std::string& text, const Ice::Current&)
+    {
+        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "reportState";
+        textToSpeechStateTopicPrx->reportState(eStartedSpeaking);
-    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "DummyTTS StartedSpeaking: " << text;
+        ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "DummyTTS StartedSpeaking: " << text;
-    //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "sleep";
-    sleep(1);
-    TimeUtil::SleepMS(text.length() * 10);
-    //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "reportState";
-    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "DummyTTS FinishedSpeaking";
-    textToSpeechStateTopicPrx->reportState(eFinishedSpeaking);
+        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "sleep";
+        sleep(1);
+        TimeUtil::SleepMS(text.length() * 10);
+        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "reportState";
+        ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "DummyTTS FinishedSpeaking";
+        textToSpeechStateTopicPrx->reportState(eFinishedSpeaking);
+    }
-void armarx::DummyTextToSpeech::reportTextWithParams(const std::string& text, const Ice::StringSeq& params, const Ice::Current&)
-    ARMARX_WARNING << "reportTextWithParams is not implemented";
+    void armarx::DummyTextToSpeech::reportTextWithParams(const std::string& text, const Ice::StringSeq& params, const Ice::Current&)
+    {
+        ARMARX_WARNING << "reportTextWithParams is not implemented";
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/FrameTracking/FrameTracking.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/FrameTracking/FrameTracking.cpp
index 57f83e7a6..0653de63c 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/FrameTracking/FrameTracking.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/FrameTracking/FrameTracking.cpp
@@ -32,551 +32,550 @@
 #include <time.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-void FrameTracking::onInitComponent()
+namespace armarx
-    usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("RobotStateComponentName").getValue());
-    usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("KinematicUnitName").getValue());
-    usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("KinematicUnitObserverName").getValue());
-    if (!getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName").getValue().empty())
+    void FrameTracking::onInitComponent()
-        usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName").getValue());
-    }
-    enabled = false;
-    frameName = getProperty<std::string>("FrameOnStartup").getValue();
-    maxYawVelocity = getProperty<float>("MaxYawVelocity").getValue();
-    yawAcceleration = getProperty<float>("YawAcceleration").getValue();
-    maxPitchVelocity = getProperty<float>("MaxPitchVelocity").getValue();
-    pitchAcceleration = getProperty<float>("PitchAcceleration").getValue();
+        usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("RobotStateComponentName").getValue());
+        usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("KinematicUnitName").getValue());
+        usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("KinematicUnitObserverName").getValue());
+        if (!getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName").getValue().empty())
+        {
+            usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName").getValue());
+        }
+        enabled = false;
+        frameName = getProperty<std::string>("FrameOnStartup").getValue();
-void FrameTracking::onConnectComponent()
-    robotStateComponent = getProxy<RobotStateComponentInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("RobotStateComponentName").getValue());
-    kinematicUnitInterfacePrx = getProxy<KinematicUnitInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("KinematicUnitName").getValue());
-    kinematicUnitObserverInterfacePrx = getProxy<KinematicUnitObserverInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("KinematicUnitObserverName").getValue());
+        maxYawVelocity = getProperty<float>("MaxYawVelocity").getValue();
+        yawAcceleration = getProperty<float>("YawAcceleration").getValue();
-    localRobot = armarx::RemoteRobot::createLocalClone(robotStateComponent);
-    headYawJoint = localRobot->getRobotNode(getProperty<std::string>("HeadYawJoint").getValue());
-    if (!headYawJoint || !(headYawJoint->isRotationalJoint() || headYawJoint->isTranslationalJoint()))
-    {
-        ARMARX_ERROR << getProperty<std::string>("HeadYawJoint").getValue() << " is not a valid joint.";
-        getArmarXManager()->asyncShutdown();
-    }
-    headPitchJoint = localRobot->getRobotNode(getProperty<std::string>("HeadPitchJoint").getValue());
-    if (!headPitchJoint || !(headPitchJoint->isRotationalJoint() || headPitchJoint->isTranslationalJoint()))
-    {
-        ARMARX_ERROR << getProperty<std::string>("HeadPitchJoint").getValue() << " is not a valid joint.";
-        getArmarXManager()->asyncShutdown();
-    }
-    cameraNode = localRobot->getRobotNode(getProperty<std::string>("CameraNode").getValue());
-    if (!cameraNode)
-    {
-        ARMARX_ERROR << getProperty<std::string>("CameraNode").getValue() << " is not a valid node.";
-        getArmarXManager()->asyncShutdown();
+        maxPitchVelocity = getProperty<float>("MaxPitchVelocity").getValue();
+        pitchAcceleration = getProperty<float>("PitchAcceleration").getValue();
-    processorTask = new PeriodicTask<FrameTracking>(this, &FrameTracking::process, 30);
-    _enableTracking(getProperty<bool>("EnableTrackingOnStartup").getValue());
-    if (!getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName").getValue().empty())
+    void FrameTracking::onConnectComponent()
-        _remoteGui = getProxy<RemoteGuiInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName").getValue());
-        RemoteGui::detail::VBoxLayoutBuilder rootLayoutBuilder = RemoteGui::makeVBoxLayout();
-        rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(
-            RemoteGui::makeHBoxLayout()
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("Tracking: "))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("Enabled"))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeCheckBox("enabled").value(enabled))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("Frame"))
-            .addChild(
-                RemoteGui::makeComboBox("tracking_frame")
-                .options(localRobot->getRobotNodeNames())
-                .addOptions({""})
-                .value(frameName)
-            )
-        );
-        rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(
-            RemoteGui::makeHBoxLayout()
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("Look at frame: "))
-            .addChild(
-                RemoteGui::makeComboBox("frame_look")
-                .options(localRobot->getRobotNodeNames())
-                .value(frameName)
-            )
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeButton("button_look_at_frame").label("look at"))
-        );
-        rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(
-            RemoteGui::makeHBoxLayout()
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("Look at global point: "))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("global_point_x").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("global_point_y").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("global_point_z").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeButton("button_look_at_global_point").label("look at"))
-        );
-        rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(
-            RemoteGui::makeHBoxLayout()
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("Look at point in robot frame: "))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("robot_point_x").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("robot_point_y").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("robot_point_z").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeButton("button_look_at_robot_point").label("look at"))
-        );
-        rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(
-            RemoteGui::makeHBoxLayout()
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("Scan: "))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("yaw from "))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_configuration_space_yaw_from").min(headYawJoint->getJointLimitLo()).max(headYawJoint->getJointLimitHi()).steps(static_cast<int>((headYawJoint->getJointLimitHi() - headYawJoint->getJointLimitLo()) / 0.1)))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("yaw to "))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_configuration_space_yaw_to").min(headYawJoint->getJointLimitLo()).max(headYawJoint->getJointLimitHi()).steps(static_cast<int>((headYawJoint->getJointLimitHi() - headYawJoint->getJointLimitLo()) / 0.1)))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("pitch "))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_configuration_space_pitch").min(headPitchJoint->getJointLimitLo()).max(headPitchJoint->getJointLimitHi()).steps(static_cast<int>((headPitchJoint->getJointLimitHi() - headPitchJoint->getJointLimitLo()) / 0.1)))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("velocity "))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_configuration_space_velocity").min(0).max(6).steps(static_cast<int>(6 / 0.1)).value(0.8f))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeButton("button_scan_in_configuration_space").label("scan"))
-        );
-        rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(
-            RemoteGui::makeHBoxLayout()
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("Scan: "))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("from "))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_workspace_from_x").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_workspace_from_y").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_workspace_from_z").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("to "))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_workspace_to_x").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_workspace_to_y").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_workspace_to_z").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("velocity "))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_workspace_velocity").min(0).max(6).steps(static_cast<int>(6 / 0.1)).value(0.8f))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("acceleration "))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_workspace_acceleration").min(0).max(8).steps(static_cast<int>(8 / 0.1)).value(4.0f))
-            .addChild(RemoteGui::makeButton("button_scan_in_workspace").label("scan"))
-        );
-        rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(new RemoteGui::VSpacer());
-        _guiTask = new SimplePeriodicTask<>([this]()
+        robotStateComponent = getProxy<RobotStateComponentInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("RobotStateComponentName").getValue());
+        kinematicUnitInterfacePrx = getProxy<KinematicUnitInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("KinematicUnitName").getValue());
+        kinematicUnitObserverInterfacePrx = getProxy<KinematicUnitObserverInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("KinematicUnitObserverName").getValue());
+        localRobot = armarx::RemoteRobot::createLocalClone(robotStateComponent);
+        headYawJoint = localRobot->getRobotNode(getProperty<std::string>("HeadYawJoint").getValue());
+        if (!headYawJoint || !(headYawJoint->isRotationalJoint() || headYawJoint->isTranslationalJoint()))
-            bool oldEnabledGui = _guiTab.getValue<bool>("enabled").get();
-            std::string oldFrameGui = _guiTab.getValue<std::string>("tracking_frame").get();
+            ARMARX_ERROR << getProperty<std::string>("HeadYawJoint").getValue() << " is not a valid joint.";
+            getArmarXManager()->asyncShutdown();
+        }
+        headPitchJoint = localRobot->getRobotNode(getProperty<std::string>("HeadPitchJoint").getValue());
+        if (!headPitchJoint || !(headPitchJoint->isRotationalJoint() || headPitchJoint->isTranslationalJoint()))
+        {
+            ARMARX_ERROR << getProperty<std::string>("HeadPitchJoint").getValue() << " is not a valid joint.";
+            getArmarXManager()->asyncShutdown();
+        }
+        cameraNode = localRobot->getRobotNode(getProperty<std::string>("CameraNode").getValue());
+        if (!cameraNode)
+        {
+            ARMARX_ERROR << getProperty<std::string>("CameraNode").getValue() << " is not a valid node.";
+            getArmarXManager()->asyncShutdown();
+        }
-            _guiTab.receiveUpdates();
+        processorTask = new PeriodicTask<FrameTracking>(this, &FrameTracking::process, 30);
+        _enableTracking(getProperty<bool>("EnableTrackingOnStartup").getValue());
-            if (oldEnabledGui == enabled)
+        if (!getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName").getValue().empty())
+        {
+            _remoteGui = getProxy<RemoteGuiInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName").getValue());
+            RemoteGui::detail::VBoxLayoutBuilder rootLayoutBuilder = RemoteGui::makeVBoxLayout();
+            rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(
+                RemoteGui::makeHBoxLayout()
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("Tracking: "))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("Enabled"))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeCheckBox("enabled").value(enabled))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("Frame"))
+                .addChild(
+                    RemoteGui::makeComboBox("tracking_frame")
+                    .options(localRobot->getRobotNodeNames())
+                    .addOptions({""})
+                    .value(frameName)
+                )
+            );
+            rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(
+                RemoteGui::makeHBoxLayout()
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("Look at frame: "))
+                .addChild(
+                    RemoteGui::makeComboBox("frame_look")
+                    .options(localRobot->getRobotNodeNames())
+                    .value(frameName)
+                )
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeButton("button_look_at_frame").label("look at"))
+            );
+            rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(
+                RemoteGui::makeHBoxLayout()
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("Look at global point: "))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("global_point_x").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("global_point_y").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("global_point_z").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeButton("button_look_at_global_point").label("look at"))
+            );
+            rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(
+                RemoteGui::makeHBoxLayout()
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("Look at point in robot frame: "))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("robot_point_x").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("robot_point_y").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("robot_point_z").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeButton("button_look_at_robot_point").label("look at"))
+            );
+            rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(
+                RemoteGui::makeHBoxLayout()
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("Scan: "))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("yaw from "))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_configuration_space_yaw_from").min(headYawJoint->getJointLimitLo()).max(headYawJoint->getJointLimitHi()).steps(static_cast<int>((headYawJoint->getJointLimitHi() - headYawJoint->getJointLimitLo()) / 0.1)))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("yaw to "))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_configuration_space_yaw_to").min(headYawJoint->getJointLimitLo()).max(headYawJoint->getJointLimitHi()).steps(static_cast<int>((headYawJoint->getJointLimitHi() - headYawJoint->getJointLimitLo()) / 0.1)))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("pitch "))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_configuration_space_pitch").min(headPitchJoint->getJointLimitLo()).max(headPitchJoint->getJointLimitHi()).steps(static_cast<int>((headPitchJoint->getJointLimitHi() - headPitchJoint->getJointLimitLo()) / 0.1)))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("velocity "))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_configuration_space_velocity").min(0).max(6).steps(static_cast<int>(6 / 0.1)).value(0.8f))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeButton("button_scan_in_configuration_space").label("scan"))
+            );
+            rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(
+                RemoteGui::makeHBoxLayout()
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("Scan: "))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("from "))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_workspace_from_x").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_workspace_from_y").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_workspace_from_z").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("to "))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_workspace_to_x").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_workspace_to_y").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_workspace_to_z").min(-1000000000).max(1000000000).steps(2 * 1000000000 / 10).value(0.f))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("velocity "))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_workspace_velocity").min(0).max(6).steps(static_cast<int>(6 / 0.1)).value(0.8f))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("acceleration "))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSpinBox("scan_in_workspace_acceleration").min(0).max(8).steps(static_cast<int>(8 / 0.1)).value(4.0f))
+                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeButton("button_scan_in_workspace").label("scan"))
+            );
+            rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(new RemoteGui::VSpacer());
+            _guiTask = new SimplePeriodicTask<>([this]()
-                // only apply changes of gui if not already changed by ice
-                _enableTracking(_guiTab.getValue<bool>("enabled").get());
-            }
-            _guiTab.getValue<bool>("enabled").set(enabled);
+                bool oldEnabledGui = _guiTab.getValue<bool>("enabled").get();
+                std::string oldFrameGui = _guiTab.getValue<std::string>("tracking_frame").get();
-            if (oldFrameGui == frameName && oldFrameGui != _guiTab.getValue<std::string>("tracking_frame").get())
-            {
-                // only apply changes of gui if not already changed by ice
-                setFrame(_guiTab.getValue<std::string>("tracking_frame").get());
-            }
-            _guiTab.getValue<std::string>("tracking_frame").set(frameName);
+                _guiTab.receiveUpdates();
-            _guiTab.sendUpdates();
+                if (oldEnabledGui == enabled)
+                {
+                    // only apply changes of gui if not already changed by ice
+                    _enableTracking(_guiTab.getValue<bool>("enabled").get());
+                }
+                _guiTab.getValue<bool>("enabled").set(enabled);
-            if (_guiTab.getButton("button_look_at_frame").clicked())
-            {
-                lookAtFrame(_guiTab.getValue<std::string>("frame_look").get());
-            }
+                if (oldFrameGui == frameName && oldFrameGui != _guiTab.getValue<std::string>("tracking_frame").get())
+                {
+                    // only apply changes of gui if not already changed by ice
+                    setFrame(_guiTab.getValue<std::string>("tracking_frame").get());
+                }
+                _guiTab.getValue<std::string>("tracking_frame").set(frameName);
-            if (_guiTab.getButton("button_look_at_global_point").clicked())
-            {
-                lookAtPointInGlobalFrame(Vector3f{_guiTab.getValue<float>("global_point_x").get(),
-                                                  _guiTab.getValue<float>("global_point_y").get(),
-                                                  _guiTab.getValue<float>("global_point_z").get()});
-            }
+                _guiTab.sendUpdates();
-            if (_guiTab.getButton("button_look_at_robot_point").clicked())
-            {
-                lookAtPointInRobotFrame(Vector3f{_guiTab.getValue<float>("robot_point_x").get(),
-                                                 _guiTab.getValue<float>("robot_point_y").get(),
-                                                 _guiTab.getValue<float>("robot_point_z").get()});
-            }
+                if (_guiTab.getButton("button_look_at_frame").clicked())
+                {
+                    lookAtFrame(_guiTab.getValue<std::string>("frame_look").get());
+                }
-            if (_guiTab.getButton("button_scan_in_configuration_space").clicked())
-            {
-                scanInConfigurationSpace(_guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_configuration_space_yaw_from").get(),
-                                         _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_configuration_space_yaw_to").get(),
-                {_guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_configuration_space_pitch").get()},
-                _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_configuration_space_velocity").get());
-            }
+                if (_guiTab.getButton("button_look_at_global_point").clicked())
+                {
+                    lookAtPointInGlobalFrame(Vector3f{_guiTab.getValue<float>("global_point_x").get(),
+                                                      _guiTab.getValue<float>("global_point_y").get(),
+                                                      _guiTab.getValue<float>("global_point_z").get()});
+                }
-            if (_guiTab.getButton("button_scan_in_workspace").clicked())
-            {
-                scanInWorkspace(
+                if (_guiTab.getButton("button_look_at_robot_point").clicked())
+                    lookAtPointInRobotFrame(Vector3f{_guiTab.getValue<float>("robot_point_x").get(),
+                                                     _guiTab.getValue<float>("robot_point_y").get(),
+                                                     _guiTab.getValue<float>("robot_point_z").get()});
+                }
+                if (_guiTab.getButton("button_scan_in_configuration_space").clicked())
+                {
+                    scanInConfigurationSpace(_guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_configuration_space_yaw_from").get(),
+                                             _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_configuration_space_yaw_to").get(),
+                    {_guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_configuration_space_pitch").get()},
+                    _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_configuration_space_velocity").get());
+                }
+                if (_guiTab.getButton("button_scan_in_workspace").clicked())
+                {
+                    scanInWorkspace(
-                        _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_workspace_from_x").get(),
-                        _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_workspace_from_y").get(),
-                        _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_workspace_from_z").get()
+                        {
+                            _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_workspace_from_x").get(),
+                            _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_workspace_from_y").get(),
+                            _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_workspace_from_z").get()
+                        },
+                        {
+                            _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_workspace_to_x").get(),
+                            _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_workspace_to_y").get(),
+                            _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_workspace_to_z").get()
+                        }
-                    {
-                        _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_workspace_to_x").get(),
-                        _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_workspace_to_y").get(),
-                        _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_workspace_to_z").get()
-                    }
-                },
-                _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_workspace_velocity").get(),
-                _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_workspace_acceleration").get());
-            }
-        }, 10);
+                    _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_workspace_velocity").get(),
+                    _guiTab.getValue<float>("scan_in_workspace_acceleration").get());
+                }
+            }, 10);
-        RemoteGui::WidgetPtr rootLayout = rootLayoutBuilder;
+            RemoteGui::WidgetPtr rootLayout = rootLayoutBuilder;
-        _remoteGui->createTab(getName(), rootLayout);
-        _guiTab = RemoteGui::TabProxy(_remoteGui, getName());
+            _remoteGui->createTab(getName(), rootLayout);
+            _guiTab = RemoteGui::TabProxy(_remoteGui, getName());
-        _guiTask->start();
+            _guiTask->start();
+        }
-void FrameTracking::onDisconnectComponent()
-    _enableTracking(false);
-    if (_guiTask)
+    void FrameTracking::onDisconnectComponent()
-        _guiTask->stop();
-        _guiTask = nullptr;
+        _enableTracking(false);
+        if (_guiTask)
+        {
+            _guiTask->stop();
+            _guiTask = nullptr;
+        }
-void FrameTracking::onExitComponent()
-armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr FrameTracking::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new FrameTrackingPropertyDefinitions(
-            getConfigIdentifier()));
+    void FrameTracking::onExitComponent()
+    {
-void FrameTracking::enableTracking(bool enable, const Ice::Current&)
-    _enableTracking(enable);
+    }
-void FrameTracking::setFrame(const std::string& frameName, const Ice::Current&)
-    if (enabled)
+    armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr FrameTracking::createPropertyDefinitions()
-        ARMARX_WARNING << "Disable tracking to set new frame.";
-        return;
+        return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new FrameTrackingPropertyDefinitions(
+                getConfigIdentifier()));
-    this->frameName = frameName;
-std::string FrameTracking::getFrame(const Ice::Current&) const
-    return frameName;
-void FrameTracking::lookAtFrame(const std::string& frameName, const Ice::Current&)
-    if (enabled)
+    void FrameTracking::enableTracking(bool enable, const Ice::Current&)
-        ARMARX_WARNING << "Disable tracking to use lookAt functions.";
-        return;
+        _enableTracking(enable);
-    if (!localRobot->hasRobotNode(frameName))
+    void FrameTracking::setFrame(const std::string& frameName, const Ice::Current&)
-        ARMARX_ERROR << frameName << " does not exist.";
-        return;
+        if (enabled)
+        {
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "Disable tracking to set new frame.";
+            return;
+        }
+        this->frameName = frameName;
-    syncronizeLocalClone();
-    _lookAtFrame(frameName);
-void FrameTracking::lookAtPointInGlobalFrame(const Vector3f& point, const Ice::Current&)
-    if (enabled)
+    std::string FrameTracking::getFrame(const Ice::Current&) const
-        ARMARX_WARNING << "Disable tracking to use lookAt functions.";
-        return;
+        return frameName;
-    syncronizeLocalClone();
-    _lookAtPoint(localRobot->toLocalCoordinateSystemVec(ToEigen(point)));
-void FrameTracking::lookAtPointInRobotFrame(const Vector3f& point, const Ice::Current&)
-    if (enabled)
+    void FrameTracking::lookAtFrame(const std::string& frameName, const Ice::Current&)
-        ARMARX_WARNING << "Disable tracking to use lookAt functions.";
-        return;
+        if (enabled)
+        {
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "Disable tracking to use lookAt functions.";
+            return;
+        }
+        if (!localRobot->hasRobotNode(frameName))
+        {
+            ARMARX_ERROR << frameName << " does not exist.";
+            return;
+        }
+        syncronizeLocalClone();
+        _lookAtFrame(frameName);
-    syncronizeLocalClone();
-    _lookAtPoint(ToEigen(point));
-void FrameTracking::moveJointsTo(float yaw, float pitch, const Ice::Current&)
-    const float currentYaw = headYawJoint->getJointValue();
-    const float currentPitch = headPitchJoint->getJointValue();
-    const float currentYawVel = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(kinematicUnitObserverInterfacePrx->getDatafieldRefByName("jointvelocities", headYawJoint->getName()))->getFloat();
-    const float currentPitchVel = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(kinematicUnitObserverInterfacePrx->getDatafieldRefByName("jointvelocities", headPitchJoint->getName()))->getFloat();
-    FrameTracking::HeadState headState;
-    headState.currentYawPos = currentYaw;
-    headState.currentYawVel = currentYawVel;
-    headState.currentPitchPos = currentPitch;
-    headState.currentPitchVel = currentPitchVel;
-    headState.desiredYawPos = yaw;
-    headState.desiredPitchPos = pitch;
-    _doPositionControl(headState);
-    struct timespec req = {0, 30 * 1000000L};
-    while (
-        std::abs(headYawJoint->getJointValue()   - yaw)   > static_cast<float>(M_PI / 180.) ||
-        std::abs(headPitchJoint->getJointValue() - pitch) > static_cast<float>(M_PI / 180.)
-    )
+    void FrameTracking::lookAtPointInGlobalFrame(const Vector3f& point, const Ice::Current&)
-        ARMARX_INFO << "yaw: " << headYawJoint->getJointValue() << " -> " << yaw << " pitch: " << headPitchJoint->getJointValue() << " -> " << pitch;
+        if (enabled)
+        {
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "Disable tracking to use lookAt functions.";
+            return;
+        }
-        // sleep for 30 milliseconds
-        nanosleep(&req, nullptr);
+        _lookAtPoint(localRobot->toLocalCoordinateSystemVec(ToEigen(point)));
-    auto currentModes = kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->getControlModes();
-    kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->switchControlMode({{headYawJoint->getName(), currentModes[headYawJoint->getName()]}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), currentModes[headPitchJoint->getName()]}});
-void FrameTracking::scanInConfigurationSpace(float yawFrom, float yawTo, const Ice::FloatSeq& pitchValues, float velocity, const Ice::Current&)
-    if (enabled)
+    void FrameTracking::lookAtPointInRobotFrame(const Vector3f& point, const Ice::Current&)
-        ARMARX_WARNING << "Disable tracking to use scan functions.";
-        return;
+        if (enabled)
+        {
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "Disable tracking to use lookAt functions.";
+            return;
+        }
+        syncronizeLocalClone();
+        _lookAtPoint(ToEigen(point));
-    velocity = std::abs(velocity);
-    syncronizeLocalClone();
-    auto currentModes = kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->getControlModes();
-    kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->switchControlMode({{headYawJoint->getName(), ControlMode::eVelocityControl}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), ControlMode::eVelocityControl}});
-    // to initial yaw
+    void FrameTracking::moveJointsTo(float yaw, float pitch, const Ice::Current&)
-        bool wasGreater = headYawJoint->getJointValue() > yawFrom;
-        float yawVelocityToInit = wasGreater ? -velocity : velocity;
-        kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->setJointVelocities({{headYawJoint->getName(), yawVelocityToInit}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), 0.f}});
-        // if the joint angle was greater before we want to run as long as it is greater
-        // otherwise we want to run as long as it is smaler
-        while ((wasGreater && headYawJoint->getJointValue() > yawFrom) || (!wasGreater && headYawJoint->getJointValue() < yawFrom))
+        const float currentYaw = headYawJoint->getJointValue();
+        const float currentPitch = headPitchJoint->getJointValue();
+        const float currentYawVel = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(kinematicUnitObserverInterfacePrx->getDatafieldRefByName("jointvelocities", headYawJoint->getName()))->getFloat();
+        const float currentPitchVel = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(kinematicUnitObserverInterfacePrx->getDatafieldRefByName("jointvelocities", headPitchJoint->getName()))->getFloat();
+        FrameTracking::HeadState headState;
+        headState.currentYawPos = currentYaw;
+        headState.currentYawVel = currentYawVel;
+        headState.currentPitchPos = currentPitch;
+        headState.currentPitchVel = currentPitchVel;
+        headState.desiredYawPos = yaw;
+        headState.desiredPitchPos = pitch;
+        _doPositionControl(headState);
+        struct timespec req = {0, 30 * 1000000L};
+        while (
+            std::abs(headYawJoint->getJointValue()   - yaw)   > static_cast<float>(M_PI / 180.) ||
+            std::abs(headPitchJoint->getJointValue() - pitch) > static_cast<float>(M_PI / 180.)
+        )
+            ARMARX_INFO << "yaw: " << headYawJoint->getJointValue() << " -> " << yaw << " pitch: " << headPitchJoint->getJointValue() << " -> " << pitch;
+            // sleep for 30 milliseconds
+            nanosleep(&req, nullptr);
+        auto currentModes = kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->getControlModes();
+        kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->switchControlMode({{headYawJoint->getName(), currentModes[headYawJoint->getName()]}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), currentModes[headPitchJoint->getName()]}});
-    for (const auto& p : pitchValues)
+    void FrameTracking::scanInConfigurationSpace(float yawFrom, float yawTo, const Ice::FloatSeq& pitchValues, float velocity, const Ice::Current&)
-        // to pitch value
-        bool wasGreaterP = headPitchJoint->getJointValue() > p;
-        float velocityPitch = wasGreaterP ? -velocity : velocity;
-        kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->setJointVelocities({{headYawJoint->getName(), 0.f}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), velocityPitch}});
-        while ((wasGreaterP && headPitchJoint->getJointValue() > p) || (!wasGreaterP && headPitchJoint->getJointValue() < p))
+        if (enabled)
-            syncronizeLocalClone();
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "Disable tracking to use scan functions.";
+            return;
+        velocity = std::abs(velocity);
-        // to yaw value
-        bool wasGreaterY = yawFrom > yawTo; // yawFrom == headYawJoint->getJointValue()
-        float velocityYaw = wasGreaterY ? -velocity : velocity;
-        kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->setJointVelocities({{headYawJoint->getName(), velocityYaw}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), 0.f}});
-        while ((wasGreaterY && headYawJoint->getJointValue() > yawTo) || (!wasGreaterY && headYawJoint->getJointValue() < yawTo))
+        syncronizeLocalClone();
+        auto currentModes = kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->getControlModes();
+        kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->switchControlMode({{headYawJoint->getName(), ControlMode::eVelocityControl}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), ControlMode::eVelocityControl}});
+        // to initial yaw
-            syncronizeLocalClone();
+            bool wasGreater = headYawJoint->getJointValue() > yawFrom;
+            float yawVelocityToInit = wasGreater ? -velocity : velocity;
+            kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->setJointVelocities({{headYawJoint->getName(), yawVelocityToInit}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), 0.f}});
+            // if the joint angle was greater before we want to run as long as it is greater
+            // otherwise we want to run as long as it is smaler
+            while ((wasGreater && headYawJoint->getJointValue() > yawFrom) || (!wasGreater && headYawJoint->getJointValue() < yawFrom))
+            {
+                syncronizeLocalClone();
+            }
-        std::swap(yawFrom, yawTo);
-    }
-    kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->setJointVelocities({{headYawJoint->getName(), 0.f}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), 0.f}});
-    kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->switchControlMode({{headYawJoint->getName(), currentModes[headYawJoint->getName()]}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), currentModes[headPitchJoint->getName()]}});
+        for (const auto& p : pitchValues)
+        {
+            // to pitch value
+            bool wasGreaterP = headPitchJoint->getJointValue() > p;
+            float velocityPitch = wasGreaterP ? -velocity : velocity;
+            kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->setJointVelocities({{headYawJoint->getName(), 0.f}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), velocityPitch}});
+            while ((wasGreaterP && headPitchJoint->getJointValue() > p) || (!wasGreaterP && headPitchJoint->getJointValue() < p))
+            {
+                syncronizeLocalClone();
+            }
-void FrameTracking::scanInWorkspace(const Vector3fSeq& points, float maxVelocity, float acceleration, const Ice::Current&)
-    if (enabled)
-    {
-        ARMARX_WARNING << "Disable tracking to use scan functions.";
-        return;
+            // to yaw value
+            bool wasGreaterY = yawFrom > yawTo; // yawFrom == headYawJoint->getJointValue()
+            float velocityYaw = wasGreaterY ? -velocity : velocity;
+            kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->setJointVelocities({{headYawJoint->getName(), velocityYaw}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), 0.f}});
+            while ((wasGreaterY && headYawJoint->getJointValue() > yawTo) || (!wasGreaterY && headYawJoint->getJointValue() < yawTo))
+            {
+                syncronizeLocalClone();
+            }
+            std::swap(yawFrom, yawTo);
+        }
+        kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->setJointVelocities({{headYawJoint->getName(), 0.f}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), 0.f}});
+        kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->switchControlMode({{headYawJoint->getName(), currentModes[headYawJoint->getName()]}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), currentModes[headPitchJoint->getName()]}});
-    syncronizeLocalClone();
-    auto currentModes = kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->getControlModes();
-    kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->switchControlMode({{headYawJoint->getName(), ControlMode::eVelocityControl}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), ControlMode::eVelocityControl}});
-    struct timespec req = {0, 30 * 1000000L};
-    for (const auto& p : points)
+    void FrameTracking::scanInWorkspace(const Vector3fSeq& points, float maxVelocity, float acceleration, const Ice::Current&)
-        auto pEigen = localRobot->toLocalCoordinateSystemVec(ToEigen(p));
-        auto target = _calculateJointAngles(pEigen);
-        while (std::abs(target.currentYawPos   - target.desiredYawPos)   > static_cast<float>(M_PI / 180.) ||
-               std::abs(target.currentPitchPos - target.desiredPitchPos) > static_cast<float>(M_PI / 180.))
+        if (enabled)
-            ARMARX_INFO << "yaw: " << target.currentYawPos << " - " << target.desiredYawPos << " pitch: " << target.currentPitchPos << " - " << target.desiredPitchPos;
-            syncronizeLocalClone();
-            target = _calculateJointAngles(pEigen);
-            _doVelocityControl(target, maxVelocity, acceleration, maxVelocity, acceleration);
-            // sleep for 30 milliseconds
-            nanosleep(&req, nullptr);
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "Disable tracking to use scan functions.";
+            return;
+        syncronizeLocalClone();
+        auto currentModes = kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->getControlModes();
+        kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->switchControlMode({{headYawJoint->getName(), ControlMode::eVelocityControl}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), ControlMode::eVelocityControl}});
+        struct timespec req = {0, 30 * 1000000L};
+        for (const auto& p : points)
+        {
+            auto pEigen = localRobot->toLocalCoordinateSystemVec(ToEigen(p));
+            auto target = _calculateJointAngles(pEigen);
+            while (std::abs(target.currentYawPos   - target.desiredYawPos)   > static_cast<float>(M_PI / 180.) ||
+                   std::abs(target.currentPitchPos - target.desiredPitchPos) > static_cast<float>(M_PI / 180.))
+            {
+                ARMARX_INFO << "yaw: " << target.currentYawPos << " - " << target.desiredYawPos << " pitch: " << target.currentPitchPos << " - " << target.desiredPitchPos;
+                syncronizeLocalClone();
+                target = _calculateJointAngles(pEigen);
+                _doVelocityControl(target, maxVelocity, acceleration, maxVelocity, acceleration);
+                // sleep for 30 milliseconds
+                nanosleep(&req, nullptr);
+            }
+        }
+        kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->setJointVelocities({{headYawJoint->getName(), 0.f}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), 0.f}});
+        kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->switchControlMode({{headYawJoint->getName(), currentModes[headYawJoint->getName()]}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), currentModes[headPitchJoint->getName()]}});
-    kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->setJointVelocities({{headYawJoint->getName(), 0.f}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), 0.f}});
-    kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->switchControlMode({{headYawJoint->getName(), currentModes[headYawJoint->getName()]}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), currentModes[headPitchJoint->getName()]}});
-void FrameTracking::process()
-    if (!localRobot->hasRobotNode(frameName))
+    void FrameTracking::process()
-        ARMARX_ERROR << frameName << " does not exist. Task will be disabled.";
-        std::thread([this]()
+        if (!localRobot->hasRobotNode(frameName))
-            _enableTracking(false);
-        }).detach();
-        return;
+            ARMARX_ERROR << frameName << " does not exist. Task will be disabled.";
+            std::thread([this]()
+            {
+                _enableTracking(false);
+            }).detach();
+            return;
+        }
+        syncronizeLocalClone();
+        _doVelocityControl(_calculateJointAnglesContinously(frameName), maxYawVelocity, yawAcceleration, maxPitchVelocity, pitchAcceleration);
-    syncronizeLocalClone();
-    _doVelocityControl(_calculateJointAnglesContinously(frameName), maxYawVelocity, yawAcceleration, maxPitchVelocity, pitchAcceleration);
-void FrameTracking::syncronizeLocalClone()
-    armarx::RemoteRobot::synchronizeLocalClone(localRobot, robotStateComponent);
-void FrameTracking::_lookAtFrame(const std::string& frameName)
-    auto frame = localRobot->getRobotNode(frameName);
-    auto posInRobotFrame = localRobot->toLocalCoordinateSystemVec(frame->getGlobalPosition());
-    _lookAtPoint(posInRobotFrame);
-void FrameTracking::_lookAtPoint(const Eigen::Vector3f& point)
-    _doPositionControl(_calculateJointAngles(point));
-FrameTracking::HeadState FrameTracking::_calculateJointAnglesContinously(const std::string& frameName)
-    auto frame = localRobot->getRobotNode(frameName);
-    auto posInRobotFrame = localRobot->toLocalCoordinateSystemVec(frame->getGlobalPosition());
-    // do nothing if the robot works above his head
-    // he should already look upwards because if this component runs continously
-    if (std::sqrt(posInRobotFrame.x()*posInRobotFrame.x() + posInRobotFrame.y()*posInRobotFrame.y()) < 300.f)
+    void FrameTracking::syncronizeLocalClone()
-        return FrameTracking::HeadState{true, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
+        armarx::RemoteRobot::synchronizeLocalClone(localRobot, robotStateComponent);
-    return _calculateJointAngles(posInRobotFrame);
-FrameTracking::HeadState FrameTracking::_calculateJointAngles(const Eigen::Vector3f& point)
-    float yaw = -std::atan2(point.x(), point.y());
-    // make shure the joint value satisfies the joint limits
-    yaw = std::max(headYawJoint->getJointLimitLo(), yaw);
-    yaw = std::min(headYawJoint->getJointLimitHi(), yaw);
-    // we dont want the robot to move from one limit to the other in one step
-    const float currentYaw = headYawJoint->getJointValue();
-    if (!headYawJoint->isLimitless() && std::abs(currentYaw - yaw) > headYawJoint->getJointLimitHi() - headYawJoint->getJointLimitLo() - static_cast<float>(M_PI) / 8)
+    void FrameTracking::_lookAtFrame(const std::string& frameName)
-        yaw = currentYaw;
+        auto frame = localRobot->getRobotNode(frameName);
+        auto posInRobotFrame = localRobot->toLocalCoordinateSystemVec(frame->getGlobalPosition());
+        _lookAtPoint(posInRobotFrame);
-    const auto pointInPitchJointFrame = headPitchJoint->toLocalCoordinateSystemVec(localRobot->toGlobalCoordinateSystemVec(point));
-    const Eigen::Vector2f pj{pointInPitchJointFrame.y(), pointInPitchJointFrame.z()};
-    const float headHeightRealativeToPitchJoint = headPitchJoint->toLocalCoordinateSystemVec(cameraNode->getGlobalPosition()).z();
-    float pitch = headPitchJoint->getJointValue() - std::asin(pj.x() / pj.norm()) + std::asin(headHeightRealativeToPitchJoint / pj.norm());
-    // make shure the joint value satisfies the joint limits
-    pitch = std::max(headPitchJoint->getJointLimitLo(), pitch);
-    pitch = std::min(headPitchJoint->getJointLimitHi(), pitch);
-    const float currentPitch = headPitchJoint->getJointValue();
-    ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1.f, "FrameTracking") << "Looking at " << point << " using yaw=" << yaw << " and pitch=" << pitch;
-    const float currentYawVel = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(kinematicUnitObserverInterfacePrx->getDatafieldRefByName("jointvelocities", headYawJoint->getName()))->getFloat();
-    const float currentPitchVel = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(kinematicUnitObserverInterfacePrx->getDatafieldRefByName("jointvelocities", headPitchJoint->getName()))->getFloat();
-    FrameTracking::HeadState headState;
-    headState.currentYawPos = currentYaw;
-    headState.desiredYawPos = yaw;
-    headState.currentYawVel = currentYawVel;
-    headState.currentPitchPos = currentPitch;
-    headState.desiredPitchPos = pitch;
-    headState.currentPitchVel = currentPitchVel;
-    return headState;
-void FrameTracking::_doVelocityControl(const FrameTracking::HeadState& headState, float maxYawVelocity, float yawAcceleration, float maxPitchVelocity, float pitchAcceleration)
-    if (headState.stop)
+    void FrameTracking::_lookAtPoint(const Eigen::Vector3f& point)
-        kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->setJointVelocities({{headYawJoint->getName(), 0.f}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), 0.f}});
-        return;
+        _doPositionControl(_calculateJointAngles(point));
-    float desiredYawVelocity = positionThroughVelocityControlWithAccelerationBounds(
-                                   30.f / 1000, 35.f / 1000,
-                                   headState.currentYawVel, maxYawVelocity,
-                                   yawAcceleration, yawAcceleration,
-                                   headState.currentYawPos, headState.desiredYawPos,
-                                   1.f);
-    float desiredPitchVelocity = positionThroughVelocityControlWithAccelerationBounds(
-                                     30.f / 1000, 35.f / 1000,
-                                     headState.currentPitchVel, maxPitchVelocity,
-                                     pitchAcceleration, pitchAcceleration,
-                                     headState.currentPitchPos, headState.desiredPitchPos,
-                                     1.f);
-    // control mode is set when enable task
-    kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->setJointVelocities({{headYawJoint->getName(), desiredYawVelocity}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), desiredPitchVelocity}});
+    FrameTracking::HeadState FrameTracking::_calculateJointAnglesContinously(const std::string& frameName)
+    {
+        auto frame = localRobot->getRobotNode(frameName);
+        auto posInRobotFrame = localRobot->toLocalCoordinateSystemVec(frame->getGlobalPosition());
+        // do nothing if the robot works above his head
+        // he should already look upwards because if this component runs continously
+        if (std::sqrt(posInRobotFrame.x()*posInRobotFrame.x() + posInRobotFrame.y()*posInRobotFrame.y()) < 300.f)
+        {
+            return FrameTracking::HeadState{true, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
+        }
+        return _calculateJointAngles(posInRobotFrame);
+    }
-void FrameTracking::_doPositionControl(const FrameTracking::HeadState& headState)
-    auto currentModes = kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->getControlModes();
-    kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->switchControlMode({{headYawJoint->getName(), ControlMode::ePositionControl}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), ControlMode::ePositionControl}});
-    if (headState.stop)
+    FrameTracking::HeadState FrameTracking::_calculateJointAngles(const Eigen::Vector3f& point)
-        return;
+        float yaw = -std::atan2(point.x(), point.y());
+        // make shure the joint value satisfies the joint limits
+        yaw = std::max(headYawJoint->getJointLimitLo(), yaw);
+        yaw = std::min(headYawJoint->getJointLimitHi(), yaw);
+        // we dont want the robot to move from one limit to the other in one step
+        const float currentYaw = headYawJoint->getJointValue();
+        if (!headYawJoint->isLimitless() && std::abs(currentYaw - yaw) > headYawJoint->getJointLimitHi() - headYawJoint->getJointLimitLo() - static_cast<float>(M_PI) / 8)
+        {
+            yaw = currentYaw;
+        }
+        const auto pointInPitchJointFrame = headPitchJoint->toLocalCoordinateSystemVec(localRobot->toGlobalCoordinateSystemVec(point));
+        const Eigen::Vector2f pj{pointInPitchJointFrame.y(), pointInPitchJointFrame.z()};
+        const float headHeightRealativeToPitchJoint = headPitchJoint->toLocalCoordinateSystemVec(cameraNode->getGlobalPosition()).z();
+        float pitch = headPitchJoint->getJointValue() - std::asin(pj.x() / pj.norm()) + std::asin(headHeightRealativeToPitchJoint / pj.norm());
+        // make shure the joint value satisfies the joint limits
+        pitch = std::max(headPitchJoint->getJointLimitLo(), pitch);
+        pitch = std::min(headPitchJoint->getJointLimitHi(), pitch);
+        const float currentPitch = headPitchJoint->getJointValue();
+        ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1.f, "FrameTracking") << "Looking at " << point << " using yaw=" << yaw << " and pitch=" << pitch;
+        const float currentYawVel = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(kinematicUnitObserverInterfacePrx->getDatafieldRefByName("jointvelocities", headYawJoint->getName()))->getFloat();
+        const float currentPitchVel = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(kinematicUnitObserverInterfacePrx->getDatafieldRefByName("jointvelocities", headPitchJoint->getName()))->getFloat();
+        FrameTracking::HeadState headState;
+        headState.currentYawPos = currentYaw;
+        headState.desiredYawPos = yaw;
+        headState.currentYawVel = currentYawVel;
+        headState.currentPitchPos = currentPitch;
+        headState.desiredPitchPos = pitch;
+        headState.currentPitchVel = currentPitchVel;
+        return headState;
-    kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->setJointAngles({{headYawJoint->getName(), headState.desiredYawPos}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), headState.desiredPitchPos}});
-    kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->switchControlMode({{headYawJoint->getName(), currentModes[headYawJoint->getName()]}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), currentModes[headPitchJoint->getName()]}});
-void FrameTracking::_enableTracking(bool enable)
-    if (this->enabled == enable)
+    void FrameTracking::_doVelocityControl(const FrameTracking::HeadState& headState, float maxYawVelocity, float yawAcceleration, float maxPitchVelocity, float pitchAcceleration)
-        return;
+        if (headState.stop)
+        {
+            kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->setJointVelocities({{headYawJoint->getName(), 0.f}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), 0.f}});
+            return;
+        }
+        float desiredYawVelocity = positionThroughVelocityControlWithAccelerationBounds(
+                                       30.f / 1000, 35.f / 1000,
+                                       headState.currentYawVel, maxYawVelocity,
+                                       yawAcceleration, yawAcceleration,
+                                       headState.currentYawPos, headState.desiredYawPos,
+                                       1.f);
+        float desiredPitchVelocity = positionThroughVelocityControlWithAccelerationBounds(
+                                         30.f / 1000, 35.f / 1000,
+                                         headState.currentPitchVel, maxPitchVelocity,
+                                         pitchAcceleration, pitchAcceleration,
+                                         headState.currentPitchPos, headState.desiredPitchPos,
+                                         1.f);
+        // control mode is set when enable task
+        kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->setJointVelocities({{headYawJoint->getName(), desiredYawVelocity}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), desiredPitchVelocity}});
-    this->enabled = enable;
-    if (enable)
+    void FrameTracking::_doPositionControl(const FrameTracking::HeadState& headState)
-        kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->switchControlMode({{headYawJoint->getName(), ControlMode::eVelocityControl}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), ControlMode::eVelocityControl}});
-        processorTask->start();
+        auto currentModes = kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->getControlModes();
+        kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->switchControlMode({{headYawJoint->getName(), ControlMode::ePositionControl}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), ControlMode::ePositionControl}});
+        if (headState.stop)
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->setJointAngles({{headYawJoint->getName(), headState.desiredYawPos}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), headState.desiredPitchPos}});
+        kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->switchControlMode({{headYawJoint->getName(), currentModes[headYawJoint->getName()]}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), currentModes[headPitchJoint->getName()]}});
-    else
+    void FrameTracking::_enableTracking(bool enable)
-        kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->setJointVelocities({{headYawJoint->getName(), 0.f}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), 0.f}});
-        processorTask->stop();
+        if (this->enabled == enable)
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        this->enabled = enable;
+        if (enable)
+        {
+            kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->switchControlMode({{headYawJoint->getName(), ControlMode::eVelocityControl}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), ControlMode::eVelocityControl}});
+            processorTask->start();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            kinematicUnitInterfacePrx->setJointVelocities({{headYawJoint->getName(), 0.f}, {headPitchJoint->getName(), 0.f}});
+            processorTask->stop();
+        }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/GamepadControlUnit/GamepadControlUnit.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/GamepadControlUnit/GamepadControlUnit.cpp
index f4e94fa03..57bd492d1 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/GamepadControlUnit/GamepadControlUnit.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/GamepadControlUnit/GamepadControlUnit.cpp
@@ -26,58 +26,57 @@
-using namespace armarx;
-void GamepadControlUnit::onInitComponent()
+namespace armarx
-    ARMARX_INFO << "oninit GamepadControlUnit";
-    usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("PlatformUnitName").getValue());
-    usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("GamepadTopicName").getValue());
+    void GamepadControlUnit::onInitComponent()
+    {
+        ARMARX_INFO << "oninit GamepadControlUnit";
+        usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("PlatformUnitName").getValue());
+        usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("GamepadTopicName").getValue());
-    scaleX = getProperty<float>("ScaleX").getValue();
-    scaleY = getProperty<float>("ScaleY").getValue();
-    scaleRotation = getProperty<float>("ScaleAngle").getValue();
-    ARMARX_INFO << "oninit GamepadControlUnit end";
+        scaleX = getProperty<float>("ScaleX").getValue();
+        scaleY = getProperty<float>("ScaleY").getValue();
+        scaleRotation = getProperty<float>("ScaleAngle").getValue();
+        ARMARX_INFO << "oninit GamepadControlUnit end";
+    }
-void GamepadControlUnit::onConnectComponent()
-    ARMARX_INFO << "onConnect GamepadControlUnit";
-    platformUnitPrx = getProxy<PlatformUnitInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("PlatformUnitName").getValue());
+    void GamepadControlUnit::onConnectComponent()
+    {
+        ARMARX_INFO << "onConnect GamepadControlUnit";
+        platformUnitPrx = getProxy<PlatformUnitInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("PlatformUnitName").getValue());
+    }
-void GamepadControlUnit::onDisconnectComponent()
+    void GamepadControlUnit::onDisconnectComponent()
+    {
+    }
-void GamepadControlUnit::onExitComponent()
-    ARMARX_INFO << "exit GamepadControlUnit";
-armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr GamepadControlUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new GamepadControlUnitPropertyDefinitions(
-            getConfigIdentifier()));
+    void GamepadControlUnit::onExitComponent()
+    {
+        ARMARX_INFO << "exit GamepadControlUnit";
+    }
-void GamepadControlUnit::reportGamepadState(const std::string& device, const std::string& name, const GamepadData& data, const TimestampBasePtr& timestamp, const Ice::Current& c)
-    //scales are for the robot axis
-    if (data.rightTrigger > 0)
+    armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr GamepadControlUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
-        platformUnitPrx->move(data.leftStickY  * scaleX, data. leftStickX  * scaleY, data.rightStickX * scaleRotation);
+        return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new GamepadControlUnitPropertyDefinitions(
+                getConfigIdentifier()));
-    else
+    void GamepadControlUnit::reportGamepadState(const std::string& device, const std::string& name, const GamepadData& data, const TimestampBasePtr& timestamp, const Ice::Current& c)
-        platformUnitPrx->move(0, 0, 0);
+        //scales are for the robot axis
+        if (data.rightTrigger > 0)
+        {
+            platformUnitPrx->move(data.leftStickY  * scaleX, data. leftStickX  * scaleY, data.rightStickX * scaleRotation);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            platformUnitPrx->move(0, 0, 0);
+        }
+        //ARMARX_INFO << "sending targets" << data.leftStickX* scaleX << " " << data.leftStickY* scaleY << " " << data.rightStickX* scaleRotation;
-    //ARMARX_INFO << "sending targets" << data.leftStickX* scaleX << " " << data.leftStickY* scaleY << " " << data.rightStickX* scaleRotation;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/KITProstheticHandObserver/KITProstheticHandObserver.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/KITProstheticHandObserver/KITProstheticHandObserver.cpp
index 21f418d6c..b6877129c 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/KITProstheticHandObserver/KITProstheticHandObserver.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/KITProstheticHandObserver/KITProstheticHandObserver.cpp
@@ -23,35 +23,34 @@
 #include "KITProstheticHandObserver.h"
-using namespace armarx;
-void KITProstheticHandObserver::onInitComponent()
+namespace armarx
+    void KITProstheticHandObserver::onInitComponent()
+    {
+    }
-void KITProstheticHandObserver::onConnectComponent()
+    void KITProstheticHandObserver::onConnectComponent()
+    {
+    }
-void KITProstheticHandObserver::onDisconnectComponent()
+    void KITProstheticHandObserver::onDisconnectComponent()
+    {
+    }
-void KITProstheticHandObserver::onExitComponent()
+    void KITProstheticHandObserver::onExitComponent()
+    {
+    }
-armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr KITProstheticHandObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new KITProstheticHandObserverPropertyDefinitions(
-            getConfigIdentifier()));
+    armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr KITProstheticHandObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new KITProstheticHandObserverPropertyDefinitions(
+                getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/KITProstheticHandUnit/KITProstheticHandUnit.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/KITProstheticHandUnit/KITProstheticHandUnit.cpp
index 9c78f07fa..b68904c7c 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/KITProstheticHandUnit/KITProstheticHandUnit.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/KITProstheticHandUnit/KITProstheticHandUnit.cpp
@@ -31,197 +31,196 @@
 #include "KITProstheticHandUnit.h"
-using namespace armarx;
-armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr KITProstheticHandUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
+namespace armarx
-    return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new KITProstheticHandUnitPropertyDefinitions(
-            getConfigIdentifier()));
+    armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr KITProstheticHandUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new KITProstheticHandUnitPropertyDefinitions(
+                getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
-void KITProstheticHandUnit::onInitHandUnit()
-    _driver = std::make_unique<BLEProthesisInterface>(getProperty<std::string>("MAC"));
-    //addShapeName("Open"); //is added by something else already
-    addShapeName("Close");
-    addShapeName("G0");
-    addShapeName("G1");
-    addShapeName("G2");
-    addShapeName("G3");
-    addShapeName("G4");
-    addShapeName("G5");
-    addShapeName("G6");
-    addShapeName("G7");
-    addShapeName("G8");
-    offeringTopic(getProperty<std::string>("DebugObserverName"));
-    if (!getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName").getValue().empty())
+    void KITProstheticHandUnit::onInitHandUnit()
-        usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName"));
+        _driver = std::make_unique<BLEProthesisInterface>(getProperty<std::string>("MAC"));
+        //addShapeName("Open"); //is added by something else already
+        addShapeName("Close");
+        addShapeName("G0");
+        addShapeName("G1");
+        addShapeName("G2");
+        addShapeName("G3");
+        addShapeName("G4");
+        addShapeName("G5");
+        addShapeName("G6");
+        addShapeName("G7");
+        addShapeName("G8");
+        offeringTopic(getProperty<std::string>("DebugObserverName"));
+        if (!getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName").getValue().empty())
+        {
+            usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName"));
+        }
-void KITProstheticHandUnit::onStartHandUnit()
-    _debugObserver = getTopic<DebugObserverInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("DebugObserverName"));
-    if (!getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName").getValue().empty())
+    void KITProstheticHandUnit::onStartHandUnit()
-        _remoteGuiPrx = getProxy<RemoteGuiInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName").getValue());
+        _debugObserver = getTopic<DebugObserverInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("DebugObserverName"));
+        if (!getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName").getValue().empty())
+        {
+            _remoteGuiPrx = getProxy<RemoteGuiInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName").getValue());
-        RemoteGui::detail::VBoxLayoutBuilder rootLayoutBuilder = RemoteGui::makeVBoxLayout();
+            RemoteGui::detail::VBoxLayoutBuilder rootLayoutBuilder = RemoteGui::makeVBoxLayout();
-        auto addFinger = [&](std::string name, float min, float max, float val, int steps)
-        {
-            rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(
-                RemoteGui::makeHBoxLayout()
-                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel(name))
-                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("min " + std::to_string(min)))
-                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSlider(name).min(min).max(max).value(val).steps(steps))
-                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("max " + std::to_string(max)))
-            );
-            rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(
-                RemoteGui::makeHBoxLayout()
-                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel(name + " Pos "))
-                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeLabel(name + "_pos").value("0"))
-                .addChild(new RemoteGui::HSpacer())
-            );
-            rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(
-                RemoteGui::makeHBoxLayout()
-                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel(name + " PWM "))
-                .addChild(RemoteGui::makeLabel(name + "_pwm").value("0"))
-                .addChild(new RemoteGui::HSpacer())
-            );
-        };
-        addFinger("Thumb", 0, 1, _lastGuiValueThumb, _driver->getMaxPosThumb());
-        addFinger("Fingers", 0, 1, _lastGuiValueFingers, _driver->getMaxPosFingers());
-        rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(new RemoteGui::VSpacer());
-        _guiTask = new SimplePeriodicTask<>([&]()
-        {
-            _guiTab.receiveUpdates();
-            _driver->getMaxPosThumb();
-            const float t = _guiTab.getValue<float>("Thumb").get();
-            const float f = _guiTab.getValue<float>("Fingers").get();
+            auto addFinger = [&](std::string name, float min, float max, float val, int steps)
+            {
+                rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(
+                    RemoteGui::makeHBoxLayout()
+                    .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel(name))
+                    .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("min " + std::to_string(min)))
+                    .addChild(RemoteGui::makeFloatSlider(name).min(min).max(max).value(val).steps(steps))
+                    .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel("max " + std::to_string(max)))
+                );
+                rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(
+                    RemoteGui::makeHBoxLayout()
+                    .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel(name + " Pos "))
+                    .addChild(RemoteGui::makeLabel(name + "_pos").value("0"))
+                    .addChild(new RemoteGui::HSpacer())
+                );
+                rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(
+                    RemoteGui::makeHBoxLayout()
+                    .addChild(RemoteGui::makeTextLabel(name + " PWM "))
+                    .addChild(RemoteGui::makeLabel(name + "_pwm").value("0"))
+                    .addChild(new RemoteGui::HSpacer())
+                );
+            };
+            addFinger("Thumb", 0, 1, _lastGuiValueThumb, _driver->getMaxPosThumb());
+            addFinger("Fingers", 0, 1, _lastGuiValueFingers, _driver->getMaxPosFingers());
+            rootLayoutBuilder.addChild(new RemoteGui::VSpacer());
+            _guiTask = new SimplePeriodicTask<>([&]()
+            {
+                _guiTab.receiveUpdates();
+                _driver->getMaxPosThumb();
+                const float t = _guiTab.getValue<float>("Thumb").get();
+                const float f = _guiTab.getValue<float>("Fingers").get();
+                bool updateT = t != _lastGuiValueThumb;
+                bool updateF = f != _lastGuiValueFingers;
+                _lastGuiValueThumb = t;
+                _lastGuiValueFingers = f;
+                if (updateT && updateF)
+                {
+                    setJointAngles({{"Thumb", t}, {"Fingers", f}});
+                }
+                else if (updateT)
+                {
+                    setJointAngles({{"Thumb", t}});
+                }
+                else if (updateF)
+                {
+                    setJointAngles({{"Fingers", f}});
+                }
+                _guiTab.getValue<std::string>("Thumb_pos").set(std::to_string(_driver->getThumbPos()));
+                _guiTab.getValue<std::string>("Thumb_pwm").set(std::to_string(_driver->getThumbPWM()));
+                _guiTab.getValue<std::string>("Fingers_pos").set(std::to_string(_driver->getFingerPos()));
+                _guiTab.getValue<std::string>("Fingers_pwm").set(std::to_string(_driver->getFingerPWM()));
+                _guiTab.sendUpdates();
+            }, 10);
+            RemoteGui::WidgetPtr rootLayout = rootLayoutBuilder;
+            _remoteGuiPrx->createTab("KITProstheticHandUnit", rootLayout);
+            _guiTab = RemoteGui::TabProxy(_remoteGuiPrx, "KITProstheticHandUnit");
+            _guiTask->start();
+        }
+    }
+    void KITProstheticHandUnit::onExitHandUnit()
+    {
+        _driver.reset();
+    }
-            bool updateT = t != _lastGuiValueThumb;
-            bool updateF = f != _lastGuiValueFingers;
-            _lastGuiValueThumb = t;
-            _lastGuiValueFingers = f;
+    void KITProstheticHandUnit::setJointAngles(const NameValueMap& targetJointAngles, const Ice::Current&)
+    {
+        ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(_driver);
-            if (updateT && updateF)
+        for (const std::pair<std::string, float>& pair : targetJointAngles)
+        {
+            if (pair.first == "Fingers")
-                setJointAngles({{"Thumb", t}, {"Fingers", f}});
+                const std::uint64_t pos = boost::algorithm::clamp(
+                                              static_cast<std::uint64_t>(pair.second * _driver->getMaxPosFingers()),
+                                              0, _driver->getMaxPosFingers());
+                ARMARX_INFO << "set fingers " << pos;
+                _driver->sendFingerPWM(200, 2999, pos);
+                // fix until hw driver is fixed to handle multiple commands at the same time
+                std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100));
-            else if (updateT)
+            else if (pair.first == "Thumb")
-                setJointAngles({{"Thumb", t}});
+                const std::uint64_t pos = boost::algorithm::clamp(
+                                              static_cast<std::uint64_t>(pair.second * _driver->getMaxPosThumb()),
+                                              0, _driver->getMaxPosThumb());
+                ARMARX_INFO << "set thumb " << pos;
+                _driver->sendThumbPWM(200, 2999, pos);
+                // fix until hw driver is fixed to handle multiple commands at the same time
+                std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100));
-            else if (updateF)
+            else
-                setJointAngles({{"Fingers", f}});
+                ARMARX_WARNING << "Invalid HandJointName '" << pair.first << "', ignoring.";
+        }
+    }
-            _guiTab.getValue<std::string>("Thumb_pos").set(std::to_string(_driver->getThumbPos()));
-            _guiTab.getValue<std::string>("Thumb_pwm").set(std::to_string(_driver->getThumbPWM()));
-            _guiTab.getValue<std::string>("Fingers_pos").set(std::to_string(_driver->getFingerPos()));
-            _guiTab.getValue<std::string>("Fingers_pwm").set(std::to_string(_driver->getFingerPWM()));
-            _guiTab.sendUpdates();
-        }, 10);
-        RemoteGui::WidgetPtr rootLayout = rootLayoutBuilder;
-        _remoteGuiPrx->createTab("KITProstheticHandUnit", rootLayout);
-        _guiTab = RemoteGui::TabProxy(_remoteGuiPrx, "KITProstheticHandUnit");
-        _guiTask->start();
+    NameValueMap KITProstheticHandUnit::getCurrentJointValues(const Ice::Current&)
+    {
+        NameValueMap jointValues;
+        jointValues["Fingers"] = _driver->getFingerPos() * 1.f / _driver->getMaxPosFingers();
+        jointValues["Thumb"] = _driver->getThumbPos() * 1.f / _driver->getMaxPosThumb();
+        return jointValues;
-void KITProstheticHandUnit::onExitHandUnit()
-    _driver.reset();
+    void KITProstheticHandUnit::addShape(const std::string& name, const std::map<std::string, float>& shape)
+    {
+        _shapes[name] = shape;
+        addShapeName(name);
+    }
-void KITProstheticHandUnit::setJointAngles(const NameValueMap& targetJointAngles, const Ice::Current&)
-    ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(_driver);
+    void KITProstheticHandUnit::addShapeName(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        Variant currentPreshape;
+        currentPreshape.setString(name);
+        shapeNames->addVariant(currentPreshape);
+    }
-    for (const std::pair<std::string, float>& pair : targetJointAngles)
+    void KITProstheticHandUnit::setShape(const std::string& shapeName, const Ice::Current& c)
-        if (pair.first == "Fingers")
+        if (std::regex_match(shapeName, std::regex{"[gG](0|[1-9][0-9]*)"}))
+        {
+            _driver->sendGrasp(std::stoul(shapeName.substr(1)));
+        }
+        else if (shapeName == "Open")
+        {
+            _driver->sendGrasp(0);
+        }
+        else if (shapeName == "Close")
-            const std::uint64_t pos = boost::algorithm::clamp(
-                                          static_cast<std::uint64_t>(pair.second * _driver->getMaxPosFingers()),
-                                          0, _driver->getMaxPosFingers());
-            ARMARX_INFO << "set fingers " << pos;
-            _driver->sendFingerPWM(200, 2999, pos);
-            // fix until hw driver is fixed to handle multiple commands at the same time
-            std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100));
+            _driver->sendGrasp(1);
-        else if (pair.first == "Thumb")
+        else if (!_shapes.count(shapeName))
-            const std::uint64_t pos = boost::algorithm::clamp(
-                                          static_cast<std::uint64_t>(pair.second * _driver->getMaxPosThumb()),
-                                          0, _driver->getMaxPosThumb());
-            ARMARX_INFO << "set thumb " << pos;
-            _driver->sendThumbPWM(200, 2999, pos);
-            // fix until hw driver is fixed to handle multiple commands at the same time
-            std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100));
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "Unknown shape name '" << shapeName
+                           << "'\nKnown shapes: " << _shapes;
-            ARMARX_WARNING << "Invalid HandJointName '" << pair.first << "', ignoring.";
+            setJointAngles(;
-NameValueMap KITProstheticHandUnit::getCurrentJointValues(const Ice::Current&)
-    NameValueMap jointValues;
-    jointValues["Fingers"] = _driver->getFingerPos() * 1.f / _driver->getMaxPosFingers();
-    jointValues["Thumb"] = _driver->getThumbPos() * 1.f / _driver->getMaxPosThumb();
-    return jointValues;
-void KITProstheticHandUnit::addShape(const std::string& name, const std::map<std::string, float>& shape)
-    _shapes[name] = shape;
-    addShapeName(name);
-void KITProstheticHandUnit::addShapeName(const std::string& name)
-    Variant currentPreshape;
-    currentPreshape.setString(name);
-    shapeNames->addVariant(currentPreshape);
-void KITProstheticHandUnit::setShape(const std::string& shapeName, const Ice::Current& c)
-    if (std::regex_match(shapeName, std::regex{"[gG](0|[1-9][0-9]*)"}))
-    {
-        _driver->sendGrasp(std::stoul(shapeName.substr(1)));
-    }
-    else if (shapeName == "Open")
-    {
-        _driver->sendGrasp(0);
-    }
-    else if (shapeName == "Close")
-    {
-        _driver->sendGrasp(1);
-    }
-    else if (!_shapes.count(shapeName))
-    {
-        ARMARX_WARNING << "Unknown shape name '" << shapeName
-                       << "'\nKnown shapes: " << _shapes;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        setJointAngles(;
-    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/RobotHealth/RobotHealth.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/RobotHealth/RobotHealth.cpp
index f3430ec68..e6c314d47 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/RobotHealth/RobotHealth.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/RobotHealth/RobotHealth.cpp
@@ -27,273 +27,273 @@
 #include <boost/regex.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-void RobotHealth::onInitComponent()
+namespace armarx
-    monitorHealthTask = new PeriodicTask<RobotHealth>(this, &RobotHealth::monitorHealthTaskClb, 10);
-    defaultMaximumCycleTimeWarn = getProperty<int>("MaximumCycleTimeWarnMS").getValue();
-    defaultMaximumCycleTimeErr = getProperty<int>("MaximumCycleTimeErrMS").getValue();
-    usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("RobotHealthTopicName").getValue());
-    reportErrorsWithSpeech = getProperty<bool>("ReportErrorsWithSpeech").getValue();
-    speechMinimumReportInterval = getProperty<int>("SpeechMinimumReportInterval").getValue();
-    //robotUnitRequired = getProperty<bool>("RobotUnitRequired").getValue();
-    /*if(robotUnitRequired)
+    void RobotHealth::onInitComponent()
-        ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "RobotUnit is required";
-        usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("RobotUnitName").getValue());
-    }*/
-    //usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName").getValue());
+        ARMARX_TRACE;
+        monitorHealthTask = new PeriodicTask<RobotHealth>(this, &RobotHealth::monitorHealthTaskClb, 10);
+        defaultMaximumCycleTimeWarn = getProperty<int>("MaximumCycleTimeWarnMS").getValue();
+        defaultMaximumCycleTimeErr = getProperty<int>("MaximumCycleTimeErrMS").getValue();
+        usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("RobotHealthTopicName").getValue());
+        reportErrorsWithSpeech = getProperty<bool>("ReportErrorsWithSpeech").getValue();
+        speechMinimumReportInterval = getProperty<int>("SpeechMinimumReportInterval").getValue();
-void RobotHealth::onConnectComponent()
-    emergencyStopTopicPrx = getTopic<EmergencyStopListenerPrx>(getProperty<std::string>("EmergencyStopTopicName").getValue());
-    //remoteGuiPrx = getProxy<RemoteGuiInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName").getValue());
-    aggregatedRobotHealthTopicPrx = getTopic<AggregatedRobotHealthInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("AggregatedRobotHealthTopicName").getValue());
-    textToSpeechTopic = getTopic<TextListenerInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("TextToSpeechTopicName").getValue());
-    lastSpeechOutput = TimeUtil::GetTime();
-    /*if(robotUnitRequired)
-    {
-        robotUnitPrx = getTopic<RobotUnitInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("RobotUnitName").getValue());
-        robotUnitPrx->enableHeartbeat();
-    }*/
+        ARMARX_TRACE;
+        //robotUnitRequired = getProperty<bool>("RobotUnitRequired").getValue();
+        /*if(robotUnitRequired)
+        {
+            ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "RobotUnit is required";
+            usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("RobotUnitName").getValue());
+        }*/
-    monitorHealthTask->start();
-void RobotHealth::monitorHealthTaskClb()
-    long now = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
-    bool hasNewErr = false;
+        //usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName").getValue());
+    }
-    RobotHealthState healthState = RobotHealthState::HealthOK;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < validEntries; i++)
+    void RobotHealth::onConnectComponent()
-        Entry& e =;
-        long delta = std::max(now - e.lastUpdate, e.lastDelta);
-        if (e.required && delta > e.maximumCycleTimeErr)
-        {
-            healthState = RobotHealthState::HealthError;
-        }
+        emergencyStopTopicPrx = getTopic<EmergencyStopListenerPrx>(getProperty<std::string>("EmergencyStopTopicName").getValue());
+        //remoteGuiPrx = getProxy<RemoteGuiInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("RemoteGuiName").getValue());
+        aggregatedRobotHealthTopicPrx = getTopic<AggregatedRobotHealthInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("AggregatedRobotHealthTopicName").getValue());
+        textToSpeechTopic = getTopic<TextListenerInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("TextToSpeechTopicName").getValue());
+        lastSpeechOutput = TimeUtil::GetTime();
-        if (!e.enabled)
+        /*if(robotUnitRequired)
-            continue;
-        }
+            robotUnitPrx = getTopic<RobotUnitInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("RobotUnitName").getValue());
+            robotUnitPrx->enableHeartbeat();
+        }*/
+        monitorHealthTask->start();
+    }
+    void RobotHealth::monitorHealthTaskClb()
+    {
+        long now = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
+        bool hasNewErr = false;
+        RobotHealthState healthState = RobotHealthState::HealthOK;
-        if (delta > e.maximumCycleTimeErr)
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < validEntries; i++)
-            healthState = RobotHealthState::HealthError;
-            if (e.isRunning)
+            Entry& e =;
+            long delta = std::max(now - e.lastUpdate, e.lastDelta);
+            if (e.required && delta > e.maximumCycleTimeErr)
+            {
+                healthState = RobotHealthState::HealthError;
+            }
+            if (!e.enabled)
+            {
+                continue;
+            }
+            ARMARX_TRACE;
+            if (delta > e.maximumCycleTimeErr)
-                ARMARX_ERROR << deactivateSpam(0.1, << "Component " << << " has died.";
-                if (reportErrorsWithSpeech && (TimeUtil::GetTime() - lastSpeechOutput).toSecondsDouble() > speechMinimumReportInterval)
+                healthState = RobotHealthState::HealthError;
+                if (e.isRunning)
-                    lastSpeechOutput = TimeUtil::GetTime();
+                    ARMARX_ERROR << deactivateSpam(0.1, << "Component " << << " has died.";
+                    if (reportErrorsWithSpeech && (TimeUtil::GetTime() - lastSpeechOutput).toSecondsDouble() > speechMinimumReportInterval)
+                    {
+                        ARMARX_TRACE;
+                        lastSpeechOutput = TimeUtil::GetTime();
-                    std::string name;
+                        std::string name;
-                    boost::smatch m;
-                    boost::regex regex("^[a-zA-Z]+");
-                    if (boost::regex_search(, m, regex))
-                    {
-                        if (m.empty())
-                        {
-                            name = "Whatever";
-                        }
-                        else
+                        boost::smatch m;
+                        boost::regex regex("^[a-zA-Z]+");
+                        if (boost::regex_search(, m, regex))
-                            name = m[0].str();
+                            if (m.empty())
+                            {
+                                name = "Whatever";
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                name = m[0].str();
+                            }
-                    }
-                    textToSpeechTopic->reportText("Oh no! Component " + name + " is no longer running.");
+                        textToSpeechTopic->reportText("Oh no! Component " + name + " is no longer running.");
+                    }
+                    hasNewErr = true;
+                    e.isRunning = false;
-                hasNewErr = true;
-                e.isRunning = false;
+            else if (e.isRunning && delta > e.maximumCycleTimeWarn)
+            {
+                ARMARX_TRACE;
+                ARMARX_WARNING << deactivateSpam(0.1, << "Component " << << " is running too slow.";
+                if (healthState == RobotHealthState::HealthOK)
+                {
+                    healthState = RobotHealthState::HealthWarning;
+                }
+            }
-        else if (e.isRunning && delta > e.maximumCycleTimeWarn)
+        if (hasNewErr)
-            ARMARX_WARNING << deactivateSpam(0.1, << "Component " << << " is running too slow.";
-            if (healthState == RobotHealthState::HealthOK)
+            emergencyStopTopicPrx->reportEmergencyStopState(EmergencyStopState::eEmergencyStopActive);
+        }
+        ARMARX_TRACE;
+        aggregatedRobotHealthTopicPrx->aggregatedHeartbeat(healthState);
+        /*if(allRequiredRunning && robotUnitPrx)
+        {
+            try
-                healthState = RobotHealthState::HealthWarning;
+                robotUnitPrx->sendHeartbeat();
-        }
+            catch(...)
+            {}
+        }*/
-    if (hasNewErr)
+    void RobotHealth::onDisconnectComponent()
-        ARMARX_TRACE;
-        emergencyStopTopicPrx->reportEmergencyStopState(EmergencyStopState::eEmergencyStopActive);
+        //robotUnitPrx = nullptr;
+        monitorHealthTask->stop();
-    aggregatedRobotHealthTopicPrx->aggregatedHeartbeat(healthState);
-    /*if(allRequiredRunning && robotUnitPrx)
-    {
-        try
-        {
-            robotUnitPrx->sendHeartbeat();
-        }
-        catch(...)
-        {}
-    }*/
-void RobotHealth::onDisconnectComponent()
-    //robotUnitPrx = nullptr;
-    monitorHealthTask->stop();
-void RobotHealth::onExitComponent()
+    void RobotHealth::onExitComponent()
+    {
+    }
-armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr RobotHealth::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new RobotHealthPropertyDefinitions(
-            getConfigIdentifier()));
+    armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr RobotHealth::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new RobotHealthPropertyDefinitions(
+                getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
-RobotHealth::Entry& RobotHealth::findOrCreateEntry(const std::string& name)
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++)
+    RobotHealth::Entry& RobotHealth::findOrCreateEntry(const std::string& name)
-        if ( == name)
+        ARMARX_TRACE;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++)
-            return;
+            if ( == name)
+            {
+                return;
+            }
+        ScopedLock lock(mutex);
+        ARMARX_INFO << "registering '" << name << "'";
+        entries.emplace_back(name, defaultMaximumCycleTimeWarn * 1000, defaultMaximumCycleTimeErr * 1000);
+        validEntries++;
+        return entries.back();
-    ScopedLock lock(mutex);
-    ARMARX_INFO << "registering '" << name << "'";
-    entries.emplace_back(name, defaultMaximumCycleTimeWarn * 1000, defaultMaximumCycleTimeErr * 1000);
-    validEntries++;
-    return entries.back();
-void RobotHealth::heartbeat(const std::string& componentName, const RobotHealthHeartbeatArgs& args, const Ice::Current&)
-    Entry& e = findOrCreateEntry(componentName);
-    long now = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
-    e.maximumCycleTimeWarn = args.maximumCycleTimeWarningMS * 1000;
-    e.maximumCycleTimeErr = args.maximumCycleTimeErrorMS * 1000;
-    if (!e.isRunning)
+    void RobotHealth::heartbeat(const std::string& componentName, const RobotHealthHeartbeatArgs& args, const Ice::Current&)
-        ARMARX_INFO << "'" << componentName << "' is now alive and running";
-        e.lastDelta = 0;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        e.lastDelta = now - e.lastUpdate;
- = e.lastDelta;
-        e.historyIndex = (e.historyIndex + 1) % e.history.size();
+        ARMARX_TRACE;
+        Entry& e = findOrCreateEntry(componentName);
+        long now = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
+        e.maximumCycleTimeWarn = args.maximumCycleTimeWarningMS * 1000;
+        e.maximumCycleTimeErr = args.maximumCycleTimeErrorMS * 1000;
+        if (!e.isRunning)
+        {
+            ARMARX_INFO << "'" << componentName << "' is now alive and running";
+            e.lastDelta = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            e.lastDelta = now - e.lastUpdate;
+   = e.lastDelta;
+            e.historyIndex = (e.historyIndex + 1) % e.history.size();
+        }
+        ARMARX_TRACE;
+        e.lastUpdate = now;
+        e.isRunning = true;
+        e.enabled = true;
+        {
+            ScopedLock lock(e.messageMutex);
+            e.message = args.message;
+        }
-    e.lastUpdate = now;
-    e.isRunning = true;
-    e.enabled = true;
+    void armarx::RobotHealth::unregister(const std::string& componentName, const Ice::Current&)
-        ScopedLock lock(e.messageMutex);
-        e.message = args.message;
+        ARMARX_TRACE;
+        Entry& e = findOrCreateEntry(componentName);
+        e.isRunning = false;
+        e.enabled = false;
+        ARMARX_INFO << "unregistering " << componentName;
-void armarx::RobotHealth::unregister(const std::string& componentName, const Ice::Current&)
-    Entry& e = findOrCreateEntry(componentName);
-    e.isRunning = false;
-    e.enabled = false;
-    ARMARX_INFO << "unregistering " << componentName;
-std::string RobotHealth::getSummary(const Ice::Current&)
-    long now = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < validEntries; i++)
+    std::string RobotHealth::getSummary(const Ice::Current&)
-        Entry& e =;
-        long delta = std::max(now - e.lastUpdate, e.lastDelta);
-        long minDelta = delta;
-        long maxDelta = delta;
-        for (size_t i = 1; i < e.history.size(); i++)
+        long now = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
+        std::stringstream ss;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < validEntries; i++)
-            long historicalDelta =;
-            if (historicalDelta < 0)
+            ARMARX_TRACE;
+            Entry& e =;
+            long delta = std::max(now - e.lastUpdate, e.lastDelta);
+            long minDelta = delta;
+            long maxDelta = delta;
+            for (size_t i = 1; i < e.history.size(); i++)
-                break;
+                long historicalDelta =;
+                if (historicalDelta < 0)
+                {
+                    break;
+                }
+                minDelta = std::min(minDelta, historicalDelta);
+                maxDelta = std::max(maxDelta, historicalDelta);
-            minDelta = std::min(minDelta, historicalDelta);
-            maxDelta = std::max(maxDelta, historicalDelta);
-        }
-        ss <<;
-        if (e.required)
-        {
-            ss << ", required";
-        }
-        if (!e.required && !e.enabled)
-        {
-            ss << ": disabled";
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            if (delta > e.maximumCycleTimeErr)
+            ss <<;
+            if (e.required)
-                ss << ": ERROR";
+                ss << ", required";
-            else if (delta > e.maximumCycleTimeWarn)
+            if (!e.required && !e.enabled)
-                ss << ": warning";
+                ss << ": disabled";
-                ss << ": ok";
+                if (delta > e.maximumCycleTimeErr)
+                {
+                    ss << ": ERROR";
+                }
+                else if (delta > e.maximumCycleTimeWarn)
+                {
+                    ss << ": warning";
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    ss << ": ok";
+                }
+                ss << " (" << (delta / 1000) << "ms, min: " << (minDelta / 1000) << "ms, max: " << (maxDelta / 1000) << "ms)";
-            ss << " (" << (delta / 1000) << "ms, min: " << (minDelta / 1000) << "ms, max: " << (maxDelta / 1000) << "ms)";
-        }
-        ARMARX_TRACE;
+            ARMARX_TRACE;
-        ScopedLock lock(e.messageMutex);
-        if (e.message.size())
-        {
-            ss << " - " << e.message;
-        }
+            ScopedLock lock(e.messageMutex);
+            if (e.message.size())
+            {
+                ss << " - " << e.message;
+            }
-        ss << "\n";
+            ss << "\n";
+        }
+        return ss.str();
-    return ss.str();
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/RobotHealth/RobotHealthDummy.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/RobotHealth/RobotHealthDummy.cpp
index db8eaca64..b239fdd07 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/RobotHealth/RobotHealthDummy.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/RobotHealth/RobotHealthDummy.cpp
@@ -24,126 +24,125 @@
 #include <time.h>
 #include <thread>
-using namespace armarx;
-void RobotHealthDummy::onInitComponent()
-    dummyTask = new RunningTask<RobotHealthDummy>(this, &RobotHealthDummy::runTask);
-    getProperty(sleepmode, "SleepMode");
-void RobotHealthDummy::onConnectComponent()
-    robotHealthTopicPrx = getTopic<RobotHealthInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("RobotHealthTopicName").getValue());
-    dummyTask->start();
-#define NANOSECS_PER_SEC  1000000000
-int RobotHealthDummy::NanoSleep(long nanosec)
+namespace armarx
-    struct timespec ts;
-    ts.tv_sec = nanosec / NANOSECS_PER_SEC;
-    ts.tv_nsec = (nanosec % NANOSECS_PER_SEC);
-    return nanosleep(&ts, nullptr); // jitter up to +100ms!
-void RobotHealthDummy::sleepwait(long microseconds)
-    long start = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
-    auto end = start + microseconds;
-    do
+    void RobotHealthDummy::onInitComponent()
-        NanoSleep(1000);
+        dummyTask = new RunningTask<RobotHealthDummy>(this, &RobotHealthDummy::runTask);
+        getProperty(sleepmode, "SleepMode");
-    while (TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds() < end);
-void RobotHealthDummy::yieldwait(long microseconds)
-    long start = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
-    auto end = start + microseconds;
-    do
+    void RobotHealthDummy::onConnectComponent()
-        std::this_thread::yield();
+        robotHealthTopicPrx = getTopic<RobotHealthInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("RobotHealthTopicName").getValue());
+        dummyTask->start();
-    while (TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds() < end); // jitter up to +25ms...
-void RobotHealthDummy::busydwait(long microseconds)
-    long start = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
-    auto end = start + microseconds;
-    do
+#define NANOSECS_PER_SEC  1000000000
+    int RobotHealthDummy::NanoSleep(long nanosec)
-        ;
+        struct timespec ts;
+        ts.tv_sec = nanosec / NANOSECS_PER_SEC;
+        ts.tv_nsec = (nanosec % NANOSECS_PER_SEC);
+        return nanosleep(&ts, nullptr); // jitter up to +100ms!
-    while (TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds() < end);
-void RobotHealthDummy::runTask()
-    ARMARX_INFO << "starting rinning task";
-    while (!dummyTask->isStopped())
+    void RobotHealthDummy::sleepwait(long microseconds)
-        long beforeTopicCall = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
-        //ARMARX_INFO << "send heartbeat";
-        robotHealthTopicPrx->heartbeat(getName(), RobotHealthHeartbeatArgs());
-        long afterTopicCall = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
-        if (sleepmode == "nanosleep")
-        {
-            NanoSleep(10 * 1000 * 1000);
-        }
-        else if (sleepmode == "sleepwait")
-        {
-            sleepwait(10 * 1000);
-        }
-        else if (sleepmode == "yieldwait")
+        long start = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
+        auto end = start + microseconds;
+        do
-            yieldwait(10 * 1000);
+            NanoSleep(1000);
-        else if (sleepmode == "busywait")
+        while (TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds() < end);
+    }
+    void RobotHealthDummy::yieldwait(long microseconds)
+    {
+        long start = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
+        auto end = start + microseconds;
+        do
-            busydwait(10 * 1000);
+            std::this_thread::yield();
-        else
+        while (TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds() < end); // jitter up to +25ms...
+    }
+    void RobotHealthDummy::busydwait(long microseconds)
+    {
+        long start = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
+        auto end = start + microseconds;
+        do
-            throw LocalException("Unknown sleepmode.");
+            ;
+        while (TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds() < end);
+    }
-        long afterSleep = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
-        long topicCallDelay = afterTopicCall - beforeTopicCall;
-        long sleepDelay = afterSleep - afterTopicCall;
-        if (sleepDelay > 20000)
-        {
-            ARMARX_IMPORTANT << sleepmode << ": " << sleepDelay << "us";
-        }
-        if (topicCallDelay > 1000)
+    void RobotHealthDummy::runTask()
+    {
+        ARMARX_INFO << "starting rinning task";
+        while (!dummyTask->isStopped())
-            ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "topic: " << topicCallDelay << "us";
+            long beforeTopicCall = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
+            //ARMARX_INFO << "send heartbeat";
+            robotHealthTopicPrx->heartbeat(getName(), RobotHealthHeartbeatArgs());
+            long afterTopicCall = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
+            if (sleepmode == "nanosleep")
+            {
+                NanoSleep(10 * 1000 * 1000);
+            }
+            else if (sleepmode == "sleepwait")
+            {
+                sleepwait(10 * 1000);
+            }
+            else if (sleepmode == "yieldwait")
+            {
+                yieldwait(10 * 1000);
+            }
+            else if (sleepmode == "busywait")
+            {
+                busydwait(10 * 1000);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                throw LocalException("Unknown sleepmode.");
+            }
+            long afterSleep = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
+            long topicCallDelay = afterTopicCall - beforeTopicCall;
+            long sleepDelay = afterSleep - afterTopicCall;
+            if (sleepDelay > 20000)
+            {
+                ARMARX_IMPORTANT << sleepmode << ": " << sleepDelay << "us";
+            }
+            if (topicCallDelay > 1000)
+            {
+                ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "topic: " << topicCallDelay << "us";
+            }
-void RobotHealthDummy::onDisconnectComponent()
-    //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "onDisconnectComponent";
-    dummyTask->stop();
+    void RobotHealthDummy::onDisconnectComponent()
+    {
+        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "onDisconnectComponent";
+        dummyTask->stop();
+    }
-void RobotHealthDummy::onExitComponent()
-    //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "onExitComponent";
-    dummyTask->stop();
+    void RobotHealthDummy::onExitComponent()
+    {
+        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "onExitComponent";
+        dummyTask->stop();
+    }
-armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr RobotHealthDummy::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new RobotHealthDummyPropertyDefinitions(
-            getConfigIdentifier()));
+    armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr RobotHealthDummy::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new RobotHealthDummyPropertyDefinitions(
+                getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/RobotNameService/RobotNameService.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/RobotNameService/RobotNameService.cpp
index 99b738ada..65f97877d 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/RobotNameService/RobotNameService.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/RobotNameService/RobotNameService.cpp
@@ -23,35 +23,34 @@
 #include "RobotNameService.h"
-using namespace armarx;
-void RobotNameService::onInitComponent()
+namespace armarx
+    void RobotNameService::onInitComponent()
+    {
+    }
-void RobotNameService::onConnectComponent()
+    void RobotNameService::onConnectComponent()
+    {
+    }
-void RobotNameService::onDisconnectComponent()
+    void RobotNameService::onDisconnectComponent()
+    {
+    }
-void RobotNameService::onExitComponent()
+    void RobotNameService::onExitComponent()
+    {
+    }
-armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr RobotNameService::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new RobotNameServicePropertyDefinitions(
-            getConfigIdentifier()));
+    armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr RobotNameService::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new RobotNameServicePropertyDefinitions(
+                getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/TopicTimingTest/TopicTimingClient.h b/source/RobotAPI/components/TopicTimingTest/TopicTimingClient.h
index c57c63a8b..fbe94d4ea 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/TopicTimingTest/TopicTimingClient.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/TopicTimingTest/TopicTimingClient.h
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ namespace armarx
      * Detailed description of class TopicTimingClient.
     class TopicTimingClient
-            : virtual public armarx::Component
-            , virtual public armarx::topic_timing::Topic
+        : virtual public armarx::Component
+        , virtual public armarx::topic_timing::Topic
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/TopicTimingTest/TopicTimingServer.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/TopicTimingTest/TopicTimingServer.cpp
index a0d904b0d..48449f8b4 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/TopicTimingTest/TopicTimingServer.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/TopicTimingTest/TopicTimingServer.cpp
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ namespace armarx
     armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr TopicTimingServer::createPropertyDefinitions()
         return armarx::PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new TopicTimingServerPropertyDefinitions(
-                                                  getConfigIdentifier()));
+                getConfigIdentifier()));
     void TopicTimingServer::run()
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/ViewSelection/ViewSelection.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/ViewSelection/ViewSelection.cpp
index 74ecf6ea6..3cb860a4d 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/ViewSelection/ViewSelection.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/ViewSelection/ViewSelection.cpp
@@ -31,496 +31,494 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/remoterobot/RemoteRobot.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/ColorUtils.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-void ViewSelection::onInitComponent()
+namespace armarx
-    usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("RobotStateComponentName").getValue());
-    usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("HeadIKUnitName").getValue());
+    void ViewSelection::onInitComponent()
+    {
+        usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("RobotStateComponentName").getValue());
+        usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("HeadIKUnitName").getValue());
-    offeringTopic("DebugDrawerUpdates");
-    offeringTopic(getName() + "Observer");
+        offeringTopic("DebugDrawerUpdates");
+        offeringTopic(getName() + "Observer");
-    headIKKinematicChainName = getProperty<std::string>("HeadIKKinematicChainName").getValue();
-    headFrameName = getProperty<std::string>("HeadFrameName").getValue();
-    cameraFrameName = getProperty<std::string>("CameraFrameName").getValue();
-    drawViewDirection = getProperty<bool>("VisualizeViewDirection").getValue();
-    visuSaliencyThreshold = getProperty<float>("VisuSaliencyThreshold").getValue();
+        headIKKinematicChainName = getProperty<std::string>("HeadIKKinematicChainName").getValue();
+        headFrameName = getProperty<std::string>("HeadFrameName").getValue();
+        cameraFrameName = getProperty<std::string>("CameraFrameName").getValue();
+        drawViewDirection = getProperty<bool>("VisualizeViewDirection").getValue();
+        visuSaliencyThreshold = getProperty<float>("VisuSaliencyThreshold").getValue();
-    std::string graphFileName = "RobotAPI/ViewSelection/graph40k.gra";
+        std::string graphFileName = "RobotAPI/ViewSelection/graph40k.gra";
-    armarx::CMakePackageFinder finder("RobotAPI");
-    ArmarXDataPath::addDataPaths(finder.getDataDir());
+        armarx::CMakePackageFinder finder("RobotAPI");
+        ArmarXDataPath::addDataPaths(finder.getDataDir());
-    if (ArmarXDataPath::getAbsolutePath(graphFileName, graphFileName))
-    {
-        visibilityMaskGraph = new CIntensityGraph(graphFileName);
-        TNodeList* nodes = visibilityMaskGraph->getNodes();
-        const float maxOverallHeadTiltAngle = getProperty<float>("MaxOverallHeadTiltAngle").getValue();
-        const float borderAreaAngle = 10.0f;
-        const float centralAngle = getProperty<float>("CentralHeadTiltAngle").getValue();
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes->size(); i++)
+        if (ArmarXDataPath::getAbsolutePath(graphFileName, graphFileName))
-            CIntensityNode* node = (CIntensityNode*) nodes->at(i);
+            visibilityMaskGraph = new CIntensityGraph(graphFileName);
+            TNodeList* nodes = visibilityMaskGraph->getNodes();
+            const float maxOverallHeadTiltAngle = getProperty<float>("MaxOverallHeadTiltAngle").getValue();
+            const float borderAreaAngle = 10.0f;
+            const float centralAngle = getProperty<float>("CentralHeadTiltAngle").getValue();
-            if (fabs(node->getPosition().fPhi - centralAngle) < maxOverallHeadTiltAngle - borderAreaAngle)
-            {
-                node->setIntensity(1.0f);
-            }
-            else if (fabs(node->getPosition().fPhi - centralAngle) < maxOverallHeadTiltAngle)
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes->size(); i++)
-                node->setIntensity(1.0f - (fabs(node->getPosition().fPhi - centralAngle) - (maxOverallHeadTiltAngle - borderAreaAngle)) / borderAreaAngle);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                node->setIntensity(0.0f);
+                CIntensityNode* node = (CIntensityNode*) nodes->at(i);
+                if (fabs(node->getPosition().fPhi - centralAngle) < maxOverallHeadTiltAngle - borderAreaAngle)
+                {
+                    node->setIntensity(1.0f);
+                }
+                else if (fabs(node->getPosition().fPhi - centralAngle) < maxOverallHeadTiltAngle)
+                {
+                    node->setIntensity(1.0f - (fabs(node->getPosition().fPhi - centralAngle) - (maxOverallHeadTiltAngle - borderAreaAngle)) / borderAreaAngle);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    node->setIntensity(0.0f);
+                }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        ARMARX_ERROR << "Could not find required1 graph file";
-        handleExceptions();
-        return;
-    }
-    sleepingTimeBetweenViewDirectionChanges = getProperty<int>("SleepingTimeBetweenViewDirectionChanges").getValue();
-    doAutomaticViewSelection = getProperty<bool>("ActiveAtStartup").getValue();
+        else
+        {
+            ARMARX_ERROR << "Could not find required1 graph file";
+            handleExceptions();
+            return;
+        }
-    timeOfLastViewChange =  armarx::TimeUtil::GetTime();
+        sleepingTimeBetweenViewDirectionChanges = getProperty<int>("SleepingTimeBetweenViewDirectionChanges").getValue();
+        doAutomaticViewSelection = getProperty<bool>("ActiveAtStartup").getValue();
-    // this is robot model specific: offset from the used head coordinate system to the actual
-    // head center where the eyes are assumed to be located. Here it is correct for ARMAR-III
-    offsetToHeadCenter << 0, 0, 150;
+        timeOfLastViewChange =  armarx::TimeUtil::GetTime();
-    processorTask = new PeriodicTask<ViewSelection>(this, &ViewSelection::process, 30);
-    processorTask->setDelayWarningTolerance(sleepingTimeBetweenViewDirectionChanges + 100);
+        // this is robot model specific: offset from the used head coordinate system to the actual
+        // head center where the eyes are assumed to be located. Here it is correct for ARMAR-III
+        offsetToHeadCenter << 0, 0, 150;
+        processorTask = new PeriodicTask<ViewSelection>(this, &ViewSelection::process, 30);
+        processorTask->setDelayWarningTolerance(sleepingTimeBetweenViewDirectionChanges + 100);
+    }
-void ViewSelection::onConnectComponent()
-    robotStateComponent = getProxy<RobotStateComponentInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("RobotStateComponentName").getValue());
-    headIKUnitProxy = getProxy<HeadIKUnitInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("HeadIKUnitName").getValue());
-    headIKUnitProxy->request();
+    void ViewSelection::onConnectComponent()
+    {
+        robotStateComponent = getProxy<RobotStateComponentInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("RobotStateComponentName").getValue());
-    viewSelectionObserver = getTopic<ViewSelectionObserverPrx>(getName() + "Observer");
-    drawer = getTopic<DebugDrawerInterfacePrx>("DebugDrawerUpdates");
+        headIKUnitProxy = getProxy<HeadIKUnitInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("HeadIKUnitName").getValue());
+        headIKUnitProxy->request();
-    processorTask->start();
+        viewSelectionObserver = getTopic<ViewSelectionObserverPrx>(getName() + "Observer");
+        drawer = getTopic<DebugDrawerInterfacePrx>("DebugDrawerUpdates");
+        processorTask->start();
+    }
-void ViewSelection::onDisconnectComponent()
-    processorTask->stop();
-    if (drawer)
+    void ViewSelection::onDisconnectComponent()
-        drawer->removeArrowDebugLayerVisu("HeadRealViewDirection");
-    }
+        processorTask->stop();
-    try
-    {
-        headIKUnitProxy->release();
-    }
-    catch (...)
-    {
-        ARMARX_WARNING_S << "An exception occured during onDisconnectComponent()";
-        handleExceptions();
+        if (drawer)
+        {
+            drawer->removeArrowDebugLayerVisu("HeadRealViewDirection");
+        }
+        try
+        {
+            headIKUnitProxy->release();
+        }
+        catch (...)
+        {
+            ARMARX_WARNING_S << "An exception occured during onDisconnectComponent()";
+            handleExceptions();
+        }
-void ViewSelection::onExitComponent()
-    delete visibilityMaskGraph;
+    void ViewSelection::onExitComponent()
+    {
+        delete visibilityMaskGraph;
+    }
-void ViewSelection::getActiveSaliencyMaps(std::vector<std::string>& activeSaliencyMaps)
-    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(syncMutex);
-    IceUtil::Time currentTime =  armarx::TimeUtil::GetTime();
-    for (const auto& p : saliencyMaps)
+    void ViewSelection::getActiveSaliencyMaps(std::vector<std::string>& activeSaliencyMaps)
-        if (p.second->validUntil)
+        boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(syncMutex);
+        IceUtil::Time currentTime =  armarx::TimeUtil::GetTime();
+        for (const auto& p : saliencyMaps)
-            TimestampVariantPtr time = TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(p.second->validUntil);
-            if (time->toTime() > currentTime)
+            if (p.second->validUntil)
+            {
+                TimestampVariantPtr time = TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(p.second->validUntil);
+                if (time->toTime() > currentTime)
+                {
+                    activeSaliencyMaps.push_back(p.second->name);
+                }
+            }
+            else if ((currentTime - TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(p.second->timeAdded)->toTime()) < IceUtil::Time::seconds(5))
-        else if ((currentTime - TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(p.second->timeAdded)->toTime()) < IceUtil::Time::seconds(5))
-        {
-            activeSaliencyMaps.push_back(p.second->name);
-        }
-ViewTargetBasePtr ViewSelection::nextAutomaticViewTarget()
-    std::vector<std::string> activeSaliencyMaps;
-    getActiveSaliencyMaps(activeSaliencyMaps);
-    if (activeSaliencyMaps.empty())
+    ViewTargetBasePtr ViewSelection::nextAutomaticViewTarget()
-        return nullptr;
-    }
-    SharedRobotInterfacePrx robotPrx = robotStateComponent->getSynchronizedRobot();
-    TNodeList* visibilityMaskGraphNodes = visibilityMaskGraph->getNodes();
+        std::vector<std::string> activeSaliencyMaps;
+        getActiveSaliencyMaps(activeSaliencyMaps);
-    // find the direction with highest saliency
-    int maxIndex = -1;
-    float maxSaliency = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
+        if (activeSaliencyMaps.empty())
+        {
+            return nullptr;
+        }
-    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(syncMutex);
-    hasNewSaliencyMap = false;
+        SharedRobotInterfacePrx robotPrx = robotStateComponent->getSynchronizedRobot();
+        TNodeList* visibilityMaskGraphNodes = visibilityMaskGraph->getNodes();
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < visibilityMaskGraphNodes->size(); i++)
-    {
-        float saliency = 0.0f;
-        for (const std::string& n : activeSaliencyMaps)
-        {
-            saliency += saliencyMaps[n]->map[i];
-        }
+        // find the direction with highest saliency
+        int maxIndex = -1;
+        float maxSaliency = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
-        saliency /= activeSaliencyMaps.size();
+        boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(syncMutex);
-        CIntensityNode* visibilityNode = (CIntensityNode*) visibilityMaskGraphNodes->at(i);
-        saliency *= visibilityNode->getIntensity();
+        hasNewSaliencyMap = false;
-        if (saliency > maxSaliency)
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < visibilityMaskGraphNodes->size(); i++)
-            maxSaliency = saliency;
-            maxIndex = i;
-        }
-    }
+            float saliency = 0.0f;
+            for (const std::string& n : activeSaliencyMaps)
+            {
+                saliency += saliencyMaps[n]->map[i];
+            }
-    lock.unlock();
+            saliency /= activeSaliencyMaps.size();
-    ARMARX_DEBUG << "Highest saliency: " << maxSaliency;
+            CIntensityNode* visibilityNode = (CIntensityNode*) visibilityMaskGraphNodes->at(i);
+            saliency *= visibilityNode->getIntensity();
-    // select a new view if saliency is bigger than threshold (which converges towards 0 over time)
-    int timeSinceLastViewChange = (armarx::TimeUtil::GetTime() - timeOfLastViewChange).toMilliSeconds();
-    float saliencyThreshold = 0;
+            if (saliency > maxSaliency)
+            {
+                maxSaliency = saliency;
+                maxIndex = i;
+            }
+        }
-    if (timeSinceLastViewChange > 0)
-    {
-        saliencyThreshold = 2.0f * sleepingTimeBetweenViewDirectionChanges / timeSinceLastViewChange;
-    }
-    if (maxSaliency > saliencyThreshold)
-    {
-        Eigen::Vector3f target;
-        MathTools::convert(visibilityMaskGraphNodes->at(maxIndex)->getPosition(), target);
-        const float distanceFactor = 1500;
-        target = distanceFactor * target + offsetToHeadCenter;
-        FramedPositionPtr viewTargetPositionPtr = new FramedPosition(target, headFrameName, robotPrx->getName());
+        lock.unlock();
-        ViewTargetBasePtr viewTarget = new ViewTargetBase();
-        viewTarget->priority = armarx::DEFAULT_VIEWTARGET_PRIORITY; // *  maxSaliency;
-        viewTarget->timeAdded = new TimestampVariant(armarx::TimeUtil::GetTime());
-        viewTarget->target = viewTargetPositionPtr;
-        viewTarget->duration = 0;
+        ARMARX_DEBUG << "Highest saliency: " << maxSaliency;
+        // select a new view if saliency is bigger than threshold (which converges towards 0 over time)
+        int timeSinceLastViewChange = (armarx::TimeUtil::GetTime() - timeOfLastViewChange).toMilliSeconds();
+        float saliencyThreshold = 0;
-        if (visuSaliencyThreshold > 0.0)
+        if (timeSinceLastViewChange > 0)
-            drawSaliencySphere(activeSaliencyMaps);
+            saliencyThreshold = 2.0f * sleepingTimeBetweenViewDirectionChanges / timeSinceLastViewChange;
-        return viewTarget;
+        if (maxSaliency > saliencyThreshold)
+        {
+            Eigen::Vector3f target;
+            MathTools::convert(visibilityMaskGraphNodes->at(maxIndex)->getPosition(), target);
+            const float distanceFactor = 1500;
+            target = distanceFactor * target + offsetToHeadCenter;
+            FramedPositionPtr viewTargetPositionPtr = new FramedPosition(target, headFrameName, robotPrx->getName());
+            ViewTargetBasePtr viewTarget = new ViewTargetBase();
+            viewTarget->priority = armarx::DEFAULT_VIEWTARGET_PRIORITY; // *  maxSaliency;
+            viewTarget->timeAdded = new TimestampVariant(armarx::TimeUtil::GetTime());
+            viewTarget->target = viewTargetPositionPtr;
+            viewTarget->duration = 0;
-    }
-    return nullptr;
+            if (visuSaliencyThreshold > 0.0)
+            {
+                drawSaliencySphere(activeSaliencyMaps);
+            }
+            return viewTarget;
+        }
-void ViewSelection::process()
-    /*
-    while(getState() < eManagedIceObjectExiting)
-    {
+        return nullptr;
-    */
-    ViewTargetBasePtr viewTarget;
-    if (doAutomaticViewSelection)
-    {
-        viewTarget = nextAutomaticViewTarget();
-    }
-    /*
-    //discard outdated view targets
-    IceUtil::Time currentTime = armarx::TimeUtil::GetTime();
-    while (!manualViewTargets.empty())
+    void ViewSelection::process()
-        ViewTargetBasePtr manualViewTarget =;
-        TimestampVariantPtr time = TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(manualViewTarget->validUntil);
+        /*
+        while(getState() < eManagedIceObjectExiting)
+        {
+        }
+        */
-        if (time->toTime() < currentTime)
+        ViewTargetBasePtr viewTarget;
+        if (doAutomaticViewSelection)
-            ARMARX_INFO << "view target is no longer valid";
-            manualViewTargets.pop();
+            viewTarget = nextAutomaticViewTarget();
-        else
+        /*
+        //discard outdated view targets
+        IceUtil::Time currentTime = armarx::TimeUtil::GetTime();
+        while (!manualViewTargets.empty())
-            break;
+            ViewTargetBasePtr manualViewTarget =;
+            TimestampVariantPtr time = TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(manualViewTarget->validUntil);
+            if (time->toTime() < currentTime)
+            {
+                ARMARX_INFO << "view target is no longer valid";
+                manualViewTargets.pop();
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                break;
+            }
-    }
-    */
+        */
-    if (!manualViewTargets.empty())
-    {
-        ScopedLock lock(manualViewTargetsMutex);
+        if (!manualViewTargets.empty())
+        {
+            ScopedLock lock(manualViewTargetsMutex);
-        ViewTargetBasePtr manualViewTarget =;
+            ViewTargetBasePtr manualViewTarget =;
-        CompareViewTargets c;
+            CompareViewTargets c;
-        if (!viewTarget)
-        {
-            viewTarget = manualViewTarget;
-            manualViewTargets.pop();
+            if (!viewTarget)
+            {
+                viewTarget = manualViewTarget;
+                manualViewTargets.pop();
+            }
+            else if (c(viewTarget, manualViewTarget))
+            {
+                viewTarget = manualViewTarget;
+                manualViewTargets.pop();
+            }
-        else if (c(viewTarget, manualViewTarget))
+        if (viewTarget)
-            viewTarget = manualViewTarget;
-            manualViewTargets.pop();
-        }
-    }
+            SharedRobotInterfacePrx robotPrx = robotStateComponent->getSynchronizedRobot();
+            // FramedPositionPtr viewTargetPositionPtr = FramedPositionPtr::dynamicCast(viewTarget->target);
+            FramedPositionPtr viewTargetPositionPtr = new FramedPosition(FramedPositionPtr::dynamicCast(viewTarget->target)->toEigen(), viewTarget->target->frame, robotPrx->getName());
-    if (viewTarget)
-    {
-        SharedRobotInterfacePrx robotPrx = robotStateComponent->getSynchronizedRobot();
-        // FramedPositionPtr viewTargetPositionPtr = FramedPositionPtr::dynamicCast(viewTarget->target);
-        FramedPositionPtr viewTargetPositionPtr = new FramedPosition(FramedPositionPtr::dynamicCast(viewTarget->target)->toEigen(), viewTarget->target->frame, robotPrx->getName());
+            if (drawer && robotPrx->hasRobotNode("Cameras") && drawViewDirection)
+            {
+                float arrowLength = 1500.0f;
+                Vector3Ptr startPos = new Vector3(FramedPosePtr::dynamicCast(robotPrx->getRobotNode("Cameras")->getGlobalPose())->toEigen());
+                FramedDirectionPtr currentDirection = new FramedDirection(Eigen::Vector3f(1, 0, 0), "Cameras", robotPrx->getName());
+                drawer->setArrowDebugLayerVisu("CurrentHeadViewDirection", startPos, currentDirection->toGlobal(robotPrx), DrawColor {0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1}, arrowLength, 5);
+                Eigen::Vector3f plannedDirectionEigen = viewTargetPositionPtr->toGlobalEigen(robotPrx) - startPos->toEigen();
+                Vector3Ptr plannedDirection = new Vector3(plannedDirectionEigen);
+                drawer->setArrowDebugLayerVisu("PlannedHeadViewDirection", startPos, plannedDirection, DrawColor {0.5, 0.5, 0, 0.1}, arrowLength, 5);
+            }
-        if (drawer && robotPrx->hasRobotNode("Cameras") && drawViewDirection)
-        {
-            float arrowLength = 1500.0f;
-            Vector3Ptr startPos = new Vector3(FramedPosePtr::dynamicCast(robotPrx->getRobotNode("Cameras")->getGlobalPose())->toEigen());
-            FramedDirectionPtr currentDirection = new FramedDirection(Eigen::Vector3f(1, 0, 0), "Cameras", robotPrx->getName());
-            drawer->setArrowDebugLayerVisu("CurrentHeadViewDirection", startPos, currentDirection->toGlobal(robotPrx), DrawColor {0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1}, arrowLength, 5);
-            Eigen::Vector3f plannedDirectionEigen = viewTargetPositionPtr->toGlobalEigen(robotPrx) - startPos->toEigen();
-            Vector3Ptr plannedDirection = new Vector3(plannedDirectionEigen);
-            drawer->setArrowDebugLayerVisu("PlannedHeadViewDirection", startPos, plannedDirection, DrawColor {0.5, 0.5, 0, 0.1}, arrowLength, 5);
-        }
+            ARMARX_INFO << "Looking at target " << viewTargetPositionPtr->output();
+            headIKUnitProxy->setHeadTarget(headIKKinematicChainName, viewTargetPositionPtr);
+            timeOfLastViewChange = TimeUtil::GetTime();
-        ARMARX_INFO << "Looking at target " << viewTargetPositionPtr->output();
-        headIKUnitProxy->setHeadTarget(headIKKinematicChainName, viewTargetPositionPtr);
+            long duration = viewTarget->duration;
+            if (!viewTarget->duration)
+            {
+                duration = sleepingTimeBetweenViewDirectionChanges;
+            }
-        timeOfLastViewChange = TimeUtil::GetTime();
+            viewSelectionObserver->nextViewTarget(timeOfLastViewChange.toMilliSeconds() + duration);
-        long duration = viewTarget->duration;
-        if (!viewTarget->duration)
+            boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(duration));
+        }
+        else
-            duration = sleepingTimeBetweenViewDirectionChanges;
+            boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(5));
-        viewSelectionObserver->nextViewTarget(timeOfLastViewChange.toMilliSeconds() + duration);
-        boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(duration));
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(5));
-void ViewSelection::addManualViewTarget(const FramedPositionBasePtr& target, const Ice::Current& c)
-    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(manualViewTargetsMutex);
+    void ViewSelection::addManualViewTarget(const FramedPositionBasePtr& target, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(manualViewTargetsMutex);
-    //SharedRobotInterfacePrx sharedRobotInterface = robotStateComponent->getRobotSnapshot();
+        //SharedRobotInterfacePrx sharedRobotInterface = robotStateComponent->getRobotSnapshot();
-    ViewTargetBasePtr viewTarget = new ViewTargetBase();
-    viewTarget->priority = armarx::DEFAULT_VIEWTARGET_PRIORITY + 1;
-    viewTarget->timeAdded = new TimestampVariant(IceUtil::Time::now());
-    viewTarget->target = target;
-    viewTarget->duration = 0;
+        ViewTargetBasePtr viewTarget = new ViewTargetBase();
+        viewTarget->priority = armarx::DEFAULT_VIEWTARGET_PRIORITY + 1;
+        viewTarget->timeAdded = new TimestampVariant(IceUtil::Time::now());
+        viewTarget->target = target;
+        viewTarget->duration = 0;
-    manualViewTargets.push(viewTarget);
+        manualViewTargets.push(viewTarget);
-    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock2(syncMutex);
+        boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock2(syncMutex);
-    condition.notify_all();
-void ViewSelection::clearManualViewTargets(const Ice::Current& c)
-    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(manualViewTargetsMutex);
+        condition.notify_all();
+    }
-    while (!manualViewTargets.empty())
+    void ViewSelection::clearManualViewTargets(const Ice::Current& c)
-        manualViewTargets.pop();
+        boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(manualViewTargetsMutex);
+        while (!manualViewTargets.empty())
+        {
+            manualViewTargets.pop();
+        }
+        // std::priority_queue<ViewTargetBasePtr, vector<ViewTargetBasePtr>, CompareViewTargets> temp;
+        // manualViewTargets.swap(temp);
-    // std::priority_queue<ViewTargetBasePtr, vector<ViewTargetBasePtr>, CompareViewTargets> temp;
-    // manualViewTargets.swap(temp);
+    ViewTargetList ViewSelection::getManualViewTargets(const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(manualViewTargetsMutex);
-ViewTargetList ViewSelection::getManualViewTargets(const Ice::Current& c)
-    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(manualViewTargetsMutex);
+        ViewTargetList result;
-    ViewTargetList result;
+        std::priority_queue<ViewTargetBasePtr, std::vector<ViewTargetBasePtr>, CompareViewTargets> temp(manualViewTargets);
-    std::priority_queue<ViewTargetBasePtr, std::vector<ViewTargetBasePtr>, CompareViewTargets> temp(manualViewTargets);
+        while (!temp.empty())
+        {
+            result.push_back(;
-    while (!temp.empty())
-    {
-        result.push_back(;
+            temp.pop();
+        }
-        temp.pop();
+        return result;
-    return result;
-void armarx::ViewSelection::updateSaliencyMap(const SaliencyMapBasePtr& map, const Ice::Current&)
-    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(syncMutex);
+    void armarx::ViewSelection::updateSaliencyMap(const SaliencyMapBasePtr& map, const Ice::Current&)
+    {
+        boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(syncMutex);
-    hasNewSaliencyMap = true;
+        hasNewSaliencyMap = true;
-    map->timeAdded = TimestampVariant::nowPtr();
+        map->timeAdded = TimestampVariant::nowPtr();
-    saliencyMaps[map->name] = map;
+        saliencyMaps[map->name] = map;
-    condition.notify_all();
+        condition.notify_all();
+    }
-void ViewSelection::drawSaliencySphere(const ::Ice::StringSeq& names, const Ice::Current& c)
-    ARMARX_LOG << "visualizing saliency map";
+    void ViewSelection::drawSaliencySphere(const ::Ice::StringSeq& names, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        ARMARX_LOG << "visualizing saliency map";
-    drawer->clearLayer("saliencyMap");
+        drawer->clearLayer("saliencyMap");
-    SharedRobotInterfacePrx robotPrx = robotStateComponent->getSynchronizedRobot();
+        SharedRobotInterfacePrx robotPrx = robotStateComponent->getSynchronizedRobot();
-    Eigen::Matrix4f cameraToGlobal = FramedPosePtr::dynamicCast(robotPrx->getRobotNode(headFrameName)->getGlobalPose())->toEigen();
+        Eigen::Matrix4f cameraToGlobal = FramedPosePtr::dynamicCast(robotPrx->getRobotNode(headFrameName)->getGlobalPose())->toEigen();
-    std::vector<std::string> activeSaliencyMaps;
+        std::vector<std::string> activeSaliencyMaps;
-    if (names.size())
-    {
-        for (std::string n : names)
+        if (names.size())
-            activeSaliencyMaps.push_back(n);
+            for (std::string n : names)
+            {
+                activeSaliencyMaps.push_back(n);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            getActiveSaliencyMaps(activeSaliencyMaps);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        getActiveSaliencyMaps(activeSaliencyMaps);
-    }
-    if (!activeSaliencyMaps.size())
-    {
-        return;
-    }
+        if (!activeSaliencyMaps.size())
+        {
+            return;
+        }
-    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(syncMutex);
+        boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(syncMutex);
-    TNodeList* visibilityMaskGraphNodes = visibilityMaskGraph->getNodes();
-    DebugDrawer24BitColoredPointCloud cloud;
-    cloud.points.reserve(visibilityMaskGraphNodes->size());
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < visibilityMaskGraphNodes->size(); i++)
-    {
-        float saliency = 0.0f;
-        for (const std::string& n : activeSaliencyMaps)
+        TNodeList* visibilityMaskGraphNodes = visibilityMaskGraph->getNodes();
+        DebugDrawer24BitColoredPointCloud cloud;
+        cloud.points.reserve(visibilityMaskGraphNodes->size());
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < visibilityMaskGraphNodes->size(); i++)
-            saliency += saliencyMaps[n]->map[i];
-        }
+            float saliency = 0.0f;
+            for (const std::string& n : activeSaliencyMaps)
+            {
+                saliency += saliencyMaps[n]->map[i];
+            }
-        saliency /= activeSaliencyMaps.size();
+            saliency /= activeSaliencyMaps.size();
-        CIntensityNode* visibilityNode = (CIntensityNode*) visibilityMaskGraphNodes->at(i);
-        saliency *= visibilityNode->getIntensity();
+            CIntensityNode* visibilityNode = (CIntensityNode*) visibilityMaskGraphNodes->at(i);
+            saliency *= visibilityNode->getIntensity();
-        Eigen::Vector3d out;
-        TSphereCoord pos = visibilityNode->getPosition();
-        MathTools::convert(pos, out);
+            Eigen::Vector3d out;
+            TSphereCoord pos = visibilityNode->getPosition();
+            MathTools::convert(pos, out);
-        Eigen::Matrix4f pose = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
-        pose.col(3).head<3>() = out.cast<float>() * 1000.0;
-        pose = cameraToGlobal * pose;
+            Eigen::Matrix4f pose = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
+            pose.col(3).head<3>() = out.cast<float>() * 1000.0;
+            pose = cameraToGlobal * pose;
-        //        float r = std::min(1.0, (1.0 - saliency) * 0.2 + saliency * 0.8 + 0.2);
-        //        float g = std::min(1.0, (1.0 - saliency) * 0.8 + saliency * 0.2 + 0.2);
-        //        float b = std::min(1.0, (1.0 - saliency) * 0.2 + saliency * 0.2 + 0.2);
+            //        float r = std::min(1.0, (1.0 - saliency) * 0.2 + saliency * 0.8 + 0.2);
+            //        float g = std::min(1.0, (1.0 - saliency) * 0.8 + saliency * 0.2 + 0.2);
+            //        float b = std::min(1.0, (1.0 - saliency) * 0.2 + saliency * 0.2 + 0.2);
-        if (saliency < visuSaliencyThreshold)
-        {
-            continue;
+            if (saliency < visuSaliencyThreshold)
+            {
+                continue;
+            }
+            DebugDrawer24BitColoredPointCloudElement point;
+            point.color = colorutils::HeatMapRGBColor(saliency);
+            point.x = pose(0, 3);
+            point.y = pose(1, 3);
+            point.z = pose(2, 3);
+            cloud.points.push_back(point);
-        DebugDrawer24BitColoredPointCloudElement point;
-        point.color = colorutils::HeatMapRGBColor(saliency);
-        point.x = pose(0, 3);
-        point.y = pose(1, 3);
-        point.z = pose(2, 3);
-        cloud.points.push_back(point);
-    }
-    cloud.pointSize = 10;
-    drawer->set24BitColoredPointCloudVisu("saliencyMap", "SaliencyCloud", cloud);
-void ViewSelection::clearSaliencySphere(const Ice::Current& c)
-    drawer->clearLayer("saliencyMap");
+        cloud.pointSize = 10;
+        drawer->set24BitColoredPointCloudVisu("saliencyMap", "SaliencyCloud", cloud);
-void ViewSelection::removeSaliencyMap(const std::string& name, const Ice::Current& c)
-    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(syncMutex);
+    }
-    if (saliencyMaps.count(name))
+    void ViewSelection::clearSaliencySphere(const Ice::Current& c)
-        saliencyMaps.erase(name);
+        drawer->clearLayer("saliencyMap");
-    condition.notify_all();
+    void ViewSelection::removeSaliencyMap(const std::string& name, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(syncMutex);
-Ice::StringSeq ViewSelection::getSaliencyMapNames(const Ice::Current& c)
-    std::vector<std::string> names;
+        if (saliencyMaps.count(name))
+        {
+            saliencyMaps.erase(name);
+        }
-    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(syncMutex);
+        condition.notify_all();
+    }
-    for (const auto& p : saliencyMaps)
+    Ice::StringSeq ViewSelection::getSaliencyMapNames(const Ice::Current& c)
-        names.push_back(p.second->name);
-    }
+        std::vector<std::string> names;
-    return names;
+        boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(syncMutex);
+        for (const auto& p : saliencyMaps)
+        {
+            names.push_back(p.second->name);
+        }
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr ViewSelection::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new ViewSelectionPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+        return names;
+    }
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr ViewSelection::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new ViewSelectionPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/ATINetFTUnit.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/ATINetFTUnit.cpp
index f0cee2e4c..865751992 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/ATINetFTUnit.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/ATINetFTUnit.cpp
@@ -32,271 +32,269 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <vector>
 #include <inttypes.h>
-using namespace armarx;
+namespace armarx
+    void ATINetFTUnit::onInitComponent()
+    {
+    }
+    void ATINetFTUnit::onConnectComponent()
+    {
+        /*
+         * Read ATINetFT hostname and port from properties
+         * std::string receiverHostName("");
+         */
+        std::string ATINetFTReceiverHostName = getProperty<std::string>("ATINetFTReceiveHostName").getValue();
+        std::string captureName = getProperty<std::string>("CaptureName").getValue();
+        ARMARX_INFO << "Capture Name " << captureName;
+        size_t pos = captureName.find("0");
+        captureNamePrefix = captureName.substr(0, pos);
+        ARMARX_INFO << "Capture Name Prefix " << captureNamePrefix;
+        std::string captureNameSuffix = captureName.substr(pos, captureName.size());
+        ARMARX_INFO << "Capture Name Suffix " << captureNameSuffix;
+        nPaddingZeros = captureNameSuffix.size();
+        captureNumber = std::stoi(captureNameSuffix);
+        establishATINetFTReceiveHostConnection(ATINetFTReceiverHostName);
+        ftDataSize = 6;
+        sendPacketSize = 8;
+        receivePacketSize = 36;
+        recordingStopped = true;
+        recordingCompleted = true;
+        recordingStarted = false;
+        /*
+         * Connect to ATINetFT
+         */
+        /*if (ATINetFT.Connect(hostName).Result != Result::Success)
+        {
+            ARMARX_ERROR << "Could not connect to ATINetFT at " << hostName << flush;
+            return;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "Connected to ATINetFT at " << hostName << flush;
+        }*/
-void ATINetFTUnit::onInitComponent()
+        /*
+         * Enable Marker Data
+         */
+        /*Result::Enum result = ATINetFT.EnableMarkerData().Result;
+        if (result != Result::Success)
+        {
+            ARMARX_ERROR << "ATINetFT EnableMarkerData() returned error code " << result << flush;
+            return;
+        }*/
+    }
-void ATINetFTUnit::onConnectComponent()
-    /*
-     * Read ATINetFT hostname and port from properties
-     * std::string receiverHostName("");
-     */
-    std::string ATINetFTReceiverHostName = getProperty<std::string>("ATINetFTReceiveHostName").getValue();
-    std::string captureName = getProperty<std::string>("CaptureName").getValue();
-    ARMARX_INFO << "Capture Name " << captureName;
-    size_t pos = captureName.find("0");
-    captureNamePrefix = captureName.substr(0, pos);
-    ARMARX_INFO << "Capture Name Prefix " << captureNamePrefix;
-    std::string captureNameSuffix = captureName.substr(pos, captureName.size());
-    ARMARX_INFO << "Capture Name Suffix " << captureNameSuffix;
-    nPaddingZeros = captureNameSuffix.size();
-    captureNumber = std::stoi(captureNameSuffix);
-    establishATINetFTReceiveHostConnection(ATINetFTReceiverHostName);
-    ftDataSize = 6;
-    sendPacketSize = 8;
-    receivePacketSize = 36;
-    recordingStopped = true;
-    recordingCompleted = true;
-    recordingStarted = false;
-    /*
-     * Connect to ATINetFT
-     */
-    /*if (ATINetFT.Connect(hostName).Result != Result::Success)
+    void ATINetFTUnit::onDisconnectComponent()
-        ARMARX_ERROR << "Could not connect to ATINetFT at " << hostName << flush;
-        return;
+        ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "Disconnecting from ATINetFT" << flush;
-    else
-    {
-        ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "Connected to ATINetFT at " << hostName << flush;
-    }*/
-    /*
-     * Enable Marker Data
-     */
-    /*Result::Enum result = ATINetFT.EnableMarkerData().Result;
-    if (result != Result::Success)
+    void ATINetFTUnit::onExitComponent()
-        ARMARX_ERROR << "ATINetFT EnableMarkerData() returned error code " << result << flush;
-        return;
-    }*/
-void ATINetFTUnit::onDisconnectComponent()
-    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "Disconnecting from ATINetFT" << flush;
+    }
+    void ATINetFTUnit::periodicExec()
+    {
+        if (recordingStarted)
-void ATINetFTUnit::onExitComponent()
+        {
+            //ISO C++ forbids variable length array [-Werror=vla] => use a vector (the array will be on the heap anyways)
+            std::vector<float> ftdata(ftDataSize);
+            std::vector<char> receivePacketContent(receivePacketSize);
+            if (!receivePacket(
+            {
+                ARMARX_INFO << "recvfrom() failed  :";
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                convertToFTValues(,, ftdata.size());
+                writeFTValuesToFile(, ftdata.size());
+                sampleIndex++;
+            }
-void ATINetFTUnit::periodicExec()
-    if (recordingStarted)
+        }
+    }
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr ATINetFTUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
-        //ISO C++ forbids variable length array [-Werror=vla] => use a vector (the array will be on the heap anyways)
-        std::vector<float> ftdata(ftDataSize);
-        std::vector<char> receivePacketContent(receivePacketSize);
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new ATINetFTUnitPropertyDefinitions(
+                                          getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
-        if (!receivePacket(
-        {
-            ARMARX_INFO << "recvfrom() failed  :";
-        }
-        else
+    void ATINetFTUnit::startRecording(const std::string& customName, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        if (remoteTriggerEnabled)
-            convertToFTValues(,, ftdata.size());
-            writeFTValuesToFile(, ftdata.size());
-            sampleIndex++;
+            if (recordingCompleted)
+            {
+                int bpSize = sendPacketSize;
+                //ISO C++ forbids variable length array [-Werror=vla] => use a vector (the array will be on the heap anyways)
+                std::vector<char> bytePacket(bpSize);
+                *(uint16_t*)&bytePacket[0] = htons(0x1234); /* standard header. */
+                *(uint16_t*)&bytePacket[2] = htons(2); /* per table 9.1 in Net F/T user manual. */
+                *(uint32_t*)&bytePacket[4] = htonl(0); /* see section 9.1 in Net F/T user manual. */
+                recordingStarted = sendPacket(, bytePacket.size());
+                if (recordingStarted)
+                {
+                    recordingStopped = false;
+                    recordingCompleted = false;
+                    //TODO build filename captureNamePrefic+customName
+          ;
+                    sampleIndex = 0;
+                }
+            }
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr ATINetFTUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new ATINetFTUnitPropertyDefinitions(
-                                      getConfigIdentifier()));
-void ATINetFTUnit::startRecording(const std::string& customName, const Ice::Current& c)
-    if (remoteTriggerEnabled)
+    void ATINetFTUnit::stopRecording(const Ice::Current& c)
-        if (recordingCompleted)
+        if (remoteTriggerEnabled)
-            int bpSize = sendPacketSize;
+            int bpSize = 8;
             //ISO C++ forbids variable length array [-Werror=vla] => use a vector (the array will be on the heap anyways)
             std::vector<char> bytePacket(bpSize);
             *(uint16_t*)&bytePacket[0] = htons(0x1234); /* standard header. */
-            *(uint16_t*)&bytePacket[2] = htons(2); /* per table 9.1 in Net F/T user manual. */
+            *(uint16_t*)&bytePacket[2] = htons(0); /* per table 9.1 in Net F/T user manual. */
             *(uint32_t*)&bytePacket[4] = htonl(0); /* see section 9.1 in Net F/T user manual. */
-            recordingStarted = sendPacket(, bytePacket.size());
-            if (recordingStarted)
+            recordingStopped = sendPacket(, bytePacket.size());
+            if (recordingStopped)
-                recordingStopped = false;
-                recordingCompleted = false;
-                //TODO build filename captureNamePrefic+customName
-      ;
-                sampleIndex = 0;
+                recordingFile.close();
+                recordingStarted = false;
-void ATINetFTUnit::stopRecording(const Ice::Current& c)
-    if (remoteTriggerEnabled)
+    bool ATINetFTUnit::sendPacket(char* bytePacket, int bpSize)
-        int bpSize = 8;
-        //ISO C++ forbids variable length array [-Werror=vla] => use a vector (the array will be on the heap anyways)
-        std::vector<char> bytePacket(bpSize);
-        *(uint16_t*)&bytePacket[0] = htons(0x1234); /* standard header. */
-        *(uint16_t*)&bytePacket[2] = htons(0); /* per table 9.1 in Net F/T user manual. */
-        *(uint32_t*)&bytePacket[4] = htonl(0); /* see section 9.1 in Net F/T user manual. */
-        recordingStopped = sendPacket(, bytePacket.size());
-        if (recordingStopped)
+        if (remoteTriggerEnabled)
-            recordingFile.close();
-            recordingStarted = false;
-        }
+            if (sendto(senderSocket, bytePacket, bpSize, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&receiveHostAddr, sizeof(receiveHostAddr)) != bpSize)
+            {
+                return false;
+            }
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
-bool ATINetFTUnit::sendPacket(char* bytePacket, int bpSize)
-    if (remoteTriggerEnabled)
+    bool ATINetFTUnit::receivePacket(char* receiveBuf)
-        if (sendto(senderSocket, bytePacket, bpSize, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&receiveHostAddr, sizeof(receiveHostAddr)) != bpSize)
+        int test = sizeof(receiveHostAddr);
+        int receiveint = recvfrom(senderSocket, receiveBuf, receivePacketSize, 0, (struct sockaddr*) &receiveHostAddr, ((socklen_t*)&test));
+        if (receiveint < 0)
             return false;
-        return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-bool ATINetFTUnit::receivePacket(char* receiveBuf)
-    int test = sizeof(receiveHostAddr);
-    int receiveint = recvfrom(senderSocket, receiveBuf, receivePacketSize, 0, (struct sockaddr*) &receiveHostAddr, ((socklen_t*)&test));
+        return true;
+    }
-    if (receiveint < 0)
+    void ATINetFTUnit::convertToFTValues(char* receiveBuf, float* ftdata, int ftdataSize)
+        //uint32_t rdt_sequence = ntohl(*(uint32_t*)&receiveBuf[0]); //was an unused variable
+        //uint32_t ft_sequence = ntohl(*(uint32_t*)&receiveBuf[4]); //was an unused variable
+        //uint32_t status = ntohl(*(uint32_t*)&receiveBuf[8]); //was an unused variable
-        return false;
+        for (int i = 0; i < ftdataSize; i++)
+        {
+            ftdata[i] = float(int32_t(ntohl(*(uint32_t*)&receiveBuf[12 + i * 4]))) / 1000000.0f;
+        }
-    return true;
-void ATINetFTUnit::convertToFTValues(char* receiveBuf, float* ftdata, int ftdataSize)
-    //uint32_t rdt_sequence = ntohl(*(uint32_t*)&receiveBuf[0]); //was an unused variable
-    //uint32_t ft_sequence = ntohl(*(uint32_t*)&receiveBuf[4]); //was an unused variable
-    //uint32_t status = ntohl(*(uint32_t*)&receiveBuf[8]); //was an unused variable
-    for (int i = 0; i < ftdataSize; i++)
+    void ATINetFTUnit::writeFTValuesToFile(float* ftdata, int ftdataSize)
-        ftdata[i] = float(int32_t(ntohl(*(uint32_t*)&receiveBuf[12 + i * 4]))) / 1000000.0f;
+        recordingFile << sampleIndex << " ";
+        for (int i = 0; i < ftdataSize; i++)
+        {
+            recordingFile << ftdata[i] << " ";
+        }
+        recordingFile << "\n";
-void ATINetFTUnit::writeFTValuesToFile(float* ftdata, int ftdataSize)
-    recordingFile << sampleIndex << " ";
-    for (int i = 0; i < ftdataSize; i++)
+    void ATINetFTUnit::establishATINetFTReceiveHostConnection(std::string receiverHostName)
-        recordingFile << ftdata[i] << " ";
-    }
-    recordingFile << "\n";
+        remoteTriggerEnabled = false;
-void ATINetFTUnit::establishATINetFTReceiveHostConnection(std::string receiverHostName)
-    remoteTriggerEnabled = false;
+        //Construct the server sockaddr_ structure
+        memset(&senderHostAddr, 0, sizeof(senderHostAddr));
+        senderHostAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+        senderHostAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
+        senderHostAddr.sin_port = htons(0);
-    //Construct the server sockaddr_ structure
-    memset(&senderHostAddr, 0, sizeof(senderHostAddr));
-    senderHostAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
-    senderHostAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
-    senderHostAddr.sin_port = htons(0);
-    //Create the socket
-    if ((senderSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
+        //Create the socket
+        if ((senderSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0)
+        {
+            return;
+        }
-    if (bind(senderSocket, (struct sockaddr*) &senderHostAddr, sizeof(senderHostAddr)) < 0)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
+        if (bind(senderSocket, (struct sockaddr*) &senderHostAddr, sizeof(senderHostAddr)) < 0)
+        {
+            return;
+        }
-    //Construct the server sockaddr_ structure
-    memset(&receiveHostAddr, 0, sizeof(receiveHostAddr));
-    size_t pos = receiverHostName.find(":");
-    std::string hostname = receiverHostName.substr(0, pos);
+        //Construct the server sockaddr_ structure
+        memset(&receiveHostAddr, 0, sizeof(receiveHostAddr));
+        size_t pos = receiverHostName.find(":");
+        std::string hostname = receiverHostName.substr(0, pos);
-    std::string hostport = receiverHostName.substr(pos + 1, receiverHostName.size());
+        std::string hostport = receiverHostName.substr(pos + 1, receiverHostName.size());
-    struct hostent* he;
-    struct in_addr** addr_list;
-    int i;
+        struct hostent* he;
+        struct in_addr** addr_list;
+        int i;
-    if ((he = gethostbyname(hostname.c_str())) == NULL)
-    {
-        // get the host info
-        herror("gethostbyname");
-        return;
-    }
+        if ((he = gethostbyname(hostname.c_str())) == NULL)
+        {
+            // get the host info
+            herror("gethostbyname");
+            return;
+        }
-    addr_list = (struct in_addr**) he->h_addr_list;
+        addr_list = (struct in_addr**) he->h_addr_list;
-    for (i = 0; addr_list[i] != NULL; i++)
-    {
+        for (i = 0; addr_list[i] != NULL; i++)
+        {
-        char ip[100];
-        //Return the first one;
-        strcpy(ip, inet_ntoa(*addr_list[i]));
+            char ip[100];
+            //Return the first one;
+            strcpy(ip, inet_ntoa(*addr_list[i]));
-        inet_pton(AF_INET, ip, &receiveHostAddr.sin_addr.s_addr);
+            inet_pton(AF_INET, ip, &receiveHostAddr.sin_addr.s_addr);
-        receiveHostAddr.sin_port = htons(atoi(hostport.c_str()));
-        remoteTriggerEnabled = true;
-        ARMARX_INFO << "Connection established to " <<  hostname << ":" << hostport;
-        //if((receiverSocket=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0))<0) {
-        //  return;
-        //}
-        //if(bind(receiverSocket,( struct sockaddr *) &receiveHostAddr, sizeof(receiveHostAddr))<0) {
-        //  return;
-        //}
+            receiveHostAddr.sin_port = htons(atoi(hostport.c_str()));
+            remoteTriggerEnabled = true;
+            ARMARX_INFO << "Connection established to " <<  hostname << ":" << hostport;
+            //if((receiverSocket=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0))<0) {
+            //  return;
+            //}
+            //if(bind(receiverSocket,( struct sockaddr *) &receiveHostAddr, sizeof(receiveHostAddr))<0) {
+            //  return;
+            //}
+            return;
+        }
-    }
-    return;
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/ForceTorqueObserver.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/ForceTorqueObserver.cpp
index e896c60c2..31b2119d6 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/ForceTorqueObserver.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/ForceTorqueObserver.cpp
@@ -44,429 +44,430 @@
 #define POD_SUFFIX "_pod"
-using namespace armarx;
-void ForceTorqueObserver::setTopicName(std::string topicName)
+namespace armarx
-    this->topicName = topicName;
-void ForceTorqueObserver::onInitObserver()
-    if (topicName.empty())
+    ForceTorqueObserver::ForceTorqueObserver()
-        usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("ForceTorqueTopicName").getValue());
-    else
+    void ForceTorqueObserver::setTopicName(std::string topicName)
-        usingTopic(topicName);
+        this->topicName = topicName;
-    // register all checks
-    offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
-    offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
-    offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
-    offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
-    offerConditionCheck("magnitudeinrange", new ConditionCheckMagnitudeInRange());
-    offerConditionCheck("approx", new ConditionCheckEqualsWithTolerance());
-    offerConditionCheck("magnitudelarger", new ConditionCheckMagnitudeLarger());
-    offerConditionCheck("magnitudesmaller", new ConditionCheckMagnitudeSmaller());
-    usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("RobotStateComponentName").getValue());
-    offeringTopic("DebugDrawerUpdates");
-    auto sensorRobotNodeSplit = armarx::Split(getProperty<std::string>("SensorRobotNodeMapping").getValue(), ",");
-    for (auto& elem : sensorRobotNodeSplit)
+    void ForceTorqueObserver::onInitObserver()
-        boost::trim(elem);
-        auto split = armarx::Split(elem, ":");
-        if (split.size() >= 2)
+        if (topicName.empty())
-            sensorRobotNodeMapping.emplace(
-                boost::trim_copy(,
-                std::make_pair(boost::trim_copy(,
-                               split.size() >= 3 ? boost::trim_copy( : ""));
+            usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("ForceTorqueTopicName").getValue());
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            usingTopic(topicName);
-    }
-void ForceTorqueObserver::onConnectObserver()
-    robot = getProxy<RobotStateComponentInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("RobotStateComponentName").getValue());
-    localRobot = RemoteRobot::createLocalCloneFromFile(robot, VirtualRobot::RobotIO::eStructure);
-    debugDrawer = getTopic<DebugDrawerInterfacePrx>("DebugDrawerUpdates");
-    if (getProperty<bool>("VisualizeForce").getValue())
-    {
-        visualizerTask = new PeriodicTask<ForceTorqueObserver>(this, &ForceTorqueObserver::visualizerFunction, 1000 / getProperty<int>("VisualizeForceUpdateFrequency").getValue(), false, "visualizerFunction");
-        visualizerTask->start();
+        // register all checks
+        offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
+        offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
+        offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
+        offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
+        offerConditionCheck("magnitudeinrange", new ConditionCheckMagnitudeInRange());
+        offerConditionCheck("approx", new ConditionCheckEqualsWithTolerance());
+        offerConditionCheck("magnitudelarger", new ConditionCheckMagnitudeLarger());
+        offerConditionCheck("magnitudesmaller", new ConditionCheckMagnitudeSmaller());
+        usingProxy(getProperty<std::string>("RobotStateComponentName").getValue());
+        offeringTopic("DebugDrawerUpdates");
+        auto sensorRobotNodeSplit = armarx::Split(getProperty<std::string>("SensorRobotNodeMapping").getValue(), ",");
+        for (auto& elem : sensorRobotNodeSplit)
+        {
+            boost::trim(elem);
+            auto split = armarx::Split(elem, ":");
+            if (split.size() >= 2)
+            {
+                sensorRobotNodeMapping.emplace(
+                    boost::trim_copy(,
+                    std::make_pair(boost::trim_copy(,
+                                   split.size() >= 3 ? boost::trim_copy( : ""));
+            }
+        }
-    updateRobotTask = new PeriodicTask<ForceTorqueObserver>(this, &ForceTorqueObserver::updateRobot, 1000 / getProperty<int>("RobotUpdateFrequency").getValue(), false, "updateRobot", false);
-    updateRobotTask->start();
-void ForceTorqueObserver::visualizerFunction()
-    if (!localRobot)
+    void ForceTorqueObserver::onConnectObserver()
-        return;
+        robot = getProxy<RobotStateComponentInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("RobotStateComponentName").getValue());
+        localRobot = RemoteRobot::createLocalCloneFromFile(robot, VirtualRobot::RobotIO::eStructure);
+        debugDrawer = getTopic<DebugDrawerInterfacePrx>("DebugDrawerUpdates");
+        if (getProperty<bool>("VisualizeForce").getValue())
+        {
+            visualizerTask = new PeriodicTask<ForceTorqueObserver>(this, &ForceTorqueObserver::visualizerFunction, 1000 / getProperty<int>("VisualizeForceUpdateFrequency").getValue(), false, "visualizerFunction");
+            visualizerTask->start();
+        }
+        updateRobotTask = new PeriodicTask<ForceTorqueObserver>(this, &ForceTorqueObserver::updateRobot, 1000 / getProperty<int>("RobotUpdateFrequency").getValue(), false, "updateRobot", false);
+        updateRobotTask->start();
-    float maxTorque = getProperty<float>("MaxExpectedTorqueValue");
-    float torqueVisuDeadZone = getProperty<float>("TorqueVisuDeadZone");
-    float arrowLength = getProperty<float>("MaxForceArrowLength").getValue();
-    float forceFactor = getProperty<float>("ForceVisualizerFactor").getValue();
-    auto channels = getAvailableChannels(false);
-    auto batchPrx = debugDrawer->ice_batchOneway();
-    {
-        ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
-        std::set<std::string> frameAlreadyReported;
-        for (auto& channel : channels)
+    void ForceTorqueObserver::visualizerFunction()
+    {
+        if (!localRobot)
-            try
+            return;
+        }
+        float maxTorque = getProperty<float>("MaxExpectedTorqueValue");
+        float torqueVisuDeadZone = getProperty<float>("TorqueVisuDeadZone");
+        float arrowLength = getProperty<float>("MaxForceArrowLength").getValue();
+        float forceFactor = getProperty<float>("ForceVisualizerFactor").getValue();
+        auto channels = getAvailableChannels(false);
+        auto batchPrx = debugDrawer->ice_batchOneway();
+        {
+            ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
+            std::set<std::string> frameAlreadyReported;
+            for (auto& channel : channels)
-                //            if (localRobot->hasRobotNode(channel.first))
+                try
-                    DatafieldRefPtr field = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(getForceDatafield(channel.first, Ice::emptyCurrent));
-                    FramedDirectionPtr value = field->getDataField()->get<FramedDirection>();
-                    if (frameAlreadyReported.count(value->frame) > 0 || (value->frame != GlobalFrame && !value->frame.empty() && !localRobot->hasRobotNode(value->frame)))
-                    {
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    frameAlreadyReported.insert(value->frame);
-                    auto force = value->toGlobal(localRobot);
-                    ARMARX_DEBUG << deactivateSpam(5, channel.first) << "new force " << channel.first << " : " << force->toEigen() << " original frame: " << value->frame;
-                    float forceMag = force->toEigen().norm() * forceFactor;
-                    Vector3Ptr pos = new Vector3(localRobot->getRobotNode(value->frame)->getGlobalPose());
-                    forceMag = std::min(1.0f, forceMag);
-                    batchPrx->setArrowVisu("Forces",
-                                           "Force" + channel.first,
-                                           pos,
-                                           force,
-                                           DrawColor {forceMag, 1.0f - forceMag, 0.0f, 0.5f},
-                                           std::max(arrowLength * forceMag, 10.f),
-                                           3);
-                    field = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(getTorqueDatafield(channel.first, Ice::emptyCurrent));
-                    value = field->getDataField()->get<FramedDirection>();
-                    auto torque = value;
-                    //                    ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1, torque->frame) << "Reporting for " << channel.first << " in frame " << torque->frame;
-                    Eigen::Vector3f dirXglobal = FramedDirection(Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX(), torque->frame, torque->agent).toGlobalEigen(localRobot);
-                    Eigen::Vector3f dirYglobal = FramedDirection(Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY(), torque->frame, torque->agent).toGlobalEigen(localRobot);
-                    Eigen::Vector3f dirZglobal = FramedDirection(Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ(), torque->frame, torque->agent).toGlobalEigen(localRobot);
-                    //                ARMARX_INFO << channel.first << VAROUT(torque) << VAROUT(dirXglobal) << VAROUT(dirYglobal) << VAROUT(dirZglobal);
-                    if (fabs(torque->x) > torqueVisuDeadZone)
-                    {
-                        batchPrx->setCircleArrowVisu("Torques",
-                                                     "TorqueX" +  channel.first,
-                                                     pos,
-                                                     new Vector3(dirXglobal),
-                                                     50,
-                                                     torque->x / maxTorque,
-                                                     3 * std::max(1.0f, torque->x / maxTorque),
-                                                     DrawColor {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f}
-                                                    );
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        batchPrx->removeCircleVisu("Torques",
-                                                   "TorqueX" +  channel.first);
-                    }
-                    if (fabs(torque->y) > torqueVisuDeadZone)
-                    {
-                        batchPrx->setCircleArrowVisu("Torques",
-                                                     "TorqueY" +  channel.first,
-                                                     pos,
-                                                     new Vector3(dirYglobal),
-                                                     50,
-                                                     torque->y / maxTorque,
-                                                     3 * std::max(1.0f, torque->y / maxTorque),
-                                                     DrawColor {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f}
-                                                    );
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        batchPrx->removeCircleVisu("Torques",
-                                                   "TorqueY" +  channel.first);
-                    }
-                    if (fabs(torque->z) > torqueVisuDeadZone)
-                    {
-                        batchPrx->setCircleArrowVisu("Torques",
-                                                     "TorqueZ" +  channel.first,
-                                                     pos,
-                                                     new Vector3(dirZglobal),
-                                                     50,
-                                                     torque->z / maxTorque,
-                                                     3 * std::max(1.0f, torque->z / maxTorque),
-                                                     DrawColor {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f}
-                                                    );
-                    }
-                    else
+                    //            if (localRobot->hasRobotNode(channel.first))
-                        batchPrx->removeCircleVisu("Torques",
-                                                   "TorqueZ" +  channel.first);
+                        DatafieldRefPtr field = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(getForceDatafield(channel.first, Ice::emptyCurrent));
+                        FramedDirectionPtr value = field->getDataField()->get<FramedDirection>();
+                        if (frameAlreadyReported.count(value->frame) > 0 || (value->frame != GlobalFrame && !value->frame.empty() && !localRobot->hasRobotNode(value->frame)))
+                        {
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                        frameAlreadyReported.insert(value->frame);
+                        auto force = value->toGlobal(localRobot);
+                        ARMARX_DEBUG << deactivateSpam(5, channel.first) << "new force " << channel.first << " : " << force->toEigen() << " original frame: " << value->frame;
+                        float forceMag = force->toEigen().norm() * forceFactor;
+                        Vector3Ptr pos = new Vector3(localRobot->getRobotNode(value->frame)->getGlobalPose());
+                        forceMag = std::min(1.0f, forceMag);
+                        batchPrx->setArrowVisu("Forces",
+                                               "Force" + channel.first,
+                                               pos,
+                                               force,
+                                               DrawColor {forceMag, 1.0f - forceMag, 0.0f, 0.5f},
+                                               std::max(arrowLength * forceMag, 10.f),
+                                               3);
+                        field = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(getTorqueDatafield(channel.first, Ice::emptyCurrent));
+                        value = field->getDataField()->get<FramedDirection>();
+                        auto torque = value;
+                        //                    ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1, torque->frame) << "Reporting for " << channel.first << " in frame " << torque->frame;
+                        Eigen::Vector3f dirXglobal = FramedDirection(Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX(), torque->frame, torque->agent).toGlobalEigen(localRobot);
+                        Eigen::Vector3f dirYglobal = FramedDirection(Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY(), torque->frame, torque->agent).toGlobalEigen(localRobot);
+                        Eigen::Vector3f dirZglobal = FramedDirection(Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ(), torque->frame, torque->agent).toGlobalEigen(localRobot);
+                        //                ARMARX_INFO << channel.first << VAROUT(torque) << VAROUT(dirXglobal) << VAROUT(dirYglobal) << VAROUT(dirZglobal);
+                        if (fabs(torque->x) > torqueVisuDeadZone)
+                        {
+                            batchPrx->setCircleArrowVisu("Torques",
+                                                         "TorqueX" +  channel.first,
+                                                         pos,
+                                                         new Vector3(dirXglobal),
+                                                         50,
+                                                         torque->x / maxTorque,
+                                                         3 * std::max(1.0f, torque->x / maxTorque),
+                                                         DrawColor {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f}
+                                                        );
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            batchPrx->removeCircleVisu("Torques",
+                                                       "TorqueX" +  channel.first);
+                        }
+                        if (fabs(torque->y) > torqueVisuDeadZone)
+                        {
+                            batchPrx->setCircleArrowVisu("Torques",
+                                                         "TorqueY" +  channel.first,
+                                                         pos,
+                                                         new Vector3(dirYglobal),
+                                                         50,
+                                                         torque->y / maxTorque,
+                                                         3 * std::max(1.0f, torque->y / maxTorque),
+                                                         DrawColor {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f}
+                                                        );
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            batchPrx->removeCircleVisu("Torques",
+                                                       "TorqueY" +  channel.first);
+                        }
+                        if (fabs(torque->z) > torqueVisuDeadZone)
+                        {
+                            batchPrx->setCircleArrowVisu("Torques",
+                                                         "TorqueZ" +  channel.first,
+                                                         pos,
+                                                         new Vector3(dirZglobal),
+                                                         50,
+                                                         torque->z / maxTorque,
+                                                         3 * std::max(1.0f, torque->z / maxTorque),
+                                                         DrawColor {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f}
+                                                        );
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            batchPrx->removeCircleVisu("Torques",
+                                                       "TorqueZ" +  channel.first);
+                        }
+                    //            else
+                    //            {
+                    //                //            ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(5,channel.first) << "No node name " << channel.first;
+                    //            }
+                catch (...)
+                {
-                //            else
-                //            {
-                //                //            ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(5,channel.first) << "No node name " << channel.first;
-                //            }
-            }
-            catch (...)
-            {
+                }
+        batchPrx->ice_flushBatchRequests();
-    batchPrx->ice_flushBatchRequests();
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr ForceTorqueObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new ForceTorqueObserverPropertyDefinitions(
-                                      getConfigIdentifier()));
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr ForceTorqueObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new ForceTorqueObserverPropertyDefinitions(
+                                          getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
-void ForceTorqueObserver::updateRobot()
-    ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
-    RemoteRobot::synchronizeLocalClone(localRobot, robot);
+    void ForceTorqueObserver::updateRobot()
+    {
+        ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
+        RemoteRobot::synchronizeLocalClone(localRobot, robot);
+    }
-void ForceTorqueObserver::offerValue(const std::string& nodeName, const std::string& type, const FramedDirectionBasePtr& value, const DataFieldIdentifierPtr& id)
-    FramedDirectionPtr vec = FramedDirectionPtr::dynamicCast(value);
+    void ForceTorqueObserver::offerValue(const std::string& nodeName, const std::string& type, const FramedDirectionBasePtr& value, const DataFieldIdentifierPtr& id)
+    {
+        FramedDirectionPtr vec = FramedDirectionPtr::dynamicCast(value);
-    try
-    {
-        setDataFieldFlatCopy(id->channelName, id->datafieldName, new Variant(value));
-    }
-    catch (...)
-    {
-        ARMARX_INFO << "Creating force/torque fields for node " << nodeName << " with id " << id->getIdentifierStr();
-        if (!existsDataField(id->channelName, id->datafieldName))
+        try
-            if (!existsChannel(id->channelName))
+            setDataFieldFlatCopy(id->channelName, id->datafieldName, new Variant(value));
+        }
+        catch (...)
+        {
+            ARMARX_INFO << "Creating force/torque fields for node " << nodeName << " with id " << id->getIdentifierStr();
+            if (!existsDataField(id->channelName, id->datafieldName))
-                offerChannel(id->channelName, type + " vectors on specific parts of the robot.");
+                if (!existsChannel(id->channelName))
+                {
+                    offerChannel(id->channelName, type + " vectors on specific parts of the robot.");
+                }
+                offerDataFieldWithDefault(id->channelName, id->datafieldName, Variant(value), "3D vector for " + type + " of " + nodeName);
-            offerDataFieldWithDefault(id->channelName, id->datafieldName, Variant(value), "3D vector for " + type + " of " + nodeName);
-    }
-    // pod = plain old data
-    std::string pod_channelName = id->channelName + POD_SUFFIX;
+        // pod = plain old data
+        std::string pod_channelName = id->channelName + POD_SUFFIX;
-    try
-    {
-        StringVariantBaseMap values;
-        values[id->datafieldName + "_x"    ] = new Variant(vec->x);
-        values[id->datafieldName + "_y"    ] = new Variant(vec->y);
-        values[id->datafieldName + "_z"    ] = new Variant(vec->z);
-        values[id->datafieldName + "_frame"] = new Variant(vec->frame);
-        setDataFieldsFlatCopy(pod_channelName, values);
-    }
-    catch (...)
-    {
-        ARMARX_INFO << "Creating force/torque pod fields";
-        if (!existsChannel(pod_channelName))
+        try
-            offerChannel(pod_channelName, id->datafieldName + " on " + nodeName + " as plain old data (pod)");
+            StringVariantBaseMap values;
+            values[id->datafieldName + "_x"    ] = new Variant(vec->x);
+            values[id->datafieldName + "_y"    ] = new Variant(vec->y);
+            values[id->datafieldName + "_z"    ] = new Variant(vec->z);
+            values[id->datafieldName + "_frame"] = new Variant(vec->frame);
+            setDataFieldsFlatCopy(pod_channelName, values);
-        offerOrUpdateDataField(pod_channelName, id->datafieldName + "_x", Variant(vec->x), type + " on X axis");
-        offerOrUpdateDataField(pod_channelName, id->datafieldName + "_y", Variant(vec->y), type + " on Y axis");
-        offerOrUpdateDataField(pod_channelName, id->datafieldName + "_z", Variant(vec->z), type + " on Z axis");
-        offerOrUpdateDataField(pod_channelName, id->datafieldName + "_frame", Variant(vec->frame), "Frame of " + value->frame);
-    }
+        catch (...)
+        {
+            ARMARX_INFO << "Creating force/torque pod fields";
+            if (!existsChannel(pod_channelName))
+            {
+                offerChannel(pod_channelName, id->datafieldName + " on " + nodeName + " as plain old data (pod)");
+            }
+            offerOrUpdateDataField(pod_channelName, id->datafieldName + "_x", Variant(vec->x), type + " on X axis");
+            offerOrUpdateDataField(pod_channelName, id->datafieldName + "_y", Variant(vec->y), type + " on Y axis");
+            offerOrUpdateDataField(pod_channelName, id->datafieldName + "_z", Variant(vec->z), type + " on Z axis");
+            offerOrUpdateDataField(pod_channelName, id->datafieldName + "_frame", Variant(vec->frame), "Frame of " + value->frame);
+        }
-void armarx::ForceTorqueObserver::reportSensorValues(const std::string& sensorNodeName, const FramedDirectionBasePtr& forces, const FramedDirectionBasePtr& torques, const Ice::Current& c)
-    ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
+    }
-    auto offerForceAndTorqueValue = [ = ](std::string const & sensorNodeName, std::string const & frame, std::string channelName, const FramedDirectionBasePtr & forces, const FramedDirectionBasePtr & torques)
+    void armarx::ForceTorqueObserver::reportSensorValues(const std::string& sensorNodeName, const FramedDirectionBasePtr& forces, const FramedDirectionBasePtr& torques, const Ice::Current& c)
-        try
-        {
-            DataFieldIdentifierPtr id;
+        ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
-            if (forces)
+        auto offerForceAndTorqueValue = [ = ](std::string const & sensorNodeName, std::string const & frame, std::string channelName, const FramedDirectionBasePtr & forces, const FramedDirectionBasePtr & torques)
+        {
+            try
-                if (channelName.empty())
+                DataFieldIdentifierPtr id;
+                if (forces)
-                    id = getForceDatafieldId(sensorNodeName, frame);
+                    if (channelName.empty())
+                    {
+                        id = getForceDatafieldId(sensorNodeName, frame);
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        id = new DataFieldIdentifier(getName(), channelName, "forces");
+                    }
+                    offerValue(sensorNodeName, id->datafieldName, forces, id);
-                else
+                if (torques)
-                    id = new DataFieldIdentifier(getName(), channelName, "forces");
+                    if (channelName.empty())
+                    {
+                        id = getTorqueDatafieldId(sensorNodeName, frame);
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        id = new DataFieldIdentifier(getName(), channelName, "torques");
+                    }
+                    offerValue(sensorNodeName, id->datafieldName, torques, id);
-                offerValue(sensorNodeName, id->datafieldName, forces, id);
+                updateChannel(id->channelName);
+                updateChannel(id->channelName + POD_SUFFIX);
-            if (torques)
+            catch (std::exception&)
-                if (channelName.empty())
-                {
-                    id = getTorqueDatafieldId(sensorNodeName, frame);
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    id = new DataFieldIdentifier(getName(), channelName, "torques");
-                }
-                offerValue(sensorNodeName, id->datafieldName, torques, id);
+                ARMARX_ERROR << "Reporting force torque for " << sensorNodeName << " failed! ";
+                handleExceptions();
+        };
-            updateChannel(id->channelName);
-            updateChannel(id->channelName + POD_SUFFIX);
-        }
-        catch (std::exception&)
+        if (!localRobot)
-            ARMARX_ERROR << "Reporting force torque for " << sensorNodeName << " failed! ";
-            handleExceptions();
+            return;
-    };
-    if (!localRobot)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    FramedDirectionPtr realTorques = FramedDirectionPtr::dynamicCast(torques);
-    realTorques->changeFrame(localRobot, forces->frame);
+        FramedDirectionPtr realTorques = FramedDirectionPtr::dynamicCast(torques);
+        realTorques->changeFrame(localRobot, forces->frame);
-    FramedDirectionPtr realForces = FramedDirectionPtr::dynamicCast(forces);
-    offerForceAndTorqueValue(sensorNodeName, forces->frame, "", realForces, realTorques);
+        FramedDirectionPtr realForces = FramedDirectionPtr::dynamicCast(forces);
+        offerForceAndTorqueValue(sensorNodeName, forces->frame, "", realForces, realTorques);
-    auto sensorMappingRange = sensorRobotNodeMapping.equal_range(sensorNodeName);
-    for (auto iter = sensorMappingRange.first; iter != sensorMappingRange.second; ++iter)
-    {
-        auto& sensorName = iter->first;
-        auto& robotNodeName = iter->second.first;
-        auto& channelName = iter->second.second;
-        FramedDirectionPtr forcesCopy = FramedDirectionPtr::dynamicCast(realForces->clone());
-        FramedDirectionPtr torquesCopy = FramedDirectionPtr::dynamicCast(realTorques->clone());
-        forcesCopy->changeFrame(localRobot, robotNodeName);
-        torquesCopy->changeFrame(localRobot, robotNodeName);
-        offerForceAndTorqueValue(sensorName, robotNodeName, channelName, forcesCopy, torquesCopy);
+        auto sensorMappingRange = sensorRobotNodeMapping.equal_range(sensorNodeName);
+        for (auto iter = sensorMappingRange.first; iter != sensorMappingRange.second; ++iter)
+        {
+            auto& sensorName = iter->first;
+            auto& robotNodeName = iter->second.first;
+            auto& channelName = iter->second.second;
+            FramedDirectionPtr forcesCopy = FramedDirectionPtr::dynamicCast(realForces->clone());
+            FramedDirectionPtr torquesCopy = FramedDirectionPtr::dynamicCast(realTorques->clone());
+            forcesCopy->changeFrame(localRobot, robotNodeName);
+            torquesCopy->changeFrame(localRobot, robotNodeName);
+            offerForceAndTorqueValue(sensorName, robotNodeName, channelName, forcesCopy, torquesCopy);
+        }
-DatafieldRefBasePtr armarx::ForceTorqueObserver::createNulledDatafield(const DatafieldRefBasePtr& forceTorqueDatafieldRef, const Ice::Current&)
-    return createFilteredDatafield(new filters::OffsetFilter(), forceTorqueDatafieldRef);
-DatafieldRefBasePtr ForceTorqueObserver::getForceDatafield(const std::string& nodeName, const Ice::Current&)
-    auto id = getForceDatafieldId(nodeName, nodeName);
-    if (!existsChannel(id->channelName))
+    DatafieldRefBasePtr armarx::ForceTorqueObserver::createNulledDatafield(const DatafieldRefBasePtr& forceTorqueDatafieldRef, const Ice::Current&)
-        throw UserException("No sensor for node '" + nodeName + "'available: channel " + id->channelName);
+        return createFilteredDatafield(new filters::OffsetFilter(), forceTorqueDatafieldRef);
-    if (!existsDataField(id->channelName, id->datafieldName))
+    DatafieldRefBasePtr ForceTorqueObserver::getForceDatafield(const std::string& nodeName, const Ice::Current&)
-        throw UserException("No sensor for node '" + nodeName + "'available: datafield " + id->datafieldName);
-    }
+        auto id = getForceDatafieldId(nodeName, nodeName);
-    return new DatafieldRef(this, id->channelName, id->datafieldName);
+        if (!existsChannel(id->channelName))
+        {
+            throw UserException("No sensor for node '" + nodeName + "'available: channel " + id->channelName);
+        }
+        if (!existsDataField(id->channelName, id->datafieldName))
+        {
+            throw UserException("No sensor for node '" + nodeName + "'available: datafield " + id->datafieldName);
+        }
-DatafieldRefBasePtr ForceTorqueObserver::getTorqueDatafield(const std::string& nodeName, const Ice::Current&)
-    auto id = getTorqueDatafieldId(nodeName, nodeName);
+        return new DatafieldRef(this, id->channelName, id->datafieldName);
-    if (!existsChannel(id->channelName))
-    {
-        throw UserException("No sensor for node '" + nodeName + "'available: channel " + id->channelName);
-    if (!existsDataField(id->channelName, id->datafieldName))
+    DatafieldRefBasePtr ForceTorqueObserver::getTorqueDatafield(const std::string& nodeName, const Ice::Current&)
-        throw UserException("No sensor for node '" + nodeName + "'available: datafield " + id->datafieldName);
-    }
+        auto id = getTorqueDatafieldId(nodeName, nodeName);
-    return new DatafieldRef(this, id->channelName, id->datafieldName);
+        if (!existsChannel(id->channelName))
+        {
+            throw UserException("No sensor for node '" + nodeName + "'available: channel " + id->channelName);
+        }
-DataFieldIdentifierPtr ForceTorqueObserver::getForceDatafieldId(const std::string& nodeName, const std::string& frame)
-    std::string channelName;
+        if (!existsDataField(id->channelName, id->datafieldName))
+        {
+            throw UserException("No sensor for node '" + nodeName + "'available: datafield " + id->datafieldName);
+        }
-    if (frame == nodeName)
-    {
-        channelName = nodeName;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        channelName = nodeName + "_" + frame;
+        return new DatafieldRef(this, id->channelName, id->datafieldName);
-    std::string datafieldName = "forces";
-    DataFieldIdentifierPtr id = new DataFieldIdentifier(getName(), channelName, datafieldName);
-    return id;
+    DataFieldIdentifierPtr ForceTorqueObserver::getForceDatafieldId(const std::string& nodeName, const std::string& frame)
+    {
+        std::string channelName;
-DataFieldIdentifierPtr ForceTorqueObserver::getTorqueDatafieldId(const std::string& nodeName, const std::string& frame)
-    std::string channelName;
+        if (frame == nodeName)
+        {
+            channelName = nodeName;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            channelName = nodeName + "_" + frame;
+        }
-    if (frame == nodeName)
-    {
-        channelName = nodeName;
+        std::string datafieldName = "forces";
+        DataFieldIdentifierPtr id = new DataFieldIdentifier(getName(), channelName, datafieldName);
+        return id;
-    else
+    DataFieldIdentifierPtr ForceTorqueObserver::getTorqueDatafieldId(const std::string& nodeName, const std::string& frame)
-        channelName = nodeName + "_" + frame;
-    }
+        std::string channelName;
-    std::string datafieldName = "torques";
-    DataFieldIdentifierPtr id = new DataFieldIdentifier(getName(), channelName, datafieldName);
-    return id;
+        if (frame == nodeName)
+        {
+            channelName = nodeName;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            channelName = nodeName + "_" + frame;
+        }
-void ForceTorqueObserver::onDisconnectComponent()
-    if (visualizerTask)
-    {
-        visualizerTask->stop();
+        std::string datafieldName = "torques";
+        DataFieldIdentifierPtr id = new DataFieldIdentifier(getName(), channelName, datafieldName);
+        return id;
-    if (updateRobotTask)
+    void ForceTorqueObserver::onDisconnectComponent()
-        updateRobotTask->stop();
+        if (visualizerTask)
+        {
+            visualizerTask->stop();
+        }
+        if (updateRobotTask)
+        {
+            updateRobotTask->stop();
+        }
-void ForceTorqueObserver::onExitObserver()
+    void ForceTorqueObserver::onExitObserver()
+    {
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/ForceTorqueUnit.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/ForceTorqueUnit.cpp
index e529bfac7..50cebe8c5 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/ForceTorqueUnit.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/ForceTorqueUnit.cpp
@@ -24,28 +24,29 @@
 #include "ForceTorqueUnit.h"
-using namespace armarx;
-void ForceTorqueUnit::onInitComponent()
+namespace armarx
-    listenerName = getProperty<std::string>("ForceTorqueTopicName").getValue();
-    offeringTopic(listenerName);
-    onInitForceTorqueUnit();
+    void ForceTorqueUnit::onInitComponent()
+    {
+        listenerName = getProperty<std::string>("ForceTorqueTopicName").getValue();
+        offeringTopic(listenerName);
+        onInitForceTorqueUnit();
+    }
-void ForceTorqueUnit::onConnectComponent()
-    ARMARX_INFO << "setting report topic to " << listenerName << flush;
-    listenerPrx = getTopic<ForceTorqueUnitListenerPrx>(listenerName);
-    onStartForceTorqueUnit();
+    void ForceTorqueUnit::onConnectComponent()
+    {
+        ARMARX_INFO << "setting report topic to " << listenerName << flush;
+        listenerPrx = getTopic<ForceTorqueUnitListenerPrx>(listenerName);
+        onStartForceTorqueUnit();
+    }
-void ForceTorqueUnit::onExitComponent()
-    onExitForceTorqueUnit();
+    void ForceTorqueUnit::onExitComponent()
+    {
+        onExitForceTorqueUnit();
+    }
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr ForceTorqueUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new ForceTorqueUnitPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr ForceTorqueUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new ForceTorqueUnitPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/ForceTorqueUnitSimulation.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/ForceTorqueUnitSimulation.cpp
index 17f8c26b4..f7784390b 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/ForceTorqueUnitSimulation.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/ForceTorqueUnitSimulation.cpp
@@ -27,67 +27,67 @@
 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
-using namespace armarx;
-void ForceTorqueUnitSimulation::onInitForceTorqueUnit()
+namespace armarx
-    int intervalMs = getProperty<int>("IntervalMs").getValue();
-    sensorNamesList = Split(getProperty<std::string>("SensorNames").getValue(), ",");
-    for (auto& sensor : sensorNamesList)
+    void ForceTorqueUnitSimulation::onInitForceTorqueUnit()
-        boost::trim(sensor);
+        int intervalMs = getProperty<int>("IntervalMs").getValue();
+        sensorNamesList = Split(getProperty<std::string>("SensorNames").getValue(), ",");
+        for (auto& sensor : sensorNamesList)
+        {
+            boost::trim(sensor);
+        }
+        //std::vector<std::string> sensorNamesList;
+        //boost::split(sensorNamesList, sensorNames, boost::is_any_of(","));
+        for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator s = sensorNamesList.begin(); s != sensorNamesList.end(); s++)
+        {
+            forces[*s] = new armarx::FramedDirection(Eigen::Vector3f(0, 0, 0), *s, getProperty<std::string>("AgentName").getValue());
+            torques[*s] = new armarx::FramedDirection(Eigen::Vector3f(0, 0, 0), *s, getProperty<std::string>("AgentName").getValue());
+        }
+        ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Starting ForceTorqueUnitSimulation with " << intervalMs << " ms interval";
+        simulationTask = new PeriodicTask<ForceTorqueUnitSimulation>(this, &ForceTorqueUnitSimulation::simulationFunction, intervalMs, false, "ForceTorqueUnitSimulation", false);
-    //std::vector<std::string> sensorNamesList;
-    //boost::split(sensorNamesList, sensorNames, boost::is_any_of(","));
-    for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator s = sensorNamesList.begin(); s != sensorNamesList.end(); s++)
+    void ForceTorqueUnitSimulation::onStartForceTorqueUnit()
-        forces[*s] = new armarx::FramedDirection(Eigen::Vector3f(0, 0, 0), *s, getProperty<std::string>("AgentName").getValue());
-        torques[*s] = new armarx::FramedDirection(Eigen::Vector3f(0, 0, 0), *s, getProperty<std::string>("AgentName").getValue());
+        simulationTask->start();
-    ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Starting ForceTorqueUnitSimulation with " << intervalMs << " ms interval";
-    simulationTask = new PeriodicTask<ForceTorqueUnitSimulation>(this, &ForceTorqueUnitSimulation::simulationFunction, intervalMs, false, "ForceTorqueUnitSimulation", false);
-void ForceTorqueUnitSimulation::onStartForceTorqueUnit()
-    simulationTask->start();
+    void ForceTorqueUnitSimulation::onExitForceTorqueUnit()
+    {
+        simulationTask->stop();
+    }
-void ForceTorqueUnitSimulation::onExitForceTorqueUnit()
-    simulationTask->stop();
+    void ForceTorqueUnitSimulation::simulationFunction()
+    {
+        for (auto& sensor : sensorNamesList)
+        {
+            listenerPrx->reportSensorValues(sensor, forces[sensor], torques[sensor]);
+        }
-void ForceTorqueUnitSimulation::simulationFunction()
+        //listenerPrx->reportSensorValues(forces);
+        //listenerPrx->reportSensorValues(torques);
+    }
-    for (auto& sensor : sensorNamesList)
+    void ForceTorqueUnitSimulation::setOffset(const FramedDirectionBasePtr& forceOffsets, const FramedDirectionBasePtr& torqueOffsets, const Ice::Current& c)
-        listenerPrx->reportSensorValues(sensor, forces[sensor], torques[sensor]);
+        // Ignore
-    //listenerPrx->reportSensorValues(forces);
-    //listenerPrx->reportSensorValues(torques);
-void ForceTorqueUnitSimulation::setOffset(const FramedDirectionBasePtr& forceOffsets, const FramedDirectionBasePtr& torqueOffsets, const Ice::Current& c)
-    // Ignore
-void ForceTorqueUnitSimulation::setToNull(const Ice::Current& c)
-    // Ignore
+    void ForceTorqueUnitSimulation::setToNull(const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        // Ignore
+    }
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr ForceTorqueUnitSimulation::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new ForceTorqueUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr ForceTorqueUnitSimulation::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new ForceTorqueUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/GamepadUnitObserver.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/GamepadUnitObserver.cpp
index 437648bee..e6e522632 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/GamepadUnitObserver.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/GamepadUnitObserver.cpp
@@ -33,79 +33,76 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/observers/variant/TimestampVariant.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-void GamepadUnitObserver::onInitObserver()
+namespace armarx
-    usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("GamepadTopicName").getValue());
-    offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
-    offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
-    offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
-    offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
-    offeringTopic(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
+    void GamepadUnitObserver::onInitObserver()
+    {
+        usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("GamepadTopicName").getValue());
+        offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
+        offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
+        offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
+        offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
-void GamepadUnitObserver::onConnectObserver()
-    debugDrawerPrx = getTopic<DebugDrawerInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
+        offeringTopic(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
+    }
-void GamepadUnitObserver::onExitObserver()
-    debugDrawerPrx->removePoseVisu("IMU", "orientation");
-    debugDrawerPrx->removeLineVisu("IMU", "acceleration");
+    void GamepadUnitObserver::onConnectObserver()
+    {
+        debugDrawerPrx = getTopic<DebugDrawerInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
+    }
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr GamepadUnitObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new GamepadUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
-void GamepadUnitObserver::reportGamepadState(const std::string& device, const std::string& name, const GamepadData& data, const TimestampBasePtr& timestamp, const Ice::Current& c)
-    ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
+    void GamepadUnitObserver::onExitObserver()
+    {
+        debugDrawerPrx->removePoseVisu("IMU", "orientation");
+        debugDrawerPrx->removeLineVisu("IMU", "acceleration");
+    }
-    TimestampVariantPtr timestampPtr = TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(timestamp);
-    if (!existsChannel(device))
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr GamepadUnitObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
-        offerChannel(device, "Gamepad data");
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new GamepadUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
-    //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << deactivateSpam(1) << "observed " << device << " with name " << name;
-    //axis
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "leftStickX", Variant(data.leftStickX), "X value of the left analog stick");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "leftStickY", Variant(data.leftStickY), "Y value of the left analog stick");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "rightStickX", Variant(data.rightStickX), "X value of the right analog stick");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "rightStickY", Variant(data.rightStickY), "Y value of the right analog stick");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "dPadX", Variant(data.dPadX), "X value of the digital pad");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "dPadY", Variant(data.dPadY), "y value of the digital pad");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "leftTrigger", Variant(data.leftTrigger), "value of the left analog trigger");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "rightTrigger", Variant(data.rightTrigger), "value of the right analog trigger");
-    //buttons
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "aButton", Variant(data.aButton), "A button pressed");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "backButton", Variant(data.backButton), "Back button pressed");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "bButton", Variant(data.bButton), "B button pressed");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "leftButton", Variant(data.leftButton), "Left shoulder button pressed");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "leftStickButton", Variant(data.leftStickButton), "Left stick button pressed");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "rightButton", Variant(data.rightButton), "Right shoulder button pressed");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "rightStickButton", Variant(data.rightStickButton), "Right stick button pressed");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "startButton", Variant(data.startButton), "Start button pressed");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "theMiddleButton", Variant(data.theMiddleButton), "The middle button pressed");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "xButton", Variant(data.xButton), "X button pressed");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "yButton", Variant(data.yButton), "Y button pressed");
-    updateChannel(device);
+    void GamepadUnitObserver::reportGamepadState(const std::string& device, const std::string& name, const GamepadData& data, const TimestampBasePtr& timestamp, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
+        TimestampVariantPtr timestampPtr = TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(timestamp);
+        if (!existsChannel(device))
+        {
+            offerChannel(device, "Gamepad data");
+        }
+        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << deactivateSpam(1) << "observed " << device << " with name " << name;
+        //axis
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "leftStickX", Variant(data.leftStickX), "X value of the left analog stick");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "leftStickY", Variant(data.leftStickY), "Y value of the left analog stick");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "rightStickX", Variant(data.rightStickX), "X value of the right analog stick");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "rightStickY", Variant(data.rightStickY), "Y value of the right analog stick");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "dPadX", Variant(data.dPadX), "X value of the digital pad");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "dPadY", Variant(data.dPadY), "y value of the digital pad");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "leftTrigger", Variant(data.leftTrigger), "value of the left analog trigger");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "rightTrigger", Variant(data.rightTrigger), "value of the right analog trigger");
+        //buttons
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "aButton", Variant(data.aButton), "A button pressed");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "backButton", Variant(data.backButton), "Back button pressed");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "bButton", Variant(data.bButton), "B button pressed");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "leftButton", Variant(data.leftButton), "Left shoulder button pressed");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "leftStickButton", Variant(data.leftStickButton), "Left stick button pressed");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "rightButton", Variant(data.rightButton), "Right shoulder button pressed");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "rightStickButton", Variant(data.rightStickButton), "Right stick button pressed");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "startButton", Variant(data.startButton), "Start button pressed");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "theMiddleButton", Variant(data.theMiddleButton), "The middle button pressed");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "xButton", Variant(data.xButton), "X button pressed");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "yButton", Variant(data.yButton), "Y button pressed");
+        updateChannel(device);
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/HandUnitSimulation.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/HandUnitSimulation.cpp
index bf8bfcdc7..40688ad93 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/HandUnitSimulation.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/HandUnitSimulation.cpp
@@ -32,91 +32,92 @@
 #include <VirtualRobot/EndEffector/EndEffector.h>
 #include <VirtualRobot/RobotConfig.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-void HandUnitSimulation::onInitHandUnit()
-    kinematicUnitName = getProperty<std::string>("KinematicUnitName").getValue();
-    usingProxy(kinematicUnitName);
-void HandUnitSimulation::onStartHandUnit()
+namespace armarx
-    kinematicUnitPrx = getProxy<KinematicUnitInterfacePrx>(kinematicUnitName);
-    if (!kinematicUnitPrx)
+    void HandUnitSimulation::onInitHandUnit()
-        ARMARX_ERROR << "Failed to obtain kinematic unit proxy";
+        kinematicUnitName = getProperty<std::string>("KinematicUnitName").getValue();
+        usingProxy(kinematicUnitName);
-void HandUnitSimulation::onExitHandUnit()
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr HandUnitSimulation::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new HandUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
-void armarx::HandUnitSimulation::setShape(const std::string& shapeName, const Ice::Current&)
-    std::string myShapeName = shapeName;
-    ARMARX_INFO << "Setting shape " << myShapeName;
+    void HandUnitSimulation::onStartHandUnit()
+    {
+        kinematicUnitPrx = getProxy<KinematicUnitInterfacePrx>(kinematicUnitName);
+        if (!kinematicUnitPrx)
+        {
+            ARMARX_ERROR << "Failed to obtain kinematic unit proxy";
+        }
+    }
-    if (!eef)
+    void HandUnitSimulation::onExitHandUnit()
-        ARMARX_WARNING << "No EEF";
-        return;
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr HandUnitSimulation::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new HandUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
-    if (!eef->hasPreshape(myShapeName))
+    void armarx::HandUnitSimulation::setShape(const std::string& shapeName, const Ice::Current&)
-        ARMARX_INFO << "Shape with name " << myShapeName << " not known in eef " << eef->getName() << ". Looking for partial match";
+        std::string myShapeName = shapeName;
+        ARMARX_INFO << "Setting shape " << myShapeName;
-        bool foundMatch = false;
+        if (!eef)
+        {
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "No EEF";
+            return;
+        }
-        for (std::string name : eef->getPreshapes())
+        if (!eef->hasPreshape(myShapeName))
-            if (name.find(myShapeName) != std::string::npos)
+            ARMARX_INFO << "Shape with name " << myShapeName << " not known in eef " << eef->getName() << ". Looking for partial match";
+            bool foundMatch = false;
+            for (std::string name : eef->getPreshapes())
-                foundMatch = true;
-                myShapeName = name;
-                ARMARX_INFO << "Using matching shape: " << name;
-                break;
+                if (name.find(myShapeName) != std::string::npos)
+                {
+                    foundMatch = true;
+                    myShapeName = name;
+                    ARMARX_INFO << "Using matching shape: " << name;
+                    break;
+                }
-        }
-        if (!foundMatch)
-        {
-            ARMARX_WARNING << "No match found for " << myShapeName << " in eef " << eef->getName() << " available shapes: " << eef->getPreshapes();
-            return;
+            if (!foundMatch)
+            {
+                ARMARX_WARNING << "No match found for " << myShapeName << " in eef " << eef->getName() << " available shapes: " << eef->getPreshapes();
+                return;
+            }
-    }
-    VirtualRobot::RobotConfigPtr config = eef->getPreshape(myShapeName);
-    std::map < std::string, float > jointAngles = config->getRobotNodeJointValueMap();
+        VirtualRobot::RobotConfigPtr config = eef->getPreshape(myShapeName);
+        std::map < std::string, float > jointAngles = config->getRobotNodeJointValueMap();
-    NameControlModeMap controlModes;
+        NameControlModeMap controlModes;
-    for (std::pair<std::string, float> pair : jointAngles)
-    {
-        controlModes.insert(std::make_pair(pair.first, ePositionControl));
+        for (std::pair<std::string, float> pair : jointAngles)
+        {
+            controlModes.insert(std::make_pair(pair.first, ePositionControl));
+        }
+        kinematicUnitPrx->switchControlMode(controlModes);
+        kinematicUnitPrx->setJointAngles(jointAngles);
-    kinematicUnitPrx->switchControlMode(controlModes);
-    kinematicUnitPrx->setJointAngles(jointAngles);
+    void armarx::HandUnitSimulation::setJointAngles(const NameValueMap& jointAngles, const Ice::Current&)
+    {
+        NameControlModeMap controlModes;
-void armarx::HandUnitSimulation::setJointAngles(const NameValueMap& jointAngles, const Ice::Current&)
-    NameControlModeMap controlModes;
+        for (std::pair<std::string, float> pair : jointAngles)
+        {
+            controlModes.insert(std::make_pair(pair.first, ePositionControl));
+        }
-    for (std::pair<std::string, float> pair : jointAngles)
-    {
-        controlModes.insert(std::make_pair(pair.first, ePositionControl));
+        kinematicUnitPrx->switchControlMode(controlModes);
+        kinematicUnitPrx->setJointAngles(jointAngles);
-    kinematicUnitPrx->switchControlMode(controlModes);
-    kinematicUnitPrx->setJointAngles(jointAngles);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/HapticObserver.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/HapticObserver.cpp
index 9eedc200f..759927bd8 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/HapticObserver.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/HapticObserver.cpp
@@ -34,141 +34,142 @@
 #include <Eigen/Dense>
 #include <ArmarXCore/observers/variant/TimestampVariant.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-    statisticsTask = new PeriodicTask<HapticObserver>(this, &HapticObserver::updateStatistics, 10, false);
-void HapticObserver::setTopicName(std::string topicName)
-    this->topicName = topicName;
-void HapticObserver::onInitObserver()
+namespace armarx
-    if (topicName.empty())
+    HapticObserver::HapticObserver()
-        usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("HapticTopicName").getValue());
+        statisticsTask = new PeriodicTask<HapticObserver>(this, &HapticObserver::updateStatistics, 10, false);
-    else
+    void HapticObserver::setTopicName(std::string topicName)
-        usingTopic(topicName);
+        this->topicName = topicName;
-    // register all checks
-    offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
-    offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
-    offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
-    offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
-void HapticObserver::onConnectObserver()
-    statisticsTask->start();
-void HapticObserver::onExitObserver()
-    statisticsTask->stop();
+    void HapticObserver::onInitObserver()
+    {
+        if (topicName.empty())
+        {
+            usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("HapticTopicName").getValue());
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            usingTopic(topicName);
+        }
-void HapticObserver::reportSensorValues(const std::string& device, const std::string& name, const armarx::MatrixFloatBasePtr& values, const armarx::TimestampBasePtr& timestamp, const Ice::Current&)
-    ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
+        // register all checks
+        offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
+        offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
+        offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
+        offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
+    }
-    MatrixFloatPtr matrix = MatrixFloatPtr::dynamicCast(values);
-    if (matrix->cols == 0)
+    void HapticObserver::onConnectObserver()
-        // Empty matrix received, silently ignore
-        return;
+        statisticsTask->start();
-    TimestampVariantPtr timestampPtr = TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(timestamp);
-    Eigen::MatrixXf eigenMatrix = matrix->toEigen();
-    float max = eigenMatrix.maxCoeff();
-    float mean = eigenMatrix.mean();
-    std::string channelName = name;
-    Eigen::MatrixXf M = matrix->toEigen();
+    void HapticObserver::onExitObserver()
+    {
+        statisticsTask->stop();
+    }
-    if (!existsChannel(channelName))
+    void HapticObserver::reportSensorValues(const std::string& device, const std::string& name, const armarx::MatrixFloatBasePtr& values, const armarx::TimestampBasePtr& timestamp, const Ice::Current&)
-        offerChannel(channelName, "Haptic data");
-        offerDataFieldWithDefault(channelName, "device", Variant(device), "Device of the tactile sensor");
-        offerDataFieldWithDefault(channelName, "name", Variant(name), "Name of the tactile sensor");
-        offerDataFieldWithDefault(channelName, "matrix", matrix, "Raw tactile matrix data");
-        offerDataFieldWithDefault(channelName, "max", Variant(max), "Maximum value");
-        offerDataFieldWithDefault(channelName, "mean", Variant(mean), "Mean value");
-        offerDataFieldWithDefault(channelName, "timestamp", timestampPtr, "Timestamp");
-        offerDataFieldWithDefault(channelName, "rate", Variant(0.0f), "Sample rate");
-        for (int i = 0; i < M.rows(); i++)
+        ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
+        MatrixFloatPtr matrix = MatrixFloatPtr::dynamicCast(values);
+        if (matrix->cols == 0)
+        {
+            // Empty matrix received, silently ignore
+            return;
+        }
+        TimestampVariantPtr timestampPtr = TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(timestamp);
+        Eigen::MatrixXf eigenMatrix = matrix->toEigen();
+        float max = eigenMatrix.maxCoeff();
+        float mean = eigenMatrix.mean();
+        std::string channelName = name;
+        Eigen::MatrixXf M = matrix->toEigen();
+        if (!existsChannel(channelName))
-            for (int j = 0; j < M.cols(); j++)
+            offerChannel(channelName, "Haptic data");
+            offerDataFieldWithDefault(channelName, "device", Variant(device), "Device of the tactile sensor");
+            offerDataFieldWithDefault(channelName, "name", Variant(name), "Name of the tactile sensor");
+            offerDataFieldWithDefault(channelName, "matrix", matrix, "Raw tactile matrix data");
+            offerDataFieldWithDefault(channelName, "max", Variant(max), "Maximum value");
+            offerDataFieldWithDefault(channelName, "mean", Variant(mean), "Mean value");
+            offerDataFieldWithDefault(channelName, "timestamp", timestampPtr, "Timestamp");
+            offerDataFieldWithDefault(channelName, "rate", Variant(0.0f), "Sample rate");
+            for (int i = 0; i < M.rows(); i++)
-                std::stringstream s;
-                s << "entry_" << i << "," << j;
-                offerDataFieldWithDefault(channelName, s.str(), Variant(M(i, j)), "Individual matrix entry");
+                for (int j = 0; j < M.cols(); j++)
+                {
+                    std::stringstream s;
+                    s << "entry_" << i << "," << j;
+                    offerDataFieldWithDefault(channelName, s.str(), Variant(M(i, j)), "Individual matrix entry");
+                }
-        }
-        ARMARX_INFO << "Offering new channel: " << channelName;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        setDataField(channelName, "device", Variant(device));
-        setDataField(channelName, "name", Variant(name));
-        setDataField(channelName, "matrix", matrix);
-        setDataField(channelName, "max", Variant(max));
-        setDataField(channelName, "mean", Variant(mean));
-        setDataField(channelName, "timestamp", timestampPtr);
-        for (int i = 0; i < M.rows(); i++)
+            ARMARX_INFO << "Offering new channel: " << channelName;
+        }
+        else
-            for (int j = 0; j < M.cols(); j++)
+            setDataField(channelName, "device", Variant(device));
+            setDataField(channelName, "name", Variant(name));
+            setDataField(channelName, "matrix", matrix);
+            setDataField(channelName, "max", Variant(max));
+            setDataField(channelName, "mean", Variant(mean));
+            setDataField(channelName, "timestamp", timestampPtr);
+            for (int i = 0; i < M.rows(); i++)
-                std::stringstream s;
-                s << "entry_" << i << "," << j;
-                setDataField(channelName, s.str(), Variant(M(i, j)));
+                for (int j = 0; j < M.cols(); j++)
+                {
+                    std::stringstream s;
+                    s << "entry_" << i << "," << j;
+                    setDataField(channelName, s.str(), Variant(M(i, j)));
+                }
+        /*if(statistics.count(device) > 0)
+        {
+  >timestamp);
+            HapticSampleStatistics stats =;
+            long avg = stats.average();
+            float rate = avg == 0 ? 0 : 1000000.0f / (float)avg;
+            setDataField(device, "rate", Variant(rate));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            statistics.insert(std::map<std::string,HapticSampleStatistics>::value_type(device, HapticSampleStatistics(100, timestamp->timestamp)));
+        }*/
+        updateChannel(channelName);
-    /*if(statistics.count(device) > 0)
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr HapticObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
-        HapticSampleStatistics stats =;
-        long avg = stats.average();
-        float rate = avg == 0 ? 0 : 1000000.0f / (float)avg;
-        setDataField(device, "rate", Variant(rate));
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new HapticObserverPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
-    else
-    {
-        statistics.insert(std::map<std::string,HapticSampleStatistics>::value_type(device, HapticSampleStatistics(100, timestamp->timestamp)));
-    }*/
-    updateChannel(channelName);
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr HapticObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new HapticObserverPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
-void HapticObserver::updateStatistics()
-    /*ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
-    //ARMARX_LOG << "updateStatistics";
-    long now = TimestampVariant::nowLong();
-    for (std::map<std::string, HapticSampleStatistics>::iterator it = statistics.begin(); it != statistics.end(); ++it)
+    void HapticObserver::updateStatistics()
-        HapticSampleStatistics stats = it->second;
-        std::string device = it->first;
-        long avg = stats.average(now);
-        float rate = avg == 0 ? 0 : 1000000.0f / (float)avg;
-        setDataField(device, "rate", Variant(rate));
-        updateChannel(device);
-    }*/
+        /*ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
+        //ARMARX_LOG << "updateStatistics";
+        long now = TimestampVariant::nowLong();
+        for (std::map<std::string, HapticSampleStatistics>::iterator it = statistics.begin(); it != statistics.end(); ++it)
+        {
+            HapticSampleStatistics stats = it->second;
+            std::string device = it->first;
+            long avg = stats.average(now);
+            float rate = avg == 0 ? 0 : 1000000.0f / (float)avg;
+            setDataField(device, "rate", Variant(rate));
+            updateChannel(device);
+        }*/
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/HapticUnit.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/HapticUnit.cpp
index 3de1bfa4d..4f1c3a103 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/HapticUnit.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/HapticUnit.cpp
@@ -24,26 +24,27 @@
 #include "HapticUnit.h"
-using namespace armarx;
-void HapticUnit::onInitComponent()
+namespace armarx
-    offeringTopic(getProperty<std::string>("HapticTopicName").getValue());
-    onInitHapticUnit();
+    void HapticUnit::onInitComponent()
+    {
+        offeringTopic(getProperty<std::string>("HapticTopicName").getValue());
+        onInitHapticUnit();
+    }
-void HapticUnit::onConnectComponent()
-    hapticTopicPrx = getTopic<HapticUnitListenerPrx>(getProperty<std::string>("HapticTopicName").getValue());
-    onStartHapticUnit();
+    void HapticUnit::onConnectComponent()
+    {
+        hapticTopicPrx = getTopic<HapticUnitListenerPrx>(getProperty<std::string>("HapticTopicName").getValue());
+        onStartHapticUnit();
+    }
-void HapticUnit::onExitComponent()
-    onExitHapticUnit();
+    void HapticUnit::onExitComponent()
+    {
+        onExitHapticUnit();
+    }
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr HapticUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new HapticUnitPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr HapticUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new HapticUnitPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/InertialMeasurementUnit.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/InertialMeasurementUnit.cpp
index d5bdc468b..5b4610fb2 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/InertialMeasurementUnit.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/InertialMeasurementUnit.cpp
@@ -25,36 +25,35 @@
 #include "InertialMeasurementUnit.h"
-using namespace armarx;
-void InertialMeasurementUnit::onInitComponent()
+namespace armarx
-    offeringTopic(getProperty<std::string>("IMUTopicName").getValue());
-    onInitIMU();
+    void InertialMeasurementUnit::onInitComponent()
+    {
+        offeringTopic(getProperty<std::string>("IMUTopicName").getValue());
+        onInitIMU();
+    }
-void InertialMeasurementUnit::onConnectComponent()
-    IMUTopicPrx = getTopic<InertialMeasurementUnitListenerPrx>(getProperty<std::string>("IMUTopicName").getValue());
-    onStartIMU();
+    void InertialMeasurementUnit::onConnectComponent()
+    {
+        IMUTopicPrx = getTopic<InertialMeasurementUnitListenerPrx>(getProperty<std::string>("IMUTopicName").getValue());
+        onStartIMU();
+    }
-void InertialMeasurementUnit::onDisconnectComponent()
+    void InertialMeasurementUnit::onDisconnectComponent()
+    {
+    }
-void InertialMeasurementUnit::onExitComponent()
-    onExitIMU();
+    void InertialMeasurementUnit::onExitComponent()
+    {
+        onExitIMU();
+    }
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr InertialMeasurementUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new InertialMeasurementUnitPropertyDefinitions(
-                                      getConfigIdentifier()));
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr InertialMeasurementUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new InertialMeasurementUnitPropertyDefinitions(
+                                          getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/InertialMeasurementUnitObserver.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/InertialMeasurementUnitObserver.cpp
index e5ae05a54..52e6f92ea 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/InertialMeasurementUnitObserver.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/InertialMeasurementUnitObserver.cpp
@@ -33,118 +33,119 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/Pose.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-void InertialMeasurementUnitObserver::onInitObserver()
+namespace armarx
-    usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("IMUTopicName").getValue());
+    void InertialMeasurementUnitObserver::onInitObserver()
+    {
+        usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("IMUTopicName").getValue());
-    offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
-    offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
-    offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
-    offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
+        offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
+        offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
+        offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
+        offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
-    if (getProperty<bool>("EnableVisualization").getValue())
-    {
-        offeringTopic(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
+        if (getProperty<bool>("EnableVisualization").getValue())
+        {
+            offeringTopic(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
+        }
-void InertialMeasurementUnitObserver::onConnectObserver()
-    if (getProperty<bool>("EnableVisualization").getValue())
+    void InertialMeasurementUnitObserver::onConnectObserver()
-        debugDrawerPrx = getTopic<DebugDrawerInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
+        if (getProperty<bool>("EnableVisualization").getValue())
+        {
+            debugDrawerPrx = getTopic<DebugDrawerInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
+        }
-void InertialMeasurementUnitObserver::onExitObserver()
-    if (getProperty<bool>("EnableVisualization").getValue())
+    void InertialMeasurementUnitObserver::onExitObserver()
-        debugDrawerPrx->removePoseVisu("IMU", "orientation");
-        debugDrawerPrx->removeLineVisu("IMU", "acceleration");
+        if (getProperty<bool>("EnableVisualization").getValue())
+        {
+            debugDrawerPrx->removePoseVisu("IMU", "orientation");
+            debugDrawerPrx->removeLineVisu("IMU", "acceleration");
+        }
-void InertialMeasurementUnitObserver::reportSensorValues(
-    const std::string& device, const std::string& name, const IMUData& values,
-    const TimestampBasePtr& timestamp, const Ice::Current&)
-    ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
-    TimestampVariantPtr timestampPtr = TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(timestamp);
-    if (!existsChannel(device))
+    void InertialMeasurementUnitObserver::reportSensorValues(
+        const std::string& device, const std::string& name, const IMUData& values,
+        const TimestampBasePtr& timestamp, const Ice::Current&)
-        offerChannel(device, "IMU data");
+        ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
+        TimestampVariantPtr timestampPtr = TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(timestamp);
+        if (!existsChannel(device))
+        {
+            offerChannel(device, "IMU data");
+        }
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "name", Variant(name), "Name of the IMU sensor");
+        Vector3Ptr acceleration;
+        QuaternionPtr orientationQuaternion;
+        if (values.acceleration.size() > 0)
+        {
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(values.acceleration.size() == 3);
+            acceleration = new Vector3(,,;
+            offerValue(device, "acceleration", acceleration);
+        }
+        if (values.gyroscopeRotation.size() > 0)
+        {
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(values.gyroscopeRotation.size() == 3);
+            Vector3Ptr gyroscopeRotation = new Vector3(,,;
+            offerValue(device, "gyroscopeRotation", gyroscopeRotation);
+        }
+        if (values.magneticRotation.size() > 0)
+        {
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(values.magneticRotation.size() == 3);
+            Vector3Ptr magneticRotation = new Vector3(,,;
+            offerValue(device, "magneticRotation", magneticRotation);
+        }
+        if (values.orientationQuaternion.size() > 0)
+        {
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(values.orientationQuaternion.size() == 4);
+            orientationQuaternion =  new Quaternion(,,,;
+            offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "orientationQuaternion", orientationQuaternion,  "orientation quaternion values");
+        }
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "timestamp", timestampPtr, "Timestamp");
+        updateChannel(device);
+        if (orientationQuaternion && acceleration && getProperty<bool>("EnableVisualization").getValue())
+        {
+            Eigen::Vector3f zero;
+            zero.setZero();
+            DrawColor color;
+            color.r = 1;
+            color.g = 1;
+            color.b = 0;
+            color.a = 0.5;
+            Eigen::Vector3f ac = acceleration->toEigen();
+            ac *= 10;
+            debugDrawerPrx->setLineVisu("IMU", "acceleration", new Vector3(), new Vector3(ac), 2.0f, color);
+            PosePtr posePtr = new Pose(orientationQuaternion->toEigen(), zero);
+            debugDrawerPrx->setPoseVisu("IMU", "orientation", posePtr);
+            //        debugDrawerPrx->setBoxDebugLayerVisu("floor", new Pose(), new Vector3(5000, 5000, 1), DrawColor {0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f});
+        }
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "name", Variant(name), "Name of the IMU sensor");
-    Vector3Ptr acceleration;
-    QuaternionPtr orientationQuaternion;
-    if (values.acceleration.size() > 0)
-    {
-        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(values.acceleration.size() == 3);
-        acceleration = new Vector3(,,;
-        offerValue(device, "acceleration", acceleration);
-    }
-    if (values.gyroscopeRotation.size() > 0)
-    {
-        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(values.gyroscopeRotation.size() == 3);
-        Vector3Ptr gyroscopeRotation = new Vector3(,,;
-        offerValue(device, "gyroscopeRotation", gyroscopeRotation);
-    }
-    if (values.magneticRotation.size() > 0)
+    void InertialMeasurementUnitObserver::offerValue(const std::string& device, const std::string& fieldName, const Vector3Ptr& vec)
-        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(values.magneticRotation.size() == 3);
-        Vector3Ptr magneticRotation = new Vector3(,,;
-        offerValue(device, "magneticRotation", magneticRotation);
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, fieldName, vec, fieldName + " values");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, fieldName + "_x", vec->x, fieldName + "_x value");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, fieldName + "_y", vec->y, fieldName + "_y value");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, fieldName + "_z", vec->z, fieldName + "_z value");
-    if (values.orientationQuaternion.size() > 0)
-    {
-        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(values.orientationQuaternion.size() == 4);
-        orientationQuaternion =  new Quaternion(,,,;
-        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "orientationQuaternion", orientationQuaternion,  "orientation quaternion values");
-    }
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "timestamp", timestampPtr, "Timestamp");
-    updateChannel(device);
-    if (orientationQuaternion && acceleration && getProperty<bool>("EnableVisualization").getValue())
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr InertialMeasurementUnitObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
-        Eigen::Vector3f zero;
-        zero.setZero();
-        DrawColor color;
-        color.r = 1;
-        color.g = 1;
-        color.b = 0;
-        color.a = 0.5;
-        Eigen::Vector3f ac = acceleration->toEigen();
-        ac *= 10;
-        debugDrawerPrx->setLineVisu("IMU", "acceleration", new Vector3(), new Vector3(ac), 2.0f, color);
-        PosePtr posePtr = new Pose(orientationQuaternion->toEigen(), zero);
-        debugDrawerPrx->setPoseVisu("IMU", "orientation", posePtr);
-        //        debugDrawerPrx->setBoxDebugLayerVisu("floor", new Pose(), new Vector3(5000, 5000, 1), DrawColor {0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f});
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new InertialMeasurementUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
-void InertialMeasurementUnitObserver::offerValue(const std::string& device, const std::string& fieldName, const Vector3Ptr& vec)
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, fieldName, vec, fieldName + " values");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, fieldName + "_x", vec->x, fieldName + "_x value");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, fieldName + "_y", vec->y, fieldName + "_y value");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, fieldName + "_z", vec->z, fieldName + "_z value");
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr InertialMeasurementUnitObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new InertialMeasurementUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/KinematicUnit.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/KinematicUnit.cpp
index 0348c5914..045972525 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/KinematicUnit.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/KinematicUnit.cpp
@@ -34,154 +34,155 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/application/Application.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/system/cmake/CMakePackageFinder.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-void KinematicUnit::onInitComponent()
+namespace armarx
-    // read names of kinematic chain elements belonging to this unit from XML and setup a map of all joints
-    // the kinematic chain elements belonging to this unit are defined in a RobotNodeSet
-    robotNodeSetName = getProperty<std::string>("RobotNodeSetName").getValue();
-    const std::string project = getProperty<std::string>("RobotFileNameProject").getValue();
+    void KinematicUnit::onInitComponent()
-        std::vector<std::string> result;
-        const auto& packages = armarx::Application::GetProjectDependencies();
-        std::set<std::string> packageSet {packages.begin(), packages.end()};
-        packageSet.emplace(Application::GetProjectName());
-        packageSet.emplace(project);
-        packageSet.erase("");
-        armarXPackages.assign(packageSet.begin(), packageSet.end());
-    }
+        // read names of kinematic chain elements belonging to this unit from XML and setup a map of all joints
+        // the kinematic chain elements belonging to this unit are defined in a RobotNodeSet
+        robotNodeSetName = getProperty<std::string>("RobotNodeSetName").getValue();
-    if (relativeRobotFile.empty())
-    {
-        relativeRobotFile = getProperty<std::string>("RobotFileName").getValue();
-    }
-    if (!robot)
-    {
-        Ice::StringSeq includePaths;
-        if (!project.empty())
+        const std::string project = getProperty<std::string>("RobotFileNameProject").getValue();
-            CMakePackageFinder finder(project);
-            Ice::StringSeq projectIncludePaths;
-            auto pathsString = finder.getDataDir();
-            boost::split(projectIncludePaths,
-                         pathsString,
-                         boost::is_any_of(";,"),
-                         boost::token_compress_on);
-            includePaths.insert(includePaths.end(), projectIncludePaths.begin(), projectIncludePaths.end());
+            std::vector<std::string> result;
+            const auto& packages = armarx::Application::GetProjectDependencies();
+            std::set<std::string> packageSet {packages.begin(), packages.end()};
+            packageSet.emplace(Application::GetProjectName());
+            packageSet.emplace(project);
+            packageSet.erase("");
+            armarXPackages.assign(packageSet.begin(), packageSet.end());
-        std::string robotFile = relativeRobotFile;
-        if (!ArmarXDataPath::getAbsolutePath(robotFile, robotFile, includePaths))
+        if (relativeRobotFile.empty())
-            throw UserException("Could not find robot file " + robotFile);
+            relativeRobotFile = getProperty<std::string>("RobotFileName").getValue();
-        // read the robot
-        try
+        if (!robot)
-            robot = VirtualRobot::RobotIO::loadRobot(robotFile, VirtualRobot::RobotIO::eStructure);
+            Ice::StringSeq includePaths;
+            if (!project.empty())
+            {
+                CMakePackageFinder finder(project);
+                Ice::StringSeq projectIncludePaths;
+                auto pathsString = finder.getDataDir();
+                boost::split(projectIncludePaths,
+                             pathsString,
+                             boost::is_any_of(";,"),
+                             boost::token_compress_on);
+                includePaths.insert(includePaths.end(), projectIncludePaths.begin(), projectIncludePaths.end());
+            }
+            std::string robotFile = relativeRobotFile;
+            if (!ArmarXDataPath::getAbsolutePath(robotFile, robotFile, includePaths))
+            {
+                throw UserException("Could not find robot file " + robotFile);
+            }
+            // read the robot
+            try
+            {
+                robot = VirtualRobot::RobotIO::loadRobot(robotFile, VirtualRobot::RobotIO::eStructure);
+            }
+            catch (VirtualRobot::VirtualRobotException& e)
+            {
+                throw UserException(e.what());
+            }
-        catch (VirtualRobot::VirtualRobotException& e)
+        // read the robot node set and initialize the joints of this kinematic unit
+        if (robotNodeSetName == "")
-            throw UserException(e.what());
+            throw UserException("RobotNodeSet not defined");
-    }
-    // read the robot node set and initialize the joints of this kinematic unit
-    if (robotNodeSetName == "")
-    {
-        throw UserException("RobotNodeSet not defined");
-    }
-    VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr robotNodeSetPtr = robot->getRobotNodeSet(robotNodeSetName);
-    robotNodes = robotNodeSetPtr->getAllRobotNodes();
-    // component dependencies
-    listenerName = getProperty<std::string>("TopicPrefix").getValue() + robotNodeSetName + "State";
-    offeringTopic(listenerName);
+        VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr robotNodeSetPtr = robot->getRobotNodeSet(robotNodeSetName);
+        robotNodes = robotNodeSetPtr->getAllRobotNodes();
-    this->onInitKinematicUnit();
+        // component dependencies
+        listenerName = getProperty<std::string>("TopicPrefix").getValue() + robotNodeSetName + "State";
+        offeringTopic(listenerName);
+        this->onInitKinematicUnit();
+    }
-void KinematicUnit::onConnectComponent()
-    ARMARX_INFO << "setting report topic to " << listenerName << flush;
-    listenerPrx = getTopic<KinematicUnitListenerPrx>(listenerName);
-    this->onStartKinematicUnit();
+    void KinematicUnit::onConnectComponent()
+    {
+        ARMARX_INFO << "setting report topic to " << listenerName << flush;
+        listenerPrx = getTopic<KinematicUnitListenerPrx>(listenerName);
+        this->onStartKinematicUnit();
+    }
-void KinematicUnit::onExitComponent()
-    this->onExitKinematicUnit();
+    void KinematicUnit::onExitComponent()
+    {
+        this->onExitKinematicUnit();
+    }
-void KinematicUnit::switchControlMode(const NameControlModeMap& targetJointModes, const Ice::Current& c)
-void KinematicUnit::setJointAngles(const NameValueMap& targetJointAngles, const Ice::Current& c)
+    void KinematicUnit::switchControlMode(const NameControlModeMap& targetJointModes, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+    }
-void KinematicUnit::setJointVelocities(const NameValueMap& targetJointVelocities, const Ice::Current& c)
+    void KinematicUnit::setJointAngles(const NameValueMap& targetJointAngles, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+    }
-void KinematicUnit::requestKinematicUnit(const Ice::StringSeq& nodes, const Ice::Current& c)
-    SensorActorUnit::request(c);
+    void KinematicUnit::setJointVelocities(const NameValueMap& targetJointVelocities, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+    }
-void KinematicUnit::releaseKinematicUnit(const Ice::StringSeq& nodes, const Ice::Current& c)
-    SensorActorUnit::release(c);
+    void KinematicUnit::requestKinematicUnit(const Ice::StringSeq& nodes, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        SensorActorUnit::request(c);
+    }
+    void KinematicUnit::releaseKinematicUnit(const Ice::StringSeq& nodes, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        SensorActorUnit::release(c);
+    }
-std::string KinematicUnit::getRobotFilename(const Ice::Current&) const
-    return relativeRobotFile;
-std::vector<std::string> KinematicUnit::getArmarXPackages(const Ice::Current&) const
-    return armarXPackages;
+    std::string KinematicUnit::getRobotFilename(const Ice::Current&) const
+    {
+        return relativeRobotFile;
+    }
-std::string KinematicUnit::getRobotName(const Ice::Current&) const
-    if (robot)
+    std::vector<std::string> KinematicUnit::getArmarXPackages(const Ice::Current&) const
-        return robot->getName();
+        return armarXPackages;
-    else
+    std::string KinematicUnit::getRobotName(const Ice::Current&) const
-        throw NotInitializedException("Robot Ptr is NULL", "getName");
+        if (robot)
+        {
+            return robot->getName();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            throw NotInitializedException("Robot Ptr is NULL", "getName");
+        }
-std::string KinematicUnit::getRobotNodeSetName(const Ice::Current&) const
-    if (robotNodeSetName.empty())
+    std::string KinematicUnit::getRobotNodeSetName(const Ice::Current&) const
-        throw NotInitializedException("RobotNodeSetName is empty", "getRobotNodeSetName");
+        if (robotNodeSetName.empty())
+        {
+            throw NotInitializedException("RobotNodeSetName is empty", "getRobotNodeSetName");
+        }
+        return robotNodeSetName;
-    return robotNodeSetName;
-std::string KinematicUnit::getReportTopicName(const Ice::Current&) const
-    return listenerName;
+    std::string KinematicUnit::getReportTopicName(const Ice::Current&) const
+    {
+        return listenerName;
+    }
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr KinematicUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new KinematicUnitPropertyDefinitions(
-                                      getConfigIdentifier()));
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr KinematicUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new KinematicUnitPropertyDefinitions(
+                                          getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/KinematicUnitObserver.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/KinematicUnitObserver.cpp
index ea9b8da61..15712aa55 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/KinematicUnitObserver.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/KinematicUnitObserver.cpp
@@ -38,294 +38,295 @@
 #include <VirtualRobot/Nodes/RobotNode.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/observers/checks/ConditionCheckEqualsWithTolerance.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-// ********************************************************************
-// observer framework hooks
-// ********************************************************************
-void KinematicUnitObserver::onInitObserver()
-    robotNodeSetName = getProperty<std::string>("RobotNodeSetName").getValue();
-    // register all checks
-    offerConditionCheck("valid", new ConditionCheckValid());
-    offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
-    offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
-    offerConditionCheck("inrange", new ConditionCheckInRange());
-    offerConditionCheck("approx", new ConditionCheckEqualsWithTolerance());
-    offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
-    offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
-    usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("TopicPrefix").getValue() + robotNodeSetName + "State");
-void KinematicUnitObserver::onConnectObserver()
+namespace armarx
-    // read names of kinematic chain elements belonging to this unit from XML and setup a map of all joints
-    // the kinematic chain elements belonging to this unit are defined in a RobotNodeSet
-    std::string robotFile = getProperty<std::string>("RobotFileName").getValue();
-    std::string project = getProperty<std::string>("RobotFileNameProject").getValue();
-    Ice::StringSeq includePaths;
-    if (!project.empty())
+    // ********************************************************************
+    // observer framework hooks
+    // ********************************************************************
+    void KinematicUnitObserver::onInitObserver()
-        CMakePackageFinder finder(project);
-        Ice::StringSeq projectIncludePaths;
-        auto pathsString = finder.getDataDir();
-        boost::split(projectIncludePaths,
-                     pathsString,
-                     boost::is_any_of(";,"),
-                     boost::token_compress_on);
-        includePaths.insert(includePaths.end(), projectIncludePaths.begin(), projectIncludePaths.end());
+        robotNodeSetName = getProperty<std::string>("RobotNodeSetName").getValue();
+        // register all checks
+        offerConditionCheck("valid", new ConditionCheckValid());
+        offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
+        offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
+        offerConditionCheck("inrange", new ConditionCheckInRange());
+        offerConditionCheck("approx", new ConditionCheckEqualsWithTolerance());
+        offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
+        offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
+        usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("TopicPrefix").getValue() + robotNodeSetName + "State");
-    if (!ArmarXDataPath::getAbsolutePath(robotFile, robotFile, includePaths))
+    void KinematicUnitObserver::onConnectObserver()
-        throw UserException("Could not find robot file " + robotFile);
-    }
+        // read names of kinematic chain elements belonging to this unit from XML and setup a map of all joints
+        // the kinematic chain elements belonging to this unit are defined in a RobotNodeSet
+        std::string robotFile = getProperty<std::string>("RobotFileName").getValue();
+        std::string project = getProperty<std::string>("RobotFileNameProject").getValue();
+        Ice::StringSeq includePaths;
-    VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot = VirtualRobot::RobotIO::loadRobot(robotFile, VirtualRobot::RobotIO::eStructure);
+        if (!project.empty())
+        {
+            CMakePackageFinder finder(project);
+            Ice::StringSeq projectIncludePaths;
+            auto pathsString = finder.getDataDir();
+            boost::split(projectIncludePaths,
+                         pathsString,
+                         boost::is_any_of(";,"),
+                         boost::token_compress_on);
+            includePaths.insert(includePaths.end(), projectIncludePaths.begin(), projectIncludePaths.end());
+        }
-    if (robotNodeSetName == "")
-    {
-        throw UserException("RobotNodeSet not defined");
-    }
+        if (!ArmarXDataPath::getAbsolutePath(robotFile, robotFile, includePaths))
+        {
+            throw UserException("Could not find robot file " + robotFile);
+        }
-    auto robotNodeSetPtr = robot->getRobotNodeSet(robotNodeSetName);
+        VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot = VirtualRobot::RobotIO::loadRobot(robotFile, VirtualRobot::RobotIO::eStructure);
-    std::vector< VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr > robotNodes;
-    robotNodes = robotNodeSetPtr->getAllRobotNodes();
-    auto robotNodeNames = robotNodeSetPtr->getNodeNames();
-    this->robotNodes = std::set<std::string>(robotNodeNames.begin(), robotNodeNames.end());
-    // register all channels
-    offerChannel("jointangles", "Joint values of the " + robotNodeSetName + " kinematic chain");
-    offerChannel("jointvelocities", "Joint velocities of the " + robotNodeSetName + " kinematic chain");
-    offerChannel("jointaccelerations", "Joint accelerations of the " + robotNodeSetName + " kinematic chain");
-    offerChannel("jointtorques", "Joint torques of the" + robotNodeSetName + " kinematic chain");
-    offerChannel("jointcurrents", "Joint currents of the " + robotNodeSetName + " kinematic chain");
-    offerChannel("jointmotortemperatures", "Joint motor temperatures of the " + robotNodeSetName + " kinematic chain");
-    offerChannel("jointcontrolmodes", "Joint motor temperatures of the " + robotNodeSetName + " kinematic chain");
+        if (robotNodeSetName == "")
+        {
+            throw UserException("RobotNodeSet not defined");
+        }
+        auto robotNodeSetPtr = robot->getRobotNodeSet(robotNodeSetName);
-    // register all data fields
-    for (std::vector<VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr>::iterator it = robotNodes.begin(); it != robotNodes.end(); it++)
-    {
-        std::string jointName = (*it)->getName();
-        ARMARX_VERBOSE << "* " << jointName << std::endl;
-        offerDataFieldWithDefault("jointcontrolmodes", jointName, ControlModeToString(eUnknown), "Controlmode of the " + jointName + " joint");
-        offerDataField("jointangles", jointName, VariantType::Float, "Joint angle of the " + jointName + " joint in radians");
-        offerDataField("jointvelocities", jointName, VariantType::Float, "Joint velocity of the " + jointName + " joint");
-        offerDataField("jointaccelerations", jointName, VariantType::Float, "Joint acceleration of the " + jointName + " joint");
-        offerDataField("jointtorques", jointName, VariantType::Float, "Joint torque of the " + jointName + " joint");
-        offerDataField("jointcurrents", jointName, VariantType::Float, "Joint current of the " + jointName + " joint");
-        offerDataField("jointmotortemperatures", jointName, VariantType::Float, "Joint motor temperature of the " + jointName + " joint");
-    }
+        std::vector< VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr > robotNodes;
+        robotNodes = robotNodeSetPtr->getAllRobotNodes();
+        auto robotNodeNames = robotNodeSetPtr->getNodeNames();
+        this->robotNodes = std::set<std::string>(robotNodeNames.begin(), robotNodeNames.end());
+        // register all channels
+        offerChannel("jointangles", "Joint values of the " + robotNodeSetName + " kinematic chain");
+        offerChannel("jointvelocities", "Joint velocities of the " + robotNodeSetName + " kinematic chain");
+        offerChannel("jointaccelerations", "Joint accelerations of the " + robotNodeSetName + " kinematic chain");
+        offerChannel("jointtorques", "Joint torques of the" + robotNodeSetName + " kinematic chain");
+        offerChannel("jointcurrents", "Joint currents of the " + robotNodeSetName + " kinematic chain");
+        offerChannel("jointmotortemperatures", "Joint motor temperatures of the " + robotNodeSetName + " kinematic chain");
+        offerChannel("jointcontrolmodes", "Joint motor temperatures of the " + robotNodeSetName + " kinematic chain");
-    updateChannel("jointcontrolmodes");
+        // register all data fields
+        for (std::vector<VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr>::iterator it = robotNodes.begin(); it != robotNodes.end(); it++)
+        {
+            std::string jointName = (*it)->getName();
+            ARMARX_VERBOSE << "* " << jointName << std::endl;
+            offerDataFieldWithDefault("jointcontrolmodes", jointName, ControlModeToString(eUnknown), "Controlmode of the " + jointName + " joint");
+            offerDataField("jointangles", jointName, VariantType::Float, "Joint angle of the " + jointName + " joint in radians");
+            offerDataField("jointvelocities", jointName, VariantType::Float, "Joint velocity of the " + jointName + " joint");
+            offerDataField("jointaccelerations", jointName, VariantType::Float, "Joint acceleration of the " + jointName + " joint");
+            offerDataField("jointtorques", jointName, VariantType::Float, "Joint torque of the " + jointName + " joint");
+            offerDataField("jointcurrents", jointName, VariantType::Float, "Joint current of the " + jointName + " joint");
+            offerDataField("jointmotortemperatures", jointName, VariantType::Float, "Joint motor temperature of the " + jointName + " joint");
+        }
+        updateChannel("jointcontrolmodes");
+    }
-// ********************************************************************
-// KinematicUnitListener interface implementation
-// ********************************************************************
-void KinematicUnitObserver::reportControlModeChanged(const NameControlModeMap& jointModes, Ice::Long timestamp, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
-    try
+    // ********************************************************************
+    // KinematicUnitListener interface implementation
+    // ********************************************************************
+    void KinematicUnitObserver::reportControlModeChanged(const NameControlModeMap& jointModes, Ice::Long timestamp, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
-        if (jointModes.size() == 0)
+        try
-            return;
-        }
+            if (jointModes.size() == 0)
+            {
+                return;
+            }
+            for (auto elem : jointModes)
+            {
+                setDataFieldFlatCopy("jointcontrolmodes", elem.first, new Variant(ControlModeToString(elem.second)));
+            }
-        for (auto elem : jointModes)
+            updateChannel("jointcontrolmodes");
+        }
+        catch (...)
-            setDataFieldFlatCopy("jointcontrolmodes", elem.first, new Variant(ControlModeToString(elem.second)));
+            handleExceptions();
-        updateChannel("jointcontrolmodes");
-    }
-    catch (...)
-    {
-        handleExceptions();
-void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointAngles(const NameValueMap& jointAngles, Ice::Long timestamp, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
-    try
+    void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointAngles(const NameValueMap& jointAngles, Ice::Long timestamp, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
+        try
+        {
-        if (jointAngles.size() == 0)
-        {
-            return;
-        }
+            if (jointAngles.size() == 0)
+            {
+                return;
+            }
-        nameValueMapToDataFields("jointangles", jointAngles, timestamp, aValueChanged);
+            nameValueMapToDataFields("jointangles", jointAngles, timestamp, aValueChanged);
-        updateChannel("jointangles");
+            updateChannel("jointangles");
+        }
+        catch (...)
+        {
+            handleExceptions();
+        }
-    catch (...)
-    {
-        handleExceptions();
-    }
-void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointVelocities(const NameValueMap& jointVelocities, Ice::Long timestamp, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
-    try
+    void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointVelocities(const NameValueMap& jointVelocities, Ice::Long timestamp, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
-        if (jointVelocities.size() == 0)
+        try
-            return;
-        }
+            if (jointVelocities.size() == 0)
+            {
+                return;
+            }
-        nameValueMapToDataFields("jointvelocities", jointVelocities, timestamp, aValueChanged);
+            nameValueMapToDataFields("jointvelocities", jointVelocities, timestamp, aValueChanged);
-        updateChannel("jointvelocities");
-    }
-    catch (...)
-    {
-        handleExceptions();
+            updateChannel("jointvelocities");
+        }
+        catch (...)
+        {
+            handleExceptions();
+        }
-void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointTorques(const NameValueMap& jointTorques, Ice::Long timestamp, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
-    try
+    void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointTorques(const NameValueMap& jointTorques, Ice::Long timestamp, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
-        if (jointTorques.size() == 0)
+        try
-            return;
-        }
+            if (jointTorques.size() == 0)
+            {
+                return;
+            }
-        nameValueMapToDataFields("jointtorques", jointTorques, timestamp, aValueChanged);
+            nameValueMapToDataFields("jointtorques", jointTorques, timestamp, aValueChanged);
-        updateChannel("jointtorques");
-    }
-    catch (...)
-    {
-        handleExceptions();
+            updateChannel("jointtorques");
+        }
+        catch (...)
+        {
+            handleExceptions();
+        }
-void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointAccelerations(const NameValueMap& jointAccelerations, Ice::Long timestamp, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
-    try
+    void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointAccelerations(const NameValueMap& jointAccelerations, Ice::Long timestamp, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
-        if (jointAccelerations.size() == 0)
+        try
-            return;
-        }
+            if (jointAccelerations.size() == 0)
+            {
+                return;
+            }
-        nameValueMapToDataFields("jointaccelerations", jointAccelerations, timestamp, aValueChanged);
+            nameValueMapToDataFields("jointaccelerations", jointAccelerations, timestamp, aValueChanged);
-        updateChannel("jointaccelerations");
-    }
-    catch (...)
-    {
-        handleExceptions();
+            updateChannel("jointaccelerations");
+        }
+        catch (...)
+        {
+            handleExceptions();
+        }
-void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointCurrents(const NameValueMap& jointCurrents, Ice::Long timestamp, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
-    try
+    void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointCurrents(const NameValueMap& jointCurrents, Ice::Long timestamp, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
-        if (jointCurrents.size() == 0)
+        try
-            return;
-        }
+            if (jointCurrents.size() == 0)
+            {
+                return;
+            }
-        nameValueMapToDataFields("jointcurrents", jointCurrents, timestamp, aValueChanged);
+            nameValueMapToDataFields("jointcurrents", jointCurrents, timestamp, aValueChanged);
-        updateChannel("jointcurrents");
-    }
-    catch (...)
-    {
-        handleExceptions();
+            updateChannel("jointcurrents");
+        }
+        catch (...)
+        {
+            handleExceptions();
+        }
-void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointMotorTemperatures(const NameValueMap& jointMotorTemperatures, Ice::Long timestamp, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
-    try
+    void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointMotorTemperatures(const NameValueMap& jointMotorTemperatures, Ice::Long timestamp, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
-        if (jointMotorTemperatures.size() == 0)
+        try
-            return;
-        }
+            if (jointMotorTemperatures.size() == 0)
+            {
+                return;
+            }
-        nameValueMapToDataFields("jointmotortemperatures", jointMotorTemperatures, timestamp, aValueChanged);
+            nameValueMapToDataFields("jointmotortemperatures", jointMotorTemperatures, timestamp, aValueChanged);
-        updateChannel("jointmotortemperatures");
-    }
-    catch (...)
-    {
-        handleExceptions();
+            updateChannel("jointmotortemperatures");
+        }
+        catch (...)
+        {
+            handleExceptions();
+        }
-void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointStatuses(const NameStatusMap& jointStatuses, Ice::Long timestamp, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
-// ********************************************************************
-// private methods
-// ********************************************************************
-void KinematicUnitObserver::nameValueMapToDataFields(const std::string& channelName, const NameValueMap& nameValueMap, Ice::Long timestamp, bool aValueChanged)
-    //    ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(10) << " timestamp is " << (IceUtil::Time::now() - IceUtil::Time::microSeconds(timestamp)).toMicroSecondsDouble() << " µs old";
-    bool newChannel;
+    void KinematicUnitObserver::reportJointStatuses(const NameStatusMap& jointStatuses, Ice::Long timestamp, bool aValueChanged, const Ice::Current& c)
-        ScopedLock lock(initializedChannelsMutex);
-        newChannel = initializedChannels.count(channelName) == 0;
-        initializedChannels.insert(channelName);
-    if (aValueChanged || newChannel)
-    {
-        boost::unordered_map< ::std::string, ::armarx::VariantBasePtr> map;
-        if (timestamp < 0)
+    // ********************************************************************
+    // private methods
+    // ********************************************************************
+    void KinematicUnitObserver::nameValueMapToDataFields(const std::string& channelName, const NameValueMap& nameValueMap, Ice::Long timestamp, bool aValueChanged)
+    {
+        //    ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(10) << " timestamp is " << (IceUtil::Time::now() - IceUtil::Time::microSeconds(timestamp)).toMicroSecondsDouble() << " µs old";
+        bool newChannel;
-            for (const auto& it : nameValueMap)
+            ScopedLock lock(initializedChannelsMutex);
+            newChannel = initializedChannels.count(channelName) == 0;
+            initializedChannels.insert(channelName);
+        }
+        if (aValueChanged || newChannel)
+        {
+            boost::unordered_map< ::std::string, ::armarx::VariantBasePtr> map;
+            if (timestamp < 0)
-                if (robotNodes.count(it.first))
+                for (const auto& it : nameValueMap)
-                    map[it.first] = new Variant(it.second);
+                    if (robotNodes.count(it.first))
+                    {
+                        map[it.first] = new Variant(it.second);
+                    }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            for (const auto& it : nameValueMap)
+            else
-                if (robotNodes.count(it.first))
+                for (const auto& it : nameValueMap)
-                    map[it.first] = new TimedVariant(new Variant(it.second), IceUtil::Time::microSeconds(timestamp));
+                    if (robotNodes.count(it.first))
+                    {
+                        map[it.first] = new TimedVariant(new Variant(it.second), IceUtil::Time::microSeconds(timestamp));
+                    }
+            setDataFieldsFlatCopy(channelName, map);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            updateDatafieldTimestamps(channelName, timestamp);
-        setDataFieldsFlatCopy(channelName, map);
-    else
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr KinematicUnitObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
-        updateDatafieldTimestamps(channelName, timestamp);
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new KinematicUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions(
+                                          getConfigIdentifier()));
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr KinematicUnitObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new KinematicUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions(
-                                      getConfigIdentifier()));
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/KinematicUnitObserver.h b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/KinematicUnitObserver.h
index 92cf7f720..8d7266006 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/KinematicUnitObserver.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/KinematicUnitObserver.h
@@ -199,20 +199,13 @@ namespace armarx
         std::string _channelName;
-    namespace channels
-    {
-        namespace KinematicUnitObserver
-        {
-            const KinematicUnitDatafieldCreator jointAngles("jointAngles");
-            const KinematicUnitDatafieldCreator jointVelocities("jointVelocities");
-            const KinematicUnitDatafieldCreator jointTorques("jointTorques");
-            const KinematicUnitDatafieldCreator jointCurrents("jointCurrents");
-            const KinematicUnitDatafieldCreator jointTemperatures("jointTemperatures");
-        }
-    }
+namespace armarx::channels::KinematicUnitObserver
+    const KinematicUnitDatafieldCreator jointAngles("jointAngles");
+    const KinematicUnitDatafieldCreator jointVelocities("jointVelocities");
+    const KinematicUnitDatafieldCreator jointTorques("jointTorques");
+    const KinematicUnitDatafieldCreator jointCurrents("jointCurrents");
+    const KinematicUnitDatafieldCreator jointTemperatures("jointTemperatures");
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/LaserScannerUnitObserver.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/LaserScannerUnitObserver.cpp
index 8b4a354af..0cb76bb4d 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/LaserScannerUnitObserver.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/LaserScannerUnitObserver.cpp
@@ -34,80 +34,79 @@
-using namespace armarx;
-void LaserScannerUnitObserver::onInitObserver()
+namespace armarx
-    usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("LaserScannerTopicName").getValue());
-    offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
-    offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
-    offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
-    offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
+    void LaserScannerUnitObserver::onInitObserver()
+    {
+        usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("LaserScannerTopicName").getValue());
+        offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
+        offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
+        offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
+        offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
+    }
-void LaserScannerUnitObserver::onConnectObserver()
-void LaserScannerUnitObserver::onExitObserver()
+    void LaserScannerUnitObserver::onConnectObserver()
+    {
+    }
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr LaserScannerUnitObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new LaserScannerUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+    void LaserScannerUnitObserver::onExitObserver()
+    {
+    }
-void LaserScannerUnitObserver::reportSensorValues(const std::string& device, const std::string& name, const LaserScan& scan, const TimestampBasePtr& timestamp, const Ice::Current& c)
-    ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
-    if (!existsChannel(device))
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr LaserScannerUnitObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
-        offerChannel(device, "laser scans");
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new LaserScannerUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
-    TimestampVariantPtr timestampPtr = TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(timestamp);
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "timestamp", timestampPtr, "Timestamp");
-    // Calculate some statistics on the laser scan
-    float minDistance = FLT_MAX;
-    float minAngle = 0.0f;
-    float maxDistance = -FLT_MAX;
-    float maxAngle = 0.0f;
-    float distanceSum = 0.0f;
-    for (LaserScanStep const& step : scan)
+    void LaserScannerUnitObserver::reportSensorValues(const std::string& device, const std::string& name, const LaserScan& scan, const TimestampBasePtr& timestamp, const Ice::Current& c)
-        distanceSum += step.distance;
-        if (step.distance < minDistance)
+        ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
+        if (!existsChannel(device))
+        {
+            offerChannel(device, "laser scans");
+        }
+        TimestampVariantPtr timestampPtr = TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(timestamp);
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "timestamp", timestampPtr, "Timestamp");
+        // Calculate some statistics on the laser scan
+        float minDistance = FLT_MAX;
+        float minAngle = 0.0f;
+        float maxDistance = -FLT_MAX;
+        float maxAngle = 0.0f;
+        float distanceSum = 0.0f;
+        for (LaserScanStep const& step : scan)
-            minDistance = step.distance;
-            minAngle = step.angle;
+            distanceSum += step.distance;
+            if (step.distance < minDistance)
+            {
+                minDistance = step.distance;
+                minAngle = step.angle;
+            }
+            if (step.distance > maxDistance)
+            {
+                maxDistance = step.distance;
+                maxAngle = step.angle;
+            }
-        if (step.distance > maxDistance)
+        if (scan.size() > 0)
-            maxDistance = step.distance;
-            maxAngle = step.angle;
+            offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "minDistance", minDistance, "minimal distance in scan");
+            offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "minAngle", minAngle, "angle with minimal distance in scan");
+            offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "maxDistance", maxDistance, "maximal distance in scan");
+            offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "maxAngle", maxAngle, "angle with maximal distance in scan");
+            float averageDistance = distanceSum / scan.size();
+            offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "averageDistance", averageDistance, "average distance in scan");
-    }
-    if (scan.size() > 0)
-    {
-        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "minDistance", minDistance, "minimal distance in scan");
-        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "minAngle", minAngle, "angle with minimal distance in scan");
-        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "maxDistance", maxDistance, "maximal distance in scan");
-        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "maxAngle", maxAngle, "angle with maximal distance in scan");
-        float averageDistance = distanceSum / scan.size();
-        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "averageDistance", averageDistance, "average distance in scan");
+        updateChannel(device);
-    updateChannel(device);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/MetaWearIMUObserver.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/MetaWearIMUObserver.cpp
index bd36b219b..b6885037d 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/MetaWearIMUObserver.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/MetaWearIMUObserver.cpp
@@ -35,82 +35,78 @@
-using namespace armarx;
-void MetaWearIMUObserver::onInitObserver()
+namespace armarx
-    usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("MetaWearTopicName").getValue());
-    offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
-    offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
-    offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
-    offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
-    offeringTopic(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
+    void MetaWearIMUObserver::onInitObserver()
+    {
+        usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("MetaWearTopicName").getValue());
+        offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
+        offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
+        offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
+        offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
-void MetaWearIMUObserver::onConnectObserver()
-    debugDrawerPrx = getTopic<DebugDrawerInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
+        offeringTopic(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
+    }
-void MetaWearIMUObserver::onExitObserver()
+    void MetaWearIMUObserver::onConnectObserver()
+    {
+        debugDrawerPrx = getTopic<DebugDrawerInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
+    }
-void armarx::MetaWearIMUObserver::reportIMUValues(const std::string& name, const MetaWearIMUData& data, const TimestampBasePtr& timestamp, const Ice::Current&)
-    ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
-    if (!existsChannel(name))
+    void MetaWearIMUObserver::onExitObserver()
-        offerChannel(name, "MetaWear IMU data");
-    offerVector3(name, "acceleration", data.acceleration);
-    offerVector3(name, "gyro", data.gyro);
-    offerVector3(name, "magnetic", data.magnetic);
-    offerQuaternion(name, "orientationQuaternion", data.orientationQuaternion);
-    updateChannel(name);
+    void armarx::MetaWearIMUObserver::reportIMUValues(const std::string& name, const MetaWearIMUData& data, const TimestampBasePtr& timestamp, const Ice::Current&)
+    {
+        ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
+        if (!existsChannel(name))
+        {
+            offerChannel(name, "MetaWear IMU data");
+        }
+        offerVector3(name, "acceleration", data.acceleration);
+        offerVector3(name, "gyro", data.gyro);
+        offerVector3(name, "magnetic", data.magnetic);
+        offerQuaternion(name, "orientationQuaternion", data.orientationQuaternion);
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr MetaWearIMUObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new MetaWearIMUObserverPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+        updateChannel(name);
-void MetaWearIMUObserver::offerVector3(const std::string& channelName, const std::string& dfName, const std::vector<float>& data)
-    if (data.size() == 3)
-    {
-        Vector3Ptr vec3 = new Vector3(,,;
-        offerOrUpdateDataField(channelName, dfName, vec3, dfName);
-    else if (data.size() != 0)
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr MetaWearIMUObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
-        ARMARX_WARNING << "data." << dfName << ".size() != 3 && data." << dfName << ".size() != 0";
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new MetaWearIMUObserverPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
-void MetaWearIMUObserver::offerQuaternion(const std::string& channelName, const std::string& dfName, const std::vector<float>& data)
-    if (data.size() == 4)
+    void MetaWearIMUObserver::offerVector3(const std::string& channelName, const std::string& dfName, const std::vector<float>& data)
-        QuaternionPtr quat = new Quaternion(,,,;
-        offerOrUpdateDataField(channelName, dfName, quat, dfName);
+        if (data.size() == 3)
+        {
+            Vector3Ptr vec3 = new Vector3(,,;
+            offerOrUpdateDataField(channelName, dfName, vec3, dfName);
+        }
+        else if (data.size() != 0)
+        {
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "data." << dfName << ".size() != 3 && data." << dfName << ".size() != 0";
+        }
-    else if (data.size() != 0)
+    void MetaWearIMUObserver::offerQuaternion(const std::string& channelName, const std::string& dfName, const std::vector<float>& data)
-        ARMARX_WARNING << "data." << dfName << ".size() != 4 && data." << dfName << ".size() != 0";
+        if (data.size() == 4)
+        {
+            QuaternionPtr quat = new Quaternion(,,,;
+            offerOrUpdateDataField(channelName, dfName, quat, dfName);
+        }
+        else if (data.size() != 0)
+        {
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "data." << dfName << ".size() != 4 && data." << dfName << ".size() != 0";
+        }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/OptoForceUnitObserver.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/OptoForceUnitObserver.cpp
index 0b43e68d9..ce09bacd4 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/OptoForceUnitObserver.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/OptoForceUnitObserver.cpp
@@ -35,113 +35,112 @@
-using namespace armarx;
-void OptoForceUnitObserver::onInitObserver()
+namespace armarx
-    usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("OptoForceTopicName").getValue());
-    //offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
-    //offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
-    //offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
-    //offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
+    void OptoForceUnitObserver::onInitObserver()
+    {
+        usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("OptoForceTopicName").getValue());
-    offeringTopic(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
+        //offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
+        //offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
+        //offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
+        //offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
+        offeringTopic(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
+    }
-void OptoForceUnitObserver::onConnectObserver()
-    debugDrawerPrx = getTopic<DebugDrawerInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
+    void OptoForceUnitObserver::onConnectObserver()
+    {
+        debugDrawerPrx = getTopic<DebugDrawerInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
+    }
-void OptoForceUnitObserver::onExitObserver()
-    //debugDrawerPrx->removePoseVisu("IMU", "orientation");
-    //debugDrawerPrx->removeLineVisu("IMU", "acceleration");
-void OptoForceUnitObserver::reportSensorValues(const std::string& device, const std::string& name, float fx, float fy, float fz, const TimestampBasePtr& timestamp, const Ice::Current& c)
-    ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
-    TimestampVariantPtr timestampPtr = TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(timestamp);
-    if (!existsChannel(name))
+    void OptoForceUnitObserver::onExitObserver()
-        offerChannel(name, "Force data");
+        //debugDrawerPrx->removePoseVisu("IMU", "orientation");
+        //debugDrawerPrx->removeLineVisu("IMU", "acceleration");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "name", Variant(name), "Name of the sensor");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "device", Variant(device), "Device name");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "fx", Variant(fx), "Force x");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "fy", Variant(fy), "Force y");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "fz", Variant(fz), "Force z");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "timestamp", timestampPtr, "Timestamp");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "force", Vector3(fx, fy, fz), "Force");
-    updateChannel(name);
+    void OptoForceUnitObserver::reportSensorValues(const std::string& device, const std::string& name, float fx, float fy, float fz, const TimestampBasePtr& timestamp, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
+        TimestampVariantPtr timestampPtr = TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(timestamp);
+        if (!existsChannel(name))
+        {
+            offerChannel(name, "Force data");
+        }
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "name", Variant(name), "Name of the sensor");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "device", Variant(device), "Device name");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "fx", Variant(fx), "Force x");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "fy", Variant(fy), "Force y");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "fz", Variant(fz), "Force z");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "timestamp", timestampPtr, "Timestamp");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(name, "force", Vector3(fx, fy, fz), "Force");
+        updateChannel(name);
+    }
-/*void OptoForceUnitObserver::reportSensorValues(const std::string& device, const std::string& name, const IMUData& values, const TimestampBasePtr& timestamp, const Ice::Current& c)
-    ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
+    /*void OptoForceUnitObserver::reportSensorValues(const std::string& device, const std::string& name, const IMUData& values, const TimestampBasePtr& timestamp, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
-    TimestampVariantPtr timestampPtr = TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(timestamp);
+        TimestampVariantPtr timestampPtr = TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(timestamp);
-    Vector3Ptr acceleration = new Vector3(,,;
-    Vector3Ptr gyroscopeRotation = new Vector3(,,;
-    Vector3Ptr magneticRotation = new Vector3(,,;
-    QuaternionPtr orientationQuaternion =  new Quaternion(,,,;
+        Vector3Ptr acceleration = new Vector3(,,;
+        Vector3Ptr gyroscopeRotation = new Vector3(,,;
+        Vector3Ptr magneticRotation = new Vector3(,,;
+        QuaternionPtr orientationQuaternion =  new Quaternion(,,,;
-    if (!existsChannel(device))
-    {
-        offerChannel(device, "IMU data");
-    }
+        if (!existsChannel(device))
+        {
+            offerChannel(device, "IMU data");
+        }
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "name", Variant(name), "Name of the IMU sensor");
-    offerValue(device, "acceleration", acceleration);
-    offerValue(device, "gyroscopeRotation", gyroscopeRotation);
-    offerValue(device, "magneticRotation", magneticRotation);
-    offerValue(device, "acceleration", acceleration);
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "orientationQuaternion", orientationQuaternion,  "orientation quaternion values");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "timestamp", timestampPtr, "Timestamp");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "name", Variant(name), "Name of the IMU sensor");
+        offerValue(device, "acceleration", acceleration);
+        offerValue(device, "gyroscopeRotation", gyroscopeRotation);
+        offerValue(device, "magneticRotation", magneticRotation);
+        offerValue(device, "acceleration", acceleration);
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "orientationQuaternion", orientationQuaternion,  "orientation quaternion values");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, "timestamp", timestampPtr, "Timestamp");
-    updateChannel(device);
+        updateChannel(device);
-    Eigen::Vector3f zero;
-    zero.setZero();
+        Eigen::Vector3f zero;
+        zero.setZero();
-    DrawColor color;
-    color.r = 1;
-    color.g = 1;
-    color.b = 0;
-    color.a = 0.5;
+        DrawColor color;
+        color.r = 1;
+        color.g = 1;
+        color.b = 0;
+        color.a = 0.5;
-    Eigen::Vector3f ac = acceleration->toEigen();
-    ac *= 10;
+        Eigen::Vector3f ac = acceleration->toEigen();
+        ac *= 10;
-    debugDrawerPrx->setLineVisu("IMU", "acceleration", new Vector3(), new Vector3(ac), 2.0f, color);
+        debugDrawerPrx->setLineVisu("IMU", "acceleration", new Vector3(), new Vector3(ac), 2.0f, color);
-    PosePtr posePtr = new Pose(orientationQuaternion->toEigen(), zero);
-    debugDrawerPrx->setPoseVisu("IMU", "orientation", posePtr);
-    debugDrawerPrx->setBoxDebugLayerVisu("floor", new Pose(), new Vector3(5000, 5000, 1), DrawColor {0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f});
+        PosePtr posePtr = new Pose(orientationQuaternion->toEigen(), zero);
+        debugDrawerPrx->setPoseVisu("IMU", "orientation", posePtr);
+        debugDrawerPrx->setBoxDebugLayerVisu("floor", new Pose(), new Vector3(5000, 5000, 1), DrawColor {0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f});
+    }*/
-void OptoForceUnitObserver::offerValue(std::string device, std::string fieldName, Vector3Ptr vec)
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, fieldName, vec, fieldName + " values");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, fieldName + "_x", vec->x, fieldName + "_x value");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, fieldName + "_y", vec->y, fieldName + "_y value");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(device, fieldName + "_z", vec->z, fieldName + "_z value");
+    void OptoForceUnitObserver::offerValue(std::string device, std::string fieldName, Vector3Ptr vec)
+    {
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, fieldName, vec, fieldName + " values");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, fieldName + "_x", vec->x, fieldName + "_x value");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, fieldName + "_y", vec->y, fieldName + "_y value");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(device, fieldName + "_z", vec->z, fieldName + "_z value");
+    }
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr OptoForceUnitObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new OptoForceUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr OptoForceUnitObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new OptoForceUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/OrientedTactileSensorUnitObserver.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/OrientedTactileSensorUnitObserver.cpp
index 7762139ad..514a1767b 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/OrientedTactileSensorUnitObserver.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/OrientedTactileSensorUnitObserver.cpp
@@ -35,75 +35,75 @@
-using namespace armarx;
-void OrientedTactileSensorUnitObserver::onInitObserver()
+namespace armarx
-    usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("SensorTopicName").getValue());
-    offeringTopic(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
+    void OrientedTactileSensorUnitObserver::onInitObserver()
+    {
+        usingTopic(getProperty<std::string>("SensorTopicName").getValue());
+        offeringTopic(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
+    }
-void OrientedTactileSensorUnitObserver::onConnectObserver()
-    debugDrawerPrx = getTopic<DebugDrawerInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
-void OrientedTactileSensorUnitObserver::onExitObserver()
-    //debugDrawerPrx->removePoseVisu("IMU", "orientation");
-    //debugDrawerPrx->removeLineVisu("IMU", "acceleration");
-void OrientedTactileSensorUnitObserver::reportSensorValues(int id, float pressure, float qw, float qx, float qy, float qz, float pressureRate, float rotationRate, float accelerationRate, float accelx, float accely, float accelz, const TimestampBasePtr& timestamp, const Ice::Current&)
-    ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
-    TimestampVariantPtr timestampPtr = TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(timestamp);
+    void OrientedTactileSensorUnitObserver::onConnectObserver()
+    {
+        debugDrawerPrx = getTopic<DebugDrawerInterfacePrx>(getProperty<std::string>("DebugDrawerTopic").getValue());
+    }
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << "sensor" << id;
-    std::string channelName = ss.str();
-    if (!existsChannel(channelName))
+    void OrientedTactileSensorUnitObserver::onExitObserver()
-        offerChannel(channelName, "Sensor Data");
+        //debugDrawerPrx->removePoseVisu("IMU", "orientation");
+        //debugDrawerPrx->removeLineVisu("IMU", "acceleration");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(channelName, "pressure", Variant(pressure), "current pressure");
-    QuaternionPtr orientationQuaternion =  new Quaternion(qw, qx, qy, qz);
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(channelName, "orientation", orientationQuaternion, "current orientation");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(channelName, "rotationRate", Variant(rotationRate), "current rotationRate");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(channelName, "pressureRate", Variant(pressureRate), "current pressureRate");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(channelName, "accelerationRate", Variant(accelerationRate), "current accelerationRate");
-    offerOrUpdateDataField(channelName, "linear acceleration", Variant(new Vector3(accelx, accely, accelz)), "current linear acceleration");
-/* TODO: for integration with debug drawer
-    updateChannel(device);
+    void OrientedTactileSensorUnitObserver::reportSensorValues(int id, float pressure, float qw, float qx, float qy, float qz, float pressureRate, float rotationRate, float accelerationRate, float accelx, float accely, float accelz, const TimestampBasePtr& timestamp, const Ice::Current&)
+    {
+        ScopedLock lock(dataMutex);
+        TimestampVariantPtr timestampPtr = TimestampVariantPtr::dynamicCast(timestamp);
+        std::stringstream ss;
+        ss << "sensor" << id;
+        std::string channelName = ss.str();
+        if (!existsChannel(channelName))
+        {
+            offerChannel(channelName, "Sensor Data");
+        }
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(channelName, "pressure", Variant(pressure), "current pressure");
+        QuaternionPtr orientationQuaternion =  new Quaternion(qw, qx, qy, qz);
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(channelName, "orientation", orientationQuaternion, "current orientation");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(channelName, "rotationRate", Variant(rotationRate), "current rotationRate");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(channelName, "pressureRate", Variant(pressureRate), "current pressureRate");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(channelName, "accelerationRate", Variant(accelerationRate), "current accelerationRate");
+        offerOrUpdateDataField(channelName, "linear acceleration", Variant(new Vector3(accelx, accely, accelz)), "current linear acceleration");
+    }
+    /* TODO: for integration with debug drawer
+        updateChannel(device);
-    Eigen::Vector3f zero;
-    zero.setZero();
+        Eigen::Vector3f zero;
+        zero.setZero();
-    DrawColor color;
-    color.r = 1;
-    color.g = 1;
-    color.b = 0;
-    color.a = 0.5;
+        DrawColor color;
+        color.r = 1;
+        color.g = 1;
+        color.b = 0;
+        color.a = 0.5;
-    Eigen::Vector3f ac = acceleration->toEigen();
-    ac *= 10;
+        Eigen::Vector3f ac = acceleration->toEigen();
+        ac *= 10;
-    debugDrawerPrx->setLineVisu("IMU", "acceleration", new Vector3(), new Vector3(ac), 2.0f, color);
+        debugDrawerPrx->setLineVisu("IMU", "acceleration", new Vector3(), new Vector3(ac), 2.0f, color);
-    PosePtr posePtr = new Pose(orientationQuaternion->toEigen(), zero);
-    debugDrawerPrx->setPoseVisu("IMU", "orientation", posePtr);
-    debugDrawerPrx->setBoxDebugLayerVisu("floor", new Pose(), new Vector3(5000, 5000, 1), DrawColor {0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f});
+        PosePtr posePtr = new Pose(orientationQuaternion->toEigen(), zero);
+        debugDrawerPrx->setPoseVisu("IMU", "orientation", posePtr);
+        debugDrawerPrx->setBoxDebugLayerVisu("floor", new Pose(), new Vector3(5000, 5000, 1), DrawColor {0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f});
+    */
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr OrientedTactileSensorUnitObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new OrientedTactileSensorUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr OrientedTactileSensorUnitObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new OrientedTactileSensorUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/PlatformUnit.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/PlatformUnit.cpp
index ac67bfaaf..7afa0eefd 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/PlatformUnit.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/PlatformUnit.cpp
@@ -26,51 +26,51 @@
 #include "PlatformUnit.h"
-using namespace armarx;
-void PlatformUnit::onInitComponent()
+namespace armarx
-    std::string platformName = getProperty<std::string>("PlatformName").getValue();
+    void PlatformUnit::onInitComponent()
+    {
+        std::string platformName = getProperty<std::string>("PlatformName").getValue();
-    // component dependencies
-    listenerChannelName = platformName + "State";
-    offeringTopic(listenerChannelName);
+        // component dependencies
+        listenerChannelName = platformName + "State";
+        offeringTopic(listenerChannelName);
-    this->onInitPlatformUnit();
+        this->onInitPlatformUnit();
+    }
-void PlatformUnit::onConnectComponent()
-    ARMARX_INFO << "setting report topic to " << listenerChannelName << flush;
-    listenerPrx = getTopic<PlatformUnitListenerPrx>(listenerChannelName);
+    void PlatformUnit::onConnectComponent()
+    {
+        ARMARX_INFO << "setting report topic to " << listenerChannelName << flush;
+        listenerPrx = getTopic<PlatformUnitListenerPrx>(listenerChannelName);
-    this->onStartPlatformUnit();
+        this->onStartPlatformUnit();
+    }
-void PlatformUnit::onDisconnectComponent()
-    listenerPrx = NULL;
+    void PlatformUnit::onDisconnectComponent()
+    {
+        listenerPrx = NULL;
-    this->onStopPlatformUnit();
+        this->onStopPlatformUnit();
+    }
-void PlatformUnit::onExitComponent()
-    this->onExitPlatformUnit();
+    void PlatformUnit::onExitComponent()
+    {
+        this->onExitPlatformUnit();
+    }
-void PlatformUnit::moveTo(Ice::Float targetPlatformPositionX, Ice::Float targetPlatformPositionY, Ice::Float targetPlatformRotation, Ice::Float positionalAccuracy, Ice::Float orientationalAccuracy, const Ice::Current& c)
+    void PlatformUnit::moveTo(Ice::Float targetPlatformPositionX, Ice::Float targetPlatformPositionY, Ice::Float targetPlatformRotation, Ice::Float positionalAccuracy, Ice::Float orientationalAccuracy, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+    }
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr PlatformUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new PlatformUnitPropertyDefinitions(
-                                      getConfigIdentifier()));
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr PlatformUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new PlatformUnitPropertyDefinitions(
+                                          getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/PlatformUnitObserver.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/PlatformUnitObserver.cpp
index 73661c4ce..d0e0cd8e0 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/PlatformUnitObserver.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/PlatformUnitObserver.cpp
@@ -33,98 +33,99 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/observers/checks/ConditionCheckEqualsWithTolerance.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-// ********************************************************************
-// observer framework hooks
-// ********************************************************************
-void PlatformUnitObserver::onInitObserver()
-    // TODO: check if platformNodeName exists?
-    platformNodeName = getProperty<std::string>("PlatformName").getValue();
-    // register all checks
-    offerConditionCheck("valid", new ConditionCheckValid());
-    offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
-    offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
-    offerConditionCheck("inrange", new ConditionCheckInRange());
-    offerConditionCheck("approx", new ConditionCheckEqualsWithTolerance());
-    offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
-    offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
-    usingTopic(platformNodeName + "State");
-void PlatformUnitObserver::onConnectObserver()
-    // register all channels
-    offerChannel("platformPose", "Current Position of " + platformNodeName);
-    offerChannel("targetPose", "Target Position of " + platformNodeName);
-    offerChannel("platformVelocity", "Current velocity of " + platformNodeName);
-    offerChannel("platformOdometryPose", "Current Odometry Position of " + platformNodeName);
-    // register all data fields
-    offerDataField("platformPose", "positionX", VariantType::Float, "Current X position of " + platformNodeName + " in mm");
-    offerDataField("platformPose", "positionY", VariantType::Float, "Current Y position of " + platformNodeName + " in mm");
-    offerDataField("platformPose", "rotation", VariantType::Float, "Current Rotation of " + platformNodeName + " in radian");
-    offerDataField("targetPose", "positionX", VariantType::Float, "Target X position of " + platformNodeName + " in mm");
-    offerDataField("targetPose", "positionY", VariantType::Float, "Target Y position of " + platformNodeName + " in mm");
-    offerDataField("targetPose", "rotation", VariantType::Float, "Target Rotation of " + platformNodeName + " in radian");
-    offerDataField("platformVelocity", "velocityX", VariantType::Float, "Current X velocity of " + platformNodeName + " in mm/s");
-    offerDataField("platformVelocity", "velocityY", VariantType::Float, "Current Y velocity of " + platformNodeName + " in mm/s");
-    offerDataField("platformVelocity", "velocityRotation", VariantType::Float, "Current Rotation velocity of " + platformNodeName + " in radian/s");
-    offerDataField("platformOdometryPose", "positionX", VariantType::Float, "Current Odometry X position of " + platformNodeName + " in mm");
-    offerDataField("platformOdometryPose", "positionY", VariantType::Float, "Current Odometry Y position of " + platformNodeName + " in mm");
-    offerDataField("platformOdometryPose", "rotation", VariantType::Float, "Current Odometry Rotation of " + platformNodeName + " in radian");
-    // odometry pose is always zero in the beginning - set it  so that it can be queried
-    reportPlatformOdometryPose(0, 0, 0, Ice::emptyCurrent);
-void PlatformUnitObserver::reportPlatformPose(PlatformPose const& currentPose, const Ice::Current& c)
-    nameValueMapToDataFields("platformPose", currentPose.x, currentPose.y, currentPose.rotationAroundZ);
-    updateChannel("platformPose");
-void PlatformUnitObserver::reportNewTargetPose(::Ice::Float newPlatformPositionX, ::Ice::Float newPlatformPositionY, ::Ice::Float newPlatformRotation, const Ice::Current& c)
-    nameValueMapToDataFields("targetPose", newPlatformPositionX, newPlatformPositionY, newPlatformRotation);
-    updateChannel("targetPose");
-void PlatformUnitObserver::reportPlatformVelocity(::Ice::Float currentPlatformVelocityX, ::Ice::Float currentPlatformVelocityY, ::Ice::Float currentPlatformVelocityRotation, const Ice::Current& c)
-    setDataField("platformVelocity", "velocityX", currentPlatformVelocityX);
-    setDataField("platformVelocity", "velocityY", currentPlatformVelocityY);
-    setDataField("platformVelocity", "velocityRotation", currentPlatformVelocityRotation);
-    updateChannel("platformVelocity");
-// ********************************************************************
-// private methods
-// ********************************************************************
-void PlatformUnitObserver::nameValueMapToDataFields(std::string channelName, ::Ice::Float platformPositionX, ::Ice::Float platformPositionY, ::Ice::Float platformRotation)
-    setDataField(channelName, "positionX", platformPositionX);
-    setDataField(channelName, "positionY", platformPositionY);
-    setDataField(channelName, "rotation", platformRotation);
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr PlatformUnitObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new PlatformUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions(
-                                      getConfigIdentifier()));
-void armarx::PlatformUnitObserver::reportPlatformOdometryPose(Ice::Float x, Ice::Float y, Ice::Float angle, const Ice::Current&)
+namespace armarx
-    nameValueMapToDataFields("platformOdometryPose", x, y, angle);
-    updateChannel("platformOdometryPose");
+    // ********************************************************************
+    // observer framework hooks
+    // ********************************************************************
+    void PlatformUnitObserver::onInitObserver()
+    {
+        // TODO: check if platformNodeName exists?
+        platformNodeName = getProperty<std::string>("PlatformName").getValue();
+        // register all checks
+        offerConditionCheck("valid", new ConditionCheckValid());
+        offerConditionCheck("updated", new ConditionCheckUpdated());
+        offerConditionCheck("equals", new ConditionCheckEquals());
+        offerConditionCheck("inrange", new ConditionCheckInRange());
+        offerConditionCheck("approx", new ConditionCheckEqualsWithTolerance());
+        offerConditionCheck("larger", new ConditionCheckLarger());
+        offerConditionCheck("smaller", new ConditionCheckSmaller());
+        usingTopic(platformNodeName + "State");
+    }
+    void PlatformUnitObserver::onConnectObserver()
+    {
+        // register all channels
+        offerChannel("platformPose", "Current Position of " + platformNodeName);
+        offerChannel("targetPose", "Target Position of " + platformNodeName);
+        offerChannel("platformVelocity", "Current velocity of " + platformNodeName);
+        offerChannel("platformOdometryPose", "Current Odometry Position of " + platformNodeName);
+        // register all data fields
+        offerDataField("platformPose", "positionX", VariantType::Float, "Current X position of " + platformNodeName + " in mm");
+        offerDataField("platformPose", "positionY", VariantType::Float, "Current Y position of " + platformNodeName + " in mm");
+        offerDataField("platformPose", "rotation", VariantType::Float, "Current Rotation of " + platformNodeName + " in radian");
+        offerDataField("targetPose", "positionX", VariantType::Float, "Target X position of " + platformNodeName + " in mm");
+        offerDataField("targetPose", "positionY", VariantType::Float, "Target Y position of " + platformNodeName + " in mm");
+        offerDataField("targetPose", "rotation", VariantType::Float, "Target Rotation of " + platformNodeName + " in radian");
+        offerDataField("platformVelocity", "velocityX", VariantType::Float, "Current X velocity of " + platformNodeName + " in mm/s");
+        offerDataField("platformVelocity", "velocityY", VariantType::Float, "Current Y velocity of " + platformNodeName + " in mm/s");
+        offerDataField("platformVelocity", "velocityRotation", VariantType::Float, "Current Rotation velocity of " + platformNodeName + " in radian/s");
+        offerDataField("platformOdometryPose", "positionX", VariantType::Float, "Current Odometry X position of " + platformNodeName + " in mm");
+        offerDataField("platformOdometryPose", "positionY", VariantType::Float, "Current Odometry Y position of " + platformNodeName + " in mm");
+        offerDataField("platformOdometryPose", "rotation", VariantType::Float, "Current Odometry Rotation of " + platformNodeName + " in radian");
+        // odometry pose is always zero in the beginning - set it  so that it can be queried
+        reportPlatformOdometryPose(0, 0, 0, Ice::emptyCurrent);
+    }
+    void PlatformUnitObserver::reportPlatformPose(PlatformPose const& currentPose, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        nameValueMapToDataFields("platformPose", currentPose.x, currentPose.y, currentPose.rotationAroundZ);
+        updateChannel("platformPose");
+    }
+    void PlatformUnitObserver::reportNewTargetPose(::Ice::Float newPlatformPositionX, ::Ice::Float newPlatformPositionY, ::Ice::Float newPlatformRotation, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        nameValueMapToDataFields("targetPose", newPlatformPositionX, newPlatformPositionY, newPlatformRotation);
+        updateChannel("targetPose");
+    }
+    void PlatformUnitObserver::reportPlatformVelocity(::Ice::Float currentPlatformVelocityX, ::Ice::Float currentPlatformVelocityY, ::Ice::Float currentPlatformVelocityRotation, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        setDataField("platformVelocity", "velocityX", currentPlatformVelocityX);
+        setDataField("platformVelocity", "velocityY", currentPlatformVelocityY);
+        setDataField("platformVelocity", "velocityRotation", currentPlatformVelocityRotation);
+        updateChannel("platformVelocity");
+    }
+    // ********************************************************************
+    // private methods
+    // ********************************************************************
+    void PlatformUnitObserver::nameValueMapToDataFields(std::string channelName, ::Ice::Float platformPositionX, ::Ice::Float platformPositionY, ::Ice::Float platformRotation)
+    {
+        setDataField(channelName, "positionX", platformPositionX);
+        setDataField(channelName, "positionY", platformPositionY);
+        setDataField(channelName, "rotation", platformRotation);
+    }
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr PlatformUnitObserver::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new PlatformUnitObserverPropertyDefinitions(
+                                          getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
+    void armarx::PlatformUnitObserver::reportPlatformOdometryPose(Ice::Float x, Ice::Float y, Ice::Float angle, const Ice::Current&)
+    {
+        nameValueMapToDataFields("platformOdometryPose", x, y, angle);
+        updateChannel("platformOdometryPose");
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/PlatformUnitObserver.h b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/PlatformUnitObserver.h
index a79ee0792..66b24989d 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/PlatformUnitObserver.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/PlatformUnitObserver.h
@@ -138,16 +138,11 @@ namespace armarx
         std::string channelName;
-    namespace channels
-    {
-        namespace PlatformUnitObserver
-        {
-            const PlatformUnitDatafieldCreator platformPose("platformPose");
-            const PlatformUnitDatafieldCreator targetPose("targetPose");
-            const PlatformUnitDatafieldCreator platformVelocity("platformVelocity");
-        }
-    }
+namespace armarx::channels::PlatformUnitObserver
+    const PlatformUnitDatafieldCreator platformPose("platformPose");
+    const PlatformUnitDatafieldCreator targetPose("targetPose");
+    const PlatformUnitDatafieldCreator platformVelocity("platformVelocity");
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/PlatformUnitSimulation.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/PlatformUnitSimulation.cpp
index b526cff93..b4b4879b4 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/PlatformUnitSimulation.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/PlatformUnitSimulation.cpp
@@ -30,90 +30,119 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/time/TimeUtil.h>
 #include <cmath>
-using namespace armarx;
-void PlatformUnitSimulation::onInitPlatformUnit()
+namespace armarx
-    platformMode = eUndefined;
-    referenceFrame = getProperty<std::string>("ReferenceFrame").getValue();
-    targetPositionX = currentPositionX = getProperty<float>("InitialPosition.x").getValue();
-    targetPositionY = currentPositionY = getProperty<float>("InitialPosition.y").getValue();
-    targetRotation = 0.0;
-    targetRotation = currentRotation = getProperty<float>("InitialRotation").getValue();
+    void PlatformUnitSimulation::onInitPlatformUnit()
+    {
+        platformMode = eUndefined;
+        referenceFrame = getProperty<std::string>("ReferenceFrame").getValue();
+        targetPositionX = currentPositionX = getProperty<float>("InitialPosition.x").getValue();
+        targetPositionY = currentPositionY = getProperty<float>("InitialPosition.y").getValue();
+        targetRotation = 0.0;
+        targetRotation = currentRotation = getProperty<float>("InitialRotation").getValue();
-    maxLinearVelocity = getProperty<float>("LinearVelocity").getValue();
-    maxAngularVelocity = getProperty<float>("AngularVelocity").getValue();
+        maxLinearVelocity = getProperty<float>("LinearVelocity").getValue();
+        maxAngularVelocity = getProperty<float>("AngularVelocity").getValue();
-    velPID.reset(new MultiDimPIDController(getProperty<float>("Kp_Velocity").getValue(), 0, 0, getProperty<float>("MaxLinearAcceleration").getValue()));
-    posPID.reset(new MultiDimPIDController(getProperty<float>("Kp_Position").getValue(), 0, 0, maxLinearVelocity, getProperty<float>("MaxLinearAcceleration").getValue()));
+        velPID.reset(new MultiDimPIDController(getProperty<float>("Kp_Velocity").getValue(), 0, 0, getProperty<float>("MaxLinearAcceleration").getValue()));
+        posPID.reset(new MultiDimPIDController(getProperty<float>("Kp_Position").getValue(), 0, 0, maxLinearVelocity, getProperty<float>("MaxLinearAcceleration").getValue()));
-    positionalAccuracy = 0.01;
+        positionalAccuracy = 0.01;
-    intervalMs = getProperty<int>("IntervalMs").getValue();
-    ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Starting platform unit simulation with " << intervalMs << " ms interval";
-    simulationTask = new PeriodicTask<PlatformUnitSimulation>(this, &PlatformUnitSimulation::simulationFunction, intervalMs, false, "PlatformUnitSimulation");
+        intervalMs = getProperty<int>("IntervalMs").getValue();
+        ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Starting platform unit simulation with " << intervalMs << " ms interval";
+        simulationTask = new PeriodicTask<PlatformUnitSimulation>(this, &PlatformUnitSimulation::simulationFunction, intervalMs, false, "PlatformUnitSimulation");
+    }
-void PlatformUnitSimulation::onStartPlatformUnit()
-    PlatformPose currentPose;
-    // FIXME: Take the timestamp from simulation
-    currentPose.timestampInMicroSeconds = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
-    currentPose.x = currentPositionX;
-    currentPose.y = currentPositionY;
-    currentPose.rotationAroundZ = currentRotation;
-    listenerPrx->reportPlatformPose(currentPose);
-    simulationTask->start();
+    void PlatformUnitSimulation::onStartPlatformUnit()
+    {
+        PlatformPose currentPose;
+        // FIXME: Take the timestamp from simulation
+        currentPose.timestampInMicroSeconds = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
+        currentPose.x = currentPositionX;
+        currentPose.y = currentPositionY;
+        currentPose.rotationAroundZ = currentRotation;
+        listenerPrx->reportPlatformPose(currentPose);
+        simulationTask->start();
+    }
-void PlatformUnitSimulation::onStopPlatformUnit()
-    if (simulationTask)
+    void PlatformUnitSimulation::onStopPlatformUnit()
-        simulationTask->stop();
+        if (simulationTask)
+        {
+            simulationTask->stop();
+        }
-void PlatformUnitSimulation::onExitPlatformUnit()
-    if (simulationTask)
+    void PlatformUnitSimulation::onExitPlatformUnit()
-        simulationTask->stop();
+        if (simulationTask)
+        {
+            simulationTask->stop();
+        }
-void PlatformUnitSimulation::simulationFunction()
-    // the time it took until this method was called again
-    auto now = TimeUtil::GetTime();
-    double timeDeltaInSeconds = (now - lastExecutionTime).toSecondsDouble();
-    lastExecutionTime = now;
-    std::vector<float> vel(3, 0.0f);
+    void PlatformUnitSimulation::simulationFunction()
-        ScopedLock lock(currentPoseMutex);
-        switch (platformMode)
+        // the time it took until this method was called again
+        auto now = TimeUtil::GetTime();
+        double timeDeltaInSeconds = (now - lastExecutionTime).toSecondsDouble();
+        lastExecutionTime = now;
+        std::vector<float> vel(3, 0.0f);
-            case ePositionControl:
+            ScopedLock lock(currentPoseMutex);
+            switch (platformMode)
-                posPID->update(timeDeltaInSeconds,
-                               Eigen::Vector2f(currentPositionX, currentPositionY),
-                               Eigen::Vector2f(targetPositionX, targetPositionY));
-                float newXTickMotion = posPID->getControlValue()[0] * timeDeltaInSeconds;
-                currentPositionX += newXTickMotion;
-                currentPositionY += posPID->getControlValue()[1] * timeDeltaInSeconds;
-                vel[0] = posPID->getControlValue()[0];
-                vel[1] = posPID->getControlValue()[1];
-                float diff = fabs(targetRotation - currentRotation);
-                if (diff > orientationalAccuracy)
+                case ePositionControl:
-                    int sign = copysignf(1.0f, (targetRotation - currentRotation));
-                    currentRotation += sign * std::min<float>(maxAngularVelocity * timeDeltaInSeconds, diff);
+                    posPID->update(timeDeltaInSeconds,
+                                   Eigen::Vector2f(currentPositionX, currentPositionY),
+                                   Eigen::Vector2f(targetPositionX, targetPositionY));
+                    float newXTickMotion = posPID->getControlValue()[0] * timeDeltaInSeconds;
+                    currentPositionX += newXTickMotion;
+                    currentPositionY += posPID->getControlValue()[1] * timeDeltaInSeconds;
+                    vel[0] = posPID->getControlValue()[0];
+                    vel[1] = posPID->getControlValue()[1];
+                    float diff = fabs(targetRotation - currentRotation);
+                    if (diff > orientationalAccuracy)
+                    {
+                        int sign = copysignf(1.0f, (targetRotation - currentRotation));
+                        currentRotation += sign * std::min<float>(maxAngularVelocity * timeDeltaInSeconds, diff);
+                        // stay between +/- M_2_PI
+                        if (currentRotation > 2 * M_PI)
+                        {
+                            currentRotation -= 2 * M_PI;
+                        }
+                        if (currentRotation < -2 * M_PI)
+                        {
+                            currentRotation += 2 * M_PI;
+                        }
+                        vel[2] = angularVelocity;
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+                case eVelocityControl:
+                {
+                    Eigen::Vector2f targetVel(linearVelocityX, linearVelocityY);
+                    Eigen::Rotation2Df rot(currentRotation);
+                    targetVel = rot * targetVel;
+                    velPID->update(timeDeltaInSeconds, currentTranslationVelocity, targetVel);
+                    currentTranslationVelocity += timeDeltaInSeconds * velPID->getControlValue();
+                    currentPositionX += timeDeltaInSeconds * currentTranslationVelocity[0];
+                    currentPositionY += timeDeltaInSeconds * currentTranslationVelocity[1];
+                    currentRotation += angularVelocity * timeDeltaInSeconds;
                     // stay between +/- M_2_PI
                     if (currentRotation > 2 * M_PI)
@@ -125,109 +154,80 @@ void PlatformUnitSimulation::simulationFunction()
                         currentRotation += 2 * M_PI;
+                    vel[0] = currentTranslationVelocity[0];
+                    vel[1] = currentTranslationVelocity[1];
                     vel[2] = angularVelocity;
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-            case eVelocityControl:
-            {
-                Eigen::Vector2f targetVel(linearVelocityX, linearVelocityY);
-                Eigen::Rotation2Df rot(currentRotation);
-                targetVel = rot * targetVel;
-                velPID->update(timeDeltaInSeconds, currentTranslationVelocity, targetVel);
-                currentTranslationVelocity += timeDeltaInSeconds * velPID->getControlValue();
-                currentPositionX += timeDeltaInSeconds * currentTranslationVelocity[0];
-                currentPositionY += timeDeltaInSeconds * currentTranslationVelocity[1];
-                currentRotation += angularVelocity * timeDeltaInSeconds;
-                // stay between +/- M_2_PI
-                if (currentRotation > 2 * M_PI)
-                {
-                    currentRotation -= 2 * M_PI;
-                }
-                if (currentRotation < -2 * M_PI)
-                {
-                    currentRotation += 2 * M_PI;
-                vel[0] = currentTranslationVelocity[0];
-                vel[1] = currentTranslationVelocity[1];
-                vel[2] = angularVelocity;
-            }
-            break;
-            default:
+                default:
+                    break;
+            }
+        PlatformPose currentPose;
+        // FIXME: Take the timestamp from simulation
+        currentPose.timestampInMicroSeconds = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
+        currentPose.x = currentPositionX;
+        currentPose.y = currentPositionY;
+        currentPose.rotationAroundZ = currentRotation;
+        listenerPrx->reportPlatformPose(currentPose);
+        listenerPrx->reportPlatformVelocity(vel[0], vel[1], vel[2]);
-    PlatformPose currentPose;
-    // FIXME: Take the timestamp from simulation
-    currentPose.timestampInMicroSeconds = TimeUtil::GetTime().toMicroSeconds();
-    currentPose.x = currentPositionX;
-    currentPose.y = currentPositionY;
-    currentPose.rotationAroundZ = currentRotation;
-    listenerPrx->reportPlatformPose(currentPose);
-    listenerPrx->reportPlatformVelocity(vel[0], vel[1], vel[2]);
-void PlatformUnitSimulation::moveTo(Ice::Float targetPlatformPositionX, Ice::Float targetPlatformPositionY, Ice::Float targetPlatformRotation, Ice::Float positionalAccuracy, Ice::Float orientationalAccuracy, const Ice::Current& c)
-    ARMARX_INFO << "new target pose : " << targetPlatformPositionX << ", " << targetPlatformPositionY << " with angle " << targetPlatformRotation;
+    void PlatformUnitSimulation::moveTo(Ice::Float targetPlatformPositionX, Ice::Float targetPlatformPositionY, Ice::Float targetPlatformRotation, Ice::Float positionalAccuracy, Ice::Float orientationalAccuracy, const Ice::Current& c)
-        ScopedLock lock(currentPoseMutex);
-        platformMode = ePositionControl;
-        targetPositionX = targetPlatformPositionX;
-        targetPositionY = targetPlatformPositionY;
-        targetRotation = targetPlatformRotation;
-        this->positionalAccuracy = positionalAccuracy;
-        this->orientationalAccuracy = orientationalAccuracy;
+        ARMARX_INFO << "new target pose : " << targetPlatformPositionX << ", " << targetPlatformPositionY << " with angle " << targetPlatformRotation;
+        {
+            ScopedLock lock(currentPoseMutex);
+            platformMode = ePositionControl;
+            targetPositionX = targetPlatformPositionX;
+            targetPositionY = targetPlatformPositionY;
+            targetRotation = targetPlatformRotation;
+            this->positionalAccuracy = positionalAccuracy;
+            this->orientationalAccuracy = orientationalAccuracy;
+        }
+        listenerPrx->reportNewTargetPose(targetPositionX, targetPositionY, targetRotation);
-    listenerPrx->reportNewTargetPose(targetPositionX, targetPositionY, targetRotation);
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr PlatformUnitSimulation::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(
-               new PlatformUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr PlatformUnitSimulation::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(
+                   new PlatformUnitSimulationPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
-void armarx::PlatformUnitSimulation::move(float targetPlatformVelocityX, float targetPlatformVelocityY, float targetPlatformVelocityRotation, const Ice::Current& c)
-    ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << "New velocity: " << targetPlatformVelocityX << ", " << targetPlatformVelocityY << " with angular velocity: " << targetPlatformVelocityRotation;
-    ScopedLock lock(currentPoseMutex);
-    platformMode = eVelocityControl;
-    linearVelocityX = std::min(maxLinearVelocity, targetPlatformVelocityX);
-    linearVelocityY = std::min(maxLinearVelocity, targetPlatformVelocityY);
-    angularVelocity = std::min(maxAngularVelocity, targetPlatformVelocityRotation);
+    void armarx::PlatformUnitSimulation::move(float targetPlatformVelocityX, float targetPlatformVelocityY, float targetPlatformVelocityRotation, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << "New velocity: " << targetPlatformVelocityX << ", " << targetPlatformVelocityY << " with angular velocity: " << targetPlatformVelocityRotation;
+        ScopedLock lock(currentPoseMutex);
+        platformMode = eVelocityControl;
+        linearVelocityX = std::min(maxLinearVelocity, targetPlatformVelocityX);
+        linearVelocityY = std::min(maxLinearVelocity, targetPlatformVelocityY);
+        angularVelocity = std::min(maxAngularVelocity, targetPlatformVelocityRotation);
+    }
-void PlatformUnitSimulation::moveRelative(float targetPlatformOffsetX, float targetPlatformOffsetY, float targetPlatformOffsetRotation, float positionalAccuracy, float orientationalAccuracy, const Ice::Current& c)
-    float targetPositionX, targetPositionY, targetRotation;
+    void PlatformUnitSimulation::moveRelative(float targetPlatformOffsetX, float targetPlatformOffsetY, float targetPlatformOffsetRotation, float positionalAccuracy, float orientationalAccuracy, const Ice::Current& c)
-        ScopedLock lock(currentPoseMutex);
-        targetPositionX = currentPositionX + targetPlatformOffsetX;
-        targetPositionY = currentPositionY + targetPlatformOffsetY;
-        targetRotation = currentRotation + targetPlatformOffsetRotation;
+        float targetPositionX, targetPositionY, targetRotation;
+        {
+            ScopedLock lock(currentPoseMutex);
+            targetPositionX = currentPositionX + targetPlatformOffsetX;
+            targetPositionY = currentPositionY + targetPlatformOffsetY;
+            targetRotation = currentRotation + targetPlatformOffsetRotation;
+        }
+        moveTo(targetPositionX, targetPositionY, targetRotation, positionalAccuracy, orientationalAccuracy);
-    moveTo(targetPositionX, targetPositionY, targetRotation, positionalAccuracy, orientationalAccuracy);
-void PlatformUnitSimulation::setMaxVelocities(float positionalVelocity, float orientaionalVelocity, const Ice::Current& c)
-    ScopedLock lock(currentPoseMutex);
-    maxLinearVelocity = positionalVelocity;
-    maxAngularVelocity = orientaionalVelocity;
+    void PlatformUnitSimulation::setMaxVelocities(float positionalVelocity, float orientaionalVelocity, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        ScopedLock lock(currentPoseMutex);
+        maxLinearVelocity = positionalVelocity;
+        maxAngularVelocity = orientaionalVelocity;
+    }
-void PlatformUnitSimulation::stopPlatform(const Ice::Current& c)
-    move(0, 0, 0);
+    void PlatformUnitSimulation::stopPlatform(const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+        move(0, 0, 0);
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotPoseUnit.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotPoseUnit.cpp
index d3b051a4a..85bb9fbdc 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotPoseUnit.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotPoseUnit.cpp
@@ -26,51 +26,51 @@
 #include "RobotPoseUnit.h"
-using namespace armarx;
-void RobotPoseUnit::onInitComponent()
+namespace armarx
-    std::string RobotPoseName = getProperty<std::string>("RobotName").getValue();
+    void RobotPoseUnit::onInitComponent()
+    {
+        std::string RobotPoseName = getProperty<std::string>("RobotName").getValue();
-    // component dependencies
-    listenerChannelName = RobotPoseName + "6DPoseState";
-    offeringTopic(listenerChannelName);
+        // component dependencies
+        listenerChannelName = RobotPoseName + "6DPoseState";
+        offeringTopic(listenerChannelName);
-    this->onInitRobotPoseUnit();
+        this->onInitRobotPoseUnit();
+    }
-void RobotPoseUnit::onConnectComponent()
-    ARMARX_INFO << "setting report topic to " << listenerChannelName << flush;
-    listenerPrx = getTopic<RobotPoseUnitListenerPrx>(listenerChannelName);
+    void RobotPoseUnit::onConnectComponent()
+    {
+        ARMARX_INFO << "setting report topic to " << listenerChannelName << flush;
+        listenerPrx = getTopic<RobotPoseUnitListenerPrx>(listenerChannelName);
-    this->onStartRobotPoseUnit();
+        this->onStartRobotPoseUnit();
+    }
-void RobotPoseUnit::onDisconnectComponent()
-    listenerPrx = NULL;
+    void RobotPoseUnit::onDisconnectComponent()
+    {
+        listenerPrx = NULL;
-    this->onStopRobotPoseUnit();
+        this->onStopRobotPoseUnit();
+    }
-void RobotPoseUnit::onExitComponent()
-    this->onExitRobotPoseUnit();
+    void RobotPoseUnit::onExitComponent()
+    {
+        this->onExitRobotPoseUnit();
+    }
-void RobotPoseUnit:: moveTo(PoseBasePtr targetPose, Ice::Float positionalAccuracy, Ice::Float orientationalAccuracy, const Ice::Current& c)
+    void RobotPoseUnit:: moveTo(PoseBasePtr targetPose, Ice::Float positionalAccuracy, Ice::Float orientationalAccuracy, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+    }
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr RobotPoseUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new RobotPoseUnitPropertyDefinitions(
-                                      getConfigIdentifier()));
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr RobotPoseUnit::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new RobotPoseUnitPropertyDefinitions(
+                                          getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/CMakeLists.txt b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/CMakeLists.txt
index 2fbf0d924..0a65025a7 100755
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ armarx_set_target("Library: ${LIB_NAME}")
+        RobotAPIInterfaces
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/Constants.h b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/Constants.h
index 81724864c..b8452dcd4 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/Constants.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/Constants.h
@@ -25,14 +25,11 @@
 #include <cmath>
 #include <string>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::ControllerConstants
-    namespace ControllerConstants
-    {
 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
-        static const float ValueNotSetNaN = std::nanf(std::to_string((1 << 16) - 1).c_str());
+    static const float ValueNotSetNaN = std::nanf(std::to_string((1 << 16) - 1).c_str());
 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
-    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/ControlModes.h b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/ControlModes.h
index 3eb6750d0..fa6490a1f 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/ControlModes.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/ControlModes.h
@@ -24,39 +24,36 @@
 #include <string>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::ControlModes
-    namespace ControlModes
-    {
-        //'normal' actor modes
-        static const std::string Position1DoF = "ControlMode_Position1DoF";
-        static const std::string Torque1DoF   = "ControlMode_Torque1DoF";
-        static const std::string ZeroTorque1DoF   = "ControlMode_ZeroTorque1DoF";
-        static const std::string Velocity1DoF = "ControlMode_Velocity1DoF";
-        static const std::string Current1DoF = "ControlMode_Current1DoF";
-        // 'extended' actor modes
-        static const std::string VelocityTorque = "ControlMode_VelocityTorque";
-        static const std::string ActiveImpedance = "ControlMode_ActiveImpedance";
-        //modes for holonomic platforms
-        static const std::string HolonomicPlatformVelocity = "ControlMode_HolonomicPlatformVelocity";
-        static const std::string HolonomicPlatformRelativePosition = "ControlMode_HolonomicPlatformRelativePosition";
-        //special sentinel modes
-        static const std::string EmergencyStop = "ControlMode_EmergencyStop";
-        static const std::string StopMovement = "ControlMode_StopMovement";
-    }
-    namespace HardwareControlModes
-    {
-        //'normal' actor modes
-        static const std::string Position1DoF = "Position1DoF";
-        static const std::string Velocity1DoF = "Velocity1DoF";
-        static const std::string Current1DoF = "Current1DoF";
-        //modes for holonomic platforms
-        static const std::string HolonomicPlatformVelocity = "HolonomicPlatformVelocity";
-    }
+    //'normal' actor modes
+    static const std::string Position1DoF = "ControlMode_Position1DoF";
+    static const std::string Torque1DoF   = "ControlMode_Torque1DoF";
+    static const std::string ZeroTorque1DoF   = "ControlMode_ZeroTorque1DoF";
+    static const std::string Velocity1DoF = "ControlMode_Velocity1DoF";
+    static const std::string Current1DoF = "ControlMode_Current1DoF";
+    // 'extended' actor modes
+    static const std::string VelocityTorque = "ControlMode_VelocityTorque";
+    static const std::string ActiveImpedance = "ControlMode_ActiveImpedance";
+    //modes for holonomic platforms
+    static const std::string HolonomicPlatformVelocity = "ControlMode_HolonomicPlatformVelocity";
+    static const std::string HolonomicPlatformRelativePosition = "ControlMode_HolonomicPlatformRelativePosition";
+    //special sentinel modes
+    static const std::string EmergencyStop = "ControlMode_EmergencyStop";
+    static const std::string StopMovement = "ControlMode_StopMovement";
+namespace armarx::HardwareControlModes
+    //'normal' actor modes
+    static const std::string Position1DoF = "Position1DoF";
+    static const std::string Velocity1DoF = "Velocity1DoF";
+    static const std::string Current1DoF = "Current1DoF";
+    //modes for holonomic platforms
+    static const std::string HolonomicPlatformVelocity = "HolonomicPlatformVelocity";
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/DefaultWidgetDescriptions.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/DefaultWidgetDescriptions.cpp
index ca6b0a2e4..a83b78a52 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/DefaultWidgetDescriptions.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/DefaultWidgetDescriptions.cpp
@@ -22,71 +22,68 @@
 #include "DefaultWidgetDescriptions.h"
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::WidgetDescription
-    namespace WidgetDescription
+    StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
+        std::string name,
+        std::vector<std::string> options)
-        StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
-            std::string name,
-            std::vector<std::string> options)
-        {
-            StringComboBoxPtr rns = new StringComboBox;
-            rns->name = std::move(name);
-            rns->options = std::move(options);
-            rns->defaultIndex = 0;
-            return rns;
-        }
+        StringComboBoxPtr rns = new StringComboBox;
+        rns->name = std::move(name);
+        rns->options = std::move(options);
+        rns->defaultIndex = 0;
+        return rns;
+    }
-        StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
-            std::string name,
-            std::vector<std::string> options,
-            const std::set<std::string>& preferredSet)
+    StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
+        std::string name,
+        std::vector<std::string> options,
+        const std::set<std::string>& preferredSet)
+    {
+        StringComboBoxPtr rns = makeStringSelectionComboBox(std::move(name), std::move(options));
+        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < rns->options.size(); ++i)
-            StringComboBoxPtr rns = makeStringSelectionComboBox(std::move(name), std::move(options));
-            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < rns->options.size(); ++i)
+            if (preferredSet.count(rns->
-                if (preferredSet.count(rns->
-                {
-                    rns->defaultIndex = i;
-                    break;
-                }
+                rns->defaultIndex = i;
+                break;
-            return rns;
+        return rns;
+    }
-        StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
-            std::string name,
-            std::vector<std::string> options,
-            const std::string& mostPreferred)
+    StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
+        std::string name,
+        std::vector<std::string> options,
+        const std::string& mostPreferred)
+    {
+        StringComboBoxPtr rns = makeStringSelectionComboBox(std::move(name), std::move(options));
+        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < rns->options.size(); ++i)
-            StringComboBoxPtr rns = makeStringSelectionComboBox(std::move(name), std::move(options));
-            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < rns->options.size(); ++i)
+            if (mostPreferred == rns->
-                if (mostPreferred == rns->
-                {
-                    rns->defaultIndex = i;
-                    break;
-                }
+                rns->defaultIndex = i;
+                break;
-            return rns;
+        return rns;
+    }
-        StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
-            std::string name,
-            std::vector<std::string> options,
-            const std::set<std::string>& preferredSet,
-            const std::string& mostPreferred)
+    StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
+        std::string name,
+        std::vector<std::string> options,
+        const std::set<std::string>& preferredSet,
+        const std::string& mostPreferred)
+    {
+        StringComboBoxPtr rns = makeStringSelectionComboBox(std::move(name), std::move(options), preferredSet);
+        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < rns->options.size(); ++i)
-            StringComboBoxPtr rns = makeStringSelectionComboBox(std::move(name), std::move(options), preferredSet);
-            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < rns->options.size(); ++i)
+            if (mostPreferred == rns->
-                if (mostPreferred == rns->
-                {
-                    rns->defaultIndex = i;
-                    break;
-                }
+                rns->defaultIndex = i;
+                break;
-            return rns;
+        return rns;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/DefaultWidgetDescriptions.h b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/DefaultWidgetDescriptions.h
index cdff566ee..ec9f4c590 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/DefaultWidgetDescriptions.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/DefaultWidgetDescriptions.h
@@ -30,63 +30,60 @@
 #include <ArmarXGui/interface/WidgetDescription.h>
 #include <ArmarXGui/libraries/DefaultWidgetDescriptions/DefaultWidgetDescriptions.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::WidgetDescription
-    namespace WidgetDescription
-    {
-        StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
-            std::string name,
-            std::vector<std::string> options);
+    StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
+        std::string name,
+        std::vector<std::string> options);
-        StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
-            std::string name,
-            std::vector<std::string> options,
-            const std::set<std::string>& preferredSet);
+    StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
+        std::string name,
+        std::vector<std::string> options,
+        const std::set<std::string>& preferredSet);
-        inline StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
-            std::string name,
-            std::vector<std::string> options,
-            const std::initializer_list<std::string>& preferredSet)
-        {
-            return makeStringSelectionComboBox(std::move(name), std::move(options), std::set<std::string> {preferredSet});
-        }
+    inline StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
+        std::string name,
+        std::vector<std::string> options,
+        const std::initializer_list<std::string>& preferredSet)
+    {
+        return makeStringSelectionComboBox(std::move(name), std::move(options), std::set<std::string> {preferredSet});
+    }
-        StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
-            std::string name,
-            std::vector<std::string> options,
-            const std::string& mostPreferred);
+    StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
+        std::string name,
+        std::vector<std::string> options,
+        const std::string& mostPreferred);
-        StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
-            std::string name,
-            std::vector<std::string> options,
-            const std::set<std::string>& preferredSet,
-            const std::string& mostPreferred);
+    StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
+        std::string name,
+        std::vector<std::string> options,
+        const std::set<std::string>& preferredSet,
+        const std::string& mostPreferred);
-        inline StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
-            std::string name,
-            std::vector<std::string> options,
-            const std::string& mostPreferred,
-            const std::set<std::string>& preferredSet)
-        {
-            return makeStringSelectionComboBox(std::move(name), std::move(options), preferredSet, mostPreferred);
-        }
+    inline StringComboBoxPtr makeStringSelectionComboBox(
+        std::string name,
+        std::vector<std::string> options,
+        const std::string& mostPreferred,
+        const std::set<std::string>& preferredSet)
+    {
+        return makeStringSelectionComboBox(std::move(name), std::move(options), preferredSet, mostPreferred);
+    }
-        inline StringComboBoxPtr makeRNSComboBox(
-            const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& robot,
-            std::string name = "RobotNodeSet",
-            const std::set<std::string>& preferredSet = {},
-            const std::string& mostPreferred = "")
-        {
-            return makeStringSelectionComboBox(std::move(name), robot->getRobotNodeSetNames(), preferredSet, mostPreferred);
-        }
+    inline StringComboBoxPtr makeRNSComboBox(
+        const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& robot,
+        std::string name = "RobotNodeSet",
+        const std::set<std::string>& preferredSet = {},
+        const std::string& mostPreferred = "")
+    {
+        return makeStringSelectionComboBox(std::move(name), robot->getRobotNodeSetNames(), preferredSet, mostPreferred);
+    }
-        inline StringComboBoxPtr makeRobotNodeComboBox(
-            const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& robot,
-            std::string name = "RobotNode",
-            const std::set<std::string>& preferredSet = {},
-            const std::string& mostPreferred = "")
-        {
-            return makeStringSelectionComboBox(std::move(name), robot->getRobotNodeNames(), preferredSet, mostPreferred);
-        }
+    inline StringComboBoxPtr makeRobotNodeComboBox(
+        const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& robot,
+        std::string name = "RobotNode",
+        const std::set<std::string>& preferredSet = {},
+        const std::string& mostPreferred = "")
+    {
+        return makeStringSelectionComboBox(std::move(name), robot->getRobotNodeNames(), preferredSet, mostPreferred);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/Devices/DeviceBase.h b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/Devices/DeviceBase.h
index ce8f870d7..2ba5dd359 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/Devices/DeviceBase.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/Devices/DeviceBase.h
@@ -26,10 +26,6 @@
 namespace armarx
-    namespace DeviceTags
-    {
-    }
     class DeviceBase
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/JointControllers/JointController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/JointControllers/JointController.cpp
index 2fae772fc..bf0b2bf34 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/JointControllers/JointController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/JointControllers/JointController.cpp
@@ -24,15 +24,16 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/exceptions/local/ExpressionException.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-ControlDevice& JointController::getParent() const
+namespace armarx
-    ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(parent, "This JointController is not owned by a ControlDevice");
-    return *parent;
+    ControlDevice& JointController::getParent() const
+    {
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(parent, "This JointController is not owned by a ControlDevice");
+        return *parent;
+    }
-StringVariantBaseMap JointController::publish(const DebugDrawerInterfacePrx& draw, const DebugObserverInterfacePrx& observer) const
-    return StringVariantBaseMap {};
+    StringVariantBaseMap JointController::publish(const DebugDrawerInterfacePrx& draw, const DebugObserverInterfacePrx& observer) const
+    {
+        return StringVariantBaseMap {};
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/NJointControllers/NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/NJointControllers/NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController.cpp
index e42356516..3bd188efe 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/NJointControllers/NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/NJointControllers/NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController.cpp
@@ -24,60 +24,61 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/exceptions/local/ExpressionException.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-    RobotUnitPtr prov,
-    NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughControllerConfigPtr
-    cfg, const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr&) :
-    maxCommandDelay(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(500))
+namespace armarx
-    target = useControlTarget(cfg->platformName, ControlModes::HolonomicPlatformVelocity)->asA<ControlTargetHolonomicPlatformVelocity>();
-    ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(target, "The actuator " << cfg->platformName << " has no control mode " << ControlModes::HolonomicPlatformVelocity);
-    initialSettings.velocityX        = cfg->initialVelocityX;
-    initialSettings.velocityY        = cfg->initialVelocityY;
-    initialSettings.velocityRotation = cfg->initialVelocityRotation;
-    reinitTripleBuffer(initialSettings);
+    NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController::NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController(
+        RobotUnitPtr prov,
+        NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughControllerConfigPtr
+        cfg, const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr&) :
+        maxCommandDelay(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(500))
+    {
+        target = useControlTarget(cfg->platformName, ControlModes::HolonomicPlatformVelocity)->asA<ControlTargetHolonomicPlatformVelocity>();
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(target, "The actuator " << cfg->platformName << " has no control mode " << ControlModes::HolonomicPlatformVelocity);
-void NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController::rtRun(const IceUtil::Time& sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time&)
-    auto commandAge = sensorValuesTimestamp - rtGetControlStruct().commandTimestamp;
+        initialSettings.velocityX        = cfg->initialVelocityX;
+        initialSettings.velocityY        = cfg->initialVelocityY;
+        initialSettings.velocityRotation = cfg->initialVelocityRotation;
+        reinitTripleBuffer(initialSettings);
+    }
-    if (commandAge > maxCommandDelay &&  // command must be recent
-        (rtGetControlStruct().velocityX != 0.0f || rtGetControlStruct().velocityY != 0.0f || rtGetControlStruct().velocityRotation != 0.0f)) // only throw error if any command is not zero
+    void NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController::rtRun(const IceUtil::Time& sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time&)
-        throw LocalException("Platform target velocity was not set for a too long time: delay: ") << commandAge.toSecondsDouble() << " s, max allowed delay: " << maxCommandDelay.toSecondsDouble() << " s";
+        auto commandAge = sensorValuesTimestamp - rtGetControlStruct().commandTimestamp;
+        if (commandAge > maxCommandDelay &&  // command must be recent
+            (rtGetControlStruct().velocityX != 0.0f || rtGetControlStruct().velocityY != 0.0f || rtGetControlStruct().velocityRotation != 0.0f)) // only throw error if any command is not zero
+        {
+            throw LocalException("Platform target velocity was not set for a too long time: delay: ") << commandAge.toSecondsDouble() << " s, max allowed delay: " << maxCommandDelay.toSecondsDouble() << " s";
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            target->velocityX        = rtGetControlStruct().velocityX;
+            target->velocityY        = rtGetControlStruct().velocityY;
+            target->velocityRotation = rtGetControlStruct().velocityRotation;
+        }
-    else
+    void NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController::setVelocites(float velocityX, float velocityY,
+            float velocityRotation)
-        target->velocityX        = rtGetControlStruct().velocityX;
-        target->velocityY        = rtGetControlStruct().velocityY;
-        target->velocityRotation = rtGetControlStruct().velocityRotation;
+        LockGuardType guard {controlDataMutex};
+        getWriterControlStruct().velocityX        = velocityX;
+        getWriterControlStruct().velocityY        = velocityY;
+        getWriterControlStruct().velocityRotation = velocityRotation;
+        getWriterControlStruct().commandTimestamp = IceUtil::Time::now();
+        writeControlStruct();
-void NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController::setVelocites(float velocityX, float velocityY,
-        float velocityRotation)
-    LockGuardType guard {controlDataMutex};
-    getWriterControlStruct().velocityX        = velocityX;
-    getWriterControlStruct().velocityY        = velocityY;
-    getWriterControlStruct().velocityRotation = velocityRotation;
-    getWriterControlStruct().commandTimestamp = IceUtil::Time::now();
-    writeControlStruct();
+    IceUtil::Time NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController::getMaxCommandDelay() const
+    {
+        return maxCommandDelay;
+    }
-IceUtil::Time NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController::getMaxCommandDelay() const
-    return maxCommandDelay;
+    void NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController::setMaxCommandDelay(const IceUtil::Time& value)
+    {
+        maxCommandDelay = value;
+    }
-void NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController::setMaxCommandDelay(const IceUtil::Time& value)
-    maxCommandDelay = value;
+    NJointControllerRegistration<NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController>
+    registrationNJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController("NJointHolonomicPlatformUnitVelocityPassThroughController");
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/NJointControllers/NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/NJointControllers/NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController.cpp
index 9dac25286..1da488120 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/NJointControllers/NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/NJointControllers/NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController.cpp
@@ -21,55 +21,56 @@
 #include "NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController.h"
-using namespace armarx;
-NJointControllerRegistration<NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController> registrationControllerNJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController("NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController");
-    RobotUnitPtr prov,
-    const NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughControllerConfigPtr& cfg,
-    const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr&)
+namespace armarx
-    const SensorValueBase* sv = useSensorValue(cfg->deviceName);
-    std::string controlMode = cfg->controlMode;
-    std::string deviceName = cfg->deviceName;
+    NJointControllerRegistration<NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController> registrationControllerNJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController("NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController");
-    /*if (deviceName == "ArmL5_Elb1" && controlMode == ControlModes::Velocity1DoF)
+    NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController::NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughController(
+        RobotUnitPtr prov,
+        const NJointKinematicUnitPassThroughControllerConfigPtr& cfg,
+        const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr&)
-        ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "overriding velocity mode for " << deviceName;
-        controlMode = ControlModes::VelocityTorque;
-    }*/
+        const SensorValueBase* sv = useSensorValue(cfg->deviceName);
-    ControlTargetBase* ct = useControlTarget(cfg->deviceName, controlMode);
-    //get sensor
-    if (ct->isA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorPosition>())
-    {
-        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition>());
-        sensor = &(sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition>()->position);
-        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorPosition>());
-        target = &(ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorPosition>()->position);
-        sensorToControlOnActivateFactor = 1;
-    }
-    else if (ct->isA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorVelocity>())
-    {
-        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity>());
-        sensor = &(sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity>()->velocity);
-        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorVelocity>());
-        target = &(ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorVelocity>()->velocity);
-        sensorToControlOnActivateFactor = 1;
-        resetZeroThreshold = 0.1f; // TODO: way to big value?!
-    }
-    else if (ct->isA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorTorque>())
-    {
-        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorTorque>());
-        sensor = &(sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorTorque>()->torque);
-        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorTorque>());
-        target = &(ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorTorque>()->torque);
-        sensorToControlOnActivateFactor = 0;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        throw InvalidArgumentException {"Unsupported control mode: " + controlMode};
+        std::string controlMode = cfg->controlMode;
+        std::string deviceName = cfg->deviceName;
+        /*if (deviceName == "ArmL5_Elb1" && controlMode == ControlModes::Velocity1DoF)
+        {
+            ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "overriding velocity mode for " << deviceName;
+            controlMode = ControlModes::VelocityTorque;
+        }*/
+        ControlTargetBase* ct = useControlTarget(cfg->deviceName, controlMode);
+        //get sensor
+        if (ct->isA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorPosition>())
+        {
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition>());
+            sensor = &(sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition>()->position);
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorPosition>());
+            target = &(ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorPosition>()->position);
+            sensorToControlOnActivateFactor = 1;
+        }
+        else if (ct->isA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorVelocity>())
+        {
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity>());
+            sensor = &(sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity>()->velocity);
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorVelocity>());
+            target = &(ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorVelocity>()->velocity);
+            sensorToControlOnActivateFactor = 1;
+            resetZeroThreshold = 0.1f; // TODO: way to big value?!
+        }
+        else if (ct->isA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorTorque>())
+        {
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorTorque>());
+            sensor = &(sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorTorque>()->torque);
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorTorque>());
+            target = &(ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorTorque>()->torque);
+            sensorToControlOnActivateFactor = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            throw InvalidArgumentException {"Unsupported control mode: " + controlMode};
+        }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util.h b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util.h
index 091333dbb..ef3e5c326 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util.h
@@ -31,3 +31,5 @@
 #include "util/introspection/ClassMemberInfo.h"
 #include <type_traits>
+namespace armarx::DeviceTags {}
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/CtrlUtil.h b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/CtrlUtil.h
index 16b168012..706f9396e 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/CtrlUtil.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/CtrlUtil.h
@@ -25,162 +25,159 @@
 #include <cmath>
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/MathUtils.h>
 #include <iostream>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::ctrlutil
-    namespace ctrlutil
+    double s(double t, double s0, double v0, double a0, double j)
-        double s(double t, double s0, double v0, double a0, double j)
-        {
-            return s0 + v0 * t + 0.5 * a0 * t * t + 1.0 / 6.0 * j * t * t * t;
-        }
-        double  v(double t, double v0, double a0, double j)
-        {
-            return v0 + a0 * t + 0.5 * j * t * t;
-        }
-        double  a(double t, double a0, double j)
-        {
-            return a0 + j * t;
-        }
+        return s0 + v0 * t + 0.5 * a0 * t * t + 1.0 / 6.0 * j * t * t * t;
+    }
+    double  v(double t, double v0, double a0, double j)
+    {
+        return v0 + a0 * t + 0.5 * j * t * t;
+    }
+    double  a(double t, double a0, double j)
+    {
+        return a0 + j * t;
+    }
-        double  t_to_v(double v, double a, double j)
-        {
-            // time to accelerate to v with jerk j starting at acceleration a0
-            //return 2*math.sqrt(a0**2+2*j*(v/2))-a0/j
-            // 0 = (-v + a0*t) /(0.5*j) + t*t
-            // 0 = -2v/j + 2a0t/j + t*t
-            // --> p = 2a0/j; q = -2v/j
-            // t = - a0/j +- sqrt((a0/j)**2 +2v/j)
-            double tmp = a / j;
-            return - a / j + std::sqrt(tmp * tmp + 2 * v / j);
-        }
+    double  t_to_v(double v, double a, double j)
+    {
+        // time to accelerate to v with jerk j starting at acceleration a0
+        //return 2*math.sqrt(a0**2+2*j*(v/2))-a0/j
+        // 0 = (-v + a0*t) /(0.5*j) + t*t
+        // 0 = -2v/j + 2a0t/j + t*t
+        // --> p = 2a0/j; q = -2v/j
+        // t = - a0/j +- sqrt((a0/j)**2 +2v/j)
+        double tmp = a / j;
+        return - a / j + std::sqrt(tmp * tmp + 2 * v / j);
+    }
-        double  t_to_v_with_wedge_acc(double v, double a0, double j)
-        {
-            // ramp up and down of acceleration (i.e. a0=at); returns t to achieve delta v
-            return 2 * t_to_v(v / 2.0, a0, j);
-        }
+    double  t_to_v_with_wedge_acc(double v, double a0, double j)
+    {
+        // ramp up and down of acceleration (i.e. a0=at); returns t to achieve delta v
+        return 2 * t_to_v(v / 2.0, a0, j);
+    }
-        struct BrakingData
-        {
-            double s_total, v1, v2, v3, dt1, dt2, dt3;
-        };
+    struct BrakingData
+    {
+        double s_total, v1, v2, v3, dt1, dt2, dt3;
+    };
-        double brakingDistance(double v0, double a0, double j)
-        {
-            auto signV = math::MathUtils::Sign(v0);
-            auto t = t_to_v(v0, -signV * a0, signV * j);
-            return s(t, 0, v0, a0, -signV * j);
-        }
+    double brakingDistance(double v0, double a0, double j)
+    {
+        auto signV = math::MathUtils::Sign(v0);
+        auto t = t_to_v(v0, -signV * a0, signV * j);
+        return s(t, 0, v0, a0, -signV * j);
+    }
-        BrakingData  brakingDistance(double goal, double s0, double v0, double a0, double v_max, double a_max, double j, double dec_max)
+    BrakingData  brakingDistance(double goal, double s0, double v0, double a0, double v_max, double a_max, double j, double dec_max)
+    {
+        double d = math::MathUtils::Sign(goal - s0);  // if v0 == 0.0 else abs(v0)/a_max
+        dec_max *= -d;
+        //        std::cout << "dec max: " << (dec_max) << " d: " << d << std::endl;
+        double dt1 = std::abs((dec_max - a0) / (-j * d));
+        //        double dt1 = t_to_v(v_max-v0, a0, j);
+        //        double a1 = a(dt1, a0, -d * j);
+        double v1 = v(dt1, v0, a0, -d * j);
+        double acc_duration = std::abs(dec_max) / j;
+        double v2 = v(acc_duration, 0, 0, d * j);//  # inverse of time to accelerate from 0 to max v
+        v2 = math::MathUtils::LimitTo(v2, v_max);
+        // v2 = v1 + dv2
+        double dt2 = d * ((v1 - v2) / dec_max);
+        //        double a2 = a(dt2, a1, 0);
+        double dt3 = t_to_v(std::abs(v2), 0, j);
+        double s1 = s(dt1, 0, v0, a0, d * j);
+        double s2 = s(dt2, 0, v1, dec_max, 0);
+        double s3 = s(dt3, 0, v2, dec_max, d * j);
+        double v3 = v(dt3, v2, dec_max, d * j);
+        double s_total = s1 + s2 + s3;
+        if (dt2 < 0)// # we dont have a phase with a=a_max and need to reduce the a_max
-            double d = math::MathUtils::Sign(goal - s0);  // if v0 == 0.0 else abs(v0)/a_max
+            double excess_time = t_to_v_with_wedge_acc(std::abs(v1), std::abs(dec_max), j);
+            double delta_a = a(excess_time / 2, 0, d * j);
+            a_max -= d * delta_a;
+            dec_max = std::abs(dec_max) - std::abs(delta_a);
             dec_max *= -d;
-            //        std::cout << "dec max: " << (dec_max) << " d: " << d << std::endl;
-            double dt1 = std::abs((dec_max - a0) / (-j * d));
-            //        double dt1 = t_to_v(v_max-v0, a0, j);
-            //        double a1 = a(dt1, a0, -d * j);
-            double v1 = v(dt1, v0, a0, -d * j);
-            double acc_duration = std::abs(dec_max) / j;
-            double v2 = v(acc_duration, 0, 0, d * j);//  # inverse of time to accelerate from 0 to max v
-            v2 = math::MathUtils::LimitTo(v2, v_max);
-            // v2 = v1 + dv2
-            double dt2 = d * ((v1 - v2) / dec_max);
-            //        double a2 = a(dt2, a1, 0);
-            double dt3 = t_to_v(std::abs(v2), 0, j);
-            double s1 = s(dt1, 0, v0, a0, d * j);
-            double s2 = s(dt2, 0, v1, dec_max, 0);
-            double s3 = s(dt3, 0, v2, dec_max, d * j);
-            double v3 = v(dt3, v2, dec_max, d * j);
-            double s_total = s1 + s2 + s3;
-            if (dt2 < 0)// # we dont have a phase with a=a_max and need to reduce the a_max
-            {
-                double excess_time = t_to_v_with_wedge_acc(std::abs(v1), std::abs(dec_max), j);
-                double delta_a = a(excess_time / 2, 0, d * j);
-                a_max -= d * delta_a;
-                dec_max = std::abs(dec_max) - std::abs(delta_a);
-                dec_max *= -d;
-                return brakingDistance(goal, s0, v0, a0, v_max, a_max, j, dec_max);
-            }
-            return {s_total * d, v1, v2, v3, dt1, dt2, dt3};
-            //        return (s_total, v1, v2, v3, dt1, dt2, dt3);
+            return brakingDistance(goal, s0, v0, a0, v_max, a_max, j, dec_max);
-        struct WedgeBrakingData
-        {
-            double s_total, s1, s2, v1, v2, a1, a2, t, dt1, dt2;
-        };
-        bool isPossibleToBrake(double v0, double a0, double j)
-        {
-            return j * v0 - a0 * a0 / 2 > 0.0f;
-        }
+        return {s_total * d, v1, v2, v3, dt1, dt2, dt3};
+        //        return (s_total, v1, v2, v3, dt1, dt2, dt3);
+    }
-        double jerk(double t, double s0, double v0, double a0)
-        {
-            return (6 * s0 - 3 * t * (a0 * t + 2 * v0)) / (t * t * t);
-        }
+    struct WedgeBrakingData
+    {
+        double s_total, s1, s2, v1, v2, a1, a2, t, dt1, dt2;
+    };
+    bool isPossibleToBrake(double v0, double a0, double j)
+    {
+        return j * v0 - a0 * a0 / 2 > 0.0f;
+    }
-        std::tuple<double, double, double> calcAccAndJerk(double s0, double v0)
-        {
-            s0 *= -1;
-            double t = - (3 * s0) / v0;
-            double a0 = - (2 * v0) / t;
-            double j = 2 * v0 / (t * t);
-            return std::make_tuple(t, a0, j);
-        }
+    double jerk(double t, double s0, double v0, double a0)
+    {
+        return (6 * s0 - 3 * t * (a0 * t + 2 * v0)) / (t * t * t);
+    }
+    std::tuple<double, double, double> calcAccAndJerk(double s0, double v0)
+    {
+        s0 *= -1;
+        double t = - (3 * s0) / v0;
+        double a0 = - (2 * v0) / t;
+        double j = 2 * v0 / (t * t);
+        return std::make_tuple(t, a0, j);
+    }
-        WedgeBrakingData  braking_distance_with_wedge(double v0, double a0, double j)
+    WedgeBrakingData  braking_distance_with_wedge(double v0, double a0, double j)
+    {
+        //        # v0 = v1 + v2
+        //        # v1 = t1 * a0 + 0.5*j*t1**2
+        //        # v2 = 0.5*j*t2**2
+        //        # a1 = t2 * j ^ a1 = a0 - t1 * j -> t2 * j = a0 - t1 * j
+        //        # t2 = (a0 - t1 * j) / j
+        //        # t2 = a0/j - t1
+        //        # t1_1 = -(math.sqrt(2*j**2 * (a0**2 + 2*j*v0)) + 2*a0*j)/(2*j**2)
+        //        # t1_2 = (math.sqrt(2*j**2 * (a0**2 + 2*j*v0)) - 2*a0*j)/(2*j**2)
+        //        # t1 = t1_2
+        double d = math::MathUtils::Sign(v0);
+        v0 *= d;
+        a0 *= d;
+        //        j *= d;
+        double part = j * v0 - a0 * a0 / 2.0;
+        if (part < 0)
-            //        # v0 = v1 + v2
-            //        # v1 = t1 * a0 + 0.5*j*t1**2
-            //        # v2 = 0.5*j*t2**2
-            //        # a1 = t2 * j ^ a1 = a0 - t1 * j -> t2 * j = a0 - t1 * j
-            //        # t2 = (a0 - t1 * j) / j
-            //        # t2 = a0/j - t1
-            //        # t1_1 = -(math.sqrt(2*j**2 * (a0**2 + 2*j*v0)) + 2*a0*j)/(2*j**2)
-            //        # t1_2 = (math.sqrt(2*j**2 * (a0**2 + 2*j*v0)) - 2*a0*j)/(2*j**2)
-            //        # t1 = t1_2
-            double d = math::MathUtils::Sign(v0);
-            v0 *= d;
-            a0 *= d;
-            //        j *= d;
-            double part = j * v0 - a0 * a0 / 2.0;
-            if (part < 0)
-            {
-                WedgeBrakingData r;
-                r.s_total = -1;
-                r.dt2 = -1;
-                return r;
-                throw std::runtime_error("unsuitable parameters! : j: " + std::to_string(j) +
-                                         " a0: " + std::to_string(a0) +
-                                         " v0: " + std::to_string(v0));
-            }
-            double t1 = std::sqrt(part) / j;
-            double t2 = (a0 / j) + t1;
-            double v1 = v(t1, v0, a0, -j);
-            //        double dv1 = v(t1, 0, a0, -j);
-            //        double diff_v1 = v0 - v1;
-            double a1 = a(t1, -a0, -j);
-            //        double a1_2 = a(t2, 0, j);
-            double v2 = v(t2, v1, a1, j);
-            //        double dv2 = v(t2, 0, 0, j);
-            //        double v_sum = abs(dv1)+dv2;
-            double a2 = a(t2, a1, j);
-            //        assert(abs(v_sum - v0) < 0.001);
-            //        assert(abs(v2) < 0.0001);
-            double s1 = s(t1, 0, v0, a0, -j);
-            double s2 = s(t2, 0, v1, a1, j);
-            double s_total = s1 + s2;
-            return {s_total, s1, s2, d * v1, d * v2, d * a1, d * a2, t1 + t2, t1, t2};
+            WedgeBrakingData r;
+            r.s_total = -1;
+            r.dt2 = -1;
+            return r;
+            throw std::runtime_error("unsuitable parameters! : j: " + std::to_string(j) +
+                                     " a0: " + std::to_string(a0) +
+                                     " v0: " + std::to_string(v0));
+        double t1 = std::sqrt(part) / j;
+        double t2 = (a0 / j) + t1;
+        double v1 = v(t1, v0, a0, -j);
+        //        double dv1 = v(t1, 0, a0, -j);
+        //        double diff_v1 = v0 - v1;
+        double a1 = a(t1, -a0, -j);
+        //        double a1_2 = a(t2, 0, j);
+        double v2 = v(t2, v1, a1, j);
+        //        double dv2 = v(t2, 0, 0, j);
+        //        double v_sum = abs(dv1)+dv2;
+        double a2 = a(t2, a1, j);
+        //        assert(abs(v_sum - v0) < 0.001);
+        //        assert(abs(v2) < 0.0001);
+        double s1 = s(t1, 0, v0, a0, -j);
+        double s2 = s(t2, 0, v1, a1, j);
+        double s_total = s1 + s2;
+        return {s_total, s1, s2, d * v1, d * v2, d * a1, d * a2, t1 + t2, t1, t2};
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/DynamicsHelper.h b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/DynamicsHelper.h
index 4212b3ae5..de313e9ce 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/DynamicsHelper.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/DynamicsHelper.h
@@ -27,13 +27,14 @@
 #include <Eigen/Core>
 #include <RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/SensorValues/SensorValue1DoFActuator.h>
+namespace armarx::rtfilters
+    class RTFilterBase;
+    using RTFilterBasePtr = std::shared_ptr<RTFilterBase>;
 namespace armarx
-    namespace rtfilters
-    {
-        class RTFilterBase;
-        using RTFilterBasePtr = std::shared_ptr<RTFilterBase>;
-    }
     class RobotUnit;
     class DynamicsHelper
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/introspection/ClassMemberInfo.h b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/introspection/ClassMemberInfo.h
index 860e627af..00800f190 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/introspection/ClassMemberInfo.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/introspection/ClassMemberInfo.h
@@ -25,182 +25,177 @@
 #include "ClassMemberInfoEntry.h"
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::introspection
-    namespace introspection
+    /**
+     * @brief
+     */
+    template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
+    struct ClassMemberInfo
-        /**
-         * @brief
-         */
-        template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
-        struct ClassMemberInfo
-        {
-            using ClassType = ClassT;
-            using CommonBaseType = CommonBaseT;
-            static_assert(std::is_base_of<CommonBaseType, ClassType>::value, "The class has to inherit the common base class");
-            using Entry = introspection::ClassMemberInfoEntry<CommonBaseType>;
-            template<class T>
-            using EntryConfigurator = introspection::ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator<CommonBaseType, T>;
-            static const ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>& GetInstance();
-            /// @brief add a member variable of the current class
-            template<class MemberType>
-            EntryConfigurator<ClassType> addMemberVariable(MemberType ClassType::* ptr, const std::string& name);
-            /// @brief add all variables of a base class of the current class
-            template<class BaseClassType>
-            void addBaseClass();
-            /// @brief Get the name of the current class
-            static const std::string& GetClassName();
-            /// @brief Get all entries for member variables
-            static const KeyValueVector<std::string, Entry>& GetEntries();
-            static std::size_t GetNumberOfDataFields();
-            static std::string GetDataFieldAsString(const ClassType* ptr, std::size_t i);
-            static std::vector<std::string> GetDataFieldNames();
-            static std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ToVariants(const IceUtil::Time& timestamp, const CommonBaseT* ptr);
-        private:
-            KeyValueVector<std::string, Entry> entries;
-            std::set<std::string> addedBases;
-        };
-    }
+        using ClassType = ClassT;
+        using CommonBaseType = CommonBaseT;
+        static_assert(std::is_base_of<CommonBaseType, ClassType>::value, "The class has to inherit the common base class");
+        using Entry = introspection::ClassMemberInfoEntry<CommonBaseType>;
+        template<class T>
+        using EntryConfigurator = introspection::ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator<CommonBaseType, T>;
+        static const ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>& GetInstance();
+        /// @brief add a member variable of the current class
+        template<class MemberType>
+        EntryConfigurator<ClassType> addMemberVariable(MemberType ClassType::* ptr, const std::string& name);
+        /// @brief add all variables of a base class of the current class
+        template<class BaseClassType>
+        void addBaseClass();
+        /// @brief Get the name of the current class
+        static const std::string& GetClassName();
+        /// @brief Get all entries for member variables
+        static const KeyValueVector<std::string, Entry>& GetEntries();
+        static std::size_t GetNumberOfDataFields();
+        static std::string GetDataFieldAsString(const ClassType* ptr, std::size_t i);
+        static std::vector<std::string> GetDataFieldNames();
+        static std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ToVariants(const IceUtil::Time& timestamp, const CommonBaseT* ptr);
+    private:
+        KeyValueVector<std::string, Entry> entries;
+        std::set<std::string> addedBases;
+    };
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::introspection
-    namespace introspection
+    template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
+    template<class MemberType>
+    ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::EntryConfigurator<ClassT> ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::addMemberVariable(MemberType ClassType::* ptr, const std::string& name)
-        template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
-        template<class MemberType>
-        ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::EntryConfigurator<ClassT> ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::addMemberVariable(MemberType ClassType::* ptr, const std::string& name)
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(0, entries.count(name));
+        entries.add(name, Entry(name, ptr));
+        return;
+    }
+    template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
+    template<class BaseClassType>
+    void ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::addBaseClass()
+    {
+        if (std::is_same<BaseClassType, CommonBaseType>::value)
-            ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(0, entries.count(name));
-            entries.add(name, Entry(name, ptr));
-            return;
+            return;
+        static_assert(std::is_base_of<CommonBaseType, BaseClassType>::value, "The base class has to inherit the common base class");
+        static_assert(std::is_base_of<BaseClassType, ClassType>::value, "The base class has to be a base class");
+        static_assert(!std::is_same<BaseClassType, ClassType>::value, "The base class has must not be the class");
-        template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
-        template<class BaseClassType>
-        void ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::addBaseClass()
+        std::set<std::string> basesAddedInCall;
+        if (addedBases.count(ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseType, BaseClassType>::GetClassName()))
-            if (std::is_same<BaseClassType, CommonBaseType>::value)
-            {
-                return;
-            }
-            static_assert(std::is_base_of<CommonBaseType, BaseClassType>::value, "The base class has to inherit the common base class");
-            static_assert(std::is_base_of<BaseClassType, ClassType>::value, "The base class has to be a base class");
-            static_assert(!std::is_same<BaseClassType, ClassType>::value, "The base class has must not be the class");
-            std::set<std::string> basesAddedInCall;
-            if (addedBases.count(ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseType, BaseClassType>::GetClassName()))
-            {
-                return;
-            }
-            for (const Entry& e : ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseType, BaseClassType>::GetEntries().values())
-            {
-                if (!addedBases.count(e.getClassName()))
-                {
-                    ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(
-                        !entries.count(e.getMemberName()),
-                        "Adding the base class '" << GetTypeString<BaseClassType>()
-                        << "' adds an entry for the member '" << e.getMemberName()
-                        << "' which already was added by class '" << << "'");
-                    basesAddedInCall.emplace(e.getClassName());
-                    entries.add(e.getMemberName(), e);
-                }
-            }
-            addedBases.insert(basesAddedInCall.begin(), basesAddedInCall.end());
+            return;
-        template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
-        std::vector<std::string> ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::GetDataFieldNames()
+        for (const Entry& e : ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseType, BaseClassType>::GetEntries().values())
-            std::vector<std::string> dataFieldNames;
-            dataFieldNames.reserve(GetNumberOfDataFields());
-            for (const Entry& e : GetEntries().values())
+            if (!addedBases.count(e.getClassName()))
-                for (std::size_t i = 0; i < e.getNumberOfFields(); ++i)
-                {
-                    dataFieldNames.emplace_back(e.getFieldName(i));
-                }
+                    !entries.count(e.getMemberName()),
+                    "Adding the base class '" << GetTypeString<BaseClassType>()
+                    << "' adds an entry for the member '" << e.getMemberName()
+                    << "' which already was added by class '" << << "'");
+                basesAddedInCall.emplace(e.getClassName());
+                entries.add(e.getMemberName(), e);
-            ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(GetNumberOfDataFields(), dataFieldNames.size());
-            return dataFieldNames;
+        addedBases.insert(basesAddedInCall.begin(), basesAddedInCall.end());
+    }
-        template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
-        std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::ToVariants(const IceUtil::Time& timestamp, const CommonBaseT* ptr)
+    template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
+    std::vector<std::string> ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::GetDataFieldNames()
+    {
+        std::vector<std::string> dataFieldNames;
+        dataFieldNames.reserve(GetNumberOfDataFields());
+        for (const Entry& e : GetEntries().values())
-            std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> result;
-            for (const auto& e : GetEntries().values())
+            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < e.getNumberOfFields(); ++i)
-                mergeMaps(result, e.toVariants(timestamp, ptr), MergeMapsMode::OverrideNoValues);
+                dataFieldNames.emplace_back(e.getFieldName(i));
-            return result;
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(GetNumberOfDataFields(), dataFieldNames.size());
+        return dataFieldNames;
+    }
-        template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
-        const ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>& ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::GetInstance()
+    template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
+    std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::ToVariants(const IceUtil::Time& timestamp, const CommonBaseT* ptr)
+    {
+        std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> result;
+        for (const auto& e : GetEntries().values())
-            static const ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT> i = ClassT::GetClassMemberInfo();
-            return i;
+            mergeMaps(result, e.toVariants(timestamp, ptr), MergeMapsMode::OverrideNoValues);
+        return result;
+    }
-        template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
-        const std::string& ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::GetClassName()
-        {
-            return GetTypeString<ClassType>();
-        }
+    template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
+    const ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>& ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::GetInstance()
+    {
+        static const ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT> i = ClassT::GetClassMemberInfo();
+        return i;
+    }
-        template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
-        const KeyValueVector<std::string, ClassMemberInfoEntry<CommonBaseT>>& ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::GetEntries()
-        {
-            return GetInstance().entries;
-        }
+    template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
+    const std::string& ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::GetClassName()
+    {
+        return GetTypeString<ClassType>();
+    }
-        template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
-        std::size_t ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::GetNumberOfDataFields()
+    template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
+    const KeyValueVector<std::string, ClassMemberInfoEntry<CommonBaseT>>& ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::GetEntries()
+    {
+        return GetInstance().entries;
+    }
+    template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
+    std::size_t ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::GetNumberOfDataFields()
+    {
+        static const std::size_t numberOfDataFields = []
-            static const std::size_t numberOfDataFields = []
+            std::size_t n = 0;
+            for (const Entry& e : GetEntries().values())
-                std::size_t n = 0;
-                for (const Entry& e : GetEntries().values())
-                {
-                    n += e.getNumberOfFields();
-                }
-                return n;
-            }();
-            return numberOfDataFields;
-        }
+                n += e.getNumberOfFields();
+            }
+            return n;
+        }();
+        return numberOfDataFields;
+    }
-        template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
-        std::string ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::GetDataFieldAsString(const ClassType* ptr, std::size_t i)
+    template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
+    std::string ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseT, ClassT>::GetDataFieldAsString(const ClassType* ptr, std::size_t i)
+    {
+        static const auto toString = []
-            static const auto toString = []
-            {
-                std::vector<std::function<std::string(const ClassType*)>> functions;
+            std::vector<std::function<std::string(const ClassType*)>> functions;
-                for (std::size_t idxEntr = 0; idxEntr < GetEntries().size(); ++idxEntr)
+            for (std::size_t idxEntr = 0; idxEntr < GetEntries().size(); ++idxEntr)
+            {
+                for (std::size_t idxField = 0; idxField < GetEntries().at(idxEntr).getNumberOfFields(); ++idxField)
-                    for (std::size_t idxField = 0; idxField < GetEntries().at(idxEntr).getNumberOfFields(); ++idxField)
+                    functions.emplace_back(
+                        [idxEntr, idxField](const ClassType * classptr)
-                        functions.emplace_back(
-                            [idxEntr, idxField](const ClassType * classptr)
-                        {
-                            const Entry& e = GetEntries().at(idxEntr);
-                            return e.getFieldAsString(idxField, classptr);
-                        });
-                    }
+                        const Entry& e = GetEntries().at(idxEntr);
+                        return e.getFieldAsString(idxField, classptr);
+                    });
-                ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(functions.size(), GetNumberOfDataFields());
-                return functions;
-            }();
-            ARMARX_CHECK_LESS(i, GetNumberOfDataFields());
-            return;
-        }
+            }
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(functions.size(), GetNumberOfDataFields());
+            return functions;
+        }();
+        ARMARX_CHECK_LESS(i, GetNumberOfDataFields());
+        return;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/introspection/ClassMemberInfoEntry.h b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/introspection/ClassMemberInfoEntry.h
index 9c1de849e..1f503de05 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/introspection/ClassMemberInfoEntry.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/introspection/ClassMemberInfoEntry.h
@@ -22,216 +22,213 @@
 #pragma once
 #include "DataFieldsInfo.h"
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::introspection
-    namespace introspection
-    {
-        template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
-        struct ClassMemberInfo;
-        template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
-        struct ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator;
-        template<class CommonBaseT>
-        struct ClassMemberInfoEntry
-        {
-        public:
-            using CommonBaseType = CommonBaseT;
-            ClassMemberInfoEntry(ClassMemberInfoEntry&&) = default;
-            ClassMemberInfoEntry(const ClassMemberInfoEntry&) = default;
-            ClassMemberInfoEntry& operator=(ClassMemberInfoEntry&&) = default;
-            ClassMemberInfoEntry& operator=(const ClassMemberInfoEntry&) = default;
-            template<class ClassType, class MemberType>
-            ClassMemberInfoEntry(const std::string& memberName, MemberType ClassType::* ptr):
-                className {GetTypeString<ClassType>()},
-                memberName {memberName},
-                memberTypeName {GetTypeString<MemberType>()},
-                numberOfFields {DataFieldsInfo<MemberType>::GetNumberOfFields()},
-                fieldToString {MakeFieldToStringFunctors<ClassType>(numberOfFields, ptr)},
-                toVariants_ {MakeToVariantsFunctor<ClassType>(ptr)}
+    template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
+    struct ClassMemberInfo;
+    template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
+    struct ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator;
+    template<class CommonBaseT>
+    struct ClassMemberInfoEntry
+    {
+    public:
+        using CommonBaseType = CommonBaseT;
+        ClassMemberInfoEntry(ClassMemberInfoEntry&&) = default;
+        ClassMemberInfoEntry(const ClassMemberInfoEntry&) = default;
+        ClassMemberInfoEntry& operator=(ClassMemberInfoEntry&&) = default;
+        ClassMemberInfoEntry& operator=(const ClassMemberInfoEntry&) = default;
+        template<class ClassType, class MemberType>
+        ClassMemberInfoEntry(const std::string& memberName, MemberType ClassType::* ptr):
+            className {GetTypeString<ClassType>()},
+            memberName {memberName},
+            memberTypeName {GetTypeString<MemberType>()},
+            numberOfFields {DataFieldsInfo<MemberType>::GetNumberOfFields()},
+            fieldToString {MakeFieldToStringFunctors<ClassType>(numberOfFields, ptr)},
+            toVariants_ {MakeToVariantsFunctor<ClassType>(ptr)}
+        {
+            ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_EQUAL(0, numberOfFields);
+            //field names
-                ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_EQUAL(0, numberOfFields);
-                //field names
+                fieldNames.reserve(numberOfFields);
+                if (numberOfFields == 1)
-                    fieldNames.reserve(numberOfFields);
-                    if (numberOfFields == 1)
-                    {
-                        fieldNames.emplace_back(memberName);
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        for (auto& name : DataFieldsInfo<MemberType>::GetFieldNames())
-                        {
-                            fieldNames.emplace_back(memberName + "." + std::move(name));
-                        }
-                    }
+                    fieldNames.emplace_back(memberName);
-            }
-            //general
-            const std::string& getClassName() const
-            {
-                return className;
-            }
-            const std::string& getMemberName() const
-            {
-                return memberName;
-            }
-            const std::string& getMemberTypeName() const
-            {
-                return memberTypeName;
-            }
-            //fields
-            std::size_t getNumberOfFields() const
-            {
-                return numberOfFields;
-            }
-            const std::string& getFieldName(std::size_t i) const
-            {
-                ARMARX_CHECK_LESS(i, numberOfFields);
-                return;
-            }
-            std::string getFieldAsString(std::size_t i, const CommonBaseType* ptr) const
-            {
-                ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(ptr);
-                ARMARX_CHECK_LESS(i, numberOfFields);
-                return;
-            }
-            //variants
-            std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> toVariants(const IceUtil::Time& timestamp, const CommonBaseType* ptr) const
-            {
-                return toVariants_(this, timestamp, ptr);
-            }
-        private:
-            using ToVariantsFunctorType = std::function <
-                                          std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr>(
-                                              const ClassMemberInfoEntry* thisptr,
-                                              const IceUtil::Time&,
-                                              const CommonBaseType*) >;
-            using FieldToStringFunctorType = std::function<std::string(const CommonBaseType*)>;
-            template<class ClassType, class MemberType, class MemberPtrClassType>
-            static std::vector<FieldToStringFunctorType> MakeFieldToStringFunctors(
-                std::size_t numberOfFields,
-                MemberType MemberPtrClassType::* ptr)
-            {
-                std::vector<std::function<std::string(const CommonBaseType*)>> result;
-                result.reserve(numberOfFields);
-                for (std::size_t i = 0; i < numberOfFields; ++i)
+                else
-                    result.emplace_back(
-                        [i, ptr](const CommonBaseType * ptrBase)
+                    for (auto& name : DataFieldsInfo<MemberType>::GetFieldNames())
-                        const ClassType* cptr = dynamic_cast<const ClassType*>(ptrBase);
-                        ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(cptr);
-                        return DataFieldsInfo<MemberType>::GetFieldAsString(i, cptr->*ptr);
+                        fieldNames.emplace_back(memberName + "." + std::move(name));
-                    );
-                return result;
+        }
+        //general
+        const std::string& getClassName() const
+        {
+            return className;
+        }
+        const std::string& getMemberName() const
+        {
+            return memberName;
+        }
+        const std::string& getMemberTypeName() const
+        {
+            return memberTypeName;
+        }
+        //fields
+        std::size_t getNumberOfFields() const
+        {
+            return numberOfFields;
+        }
+        const std::string& getFieldName(std::size_t i) const
+        {
+            ARMARX_CHECK_LESS(i, numberOfFields);
+            return;
+        }
+        std::string getFieldAsString(std::size_t i, const CommonBaseType* ptr) const
+        {
+            ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(ptr);
+            ARMARX_CHECK_LESS(i, numberOfFields);
+            return;
+        }
-            template<class ClassType, class MemberType, class MemberPtrClassType>
-            static ToVariantsFunctorType MakeToVariantsFunctor(MemberType MemberPtrClassType::* ptr)
+        //variants
+        std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> toVariants(const IceUtil::Time& timestamp, const CommonBaseType* ptr) const
+        {
+            return toVariants_(this, timestamp, ptr);
+        }
+    private:
+        using ToVariantsFunctorType = std::function <
+                                      std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr>(
+                                          const ClassMemberInfoEntry* thisptr,
+                                          const IceUtil::Time&,
+                                          const CommonBaseType*) >;
+        using FieldToStringFunctorType = std::function<std::string(const CommonBaseType*)>;
+        template<class ClassType, class MemberType, class MemberPtrClassType>
+        static std::vector<FieldToStringFunctorType> MakeFieldToStringFunctors(
+            std::size_t numberOfFields,
+            MemberType MemberPtrClassType::* ptr)
+        {
+            std::vector<std::function<std::string(const CommonBaseType*)>> result;
+            result.reserve(numberOfFields);
+            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < numberOfFields; ++i)
-                return [ptr](
-                           const ClassMemberInfoEntry * thisptr,
-                           const IceUtil::Time & timestamp,
-                           const CommonBaseType * ptrBase)
+                result.emplace_back(
+                    [i, ptr](const CommonBaseType * ptrBase)
                     const ClassType* cptr = dynamic_cast<const ClassType*>(ptrBase);
-                    return DataFieldsInfo<MemberType>::ToVariants(
-                               cptr->*ptr, thisptr->getMemberName(),
-                               timestamp,
-                               thisptr->variantReportFrame(), thisptr->variantReportAgent());
-                };
+                    return DataFieldsInfo<MemberType>::GetFieldAsString(i, cptr->*ptr);
+                }
+                );
+            return result;
+        }
-            template<class BaseType, class ClassT>
-            friend class ClassMemberInfo;
-            template<class BaseType, class ClassT>
-            friend class ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator;
-            const std::string className;
-            const std::string memberName;
-            const std::string memberTypeName;
-            //elementar subparts
-            const std::size_t numberOfFields;
-            const std::vector<FieldToStringFunctorType> fieldToString;
-            std::vector<std::string> fieldNames;
-            //variants
-            ToVariantsFunctorType toVariants_;
-            bool  setVariantReportFrame_ {false};
-            std::function<std::string()> variantReportFrame {[]{return "";}};
-            std::function<std::string()> variantReportAgent {[]{return "";}};
-        };
-        template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
-        struct ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator
-        {
-            using ClassType = ClassT;
-            using CommonBaseType = CommonBaseT;
-            using Entry = ClassMemberInfoEntry<CommonBaseType>;
-            ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator& setFieldNames(std::vector<std::string> fieldNames)
-            {
-                ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(fieldNames.size(), e.numberOfFields);
-                e.fieldNames = std::move(fieldNames);
-                return *this;
-            }
-            ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator& setVariantReportFrame(const std::string& agent, const std::string& frame)
-            {
-                e.setVariantReportFrame_ = true;
-                e.variantReportFrame = [frame] {return frame;};
-                e.variantReportAgent = [agent] {return agent;};
-                return *this;
-            }
-            ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator& setVariantReportFrame(const std::string& agent, std::function<std::string()> frame)
-            {
-                e.setVariantReportFrame_ = true;
-                e.variantReportFrame = std::move(frame);
-                e.variantReportAgent = [agent] {return agent;};
-                return *this;
-            }
-            ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator& setVariantReportFrame(std::function<std::string()> agent, const std::string& frame)
-            {
-                e.setVariantReportFrame_ = true;
-                e.variantReportFrame = [frame] {return frame;};
-                e.variantReportAgent = std::move(agent);
-                return *this;
-            }
-            ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator& setVariantReportFrame(std::function<std::string()> agent, std::function<std::string()> frame)
-            {
-                e.setVariantReportFrame_ = true;
-                e.variantReportFrame = std::move(frame);
-                e.variantReportAgent = std::move(agent);
-                return *this;
-            }
+        template<class ClassType, class MemberType, class MemberPtrClassType>
+        static ToVariantsFunctorType MakeToVariantsFunctor(MemberType MemberPtrClassType::* ptr)
+        {
+            return [ptr](
+                       const ClassMemberInfoEntry * thisptr,
+                       const IceUtil::Time & timestamp,
+                       const CommonBaseType * ptrBase)
+            {
+                const ClassType* cptr = dynamic_cast<const ClassType*>(ptrBase);
+                ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(cptr);
+                return DataFieldsInfo<MemberType>::ToVariants(
+                           cptr->*ptr, thisptr->getMemberName(),
+                           timestamp,
+                           thisptr->variantReportFrame(), thisptr->variantReportAgent());
+            };
+        }
+        template<class BaseType, class ClassT>
+        friend class ClassMemberInfo;
+        template<class BaseType, class ClassT>
+        friend class ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator;
+        const std::string className;
+        const std::string memberName;
+        const std::string memberTypeName;
+        //elementar subparts
+        const std::size_t numberOfFields;
+        const std::vector<FieldToStringFunctorType> fieldToString;
+        std::vector<std::string> fieldNames;
+        //variants
+        ToVariantsFunctorType toVariants_;
+        bool  setVariantReportFrame_ {false};
+        std::function<std::string()> variantReportFrame {[]{return "";}};
+        std::function<std::string()> variantReportAgent {[]{return "";}};
+    };
+    template<class CommonBaseT, class ClassT>
+    struct ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator
+    {
+        using ClassType = ClassT;
+        using CommonBaseType = CommonBaseT;
+        using Entry = ClassMemberInfoEntry<CommonBaseType>;
-            ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator& setVariantReportFunction(
-                std::function<std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr>(const IceUtil::Time&, const ClassType*)> f)
+        ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator& setFieldNames(std::vector<std::string> fieldNames)
+        {
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(fieldNames.size(), e.numberOfFields);
+            e.fieldNames = std::move(fieldNames);
+            return *this;
+        }
+        ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator& setVariantReportFrame(const std::string& agent, const std::string& frame)
+        {
+            e.setVariantReportFrame_ = true;
+            e.variantReportFrame = [frame] {return frame;};
+            e.variantReportAgent = [agent] {return agent;};
+            return *this;
+        }
+        ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator& setVariantReportFrame(const std::string& agent, std::function<std::string()> frame)
+        {
+            e.setVariantReportFrame_ = true;
+            e.variantReportFrame = std::move(frame);
+            e.variantReportAgent = [agent] {return agent;};
+            return *this;
+        }
+        ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator& setVariantReportFrame(std::function<std::string()> agent, const std::string& frame)
+        {
+            e.setVariantReportFrame_ = true;
+            e.variantReportFrame = [frame] {return frame;};
+            e.variantReportAgent = std::move(agent);
+            return *this;
+        }
+        ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator& setVariantReportFrame(std::function<std::string()> agent, std::function<std::string()> frame)
+        {
+            e.setVariantReportFrame_ = true;
+            e.variantReportFrame = std::move(frame);
+            e.variantReportAgent = std::move(agent);
+            return *this;
+        }
+        ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator& setVariantReportFunction(
+            std::function<std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr>(const IceUtil::Time&, const ClassType*)> f)
+        {
+            e.toVariants_ = [f](
+                                const ClassMemberInfoEntry<CommonBaseType>* thisptr,
+                                const IceUtil::Time & timestamp,
+                                const CommonBaseType * ptrBase)
-                e.toVariants_ = [f](
-                                    const ClassMemberInfoEntry<CommonBaseType>* thisptr,
-                                    const IceUtil::Time & timestamp,
-                                    const CommonBaseType * ptrBase)
-                {
-                    const ClassType* ptr = dynamic_cast<const ClassType*>(ptrBase);
-                    ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(ptr);
-                    return f(timestamp, ptr);
-                };
-                return *this;
-            }
-        private:
-            friend struct ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseType, ClassType>;
-            ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator(Entry& e): e(e) {}
-            Entry& e;
-        };
-    }
+                const ClassType* ptr = dynamic_cast<const ClassType*>(ptrBase);
+                ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(ptr);
+                return f(timestamp, ptr);
+            };
+            return *this;
+        }
+    private:
+        friend struct ClassMemberInfo<CommonBaseType, ClassType>;
+        ClassMemberInfoEntryConfigurator(Entry& e): e(e) {}
+        Entry& e;
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/introspection/DataFieldsInfo.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/introspection/DataFieldsInfo.cpp
index 4691dd99d..60f62a097 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/introspection/DataFieldsInfo.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/introspection/DataFieldsInfo.cpp
@@ -31,39 +31,35 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/OrientedPoint.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterface.h>
+#include <RobotAPI/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterfaceStdOverloads.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::introspection
-    namespace introspection
+    std::string DataFieldsInfo<Eigen::Vector3f, void>::GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, const Eigen::Vector3f& field)
-        std::string DataFieldsInfo<Eigen::Vector3f, void>::GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, const Eigen::Vector3f& field)
-        {
-            ARMARX_CHECK_LESS(i, 3);
-            return to_string(field(i));
-        }
+        ARMARX_CHECK_LESS(i, 3);
+        return to_string(field(i));
+    }
-        std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> DataFieldsInfo<Eigen::Vector3f, void>::ToVariants(
-            const Eigen::Vector3f& value,
-            const std::string& name,
-            const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
-            const std::string& frame,
-            const std::string& agent)
+    std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> DataFieldsInfo<Eigen::Vector3f, void>::ToVariants(
+        const Eigen::Vector3f& value,
+        const std::string& name,
+        const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
+        const std::string& frame,
+        const std::string& agent)
+    {
+        if (!frame.empty())
-            if (!frame.empty())
-            {
-                return {{name, {new TimedVariant(FramedPosition{value, frame, agent}, timestamp)}}};
-            }
-            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(agent.empty(), "No frame but an agent given");
-            return {{name, {new TimedVariant(Vector3{value}, timestamp)}}};
+            return {{name, {new TimedVariant(FramedPosition{value, frame, agent}, timestamp)}}};
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(agent.empty(), "No frame but an agent given");
+        return {{name, {new TimedVariant(Vector3{value}, timestamp)}}};
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::introspection
-    namespace introspection
-    {
 #define make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(Type,Num)                                                                              \
     std::string DataFieldsInfo<Eigen::Vector##Num##Type, void>::GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, const Eigen::Vector##Num##Type& field)  \
     {                                                                                                                                   \
@@ -95,167 +91,154 @@ namespace armarx
         return result;                                                                                                                  \
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(f, 2)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(f, 4)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(f, 5)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(f, 6)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 2)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 3)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 4)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 5)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 6)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 2)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 3)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 4)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 5)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 6)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(f, 2)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(f, 4)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(f, 5)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(f, 6)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 2)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 3)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 4)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 5)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 6)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 2)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 3)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 4)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 5)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 6)
 #undef make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector
-    }
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::introspection
-    namespace introspection
+    std::string DataFieldsInfo<JointStatus, void>::GetFieldAsString(
+        std::size_t i, const JointStatus& field)
-        std::string DataFieldsInfo<JointStatus, void>::GetFieldAsString(
-            std::size_t i, const JointStatus& field)
+        ARMARX_CHECK_LESS(i, 4);
+        switch (i)
-            ARMARX_CHECK_LESS(i, 4);
-            switch (i)
-            {
-                case 0:
-                    return to_string(field.error);
-                case 1:
-                    return to_string(field.operation);
-                case 2:
-                    return to_string(field.enabled);
-                case 3:
-                    return to_string(field.emergencyStop);
-            }
-            throw std::logic_error
-            {
-                __FILE__ " : " + to_string(__LINE__) +
-                " : Unreachable code reached"
-            };
+            case 0:
+                return to_string(field.error);
+            case 1:
+                return to_string(field.operation);
+            case 2:
+                return to_string(field.enabled);
+            case 3:
+                return to_string(field.emergencyStop);
+        throw std::logic_error
+        {
+            __FILE__ " : " + to_string(__LINE__) +
+            " : Unreachable code reached"
+        };
+    }
-        std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> DataFieldsInfo<JointStatus, void>::ToVariants(
-            const JointStatus& value,
-            const std::string& name,
-            const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
-            const std::string& frame,
-            const std::string& agent)
+    std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> DataFieldsInfo<JointStatus, void>::ToVariants(
+        const JointStatus& value,
+        const std::string& name,
+        const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
+        const std::string& frame,
+        const std::string& agent)
+    {
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(frame.empty() && agent.empty(), "There is no framed version for JointStatus");
+        static const auto fnames = GetFieldNames();
+        return
-            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(frame.empty() && agent.empty(), "There is no framed version for JointStatus");
-            static const auto fnames = GetFieldNames();
-            return
-            {
-                {name +, {new TimedVariant{to_string(value.error), timestamp}}},
-                {name +, {new TimedVariant{to_string(value.operation), timestamp}}},
-                {name +, {new TimedVariant{value.enabled, timestamp}}},
-                {name +, {new TimedVariant{value.emergencyStop, timestamp}}}
-            };
-        }
+            {name +, {new TimedVariant{to_string(value.error), timestamp}}},
+            {name +, {new TimedVariant{to_string(value.operation), timestamp}}},
+            {name +, {new TimedVariant{value.enabled, timestamp}}},
+            {name +, {new TimedVariant{value.emergencyStop, timestamp}}}
+        };
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::introspection
-    namespace introspection
+    std::string DataFieldsInfo<Eigen::Quaternionf, void>::GetFieldAsString(
+        std::size_t i,
+        const Eigen::Quaternionf& field)
-        std::string DataFieldsInfo<Eigen::Quaternionf, void>::GetFieldAsString(
-            std::size_t i,
-            const Eigen::Quaternionf& field)
+        ARMARX_CHECK_LESS(i, 4);
+        switch (i)
-            ARMARX_CHECK_LESS(i, 4);
-            switch (i)
-            {
-                case 0:
-                    return to_string(field.w());
-                case 1:
-                    return to_string(field.x());
-                case 2:
-                    return to_string(field.y());
-                case 3:
-                    return to_string(field.z());
-            }
-            throw std::logic_error
-            {
-                __FILE__ " : " + to_string(__LINE__) +
-                " : Unreachable code reached"
-            };
+            case 0:
+                return to_string(field.w());
+            case 1:
+                return to_string(field.x());
+            case 2:
+                return to_string(field.y());
+            case 3:
+                return to_string(field.z());
+        throw std::logic_error
+        {
+            __FILE__ " : " + to_string(__LINE__) +
+            " : Unreachable code reached"
+        };
+    }
-        std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> DataFieldsInfo<Eigen::Quaternionf, void>::ToVariants(
-            const Eigen::Quaternionf& value,
-            const std::string& name,
-            const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
-            const std::string& frame,
-            const std::string& agent)
+    std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> DataFieldsInfo<Eigen::Quaternionf, void>::ToVariants(
+        const Eigen::Quaternionf& value,
+        const std::string& name,
+        const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
+        const std::string& frame,
+        const std::string& agent)
+    {
+        if (!frame.empty())
-            if (!frame.empty())
-            {
-                return {{name, {new TimedVariant(FramedOrientation{value, frame, agent}, timestamp)}}};
-            }
-            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(agent.empty(), "No frame but an agent given");
-            return {{name, {new TimedVariant(Quaternion{value}, timestamp)}}};
+            return {{name, {new TimedVariant(FramedOrientation{value, frame, agent}, timestamp)}}};
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(agent.empty(), "No frame but an agent given");
+        return {{name, {new TimedVariant(Quaternion{value}, timestamp)}}};
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::introspection
-    namespace introspection
+    std::string DataFieldsInfo<Eigen::Matrix4f, void>::GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, const Eigen::Matrix4f& field)
-        std::string DataFieldsInfo<Eigen::Matrix4f, void>::GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, const Eigen::Matrix4f& field)
-        {
-            ARMARX_CHECK_LESS(i, 16);
-            return  to_string(field(i / 4, i % 4));
-        }
+        ARMARX_CHECK_LESS(i, 16);
+        return  to_string(field(i / 4, i % 4));
+    }
-        std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> DataFieldsInfo<Eigen::Matrix4f, void>::ToVariants(
-            const Eigen::Matrix4f& value,
-            const std::string& name,
-            const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
-            const std::string& frame,
-            const std::string& agent)
+    std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> DataFieldsInfo<Eigen::Matrix4f, void>::ToVariants(
+        const Eigen::Matrix4f& value,
+        const std::string& name,
+        const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
+        const std::string& frame,
+        const std::string& agent)
+    {
+        if (!frame.empty())
-            if (!frame.empty())
-            {
-                return {{name, {new TimedVariant(FramedPose{value, frame, agent}, timestamp)}}};
-            }
-            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(agent.empty(), "No frame but an agent given");
-            return {{name, {new TimedVariant(Pose{value}, timestamp)}}};
+            return {{name, {new TimedVariant(FramedPose{value, frame, agent}, timestamp)}}};
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(agent.empty(), "No frame but an agent given");
+        return {{name, {new TimedVariant(Pose{value}, timestamp)}}};
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::introspection
-    namespace introspection
+    std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> DataFieldsInfo<std::chrono::microseconds, void>::ToVariants(
+        std::chrono::microseconds value,
+        const std::string& name,
+        const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
+        const std::string& frame,
+        const std::string& agent)
-        std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> DataFieldsInfo<std::chrono::microseconds, void>::ToVariants(
-            std::chrono::microseconds value,
-            const std::string& name,
-            const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
-            const std::string& frame,
-            const std::string& agent)
-        {
-            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(frame.empty() && agent.empty(), "There is no framed version of TimestampVariant");
-            return {{name, {new TimedVariant(TimestampVariant{value.count()}, timestamp)}}};
-        }
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(frame.empty() && agent.empty(), "There is no framed version of TimestampVariant");
+        return {{name, {new TimedVariant(TimestampVariant{value.count()}, timestamp)}}};
+    }
-        std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> DataFieldsInfo<IceUtil::Time, void>::ToVariants(
-            IceUtil::Time value,
-            const std::string& name,
-            const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
-            const std::string& frame,
-            const std::string& agent)
-        {
-            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(frame.empty() && agent.empty(), "There is no framed version of TimestampVariant");
-            return {{name, {new TimedVariant(TimestampVariant{value.toMicroSeconds()}, timestamp)}}};
-        }
+    std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> DataFieldsInfo<IceUtil::Time, void>::ToVariants(
+        IceUtil::Time value,
+        const std::string& name,
+        const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
+        const std::string& frame,
+        const std::string& agent)
+    {
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(frame.empty() && agent.empty(), "There is no framed version of TimestampVariant");
+        return {{name, {new TimedVariant(TimestampVariant{value.toMicroSeconds()}, timestamp)}}};
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/introspection/DataFieldsInfo.h b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/introspection/DataFieldsInfo.h
index 15582f2ec..ac9a8cc66 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/introspection/DataFieldsInfo.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/util/introspection/DataFieldsInfo.h
@@ -27,68 +27,66 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/exceptions/local/ExpressionException.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/observers/variant/TimedVariant.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/interface/observers/VariantBase.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::introspection
-    namespace introspection
+    template<class T, class = void> struct DataFieldsInfo;
+    //    static std::size_t GetNumberOfFields();
+    //    static std::string GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, T field);
+    //    static std::vector<std::string> GetFieldNames();
+    //    static std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ToVariants(
+    //                  T value,
+    //                  const std::string& name,
+    //                  const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
+    //                  const std::string& frame = "",
+    //                  const std::string& agent = "")
+    template<class T>
+    struct DataFieldsInfo<T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_fundamental<T>::value>::type>
-        template<class T, class = void> struct DataFieldsInfo;
-        //    static std::size_t GetNumberOfFields();
-        //    static std::string GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, T field);
-        //    static std::vector<std::string> GetFieldNames();
-        //    static std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ToVariants(
-        //                  T value,
-        //                  const std::string& name,
-        //                  const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
-        //                  const std::string& frame = "",
-        //                  const std::string& agent = "")
-        template<class T>
-        struct DataFieldsInfo<T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_fundamental<T>::value>::type>
-        {
-            static std::size_t GetNumberOfFields()
-            {
-                return 1;
-            }
-            static std::string GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, T field)
-            {
-                ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(i, 0);
-                return to_string(field);
-            }
-            static std::vector<std::string> GetFieldNames()
-            {
-                throw std::logic_error {"Fundamental types have no field names"};
-            }
-            static std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ToVariants(
-                T value,
-                const std::string& name,
-                const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
-                const std::string& frame = "",
-                const std::string& agent = "")
-            {
-                ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(frame.empty() && agent.empty(), "There is no framed version for fundamental types");
-                return {{name, {new TimedVariant(value, timestamp)}}};
-            }
-        };
+        static std::size_t GetNumberOfFields()
+        {
+            return 1;
+        }
+        static std::string GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, T field)
+        {
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(i, 0);
+            return to_string(field);
+        }
+        static std::vector<std::string> GetFieldNames()
+        {
+            throw std::logic_error {"Fundamental types have no field names"};
+        }
+        static std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ToVariants(
+            T value,
+            const std::string& name,
+            const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
+            const std::string& frame = "",
+            const std::string& agent = "")
+        {
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(frame.empty() && agent.empty(), "There is no framed version for fundamental types");
+            return {{name, {new TimedVariant(value, timestamp)}}};
+        }
+    };
-        template<>
-        struct DataFieldsInfo<Eigen::Vector3f, void>
+    template<>
+    struct DataFieldsInfo<Eigen::Vector3f, void>
+    {
+        static std::size_t GetNumberOfFields()
-            static std::size_t GetNumberOfFields()
-            {
-                return 3;
-            }
-            static std::string GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, const Eigen::Vector3f& field);
-            static std::vector<std::string> GetFieldNames()
-            {
-                return {"x", "y", "z"};
-            }
-            static std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ToVariants(
-                const Eigen::Vector3f& value,
-                const std::string& name,
-                const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
-                const std::string& frame = "",
-                const std::string& agent = "");
-        };
+            return 3;
+        }
+        static std::string GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, const Eigen::Vector3f& field);
+        static std::vector<std::string> GetFieldNames()
+        {
+            return {"x", "y", "z"};
+        }
+        static std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ToVariants(
+            const Eigen::Vector3f& value,
+            const std::string& name,
+            const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
+            const std::string& frame = "",
+            const std::string& agent = "");
+    };
@@ -110,141 +108,142 @@ namespace armarx
                 const std::string& agent = "");                                                             \
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(f, 2)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(f, 4)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(f, 5)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(f, 6)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 2)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 3)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 4)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 5)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 6)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 2)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 3)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 4)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 5)
-        make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 6)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(f, 2)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(f, 4)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(f, 5)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(f, 6)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 2)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 3)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 4)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 5)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(d, 6)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 2)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 3)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 4)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 5)
+    make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector(i, 6)
 #undef make_DataFieldsInfo_for_eigen_vector
-        template<>
-        struct DataFieldsInfo<Eigen::Matrix4f, void>
+    template<>
+    struct DataFieldsInfo<Eigen::Matrix4f, void>
+    {
+        static std::size_t GetNumberOfFields()
-            static std::size_t GetNumberOfFields()
-            {
-                return 16;
-            }
-            static std::string GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, const Eigen::Matrix4f& field);
-            static std::vector<std::string> GetFieldNames()
-            {
-                return
-                {
-                    "00", "01", "02", "03",
-                    "10", "11", "12", "13",
-                    "20", "21", "22", "23",
-                    "30", "31", "32", "33"
-                };
-            }
-            static std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ToVariants(
-                const Eigen::Matrix4f& value,
-                const std::string& name,
-                const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
-                const std::string& frame = "",
-                const std::string& agent = "");
-        };
-        template<>
-        struct DataFieldsInfo<Eigen::Quaternionf, void>
-        {
-            static std::size_t GetNumberOfFields()
-            {
-                return 4;
-            }
-            static std::string GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, const Eigen::Quaternionf& field);
-            static std::vector<std::string> GetFieldNames()
-            {
-                return {"qw", "qx", "qy", "qz"};
-            }
-            static std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ToVariants(
-                const Eigen::Quaternionf& value,
-                const std::string& name,
-                const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
-                const std::string& frame = "",
-                const std::string& agent = "");
-        };
-        template<>
-        struct DataFieldsInfo<std::chrono::microseconds, void>
-        {
-            static std::size_t GetNumberOfFields()
-            {
-                return 1;
-            }
-            static std::string GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, std::chrono::microseconds field)
-            {
-                return to_string(field.count());
-            }
-            static std::vector<std::string> GetFieldNames()
-            {
-                throw std::logic_error {"should never be called"};
-            }
-            static std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ToVariants(
-                std::chrono::microseconds value,
-                const std::string& name,
-                const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
-                const std::string& frame = "",
-                const std::string& agent = "");
-        };
-        template<>
-        struct DataFieldsInfo<IceUtil::Time, void>
-        {
-            static std::size_t GetNumberOfFields()
-            {
-                return 1;
-            }
-            static std::string GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, IceUtil::Time field)
-            {
-                return to_string(field.toMicroSeconds());
-            }
-            static std::vector<std::string> GetFieldNames()
-            {
-                throw std::logic_error {"should never be called"};
-            }
-            static std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ToVariants(
-                IceUtil::Time value,
-                const std::string& name,
-                const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
-                const std::string& frame = "",
-                const std::string& agent = "");
-        };
-    }
+            return 16;
+        }
+        static std::string GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, const Eigen::Matrix4f& field);
+        static std::vector<std::string> GetFieldNames()
+        {
+            return
+            {
+                "00", "01", "02", "03",
+                "10", "11", "12", "13",
+                "20", "21", "22", "23",
+                "30", "31", "32", "33"
+            };
+        }
+        static std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ToVariants(
+            const Eigen::Matrix4f& value,
+            const std::string& name,
+            const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
+            const std::string& frame = "",
+            const std::string& agent = "");
+    };
+    template<>
+    struct DataFieldsInfo<Eigen::Quaternionf, void>
+    {
+        static std::size_t GetNumberOfFields()
+        {
+            return 4;
+        }
+        static std::string GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, const Eigen::Quaternionf& field);
+        static std::vector<std::string> GetFieldNames()
+        {
+            return {"qw", "qx", "qy", "qz"};
+        }
+        static std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ToVariants(
+            const Eigen::Quaternionf& value,
+            const std::string& name,
+            const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
+            const std::string& frame = "",
+            const std::string& agent = "");
+    };
+    template<>
+    struct DataFieldsInfo<std::chrono::microseconds, void>
+    {
+        static std::size_t GetNumberOfFields()
+        {
+            return 1;
+        }
+        static std::string GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, std::chrono::microseconds field)
+        {
+            return to_string(field.count());
+        }
+        static std::vector<std::string> GetFieldNames()
+        {
+            throw std::logic_error {"should never be called"};
+        }
+        static std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ToVariants(
+            std::chrono::microseconds value,
+            const std::string& name,
+            const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
+            const std::string& frame = "",
+            const std::string& agent = "");
+    };
+    template<>
+    struct DataFieldsInfo<IceUtil::Time, void>
+    {
+        static std::size_t GetNumberOfFields()
+        {
+            return 1;
+        }
+        static std::string GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, IceUtil::Time field)
+        {
+            return to_string(field.toMicroSeconds());
+        }
+        static std::vector<std::string> GetFieldNames()
+        {
+            throw std::logic_error {"should never be called"};
+        }
+        static std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ToVariants(
+            IceUtil::Time value,
+            const std::string& name,
+            const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
+            const std::string& frame = "",
+            const std::string& agent = "");
+    };
 namespace armarx
     struct JointStatus;
-    namespace introspection
+namespace armarx::introspection
+    template<>
+    struct DataFieldsInfo<JointStatus, void>
-        template<>
-        struct DataFieldsInfo<JointStatus, void>
+        static std::size_t GetNumberOfFields()
-            static std::size_t GetNumberOfFields()
-            {
-                return 4;
-            }
-            static std::string GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, const JointStatus& field);
-            static std::vector<std::string> GetFieldNames()
-            {
-                return {"error", "operation", "enabled", "emergencyStop"};
-            }
-            static std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ToVariants(
-                const JointStatus& value,
-                const std::string& name,
-                const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
-                const std::string& frame,
-                const std::string& agent);
-        };
-    }
+            return 4;
+        }
+        static std::string GetFieldAsString(std::size_t i, const JointStatus& field);
+        static std::vector<std::string> GetFieldNames()
+        {
+            return {"error", "operation", "enabled", "emergencyStop"};
+        }
+        static std::map<std::string, VariantBasePtr> ToVariants(
+            const JointStatus& value,
+            const std::string& name,
+            const IceUtil::Time& timestamp,
+            const std::string& frame,
+            const std::string& agent);
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/drivers/XsensIMU/IMU/Xsens/Xsens.h b/source/RobotAPI/drivers/XsensIMU/IMU/Xsens/Xsens.h
index 231cc0618..67d2a5e4a 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/drivers/XsensIMU/IMU/Xsens/Xsens.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/drivers/XsensIMU/IMU/Xsens/Xsens.h
@@ -14,23 +14,20 @@
 #include "XsensMTiModule.h"
-namespace IMU
+namespace IMU::Xsens
-    namespace Xsens
+    struct XsensMTiFrame
-        struct XsensMTiFrame
+        XsensMTiFrame() :
+            m_DataLength(0)
-            XsensMTiFrame() :
-                m_DataLength(0)
-            {
-                memset(m_Data, 0, sizeof(unsigned char) * MAXMSGLEN);
-            }
-            short m_DataLength;
-            unsigned char m_Data[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            IMUState m_IMUState;
-        };
-    }
+            memset(m_Data, 0, sizeof(unsigned char) * MAXMSGLEN);
+        }
+        short m_DataLength;
+        unsigned char m_Data[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        IMUState m_IMUState;
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/drivers/XsensIMU/IMU/Xsens/XsensMTiModule.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/drivers/XsensIMU/IMU/Xsens/XsensMTiModule.cpp
index 468349d5a..334aa4c34 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/drivers/XsensIMU/IMU/Xsens/XsensMTiModule.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/drivers/XsensIMU/IMU/Xsens/XsensMTiModule.cpp
@@ -121,773 +121,815 @@ static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
-namespace IMU
+namespace IMU::Xsens
-    namespace Xsens
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Construction/Destruction
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //
+    CXsensMTiModule::CXsensMTiModule()
-        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // Construction/Destruction
-        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        //
-        CXsensMTiModule::CXsensMTiModule()
-        {
-            m_handle = -1;
-            m_portOpen = false;
-            m_fileOpen = false;
-            m_deviceError = 0;      // No error
-            m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
-            m_timeOut = TO_DEFAULT;
-            m_nTempBufferLen = 0;
-            m_clkEnd = 0;
-            for (int i = 0 ; i < MAXDEVICES + 1 ; i++)
-            {
-                m_storedOutputMode[i] = INVALIDSETTINGVALUE;
-                m_storedOutputSettings[i] = INVALIDSETTINGVALUE;
-                m_storedDataLength[i] = 0;
-            }
-        }
-        CXsensMTiModule::~CXsensMTiModule()
+        m_handle = -1;
+        m_portOpen = false;
+        m_fileOpen = false;
+        m_deviceError = 0;      // No error
+        m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
+        m_timeOut = TO_DEFAULT;
+        m_nTempBufferLen = 0;
+        m_clkEnd = 0;
+        for (int i = 0 ; i < MAXDEVICES + 1 ; i++)
-            close();
+            m_storedOutputMode[i] = INVALIDSETTINGVALUE;
+            m_storedOutputSettings[i] = INVALIDSETTINGVALUE;
+            m_storedDataLength[i] = 0;
+    }
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // clockms
-        //
-        // Calculates the processor time used by the calling process.
-        // For linux use gettimeofday instead of clock() function
-        // When using read from FTDI serial port in a loop the
-        // clock() function very often keeps returning 0.
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   returns processor time in milliseconds
-        //
-        clock_t CXsensMTiModule::clockms()
-        {
-            clock_t clk;
+    CXsensMTiModule::~CXsensMTiModule()
+    {
+        close();
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // clockms
+    //
+    // Calculates the processor time used by the calling process.
+    // For linux use gettimeofday instead of clock() function
+    // When using read from FTDI serial port in a loop the
+    // clock() function very often keeps returning 0.
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   returns processor time in milliseconds
+    //
+    clock_t CXsensMTiModule::clockms()
+    {
+        clock_t clk;
 #ifdef WIN32
-            clk = clock();      // Get current processor time
+        clk = clock();      // Get current processor time
 #if (CLOCKS_PER_SEC != 1000)
-            clk /= (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 1000);
-            //  clk = (clk * 1000) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+        clk /= (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 1000);
+        //  clk = (clk * 1000) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
-            struct timeval tv;
-            struct timezone tz;
-            gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
-            clk = tv.tv_sec * 1000 + (tv.tv_usec / 1000);
+        struct timeval tv;
+        struct timezone tz;
+        gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
+        clk = tv.tv_sec * 1000 + (tv.tv_usec / 1000);
-            return clk;
-        }
+        return clk;
+    }
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // openPort (serial port number as input parameter)
-        //
-        // Opens a 'live' connection to a MT or XM
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   portNumber  : number of serial port to open (1-99)
-        //   baudrate    : baudrate value (One of the PBR_* defines), default = PBR_115K2
-        //   inqueueSize : size of input queue, default = 4096
-        //   outqueueSize: size of output queue, default = 1024
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   returns MTRV_OK if serial port is successfully opened, else MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::openPort(const int portNumber, const unsigned long baudrate, const unsigned long /*inqueueSize*/, const unsigned long /*outqueueSize*/)
-        {
-            m_clkEnd = 0;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // openPort (serial port number as input parameter)
+    //
+    // Opens a 'live' connection to a MT or XM
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   portNumber  : number of serial port to open (1-99)
+    //   baudrate    : baudrate value (One of the PBR_* defines), default = PBR_115K2
+    //   inqueueSize : size of input queue, default = 4096
+    //   outqueueSize: size of output queue, default = 1024
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   returns MTRV_OK if serial port is successfully opened, else MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::openPort(const int portNumber, const unsigned long baudrate, const unsigned long /*inqueueSize*/, const unsigned long /*outqueueSize*/)
+    {
+        m_clkEnd = 0;
-            if (m_fileOpen || m_portOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_ANINPUTALREADYOPEN);
-            }
+        if (m_fileOpen || m_portOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_ANINPUTALREADYOPEN);
+        }
 #ifdef WIN32
-            char pchFileName[10];
+        char pchFileName[10];
-            sprintf(pchFileName, "\\\\.\\COM%d", portNumber);   // Create file name
+        sprintf(pchFileName, "\\\\.\\COM%d", portNumber);   // Create file name
-            m_handle = CreateFile(pchFileName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
+        m_handle = CreateFile(pchFileName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
-            if (m_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED);
-            }
+        if (m_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED);
+        }
-            // Once here, port is open
-            m_portOpen = true;
+        // Once here, port is open
+        m_portOpen = true;
-            //Get the current state & then change it
-            DCB dcb;
+        //Get the current state & then change it
+        DCB dcb;
-            GetCommState(m_handle, &dcb);// Get current state
+        GetCommState(m_handle, &dcb);// Get current state
-            dcb.BaudRate = baudrate;// Setup the baud rate
-            dcb.Parity = NOPARITY;// Setup the Parity
-            dcb.ByteSize = 8;// Setup the data bits
-            dcb.StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS;// Setup the stop bits
-            dcb.fDsrSensitivity = FALSE;// Setup the flow control
-            dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE;// NoFlowControl:
-            dcb.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE;
-            dcb.fOutX = FALSE;
-            dcb.fInX = FALSE;
+        dcb.BaudRate = baudrate;// Setup the baud rate
+        dcb.Parity = NOPARITY;// Setup the Parity
+        dcb.ByteSize = 8;// Setup the data bits
+        dcb.StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS;// Setup the stop bits
+        dcb.fDsrSensitivity = FALSE;// Setup the flow control
+        dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE;// NoFlowControl:
+        dcb.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE;
+        dcb.fOutX = FALSE;
+        dcb.fInX = FALSE;
+        if (!SetCommState(m_handle, (LPDCB)&dcb))
+        {
+            // Set new state
+            // Bluetooth ports cannot always be opened with 2 stopbits
+            // Now try to open port with 1 stopbit.
+            dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
             if (!SetCommState(m_handle, (LPDCB)&dcb))
-                // Set new state
-                // Bluetooth ports cannot always be opened with 2 stopbits
-                // Now try to open port with 1 stopbit.
-                dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
-                if (!SetCommState(m_handle, (LPDCB)&dcb))
-                {
-                    CloseHandle(m_handle);
-                    m_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
-                    m_portOpen = false;
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED);
-                }
+                CloseHandle(m_handle);
+                m_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+                m_portOpen = false;
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED);
+        }
-            // Set COM timeouts
-            COMMTIMEOUTS CommTimeouts;
+        // Set COM timeouts
+        COMMTIMEOUTS CommTimeouts;
-            GetCommTimeouts(m_handle, &CommTimeouts); // Fill CommTimeouts structure
+        GetCommTimeouts(m_handle, &CommTimeouts); // Fill CommTimeouts structure
-            // immediate return if data is available, wait 1ms otherwise
-            CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 1;
-            CommTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD;
-            CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = MAXDWORD;
+        // immediate return if data is available, wait 1ms otherwise
+        CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 1;
+        CommTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD;
+        CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = MAXDWORD;
-            // immediate return whether data is available or not
-            //  CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
-            //  CommTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD;
-            //  CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
+        // immediate return whether data is available or not
+        //  CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
+        //  CommTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD;
+        //  CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
-            SetCommTimeouts(m_handle, &CommTimeouts);// Set CommTimeouts structure
+        SetCommTimeouts(m_handle, &CommTimeouts);// Set CommTimeouts structure
-            // Other initialization functions
-            EscapeCommFunction(m_handle, SETRTS);// Enable RTS (for Xbus Master use)
-            SetupComm(m_handle, inqueueSize, outqueueSize); // Set queue size
+        // Other initialization functions
+        EscapeCommFunction(m_handle, SETRTS);// Enable RTS (for Xbus Master use)
+        SetupComm(m_handle, inqueueSize, outqueueSize); // Set queue size
-            // Remove any 'old' data in buffer
-            PurgeComm(m_handle, PURGE_TXCLEAR | PURGE_RXCLEAR);
+        // Remove any 'old' data in buffer
+        PurgeComm(m_handle, PURGE_TXCLEAR | PURGE_RXCLEAR);
-            return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+        return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-            char chPort[32];
-            struct termios options;
-            /* Open port */
-            sprintf(chPort, "/dev/ttyS%d", (portNumber - 1));
-            m_handle = open(chPort, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
-            // O_RDWR: Read+Write
-            // O_NOCTTY: Raw input, no "controlling terminal"
-            // O_NDELAY: Don't care about DCD signal
+        char chPort[32];
+        struct termios options;
-            if (m_handle < 0)
-            {
-                // Port not open
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED);
-            }
+        /* Open port */
+        sprintf(chPort, "/dev/ttyS%d", (portNumber - 1));
+        m_handle = open(chPort, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
-            // Once here, port is open
-            m_portOpen = true;
-            /* Start configuring of port for non-canonical transfer mode */
-            // Get current options for the port
-            tcgetattr(m_handle, &options);
-            // Set baudrate.
-            cfsetispeed(&options, baudrate);
-            cfsetospeed(&options, baudrate);
-            // Enable the receiver and set local mode
-            options.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD);
-            // Set character size to data bits and set no parity Mask the characte size bits
-            options.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB);
-            options.c_cflag |= CS8;         // Select 8 data bits
-            options.c_cflag |= CSTOPB;          // send 2 stop bits
-            // Disable hardware flow control
-            options.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;
-            options.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHONL | ICANON | ISIG | IEXTEN);
-            // Disable software flow control
-            options.c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | BRKINT | PARMRK | ISTRIP | INLCR | IGNCR | ICRNL | IXON);
-            // Set Raw output
-            options.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;
-            // Timeout 0.005 sec for first byte, read minimum of 0 bytes
-            options.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
-            options.c_cc[VTIME] = 5;
-            // Set the new options for the port
-            tcsetattr(m_handle, TCSANOW, &options);
+        // O_RDWR: Read+Write
+        // O_NOCTTY: Raw input, no "controlling terminal"
+        // O_NDELAY: Don't care about DCD signal
-            tcflush(m_handle, TCIOFLUSH);
+        if (m_handle < 0)
+        {
+            // Port not open
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED);
+        }
-            return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+        // Once here, port is open
+        m_portOpen = true;
+        /* Start configuring of port for non-canonical transfer mode */
+        // Get current options for the port
+        tcgetattr(m_handle, &options);
+        // Set baudrate.
+        cfsetispeed(&options, baudrate);
+        cfsetospeed(&options, baudrate);
+        // Enable the receiver and set local mode
+        options.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD);
+        // Set character size to data bits and set no parity Mask the characte size bits
+        options.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB);
+        options.c_cflag |= CS8;         // Select 8 data bits
+        options.c_cflag |= CSTOPB;          // send 2 stop bits
+        // Disable hardware flow control
+        options.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;
+        options.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHONL | ICANON | ISIG | IEXTEN);
+        // Disable software flow control
+        options.c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | BRKINT | PARMRK | ISTRIP | INLCR | IGNCR | ICRNL | IXON);
+        // Set Raw output
+        options.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;
+        // Timeout 0.005 sec for first byte, read minimum of 0 bytes
+        options.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
+        options.c_cc[VTIME] = 5;
+        // Set the new options for the port
+        tcsetattr(m_handle, TCSANOW, &options);
+        tcflush(m_handle, TCIOFLUSH);
+        return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-        }
+    }
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // openPort (string as input parameter)
-        //
-        // Opens a 'live' connection to a MT or XM
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   portName    : device name of serial port ("/dev/ttyUSB0" or "\\\\.\\COM1")
-        //   baudrate    : baudrate value (One of the PBR_* defines), default = PBR_115K2
-        //   inqueueSize : size of input queue, default = 4096
-        //   outqueueSize: size of output queue, default = 1024
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   returns MTRV_OK if serial port is successfully opened, else MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::openPort(const char* portName, const unsigned long baudrate, const unsigned long /*inqueueSize*/, const unsigned long /*outqueueSize*/)
-        {
-            m_clkEnd = 0;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // openPort (string as input parameter)
+    //
+    // Opens a 'live' connection to a MT or XM
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   portName    : device name of serial port ("/dev/ttyUSB0" or "\\\\.\\COM1")
+    //   baudrate    : baudrate value (One of the PBR_* defines), default = PBR_115K2
+    //   inqueueSize : size of input queue, default = 4096
+    //   outqueueSize: size of output queue, default = 1024
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   returns MTRV_OK if serial port is successfully opened, else MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::openPort(const char* portName, const unsigned long baudrate, const unsigned long /*inqueueSize*/, const unsigned long /*outqueueSize*/)
+    {
+        m_clkEnd = 0;
-            if (m_fileOpen || m_portOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_ANINPUTALREADYOPEN);
-            }
+        if (m_fileOpen || m_portOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_ANINPUTALREADYOPEN);
+        }
 #ifdef WIN32
-            m_handle = CreateFile(portName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
+        m_handle = CreateFile(portName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
-            if (m_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED);
-            }
+        if (m_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED);
+        }
-            // Once here, port is open
-            m_portOpen = true;
+        // Once here, port is open
+        m_portOpen = true;
-            //Get the current state & then change it
-            DCB dcb;
+        //Get the current state & then change it
+        DCB dcb;
-            GetCommState(m_handle, &dcb);// Get current state
+        GetCommState(m_handle, &dcb);// Get current state
-            dcb.BaudRate = baudrate;// Setup the baud rate
-            dcb.Parity = NOPARITY;// Setup the Parity
-            dcb.ByteSize = 8;// Setup the data bits
-            dcb.StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS;// Setup the stop bits
-            dcb.fDsrSensitivity = FALSE;// Setup the flow control
-            dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE;// NoFlowControl:
-            dcb.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE;
-            dcb.fOutX = FALSE;
-            dcb.fInX = FALSE;
+        dcb.BaudRate = baudrate;// Setup the baud rate
+        dcb.Parity = NOPARITY;// Setup the Parity
+        dcb.ByteSize = 8;// Setup the data bits
+        dcb.StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS;// Setup the stop bits
+        dcb.fDsrSensitivity = FALSE;// Setup the flow control
+        dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE;// NoFlowControl:
+        dcb.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE;
+        dcb.fOutX = FALSE;
+        dcb.fInX = FALSE;
+        if (!SetCommState(m_handle, (LPDCB)&dcb))
+        {
+            // Set new state
+            // Bluetooth ports cannot always be opened with 2 stopbits
+            // Now try to open port with 1 stopbit.
+            dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
             if (!SetCommState(m_handle, (LPDCB)&dcb))
-                // Set new state
-                // Bluetooth ports cannot always be opened with 2 stopbits
-                // Now try to open port with 1 stopbit.
-                dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
-                if (!SetCommState(m_handle, (LPDCB)&dcb))
-                {
-                    CloseHandle(m_handle);
-                    m_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
-                    m_portOpen = false;
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED);
-                }
+                CloseHandle(m_handle);
+                m_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+                m_portOpen = false;
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED);
+        }
-            // Set COM timeouts
-            COMMTIMEOUTS CommTimeouts;
+        // Set COM timeouts
+        COMMTIMEOUTS CommTimeouts;
-            GetCommTimeouts(m_handle, &CommTimeouts); // Fill CommTimeouts structure
+        GetCommTimeouts(m_handle, &CommTimeouts); // Fill CommTimeouts structure
-            // immediate return if data is available, wait 1ms otherwise
-            CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 1;
-            CommTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD;
-            CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = MAXDWORD;
+        // immediate return if data is available, wait 1ms otherwise
+        CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 1;
+        CommTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD;
+        CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = MAXDWORD;
-            // immediate return whether data is available or not
-            //  CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
-            //  CommTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD;
-            //  CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
-            SetCommTimeouts(m_handle, &CommTimeouts);// Set CommTimeouts structure
+        // immediate return whether data is available or not
+        //  CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
+        //  CommTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD;
+        //  CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
+        SetCommTimeouts(m_handle, &CommTimeouts);// Set CommTimeouts structure
-            // Other initialization functions
-            EscapeCommFunction(m_handle, SETRTS);// Enable RTS (for Xbus Master use)
-            SetupComm(m_handle, inqueueSize, outqueueSize); // Set queue size
+        // Other initialization functions
+        EscapeCommFunction(m_handle, SETRTS);// Enable RTS (for Xbus Master use)
+        SetupComm(m_handle, inqueueSize, outqueueSize); // Set queue size
-            // Remove any 'old' data in buffer
-            PurgeComm(m_handle, PURGE_TXCLEAR | PURGE_RXCLEAR);
+        // Remove any 'old' data in buffer
+        PurgeComm(m_handle, PURGE_TXCLEAR | PURGE_RXCLEAR);
-            return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+        return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-            struct termios options;
+        struct termios options;
-            /* Open port */
+        /* Open port */
-            m_handle = open(portName, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
+        m_handle = open(portName, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
-            // O_RDWR: Read+Write
-            // O_NOCTTY: Raw input, no "controlling terminal"
-            // O_NDELAY: Don't care about DCD signal
+        // O_RDWR: Read+Write
+        // O_NOCTTY: Raw input, no "controlling terminal"
+        // O_NDELAY: Don't care about DCD signal
-            if (m_handle < 0)
-            {
-                // Port not open
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED);
-            }
-            // Once here, port is open
-            m_portOpen = true;
-            /* Start configuring of port for non-canonical transfer mode */
-            // Get current options for the port
-            tcgetattr(m_handle, &options);
-            // Set baudrate.
-            cfsetispeed(&options, baudrate);
-            cfsetospeed(&options, baudrate);
-            // Enable the receiver and set local mode
-            options.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD);
-            // Set character size to data bits and set no parity Mask the characte size bits
-            options.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB);
-            options.c_cflag |= CS8;         // Select 8 data bits
-            options.c_cflag |= CSTOPB;          // send 2 stop bits
-            // Disable hardware flow control
-            options.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;
-            options.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHONL | ICANON | ISIG | IEXTEN);
-            // Disable software flow control
-            options.c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | BRKINT | PARMRK | ISTRIP | INLCR | IGNCR | ICRNL | IXON);
-            // Set Raw output
-            options.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;
-            // Timeout 0.005 sec for first byte, read minimum of 0 bytes
-            options.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
-            options.c_cc[VTIME] = 5;
-            // Set the new options for the port
-            tcsetattr(m_handle, TCSANOW, &options);
-            tcflush(m_handle, TCIOFLUSH);
+        if (m_handle < 0)
+        {
+            // Port not open
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED);
+        }
-            return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+        // Once here, port is open
+        m_portOpen = true;
+        /* Start configuring of port for non-canonical transfer mode */
+        // Get current options for the port
+        tcgetattr(m_handle, &options);
+        // Set baudrate.
+        cfsetispeed(&options, baudrate);
+        cfsetospeed(&options, baudrate);
+        // Enable the receiver and set local mode
+        options.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD);
+        // Set character size to data bits and set no parity Mask the characte size bits
+        options.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB);
+        options.c_cflag |= CS8;         // Select 8 data bits
+        options.c_cflag |= CSTOPB;          // send 2 stop bits
+        // Disable hardware flow control
+        options.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;
+        options.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHONL | ICANON | ISIG | IEXTEN);
+        // Disable software flow control
+        options.c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | BRKINT | PARMRK | ISTRIP | INLCR | IGNCR | ICRNL | IXON);
+        // Set Raw output
+        options.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;
+        // Timeout 0.005 sec for first byte, read minimum of 0 bytes
+        options.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
+        options.c_cc[VTIME] = 5;
+        // Set the new options for the port
+        tcsetattr(m_handle, TCSANOW, &options);
+        tcflush(m_handle, TCIOFLUSH);
+        return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-        }
+    }
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // openFile
-        //
-        // Open file for reading and writing
-        // Filepos is at start of file
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   fileName    : file name including path
-        //   createAlways: empties the log file, if existing
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   returns MTRV_OK if the file is opened
-        //   returns MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED if the file can not be opened
-        //   returns MTRV_ANINPUTALREADYOPEN if a serial port / file is already opened
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::openFile(const char* fileName, bool createAlways)
-        {
-            m_clkEnd = 0;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // openFile
+    //
+    // Open file for reading and writing
+    // Filepos is at start of file
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   fileName    : file name including path
+    //   createAlways: empties the log file, if existing
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   returns MTRV_OK if the file is opened
+    //   returns MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED if the file can not be opened
+    //   returns MTRV_ANINPUTALREADYOPEN if a serial port / file is already opened
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::openFile(const char* fileName, bool createAlways)
+    {
+        m_clkEnd = 0;
-            if (m_portOpen || m_portOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_ANINPUTALREADYOPEN);
-            }
+        if (m_portOpen || m_portOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_ANINPUTALREADYOPEN);
+        }
 #ifdef WIN32
-            DWORD disposition = OPEN_ALWAYS;
+        DWORD disposition = OPEN_ALWAYS;
-            if (createAlways == true)
-            {
-                disposition = CREATE_ALWAYS;
-            }
+        if (createAlways == true)
+        {
+            disposition = CREATE_ALWAYS;
+        }
-            m_handle = CreateFile(fileName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, disposition, 0, NULL);
+        m_handle = CreateFile(fileName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, disposition, 0, NULL);
-            if (m_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED);
-            }
+        if (m_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED);
+        }
-            int openMode = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
+        int openMode = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
-            if (createAlways == true)
-            {
-                openMode |= O_TRUNC;
-            }
+        if (createAlways == true)
+        {
+            openMode |= O_TRUNC;
+        }
-            m_handle = open(fileName, openMode, S_IRWXU);
+        m_handle = open(fileName, openMode, S_IRWXU);
-            if (m_handle < 0)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED);
-            }
+        if (m_handle < 0)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED);
+        }
-            m_timeOut = 0;   // No timeout when using file input
-            m_fileOpen = true;
-            return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+        m_timeOut = 0;   // No timeout when using file input
+        m_fileOpen = true;
+        return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-        }
+    }
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // isPortOpen
-        //
-        // Return if serial port is open or not
-        //
-        bool CXsensMTiModule::isPortOpen()
-        {
-            return m_portOpen;
-        }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // isPortOpen
+    //
+    // Return if serial port is open or not
+    //
+    bool CXsensMTiModule::isPortOpen()
+    {
+        return m_portOpen;
+    }
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // isFileOpen
-        //
-        // Return if serial port is open or not
-        //
-        bool CXsensMTiModule::isFileOpen()
-        {
-            return m_fileOpen;
-        }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // isFileOpen
+    //
+    // Return if serial port is open or not
+    //
+    bool CXsensMTiModule::isFileOpen()
+    {
+        return m_fileOpen;
+    }
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // readData
-        //
-        // Reads bytes from serial port or file
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   msgBuffer      : pointer to buffer in which next string will be stored
-        //   nBytesToRead   : number of buffer bytes to read from serial port
-        //   retval         : return value, either MTRV_OK, MTRV_ENDOFFILE or MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   number of bytes actually read
-        int CXsensMTiModule::readData(unsigned char* msgBuffer, const int nBytesToRead)
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // readData
+    //
+    // Reads bytes from serial port or file
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   msgBuffer      : pointer to buffer in which next string will be stored
+    //   nBytesToRead   : number of buffer bytes to read from serial port
+    //   retval         : return value, either MTRV_OK, MTRV_ENDOFFILE or MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   number of bytes actually read
+    int CXsensMTiModule::readData(unsigned char* msgBuffer, const int nBytesToRead)
+    {
+        //if(!m_fileOpen && !m_portOpen)
+        if (!(m_portOpen || m_fileOpen))
-            //if(!m_fileOpen && !m_portOpen)
-            if (!(m_portOpen || m_fileOpen))
-            {
-                m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED;
-                return 0;
-            }
+            m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED;
+            return 0;
+        }
 #ifdef WIN32
-            DWORD nBytesRead;
-            BOOL retval = ReadFile(m_handle, msgBuffer, nBytesToRead, &nBytesRead, NULL);
+        DWORD nBytesRead;
+        BOOL retval = ReadFile(m_handle, msgBuffer, nBytesToRead, &nBytesRead, NULL);
-            if (retval && nBytesRead == 0 && m_fileOpen)
-            {
-                m_retVal = MTRV_ENDOFFILE;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
-            }
+        if (retval && nBytesRead == 0 && m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            m_retVal = MTRV_ENDOFFILE;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
+        }
-            return nBytesRead;
+        return nBytesRead;
-            const int nBytesRead = read(m_handle, msgBuffer, nBytesToRead);
-            m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
+        const int nBytesRead = read(m_handle, msgBuffer, nBytesToRead);
-            if (nBytesRead)
-            {
-                return nBytesRead;
-            }
-            else if (m_fileOpen)
-            {
-                m_retVal = MTRV_ENDOFFILE;
-            }
+        m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
+        if (nBytesRead)
+        {
             return nBytesRead;
-            /*
-             if (nBytesRead == 0 && m_fileOpen)
-             {
-             nBytesRead = 0;
-             m_retVal = MTRV_ENDOFFILE;
-             }
-             else
-             m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
-             return nBytesRead;*/
-            // In Linux it is sometimes better to read per byte instead of a block of bytes at once
-            // Use this block if experiencing problems with the above code
-            /*
-             int j = 0; // Index in buffer for read data
-             int k = 0; // Timeout factor
-             int nRead = 0; // Bytes read from port, return by read function
-             do {
-             nRead = read(m_handle, &msgBuffer[j], 1);
-             if (nRead == 1) {  // Byte read
-             k = 0;
-             j++;
-             }
-             else {
-             k++;
-             }
-             if (k == 3)    { // Timeout, too long no data read from port
-             return nRead;
-             }
-             }
-             while (j < nBytesToRead);
-             return j;
-             */
+        }
+        else if (m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            m_retVal = MTRV_ENDOFFILE;
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // writeData
-        //
-        // Writes bytes to serial port (to do: file)
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   msgBuffer      : a pointer to a char buffer containing
-        //                    the characters to be written to serial port
-        //   nBytesToWrite  : number of buffer bytes to write to serial port
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   number of bytes actually written
-        //
-        // The MTComm return value is != MTRV_OK if serial port is closed
-        int CXsensMTiModule::writeData(const unsigned char* msgBuffer, const int nBytesToWrite)
+        return nBytesRead;
+        /*
+         if (nBytesRead == 0 && m_fileOpen)
+         {
+         nBytesRead = 0;
+         m_retVal = MTRV_ENDOFFILE;
+         }
+         else
+         m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
+         return nBytesRead;*/
+        // In Linux it is sometimes better to read per byte instead of a block of bytes at once
+        // Use this block if experiencing problems with the above code
+        /*
+         int j = 0; // Index in buffer for read data
+         int k = 0; // Timeout factor
+         int nRead = 0; // Bytes read from port, return by read function
+         do {
+         nRead = read(m_handle, &msgBuffer[j], 1);
+         if (nRead == 1) {  // Byte read
+         k = 0;
+         j++;
+         }
+         else {
+         k++;
+         }
+         if (k == 3)    { // Timeout, too long no data read from port
+         return nRead;
+         }
+         }
+         while (j < nBytesToRead);
+         return j;
+         */
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // writeData
+    //
+    // Writes bytes to serial port (to do: file)
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   msgBuffer      : a pointer to a char buffer containing
+    //                    the characters to be written to serial port
+    //   nBytesToWrite  : number of buffer bytes to write to serial port
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   number of bytes actually written
+    //
+    // The MTComm return value is != MTRV_OK if serial port is closed
+    int CXsensMTiModule::writeData(const unsigned char* msgBuffer, const int nBytesToWrite)
+    {
+        if (!m_fileOpen && !m_portOpen)
-            if (!m_fileOpen && !m_portOpen)
-            {
-                m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED;
-                return 0;
-            }
+            m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED;
+            return 0;
+        }
-            m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
+        m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
 #ifdef WIN32
-            DWORD nBytesWritten;
-            WriteFile(m_handle, msgBuffer, nBytesToWrite, &nBytesWritten, NULL);
-            return nBytesWritten;
+        DWORD nBytesWritten;
+        WriteFile(m_handle, msgBuffer, nBytesToWrite, &nBytesWritten, NULL);
+        return nBytesWritten;
-            return write(m_handle, msgBuffer, nBytesToWrite);
+        return write(m_handle, msgBuffer, nBytesToWrite);
-        }
+    }
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // flush
-        //
-        // Remove any 'old' data in COM port buffer and flushes internal
-        //   temporary buffer
-        //
-        void CXsensMTiModule::flush()
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // flush
+    //
+    // Remove any 'old' data in COM port buffer and flushes internal
+    //   temporary buffer
+    //
+    void CXsensMTiModule::flush()
+    {
+        if (m_portOpen)
-            if (m_portOpen)
-            {
 #ifdef WIN32
-                // Remove any 'old' data in buffer
-                PurgeComm(m_handle, PURGE_TXCLEAR | PURGE_RXCLEAR);
+            // Remove any 'old' data in buffer
+            PurgeComm(m_handle, PURGE_TXCLEAR | PURGE_RXCLEAR);
-                tcflush(m_handle, TCIOFLUSH);
+            tcflush(m_handle, TCIOFLUSH);
-            }
-            m_nTempBufferLen = 0;
-            m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // escape
-        //
-        // Directs a COM port to perform an extended function
-        //
-        // Input
-        //  function    : Windows define. Can be one of following:
-        void CXsensMTiModule::escape(unsigned long /*function*/)
-        {
+        m_nTempBufferLen = 0;
+        m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // escape
+    //
+    // Directs a COM port to perform an extended function
+    //
+    // Input
+    //  function    : Windows define. Can be one of following:
+    void CXsensMTiModule::escape(unsigned long /*function*/)
+    {
 #ifdef WIN32
-            EscapeCommFunction(m_handle, function);
+        EscapeCommFunction(m_handle, function);
-        }
+    }
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // setPortQueueSize
-        //
-        // Set input and output buffer size of serial port
-        //
-        void CXsensMTiModule::setPortQueueSize(const unsigned long /*inqueueSize  = 4096 */, const unsigned long /*outqueueSize  = 1024 */)
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // setPortQueueSize
+    //
+    // Set input and output buffer size of serial port
+    //
+    void CXsensMTiModule::setPortQueueSize(const unsigned long /*inqueueSize  = 4096 */, const unsigned long /*outqueueSize  = 1024 */)
+    {
+        if (m_portOpen)
-            if (m_portOpen)
-            {
 #ifdef WIN32
-                SetupComm(m_handle, inqueueSize, outqueueSize); // Set queue size
+            SetupComm(m_handle, inqueueSize, outqueueSize); // Set queue size
-                // Not yet implemented
+            // Not yet implemented
-            }
-            m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // setFilePos
-        //
-        // Sets the current position of the file pointer for file input
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   relPos     : 32-bit value specifying the relative move in bytes
-        //                  origin is specified in moveMethod
-        // Output
-        //
-        //   returns MTRV_OK if file pointer is successfully set
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::setFilePos(long relPos, unsigned long moveMethod)
-        {
+        m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // setFilePos
+    //
+    // Sets the current position of the file pointer for file input
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   relPos     : 32-bit value specifying the relative move in bytes
+    //                  origin is specified in moveMethod
+    // Output
+    //
+    //   returns MTRV_OK if file pointer is successfully set
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::setFilePos(long relPos, unsigned long moveMethod)
+    {
 #ifdef WIN32
-            if (m_fileOpen)
+        if (m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            if (SetFilePointer(m_handle, relPos, NULL, moveMethod) != INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER)
-                if (SetFilePointer(m_handle, relPos, NULL, moveMethod) != INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER)
-                {
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-                }
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+        }
-            if (m_fileOpen)
+        if (m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            if (lseek(m_handle, relPos, moveMethod) != -1)
-                if (lseek(m_handle, relPos, moveMethod) != -1)
-                {
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-                }
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+        }
-            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOTSUCCESSFUL);
-        }
+        return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOTSUCCESSFUL);
+    }
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // getFileSize
-        //
-        // Retrieves the file size of the opened file
-        //
-        // Input
-        // Output
-        //   fileSize  : Number of bytes of the current file
-        //
-        //   returns MTRV_OK if successful
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::getFileSize(unsigned long& fileSize)
-        {
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // getFileSize
+    //
+    // Retrieves the file size of the opened file
+    //
+    // Input
+    // Output
+    //   fileSize  : Number of bytes of the current file
+    //
+    //   returns MTRV_OK if successful
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::getFileSize(unsigned long& fileSize)
+    {
 #ifdef WIN32
-            if (m_fileOpen)
+        if (m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            if ((fileSize = GetFileSize(m_handle, NULL)) != INVALID_FILE_SIZE)
-                if ((fileSize = GetFileSize(m_handle, NULL)) != INVALID_FILE_SIZE)
-                {
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-                }
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+        }
-            if (m_fileOpen)
-            {
-                struct stat buf;
+        if (m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            struct stat buf;
-                if (fstat(m_handle, &buf) == 0)
-                {
-                    fileSize = buf.st_size;
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-                }
+            if (fstat(m_handle, &buf) == 0)
+            {
+                fileSize = buf.st_size;
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+        }
-            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOTSUCCESSFUL);
-        }
+        return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOTSUCCESSFUL);
+    }
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // close
-        //
-        // Closes handle of file or serial port
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::close()
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // close
+    //
+    // Closes handle of file or serial port
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::close()
+    {
+        if (m_portOpen || m_fileOpen)
-            if (m_portOpen || m_fileOpen)
-            {
 #ifdef WIN32
-                if (m_portOpen)
-                {
-                    // Because of USB-serial driver bug
-                    flush();
-                }
+            if (m_portOpen)
+            {
+                // Because of USB-serial driver bug
+                flush();
+            }
-                CloseHandle(m_handle);
+            CloseHandle(m_handle);
-                ::close(m_handle);
+            ::close(m_handle);
-            }
+        }
-            m_fileOpen = m_portOpen = false;
-            m_timeOut = TO_DEFAULT;   // Restore timeout value (file input)
-            m_clkEnd = 0;
-            m_nTempBufferLen = 0;
-            m_deviceError = 0;   // No error
+        m_fileOpen = m_portOpen = false;
+        m_timeOut = TO_DEFAULT;   // Restore timeout value (file input)
+        m_clkEnd = 0;
+        m_nTempBufferLen = 0;
+        m_deviceError = 0;   // No error
-            for (int i = 0 ; i < MAXDEVICES + 1 ; i++)
-            {
-                m_storedOutputMode[i] = INVALIDSETTINGVALUE;
-                m_storedOutputSettings[i] = INVALIDSETTINGVALUE;
-                m_storedDataLength[i] = 0;
-            }
+        for (int i = 0 ; i < MAXDEVICES + 1 ; i++)
+        {
+            m_storedOutputMode[i] = INVALIDSETTINGVALUE;
+            m_storedOutputSettings[i] = INVALIDSETTINGVALUE;
+            m_storedDataLength[i] = 0;
+        }
-            return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+        return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // readMessage
+    //
+    // Reads the next message from serial port buffer or file.
+    // To be read within current time out period
+    //
+    // Input
+    // Output
+    //   mid        : MessageID of message received
+    //   data       : array pointer to data bytes (no header)
+    //   dataLen    : number of data bytes read
+    //   bid        : BID or address of message read (optional)
+    //
+    //   returns MTRV_OK if a message has been read else <>MTRV_OK
+    //
+    // Remarks
+    //   allocate enough memory for message buffer
+    //   use setTimeOut for different timeout value
+    short CXsensMTiModule::readMessage(unsigned char& mid, unsigned char data[], short& dataLen, unsigned char* bid)
+    {
+        unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        short msgLen;
+        if (!(m_fileOpen || m_portOpen))
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // readMessage
-        //
-        // Reads the next message from serial port buffer or file.
-        // To be read within current time out period
-        //
-        // Input
-        // Output
-        //   mid        : MessageID of message received
-        //   data       : array pointer to data bytes (no header)
-        //   dataLen    : number of data bytes read
-        //   bid        : BID or address of message read (optional)
-        //
-        //   returns MTRV_OK if a message has been read else <>MTRV_OK
-        //
-        // Remarks
-        //   allocate enough memory for message buffer
-        //   use setTimeOut for different timeout value
-        short CXsensMTiModule::readMessage(unsigned char& mid, unsigned char data[], short& dataLen, unsigned char* bid)
+        if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
-            unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            short msgLen;
+            // Message read
+            mid = buffer[IND_MID];
-            if (!(m_fileOpen || m_portOpen))
+            if (bid != nullptr)
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+                *bid = buffer[IND_BID];
-            if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
+            if (buffer[IND_LEN] != EXTLENCODE)
+            {
+                dataLen = buffer[IND_LEN];
+                memcpy(data, &buffer[IND_DATA0], dataLen);
+            }
+            else
-                // Message read
-                mid = buffer[IND_MID];
+                dataLen = buffer[IND_LENEXTH] * 256 + buffer[IND_LENEXTL];
+                memcpy(data, &buffer[IND_DATAEXT0], dataLen);
+            }
+        }
-                if (bid != nullptr)
-                {
-                    *bid = buffer[IND_BID];
-                }
+        return m_retVal;
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // readDataMessage
+    //
+    // Read a MTData or XMData message from serial port (using TimeOut val)
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   data       : pointer to buffer in which the DATA field of MTData/XMData is stored
+    //   dataLen    : number of bytes in buffer (= number bytes in DATA field)
+    // Output
+    //   returns MTRV_OK if MTData / XMData message has been read else <>MTRV_OK
+    //
+    // Remarks
+    //   allocate enough memory for data buffer
+    //   use setTimeOut for different timeout value
+    short CXsensMTiModule::readDataMessage(unsigned char data[], short& dataLen)
+    {
+        if (!(m_portOpen || m_fileOpen))
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+        }
+        unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        short buflen;
+        if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &buflen) == MTRV_OK)
+        {
+            if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_MTDATA)
+            {
+                // MID_XMDATA is same
                 if (buffer[IND_LEN] != EXTLENCODE)
                     dataLen = buffer[IND_LEN];
@@ -898,2290 +940,2245 @@ namespace IMU
                     dataLen = buffer[IND_LENEXTH] * 256 + buffer[IND_LENEXTL];
                     memcpy(data, &buffer[IND_DATAEXT0], dataLen);
-            }
-            return m_retVal;
-        }
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // readDataMessage
-        //
-        // Read a MTData or XMData message from serial port (using TimeOut val)
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   data       : pointer to buffer in which the DATA field of MTData/XMData is stored
-        //   dataLen    : number of bytes in buffer (= number bytes in DATA field)
-        // Output
-        //   returns MTRV_OK if MTData / XMData message has been read else <>MTRV_OK
-        //
-        // Remarks
-        //   allocate enough memory for data buffer
-        //   use setTimeOut for different timeout value
-        short CXsensMTiModule::readDataMessage(unsigned char data[], short& dataLen)
-        {
-            if (!(m_portOpen || m_fileOpen))
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+            }
+            else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+                m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
+        }
-            unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            short buflen;
+        return m_retVal;
+    }
-            if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &buflen) == MTRV_OK)
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // readMessageRaw
+    //
+    // Read a message from serial port for a certain period
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   msgBuffer      : pointer to buffer in which next msg will be stored
+    //   msgBufferLength: integer to number of bytes written in buffer (header + data + chksum)
+    // Output
+    //   returns MTRV_OK if a message has been read else <>MTRV_OK
+    //
+    // Remarks
+    //   allocate enough memory for message buffer
+    //   use setTimeOut for different timeout value
+    short CXsensMTiModule::readMessageRaw(unsigned char* msgBuffer, short* msgBufferLength)
+    {
+        int state = 0;
+        int nBytesToRead = 1;
+        int nBytesRead = 0;
+        int nOffset = 0;
+        int nMsgDataLen = 0;
+        int nMsgLen;
+        unsigned char chCheckSum;
+        bool Synced = false;
+        if (!(m_portOpen || m_fileOpen))
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+        }
+        // Copy previous read bytes if available
+        if (m_nTempBufferLen > 0)
+        {
+            memcpy(msgBuffer, m_tempBuffer, m_nTempBufferLen);
+            nBytesRead = m_nTempBufferLen;
+            m_nTempBufferLen = 0;
+        }
+        clock_t clkStart = clockms();       // Get current processor time
+        clock_t clkEnd = m_clkEnd;      // check if the end timer is already set
+        if (clkEnd == 0)
+        {
+            clkEnd = clkStart + m_timeOut;
+        }
+        while (true)
+        {
+            do
-                if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_MTDATA)
+                // First check if we already have some bytes read
+                if (nBytesRead > 0 && nBytesToRead > 0)
-                    // MID_XMDATA is same
-                    if (buffer[IND_LEN] != EXTLENCODE)
+                    if (nBytesToRead > nBytesRead)
-                        dataLen = buffer[IND_LEN];
-                        memcpy(data, &buffer[IND_DATA0], dataLen);
+                        nOffset += nBytesRead;
+                        nBytesToRead -= nBytesRead;
+                        nBytesRead = 0;
-                        dataLen = buffer[IND_LENEXTH] * 256 + buffer[IND_LENEXTL];
-                        memcpy(data, &buffer[IND_DATAEXT0], dataLen);
+                        nOffset += nBytesToRead;
+                        nBytesRead -= nBytesToRead;
+                        nBytesToRead = 0;
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-                else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
+                // Check if serial port buffer must be read
+                if (nBytesToRead > 0)
-                    m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
-                }
-            }
+                    nBytesRead = readData(msgBuffer + nOffset, nBytesToRead);
-            return m_retVal;
-        }
+                    if (m_retVal == MTRV_ENDOFFILE)
+                    {
+                        return (m_retVal = MTRV_ENDOFFILE);
+                    }
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // readMessageRaw
-        //
-        // Read a message from serial port for a certain period
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   msgBuffer      : pointer to buffer in which next msg will be stored
-        //   msgBufferLength: integer to number of bytes written in buffer (header + data + chksum)
-        // Output
-        //   returns MTRV_OK if a message has been read else <>MTRV_OK
-        //
-        // Remarks
-        //   allocate enough memory for message buffer
-        //   use setTimeOut for different timeout value
-        short CXsensMTiModule::readMessageRaw(unsigned char* msgBuffer, short* msgBufferLength)
-        {
-            int state = 0;
-            int nBytesToRead = 1;
-            int nBytesRead = 0;
-            int nOffset = 0;
-            int nMsgDataLen = 0;
-            int nMsgLen;
-            unsigned char chCheckSum;
-            bool Synced = false;
+                    nOffset += nBytesRead;
+                    nBytesToRead -= nBytesRead;
+                    nBytesRead = 0;
+                }
-            if (!(m_portOpen || m_fileOpen))
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
-            }
+                if (!nBytesToRead)
+                {
+                    switch (state)
+                    {
+                        case 0:                 // Check preamble
+                            if (msgBuffer[IND_PREAMBLE] == PREAMBLE)
+                            {
+                                state++;
+                                nBytesToRead = 3;
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                nOffset = 0;
+                                nBytesToRead = 1;
+                            }
-            // Copy previous read bytes if available
-            if (m_nTempBufferLen > 0)
-            {
-                memcpy(msgBuffer, m_tempBuffer, m_nTempBufferLen);
-                nBytesRead = m_nTempBufferLen;
-                m_nTempBufferLen = 0;
-            }
+                            break;
-            clock_t clkStart = clockms();       // Get current processor time
-            clock_t clkEnd = m_clkEnd;      // check if the end timer is already set
+                        case 1:                 // Check ADDR, MID, LEN
+                            if (msgBuffer[IND_LEN] != 0xFF)
+                            {
+                                state = 3;
+                                nBytesToRead = (nMsgDataLen = msgBuffer[IND_LEN]) + 1;   // Read LEN + 1 (chksum)
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                state = 2;
+                                nBytesToRead = 2;   // Read extended length
+                            }
-            if (clkEnd == 0)
-            {
-                clkEnd = clkStart + m_timeOut;
-            }
+                            break;
-            while (true)
-            {
-                do
-                {
-                    // First check if we already have some bytes read
-                    if (nBytesRead > 0 && nBytesToRead > 0)
-                    {
-                        if (nBytesToRead > nBytesRead)
-                        {
-                            nOffset += nBytesRead;
-                            nBytesToRead -= nBytesRead;
-                            nBytesRead = 0;
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            nOffset += nBytesToRead;
-                            nBytesRead -= nBytesToRead;
-                            nBytesToRead = 0;
-                        }
-                    }
+                        case 2:
+                            state = 3;
+                            nBytesToRead = (nMsgDataLen = msgBuffer[IND_LENEXTH] * 256 + msgBuffer[IND_LENEXTL]) + 1;   // Read LENEXT + CS
-                    // Check if serial port buffer must be read
-                    if (nBytesToRead > 0)
-                    {
-                        nBytesRead = readData(msgBuffer + nOffset, nBytesToRead);
+                            if (nMsgDataLen > MAXMSGLEN - LEN_MSGEXTHEADERCS)
+                            {
+                                // Not synced - check for preamble in the bytes read
+                                for (int i = 1 ; i < LEN_MSGEXTHEADER ; i++)
+                                    if (msgBuffer[i] == PREAMBLE)
+                                    {
+                                        // Found a maybe preamble - 'fill buffer'
+                                        nBytesRead = LEN_MSGEXTHEADER - i;
+                                        memmove(msgBuffer, msgBuffer + i, nBytesRead);
+                                        break;
+                                    }
-                        if (m_retVal == MTRV_ENDOFFILE)
-                        {
-                            return (m_retVal = MTRV_ENDOFFILE);
-                        }
+                                Synced = false;
+                                nOffset = 0;
+                                state = 0;
+                                nBytesToRead = 1;           // Start looking for preamble
+                            }
-                        nOffset += nBytesRead;
-                        nBytesToRead -= nBytesRead;
-                        nBytesRead = 0;
-                    }
+                            break;
-                    if (!nBytesToRead)
-                    {
-                        switch (state)
-                        {
-                            case 0:                 // Check preamble
-                                if (msgBuffer[IND_PREAMBLE] == PREAMBLE)
-                                {
-                                    state++;
-                                    nBytesToRead = 3;
-                                }
-                                else
-                                {
-                                    nOffset = 0;
-                                    nBytesToRead = 1;
-                                }
+                        case 3:                 // Check msg
+                            chCheckSum = 0;
+                            nMsgLen = nMsgDataLen + 5 + (msgBuffer[IND_LEN] == 0xFF ? 2 : 0);
-                                break;
+                            for (int i = 1 ; i < nMsgLen ; i++)
+                            {
+                                chCheckSum += msgBuffer[i];
+                            }
-                            case 1:                 // Check ADDR, MID, LEN
-                                if (msgBuffer[IND_LEN] != 0xFF)
-                                {
-                                    state = 3;
-                                    nBytesToRead = (nMsgDataLen = msgBuffer[IND_LEN]) + 1;   // Read LEN + 1 (chksum)
-                                }
-                                else
+                            if (chCheckSum == 0)
+                            {
+                                // Checksum ok?
+                                if (nBytesRead > 0)
-                                    state = 2;
-                                    nBytesToRead = 2;   // Read extended length
+                                    // Store bytes if read too much
+                                    memcpy(m_tempBuffer, msgBuffer + nMsgLen, nBytesRead);
+                                    m_nTempBufferLen = nBytesRead;
-                                break;
-                            case 2:
-                                state = 3;
-                                nBytesToRead = (nMsgDataLen = msgBuffer[IND_LENEXTH] * 256 + msgBuffer[IND_LENEXTL]) + 1;   // Read LENEXT + CS
-                                if (nMsgDataLen > MAXMSGLEN - LEN_MSGEXTHEADERCS)
-                                {
-                                    // Not synced - check for preamble in the bytes read
-                                    for (int i = 1 ; i < LEN_MSGEXTHEADER ; i++)
+                                *msgBufferLength = nMsgLen;
+                                Synced = true;
+                                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                if (!Synced)
+                                    for (int i = 1 ; i < nMsgLen ; i++)         // Not synced - maybe recheck for preamble in this incorrect message
                                         if (msgBuffer[i] == PREAMBLE)
                                             // Found a maybe preamble - 'fill buffer'
-                                            nBytesRead = LEN_MSGEXTHEADER - i;
+                                            nBytesRead = nMsgLen - i;
                                             memmove(msgBuffer, msgBuffer + i, nBytesRead);
-                                    Synced = false;
-                                    nOffset = 0;
-                                    state = 0;
-                                    nBytesToRead = 1;           // Start looking for preamble
-                                }
-                                break;
-                            case 3:                 // Check msg
-                                chCheckSum = 0;
-                                nMsgLen = nMsgDataLen + 5 + (msgBuffer[IND_LEN] == 0xFF ? 2 : 0);
-                                for (int i = 1 ; i < nMsgLen ; i++)
-                                {
-                                    chCheckSum += msgBuffer[i];
-                                }
-                                if (chCheckSum == 0)
-                                {
-                                    // Checksum ok?
-                                    if (nBytesRead > 0)
-                                    {
-                                        // Store bytes if read too much
-                                        memcpy(m_tempBuffer, msgBuffer + nMsgLen, nBytesRead);
-                                        m_nTempBufferLen = nBytesRead;
-                                    }
-                                    *msgBufferLength = nMsgLen;
-                                    Synced = true;
-                                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-                                }
-                                else
-                                {
-                                    if (!Synced)
-                                        for (int i = 1 ; i < nMsgLen ; i++)         // Not synced - maybe recheck for preamble in this incorrect message
-                                            if (msgBuffer[i] == PREAMBLE)
-                                            {
-                                                // Found a maybe preamble - 'fill buffer'
-                                                nBytesRead = nMsgLen - i;
-                                                memmove(msgBuffer, msgBuffer + i, nBytesRead);
-                                                break;
-                                            }
-                                    Synced = false;
-                                    nOffset = 0;
-                                    state = 0;
-                                    nBytesToRead = 1;           // Start looking for preamble
-                                }
+                                Synced = false;
+                                nOffset = 0;
+                                state = 0;
+                                nBytesToRead = 1;           // Start looking for preamble
+                            }
-                                break;
-                        }
+                            break;
-                while ((clkEnd >= clockms()) || m_timeOut == 0 || nBytesRead != 0);
-                // Check if pending message has a valid message
-                if (state > 0)
-                {
-                    int i;
+            }
+            while ((clkEnd >= clockms()) || m_timeOut == 0 || nBytesRead != 0);
-                    // Search for preamble
-                    for (i = 1; i < nOffset ; i++)
-                        if (msgBuffer[i] == PREAMBLE)
-                        {
-                            // Found a maybe preamble - 'fill buffer'
-                            nBytesRead = nOffset - i - 1;           // no preamble
-                            memmove(msgBuffer + 1, msgBuffer + i + 1, nBytesRead);
-                            break;
-                        }
+            // Check if pending message has a valid message
+            if (state > 0)
+            {
+                int i;
-                    if (i < nOffset)
+                // Search for preamble
+                for (i = 1; i < nOffset ; i++)
+                    if (msgBuffer[i] == PREAMBLE)
-                        // Found preamble in message - recheck
-                        nOffset = 1;
-                        state = 1;
-                        nBytesToRead = 3;           // Start looking for preamble
-                        continue;
+                        // Found a maybe preamble - 'fill buffer'
+                        nBytesRead = nOffset - i - 1;           // no preamble
+                        memmove(msgBuffer + 1, msgBuffer + i + 1, nBytesRead);
+                        break;
-                }
-                break;
+                if (i < nOffset)
+                {
+                    // Found preamble in message - recheck
+                    nOffset = 1;
+                    state = 1;
+                    nBytesToRead = 3;           // Start looking for preamble
+                    continue;
+                }
-            return (m_retVal = MTRV_TIMEOUT);
+            break;
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // writeMessage (optional: integer value)
-        //
-        // Sends a message and in case of an serial port interface it checks
-        //   if the return message (ack, error or timeout). See return value
-        //   In case an file is opened the functions returns directly after
-        //   'sending' the message
-        //
-        //   Use this function for GotoConfig, Reset, ResetOrientation etc
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   mid          : MessageID of message to send
-        //   dataValue    : A integer value that will be included into the data message field
-        //                  can be a 1,2 or 4 bytes values
-        //   dataValueLen : Size of dataValue in bytes
-        //   bid          : BID or address to use in message to send (default = 0xFF)
-        //
-        // Return value
-        //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message received / or data successfully written to file
-        //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message received
-        //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::writeMessage(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned long dataValue, const unsigned char dataValueLen, const unsigned char bid)
+        return (m_retVal = MTRV_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // writeMessage (optional: integer value)
+    //
+    // Sends a message and in case of an serial port interface it checks
+    //   if the return message (ack, error or timeout). See return value
+    //   In case an file is opened the functions returns directly after
+    //   'sending' the message
+    //
+    //   Use this function for GotoConfig, Reset, ResetOrientation etc
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   mid          : MessageID of message to send
+    //   dataValue    : A integer value that will be included into the data message field
+    //                  can be a 1,2 or 4 bytes values
+    //   dataValueLen : Size of dataValue in bytes
+    //   bid          : BID or address to use in message to send (default = 0xFF)
+    //
+    // Return value
+    //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message received / or data successfully written to file
+    //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message received
+    //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::writeMessage(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned long dataValue, const unsigned char dataValueLen, const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        short msgLen;
+        if (!(m_fileOpen || m_portOpen))
-            unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            short msgLen;
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+        }
-            if (!(m_fileOpen || m_portOpen))
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
-            }
+        buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
+        buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
+        buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
+        buffer[IND_LEN] = dataValueLen;
-            buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
-            buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
-            buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
-            buffer[IND_LEN] = dataValueLen;
+        if (dataValueLen)
+        {
+            swapEndian((const unsigned char*) &dataValue, &buffer[IND_DATA0], dataValueLen);
+        }
-            if (dataValueLen)
-            {
-                swapEndian((const unsigned char*) &dataValue, &buffer[IND_DATA0], dataValueLen);
-            }
+        calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + dataValueLen);
-            calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + dataValueLen);
+        // Send message
+        writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + dataValueLen);
-            // Send message
-            writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + dataValueLen);
+        // Return if file opened
+        if (m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+        }
-            // Return if file opened
-            if (m_fileOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-            }
+        // Keep reading until an Ack or Error message is received (or timeout)
+        clock_t clkStart, clkOld;
+        bool msgRead = false;
-            // Keep reading until an Ack or Error message is received (or timeout)
-            clock_t clkStart, clkOld;
-            bool msgRead = false;
+        clkStart = clockms();           // Get current processor time
+        clkOld = m_clkEnd;
-            clkStart = clockms();           // Get current processor time
-            clkOld = m_clkEnd;
+        if (clkOld == 0)
+        {
+            m_clkEnd = m_timeOut + clkStart;
+        }
-            if (clkOld == 0)
+        while (m_clkEnd >= clockms() || (m_timeOut == 0))
+        {
+            if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
-                m_clkEnd = m_timeOut + clkStart;
-            }
+                // Message received
+                msgRead = true;
-            while (m_clkEnd >= clockms() || (m_timeOut == 0))
-            {
-                if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
+                if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                    // Message received
-                    msgRead = true;
-                    if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                    {
-                        m_clkEnd = clkOld;
-                        return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);                // Acknowledge received
-                    }
-                    else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                    {
-                        m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
-                        m_clkEnd = clkOld;
-                        return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
-                    }
+                    m_clkEnd = clkOld;
+                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);                // Acknowledge received
+                }
+                else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
+                {
+                    m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
+                    m_clkEnd = clkOld;
+                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
+        }
-            m_clkEnd = clkOld;
+        m_clkEnd = clkOld;
-            if (msgRead)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_TIMEOUT);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_TIMEOUTNODATA);
-            }
+        if (msgRead)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_TIMEOUT);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_TIMEOUTNODATA);
+    }
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // writeMessage (data array)
-        //
-        // Sends a message and in case of an serial port interface it checks
-        //   if the return message (ack, error or timeout). See return value
-        //   In case an file is opened the functions returns directly after
-        //   'sending' the message
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   mid        : MessageID of message to send
-        //   data       : array pointer to data bytes
-        //   dataLen    : number of bytes to include in message
-        //   bid        : BID or address to use in message to send (default = 0xFF)
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message received
-        //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message received
-        //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::writeMessage(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char data[], const unsigned short& dataLen, const unsigned char bid)
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // writeMessage (data array)
+    //
+    // Sends a message and in case of an serial port interface it checks
+    //   if the return message (ack, error or timeout). See return value
+    //   In case an file is opened the functions returns directly after
+    //   'sending' the message
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   mid        : MessageID of message to send
+    //   data       : array pointer to data bytes
+    //   dataLen    : number of bytes to include in message
+    //   bid        : BID or address to use in message to send (default = 0xFF)
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message received
+    //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message received
+    //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::writeMessage(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char data[], const unsigned short& dataLen, const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        short msgLen;
+        short headerLength;
+        if (!(m_fileOpen || m_portOpen))
-            unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            short msgLen;
-            short headerLength;
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+        }
-            if (!(m_fileOpen || m_portOpen))
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
-            }
+        // Build message to send
+        buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
+        buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
+        buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
-            // Build message to send
-            buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
-            buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
-            buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
+        if (dataLen < EXTLENCODE)
+        {
+            buffer[IND_LEN] = (unsigned char) dataLen;
+            headerLength = LEN_MSGHEADER;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            buffer[IND_LEN] = EXTLENCODE;
+            buffer[IND_LENEXTH] = (unsigned char)(dataLen >> 8);
+            buffer[IND_LENEXTL] = (unsigned char)(dataLen & 0x00FF);
+            headerLength = LEN_MSGEXTHEADER;
+        }
-            if (dataLen < EXTLENCODE)
-            {
-                buffer[IND_LEN] = (unsigned char) dataLen;
-                headerLength = LEN_MSGHEADER;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                buffer[IND_LEN] = EXTLENCODE;
-                buffer[IND_LENEXTH] = (unsigned char)(dataLen >> 8);
-                buffer[IND_LENEXTL] = (unsigned char)(dataLen & 0x00FF);
-                headerLength = LEN_MSGEXTHEADER;
-            }
+        memcpy(&buffer[headerLength], data, dataLen);
+        calcChecksum(buffer, headerLength + dataLen);
-            memcpy(&buffer[headerLength], data, dataLen);
-            calcChecksum(buffer, headerLength + dataLen);
+        // Send message
+        writeData(buffer, headerLength + dataLen + LEN_CHECKSUM);
-            // Send message
-            writeData(buffer, headerLength + dataLen + LEN_CHECKSUM);
+        // Return if file opened
+        if (m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+        }
-            // Return if file opened
-            if (m_fileOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-            }
+        // Keep reading until an Ack or Error message is received (or timeout)
+        bool msgRead = false;
+        clock_t clkStart, clkOld;
-            // Keep reading until an Ack or Error message is received (or timeout)
-            bool msgRead = false;
-            clock_t clkStart, clkOld;
+        clkStart = clockms();   // Get current processor time
+        clkOld = m_clkEnd;
-            clkStart = clockms();   // Get current processor time
-            clkOld = m_clkEnd;
+        if (clkOld == 0)
+        {
+            m_clkEnd = m_timeOut + clkStart;
+        }
-            if (clkOld == 0)
+        while (m_clkEnd >= clockms() || (m_timeOut == 0))
+        {
+            if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
-                m_clkEnd = m_timeOut + clkStart;
-            }
+                // Message received
+                msgRead = true;
-            while (m_clkEnd >= clockms() || (m_timeOut == 0))
-            {
-                if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
+                if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                    // Message received
-                    msgRead = true;
-                    if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                    {
-                        m_clkEnd = clkOld;
-                        return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);                // Acknowledge received
-                    }
-                    else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                    {
-                        m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
-                        m_clkEnd = clkOld;
-                        return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
-                    }
+                    m_clkEnd = clkOld;
+                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);                // Acknowledge received
+                }
+                else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
+                {
+                    m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
+                    m_clkEnd = clkOld;
+                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
+        }
-            m_clkEnd = clkOld;
+        m_clkEnd = clkOld;
-            if (msgRead)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_TIMEOUT);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_TIMEOUTNODATA);
-            }
+        if (msgRead)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_TIMEOUT);
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // waitForMessage
-        //
-        // Read messages from serial port or file using the current timeout period
-        //  until the received message is equal to a specific message identifier
-        // By default the timeout period by file input is set to infinity (= until
-        //  end of file is reached)
-        //
-        // Input/Output
-        //   mid            : message identifier of message that should be returned
-        //   data           : pointer to buffer in which the data of the requested msg will be stored
-        //   dataLen        : integer to number of data bytes
-        //   bid            : optional, pointer which holds the bid of the returned message
-        // Output
-        //   returns MTRV_OK if the message has been read else != MTRV_OK
-        //
-        // Remarks
-        //   allocate enough memory for data message buffer
-        //   use setTimeOut for different timeout value
-        short CXsensMTiModule::waitForMessage(const unsigned char mid, unsigned char data[], short* dataLen, unsigned char* bid)
+        else
-            unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            short buflen;
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_TIMEOUTNODATA);
+        }
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // waitForMessage
+    //
+    // Read messages from serial port or file using the current timeout period
+    //  until the received message is equal to a specific message identifier
+    // By default the timeout period by file input is set to infinity (= until
+    //  end of file is reached)
+    //
+    // Input/Output
+    //   mid            : message identifier of message that should be returned
+    //   data           : pointer to buffer in which the data of the requested msg will be stored
+    //   dataLen        : integer to number of data bytes
+    //   bid            : optional, pointer which holds the bid of the returned message
+    // Output
+    //   returns MTRV_OK if the message has been read else != MTRV_OK
+    //
+    // Remarks
+    //   allocate enough memory for data message buffer
+    //   use setTimeOut for different timeout value
+    short CXsensMTiModule::waitForMessage(const unsigned char mid, unsigned char data[], short* dataLen, unsigned char* bid)
+    {
+        unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        short buflen;
-            clock_t clkStart, clkOld;
+        clock_t clkStart, clkOld;
-            if (!(m_fileOpen || m_portOpen))
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
-            }
+        if (!(m_fileOpen || m_portOpen))
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+        }
-            clkStart = clockms();       // Get current processor time
-            clkOld = m_clkEnd;
+        clkStart = clockms();       // Get current processor time
+        clkOld = m_clkEnd;
-            if (clkOld == 0)
-            {
-                m_clkEnd = m_timeOut + clkStart;
-            }
+        if (clkOld == 0)
+        {
+            m_clkEnd = m_timeOut + clkStart;
+        }
-            while (m_clkEnd >= clockms() || (m_timeOut == 0))
+        while (m_clkEnd >= clockms() || (m_timeOut == 0))
+        {
+            if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &buflen) == MTRV_OK)
-                if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &buflen) == MTRV_OK)
+                if (buffer[IND_MID] == mid)
-                    if (buffer[IND_MID] == mid)
+                    if (bid != nullptr)
-                        if (bid != nullptr)
-                        {
-                            *bid = buffer[IND_BID];
-                        }
+                        *bid = buffer[IND_BID];
+                    }
-                        if (data != nullptr && dataLen != nullptr)
+                    if (data != nullptr && dataLen != nullptr)
+                    {
+                        if (buffer[IND_LEN] != EXTLENCODE)
-                            if (buffer[IND_LEN] != EXTLENCODE)
-                            {
-                                *dataLen = buffer[IND_LEN];
-                                memcpy(data, &buffer[IND_DATA0], *dataLen);
-                            }
-                            else
-                            {
-                                *dataLen = buffer[IND_LENEXTH] * 256 + buffer[IND_LENEXTL];
-                                memcpy(data, &buffer[IND_DATAEXT0], *dataLen);
-                            }
+                            *dataLen = buffer[IND_LEN];
+                            memcpy(data, &buffer[IND_DATA0], *dataLen);
-                        else if (dataLen != nullptr)
+                        else
-                            dataLen = nullptr;
+                            *dataLen = buffer[IND_LENEXTH] * 256 + buffer[IND_LENEXTL];
+                            memcpy(data, &buffer[IND_DATAEXT0], *dataLen);
-                        m_clkEnd = clkOld;
-                        return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-                }
-                else if (m_retVal == MTRV_ENDOFFILE)
-                {
+                    else if (dataLen != nullptr)
+                    {
+                        dataLen = nullptr;
+                    }
                     m_clkEnd = clkOld;
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_ENDOFFILE);
+                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-            m_clkEnd = clkOld;
-            return (m_retVal = MTRV_TIMEOUT);
+            else if (m_retVal == MTRV_ENDOFFILE)
+            {
+                m_clkEnd = clkOld;
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_ENDOFFILE);
+            }
+        }
+        m_clkEnd = clkOld;
+        return (m_retVal = MTRV_TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // reqSetting (integer & no param variant)
+    //
+    // Request a integer setting from the device. This setting
+    // can be an unsigned 1,2 or 4 bytes setting. Only valid
+    // for serial port connections
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
+    //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
+    //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
+    //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
+    //
+    //   value contains the integer value of the data field of the ack message
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, unsigned long& value, const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        short msgLen;
+        if (m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
+        }
+        if (!m_portOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+        }
+        buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
+        buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
+        buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
+        buffer[IND_LEN] = 0;
+        calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        // Send message
+        writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        // Read next message or else timeout
+        if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
+        {
+            // Message received
+            if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
+            {
+                // Acknowledge received
+                value = 0;
+                swapEndian(&buffer[IND_DATA0], (unsigned char*) &value, buffer[IND_LEN]);
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+            }
+            else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
+            {
+                m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_UNEXPECTEDMSG);   // Unexpected message
+            }
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // reqSetting (integer & no param variant)
-        //
-        // Request a integer setting from the device. This setting
-        // can be an unsigned 1,2 or 4 bytes setting. Only valid
-        // for serial port connections
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
-        //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
-        //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
-        //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
-        //
-        //   value contains the integer value of the data field of the ack message
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, unsigned long& value, const unsigned char bid)
+        return m_retVal;
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // reqSetting (integer & param variant)
+    //
+    // Request a integer setting from the device. This setting
+    // can be an unsigned 1,2 or 4 bytes setting. Only valid
+    // for serial port connections.
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
+    //   param      : For messages that need a parameter
+    //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
+    //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
+    //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
+    //
+    //   value contains the integer value of the data field of the ack message
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, unsigned long& value, const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        short msgLen;
+        if (m_fileOpen)
-            unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            short msgLen;
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
+        }
-            if (m_fileOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
-            }
+        if (!m_portOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+        }
-            if (!m_portOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
-            }
+        buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
+        buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
+        buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
-            buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
-            buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
-            buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
+        if (param != 0xFF)
+        {
+            buffer[IND_LEN] = 1;
+            buffer[IND_DATA0] = param;
+        }
+        else
+        {
             buffer[IND_LEN] = 0;
-            calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        }
-            // Send message
-            writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
-            // Read next message or else timeout
-            if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
+        // Send message
+        writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        // Read next message or else timeout
+        if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
+        {
+            // Message received
+            if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                // Message received
-                if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
+                // Acknowledge received
+                value = 0;
+                if (param == 0xFF)
-                    // Acknowledge received
-                    value = 0;
                     swapEndian(&buffer[IND_DATA0], (unsigned char*) &value, buffer[IND_LEN]);
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-                }
-                else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                {
-                    m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_UNEXPECTEDMSG);   // Unexpected message
+                    swapEndian(&buffer[IND_DATA0] + 1, (unsigned char*) &value, buffer[IND_LEN] - 1);
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+            }
+            else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
+            {
+                m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_UNEXPECTEDMSG);   // Unexpected message
+        }
+        return m_retVal;
+    }
-            return m_retVal;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // reqSetting (float & no param variant)
+    //
+    // Request a float setting from the device. Only valid
+    // for serial port connections.
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
+    //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
+    //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
+    //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
+    //
+    //   value contains the float value of the acknowledge data field
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, float& value, const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        short msgLen;
+        if (m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // reqSetting (integer & param variant)
-        //
-        // Request a integer setting from the device. This setting
-        // can be an unsigned 1,2 or 4 bytes setting. Only valid
-        // for serial port connections.
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
-        //   param      : For messages that need a parameter
-        //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
-        //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
-        //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
-        //
-        //   value contains the integer value of the data field of the ack message
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, unsigned long& value, const unsigned char bid)
+        if (!m_portOpen)
-            unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            short msgLen;
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+        }
-            if (m_fileOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
-            }
+        buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
+        buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
+        buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
+        buffer[IND_LEN] = 0;
+        calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
-            if (!m_portOpen)
+        // Send message
+        writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        // Read next message or else timeout
+        if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
+        {
+            // Message received
+            if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+                // Acknowledge received
+                value = 0;
+                swapEndian(&buffer[IND_DATA0], (unsigned char*) &value, buffer[IND_LEN]);
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-            buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
-            buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
-            buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
-            if (param != 0xFF)
+            else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                buffer[IND_LEN] = 1;
-                buffer[IND_DATA0] = param;
+                m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
-                buffer[IND_LEN] = 0;
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_UNEXPECTEDMSG);   // Unexpected message
+        }
-            calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
-            // Send message
-            writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
-            // Read next message or else timeout
-            if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
-            {
-                // Message received
-                if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                {
-                    // Acknowledge received
-                    value = 0;
-                    if (param == 0xFF)
-                    {
-                        swapEndian(&buffer[IND_DATA0], (unsigned char*) &value, buffer[IND_LEN]);
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        swapEndian(&buffer[IND_DATA0] + 1, (unsigned char*) &value, buffer[IND_LEN] - 1);
-                    }
+        return m_retVal;
+    }
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-                }
-                else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                {
-                    m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_UNEXPECTEDMSG);   // Unexpected message
-                }
-            }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // reqSetting (float & param variant)
+    //
+    // Request a float setting from the device. Only valid
+    // for serial port connections.
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
+    //   param      : For messages that need a parameter (optional)
+    //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
+    //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
+    //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
+    //
+    //   value contains the float value of the acknowledge data field
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, float& value, const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        short msgLen;
-            return m_retVal;
+        if (m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // reqSetting (float & no param variant)
-        //
-        // Request a float setting from the device. Only valid
-        // for serial port connections.
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
-        //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
-        //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
-        //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
-        //
-        //   value contains the float value of the acknowledge data field
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, float& value, const unsigned char bid)
+        if (!m_portOpen)
-            unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            short msgLen;
-            if (m_fileOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
-            }
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+        }
-            if (!m_portOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
-            }
+        buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
+        buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
+        buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
-            buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
-            buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
-            buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
+        if (param != 0xFF)
+        {
+            buffer[IND_LEN] = 1;
+            buffer[IND_DATA0] = param;
+        }
+        else
+        {
             buffer[IND_LEN] = 0;
-            calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        }
-            // Send message
-            writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
-            // Read next message or else timeout
-            if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
+        // Send message
+        writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        // Read next message or else timeout
+        if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
+        {
+            // Message received
+            if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                // Message received
-                if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
+                // Acknowledge received
+                value = 0;
+                if (param == 0xFF)
-                    // Acknowledge received
-                    value = 0;
                     swapEndian(&buffer[IND_DATA0], (unsigned char*) &value, buffer[IND_LEN]);
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-                }
-                else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                {
-                    m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_UNEXPECTEDMSG);   // Unexpected message
+                    swapEndian(&buffer[IND_DATA0] + 1, (unsigned char*) &value, buffer[IND_LEN] - 1);
-            }
-            return m_retVal;
-        }
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // reqSetting (float & param variant)
-        //
-        // Request a float setting from the device. Only valid
-        // for serial port connections.
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
-        //   param      : For messages that need a parameter (optional)
-        //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
-        //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
-        //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
-        //
-        //   value contains the float value of the acknowledge data field
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, float& value, const unsigned char bid)
-        {
-            unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            short msgLen;
-            if (m_fileOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
-            }
-            if (!m_portOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-            buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
-            buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
-            buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
-            if (param != 0xFF)
+            else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                buffer[IND_LEN] = 1;
-                buffer[IND_DATA0] = param;
+                m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
-                buffer[IND_LEN] = 0;
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_UNEXPECTEDMSG);   // Unexpected message
+        }
-            calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        return m_retVal;
+    }
-            // Send message
-            writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // reqSetting (byte array & no param variant)
+    //
+    // Send a message to the device and the data of acknowledge message
+    // will be returned. Only valid for serial port connections
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
+    //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
+    //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
+    //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
+    //
+    //   data[] contains the data of the acknowledge message
+    //   dataLen contains the number bytes returned
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, unsigned char data[], short& dataLen, const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        short msgLen;
-            // Read next message or else timeout
-            if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
-            {
-                // Message received
-                if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                {
-                    // Acknowledge received
-                    value = 0;
+        if (m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
+        }
-                    if (param == 0xFF)
-                    {
-                        swapEndian(&buffer[IND_DATA0], (unsigned char*) &value, buffer[IND_LEN]);
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        swapEndian(&buffer[IND_DATA0] + 1, (unsigned char*) &value, buffer[IND_LEN] - 1);
-                    }
+        if (!m_portOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+        }
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-                }
-                else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
+        buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
+        buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
+        buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
+        buffer[IND_LEN] = 0;
+        calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        // Send message
+        writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        dataLen = 0;
+        // Read next message or else timeout
+        if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
+        {
+            // Message received
+            if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
+            {
+                // Acknowledge received
+                if (buffer[IND_LEN] != EXTLENCODE)
-                    m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
+                    dataLen = buffer[IND_LEN];
+                    memcpy(data, &buffer[IND_DATA0], dataLen);
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_UNEXPECTEDMSG);   // Unexpected message
+                    dataLen = buffer[IND_LENEXTH] * 256 + buffer[IND_LENEXTL];
+                    memcpy(data, &buffer[IND_DATAEXT0], dataLen);
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+            }
+            else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
+            {
+                m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_UNEXPECTEDMSG);   // Unexpected message
+        }
+        return m_retVal;
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // reqSetting (byte array in + out & no param variant)
+    //
+    // Send a message to the device and the data of acknowledge message
+    // will be returned. Only valid for serial port connections
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
+    //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
+    //   dataIn     : Data to be included in request
+    //   dataInLen  : Number of bytes in dataIn
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
+    //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
+    //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
+    //
+    //   dataOut[] contains the data of the acknowledge message
+    //   dataOutLen contains the number bytes returned
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, unsigned char dataIn[], short dataInLen, unsigned char dataOut[], short& dataOutLen, const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        short headerLength;
+        short msgLen;
-            return m_retVal;
+        if (m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // reqSetting (byte array & no param variant)
-        //
-        // Send a message to the device and the data of acknowledge message
-        // will be returned. Only valid for serial port connections
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
-        //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
-        //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
-        //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
-        //
-        //   data[] contains the data of the acknowledge message
-        //   dataLen contains the number bytes returned
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, unsigned char data[], short& dataLen, const unsigned char bid)
+        if (!m_portOpen)
-            unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            short msgLen;
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+        }
-            if (m_fileOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
-            }
+        buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
+        buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
+        buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
-            if (!m_portOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
-            }
+        if (dataInLen < EXTLENCODE)
+        {
+            buffer[IND_LEN] = (unsigned char) dataInLen;
+            headerLength = LEN_MSGHEADER;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            buffer[IND_LEN] = EXTLENCODE;
+            buffer[IND_LENEXTH] = (unsigned char)(dataInLen >> 8);
+            buffer[IND_LENEXTL] = (unsigned char)(dataInLen & 0x00FF);
+            headerLength = LEN_MSGEXTHEADER;
+        }
-            buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
-            buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
-            buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
-            buffer[IND_LEN] = 0;
-            calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        memcpy(&buffer[headerLength], dataIn, dataInLen);
+        calcChecksum(buffer, headerLength + dataInLen);
-            // Send message
-            writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        // Send message
+        writeData(buffer, headerLength + dataInLen + LEN_CHECKSUM);
-            dataLen = 0;
+        dataOutLen = 0;
-            // Read next message or else timeout
-            if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
+        // Read next message or else timeout
+        if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
+        {
+            // Message received
+            if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                // Message received
-                if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                {
-                    // Acknowledge received
-                    if (buffer[IND_LEN] != EXTLENCODE)
-                    {
-                        dataLen = buffer[IND_LEN];
-                        memcpy(data, &buffer[IND_DATA0], dataLen);
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        dataLen = buffer[IND_LENEXTH] * 256 + buffer[IND_LENEXTL];
-                        memcpy(data, &buffer[IND_DATAEXT0], dataLen);
-                    }
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-                }
-                else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
+                // Acknowledge received
+                if (buffer[IND_LEN] != EXTLENCODE)
-                    m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
+                    dataOutLen = buffer[IND_LEN];
+                    memcpy(dataOut, &buffer[IND_DATA0], dataOutLen);
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_UNEXPECTEDMSG);   // Unexpected message
+                    dataOutLen = buffer[IND_LENEXTH] * 256 + buffer[IND_LENEXTL];
+                    memcpy(dataOut, &buffer[IND_DATAEXT0], dataOutLen);
-            }
-            return m_retVal;
-        }
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // reqSetting (byte array in + out & no param variant)
-        //
-        // Send a message to the device and the data of acknowledge message
-        // will be returned. Only valid for serial port connections
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
-        //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
-        //   dataIn     : Data to be included in request
-        //   dataInLen  : Number of bytes in dataIn
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
-        //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
-        //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
-        //
-        //   dataOut[] contains the data of the acknowledge message
-        //   dataOutLen contains the number bytes returned
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, unsigned char dataIn[], short dataInLen, unsigned char dataOut[], short& dataOutLen, const unsigned char bid)
-        {
-            unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            short headerLength;
-            short msgLen;
-            if (m_fileOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
-            }
-            if (!m_portOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-            buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
-            buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
-            buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
-            if (dataInLen < EXTLENCODE)
+            else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                buffer[IND_LEN] = (unsigned char) dataInLen;
-                headerLength = LEN_MSGHEADER;
+                m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
-                buffer[IND_LEN] = EXTLENCODE;
-                buffer[IND_LENEXTH] = (unsigned char)(dataInLen >> 8);
-                buffer[IND_LENEXTL] = (unsigned char)(dataInLen & 0x00FF);
-                headerLength = LEN_MSGEXTHEADER;
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_UNEXPECTEDMSG);   // Unexpected message
+        }
-            memcpy(&buffer[headerLength], dataIn, dataInLen);
-            calcChecksum(buffer, headerLength + dataInLen);
+        return m_retVal;
+    }
-            // Send message
-            writeData(buffer, headerLength + dataInLen + LEN_CHECKSUM);
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // reqSetting (byte array & param variant)
+    //
+    // Send a message to the device and the data of acknowledge message
+    // will be returned. Only valid for serial port connections
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
+    //   param      : For messages that need a parameter (optional)
+    //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
+    //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
+    //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
+    //
+    //   data[] contains the data of the acknowledge message (including param!!)
+    //   dataLen contains the number bytes returned
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, unsigned char data[], short& dataLen, const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        short msgLen;
-            dataOutLen = 0;
+        if (m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
+        }
-            // Read next message or else timeout
-            if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
-            {
-                // Message received
-                if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                {
-                    // Acknowledge received
-                    if (buffer[IND_LEN] != EXTLENCODE)
-                    {
-                        dataOutLen = buffer[IND_LEN];
-                        memcpy(dataOut, &buffer[IND_DATA0], dataOutLen);
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        dataOutLen = buffer[IND_LENEXTH] * 256 + buffer[IND_LENEXTL];
-                        memcpy(dataOut, &buffer[IND_DATAEXT0], dataOutLen);
-                    }
+        if (!m_portOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+        }
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-                }
-                else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                {
-                    m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_UNEXPECTEDMSG);   // Unexpected message
-                }
-            }
+        buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
+        buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
+        buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
-            return m_retVal;
+        if (param != 0xFF)
+        {
+            buffer[IND_LEN] = 1;
+            buffer[IND_DATA0] = param;
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // reqSetting (byte array & param variant)
-        //
-        // Send a message to the device and the data of acknowledge message
-        // will be returned. Only valid for serial port connections
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
-        //   param      : For messages that need a parameter (optional)
-        //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
-        //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
-        //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
-        //
-        //   data[] contains the data of the acknowledge message (including param!!)
-        //   dataLen contains the number bytes returned
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, unsigned char data[], short& dataLen, const unsigned char bid)
+        else
-            unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            short msgLen;
+            buffer[IND_LEN] = 0;
+        }
+        calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
-            if (m_fileOpen)
+        // Send message
+        writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        dataLen = 0;
+        // Read next message or else timeout
+        if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
+        {
+            // Message received
+            if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
-            }
+                // Acknowledge received
+                if (buffer[IND_LEN] != EXTLENCODE)
+                {
+                    dataLen = buffer[IND_LEN];
+                    memcpy(data, &buffer[IND_DATA0], dataLen);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    dataLen = buffer[IND_LENEXTH] * 256 + buffer[IND_LENEXTL];
+                    memcpy(data, &buffer[IND_DATAEXT0], dataLen);
+                }
-            if (!m_portOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-            buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
-            buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
-            buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
-            if (param != 0xFF)
+            else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                buffer[IND_LEN] = 1;
-                buffer[IND_DATA0] = param;
+                m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
-                buffer[IND_LEN] = 0;
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_UNEXPECTEDMSG);   // Unexpected message
+        }
-            calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        return m_retVal;
+    }
-            // Send message
-            writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // setSetting (integer & no param variant)
+    //
+    // Sets a integer setting of the device. This setting
+    // can be an unsigned 1,2 or 4 bytes setting. Only valid
+    // for serial port connections.
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
+    //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
+    //   value      : Contains the integer value to be used
+    //   valuelen   : Length in bytes of the value
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
+    //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
+    //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
+    //
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned long value, const unsigned short valuelen, const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        short msgLen;
-            dataLen = 0;
+        if (m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
+        }
-            // Read next message or else timeout
-            if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
-            {
-                // Message received
-                if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                {
-                    // Acknowledge received
-                    if (buffer[IND_LEN] != EXTLENCODE)
-                    {
-                        dataLen = buffer[IND_LEN];
-                        memcpy(data, &buffer[IND_DATA0], dataLen);
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        dataLen = buffer[IND_LENEXTH] * 256 + buffer[IND_LENEXTL];
-                        memcpy(data, &buffer[IND_DATAEXT0], dataLen);
-                    }
+        if (!m_portOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+        }
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-                }
-                else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                {
-                    m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_UNEXPECTEDMSG);   // Unexpected message
-                }
-            }
+        msgLen = LEN_MSGHEADER;
+        buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
+        buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
+        buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
+        buffer[IND_LEN] = (unsigned char) valuelen;
+        swapEndian((unsigned char*) &value, &buffer[msgLen], valuelen);
+        calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
-            return m_retVal;
-        }
+        // Send message
+        writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // setSetting (integer & no param variant)
-        //
-        // Sets a integer setting of the device. This setting
-        // can be an unsigned 1,2 or 4 bytes setting. Only valid
-        // for serial port connections.
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
-        //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
-        //   value      : Contains the integer value to be used
-        //   valuelen   : Length in bytes of the value
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
-        //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
-        //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
-        //
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned long value, const unsigned short valuelen, const unsigned char bid)
+        // Read next received message
+        if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
-            unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            short msgLen;
-            if (m_fileOpen)
+            // Message received
+            if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);                // Acknowledge received
-            if (!m_portOpen)
+            else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+                m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
+        }
-            msgLen = LEN_MSGHEADER;
-            buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
-            buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
-            buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
-            buffer[IND_LEN] = (unsigned char) valuelen;
-            swapEndian((unsigned char*) &value, &buffer[msgLen], valuelen);
-            calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
-            // Send message
-            writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        return m_retVal;
+    }
-            // Read next received message
-            if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
-            {
-                // Message received
-                if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                {
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);                // Acknowledge received
-                }
-                else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                {
-                    m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
-                }
-            }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // setSetting (integer & param variant)
+    //
+    // Sets a integer setting of the device. This setting
+    // can be an unsigned 1,2 or 4 bytes setting. Only valid
+    // for serial port connections.
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
+    //   param      : For messages that need a parameter (optional)
+    //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
+    //   value      : Contains the integer value to be used
+    //   valuelen   : Length in bytes of the value
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
+    //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
+    //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
+    //
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, const unsigned long value, const unsigned short valuelen, const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        short msgLen;
-            return m_retVal;
+        if (m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // setSetting (integer & param variant)
-        //
-        // Sets a integer setting of the device. This setting
-        // can be an unsigned 1,2 or 4 bytes setting. Only valid
-        // for serial port connections.
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
-        //   param      : For messages that need a parameter (optional)
-        //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
-        //   value      : Contains the integer value to be used
-        //   valuelen   : Length in bytes of the value
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
-        //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
-        //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
-        //
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, const unsigned long value, const unsigned short valuelen, const unsigned char bid)
+        if (!m_portOpen)
-            unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            short msgLen;
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+        }
-            if (m_fileOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
-            }
+        msgLen = LEN_MSGHEADER;
+        buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
+        buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
+        buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
-            if (!m_portOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
-            }
+        if (param != 0xFF)
+        {
+            msgLen++;
+            buffer[IND_LEN] = valuelen + 1;
+            buffer[IND_DATA0] = param;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            buffer[IND_LEN] = (unsigned char) valuelen;
+        }
-            msgLen = LEN_MSGHEADER;
-            buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
-            buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
-            buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
+        swapEndian((unsigned char*) &value, &buffer[msgLen], valuelen);
+        calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
-            if (param != 0xFF)
+        // Send message
+        writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        // Read next received message
+        if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
+        {
+            // Message received
+            if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                msgLen++;
-                buffer[IND_LEN] = valuelen + 1;
-                buffer[IND_DATA0] = param;
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);                // Acknowledge received
-            else
+            else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                buffer[IND_LEN] = (unsigned char) valuelen;
+                m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
+        }
-            swapEndian((unsigned char*) &value, &buffer[msgLen], valuelen);
-            calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
-            // Send message
-            writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        return m_retVal;
+    }
-            // Read next received message
-            if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
-            {
-                // Message received
-                if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                {
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);                // Acknowledge received
-                }
-                else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                {
-                    m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
-                }
-            }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // setSetting (float & no param variant)
+    //
+    // Sets a float setting of the device. Only valid
+    // for serial port connections.
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
+    //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
+    //   value      : Contains the float value to be used
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
+    //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
+    //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const float value, const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        short msgLen;
-            return m_retVal;
+        if (m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // setSetting (float & no param variant)
-        //
-        // Sets a float setting of the device. Only valid
-        // for serial port connections.
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
-        //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
-        //   value      : Contains the float value to be used
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
-        //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
-        //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const float value, const unsigned char bid)
+        if (!m_portOpen)
-            unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            short msgLen;
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+        }
+        msgLen = LEN_MSGHEADER;
+        buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
+        buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
+        buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
+        buffer[IND_LEN] = LEN_FLOAT;
+        swapEndian((unsigned char*) &value, &buffer[msgLen], LEN_FLOAT);
+        calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + LEN_FLOAT);
+        // Send message
+        writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + LEN_FLOAT);
-            if (m_fileOpen)
+        // Read next received message
+        if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
+        {
+            // Message received
+            if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);                // Acknowledge received
-            if (!m_portOpen)
+            else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+                m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
+        }
-            msgLen = LEN_MSGHEADER;
-            buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
-            buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
-            buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
-            buffer[IND_LEN] = LEN_FLOAT;
-            swapEndian((unsigned char*) &value, &buffer[msgLen], LEN_FLOAT);
-            calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + LEN_FLOAT);
-            // Send message
-            writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + LEN_FLOAT);
+        return m_retVal;
+    }
-            // Read next received message
-            if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
-            {
-                // Message received
-                if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                {
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);                // Acknowledge received
-                }
-                else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                {
-                    m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
-                }
-            }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // setSetting (float & param variant)
+    //
+    // Sets a float setting of the device. Only valid
+    // for serial port connections.
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
+    //   param      : For messages that need a parameter (optional)
+    //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
+    //   value      : Contains the float value to be used
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
+    //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
+    //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
+    //
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, const float value, const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        short msgLen;
-            return m_retVal;
+        if (m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // setSetting (float & param variant)
-        //
-        // Sets a float setting of the device. Only valid
-        // for serial port connections.
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
-        //   param      : For messages that need a parameter (optional)
-        //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
-        //   value      : Contains the float value to be used
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
-        //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
-        //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
-        //
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, const float value, const unsigned char bid)
+        if (!m_portOpen)
-            unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            short msgLen;
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+        }
-            if (m_fileOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
-            }
+        msgLen = LEN_MSGHEADER;
+        buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
+        buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
+        buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
-            if (!m_portOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
-            }
+        if (param != 0xFF)
+        {
+            msgLen++;
+            buffer[IND_LEN] = LEN_FLOAT + 1;
+            buffer[IND_DATA0] = param;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            buffer[IND_LEN] = LEN_FLOAT;
+        }
+        swapEndian((unsigned char*) &value, &buffer[msgLen], LEN_FLOAT);
+        calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
-            msgLen = LEN_MSGHEADER;
-            buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
-            buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
-            buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
+        // Send message
+        writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
-            if (param != 0xFF)
+        // Read next received message
+        if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
+        {
+            // Message received
+            if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                msgLen++;
-                buffer[IND_LEN] = LEN_FLOAT + 1;
-                buffer[IND_DATA0] = param;
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);                // Acknowledge received
-            else
+            else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                buffer[IND_LEN] = LEN_FLOAT;
+                m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
+        }
-            swapEndian((unsigned char*) &value, &buffer[msgLen], LEN_FLOAT);
-            calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
-            // Send message
-            writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        return m_retVal;
+    }
-            // Read next received message
-            if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
-            {
-                // Message received
-                if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                {
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);                // Acknowledge received
-                }
-                else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                {
-                    m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
-                }
-            }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // setSetting (float & param & store variant)
+    //
+    // Sets a float setting of the device and with the Store field.
+    // Only valid for serial port connections
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
+    //   param      : For messages that need a parameter (optional)
+    //   value      : Contains the float value to be used
+    //   store      ; Store in non-volatile memory (1) or not (0)
+    //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
+    //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
+    //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
+    //
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, const float value, const bool store, const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        short msgLen;
-            return m_retVal;
+        if (m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // setSetting (float & param & store variant)
-        //
-        // Sets a float setting of the device and with the Store field.
-        // Only valid for serial port connections
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   mid        : Message ID of message to send
-        //   param      : For messages that need a parameter (optional)
-        //   value      : Contains the float value to be used
-        //   store      ; Store in non-volatile memory (1) or not (0)
-        //   bid        : Bus ID of message to send (def 0xFF)
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   = MTRV_OK if an Ack message is received
-        //   = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG if an error message is received
-        //   = MTRV_TIMEOUT if timeout occurred
-        //
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, const float value, const bool store, const unsigned char bid)
+        if (!m_portOpen)
-            unsigned char buffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            short msgLen;
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+        }
-            if (m_fileOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
-            }
+        msgLen = LEN_MSGHEADER;
+        buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
+        buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
+        buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
-            if (!m_portOpen)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
-            }
+        if (param != 0xFF)
+        {
+            msgLen++;
+            buffer[IND_LEN] = LEN_FLOAT + 2;
+            buffer[IND_DATA0] = param;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            buffer[IND_LEN] = LEN_FLOAT + 1;
+        }
+        swapEndian((unsigned char*) &value, &buffer[msgLen], LEN_FLOAT);
+        buffer[msgLen + LEN_FLOAT ] = store;
+        calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
-            msgLen = LEN_MSGHEADER;
-            buffer[IND_PREAMBLE] = PREAMBLE;
-            buffer[IND_BID] = bid;
-            buffer[IND_MID] = mid;
+        // Send message
+        writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
-            if (param != 0xFF)
+        // Read next received message
+        if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
+        {
+            // Message received
+            if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                msgLen++;
-                buffer[IND_LEN] = LEN_FLOAT + 2;
-                buffer[IND_DATA0] = param;
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);            // Acknowledge received
-            else
+            else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                buffer[IND_LEN] = LEN_FLOAT + 1;
+                m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
+                return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
+        }
-            swapEndian((unsigned char*) &value, &buffer[msgLen], LEN_FLOAT);
-            buffer[msgLen + LEN_FLOAT ] = store;
-            calcChecksum(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADER + buffer[IND_LEN]);
-            // Send message
-            writeData(buffer, LEN_MSGHEADERCS + buffer[IND_LEN]);
+        return m_retVal;
+    }
-            // Read next received message
-            if (readMessageRaw(buffer, &msgLen) == MTRV_OK)
-            {
-                // Message received
-                if (buffer[IND_MID] == (mid + 1))
-                {
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);            // Acknowledge received
-                }
-                else if (buffer[IND_MID] == MID_ERROR)
-                {
-                    m_deviceError = buffer[IND_DATA0];
-                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_RECVERRORMSG);   // Error message received
-                }
-            }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // getDeviceMode
+    //
+    // Requests the current output mode/setting of input (file or serialport)
+    //  the Outputmode, Outputsettings, DataLength & number of devices
+    //  are stored in member variables of the MTComm class. These values
+    //  are needed for the GetValue functions.
+    //  The function optionally returns the number of devices
+    //
+    // File: expects the Configuration message at the start of the file
+    //       which holds the OutputMode & OutputSettings. File position
+    //       is after the first message
+    //
+    // Input
+    // Output
+    //   numDevices : [optional] number of devices connected to port or
+    //                found in configuration file
+    //
+    //   returns MTRV_OK if the mode & settings are read
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::getDeviceMode(unsigned short* numDevices)
+    {
+        unsigned char mid = 0, data[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        short datalen;
-            return m_retVal;
-        }
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // getDeviceMode
-        //
-        // Requests the current output mode/setting of input (file or serialport)
-        //  the Outputmode, Outputsettings, DataLength & number of devices
-        //  are stored in member variables of the MTComm class. These values
-        //  are needed for the GetValue functions.
-        //  The function optionally returns the number of devices
-        //
-        // File: expects the Configuration message at the start of the file
-        //       which holds the OutputMode & OutputSettings. File position
-        //       is after the first message
-        //
-        // Input
-        // Output
-        //   numDevices : [optional] number of devices connected to port or
-        //                found in configuration file
-        //
-        //   returns MTRV_OK if the mode & settings are read
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::getDeviceMode(unsigned short* numDevices)
-        {
-            unsigned char mid = 0, data[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            short datalen;
+        if (numDevices != nullptr)
+        {
+            *numDevices = 0;
+        }
-            if (numDevices != nullptr)
+        // In case serial port is used (live device / XM or MT)
+        if (m_portOpen)
+        {
+            if (reqSetting(MID_INITBUS, data, datalen) != MTRV_OK)
-                *numDevices = 0;
+                return m_retVal;
-            // In case serial port is used (live device / XM or MT)
-            if (m_portOpen)
+            // Retrieve outputmode + outputsettings
+            for (int i = 0 ; i < datalen / LEN_DEVICEID ; i++)
-                if (reqSetting(MID_INITBUS, data, datalen) != MTRV_OK)
+                if (reqSetting(MID_REQOUTPUTMODE, m_storedOutputMode[BID_MT + i], BID_MT + i) != MTRV_OK)
                     return m_retVal;
-                // Retrieve outputmode + outputsettings
-                for (int i = 0 ; i < datalen / LEN_DEVICEID ; i++)
+                if (reqSetting(MID_REQOUTPUTSETTINGS, m_storedOutputSettings[BID_MT + i], BID_MT + i) != MTRV_OK)
-                    if (reqSetting(MID_REQOUTPUTMODE, m_storedOutputMode[BID_MT + i], BID_MT + i) != MTRV_OK)
-                    {
-                        return m_retVal;
-                    }
-                    if (reqSetting(MID_REQOUTPUTSETTINGS, m_storedOutputSettings[BID_MT + i], BID_MT + i) != MTRV_OK)
-                    {
-                        return m_retVal;
-                    }
-                    if (reqSetting(MID_REQDATALENGTH, m_storedDataLength[BID_MT + i], BID_MT + i) != MTRV_OK)
-                    {
-                        return m_retVal;
-                    }
+                    return m_retVal;
-                if (numDevices != nullptr)
+                if (reqSetting(MID_REQDATALENGTH, m_storedDataLength[BID_MT + i], BID_MT + i) != MTRV_OK)
-                    *numDevices = datalen / LEN_DEVICEID;
+                    return m_retVal;
+            }
-                unsigned char masterDID[4];
-                short DIDlen;
+            if (numDevices != nullptr)
+            {
+                *numDevices = datalen / LEN_DEVICEID;
+            }
-                if (reqSetting(MID_REQDID, masterDID, DIDlen) != MTRV_OK)
-                {
-                    return m_retVal;
-                }
+            unsigned char masterDID[4];
+            short DIDlen;
-                if (memcmp(masterDID, data, LEN_DEVICEID) != 0)
-                {
-                    // Using an XbusMaster
-                    m_storedOutputMode[0] = OUTPUTMODE_XM;
-                    m_storedOutputSettings[0] = OUTPUTSETTINGS_XM;
-                    m_storedDataLength[0] = LEN_SAMPLECNT;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    m_storedOutputMode[0] = m_storedOutputMode[BID_MT ];
-                    m_storedOutputSettings[0] = m_storedOutputSettings[BID_MT ];
-                    m_storedDataLength[0] = m_storedDataLength[BID_MT ];
-                }
+            if (reqSetting(MID_REQDID, masterDID, DIDlen) != MTRV_OK)
+            {
+                return m_retVal;
+            }
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+            if (memcmp(masterDID, data, LEN_DEVICEID) != 0)
+            {
+                // Using an XbusMaster
+                m_storedOutputMode[0] = OUTPUTMODE_XM;
+                m_storedOutputSettings[0] = OUTPUTSETTINGS_XM;
+                m_storedDataLength[0] = LEN_SAMPLECNT;
-            else if (m_fileOpen)
+            else
-                // Configuration message should be the first message in the file
-                setFilePos(0);
+                m_storedOutputMode[0] = m_storedOutputMode[BID_MT ];
+                m_storedOutputSettings[0] = m_storedOutputSettings[BID_MT ];
+                m_storedDataLength[0] = m_storedDataLength[BID_MT ];
+            }
-                if (readMessage(mid, data, datalen) == MTRV_OK)
-                {
-                    if (mid == MID_CONFIGURATION)
-                    {
-                        unsigned short _numDevices = 0;
-                        swapEndian(data + CONF_NUMDEVICES, (unsigned char*) &_numDevices, CONF_NUMDEVICESLEN);
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+        }
+        else if (m_fileOpen)
+        {
+            // Configuration message should be the first message in the file
+            setFilePos(0);
-                        for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < _numDevices ; i++)
-                        {
-                            m_storedOutputMode[BID_MT + i] = 0;
-                            swapEndian(data + CONF_OUTPUTMODE + i * CONF_BLOCKLEN, (unsigned char*)(m_storedOutputMode + BID_MT + i),
-                                       CONF_OUTPUTMODELEN);
-                            m_storedOutputSettings[BID_MT + i] = 0;
-                            swapEndian(data + CONF_OUTPUTSETTINGS + i * CONF_BLOCKLEN, (unsigned char*)(m_storedOutputSettings + BID_MT + i),
-                                       CONF_OUTPUTSETTINGSLEN);
-                            m_storedDataLength[BID_MT + i] = 0;
-                            swapEndian(data + CONF_DATALENGTH + i * CONF_BLOCKLEN, (unsigned char*)(m_storedDataLength + BID_MT + i),
-                                       CONF_DATALENGTHLEN);
-                        }
+            if (readMessage(mid, data, datalen) == MTRV_OK)
+            {
+                if (mid == MID_CONFIGURATION)
+                {
+                    unsigned short _numDevices = 0;
+                    swapEndian(data + CONF_NUMDEVICES, (unsigned char*) &_numDevices, CONF_NUMDEVICESLEN);
-                        if (numDevices != nullptr)
-                        {
-                            *numDevices = _numDevices;
-                        }
+                    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < _numDevices ; i++)
+                    {
+                        m_storedOutputMode[BID_MT + i] = 0;
+                        swapEndian(data + CONF_OUTPUTMODE + i * CONF_BLOCKLEN, (unsigned char*)(m_storedOutputMode + BID_MT + i),
+                                   CONF_OUTPUTMODELEN);
+                        m_storedOutputSettings[BID_MT + i] = 0;
+                        swapEndian(data + CONF_OUTPUTSETTINGS + i * CONF_BLOCKLEN, (unsigned char*)(m_storedOutputSettings + BID_MT + i),
+                                   CONF_OUTPUTSETTINGSLEN);
+                        m_storedDataLength[BID_MT + i] = 0;
+                        swapEndian(data + CONF_DATALENGTH + i * CONF_BLOCKLEN, (unsigned char*)(m_storedDataLength + BID_MT + i),
+                                   CONF_DATALENGTHLEN);
+                    }
-                        if (memcmp(data + CONF_MASTERDID, data + CONF_DID, LEN_DEVICEID) != 0)
-                        {
-                            // Using an XbusMaster
-                            m_storedOutputMode[0] = OUTPUTMODE_XM;
-                            m_storedOutputSettings[0] = OUTPUTSETTINGS_XM;
-                            m_storedDataLength[0] = LEN_SAMPLECNT;
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            m_storedOutputMode[0] = m_storedOutputMode[BID_MT ];
-                            m_storedOutputSettings[0] = m_storedOutputSettings[BID_MT ];
-                            m_storedDataLength[0] = m_storedDataLength[BID_MT ];
-                        }
+                    if (numDevices != nullptr)
+                    {
+                        *numDevices = _numDevices;
+                    }
-                        return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+                    if (memcmp(data + CONF_MASTERDID, data + CONF_DID, LEN_DEVICEID) != 0)
+                    {
+                        // Using an XbusMaster
+                        m_storedOutputMode[0] = OUTPUTMODE_XM;
+                        m_storedOutputSettings[0] = OUTPUTSETTINGS_XM;
+                        m_storedDataLength[0] = LEN_SAMPLECNT;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        m_storedOutputMode[0] = m_storedOutputMode[BID_MT ];
+                        m_storedOutputSettings[0] = m_storedOutputSettings[BID_MT ];
+                        m_storedDataLength[0] = m_storedDataLength[BID_MT ];
-                }
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOTSUCCESSFUL);
+                    return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+                }
-            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOTSUCCESSFUL);
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // setDeviceMode
-        //
-        // Sets the current output mode/setting of input (not for file-based
-        //   inputs)
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   OutputMode     : OutputMode to be set in device & stored in MTComm
-        //                      class member variable
-        //   OutputSettings : OutputSettings to be set in device & stored in
-        //                      MTComm class member variable
-        // Output
-        //
-        //   returns MTRV_OK if the mode & settings are read
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::setDeviceMode(unsigned long OutputMode, unsigned long OutputSettings, const unsigned char bid)
-        {
-            // In case serial port is used (live XM / MT)
-            if (m_portOpen)
+        return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED);
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // setDeviceMode
+    //
+    // Sets the current output mode/setting of input (not for file-based
+    //   inputs)
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   OutputMode     : OutputMode to be set in device & stored in MTComm
+    //                      class member variable
+    //   OutputSettings : OutputSettings to be set in device & stored in
+    //                      MTComm class member variable
+    // Output
+    //
+    //   returns MTRV_OK if the mode & settings are read
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::setDeviceMode(unsigned long OutputMode, unsigned long OutputSettings, const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        // In case serial port is used (live XM / MT)
+        if (m_portOpen)
+        {
+            // Set OutputMode
+            if (setSetting(MID_SETOUTPUTMODE, OutputMode, LEN_OUTPUTMODE, bid) != MTRV_OK)
-                // Set OutputMode
-                if (setSetting(MID_SETOUTPUTMODE, OutputMode, LEN_OUTPUTMODE, bid) != MTRV_OK)
-                {
-                    return m_retVal;
-                }
+                return m_retVal;
+            }
+            if (bid == BID_MASTER || (bid == BID_MT && m_storedOutputMode[0] != OUTPUTMODE_XM))
+            {
+                m_storedOutputMode[0] = m_storedOutputMode[BID_MT ] = OutputMode;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                m_storedOutputMode[bid] = OutputMode;
+            }
-                if (bid == BID_MASTER || (bid == BID_MT && m_storedOutputMode[0] != OUTPUTMODE_XM))
-                {
-                    m_storedOutputMode[0] = m_storedOutputMode[BID_MT ] = OutputMode;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    m_storedOutputMode[bid] = OutputMode;
-                }
+            // Set OutputSettings
+            if (setSetting(MID_SETOUTPUTSETTINGS, OutputSettings, LEN_OUTPUTSETTINGS, bid) != MTRV_OK)
+            {
+                return m_retVal;
+            }
-                // Set OutputSettings
-                if (setSetting(MID_SETOUTPUTSETTINGS, OutputSettings, LEN_OUTPUTSETTINGS, bid) != MTRV_OK)
-                {
-                    return m_retVal;
-                }
+            if (bid == BID_MASTER || (bid == BID_MT && m_storedOutputMode[0] != OUTPUTMODE_XM))
+            {
+                m_storedOutputSettings[0] = m_storedOutputSettings[BID_MT ] = OutputSettings;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                m_storedOutputSettings[bid] = OutputSettings;
+            }
-                if (bid == BID_MASTER || (bid == BID_MT && m_storedOutputMode[0] != OUTPUTMODE_XM))
-                {
-                    m_storedOutputSettings[0] = m_storedOutputSettings[BID_MT ] = OutputSettings;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    m_storedOutputSettings[bid] = OutputSettings;
-                }
+            // Get DataLength from device
+            if (OutputMode != OUTPUTMODE_XM)
+            {
+                unsigned long value;
-                // Get DataLength from device
-                if (OutputMode != OUTPUTMODE_XM)
+                if (reqSetting(MID_REQDATALENGTH, value, bid) == MTRV_OK)
-                    unsigned long value;
-                    if (reqSetting(MID_REQDATALENGTH, value, bid) == MTRV_OK)
+                    if ((bid == BID_MASTER) || ((bid == BID_MT) && (m_storedOutputMode[0] != OUTPUTMODE_XM)))
-                        if ((bid == BID_MASTER) || ((bid == BID_MT) && (m_storedOutputMode[0] != OUTPUTMODE_XM)))
-                        {
-                            m_storedDataLength[0] = m_storedDataLength[BID_MT ] = value;
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            m_storedDataLength[bid] = value;
-                        }
+                        m_storedDataLength[0] = m_storedDataLength[BID_MT ] = value;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        m_storedDataLength[bid] = value;
-                else
-                {
-                    m_storedDataLength[0] = LEN_SAMPLECNT;
-                }
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                m_storedDataLength[0] = LEN_SAMPLECNT;
-            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // getMode
-        //
-        // Gets the output mode/setting used in MTComm class and the corresponding
-        //  datalength. These variables are set by the functions GetDeviceMode,
-        //  SetDeviceMode or SetMode
-        //
-        // Input
-        // Output
-        //   OutputMode     : OutputMode stored in MTComm class member variable
-        //   OutputSettings : OutputSettings stored in MTComm class member variable
-        //
-        //   returns always MTRV_OK
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::getMode(unsigned long& OutputMode, unsigned long& OutputSettings, unsigned short& dataLength, const unsigned char bid)
-        {
-            unsigned char nbid = (bid == BID_MASTER) ? 0 : bid;
-            OutputMode = m_storedOutputMode[nbid];
-            OutputSettings = m_storedOutputSettings[nbid];
-            dataLength = (unsigned short) m_storedDataLength[nbid];
-            return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+        return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT);
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // getMode
+    //
+    // Gets the output mode/setting used in MTComm class and the corresponding
+    //  datalength. These variables are set by the functions GetDeviceMode,
+    //  SetDeviceMode or SetMode
+    //
+    // Input
+    // Output
+    //   OutputMode     : OutputMode stored in MTComm class member variable
+    //   OutputSettings : OutputSettings stored in MTComm class member variable
+    //
+    //   returns always MTRV_OK
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::getMode(unsigned long& OutputMode, unsigned long& OutputSettings, unsigned short& dataLength, const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        unsigned char nbid = (bid == BID_MASTER) ? 0 : bid;
+        OutputMode = m_storedOutputMode[nbid];
+        OutputSettings = m_storedOutputSettings[nbid];
+        dataLength = (unsigned short) m_storedDataLength[nbid];
+        return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // setMode
+    //
+    // Sets the output mode/setting used in MTComm class. Use the function
+    //  GetDeviceMode to retrieve the current values of file/device.
+    // This function will also calculate the data length field
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   OutputMode     : OutputMode to be stored in MTComm class member variable
+    //   OutputSettings : OutputSettings to be stored in MTComm class member variable
+    // Output
+    //
+    //   returns always MTRV_OK
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::setMode(unsigned long OutputMode, unsigned long OutputSettings, const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        unsigned char nbid = bid;
+        if (nbid == BID_MASTER)
+        {
+            nbid = 0;
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // setMode
-        //
-        // Sets the output mode/setting used in MTComm class. Use the function
-        //  GetDeviceMode to retrieve the current values of file/device.
-        // This function will also calculate the data length field
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   OutputMode     : OutputMode to be stored in MTComm class member variable
-        //   OutputSettings : OutputSettings to be stored in MTComm class member variable
-        // Output
-        //
-        //   returns always MTRV_OK
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::setMode(unsigned long OutputMode, unsigned long OutputSettings, const unsigned char bid)
+        m_storedOutputMode[nbid] = OutputMode;
+        m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] = OutputSettings;
+        if (OutputMode == INVALIDSETTINGVALUE || OutputSettings == INVALIDSETTINGVALUE)
+        {
+            m_storedDataLength[nbid] = 0;
+        }
+        else
-            unsigned char nbid = bid;
+            unsigned short dataLength = 0;
-            if (nbid == BID_MASTER)
+            if (OutputMode & OUTPUTMODE_MT9)
-                nbid = 0;
-            m_storedOutputMode[nbid] = OutputMode;
-            m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] = OutputSettings;
-            if (OutputMode == INVALIDSETTINGVALUE || OutputSettings == INVALIDSETTINGVALUE)
+            else if (OutputMode == OUTPUTMODE_XM)
-                m_storedDataLength[nbid] = 0;
+                // XbusMaster concatenates sample counter
+                dataLength = LEN_SAMPLECNT;
-                unsigned short dataLength = 0;
-                if (OutputMode & OUTPUTMODE_MT9)
+                if (OutputMode & OUTPUTMODE_RAW)
-                }
-                else if (OutputMode == OUTPUTMODE_XM)
-                {
-                    // XbusMaster concatenates sample counter
-                    dataLength = LEN_SAMPLECNT;
+                    dataLength = LEN_RAWDATA;
-                    if (OutputMode & OUTPUTMODE_RAW)
+                    if (OutputMode & OUTPUTMODE_CALIB)
-                        dataLength = LEN_RAWDATA;
+                        dataLength = LEN_CALIBDATA;
-                    else
-                    {
-                        if (OutputMode & OUTPUTMODE_CALIB)
-                        {
-                            dataLength = LEN_CALIBDATA;
-                        }
-                        if (OutputMode & OUTPUTMODE_ORIENT)
+                    if (OutputMode & OUTPUTMODE_ORIENT)
+                    {
+                        switch (OutputSettings & OUTPUTSETTINGS_ORIENTMODE_MASK)
-                            switch (OutputSettings & OUTPUTSETTINGS_ORIENTMODE_MASK)
-                            {
-                                case OUTPUTSETTINGS_ORIENTMODE_QUATERNION:
-                                    dataLength += LEN_ORIENT_QUATDATA;
-                                    break;
+                            case OUTPUTSETTINGS_ORIENTMODE_QUATERNION:
+                                dataLength += LEN_ORIENT_QUATDATA;
+                                break;
-                                case OUTPUTSETTINGS_ORIENTMODE_EULER:
-                                    dataLength += LEN_ORIENT_EULERDATA;
-                                    break;
+                            case OUTPUTSETTINGS_ORIENTMODE_EULER:
+                                dataLength += LEN_ORIENT_EULERDATA;
+                                break;
-                                case OUTPUTSETTINGS_ORIENTMODE_MATRIX:
-                                    dataLength += LEN_ORIENT_MATRIXDATA;
-                                    break;
+                            case OUTPUTSETTINGS_ORIENTMODE_MATRIX:
+                                dataLength += LEN_ORIENT_MATRIXDATA;
+                                break;
-                                default:
-                                    break;
-                            }
+                            default:
+                                break;
+                }
-                    switch (OutputSettings & OUTPUTSETTINGS_TIMESTAMP_MASK)
-                    {
-                        case OUTPUTSETTINGS_TIMESTAMP_SAMPLECNT:
-                            dataLength += LEN_SAMPLECNT;
-                            break;
+                switch (OutputSettings & OUTPUTSETTINGS_TIMESTAMP_MASK)
+                {
+                        dataLength += LEN_SAMPLECNT;
+                        break;
-                        default:
-                            break;
-                    }
+                    default:
+                        break;
-                m_storedDataLength[nbid] = dataLength;
-            // If not XbusMaster store also in BID_MT
-            if (bid == BID_MASTER && OutputMode != OUTPUTMODE_XM)
-            {
-                m_storedOutputMode[BID_MT ] = m_storedOutputMode[0];
-                m_storedOutputSettings[BID_MT ] = m_storedOutputSettings[0];
-                m_storedDataLength[BID_MT ] = m_storedDataLength[0];
-            }
+            m_storedDataLength[nbid] = dataLength;
+        }
-            return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+        // If not XbusMaster store also in BID_MT
+        if (bid == BID_MASTER && OutputMode != OUTPUTMODE_XM)
+        {
+            m_storedOutputMode[BID_MT ] = m_storedOutputMode[0];
+            m_storedOutputSettings[BID_MT ] = m_storedOutputSettings[0];
+            m_storedDataLength[BID_MT ] = m_storedDataLength[0];
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // getValue (unsigned short variant)
-        //
-        // Retrieves a unsigned short value from the data input parameter
-        // This function is valid for the following value specifiers:
-        //      VALUE_RAW_TEMP
-        //      VALUE_SAMPLECNT
-        //
-        // Use getDeviceMode or setMode to initialize the Outputmode
-        // and Outputsettings member variables used to retrieve the correct
-        // value
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   valueSpec      : Specifier of the value to be retrieved
-        //   data[]         : Data field of a MTData / BusData message
-        //   bid            : bus identifier of the device of which the
-        //                      value should be returned (default = BID_MT)
-        // Output
-        //   value          : reference to unsigned short in which the retrieved
-        //                      value will be returned
-        //
-        //  Return value
-        //    MTRV_OK       : value is successfully retrieved
-        //    != MTRV_OK    : not successful
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::getValue(const unsigned long valueSpec, unsigned short& value, const unsigned char data[], const unsigned char bid)
+        return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // getValue (unsigned short variant)
+    //
+    // Retrieves a unsigned short value from the data input parameter
+    // This function is valid for the following value specifiers:
+    //      VALUE_RAW_TEMP
+    //      VALUE_SAMPLECNT
+    //
+    // Use getDeviceMode or setMode to initialize the Outputmode
+    // and Outputsettings member variables used to retrieve the correct
+    // value
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   valueSpec      : Specifier of the value to be retrieved
+    //   data[]         : Data field of a MTData / BusData message
+    //   bid            : bus identifier of the device of which the
+    //                      value should be returned (default = BID_MT)
+    // Output
+    //   value          : reference to unsigned short in which the retrieved
+    //                      value will be returned
+    //
+    //  Return value
+    //    MTRV_OK       : value is successfully retrieved
+    //    != MTRV_OK    : not successful
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::getValue(const unsigned long valueSpec, unsigned short& value, const unsigned char data[], const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        short offset = 0;
+        unsigned char nbid = bid;
+        if (nbid == BID_MASTER)
-            short offset = 0;
-            unsigned char nbid = bid;
+            nbid = 0;
+        }
-            if (nbid == BID_MASTER)
-            {
-                nbid = 0;
-            }
+        // Check for invalid mode/settings
+        if (m_storedOutputMode[nbid] == INVALIDSETTINGVALUE || m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] == INVALIDSETTINGVALUE)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOVALIDMODESPECIFIED);
+        }
-            // Check for invalid mode/settings
-            if (m_storedOutputMode[nbid] == INVALIDSETTINGVALUE || m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] == INVALIDSETTINGVALUE)
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOVALIDMODESPECIFIED);
-            }
+        // Calculate offset for XM input
+        if (m_storedOutputMode[0] == OUTPUTMODE_XM)
+        {
+            int i = 0;
-            // Calculate offset for XM input
-            if (m_storedOutputMode[0] == OUTPUTMODE_XM)
+            while (i < nbid)
-                int i = 0;
-                while (i < nbid)
-                {
-                    offset += (short) m_storedDataLength[i++];
-                }
+                offset += (short) m_storedDataLength[i++];
+        }
-            // Check if data is unsigned short & available in data
-            m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDVALUESPEC;
+        // Check if data is unsigned short & available in data
+        m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDVALUESPEC;
-            if (valueSpec == VALUE_RAW_TEMP)
+        if (valueSpec == VALUE_RAW_TEMP)
+        {
+            if (m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & (OUTPUTMODE_RAW | OUTPUTMODE_MT9))
-                if (m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & (OUTPUTMODE_RAW | OUTPUTMODE_MT9))
-                {
-                    offset += (m_storedOutputMode[nbid] == OUTPUTMODE_MT9 && m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] == OUTPUTSETTINGS_TIMESTAMP_SAMPLECNT) ? LEN_SAMPLECNT : 0;
-                    swapEndian(data + offset + valueSpec * LEN_UNSIGSHORT * 3, (unsigned char*) &value, LEN_RAW_TEMP);
-                    m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
-                }
+                offset += (m_storedOutputMode[nbid] == OUTPUTMODE_MT9 && m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] == OUTPUTSETTINGS_TIMESTAMP_SAMPLECNT) ? LEN_SAMPLECNT : 0;
+                swapEndian(data + offset + valueSpec * LEN_UNSIGSHORT * 3, (unsigned char*) &value, LEN_RAW_TEMP);
+                m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
-            else if (valueSpec == VALUE_SAMPLECNT)
+        }
+        else if (valueSpec == VALUE_SAMPLECNT)
+        {
-                if ((m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_TIMESTAMP_MASK) == OUTPUTSETTINGS_TIMESTAMP_SAMPLECNT)
+                if (!(m_storedOutputMode[nbid] == OUTPUTMODE_MT9))
-                    if (!(m_storedOutputMode[nbid] == OUTPUTMODE_MT9))
-                    {
-                        offset += (short) m_storedDataLength[nbid] - LEN_SAMPLECNT;
-                    }
-                    swapEndian(data + offset, (unsigned char*) &value, LEN_SAMPLECNT);
-                    m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
+                    offset += (short) m_storedDataLength[nbid] - LEN_SAMPLECNT;
+                swapEndian(data + offset, (unsigned char*) &value, LEN_SAMPLECNT);
+                m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
+        }
+        return m_retVal;
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // getValue (array of unsigned short variant)
+    //
+    // Retrieves an array of unsigned short values from the data input
+    // parameter. This function is valid for the following value specifiers:
+    //      VALUE_RAW_ACC
+    //      VALUE_RAW_GYR
+    //      VALUE_RAW_MAG
+    //
+    // Use getDeviceMode or setMode to initialize the Outputmode
+    // and Outputsettings member variables used to retrieve the correct
+    // value
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   valueSpec      : Specifier of the value to be retrieved
+    //   data[]         : Data field of a MTData / BusData message
+    //   bid            : bus identifier of the device of which the
+    //                      value should be returned (default = BID_MT)
+    // Output
+    //   value[]        : pointer to array of unsigned shorts in which the
+    //                      retrieved values will be returned
+    //
+    //  Return value
+    //    MTRV_OK       : value is successfully retrieved
+    //    != MTRV_OK    : not successful
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::getValue(const unsigned long valueSpec, unsigned short value[], const unsigned char data[], const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        short offset = 0;
+        unsigned char nbid = bid;
-            return m_retVal;
+        if (nbid == BID_MASTER)
+        {
+            nbid = 0;
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // getValue (array of unsigned short variant)
-        //
-        // Retrieves an array of unsigned short values from the data input
-        // parameter. This function is valid for the following value specifiers:
-        //      VALUE_RAW_ACC
-        //      VALUE_RAW_GYR
-        //      VALUE_RAW_MAG
-        //
-        // Use getDeviceMode or setMode to initialize the Outputmode
-        // and Outputsettings member variables used to retrieve the correct
-        // value
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   valueSpec      : Specifier of the value to be retrieved
-        //   data[]         : Data field of a MTData / BusData message
-        //   bid            : bus identifier of the device of which the
-        //                      value should be returned (default = BID_MT)
-        // Output
-        //   value[]        : pointer to array of unsigned shorts in which the
-        //                      retrieved values will be returned
-        //
-        //  Return value
-        //    MTRV_OK       : value is successfully retrieved
-        //    != MTRV_OK    : not successful
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::getValue(const unsigned long valueSpec, unsigned short value[], const unsigned char data[], const unsigned char bid)
+        // Check for invalid mode/settings
+        if (m_storedOutputMode[nbid] == INVALIDSETTINGVALUE || m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] == INVALIDSETTINGVALUE)
-            short offset = 0;
-            unsigned char nbid = bid;
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOVALIDMODESPECIFIED);
+        }
-            if (nbid == BID_MASTER)
-            {
-                nbid = 0;
-            }
+        // Calculate offset for XM input
+        if (m_storedOutputMode[0] == OUTPUTMODE_XM)
+        {
+            int i = 0;
-            // Check for invalid mode/settings
-            if (m_storedOutputMode[nbid] == INVALIDSETTINGVALUE || m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] == INVALIDSETTINGVALUE)
+            while (i < nbid)
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOVALIDMODESPECIFIED);
+                offset += (short) m_storedDataLength[i++];
+        }
+        // Check if data is unsigned short, available in data & retrieve data
+        m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDVALUESPEC;
-            // Calculate offset for XM input
-            if (m_storedOutputMode[0] == OUTPUTMODE_XM)
+        //if (valueSpec >= VALUE_RAW_ACC && valueSpec <= VALUE_RAW_MAG)
+        if (valueSpec <= VALUE_RAW_MAG)
+        {
+            if (m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & (OUTPUTMODE_RAW | OUTPUTMODE_MT9))
-                int i = 0;
+                offset += (short)(valueSpec * LEN_UNSIGSHORT * 3);
+                offset += (m_storedOutputMode[nbid] == OUTPUTMODE_MT9 && m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] == OUTPUTSETTINGS_TIMESTAMP_SAMPLECNT) ? LEN_SAMPLECNT : 0;
-                while (i < nbid)
+                for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
-                    offset += (short) m_storedDataLength[i++];
+                    swapEndian(data + offset + i * LEN_UNSIGSHORT, (unsigned char*) value + i * LEN_UNSIGSHORT, LEN_UNSIGSHORT);
-            }
-            // Check if data is unsigned short, available in data & retrieve data
-            m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDVALUESPEC;
+                m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
+            }
+        }
-            //if (valueSpec >= VALUE_RAW_ACC && valueSpec <= VALUE_RAW_MAG)
-            if (valueSpec <= VALUE_RAW_MAG)
-            {
-                if (m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & (OUTPUTMODE_RAW | OUTPUTMODE_MT9))
-                {
-                    offset += (short)(valueSpec * LEN_UNSIGSHORT * 3);
-                    offset += (m_storedOutputMode[nbid] == OUTPUTMODE_MT9 && m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] == OUTPUTSETTINGS_TIMESTAMP_SAMPLECNT) ? LEN_SAMPLECNT : 0;
+        return m_retVal;
+    }
-                    for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
-                    {
-                        swapEndian(data + offset + i * LEN_UNSIGSHORT, (unsigned char*) value + i * LEN_UNSIGSHORT, LEN_UNSIGSHORT);
-                    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // getValue (array of floats variant)
+    //
+    // Retrieves an array of float values from the data input parameter.
+    // This function is valid for the following value specifiers:
+    //      VALUE_TEMP
+    //      VALUE_CALIB_ACC
+    //      VALUE_CALIB_GYR
+    //      VALUE_CALIB_MAG
+    //      VALUE_ORIENT_QUAT
+    //
+    // Use getDeviceMode or setMode to initialize the Outputmode
+    // and Outputsettings member variables used to retrieve the correct
+    // value
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   valueSpec      : Specifier of the value to be retrieved
+    //   data[]         : Data field of a MTData / BusData message
+    //   bid            : bus identifier of the device of which the
+    //                      value should be returned (default = BID_MT)
+    // Output
+    //   value[]        : pointer to array of floats in which the
+    //                      retrieved values will be returned
+    //
+    //  Return value
+    //    MTRV_OK       : value is successfully retrieved
+    //    != MTRV_OK    : not successful
+    //
+    short CXsensMTiModule::getValue(const unsigned long valueSpec, float value[], const unsigned char data[], const unsigned char bid)
+    {
+        short offset = 0;
+        int nElements = 0;
+        unsigned char nbid = bid;
-                    m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
-                }
-            }
+        if (nbid == BID_MASTER)
+        {
+            nbid = 0;
+        }
-            return m_retVal;
+        // Check for invalid mode/settings
+        if (m_storedOutputMode[nbid] == INVALIDSETTINGVALUE || m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] == INVALIDSETTINGVALUE)
+        {
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOVALIDMODESPECIFIED);
-        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // getValue (array of floats variant)
-        //
-        // Retrieves an array of float values from the data input parameter.
-        // This function is valid for the following value specifiers:
-        //      VALUE_TEMP
-        //      VALUE_CALIB_ACC
-        //      VALUE_CALIB_GYR
-        //      VALUE_CALIB_MAG
-        //      VALUE_ORIENT_QUAT
-        //      VALUE_ORIENT_EULER
-        //      VALUE_ORIENT_MATRIX
-        //
-        // Use getDeviceMode or setMode to initialize the Outputmode
-        // and Outputsettings member variables used to retrieve the correct
-        // value
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   valueSpec      : Specifier of the value to be retrieved
-        //   data[]         : Data field of a MTData / BusData message
-        //   bid            : bus identifier of the device of which the
-        //                      value should be returned (default = BID_MT)
-        // Output
-        //   value[]        : pointer to array of floats in which the
-        //                      retrieved values will be returned
-        //
-        //  Return value
-        //    MTRV_OK       : value is successfully retrieved
-        //    != MTRV_OK    : not successful
-        //
-        short CXsensMTiModule::getValue(const unsigned long valueSpec, float value[], const unsigned char data[], const unsigned char bid)
+        // Calculate offset for XM input
+        if (m_storedOutputMode[0] == OUTPUTMODE_XM)
-            short offset = 0;
-            int nElements = 0;
-            unsigned char nbid = bid;
+            int i = 0;
-            if (nbid == BID_MASTER)
+            while (i < nbid)
-                nbid = 0;
+                offset += (short) m_storedDataLength[i++];
+        }
+        // Check if data is float & available in data
+        m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDVALUESPEC;
-            // Check for invalid mode/settings
-            if (m_storedOutputMode[nbid] == INVALIDSETTINGVALUE || m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] == INVALIDSETTINGVALUE)
+        if (valueSpec == VALUE_TEMP)
+        {
+            if (m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_TEMP)
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_NOVALIDMODESPECIFIED);
+                nElements = LEN_TEMPDATA / LEN_FLOAT;
+                m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
+        }
+        else if (valueSpec == VALUE_CALIB_ACC)
+        {
+            offset += ((m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_TEMP) != 0) ? LEN_TEMPDATA : 0;
-            // Calculate offset for XM input
-            if (m_storedOutputMode[0] == OUTPUTMODE_XM)
+            if ((m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_CALIB) && (m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_CALIBMODE_ACC_MASK) == 0)
-                int i = 0;
-                while (i < nbid)
-                {
-                    offset += (short) m_storedDataLength[i++];
-                }
+                nElements = LEN_CALIB_ACCDATA / LEN_FLOAT;
+                m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
+        }
+        else if (valueSpec == VALUE_CALIB_GYR)
+        {
+            offset += ((m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_TEMP) != 0) ? LEN_TEMPDATA : 0;
-            // Check if data is float & available in data
-            m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDVALUESPEC;
-            if (valueSpec == VALUE_TEMP)
+            if ((m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_CALIB) && (m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_CALIBMODE_GYR_MASK) == 0)
-                if (m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_TEMP)
-                {
-                    nElements = LEN_TEMPDATA / LEN_FLOAT;
-                    m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
-                }
+                offset += ((m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_CALIBMODE_ACC_MASK) == 0) ? LEN_CALIB_ACCX * 3 : 0;
+                nElements = LEN_CALIB_GYRDATA / LEN_FLOAT;
+                m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
-            else if (valueSpec == VALUE_CALIB_ACC)
-            {
-                offset += ((m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_TEMP) != 0) ? LEN_TEMPDATA : 0;
+        }
+        else if (valueSpec == VALUE_CALIB_MAG)
+        {
+            offset += ((m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_TEMP) != 0) ? LEN_TEMPDATA : 0;
-                if ((m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_CALIB) && (m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_CALIBMODE_ACC_MASK) == 0)
-                {
-                    nElements = LEN_CALIB_ACCDATA / LEN_FLOAT;
-                    m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
-                }
-            }
-            else if (valueSpec == VALUE_CALIB_GYR)
+            if ((m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_CALIB) && (m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_CALIBMODE_MAG_MASK) == 0)
-                offset += ((m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_TEMP) != 0) ? LEN_TEMPDATA : 0;
-                if ((m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_CALIB) && (m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_CALIBMODE_GYR_MASK) == 0)
-                {
-                    offset += ((m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_CALIBMODE_ACC_MASK) == 0) ? LEN_CALIB_ACCX * 3 : 0;
-                    nElements = LEN_CALIB_GYRDATA / LEN_FLOAT;
-                    m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
-                }
+                offset += ((m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_CALIBMODE_ACC_MASK) == 0) ? LEN_CALIB_ACCX * 3 : 0;
+                offset += ((m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_CALIBMODE_GYR_MASK) == 0) ? LEN_CALIB_GYRX * 3 : 0;
+                nElements = LEN_CALIB_MAGDATA / LEN_FLOAT;
+                m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
-            else if (valueSpec == VALUE_CALIB_MAG)
-            {
-                offset += ((m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_TEMP) != 0) ? LEN_TEMPDATA : 0;
+        }
+        else if (valueSpec >= VALUE_ORIENT_QUAT && valueSpec <= VALUE_ORIENT_MATRIX)
+        {
+            offset += ((m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_TEMP) != 0) ? LEN_TEMPDATA : 0;
-                if ((m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_CALIB) && (m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_CALIBMODE_MAG_MASK) == 0)
-                {
-                    offset += ((m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_CALIBMODE_ACC_MASK) == 0) ? LEN_CALIB_ACCX * 3 : 0;
-                    offset += ((m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_CALIBMODE_GYR_MASK) == 0) ? LEN_CALIB_GYRX * 3 : 0;
-                    nElements = LEN_CALIB_MAGDATA / LEN_FLOAT;
-                    m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
-                }
-            }
-            else if (valueSpec >= VALUE_ORIENT_QUAT && valueSpec <= VALUE_ORIENT_MATRIX)
+            if ((m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_CALIB))
-                offset += ((m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_TEMP) != 0) ? LEN_TEMPDATA : 0;
+                offset += ((m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_CALIBMODE_ACC_MASK) == 0) ? LEN_CALIB_ACCX * 3 : 0;
+                offset += ((m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_CALIBMODE_GYR_MASK) == 0) ? LEN_CALIB_GYRX * 3 : 0;
+                offset += ((m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_CALIBMODE_MAG_MASK) == 0) ? LEN_CALIB_MAGX * 3 : 0;
+            }
-                if ((m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_CALIB))
-                {
-                    offset += ((m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_CALIBMODE_ACC_MASK) == 0) ? LEN_CALIB_ACCX * 3 : 0;
-                    offset += ((m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_CALIBMODE_GYR_MASK) == 0) ? LEN_CALIB_GYRX * 3 : 0;
-                    offset += ((m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_CALIBMODE_MAG_MASK) == 0) ? LEN_CALIB_MAGX * 3 : 0;
-                }
+            if (m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_ORIENT)
+            {
+                unsigned long orientmode = m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_ORIENTMODE_MASK;
-                if (m_storedOutputMode[nbid] & OUTPUTMODE_ORIENT)
+                switch (valueSpec)
-                    unsigned long orientmode = m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_ORIENTMODE_MASK;
-                    switch (valueSpec)
-                    {
-                        case VALUE_ORIENT_QUAT:
-                            if (orientmode == OUTPUTSETTINGS_ORIENTMODE_QUATERNION)
-                            {
-                                nElements = LEN_ORIENT_QUATDATA / LEN_FLOAT;
-                                m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
-                            }
+                    case VALUE_ORIENT_QUAT:
+                        if (orientmode == OUTPUTSETTINGS_ORIENTMODE_QUATERNION)
+                        {
+                            nElements = LEN_ORIENT_QUATDATA / LEN_FLOAT;
+                            m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
+                        }
-                            break;
+                        break;
-                        case VALUE_ORIENT_EULER:
-                            if (orientmode == OUTPUTSETTINGS_ORIENTMODE_EULER)
-                            {
-                                nElements = LEN_ORIENT_EULERDATA / LEN_FLOAT;
-                                m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
-                            }
+                    case VALUE_ORIENT_EULER:
+                        if (orientmode == OUTPUTSETTINGS_ORIENTMODE_EULER)
+                        {
+                            nElements = LEN_ORIENT_EULERDATA / LEN_FLOAT;
+                            m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
+                        }
-                            break;
+                        break;
-                        case VALUE_ORIENT_MATRIX:
-                            if (orientmode == OUTPUTSETTINGS_ORIENTMODE_MATRIX)
-                            {
-                                nElements = LEN_ORIENT_MATRIXDATA / LEN_FLOAT;
-                                m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
-                            }
+                    case VALUE_ORIENT_MATRIX:
+                        if (orientmode == OUTPUTSETTINGS_ORIENTMODE_MATRIX)
+                        {
+                            nElements = LEN_ORIENT_MATRIXDATA / LEN_FLOAT;
+                            m_retVal = MTRV_OK;
+                        }
-                            break;
+                        break;
-                        default:
-                            break;
-                    }
+                    default:
+                        break;
+        }
-            if (m_retVal == MTRV_OK)
+        if (m_retVal == MTRV_OK)
+        {
+            if ((m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_DATAFORMAT_F1220) == 0)
-                if ((m_storedOutputSettings[nbid] & OUTPUTSETTINGS_DATAFORMAT_F1220) == 0)
+                for (int i = 0 ; i < nElements ; i++)
-                    for (int i = 0 ; i < nElements ; i++)
-                    {
-                        swapEndian(data + offset + i * LEN_FLOAT, (unsigned char*) value + i * LEN_FLOAT, LEN_FLOAT);
-                    }
+                    swapEndian(data + offset + i * LEN_FLOAT, (unsigned char*) value + i * LEN_FLOAT, LEN_FLOAT);
-                else
-                {
-                    int temp;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                int temp;
-                    for (int i = 0 ; i < nElements ; i++)
-                    {
-                        swapEndian(data + offset + i * LEN_FLOAT, (unsigned char*) &temp, 4);
-                        value[i] = (float) temp / 1048576;
-                    }
+                for (int i = 0 ; i < nElements ; i++)
+                {
+                    swapEndian(data + offset + i * LEN_FLOAT, (unsigned char*) &temp, 4);
+                    value[i] = (float) temp / 1048576;
-            return m_retVal;
-        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // getLastDeviceError
-        //
-        // Returns the last reported device error of the latest received Error
-        //  message
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   Error code
-        short CXsensMTiModule::getLastDeviceError()
-        {
-            return m_deviceError;
-        }
+        return m_retVal;
+    }
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // getLastDeviceError
+    //
+    // Returns the last reported device error of the latest received Error
+    //  message
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   Error code
+    short CXsensMTiModule::getLastDeviceError()
+    {
+        return m_deviceError;
+    }
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // getLastRetVal
+    //
+    // Returns the returned value of the last called function
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   Return value
+    short CXsensMTiModule::getLastRetVal()
+    {
+        return m_retVal;
+    }
-        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // getLastRetVal
-        //
-        // Returns the returned value of the last called function
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   Return value
-        short CXsensMTiModule::getLastRetVal()
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // setTimeOut
+    //
+    // Sets the time out value in milliseconds used by the functions
+    // Use 0 for infinite timeout
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   MTRV_OK is set, MTRV_INVALIDTIMEOUT if time value < 0
+    short CXsensMTiModule::setTimeOut(short timeOutMs)
+    {
+        if (timeOutMs >= 0)
-            return m_retVal;
+            m_timeOut = timeOutMs;
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // setTimeOut
-        //
-        // Sets the time out value in milliseconds used by the functions
-        // Use 0 for infinite timeout
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   MTRV_OK is set, MTRV_INVALIDTIMEOUT if time value < 0
-        short CXsensMTiModule::setTimeOut(short timeOutMs)
+        else
-            if (timeOutMs >= 0)
-            {
-                m_timeOut = timeOutMs;
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_OK);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDTIMEOUT);
-            }
+            return (m_retVal = MTRV_INVALIDTIMEOUT);
+    }
-        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // swapEndian
-        //
-        // Convert 2 or 4 bytes data from little to big endian or back
-        //
-        // Input
-        //   input  : Pointer to data to be converted
-        //   output : Pointer where converted data is stored
-        //   length : Length of setting (0,2 & 4)
-        //
-        // Remarks:
-        //   Allocate enough bytes for output buffer
-        void CXsensMTiModule::swapEndian(const unsigned char input[], unsigned char output[], const int length)
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // swapEndian
+    //
+    // Convert 2 or 4 bytes data from little to big endian or back
+    //
+    // Input
+    //   input  : Pointer to data to be converted
+    //   output : Pointer where converted data is stored
+    //   length : Length of setting (0,2 & 4)
+    //
+    // Remarks:
+    //   Allocate enough bytes for output buffer
+    void CXsensMTiModule::swapEndian(const unsigned char input[], unsigned char output[], const int length)
+    {
+        switch (length)
-            switch (length)
-            {
-                case 4:
-                    output[0] = input[3];
-                    output[1] = input[2];
-                    output[2] = input[1];
-                    output[3] = input[0];
-                    break;
+            case 4:
+                output[0] = input[3];
+                output[1] = input[2];
+                output[2] = input[1];
+                output[3] = input[0];
+                break;
-                case 2:
-                    output[0] = input[1];
-                    output[1] = input[0];
-                    break;
+            case 2:
+                output[0] = input[1];
+                output[1] = input[0];
+                break;
-                case 1:
-                    output[0] = input[0];
-                    break;
+            case 1:
+                output[0] = input[0];
+                break;
-                default:
-                    for (int i = 0, j = length - 1 ; i < length ; i++, j--)
-                    {
-                        output[j] = input[i];
-                    }
+            default:
+                for (int i = 0, j = length - 1 ; i < length ; i++, j--)
+                {
+                    output[j] = input[i];
+                }
-                    break;
-            }
+                break;
+    }
-        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // calcChecksum
-        //
-        // Calculate and append checksum to msgBuffer
-        //
-        void CXsensMTiModule::calcChecksum(unsigned char* msgBuffer, const int msgBufferLength)
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // calcChecksum
+    //
+    // Calculate and append checksum to msgBuffer
+    //
+    void CXsensMTiModule::calcChecksum(unsigned char* msgBuffer, const int msgBufferLength)
+    {
+        unsigned char checkSum = 0;
+        int i;
+        for (i = 1; i < msgBufferLength ; i++)
-            unsigned char checkSum = 0;
-            int i;
+            checkSum += msgBuffer[i];
+        }
-            for (i = 1; i < msgBufferLength ; i++)
-            {
-                checkSum += msgBuffer[i];
-            }
+        msgBuffer[msgBufferLength] = -checkSum;   // Store chksum
+    }
-            msgBuffer[msgBufferLength] = -checkSum;   // Store chksum
-        }
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // checkChecksum
+    //
+    // Checks if message checksum is valid
+    //
+    // Output
+    //   returns true checksum is OK
+    bool CXsensMTiModule::checkChecksum(const unsigned char* msgBuffer, const int msgBufferLength)
+    {
+        unsigned char checkSum = 0;
+        int i;
-        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        // checkChecksum
-        //
-        // Checks if message checksum is valid
-        //
-        // Output
-        //   returns true checksum is OK
-        bool CXsensMTiModule::checkChecksum(const unsigned char* msgBuffer, const int msgBufferLength)
+        for (i = 1; i < msgBufferLength ; i++)
-            unsigned char checkSum = 0;
-            int i;
-            for (i = 1; i < msgBufferLength ; i++)
-            {
-                checkSum += msgBuffer[i];
-            }
+            checkSum += msgBuffer[i];
+        }
-            if (checkSum == 0)
-            {
-                return true;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                return false;
-            }
+        if (checkSum == 0)
+        {
+            return true;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return false;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/drivers/XsensIMU/IMU/Xsens/XsensMTiModule.h b/source/RobotAPI/drivers/XsensIMU/IMU/Xsens/XsensMTiModule.h
index 0a7bde26a..99fac5a3d 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/drivers/XsensIMU/IMU/Xsens/XsensMTiModule.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/drivers/XsensIMU/IMU/Xsens/XsensMTiModule.h
@@ -128,16 +128,14 @@
-namespace IMU
+namespace IMU::Xsens
-    namespace Xsens
-    {
-        // Field message indexes
+    // Field message indexes
 #define IND_PREAMBLE                0
 #define IND_BID                     1
 #define IND_MID                     2
@@ -147,7 +145,7 @@ namespace IMU
 #define IND_LENEXTL                 5
 #define IND_DATAEXT0                6
-        // Maximum number of sensors supported
+    // Maximum number of sensors supported
 #define MAXDEVICES                  20
 #define PREAMBLE                    (unsigned char)0xFA
@@ -164,24 +162,24 @@ namespace IMU
 #define LEN_UNSIGINT                (unsigned short)4
 #define LEN_FLOAT                   (unsigned short)4
-        // Maximum message/data length
+    // Maximum message/data length
 #define MAXDATALEN                  (unsigned short)2048
 #define MAXSHORTDATALEN             (unsigned short)254
 #define MAXMSGLEN                   (unsigned short)(MAXDATALEN+7)
 #define MAXSHORTMSGLEN              (unsigned short)(MAXSHORTDATALEN+5)
-        // DID Type (high nibble)
+    // DID Type (high nibble)
 #define DID_TYPEH_MASK              (unsigned long)0x00F00000
 #define DID_TYPEH_MT                (unsigned long)0x00000000
 #define DID_TYPEH_XM                (unsigned long)0x00100000
 #define DID_TYPEH_MTI_MTX           (unsigned long)0x00300000
-        // All Message identifiers
-        // WakeUp state messages
+    // All Message identifiers
+    // WakeUp state messages
 #define MID_WAKEUP                  (unsigned char)0x3E
 #define MID_WAKEUPACK               (unsigned char)0x3F
-        // Config state messages
+    // Config state messages
 #define MID_REQDID                  (unsigned char)0x00
 #define MID_DEVICEID                (unsigned char)0x01
 #define LEN_DEVICEID                (unsigned short)4
@@ -193,14 +191,14 @@ namespace IMU
 #define LEN_PERIOD                  (unsigned short)2
 #define MID_SETPERIOD               (unsigned char)0x04
 #define MID_SETPERIODACK            (unsigned char)0x05
-        // XbusMaster
+    // XbusMaster
 #define MID_SETBID                  (unsigned char)0x06
 #define MID_SETBIDACK               (unsigned char)0x07
 #define MID_AUTOSTART               (unsigned char)0x06
 #define MID_AUTOSTARTACK            (unsigned char)0x07
 #define MID_BUSPWROFF               (unsigned char)0x08
 #define MID_BUSPWROFFACK            (unsigned char)0x09
-        // End XbusMaster
+    // End XbusMaster
 #define MID_REQDATALENGTH           (unsigned char)0x0A
 #define MID_DATALENGTH              (unsigned char)0x0B
 #define LEN_DATALENGTH              (unsigned short)2
@@ -215,7 +213,7 @@ namespace IMU
 #define MID_REQFWREV                (unsigned char)0x12
 #define MID_FIRMWAREREV             (unsigned char)0x13
 #define LEN_FIRMWAREREV             (unsigned short)3
-        // XbusMaster
+    // XbusMaster
 #define MID_REQBTDISABLE            (unsigned char)0x14
 #define MID_REQBTDISABLEACK         (unsigned char)0x15
 #define MID_DISABLEBT               (unsigned char)0x14
@@ -224,18 +222,18 @@ namespace IMU
 #define MID_REQOPMODEACK            (unsigned char)0x17
 #define MID_SETOPMODE               (unsigned char)0x16
 #define MID_SETOPMODEACK            (unsigned char)0x17
-        // End XbusMaster
+    // End XbusMaster
 #define MID_REQBAUDRATE             (unsigned char)0x18
 #define MID_REQBAUDRATEACK          (unsigned char)0x19
 #define LEN_BAUDRATE                (unsigned short)1
 #define MID_SETBAUDRATE             (unsigned char)0x18
 #define MID_SETBAUDRATEACK          (unsigned char)0x19
-        // XbusMaster
+    // XbusMaster
 #define MID_REQSYNCMODE             (unsigned char)0x1A
 #define MID_REQSYNCMODEACK          (unsigned char)0x1B
 #define MID_SETSYNCMODE             (unsigned char)0x1A
 #define MID_SETSYNCMODEACK          (unsigned char)0x1B
-        // End XbusMaster
+    // End XbusMaster
 #define MID_REQPRODUCTCODE          (unsigned char)0x1C
 #define MID_PRODUCTCODE             (unsigned char)0x1D
@@ -286,7 +284,7 @@ namespace IMU
 #define MID_SETTRANSMITDELAY        (unsigned char)0xDC
 #define MID_SETTRANSMITDELAYACK     (unsigned char)0xDD
-        // Xbus Master
+    // Xbus Master
 #define MID_REQXMERRORMODE          (unsigned char)0x82
 #define MID_REQXMERRORMODEACK       (unsigned char)0x83
 #define LEN_XMERRORMODE             (unsigned short)2
@@ -298,7 +296,7 @@ namespace IMU
 #define LEN_BUFFERSIZE              (unsigned short)2
 #define MID_SETBUFFERSIZE           (unsigned char)0x84
 #define MID_SETBUFFERSIZEACK        (unsigned char)0x85
-        // End Xbus Master
+    // End Xbus Master
 #define MID_REQHEADING              (unsigned char)0x82
 #define MID_REQHEADINGACK           (unsigned char)0x83
@@ -318,10 +316,10 @@ namespace IMU
 #define MID_SETEXTOUTPUTMODE        (unsigned char)0x86
 #define MID_SETEXTOUTPUTMODEACK     (unsigned char)0x87
-        // XbusMaster
+    // XbusMaster
 #define MID_REQBATLEVEL             (unsigned char)0x88
 #define MID_BATLEVEL                (unsigned char)0x89
-        // End XbusMaster
+    // End XbusMaster
 #define MID_REQINITTRACKMODE        (unsigned char)0x88
 #define MID_REQINITTRACKMODEACK     (unsigned char)0x89
@@ -332,19 +330,19 @@ namespace IMU
 #define MID_STOREFILTERSTATE        (unsigned char)0x8A
 #define MID_STOREFILTERSTATEACK     (unsigned char)0x8B
-        // Measurement state
+    // Measurement state
 #define MID_GOTOCONFIG              (unsigned char)0x30
 #define MID_GOTOCONFIGACK           (unsigned char)0x31
 #define MID_BUSDATA                 (unsigned char)0x32
 #define MID_MTDATA                  (unsigned char)0x32
-        // Manual
+    // Manual
 #define MID_PREPAREDATA             (unsigned char)0x32
 #define MID_REQDATA                 (unsigned char)0x34
 #define MID_REQDATAACK              (unsigned char)0x35
-        // MTData defines
-        // Length of data blocks in bytes
+    // MTData defines
+    // Length of data blocks in bytes
 #define LEN_RAWDATA                 (unsigned short)20
 #define LEN_CALIBDATA               (unsigned short)36
 #define LEN_CALIB_ACCDATA           (unsigned short)12
@@ -356,15 +354,15 @@ namespace IMU
 #define LEN_SAMPLECNT               (unsigned short)2
 #define LEN_TEMPDATA                (unsigned short)4
-        // Length of data blocks in floats
+    // Length of data blocks in floats
 #define LEN_CALIBDATA_FLT           (unsigned short)9
 #define LEN_ORIENT_QUATDATA_FLT     (unsigned short)4
 #define LEN_ORIENT_EULERDATA_FLT    (unsigned short)3
 #define LEN_ORIENT_MATRIXDATA_FLT   (unsigned short)9
-        // Indices of fields in DATA field of MTData message in bytes
-        // use in combination with LEN_CALIB etc
-        // Un-calibrated raw data
+    // Indices of fields in DATA field of MTData message in bytes
+    // use in combination with LEN_CALIB etc
+    // Un-calibrated raw data
 #define IND_RAW_ACCX                0
 #define IND_RAW_ACCY                2
 #define IND_RAW_ACCZ                4
@@ -375,7 +373,7 @@ namespace IMU
 #define IND_RAW_MAGY                14
 #define IND_RAW_MAGZ                16
 #define IND_RAW_TEMP                18
-        // Calibrated data
+    // Calibrated data
 #define IND_CALIB_ACCX              0
 #define IND_CALIB_ACCY              4
 #define IND_CALIB_ACCZ              8
@@ -385,16 +383,16 @@ namespace IMU
 #define IND_CALIB_MAGX              24
 #define IND_CALIB_MAGY              28
 #define IND_CALIB_MAGZ              32
-        // Orientation data - quat
+    // Orientation data - quat
 #define IND_ORIENT_Q0               0
 #define IND_ORIENT_Q1               4
 #define IND_ORIENT_Q2               8
 #define IND_ORIENT_Q3               12
-        // Orientation data - euler
+    // Orientation data - euler
 #define IND_ORIENT_ROLL             0
 #define IND_ORIENT_PITCH            4
 #define IND_ORIENT_YAW              8
-        // Orientation data - matrix
+    // Orientation data - matrix
 #define IND_ORIENT_A                0
 #define IND_ORIENT_B                4
 #define IND_ORIENT_C                8
@@ -404,12 +402,12 @@ namespace IMU
 #define IND_ORIENT_G                24
 #define IND_ORIENT_H                28
 #define IND_ORIENT_I                32
-        // Orientation data - euler
+    // Orientation data - euler
 #define IND_SAMPLECNTH              0
 #define IND_SAMPLECNTL              1
-        // Indices of fields in DATA field of MTData message
-        // Un-calibrated raw data
+    // Indices of fields in DATA field of MTData message
+    // Un-calibrated raw data
 #define FLDNUM_RAW_ACCX             0
 #define FLDNUM_RAW_ACCY             1
 #define FLDNUM_RAW_ACCZ             2
@@ -420,7 +418,7 @@ namespace IMU
 #define FLDNUM_RAW_MAGY             7
 #define FLDNUM_RAW_MAGZ             8
 #define FLDNUM_RAW_TEMP             9
-        // Calibrated data
+    // Calibrated data
 #define FLDNUM_CALIB_ACCX           0
 #define FLDNUM_CALIB_ACCY           1
 #define FLDNUM_CALIB_ACCZ           2
@@ -430,16 +428,16 @@ namespace IMU
 #define FLDNUM_CALIB_MAGX           6
 #define FLDNUM_CALIB_MAGY           7
 #define FLDNUM_CALIB_MAGZ           8
-        // Orientation data - quat
+    // Orientation data - quat
 #define FLDNUM_ORIENT_Q0            0
 #define FLDNUM_ORIENT_Q1            1
 #define FLDNUM_ORIENT_Q2            2
 #define FLDNUM_ORIENT_Q3            3
-        // Orientation data - euler
+    // Orientation data - euler
 #define FLDNUM_ORIENT_ROLL          0
 #define FLDNUM_ORIENT_PITCH         1
 #define FLDNUM_ORIENT_YAW           2
-        // Orientation data - matrix
+    // Orientation data - matrix
 #define FLDNUM_ORIENT_A             0
 #define FLDNUM_ORIENT_B             1
 #define FLDNUM_ORIENT_C             2
@@ -449,8 +447,8 @@ namespace IMU
 #define FLDNUM_ORIENT_G             6
 #define FLDNUM_ORIENT_H             7
 #define FLDNUM_ORIENT_I             8
-        // Length
-        // Uncalibrated raw data
+    // Length
+    // Uncalibrated raw data
 #define LEN_RAW_ACCX                2
 #define LEN_RAW_ACCY                2
 #define LEN_RAW_ACCZ                2
@@ -461,7 +459,7 @@ namespace IMU
 #define LEN_RAW_MAGY                2
 #define LEN_RAW_MAGZ                2
 #define LEN_RAW_TEMP                2
-        // Calibrated data
+    // Calibrated data
 #define LEN_CALIB_ACCX              4
 #define LEN_CALIB_ACCY              4
 #define LEN_CALIB_ACCZ              4
@@ -471,16 +469,16 @@ namespace IMU
 #define LEN_CALIB_MAGX              4
 #define LEN_CALIB_MAGY              4
 #define LEN_CALIB_MAGZ              4
-        // Orientation data - quat
+    // Orientation data - quat
 #define LEN_ORIENT_Q0               4
 #define LEN_ORIENT_Q1               4
 #define LEN_ORIENT_Q2               4
 #define LEN_ORIENT_Q3               4
-        // Orientation data - euler
+    // Orientation data - euler
 #define LEN_ORIENT_ROLL             4
 #define LEN_ORIENT_PITCH            4
 #define LEN_ORIENT_YAW              4
-        // Orientation data - matrix
+    // Orientation data - matrix
 #define LEN_ORIENT_A                4
 #define LEN_ORIENT_B                4
 #define LEN_ORIENT_C                4
@@ -491,7 +489,7 @@ namespace IMU
 #define LEN_ORIENT_H                4
 #define LEN_ORIENT_I                4
-        // Defines for getDataValue
+    // Defines for getDataValue
 #define VALUE_RAW_ACC               0
 #define VALUE_RAW_GYR               1
 #define VALUE_RAW_MAG               2
@@ -507,14 +505,14 @@ namespace IMU
-        // Valid in all states
+    // Valid in all states
 #define MID_RESET                   (unsigned char)0x40
 #define MID_RESETACK                (unsigned char)0x41
 #define MID_ERROR                   (unsigned char)0x42
 #define LEN_ERROR                   (unsigned short)1
-        // XbusMaster
+    // XbusMaster
 #define MID_XMPWROFF                (unsigned char)0x44
-        // End XbusMaster
+    // End XbusMaster
 #define MID_REQFILTERSETTINGS       (unsigned char)0xA0
 #define MID_REQFILTERSETTINGSACK    (unsigned char)0xA1
@@ -530,12 +528,12 @@ namespace IMU
 #define MID_RESETORIENTATIONACK     (unsigned char)0xA5
 #define LEN_RESETORIENTATION        (unsigned short)2
-        // All Messages
-        // WakeUp state messages
+    // All Messages
+    // WakeUp state messages
 #define MSG_WAKEUPLEN               5
 #define MSG_WAKEUPACK               (const unsigned char *)"\xFA\xFF\x3F\x00"
 #define MSG_WAKEUPACKLEN            4
-        // Config state messages
+    // Config state messages
 #define MSG_REQDID                  (const unsigned char *)"\xFA\xFF\x00\x00"
 #define MSG_REQDIDLEN               4
 #define MSG_DEVICEIDLEN             9
@@ -620,11 +618,11 @@ namespace IMU
 #define MSG_REQERRORMODE            (const unsigned char *)"\xFA\xFF\xDA\x00"
 #define MSG_REQERRORMODELEN         4
-        // Measurement state - auto messages
+    // Measurement state - auto messages
 #define MSG_GOTOCONFIG              (const unsigned char *)"\xFA\xFF\x30\x00"
 #define MSG_GOTOCONFIGLEN           4
 #define MSG_GOTOCONFIGACKLEN        5
-        // Measurement state - manual messages (Use DID = 0x01)
+    // Measurement state - manual messages (Use DID = 0x01)
 #define MSG_GOTOCONFIGM             (const unsigned char *)"\xFA\x01\x30\x00"
 #define MSG_GOTOCONFIGMLEN          4
@@ -632,7 +630,7 @@ namespace IMU
 #define MSG_PREPAREDATALEN          4
 #define MSG_REQDATA                 (const unsigned char *)"\xFA\x01\x34\x00"
 #define MSG_REQDATALEN              4
-        // Valid in all states
+    // Valid in all states
 #define MSG_RESET                   (const unsigned char *)"\xFA\xFF\x40\x00"
 #define MSG_RESETLEN                4
 #define MSG_RESETACKLEN             5
@@ -640,7 +638,7 @@ namespace IMU
 #define MSG_XMPWROFFLEN             4
 #define MSG_XMPWROFFACKLEN          5
-        // Baudrate defines for SetBaudrate message
+    // Baudrate defines for SetBaudrate message
 #define BAUDRATE_9K6                0x09
 #define BAUDRATE_14K4               0x08
 #define BAUDRATE_19K2               0x07
@@ -653,7 +651,7 @@ namespace IMU
 #define BAUDRATE_460K8              0x00
 #define BAUDRATE_921K6              0x80
-        // Xbus protocol error codes (Error)
+    // Xbus protocol error codes (Error)
 #define ERROR_NOBUSCOMM             0x01
 #define ERROR_BUSNOTREADY           0x02
 #define ERROR_PERIODINVALID         0x03
@@ -674,13 +672,13 @@ namespace IMU
-        // Error modes (SetErrorMode)
+    // Error modes (SetErrorMode)
 #define ERRORMODE_IGNORE                    0x0000
 #define ERRORMODE_INCSAMPLECNT              0x0001
-        // Configuration message defines
+    // Configuration message defines
 #define CONF_MASTERDID              0
 #define CONF_PERIOD                 4
@@ -690,14 +688,14 @@ namespace IMU
 #define CONF_DATE                   16
 #define CONF_TIME                   24
 #define CONF_NUMDEVICES             96
-        // Configuration sensor block properties
+    // Configuration sensor block properties
 #define CONF_DID                    98
 #define CONF_DATALENGTH             102
 #define CONF_OUTPUTMODE             104
 #define CONF_OUTPUTSETTINGS         106
 #define CONF_BLOCKLEN               20
-        // To calculate the offset in data field for output mode of sensor #2 use
+    // To calculate the offset in data field for output mode of sensor #2 use
 #define CONF_MASTERDIDLEN           4
 #define CONF_PERIODLEN              2
@@ -709,21 +707,21 @@ namespace IMU
 #define CONF_RESERVED_HOSTLEN       32
 #define CONF_NUMDEVICESLEN          2
-        // Configuration sensor block properties
+    // Configuration sensor block properties
 #define CONF_DIDLEN                 4
 #define CONF_DATALENGTHLEN          2
 #define CONF_OUTPUTMODELEN          2
-        // Clock frequency for offset & pulse width
+    // Clock frequency for offset & pulse width
 #define SYNC_CLOCKFREQ              29.4912e6
-        // SyncIn params
+    // SyncIn params
 #define PARAM_SYNCIN_MODE           (const unsigned char)0x00
 #define PARAM_SYNCIN_SKIPFACTOR     (const unsigned char)0x01
 #define PARAM_SYNCIN_OFFSET         (const unsigned char)0x02
-        // SyncIn mode
+    // SyncIn mode
 #define SYNCIN_DISABLED             0x0000
 #define SYNCIN_EDGE_RISING          0x0001
 #define SYNCIN_EDGE_FALLING         0x0002
@@ -733,13 +731,13 @@ namespace IMU
 #define SYNCIN_EDGE_MASK            0x0003
 #define SYNCIN_TYPE_MASK            0x000C
-        // SyncOut params
+    // SyncOut params
 #define PARAM_SYNCOUT_MODE          (const unsigned char)0x00
 #define PARAM_SYNCOUT_SKIPFACTOR    (const unsigned char)0x01
 #define PARAM_SYNCOUT_OFFSET        (const unsigned char)0x02
 #define PARAM_SYNCOUT_PULSEWIDTH    (const unsigned char)0x03
-        // SyncOut mode
+    // SyncOut mode
 #define SYNCOUT_DISABLED        0x0000
 #define SYNCOUT_TYPE_TOGGLE     0x0001
 #define SYNCOUT_TYPE_PULSE      0x0002
@@ -748,7 +746,7 @@ namespace IMU
 #define SYNCOUT_TYPE_MASK       0x000F
 #define SYNCOUT_POL_MASK        0x0010
-        // Sample frequencies (SetPeriod)
+    // Sample frequencies (SetPeriod)
 #define PERIOD_10HZ             0x2D00
 #define PERIOD_12HZ             0x2580
 #define PERIOD_15HZ             0x1E00
@@ -793,7 +791,7 @@ namespace IMU
 #define PERIOD_480HZ            0x00F0
 #define PERIOD_512HZ            0x00E1
-        // OutputModes
+    // OutputModes
 #define OUTPUTMODE_MT9              0x8000
 #define OUTPUTMODE_XM               0x0000
 #define OUTPUTMODE_RAW              0x4000
@@ -801,7 +799,7 @@ namespace IMU
 #define OUTPUTMODE_CALIB            0x0002
 #define OUTPUTMODE_ORIENT           0x0004
-        // OutputSettings
+    // OutputSettings
 #define OUTPUTSETTINGS_XM                       0x00000001
 #define OUTPUTSETTINGS_TIMESTAMP_NONE           0x00000000
@@ -825,47 +823,47 @@ namespace IMU
 #define OUTPUTSETTINGS_CALIBMODE_MASK           0x00000070
 #define OUTPUTSETTINGS_DATAFORMAT_MASK          0x00000300
-        // Extended Output Modes
+    // Extended Output Modes
 #define EXTOUTPUTMODE_DISABLED          0x0000
 #define EXTOUTPUTMODE_EULER             0x0001
-        // Factory Output Mode
+    // Factory Output Mode
 #define FACTORYOUTPUTMODE_CUSTOM        0x0002
-        // Initial tracking mode (SetInitTrackMode)
+    // Initial tracking mode (SetInitTrackMode)
 #define INITTRACKMODE_DISABLED      0x0000
 #define INITTRACKMODE_ENABLED       0x0001
-        // Filter settings params
+    // Filter settings params
 #define PARAM_FILTER_GAIN           (const unsigned char)0x00
 #define PARAM_FILTER_RHO            (const unsigned char)0x01
 #define DONOTSTORE                  0x00
 #define STORE                       0x01
-        // AMDSetting (SetAMD)
+    // AMDSetting (SetAMD)
 #define AMDSETTING_DISABLED         0x0000
 #define AMDSETTING_ENABLED          0x0001
-        // Reset orientation message type
+    // Reset orientation message type
-        // Send raw string mode
+    // Send raw string mode
 #define SENDRAWSTRING_INIT          0
 #define SENDRAWSTRING_SEND          2
-        // Timeouts
+    // Timeouts
 #define TO_DEFAULT                  500
 #define TO_INIT                     250
 #define TO_RETRY                    50
-        // openPort baudrates
+    // openPort baudrates
 #ifdef WIN32
 #define PBR_9600                    CBR_9600
 #define PBR_14K4                    CBR_14400
@@ -892,7 +890,7 @@ namespace IMU
 #define PBR_921K6                   B921600
-        // setFilePos defines
+    // setFilePos defines
 #ifdef WIN32
 #define FILEPOS_BEGIN               FILE_BEGIN
@@ -903,7 +901,7 @@ namespace IMU
 #define FILEPOS_END                 SEEK_END
-        // Return values
+    // Return values
 #define MTRV_OK                     0   // Operation successful
 #define MTRV_NOTSUCCESSFUL          1   // General no success return value
 #define MTRV_TIMEOUT                2   // Operation aborted because of a timeout
@@ -920,97 +918,96 @@ namespace IMU
 #define MTRV_ENDOFFILE              13  // End of file is reached
 #define MTRV_NOINPUTINITIALIZED     14  // No file or serial port opened for reading/writing
 #define MTRV_NOVALIDMODESPECIFIED   15  // No valid outputmode or outputsettings are specified (use 
-        // mtGetDeviceMode or mtSetMode)
+    // mtGetDeviceMode or mtSetMode)
 #define MTRV_INVALIDVALUESPEC       16  // Value specifier does not match value type or not available in data
 #define MTRV_INVALIDFORFILEINPUT    17  // Function is not valid for file based interfaces
-        class CXsensMTiModule
-        {
-        public:
-            CXsensMTiModule();
-            virtual ~CXsensMTiModule();
-            // Low level general functions
-            clock_t clockms();
-            // Low level COM port / file functions
-            short openPort(const int portNumber, const unsigned long baudrate = PBR_115K2, const unsigned long inqueueSize = 4096, const unsigned long outqueueSize = 1024);
-            short openPort(const char* portName, const unsigned long baudrate = PBR_115K2, const unsigned long inqueueSize = 4096, const unsigned long outqueueSize = 1024);
-            short openFile(const char* fileName, bool createAlways = false);
-            bool isPortOpen();
-            bool isFileOpen();
-            int readData(unsigned char* msgBuffer, const int nBytesToRead);
-            int writeData(const unsigned char* msgBuffer, const int nBytesToWrite);
-            void flush();
-            void escape(unsigned long function);
-            void setPortQueueSize(const unsigned long inqueueSize = 4096, const unsigned long outqueueSize = 1024);
-            short setFilePos(long relPos, unsigned long moveMethod = FILEPOS_BEGIN);
-            short getFileSize(unsigned long& fileSize);
-            short close();
-            // Read & write message functions
-            short readMessage(unsigned char& mid, unsigned char data[], short& dataLen, unsigned char* bid = NULL);
-            short readDataMessage(unsigned char data[], short& dataLen);
-            short readMessageRaw(unsigned char* msgBuffer, short* msgBufferLength);
-            short writeMessage(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned long dataValue = 0, const unsigned char dataValueLen = 0, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
-            short writeMessage(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char data[], const unsigned short& dataLen, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
-            short waitForMessage(const unsigned char mid, unsigned char data[] = NULL, short* dataLen = NULL, unsigned char* bid = NULL);
-            // Request & set setting functions
-            short reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, unsigned long& value, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
-            short reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, unsigned long& value, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
-            short reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, float& value, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
-            short reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, float& value, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
-            short reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, unsigned char data[], short& dataLen, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
-            short reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, unsigned char dataIn[], short dataInLen, unsigned char dataOut[], short& dataOutLen, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
-            short reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, unsigned char data[], short& dataLen, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
-            short setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned long value, const unsigned short valuelen, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
-            short setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, const unsigned long value, const unsigned short valuelen, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
-            short setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const float value, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
-            short setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, const float value, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
-            short setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, const float value, const bool store, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
-            // Data-related functions
-            short getDeviceMode(unsigned short* numDevices = NULL);
-            short setDeviceMode(unsigned long OutputMode, unsigned long OutputSettings, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
-            short getMode(unsigned long& OutputMode, unsigned long& OutputSettings, unsigned short& dataLength, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
-            short setMode(unsigned long OutputMode, unsigned long OutputSettings, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
-            short getValue(const unsigned long valueSpec, unsigned short& value, const unsigned char data[], const unsigned char bid = BID_MT);
-            short getValue(const unsigned long valueSpec, unsigned short value[], const unsigned char data[], const unsigned char bid = BID_MT);
-            short getValue(const unsigned long valueSpec, float value[], const unsigned char data[], const unsigned char bid = BID_MT);
-            // Generic MTComm functions
-            short getLastDeviceError();
-            short getLastRetVal();
-            short setTimeOut(short timeOutMs);
-            static void swapEndian(const unsigned char input[], unsigned char output[], const int length);
-            void calcChecksum(unsigned char* msgBuffer, const int msgBufferLength);
-            bool checkChecksum(const unsigned char* msgBuffer, const int msgBufferLength);
-        protected:
-            // member variables
+    class CXsensMTiModule
+    {
+    public:
+        CXsensMTiModule();
+        virtual ~CXsensMTiModule();
+        // Low level general functions
+        clock_t clockms();
+        // Low level COM port / file functions
+        short openPort(const int portNumber, const unsigned long baudrate = PBR_115K2, const unsigned long inqueueSize = 4096, const unsigned long outqueueSize = 1024);
+        short openPort(const char* portName, const unsigned long baudrate = PBR_115K2, const unsigned long inqueueSize = 4096, const unsigned long outqueueSize = 1024);
+        short openFile(const char* fileName, bool createAlways = false);
+        bool isPortOpen();
+        bool isFileOpen();
+        int readData(unsigned char* msgBuffer, const int nBytesToRead);
+        int writeData(const unsigned char* msgBuffer, const int nBytesToWrite);
+        void flush();
+        void escape(unsigned long function);
+        void setPortQueueSize(const unsigned long inqueueSize = 4096, const unsigned long outqueueSize = 1024);
+        short setFilePos(long relPos, unsigned long moveMethod = FILEPOS_BEGIN);
+        short getFileSize(unsigned long& fileSize);
+        short close();
+        // Read & write message functions
+        short readMessage(unsigned char& mid, unsigned char data[], short& dataLen, unsigned char* bid = NULL);
+        short readDataMessage(unsigned char data[], short& dataLen);
+        short readMessageRaw(unsigned char* msgBuffer, short* msgBufferLength);
+        short writeMessage(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned long dataValue = 0, const unsigned char dataValueLen = 0, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
+        short writeMessage(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char data[], const unsigned short& dataLen, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
+        short waitForMessage(const unsigned char mid, unsigned char data[] = NULL, short* dataLen = NULL, unsigned char* bid = NULL);
+        // Request & set setting functions
+        short reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, unsigned long& value, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
+        short reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, unsigned long& value, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
+        short reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, float& value, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
+        short reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, float& value, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
+        short reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, unsigned char data[], short& dataLen, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
+        short reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, unsigned char dataIn[], short dataInLen, unsigned char dataOut[], short& dataOutLen, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
+        short reqSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, unsigned char data[], short& dataLen, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
+        short setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned long value, const unsigned short valuelen, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
+        short setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, const unsigned long value, const unsigned short valuelen, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
+        short setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const float value, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
+        short setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, const float value, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
+        short setSetting(const unsigned char mid, const unsigned char param, const float value, const bool store, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
+        // Data-related functions
+        short getDeviceMode(unsigned short* numDevices = NULL);
+        short setDeviceMode(unsigned long OutputMode, unsigned long OutputSettings, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
+        short getMode(unsigned long& OutputMode, unsigned long& OutputSettings, unsigned short& dataLength, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
+        short setMode(unsigned long OutputMode, unsigned long OutputSettings, const unsigned char bid = BID_MASTER);
+        short getValue(const unsigned long valueSpec, unsigned short& value, const unsigned char data[], const unsigned char bid = BID_MT);
+        short getValue(const unsigned long valueSpec, unsigned short value[], const unsigned char data[], const unsigned char bid = BID_MT);
+        short getValue(const unsigned long valueSpec, float value[], const unsigned char data[], const unsigned char bid = BID_MT);
+        // Generic MTComm functions
+        short getLastDeviceError();
+        short getLastRetVal();
+        short setTimeOut(short timeOutMs);
+        static void swapEndian(const unsigned char input[], unsigned char output[], const int length);
+        void calcChecksum(unsigned char* msgBuffer, const int msgBufferLength);
+        bool checkChecksum(const unsigned char* msgBuffer, const int msgBufferLength);
+    protected:
+        // member variables
 #ifdef WIN32
-            HANDLE m_handle;
+        HANDLE m_handle;
-            int m_handle;
+        int m_handle;
-            bool m_portOpen;
-            bool m_fileOpen;
-            short m_deviceError;
-            short m_retVal;
-            short m_timeOut;
-            clock_t m_clkEnd;
-            // OutputMode, OutputSettings & DataLength for connected devices + 1 for master
-            unsigned long m_storedOutputMode[MAXDEVICES + 1];
-            unsigned long m_storedOutputSettings[MAXDEVICES + 1];
-            unsigned long m_storedDataLength[MAXDEVICES + 1];
-            // Temporary buffer for excess bytes read in ReadMessageRaw
-            unsigned char m_tempBuffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
-            int m_nTempBufferLen;
-        private:
-        };
-    }
+        bool m_portOpen;
+        bool m_fileOpen;
+        short m_deviceError;
+        short m_retVal;
+        short m_timeOut;
+        clock_t m_clkEnd;
+        // OutputMode, OutputSettings & DataLength for connected devices + 1 for master
+        unsigned long m_storedOutputMode[MAXDEVICES + 1];
+        unsigned long m_storedOutputSettings[MAXDEVICES + 1];
+        unsigned long m_storedDataLength[MAXDEVICES + 1];
+        // Temporary buffer for excess bytes read in ReadMessageRaw
+        unsigned char m_tempBuffer[MAXMSGLEN ];
+        int m_nTempBufferLen;
+    private:
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/drivers/XsensIMU/XsensIMU.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/drivers/XsensIMU/XsensIMU.cpp
index 77659db22..16b3e89e0 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/drivers/XsensIMU/XsensIMU.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/drivers/XsensIMU/XsensIMU.cpp
@@ -25,141 +25,141 @@
 #include "XsensIMU.h"
-using namespace armarx;
-using namespace IMU;
-PropertyDefinitionsPtr XsensIMU::createPropertyDefinitions()
+namespace armarx
-    return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new XsensIMUPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+    using namespace IMU;
-void XsensIMU::frameAcquisitionTaskLoop()
+    PropertyDefinitionsPtr XsensIMU::createPropertyDefinitions()
+    {
+        return PropertyDefinitionsPtr(new XsensIMUPropertyDefinitions(getConfigIdentifier()));
+    }
-    std::vector<float> offset(3, 0.0);
+    void XsensIMU::frameAcquisitionTaskLoop()
+    {
-    int count = 0;
+        std::vector<float> offset(3, 0.0);
-    IceUtil::Time startTime = armarx::TimeUtil::GetTime();
+        int count = 0;
-    if (getProperty<bool>("EnableSimpleCalibration").getValue())
-    {
-        ARMARX_WARNING << "Estimation of the offset for the IMU, please do not move the IMU";
-        while (((armarx::TimeUtil::GetTime() - startTime) < IceUtil::Time::seconds(5))  && !sensorTask->isStopped())
-        {
+        IceUtil::Time startTime = armarx::TimeUtil::GetTime();
-            while (HasPendingEvents())
+        if (getProperty<bool>("EnableSimpleCalibration").getValue())
+        {
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "Estimation of the offset for the IMU, please do not move the IMU";
+            while (((armarx::TimeUtil::GetTime() - startTime) < IceUtil::Time::seconds(5))  && !sensorTask->isStopped())
-                ProcessPendingEvent();
-                offset[0] += m_GyroscopeRotation[0];
-                offset[1] += m_GyroscopeRotation[1];
-                offset[2] += m_GyroscopeRotation[2];
+                while (HasPendingEvents())
+                {
+                    ProcessPendingEvent();
+                    offset[0] += m_GyroscopeRotation[0];
+                    offset[1] += m_GyroscopeRotation[1];
+                    offset[2] += m_GyroscopeRotation[2];
-                count ++;
+                    count ++;
+                }
-        }
-        offset[0] /= count;
-        offset[1] /= count;
-        offset[2] /= count;
+            offset[0] /= count;
+            offset[1] /= count;
+            offset[2] /= count;
-    }
+        }
-    while (!sensorTask->isStopped())
-    {
-        while (HasPendingEvents())
+        while (!sensorTask->isStopped())
-            ProcessPendingEvent();
+            while (HasPendingEvents())
+            {
-            TimestampVariantPtr now = TimestampVariant::nowPtr();
-            IMUData data;
+                ProcessPendingEvent();
-            data.acceleration.push_back(m_Accelaration[0]);
-            data.acceleration.push_back(m_Accelaration[1]);
-            data.acceleration.push_back(m_Accelaration[2]);
+                TimestampVariantPtr now = TimestampVariant::nowPtr();
+                IMUData data;
-            data.gyroscopeRotation.push_back(m_GyroscopeRotation[0] - offset[0]);
-            data.gyroscopeRotation.push_back(m_GyroscopeRotation[1] - offset[1]);
-            data.gyroscopeRotation.push_back(m_GyroscopeRotation[2] - offset[2]);
+                data.acceleration.push_back(m_Accelaration[0]);
+                data.acceleration.push_back(m_Accelaration[1]);
+                data.acceleration.push_back(m_Accelaration[2]);
+                data.gyroscopeRotation.push_back(m_GyroscopeRotation[0] - offset[0]);
+                data.gyroscopeRotation.push_back(m_GyroscopeRotation[1] - offset[1]);
+                data.gyroscopeRotation.push_back(m_GyroscopeRotation[2] - offset[2]);
-            data.magneticRotation.push_back(m_MagneticRotation[0]);
-            data.magneticRotation.push_back(m_MagneticRotation[1]);
-            data.magneticRotation.push_back(m_MagneticRotation[2]);
+                data.magneticRotation.push_back(m_MagneticRotation[0]);
+                data.magneticRotation.push_back(m_MagneticRotation[1]);
+                data.magneticRotation.push_back(m_MagneticRotation[2]);
-            data.orientationQuaternion.push_back(m_OrientationQuaternion[0]);
-            data.orientationQuaternion.push_back(m_OrientationQuaternion[1]);
-            data.orientationQuaternion.push_back(m_OrientationQuaternion[2]);
-            data.orientationQuaternion.push_back(m_OrientationQuaternion[3]);
-            IMUTopicPrx->reportSensorValues("XsensIMU", "XsensIMU", data, now);
+                data.orientationQuaternion.push_back(m_OrientationQuaternion[0]);
+                data.orientationQuaternion.push_back(m_OrientationQuaternion[1]);
+                data.orientationQuaternion.push_back(m_OrientationQuaternion[2]);
+                data.orientationQuaternion.push_back(m_OrientationQuaternion[3]);
-        }
+                IMUTopicPrx->reportSensorValues("XsensIMU", "XsensIMU", data, now);
-        usleep(10000);
+            }
+            usleep(10000);
+        }
-void XsensIMU::OnIMUCycle(const timeval& TimeStamp, const CIMUDevice* pIMUDevice)
-    const IMUState CurrentState = pIMUDevice->GetIMUState();
+    /*
+    void XsensIMU::OnIMUCycle(const timeval& TimeStamp, const CIMUDevice* pIMUDevice)
+    {
+        const IMUState CurrentState = pIMUDevice->GetIMUState();
-    TimestampVariantPtr now = TimestampVariant::nowPtr();
-    IMUData data;
+        TimestampVariantPtr now = TimestampVariant::nowPtr();
+        IMUData data;
-    data.acceleration.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_Acceleration[0]);
-    data.acceleration.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_Acceleration[1]);
-    data.acceleration.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_Acceleration[2]);
+        data.acceleration.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_Acceleration[0]);
+        data.acceleration.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_Acceleration[1]);
+        data.acceleration.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_Acceleration[2]);
-    data.gyroscopeRotation.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_GyroscopeRotation[0]);
-    data.gyroscopeRotation.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_GyroscopeRotation[1]);
-    data.gyroscopeRotation.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_GyroscopeRotation[2]);
+        data.gyroscopeRotation.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_GyroscopeRotation[0]);
+        data.gyroscopeRotation.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_GyroscopeRotation[1]);
+        data.gyroscopeRotation.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_GyroscopeRotation[2]);
-    data.magneticRotation.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_MagneticRotation[0]);
-    data.magneticRotation.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_MagneticRotation[1]);
-    data.magneticRotation.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_MagneticRotation[2]);
+        data.magneticRotation.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_MagneticRotation[0]);
+        data.magneticRotation.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_MagneticRotation[1]);
+        data.magneticRotation.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_MagneticRotation[2]);
-    data.orientationQuaternion.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_OrientationQuaternion[0]);
-    data.orientationQuaternion.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_OrientationQuaternion[1]);
-    data.orientationQuaternion.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_OrientationQuaternion[2]);
-    data.orientationQuaternion.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_OrientationQuaternion[3]);
+        data.orientationQuaternion.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_OrientationQuaternion[0]);
+        data.orientationQuaternion.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_OrientationQuaternion[1]);
+        data.orientationQuaternion.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_OrientationQuaternion[2]);
+        data.orientationQuaternion.push_back(CurrentState.m_PhysicalData.m_OrientationQuaternion[3]);
-    IMUTopicPrx->reportSensorValues("XsensIMU", pIMUDevice->GetDeviceId(), data, now);
+        IMUTopicPrx->reportSensorValues("XsensIMU", pIMUDevice->GetDeviceId(), data, now);
+    }
+    */
-void XsensIMU::onInitIMU()
-    sensorTask = new RunningTask<XsensIMU>(this, &XsensIMU::frameAcquisitionTaskLoop);
+    void XsensIMU::onInitIMU()
+    {
+        sensorTask = new RunningTask<XsensIMU>(this, &XsensIMU::frameAcquisitionTaskLoop);
-    SetDispatchingMode(IMU::IIMUEventDispatcher::eDecoupled);
-    SetMaximalPendingEvents(5);
+        SetDispatchingMode(IMU::IIMUEventDispatcher::eDecoupled);
+        SetMaximalPendingEvents(5);
-    //IMUDevice.SetFusion(IMU::CIMUDevice::eGaussianFusion, 2);
-    IMUDevice.RegisterEventDispatcher(this);
+        //IMUDevice.SetFusion(IMU::CIMUDevice::eGaussianFusion, 2);
+        IMUDevice.RegisterEventDispatcher(this);
-    IMUDevice.Connect(_IMU_DEVICE_DEFAUL_CONNECTION_, IMU::CIMUDevice::eSamplingFrequency_120HZ);
+        IMUDevice.Connect(_IMU_DEVICE_DEFAUL_CONNECTION_, IMU::CIMUDevice::eSamplingFrequency_120HZ);
+    }
-void XsensIMU::onStartIMU()
-    IMUDevice.Start(false);
-    sensorTask->start();
+    void XsensIMU::onStartIMU()
+    {
+        IMUDevice.Start(false);
+        sensorTask->start();
+    }
-void XsensIMU::onExitIMU()
-    IMUDevice.Stop();
-    sensorTask->stop();
+    void XsensIMU::onExitIMU()
+    {
+        IMUDevice.Stop();
+        sensorTask->stop();
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/ArViz/ArVizGuiPlugin.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/ArViz/ArVizGuiPlugin.cpp
index a37459d3e..c73c555c8 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/ArViz/ArVizGuiPlugin.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/ArViz/ArVizGuiPlugin.cpp
@@ -24,13 +24,10 @@
 #include "ArVizWidgetController.h"
-using namespace armarx;
+namespace armarx
-    addWidget < ArVizWidgetController > ();
+    ArVizGuiPlugin::ArVizGuiPlugin()
+    {
+        addWidget < ArVizWidgetController > ();
+    }
-Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(armarx_gui_ArVizGuiPlugin, ArVizGuiPlugin)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/ArViz/ArVizGuiPlugin.h b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/ArViz/ArVizGuiPlugin.h
index 844f53569..5b2ab4dd6 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/ArViz/ArVizGuiPlugin.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/ArViz/ArVizGuiPlugin.h
@@ -38,10 +38,9 @@ namespace armarx
         public armarx::ArmarXGuiPlugin
         Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "ArmarXGuiInterface/1.00")
          * All widgets exposed by this plugin are added in the constructor
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/ArViz/ArVizWidgetController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/ArViz/ArVizWidgetController.cpp
index 1093b19bf..881438c62 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/ArViz/ArVizWidgetController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/ArViz/ArVizWidgetController.cpp
@@ -30,860 +30,861 @@
 #include <QMessageBox>
 #include <QTimer>
-using namespace armarx;
-struct armarx::ArVizWidgetBatchCallback : IceUtil::Shared
+namespace armarx
-    class ArVizWidgetController* this_;
-    void onSuccess(viz::data::RecordingBatch const& batch)
-    {
-        this_->onGetBatchAsync(batch);
-    }
-    void onFailure(Ice::Exception const& ex)
+    struct ArVizWidgetBatchCallback : IceUtil::Shared
-        ARMARX_WARNING << "Failed to get batch async.\nReason:"
-                       << ex;
-    }
+        class ArVizWidgetController* this_;
-    widget.setupUi(getWidget());
+        void onSuccess(viz::data::RecordingBatch const& batch)
+        {
+            this_->onGetBatchAsync(batch);
+        }
-    replayTimer = new QTimer(this);
-    connect(replayTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, QOverload<>::of(&ArVizWidgetController::onReplayTimerTick));
+        void onFailure(Ice::Exception const& ex)
+        {
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "Failed to get batch async.\nReason:"
+                           << ex;
+        }
+    };
-    connect(widget.layerTree, &QTreeWidget::itemChanged, this, &ArVizWidgetController::layerTreeChanged);
-    connect(widget.expandButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onExpandAll);
-    connect(widget.collapseButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onCollapseAll);
-    connect(widget.filterEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onFilterTextChanged);
-    connect(widget.hideAllButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onHideAll);
-    connect(widget.showAllButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onShowAll);
-    connect(widget.hideFilteredButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onHideFiltered);
-    connect(widget.showFilteredButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onShowFiltered);
+    ArVizWidgetController::ArVizWidgetController()
+    {
+        widget.setupUi(getWidget());
-    connect(widget.recordingStartButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onStartRecording);
-    connect(widget.recordingStopButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onStopRecording);
+        replayTimer = new QTimer(this);
+        connect(replayTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, QOverload<>::of(&ArVizWidgetController::onReplayTimerTick));
-    connect(widget.refreshRecordingsButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onRefreshRecordings);
-    connect(widget.recordingList, &QListWidget::currentItemChanged, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onRecordingSelectionChanged);
+        connect(widget.layerTree, &QTreeWidget::itemChanged, this, &ArVizWidgetController::layerTreeChanged);
+        connect(widget.expandButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onExpandAll);
+        connect(widget.collapseButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onCollapseAll);
+        connect(widget.filterEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onFilterTextChanged);
+        connect(widget.hideAllButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onHideAll);
+        connect(widget.showAllButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onShowAll);
+        connect(widget.hideFilteredButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onHideFiltered);
+        connect(widget.showFilteredButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onShowFiltered);
-    connect(widget.replayRevisionSpinBox, QOverload<int>::of(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), this, &ArVizWidgetController::onReplaySpinChanged);
-    connect(widget.replayRevisionSlider, QOverload<int>::of(&QSlider::valueChanged), this, &ArVizWidgetController::onReplaySliderChanged);
+        connect(widget.recordingStartButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onStartRecording);
+        connect(widget.recordingStopButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onStopRecording);
-    connect(widget.replayStartButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onReplayStart);
-    connect(widget.replayStopButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onReplayStop);
-    connect(widget.replayTimedButton, &QPushButton::toggled, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onReplayTimedStart);
+        connect(widget.refreshRecordingsButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onRefreshRecordings);
+        connect(widget.recordingList, &QListWidget::currentItemChanged, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onRecordingSelectionChanged);
-    connect(this, &ArVizWidgetController::connectGui, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onConnectGui, Qt::QueuedConnection);
-    connect(this, &ArVizWidgetController::disconnectGui, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onDisconnectGui, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+        connect(widget.replayRevisionSpinBox, QOverload<int>::of(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), this, &ArVizWidgetController::onReplaySpinChanged);
+        connect(widget.replayRevisionSlider, QOverload<int>::of(&QSlider::valueChanged), this, &ArVizWidgetController::onReplaySliderChanged);
+        connect(widget.replayStartButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onReplayStart);
+        connect(widget.replayStopButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onReplayStop);
+        connect(widget.replayTimedButton, &QPushButton::toggled, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onReplayTimedStart);
-    // We need a callback from the visualizer, when the layers have changed
-    // So we can update the tree accordingly
-    visualizer.layersChangedCallback = [this](std::vector<viz::CoinLayerID> const & layers)
-    {
-        layersChanged(layers);
-    };
+        connect(this, &ArVizWidgetController::connectGui, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onConnectGui, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+        connect(this, &ArVizWidgetController::disconnectGui, this, &ArVizWidgetController::onDisconnectGui, Qt::QueuedConnection);
-    replayTimer->start(33);
+        // We need a callback from the visualizer, when the layers have changed
+        // So we can update the tree accordingly
+        visualizer.layersChangedCallback = [this](std::vector<viz::CoinLayerID> const & layers)
+        {
+            layersChanged(layers);
+        };
+        replayTimer->start(33);
+    }
-void ArVizWidgetController::onInitComponent()
-    if (storageName.size() > 0)
+    ArVizWidgetController::~ArVizWidgetController()
-        usingProxy(storageName);
-    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "OnInit: " << storageName;
-    callbackData = new ArVizWidgetBatchCallback();
-    callbackData->this_ = this;
-    callback = viz::newCallback_StorageInterface_getRecordingBatch(
-                   callbackData,
-                   &ArVizWidgetBatchCallback::onSuccess,
-                   &ArVizWidgetBatchCallback::onFailure);
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onInitComponent()
+    {
+        if (storageName.size() > 0)
+        {
+            usingProxy(storageName);
+        }
+        ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "OnInit: " << storageName;
-void armarx::ArVizWidgetController::onExitComponent()
+        callbackData = new ArVizWidgetBatchCallback();
+        callbackData->this_ = this;
+        callback = viz::newCallback_StorageInterface_getRecordingBatch(
+                       callbackData,
+                       &ArVizWidgetBatchCallback::onSuccess,
+                       &ArVizWidgetBatchCallback::onFailure);
+    }
-void ArVizWidgetController::onConnectComponent()
-    getProxy(storage, storageName);
-    visualizer.startAsync(storage);
+    void armarx::ArVizWidgetController::onExitComponent()
+    {
+    }
-    // Changes to UI elements are only allowed in the GUI thread
-    emit connectGui();
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onConnectComponent()
+    {
+        getProxy(storage, storageName);
+        visualizer.startAsync(storage);
-void armarx::ArVizWidgetController::onDisconnectComponent()
-    visualizer.stop();
+        // Changes to UI elements are only allowed in the GUI thread
+        emit connectGui();
+    }
-    // Changes to UI elements are only allowed in the GUI thread
-    emit disconnectGui();
+    void armarx::ArVizWidgetController::onDisconnectComponent()
+    {
+        visualizer.stop();
-void ArVizWidgetController::onConnectGui()
-    onRefreshRecordings();
-    currentRecordingSelected = false;
-    changeMode(ArVizWidgetMode::Live);
+        // Changes to UI elements are only allowed in the GUI thread
+        emit disconnectGui();
+    }
-void ArVizWidgetController::onDisconnectGui()
-    changeMode(ArVizWidgetMode::NotConnected);
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onConnectGui()
+    {
+        onRefreshRecordings();
+        currentRecordingSelected = false;
+        changeMode(ArVizWidgetMode::Live);
+    }
-void ArVizWidgetController::layerTreeChanged(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int /*column*/)
-    // Iterate over all items and activate/deactivate layers accordingly
-    int componentCount = widget.layerTree->topLevelItemCount();
-    for (int compIndex = 0; compIndex < componentCount; ++compIndex)
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onDisconnectGui()
-        QTreeWidgetItem* componentItem = widget.layerTree->topLevelItem(compIndex);
-        std::string component = componentItem->text(0).toStdString();
-        Qt::CheckState componentCheck = componentItem->checkState(0);
-        int layerCount = componentItem->childCount();
+        changeMode(ArVizWidgetMode::NotConnected);
+    }
-        if (componentItem == item)
+    void ArVizWidgetController::layerTreeChanged(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int /*column*/)
+    {
+        // Iterate over all items and activate/deactivate layers accordingly
+        int componentCount = widget.layerTree->topLevelItemCount();
+        for (int compIndex = 0; compIndex < componentCount; ++compIndex)
-            // The parent was selected or deselected, so all children should be set accordingly
-            ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Setting all children of " << component << " to " << (componentCheck == Qt::Checked);
-            for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < layerCount; ++layerIndex)
+            QTreeWidgetItem* componentItem = widget.layerTree->topLevelItem(compIndex);
+            std::string component = componentItem->text(0).toStdString();
+            Qt::CheckState componentCheck = componentItem->checkState(0);
+            int layerCount = componentItem->childCount();
+            if (componentItem == item)
-                QTreeWidgetItem* layerItem = componentItem->child(layerIndex);
-                if (layerItem->checkState(0) != componentCheck)
+                // The parent was selected or deselected, so all children should be set accordingly
+                ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Setting all children of " << component << " to " << (componentCheck == Qt::Checked);
+                for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < layerCount; ++layerIndex)
-                    layerItem->setCheckState(0, componentCheck);
+                    QTreeWidgetItem* layerItem = componentItem->child(layerIndex);
+                    if (layerItem->checkState(0) != componentCheck)
+                    {
+                        layerItem->setCheckState(0, componentCheck);
+                    }
+                return;
-            return;
-        }
-        for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < layerCount; ++layerIndex)
-        {
-            QTreeWidgetItem* layerItem = componentItem->child(layerIndex);
-            std::string layer = layerItem->text(0).toStdString();
-            bool layerVisible = (layerItem->checkState(0) == Qt::Checked);
-            ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Layer: " << layer << ", Visible: " << layerVisible;
+            for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < layerCount; ++layerIndex)
+            {
+                QTreeWidgetItem* layerItem = componentItem->child(layerIndex);
+                std::string layer = layerItem->text(0).toStdString();
+                bool layerVisible = (layerItem->checkState(0) == Qt::Checked);
+                ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Layer: " << layer << ", Visible: " << layerVisible;
-            viz::CoinLayerID layerID(component, layer);
-            visualizer.showLayer(layerID, layerVisible);
+                viz::CoinLayerID layerID(component, layer);
+                visualizer.showLayer(layerID, layerVisible);
+            }
-void ArVizWidgetController::layersChanged(std::vector<viz::CoinLayerID> const& layers)
-    QTreeWidget* tree = widget.layerTree;
-    std::map<std::string, QTreeWidgetItem*> currentComponents;
-    std::map<viz::CoinLayerID, QTreeWidgetItem*> currentLayers;
-    int componentCount = widget.layerTree->topLevelItemCount();
-    for (int compIndex = 0; compIndex < componentCount; ++compIndex)
+    void ArVizWidgetController::layersChanged(std::vector<viz::CoinLayerID> const& layers)
-        QTreeWidgetItem* componentItem = widget.layerTree->topLevelItem(compIndex);
-        std::string component = componentItem->text(0).toStdString();
-        currentComponents.emplace(component, componentItem);
+        QTreeWidget* tree = widget.layerTree;
-        int layerCount = componentItem->childCount();
-        for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < layerCount; ++layerIndex)
+        std::map<std::string, QTreeWidgetItem*> currentComponents;
+        std::map<viz::CoinLayerID, QTreeWidgetItem*> currentLayers;
+        int componentCount = widget.layerTree->topLevelItemCount();
+        for (int compIndex = 0; compIndex < componentCount; ++compIndex)
-            QTreeWidgetItem* layerItem = componentItem->child(layerIndex);
-            std::string layer = layerItem->text(0).toStdString();
-            viz::CoinLayerID layerID(component, layer);
-            currentLayers.emplace(layerID, layerItem);
-        }
-    }
+            QTreeWidgetItem* componentItem = widget.layerTree->topLevelItem(compIndex);
+            std::string component = componentItem->text(0).toStdString();
+            currentComponents.emplace(component, componentItem);
-    // We need to determine which layers are new and where to append them
-    QTreeWidgetItem* currentItem = nullptr;
-    bool componentWasNew = false;
-    std::string currentComponent;
-    for (auto& entry : layers)
-    {
-        std::string const& component = entry.first;
-        if (component != currentComponent)
-        {
-            auto iter = currentComponents.find(component);
-            if (iter == currentComponents.end())
+            int layerCount = componentItem->childCount();
+            for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < layerCount; ++layerIndex)
-                // Create a new item
-                currentItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(tree);
-                currentItem->setText(0, QString::fromStdString(component));
-                // A new item is visible by default
-                currentItem->setCheckState(0, Qt::Checked);
+                QTreeWidgetItem* layerItem = componentItem->child(layerIndex);
+                std::string layer = layerItem->text(0).toStdString();
-                componentWasNew = true;
+                viz::CoinLayerID layerID(component, layer);
+                currentLayers.emplace(layerID, layerItem);
-            else
+        }
+        // We need to determine which layers are new and where to append them
+        QTreeWidgetItem* currentItem = nullptr;
+        bool componentWasNew = false;
+        std::string currentComponent;
+        for (auto& entry : layers)
+        {
+            std::string const& component = entry.first;
+            if (component != currentComponent)
-                // Item exists already
-                currentItem = iter->second;
+                auto iter = currentComponents.find(component);
+                if (iter == currentComponents.end())
+                {
+                    // Create a new item
+                    currentItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(tree);
+                    currentItem->setText(0, QString::fromStdString(component));
+                    // A new item is visible by default
+                    currentItem->setCheckState(0, Qt::Checked);
-                componentWasNew = false;
-            }
+                    componentWasNew = true;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    // Item exists already
+                    currentItem = iter->second;
-            currentComponent = component;
-        }
+                    componentWasNew = false;
+                }
-        auto iter = currentLayers.find(entry);
-        if (iter == currentLayers.end())
-        {
-            // Create a new item
-            std::string const& layer = entry.second;
-            QTreeWidgetItem* layerItem = new QTreeWidgetItem;
-            layerItem->setText(0, QString::fromStdString(layer));
-            // A new item is visible by default
-            layerItem->setCheckState(0, Qt::Checked);
+                currentComponent = component;
+            }
-            if (currentItem)
+            auto iter = currentLayers.find(entry);
+            if (iter == currentLayers.end())
-                currentItem->addChild(layerItem);
+                // Create a new item
+                std::string const& layer = entry.second;
+                QTreeWidgetItem* layerItem = new QTreeWidgetItem;
+                layerItem->setText(0, QString::fromStdString(layer));
+                // A new item is visible by default
+                layerItem->setCheckState(0, Qt::Checked);
+                if (currentItem)
+                {
+                    currentItem->addChild(layerItem);
-                if (componentWasNew)
+                    if (componentWasNew)
+                    {
+                        // Initially expand new items
+                        tree->expandItem(currentItem);
+                    }
+                }
+                else
-                    // Initially expand new items
-                    tree->expandItem(currentItem);
+                    ARMARX_WARNING << deactivateSpam(10, entry.first + entry.second)
+                                   << "Invalid component/layer ID: "
+                                   << entry.first << " / " << entry.second;
-                ARMARX_WARNING << deactivateSpam(10, entry.first + entry.second)
-                               << "Invalid component/layer ID: "
-                               << entry.first << " / " << entry.second;
+                // Item exists already ==> nothing to be done
-        else
-        {
-            // Item exists already ==> nothing to be done
-        }
-void ArVizWidgetController::onCollapseAll(bool)
-    widget.layerTree->collapseAll();
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onCollapseAll(bool)
+    {
+        widget.layerTree->collapseAll();
+    }
-void ArVizWidgetController::onExpandAll(bool)
-    widget.layerTree->expandAll();
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onExpandAll(bool)
+    {
+        widget.layerTree->expandAll();
+    }
-void ArVizWidgetController::onHideAll(bool)
-    showAllLayers(false);
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onHideAll(bool)
+    {
+        showAllLayers(false);
+    }
-void ArVizWidgetController::onShowAll(bool)
-    showAllLayers(true);
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onShowAll(bool)
+    {
+        showAllLayers(true);
+    }
-void ArVizWidgetController::onHideFiltered(bool)
-    showFilteredLayers(false);
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onHideFiltered(bool)
+    {
+        showFilteredLayers(false);
+    }
-void ArVizWidgetController::onShowFiltered(bool)
-    showFilteredLayers(true);
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onShowFiltered(bool)
+    {
+        showFilteredLayers(true);
+    }
-void ArVizWidgetController::onFilterTextChanged(const QString& filter)
-    // Now we need to show these matches and hide the other items
-    // Is there a better way? Probably, via QSortFilterProxyModel...
-    QRegExp rx(filter, Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard);
-    for (QTreeWidgetItemIterator iter(widget.layerTree); *iter; ++iter)
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onFilterTextChanged(const QString& filter)
-        QTreeWidgetItem* item = *iter;
-        QString itemText = item->text(0);
-        bool matches = filter.size() == 0 || itemText.contains(rx);
-        item->setHidden(!matches);
-        if (matches && item->parent())
+        // Now we need to show these matches and hide the other items
+        // Is there a better way? Probably, via QSortFilterProxyModel...
+        QRegExp rx(filter, Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard);
+        for (QTreeWidgetItemIterator iter(widget.layerTree); *iter; ++iter)
-            // Make parent visible if a child is visible
-            item->parent()->setHidden(false);
+            QTreeWidgetItem* item = *iter;
+            QString itemText = item->text(0);
+            bool matches = filter.size() == 0 || itemText.contains(rx);
+            item->setHidden(!matches);
+            if (matches && item->parent())
+            {
+                // Make parent visible if a child is visible
+                item->parent()->setHidden(false);
+            }
-void ArVizWidgetController::showAllLayers(bool visible)
-    widget.layerTree->blockSignals(true);
-    for (QTreeWidgetItemIterator iter(widget.layerTree); *iter; ++iter)
+    void ArVizWidgetController::showAllLayers(bool visible)
-        QTreeWidgetItem* item = *iter;
-        item->setCheckState(0, visible ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
-    }
-    widget.layerTree->blockSignals(false);
-    // Update shown/hidden layers
-    layerTreeChanged(nullptr, 0);
-void ArVizWidgetController::showFilteredLayers(bool visible)
-    widget.layerTree->blockSignals(true);
-    QString filter = widget.filterEdit->text();
-    QRegExp rx(filter, Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard);
+        widget.layerTree->blockSignals(true);
-    for (QTreeWidgetItemIterator iter(widget.layerTree); *iter; ++iter)
-    {
-        QTreeWidgetItem* item = *iter;
-        QString itemText = item->text(0);
-        bool matches = filter.size() == 0 || itemText.contains(rx);
-        if (matches)
+        for (QTreeWidgetItemIterator iter(widget.layerTree); *iter; ++iter)
+            QTreeWidgetItem* item = *iter;
             item->setCheckState(0, visible ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+        widget.layerTree->blockSignals(false);
+        // Update shown/hidden layers
+        layerTreeChanged(nullptr, 0);
-    widget.layerTree->blockSignals(false);
+    void ArVizWidgetController::showFilteredLayers(bool visible)
+    {
+        widget.layerTree->blockSignals(true);
-    // Update shown/hidden layers
-    layerTreeChanged(nullptr, 0);
+        QString filter = widget.filterEdit->text();
+        QRegExp rx(filter, Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard);
-void ArVizWidgetController::onStartRecording()
-    std::string recordingID = widget.recordingIdTextBox->text().toStdString();
+        for (QTreeWidgetItemIterator iter(widget.layerTree); *iter; ++iter)
+        {
+            QTreeWidgetItem* item = *iter;
+            QString itemText = item->text(0);
+            bool matches = filter.size() == 0 || itemText.contains(rx);
+            if (matches)
+            {
+                item->setCheckState(0, visible ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+            }
+        }
-    std::string runningID = storage->startRecording(recordingID);
+        widget.layerTree->blockSignals(false);
-    changeMode(ArVizWidgetMode::Recording);
+        // Update shown/hidden layers
+        layerTreeChanged(nullptr, 0);
+    }
-    if (runningID.size() > 0)
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onStartRecording()
-        std::string message = "There is already a recording running with ID '"
-                              + runningID + "'. \n"
-                              + "You have to stop the running recording first";
-        QMessageBox::information(widget.tabWidget,
-                                 "Recording running",
-                                 QString::fromStdString(message));
+        std::string recordingID = widget.recordingIdTextBox->text().toStdString();
+        std::string runningID = storage->startRecording(recordingID);
+        changeMode(ArVizWidgetMode::Recording);
-        return;
-    }
+        if (runningID.size() > 0)
+        {
+            std::string message = "There is already a recording running with ID '"
+                                  + runningID + "'. \n"
+                                  + "You have to stop the running recording first";
+            QMessageBox::information(widget.tabWidget,
+                                     "Recording running",
+                                     QString::fromStdString(message));
-void ArVizWidgetController::onStopRecording()
-    storage->stopRecording();
-    onRefreshRecordings();
-    changeMode(ArVizWidgetMode::Live);
-void ArVizWidgetController::onRefreshRecordings()
-    allRecordings = storage->getAllRecordings();
-    std::sort(allRecordings.begin(), allRecordings.end(),
-              [](viz::data::Recording const & lhs, viz::data::Recording const & rhs)
-    {
-        return <;
-    });
+            return;
+        }
+    }
-    std::string currentText;
-    QListWidgetItem* currentItem = widget.recordingList->currentItem();
-    if (currentItem)
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onStopRecording()
-        currentText = currentItem->text().toStdString();
+        storage->stopRecording();
+        onRefreshRecordings();
+        changeMode(ArVizWidgetMode::Live);
-    widget.recordingList->clear();
-    int currentTextIndex = -1;
-    int index = 0;
-    for (auto& recording : allRecordings)
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onRefreshRecordings()
-        if ( == currentText)
+        allRecordings = storage->getAllRecordings();
+        std::sort(allRecordings.begin(), allRecordings.end(),
+                  [](viz::data::Recording const & lhs, viz::data::Recording const & rhs)
-            currentTextIndex = index;
+            return <;
+        });
+        std::string currentText;
+        QListWidgetItem* currentItem = widget.recordingList->currentItem();
+        if (currentItem)
+        {
+            currentText = currentItem->text().toStdString();
-        widget.recordingList->addItem(QString::fromStdString(;
-        ++index;
-    }
-    if (currentTextIndex > 0)
-    {
-        widget.recordingList->setCurrentRow(currentTextIndex);
-    }
+        widget.recordingList->clear();
+        int currentTextIndex = -1;
+        int index = 0;
+        for (auto& recording : allRecordings)
+        {
+            if ( == currentText)
+            {
+                currentTextIndex = index;
+            }
+            widget.recordingList->addItem(QString::fromStdString(;
+            ++index;
+        }
-void ArVizWidgetController::onRecordingSelectionChanged(QListWidgetItem* current, QListWidgetItem* previous)
-    if (!current)
-    {
-        return;
+        if (currentTextIndex > 0)
+        {
+            widget.recordingList->setCurrentRow(currentTextIndex);
+        }
-    std::string selectedID = current->text().toStdString();
-    for (viz::data::Recording const& recording : allRecordings)
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onRecordingSelectionChanged(QListWidgetItem* current, QListWidgetItem* previous)
-        if ( == selectedID)
+        if (!current)
-            selectRecording(recording);
-            break;
+            return;
+        }
+        std::string selectedID = current->text().toStdString();
+        for (viz::data::Recording const& recording : allRecordings)
+        {
+            if ( == selectedID)
+            {
+                selectRecording(recording);
+                break;
+            }
-static std::string timestampToString(long timestampInMicroSeconds, bool showMS = false)
-    IceUtil::Time time = IceUtil::Time::microSeconds(timestampInMicroSeconds);
-    std::string timeString = time.toDateTime();
-    if (!showMS)
+    static std::string timestampToString(long timestampInMicroSeconds, bool showMS = false)
-        timeString = timeString.substr(0, timeString.size() - 4);
-    };
-    return timeString;
+        IceUtil::Time time = IceUtil::Time::microSeconds(timestampInMicroSeconds);
+        std::string timeString = time.toDateTime();
+        if (!showMS)
+        {
+            timeString = timeString.substr(0, timeString.size() - 4);
+        };
+        return timeString;
+    }
-void ArVizWidgetController::onReplaySpinChanged(int newValue)
-    widget.replayRevisionSlider->setValue(newValue);
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onReplaySpinChanged(int newValue)
+    {
+        widget.replayRevisionSlider->setValue(newValue);
+    }
-void ArVizWidgetController::onReplaySliderChanged(int newValue)
-    if (currentRevision != newValue)
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onReplaySliderChanged(int newValue)
-        long timestamp = replayToRevision(newValue);
-        if (timestamp > 0)
+        if (currentRevision != newValue)
-            currentRevision = newValue;
-            currentTimestamp = timestamp;
-            widget.replayRevisionSpinBox->setValue(newValue);
+            long timestamp = replayToRevision(newValue);
+            if (timestamp > 0)
+            {
+                currentRevision = newValue;
+                currentTimestamp = timestamp;
+                widget.replayRevisionSpinBox->setValue(newValue);
-            widget.replayTimestampLabel->setText(QString::fromStdString(
-                    timestampToString(timestamp, true)
-                                                 ));
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            widget.replayRevisionSlider->setValue(currentRevision);
+                widget.replayTimestampLabel->setText(QString::fromStdString(
+                        timestampToString(timestamp, true)
+                                                     ));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                widget.replayRevisionSlider->setValue(currentRevision);
+            }
-void ArVizWidgetController::selectRecording(const viz::data::Recording& recording)
-    // Update recording description
-    widget.recordingIdLabel->setText(QString::fromStdString(;
-    widget.recordingRevisionLabel->setText(QString::fromStdString(
-            std::to_string(recording.firstRevision) +
-            " - " +
-            std::to_string(recording.lastRevision)));
-    std::string firstTimeString = timestampToString(recording.firstTimestampInMicroSeconds);
-    std::string lastTimeString = timestampToString(recording.lastTimestampInMicroSeconds);
-    widget.recordingTimestampLabel->setText(QString::fromStdString(
-            firstTimeString +
-            " - " +
-            lastTimeString));
-    IceUtil::Time duration = IceUtil::Time::microSeconds(
-                                 recording.lastTimestampInMicroSeconds -
-                                 recording.firstTimestampInMicroSeconds);
-    int durationSeconds = duration.toSeconds();
-    widget.recordingDurationLabel->setText(QString::fromStdString(
-            std::to_string(durationSeconds) + " s"));
-    widget.recordingBatchesLabel->setText(QString::fromStdString(
-            std::to_string(recording.batchHeaders.size())
-                                          ));
-    // Update replay control
-    currentRecording = recording;
-    currentRecordingSelected = true;
-    enableWidgetAccordingToMode();
-void ArVizWidgetController::onReplayStart(bool)
-    if (!currentRecordingSelected)
-    {
-        ARMARX_WARNING << "No recording selected, so no replay can be started";
-        return;
-    }
+    void ArVizWidgetController::selectRecording(const viz::data::Recording& recording)
-        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(recordingBatchCacheMutex);
-        recordingBatchCache.clear();
-    }
-    visualizer.stop();
+        // Update recording description
+        widget.recordingIdLabel->setText(QString::fromStdString(;
-    changeMode(ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingManual);
+        widget.recordingRevisionLabel->setText(QString::fromStdString(
+                std::to_string(recording.firstRevision) +
+                " - " +
+                std::to_string(recording.lastRevision)));
-    widget.replayRevisionSpinBox->blockSignals(true);
-    widget.replayRevisionSpinBox->setMinimum(currentRecording.firstRevision);
-    widget.replayRevisionSpinBox->setMaximum(currentRecording.lastRevision);
-    widget.replayRevisionSpinBox->setValue(currentRecording.firstRevision);
-    widget.replayRevisionSpinBox->blockSignals(false);
+        std::string firstTimeString = timestampToString(recording.firstTimestampInMicroSeconds);
+        std::string lastTimeString = timestampToString(recording.lastTimestampInMicroSeconds);
-    widget.replayRevisionSlider->blockSignals(true);
-    widget.replayRevisionSlider->setMinimum(currentRecording.firstRevision);
-    widget.replayRevisionSlider->setMaximum(currentRecording.lastRevision);
-    widget.replayRevisionSlider->setValue(currentRecording.firstRevision);
-    widget.replayRevisionSlider->blockSignals(false);
+        widget.recordingTimestampLabel->setText(QString::fromStdString(
+                firstTimeString +
+                " - " +
+                lastTimeString));
-    currentRevision = -1;
-    onReplaySliderChanged(widget.replayRevisionSlider->value());
-void ArVizWidgetController::onReplayStop(bool)
-    visualizer.startAsync(storage);
+        IceUtil::Time duration = IceUtil::Time::microSeconds(
+                                     recording.lastTimestampInMicroSeconds -
+                                     recording.firstTimestampInMicroSeconds);
+        int durationSeconds = duration.toSeconds();
+        widget.recordingDurationLabel->setText(QString::fromStdString(
+                std::to_string(durationSeconds) + " s"));
-    changeMode(ArVizWidgetMode::Live);
+        widget.recordingBatchesLabel->setText(QString::fromStdString(
+                std::to_string(recording.batchHeaders.size())
+                                              ));
-long ArVizWidgetController::replayToRevision(long revision)
-    if (mode != ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingManual && mode != ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingTimed)
-    {
-        ARMARX_WARNING << "Cannot call replayToRevision, when not in replaying mode.\n"
-                       << "Actual mode: "  << (int)mode;
-        return -1;
+        // Update replay control
+        currentRecording = recording;
+        currentRecordingSelected = true;
+        enableWidgetAccordingToMode();
-    viz::data::RecordingBatchHeader* matchingBatchHeader = nullptr;
-    for (auto& batchHeader : currentRecording.batchHeaders)
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onReplayStart(bool)
-        if (batchHeader.firstRevision <= revision &&
-            revision <= batchHeader.lastRevision)
+        if (!currentRecordingSelected)
-            matchingBatchHeader = &batchHeader;
-            break;
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "No recording selected, so no replay can be started";
+            return;
+        }
+        {
+            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(recordingBatchCacheMutex);
+            recordingBatchCache.clear();
-    }
-    if (matchingBatchHeader == nullptr)
-    {
-        ARMARX_WARNING << "Could not find batch for revision: " << revision;
-        return -1;
-    }
-    viz::data::RecordingBatch const& batch = getRecordingBatch(matchingBatchHeader->index);
-    ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Replaying to revision : " << revision
-                   << "\nGot batch: " << batch.header.firstRevision << " - " << batch.header.lastRevision
-                   << "\nUpdates: " << batch.updates.size()
-                   << "\nInitial state: " << batch.initialState.size();
+        visualizer.stop();
+        changeMode(ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingManual);
-    auto revisionLess = [](viz::data::TimestampedLayerUpdate const & lhs, viz::data::TimestampedLayerUpdate const & rhs)
-    {
-        return lhs.revision < rhs.revision;
-    };
-    viz::data::TimestampedLayerUpdate pivot;
-    pivot.revision = revision;
-    auto updateBegin = std::lower_bound(batch.updates.begin(), batch.updates.end(), pivot, revisionLess);
-    auto updateEnd = std::upper_bound(updateBegin, batch.updates.end(), pivot, revisionLess);
+        widget.replayRevisionSpinBox->blockSignals(true);
+        widget.replayRevisionSpinBox->setMinimum(currentRecording.firstRevision);
+        widget.replayRevisionSpinBox->setMaximum(currentRecording.lastRevision);
+        widget.replayRevisionSpinBox->setValue(currentRecording.firstRevision);
+        widget.replayRevisionSpinBox->blockSignals(false);
-    // TODO: Optimize: Only start from the last update position
-    std::map<std::string, viz::data::LayerUpdate const*> updates;
+        widget.replayRevisionSlider->blockSignals(true);
+        widget.replayRevisionSlider->setMinimum(currentRecording.firstRevision);
+        widget.replayRevisionSlider->setMaximum(currentRecording.lastRevision);
+        widget.replayRevisionSlider->setValue(currentRecording.firstRevision);
+        widget.replayRevisionSlider->blockSignals(false);
-    for (auto& update : batch.initialState)
-    {
-        updates[] = &update.update;
-    }
-    for (auto updateIter = batch.updates.begin(); updateIter != updateEnd; ++updateIter)
-    {
-        updates[updateIter->] = &updateIter->update;
+        currentRevision = -1;
+        onReplaySliderChanged(widget.replayRevisionSlider->value());
-    for (auto& pair : updates)
-    {
-        visualizer.apply(*pair.second);
-    }
-    return updateBegin->timestampInMicroseconds;
-long ArVizWidgetController::getRevisionForTimestamp(long timestamp)
-    if (mode != ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingManual && mode != ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingTimed)
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onReplayStop(bool)
-        ARMARX_WARNING << "Cannot call replayToTimestamp, when not in replaying mode.\n"
-                       << "Actual mode: "  << (int)mode;
-        return -1;
-    }
+        visualizer.startAsync(storage);
-    if (timestamp < currentRecording.firstTimestampInMicroSeconds)
-    {
-        ARMARX_INFO << "Requested timestamp is earlier than recording: " << timestampToString(timestamp);
-        return -1;
+        changeMode(ArVizWidgetMode::Live);
-    viz::data::RecordingBatchHeader* matchingBatchHeader = nullptr;
-    for (auto& batchHeader : currentRecording.batchHeaders)
+    long ArVizWidgetController::replayToRevision(long revision)
-        matchingBatchHeader = &batchHeader;
-        if (timestamp <= batchHeader.lastTimestampInMicroSeconds)
+        if (mode != ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingManual && mode != ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingTimed)
-            break;
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "Cannot call replayToRevision, when not in replaying mode.\n"
+                           << "Actual mode: "  << (int)mode;
+            return -1;
-    }
-    viz::data::RecordingBatch const& batch = getRecordingBatch(matchingBatchHeader->index);
-    auto timestampLess = [](viz::data::TimestampedLayerUpdate const & lhs, viz::data::TimestampedLayerUpdate const & rhs)
-    {
-        return lhs.timestampInMicroseconds < rhs.timestampInMicroseconds;
-    };
-    viz::data::TimestampedLayerUpdate pivot;
-    pivot.timestampInMicroseconds = timestamp;
-    auto updateEnd = std::lower_bound(batch.updates.begin(), batch.updates.end(), pivot, timestampLess);
-    if (updateEnd == batch.updates.end())
-    {
-        return -2;
-    }
-    if (updateEnd != batch.updates.begin())
-    {
-        // lower_bound gives the first entry with a later timestamp then the goal
-        // So we should only apply updates before this point
-        updateEnd -= 1;
-    }
+        viz::data::RecordingBatchHeader* matchingBatchHeader = nullptr;
+        for (auto& batchHeader : currentRecording.batchHeaders)
+        {
+            if (batchHeader.firstRevision <= revision &&
+                revision <= batchHeader.lastRevision)
+            {
+                matchingBatchHeader = &batchHeader;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (matchingBatchHeader == nullptr)
+        {
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "Could not find batch for revision: " << revision;
+            return -1;
+        }
-    long revisionBeforeTimestamp = updateEnd->revision;
-    return revisionBeforeTimestamp;
+        viz::data::RecordingBatch const& batch = getRecordingBatch(matchingBatchHeader->index);
-void ArVizWidgetController::onReplayTimedStart(bool checked)
-    if (checked)
-    {
+        ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Replaying to revision : " << revision
+                       << "\nGot batch: " << batch.header.firstRevision << " - " << batch.header.lastRevision
+                       << "\nUpdates: " << batch.updates.size()
+                       << "\nInitial state: " << batch.initialState.size();
-        changeMode(ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingTimed);
-        replayCurrentTimestamp = currentTimestamp;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        changeMode(ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingManual);
-    }
-void ArVizWidgetController::onReplayTimerTick()
-    if (mode != ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingTimed)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    double replaySpeed = widget.replaySpeedSpinBox->value();
+        auto revisionLess = [](viz::data::TimestampedLayerUpdate const & lhs, viz::data::TimestampedLayerUpdate const & rhs)
+        {
+            return lhs.revision < rhs.revision;
+        };
+        viz::data::TimestampedLayerUpdate pivot;
+        pivot.revision = revision;
+        auto updateBegin = std::lower_bound(batch.updates.begin(), batch.updates.end(), pivot, revisionLess);
+        auto updateEnd = std::upper_bound(updateBegin, batch.updates.end(), pivot, revisionLess);
-    replayCurrentTimestamp += 33000 * replaySpeed;
+        // TODO: Optimize: Only start from the last update position
+        std::map<std::string, viz::data::LayerUpdate const*> updates;
-    long revision = getRevisionForTimestamp(replayCurrentTimestamp);
-    if (revision == -2)
-    {
-        if (widget.replayLoopbackCheckBox->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+        for (auto& update : batch.initialState)
-            replayCurrentTimestamp = currentRecording.firstTimestampInMicroSeconds;
+            updates[] = &update.update;
-        else
+        for (auto updateIter = batch.updates.begin(); updateIter != updateEnd; ++updateIter)
-            revision = currentRecording.lastRevision;
+            updates[updateIter->] = &updateIter->update;
+        }
+        for (auto& pair : updates)
+        {
+            visualizer.apply(*pair.second);
-    }
-    if (revision >= 0)
-    {
-        widget.replayRevisionSlider->setValue(revision);
-    }
-void ArVizWidgetController::changeMode(ArVizWidgetMode newMode)
-    mode = newMode;
-    enableWidgetAccordingToMode();
+        return updateBegin->timestampInMicroseconds;
+    }
-void ArVizWidgetController::enableWidgetAccordingToMode()
-    switch (mode)
+    long ArVizWidgetController::getRevisionForTimestamp(long timestamp)
-        case ArVizWidgetMode::NotConnected:
+        if (mode != ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingManual && mode != ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingTimed)
-            widget.recordingStartButton->setDisabled(true);
-            widget.recordingStopButton->setDisabled(true);
-            widget.replayStartButton->setDisabled(true);
-            widget.replayStopButton->setDisabled(true);
-            widget.replayControlGroupBox->setDisabled(true);
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "Cannot call replayToTimestamp, when not in replaying mode.\n"
+                           << "Actual mode: "  << (int)mode;
+            return -1;
-        break;
-        case ArVizWidgetMode::Live:
+        if (timestamp < currentRecording.firstTimestampInMicroSeconds)
-            widget.recordingStartButton->setDisabled(false);
-            widget.recordingStopButton->setDisabled(true);
-            widget.replayStartButton->setDisabled(false);
-            widget.replayStopButton->setDisabled(true);
-            widget.replayControlGroupBox->setDisabled(true);
-            widget.recordingList->setDisabled(false);
+            ARMARX_INFO << "Requested timestamp is earlier than recording: " << timestampToString(timestamp);
+            return -1;
-        break;
-        case ArVizWidgetMode::Recording:
+        viz::data::RecordingBatchHeader* matchingBatchHeader = nullptr;
+        for (auto& batchHeader : currentRecording.batchHeaders)
-            widget.recordingStartButton->setDisabled(true);
-            widget.recordingStopButton->setDisabled(false);
-            widget.replayStartButton->setDisabled(true);
-            widget.replayStopButton->setDisabled(true);
-            widget.replayControlGroupBox->setDisabled(true);
+            matchingBatchHeader = &batchHeader;
+            if (timestamp <= batchHeader.lastTimestampInMicroSeconds)
+            {
+                break;
+            }
-        break;
-        case ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingManual:
+        viz::data::RecordingBatch const& batch = getRecordingBatch(matchingBatchHeader->index);
+        auto timestampLess = [](viz::data::TimestampedLayerUpdate const & lhs, viz::data::TimestampedLayerUpdate const & rhs)
-            widget.recordingStartButton->setDisabled(true);
-            widget.recordingStopButton->setDisabled(true);
-            widget.replayStartButton->setDisabled(true);
-            widget.replayStopButton->setDisabled(false);
-            widget.replayControlGroupBox->setDisabled(false);
-            widget.replayRevisionSlider->setDisabled(false);
-            widget.replayRevisionSpinBox->setDisabled(false);
-            widget.recordingList->setDisabled(true);
+            return lhs.timestampInMicroseconds < rhs.timestampInMicroseconds;
+        };
+        viz::data::TimestampedLayerUpdate pivot;
+        pivot.timestampInMicroseconds = timestamp;
+        auto updateEnd = std::lower_bound(batch.updates.begin(), batch.updates.end(), pivot, timestampLess);
+        if (updateEnd == batch.updates.end())
+        {
+            return -2;
-        break;
-        case ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingTimed:
+        if (updateEnd != batch.updates.begin())
-            widget.recordingStartButton->setDisabled(true);
-            widget.recordingStopButton->setDisabled(true);
-            widget.replayStartButton->setDisabled(true);
-            widget.replayStopButton->setDisabled(false);
-            widget.replayControlGroupBox->setDisabled(false);
-            widget.replayRevisionSlider->setDisabled(true);
-            widget.replayRevisionSpinBox->setDisabled(true);
-            widget.recordingList->setDisabled(true);
+            // lower_bound gives the first entry with a later timestamp then the goal
+            // So we should only apply updates before this point
+            updateEnd -= 1;
-        break;
+        long revisionBeforeTimestamp = updateEnd->revision;
+        return revisionBeforeTimestamp;
-    if (!currentRecordingSelected)
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onReplayTimedStart(bool checked)
-        widget.replayStartButton->setDisabled(true);
-        widget.replayStopButton->setDisabled(true);
+        if (checked)
+        {
+            changeMode(ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingTimed);
+            replayCurrentTimestamp = currentTimestamp;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            changeMode(ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingManual);
+        }
-void ArVizWidgetController::onGetBatchAsync(const viz::data::RecordingBatch& batch)
-    // We received a batch asynchronously ==> Update the cache
-    ARMARX_INFO << "Received async batch: " << batch.header.index;
-    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(recordingBatchCacheMutex);
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onReplayTimerTick()
+    {
+        if (mode != ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingTimed)
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        double replaySpeed = widget.replaySpeedSpinBox->value();
-    auto& entry = recordingBatchCache[batch.header.index];
- = batch;
-    entry.lastUsed = IceUtil::Time::now();
+        replayCurrentTimestamp += 33000 * replaySpeed;
-viz::data::RecordingBatch const& ArVizWidgetController::getRecordingBatch(long index)
-    IceUtil::Time now = IceUtil::Time::now();
+        long revision = getRevisionForTimestamp(replayCurrentTimestamp);
+        if (revision == -2)
+        {
+            if (widget.replayLoopbackCheckBox->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
+            {
+                replayCurrentTimestamp = currentRecording.firstTimestampInMicroSeconds;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                revision = currentRecording.lastRevision;
+            }
+        }
+        if (revision >= 0)
+        {
+            widget.replayRevisionSlider->setValue(revision);
+        }
+    }
+    void ArVizWidgetController::changeMode(ArVizWidgetMode newMode)
+    {
+        mode = newMode;
-    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(recordingBatchCacheMutex);
+        enableWidgetAccordingToMode();
+    }
-    auto iter = recordingBatchCache.find(index);
-    if (iter != recordingBatchCache.end())
+    void ArVizWidgetController::enableWidgetAccordingToMode()
-        // Start prefetching neighbouring batches
-        bool asyncPrefetchIsRunning = callbackResult && !callbackResult->isCompleted();
-        if (!asyncPrefetchIsRunning)
+        switch (mode)
-            if (index + 1 < (long)currentRecording.batchHeaders.size()
-                && recordingBatchCache.count(index + 1) == 0)
+            case ArVizWidgetMode::NotConnected:
-                callbackResult = storage->begin_getRecordingBatch(, index + 1, callback);
+                widget.recordingStartButton->setDisabled(true);
+                widget.recordingStopButton->setDisabled(true);
+                widget.replayStartButton->setDisabled(true);
+                widget.replayStopButton->setDisabled(true);
+                widget.replayControlGroupBox->setDisabled(true);
-            else if (index > 0 && recordingBatchCache.count(index - 1) == 0)
+            break;
+            case ArVizWidgetMode::Live:
-                callbackResult = storage->begin_getRecordingBatch(, index - 1, callback);
+                widget.recordingStartButton->setDisabled(false);
+                widget.recordingStopButton->setDisabled(true);
+                widget.replayStartButton->setDisabled(false);
+                widget.replayStopButton->setDisabled(true);
+                widget.replayControlGroupBox->setDisabled(true);
+                widget.recordingList->setDisabled(false);
+            break;
+            case ArVizWidgetMode::Recording:
+            {
+                widget.recordingStartButton->setDisabled(true);
+                widget.recordingStopButton->setDisabled(false);
+                widget.replayStartButton->setDisabled(true);
+                widget.replayStopButton->setDisabled(true);
+                widget.replayControlGroupBox->setDisabled(true);
+            }
+            break;
+            case ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingManual:
+            {
+                widget.recordingStartButton->setDisabled(true);
+                widget.recordingStopButton->setDisabled(true);
+                widget.replayStartButton->setDisabled(true);
+                widget.replayStopButton->setDisabled(false);
+                widget.replayControlGroupBox->setDisabled(false);
+                widget.replayRevisionSlider->setDisabled(false);
+                widget.replayRevisionSpinBox->setDisabled(false);
+                widget.recordingList->setDisabled(true);
+            }
+            break;
+            case ArVizWidgetMode::ReplayingTimed:
+            {
+                widget.recordingStartButton->setDisabled(true);
+                widget.recordingStopButton->setDisabled(true);
+                widget.replayStartButton->setDisabled(true);
+                widget.replayStopButton->setDisabled(false);
+                widget.replayControlGroupBox->setDisabled(false);
+                widget.replayRevisionSlider->setDisabled(true);
+                widget.replayRevisionSpinBox->setDisabled(true);
+                widget.recordingList->setDisabled(true);
+            }
+            break;
-        auto& entry = iter->second;
-        entry.lastUsed = now;
-        return;
+        if (!currentRecordingSelected)
+        {
+            widget.replayStartButton->setDisabled(true);
+            widget.replayStopButton->setDisabled(true);
+        }
-    ARMARX_INFO << "Batch #" << index << " is not in the cache. Getting synchronously, blocking GUI...";
+    void ArVizWidgetController::onGetBatchAsync(const viz::data::RecordingBatch& batch)
+    {
+        // We received a batch asynchronously ==> Update the cache
+        ARMARX_INFO << "Received async batch: " << batch.header.index;
+        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(recordingBatchCacheMutex);
-    // Entry is not in the cache, we have to get it from ArVizStorage
-    auto& newEntry = recordingBatchCache[index];
-    newEntry.lastUsed = now;
- = storage->getRecordingBatch(, index);
+        auto& entry = recordingBatchCache[batch.header.index];
+ = batch;
+        entry.lastUsed = IceUtil::Time::now();
+    }
-    if (recordingBatchCache.size() > recordingBatchCacheMaxSize)
+    viz::data::RecordingBatch const& ArVizWidgetController::getRecordingBatch(long index)
-        // Remove the entry with the oldest last used timestamp
-        auto oldestIter = recordingBatchCache.begin();
-        for (auto iter = recordingBatchCache.begin();
-             iter != recordingBatchCache.end(); ++iter)
+        IceUtil::Time now = IceUtil::Time::now();
+        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(recordingBatchCacheMutex);
+        auto iter = recordingBatchCache.find(index);
+        if (iter != recordingBatchCache.end())
+            // Start prefetching neighbouring batches
+            bool asyncPrefetchIsRunning = callbackResult && !callbackResult->isCompleted();
+            if (!asyncPrefetchIsRunning)
+            {
+                if (index + 1 < (long)currentRecording.batchHeaders.size()
+                    && recordingBatchCache.count(index + 1) == 0)
+                {
+                    callbackResult = storage->begin_getRecordingBatch(, index + 1, callback);
+                }
+                else if (index > 0 && recordingBatchCache.count(index - 1) == 0)
+                {
+                    callbackResult = storage->begin_getRecordingBatch(, index - 1, callback);
+                }
+            }
             auto& entry = iter->second;
-            if (entry.lastUsed < oldestIter->second.lastUsed)
+            entry.lastUsed = now;
+            return;
+        }
+        ARMARX_INFO << "Batch #" << index << " is not in the cache. Getting synchronously, blocking GUI...";
+        // Entry is not in the cache, we have to get it from ArVizStorage
+        auto& newEntry = recordingBatchCache[index];
+        newEntry.lastUsed = now;
+ = storage->getRecordingBatch(, index);
+        if (recordingBatchCache.size() > recordingBatchCacheMaxSize)
+        {
+            // Remove the entry with the oldest last used timestamp
+            auto oldestIter = recordingBatchCache.begin();
+            for (auto iter = recordingBatchCache.begin();
+                 iter != recordingBatchCache.end(); ++iter)
-                oldestIter = iter;
+                auto& entry = iter->second;
+                if (entry.lastUsed < oldestIter->second.lastUsed)
+                {
+                    oldestIter = iter;
+                }
+            recordingBatchCache.erase(oldestIter);
-        recordingBatchCache.erase(oldestIter);
+        return;
-    return;
-SoNode* ArVizWidgetController::getScene()
-    return visualizer.root;
+    SoNode* ArVizWidgetController::getScene()
+    {
+        return visualizer.root;
+    }
-const static std::string CONFIG_KEY_STORAGE = "Storage";
+    const static std::string CONFIG_KEY_STORAGE = "Storage";
-void ArVizWidgetController::loadSettings(QSettings* settings)
-    storageName = settings->value(QString::fromStdString(CONFIG_KEY_STORAGE),
-                                  "ArVizStorage").toString().toStdString();
+    void ArVizWidgetController::loadSettings(QSettings* settings)
+    {
+        storageName = settings->value(QString::fromStdString(CONFIG_KEY_STORAGE),
+                                      "ArVizStorage").toString().toStdString();
+    }
-void ArVizWidgetController::saveSettings(QSettings* settings)
-    settings->setValue(QString::fromStdString(CONFIG_KEY_STORAGE),
-                       QString::fromStdString(storageName));
+    void ArVizWidgetController::saveSettings(QSettings* settings)
+    {
+        settings->setValue(QString::fromStdString(CONFIG_KEY_STORAGE),
+                           QString::fromStdString(storageName));
+    }
-QPointer<QDialog> armarx::ArVizWidgetController::getConfigDialog(QWidget* parent)
-    if (!configDialog)
+    QPointer<QDialog> armarx::ArVizWidgetController::getConfigDialog(QWidget* parent)
-        configDialog = new SimpleConfigDialog(parent);
-        configDialog->addProxyFinder<armarx::viz::StorageInterfacePrx>({CONFIG_KEY_STORAGE, "ArViz Storage", "ArViz*"});
+        if (!configDialog)
+        {
+            configDialog = new SimpleConfigDialog(parent);
+            configDialog->addProxyFinder<armarx::viz::StorageInterfacePrx>({CONFIG_KEY_STORAGE, "ArViz Storage", "ArViz*"});
+        }
+        return qobject_cast<QDialog*>(configDialog);
-    return qobject_cast<QDialog*>(configDialog);
-void armarx::ArVizWidgetController::configured()
-    if (configDialog)
+    void armarx::ArVizWidgetController::configured()
-        storageName = configDialog->getProxyName(CONFIG_KEY_STORAGE);
+        if (configDialog)
+        {
+            storageName = configDialog->getProxyName(CONFIG_KEY_STORAGE);
+        }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/DebugDrawerViewer/DebugDrawerViewerGuiPlugin.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/DebugDrawerViewer/DebugDrawerViewerGuiPlugin.cpp
index c99e88ada..7180e3d9d 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/DebugDrawerViewer/DebugDrawerViewerGuiPlugin.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/DebugDrawerViewer/DebugDrawerViewerGuiPlugin.cpp
@@ -24,9 +24,10 @@
 #include "DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController.h"
-using namespace armarx;
+namespace armarx
-    addWidget < DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController > ();
+    DebugDrawerViewerGuiPlugin::DebugDrawerViewerGuiPlugin()
+    {
+        addWidget < DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController > ();
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/DebugDrawerViewer/DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/DebugDrawerViewer/DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController.cpp
index 11d77b7f1..fa70bd098 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/DebugDrawerViewer/DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/DebugDrawerViewer/DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController.cpp
@@ -28,263 +28,262 @@
 #include <string>
-using namespace armarx;
-    rootVisu = nullptr;
-    widget.setupUi(getWidget());
-    QTimer* timer = new QTimer(this);
-    connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateComboClearLayer()));
-    timer->start(100);
-void DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::loadSettings(QSettings* settings)
-    (void) settings;  // unused
-void DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::saveSettings(QSettings* settings)
-    (void) settings;  // unused
-void DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::onInitComponent()
+namespace armarx
-    rootVisu = new SoSeparator;
-    rootVisu->ref();
-    enableMainWidgetAsync(false);
-    connect(widget.btnClearAll, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(on_btnClearAll_clicked()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
-    connect(widget.btnClearLayer, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(on_btnClearLayer_clicked()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
-void DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::onConnectComponent()
-    // create the debugdrawer component
-    std::string debugDrawerComponentName = "GUIDebugDrawer_" + getName();
-    ARMARX_INFO << "Creating component " << debugDrawerComponentName;
-    debugDrawer = Component::create<DebugDrawerComponent>(getIceProperties(), debugDrawerComponentName);
-    if (mutex3D)
+    DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController()
-        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "mutex3d:" << mutex3D.get();
-        debugDrawer->setMutex(mutex3D);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        ARMARX_ERROR << " No 3d mutex available...";
+        rootVisu = nullptr;
+        widget.setupUi(getWidget());
+        QTimer* timer = new QTimer(this);
+        connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateComboClearLayer()));
+        timer->start(100);
-    ArmarXManagerPtr m = getArmarXManager();
-    m->addObject(debugDrawer, false);
+    void DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::loadSettings(QSettings* settings)
-        boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock(*mutex3D);
-        rootVisu->addChild(debugDrawer->getVisualization());
+        (void) settings;  // unused
-    enableMainWidgetAsync(true);
-void armarx::DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::onExitComponent()
-    if (rootVisu)
+    void DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::saveSettings(QSettings* settings)
-        rootVisu->removeAllChildren();
-        rootVisu->unref();
-        rootVisu = nullptr;
+        (void) settings;  // unused
-SoNode* DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::getScene()
-    return rootVisu;
-void armarx::DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::on_btnClearAll_clicked()
-    if (debugDrawer)
+    void DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::onInitComponent()
-        ARMARX_INFO << "Clearing all visualization layers";
-        debugDrawer->clearAll();
-    }
+        rootVisu = new SoSeparator;
+        rootVisu->ref();
-void DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::on_btnClearLayer_clicked()
-    if (debugDrawer)
-    {
-        int index = widget.comboClearLayer->currentIndex();
-        std::string layerName = widget.comboClearLayer->itemData(index).toString().toStdString();
-        if (!layerName.empty())
-        {
-            ARMARX_INFO << "Clearing layer: '" << layerName << "'";
-            debugDrawer->clearLayer(layerName);
-        }
+        enableMainWidgetAsync(false);
+        connect(widget.btnClearAll, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(on_btnClearAll_clicked()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+        connect(widget.btnClearLayer, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(on_btnClearLayer_clicked()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
-void DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::updateComboClearLayer()
-    QComboBox* combo = widget.comboClearLayer;
-    auto setItalic = [combo](bool italic)
+    void DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::onConnectComponent()
-        QFont font = combo->font();
-        font.setItalic(italic);
-        combo->setFont(font);
-    };
+        // create the debugdrawer component
+        std::string debugDrawerComponentName = "GUIDebugDrawer_" + getName();
+        ARMARX_INFO << "Creating component " << debugDrawerComponentName;
+        debugDrawer = Component::create<DebugDrawerComponent>(getIceProperties(), debugDrawerComponentName);
-    auto disableButton = [combo, this, &setItalic](const std::string & hint)
-    {
-        QString itemText(hint.c_str());
-        QString itemData("");
-        setItalic(true);
-        if (combo->count() != 1)
+        if (mutex3D)
-            combo->clear();
-            combo->insertItem(0, itemText, itemData);
+            //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "mutex3d:" << mutex3D.get();
+            debugDrawer->setMutex(mutex3D);
-            combo->setItemText(0, itemText);
-            combo->setItemData(0, itemData);
+            ARMARX_ERROR << " No 3d mutex available...";
-        this->widget.btnClearLayer->setEnabled(false);
-    };
+        ArmarXManagerPtr m = getArmarXManager();
+        m->addObject(debugDrawer, false);
-    if (!debugDrawer)
+        {
+            boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock(*mutex3D);
+            rootVisu->addChild(debugDrawer->getVisualization());
+        }
+        enableMainWidgetAsync(true);
+    }
+    void armarx::DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::onExitComponent()
-        disableButton("not connected");
-        return;
+        if (rootVisu)
+        {
+            rootVisu->removeAllChildren();
+            rootVisu->unref();
+            rootVisu = nullptr;
+        }
-    // fetch layer information
-    LayerInformationSequence layers = debugDrawer->layerInformation();
-    if (layers.empty())
+    SoNode* DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::getScene()
-        disableButton("no layers");
-        return;
+        return rootVisu;
-    else
+    void armarx::DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::on_btnClearAll_clicked()
-        setItalic(false);
-        this->widget.btnClearLayer->setEnabled(true);
+        if (debugDrawer)
+        {
+            ARMARX_INFO << "Clearing all visualization layers";
+            debugDrawer->clearAll();
+        }
-    // sort the layers by name
-    std::sort(layers.begin(), layers.end(), [](const LayerInformation & lhs, const LayerInformation & rhs)
+    void DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::on_btnClearLayer_clicked()
-        // compare case insensitively
-        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < lhs.layerName.size() && i < lhs.layerName.size(); ++i)
+        if (debugDrawer)
-            auto lhsLow = std::tolower(lhs.layerName[i]);
-            auto rhsLow = std::tolower(rhs.layerName[i]);
-            if (lhsLow < rhsLow)
-            {
-                return true;
-            }
-            else if (lhsLow > rhsLow)
+            int index = widget.comboClearLayer->currentIndex();
+            std::string layerName = widget.comboClearLayer->itemData(index).toString().toStdString();
+            if (!layerName.empty())
-                return false;
+                ARMARX_INFO << "Clearing layer: '" << layerName << "'";
+                debugDrawer->clearLayer(layerName);
-        // if one is a prefix of the other, the shorter one "smaller"
-        return lhs.layerName.size() < rhs.layerName.size();
-    });
+    }
-    const int numLayers = static_cast<int>(layers.size());
-    for (int i = 0; i < numLayers; ++i)
+    void DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::updateComboClearLayer()
-        const LayerInformation& layer = layers[static_cast<std::size_t>(i)];
+        QComboBox* combo = widget.comboClearLayer;
+        auto setItalic = [combo](bool italic)
+        {
+            QFont font = combo->font();
+            font.setItalic(italic);
+            combo->setFont(font);
+        };
+        auto disableButton = [combo, this, &setItalic](const std::string & hint)
+        {
+            QString itemText(hint.c_str());
+            QString itemData("");
+            setItalic(true);
+            if (combo->count() != 1)
+            {
+                combo->clear();
+                combo->insertItem(0, itemText, itemData);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                combo->setItemText(0, itemText);
+                combo->setItemData(0, itemData);
+            }
+            this->widget.btnClearLayer->setEnabled(false);
+        };
+        if (!debugDrawer)
+        {
+            disableButton("not connected");
+            return;
+        }
-        QString layerName(layer.layerName.c_str());
+        // fetch layer information
+        LayerInformationSequence layers = debugDrawer->layerInformation();
-        if (i < combo->count())  // in range
+        if (layers.empty())
-            QString itemData = combo->itemData(i).toString();
+            disableButton("no layers");
+            return;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            setItalic(false);
+            this->widget.btnClearLayer->setEnabled(true);
+        }
-            // remove deleted layers
-            while (itemData.size() != 0 && itemData < layerName)
+        // sort the layers by name
+        std::sort(layers.begin(), layers.end(), [](const LayerInformation & lhs, const LayerInformation & rhs)
+        {
+            // compare case insensitively
+            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < lhs.layerName.size() && i < lhs.layerName.size(); ++i)
-                // item layer is smaller than next layer
-                // => item layer was deleted
-                combo->removeItem(i);
-                itemData = i < combo->count() ? combo->itemData(i).toString() : "";
+                auto lhsLow = std::tolower(lhs.layerName[i]);
+                auto rhsLow = std::tolower(rhs.layerName[i]);
+                if (lhsLow < rhsLow)
+                {
+                    return true;
+                }
+                else if (lhsLow > rhsLow)
+                {
+                    return false;
+                }
+            // if one is a prefix of the other, the shorter one "smaller"
+            return lhs.layerName.size() < rhs.layerName.size();
+        });
-            // update existing layer
-            if (itemData == layerName)
+        const int numLayers = static_cast<int>(layers.size());
+        for (int i = 0; i < numLayers; ++i)
+        {
+            const LayerInformation& layer = layers[static_cast<std::size_t>(i)];
+            QString layerName(layer.layerName.c_str());
+            if (i < combo->count())  // in range
-                combo->setItemText(i, makeLayerItemText(layer));
+                QString itemData = combo->itemData(i).toString();
+                // remove deleted layers
+                while (itemData.size() != 0 && itemData < layerName)
+                {
+                    // item layer is smaller than next layer
+                    // => item layer was deleted
+                    combo->removeItem(i);
+                    itemData = i < combo->count() ? combo->itemData(i).toString() : "";
+                }
+                // update existing layer
+                if (itemData == layerName)
+                {
+                    combo->setItemText(i, makeLayerItemText(layer));
+                }
+                else // (itemData > layerName)
+                {
+                    // item layer is further down than current layer
+                    // => insert current layer here
+                    combo->insertItem(i, makeLayerItemText(layer), layerName);
+                }
-            else // (itemData > layerName)
+            else  // out of range
-                // item layer is further down than current layer
-                // => insert current layer here
                 combo->insertItem(i, makeLayerItemText(layer), layerName);
+            // check invariant
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(combo->itemData(i).toString(), layerName);
-        else  // out of range
+        // remove excessive items
+        while (combo->count() > numLayers)
-            combo->insertItem(i, makeLayerItemText(layer), layerName);
+            combo->removeItem(combo->count() - 1);
-        // check invariant
-        ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(combo->itemData(i).toString(), layerName);
-    // remove excessive items
-    while (combo->count() > numLayers)
-    {
-        combo->removeItem(combo->count() - 1);
-    }
-QString DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::makeLayerItemText(const LayerInformation& layer)
-    std::vector<std::string> annotations;
-    if (layer.elementCount == 0)
-    {
-        annotations.push_back("empty");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        annotations.push_back(std::to_string(layer.elementCount));
-    }
-    if (!layer.visible)
+    QString DebugDrawerViewerWidgetController::makeLayerItemText(const LayerInformation& layer)
-        annotations.push_back("hidden");
-    }
+        std::vector<std::string> annotations;
+        if (layer.elementCount == 0)
+        {
+            annotations.push_back("empty");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            annotations.push_back(std::to_string(layer.elementCount));
+        }
+        if (!layer.visible)
+        {
+            annotations.push_back("hidden");
+        }
-    if (annotations.empty())
-    {
-        return { layer.layerName.c_str() };
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        std::stringstream itemText;
-        itemText << layer.layerName
-                 << " (" << boost::algorithm::join(annotations, ", ") << ")";
-        return { itemText.str().c_str() };
+        if (annotations.empty())
+        {
+            return { layer.layerName.c_str() };
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            std::stringstream itemText;
+            itemText << layer.layerName
+                     << " (" << boost::algorithm::join(annotations, ", ") << ")";
+            return { itemText.str().c_str() };
+        }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/GuiHealthClient/GuiHealthClientGuiPlugin.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/GuiHealthClient/GuiHealthClientGuiPlugin.cpp
index f57189eca..cec6eaaff 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/GuiHealthClient/GuiHealthClientGuiPlugin.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/GuiHealthClient/GuiHealthClientGuiPlugin.cpp
@@ -24,9 +24,10 @@
 #include "GuiHealthClientWidgetController.h"
-using namespace armarx;
+namespace armarx
-    addWidget < GuiHealthClientWidgetController > ();
+    GuiHealthClientGuiPlugin::GuiHealthClientGuiPlugin()
+    {
+        addWidget < GuiHealthClientWidgetController > ();
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/GuiHealthClient/GuiHealthClientWidgetController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/GuiHealthClient/GuiHealthClientWidgetController.cpp
index b70f432f2..ca95dd078 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/GuiHealthClient/GuiHealthClientWidgetController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/GuiHealthClient/GuiHealthClientWidgetController.cpp
@@ -26,122 +26,123 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <QPushButton>
-using namespace armarx;
+namespace armarx
-    widget.setupUi(getWidget());
-    //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "ctor start";
-    healthTimer = new QTimer(this);
-    healthTimer->setInterval(10);
-    connect(healthTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(healthTimerClb()));
-    connect(widget.pushButtonToggleOwnHeartbeats, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(toggleSendOwnHeartbeats()));
-    connect(this, SIGNAL(invokeConnectComponentQt()), this, SLOT(onConnectComponentQt()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
-    connect(this, SIGNAL(invokeDisconnectComponentQt()), this, SLOT(onDisconnectComponentQt()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
+    GuiHealthClientWidgetController::GuiHealthClientWidgetController()
+    {
+        widget.setupUi(getWidget());
+        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "ctor start";
-    updateSummaryTimer = new QTimer(this);
-    updateSummaryTimer->setInterval(100);
-    connect(updateSummaryTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateSummaryTimerClb()));
+        healthTimer = new QTimer(this);
+        healthTimer->setInterval(10);
+        connect(healthTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(healthTimerClb()));
+        connect(widget.pushButtonToggleOwnHeartbeats, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(toggleSendOwnHeartbeats()));
+        connect(this, SIGNAL(invokeConnectComponentQt()), this, SLOT(onConnectComponentQt()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
+        connect(this, SIGNAL(invokeDisconnectComponentQt()), this, SLOT(onDisconnectComponentQt()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
-    widget.labelState->setText("idle.");
-    widget.pushButtonToggleOwnHeartbeats->setText("send own heartbeats");
+        updateSummaryTimer = new QTimer(this);
+        updateSummaryTimer->setInterval(100);
+        connect(updateSummaryTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateSummaryTimerClb()));
-    //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "ctor end";
+        widget.labelState->setText("idle.");
+        widget.pushButtonToggleOwnHeartbeats->setText("send own heartbeats");
+        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "ctor end";
+    }
+    GuiHealthClientWidgetController::~GuiHealthClientWidgetController()
+    {
+    }
-void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::loadSettings(QSettings* settings)
+    void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::loadSettings(QSettings* settings)
+    {
-void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::saveSettings(QSettings* settings)
+    }
+    void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::saveSettings(QSettings* settings)
+    {
+    }
-void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::onInitComponent()
-    //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "onInitComponent";
-    usingProxy("RobotHealth");
-    offeringTopic("RobotHealthTopic");
-void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::healthTimerClb()
-    RobotHealthHeartbeatArgs rhha;
-    rhha.maximumCycleTimeWarningMS = 250;
-    rhha.maximumCycleTimeErrorMS = 500;
-    robotHealthTopicPrx->heartbeat(getName(), RobotHealthHeartbeatArgs());
-void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::updateSummaryTimerClb()
-    //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "updateSummaryTimerClb";
-    if (robotHealthComponentPrx)
+    void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::onInitComponent()
-        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "has robotHealthComponentPrx";
-        try
-        {
-            //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "before set text";
-            widget.labelHealthState->setText(QString::fromUtf8(robotHealthComponentPrx->getSummary().c_str()));
-            //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "after set text";
-        }
-        catch (...)
-        {}
+        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "onInitComponent";
+        usingProxy("RobotHealth");
+        offeringTopic("RobotHealthTopic");
-void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::toggleSendOwnHeartbeats()
-    if (ownHeartbeatsActive)
+    void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::healthTimerClb()
-        ownHeartbeatsActive = false;
-        healthTimer->stop();
-        robotHealthTopicPrx->unregister(getName());
-        widget.labelState->setText("idle.");
-        //widget.pushButtonToggleOwnHeartbeats->setDisabled(true);
-        widget.pushButtonToggleOwnHeartbeats->setText("send own heartbeats");
+        RobotHealthHeartbeatArgs rhha;
+        rhha.maximumCycleTimeWarningMS = 250;
+        rhha.maximumCycleTimeErrorMS = 500;
+        robotHealthTopicPrx->heartbeat(getName(), RobotHealthHeartbeatArgs());
-    else
+    void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::updateSummaryTimerClb()
-        ownHeartbeatsActive = true;
-        healthTimer->start();
-        widget.labelState->setText("sending heartbeats...");
-        widget.pushButtonToggleOwnHeartbeats->setText("unregister self");
+        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "updateSummaryTimerClb";
+        if (robotHealthComponentPrx)
+        {
+            //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "has robotHealthComponentPrx";
+            try
+            {
+                //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "before set text";
+                widget.labelHealthState->setText(QString::fromUtf8(robotHealthComponentPrx->getSummary().c_str()));
+                //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "after set text";
+            }
+            catch (...)
+            {}
+        }
+    void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::toggleSendOwnHeartbeats()
+    {
+        if (ownHeartbeatsActive)
+        {
+            ownHeartbeatsActive = false;
+            healthTimer->stop();
+            robotHealthTopicPrx->unregister(getName());
+            widget.labelState->setText("idle.");
+            //widget.pushButtonToggleOwnHeartbeats->setDisabled(true);
+            widget.pushButtonToggleOwnHeartbeats->setText("send own heartbeats");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ownHeartbeatsActive = true;
+            healthTimer->start();
+            widget.labelState->setText("sending heartbeats...");
+            widget.pushButtonToggleOwnHeartbeats->setText("unregister self");
+        }
+    }
-void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::onConnectComponent()
-    //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "onConnectComponent";
-    robotHealthTopicPrx = getTopic<RobotHealthInterfacePrx>("RobotHealthTopic");
-    robotHealthComponentPrx = getProxy<RobotHealthComponentInterfacePrx>("RobotHealth");
-    invokeConnectComponentQt();
-void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::onConnectComponentQt()
-    //healthTimer->start();
-    //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "updateSummaryTimer->start";
-    updateSummaryTimer->start();
+    void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::onConnectComponent()
+    {
+        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "onConnectComponent";
+        robotHealthTopicPrx = getTopic<RobotHealthInterfacePrx>("RobotHealthTopic");
+        robotHealthComponentPrx = getProxy<RobotHealthComponentInterfacePrx>("RobotHealth");
+        invokeConnectComponentQt();
+    }
+    void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::onConnectComponentQt()
+    {
+        //healthTimer->start();
+        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "updateSummaryTimer->start";
+        updateSummaryTimer->start();
+    }
-void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::onDisconnectComponent()
-    invokeDisconnectComponentQt();
-void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::onDisconnectComponentQt()
-    healthTimer->stop();
-    updateSummaryTimer->stop();
+    void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::onDisconnectComponent()
+    {
+        invokeDisconnectComponentQt();
+    }
+    void GuiHealthClientWidgetController::onDisconnectComponentQt()
+    {
+        healthTimer->stop();
+        updateSummaryTimer->stop();
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HandUnitPlugin/HandUnitGuiPlugin.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HandUnitPlugin/HandUnitGuiPlugin.cpp
index 17633a623..4ace60472 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HandUnitPlugin/HandUnitGuiPlugin.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HandUnitPlugin/HandUnitGuiPlugin.cpp
@@ -37,247 +37,242 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/observers/variant/SingleTypeVariantList.h>
-using namespace armarx;
+namespace armarx
-    addWidget<HandUnitWidget>();
-HandUnitWidget::HandUnitWidget() :
-    handName("NOT SET YET"),
-    handUnitProxyName(""),
-    setJointAnglesFlag(false)
-    // init gui
-    ui.setupUi(getWidget());
-    jointAngleUpdateTask = new PeriodicTask<HandUnitWidget>(this, &HandUnitWidget::setJointAngles, 50);
-    updateInfoTimer = new QTimer(this);
+    HandUnitGuiPlugin::HandUnitGuiPlugin()
+    {
+        addWidget<HandUnitWidget>();
+    }
-void HandUnitWidget::onInitComponent()
-    usingProxy(handUnitProxyName);
-    //usingTopic(handName + "State");
-    //ARMARX_WARNING << "Listening on Topic: " << handName + "State";
+    HandUnitWidget::HandUnitWidget() :
+        handName("NOT SET YET"),
+        handUnitProxyName(""),
+        setJointAnglesFlag(false)
+    {
+        // init gui
+        ui.setupUi(getWidget());
-void HandUnitWidget::onConnectComponent()
-    connectSlots();
-    jointAngleUpdateTask->start();
-    updateInfoTimer->start(50);
+        jointAngleUpdateTask = new PeriodicTask<HandUnitWidget>(this, &HandUnitWidget::setJointAngles, 50);
+        updateInfoTimer = new QTimer(this);
+    }
-    handUnitProxy = getProxy<HandUnitInterfacePrx>(handUnitProxyName);
-    handName = handUnitProxy->getHandName();
-    // @@@ In simulation hand is called 'Hand L'/'Hand R'. On 3b Hand is called 'TCP R'
-    if (handName != "Hand L" && handName != "Hand R" && handName != "TCP L" && handName != "TCP R")
+    void HandUnitWidget::onInitComponent()
-        //QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Hand not supported", QString("Hand with name \"") + QString::fromStdString(handName) + " \" is not suppored.");
-        ARMARX_WARNING << "Hand with name \"" << handName << "\" is not supported.";
+        usingProxy(handUnitProxyName);
+        //usingTopic(handName + "State");
+        //ARMARX_WARNING << "Listening on Topic: " << handName + "State";
-    //ui.labelInfo->setText(QString::fromStdString(handUnitProxyName + " :: " + handName));
-    SingleTypeVariantListPtr preshapeStrings = SingleTypeVariantListPtr::dynamicCast(handUnitProxy->getShapeNames());
-    QStringList list;
-    int preshapeCount = preshapeStrings->getSize();
-    for (int i = 0; i < preshapeCount; ++i)
+    void HandUnitWidget::onConnectComponent()
-        std::string shape = ((preshapeStrings->getVariant(i))->get<std::string>());
-        list << QString::fromStdString(shape);
+        connectSlots();
+        jointAngleUpdateTask->start();
+        updateInfoTimer->start(50);
+        handUnitProxy = getProxy<HandUnitInterfacePrx>(handUnitProxyName);
+        handName = handUnitProxy->getHandName();
+        // @@@ In simulation hand is called 'Hand L'/'Hand R'. On 3b Hand is called 'TCP R'
+        if (handName != "Hand L" && handName != "Hand R" && handName != "TCP L" && handName != "TCP R")
+        {
+            //QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Hand not supported", QString("Hand with name \"") + QString::fromStdString(handName) + " \" is not suppored.");
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "Hand with name \"" << handName << "\" is not supported.";
+        }
+        //ui.labelInfo->setText(QString::fromStdString(handUnitProxyName + " :: " + handName));
+        SingleTypeVariantListPtr preshapeStrings = SingleTypeVariantListPtr::dynamicCast(handUnitProxy->getShapeNames());
+        QStringList list;
+        int preshapeCount = preshapeStrings->getSize();
+        for (int i = 0; i < preshapeCount; ++i)
+        {
+            std::string shape = ((preshapeStrings->getVariant(i))->get<std::string>());
+            list << QString::fromStdString(shape);
+        }
+        ui.comboPreshapes->clear();
+        ui.comboPreshapes->addItems(list);
-    ui.comboPreshapes->clear();
-    ui.comboPreshapes->addItems(list);
-void HandUnitWidget::onDisconnectComponent()
-    jointAngleUpdateTask->stop();
-    updateInfoTimer->stop();
-void HandUnitWidget::onExitComponent()
-QPointer<QDialog> HandUnitWidget::getConfigDialog(QWidget* parent)
-    if (!dialog)
+    void HandUnitWidget::onDisconnectComponent()
-        dialog = new HandUnitConfigDialog(parent);
-        //dialog->ui->editHandUnitName->setText(QString::fromStdString(handUnitProxyName));
-        //dialog->ui->editHandName->setText(QString::fromStdString(handName));
+        jointAngleUpdateTask->stop();
+        updateInfoTimer->stop();
-    return qobject_cast<HandUnitConfigDialog*>(dialog);
-void HandUnitWidget::configured()
-    handUnitProxyName = dialog->proxyFinder->getSelectedProxyName().toStdString();
-void HandUnitWidget::preshapeHand()
-    setPreshape(ui.comboPreshapes->currentText().toUtf8().data());
-void HandUnitWidget::setJointAngles()
-    if (!handUnitProxy)
+    void HandUnitWidget::onExitComponent()
-        ARMARX_WARNING << "invalid proxy";
-        return;
-    if (!setJointAnglesFlag)
+    QPointer<QDialog> HandUnitWidget::getConfigDialog(QWidget* parent)
-        return;
+        if (!dialog)
+        {
+            dialog = new HandUnitConfigDialog(parent);
+            //dialog->ui->editHandUnitName->setText(QString::fromStdString(handUnitProxyName));
+            //dialog->ui->editHandName->setText(QString::fromStdString(handName));
+        }
+        return qobject_cast<HandUnitConfigDialog*>(dialog);
-    setJointAnglesFlag = false;
-    NameValueMap ja;
-    if (handName == "Hand L" || handName == "TCP L")
+    void HandUnitWidget::configured()
-        ja["Hand Palm 2 L"] = ui.horizontalSliderPalm->value() * M_PI / 180;
-        ja["Index L J0"] = ui.horizontalSliderIndexJ0->value() * M_PI / 180;
-        ja["Index L J1"] = ui.horizontalSliderIndexJ1->value() * M_PI / 180;
-        ja["Middle L J0"] = ui.horizontalSliderMiddleJ0->value() * M_PI / 180;
-        ja["Middle L J1"] = ui.horizontalSliderMiddleJ1->value() * M_PI / 180;
-        ja["Thumb L J0"] = ui.horizontalSliderThumbJ0->value() * M_PI / 180;
-        ja["Thumb L J1"] = ui.horizontalSliderThumbJ1->value() * M_PI / 180;
-        float rinkyValue = ui.horizontalSliderRinky->value() * M_PI / 180;
-        ja["Ring L J0"] = rinkyValue;
-        ja["Ring L J1"] = rinkyValue;
-        ja["Pinky L J0"] = rinkyValue;
-        ja["Pinky L J1"] = rinkyValue;
+        handUnitProxyName = dialog->proxyFinder->getSelectedProxyName().toStdString();
-    else if (handName == "Hand R" || handName == "TCP R")
+    void HandUnitWidget::preshapeHand()
-        ja["Hand Palm 2 R"] = ui.horizontalSliderPalm->value() * M_PI / 180;
-        ja["Index R J0"] = ui.horizontalSliderIndexJ0->value() * M_PI / 180;
-        ja["Index R J1"] = ui.horizontalSliderIndexJ1->value() * M_PI / 180;
-        ja["Middle R J0"] = ui.horizontalSliderMiddleJ0->value() * M_PI / 180;
-        ja["Middle R J1"] = ui.horizontalSliderMiddleJ1->value() * M_PI / 180;
-        ja["Thumb R J0"] = ui.horizontalSliderThumbJ0->value() * M_PI / 180;
-        ja["Thumb R J1"] = ui.horizontalSliderThumbJ1->value() * M_PI / 180;
-        float rinkyValue = ui.horizontalSliderRinky->value() * M_PI / 180;
-        ja["Ring R J0"] = rinkyValue;
-        ja["Ring R J1"] = rinkyValue;
-        ja["Pinky R J0"] = rinkyValue;
-        ja["Pinky R J1"] = rinkyValue;
+        setPreshape(ui.comboPreshapes->currentText().toUtf8().data());
-    else
+    void HandUnitWidget::setJointAngles()
-        ARMARX_WARNING << "Hand with name \"" << handName << "\" is not supported.";
+        if (!handUnitProxy)
+        {
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "invalid proxy";
+            return;
+        }
+        if (!setJointAnglesFlag)
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        setJointAnglesFlag = false;
+        NameValueMap ja;
+        if (handName == "Hand L" || handName == "TCP L")
+        {
+            ja["Hand Palm 2 L"] = ui.horizontalSliderPalm->value() * M_PI / 180;
+            ja["Index L J0"] = ui.horizontalSliderIndexJ0->value() * M_PI / 180;
+            ja["Index L J1"] = ui.horizontalSliderIndexJ1->value() * M_PI / 180;
+            ja["Middle L J0"] = ui.horizontalSliderMiddleJ0->value() * M_PI / 180;
+            ja["Middle L J1"] = ui.horizontalSliderMiddleJ1->value() * M_PI / 180;
+            ja["Thumb L J0"] = ui.horizontalSliderThumbJ0->value() * M_PI / 180;
+            ja["Thumb L J1"] = ui.horizontalSliderThumbJ1->value() * M_PI / 180;
+            float rinkyValue = ui.horizontalSliderRinky->value() * M_PI / 180;
+            ja["Ring L J0"] = rinkyValue;
+            ja["Ring L J1"] = rinkyValue;
+            ja["Pinky L J0"] = rinkyValue;
+            ja["Pinky L J1"] = rinkyValue;
+        }
+        else if (handName == "Hand R" || handName == "TCP R")
+        {
+            ja["Hand Palm 2 R"] = ui.horizontalSliderPalm->value() * M_PI / 180;
+            ja["Index R J0"] = ui.horizontalSliderIndexJ0->value() * M_PI / 180;
+            ja["Index R J1"] = ui.horizontalSliderIndexJ1->value() * M_PI / 180;
+            ja["Middle R J0"] = ui.horizontalSliderMiddleJ0->value() * M_PI / 180;
+            ja["Middle R J1"] = ui.horizontalSliderMiddleJ1->value() * M_PI / 180;
+            ja["Thumb R J0"] = ui.horizontalSliderThumbJ0->value() * M_PI / 180;
+            ja["Thumb R J1"] = ui.horizontalSliderThumbJ1->value() * M_PI / 180;
+            float rinkyValue = ui.horizontalSliderRinky->value() * M_PI / 180;
+            ja["Ring R J0"] = rinkyValue;
+            ja["Ring R J1"] = rinkyValue;
+            ja["Pinky R J0"] = rinkyValue;
+            ja["Pinky R J1"] = rinkyValue;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ARMARX_WARNING << "Hand with name \"" << handName << "\" is not supported.";
+        }
+        handUnitProxy->setJointAngles(ja);
-    handUnitProxy->setJointAngles(ja);
-void HandUnitWidget::requestSetJointAngles()
-    setJointAnglesFlag = true;
-void HandUnitWidget::openHand()
-    setPreshape("Open");
-void HandUnitWidget::closeHand()
-    setPreshape("Close");
-void HandUnitWidget::closeThumb()
-    setPreshape("Thumb");
-void HandUnitWidget::relaxHand()
-    setPreshape("Relax");
+    void HandUnitWidget::requestSetJointAngles()
+    {
+        setJointAnglesFlag = true;
+    }
-void HandUnitWidget::updateInfoLabel()
-    ui.labelInfo->setText(QString::fromStdString(handUnitProxyName + " :: " + handName + " State: " + handUnitProxy->describeHandState()));
+    void HandUnitWidget::openHand()
+    {
+        setPreshape("Open");
+    }
-void HandUnitWidget::setPreshape(std::string preshape)
-    ARMARX_INFO << "Setting new hand shape: " << preshape;
-    handUnitProxy->setShape(preshape);
+    void HandUnitWidget::closeHand()
+    {
+        setPreshape("Close");
+    }
-void HandUnitWidget::loadSettings(QSettings* settings)
-    handUnitProxyName = settings->value("handUnitProxyName", QString::fromStdString(handUnitProxyName)).toString().toStdString();
-    handName = settings->value("handName", QString::fromStdString(handName)).toString().toStdString();
+    void HandUnitWidget::closeThumb()
+    {
+        setPreshape("Thumb");
+    }
-void HandUnitWidget::saveSettings(QSettings* settings)
-    settings->setValue("handUnitProxyName", QString::fromStdString(handUnitProxyName));
-    settings->setValue("handName", QString::fromStdString(handName));
+    void HandUnitWidget::relaxHand()
+    {
+        setPreshape("Relax");
+    }
+    void HandUnitWidget::updateInfoLabel()
+    {
+        ui.labelInfo->setText(QString::fromStdString(handUnitProxyName + " :: " + handName + " State: " + handUnitProxy->describeHandState()));
+    }
-void HandUnitWidget::connectSlots()
-    connect(ui.buttonPreshape, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(preshapeHand()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
-    connect(ui.buttonOpenHand, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openHand()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
-    connect(ui.buttonCloseHand, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(closeHand()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
-    connect(ui.buttonCloseThumb, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(closeThumb()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
-    connect(ui.buttonRelaxHand, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(relaxHand()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
-    //connect(ui.comboPreshapes, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(selectPreshape(const QString&)), Qt::UniqueConnection);
-    connect(ui.buttonSetJointAngles, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(requestSetJointAngles()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
-    connect(ui.horizontalSliderIndexJ0, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(requestSetJointAngles()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
-    connect(ui.horizontalSliderIndexJ1, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(requestSetJointAngles()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
-    connect(ui.horizontalSliderMiddleJ0, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(requestSetJointAngles()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
-    connect(ui.horizontalSliderMiddleJ1, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(requestSetJointAngles()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
-    connect(ui.horizontalSliderRinky, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(requestSetJointAngles()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
-    connect(ui.horizontalSliderPalm, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(requestSetJointAngles()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
-    connect(ui.horizontalSliderThumbJ0, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(requestSetJointAngles()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
-    connect(ui.horizontalSliderThumbJ1, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(requestSetJointAngles()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
-    connect(updateInfoTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateInfoLabel()));
+    void HandUnitWidget::setPreshape(std::string preshape)
+    {
+        ARMARX_INFO << "Setting new hand shape: " << preshape;
+        handUnitProxy->setShape(preshape);
+    }
+    void HandUnitWidget::loadSettings(QSettings* settings)
+    {
+        handUnitProxyName = settings->value("handUnitProxyName", QString::fromStdString(handUnitProxyName)).toString().toStdString();
+        handName = settings->value("handName", QString::fromStdString(handName)).toString().toStdString();
+    }
+    void HandUnitWidget::saveSettings(QSettings* settings)
+    {
+        settings->setValue("handUnitProxyName", QString::fromStdString(handUnitProxyName));
+        settings->setValue("handName", QString::fromStdString(handName));
+    }
+    void HandUnitWidget::connectSlots()
+    {
+        connect(ui.buttonPreshape, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(preshapeHand()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+        connect(ui.buttonOpenHand, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openHand()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+        connect(ui.buttonCloseHand, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(closeHand()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+        connect(ui.buttonCloseThumb, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(closeThumb()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+        connect(ui.buttonRelaxHand, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(relaxHand()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+        //connect(ui.comboPreshapes, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(selectPreshape(const QString&)), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+        connect(ui.buttonSetJointAngles, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(requestSetJointAngles()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+        connect(ui.horizontalSliderIndexJ0, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(requestSetJointAngles()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+        connect(ui.horizontalSliderIndexJ1, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(requestSetJointAngles()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+        connect(ui.horizontalSliderMiddleJ0, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(requestSetJointAngles()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+        connect(ui.horizontalSliderMiddleJ1, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(requestSetJointAngles()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+        connect(ui.horizontalSliderRinky, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(requestSetJointAngles()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+        connect(ui.horizontalSliderPalm, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(requestSetJointAngles()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+        connect(ui.horizontalSliderThumbJ0, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(requestSetJointAngles()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+        connect(ui.horizontalSliderThumbJ1, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(requestSetJointAngles()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
+        connect(updateInfoTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateInfoLabel()));
+    }
-void armarx::HandUnitWidget::reportHandShaped(const std::string& handName, const std::string& handShapeName, const Ice::Current&)
-    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << handName << ": " << handShapeName;
-void armarx::HandUnitWidget::reportNewHandShapeName(const std::string& handName, const std::string& handShapeName, const Ice::Current&)
-    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << handName << ": " << handShapeName;
-void armarx::HandUnitWidget::reportJointAngles(const armarx::NameValueMap& actualJointAngles, const Ice::Current& c)
+    void armarx::HandUnitWidget::reportHandShaped(const std::string& handName, const std::string& handShapeName, const Ice::Current&)
+    {
+        ARMARX_IMPORTANT << handName << ": " << handShapeName;
+    }
+    void armarx::HandUnitWidget::reportNewHandShapeName(const std::string& handName, const std::string& handShapeName, const Ice::Current&)
+    {
+        ARMARX_IMPORTANT << handName << ": " << handShapeName;
+    }
+    void armarx::HandUnitWidget::reportJointAngles(const armarx::NameValueMap& actualJointAngles, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+    }
-void armarx::HandUnitWidget::reportJointPressures(const armarx::NameValueMap& actualJointPressures, const Ice::Current& c)
+    void armarx::HandUnitWidget::reportJointPressures(const armarx::NameValueMap& actualJointPressures, const Ice::Current& c)
+    {
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HapticUnitPlugin/HapticUnitGuiPlugin.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HapticUnitPlugin/HapticUnitGuiPlugin.cpp
index aed576720..3d4272f26 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HapticUnitPlugin/HapticUnitGuiPlugin.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HapticUnitPlugin/HapticUnitGuiPlugin.cpp
@@ -40,188 +40,188 @@
 #include <QComboBox>
 #include <QMenu>
-using namespace armarx;
-    addWidget<HapticUnitWidget>();
+namespace armarx
-    // init gui
-    ui.setupUi(getWidget());
-    //ui.stateOpen->setChecked(true);
-    hapticObserverProxyName = "HapticUnitObserver";
-    hapticUnitProxyName = "WeissHapticUnit";
+    HapticUnitGuiPlugin::HapticUnitGuiPlugin()
+    {
+        addWidget<HapticUnitWidget>();
+    }
-    updateTimer = new QTimer(this);
+    HapticUnitWidget::HapticUnitWidget()
+    {
+        // init gui
+        ui.setupUi(getWidget());
+        //ui.stateOpen->setChecked(true);
+        hapticObserverProxyName = "HapticUnitObserver";
+        hapticUnitProxyName = "WeissHapticUnit";
+        updateTimer = new QTimer(this);
-void HapticUnitWidget::onInitComponent()
-    usingProxy(hapticObserverProxyName);
-    usingProxy(hapticUnitProxyName);
+    }
+    void HapticUnitWidget::onInitComponent()
+    {
+        usingProxy(hapticObserverProxyName);
+        usingProxy(hapticUnitProxyName);
-void HapticUnitWidget::onConnectComponent()
-    hapticObserverProxy = getProxy<ObserverInterfacePrx>(hapticObserverProxyName);
-    weissHapticUnit = getProxy<WeissHapticUnitInterfacePrx>(hapticUnitProxyName);
+    }
-    connectSlots();
-    createMatrixWidgets();
-    updateTimer->start(25); // 50 Hz
+    void HapticUnitWidget::onConnectComponent()
+    {
+        hapticObserverProxy = getProxy<ObserverInterfacePrx>(hapticObserverProxyName);
+        weissHapticUnit = getProxy<WeissHapticUnitInterfacePrx>(hapticUnitProxyName);
+        connectSlots();
+        createMatrixWidgets();
+        updateTimer->start(25); // 50 Hz
-void HapticUnitWidget::onExitComponent()
-    updateTimer->stop();
-void HapticUnitWidget::onDisconnectComponent()
-    updateTimer->stop();
+    }
-QPointer<QDialog> HapticUnitWidget::getConfigDialog(QWidget* parent)
-    if (!dialog)
+    void HapticUnitWidget::onExitComponent()
-        dialog = new HapticUnitConfigDialog(parent);
+        updateTimer->stop();
-    return qobject_cast<HapticUnitConfigDialog*>(dialog);
-void HapticUnitWidget::configured()
+    void HapticUnitWidget::onDisconnectComponent()
+    {
+        updateTimer->stop();
+    }
-void HapticUnitWidget::updateData()
-    for (std::pair<std::string, MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget*> pair : matrixDisplays)
+    QPointer<QDialog> HapticUnitWidget::getConfigDialog(QWidget* parent)
-        //MatrixFloatPtr matrix = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(hapticObserverProxy->getDataField(new DataFieldIdentifier(hapticObserverProxyName, pair.first, "matrix")))->get<MatrixFloat>();
-        std::string name = hapticObserverProxy->getDataField(new DataFieldIdentifier(hapticObserverProxyName, pair.first, "name"))->getString();
-        std::string deviceName = hapticObserverProxy->getDataField(new DataFieldIdentifier(hapticObserverProxyName, pair.first, "device"))->getString();
-        //float rate = hapticObserverProxy->getDataField(new DataFieldIdentifier(hapticObserverProxyName, pair.first, "rate"))->getFloat();
-        TimestampVariantPtr timestamp = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(hapticObserverProxy->getDataField(new DataFieldIdentifier(hapticObserverProxyName, pair.first, "timestamp")))->get<TimestampVariant>();
-        MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget* matrixDisplay = pair.second;
-        matrixDisplay->setInfoOverlay(QString::fromStdString(deviceName) + ": " + QString::fromStdString(name) + "\n" + QString::fromStdString(timestamp->toTime().toDateTime()));
-        matrixDisplay->invokeUpdate();
-    }
+        if (!dialog)
+        {
+            dialog = new HapticUnitConfigDialog(parent);
+        }
+        return qobject_cast<HapticUnitConfigDialog*>(dialog);
+    }
-void HapticUnitWidget::onContextMenu(QPoint point)
-    QMenu* contextMenu = new QMenu(getWidget());
-    MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget* matrixDisplay = qobject_cast<MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget*>(sender());
-    if (!matrixDisplay)
+    void HapticUnitWidget::configured()
-        return;
-    QAction* setDeviceTag = contextMenu->addAction(tr("Set Device Tag"));
+    void HapticUnitWidget::updateData()
+    {
-    QAction* action = contextMenu->exec(matrixDisplay->mapToGlobal(point));
+        for (std::pair<std::string, MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget*> pair : matrixDisplays)
+        {
+            //MatrixFloatPtr matrix = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(hapticObserverProxy->getDataField(new DataFieldIdentifier(hapticObserverProxyName, pair.first, "matrix")))->get<MatrixFloat>();
+            std::string name = hapticObserverProxy->getDataField(new DataFieldIdentifier(hapticObserverProxyName, pair.first, "name"))->getString();
+            std::string deviceName = hapticObserverProxy->getDataField(new DataFieldIdentifier(hapticObserverProxyName, pair.first, "device"))->getString();
+            //float rate = hapticObserverProxy->getDataField(new DataFieldIdentifier(hapticObserverProxyName, pair.first, "rate"))->getFloat();
+            TimestampVariantPtr timestamp = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(hapticObserverProxy->getDataField(new DataFieldIdentifier(hapticObserverProxyName, pair.first, "timestamp")))->get<TimestampVariant>();
+            MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget* matrixDisplay = pair.second;
+            matrixDisplay->setInfoOverlay(QString::fromStdString(deviceName) + ": " + QString::fromStdString(name) + "\n" + QString::fromStdString(timestamp->toTime().toDateTime()));
+            matrixDisplay->invokeUpdate();
+        }
-    std::string channelName =;
-    std::string deviceName =;
+    }
-    if (action == setDeviceTag)
+    void HapticUnitWidget::onContextMenu(QPoint point)
-        std::string tag = hapticObserverProxy->getDataField(new DataFieldIdentifier(hapticObserverProxyName, channelName, "name"))->getString();
-        bool ok;
-        QString newTag = QInputDialog::getText(getWidget(), tr("Set Device Tag"),
-                                               QString::fromStdString("New Tag for Device '" + deviceName + "'"), QLineEdit::Normal,
-                                               QString::fromStdString(tag), &ok);
+        QMenu* contextMenu = new QMenu(getWidget());
+        MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget* matrixDisplay = qobject_cast<MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget*>(sender());
-        if (ok && !newTag.isEmpty())
+        if (!matrixDisplay)
-            ARMARX_IMPORTANT_S << "requesting to set new device tag for " << deviceName << ": " << newTag.toStdString();
-            weissHapticUnit->setDeviceTag(deviceName, newTag.toStdString());
+            return;
-    }
-    delete contextMenu;
+        QAction* setDeviceTag = contextMenu->addAction(tr("Set Device Tag"));
+        QAction* action = contextMenu->exec(matrixDisplay->mapToGlobal(point));
-void HapticUnitWidget::loadSettings(QSettings* settings)
+        std::string channelName =;
+        std::string deviceName =;
+        if (action == setDeviceTag)
+        {
+            std::string tag = hapticObserverProxy->getDataField(new DataFieldIdentifier(hapticObserverProxyName, channelName, "name"))->getString();
+            bool ok;
+            QString newTag = QInputDialog::getText(getWidget(), tr("Set Device Tag"),
+                                                   QString::fromStdString("New Tag for Device '" + deviceName + "'"), QLineEdit::Normal,
+                                                   QString::fromStdString(tag), &ok);
+            if (ok && !newTag.isEmpty())
+            {
+                ARMARX_IMPORTANT_S << "requesting to set new device tag for " << deviceName << ": " << newTag.toStdString();
+                weissHapticUnit->setDeviceTag(deviceName, newTag.toStdString());
+            }
+        }
-void HapticUnitWidget::saveSettings(QSettings* settings)
+        delete contextMenu;
+    }
-void HapticUnitWidget::connectSlots()
-    connect(this, SIGNAL(doUpdateDisplayWidgets()), SLOT(updateDisplayWidgets()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
-    connect(updateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateData()));
-    connect(ui.checkBoxOffsetFilter, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onCheckBoxOffsetFilterStateChanged(int)));
+    void HapticUnitWidget::loadSettings(QSettings* settings)
+    {
+    }
-void HapticUnitWidget::createMatrixWidgets()
-    //ARMARX_LOG << "HapticUnitWidget::createMatrixWidgets()";
-    emit doUpdateDisplayWidgets();
-void HapticUnitWidget::updateDisplayWidgets()
-    QLayoutItem* child;
+    void HapticUnitWidget::saveSettings(QSettings* settings)
+    {
+    }
-    while ((child = ui.gridLayoutDisplay->takeAt(0)) != 0)
+    void HapticUnitWidget::connectSlots()
-        delete child;
+        connect(this, SIGNAL(doUpdateDisplayWidgets()), SLOT(updateDisplayWidgets()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
+        connect(updateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateData()));
+        connect(ui.checkBoxOffsetFilter, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onCheckBoxOffsetFilterStateChanged(int)));
-    int i = 0;
-    ChannelRegistry channels = hapticObserverProxy->getAvailableChannels(false);
+    void HapticUnitWidget::createMatrixWidgets()
+    {
+        //ARMARX_LOG << "HapticUnitWidget::createMatrixWidgets()";
+        emit doUpdateDisplayWidgets();
+    }
-    for (std::pair<std::string, ChannelRegistryEntry> pair : channels)
+    void HapticUnitWidget::updateDisplayWidgets()
-        std::string channelName = pair.first;
-        MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget* matrixDisplay = new MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget(new DatafieldRef(hapticObserverProxy, channelName, "matrix"), hapticObserverProxy, getWidget());
-        matrixDisplay->setRange(0, 4095);
-        matrixDisplay->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
-        connect(matrixDisplay, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(onContextMenu(QPoint)));
-        matrixDisplays.insert(std::make_pair(pair.first, matrixDisplay));
-        std::string deviceName = hapticObserverProxy->getDataField(new DataFieldIdentifier(hapticObserverProxyName, channelName, "device"))->getString();
-        channelNameReverseMap.insert(std::make_pair(matrixDisplay, channelName));
-        deviceNameReverseMap.insert(std::make_pair(matrixDisplay, deviceName));
-        ui.gridLayoutDisplay->addWidget(matrixDisplay, 0, i);
-        i++;
+        QLayoutItem* child;
+        while ((child = ui.gridLayoutDisplay->takeAt(0)) != 0)
+        {
+            delete child;
+        }
+        int i = 0;
+        ChannelRegistry channels = hapticObserverProxy->getAvailableChannels(false);
+        for (std::pair<std::string, ChannelRegistryEntry> pair : channels)
+        {
+            std::string channelName = pair.first;
+            MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget* matrixDisplay = new MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget(new DatafieldRef(hapticObserverProxy, channelName, "matrix"), hapticObserverProxy, getWidget());
+            matrixDisplay->setRange(0, 4095);
+            matrixDisplay->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
+            connect(matrixDisplay, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(onContextMenu(QPoint)));
+            matrixDisplays.insert(std::make_pair(pair.first, matrixDisplay));
+            std::string deviceName = hapticObserverProxy->getDataField(new DataFieldIdentifier(hapticObserverProxyName, channelName, "device"))->getString();
+            channelNameReverseMap.insert(std::make_pair(matrixDisplay, channelName));
+            deviceNameReverseMap.insert(std::make_pair(matrixDisplay, deviceName));
+            ui.gridLayoutDisplay->addWidget(matrixDisplay, 0, i);
+            i++;
+        }
-void HapticUnitWidget::onCheckBoxOffsetFilterStateChanged(int state)
-    //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "onCheckBoxOffsetFilterToggled: " << state;
-    for (std::pair<std::string, MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget*> pair : matrixDisplays)
+    void HapticUnitWidget::onCheckBoxOffsetFilterStateChanged(int state)
-        pair.second->enableOffsetFilter(ui.checkBoxOffsetFilter->isChecked());
+        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "onCheckBoxOffsetFilterToggled: " << state;
+        for (std::pair<std::string, MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget*> pair : matrixDisplays)
+        {
+            pair.second->enableOffsetFilter(ui.checkBoxOffsetFilter->isChecked());
+        }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HapticUnitPlugin/MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HapticUnitPlugin/MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget.cpp
index 8a05e556a..321e727cd 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HapticUnitPlugin/MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HapticUnitPlugin/MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget.cpp
@@ -30,127 +30,128 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/MatrixFilters.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/OffsetFilter.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-void MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget::updateRequested()
+namespace armarx
-    mtx.lock();
-    this->data = matrixDatafieldOffsetFiltered->getDataField()->get<MatrixFloat>()->toEigen();
-    this->percentiles = percentilesDatafield->getDataField()->get<MatrixFloat>()->toVector();
-    mtx.unlock();
-    update();
+    void MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget::updateRequested()
+    {
+        mtx.lock();
+        this->data = matrixDatafieldOffsetFiltered->getDataField()->get<MatrixFloat>()->toEigen();
+        this->percentiles = percentilesDatafield->getDataField()->get<MatrixFloat>()->toVector();
+        mtx.unlock();
+        update();
+    }
-MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget::MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget(DatafieldRefBasePtr matrixDatafield, ObserverInterfacePrx observer, QWidget* parent) :
-    QWidget(parent)
-    this->matrixDatafield = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(matrixDatafield);
-    this->observer = observer;
-    this->min = 0;
-    this->max = 1;
-    this->data = MatrixXf(1, 1);
-    this->data(0, 0) = 0;
-    enableOffsetFilter(false);
-    QColor c[] = {QColor::fromHsv(0, 0, 0), QColor::fromHsv(240, 255, 255), QColor::fromHsv(270, 255, 255), QColor::fromHsv(300, 255, 255),
-                  QColor::fromHsv(0, 255, 255), QColor::fromHsv(30, 255, 255), QColor::fromHsv(60, 255, 255)
-                 };
-    this->colors = std::valarray<QColor>(c, sizeof c / sizeof c[0]);
-    //connect(this, SIGNAL(updateData(MatrixXf)), SLOT(setData(MatrixXf)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
-    connect(this, SIGNAL(doUpdate()), SLOT(updateRequested()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
+    MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget::MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget(DatafieldRefBasePtr matrixDatafield, ObserverInterfacePrx observer, QWidget* parent) :
+        QWidget(parent)
+    {
+        this->matrixDatafield = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(matrixDatafield);
+        this->observer = observer;
+        this->min = 0;
+        this->max = 1;
+        this->data = MatrixXf(1, 1);
+        this->data(0, 0) = 0;
+        enableOffsetFilter(false);
+        QColor c[] = {QColor::fromHsv(0, 0, 0), QColor::fromHsv(240, 255, 255), QColor::fromHsv(270, 255, 255), QColor::fromHsv(300, 255, 255),
+                      QColor::fromHsv(0, 255, 255), QColor::fromHsv(30, 255, 255), QColor::fromHsv(60, 255, 255)
+                     };
+        this->colors = std::valarray<QColor>(c, sizeof c / sizeof c[0]);
+        //connect(this, SIGNAL(updateData(MatrixXf)), SLOT(setData(MatrixXf)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
+        connect(this, SIGNAL(doUpdate()), SLOT(updateRequested()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
+    }
-    //delete ui;
+    MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget::~MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget()
+    {
+        //delete ui;
+    }
-void MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)
-    mtx.lock();
+    void MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)
+    {
+        mtx.lock();
-    int paddingBottom = 40;
-    QPainter painter(this);
-    painter.fillRect(rect(), QColor::fromRgb(0, 0, 0));
-    int matrixHeight = (height() - paddingBottom) * 8 / 10;
-    int percentilesHeight = (height() - paddingBottom) - matrixHeight;
-    drawMatrix(QRect(0, 0, width(), matrixHeight), painter);
-    drawPercentiles(QRect(0, matrixHeight, width() - 1, percentilesHeight), painter);
+        int paddingBottom = 40;
+        QPainter painter(this);
+        painter.fillRect(rect(), QColor::fromRgb(0, 0, 0));
+        int matrixHeight = (height() - paddingBottom) * 8 / 10;
+        int percentilesHeight = (height() - paddingBottom) - matrixHeight;
+        drawMatrix(QRect(0, 0, width(), matrixHeight), painter);
+        drawPercentiles(QRect(0, matrixHeight, width() - 1, percentilesHeight), painter);
-    painter.setPen(QColor(Qt::GlobalColor::gray));
-    painter.setFont(QFont("Arial", 12));
-    painter.drawText(rect(), Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignRight, infoOverlay);
+        painter.setPen(QColor(Qt::GlobalColor::gray));
+        painter.setFont(QFont("Arial", 12));
+        painter.drawText(rect(), Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignRight, infoOverlay);
-    mtx.unlock();
+        mtx.unlock();
+    }
-void MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget::enableOffsetFilter(bool enabled)
-    if (enabled)
+    void MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget::enableOffsetFilter(bool enabled)
-        this->matrixDatafieldOffsetFiltered = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(observer->createFilteredDatafield(DatafieldFilterBasePtr(new filters::OffsetFilter()), matrixDatafield));
+        if (enabled)
+        {
+            this->matrixDatafieldOffsetFiltered = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(observer->createFilteredDatafield(DatafieldFilterBasePtr(new filters::OffsetFilter()), matrixDatafield));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            this->matrixDatafieldOffsetFiltered = this->matrixDatafield;
+        }
+        this->percentilesDatafield = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(observer->createFilteredDatafield(DatafieldFilterBasePtr(new filters::MatrixPercentilesFilter(50)), matrixDatafieldOffsetFiltered));
-    else
+    QColor MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget::getColor(float value, float min, float max)
-        this->matrixDatafieldOffsetFiltered = this->matrixDatafield;
-    }
+        value = (value - min) / (max - min) * (colors.size() - 1);
-    this->percentilesDatafield = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(observer->createFilteredDatafield(DatafieldFilterBasePtr(new filters::MatrixPercentilesFilter(50)), matrixDatafieldOffsetFiltered));
+        if (value < 0)
+        {
+            return colors[0];
+        }
-QColor MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget::getColor(float value, float min, float max)
-    value = (value - min) / (max - min) * (colors.size() - 1);
+        if (value >= colors.size() - 1)
+        {
+            return colors[colors.size() - 1];
+        }
-    if (value < 0)
-    {
-        return colors[0];
+        int i = (int)value;
+        float f2 = value - i;
+        float f1 = 1 - f2;
+        QColor c1 = colors[i];
+        QColor c2 = colors[i + 1];
+        return QColor((int)( * f1 + * f2), (int)( * f1 + * f2), (int)( * f1 + * f2));
-    if (value >= colors.size() - 1)
+    void MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget::drawMatrix(const QRect& target, QPainter& painter)
-        return colors[colors.size() - 1];
-    }
+        int pixelSize = std::min(target.width() / data.cols(), target.height() / data.rows());
+        int dx = (target.width() - pixelSize * data.cols()) / 2;
+        int dy = (target.height() - pixelSize * data.rows()) / 2;
+        painter.setFont(QFont("Arial", 8));
+        painter.setPen(QColor(Qt::GlobalColor::gray));
-    int i = (int)value;
-    float f2 = value - i;
-    float f1 = 1 - f2;
-    QColor c1 = colors[i];
-    QColor c2 = colors[i + 1];
-    return QColor((int)( * f1 + * f2), (int)( * f1 + * f2), (int)( * f1 + * f2));
-void MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget::drawMatrix(const QRect& target, QPainter& painter)
-    int pixelSize = std::min(target.width() / data.cols(), target.height() / data.rows());
-    int dx = (target.width() - pixelSize * data.cols()) / 2;
-    int dy = (target.height() - pixelSize * data.rows()) / 2;
-    painter.setFont(QFont("Arial", 8));
-    painter.setPen(QColor(Qt::GlobalColor::gray));
-    for (int x = 0; x < data.cols(); x++)
-    {
-        for (int y = 0; y < data.rows(); y++)
+        for (int x = 0; x < data.cols(); x++)
-            QRect target = QRect(dx + x * pixelSize, dy + y * pixelSize, pixelSize, pixelSize);
-            painter.fillRect(target, getColor(data(y, x), min, max));
-            painter.drawText(target, Qt::AlignCenter, QString::number(data(y, x)));
+            for (int y = 0; y < data.rows(); y++)
+            {
+                QRect target = QRect(dx + x * pixelSize, dy + y * pixelSize, pixelSize, pixelSize);
+                painter.fillRect(target, getColor(data(y, x), min, max));
+                painter.drawText(target, Qt::AlignCenter, QString::number(data(y, x)));
+            }
-void MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget::drawPercentiles(const QRect& target, QPainter& painter)
-    painter.setPen(QColor(Qt::GlobalColor::gray));
-    painter.drawRect(target);
-    painter.setPen(QColor(Qt::GlobalColor::red));
-    for (int i = 0; i < (int)percentiles.size() - 1; i++)
+    void MatrixDatafieldDisplayWidget::drawPercentiles(const QRect& target, QPainter& painter)
-        int x1 = i * target.width() / (percentiles.size() - 1);
-        int x2 = (i + 1) * target.width() / (percentiles.size() - 1);
-        float y1 = ( - min) / (max - min) * target.height();
-        float y2 = ( + 1) - min) / (max - min) * target.height();
-        painter.drawLine(target.left() + x1, target.bottom() - (int)y1, target.left() + x2, target.bottom() - (int)y2);
+        painter.setPen(QColor(Qt::GlobalColor::gray));
+        painter.drawRect(target);
+        painter.setPen(QColor(Qt::GlobalColor::red));
+        for (int i = 0; i < (int)percentiles.size() - 1; i++)
+        {
+            int x1 = i * target.width() / (percentiles.size() - 1);
+            int x2 = (i + 1) * target.width() / (percentiles.size() - 1);
+            float y1 = ( - min) / (max - min) * target.height();
+            float y2 = ( + 1) - min) / (max - min) * target.height();
+            painter.drawLine(target.left() + x1, target.bottom() - (int)y1, target.left() + x2, target.bottom() - (int)y2);
+        }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HapticUnitPlugin/MatrixDisplayWidget.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HapticUnitPlugin/MatrixDisplayWidget.cpp
index 8f5bc0d16..72b510ef5 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HapticUnitPlugin/MatrixDisplayWidget.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HapticUnitPlugin/MatrixDisplayWidget.cpp
@@ -28,79 +28,80 @@
 #include <pthread.h>
 #include <iostream>
-using namespace armarx;
-MatrixDisplayWidget::MatrixDisplayWidget(QWidget* parent) :
-    QWidget(parent),
-    ui(new Ui::MatrixDisplayWidget)
+namespace armarx
-    ui->setupUi(this);
-    this->min = 0;
-    this->max = 1;
-    this->data = MatrixXf(1, 1);
-    this->data(0, 0) = 0;
-    QColor c[] = {QColor::fromHsv(0, 0, 0), QColor::fromHsv(240, 255, 255), QColor::fromHsv(270, 255, 255), QColor::fromHsv(300, 255, 255),
-                  QColor::fromHsv(0, 255, 255), QColor::fromHsv(30, 255, 255), QColor::fromHsv(60, 255, 255)
-                 };
-    this->colors = std::valarray<QColor>(c, sizeof c / sizeof c[0]);
+    MatrixDisplayWidget::MatrixDisplayWidget(QWidget* parent) :
+        QWidget(parent),
+        ui(new Ui::MatrixDisplayWidget)
+    {
+        ui->setupUi(this);
+        this->min = 0;
+        this->max = 1;
+        this->data = MatrixXf(1, 1);
+        this->data(0, 0) = 0;
+        QColor c[] = {QColor::fromHsv(0, 0, 0), QColor::fromHsv(240, 255, 255), QColor::fromHsv(270, 255, 255), QColor::fromHsv(300, 255, 255),
+                      QColor::fromHsv(0, 255, 255), QColor::fromHsv(30, 255, 255), QColor::fromHsv(60, 255, 255)
+                     };
+        this->colors = std::valarray<QColor>(c, sizeof c / sizeof c[0]);
-    //connect(this, SIGNAL(updateData(MatrixXf)), SLOT(setData(MatrixXf)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
-    connect(this, SIGNAL(doUpdate()), SLOT(update()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
+        //connect(this, SIGNAL(updateData(MatrixXf)), SLOT(setData(MatrixXf)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
+        connect(this, SIGNAL(doUpdate()), SLOT(update()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
+    }
-    delete ui;
+    MatrixDisplayWidget::~MatrixDisplayWidget()
+    {
+        delete ui;
+    }
-void MatrixDisplayWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)
-    mtx.lock();
-    MatrixXf data = this->data;
+    void MatrixDisplayWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)
+    {
+        mtx.lock();
+        MatrixXf data = this->data;
-    //cout << "[" << pthread_self() << "] MatrixDisplayWidget::paintEvent" << endl;
+        //cout << "[" << pthread_self() << "] MatrixDisplayWidget::paintEvent" << endl;
-    int pixelSize = std::min(width() / data.cols(), height() / data.rows());
-    int dx = (width() - pixelSize * data.cols()) / 2;
-    int dy = (height() - pixelSize * data.rows()) / 2;
-    QPainter painter(this);
-    painter.fillRect(rect(), QColor::fromRgb(0, 0, 0));
-    painter.setFont(QFont("Arial", 8));
+        int pixelSize = std::min(width() / data.cols(), height() / data.rows());
+        int dx = (width() - pixelSize * data.cols()) / 2;
+        int dy = (height() - pixelSize * data.rows()) / 2;
+        QPainter painter(this);
+        painter.fillRect(rect(), QColor::fromRgb(0, 0, 0));
+        painter.setFont(QFont("Arial", 8));
-    for (int x = 0; x < data.cols(); x++)
-    {
-        for (int y = 0; y < data.rows(); y++)
+        for (int x = 0; x < data.cols(); x++)
-            QRect target = QRect(dx + x * pixelSize, dy + y * pixelSize, pixelSize, pixelSize);
-            painter.fillRect(target, getColor(data(y, x), min, max));
-            painter.drawText(target, Qt::AlignCenter, QString::number(data(y, x)));
+            for (int y = 0; y < data.rows(); y++)
+            {
+                QRect target = QRect(dx + x * pixelSize, dy + y * pixelSize, pixelSize, pixelSize);
+                painter.fillRect(target, getColor(data(y, x), min, max));
+                painter.drawText(target, Qt::AlignCenter, QString::number(data(y, x)));
+            }
-    }
-    painter.setFont(QFont("Arial", 12));
-    painter.drawText(rect(), Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignRight, infoOverlay);
+        painter.setFont(QFont("Arial", 12));
+        painter.drawText(rect(), Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignRight, infoOverlay);
-    mtx.unlock();
-QColor MatrixDisplayWidget::getColor(float value, float min, float max)
-    value = (value - min) / (max - min) * (colors.size() - 1);
-    if (value < 0)
-    {
-        return colors[0];
+        mtx.unlock();
-    if (value >= colors.size() - 1)
+    QColor MatrixDisplayWidget::getColor(float value, float min, float max)
-        return colors[colors.size() - 1];
-    }
+        value = (value - min) / (max - min) * (colors.size() - 1);
+        if (value < 0)
+        {
+            return colors[0];
+        }
+        if (value >= colors.size() - 1)
+        {
+            return colors[colors.size() - 1];
+        }
-    int i = (int)value;
-    float f2 = value - i;
-    float f1 = 1 - f2;
-    QColor c1 = colors[i];
-    QColor c2 = colors[i + 1];
-    return QColor((int)( * f1 + * f2), (int)( * f1 + * f2), (int)( * f1 + * f2));
+        int i = (int)value;
+        float f2 = value - i;
+        float f1 = 1 - f2;
+        QColor c1 = colors[i];
+        QColor c2 = colors[i + 1];
+        return QColor((int)( * f1 + * f2), (int)( * f1 + * f2), (int)( * f1 + * f2));
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HomogeneousMatrixCalculator/HomogeneousMatrixCalculatorGuiPlugin.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HomogeneousMatrixCalculator/HomogeneousMatrixCalculatorGuiPlugin.cpp
index 80e0b9455..8356db80c 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HomogeneousMatrixCalculator/HomogeneousMatrixCalculatorGuiPlugin.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/HomogeneousMatrixCalculator/HomogeneousMatrixCalculatorGuiPlugin.cpp
@@ -24,9 +24,10 @@
 #include "HomogeneousMatrixCalculatorWidgetController.h"
-using namespace armarx;
+namespace armarx
-    addWidget < HomogeneousMatrixCalculatorWidgetController > ();
+    HomogeneousMatrixCalculatorGuiPlugin::HomogeneousMatrixCalculatorGuiPlugin()
+    {
+        addWidget < HomogeneousMatrixCalculatorWidgetController > ();
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/ViewSelection/ViewSelectionConfigDialog.h b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/ViewSelection/ViewSelectionConfigDialog.h
index ebb7b13b9..97b06a077 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/ViewSelection/ViewSelectionConfigDialog.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/gui-plugins/ViewSelection/ViewSelectionConfigDialog.h
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
 #include <ArmarXGui/libraries/ArmarXGuiBase/widgets/IceProxyFinder.h>
-using namespace armarx;
 namespace Ui
     class ViewSelectionConfigDialog;
@@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ private:
     Ui::ViewSelectionConfigDialog* ui;
-    IceProxyFinderBase* viewSelectionProxyFinder;
+    armarx::IceProxyFinderBase* viewSelectionProxyFinder;
     std::string uuid;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterfaceStdOverloads.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterfaceStdOverloads.cpp
index 7c436e6ae..da6b2dfc7 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterfaceStdOverloads.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterfaceStdOverloads.cpp
@@ -23,41 +23,41 @@
 #include "KinematicUnitInterfaceStdOverloads.h"
-using namespace armarx;
-std::string to_string(const ErrorStatus& status)
+namespace armarx
-    switch (status)
+    std::string to_string(const ErrorStatus& status)
-        case armarx::eOk:
-            return "Ok";
+        switch (status)
+        {
+            case armarx::eOk:
+                return "Ok";
-        case armarx::eWarning:
-            return "Warning";
+            case armarx::eWarning:
+                return "Warning";
-        case armarx::eError:
-            return "Error";
+            case armarx::eError:
+                return "Error";
-        default:
-            return "?";
+            default:
+                return "?";
+        }
-std::string to_string(const OperationStatus& status)
-    switch (status)
+    std::string to_string(const OperationStatus& status)
-        case armarx::eOffline:
-            return "Offline";
+        switch (status)
+        {
+            case armarx::eOffline:
+                return "Offline";
-        case armarx::eOnline:
-            return "Online";
+            case armarx::eOnline:
+                return "Online";
-        case armarx::eInitialized:
-            return "Initialized";
+            case armarx::eInitialized:
+                return "Initialized";
-        default:
-            return "?";
+            default:
+                return "?";
+        }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterfaceStdOverloads.h b/source/RobotAPI/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterfaceStdOverloads.h
index a19b8d051..44494ec0e 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterfaceStdOverloads.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/interface/units/KinematicUnitInterfaceStdOverloads.h
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
 namespace armarx
-    std::string to_string(const armarx::ErrorStatus& status);
-    std::string to_string(const armarx::OperationStatus& status);
+    std::string to_string(const ErrorStatus& status);
+    std::string to_string(const OperationStatus& status);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/DSControllers/DSRTBimanualController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/DSControllers/DSRTBimanualController.cpp
index 8ddc9ca8c..3cd107044 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/DSControllers/DSRTBimanualController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/DSControllers/DSRTBimanualController.cpp
@@ -23,987 +23,988 @@
 #include "DSRTBimanualController.h"
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/time/CycleUtil.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-NJointControllerRegistration<DSRTBimanualController> registrationControllerDSRTBimanualController("DSRTBimanualController");
-void DSRTBimanualController::onInitNJointController()
+namespace armarx
-    ARMARX_INFO << "init ...";
-    controllerStopRequested = false;
-    controllerRunFinished = false;
-    runTask("DSRTBimanualControllerTask", [&]
+    NJointControllerRegistration<DSRTBimanualController> registrationControllerDSRTBimanualController("DSRTBimanualController");
+    void DSRTBimanualController::onInitNJointController()
-        CycleUtil c(1);
-        getObjectScheduler()->waitForObjectStateMinimum(eManagedIceObjectStarted);
-        while (getState() == eManagedIceObjectStarted && !controllerStopRequested)
+        ARMARX_INFO << "init ...";
+        controllerStopRequested = false;
+        controllerRunFinished = false;
+        runTask("DSRTBimanualControllerTask", [&]
-            ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << "control fct";
-            if (isControllerActive())
+            CycleUtil c(1);
+            getObjectScheduler()->waitForObjectStateMinimum(eManagedIceObjectStarted);
+            while (getState() == eManagedIceObjectStarted && !controllerStopRequested)
-                controllerRun();
+                ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << "control fct";
+                if (isControllerActive())
+                {
+                    controllerRun();
+                }
+                c.waitForCycleDuration();
-            c.waitForCycleDuration();
-        }
-        controllerRunFinished = true;
-        ARMARX_INFO << "Control Fct finished";
-    });
+            controllerRunFinished = true;
+            ARMARX_INFO << "Control Fct finished";
+        });
+    }
-void DSRTBimanualController::onDisconnectNJointController()
-    ARMARX_INFO << "disconnect";
-    controllerStopRequested = true;
-    while (!controllerRunFinished)
+    void DSRTBimanualController::onDisconnectNJointController()
-        ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << "waiting for run function";
-        usleep(10000);
+        ARMARX_INFO << "disconnect";
+        controllerStopRequested = true;
+        while (!controllerRunFinished)
+        {
+            ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << "waiting for run function";
+            usleep(10000);
+        }
-DSRTBimanualController::DSRTBimanualController(const RobotUnitPtr& robotUnit, const armarx::NJointControllerConfigPtr& config, const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr&)
-    cfg = DSRTBimanualControllerConfigPtr::dynamicCast(config);
-    useSynchronizedRtRobot();
+    DSRTBimanualController::DSRTBimanualController(const RobotUnitPtr& robotUnit, const armarx::NJointControllerConfigPtr& config, const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr&)
+    {
+        cfg = DSRTBimanualControllerConfigPtr::dynamicCast(config);
+        useSynchronizedRtRobot();
-    VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr left_ns = rtGetRobot()->getRobotNodeSet("LeftArm");
-    VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr right_ns = rtGetRobot()->getRobotNodeSet("RightArm");
+        VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr left_ns = rtGetRobot()->getRobotNodeSet("LeftArm");
+        VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr right_ns = rtGetRobot()->getRobotNodeSet("RightArm");
-    left_jointNames.clear();
-    right_jointNames.clear();
+        left_jointNames.clear();
+        right_jointNames.clear();
-    ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(left_ns, "LeftArm");
-    ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(right_ns, "RightArm");
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(left_ns, "LeftArm");
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(right_ns, "RightArm");
-    // for left arm
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < left_ns->getSize(); ++i)
-    {
-        std::string jointName = left_ns->getNode(i)->getName();
-        left_jointNames.push_back(jointName);
-        ControlTargetBase* ct = useControlTarget(jointName, ControlModes::Torque1DoF); // ControlTargetBase* ct = useControlTarget(jointName, ControlModes::Velocity1DoF);
-        const SensorValueBase* sv = useSensorValue(jointName);
-        auto casted_ct = ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorTorque>(); // auto casted_ct = ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorVelocity>();
-        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(casted_ct);
-        left_torque_targets.push_back(casted_ct);
-        const SensorValue1DoFActuatorTorque* torqueSensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorTorque>();
-        const SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity* velocitySensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity>();
-        const SensorValue1DoFGravityTorque* gravityTorqueSensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFGravityTorque>();
-        const SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition* positionSensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition>();
-        if (!torqueSensor)
-        {
-            ARMARX_WARNING << "No Torque sensor available for " << jointName;
-        }
-        if (!gravityTorqueSensor)
+        // for left arm
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < left_ns->getSize(); ++i)
-            ARMARX_WARNING << "No Gravity Torque sensor available for " << jointName;
-        }
+            std::string jointName = left_ns->getNode(i)->getName();
+            left_jointNames.push_back(jointName);
+            ControlTargetBase* ct = useControlTarget(jointName, ControlModes::Torque1DoF); // ControlTargetBase* ct = useControlTarget(jointName, ControlModes::Velocity1DoF);
+            const SensorValueBase* sv = useSensorValue(jointName);
+            auto casted_ct = ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorTorque>(); // auto casted_ct = ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorVelocity>();
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(casted_ct);
+            left_torque_targets.push_back(casted_ct);
+            const SensorValue1DoFActuatorTorque* torqueSensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorTorque>();
+            const SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity* velocitySensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity>();
+            const SensorValue1DoFGravityTorque* gravityTorqueSensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFGravityTorque>();
+            const SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition* positionSensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition>();
+            if (!torqueSensor)
+            {
+                ARMARX_WARNING << "No Torque sensor available for " << jointName;
+            }
+            if (!gravityTorqueSensor)
+            {
+                ARMARX_WARNING << "No Gravity Torque sensor available for " << jointName;
+            }
-        left_torqueSensors.push_back(torqueSensor);
-        left_gravityTorqueSensors.push_back(gravityTorqueSensor);
-        left_velocitySensors.push_back(velocitySensor);
-        left_positionSensors.push_back(positionSensor);
-    };
+            left_torqueSensors.push_back(torqueSensor);
+            left_gravityTorqueSensors.push_back(gravityTorqueSensor);
+            left_velocitySensors.push_back(velocitySensor);
+            left_positionSensors.push_back(positionSensor);
+        };
-    // for right arm
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < right_ns->getSize(); ++i)
-    {
-        std::string jointName = right_ns->getNode(i)->getName();
-        right_jointNames.push_back(jointName);
-        ControlTargetBase* ct = useControlTarget(jointName, ControlModes::Torque1DoF); // ControlTargetBase* ct = useControlTarget(jointName, ControlModes::Velocity1DoF);
-        const SensorValueBase* sv = useSensorValue(jointName);
-        auto casted_ct = ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorTorque>(); // auto casted_ct = ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorVelocity>();
-        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(casted_ct);
-        right_torque_targets.push_back(casted_ct);
-        const SensorValue1DoFActuatorTorque* torqueSensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorTorque>();
-        const SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity* velocitySensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity>();
-        const SensorValue1DoFGravityTorque* gravityTorqueSensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFGravityTorque>();
-        const SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition* positionSensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition>();
-        if (!torqueSensor)
-        {
-            ARMARX_WARNING << "No Torque sensor available for " << jointName;
-        }
-        if (!gravityTorqueSensor)
+        // for right arm
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < right_ns->getSize(); ++i)
-            ARMARX_WARNING << "No Gravity Torque sensor available for " << jointName;
-        }
+            std::string jointName = right_ns->getNode(i)->getName();
+            right_jointNames.push_back(jointName);
+            ControlTargetBase* ct = useControlTarget(jointName, ControlModes::Torque1DoF); // ControlTargetBase* ct = useControlTarget(jointName, ControlModes::Velocity1DoF);
+            const SensorValueBase* sv = useSensorValue(jointName);
+            auto casted_ct = ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorTorque>(); // auto casted_ct = ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorVelocity>();
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(casted_ct);
+            right_torque_targets.push_back(casted_ct);
+            const SensorValue1DoFActuatorTorque* torqueSensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorTorque>();
+            const SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity* velocitySensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity>();
+            const SensorValue1DoFGravityTorque* gravityTorqueSensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFGravityTorque>();
+            const SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition* positionSensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition>();
+            if (!torqueSensor)
+            {
+                ARMARX_WARNING << "No Torque sensor available for " << jointName;
+            }
+            if (!gravityTorqueSensor)
+            {
+                ARMARX_WARNING << "No Gravity Torque sensor available for " << jointName;
+            }
-        right_torqueSensors.push_back(torqueSensor);
-        right_gravityTorqueSensors.push_back(gravityTorqueSensor);
-        right_velocitySensors.push_back(velocitySensor);
-        right_positionSensors.push_back(positionSensor);
-    };
+            right_torqueSensors.push_back(torqueSensor);
+            right_gravityTorqueSensors.push_back(gravityTorqueSensor);
+            right_velocitySensors.push_back(velocitySensor);
+            right_positionSensors.push_back(positionSensor);
+        };
-    const SensorValueBase* svlf = useSensorValue("FT L");
-    leftForceTorque = svlf->asA<SensorValueForceTorque>();
-    const SensorValueBase* svrf = useSensorValue("FT R");
-    rightForceTorque = svrf->asA<SensorValueForceTorque>();
+        const SensorValueBase* svlf = useSensorValue("FT L");
+        leftForceTorque = svlf->asA<SensorValueForceTorque>();
+        const SensorValueBase* svrf = useSensorValue("FT R");
+        rightForceTorque = svrf->asA<SensorValueForceTorque>();
-    ARMARX_INFO << "Initialized " << left_torque_targets.size() << " targets for the left arm";
-    ARMARX_INFO << "Initialized " << right_torque_targets.size() << " targets for the right arm";
+        ARMARX_INFO << "Initialized " << left_torque_targets.size() << " targets for the left arm";
+        ARMARX_INFO << "Initialized " << right_torque_targets.size() << " targets for the right arm";
-    left_arm_tcp =  left_ns->getTCP();
-    right_arm_tcp =  right_ns->getTCP();
+        left_arm_tcp =  left_ns->getTCP();
+        right_arm_tcp =  right_ns->getTCP();
-    left_sensor_frame = left_ns->getRobot()->getRobotNode("ArmL8_Wri2");
-    right_sensor_frame  = right_ns->getRobot()->getRobotNode("ArmR8_Wri2");
+        left_sensor_frame = left_ns->getRobot()->getRobotNode("ArmL8_Wri2");
+        right_sensor_frame  = right_ns->getRobot()->getRobotNode("ArmR8_Wri2");
-    left_ik.reset(new VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK(left_ns, rtGetRobot()->getRootNode(), VirtualRobot::JacobiProvider::eSVDDamped));
-    right_ik.reset(new VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK(right_ns, rtGetRobot()->getRootNode(), VirtualRobot::JacobiProvider::eSVDDamped));
+        left_ik.reset(new VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK(left_ns, rtGetRobot()->getRootNode(), VirtualRobot::JacobiProvider::eSVDDamped));
+        right_ik.reset(new VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK(right_ns, rtGetRobot()->getRootNode(), VirtualRobot::JacobiProvider::eSVDDamped));
-    // ?? not sure about this
-    DSRTBimanualControllerSensorData initSensorData;
+        // ?? not sure about this
+        DSRTBimanualControllerSensorData initSensorData;
-    initSensorData.left_tcpPose = left_arm_tcp->getPoseInRootFrame();
-    initSensorData.currentTime = 0;
-    controllerSensorData.reinitAllBuffers(initSensorData);
+        initSensorData.left_tcpPose = left_arm_tcp->getPoseInRootFrame();
+        initSensorData.currentTime = 0;
+        controllerSensorData.reinitAllBuffers(initSensorData);
-    initSensorData.right_tcpPose = right_arm_tcp->getPoseInRootFrame();
-    initSensorData.currentTime = 0;
-    controllerSensorData.reinitAllBuffers(initSensorData);
+        initSensorData.right_tcpPose = right_arm_tcp->getPoseInRootFrame();
+        initSensorData.currentTime = 0;
+        controllerSensorData.reinitAllBuffers(initSensorData);
-    left_oldPosition = left_arm_tcp->getPositionInRootFrame();
-    left_oldOrientation = left_arm_tcp->getPoseInRootFrame().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
+        left_oldPosition = left_arm_tcp->getPositionInRootFrame();
+        left_oldOrientation = left_arm_tcp->getPoseInRootFrame().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
-    right_oldPosition = right_arm_tcp->getPositionInRootFrame();
-    right_oldOrientation = right_arm_tcp->getPoseInRootFrame().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
+        right_oldPosition = right_arm_tcp->getPositionInRootFrame();
+        right_oldOrientation = right_arm_tcp->getPoseInRootFrame().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
-    std::vector<float> left_desiredQuaternionVec = cfg->left_desiredQuaternion;
-    ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(left_desiredQuaternionVec.size(), 4);
+        std::vector<float> left_desiredQuaternionVec = cfg->left_desiredQuaternion;
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(left_desiredQuaternionVec.size(), 4);
-    std::vector<float> right_desiredQuaternionVec = cfg->right_desiredQuaternion;
-    ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(right_desiredQuaternionVec.size(), 4);
+        std::vector<float> right_desiredQuaternionVec = cfg->right_desiredQuaternion;
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(right_desiredQuaternionVec.size(), 4);
-    left_desiredQuaternion.w() =;
-    left_desiredQuaternion.x() =;
-    left_desiredQuaternion.y() =;
-    left_desiredQuaternion.z() =;
+        left_desiredQuaternion.w() =;
+        left_desiredQuaternion.x() =;
+        left_desiredQuaternion.y() =;
+        left_desiredQuaternion.z() =;
-    right_desiredQuaternion.w() =;
-    right_desiredQuaternion.x() =;
-    right_desiredQuaternion.y() =;
-    right_desiredQuaternion.z() =;
+        right_desiredQuaternion.w() =;
+        right_desiredQuaternion.x() =;
+        right_desiredQuaternion.y() =;
+        right_desiredQuaternion.z() =;
-    // set initial joint velocities filter
+        // set initial joint velocities filter
-    left_jointVelocity_filtered.resize(left_torque_targets.size());
-    left_jointVelocity_filtered.setZero();
-    right_jointVelocity_filtered.resize(left_torque_targets.size());
-    right_jointVelocity_filtered.setZero();
+        left_jointVelocity_filtered.resize(left_torque_targets.size());
+        left_jointVelocity_filtered.setZero();
+        right_jointVelocity_filtered.resize(left_torque_targets.size());
+        right_jointVelocity_filtered.setZero();
-    // do we need to duplicate this?
-    DSRTBimanualControllerControlData initData;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
-    {
-        initData.left_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity(i) = 0;
-        initData.right_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity(i) = 0;
+        // do we need to duplicate this?
+        DSRTBimanualControllerControlData initData;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+        {
+            initData.left_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity(i) = 0;
+            initData.right_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity(i) = 0;
-    }
+        }
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
-    {
-        initData.left_tcpDesiredAngularError(i) = 0;
-        initData.right_tcpDesiredAngularError(i) = 0;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+        {
+            initData.left_tcpDesiredAngularError(i) = 0;
+            initData.right_tcpDesiredAngularError(i) = 0;
-    }
-    reinitTripleBuffer(initData);
+        }
+        reinitTripleBuffer(initData);
-    // initial filter
-    left_desiredTorques_filtered.resize(left_torque_targets.size());
-    left_desiredTorques_filtered.setZero();
-    right_desiredTorques_filtered.resize(right_torque_targets.size());
-    right_desiredTorques_filtered.setZero();
+        // initial filter
+        left_desiredTorques_filtered.resize(left_torque_targets.size());
+        left_desiredTorques_filtered.setZero();
+        right_desiredTorques_filtered.resize(right_torque_targets.size());
+        right_desiredTorques_filtered.setZero();
-    left_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered.setZero();
-    right_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered.setZero();
+        left_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered.setZero();
+        right_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered.setZero();
-    left_currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered.setZero();
-    right_currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered.setZero();
+        left_currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered.setZero();
+        right_currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered.setZero();
-    left_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered.setZero();
-    right_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered.setZero();
+        left_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered.setZero();
+        right_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered.setZero();
-    smooth_startup = 0;
+        smooth_startup = 0;
-    filterTimeConstant = cfg->filterTimeConstant;
-    posiKp = cfg->posiKp;
-    v_max = cfg->v_max;
-    Damping = cfg->posiDamping;
-    Coupling_stiffness = cfg->couplingStiffness;
-    Coupling_force_limit = cfg->couplingForceLimit;
-    forward_gain = cfg->forwardGain;
-    torqueLimit = cfg->torqueLimit;
-    null_torqueLimit = cfg->NullTorqueLimit;
-    oriKp = cfg->oriKp;
-    oriDamping  = cfg->oriDamping;
-    contactForce = cfg->contactForce;
+        filterTimeConstant = cfg->filterTimeConstant;
+        posiKp = cfg->posiKp;
+        v_max = cfg->v_max;
+        Damping = cfg->posiDamping;
+        Coupling_stiffness = cfg->couplingStiffness;
+        Coupling_force_limit = cfg->couplingForceLimit;
+        forward_gain = cfg->forwardGain;
+        torqueLimit = cfg->torqueLimit;
+        null_torqueLimit = cfg->NullTorqueLimit;
+        oriKp = cfg->oriKp;
+        oriDamping  = cfg->oriDamping;
+        contactForce = cfg->contactForce;
-    left_oriUp.w() =  cfg->left_oriUp[0];
-    left_oriUp.x() =  cfg->left_oriUp[1];
-    left_oriUp.y() =  cfg->left_oriUp[2];
-    left_oriUp.z() =  cfg->left_oriUp[3];
+        left_oriUp.w() =  cfg->left_oriUp[0];
+        left_oriUp.x() =  cfg->left_oriUp[1];
+        left_oriUp.y() =  cfg->left_oriUp[2];
+        left_oriUp.z() =  cfg->left_oriUp[3];
-    left_oriDown.w() = cfg->left_oriDown[0];
-    left_oriDown.x() = cfg->left_oriDown[1];
-    left_oriDown.y() = cfg->left_oriDown[2];
-    left_oriDown.z() = cfg->left_oriDown[3];
+        left_oriDown.w() = cfg->left_oriDown[0];
+        left_oriDown.x() = cfg->left_oriDown[1];
+        left_oriDown.y() = cfg->left_oriDown[2];
+        left_oriDown.z() = cfg->left_oriDown[3];
-    right_oriUp.w() = cfg->right_oriUp[0];
-    right_oriUp.x() = cfg->right_oriUp[1];
-    right_oriUp.y() = cfg->right_oriUp[2];
-    right_oriUp.z() = cfg->right_oriUp[3];
+        right_oriUp.w() = cfg->right_oriUp[0];
+        right_oriUp.x() = cfg->right_oriUp[1];
+        right_oriUp.y() = cfg->right_oriUp[2];
+        right_oriUp.z() = cfg->right_oriUp[3];
-    right_oriDown.w() = cfg->right_oriDown[0];
-    right_oriDown.x() = cfg->right_oriDown[1];
-    right_oriDown.y() = cfg->right_oriDown[2];
-    right_oriDown.z() = cfg->right_oriDown[3];
+        right_oriDown.w() = cfg->right_oriDown[0];
+        right_oriDown.x() = cfg->right_oriDown[1];
+        right_oriDown.y() = cfg->right_oriDown[2];
+        right_oriDown.z() = cfg->right_oriDown[3];
-    guardTargetZUp = cfg->guardTargetZUp;
-    guardTargetZDown = cfg->guardTargetZDown;
-    guardDesiredZ = guardTargetZUp;
-    guard_mounting_correction_z = 0;
+        guardTargetZUp = cfg->guardTargetZUp;
+        guardTargetZDown = cfg->guardTargetZDown;
+        guardDesiredZ = guardTargetZUp;
+        guard_mounting_correction_z = 0;
-    guardXYHighFrequency = 0;
-    left_force_old.setZero();
-    right_force_old.setZero();
+        guardXYHighFrequency = 0;
+        left_force_old.setZero();
+        right_force_old.setZero();
-    left_contactForceZ_correction = 0;
-    right_contactForceZ_correction = 0;
+        left_contactForceZ_correction = 0;
+        right_contactForceZ_correction = 0;
-    std::vector<float> leftarm_qnullspaceVec = cfg->leftarm_qnullspaceVec;
-    std::vector<float> rightarm_qnullspaceVec = cfg->rightarm_qnullspaceVec;
+        std::vector<float> leftarm_qnullspaceVec = cfg->leftarm_qnullspaceVec;
+        std::vector<float> rightarm_qnullspaceVec = cfg->rightarm_qnullspaceVec;
-    left_qnullspace.resize(leftarm_qnullspaceVec.size());
-    right_qnullspace.resize(rightarm_qnullspaceVec.size());
+        left_qnullspace.resize(leftarm_qnullspaceVec.size());
+        right_qnullspace.resize(rightarm_qnullspaceVec.size());
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < leftarm_qnullspaceVec.size(); ++i)
-    {
-        left_qnullspace(i) = leftarm_qnullspaceVec[i];
-        right_qnullspace(i) = rightarm_qnullspaceVec[i];
-    }
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < leftarm_qnullspaceVec.size(); ++i)
+        {
+            left_qnullspace(i) = leftarm_qnullspaceVec[i];
+            right_qnullspace(i) = rightarm_qnullspaceVec[i];
+        }
-    nullspaceKp = cfg->nullspaceKp;
-    nullspaceDamping = cfg->nullspaceDamping;
+        nullspaceKp = cfg->nullspaceKp;
+        nullspaceDamping = cfg->nullspaceDamping;
-    //set GMM parameters ...
-    if (cfg->gmmParamsFile == "")
-    {
-        ARMARX_ERROR << "gmm params file cannot be empty string ...";
-    }
-    gmmMotionGenerator.reset(new BimanualGMMMotionGen(cfg->gmmParamsFile));
-    positionErrorTolerance = cfg->positionErrorTolerance;
-    forceFilterCoeff = cfg->forceFilterCoeff;
-    for (size_t i = 0 ; i < 3; ++i)
-    {
-        leftForceOffset[i] = cfg->;
-        rightForceOffset[i] = cfg->;
+        //set GMM parameters ...
+        if (cfg->gmmParamsFile == "")
+        {
+            ARMARX_ERROR << "gmm params file cannot be empty string ...";
+        }
+        gmmMotionGenerator.reset(new BimanualGMMMotionGen(cfg->gmmParamsFile));
+        positionErrorTolerance = cfg->positionErrorTolerance;
+        forceFilterCoeff = cfg->forceFilterCoeff;
+        for (size_t i = 0 ; i < 3; ++i)
+        {
+            leftForceOffset[i] = cfg->;
+            rightForceOffset[i] = cfg->;
+        }
+        isDefaultTarget = false;
+        ARMARX_INFO << "Initialization done";
-    isDefaultTarget = false;
-    ARMARX_INFO << "Initialization done";
-void DSRTBimanualController::controllerRun()
-    if (!controllerSensorData.updateReadBuffer())
+    void DSRTBimanualController::controllerRun()
-        return;
-    }
+        if (!controllerSensorData.updateReadBuffer())
+        {
+            return;
+        }
-    // receive the measurements
-    Eigen::Matrix4f left_currentTCPPose = controllerSensorData.getReadBuffer().left_tcpPose;
-    Eigen::Matrix4f right_currentTCPPose = controllerSensorData.getReadBuffer().right_tcpPose;
+        // receive the measurements
+        Eigen::Matrix4f left_currentTCPPose = controllerSensorData.getReadBuffer().left_tcpPose;
+        Eigen::Matrix4f right_currentTCPPose = controllerSensorData.getReadBuffer().right_tcpPose;
-    Eigen::Vector3f left_force = controllerSensorData.getReadBuffer().left_force;
-    Eigen::Vector3f right_force = controllerSensorData.getReadBuffer().right_force;
-    Eigen::Vector3f both_arm_force_ave = - 0.5 * (left_force + right_force); // negative sign for the direction
+        Eigen::Vector3f left_force = controllerSensorData.getReadBuffer().left_force;
+        Eigen::Vector3f right_force = controllerSensorData.getReadBuffer().right_force;
+        Eigen::Vector3f both_arm_force_ave = - 0.5 * (left_force + right_force); // negative sign for the direction
-    //    float left_force_z = left_force(2);
-    //    float right_force_z = right_force(2);
+        //    float left_force_z = left_force(2);
+        //    float right_force_z = right_force(2);
-    Eigen::Vector3f left_currentTCPPositionInMeter;
-    Eigen::Vector3f right_currentTCPPositionInMeter;
+        Eigen::Vector3f left_currentTCPPositionInMeter;
+        Eigen::Vector3f right_currentTCPPositionInMeter;
-    left_currentTCPPositionInMeter << left_currentTCPPose(0, 3), left_currentTCPPose(1, 3), left_currentTCPPose(2, 3);
-    right_currentTCPPositionInMeter << right_currentTCPPose(0, 3), right_currentTCPPose(1, 3), right_currentTCPPose(2, 3);
+        left_currentTCPPositionInMeter << left_currentTCPPose(0, 3), left_currentTCPPose(1, 3), left_currentTCPPose(2, 3);
+        right_currentTCPPositionInMeter << right_currentTCPPose(0, 3), right_currentTCPPose(1, 3), right_currentTCPPose(2, 3);
-    left_currentTCPPositionInMeter = 0.001 * left_currentTCPPositionInMeter;
-    right_currentTCPPositionInMeter = 0.001 * right_currentTCPPositionInMeter;
+        left_currentTCPPositionInMeter = 0.001 * left_currentTCPPositionInMeter;
+        right_currentTCPPositionInMeter = 0.001 * right_currentTCPPositionInMeter;
-    // updating the desired height for the guard based on the interaction forces
-    float both_arm_height_z_ave =  0.5 * (left_currentTCPPositionInMeter(2) + right_currentTCPPositionInMeter(2));
+        // updating the desired height for the guard based on the interaction forces
+        float both_arm_height_z_ave =  0.5 * (left_currentTCPPositionInMeter(2) + right_currentTCPPositionInMeter(2));
-    float adaptive_ratio = 1;
-    float force_error_z = 0;
-    float guard_mounting_correction_x = 0;
-    float guard_mounting_correction_y = 0;
+        float adaptive_ratio = 1;
+        float force_error_z = 0;
+        float guard_mounting_correction_x = 0;
+        float guard_mounting_correction_y = 0;
-    if (cfg->guardDesiredDirection)
-    {
-        adaptive_ratio = 1;
-        force_error_z = both_arm_force_ave(2) - adaptive_ratio  * cfg->liftingForce;
+        if (cfg->guardDesiredDirection)
+        {
+            adaptive_ratio = 1;
+            force_error_z = both_arm_force_ave(2) - adaptive_ratio  * cfg->liftingForce;
-        // meausures the high-frequency components of the interaction forces
-        float diff_norm = (left_force - left_force_old).squaredNorm() + (right_force - right_force_old).squaredNorm();
-        // diff_norm = deadzone(diff_norm,0.1,2);
-        guardXYHighFrequency = cfg->highPassFilterFactor * guardXYHighFrequency + 0.1 * diff_norm;
+            // meausures the high-frequency components of the interaction forces
+            float diff_norm = (left_force - left_force_old).squaredNorm() + (right_force - right_force_old).squaredNorm();
+            // diff_norm = deadzone(diff_norm,0.1,2);
+            guardXYHighFrequency = cfg->highPassFilterFactor * guardXYHighFrequency + 0.1 * diff_norm;
-        guardXYHighFrequency = (guardXYHighFrequency > 10) ? 10 : guardXYHighFrequency;
+            guardXYHighFrequency = (guardXYHighFrequency > 10) ? 10 : guardXYHighFrequency;
-        left_force_old = left_force;
-        right_force_old = right_force;
+            left_force_old = left_force;
+            right_force_old = right_force;
-        if (fabs(both_arm_height_z_ave - guardTargetZUp) < cfg->mountingDistanceTolerance)
-        {
-            guard_mounting_correction_z = (1 - cfg->mountingCorrectionFilterFactor) * guard_mounting_correction_z + cfg->mountingCorrectionFilterFactor * (- 0.1 * (guardXYHighFrequency - 8));
-            guard_mounting_correction_z = deadzone(guard_mounting_correction_z, 0, 0.1);
+            if (fabs(both_arm_height_z_ave - guardTargetZUp) < cfg->mountingDistanceTolerance)
+            {
+                guard_mounting_correction_z = (1 - cfg->mountingCorrectionFilterFactor) * guard_mounting_correction_z + cfg->mountingCorrectionFilterFactor * (- 0.1 * (guardXYHighFrequency - 8));
+                guard_mounting_correction_z = deadzone(guard_mounting_correction_z, 0, 0.1);
-            guard_mounting_correction_x = guard_mounting_correction_x - cfg->forceErrorZGain * deadzone(both_arm_force_ave(0), 1, 3);
-            guard_mounting_correction_y = guard_mounting_correction_y - cfg->forceErrorZGain * deadzone(both_arm_force_ave(1), 1, 3);
+                guard_mounting_correction_x = guard_mounting_correction_x - cfg->forceErrorZGain * deadzone(both_arm_force_ave(0), 1, 3);
+                guard_mounting_correction_y = guard_mounting_correction_y - cfg->forceErrorZGain * deadzone(both_arm_force_ave(1), 1, 3);
-            guard_mounting_correction_x = deadzone(guard_mounting_correction_x, 0, 0.1);
-            guard_mounting_correction_y = deadzone(guard_mounting_correction_y, 0, 0.1);
+                guard_mounting_correction_x = deadzone(guard_mounting_correction_x, 0, 0.1);
+                guard_mounting_correction_y = deadzone(guard_mounting_correction_y, 0, 0.1);
-        }
+            }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        adaptive_ratio = (0.5 * (both_arm_height_z_ave - guardTargetZDown) / (guardTargetZUp - guardTargetZDown) + 0.5);
-        force_error_z = both_arm_force_ave(2) - adaptive_ratio  * cfg->loweringForce;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            adaptive_ratio = (0.5 * (both_arm_height_z_ave - guardTargetZDown) / (guardTargetZUp - guardTargetZDown) + 0.5);
+            force_error_z = both_arm_force_ave(2) - adaptive_ratio  * cfg->loweringForce;
-    }
+        }
-    force_error_z = deadzone(force_error_z, cfg->forceErrorZDisturbance, cfg->forceErrorZThreshold);
-    guardDesiredZ = guardDesiredZ - cfg->forceErrorZGain * (force_error_z);
+        force_error_z = deadzone(force_error_z, cfg->forceErrorZDisturbance, cfg->forceErrorZThreshold);
+        guardDesiredZ = guardDesiredZ - cfg->forceErrorZGain * (force_error_z);
-    guardDesiredZ = (guardDesiredZ > guardTargetZUp) ?  guardTargetZUp : guardDesiredZ;
-    guardDesiredZ = (guardDesiredZ < guardTargetZDown) ?  guardTargetZDown : guardDesiredZ;
+        guardDesiredZ = (guardDesiredZ > guardTargetZUp) ?  guardTargetZUp : guardDesiredZ;
+        guardDesiredZ = (guardDesiredZ < guardTargetZDown) ?  guardTargetZDown : guardDesiredZ;
-    if (isDefaultTarget)
-    {
-        guardDesiredZ = guardTargetZDown;
-    }
+        if (isDefaultTarget)
+        {
+            guardDesiredZ = guardTargetZDown;
+        }
-    if (!cfg->guardDesiredDirection && guardDesiredZ < 1.5)
-    {
-        guard_mounting_correction_y = -0.1;
-    }
+        if (!cfg->guardDesiredDirection && guardDesiredZ < 1.5)
+        {
+            guard_mounting_correction_y = -0.1;
+        }
-    // update the desired velocity
-    gmmMotionGenerator->updateDesiredVelocity(
-        left_currentTCPPositionInMeter,
-        right_currentTCPPositionInMeter,
-        positionErrorTolerance,
-        guardDesiredZ,
-        guard_mounting_correction_x,
-        guard_mounting_correction_y,
-        guard_mounting_correction_z);
+        // update the desired velocity
+        gmmMotionGenerator->updateDesiredVelocity(
+            left_currentTCPPositionInMeter,
+            right_currentTCPPositionInMeter,
+            positionErrorTolerance,
+            guardDesiredZ,
+            guard_mounting_correction_x,
+            guard_mounting_correction_y,
+            guard_mounting_correction_z);
-    //    ARMARX_INFO << "tcpDesiredLinearVelocity: " << gmmMotionGenerator->left_DS_DesiredVelocity;
-    //    ARMARX_INFO << "tcpDesiredLinearVelocity: " << gmmMotionGenerator->right_DS_DesiredVelocity;
+        //    ARMARX_INFO << "tcpDesiredLinearVelocity: " << gmmMotionGenerator->left_DS_DesiredVelocity;
+        //    ARMARX_INFO << "tcpDesiredLinearVelocity: " << gmmMotionGenerator->right_DS_DesiredVelocity;
-    Eigen::Vector3f left_tcpDesiredAngularError;
-    Eigen::Vector3f right_tcpDesiredAngularError;
+        Eigen::Vector3f left_tcpDesiredAngularError;
+        Eigen::Vector3f right_tcpDesiredAngularError;
-    left_tcpDesiredAngularError << 0, 0, 0;
-    right_tcpDesiredAngularError << 0, 0, 0;
+        left_tcpDesiredAngularError << 0, 0, 0;
+        right_tcpDesiredAngularError << 0, 0, 0;
-    Eigen::Matrix3f left_currentRotMat = left_currentTCPPose.block<3, 3>(0, 0);
-    Eigen::Matrix3f right_currentRotMat = right_currentTCPPose.block<3, 3>(0, 0);
+        Eigen::Matrix3f left_currentRotMat = left_currentTCPPose.block<3, 3>(0, 0);
+        Eigen::Matrix3f right_currentRotMat = right_currentTCPPose.block<3, 3>(0, 0);
-    float lqratio = (left_currentTCPPositionInMeter(2) - guardTargetZDown) / (guardTargetZUp - guardTargetZDown);
-    float rqratio = (right_currentTCPPositionInMeter(2) - guardTargetZDown) / (guardTargetZUp - guardTargetZDown);
+        float lqratio = (left_currentTCPPositionInMeter(2) - guardTargetZDown) / (guardTargetZUp - guardTargetZDown);
+        float rqratio = (right_currentTCPPositionInMeter(2) - guardTargetZDown) / (guardTargetZUp - guardTargetZDown);
-    lqratio = (lqratio > 1) ?  1 : lqratio;
-    lqratio = (lqratio < 0) ?  0 : lqratio;
-    rqratio = (rqratio > 1) ?  1 : rqratio;
-    rqratio = (rqratio < 0) ?  0 : rqratio;
+        lqratio = (lqratio > 1) ?  1 : lqratio;
+        lqratio = (lqratio < 0) ?  0 : lqratio;
+        rqratio = (rqratio > 1) ?  1 : rqratio;
+        rqratio = (rqratio < 0) ?  0 : rqratio;
-    Eigen::Quaternionf left_desiredQuaternion = quatSlerp(lqratio, left_oriDown, left_oriUp);
-    Eigen::Quaternionf right_desiredQuaternion = quatSlerp(rqratio, right_oriDown, right_oriUp);
+        Eigen::Quaternionf left_desiredQuaternion = quatSlerp(lqratio, left_oriDown, left_oriUp);
+        Eigen::Quaternionf right_desiredQuaternion = quatSlerp(rqratio, right_oriDown, right_oriUp);
-    Eigen::Matrix3f left_desiredRotMat = left_desiredQuaternion.normalized().toRotationMatrix();
-    Eigen::Matrix3f right_desiredRotMat = right_desiredQuaternion.normalized().toRotationMatrix();
+        Eigen::Matrix3f left_desiredRotMat = left_desiredQuaternion.normalized().toRotationMatrix();
+        Eigen::Matrix3f right_desiredRotMat = right_desiredQuaternion.normalized().toRotationMatrix();
-    Eigen::Matrix3f left_orientationError = left_currentRotMat * left_desiredRotMat.inverse();
-    Eigen::Matrix3f right_orientationError = right_currentRotMat * right_desiredRotMat.inverse();
+        Eigen::Matrix3f left_orientationError = left_currentRotMat * left_desiredRotMat.inverse();
+        Eigen::Matrix3f right_orientationError = right_currentRotMat * right_desiredRotMat.inverse();
-    Eigen::Quaternionf left_diffQuaternion(left_orientationError);
-    Eigen::Quaternionf right_diffQuaternion(right_orientationError);
+        Eigen::Quaternionf left_diffQuaternion(left_orientationError);
+        Eigen::Quaternionf right_diffQuaternion(right_orientationError);
-    Eigen::AngleAxisf left_angleAxis(left_diffQuaternion);
-    Eigen::AngleAxisf right_angleAxis(right_diffQuaternion);
+        Eigen::AngleAxisf left_angleAxis(left_diffQuaternion);
+        Eigen::AngleAxisf right_angleAxis(right_diffQuaternion);
-    left_tcpDesiredAngularError = left_angleAxis.angle() * left_angleAxis.axis();
-    right_tcpDesiredAngularError = right_angleAxis.angle() * right_angleAxis.axis();
+        left_tcpDesiredAngularError = left_angleAxis.angle() * left_angleAxis.axis();
+        right_tcpDesiredAngularError = right_angleAxis.angle() * right_angleAxis.axis();
-    // writing to the buffer
-    getWriterControlStruct().left_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity = gmmMotionGenerator->left_DS_DesiredVelocity;
-    getWriterControlStruct().right_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity = gmmMotionGenerator->right_DS_DesiredVelocity;
-    getWriterControlStruct().left_right_distanceInMeter = gmmMotionGenerator->left_right_position_errorInMeter;
+        // writing to the buffer
+        getWriterControlStruct().left_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity = gmmMotionGenerator->left_DS_DesiredVelocity;
+        getWriterControlStruct().right_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity = gmmMotionGenerator->right_DS_DesiredVelocity;
+        getWriterControlStruct().left_right_distanceInMeter = gmmMotionGenerator->left_right_position_errorInMeter;
-    getWriterControlStruct().left_tcpDesiredAngularError = left_tcpDesiredAngularError;
-    getWriterControlStruct().right_tcpDesiredAngularError = right_tcpDesiredAngularError;
+        getWriterControlStruct().left_tcpDesiredAngularError = left_tcpDesiredAngularError;
+        getWriterControlStruct().right_tcpDesiredAngularError = right_tcpDesiredAngularError;
-    writeControlStruct();
-    debugCtrlDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desredZ = guardDesiredZ;
-    debugCtrlDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().force_error_z = force_error_z;
-    debugCtrlDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().guardXYHighFrequency = guardXYHighFrequency;
-    debugCtrlDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().guard_mounting_correction_x = guard_mounting_correction_x;
-    debugCtrlDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().guard_mounting_correction_y = guard_mounting_correction_y;
-    debugCtrlDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().guard_mounting_correction_z = guard_mounting_correction_z;
-    debugCtrlDataInfo.commitWrite();
+        writeControlStruct();
+        debugCtrlDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desredZ = guardDesiredZ;
+        debugCtrlDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().force_error_z = force_error_z;
+        debugCtrlDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().guardXYHighFrequency = guardXYHighFrequency;
+        debugCtrlDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().guard_mounting_correction_x = guard_mounting_correction_x;
+        debugCtrlDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().guard_mounting_correction_y = guard_mounting_correction_y;
+        debugCtrlDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().guard_mounting_correction_z = guard_mounting_correction_z;
+        debugCtrlDataInfo.commitWrite();
+    }
-void DSRTBimanualController::rtRun(const IceUtil::Time& sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time& timeSinceLastIteration)
-    // reading the control objectives from the other threads (desired velocities)
-    Eigen::Vector3f left_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity = rtGetControlStruct().left_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity;
-    Eigen::Vector3f right_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity = rtGetControlStruct().right_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity;
-    Eigen::Vector3f left_tcpDesiredAngularError = rtGetControlStruct().left_tcpDesiredAngularError;
-    Eigen::Vector3f right_tcpDesiredAngularError = rtGetControlStruct().right_tcpDesiredAngularError;
-    Eigen::Vector3f left_right_distanceInMeter = rtGetControlStruct().left_right_distanceInMeter;
+    void DSRTBimanualController::rtRun(const IceUtil::Time& sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time& timeSinceLastIteration)
+    {
+        // reading the control objectives from the other threads (desired velocities)
+        Eigen::Vector3f left_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity = rtGetControlStruct().left_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity;
+        Eigen::Vector3f right_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity = rtGetControlStruct().right_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity;
+        Eigen::Vector3f left_tcpDesiredAngularError = rtGetControlStruct().left_tcpDesiredAngularError;
+        Eigen::Vector3f right_tcpDesiredAngularError = rtGetControlStruct().right_tcpDesiredAngularError;
+        Eigen::Vector3f left_right_distanceInMeter = rtGetControlStruct().left_right_distanceInMeter;
-    double deltaT = timeSinceLastIteration.toSecondsDouble();
+        double deltaT = timeSinceLastIteration.toSecondsDouble();
-    // measure the sesor data for the other threads
+        // measure the sesor data for the other threads
-    Eigen::Matrix4f leftSensorFrame = left_sensor_frame->getPoseInRootFrame();
-    Eigen::Matrix4f rightSensorFrame = right_sensor_frame->getPoseInRootFrame();
+        Eigen::Matrix4f leftSensorFrame = left_sensor_frame->getPoseInRootFrame();
+        Eigen::Matrix4f rightSensorFrame = right_sensor_frame->getPoseInRootFrame();
-    //    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "left force offset: " << leftForceOffset;
-    //    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "right force offset: " << rightForceOffset;
+        //    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "left force offset: " << leftForceOffset;
+        //    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "right force offset: " << rightForceOffset;
-    Eigen::Vector3f left_forceInRoot = leftSensorFrame.block<3, 3>(0, 0) * (leftForceTorque->force - leftForceOffset);
-    Eigen::Vector3f right_forceInRoot = rightSensorFrame.block<3, 3>(0, 0) * (rightForceTorque->force - rightForceOffset);
-    //    Eigen::Vector3f left_torqueInRoot = leftSensorFrame.block<3, 3>(0, 0) * leftForceTorque->torque;
-    //    Eigen::Vector3f right_torqueInRoot = rightSensorFrame.block<3, 3>(0, 0) * rightForceTorque->torque;
-    left_forceInRoot(2) = left_forceInRoot(2) + cfg->leftForceOffsetZ; // - 4 + 8.5;
-    right_forceInRoot(2) = right_forceInRoot(2) + cfg->rightForceOffsetZ; // + 30 - 5.2;
+        Eigen::Vector3f left_forceInRoot = leftSensorFrame.block<3, 3>(0, 0) * (leftForceTorque->force - leftForceOffset);
+        Eigen::Vector3f right_forceInRoot = rightSensorFrame.block<3, 3>(0, 0) * (rightForceTorque->force - rightForceOffset);
+        //    Eigen::Vector3f left_torqueInRoot = leftSensorFrame.block<3, 3>(0, 0) * leftForceTorque->torque;
+        //    Eigen::Vector3f right_torqueInRoot = rightSensorFrame.block<3, 3>(0, 0) * rightForceTorque->torque;
+        left_forceInRoot(2) = left_forceInRoot(2) + cfg->leftForceOffsetZ; // - 4 + 8.5;
+        right_forceInRoot(2) = right_forceInRoot(2) + cfg->rightForceOffsetZ; // + 30 - 5.2;
-    Eigen::Matrix4f left_currentTCPPose = left_arm_tcp->getPoseInRootFrame();
-    Eigen::Matrix4f right_currentTCPPose = right_arm_tcp->getPoseInRootFrame();
+        Eigen::Matrix4f left_currentTCPPose = left_arm_tcp->getPoseInRootFrame();
+        Eigen::Matrix4f right_currentTCPPose = right_arm_tcp->getPoseInRootFrame();
-    Eigen::MatrixXf left_jacobi = left_ik->getJacobianMatrix(left_arm_tcp, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection::All);
-    Eigen::MatrixXf right_jacobi = right_ik->getJacobianMatrix(right_arm_tcp, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection::All);
+        Eigen::MatrixXf left_jacobi = left_ik->getJacobianMatrix(left_arm_tcp, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection::All);
+        Eigen::MatrixXf right_jacobi = right_ik->getJacobianMatrix(right_arm_tcp, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection::All);
-    Eigen::VectorXf left_qpos;
-    Eigen::VectorXf left_qvel;
+        Eigen::VectorXf left_qpos;
+        Eigen::VectorXf left_qvel;
-    Eigen::VectorXf right_qpos;
-    Eigen::VectorXf right_qvel;
+        Eigen::VectorXf right_qpos;
+        Eigen::VectorXf right_qvel;
-    left_qpos.resize(left_positionSensors.size());
-    left_qvel.resize(left_velocitySensors.size());
+        left_qpos.resize(left_positionSensors.size());
+        left_qvel.resize(left_velocitySensors.size());
-    right_qpos.resize(right_positionSensors.size());
-    right_qvel.resize(right_velocitySensors.size());
+        right_qpos.resize(right_positionSensors.size());
+        right_qvel.resize(right_velocitySensors.size());
-    int jointDim = left_positionSensors.size();
+        int jointDim = left_positionSensors.size();
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < left_velocitySensors.size(); ++i)
-    {
-        left_qpos(i) = left_positionSensors[i]->position;
-        left_qvel(i) = left_velocitySensors[i]->velocity;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < left_velocitySensors.size(); ++i)
+        {
+            left_qpos(i) = left_positionSensors[i]->position;
+            left_qvel(i) = left_velocitySensors[i]->velocity;
-        right_qpos(i) = right_positionSensors[i]->position;
-        right_qvel(i) = right_velocitySensors[i]->velocity;
-    }
+            right_qpos(i) = right_positionSensors[i]->position;
+            right_qvel(i) = right_velocitySensors[i]->velocity;
+        }
-    Eigen::VectorXf left_tcptwist = left_jacobi * left_qvel;
-    Eigen::VectorXf right_tcptwist = right_jacobi * right_qvel;
+        Eigen::VectorXf left_tcptwist = left_jacobi * left_qvel;
+        Eigen::VectorXf right_tcptwist = right_jacobi * right_qvel;
-    Eigen::Vector3f left_currentTCPLinearVelocity;
-    Eigen::Vector3f right_currentTCPLinearVelocity;
-    Eigen::Vector3f left_currentTCPAngularVelocity;
-    Eigen::Vector3f right_currentTCPAngularVelocity;
-    left_currentTCPLinearVelocity << 0.001 * left_tcptwist(0),  0.001 * left_tcptwist(1), 0.001 * left_tcptwist(2);
-    right_currentTCPLinearVelocity << 0.001 * right_tcptwist(0),  0.001 * right_tcptwist(1), 0.001 * right_tcptwist(2);
-    left_currentTCPAngularVelocity << left_tcptwist(3), left_tcptwist(4), left_tcptwist(5);
-    right_currentTCPAngularVelocity << right_tcptwist(3), right_tcptwist(4), right_tcptwist(5);
-    double filterFactor = deltaT / (filterTimeConstant + deltaT);
-    left_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered  = (1 - filterFactor) * left_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered  + filterFactor * left_currentTCPLinearVelocity;
-    right_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered = (1 - filterFactor) * right_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered + filterFactor * right_currentTCPLinearVelocity;
-    left_currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered = (1 - filterFactor) * left_currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered + left_currentTCPAngularVelocity;
-    right_currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered = (1 - filterFactor) * right_currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered + right_currentTCPAngularVelocity;
-    left_jointVelocity_filtered  = (1 - filterFactor) * left_jointVelocity_filtered  + filterFactor * left_qvel;
-    right_jointVelocity_filtered  = (1 - filterFactor) * right_jointVelocity_filtered  + filterFactor * right_qvel;
+        Eigen::Vector3f left_currentTCPLinearVelocity;
+        Eigen::Vector3f right_currentTCPLinearVelocity;
+        Eigen::Vector3f left_currentTCPAngularVelocity;
+        Eigen::Vector3f right_currentTCPAngularVelocity;
+        left_currentTCPLinearVelocity << 0.001 * left_tcptwist(0),  0.001 * left_tcptwist(1), 0.001 * left_tcptwist(2);
+        right_currentTCPLinearVelocity << 0.001 * right_tcptwist(0),  0.001 * right_tcptwist(1), 0.001 * right_tcptwist(2);
+        left_currentTCPAngularVelocity << left_tcptwist(3), left_tcptwist(4), left_tcptwist(5);
+        right_currentTCPAngularVelocity << right_tcptwist(3), right_tcptwist(4), right_tcptwist(5);
+        double filterFactor = deltaT / (filterTimeConstant + deltaT);
+        left_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered  = (1 - filterFactor) * left_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered  + filterFactor * left_currentTCPLinearVelocity;
+        right_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered = (1 - filterFactor) * right_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered + filterFactor * right_currentTCPLinearVelocity;
+        left_currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered = (1 - filterFactor) * left_currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered + left_currentTCPAngularVelocity;
+        right_currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered = (1 - filterFactor) * right_currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered + right_currentTCPAngularVelocity;
+        left_jointVelocity_filtered  = (1 - filterFactor) * left_jointVelocity_filtered  + filterFactor * left_qvel;
+        right_jointVelocity_filtered  = (1 - filterFactor) * right_jointVelocity_filtered  + filterFactor * right_qvel;
-    // writing into the bufffer for other threads
-    controllerSensorData.getWriteBuffer().left_tcpPose = left_currentTCPPose;
-    controllerSensorData.getWriteBuffer().right_tcpPose = right_currentTCPPose;
-    controllerSensorData.getWriteBuffer().left_force = left_forceInRoot;
-    controllerSensorData.getWriteBuffer().right_force = right_forceInRoot;
-    controllerSensorData.getWriteBuffer().currentTime += deltaT;
-    controllerSensorData.commitWrite();
+        // writing into the bufffer for other threads
+        controllerSensorData.getWriteBuffer().left_tcpPose = left_currentTCPPose;
+        controllerSensorData.getWriteBuffer().right_tcpPose = right_currentTCPPose;
+        controllerSensorData.getWriteBuffer().left_force = left_forceInRoot;
+        controllerSensorData.getWriteBuffer().right_force = right_forceInRoot;
+        controllerSensorData.getWriteBuffer().currentTime += deltaT;
+        controllerSensorData.commitWrite();
-    // inverse dynamics:
+        // inverse dynamics:
-    // reading the tcp orientation
+        // reading the tcp orientation
-    // computing the task-specific forces
-    Eigen::Vector3f left_DS_force = -(1.2 * left_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered - forward_gain * left_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity);
-    Eigen::Vector3f right_DS_force = -(1.2 * right_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered - forward_gain * right_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity);
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
-    {
-        left_DS_force(i) = left_DS_force(i) * Damping[i];
-        right_DS_force(i) = right_DS_force(i) * Damping[i];
+        // computing the task-specific forces
+        Eigen::Vector3f left_DS_force = -(1.2 * left_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered - forward_gain * left_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity);
+        Eigen::Vector3f right_DS_force = -(1.2 * right_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered - forward_gain * right_tcpDesiredLinearVelocity);
+        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+        {
+            left_DS_force(i) = left_DS_force(i) * Damping[i];
+            right_DS_force(i) = right_DS_force(i) * Damping[i];
-        left_DS_force(i)  = deadzone(left_DS_force(i), 0.1, 100);
-        right_DS_force(i)  = deadzone(right_DS_force(i), 0.1, 100);
+            left_DS_force(i)  = deadzone(left_DS_force(i), 0.1, 100);
+            right_DS_force(i)  = deadzone(right_DS_force(i), 0.1, 100);
-    }
+        }
-    // computing coupling forces
-    Eigen::Vector3f coupling_force = - Coupling_stiffness * left_right_distanceInMeter;
-    float coupling_force_norm = coupling_force.norm();
+        // computing coupling forces
+        Eigen::Vector3f coupling_force = - Coupling_stiffness * left_right_distanceInMeter;
+        float coupling_force_norm = coupling_force.norm();
-    if (coupling_force_norm > Coupling_force_limit)
-    {
-        coupling_force = (Coupling_force_limit / coupling_force_norm) * coupling_force;
-    }
+        if (coupling_force_norm > Coupling_force_limit)
+        {
+            coupling_force = (Coupling_force_limit / coupling_force_norm) * coupling_force;
+        }
-    coupling_force(0)  = deadzone(coupling_force(0), 0.1, 100);
-    coupling_force(1)  = deadzone(coupling_force(1), 0.1, 100);
-    coupling_force(2)  = deadzone(coupling_force(2), 0.1, 100);
+        coupling_force(0)  = deadzone(coupling_force(0), 0.1, 100);
+        coupling_force(1)  = deadzone(coupling_force(1), 0.1, 100);
+        coupling_force(2)  = deadzone(coupling_force(2), 0.1, 100);
-    double v_both = left_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered.norm() + right_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered.norm();
-    float force_contact_switch = 0;
-    float left_height = left_currentTCPPose(2, 3) * 0.001;
-    float right_height = right_currentTCPPose(2, 3) * 0.001;
+        double v_both = left_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered.norm() + right_currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered.norm();
+        float force_contact_switch = 0;
+        float left_height = left_currentTCPPose(2, 3) * 0.001;
+        float right_height = right_currentTCPPose(2, 3) * 0.001;
-    float disTolerance = cfg->contactDistanceTolerance;
-    bool isUp =  fabs(left_height - guardTargetZUp) <  disTolerance && fabs(right_height - guardTargetZUp) < disTolerance;
-    if (v_both < disTolerance && isUp)
-    {
-        force_contact_switch = 1;
-    }
-    else if (v_both < 0.05 &&  isUp)
-    {
-        force_contact_switch = (0.05 - v_both) / (0.05 - disTolerance);
-    }
-    else if (v_both >= 0.05)
-    {
-        force_contact_switch = 0;
-    }
+        float disTolerance = cfg->contactDistanceTolerance;
+        bool isUp =  fabs(left_height - guardTargetZUp) <  disTolerance && fabs(right_height - guardTargetZUp) < disTolerance;
+        if (v_both < disTolerance && isUp)
+        {
+            force_contact_switch = 1;
+        }
+        else if (v_both < 0.05 &&  isUp)
+        {
+            force_contact_switch = (0.05 - v_both) / (0.05 - disTolerance);
+        }
+        else if (v_both >= 0.05)
+        {
+            force_contact_switch = 0;
+        }
-    // computing for contact forces
-    float left_force_error = force_contact_switch * (-left_forceInRoot(2) -  contactForce);
-    float right_force_error = force_contact_switch * (-right_forceInRoot(2) -  contactForce);
+        // computing for contact forces
+        float left_force_error = force_contact_switch * (-left_forceInRoot(2) -  contactForce);
+        float right_force_error = force_contact_switch * (-right_forceInRoot(2) -  contactForce);
-    //    float left_force_error_limited = left_force_error;
-    //    float right_force_error_limited = right_force_error;
+        //    float left_force_error_limited = left_force_error;
+        //    float right_force_error_limited = right_force_error;
-    //    left_force_error_limited = (left_force_error_limited >  2) ? 2 : left_force_error_limited;
-    //    left_force_error_limited = (left_force_error_limited < -2) ? -2 : left_force_error_limited;
+        //    left_force_error_limited = (left_force_error_limited >  2) ? 2 : left_force_error_limited;
+        //    left_force_error_limited = (left_force_error_limited < -2) ? -2 : left_force_error_limited;
-    //    right_force_error_limited = (right_force_error_limited >  2) ? 2 : right_force_error_limited;
-    //    right_force_error_limited = (right_force_error_limited < -2) ? -2 : right_force_error_limited;
+        //    right_force_error_limited = (right_force_error_limited >  2) ? 2 : right_force_error_limited;
+        //    right_force_error_limited = (right_force_error_limited < -2) ? -2 : right_force_error_limited;
-    left_force_error  = deadzone(left_force_error, 0.5, 2);
-    right_force_error  = deadzone(right_force_error, 0.5, 2);
+        left_force_error  = deadzone(left_force_error, 0.5, 2);
+        right_force_error  = deadzone(right_force_error, 0.5, 2);
-    left_contactForceZ_correction = left_contactForceZ_correction -  forceFilterCoeff * left_force_error;
-    right_contactForceZ_correction = right_contactForceZ_correction -  forceFilterCoeff * right_force_error;
+        left_contactForceZ_correction = left_contactForceZ_correction -  forceFilterCoeff * left_force_error;
+        right_contactForceZ_correction = right_contactForceZ_correction -  forceFilterCoeff * right_force_error;
-    left_contactForceZ_correction = (left_contactForceZ_correction > 30) ? 30 : left_contactForceZ_correction;
-    right_contactForceZ_correction = (right_contactForceZ_correction > 30) ? 30 : right_contactForceZ_correction;
+        left_contactForceZ_correction = (left_contactForceZ_correction > 30) ? 30 : left_contactForceZ_correction;
+        right_contactForceZ_correction = (right_contactForceZ_correction > 30) ? 30 : right_contactForceZ_correction;
-    left_contactForceZ_correction = (left_contactForceZ_correction < -30) ? -contactForce : left_contactForceZ_correction;
-    right_contactForceZ_correction = (right_contactForceZ_correction < -30) ? -contactForce : right_contactForceZ_correction;
+        left_contactForceZ_correction = (left_contactForceZ_correction < -30) ? -contactForce : left_contactForceZ_correction;
+        right_contactForceZ_correction = (right_contactForceZ_correction < -30) ? -contactForce : right_contactForceZ_correction;
-    Eigen::Vector3f left_tcpDesiredForce = left_DS_force + coupling_force;
-    Eigen::Vector3f right_tcpDesiredForce = right_DS_force - coupling_force;
+        Eigen::Vector3f left_tcpDesiredForce = left_DS_force + coupling_force;
+        Eigen::Vector3f right_tcpDesiredForce = right_DS_force - coupling_force;
-    left_tcpDesiredForce(2) += force_contact_switch * (contactForce + left_contactForceZ_correction);
-    right_tcpDesiredForce(2) += force_contact_switch * (contactForce + right_contactForceZ_correction);
+        left_tcpDesiredForce(2) += force_contact_switch * (contactForce + left_contactForceZ_correction);
+        right_tcpDesiredForce(2) += force_contact_switch * (contactForce + right_contactForceZ_correction);
-    Eigen::Vector3f left_tcpDesiredTorque = - oriKp * left_tcpDesiredAngularError - oriDamping * left_currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered;
-    Eigen::Vector3f right_tcpDesiredTorque = - oriKp * right_tcpDesiredAngularError - oriDamping * right_currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered;
+        Eigen::Vector3f left_tcpDesiredTorque = - oriKp * left_tcpDesiredAngularError - oriDamping * left_currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered;
+        Eigen::Vector3f right_tcpDesiredTorque = - oriKp * right_tcpDesiredAngularError - oriDamping * right_currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered;
-    //    for (int i = 0; i < left_tcpDesiredTorque.size(); ++i)
-    //    {
-    //        left_tcpDesiredTorque(i) = deadzone(left_tcpDesiredTorque(i), )
+        //    for (int i = 0; i < left_tcpDesiredTorque.size(); ++i)
+        //    {
+        //        left_tcpDesiredTorque(i) = deadzone(left_tcpDesiredTorque(i), )
-    //    }
+        //    }
-    left_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered = (1 - filterFactor) * left_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered  + filterFactor * left_tcpDesiredTorque;
-    right_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered = (1 - filterFactor) * right_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered  + filterFactor * right_tcpDesiredTorque;
+        left_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered = (1 - filterFactor) * left_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered  + filterFactor * left_tcpDesiredTorque;
+        right_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered = (1 - filterFactor) * right_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered  + filterFactor * right_tcpDesiredTorque;
-    Eigen::Vector6f left_tcpDesiredWrench;
-    Eigen::Vector6f right_tcpDesiredWrench;
+        Eigen::Vector6f left_tcpDesiredWrench;
+        Eigen::Vector6f right_tcpDesiredWrench;
-    left_tcpDesiredWrench << 0.001 * left_tcpDesiredForce, left_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered;
-    right_tcpDesiredWrench << 0.001 * right_tcpDesiredForce, right_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered;
+        left_tcpDesiredWrench << 0.001 * left_tcpDesiredForce, left_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered;
+        right_tcpDesiredWrench << 0.001 * right_tcpDesiredForce, right_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered;
-    // calculate the null-spcae torque
-    Eigen::MatrixXf I = Eigen::MatrixXf::Identity(jointDim, jointDim);
+        // calculate the null-spcae torque
+        Eigen::MatrixXf I = Eigen::MatrixXf::Identity(jointDim, jointDim);
-    float lambda = 0.2;
-    Eigen::MatrixXf left_jtpinv = left_ik->computePseudoInverseJacobianMatrix(left_jacobi.transpose(), lambda);
-    Eigen::MatrixXf right_jtpinv = right_ik->computePseudoInverseJacobianMatrix(right_jacobi.transpose(), lambda);
+        float lambda = 0.2;
+        Eigen::MatrixXf left_jtpinv = left_ik->computePseudoInverseJacobianMatrix(left_jacobi.transpose(), lambda);
+        Eigen::MatrixXf right_jtpinv = right_ik->computePseudoInverseJacobianMatrix(right_jacobi.transpose(), lambda);
-    Eigen::VectorXf left_nullqerror = left_qpos - left_qnullspace;
-    Eigen::VectorXf right_nullqerror = right_qpos - right_qnullspace;
+        Eigen::VectorXf left_nullqerror = left_qpos - left_qnullspace;
+        Eigen::VectorXf right_nullqerror = right_qpos - right_qnullspace;
-    for (int i = 0; i < left_nullqerror.size(); ++i)
-    {
-        if (fabs(left_nullqerror(i)) < 0.09)
+        for (int i = 0; i < left_nullqerror.size(); ++i)
-            left_nullqerror(i) = 0;
-        }
+            if (fabs(left_nullqerror(i)) < 0.09)
+            {
+                left_nullqerror(i) = 0;
+            }
-        if (fabs(right_nullqerror(i)) < 0.09)
-        {
-            right_nullqerror(i) = 0;
+            if (fabs(right_nullqerror(i)) < 0.09)
+            {
+                right_nullqerror(i) = 0;
+            }
-    }
-    Eigen::VectorXf left_nullspaceTorque = - nullspaceKp * left_nullqerror - nullspaceDamping * left_jointVelocity_filtered;
-    Eigen::VectorXf right_nullspaceTorque = - nullspaceKp * right_nullqerror - nullspaceDamping * right_jointVelocity_filtered;
+        Eigen::VectorXf left_nullspaceTorque = - nullspaceKp * left_nullqerror - nullspaceDamping * left_jointVelocity_filtered;
+        Eigen::VectorXf right_nullspaceTorque = - nullspaceKp * right_nullqerror - nullspaceDamping * right_jointVelocity_filtered;
-    Eigen::VectorXf left_projectedNullTorque = (I - left_jacobi.transpose() * left_jtpinv) * left_nullspaceTorque;
-    Eigen::VectorXf right_projectedNullTorque = (I - right_jacobi.transpose() * right_jtpinv) * right_nullspaceTorque;
+        Eigen::VectorXf left_projectedNullTorque = (I - left_jacobi.transpose() * left_jtpinv) * left_nullspaceTorque;
+        Eigen::VectorXf right_projectedNullTorque = (I - right_jacobi.transpose() * right_jtpinv) * right_nullspaceTorque;
-    float left_nulltorque_norm = left_projectedNullTorque.norm();
-    float right_nulltorque_norm = right_projectedNullTorque.norm();
+        float left_nulltorque_norm = left_projectedNullTorque.norm();
+        float right_nulltorque_norm = right_projectedNullTorque.norm();
-    if (left_nulltorque_norm > null_torqueLimit)
-    {
-        left_projectedNullTorque = (null_torqueLimit / left_nulltorque_norm) * left_projectedNullTorque;
-    }
+        if (left_nulltorque_norm > null_torqueLimit)
+        {
+            left_projectedNullTorque = (null_torqueLimit / left_nulltorque_norm) * left_projectedNullTorque;
+        }
-    if (right_nulltorque_norm > null_torqueLimit)
-    {
-        right_projectedNullTorque = (null_torqueLimit / right_nulltorque_norm) * right_projectedNullTorque;
-    }
+        if (right_nulltorque_norm > null_torqueLimit)
+        {
+            right_projectedNullTorque = (null_torqueLimit / right_nulltorque_norm) * right_projectedNullTorque;
+        }
-    Eigen::VectorXf left_jointDesiredTorques = left_jacobi.transpose() * left_tcpDesiredWrench + left_projectedNullTorque;
-    Eigen::VectorXf right_jointDesiredTorques = right_jacobi.transpose() * right_tcpDesiredWrench + right_projectedNullTorque;
+        Eigen::VectorXf left_jointDesiredTorques = left_jacobi.transpose() * left_tcpDesiredWrench + left_projectedNullTorque;
+        Eigen::VectorXf right_jointDesiredTorques = right_jacobi.transpose() * right_tcpDesiredWrench + right_projectedNullTorque;
-    right_desiredTorques_filtered = (1 - cfg->TorqueFilterConstant) * right_desiredTorques_filtered + cfg->TorqueFilterConstant * right_jointDesiredTorques;
+        right_desiredTorques_filtered = (1 - cfg->TorqueFilterConstant) * right_desiredTorques_filtered + cfg->TorqueFilterConstant * right_jointDesiredTorques;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < left_torque_targets.size(); ++i)
-    {
-        float desiredTorque = smooth_startup * left_jointDesiredTorques(i);
-        desiredTorque = deadzone(desiredTorque, cfg->desiredTorqueDisturbance, torqueLimit);
-        left_desiredTorques_filtered(i) = (1 - cfg->TorqueFilterConstant) * left_desiredTorques_filtered(i) + cfg->TorqueFilterConstant * desiredTorque;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < left_torque_targets.size(); ++i)
+        {
+            float desiredTorque = smooth_startup * left_jointDesiredTorques(i);
+            desiredTorque = deadzone(desiredTorque, cfg->desiredTorqueDisturbance, torqueLimit);
+            left_desiredTorques_filtered(i) = (1 - cfg->TorqueFilterConstant) * left_desiredTorques_filtered(i) + cfg->TorqueFilterConstant * desiredTorque;
-        std::string names = left_jointNames[i] + "_desiredTorques";
-        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desired_torques[names] = desiredTorque;
-        names = names + "_filtered";
-        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desired_torques[names] = left_desiredTorques_filtered(i);
+            std::string names = left_jointNames[i] + "_desiredTorques";
+            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desired_torques[names] = desiredTorque;
+            names = names + "_filtered";
+            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desired_torques[names] = left_desiredTorques_filtered(i);
-        if (fabs(left_desiredTorques_filtered(i)) > torqueLimit)
-        {
-  >torque = 0;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-  >torque = left_desiredTorques_filtered(i); //>velocity = desiredVelocity;
+            if (fabs(left_desiredTorques_filtered(i)) > torqueLimit)
+            {
+      >torque = 0;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+      >torque = left_desiredTorques_filtered(i); //>velocity = desiredVelocity;
+            }
-    }
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < right_torque_targets.size(); ++i)
-    {
-        float desiredTorque = smooth_startup * right_jointDesiredTorques(i);
-        desiredTorque = deadzone(desiredTorque, cfg->desiredTorqueDisturbance, torqueLimit);
-        right_desiredTorques_filtered(i) = (1 - cfg->TorqueFilterConstant) * right_desiredTorques_filtered(i) + cfg->TorqueFilterConstant * desiredTorque;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < right_torque_targets.size(); ++i)
+        {
+            float desiredTorque = smooth_startup * right_jointDesiredTorques(i);
+            desiredTorque = deadzone(desiredTorque, cfg->desiredTorqueDisturbance, torqueLimit);
+            right_desiredTorques_filtered(i) = (1 - cfg->TorqueFilterConstant) * right_desiredTorques_filtered(i) + cfg->TorqueFilterConstant * desiredTorque;
-        std::string names = right_jointNames[i] + "_desiredTorques";
-        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desired_torques[names] = desiredTorque;
-        names = names + "_filtered";
-        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desired_torques[names] = right_desiredTorques_filtered(i);
+            std::string names = right_jointNames[i] + "_desiredTorques";
+            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desired_torques[names] = desiredTorque;
+            names = names + "_filtered";
+            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desired_torques[names] = right_desiredTorques_filtered(i);
-        if (fabs(right_desiredTorques_filtered(i)) > torqueLimit)
-        {
-  >torque = 0;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-  >torque = right_desiredTorques_filtered(i); //>velocity = desiredVelocity;
+            if (fabs(right_desiredTorques_filtered(i)) > torqueLimit)
+            {
+      >torque = 0;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+      >torque = right_desiredTorques_filtered(i); //>velocity = desiredVelocity;
+            }
-    }
-    smooth_startup = smooth_startup + 0.001 * (1.1  - smooth_startup);
-    smooth_startup = (smooth_startup > 1) ? 1 : smooth_startup;
-    smooth_startup = (smooth_startup < 0) ?  0 : smooth_startup;
+        smooth_startup = smooth_startup + 0.001 * (1.1  - smooth_startup);
+        smooth_startup = (smooth_startup > 1) ? 1 : smooth_startup;
+        smooth_startup = (smooth_startup < 0) ?  0 : smooth_startup;
-    debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().left_realForce_x = left_forceInRoot(0);
-    debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().left_realForce_y = left_forceInRoot(1);
-    debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().left_realForce_z = left_forceInRoot(2);
-    debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().right_realForce_x = right_forceInRoot(0);
-    debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().right_realForce_y = right_forceInRoot(1);
-    debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().right_realForce_z = right_forceInRoot(2);
+        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().left_realForce_x = left_forceInRoot(0);
+        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().left_realForce_y = left_forceInRoot(1);
+        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().left_realForce_z = left_forceInRoot(2);
+        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().right_realForce_x = right_forceInRoot(0);
+        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().right_realForce_y = right_forceInRoot(1);
+        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().right_realForce_z = right_forceInRoot(2);
-    debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().left_force_error = left_force_error;
-    debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().right_force_error = right_force_error;
+        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().left_force_error = left_force_error;
+        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().right_force_error = right_force_error;
-    debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().left_tcpDesiredTorque_x = left_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered(0);
-    debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().left_tcpDesiredTorque_y = left_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered(1);
-    debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().left_tcpDesiredTorque_z = left_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered(2);
-    debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().right_tcpDesiredTorque_x = right_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered(0);
-    debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().right_tcpDesiredTorque_y = right_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered(1);
-    debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().right_tcpDesiredTorque_z = right_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered(2);
-    //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desiredForce_x = tcpDesiredForce(0);
-    //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desiredForce_y = tcpDesiredForce(1);
-    //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desiredForce_z = tcpDesiredForce(2);
+        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().left_tcpDesiredTorque_x = left_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered(0);
+        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().left_tcpDesiredTorque_y = left_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered(1);
+        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().left_tcpDesiredTorque_z = left_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered(2);
+        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().right_tcpDesiredTorque_x = right_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered(0);
+        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().right_tcpDesiredTorque_y = right_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered(1);
+        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().right_tcpDesiredTorque_z = right_tcpDesiredTorque_filtered(2);
+        //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desiredForce_x = tcpDesiredForce(0);
+        //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desiredForce_y = tcpDesiredForce(1);
+        //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desiredForce_z = tcpDesiredForce(2);
-    //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_x = tcpDesiredTorque(0);
-    //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_y = tcpDesiredTorque(1);
-    //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_z = tcpDesiredTorque(2);
+        //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_x = tcpDesiredTorque(0);
+        //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_y = tcpDesiredTorque(1);
+        //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_z = tcpDesiredTorque(2);
-    //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_x = tcpDesiredAngularError(0);
-    //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_y = tcpDesiredAngularError(1);
-    //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_z = tcpDesiredAngularError(2);
+        //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_x = tcpDesiredAngularError(0);
+        //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_y = tcpDesiredAngularError(1);
+        //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_z = tcpDesiredAngularError(2);
-    //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_x = currentTCPAngularVelocity(0);
-    //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_y = currentTCPAngularVelocity(1);
-    //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_z = currentTCPAngularVelocity(2);
+        //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_x = currentTCPAngularVelocity(0);
+        //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_y = currentTCPAngularVelocity(1);
+        //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_z = currentTCPAngularVelocity(2);
-    //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_x = currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered(0);
-    //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_y = currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered(1);
-    //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_z = currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered(2);
+        //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_x = currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered(0);
+        //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_y = currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered(1);
+        //        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_z = currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered(2);
-    debugDataInfo.commitWrite();
+        debugDataInfo.commitWrite();
-    //    }
-    //    else
-    //    {
-    //        for (size_t i = 0; i < targets.size(); ++i)
-    //        {
-    //  >torque = 0;
+        //    }
+        //    else
+        //    {
+        //        for (size_t i = 0; i < targets.size(); ++i)
+        //        {
+        //  >torque = 0;
-    //        }
-    //    }
+        //        }
+        //    }
-float DSRTBimanualController::deadzone(float input, float disturbance, float threshold)
-    if (input > 0)
-    {
-        input = input - disturbance;
-        input = (input < 0) ? 0 : input;
-        input = (input > threshold) ? threshold : input;
-    }
-    else if (input < 0)
-    {
-        input = input + disturbance;
-        input = (input > 0) ? 0 : input;
-        input = (input < -threshold) ? -threshold : input;
+    float DSRTBimanualController::deadzone(float input, float disturbance, float threshold)
+    {
+        if (input > 0)
+        {
+            input = input - disturbance;
+            input = (input < 0) ? 0 : input;
+            input = (input > threshold) ? threshold : input;
+        }
+        else if (input < 0)
+        {
+            input = input + disturbance;
+            input = (input > 0) ? 0 : input;
+            input = (input < -threshold) ? -threshold : input;
+        }
-    return input;
-Eigen::Quaternionf DSRTBimanualController::quatSlerp(double t, const Eigen::Quaternionf& q0, const Eigen::Quaternionf& q1)
-    double cosHalfTheta = q0.w() * q1.w() + q0.x() * q1.x() + q0.y() * q1.y() + q0.z() * q1.z();
+        return input;
+    }
-    Eigen::Quaternionf q1x = q1;
-    if (cosHalfTheta < 0)
+    Eigen::Quaternionf DSRTBimanualController::quatSlerp(double t, const Eigen::Quaternionf& q0, const Eigen::Quaternionf& q1)
-        q1x.w() = -q1.w();
-        q1x.x() = -q1.x();
-        q1x.y() = -q1.y();
-        q1x.z() = -q1.z();
-    }
+        double cosHalfTheta = q0.w() * q1.w() + q0.x() * q1.x() + q0.y() * q1.y() + q0.z() * q1.z();
-    if (fabs(cosHalfTheta) >= 1.0)
-    {
-        return q0;
-    }
+        Eigen::Quaternionf q1x = q1;
+        if (cosHalfTheta < 0)
+        {
+            q1x.w() = -q1.w();
+            q1x.x() = -q1.x();
+            q1x.y() = -q1.y();
+            q1x.z() = -q1.z();
+        }
-    double halfTheta = acos(cosHalfTheta);
-    double sinHalfTheta = sqrt(1.0 - cosHalfTheta * cosHalfTheta);
+        if (fabs(cosHalfTheta) >= 1.0)
+        {
+            return q0;
+        }
-    Eigen::Quaternionf result;
-    if (fabs(sinHalfTheta) < 0.001)
-    {
-        result.w() = (1 - t) * q0.w() + t * q1x.w();
-        result.x() = (1 - t) * q0.x() + t * q1x.x();
-        result.y() = (1 - t) * q0.y() + t * q1x.y();
-        result.z() = (1 - t) * q0.z() + t * q1x.z();
+        double halfTheta = acos(cosHalfTheta);
+        double sinHalfTheta = sqrt(1.0 - cosHalfTheta * cosHalfTheta);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        double ratioA = sin((1 - t) * halfTheta) / sinHalfTheta;
-        double ratioB = sin(t * halfTheta) / sinHalfTheta;
-        result.w() = ratioA * q0.w() + ratioB * q1x.w();
-        result.x() = ratioA * q0.x() + ratioB * q1x.x();
-        result.y() = ratioA * q0.y() + ratioB * q1x.y();
-        result.z() = ratioA * q0.z() + ratioB * q1x.z();
-    }
+        Eigen::Quaternionf result;
+        if (fabs(sinHalfTheta) < 0.001)
+        {
+            result.w() = (1 - t) * q0.w() + t * q1x.w();
+            result.x() = (1 - t) * q0.x() + t * q1x.x();
+            result.y() = (1 - t) * q0.y() + t * q1x.y();
+            result.z() = (1 - t) * q0.z() + t * q1x.z();
-    return result;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            double ratioA = sin((1 - t) * halfTheta) / sinHalfTheta;
+            double ratioB = sin(t * halfTheta) / sinHalfTheta;
-void DSRTBimanualController::onPublish(const SensorAndControl&, const DebugDrawerInterfacePrx&, const DebugObserverInterfacePrx& debugObs)
+            result.w() = ratioA * q0.w() + ratioB * q1x.w();
+            result.x() = ratioA * q0.x() + ratioB * q1x.x();
+            result.y() = ratioA * q0.y() + ratioB * q1x.y();
+            result.z() = ratioA * q0.z() + ratioB * q1x.z();
+        }
-    StringVariantBaseMap datafields;
-    auto values = debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().desired_torques;
-    for (auto& pair : values)
-    {
-        datafields[pair.first] = new Variant(pair.second);
+        return result;
-    //    std::string nameJacobi = "jacobiori";
-    //    std::string nameJacobipos = "jacobipos";
+    void DSRTBimanualController::onPublish(const SensorAndControl&, const DebugDrawerInterfacePrx&, const DebugObserverInterfacePrx& debugObs)
+    {
-    //    std::vector<float> jacobiVec = debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().jacobiVec;
-    //    std::vector<float> jacobiPos = debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().jacobiPos;
+        StringVariantBaseMap datafields;
+        auto values = debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().desired_torques;
+        for (auto& pair : values)
+        {
+            datafields[pair.first] = new Variant(pair.second);
+        }
-    //    for (size_t i = 0; i < jacobiVec.size(); ++i)
-    //    {
-    //        std::stringstream ss;
-    //        ss << i;
-    //        std::string name = nameJacobi + ss.str();
-    //        datafields[name] = new Variant(jacobiVec[i]);
-    //        std::string namepos = nameJacobipos + ss.str();
-    //        datafields[namepos] = new Variant(jacobiPos[i]);
+        //    std::string nameJacobi = "jacobiori";
+        //    std::string nameJacobipos = "jacobipos";
-    //    }
+        //    std::vector<float> jacobiVec = debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().jacobiVec;
+        //    std::vector<float> jacobiPos = debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().jacobiPos;
+        //    for (size_t i = 0; i < jacobiVec.size(); ++i)
+        //    {
+        //        std::stringstream ss;
+        //        ss << i;
+        //        std::string name = nameJacobi + ss.str();
+        //        datafields[name] = new Variant(jacobiVec[i]);
+        //        std::string namepos = nameJacobipos + ss.str();
+        //        datafields[namepos] = new Variant(jacobiPos[i]);
-    datafields["left_tcpDesiredTorque_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().left_tcpDesiredTorque_x);
-    datafields["left_tcpDesiredTorque_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().left_tcpDesiredTorque_y);
-    datafields["left_tcpDesiredTorque_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().left_tcpDesiredTorque_z);
-    datafields["right_tcpDesiredTorque_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().right_tcpDesiredTorque_x);
-    datafields["right_tcpDesiredTorque_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().right_tcpDesiredTorque_y);
-    datafields["right_tcpDesiredTorque_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().right_tcpDesiredTorque_z);
+        //    }
-    datafields["left_realForce_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().left_realForce_x);
-    datafields["left_realForce_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().left_realForce_y);
-    datafields["left_realForce_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().left_realForce_z);
-    datafields["right_realForce_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().right_realForce_x);
-    datafields["right_realForce_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().right_realForce_y);
-    datafields["right_realForce_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().right_realForce_z);
-    datafields["left_force_error"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().left_force_error);
-    datafields["right_force_error"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().right_force_error);
+        datafields["left_tcpDesiredTorque_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().left_tcpDesiredTorque_x);
+        datafields["left_tcpDesiredTorque_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().left_tcpDesiredTorque_y);
+        datafields["left_tcpDesiredTorque_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().left_tcpDesiredTorque_z);
+        datafields["right_tcpDesiredTorque_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().right_tcpDesiredTorque_x);
+        datafields["right_tcpDesiredTorque_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().right_tcpDesiredTorque_y);
+        datafields["right_tcpDesiredTorque_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().right_tcpDesiredTorque_z);
+        datafields["left_realForce_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().left_realForce_x);
+        datafields["left_realForce_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().left_realForce_y);
+        datafields["left_realForce_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().left_realForce_z);
+        datafields["right_realForce_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().right_realForce_x);
+        datafields["right_realForce_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().right_realForce_y);
+        datafields["right_realForce_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().right_realForce_z);
-    datafields["Desired_Guard_Z"] = new Variant(debugCtrlDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().desredZ);
-    datafields["Force_Error_Z"] = new Variant(debugCtrlDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().force_error_z);
-    datafields["guardXYHighFrequency"] = new Variant(debugCtrlDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().guardXYHighFrequency);
-    datafields["guard_mounting_correction_x"] = new Variant(debugCtrlDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().guard_mounting_correction_x);
-    datafields["guard_mounting_correction_y"] = new Variant(debugCtrlDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().guard_mounting_correction_y);
-    datafields["guard_mounting_correction_z"] = new Variant(debugCtrlDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().guard_mounting_correction_z);
+        datafields["left_force_error"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().left_force_error);
+        datafields["right_force_error"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().right_force_error);
+        datafields["Desired_Guard_Z"] = new Variant(debugCtrlDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().desredZ);
+        datafields["Force_Error_Z"] = new Variant(debugCtrlDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().force_error_z);
+        datafields["guardXYHighFrequency"] = new Variant(debugCtrlDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().guardXYHighFrequency);
+        datafields["guard_mounting_correction_x"] = new Variant(debugCtrlDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().guard_mounting_correction_x);
+        datafields["guard_mounting_correction_y"] = new Variant(debugCtrlDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().guard_mounting_correction_y);
+        datafields["guard_mounting_correction_z"] = new Variant(debugCtrlDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().guard_mounting_correction_z);
-    //    datafields["desiredForce_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().desiredForce_x);
-    //    datafields["desiredForce_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().desiredForce_y);
-    //    datafields["desiredForce_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().desiredForce_z);
-    //    datafields["tcpDesiredTorque_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_x);
-    //    datafields["tcpDesiredTorque_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_y);
-    //    datafields["tcpDesiredTorque_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_z);
-    //    datafields["tcpDesiredAngularError_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_x);
-    //    datafields["tcpDesiredAngularError_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_y);
-    //    datafields["tcpDesiredAngularError_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_z);
+        //    datafields["desiredForce_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().desiredForce_x);
+        //    datafields["desiredForce_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().desiredForce_y);
+        //    datafields["desiredForce_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().desiredForce_z);
-    //    datafields["currentTCPAngularVelocity_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_x);
-    //    datafields["currentTCPAngularVelocity_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_y);
-    //    datafields["currentTCPAngularVelocity_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_z);
+        //    datafields["tcpDesiredTorque_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_x);
+        //    datafields["tcpDesiredTorque_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_y);
+        //    datafields["tcpDesiredTorque_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_z);
+        //    datafields["tcpDesiredAngularError_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_x);
+        //    datafields["tcpDesiredAngularError_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_y);
+        //    datafields["tcpDesiredAngularError_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_z);
-    //    datafields["currentTCPLinearVelocity_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_x);
-    //    datafields["currentTCPLinearVelocity_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_y);
-    //    datafields["currentTCPLinearVelocity_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_z);
+        //    datafields["currentTCPAngularVelocity_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_x);
+        //    datafields["currentTCPAngularVelocity_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_y);
+        //    datafields["currentTCPAngularVelocity_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_z);
-    debugObs->setDebugChannel("DSBimanualControllerOutput", datafields);
+        //    datafields["currentTCPLinearVelocity_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_x);
+        //    datafields["currentTCPLinearVelocity_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_y);
+        //    datafields["currentTCPLinearVelocity_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_z);
-void DSRTBimanualController::rtPreActivateController()
+        debugObs->setDebugChannel("DSBimanualControllerOutput", datafields);
+    }
-void DSRTBimanualController::rtPostDeactivateController()
+    void DSRTBimanualController::rtPreActivateController()
+    {
+    }
-void armarx::DSRTBimanualController::setToDefaultTarget(const Ice::Current&)
-    isDefaultTarget = true;
+    void DSRTBimanualController::rtPostDeactivateController()
+    {
+    }
+    void armarx::DSRTBimanualController::setToDefaultTarget(const Ice::Current&)
+    {
+        isDefaultTarget = true;
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/DSControllers/DSRTController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/DSControllers/DSRTController.cpp
index efe9bf523..42f3555d8 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/DSControllers/DSRTController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/DSControllers/DSRTController.cpp
@@ -23,420 +23,421 @@
 #include "DSRTController.h"
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/time/CycleUtil.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-NJointControllerRegistration<DSRTController> registrationControllerDSRTController("DSRTController");
-void DSRTController::onInitNJointController()
+namespace armarx
-    ARMARX_INFO << "init ...";
+    NJointControllerRegistration<DSRTController> registrationControllerDSRTController("DSRTController");
-    runTask("DSRTControllerTask", [&]
+    void DSRTController::onInitNJointController()
-        CycleUtil c(1);
-        getObjectScheduler()->waitForObjectStateMinimum(eManagedIceObjectStarted);
-        while (getState() == eManagedIceObjectStarted)
+        ARMARX_INFO << "init ...";
+        runTask("DSRTControllerTask", [&]
-            if (isControllerActive())
+            CycleUtil c(1);
+            getObjectScheduler()->waitForObjectStateMinimum(eManagedIceObjectStarted);
+            while (getState() == eManagedIceObjectStarted)
-                controllerRun();
+                if (isControllerActive())
+                {
+                    controllerRun();
+                }
+                c.waitForCycleDuration();
-            c.waitForCycleDuration();
-        }
-    });
+        });
-void DSRTController::onDisconnectNJointController()
+    }
+    void DSRTController::onDisconnectNJointController()
+    {
+    }
-DSRTController::DSRTController(const RobotUnitPtr& robotUnit, const armarx::NJointControllerConfigPtr& config, const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr&)
-    DSControllerConfigPtr cfg = DSControllerConfigPtr::dynamicCast(config);
-    useSynchronizedRtRobot();
-    VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr rns = rtGetRobot()->getRobotNodeSet(cfg->nodeSetName);
-    jointNames.clear();
-    ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(rns, cfg->nodeSetName);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < rns->getSize(); ++i)
+    DSRTController::DSRTController(const RobotUnitPtr& robotUnit, const armarx::NJointControllerConfigPtr& config, const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr&)
-        std::string jointName = rns->getNode(i)->getName();
-        jointNames.push_back(jointName);
-        ControlTargetBase* ct = useControlTarget(jointName, ControlModes::Torque1DoF); // ControlTargetBase* ct = useControlTarget(jointName, ControlModes::Velocity1DoF);
-        const SensorValueBase* sv = useSensorValue(jointName);
-        auto casted_ct = ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorTorque>(); // auto casted_ct = ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorVelocity>();
-        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(casted_ct);
-        targets.push_back(casted_ct);
-        const SensorValue1DoFActuatorTorque* torqueSensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorTorque>();
-        const SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity* velocitySensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity>();
-        const SensorValue1DoFGravityTorque* gravityTorqueSensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFGravityTorque>();
-        const SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition* positionSensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition>();
-        if (!torqueSensor)
-        {
-            ARMARX_WARNING << "No Torque sensor available for " << jointName;
-        }
-        if (!gravityTorqueSensor)
+        DSControllerConfigPtr cfg = DSControllerConfigPtr::dynamicCast(config);
+        useSynchronizedRtRobot();
+        VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr rns = rtGetRobot()->getRobotNodeSet(cfg->nodeSetName);
+        jointNames.clear();
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(rns, cfg->nodeSetName);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < rns->getSize(); ++i)
-            ARMARX_WARNING << "No Gravity Torque sensor available for " << jointName;
-        }
+            std::string jointName = rns->getNode(i)->getName();
+            jointNames.push_back(jointName);
+            ControlTargetBase* ct = useControlTarget(jointName, ControlModes::Torque1DoF); // ControlTargetBase* ct = useControlTarget(jointName, ControlModes::Velocity1DoF);
+            const SensorValueBase* sv = useSensorValue(jointName);
+            auto casted_ct = ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorTorque>(); // auto casted_ct = ct->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorVelocity>();
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(casted_ct);
+            targets.push_back(casted_ct);
+            const SensorValue1DoFActuatorTorque* torqueSensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorTorque>();
+            const SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity* velocitySensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity>();
+            const SensorValue1DoFGravityTorque* gravityTorqueSensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFGravityTorque>();
+            const SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition* positionSensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition>();
+            if (!torqueSensor)
+            {
+                ARMARX_WARNING << "No Torque sensor available for " << jointName;
+            }
+            if (!gravityTorqueSensor)
+            {
+                ARMARX_WARNING << "No Gravity Torque sensor available for " << jointName;
+            }
-        torqueSensors.push_back(torqueSensor);
-        gravityTorqueSensors.push_back(gravityTorqueSensor);
-        velocitySensors.push_back(velocitySensor);
-        positionSensors.push_back(positionSensor);
-    };
-    ARMARX_INFO << "Initialized " << targets.size() << " targets";
-    tcp =  rns->getTCP();
-    ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(tcp, cfg->tcpName);
+            torqueSensors.push_back(torqueSensor);
+            gravityTorqueSensors.push_back(gravityTorqueSensor);
+            velocitySensors.push_back(velocitySensor);
+            positionSensors.push_back(positionSensor);
+        };
+        ARMARX_INFO << "Initialized " << targets.size() << " targets";
+        tcp =  rns->getTCP();
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(tcp, cfg->tcpName);
-    ik.reset(new VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK(rns, rtGetRobot()->getRootNode(), VirtualRobot::JacobiProvider::eSVDDamped));
+        ik.reset(new VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK(rns, rtGetRobot()->getRootNode(), VirtualRobot::JacobiProvider::eSVDDamped));
-    DSRTControllerSensorData initSensorData;
-    initSensorData.tcpPose = tcp->getPoseInRootFrame();
-    initSensorData.currentTime = 0;
-    controllerSensorData.reinitAllBuffers(initSensorData);
+        DSRTControllerSensorData initSensorData;
+        initSensorData.tcpPose = tcp->getPoseInRootFrame();
+        initSensorData.currentTime = 0;
+        controllerSensorData.reinitAllBuffers(initSensorData);
-    oldPosition = tcp->getPositionInRootFrame();
-    oldOrientation = tcp->getPoseInRootFrame().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
+        oldPosition = tcp->getPositionInRootFrame();
+        oldOrientation = tcp->getPoseInRootFrame().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
-    std::vector<float> desiredPositionVec = cfg->desiredPosition;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
-    {
-        desiredPosition(i) = desiredPositionVec[i];
-    }
-    ARMARX_INFO << "ik reseted ";
+        std::vector<float> desiredPositionVec = cfg->desiredPosition;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+        {
+            desiredPosition(i) = desiredPositionVec[i];
+        }
+        ARMARX_INFO << "ik reseted ";
-    std::vector<float> desiredQuaternionVec = cfg->desiredQuaternion;
-    ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(desiredQuaternionVec.size(), 4);
+        std::vector<float> desiredQuaternionVec = cfg->desiredQuaternion;
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(desiredQuaternionVec.size(), 4);
-    desiredQuaternion.x() =;
-    desiredQuaternion.y() =;
-    desiredQuaternion.z() =;
-    desiredQuaternion.w() =;
+        desiredQuaternion.x() =;
+        desiredQuaternion.y() =;
+        desiredQuaternion.z() =;
+        desiredQuaternion.w() =;
-    DSRTControllerControlData initData;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
-    {
-        initData.tcpDesiredLinearVelocity(i) = 0;
-    }
+        DSRTControllerControlData initData;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+        {
+            initData.tcpDesiredLinearVelocity(i) = 0;
+        }
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
-    {
-        initData.tcpDesiredAngularError(i) = 0;
-    }
-    reinitTripleBuffer(initData);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+        {
+            initData.tcpDesiredAngularError(i) = 0;
+        }
+        reinitTripleBuffer(initData);
-    // initial filter
-    currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered.setZero();
-    currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered.setZero();
-    filterTimeConstant = cfg->filterTimeConstant;
-    posiKp = cfg->posiKp;
-    v_max = cfg->v_max;
-    posiDamping = cfg->posiDamping;
-    torqueLimit = cfg->torqueLimit;
-    oriKp = cfg->oriKp;
-    oriDamping  = cfg->oriDamping;
+        // initial filter
+        currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered.setZero();
+        currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered.setZero();
+        filterTimeConstant = cfg->filterTimeConstant;
+        posiKp = cfg->posiKp;
+        v_max = cfg->v_max;
+        posiDamping = cfg->posiDamping;
+        torqueLimit = cfg->torqueLimit;
+        oriKp = cfg->oriKp;
+        oriDamping  = cfg->oriDamping;
-    std::vector<float> qnullspaceVec = cfg->qnullspaceVec;
+        std::vector<float> qnullspaceVec = cfg->qnullspaceVec;
-    qnullspace.resize(qnullspaceVec.size());
+        qnullspace.resize(qnullspaceVec.size());
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < qnullspaceVec.size(); ++i)
-    {
-        qnullspace(i) = qnullspaceVec[i];
-    }
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < qnullspaceVec.size(); ++i)
+        {
+            qnullspace(i) = qnullspaceVec[i];
+        }
-    nullspaceKp = cfg->nullspaceKp;
-    nullspaceDamping = cfg->nullspaceDamping;
+        nullspaceKp = cfg->nullspaceKp;
+        nullspaceDamping = cfg->nullspaceDamping;
-    //set GMM parameters ...
-    std::vector<std::string> gmmParamsFiles = cfg->gmmParamsFiles;
-    if (gmmParamsFiles.size() == 0)
-    {
-        ARMARX_ERROR << "no gmm found ... ";
-    }
+        //set GMM parameters ...
+        std::vector<std::string> gmmParamsFiles = cfg->gmmParamsFiles;
+        if (gmmParamsFiles.size() == 0)
+        {
+            ARMARX_ERROR << "no gmm found ... ";
+        }
-    gmmMotionGenList.clear();
-    float sumBelief = 0;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < gmmParamsFiles.size(); ++i)
-    {
-        gmmMotionGenList.push_back(GMMMotionGenPtr(new GMMMotionGen(;
-        sumBelief += gmmMotionGenList[i]->belief;
-    }
-    ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(gmmMotionGenList.size(), 2);
+        gmmMotionGenList.clear();
+        float sumBelief = 0;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < gmmParamsFiles.size(); ++i)
+        {
+            gmmMotionGenList.push_back(GMMMotionGenPtr(new GMMMotionGen(;
+            sumBelief += gmmMotionGenList[i]->belief;
+        }
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(gmmMotionGenList.size(), 2);
-    dsAdaptorPtr.reset(new DSAdaptor(gmmMotionGenList, cfg->dsAdaptorEpsilon));
-    positionErrorTolerance = cfg->positionErrorTolerance;
+        dsAdaptorPtr.reset(new DSAdaptor(gmmMotionGenList, cfg->dsAdaptorEpsilon));
+        positionErrorTolerance = cfg->positionErrorTolerance;
-    ARMARX_INFO << "Initialization done";
+        ARMARX_INFO << "Initialization done";
+    }
-void DSRTController::controllerRun()
-    if (!controllerSensorData.updateReadBuffer())
+    void DSRTController::controllerRun()
-        return;
-    }
+        if (!controllerSensorData.updateReadBuffer())
+        {
+            return;
+        }
-    Eigen::Matrix4f currentTCPPose = controllerSensorData.getReadBuffer().tcpPose;
-    Eigen::Vector3f realVelocity = controllerSensorData.getReadBuffer().linearVelocity;
+        Eigen::Matrix4f currentTCPPose = controllerSensorData.getReadBuffer().tcpPose;
+        Eigen::Vector3f realVelocity = controllerSensorData.getReadBuffer().linearVelocity;
-    Eigen::Vector3f currentTCPPositionInMeter;
-    currentTCPPositionInMeter << currentTCPPose(0, 3), currentTCPPose(1, 3), currentTCPPose(2, 3);
-    currentTCPPositionInMeter = 0.001 * currentTCPPositionInMeter;
+        Eigen::Vector3f currentTCPPositionInMeter;
+        currentTCPPositionInMeter << currentTCPPose(0, 3), currentTCPPose(1, 3), currentTCPPose(2, 3);
+        currentTCPPositionInMeter = 0.001 * currentTCPPositionInMeter;
-    dsAdaptorPtr->updateDesiredVelocity(currentTCPPositionInMeter, positionErrorTolerance);
-    Eigen::Vector3f tcpDesiredLinearVelocity = dsAdaptorPtr->totalDesiredVelocity;
-    dsAdaptorPtr->updateBelief(realVelocity);
+        dsAdaptorPtr->updateDesiredVelocity(currentTCPPositionInMeter, positionErrorTolerance);
+        Eigen::Vector3f tcpDesiredLinearVelocity = dsAdaptorPtr->totalDesiredVelocity;
+        dsAdaptorPtr->updateBelief(realVelocity);
-    float vecLen = tcpDesiredLinearVelocity.norm();
-    if (vecLen > v_max)
-    {
+        float vecLen = tcpDesiredLinearVelocity.norm();
+        if (vecLen > v_max)
+        {
-        tcpDesiredLinearVelocity = tcpDesiredLinearVelocity / vecLen * v_max;
-    }
+            tcpDesiredLinearVelocity = tcpDesiredLinearVelocity / vecLen * v_max;
+        }
-    ARMARX_INFO << "tcpDesiredLinearVelocity: " << tcpDesiredLinearVelocity;
+        ARMARX_INFO << "tcpDesiredLinearVelocity: " << tcpDesiredLinearVelocity;
-    debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().belief0 = dsAdaptorPtr->task0_belief;
-    debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().belief1 = gmmMotionGenList[0]->belief;
-    debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().belief2 = gmmMotionGenList[1]->belief;
-    debugDataInfo.commitWrite();
+        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().belief0 = dsAdaptorPtr->task0_belief;
+        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().belief1 = gmmMotionGenList[0]->belief;
+        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().belief2 = gmmMotionGenList[1]->belief;
+        debugDataInfo.commitWrite();
-    Eigen::Vector3f tcpDesiredAngularError;
-    tcpDesiredAngularError << 0, 0, 0;
+        Eigen::Vector3f tcpDesiredAngularError;
+        tcpDesiredAngularError << 0, 0, 0;
-    Eigen::Matrix3f currentOrientation = currentTCPPose.block<3, 3>(0, 0);
-    Eigen::Matrix3f desiredOrientation = desiredQuaternion.normalized().toRotationMatrix();
-    Eigen::Matrix3f orientationError = currentOrientation * desiredOrientation.inverse();
-    Eigen::Quaternionf diffQuaternion(orientationError);
-    Eigen::AngleAxisf angleAxis(diffQuaternion);
-    tcpDesiredAngularError = angleAxis.angle() * angleAxis.axis();
+        Eigen::Matrix3f currentOrientation = currentTCPPose.block<3, 3>(0, 0);
+        Eigen::Matrix3f desiredOrientation = desiredQuaternion.normalized().toRotationMatrix();
+        Eigen::Matrix3f orientationError = currentOrientation * desiredOrientation.inverse();
+        Eigen::Quaternionf diffQuaternion(orientationError);
+        Eigen::AngleAxisf angleAxis(diffQuaternion);
+        tcpDesiredAngularError = angleAxis.angle() * angleAxis.axis();
-    getWriterControlStruct().tcpDesiredLinearVelocity = tcpDesiredLinearVelocity;
-    getWriterControlStruct().tcpDesiredAngularError = tcpDesiredAngularError;
+        getWriterControlStruct().tcpDesiredLinearVelocity = tcpDesiredLinearVelocity;
+        getWriterControlStruct().tcpDesiredAngularError = tcpDesiredAngularError;
-    writeControlStruct();
+        writeControlStruct();
+    }
-void DSRTController::rtRun(const IceUtil::Time& sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time& timeSinceLastIteration)
-    double deltaT = timeSinceLastIteration.toSecondsDouble();
-    if (deltaT != 0)
+    void DSRTController::rtRun(const IceUtil::Time& sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time& timeSinceLastIteration)
+        double deltaT = timeSinceLastIteration.toSecondsDouble();
+        if (deltaT != 0)
+        {
-        Eigen::Matrix4f currentTCPPose = tcp->getPoseInRootFrame();
+            Eigen::Matrix4f currentTCPPose = tcp->getPoseInRootFrame();
-        Eigen::MatrixXf jacobi = ik->getJacobianMatrix(tcp, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection::All);
+            Eigen::MatrixXf jacobi = ik->getJacobianMatrix(tcp, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection::All);
-        Eigen::VectorXf qpos;
-        Eigen::VectorXf qvel;
-        qpos.resize(positionSensors.size());
-        qvel.resize(velocitySensors.size());
+            Eigen::VectorXf qpos;
+            Eigen::VectorXf qvel;
+            qpos.resize(positionSensors.size());
+            qvel.resize(velocitySensors.size());
-        int jointDim = positionSensors.size();
+            int jointDim = positionSensors.size();
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < velocitySensors.size(); ++i)
-        {
-            qpos(i) = positionSensors[i]->position;
-            qvel(i) = velocitySensors[i]->velocity;
-        }
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < velocitySensors.size(); ++i)
+            {
+                qpos(i) = positionSensors[i]->position;
+                qvel(i) = velocitySensors[i]->velocity;
+            }
-        Eigen::VectorXf tcptwist = jacobi * qvel;
+            Eigen::VectorXf tcptwist = jacobi * qvel;
-        Eigen::Vector3f currentTCPLinearVelocity;
-        currentTCPLinearVelocity << 0.001 * tcptwist(0),  0.001 * tcptwist(1), 0.001 * tcptwist(2);
-        double filterFactor = deltaT / (filterTimeConstant + deltaT);
-        currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered = (1 - filterFactor) * currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered + filterFactor * currentTCPLinearVelocity;
+            Eigen::Vector3f currentTCPLinearVelocity;
+            currentTCPLinearVelocity << 0.001 * tcptwist(0),  0.001 * tcptwist(1), 0.001 * tcptwist(2);
+            double filterFactor = deltaT / (filterTimeConstant + deltaT);
+            currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered = (1 - filterFactor) * currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered + filterFactor * currentTCPLinearVelocity;
-        controllerSensorData.getWriteBuffer().tcpPose = currentTCPPose;
-        controllerSensorData.getWriteBuffer().currentTime += deltaT;
-        controllerSensorData.getWriteBuffer().linearVelocity = currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered;
-        controllerSensorData.commitWrite();
+            controllerSensorData.getWriteBuffer().tcpPose = currentTCPPose;
+            controllerSensorData.getWriteBuffer().currentTime += deltaT;
+            controllerSensorData.getWriteBuffer().linearVelocity = currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered;
+            controllerSensorData.commitWrite();
-        Eigen::Vector3f currentTCPAngularVelocity;
-        currentTCPAngularVelocity << tcptwist(3), tcptwist(4), tcptwist(5);
-        //        // calculate linear velocity
-        //        Eigen::Vector3f currentTCPPosition;
-        //        currentTCPPosition << currentTCPPose(0, 3), currentTCPPose(1, 3), currentTCPPose(2, 3);
-        //        Eigen::Vector3f currentTCPLinearVelocity_raw = (currentTCPPosition - oldPosition) / deltaT;
-        //        oldPosition = currentTCPPosition;
+            Eigen::Vector3f currentTCPAngularVelocity;
+            currentTCPAngularVelocity << tcptwist(3), tcptwist(4), tcptwist(5);
+            //        // calculate linear velocity
+            //        Eigen::Vector3f currentTCPPosition;
+            //        currentTCPPosition << currentTCPPose(0, 3), currentTCPPose(1, 3), currentTCPPose(2, 3);
+            //        Eigen::Vector3f currentTCPLinearVelocity_raw = (currentTCPPosition - oldPosition) / deltaT;
+            //        oldPosition = currentTCPPosition;
-        //        // calculate angular velocity
-        //        Eigen::Matrix3f currentTCPOrientation = currentTCPPose.block<3, 3>(0, 0);
-        //        Eigen::Matrix3f currentTCPDiff = currentTCPOrientation * oldOrientation.inverse();
-        //        Eigen::AngleAxisf currentAngleAxisDiff(currentTCPDiff);
-        //        Eigen::Vector3f currentTCPAngularVelocity_raw = currentAngleAxisDiff.angle() * currentAngleAxisDiff.axis();
-        //        oldOrientation = currentTCPOrientation;
-        //        currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered = (1 - filterFactor) * currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered + filterFactor * currentTCPAngularVelocity_raw;
+            //        // calculate angular velocity
+            //        Eigen::Matrix3f currentTCPOrientation = currentTCPPose.block<3, 3>(0, 0);
+            //        Eigen::Matrix3f currentTCPDiff = currentTCPOrientation * oldOrientation.inverse();
+            //        Eigen::AngleAxisf currentAngleAxisDiff(currentTCPDiff);
+            //        Eigen::Vector3f currentTCPAngularVelocity_raw = currentAngleAxisDiff.angle() * currentAngleAxisDiff.axis();
+            //        oldOrientation = currentTCPOrientation;
+            //        currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered = (1 - filterFactor) * currentTCPAngularVelocity_filtered + filterFactor * currentTCPAngularVelocity_raw;
-        Eigen::Vector3f tcpDesiredLinearVelocity = rtGetControlStruct().tcpDesiredLinearVelocity;
-        Eigen::Vector3f tcpDesiredAngularError = rtGetControlStruct().tcpDesiredAngularError;
+            Eigen::Vector3f tcpDesiredLinearVelocity = rtGetControlStruct().tcpDesiredLinearVelocity;
+            Eigen::Vector3f tcpDesiredAngularError = rtGetControlStruct().tcpDesiredAngularError;
-        // calculate desired tcp force
-        Eigen::Vector3f tcpDesiredForce = -posiDamping * (currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered - tcpDesiredLinearVelocity);
+            // calculate desired tcp force
+            Eigen::Vector3f tcpDesiredForce = -posiDamping * (currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered - tcpDesiredLinearVelocity);
-        // calculate desired tcp torque
-        Eigen::Vector3f tcpDesiredTorque = - oriKp * tcpDesiredAngularError - oriDamping * currentTCPAngularVelocity;
+            // calculate desired tcp torque
+            Eigen::Vector3f tcpDesiredTorque = - oriKp * tcpDesiredAngularError - oriDamping * currentTCPAngularVelocity;
-        Eigen::Vector6f tcpDesiredWrench;
-        tcpDesiredWrench << 0.001 * tcpDesiredForce, tcpDesiredTorque;
+            Eigen::Vector6f tcpDesiredWrench;
+            tcpDesiredWrench << 0.001 * tcpDesiredForce, tcpDesiredTorque;
-        // calculate desired joint torque
-        Eigen::MatrixXf I = Eigen::MatrixXf::Identity(jointDim, jointDim);
+            // calculate desired joint torque
+            Eigen::MatrixXf I = Eigen::MatrixXf::Identity(jointDim, jointDim);
-        float lambda = 2;
-        Eigen::MatrixXf jtpinv = ik->computePseudoInverseJacobianMatrix(jacobi.transpose(), lambda);
+            float lambda = 2;
+            Eigen::MatrixXf jtpinv = ik->computePseudoInverseJacobianMatrix(jacobi.transpose(), lambda);
-        Eigen::VectorXf nullqerror = qpos - qnullspace;
+            Eigen::VectorXf nullqerror = qpos - qnullspace;
-        for (int i = 0; i < nullqerror.rows(); ++i)
-        {
-            if (fabs(nullqerror(i)) < 0.09)
+            for (int i = 0; i < nullqerror.rows(); ++i)
-                nullqerror(i) = 0;
+                if (fabs(nullqerror(i)) < 0.09)
+                {
+                    nullqerror(i) = 0;
+                }
-        }
-        Eigen::VectorXf nullspaceTorque = - nullspaceKp * nullqerror - nullspaceDamping * qvel;
+            Eigen::VectorXf nullspaceTorque = - nullspaceKp * nullqerror - nullspaceDamping * qvel;
-        Eigen::VectorXf jointDesiredTorques = jacobi.transpose() * tcpDesiredWrench + (I - jacobi.transpose() * jtpinv) * nullspaceTorque;
+            Eigen::VectorXf jointDesiredTorques = jacobi.transpose() * tcpDesiredWrench + (I - jacobi.transpose() * jtpinv) * nullspaceTorque;
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < targets.size(); ++i)
-        {
-            float desiredTorque = jointDesiredTorques(i);
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < targets.size(); ++i)
+            {
+                float desiredTorque = jointDesiredTorques(i);
-            desiredTorque = (desiredTorque >  torqueLimit) ? torqueLimit : desiredTorque;
-            desiredTorque = (desiredTorque < -torqueLimit) ? -torqueLimit : desiredTorque;
+                desiredTorque = (desiredTorque >  torqueLimit) ? torqueLimit : desiredTorque;
+                desiredTorque = (desiredTorque < -torqueLimit) ? -torqueLimit : desiredTorque;
-            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desired_torques[jointNames[i]] = jointDesiredTorques(i);
+                debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desired_torques[jointNames[i]] = jointDesiredTorques(i);
-  >torque = desiredTorque; //>velocity = desiredVelocity;
-        }
+      >torque = desiredTorque; //>velocity = desiredVelocity;
+            }
-        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desiredForce_x = tcpDesiredForce(0);
-        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desiredForce_y = tcpDesiredForce(1);
-        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desiredForce_z = tcpDesiredForce(2);
+            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desiredForce_x = tcpDesiredForce(0);
+            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desiredForce_y = tcpDesiredForce(1);
+            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().desiredForce_z = tcpDesiredForce(2);
-        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_x = tcpDesiredTorque(0);
-        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_y = tcpDesiredTorque(1);
-        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_z = tcpDesiredTorque(2);
+            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_x = tcpDesiredTorque(0);
+            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_y = tcpDesiredTorque(1);
+            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_z = tcpDesiredTorque(2);
-        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_x = tcpDesiredAngularError(0);
-        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_y = tcpDesiredAngularError(1);
-        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_z = tcpDesiredAngularError(2);
+            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_x = tcpDesiredAngularError(0);
+            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_y = tcpDesiredAngularError(1);
+            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_z = tcpDesiredAngularError(2);
-        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_x = currentTCPAngularVelocity(0);
-        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_y = currentTCPAngularVelocity(1);
-        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_z = currentTCPAngularVelocity(2);
+            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_x = currentTCPAngularVelocity(0);
+            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_y = currentTCPAngularVelocity(1);
+            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_z = currentTCPAngularVelocity(2);
-        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_x = currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered(0);
-        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_y = currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered(1);
-        debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_z = currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered(2);
+            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_x = currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered(0);
+            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_y = currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered(1);
+            debugDataInfo.getWriteBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_z = currentTCPLinearVelocity_filtered(2);
-        debugDataInfo.commitWrite();
+            debugDataInfo.commitWrite();
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < targets.size(); ++i)
+        }
+        else
-  >torque = 0;
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < targets.size(); ++i)
+            {
+      >torque = 0;
+            }
-    }
-void DSRTController::onPublish(const SensorAndControl&, const DebugDrawerInterfacePrx&, const DebugObserverInterfacePrx& debugObs)
+    }
-    StringVariantBaseMap datafields;
-    auto values = debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().desired_torques;
-    for (auto& pair : values)
+    void DSRTController::onPublish(const SensorAndControl&, const DebugDrawerInterfacePrx&, const DebugObserverInterfacePrx& debugObs)
-        datafields[pair.first] = new Variant(pair.second);
-    }
-    //    std::string nameJacobi = "jacobiori";
-    //    std::string nameJacobipos = "jacobipos";
+        StringVariantBaseMap datafields;
+        auto values = debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().desired_torques;
+        for (auto& pair : values)
+        {
+            datafields[pair.first] = new Variant(pair.second);
+        }
-    //    std::vector<float> jacobiVec = debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().jacobiVec;
-    //    std::vector<float> jacobiPos = debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().jacobiPos;
+        //    std::string nameJacobi = "jacobiori";
+        //    std::string nameJacobipos = "jacobipos";
-    //    for (size_t i = 0; i < jacobiVec.size(); ++i)
-    //    {
-    //        std::stringstream ss;
-    //        ss << i;
-    //        std::string name = nameJacobi + ss.str();
-    //        datafields[name] = new Variant(jacobiVec[i]);
-    //        std::string namepos = nameJacobipos + ss.str();
-    //        datafields[namepos] = new Variant(jacobiPos[i]);
+        //    std::vector<float> jacobiVec = debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().jacobiVec;
+        //    std::vector<float> jacobiPos = debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().jacobiPos;
-    //    }
+        //    for (size_t i = 0; i < jacobiVec.size(); ++i)
+        //    {
+        //        std::stringstream ss;
+        //        ss << i;
+        //        std::string name = nameJacobi + ss.str();
+        //        datafields[name] = new Variant(jacobiVec[i]);
+        //        std::string namepos = nameJacobipos + ss.str();
+        //        datafields[namepos] = new Variant(jacobiPos[i]);
+        //    }
-    datafields["desiredForce_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().desiredForce_x);
-    datafields["desiredForce_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().desiredForce_y);
-    datafields["desiredForce_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().desiredForce_z);
-    datafields["tcpDesiredTorque_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_x);
-    datafields["tcpDesiredTorque_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_y);
-    datafields["tcpDesiredTorque_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_z);
+        datafields["desiredForce_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().desiredForce_x);
+        datafields["desiredForce_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().desiredForce_y);
+        datafields["desiredForce_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().desiredForce_z);
-    datafields["tcpDesiredAngularError_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_x);
-    datafields["tcpDesiredAngularError_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_y);
-    datafields["tcpDesiredAngularError_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_z);
+        datafields["tcpDesiredTorque_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_x);
+        datafields["tcpDesiredTorque_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_y);
+        datafields["tcpDesiredTorque_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredTorque_z);
-    datafields["currentTCPAngularVelocity_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_x);
-    datafields["currentTCPAngularVelocity_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_y);
-    datafields["currentTCPAngularVelocity_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_z);
+        datafields["tcpDesiredAngularError_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_x);
+        datafields["tcpDesiredAngularError_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_y);
+        datafields["tcpDesiredAngularError_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().tcpDesiredAngularError_z);
+        datafields["currentTCPAngularVelocity_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_x);
+        datafields["currentTCPAngularVelocity_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_y);
+        datafields["currentTCPAngularVelocity_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPAngularVelocity_z);
-    datafields["currentTCPLinearVelocity_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_x);
-    datafields["currentTCPLinearVelocity_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_y);
-    datafields["currentTCPLinearVelocity_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_z);
-    datafields["belief_0"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().belief0);
-    datafields["belief_1"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().belief1);
-    datafields["belief_2"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().belief2);
+        datafields["currentTCPLinearVelocity_x"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_x);
+        datafields["currentTCPLinearVelocity_y"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_y);
+        datafields["currentTCPLinearVelocity_z"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().currentTCPLinearVelocity_z);
-    debugObs->setDebugChannel("DSControllerOutput", datafields);
+        datafields["belief_0"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().belief0);
+        datafields["belief_1"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().belief1);
+        datafields["belief_2"] = new Variant(debugDataInfo.getUpToDateReadBuffer().belief2);
+        debugObs->setDebugChannel("DSControllerOutput", datafields);
-void DSRTController::rtPreActivateController()
+    }
+    void DSRTController::rtPreActivateController()
+    {
-void DSRTController::rtPostDeactivateController()
+    }
+    void DSRTController::rtPostDeactivateController()
+    {
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/DSControllers/Gaussians.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/DSControllers/Gaussians.cpp
index 200605424..d4383dd55 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/DSControllers/Gaussians.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/DSControllers/Gaussians.cpp
@@ -15,158 +15,176 @@ using namespace std;
 Gaussians::Gaussians(GMMs *model)
-	this->model.nbStates = model->nbStates;
-	this->model.nbDim    = model->nbDim;
+    this->model.nbStates = model->nbStates;
+    this->model.nbDim    = model->nbDim;
-	this->model.States = (GMMState  *)malloc(model->nbStates*sizeof(GMMState) );
+    this->model.States = (GMMState  *)malloc(model->nbStates*sizeof(GMMState) );
-	for(int s=0; s<model->nbStates; s++ ){
-		this->model.States[s].Mu    = model->GMMState[s].Mu;
-		this->model.States[s].Sigma = model->GMMState[s].Sigma;
-		this->model.States[s].Prio  = model->GMMState[s].Prio;
-	}
+    for(int s=0; s<model->nbStates; s++ ){
+        this->model.States[s].Mu    = model->GMMState[s].Mu;
+        this->model.States[s].Sigma = model->GMMState[s].Sigma;
+        this->model.States[s].Prio  = model->GMMState[s].Prio;
+    }
-Gaussians::Gaussians(const char *f_mu, const char *f_sigma, const char *f_prio)
+Gaussians::Gaussians(const char* f_mu, const char* f_sigma, const char* f_prio)
-	int s, i, j;
-	int nbStates;
-	int nbDim;
-	Matrix fMatrix;
-	fMatrix.Load(f_prio);
-	if ( fMatrix(0, fMatrix.ColumnSize() - 1) > 0.0 )
-	{
-		nbStates = fMatrix.ColumnSize();
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		nbStates = fMatrix.ColumnSize() - 1;
-	}
-	for ( s = 0; s < nbStates; s++ ) {
-		model.States[s].Prio = fMatrix(0, s);
-	}
-	fMatrix.Load(f_mu);
-	nbDim = fMatrix.RowSize();
-	model.nbStates = nbStates;
-	model.nbDim    = nbDim;
-	for ( s = 0; s < nbStates; s++ ) {
-		model.States[s].Mu.Resize(nbDim);
-		model.States[s].Sigma.Resize(nbDim, nbDim );
-	}
-	for ( s = 0; s < nbStates; s++ ) {
-		model.States[s].Mu = fMatrix.GetColumn(s);
-	}
-	fMatrix.Load(f_sigma);
-	j = 0;
-	for ( s = 0; s < nbStates; s++ ) {
-		for ( i = 0; i < nbDim; i++ ) {
-			model.States[s].Sigma.SetRow(fMatrix.GetRow(j), i);
-			j++;
-		}
-	}
+    int s, i, j;
+    int nbStates;
+    int nbDim;
+    Matrix fMatrix;
+    fMatrix.Load(f_prio);
+    if (fMatrix(0, fMatrix.ColumnSize() - 1) > 0.0)
+    {
+        nbStates = fMatrix.ColumnSize();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        nbStates = fMatrix.ColumnSize() - 1;
+    }
+    for (s = 0; s < nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        model.States[s].Prio = fMatrix(0, s);
+    }
+    fMatrix.Load(f_mu);
+    nbDim = fMatrix.RowSize();
+    model.nbStates = nbStates;
+    model.nbDim    = nbDim;
+    for (s = 0; s < nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        model.States[s].Mu.Resize(nbDim);
+        model.States[s].Sigma.Resize(nbDim, nbDim);
+    }
+    for (s = 0; s < nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        model.States[s].Mu = fMatrix.GetColumn(s);
+    }
+    fMatrix.Load(f_sigma);
+    j = 0;
+    for (s = 0; s < nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        for (i = 0; i < nbDim; i++)
+        {
+            model.States[s].Sigma.SetRow(fMatrix.GetRow(j), i);
+            j++;
+        }
+    }
-Gaussians::Gaussians(int nbStates, int nbDim, const char *f_mu, const char *f_sigma, const char *f_prio)
+Gaussians::Gaussians(int nbStates, int nbDim, const char* f_mu, const char* f_sigma, const char* f_prio)
-	int s, i, j;
-	model.nbStates = nbStates;
-	model.nbDim    = nbDim;
-	for ( s = 0; s < nbStates; s++ ) {
-		model.States[s].Mu.Resize(nbDim);
-		model.States[s].Sigma.Resize(nbDim, nbDim );
-	}
-	Matrix fMatrix(nbDim, nbStates);
-	fMatrix.Load(f_mu);
-	for ( s = 0; s < nbStates; s++ ) {
-		model.States[s].Mu = fMatrix.GetColumn(s);
-	}
-	fMatrix.Resize(nbStates * nbDim, nbDim);
-	fMatrix.Load(f_sigma);
-	j = 0;
-	for ( s = 0; s < nbStates; s++ ) {
-		for ( i = 0; i < nbDim; i++ ) {
-			model.States[s].Sigma.SetRow(fMatrix.GetRow(j), i);
-			j++;
-		}
-	}
-	fMatrix.Resize(1, nbStates);
-	fMatrix.Load(f_prio);
-	Vector fVector(nbStates);
-	for ( s = 0; s < nbStates; s++ ) {
-		model.States[s].Prio = fMatrix(0, s);
-	}
+    int s, i, j;
+    model.nbStates = nbStates;
+    model.nbDim    = nbDim;
-Gaussians::Gaussians(const int nbStates, const int nbDim, const vector<double> pri_vec, const vector<double> mu_vec, const vector<double> sig_vec) {
+    for (s = 0; s < nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        model.States[s].Mu.Resize(nbDim);
+        model.States[s].Sigma.Resize(nbDim, nbDim);
+    }
-	model.nbStates = nbStates;
-	model.nbDim    = nbDim;
+    Matrix fMatrix(nbDim, nbStates);
+    fMatrix.Load(f_mu);
+    for (s = 0; s < nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        model.States[s].Mu = fMatrix.GetColumn(s);
+    }
-	for ( int s = 0; s < nbStates; s++ ) {
-		model.States[s].Mu.Resize(nbDim);
-		model.States[s].Sigma.Resize(nbDim, nbDim );
-	}
+    fMatrix.Resize(nbStates * nbDim, nbDim);
+    fMatrix.Load(f_sigma);
+    j = 0;
+    for (s = 0; s < nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        for (i = 0; i < nbDim; i++)
+        {
+            model.States[s].Sigma.SetRow(fMatrix.GetRow(j), i);
+            j++;
+        }
+    }
-	for ( int s = 0; s < nbStates; s++ ) {
-		model.States[s].Prio = pri_vec[s];
-	}
-	// cout << endl << "Printing the constructed Priors" << endl;
-	// for ( int s = 0; s < nbStates; s++ ) {
-	// 	cout << model.States[s].Prio  << "\t";
-	// }
-	// cout << endl;
+    fMatrix.Resize(1, nbStates);
+    fMatrix.Load(f_prio);
+    Vector fVector(nbStates);
+    for (s = 0; s < nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        model.States[s].Prio = fMatrix(0, s);
+    }
+Gaussians::Gaussians(const int nbStates, const int nbDim, const vector<double> pri_vec, const vector<double> mu_vec, const vector<double> sig_vec)
+    model.nbStates = nbStates;
+    model.nbDim    = nbDim;
-	for ( int s = 0; s < nbStates; s++ ) {
-		for (int d = 0; d < nbDim; d++) {
-			model.States[s].Mu[d] = mu_vec[s * nbDim + d];
-		}
-	}
+    for (int s = 0; s < nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        model.States[s].Mu.Resize(nbDim);
+        model.States[s].Sigma.Resize(nbDim, nbDim);
+    }
+    for (int s = 0; s < nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        model.States[s].Prio = pri_vec[s];
+    }
+    // cout << endl << "Printing the constructed Priors" << endl;
+    // for ( int s = 0; s < nbStates; s++ ) {
+    //  cout << model.States[s].Prio  << "\t";
+    // }
+    // cout << endl;
+    for (int s = 0; s < nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        for (int d = 0; d < nbDim; d++)
+        {
+            model.States[s].Mu[d] = mu_vec[s * nbDim + d];
+        }
+    }
-	// cout << endl << "Printing the constructed Mu" << endl;
-	// for ( int s = 0; s < nbStates; s++ ) {
-	// 	for (int d = 0; d < nbDim; d++) {
-	// 		cout << model.States[s].Mu[d]  << "\t";
-	// 	}
-	// 	cout << endl;
-	// }
-	for ( int s = 0; s < nbStates; s++ ) {
-		for (int row = 0; row < nbDim; row++) {
-			for (int col = 0; col < nbDim; col++) {
-				int ind = s * nbDim * nbDim + row * nbDim + col;
-				model.States[s].Sigma(row, col) = sig_vec[ind];
-			}
-		}
-	}
+    // cout << endl << "Printing the constructed Mu" << endl;
+    // for ( int s = 0; s < nbStates; s++ ) {
+    //  for (int d = 0; d < nbDim; d++) {
+    //      cout << model.States[s].Mu[d]  << "\t";
+    //  }
+    //  cout << endl;
+    // }
+    for (int s = 0; s < nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        for (int row = 0; row < nbDim; row++)
+        {
+            for (int col = 0; col < nbDim; col++)
+            {
+                int ind = s * nbDim * nbDim + row * nbDim + col;
+                model.States[s].Sigma(row, col) = sig_vec[ind];
+            }
+        }
+    }
-	// cout << endl << "Printing the constructed Sigma" << endl;
-	// for ( int s = 0; s < nbStates; s++ ) {
-	// 	for (int row = 0; row < nbDim; row++) {
-	// 		for (int col = 0; col < nbDim; col++) {
-	// 			cout << model.States[s].Sigma(row, col) << "\t";
-	// 		}
-	// 		cout <<endl;
-	// 	}
-	// 	cout << endl;
-	// }
+    // cout << endl << "Printing the constructed Sigma" << endl;
+    // for ( int s = 0; s < nbStates; s++ ) {
+    //  for (int row = 0; row < nbDim; row++) {
+    //      for (int col = 0; col < nbDim; col++) {
+    //          cout << model.States[s].Sigma(row, col) << "\t";
+    //      }
+    //      cout <<endl;
+    //  }
+    //  cout << endl;
+    // }
@@ -176,158 +194,183 @@ Gaussians::Gaussians(const int nbStates, const int nbDim, const vector<double> p
-void Gaussians::setGMMs(GMMs *model)
+void Gaussians::setGMMs(GMMs* model)
-	for (unsigned int s = 0; s < model->nbStates; s++ ) {
-		this->model.States[s].Mu    = model->States[s].Mu;
-		this->model.States[s].Sigma = model->States[s].Sigma;
-		this->model.States[s].Prio  = model->States[s].Prio;
-	}
+    for (unsigned int s = 0; s < model->nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        this->model.States[s].Mu    = model->States[s].Mu;
+        this->model.States[s].Sigma = model->States[s].Sigma;
+        this->model.States[s].Prio  = model->States[s].Prio;
+    }
 void Gaussians::InitFastGaussians(int first_inindex, int last_inindex)
-	double det;
-	int nbIN = last_inindex - first_inindex + 1;
-	for (unsigned int s = 0; s < model.nbStates; s++ ) {
-		gmmpinv[s].MuI.Resize(nbIN);
-		gmmpinv[s].SigmaII.Resize(nbIN, nbIN);
-		gmmpinv[s].SigmaIIInv.Resize(nbIN, nbIN);
-	}
-	for (unsigned int s = 0; s < model.nbStates; s++ ) {
-		for ( int i = first_inindex; i <= last_inindex; i++ ) gmmpinv[s].MuI(i - first_inindex) = model.States[s].Mu(i);
-		for ( int i = first_inindex; i <= last_inindex; i++ )
-			for ( int j = first_inindex; j <= last_inindex; j++ )
-				gmmpinv[s].SigmaII(i - first_inindex, j - first_inindex) = model.States[s].Sigma(i, j);
-		gmmpinv[s].SigmaII.Inverse(gmmpinv[s].SigmaIIInv, &det);
-		//gmmpinv[s].SigmaIIInv = gmmpinv[s].SigmaII.Inverse();
-		//gmmpinv[s].SigmaII.Inverse(&det);
-		if (det < 0) det = 1e-30;
-		gmmpinv[s].detSigmaII = det;
-	}
-	nbDimI = last_inindex - first_inindex + 1;
-	gfDiff.Resize(nbDimI);
-	gfDiffp.Resize(nbDimI);
-	gDer.Resize(nbDimI);
+    double det;
+    int nbIN = last_inindex - first_inindex + 1;
+    for (unsigned int s = 0; s < model.nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        gmmpinv[s].MuI.Resize(nbIN);
+        gmmpinv[s].SigmaII.Resize(nbIN, nbIN);
+        gmmpinv[s].SigmaIIInv.Resize(nbIN, nbIN);
+    }
+    for (unsigned int s = 0; s < model.nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        for (int i = first_inindex; i <= last_inindex; i++)
+        {
+            gmmpinv[s].MuI(i - first_inindex) = model.States[s].Mu(i);
+        }
+        for (int i = first_inindex; i <= last_inindex; i++)
+            for (int j = first_inindex; j <= last_inindex; j++)
+            {
+                gmmpinv[s].SigmaII(i - first_inindex, j - first_inindex) = model.States[s].Sigma(i, j);
+            }
+        gmmpinv[s].SigmaII.Inverse(gmmpinv[s].SigmaIIInv, &det);
+        //gmmpinv[s].SigmaIIInv = gmmpinv[s].SigmaII.Inverse();
+        //gmmpinv[s].SigmaII.Inverse(&det);
+        if (det < 0)
+        {
+            det = 1e-30;
+        }
+        gmmpinv[s].detSigmaII = det;
+    }
+    nbDimI = last_inindex - first_inindex + 1;
+    gfDiff.Resize(nbDimI);
+    gfDiffp.Resize(nbDimI);
+    gDer.Resize(nbDimI);
 double Gaussians::GaussianPDFFast(int state, Vector x)
-	double p;
-	gfDiff  = x - gmmpinv[state].MuI;
-	gfDiffp = gmmpinv[state].SigmaIIInv * gfDiff;
+    double p;
+    gfDiff  = x - gmmpinv[state].MuI;
+    gfDiffp = gmmpinv[state].SigmaIIInv * gfDiff;
-	p = exp(-0.5 * gfDiff.Dot(gfDiffp)) / sqrt(pow(2.0 * PI, nbDimI) * ( gmmpinv[state].detSigmaII + 1e-30));
+    p = exp(-0.5 * gfDiff.Dot(gfDiffp)) / sqrt(pow(2.0 * PI, nbDimI) * (gmmpinv[state].detSigmaII + 1e-30));
-	return p;
+    return p;
 double Gaussians::GaussianProbFast(Vector x)
-	double totalP = 0;
-	for (unsigned int s = 0; s < model.nbStates; s++ ) {
-		totalP += model.States[s].Prio * GaussianPDFFast(s, x);
-	}
-	return totalP;
+    double totalP = 0;
+    for (unsigned int s = 0; s < model.nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        totalP += model.States[s].Prio * GaussianPDFFast(s, x);
+    }
+    return totalP;
 Vector Gaussians::GaussianDerProbFast(Vector x)
-	gDer.Zero();
-	for (unsigned int s = 0; s < model.nbStates; s++ ) {
-		gDer += (gmmpinv[s].SigmaIIInv * (x - gmmpinv[s].MuI)) * model.States[s].Prio * GaussianPDFFast(s, x);
-	}
-	return -gDer;
+    gDer.Zero();
+    for (unsigned int s = 0; s < model.nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        gDer += (gmmpinv[s].SigmaIIInv * (x - gmmpinv[s].MuI)) * model.States[s].Prio * GaussianPDFFast(s, x);
+    }
+    return -gDer;
 void Gaussians::InitFastGMR(int first_inindex, int last_inindex, int first_outindex, int last_outindex)
-	double det;
-	int nbIN  = last_inindex - first_inindex + 1;
-	int nbOUT = last_outindex - first_outindex + 1;
-	gPdf.Resize(model.nbStates);
-	for (unsigned int s = 0; s < model.nbStates; s++ ) {
-		gmmpinv[s].MuI.Resize(nbIN);
-		gmmpinv[s].SigmaII.Resize(nbIN, nbIN);
-		gmmpinv[s].SigmaIIInv.Resize(nbIN, nbIN);
-		gmmpinv[s].muO.Resize(nbOUT);
-		gmmpinv[s].SigmaIO.Resize(nbIN, nbOUT);
-		gmmpinv[s].SigmaIOInv.Resize(nbOUT, nbOUT);
-	}
-	for (unsigned int s = 0; s < model.nbStates; s++ ) {
-		for ( int i = first_inindex; i <= last_inindex; i++ ) {
-			gmmpinv[s].MuI(i - first_inindex) = model.States[s].Mu(i);
-			for ( int j = first_inindex; j <= last_inindex; j++ ) {
-				gmmpinv[s].SigmaII(i - first_inindex, j - first_inindex) = model.States[s].Sigma(i, j);
-			}
-			for ( int j = first_outindex; j <= last_outindex; j++ ) {
-				gmmpinv[s].SigmaIO(i - first_inindex, j - first_outindex) = model.States[s].Sigma(i, j);
-			}
-		}
-		for ( int i = first_outindex; i <= last_outindex; i++ ) {
-			gmmpinv[s].muO(i - first_outindex) = model.States[s].Mu(i);
-		}
-		gmmpinv[s].SigmaII.Inverse(gmmpinv[s].SigmaIIInv, &det);
-		if (det < 0) det = 1e-30;
-		gmmpinv[s].detSigmaII = det;
-		(gmmpinv[s].SigmaIO).Transpose().Inverse(gmmpinv[s].SigmaIOInv, &det);
-	}
-	nbDimI = last_inindex - first_inindex + 1;
-	gfDiff.Resize(nbDimI);
-	gfDiffp.Resize(nbDimI);
-	gDer.Resize(nbDimI);
+    double det;
+    int nbIN  = last_inindex - first_inindex + 1;
+    int nbOUT = last_outindex - first_outindex + 1;
+    gPdf.Resize(model.nbStates);
+    for (unsigned int s = 0; s < model.nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        gmmpinv[s].MuI.Resize(nbIN);
+        gmmpinv[s].SigmaII.Resize(nbIN, nbIN);
+        gmmpinv[s].SigmaIIInv.Resize(nbIN, nbIN);
+        gmmpinv[s].muO.Resize(nbOUT);
+        gmmpinv[s].SigmaIO.Resize(nbIN, nbOUT);
+        gmmpinv[s].SigmaIOInv.Resize(nbOUT, nbOUT);
+    }
+    for (unsigned int s = 0; s < model.nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        for (int i = first_inindex; i <= last_inindex; i++)
+        {
+            gmmpinv[s].MuI(i - first_inindex) = model.States[s].Mu(i);
+            for (int j = first_inindex; j <= last_inindex; j++)
+            {
+                gmmpinv[s].SigmaII(i - first_inindex, j - first_inindex) = model.States[s].Sigma(i, j);
+            }
+            for (int j = first_outindex; j <= last_outindex; j++)
+            {
+                gmmpinv[s].SigmaIO(i - first_inindex, j - first_outindex) = model.States[s].Sigma(i, j);
+            }
+        }
+        for (int i = first_outindex; i <= last_outindex; i++)
+        {
+            gmmpinv[s].muO(i - first_outindex) = model.States[s].Mu(i);
+        }
+        gmmpinv[s].SigmaII.Inverse(gmmpinv[s].SigmaIIInv, &det);
+        if (det < 0)
+        {
+            det = 1e-30;
+        }
+        gmmpinv[s].detSigmaII = det;
+        (gmmpinv[s].SigmaIO).Transpose().Inverse(gmmpinv[s].SigmaIOInv, &det);
+    }
+    nbDimI = last_inindex - first_inindex + 1;
+    gfDiff.Resize(nbDimI);
+    gfDiffp.Resize(nbDimI);
+    gDer.Resize(nbDimI);
-void Gaussians::Regression(const Vector & indata, Vector & outdata, Matrix & derGMR)
+void Gaussians::Regression(const Vector& indata, Vector& outdata, Matrix& derGMR)
-	Regression(indata, outdata);
-	cout << "derivative is not implemented yet " << endl;
+    Regression(indata, outdata);
+    cout << "derivative is not implemented yet " << endl;
-void Gaussians::Regression(const Vector & indata, Vector & outdata)
+void Gaussians::Regression(const Vector& indata, Vector& outdata)
-	double pdfall;
-	Vector h(model.nbStates);
-	Vector r_diff(outdata.Size());
-	for (unsigned int s = 0; s < model.nbStates; s++) {
-		gPdf(s) = model.States[s].Prio * GaussianPDFFast(s, indata);
-	}
-	pdfall = gPdf.Sum();
-	outdata.Zero();
-	for (unsigned int s = 0; s < model.nbStates; s++) {
-		//h(s) = gPdf(s)/(pdfall + 1e-30 );
-		h(s) = gPdf(s) / (pdfall );
-		r_diff = gmmpinv[s].SigmaIO.Transpose() * gmmpinv[s].SigmaIIInv * (indata - gmmpinv[s].MuI);
-		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < r_diff.Size(); i++ ) {
-			outdata(i) += h(s) * (r_diff(i) + gmmpinv[s].muO(i));
-		}
-	}
+    double pdfall;
+    Vector h(model.nbStates);
+    Vector r_diff(outdata.Size());
+    for (unsigned int s = 0; s < model.nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        gPdf(s) = model.States[s].Prio * GaussianPDFFast(s, indata);
+    }
+    pdfall = gPdf.Sum();
+    outdata.Zero();
+    for (unsigned int s = 0; s < model.nbStates; s++)
+    {
+        //h(s) = gPdf(s)/(pdfall + 1e-30 );
+        h(s) = gPdf(s) / (pdfall);
+        r_diff = gmmpinv[s].SigmaIO.Transpose() * gmmpinv[s].SigmaIIInv * (indata - gmmpinv[s].MuI);
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < r_diff.Size(); i++)
+        {
+            outdata(i) += h(s) * (r_diff(i) + gmmpinv[s].muO(i));
+        }
+    }
-Vector Gaussians::Regression(const Vector & indata)
+Vector Gaussians::Regression(const Vector& indata)
-	Vector outdata(indata.Size());
-	Regression(indata, outdata);
-	return outdata;
+    Vector outdata(indata.Size());
+    Regression(indata, outdata);
+    return outdata;
@@ -342,177 +385,177 @@ using namespace std;
 Gaussians::Gaussians(GMMs *model)
-	this->model.nbStates = model->nbStates;
-	this->model.nbDim    = model->nbDim;
+    this->model.nbStates = model->nbStates;
+    this->model.nbDim    = model->nbDim;
-	this->model.States = (GMMState  *)malloc(model->nbStates*sizeof(GMMState) );
+    this->model.States = (GMMState  *)malloc(model->nbStates*sizeof(GMMState) );
-	for(int s=0; s<model->nbStates; s++ ){
-		this->model.States[s].Mu    = model->GMMState[s].Mu;
-		this->model.States[s].Sigma = model->GMMState[s].Sigma;
-		this->model.States[s].Prio  = model->GMMState[s].Prio;
-	}
+    for(int s=0; s<model->nbStates; s++ ){
+        this->model.States[s].Mu    = model->GMMState[s].Mu;
+        this->model.States[s].Sigma = model->GMMState[s].Sigma;
+        this->model.States[s].Prio  = model->GMMState[s].Prio;
+    }
 Gaussians::Gaussians(int nbStates, int nbDim, char *f_mu, char *f_sigma, char *f_prio)
-	int s, i, j;
-	model.nbStates = nbStates;
-	model.nbDim    = nbDim;
-	model.States = (GMMState  *)malloc(nbStates*sizeof(GMMState) );
-	for( s=0; s<nbStates; s++ ){
-		model.States[s].Mu       =  zeros<vec>(nbDim);
-		model.States[s].Sigma    =  zeros<mat>(nbDim, nbDim );
-	}
-	// f_mu
-	ifstream fin;
-	for( i=0; i<nbDim; i++ ){
-		for( s=0; s<nbStates; s++ ){
-			fin >> model.States[s].Mu(i);
-		}
-	}
-	fin.close();
-	// f_sigma
-	for( s=0; s<nbStates; s++ ){
-		for( i=0; i<nbDim; i++ ){
-			for( j=0; j<nbDim; j++ ){
-				fin >> model.States[s].Sigma(i,j);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	fin.close();
-	// f_prio
-	for( s=0; s<nbStates; s++ ){
-		fin >>model.States[s].Prio;
-	}
-	fin.close();
+    int s, i, j;
+    model.nbStates = nbStates;
+    model.nbDim    = nbDim;
+    model.States = (GMMState  *)malloc(nbStates*sizeof(GMMState) );
+    for( s=0; s<nbStates; s++ ){
+        model.States[s].Mu       =  zeros<vec>(nbDim);
+        model.States[s].Sigma    =  zeros<mat>(nbDim, nbDim );
+    }
+    // f_mu
+    ifstream fin;
+    for( i=0; i<nbDim; i++ ){
+        for( s=0; s<nbStates; s++ ){
+            fin >> model.States[s].Mu(i);
+        }
+    }
+    fin.close();
+    // f_sigma
+    for( s=0; s<nbStates; s++ ){
+        for( i=0; i<nbDim; i++ ){
+            for( j=0; j<nbDim; j++ ){
+                fin >> model.States[s].Sigma(i,j);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fin.close();
+    // f_prio
+    for( s=0; s<nbStates; s++ ){
+        fin >>model.States[s].Prio;
+    }
+    fin.close();
 void Gaussians::setGMMs(GMMs *model)
-	for(int s=0; s<model->nbStates; s++ ){
-		this->model.States[s].Mu    = model->GMMState[s].Mu;
-		this->model.States[s].Sigma = model->GMMState[s].Sigma;
-		this->model.States[s].Prio  = model->GMMState[s].Prio;
-	}
+    for(int s=0; s<model->nbStates; s++ ){
+        this->model.States[s].Mu    = model->GMMState[s].Mu;
+        this->model.States[s].Sigma = model->GMMState[s].Sigma;
+        this->model.States[s].Prio  = model->GMMState[s].Prio;
+    }
 void Gaussians::InitFastGaussians(int first_inindex, int last_inindex)
-	gmmpinv = (GMMStateP *)malloc(model.nbStates*sizeof(GMMStateP) );
-	for(int s=0; s<model.nbStates; s++ ){
-		gmmpinv[s].MuI = model.States[s].Mu.subvec(first_inindex, last_inindex);
-		gmmpinv[s].SigmaII = model.States[s].Sigma.submat(first_inindex, first_inindex, last_inindex, last_inindex);
-		gmmpinv[s].SigmaIIInv = pinv(gmmpinv[s].SigmaII);
-		gmmpinv[s].detSigmaII = det(gmmpinv[s].SigmaII);
-	}
-	nbDimI = last_inindex - first_inindex +1;
-	gfDiff  = zeros<vec>(nbDimI);
-	gfDiffp = zeros<vec>(nbDimI);
-	gDer    = zeros<vec>(nbDimI);
+    gmmpinv = (GMMStateP *)malloc(model.nbStates*sizeof(GMMStateP) );
+    for(int s=0; s<model.nbStates; s++ ){
+        gmmpinv[s].MuI = model.States[s].Mu.subvec(first_inindex, last_inindex);
+        gmmpinv[s].SigmaII = model.States[s].Sigma.submat(first_inindex, first_inindex, last_inindex, last_inindex);
+        gmmpinv[s].SigmaIIInv = pinv(gmmpinv[s].SigmaII);
+        gmmpinv[s].detSigmaII = det(gmmpinv[s].SigmaII);
+    }
+    nbDimI = last_inindex - first_inindex +1;
+    gfDiff  = zeros<vec>(nbDimI);
+    gfDiffp = zeros<vec>(nbDimI);
+    gDer    = zeros<vec>(nbDimI);
 double Gaussians::GaussianPDFFast(int state, vec x)
-	double p;
-	gfDiff  = x - gmmpinv[state].MuI;
-	gfDiffp = gmmpinv[state].SigmaIIInv * gfDiff;
+    double p;
+    gfDiff  = x - gmmpinv[state].MuI;
+    gfDiffp = gmmpinv[state].SigmaIIInv * gfDiff;
-	p = exp(-0.5*dot(gfDiff, gfDiffp)) / sqrt(pow(2.0*math::pi(), nbDimI)*( gmmpinv[state].detSigmaII +1e-30));
+    p = exp(-0.5*dot(gfDiff, gfDiffp)) / sqrt(pow(2.0*math::pi(), nbDimI)*( gmmpinv[state].detSigmaII +1e-30));
-	return p;
+    return p;
 double Gaussians::GaussianProbFast(vec x)
-	double totalP=0;
-	for(int s=0; s<model.nbStates; s++ ){
-		totalP += model.States[s].Prio*GaussianPDFFast(s,x);
-	}
-	return totalP;
+    double totalP=0;
+    for(int s=0; s<model.nbStates; s++ ){
+        totalP += model.States[s].Prio*GaussianPDFFast(s,x);
+    }
+    return totalP;
 vec Gaussians::GaussianDerProbFast(vec x)
-	gDer.zeros();
-	for(int s=0; s<model.nbStates; s++ ){
-		gDer += model.States[s].Prio * gmmpinv[s].SigmaIIInv *(x-gmmpinv[s].MuI)*GaussianPDFFast(s,x);
-	}
-	return -gDer;
+    gDer.zeros();
+    for(int s=0; s<model.nbStates; s++ ){
+        gDer += model.States[s].Prio * gmmpinv[s].SigmaIIInv *(x-gmmpinv[s].MuI)*GaussianPDFFast(s,x);
+    }
+    return -gDer;
 void AllocateGMMs(GMMs *model, int nbDim, int nbStates)
-	model->nbDim = nbDim;
-	model->nbStates = nbStates;
-	model->GMMState = (GMMState  *)malloc(nbStates*sizeof(GMMState) );
-	for(int s=0; s<nbStates; s++ ){
-		model->GMMState[s].Mu       =  zeros<vec>(nbDim);
-		model->GMMState[s].Sigma    =  zeros<mat>(nbDim, nbDim );
-	}
+    model->nbDim = nbDim;
+    model->nbStates = nbStates;
+    model->GMMState = (GMMState  *)malloc(nbStates*sizeof(GMMState) );
+    for(int s=0; s<nbStates; s++ ){
+        model->GMMState[s].Mu       =  zeros<vec>(nbDim);
+        model->GMMState[s].Sigma    =  zeros<mat>(nbDim, nbDim );
+    }
 double GaussianPDF(vec x, vec Mu, mat Sigma)
-	double p;
-	vec diff  = x - Mu;
-	vec diffp = pinv( Sigma ) * diff;
-	int nbDim = x.size();
+    double p;
+    vec diff  = x - Mu;
+    vec diffp = pinv( Sigma ) * diff;
+    int nbDim = x.size();
-	p = exp(-0.5*dot(diff, diffp)) / sqrt(pow(2.0*math::pi(), nbDim)*( abs(det(Sigma)) +1e-30));
+    p = exp(-0.5*dot(diff, diffp)) / sqrt(pow(2.0*math::pi(), nbDim)*( abs(det(Sigma)) +1e-30));
     if(p < 1e-30){
-		return 1e-30;
+        return 1e-30;
+    }
+    else{
+        return p;
-	else{
-		return p;
-	}
 void GaussianMux(GMMs *modelK, GMMs *modelL, GMMs *modelOut)
-	int k,l,j;
-	int K = modelK->nbStates;
-	int L = modelL->nbStates;
-	int J = K*L;
-	//modelOut->nbDim = modelK->nbDim;
-	//modelOut->nbStates = J;
-	//modelOut->GMMState = (GMMState *)malloc(J*sizeof(GMMState) );
-	j=0;
-	for(k=0; k<K; k++){
-		for(l=0; l<L; l++){
-			modelOut->GMMState[j].Sigma = pinv( pinv(modelK->GMMState[k].Sigma) + pinv( modelL->GMMState[l].Sigma) );
-			modelOut->GMMState[j].Mu    = modelOut->GMMState[j].Sigma *( pinv(modelK->GMMState[k].Sigma) * modelK->GMMState[k].Mu + pinv(modelL->GMMState[l].Sigma) * modelL->GMMState[l].Mu );
-			modelOut->GMMState[j].Prio  = modelK->GMMState[k].Prio* modelL->GMMState[l].Prio * GaussianPDF( modelK->GMMState[k].Mu, modelL->GMMState[l].Mu, modelK->GMMState[k].Sigma + modelL->GMMState[l].Sigma);
-			j++;
-		}
-	}
+    int k,l,j;
+    int K = modelK->nbStates;
+    int L = modelL->nbStates;
+    int J = K*L;
+    //modelOut->nbDim = modelK->nbDim;
+    //modelOut->nbStates = J;
+    //modelOut->GMMState = (GMMState *)malloc(J*sizeof(GMMState) );
+    j=0;
+    for(k=0; k<K; k++){
+        for(l=0; l<L; l++){
+            modelOut->GMMState[j].Sigma = pinv( pinv(modelK->GMMState[k].Sigma) + pinv( modelL->GMMState[l].Sigma) );
+            modelOut->GMMState[j].Mu    = modelOut->GMMState[j].Sigma *( pinv(modelK->GMMState[k].Sigma) * modelK->GMMState[k].Mu + pinv(modelL->GMMState[l].Sigma) * modelL->GMMState[l].Mu );
+            modelOut->GMMState[j].Prio  = modelK->GMMState[k].Prio* modelL->GMMState[l].Prio * GaussianPDF( modelK->GMMState[k].Mu, modelL->GMMState[l].Mu, modelK->GMMState[k].Sigma + modelL->GMMState[l].Sigma);
+            j++;
+        }
+    }
 void GaussianRotate(GMMs *model, arma::vec P, arma::mat R, GMMs *modelOut)
-	for(int s=0; s<model->nbStates; s++){
-		modelOut->GMMState[s].Mu    = R*model->GMMState[s].Mu + P;
-		modelOut->GMMState[s].Sigma = R*model->GMMState[s].Sigma*trans(R);
-	}
-	//modelOut->nbDim = model->nbDim;
-	//modelOut->nbStates = model->nbStates;
+    for(int s=0; s<model->nbStates; s++){
+        modelOut->GMMState[s].Mu    = R*model->GMMState[s].Mu + P;
+        modelOut->GMMState[s].Sigma = R*model->GMMState[s].Sigma*trans(R);
+    }
+    //modelOut->nbDim = model->nbDim;
+    //modelOut->nbStates = model->nbStates;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/DSControllers/Gaussians.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/DSControllers/Gaussians.h
index b72890a83..43375b145 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/DSControllers/Gaussians.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/DSControllers/Gaussians.h
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
-using namespace MathLib;
 struct GMMState
     Vector Mu;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/JointPWMPositionController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/JointPWMPositionController.cpp
index b118e52c5..d4505ed99 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/JointPWMPositionController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/JointPWMPositionController.cpp
@@ -16,312 +16,312 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/observers/filters/rtfilters/AverageFilter.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-JointPWMPositionController::JointPWMPositionController(const std::string deviceName, KITGripperBasisBoardPtr board,
-        ActorDataPtr jointData,
-        PWMPositionControllerConfigurationCPtr positionControllerConfigDataPtr) : JointController(),
-    config(positionControllerConfigDataPtr),
-    //    controller(positionControllerConfigDataPtr),
-    target(), board(board), deviceName(deviceName)
-    actorIndex = board->getActorIndex(deviceName);
-    sensorValue = board->getDevices().at(actorIndex)->getSensorValue()->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuator>();
-    ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(sensorValue, deviceName);
-    dataPtr = jointData;
-    posController.desiredDeceleration = positionControllerConfigDataPtr->maxDecelerationRad;
-    posController.desiredJerk = 100;
-    posController.maxDt = positionControllerConfigDataPtr->maxDt;
-    posController.maxV = positionControllerConfigDataPtr->maxVelocityRad;
-    posController.p = 4;
-    posController.phase2SwitchDistance =  0.1;
-    ARMARX_CHECK_GREATER_EQUAL(jointData->getSoftLimitHi(), jointData->getSoftLimitLo());
-    //    controller.positionLimitHiHard = dataPtr->getHardLimitHi();
-    //    posController.positionLimitHi = jointData->getSoftLimitHi();
-    //    controller.positionLimitLoHard = dataPtr->getHardLimitLo();
-    //    posController.positionLimitLo = jointData->getSoftLimitLo();
-    //    posController.pControlPosErrorLimit = 0.02f;
-    //>Kp = posController.calculateProportionalGain();
-    //    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "position Kp " <<>Kp;
-    this->isLimitless = jointData->isLimitless();
-    pidPosController.reset(new PIDController(positionControllerConfigDataPtr->p, positionControllerConfigDataPtr->i, positionControllerConfigDataPtr->d));
-    pidPosController->maxIntegral = positionControllerConfigDataPtr->maxIntegral;
-    pidPosController->differentialFilter.reset(new rtfilters::AverageFilter(10));
-JointPWMPositionController::~JointPWMPositionController() noexcept(true)
+namespace armarx
-    stopRequested = true;
-    try
-    {
-        threadHandle.join();
-    }
-    catch (...)
+    JointPWMPositionController::JointPWMPositionController(const std::string deviceName, KITGripperBasisBoardPtr board,
+            ActorDataPtr jointData,
+            PWMPositionControllerConfigurationCPtr positionControllerConfigDataPtr) : JointController(),
+        config(positionControllerConfigDataPtr),
+        //    controller(positionControllerConfigDataPtr),
+        target(), board(board), deviceName(deviceName)
+        actorIndex = board->getActorIndex(deviceName);
+        sensorValue = board->getDevices().at(actorIndex)->getSensorValue()->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuator>();
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(sensorValue, deviceName);
+        dataPtr = jointData;
+        posController.desiredDeceleration = positionControllerConfigDataPtr->maxDecelerationRad;
+        posController.desiredJerk = 100;
+        posController.maxDt = positionControllerConfigDataPtr->maxDt;
+        posController.maxV = positionControllerConfigDataPtr->maxVelocityRad;
+        posController.p = 4;
+        posController.phase2SwitchDistance =  0.1;
+        ARMARX_CHECK_GREATER_EQUAL(jointData->getSoftLimitHi(), jointData->getSoftLimitLo());
+        //    controller.positionLimitHiHard = dataPtr->getHardLimitHi();
+        //    posController.positionLimitHi = jointData->getSoftLimitHi();
+        //    controller.positionLimitLoHard = dataPtr->getHardLimitLo();
+        //    posController.positionLimitLo = jointData->getSoftLimitLo();
+        //    posController.pControlPosErrorLimit = 0.02f;
+        //>Kp = posController.calculateProportionalGain();
+        //    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "position Kp " <<>Kp;
+        this->isLimitless = jointData->isLimitless();
+        pidPosController.reset(new PIDController(positionControllerConfigDataPtr->p, positionControllerConfigDataPtr->i, positionControllerConfigDataPtr->d));
+        pidPosController->maxIntegral = positionControllerConfigDataPtr->maxIntegral;
+        pidPosController->differentialFilter.reset(new rtfilters::AverageFilter(10));
-void JointPWMPositionController::rtRun(const IceUtil::Time& sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time& timeSinceLastIteration)
-    if (target.isValid())
+    JointPWMPositionController::~JointPWMPositionController() noexcept(true)
-        auto currentPosition = dataPtr->getPosition();
-        //        float targetPosition = boost::algorithm::clamp(target.position,
-        //                               std::min(currentPosition, posController.positionLimitLo), // lo or current position
-        //                               std::max(currentPosition, posController.positionLimitHi)); // hi or current position
-        if (isLimitless)
+        stopRequested = true;
+        try
-            ARMARX_RT_LOGF_WARNING("Position controller not implemented for limitless joints").deactivateSpam(10);
-            return;
+            threadHandle.join();
-        else
+        catch (...)
-            //            posController.currentPosition =  currentPosition;
-        posController.currentV = lastTargetVelocity;
-        posController.dt = timeSinceLastIteration.toSecondsDouble();
-        posController.setTargetPosition(target.position);
-        //        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(posController.validParameters());
-        auto r =;
-        posController.currentPosition = r.position;
-        posController.currentAcc = r.acceleration;
-        double newVel = r.velocity;
-        //        double newVel = posController.p * (posController.targetPosition - posController.currentPosition);
-        //        newVel = math::MathUtils::LimitTo(newVel, posController.maxV);
-        //            ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << VAROUT(newVel);
-        if (std::isnan(newVel))
+    }
+    void JointPWMPositionController::rtRun(const IceUtil::Time& sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time& timeSinceLastIteration)
+    {
+        if (target.isValid())
-            newVel = 0;
-        }
-        pidPosController->update(timeSinceLastIteration.toSecondsDouble(), currentPosition, r.position);
-        auto targetPWM = pidPosController->getControlValue();
-        //        auto targetPWM = static_cast<int>(, dataPtr->getVelocity(), newVel));
-        newVel = math::MathUtils::LimitTo(newVel, posController.maxV);
+            auto currentPosition = dataPtr->getPosition();
+            //        float targetPosition = boost::algorithm::clamp(target.position,
+            //                               std::min(currentPosition, posController.positionLimitLo), // lo or current position
+            //                               std::max(currentPosition, posController.positionLimitHi)); // hi or current position
+            if (isLimitless)
+            {
+                ARMARX_RT_LOGF_WARNING("Position controller not implemented for limitless joints").deactivateSpam(10);
+                return;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                //            posController.currentPosition =  currentPosition;
+            }
+            posController.currentV = lastTargetVelocity;
+            posController.dt = timeSinceLastIteration.toSecondsDouble();
+            posController.setTargetPosition(target.position);
+            //        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(posController.validParameters());
+            auto r =;
+            posController.currentPosition = r.position;
+            posController.currentAcc = r.acceleration;
+            double newVel = r.velocity;
+            //        double newVel = posController.p * (posController.targetPosition - posController.currentPosition);
+            //        newVel = math::MathUtils::LimitTo(newVel, posController.maxV);
+            //            ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << VAROUT(newVel);
+            if (std::isnan(newVel))
+            {
+                newVel = 0;
+            }
+            pidPosController->update(timeSinceLastIteration.toSecondsDouble(), currentPosition, r.position);
+            auto targetPWM = pidPosController->getControlValue();
+            //        auto targetPWM = static_cast<int>(, dataPtr->getVelocity(), newVel));
+            newVel = math::MathUtils::LimitTo(newVel, posController.maxV);
-        float torqueFF = config->feedforwardTorqueToPWMFactor * -sensorValue->gravityTorque;
-        targetPWM += torqueFF;
-        targetPWM += newVel * config->feedforwardVelocityToPWMFactor;
+            float torqueFF = config->feedforwardTorqueToPWMFactor * -sensorValue->gravityTorque;
+            targetPWM += torqueFF;
+            targetPWM += newVel * config->feedforwardVelocityToPWMFactor;
-        //        ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(0.1) << VAROUT(pidPosController->previousError) << VAROUT(r.acceleration)
-        //                    << VAROUT(target.position) << VAROUT(targetPWM) << VAROUT(pidPosController->Kp) << VAROUT(pidPosController->Ki)
-        //                    << VAROUT(torqueFF);
+            //        ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(0.1) << VAROUT(pidPosController->previousError) << VAROUT(r.acceleration)
+            //                    << VAROUT(target.position) << VAROUT(targetPWM) << VAROUT(pidPosController->Kp) << VAROUT(pidPosController->Ki)
+            //                    << VAROUT(torqueFF);
-        if (std::isnan(targetPWM))
-        {
-            ARMARX_ERROR << deactivateSpam(1) << "Target PWM of " << getParent().getDeviceName() << " is NaN!";
-            targetPWM = 0.0f;
-        }
-        float updateRatio = 0.3;
-        this->targetPWM = (1.0 - updateRatio) * this->targetPWM + updateRatio * targetPWM;
-        float pwmDiff = std::abs(dataPtr->getTargetPWM() - targetPWM);
-        //        ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(0.3) << VAROUT(pwmDiff) << VAROUT(dataPtr->getTargetPWM()) << VAROUT(targetPWM) << VAROUT(dataPtr->getVelocity());
-        if (pwmDiff > 5 || dataPtr->getVelocity() > 0.01) // avoid jittering when standing still
-        {
-            //            ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(0.0, std::to_string(targetPWM)) << "Setting new targetPWM to" << targetPWM << " diff: " << pwmDiff << " vel: " << dataPtr->getVelocity();
-            dataPtr->setTargetPWM(targetPWM);
-        }
+            if (std::isnan(targetPWM))
+            {
+                ARMARX_ERROR << deactivateSpam(1) << "Target PWM of " << getParent().getDeviceName() << " is NaN!";
+                targetPWM = 0.0f;
+            }
+            float updateRatio = 0.3;
+            this->targetPWM = (1.0 - updateRatio) * this->targetPWM + updateRatio * targetPWM;
+            float pwmDiff = std::abs(dataPtr->getTargetPWM() - targetPWM);
+            //        ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(0.3) << VAROUT(pwmDiff) << VAROUT(dataPtr->getTargetPWM()) << VAROUT(targetPWM) << VAROUT(dataPtr->getVelocity());
+            if (pwmDiff > 5 || dataPtr->getVelocity() > 0.01) // avoid jittering when standing still
+            {
+                //            ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(0.0, std::to_string(targetPWM)) << "Setting new targetPWM to" << targetPWM << " diff: " << pwmDiff << " vel: " << dataPtr->getVelocity();
+                dataPtr->setTargetPWM(targetPWM);
+            }
-        this->targetPWM = targetPWM;
-        lastTargetVelocity = newVel;
-        //        auto name = getParent().getDeviceName().c_str();
-        //        ARMARX_RT_LOGF_INFO("%s: position: %.f, target position: %.f, targetvelocity: %.f, target PWM: %d", name,
-        //                            currentPosition, targetPosition, newVel, targetPWM).deactivateSpam(1);
-        //        ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << VAROUT(name) << VAROUT(currentPosition) << VAROUT(targetPosition) << VAROUT(newVel) << VAROUT(targetPWM);
+            this->targetPWM = targetPWM;
+            lastTargetVelocity = newVel;
+            //        auto name = getParent().getDeviceName().c_str();
+            //        ARMARX_RT_LOGF_INFO("%s: position: %.f, target position: %.f, targetvelocity: %.f, target PWM: %d", name,
+            //                            currentPosition, targetPosition, newVel, targetPWM).deactivateSpam(1);
+            //        ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << VAROUT(name) << VAROUT(currentPosition) << VAROUT(targetPosition) << VAROUT(newVel) << VAROUT(targetPWM);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ARMARX_ERROR << deactivateSpam(1) << "invalid target set for actor " << getParent().getDeviceName();
+        }
-    else
+    ControlTargetBase* JointPWMPositionController::getControlTarget()
-        ARMARX_ERROR << deactivateSpam(1) << "invalid target set for actor " << getParent().getDeviceName();
+        return &target;
-ControlTargetBase* JointPWMPositionController::getControlTarget()
-    return &target;
-void JointPWMPositionController::rtPreActivateController()
-    targetPWM = 0.0f;
-    lastTargetVelocity = dataPtr->getVelocity();
-    posController.currentAcc = dataPtr->getAcceleration();
-    posController.currentPosition = dataPtr->getPosition();
-    posController.currentV = dataPtr->getVelocity();
-    pidPosController->reset();
-    //    controller.reset(dataPtr->getVelocity());
-void JointPWMPositionController::rtPostDeactivateController()
-    //    ARMARX_RT_LOGF_INFO("Setting PWM to 0");
-    //    dataPtr->setTargetPWM(0);
+    void JointPWMPositionController::rtPreActivateController()
+    {
+        targetPWM = 0.0f;
+        lastTargetVelocity = dataPtr->getVelocity();
+        posController.currentAcc = dataPtr->getAcceleration();
+        posController.currentPosition = dataPtr->getPosition();
+        posController.currentV = dataPtr->getVelocity();
+        pidPosController->reset();
+        //    controller.reset(dataPtr->getVelocity());
+    }
-StringVariantBaseMap JointPWMPositionController::publish(const DebugDrawerInterfacePrx& draw, const DebugObserverInterfacePrx& observer) const
+    void JointPWMPositionController::rtPostDeactivateController()
+    {
+        //    ARMARX_RT_LOGF_INFO("Setting PWM to 0");
+        //    dataPtr->setTargetPWM(0);
+    }
-    if (!remoteGui)
+    StringVariantBaseMap JointPWMPositionController::publish(const DebugDrawerInterfacePrx& draw, const DebugObserverInterfacePrx& observer) const
-        threadHandle = Application::getInstance()->getThreadPool()->runTask([this]
+        if (!remoteGui)
-            std::string guiTabName;
-            while (!stopRequested)
+            threadHandle = Application::getInstance()->getThreadPool()->runTask([this]
-                ManagedIceObjectPtr object;
-                ARMARX_IMPORTANT << deactivateSpam(1) << "Trying to get parent";
-                try
+                std::string guiTabName;
+                while (!stopRequested)
-                    object = ManagedIceObjectPtr::dynamicCast(getParent().getOwner());
-                    ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(object);
-                    remoteGui = object->getProxy<RemoteGuiInterfacePrx>("RemoteGuiProvider", false, "", false);
-                    if (!remoteGui)
+                    ManagedIceObjectPtr object;
+                    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << deactivateSpam(1) << "Trying to get parent";
+                    try
-                        continue;
+                        object = ManagedIceObjectPtr::dynamicCast(getParent().getOwner());
+                        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(object);
+                        remoteGui = object->getProxy<RemoteGuiInterfacePrx>("RemoteGuiProvider", false, "", false);
+                        if (!remoteGui)
+                        {
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                        ARMARX_IMPORTANT << deactivateSpam(1) << "Got Proxy";
+                        guiTabName = getParent().getDeviceName() + getControlMode();
+                        break;
-                    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << deactivateSpam(1) << "Got Proxy";
-                    guiTabName = getParent().getDeviceName() + getControlMode();
-                    break;
+                    catch (...)
+                    {
+                        sleep(1);
+                    }
-                catch (...)
+                if (remoteGui)
-                    sleep(1);
-                }
+                    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "Creating GUI " << guiTabName;
+                    using namespace RemoteGui;
-            }
-            if (remoteGui)
-            {
-                ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "Creating GUI " << guiTabName;
-                using namespace RemoteGui;
+                    auto vLayout = makeVBoxLayout();
-                auto vLayout = makeVBoxLayout();
-                {
-                    WidgetPtr KpLabel = makeTextLabel("Kp: ");
+                    {
+                        WidgetPtr KpLabel = makeTextLabel("Kp: ");
-                    WidgetPtr KpSlider = makeFloatSlider("KpSlider")
-                                         .min(0.0f).max(pidPosController->Kp * 5)
-                                         .value(pidPosController->Kp);
-                    WidgetPtr KpLabelValue = makeTextLabel(std::to_string(pidPosController->Kp * 5));
-                    WidgetPtr line = makeHBoxLayout()
-                                     .children({KpLabel, KpSlider, KpLabelValue});
+                        WidgetPtr KpSlider = makeFloatSlider("KpSlider")
+                                             .min(0.0f).max(pidPosController->Kp * 5)
+                                             .value(pidPosController->Kp);
+                        WidgetPtr KpLabelValue = makeTextLabel(std::to_string(pidPosController->Kp * 5));
+                        WidgetPtr line = makeHBoxLayout()
+                                         .children({KpLabel, KpSlider, KpLabelValue});
-                    vLayout.addChild(line);
+                        vLayout.addChild(line);
-                }
+                    }
-                {
-                    WidgetPtr KiLabel = makeTextLabel("Ki: ");
-                    WidgetPtr KiSlider = makeFloatSlider("KiSlider")
-                                         .min(0.0f).max(pidPosController->Ki * 5)
-                                         .value(pidPosController->Ki);
-                    WidgetPtr KiLabelValue = makeTextLabel(std::to_string(pidPosController->Ki * 5));
+                    {
+                        WidgetPtr KiLabel = makeTextLabel("Ki: ");
+                        WidgetPtr KiSlider = makeFloatSlider("KiSlider")
+                                             .min(0.0f).max(pidPosController->Ki * 5)
+                                             .value(pidPosController->Ki);
+                        WidgetPtr KiLabelValue = makeTextLabel(std::to_string(pidPosController->Ki * 5));
-                    WidgetPtr line = makeHBoxLayout()
-                                     .children({KiLabel, KiSlider, KiLabelValue});
+                        WidgetPtr line = makeHBoxLayout()
+                                         .children({KiLabel, KiSlider, KiLabelValue});
-                    vLayout.addChild(line);
+                        vLayout.addChild(line);
-                }
+                    }
-                {
-                    WidgetPtr KdLabel = makeTextLabel("Kd: ");
-                    WidgetPtr KdSlider = makeFloatSlider("KdSlider")
-                                         .min(-10.0f * pidPosController->Kd).max(10.0f * pidPosController->Kd)
-                                         .steps(1000)
-                                         .value(pidPosController->Kd);
-                    WidgetPtr KdLabelValue = makeTextLabel(std::to_string(pidPosController->Kd * 10));
-                    WidgetPtr line = makeHBoxLayout()
-                                     .children({KdLabel, KdSlider, KdLabelValue});
-                    vLayout.addChild(line);
-                    vLayout.addChild(new VSpacer);
-                }
+                    {
+                        WidgetPtr KdLabel = makeTextLabel("Kd: ");
+                        WidgetPtr KdSlider = makeFloatSlider("KdSlider")
+                                             .min(-10.0f * pidPosController->Kd).max(10.0f * pidPosController->Kd)
+                                             .steps(1000)
+                                             .value(pidPosController->Kd);
+                        WidgetPtr KdLabelValue = makeTextLabel(std::to_string(pidPosController->Kd * 10));
+                        WidgetPtr line = makeHBoxLayout()
+                                         .children({KdLabel, KdSlider, KdLabelValue});
+                        vLayout.addChild(line);
+                        vLayout.addChild(new VSpacer);
+                    }
-                //        WidgetPtr spin = makeFloatSpinBox("KpSpin")
-                //                         .min(0.0f).max(2.0f)
-                //                         .steps(20).decimals(2)
-                //                         .value(0.4f);
+                    //        WidgetPtr spin = makeFloatSpinBox("KpSpin")
+                    //                         .min(0.0f).max(2.0f)
+                    //                         .steps(20).decimals(2)
+                    //                         .value(0.4f);
-                WidgetPtr groupBox = makeGroupBox("GroupBox")
-                                     .label("Group")
-                                     .child(vLayout);
+                    WidgetPtr groupBox = makeGroupBox("GroupBox")
+                                         .label("Group")
+                                         .child(vLayout);
-                remoteGui->createTab(guiTabName, groupBox);
+                    remoteGui->createTab(guiTabName, groupBox);
-                while (!stopRequested)
-                {
-                    RemoteGui::TabProxy tab(remoteGui, guiTabName);
-                    tab.receiveUpdates();
-                    //                    this->>Kp = tab.getValue<float>("KpSlider").get();
-                    //                    this->>Ki = tab.getValue<float>("KiSlider").get();
-                    //                    this->>Kd = tab.getValue<float>("KdSlider").get();
-                    pidPosController->Kp = tab.getValue<float>("KpSlider").get();
-                    pidPosController->Ki = tab.getValue<float>("KiSlider").get();
-                    pidPosController->Kd = tab.getValue<float>("KdSlider").get();
-                    usleep(100000);
+                    while (!stopRequested)
+                    {
+                        RemoteGui::TabProxy tab(remoteGui, guiTabName);
+                        tab.receiveUpdates();
+                        //                    this->>Kp = tab.getValue<float>("KpSlider").get();
+                        //                    this->>Ki = tab.getValue<float>("KiSlider").get();
+                        //                    this->>Kd = tab.getValue<float>("KdSlider").get();
+                        pidPosController->Kp = tab.getValue<float>("KpSlider").get();
+                        pidPosController->Ki = tab.getValue<float>("KiSlider").get();
+                        pidPosController->Kd = tab.getValue<float>("KdSlider").get();
+                        usleep(100000);
+                    }
-            }
-        });
+            });
+        }
+        return {{"lastTargetVelocity", new Variant(lastTargetVelocity.load())},
+            {"targetPosition", new Variant(posController.currentPosition)}, // position of profile generator is target position
+            {"posError", new Variant(posController.getTargetPosition() - posController.currentPosition)},
+            {"pidError", new Variant(pidPosController->previousError)},
+            //        {"filteredVelocity", new Variant(controller.lastActualVelocity.load())},
+            {"pidIntegralCV", new Variant(pidPosController->integral * pidPosController->Ki)},
+            {"pidIntegral", new Variant(pidPosController->integral)},
+            {"pidPropCV", new Variant(pidPosController->previousError * pidPosController->Kp)},
+            {"pidDiffCV", new Variant(pidPosController->derivative * pidPosController->Kd)},
+            //        {"pospidIntegralCV", new Variant(>integral *>Ki)},
+            //        {"pospidIntegral", new Variant(>integral)},
+            //        {"pospidPropCV", new Variant(>previousError *>Kp)},
+            //        {"pospidDiffCV", new Variant(>derivative *>Kd)},
+            //        {"pidUsed", new Variant(posController.getCurrentlyPIDActive())},
+            {"desiredPWM", new Variant(targetPWM.load())}
+        };
-    return {{"lastTargetVelocity", new Variant(lastTargetVelocity.load())},
-        {"targetPosition", new Variant(posController.currentPosition)}, // position of profile generator is target position
-        {"posError", new Variant(posController.getTargetPosition() - posController.currentPosition)},
-        {"pidError", new Variant(pidPosController->previousError)},
-        //        {"filteredVelocity", new Variant(controller.lastActualVelocity.load())},
-        {"pidIntegralCV", new Variant(pidPosController->integral * pidPosController->Ki)},
-        {"pidIntegral", new Variant(pidPosController->integral)},
-        {"pidPropCV", new Variant(pidPosController->previousError * pidPosController->Kp)},
-        {"pidDiffCV", new Variant(pidPosController->derivative * pidPosController->Kd)},
-        //        {"pospidIntegralCV", new Variant(>integral *>Ki)},
-        //        {"pospidIntegral", new Variant(>integral)},
-        //        {"pospidPropCV", new Variant(>previousError *>Kp)},
-        //        {"pospidDiffCV", new Variant(>derivative *>Kd)},
-        //        {"pidUsed", new Variant(posController.getCurrentlyPIDActive())},
-        {"desiredPWM", new Variant(targetPWM.load())}
-    };
-PWMPositionControllerConfigurationCPtr PWMPositionControllerConfiguration::CreatePWMPositionControllerConfigDataFromXml(DefaultRapidXmlReaderNode node)
-    PWMPositionControllerConfiguration configData;
-    configData.maxVelocityRad = node.first_node("maxVelocityRad").value_as_float();
-    configData.maxAccelerationRad = node.first_node("maxAccelerationRad").value_as_float();
-    configData.maxDecelerationRad = node.first_node("maxDecelerationRad").value_as_float();
-    configData.maxDt = node.first_node("maxDt").value_as_float();
-    configData.p = node.first_node("p").value_as_float();
-    configData.i = node.first_node("i").value_as_float();
-    configData.d = node.first_node("d").value_as_float();
-    configData.maxIntegral = node.first_node("maxIntegral").value_as_float();
-    configData.feedforwardVelocityToPWMFactor = node.first_node("feedforwardVelocityToPWMFactor").value_as_float();
-    configData.feedforwardTorqueToPWMFactor = node.first_node("feedforwardTorqueToPWMFactor").value_as_float();
-    configData.PWMDeadzone = node.first_node("PWMDeadzone").value_as_float();
-    configData.velocityUpdatePercent = node.first_node("velocityUpdatePercent").value_as_float();
-    configData.conditionalIntegralErrorTreshold = node.first_node("conditionalIntegralErrorTreshold").value_as_float();
-    configData.feedForwardMode = node.first_node("FeedForwardMode").value_as_bool("1", "0");
-    return std::make_shared<PWMPositionControllerConfiguration>(configData);
+    PWMPositionControllerConfigurationCPtr PWMPositionControllerConfiguration::CreatePWMPositionControllerConfigDataFromXml(DefaultRapidXmlReaderNode node)
+    {
+        PWMPositionControllerConfiguration configData;
+        configData.maxVelocityRad = node.first_node("maxVelocityRad").value_as_float();
+        configData.maxAccelerationRad = node.first_node("maxAccelerationRad").value_as_float();
+        configData.maxDecelerationRad = node.first_node("maxDecelerationRad").value_as_float();
+        configData.maxDt = node.first_node("maxDt").value_as_float();
+        configData.p = node.first_node("p").value_as_float();
+        configData.i = node.first_node("i").value_as_float();
+        configData.d = node.first_node("d").value_as_float();
+        configData.maxIntegral = node.first_node("maxIntegral").value_as_float();
+        configData.feedforwardVelocityToPWMFactor = node.first_node("feedforwardVelocityToPWMFactor").value_as_float();
+        configData.feedforwardTorqueToPWMFactor = node.first_node("feedforwardTorqueToPWMFactor").value_as_float();
+        configData.PWMDeadzone = node.first_node("PWMDeadzone").value_as_float();
+        configData.velocityUpdatePercent = node.first_node("velocityUpdatePercent").value_as_float();
+        configData.conditionalIntegralErrorTreshold = node.first_node("conditionalIntegralErrorTreshold").value_as_float();
+        configData.feedForwardMode = node.first_node("FeedForwardMode").value_as_bool("1", "0");
+        return std::make_shared<PWMPositionControllerConfiguration>(configData);
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/JointPWMVelocityController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/JointPWMVelocityController.cpp
index a0a45a955..7451e76c6 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/JointPWMVelocityController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/JointPWMVelocityController.cpp
@@ -14,244 +14,239 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/RobotUnitModules/RobotUnitModuleDevices.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-JointPWMVelocityController::JointPWMVelocityController(const std::string deviceName, KITGripperBasisBoardPtr board, ActorDataPtr jointData,
-        PWMVelocityControllerConfigurationCPtr velocityControllerConfigDataPtr) : JointController(),
-    config(velocityControllerConfigDataPtr),
-    controller(velocityControllerConfigDataPtr),
-    target(), board(board), deviceName(deviceName)
-    actorIndex = board->getActorIndex(deviceName);
-    sensorValue = board->getDevices().at(actorIndex)->getSensorValue()->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuator>();
-    ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(sensorValue, deviceName);
-    dataPtr = jointData;
-    //    velController.acceleration = velocityControllerConfigDataPtr->maxAccelerationRad;
-    velController.deceleration = velocityControllerConfigDataPtr->maxDecelerationRad;
-    velController.jerk = 30;
-    velController.maxDt = velocityControllerConfigDataPtr->maxDt;
-    velController.maxV = velocityControllerConfigDataPtr->maxVelocityRad;
-    velController.directSetVLimit = velocityControllerConfigDataPtr->directSetVLimit;
-    ARMARX_CHECK_GREATER_EQUAL(jointData->getSoftLimitHi(), jointData->getSoftLimitLo());
-    //    controller.positionLimitHiHard = dataPtr->getHardLimitHi();
-    velController.positionLimitHiSoft = jointData->getSoftLimitHi();
-    //    controller.positionLimitLoHard = dataPtr->getHardLimitLo();
-    velController.positionLimitLoSoft = jointData->getSoftLimitLo();
-    this->isLimitless = jointData->isLimitless();
-JointPWMVelocityController::~JointPWMVelocityController() noexcept(true)
+namespace armarx
-    stopRequested = true;
-    try
+    JointPWMVelocityController::JointPWMVelocityController(const std::string deviceName, KITGripperBasisBoardPtr board, ActorDataPtr jointData,
+            PWMVelocityControllerConfigurationCPtr velocityControllerConfigDataPtr) : JointController(),
+        config(velocityControllerConfigDataPtr),
+        controller(velocityControllerConfigDataPtr),
+        target(), board(board), deviceName(deviceName)
-        threadHandle.join();
+        actorIndex = board->getActorIndex(deviceName);
+        sensorValue = board->getDevices().at(actorIndex)->getSensorValue()->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuator>();
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(sensorValue, deviceName);
+        dataPtr = jointData;
+        //    velController.acceleration = velocityControllerConfigDataPtr->maxAccelerationRad;
+        velController.deceleration = velocityControllerConfigDataPtr->maxDecelerationRad;
+        velController.jerk = 30;
+        velController.maxDt = velocityControllerConfigDataPtr->maxDt;
+        velController.maxV = velocityControllerConfigDataPtr->maxVelocityRad;
+        velController.directSetVLimit = velocityControllerConfigDataPtr->directSetVLimit;
+        ARMARX_CHECK_GREATER_EQUAL(jointData->getSoftLimitHi(), jointData->getSoftLimitLo());
+        //    controller.positionLimitHiHard = dataPtr->getHardLimitHi();
+        velController.positionLimitHiSoft = jointData->getSoftLimitHi();
+        //    controller.positionLimitLoHard = dataPtr->getHardLimitLo();
+        velController.positionLimitLoSoft = jointData->getSoftLimitLo();
+        this->isLimitless = jointData->isLimitless();
-    catch (...)
+    JointPWMVelocityController::~JointPWMVelocityController() noexcept(true)
+        stopRequested = true;
+        try
+        {
+            threadHandle.join();
+        }
+        catch (...)
+        {
+        }
-void JointPWMVelocityController::rtRun(const IceUtil::Time& sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time& timeSinceLastIteration)
-    if (target.isValid())
+    void JointPWMVelocityController::rtRun(const IceUtil::Time& sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time& timeSinceLastIteration)
+        if (target.isValid())
-            auto currentPosition = dataPtr->getPosition();
-            if (isLimitless)
-            {
-                velController.currentPosition = velController.positionLimitHiSoft - (velController.positionLimitHiSoft - velController.positionLimitLoSoft) * 0.5;
-                //                ARMARX_INFO << VAROUT(velController.currentPosition) << VAROUT(velController.positionLimitLoSoft) << VAROUT(velController.positionLimitHiSoft);
-            }
-            else
-                velController.currentPosition =  currentPosition;
-            }
-            velController.currentV = lastTargetVelocity;
-            velController.currentAcc = lastTargetAcceleration;
-            velController.dt = timeSinceLastIteration.toSecondsDouble();
-            velController.targetV = target.velocity;
-            auto r =;
-            double newVel = r.velocity;
-            double newAcc = r.acceleration;
+                auto currentPosition = dataPtr->getPosition();
+                if (isLimitless)
+                {
+                    velController.currentPosition = velController.positionLimitHiSoft - (velController.positionLimitHiSoft - velController.positionLimitLoSoft) * 0.5;
+                    //                ARMARX_INFO << VAROUT(velController.currentPosition) << VAROUT(velController.positionLimitLoSoft) << VAROUT(velController.positionLimitHiSoft);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    velController.currentPosition =  currentPosition;
+                }
+                velController.currentV = lastTargetVelocity;
+                velController.currentAcc = lastTargetAcceleration;
+                velController.dt = timeSinceLastIteration.toSecondsDouble();
+                velController.targetV = target.velocity;
+                auto r =;
+                double newVel = r.velocity;
+                double newAcc = r.acceleration;
-            //            ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << VAROUT(newVel) << VAROUT(target.velocity);
-            if (std::isnan(newVel))
-            {
-                newVel = 0;
-                newAcc = 0;
-            }
-            //            float newVel = target.velocity;
-            if ((currentPosition > velController.positionLimitHiSoft && target.velocity > 0)
-                || (currentPosition < velController.positionLimitLoSoft && target.velocity < 0))
-            {
-                newVel = 0;
-                newAcc = 0;
-                ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << "Breaking now at " << dataPtr->getPosition() << " pwm: " << dataPtr->getTargetPWM();
-            }
+                //            ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << VAROUT(newVel) << VAROUT(target.velocity);
+                if (std::isnan(newVel))
+                {
+                    newVel = 0;
+                    newAcc = 0;
+                }
+                //            float newVel = target.velocity;
+                if ((currentPosition > velController.positionLimitHiSoft && target.velocity > 0)
+                    || (currentPosition < velController.positionLimitLoSoft && target.velocity < 0))
+                {
+                    newVel = 0;
+                    newAcc = 0;
+                    ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam(1) << "Breaking now at " << dataPtr->getPosition() << " pwm: " << dataPtr->getTargetPWM();
+                }
-            auto targetPWM = static_cast<int>(, dataPtr->getVelocity(), newVel, sensorValue->gravityTorque));
-            dataPtr->setTargetPWM(targetPWM);
+                auto targetPWM = static_cast<int>(, dataPtr->getVelocity(), newVel, sensorValue->gravityTorque));
+                dataPtr->setTargetPWM(targetPWM);
-            lastTargetVelocity = newVel;
-            lastTargetAcceleration = newAcc;
+                lastTargetVelocity = newVel;
+                lastTargetAcceleration = newAcc;
-            //            ARMARX_RT_LOGF_INFO("target velocity: %.3f, current velocity: %.3f, target pwm: %d, kp: %.3f ki: %f, kd: %f, max acc: %.3f",
-            //                                target.velocity, dataPtr->getVelocity(), targetPWM, pid->Kp, pid->Ki, pid->Kd, controller.acceleration).deactivateSpam(1);
+                //            ARMARX_RT_LOGF_INFO("target velocity: %.3f, current velocity: %.3f, target pwm: %d, kp: %.3f ki: %f, kd: %f, max acc: %.3f",
+                //                                target.velocity, dataPtr->getVelocity(), targetPWM, pid->Kp, pid->Ki, pid->Kd, controller.acceleration).deactivateSpam(1);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ARMARX_ERROR << "invalid target set for actor";
-    else
+    ControlTargetBase* JointPWMVelocityController::getControlTarget()
-        ARMARX_ERROR << "invalid target set for actor";
+        return &target;
-ControlTargetBase* JointPWMVelocityController::getControlTarget()
-    return &target;
-void JointPWMVelocityController::rtPreActivateController()
-    lastTargetVelocity = dataPtr->getVelocity();
-    lastTargetAcceleration = dataPtr->getAcceleration();
-    controller.reset(dataPtr->getVelocity());
-void JointPWMVelocityController::rtPostDeactivateController()
-    //    ARMARX_RT_LOGF_INFO("Setting PWM to 0");
-    //    dataPtr->setTargetPWM(0);
+    void JointPWMVelocityController::rtPreActivateController()
+    {
+        lastTargetVelocity = dataPtr->getVelocity();
+        lastTargetAcceleration = dataPtr->getAcceleration();
+        controller.reset(dataPtr->getVelocity());
+    }
-StringVariantBaseMap JointPWMVelocityController::publish(const DebugDrawerInterfacePrx& draw, const DebugObserverInterfacePrx& observer) const
+    void JointPWMVelocityController::rtPostDeactivateController()
+    {
+        //    ARMARX_RT_LOGF_INFO("Setting PWM to 0");
+        //    dataPtr->setTargetPWM(0);
+    }
-    if (!remoteGui && !threadHandle.isValid())
+    StringVariantBaseMap JointPWMVelocityController::publish(const DebugDrawerInterfacePrx& draw, const DebugObserverInterfacePrx& observer) const
-        threadHandle = Application::getInstance()->getThreadPool()->runTask([this]
+        if (!remoteGui && !threadHandle.isValid())
-            std::string guiTabName;
-            while (!stopRequested)
+            threadHandle = Application::getInstance()->getThreadPool()->runTask([this]
-                ManagedIceObjectPtr object;
-                ARMARX_IMPORTANT << deactivateSpam(1) << "Trying to get parent";
-                try
+                std::string guiTabName;
+                while (!stopRequested)
-                    object = ManagedIceObjectPtr::dynamicCast(getParent().getOwner());
-                    ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(object);
-                    remoteGui = object->getProxy<RemoteGuiInterfacePrx>("RemoteGuiProvider", false, "", false);
-                    if (!remoteGui)
+                    ManagedIceObjectPtr object;
+                    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << deactivateSpam(1) << "Trying to get parent";
+                    try
+                    {
+                        object = ManagedIceObjectPtr::dynamicCast(getParent().getOwner());
+                        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(object);
+                        remoteGui = object->getProxy<RemoteGuiInterfacePrx>("RemoteGuiProvider", false, "", false);
+                        if (!remoteGui)
+                        {
+                            return;
+                        }
+                        ARMARX_IMPORTANT << deactivateSpam(1) << "Got Proxy";
+                        guiTabName = getParent().getDeviceName() + getControlMode();
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    catch (...)
-                        return;
+                        handleExceptions();
+                        sleep(1);
-                    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << deactivateSpam(1) << "Got Proxy";
-                    guiTabName = getParent().getDeviceName() + getControlMode();
-                    break;
-                catch (...)
+                if (remoteGui)
-                    handleExceptions();
-                    sleep(1);
-                }
-            }
-            if (remoteGui)
-            {
-                ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "Creating GUI " << guiTabName;
-                using namespace RemoteGui;
+                    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "Creating GUI " << guiTabName;
+                    using namespace RemoteGui;
-                auto vLayout = makeVBoxLayout();
+                    auto vLayout = makeVBoxLayout();
-                {
-                    WidgetPtr KpLabel = makeTextLabel("Kp: ");
+                    {
+                        WidgetPtr KpLabel = makeTextLabel("Kp: ");
-                    WidgetPtr KiSlider = makeFloatSlider("KpSlider")
-                                         .min(0.0f).max(5000.0f)
-                                         .value(config->p);
-                    WidgetPtr line = makeHBoxLayout()
-                                     .children({KpLabel, KiSlider});
+                        WidgetPtr KiSlider = makeFloatSlider("KpSlider")
+                                             .min(0.0f).max(5000.0f)
+                                             .value(config->p);
+                        WidgetPtr line = makeHBoxLayout()
+                                         .children({KpLabel, KiSlider});
-                    vLayout.addChild(line);
+                        vLayout.addChild(line);
-                }
+                    }
-                {
-                    WidgetPtr KiLabel = makeTextLabel("Ki: ");
-                    WidgetPtr KiSlider = makeFloatSlider("KiSlider")
-                                         .min(0.0f).max(50000.0f)
-                                         .value(config->i);
+                    {
+                        WidgetPtr KiLabel = makeTextLabel("Ki: ");
+                        WidgetPtr KiSlider = makeFloatSlider("KiSlider")
+                                             .min(0.0f).max(50000.0f)
+                                             .value(config->i);
-                    WidgetPtr line = makeHBoxLayout()
-                                     .children({KiLabel, KiSlider});
+                        WidgetPtr line = makeHBoxLayout()
+                                         .children({KiLabel, KiSlider});
-                    vLayout.addChild(line);
+                        vLayout.addChild(line);
-                }
+                    }
-                {
-                    WidgetPtr KdLabel = makeTextLabel("Kd: ");
-                    WidgetPtr KdSlider = makeFloatSlider("KdSlider")
-                                         .min(0.0f).max(50.0f)
-                                         .steps(100)
-                                         .value(config->d);
+                    {
+                        WidgetPtr KdLabel = makeTextLabel("Kd: ");
+                        WidgetPtr KdSlider = makeFloatSlider("KdSlider")
+                                             .min(0.0f).max(50.0f)
+                                             .steps(100)
+                                             .value(config->d);
-                    WidgetPtr line = makeHBoxLayout()
-                                     .children({KdLabel, KdSlider});
+                        WidgetPtr line = makeHBoxLayout()
+                                         .children({KdLabel, KdSlider});
-                    vLayout.addChild(line);
-                    vLayout.addChild(new VSpacer);
-                }
+                        vLayout.addChild(line);
+                        vLayout.addChild(new VSpacer);
+                    }
-                //        WidgetPtr spin = makeFloatSpinBox("KpSpin")
-                //                         .min(0.0f).max(2.0f)
-                //                         .steps(20).decimals(2)
-                //                         .value(0.4f);
+                    //        WidgetPtr spin = makeFloatSpinBox("KpSpin")
+                    //                         .min(0.0f).max(2.0f)
+                    //                         .steps(20).decimals(2)
+                    //                         .value(0.4f);
-                WidgetPtr groupBox = makeGroupBox("GroupBox")
-                                     .label("Group")
-                                     .child(vLayout);
+                    WidgetPtr groupBox = makeGroupBox("GroupBox")
+                                         .label("Group")
+                                         .child(vLayout);
-                remoteGui->createTab(guiTabName, groupBox);
+                    remoteGui->createTab(guiTabName, groupBox);
-                while (!stopRequested)
-                {
-                    RemoteGui::TabProxy tab(remoteGui, guiTabName);
-                    tab.receiveUpdates();
-                    this->>Kp = tab.getValue<float>("KpSlider").get();
-                    this->>Ki = tab.getValue<float>("KiSlider").get();
-                    this->>Kd = tab.getValue<float>("KdSlider").get();
-                    usleep(100000);
+                    while (!stopRequested)
+                    {
+                        RemoteGui::TabProxy tab(remoteGui, guiTabName);
+                        tab.receiveUpdates();
+                        this->>Kp = tab.getValue<float>("KpSlider").get();
+                        this->>Ki = tab.getValue<float>("KiSlider").get();
+                        this->>Kd = tab.getValue<float>("KdSlider").get();
+                        usleep(100000);
+                    }
-            }
-        });
+            });
+        }
+        return
+        {
+            {"lastTargetVelocity", new Variant(lastTargetVelocity.load())},
+            {"lastTargetAcceleration", new Variant(lastTargetAcceleration.load())},
+            {"filteredVelocity", new Variant(controller.lastActualVelocity.load())},
+            {"pidIntegralCV", new Variant(>integral *>Ki)},
+            {"pidPropCV", new Variant(>previousError *>Kp)},
+            {"pidDiffCV", new Variant(>derivative *>Kd)}
+        };
-    return
-    {
-        {"lastTargetVelocity", new Variant(lastTargetVelocity.load())},
-        {"lastTargetAcceleration", new Variant(lastTargetAcceleration.load())},
-        {"filteredVelocity", new Variant(controller.lastActualVelocity.load())},
-        {"pidIntegralCV", new Variant(>integral *>Ki)},
-        {"pidPropCV", new Variant(>previousError *>Kp)},
-        {"pidDiffCV", new Variant(>derivative *>Kd)}
-    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/JointZeroTorqueController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/JointZeroTorqueController.cpp
index c55b17723..f6345d0a5 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/JointZeroTorqueController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/JointZeroTorqueController.cpp
@@ -14,205 +14,198 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/RobotUnitModules/RobotUnitModuleDevices.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-PWMZeroTorqueControllerConfigurationCPtr PWMZeroTorqueControllerConfiguration::CreateConfigDataFromXml(DefaultRapidXmlReaderNode node)
+namespace armarx
-    PWMZeroTorqueControllerConfiguration configData;
-    configData.feedforwardVelocityToPWMFactor = node.first_node("feedforwardVelocityToPWMFactor").value_as_float();
-    configData.PWMDeadzone = node.first_node("PWMDeadzone").value_as_float();
+    PWMZeroTorqueControllerConfigurationCPtr PWMZeroTorqueControllerConfiguration::CreateConfigDataFromXml(DefaultRapidXmlReaderNode node)
+    {
+        PWMZeroTorqueControllerConfiguration configData;
+        configData.feedforwardVelocityToPWMFactor = node.first_node("feedforwardVelocityToPWMFactor").value_as_float();
+        configData.PWMDeadzone = node.first_node("PWMDeadzone").value_as_float();
-    return std::make_shared<PWMZeroTorqueControllerConfiguration>(configData);
+        return std::make_shared<PWMZeroTorqueControllerConfiguration>(configData);
-JointPWMZeroTorqueController::JointPWMZeroTorqueController(const std::string deviceName, KITGripperBasisBoardPtr board, ActorDataPtr jointData,
-        PWMZeroTorqueControllerConfigurationCPtr config) : JointController(),
-    config(config), target(), board(board), deviceName(deviceName)
-    actorIndex = board->getActorIndex(deviceName);
-    dataPtr = jointData;
+    }
+    JointPWMZeroTorqueController::JointPWMZeroTorqueController(const std::string deviceName, KITGripperBasisBoardPtr board, ActorDataPtr jointData,
+            PWMZeroTorqueControllerConfigurationCPtr config) : JointController(),
+        config(config), target(), board(board), deviceName(deviceName)
+    {
+        actorIndex = board->getActorIndex(deviceName);
+        dataPtr = jointData;
-    this->isLimitless = jointData->isLimitless();
+        this->isLimitless = jointData->isLimitless();
-JointPWMZeroTorqueController::~JointPWMZeroTorqueController() noexcept(true)
-    stopRequested = true;
-    try
-    {
-        threadHandle.join();
-    catch (...)
+    JointPWMZeroTorqueController::~JointPWMZeroTorqueController() noexcept(true)
+        stopRequested = true;
+        try
+        {
+            threadHandle.join();
+        }
+        catch (...)
+        {
+        }
-void JointPWMZeroTorqueController::rtRun(const IceUtil::Time& sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time& timeSinceLastIteration)
-    if (target.isValid())
+    void JointPWMZeroTorqueController::rtRun(const IceUtil::Time& sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time& timeSinceLastIteration)
-        float targetPWM = dataPtr->getVelocity() * config->feedforwardVelocityToPWMFactor;
-        targetPWM += math::MathUtils::Sign(dataPtr->getVelocity()) * config->PWMDeadzone;
-        //        targetPWM = math::MathUtils::LimitTo(targetPWM, 1500);
-        dataPtr->setTargetPWM(targetPWM);
+        if (target.isValid())
+        {
+            float targetPWM = dataPtr->getVelocity() * config->feedforwardVelocityToPWMFactor;
+            targetPWM += math::MathUtils::Sign(dataPtr->getVelocity()) * config->PWMDeadzone;
+            //        targetPWM = math::MathUtils::LimitTo(targetPWM, 1500);
+            dataPtr->setTargetPWM(targetPWM);
-        //            ARMARX_RT_LOGF_INFO("target velocity: %.3f, current velocity: %.3f, target pwm: %d, kp: %.3f ki: %f, kd: %f, max acc: %.3f",
-        //                                target.velocity, dataPtr->getVelocity(), targetPWM, pid->Kp, pid->Ki, pid->Kd, controller.acceleration).deactivateSpam(1);
+            //            ARMARX_RT_LOGF_INFO("target velocity: %.3f, current velocity: %.3f, target pwm: %d, kp: %.3f ki: %f, kd: %f, max acc: %.3f",
+            //                                target.velocity, dataPtr->getVelocity(), targetPWM, pid->Kp, pid->Ki, pid->Kd, controller.acceleration).deactivateSpam(1);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ARMARX_ERROR << "invalid target set for actor";
+        }
-    else
+    ControlTargetBase* JointPWMZeroTorqueController::getControlTarget()
-        ARMARX_ERROR << "invalid target set for actor";
+        return &target;
-ControlTargetBase* JointPWMZeroTorqueController::getControlTarget()
-    return &target;
-void JointPWMZeroTorqueController::rtPreActivateController()
-    lastTargetVelocity = dataPtr->getVelocity();
-    //    controller.reset(dataPtr->getVelocity());
-void JointPWMZeroTorqueController::rtPostDeactivateController()
-    ARMARX_RT_LOGF_INFO("Setting PWM to 0");
-    dataPtr->setTargetPWM(0);
+    void JointPWMZeroTorqueController::rtPreActivateController()
+    {
+        lastTargetVelocity = dataPtr->getVelocity();
+        //    controller.reset(dataPtr->getVelocity());
+    }
-StringVariantBaseMap JointPWMZeroTorqueController::publish(const DebugDrawerInterfacePrx& draw, const DebugObserverInterfacePrx& observer) const
+    void JointPWMZeroTorqueController::rtPostDeactivateController()
+    {
+        ARMARX_RT_LOGF_INFO("Setting PWM to 0");
+        dataPtr->setTargetPWM(0);
+    }
-    if (!remoteGui && !threadHandle.isValid())
+    StringVariantBaseMap JointPWMZeroTorqueController::publish(const DebugDrawerInterfacePrx& draw, const DebugObserverInterfacePrx& observer) const
-        threadHandle = Application::getInstance()->getThreadPool()->runTask([this]
+        if (!remoteGui && !threadHandle.isValid())
-            return;
-            //            std::string guiTabName;
-            //            while (!stopRequested)
-            //            {
-            //                ManagedIceObjectPtr object;
-            //                ARMARX_IMPORTANT << deactivateSpam(1) << "Trying to get parent";
-            //                try
-            //                {
-            //                    object = ManagedIceObjectPtr::dynamicCast(getParent().getOwner());
-            //                    ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(object);
-            //                    remoteGui = object->getProxy<RemoteGuiInterfacePrx>("RemoteGuiProvider", false, "", false);
-            //                    if (!remoteGui)
-            //                    {
-            //                        return;
-            //                    }
-            //                    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << deactivateSpam(1) << "Got Proxy";
-            //                    guiTabName = getParent().getDeviceName() + getControlMode();
-            //                    break;
-            //                }
-            //                catch (...)
-            //                {
-            //                    handleExceptions();
-            //                    sleep(1);
-            //                }
-            //            }
-            //            if (remoteGui)
-            //            {
-            //                ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "Creating GUI " << guiTabName;
-            //                using namespace RemoteGui;
-            //                //                auto vLayout = makeVBoxLayout();
-            //                //                {
-            //                //                    WidgetPtr KpLabel = makeTextLabel("Kp: ");
-            //                //                    WidgetPtr KiSlider = makeFloatSlider("KpSlider")
-            //                //                                         .min(0.0f).max(5000.0f)
-            //                //                                         .value(config->p);
-            //                //                    WidgetPtr line = makeHBoxLayout()
-            //                //                                     .children({KpLabel, KiSlider});
-            //                //                    vLayout.addChild(line);
-            //                //                }
-            //                //                {
-            //                //                    WidgetPtr KiLabel = makeTextLabel("Ki: ");
-            //                //                    WidgetPtr KiSlider = makeFloatSlider("KiSlider")
-            //                //                                         .min(0.0f).max(50000.0f)
-            //                //                                         .value(config->i);
-            //                //                    WidgetPtr line = makeHBoxLayout()
-            //                //                                     .children({KiLabel, KiSlider});
-            //                //                    vLayout.addChild(line);
-            //                //                }
-            //                //                {
-            //                //                    WidgetPtr KdLabel = makeTextLabel("Kd: ");
-            //                //                    WidgetPtr KdSlider = makeFloatSlider("KdSlider")
-            //                //                                         .min(0.0f).max(50.0f)
-            //                //                                         .steps(100)
-            //                //                                         .value(config->d);
-            //                //                    WidgetPtr line = makeHBoxLayout()
-            //                //                                     .children({KdLabel, KdSlider});
-            //                //                    vLayout.addChild(line);
-            //                //                    vLayout.addChild(new VSpacer);
-            //                //                }
-            //                //        WidgetPtr spin = makeFloatSpinBox("KpSpin")
-            //                //                         .min(0.0f).max(2.0f)
-            //                //                         .steps(20).decimals(2)
-            //                //                         .value(0.4f);
-            //                WidgetPtr groupBox = makeGroupBox("GroupBox")
-            //                                     .label("Group")
-            //                                     .child(vLayout);
-            //                remoteGui->createTab(guiTabName, groupBox);
-            //                while (!stopRequested)
-            //                {
-            //                    RemoteGui::TabProxy tab(remoteGui, guiTabName);
-            //                    tab.receiveUpdates();
-            //                    this->>Kp = tab.getValue<float>("KpSlider").get();
-            //                    this->>Ki = tab.getValue<float>("KiSlider").get();
-            //                    this->>Kd = tab.getValue<float>("KdSlider").get();
-            //                    usleep(100000);
-            //                }
-            //            }
-        });
+            threadHandle = Application::getInstance()->getThreadPool()->runTask([this]
+            {
+                return;
+                //            std::string guiTabName;
+                //            while (!stopRequested)
+                //            {
+                //                ManagedIceObjectPtr object;
+                //                ARMARX_IMPORTANT << deactivateSpam(1) << "Trying to get parent";
+                //                try
+                //                {
+                //                    object = ManagedIceObjectPtr::dynamicCast(getParent().getOwner());
+                //                    ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(object);
+                //                    remoteGui = object->getProxy<RemoteGuiInterfacePrx>("RemoteGuiProvider", false, "", false);
+                //                    if (!remoteGui)
+                //                    {
+                //                        return;
+                //                    }
+                //                    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << deactivateSpam(1) << "Got Proxy";
+                //                    guiTabName = getParent().getDeviceName() + getControlMode();
+                //                    break;
+                //                }
+                //                catch (...)
+                //                {
+                //                    handleExceptions();
+                //                    sleep(1);
+                //                }
+                //            }
+                //            if (remoteGui)
+                //            {
+                //                ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "Creating GUI " << guiTabName;
+                //                using namespace RemoteGui;
+                //                //                auto vLayout = makeVBoxLayout();
+                //                //                {
+                //                //                    WidgetPtr KpLabel = makeTextLabel("Kp: ");
+                //                //                    WidgetPtr KiSlider = makeFloatSlider("KpSlider")
+                //                //                                         .min(0.0f).max(5000.0f)
+                //                //                                         .value(config->p);
+                //                //                    WidgetPtr line = makeHBoxLayout()
+                //                //                                     .children({KpLabel, KiSlider});
+                //                //                    vLayout.addChild(line);
+                //                //                }
+                //                //                {
+                //                //                    WidgetPtr KiLabel = makeTextLabel("Ki: ");
+                //                //                    WidgetPtr KiSlider = makeFloatSlider("KiSlider")
+                //                //                                         .min(0.0f).max(50000.0f)
+                //                //                                         .value(config->i);
+                //                //                    WidgetPtr line = makeHBoxLayout()
+                //                //                                     .children({KiLabel, KiSlider});
+                //                //                    vLayout.addChild(line);
+                //                //                }
+                //                //                {
+                //                //                    WidgetPtr KdLabel = makeTextLabel("Kd: ");
+                //                //                    WidgetPtr KdSlider = makeFloatSlider("KdSlider")
+                //                //                                         .min(0.0f).max(50.0f)
+                //                //                                         .steps(100)
+                //                //                                         .value(config->d);
+                //                //                    WidgetPtr line = makeHBoxLayout()
+                //                //                                     .children({KdLabel, KdSlider});
+                //                //                    vLayout.addChild(line);
+                //                //                    vLayout.addChild(new VSpacer);
+                //                //                }
+                //                //        WidgetPtr spin = makeFloatSpinBox("KpSpin")
+                //                //                         .min(0.0f).max(2.0f)
+                //                //                         .steps(20).decimals(2)
+                //                //                         .value(0.4f);
+                //                WidgetPtr groupBox = makeGroupBox("GroupBox")
+                //                                     .label("Group")
+                //                                     .child(vLayout);
+                //                remoteGui->createTab(guiTabName, groupBox);
+                //                while (!stopRequested)
+                //                {
+                //                    RemoteGui::TabProxy tab(remoteGui, guiTabName);
+                //                    tab.receiveUpdates();
+                //                    this->>Kp = tab.getValue<float>("KpSlider").get();
+                //                    this->>Ki = tab.getValue<float>("KiSlider").get();
+                //                    this->>Kd = tab.getValue<float>("KdSlider").get();
+                //                    usleep(100000);
+                //                }
+                //            }
+            });
+        }
+        return {};
+        //    return {{"lastTargetVelocity", new Variant(lastTargetVelocity.load())},
+        //        {"filteredVelocity", new Variant(controller.lastActualVelocity.load())},
+        //        {"pidIntegralCV", new Variant(>integral *>Ki)},
+        //        {"pidPropCV", new Variant(>previousError *>Kp)},
+        //        {"pidDiffCV", new Variant(>derivative *>Kd)}
-    return {};
-    //    return {{"lastTargetVelocity", new Variant(lastTargetVelocity.load())},
-    //        {"filteredVelocity", new Variant(controller.lastActualVelocity.load())},
-    //        {"pidIntegralCV", new Variant(>integral *>Ki)},
-    //        {"pidPropCV", new Variant(>previousError *>Kp)},
-    //        {"pidDiffCV", new Variant(>derivative *>Kd)}
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/ParallelGripperPositionController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/ParallelGripperPositionController.cpp
index 24acd8297..f2f558638 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/ParallelGripperPositionController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/ParallelGripperPositionController.cpp
@@ -15,51 +15,40 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/RobotUnitModules/RobotUnitModuleDevices.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-ParallelGripperPositionController::ParallelGripperPositionController(const std::string deviceName, KITGripperBasisBoardPtr board,
-        ActorDataPtr jointData,
-        PWMPositionControllerConfigurationCPtr positionControllerConfigDataPtr) :
-    JointPWMPositionController(deviceName, board, jointData, positionControllerConfigDataPtr)
+namespace armarx
-    linkedJointConnectorIndex = jointData->getSiblingControlActorIndex();
+    ParallelGripperPositionController::ParallelGripperPositionController(const std::string deviceName, KITGripperBasisBoardPtr board,
+            ActorDataPtr jointData,
+            PWMPositionControllerConfigurationCPtr positionControllerConfigDataPtr) :
+        JointPWMPositionController(deviceName, board, jointData, positionControllerConfigDataPtr)
+    {
+        linkedJointConnectorIndex = jointData->getSiblingControlActorIndex();
+    }
-ParallelGripperPositionController::~ParallelGripperPositionController() noexcept(true)
+    ParallelGripperPositionController::~ParallelGripperPositionController() noexcept(true)
+    {
+    }
-void ParallelGripperPositionController::rtRun(const IceUtil::Time& sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time& timeSinceLastIteration)
-    if (target.isValid())
+    void ParallelGripperPositionController::rtRun(const IceUtil::Time& sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time& timeSinceLastIteration)
-        float linkedPositionFactor = 2.0 / 3.0;
-        target.position += (linkedDataPtr->getRelativePosition() * linkedPositionFactor);
-        ARMARX_RT_LOGF_INFO("target.position %.2f, relative partner pos: %.2f", target.position, linkedDataPtr->getRelativePosition()).deactivateSpam(0.5);
-        JointPWMPositionController::rtRun(sensorValuesTimestamp, timeSinceLastIteration);
+        if (target.isValid())
+        {
+            float linkedPositionFactor = 2.0 / 3.0;
+            target.position += (linkedDataPtr->getRelativePosition() * linkedPositionFactor);
+            ARMARX_RT_LOGF_INFO("target.position %.2f, relative partner pos: %.2f", target.position, linkedDataPtr->getRelativePosition()).deactivateSpam(0.5);
+            JointPWMPositionController::rtRun(sensorValuesTimestamp, timeSinceLastIteration);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ARMARX_ERROR << deactivateSpam(1) << "invalid target set for actor " << getParent().getDeviceName();
+        }
-    else
+    void ParallelGripperPositionController::rtPreActivateController()
-        ARMARX_ERROR << deactivateSpam(1) << "invalid target set for actor " << getParent().getDeviceName();
+        linkedDataPtr = board->getDevices().at(linkedJointConnectorIndex)->getActorDataPtr();
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(linkedDataPtr, "index: " << linkedJointConnectorIndex);
+        JointPWMPositionController::rtPreActivateController();
-void ParallelGripperPositionController::rtPreActivateController()
-    linkedDataPtr = board->getDevices().at(linkedJointConnectorIndex)->getActorDataPtr();
-    ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(linkedDataPtr, "index: " << linkedJointConnectorIndex);
-    JointPWMPositionController::rtPreActivateController();
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/ParallelGripperVelocityController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/ParallelGripperVelocityController.cpp
index a4473c5b2..3ed5f029b 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/ParallelGripperVelocityController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/JointController/ParallelGripperVelocityController.cpp
@@ -14,42 +14,42 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/RobotUnitModules/RobotUnitModuleDevices.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-ParallelGripperVelocityController::ParallelGripperVelocityController(const std::string deviceName, KITGripperBasisBoardPtr board, ActorDataPtr jointData,
-        PWMVelocityControllerConfigurationCPtr velocityControllerConfigDataPtr) :
-    JointPWMVelocityController(deviceName, board, jointData, velocityControllerConfigDataPtr)
-    this->linkedJointConnectorIndex = jointData->getSiblingControlActorIndex();
-ParallelGripperVelocityController::~ParallelGripperVelocityController() noexcept(true)
+namespace armarx
+    ParallelGripperVelocityController::ParallelGripperVelocityController(const std::string deviceName, KITGripperBasisBoardPtr board, ActorDataPtr jointData,
+            PWMVelocityControllerConfigurationCPtr velocityControllerConfigDataPtr) :
+        JointPWMVelocityController(deviceName, board, jointData, velocityControllerConfigDataPtr)
+    {
+        this->linkedJointConnectorIndex = jointData->getSiblingControlActorIndex();
+    }
-void ParallelGripperVelocityController::rtRun(const IceUtil::Time& sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time& timeSinceLastIteration)
-    if (target.isValid())
+    ParallelGripperVelocityController::~ParallelGripperVelocityController() noexcept(true)
-        float linkedVelocityFactor = 2.0f / 3.0f;
-        target.velocity += linkedVelocityFactor * linkedDataPtr->getVelocity();
-        JointPWMVelocityController::rtRun(sensorValuesTimestamp, timeSinceLastIteration);
-    else
+    void ParallelGripperVelocityController::rtRun(const IceUtil::Time& sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time& timeSinceLastIteration)
-        ARMARX_ERROR << "invalid target set for actor";
+        if (target.isValid())
+        {
+            float linkedVelocityFactor = 2.0f / 3.0f;
+            target.velocity += linkedVelocityFactor * linkedDataPtr->getVelocity();
+            JointPWMVelocityController::rtRun(sensorValuesTimestamp, timeSinceLastIteration);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ARMARX_ERROR << "invalid target set for actor";
+        }
-void ParallelGripperVelocityController::rtPreActivateController()
-    linkedDataPtr = board->getDevices().at(linkedJointConnectorIndex)->getActorDataPtr();
-    ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(linkedDataPtr, "index: " << linkedJointConnectorIndex);
-    JointPWMVelocityController::rtPreActivateController();
+    void ParallelGripperVelocityController::rtPreActivateController()
+    {
+        linkedDataPtr = board->getDevices().at(linkedJointConnectorIndex)->getActorDataPtr();
+        ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION_W_HINT(linkedDataPtr, "index: " << linkedJointConnectorIndex);
+        JointPWMVelocityController::rtPreActivateController();
+    }
@@ -58,4 +58,3 @@ void ParallelGripperVelocityController::rtPreActivateController()
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/KITGripperBasisBoardSlave.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/KITGripperBasisBoardSlave.h
index 7966df46e..0a38422a6 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/KITGripperBasisBoardSlave.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/KITGripperEtherCAT/KITGripperBasisBoard/KITGripperBasisBoardSlave.h
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ namespace armarx
     class KITGripperBasisBoardSlave :
-            public AbstractSlaveWithInputOutput<KITGripperBasisBoardIN_t, KITGripperBasisBoardOUT_t>
+        public AbstractSlaveWithInputOutput<KITGripperBasisBoardIN_t, KITGripperBasisBoardOUT_t>
         KITGripperBasisBoardSlave(const armarx::SlaveIdentifier slaveIdentifier, uint16_t slaveNumber);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointAdaptiveWipingController.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointAdaptiveWipingController.h
index 7e1949ebe..cd07e4be8 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointAdaptiveWipingController.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointAdaptiveWipingController.h
@@ -31,20 +31,6 @@ namespace armarx
         Eigen::VectorXf targetTSVel;
-    class pidController
-    {
-    public:
-        float Kp = 0, Kd = 0;
-        float lastError = 0;
-        float update(float dt, float error)
-        {
-            float derivative = (error - lastError) / dt;
-            float retVal = Kp * error + Kd * derivative;
-            lastError = error;
-            return retVal;
-        }
-    };
      * @brief The NJointAdaptiveWipingController class
      * @ingroup Library-RobotUnit-NJointControllers
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointAnomalyDetectionAdaptiveWipingController.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointAnomalyDetectionAdaptiveWipingController.h
index 55c7e160b..495d9ba47 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointAnomalyDetectionAdaptiveWipingController.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointAnomalyDetectionAdaptiveWipingController.h
@@ -30,20 +30,6 @@ namespace armarx
         double canVal;
-    class pidController
-    {
-    public:
-        float Kp = 0, Kd = 0;
-        float lastError = 0;
-        float update(float dt, float error)
-        {
-            float derivative = (error - lastError) / dt;
-            float retVal = Kp * error + Kd * derivative;
-            lastError = error;
-            return retVal;
-        }
-    };
      * @brief The NJointAnomalyDetectionAdaptiveWipingController class
      * @ingroup Library-RobotUnit-NJointControllers
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualCCDMPController.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualCCDMPController.h
index 2bc75223f..71939269f 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualCCDMPController.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualCCDMPController.h
@@ -17,16 +17,12 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/PIDController.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/MathUtils.h>
-using namespace DMP;
 namespace armarx
-    using ViaPoint = std::pair<double, DVec >;
+    using ViaPoint = std::pair<double, DMP::DVec >;
     using ViaPointsSet = std::vector<ViaPoint >;
     class NJointBimanualCCDMPControllerControlData
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualCCDMPVelocityController.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualCCDMPVelocityController.h
index a0b05fe04..6d5a4e275 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualCCDMPVelocityController.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualCCDMPVelocityController.h
@@ -19,15 +19,12 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/MathUtils.h>
 #include <dmp/general/simoxhelpers.h>
-using namespace DMP;
 namespace armarx
-    using ViaPoint = std::pair<double, DVec >;
+    using ViaPoint = std::pair<double, DMP::DVec >;
     using ViaPointsSet = std::vector<ViaPoint >;
     class NJointBimanualCCDMPVelocityControllerControlData
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualDMPForceController.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualDMPForceController.h
index 63269b3c1..7c80df635 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualDMPForceController.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualDMPForceController.h
@@ -16,16 +16,12 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/PIDController.h>
-using namespace DMP;
 namespace armarx
-    using ViaPoint = std::pair<double, DVec >;
+    using ViaPoint = std::pair<double, DMP::DVec >;
     using ViaPointsSet = std::vector<ViaPoint >;
     class NJointBimanualCCDMPControllerControlData
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualForceMPController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualForceMPController.cpp
index 7d1a8f2c0..34ee1edba 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualForceMPController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualForceMPController.cpp
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ namespace armarx
-    void NJointBimanualForceMPController::learnDMPFromFiles(const string& whichDMP, const Ice::StringSeq& fileNames, const Ice::Current&)
+    void NJointBimanualForceMPController::learnDMPFromFiles(const std::string& whichDMP, const Ice::StringSeq& fileNames, const Ice::Current&)
         ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "Learn DMP " << whichDMP;
         if (whichDMP == "Left")
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualForceMPController.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualForceMPController.h
index 29f765ded..96e0b7649 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualForceMPController.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointBimanualForceMPController.h
@@ -15,13 +15,12 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/PIDController.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/SensorValues/SensorValueForceTorque.h>
-using namespace DMP;
 namespace armarx
-    using ViaPoint = std::pair<double, DVec >;
+    using ViaPoint = std::pair<double, DMP::DVec >;
     using ViaPointsSet = std::vector<ViaPoint >;
     class NJointBimanualForceMPControllerControlData
@@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ namespace armarx
         void rtRun(const IceUtil::Time& sensorValuesTimestamp, const IceUtil::Time& timeSinceLastIteration) override;
         // NJointBimanualForceMPControllerInterface interface
-        void learnDMPFromFiles(const string& whichMP, const Ice::StringSeq& fileNames, const Ice::Current&) override;
+        void learnDMPFromFiles(const std::string& whichMP, const Ice::StringSeq& fileNames, const Ice::Current&) override;
         bool isFinished(const Ice::Current&) override
             return finished;
@@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ namespace armarx
             return canVal;
-        void setViaPoints(const string& whichDMP, double canVal, const Ice::DoubleSeq& viaPoint, const Ice::Current&) override;
+        void setViaPoints(const std::string& whichDMP, double canVal, const Ice::DoubleSeq& viaPoint, const Ice::Current&) override;
         virtual void onPublish(const SensorAndControl&, const DebugDrawerInterfacePrx&, const DebugObserverInterfacePrx&) override;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointCCDMPController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointCCDMPController.cpp
index c9fa7a03a..837c624db 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointCCDMPController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointCCDMPController.cpp
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace armarx
         dmpTypes = cfg->dmpTypes;
         for (size_t i = 0; i < dmpPtrList.size(); ++i)
-            dmpPtrList[i].reset(new UMITSMP(cfg->kernelSize, 2, cfg->tau));
+            dmpPtrList[i].reset(new DMP::UMITSMP(cfg->kernelSize, 2, cfg->tau));
             canVals[i] = timeDurations[i];
         finished = false;
@@ -227,7 +227,9 @@ namespace armarx
                 dmpQ.x() = currentStates[i][4].pos;
                 dmpQ.y() = currentStates[i][5].pos;
                 dmpQ.z() = currentStates[i][6].pos;
-                Eigen::Quaterniond angularVel0 = 2 * quatVel0 * dmpQ.inverse();
+                //Eigen::Quaterniond angularVel0 = 2.0 * quatVel0 * dmpQ.inverse();
+                const Eigen::Quaterniond aVtmp0 = quatVel0 * dmpQ.inverse();
+                const Eigen::Quaterniond angularVel0{2 * aVtmp0.w(), 2 * aVtmp0.x(), 2 * aVtmp0.y(), 2 * aVtmp0.z()};
                 Eigen::Vector3f angularVelVec;
@@ -267,8 +269,14 @@ namespace armarx
         Eigen::Quaterniond diffQ = targetQ * currentQ.inverse();
-        Eigen::Quaterniond quatVel1 = phaseKpOri * diffQ;
-        Eigen::Quaterniond angularVel1 = 2 * quatVel1 * currentQ.inverse();
+        const Eigen::Quaterniond quatVel1
+        {
+            phaseKpOri * diffQ.w(), phaseKpOri * diffQ.x(),
+            phaseKpOri * diffQ.y(), phaseKpOri * diffQ.z()
+        };
+        //Eigen::Quaterniond angularVel1 = 2.0 * quatVel1 * currentQ.inverse();
+        const Eigen::Quaterniond aVtmp1 = quatVel1 * currentQ.inverse();
+        const Eigen::Quaterniond angularVel1{2 * aVtmp1.w(), 2 * aVtmp1.x(), 2 * aVtmp1.y(), 2 * aVtmp1.z()};
         targetVels(3) = mpcFactor * dmpVels(3) + (1 - mpcFactor) * angularVel1.x();
         targetVels(4) = mpcFactor * dmpVels(4) + (1 - mpcFactor) * angularVel1.y();
         targetVels(5) = mpcFactor * dmpVels(5) + (1 - mpcFactor) * angularVel1.z();
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointCCDMPController.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointCCDMPController.h
index 2fd838d91..132e6bda5 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointCCDMPController.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointCCDMPController.h
@@ -12,17 +12,12 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianVelocityController.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/DMPController/TaskSpaceDMPController.h>
-using namespace DMP;
 namespace armarx
-    using ViaPoint = std::pair<double, DVec >;
+    using ViaPoint = std::pair<double, DMP::DVec >;
     using ViaPointsSet = std::vector<ViaPoint >;
     class NJointCCDMPControllerControlData
@@ -36,20 +31,6 @@ namespace armarx
         VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode = VirtualRobot::IKSolver::All;
-    class pidController
-    {
-    public:
-        float Kp = 0, Kd = 0;
-        float lastError = 0;
-        float update(float dt, float error)
-        {
-            float derivative = (error - lastError) / dt;
-            float retVal = Kp * error + Kd * derivative;
-            lastError = error;
-            return retVal;
-        }
-    };
      * @brief The NJointCCDMPController class
      * @ingroup Library-RobotUnit-NJointControllers
@@ -58,6 +39,19 @@ namespace armarx
         public NJointControllerWithTripleBuffer<NJointCCDMPControllerControlData>,
         public NJointCCDMPControllerInterface
+        class pidController
+        {
+        public:
+            float Kp = 0, Kd = 0;
+            float lastError = 0;
+            float update(float dt, float error)
+            {
+                float derivative = (error - lastError) / dt;
+                float retVal = Kp * error + Kd * derivative;
+                lastError = error;
+                return retVal;
+            }
+        };
         using ConfigPtrT = NJointCCDMPControllerConfigPtr;
         NJointCCDMPController(const RobotUnitPtr& robotUnit, const NJointControllerConfigPtr& config, const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr&);
@@ -130,14 +124,14 @@ namespace armarx
         std::string nodeSetName;
         // dmp parameters
-        std::vector<UMITSMPPtr > dmpPtrList;
+        std::vector<DMP::UMITSMPPtr > dmpPtrList;
         std::vector<double> canVals;
         std::vector<double> timeDurations;
         std::vector<std::string > dmpTypes;
         std::vector<double> amplitudes;
-        std::vector<Vec<DMPState > > currentStates;
-        std::vector<DVec > targetSubStates;
+        std::vector<DMP::Vec<DMP::DMPState > > currentStates;
+        std::vector<DMP::DVec > targetSubStates;
         bool finished;
         double tau;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantController.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantController.h
index 8b59a9687..053113604 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantController.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantController.h
@@ -29,20 +29,6 @@ namespace armarx
         Eigen::VectorXf targetTSVel;
-    class pidController
-    {
-    public:
-        float Kp = 0, Kd = 0;
-        float lastError = 0;
-        float update(float dt, float error)
-        {
-            float derivative = (error - lastError) / dt;
-            float retVal = Kp * error + Kd * derivative;
-            lastError = error;
-            return retVal;
-        }
-    };
      * @brief The NJointPeriodicTSDMPCompliantController class
      * @ingroup Library-RobotUnit-NJointControllers
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointPeriodicTSDMPForwardVelController.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointPeriodicTSDMPForwardVelController.h
index 351a9451c..907bf3866 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointPeriodicTSDMPForwardVelController.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointPeriodicTSDMPForwardVelController.h
@@ -29,20 +29,6 @@ namespace armarx
         Eigen::Matrix4f targetPose;
-    class pidController
-    {
-    public:
-        float Kp = 0, Kd = 0;
-        float lastError = 0;
-        float update(float dt, float error)
-        {
-            float derivative = (error - lastError) / dt;
-            float retVal = Kp * error + Kd * derivative;
-            lastError = error;
-            return retVal;
-        }
-    };
      * @brief The NJointPeriodicTSDMPForwardVelController class
      * @ingroup Library-RobotUnit-NJointControllers
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointTSDMPController.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointTSDMPController.h
index bdc0ef800..7cc9b8042 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointTSDMPController.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointTSDMPController.h
@@ -14,16 +14,12 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/DMPController/TaskSpaceDMPController.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/time/CycleUtil.h>
-using namespace DMP;
 namespace armarx
-    using ViaPoint = std::pair<double, DVec >;
+    using ViaPoint = std::pair<double, DMP::DVec >;
     using ViaPointsSet = std::vector<ViaPoint >;
     class NJointTSDMPControllerControlData
@@ -35,20 +31,6 @@ namespace armarx
         float avoidJointLimitsKp = 0;
-    class pidController
-    {
-    public:
-        float Kp = 0, Kd = 0;
-        float lastError = 0;
-        float update(float dt, float error)
-        {
-            float derivative = (error - lastError) / dt;
-            float retVal = Kp * error + Kd * derivative;
-            lastError = error;
-            return retVal;
-        }
-    };
      * @brief The NJointTSDMPController class
      * @ingroup Library-RobotUnit-NJointControllers
@@ -57,6 +39,19 @@ namespace armarx
         public NJointControllerWithTripleBuffer<NJointTSDMPControllerControlData>,
         public NJointTaskSpaceDMPControllerInterface
+        class pidController
+        {
+        public:
+            float Kp = 0, Kd = 0;
+            float lastError = 0;
+            float update(float dt, float error)
+            {
+                float derivative = (error - lastError) / dt;
+                float retVal = Kp * error + Kd * derivative;
+                lastError = error;
+                return retVal;
+            }
+        };
         using ConfigPtrT = NJointTaskSpaceDMPControllerConfigPtr;
         NJointTSDMPController(const RobotUnitPtr&, const NJointControllerConfigPtr& config, const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr&);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPController.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPController.h
index 49a104b54..25f6792ca 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPController.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPINJointControllers/DMPController/NJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPController.h
@@ -12,16 +12,11 @@
 #include <dmp/representation/dmp/umidmp.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/time/CycleUtil.h>
-using namespace DMP;
 namespace armarx
     class NJointTaskSpaceImpedanceDMPControllerControlData
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPIVariantWidget/RobotAPIVariantWidget.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPIVariantWidget/RobotAPIVariantWidget.cpp
index 8660ad028..e95378770 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPIVariantWidget/RobotAPIVariantWidget.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPIVariantWidget/RobotAPIVariantWidget.cpp
@@ -34,438 +34,433 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/interface/core/OrientedPoint.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/interface/core/PoseBase.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::detail
-    namespace detail
-    {
-        RobotAPIVariantWidgetDummySymbol::RobotAPIVariantWidgetDummySymbol(int) {}
-    }
+    RobotAPIVariantWidgetDummySymbol::RobotAPIVariantWidgetDummySymbol(int) {}
-    namespace VariantDataWidgets
+namespace armarx::VariantDataWidgets
+    class Vector2BaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
-        class Vector2BaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
+    public:
+        Vector2BaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
-        public:
-            Vector2BaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
-            {
-                auto l = new QFormLayout;
-                l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-                setLayout(l);
-                labelX = new QLabel;
-                labelY = new QLabel;
-                l->addRow("X", labelX);
-                l->addRow("Y", labelY);
-                update(v);
-            }
-            void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
-            {
-                Vector2BasePtr v = Vector2BasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
-                ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(v);
-                labelX->setText(QString::number(v->x));
-                labelY->setText(QString::number(v->y));
-            }
-        private:
-            QLabel* labelX;
-            QLabel* labelY;
-        };
-        VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<Vector2BaseWidget> registerVector2BaseWidget {Vector2Base::ice_staticId()};
-        class Vector3BaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
+            auto l = new QFormLayout;
+            l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+            setLayout(l);
+            labelX = new QLabel;
+            labelY = new QLabel;
+            l->addRow("X", labelX);
+            l->addRow("Y", labelY);
+            update(v);
+        }
+        void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
-        public:
+            Vector2BasePtr v = Vector2BasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
+            labelX->setText(QString::number(v->x));
+            labelY->setText(QString::number(v->y));
+        }
+    private:
+        QLabel* labelX;
+        QLabel* labelY;
+    };
+    VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<Vector2BaseWidget> registerVector2BaseWidget {Vector2Base::ice_staticId()};
-            Vector3BaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
-            {
-                auto l = new QFormLayout;
-                l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-                setLayout(l);
-                labelX = new QLabel;
-                labelY = new QLabel;
-                labelZ = new QLabel;
-                l->addRow("X", labelX);
-                l->addRow("Y", labelY);
-                l->addRow("Z", labelZ);
-                update(v);
-            }
-            void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
-            {
-                Vector3BasePtr v = Vector3BasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
-                ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(v);
-                labelX->setText(QString::number(v->x));
-                labelY->setText(QString::number(v->y));
-                labelZ->setText(QString::number(v->z));
-            }
-        private:
-            QLabel* labelX;
-            QLabel* labelY;
-            QLabel* labelZ;
-        };
-        VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<Vector3BaseWidget> registerVector3BaseWidget {Vector3Base::ice_staticId()};
+    class Vector3BaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
+    {
+    public:
-        class FramedPositionBaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
+        Vector3BaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
+        {
+            auto l = new QFormLayout;
+            l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+            setLayout(l);
+            labelX = new QLabel;
+            labelY = new QLabel;
+            labelZ = new QLabel;
+            l->addRow("X", labelX);
+            l->addRow("Y", labelY);
+            l->addRow("Z", labelZ);
+            update(v);
+        }
+        void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
-        public:
+            Vector3BasePtr v = Vector3BasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
+            labelX->setText(QString::number(v->x));
+            labelY->setText(QString::number(v->y));
+            labelZ->setText(QString::number(v->z));
+        }
+    private:
+        QLabel* labelX;
+        QLabel* labelY;
+        QLabel* labelZ;
+    };
+    VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<Vector3BaseWidget> registerVector3BaseWidget {Vector3Base::ice_staticId()};
-            FramedPositionBaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
-            {
-                auto l = new QFormLayout;
-                l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-                setLayout(l);
-                labelAg = new QLabel;
-                labelFr = new QLabel;
-                labelX = new QLabel;
-                labelY = new QLabel;
-                labelZ = new QLabel;
-                l->addRow("Agent", labelAg);
-                l->addRow("Frame", labelFr);
-                l->addRow("X", labelX);
-                l->addRow("Y", labelY);
-                l->addRow("Z", labelZ);
-                update(v);
-            }
-            void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
-            {
-                FramedPositionBasePtr v = FramedPositionBasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
-                ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(v);
-                labelAg->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->agent));
-                labelFr->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->frame));
-                labelX->setText(QString::number(v->x));
-                labelY->setText(QString::number(v->y));
-                labelZ->setText(QString::number(v->z));
-            }
-        private:
-            QLabel* labelAg;
-            QLabel* labelFr;
-            QLabel* labelX;
-            QLabel* labelY;
-            QLabel* labelZ;
-        };
-        VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<FramedPositionBaseWidget> registerFramedPositionBaseWidget {FramedPositionBase::ice_staticId()};
+    class FramedPositionBaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
+    {
+    public:
-        class FramedDirectionBaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
+        FramedPositionBaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
-        public:
+            auto l = new QFormLayout;
+            l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+            setLayout(l);
+            labelAg = new QLabel;
+            labelFr = new QLabel;
+            labelX = new QLabel;
+            labelY = new QLabel;
+            labelZ = new QLabel;
+            l->addRow("Agent", labelAg);
+            l->addRow("Frame", labelFr);
+            l->addRow("X", labelX);
+            l->addRow("Y", labelY);
+            l->addRow("Z", labelZ);
+            update(v);
+        }
+        void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
+        {
+            FramedPositionBasePtr v = FramedPositionBasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
+            labelAg->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->agent));
+            labelFr->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->frame));
+            labelX->setText(QString::number(v->x));
+            labelY->setText(QString::number(v->y));
+            labelZ->setText(QString::number(v->z));
+        }
+    private:
+        QLabel* labelAg;
+        QLabel* labelFr;
+        QLabel* labelX;
+        QLabel* labelY;
+        QLabel* labelZ;
+    };
+    VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<FramedPositionBaseWidget> registerFramedPositionBaseWidget {FramedPositionBase::ice_staticId()};
-            FramedDirectionBaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
-            {
-                auto l = new QFormLayout;
-                l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-                setLayout(l);
-                labelAg = new QLabel;
-                labelFr = new QLabel;
-                labelX = new QLabel;
-                labelY = new QLabel;
-                labelZ = new QLabel;
-                l->addRow("Agent", labelAg);
-                l->addRow("Frame", labelFr);
-                l->addRow("X", labelX);
-                l->addRow("Y", labelY);
-                l->addRow("Z", labelZ);
-                update(v);
-            }
-            void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
-            {
-                FramedDirectionBasePtr v = FramedDirectionBasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
-                ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(v);
-                labelAg->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->agent));
-                labelFr->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->frame));
-                labelX->setText(QString::number(v->x));
-                labelY->setText(QString::number(v->y));
-                labelZ->setText(QString::number(v->z));
-            }
-        private:
-            QLabel* labelAg;
-            QLabel* labelFr;
-            QLabel* labelX;
-            QLabel* labelY;
-            QLabel* labelZ;
-        };
-        VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<FramedDirectionBaseWidget> registerFramedDirectionBaseWidget {FramedDirectionBase::ice_staticId()};
+    class FramedDirectionBaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
+    {
+    public:
-        class OrientedPointBaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
+        FramedDirectionBaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
+        {
+            auto l = new QFormLayout;
+            l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+            setLayout(l);
+            labelAg = new QLabel;
+            labelFr = new QLabel;
+            labelX = new QLabel;
+            labelY = new QLabel;
+            labelZ = new QLabel;
+            l->addRow("Agent", labelAg);
+            l->addRow("Frame", labelFr);
+            l->addRow("X", labelX);
+            l->addRow("Y", labelY);
+            l->addRow("Z", labelZ);
+            update(v);
+        }
+        void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
-        public:
+            FramedDirectionBasePtr v = FramedDirectionBasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
+            labelAg->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->agent));
+            labelFr->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->frame));
+            labelX->setText(QString::number(v->x));
+            labelY->setText(QString::number(v->y));
+            labelZ->setText(QString::number(v->z));
+        }
+    private:
+        QLabel* labelAg;
+        QLabel* labelFr;
+        QLabel* labelX;
+        QLabel* labelY;
+        QLabel* labelZ;
+    };
+    VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<FramedDirectionBaseWidget> registerFramedDirectionBaseWidget {FramedDirectionBase::ice_staticId()};
-            OrientedPointBaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
-            {
-                auto l = new QFormLayout;
-                l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-                setLayout(l);
-                labelPX = new QLabel;
-                labelPY = new QLabel;
-                labelPZ = new QLabel;
-                labelNX = new QLabel;
-                labelNY = new QLabel;
-                labelNZ = new QLabel;
-                l->addRow("PX", labelPX);
-                l->addRow("PY", labelPY);
-                l->addRow("PZ", labelPZ);
-                l->addRow("NX", labelNX);
-                l->addRow("NY", labelNY);
-                l->addRow("NZ", labelNZ);
-                update(v);
-            }
-            void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
-            {
-                OrientedPointBasePtr v = OrientedPointBasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
-                ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(v);
-                labelPX->setText(QString::number(v->px));
-                labelPY->setText(QString::number(v->py));
-                labelPZ->setText(QString::number(v->pz));
-                labelNX->setText(QString::number(v->nx));
-                labelNY->setText(QString::number(v->ny));
-                labelNZ->setText(QString::number(v->nz));
-            }
-        private:
-            QLabel* labelPX;
-            QLabel* labelPY;
-            QLabel* labelPZ;
-            QLabel* labelNX;
-            QLabel* labelNY;
-            QLabel* labelNZ;
-        };
-        VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<OrientedPointBaseWidget> registerOrientedPointBaseWidget {OrientedPointBase::ice_staticId()};
+    class OrientedPointBaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
+    {
+    public:
-        class FramedOrientedPointBaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
+        OrientedPointBaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
+        {
+            auto l = new QFormLayout;
+            l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+            setLayout(l);
+            labelPX = new QLabel;
+            labelPY = new QLabel;
+            labelPZ = new QLabel;
+            labelNX = new QLabel;
+            labelNY = new QLabel;
+            labelNZ = new QLabel;
+            l->addRow("PX", labelPX);
+            l->addRow("PY", labelPY);
+            l->addRow("PZ", labelPZ);
+            l->addRow("NX", labelNX);
+            l->addRow("NY", labelNY);
+            l->addRow("NZ", labelNZ);
+            update(v);
+        }
+        void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
-        public:
+            OrientedPointBasePtr v = OrientedPointBasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
+            labelPX->setText(QString::number(v->px));
+            labelPY->setText(QString::number(v->py));
+            labelPZ->setText(QString::number(v->pz));
+            labelNX->setText(QString::number(v->nx));
+            labelNY->setText(QString::number(v->ny));
+            labelNZ->setText(QString::number(v->nz));
+        }
+    private:
+        QLabel* labelPX;
+        QLabel* labelPY;
+        QLabel* labelPZ;
+        QLabel* labelNX;
+        QLabel* labelNY;
+        QLabel* labelNZ;
+    };
+    VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<OrientedPointBaseWidget> registerOrientedPointBaseWidget {OrientedPointBase::ice_staticId()};
-            FramedOrientedPointBaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
-            {
-                auto l = new QFormLayout;
-                l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-                setLayout(l);
-                labelAg = new QLabel;
-                labelFr = new QLabel;
-                labelPX = new QLabel;
-                labelPY = new QLabel;
-                labelPZ = new QLabel;
-                labelNX = new QLabel;
-                labelNY = new QLabel;
-                labelNZ = new QLabel;
-                l->addRow("Agent", labelAg);
-                l->addRow("Frame", labelFr);
-                l->addRow("PX", labelPX);
-                l->addRow("PY", labelPY);
-                l->addRow("PZ", labelPZ);
-                l->addRow("NX", labelNX);
-                l->addRow("NY", labelNY);
-                l->addRow("NZ", labelNZ);
-                update(v);
-            }
-            void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
-            {
-                FramedOrientedPointBasePtr v = FramedOrientedPointBasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
-                ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(v);
-                labelAg->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->agent));
-                labelFr->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->frame));
-                labelPX->setText(QString::number(v->px));
-                labelPY->setText(QString::number(v->py));
-                labelPZ->setText(QString::number(v->pz));
-                labelNX->setText(QString::number(v->nx));
-                labelNY->setText(QString::number(v->ny));
-                labelNZ->setText(QString::number(v->nz));
-            }
-        private:
-            QLabel* labelAg;
-            QLabel* labelFr;
-            QLabel* labelPX;
-            QLabel* labelPY;
-            QLabel* labelPZ;
-            QLabel* labelNX;
-            QLabel* labelNY;
-            QLabel* labelNZ;
-        };
-        VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<FramedOrientedPointBaseWidget> registerFramedOrientedPointBaseWidget {FramedOrientedPointBase::ice_staticId()};
+    class FramedOrientedPointBaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
+    {
+    public:
-        class QuaternionBaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
+        FramedOrientedPointBaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
-        public:
+            auto l = new QFormLayout;
+            l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+            setLayout(l);
+            labelAg = new QLabel;
+            labelFr = new QLabel;
+            labelPX = new QLabel;
+            labelPY = new QLabel;
+            labelPZ = new QLabel;
+            labelNX = new QLabel;
+            labelNY = new QLabel;
+            labelNZ = new QLabel;
+            l->addRow("Agent", labelAg);
+            l->addRow("Frame", labelFr);
+            l->addRow("PX", labelPX);
+            l->addRow("PY", labelPY);
+            l->addRow("PZ", labelPZ);
+            l->addRow("NX", labelNX);
+            l->addRow("NY", labelNY);
+            l->addRow("NZ", labelNZ);
+            update(v);
+        }
+        void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
+        {
+            FramedOrientedPointBasePtr v = FramedOrientedPointBasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
+            labelAg->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->agent));
+            labelFr->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->frame));
+            labelPX->setText(QString::number(v->px));
+            labelPY->setText(QString::number(v->py));
+            labelPZ->setText(QString::number(v->pz));
+            labelNX->setText(QString::number(v->nx));
+            labelNY->setText(QString::number(v->ny));
+            labelNZ->setText(QString::number(v->nz));
+        }
+    private:
+        QLabel* labelAg;
+        QLabel* labelFr;
+        QLabel* labelPX;
+        QLabel* labelPY;
+        QLabel* labelPZ;
+        QLabel* labelNX;
+        QLabel* labelNY;
+        QLabel* labelNZ;
+    };
+    VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<FramedOrientedPointBaseWidget> registerFramedOrientedPointBaseWidget {FramedOrientedPointBase::ice_staticId()};
-            QuaternionBaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
-            {
-                auto l = new QFormLayout;
-                l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-                setLayout(l);
-                labelQW = new QLabel;
-                labelQX = new QLabel;
-                labelQY = new QLabel;
-                labelQZ = new QLabel;
-                l->addRow("QW", labelQW);
-                l->addRow("QX", labelQX);
-                l->addRow("QY", labelQY);
-                l->addRow("QZ", labelQZ);
-                update(v);
-            }
-            void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
-            {
-                QuaternionBasePtr v = QuaternionBasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
-                ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(v);
-                labelQW->setText(QString::number(v->qw));
-                labelQX->setText(QString::number(v->qx));
-                labelQY->setText(QString::number(v->qy));
-                labelQZ->setText(QString::number(v->qz));
-            }
-        private:
-            QLabel* labelQW;
-            QLabel* labelQX;
-            QLabel* labelQY;
-            QLabel* labelQZ;
-        };
-        VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<QuaternionBaseWidget> registerQuaternionBaseWidget {QuaternionBase::ice_staticId()};
+    class QuaternionBaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
+    {
+    public:
-        class FramedOrientationBaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
+        QuaternionBaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
-        public:
+            auto l = new QFormLayout;
+            l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+            setLayout(l);
+            labelQW = new QLabel;
+            labelQX = new QLabel;
+            labelQY = new QLabel;
+            labelQZ = new QLabel;
+            l->addRow("QW", labelQW);
+            l->addRow("QX", labelQX);
+            l->addRow("QY", labelQY);
+            l->addRow("QZ", labelQZ);
+            update(v);
+        }
+        void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
+        {
+            QuaternionBasePtr v = QuaternionBasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
+            labelQW->setText(QString::number(v->qw));
+            labelQX->setText(QString::number(v->qx));
+            labelQY->setText(QString::number(v->qy));
+            labelQZ->setText(QString::number(v->qz));
+        }
+    private:
+        QLabel* labelQW;
+        QLabel* labelQX;
+        QLabel* labelQY;
+        QLabel* labelQZ;
+    };
+    VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<QuaternionBaseWidget> registerQuaternionBaseWidget {QuaternionBase::ice_staticId()};
-            FramedOrientationBaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
-            {
-                auto l = new QFormLayout;
-                l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-                setLayout(l);
-                labelAg = new QLabel;
-                labelFr = new QLabel;
-                labelQW = new QLabel;
-                labelQX = new QLabel;
-                labelQY = new QLabel;
-                labelQZ = new QLabel;
-                l->addRow("Agent", labelAg);
-                l->addRow("Frame", labelFr);
-                l->addRow("QW", labelQW);
-                l->addRow("QX", labelQX);
-                l->addRow("QY", labelQY);
-                l->addRow("QZ", labelQZ);
-                update(v);
-            }
-            void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
-            {
-                FramedOrientationBasePtr v = FramedOrientationBasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
-                ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(v);
-                labelAg->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->agent));
-                labelFr->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->frame));
-                labelQW->setText(QString::number(v->qw));
-                labelQX->setText(QString::number(v->qx));
-                labelQY->setText(QString::number(v->qy));
-                labelQZ->setText(QString::number(v->qz));
-            }
-        private:
-            QLabel* labelAg;
-            QLabel* labelFr;
-            QLabel* labelQW;
-            QLabel* labelQX;
-            QLabel* labelQY;
-            QLabel* labelQZ;
-        };
-        VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<FramedOrientationBaseWidget> registerFramedOrientationBaseWidget {FramedOrientationBase::ice_staticId()};
+    class FramedOrientationBaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
+    {
+    public:
-        class PoseBaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
+        FramedOrientationBaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
-        public:
+            auto l = new QFormLayout;
+            l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+            setLayout(l);
+            labelAg = new QLabel;
+            labelFr = new QLabel;
+            labelQW = new QLabel;
+            labelQX = new QLabel;
+            labelQY = new QLabel;
+            labelQZ = new QLabel;
+            l->addRow("Agent", labelAg);
+            l->addRow("Frame", labelFr);
+            l->addRow("QW", labelQW);
+            l->addRow("QX", labelQX);
+            l->addRow("QY", labelQY);
+            l->addRow("QZ", labelQZ);
+            update(v);
+        }
+        void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
+        {
+            FramedOrientationBasePtr v = FramedOrientationBasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
+            labelAg->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->agent));
+            labelFr->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->frame));
+            labelQW->setText(QString::number(v->qw));
+            labelQX->setText(QString::number(v->qx));
+            labelQY->setText(QString::number(v->qy));
+            labelQZ->setText(QString::number(v->qz));
+        }
+    private:
+        QLabel* labelAg;
+        QLabel* labelFr;
+        QLabel* labelQW;
+        QLabel* labelQX;
+        QLabel* labelQY;
+        QLabel* labelQZ;
+    };
+    VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<FramedOrientationBaseWidget> registerFramedOrientationBaseWidget {FramedOrientationBase::ice_staticId()};
-            PoseBaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
-            {
-                auto l = new QFormLayout;
-                l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-                setLayout(l);
-                labelX = new QLabel;
-                labelY = new QLabel;
-                labelZ = new QLabel;
-                labelQW = new QLabel;
-                labelQX = new QLabel;
-                labelQY = new QLabel;
-                labelQZ = new QLabel;
-                l->addRow("X", labelX);
-                l->addRow("Y", labelY);
-                l->addRow("Z", labelZ);
-                l->addRow("QW", labelQW);
-                l->addRow("QX", labelQX);
-                l->addRow("QY", labelQY);
-                l->addRow("QZ", labelQZ);
-                update(v);
-            }
-            void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
-            {
-                PoseBasePtr v = PoseBasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
-                ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(v);
-                ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(v->position);
-                ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(v->orientation);
-                labelX->setText(QString::number(v->position->x));
-                labelY->setText(QString::number(v->position->y));
-                labelZ->setText(QString::number(v->position->z));
-                labelQW->setText(QString::number(v->orientation->qw));
-                labelQX->setText(QString::number(v->orientation->qx));
-                labelQY->setText(QString::number(v->orientation->qy));
-                labelQZ->setText(QString::number(v->orientation->qz));
-            }
-        private:
-            QLabel* labelX;
-            QLabel* labelY;
-            QLabel* labelZ;
-            QLabel* labelQW;
-            QLabel* labelQX;
-            QLabel* labelQY;
-            QLabel* labelQZ;
-        };
-        VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<PoseBaseWidget> registerPoseBaseWidget {PoseBase::ice_staticId()};
+    class PoseBaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
+    {
+    public:
-        class FramedPoseBaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
+        PoseBaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
-        public:
-            FramedPoseBaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
-            {
-                auto l = new QFormLayout;
-                l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-                setLayout(l);
-                labelAg = new QLabel;
-                labelFr = new QLabel;
-                labelX = new QLabel;
-                labelY = new QLabel;
-                labelZ = new QLabel;
-                labelQW = new QLabel;
-                labelQX = new QLabel;
-                labelQY = new QLabel;
-                labelQZ = new QLabel;
-                l->addRow("Agent", labelAg);
-                l->addRow("Frame", labelFr);
-                l->addRow("X", labelX);
-                l->addRow("Y", labelY);
-                l->addRow("Z", labelZ);
-                l->addRow("QW", labelQW);
-                l->addRow("QX", labelQX);
-                l->addRow("QY", labelQY);
-                l->addRow("QZ", labelQZ);
-                update(v);
-            }
-            void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
-            {
-                FramedPoseBasePtr v = FramedPoseBasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
-                ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(v);
-                ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(v->position);
-                ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(v->orientation);
-                labelAg->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->agent));
-                labelFr->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->frame));
-                labelX->setText(QString::number(v->position->x));
-                labelY->setText(QString::number(v->position->y));
-                labelZ->setText(QString::number(v->position->z));
-                labelQW->setText(QString::number(v->orientation->qw));
-                labelQX->setText(QString::number(v->orientation->qx));
-                labelQY->setText(QString::number(v->orientation->qy));
-                labelQZ->setText(QString::number(v->orientation->qz));
-            }
-        private:
-            QLabel* labelAg;
-            QLabel* labelFr;
-            QLabel* labelX;
-            QLabel* labelY;
-            QLabel* labelZ;
-            QLabel* labelQW;
-            QLabel* labelQX;
-            QLabel* labelQY;
-            QLabel* labelQZ;
-        };
-        VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<FramedPoseBaseWidget> registerFramedPoseBaseWidget {FramedPoseBase::ice_staticId()};
-    }
+            auto l = new QFormLayout;
+            l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+            setLayout(l);
+            labelX = new QLabel;
+            labelY = new QLabel;
+            labelZ = new QLabel;
+            labelQW = new QLabel;
+            labelQX = new QLabel;
+            labelQY = new QLabel;
+            labelQZ = new QLabel;
+            l->addRow("X", labelX);
+            l->addRow("Y", labelY);
+            l->addRow("Z", labelZ);
+            l->addRow("QW", labelQW);
+            l->addRow("QX", labelQX);
+            l->addRow("QY", labelQY);
+            l->addRow("QZ", labelQZ);
+            update(v);
+        }
+        void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
+        {
+            PoseBasePtr v = PoseBasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(v->position);
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(v->orientation);
+            labelX->setText(QString::number(v->position->x));
+            labelY->setText(QString::number(v->position->y));
+            labelZ->setText(QString::number(v->position->z));
+            labelQW->setText(QString::number(v->orientation->qw));
+            labelQX->setText(QString::number(v->orientation->qx));
+            labelQY->setText(QString::number(v->orientation->qy));
+            labelQZ->setText(QString::number(v->orientation->qz));
+        }
+    private:
+        QLabel* labelX;
+        QLabel* labelY;
+        QLabel* labelZ;
+        QLabel* labelQW;
+        QLabel* labelQX;
+        QLabel* labelQY;
+        QLabel* labelQZ;
+    };
+    VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<PoseBaseWidget> registerPoseBaseWidget {PoseBase::ice_staticId()};
+    class FramedPoseBaseWidget: public VariantDataWidgetBase
+    {
+    public:
+        FramedPoseBaseWidget(const VariantDataPtr& v)
+        {
+            auto l = new QFormLayout;
+            l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+            setLayout(l);
+            labelAg = new QLabel;
+            labelFr = new QLabel;
+            labelX = new QLabel;
+            labelY = new QLabel;
+            labelZ = new QLabel;
+            labelQW = new QLabel;
+            labelQX = new QLabel;
+            labelQY = new QLabel;
+            labelQZ = new QLabel;
+            l->addRow("Agent", labelAg);
+            l->addRow("Frame", labelFr);
+            l->addRow("X", labelX);
+            l->addRow("Y", labelY);
+            l->addRow("Z", labelZ);
+            l->addRow("QW", labelQW);
+            l->addRow("QX", labelQX);
+            l->addRow("QY", labelQY);
+            l->addRow("QZ", labelQZ);
+            update(v);
+        }
+        void update(const VariantDataPtr& p) override
+        {
+            FramedPoseBasePtr v = FramedPoseBasePtr::dynamicCast(p);
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(v->position);
+            ARMARX_CHECK_EXPRESSION(v->orientation);
+            labelAg->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->agent));
+            labelFr->setText(QString::fromStdString(v->frame));
+            labelX->setText(QString::number(v->position->x));
+            labelY->setText(QString::number(v->position->y));
+            labelZ->setText(QString::number(v->position->z));
+            labelQW->setText(QString::number(v->orientation->qw));
+            labelQX->setText(QString::number(v->orientation->qx));
+            labelQY->setText(QString::number(v->orientation->qy));
+            labelQZ->setText(QString::number(v->orientation->qz));
+        }
+    private:
+        QLabel* labelAg;
+        QLabel* labelFr;
+        QLabel* labelX;
+        QLabel* labelY;
+        QLabel* labelZ;
+        QLabel* labelQW;
+        QLabel* labelQX;
+        QLabel* labelQY;
+        QLabel* labelQZ;
+    };
+    VariantDataWidgetFactoryRegistration<FramedPoseBaseWidget> registerFramedPoseBaseWidget {FramedPoseBase::ice_staticId()};
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPIVariantWidget/RobotAPIVariantWidget.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPIVariantWidget/RobotAPIVariantWidget.h
index 40b616f95..55819d35d 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPIVariantWidget/RobotAPIVariantWidget.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotAPIVariantWidget/RobotAPIVariantWidget.h
@@ -24,18 +24,16 @@
 #include <ArmarXGui/libraries/VariantWidget/VariantWidget.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::detail
-    namespace detail
+    struct RobotAPIVariantWidgetDummySymbol
-        struct RobotAPIVariantWidgetDummySymbol
-        {
-            RobotAPIVariantWidgetDummySymbol(int);
-        };
-        const RobotAPIVariantWidgetDummySymbol robotAPIVariantWidgetDummySymbolInstanceGlobal(1);
-        inline std::size_t robotAPIVariantWidgetDummySymbolFunction()
-        {
-            return sizeof(robotAPIVariantWidgetDummySymbolInstanceGlobal);
-        }
+        RobotAPIVariantWidgetDummySymbol(int);
+    };
+    const RobotAPIVariantWidgetDummySymbol robotAPIVariantWidgetDummySymbolInstanceGlobal(1);
+    inline std::size_t robotAPIVariantWidgetDummySymbolFunction()
+    {
+        return sizeof(robotAPIVariantWidgetDummySymbolInstanceGlobal);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/ForceTorqueHelper.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/ForceTorqueHelper.cpp
index a170c9391..b6cf85960 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/ForceTorqueHelper.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/ForceTorqueHelper.cpp
@@ -26,27 +26,28 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/FramedPose.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/observers/variant/DatafieldRef.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-ForceTorqueHelper::ForceTorqueHelper(const ForceTorqueUnitObserverInterfacePrx& forceTorqueObserver, const std::string& FTDatefieldName)
+namespace armarx
-    forceDf = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(forceTorqueObserver->getForceDatafield(FTDatefieldName));
-    torqueDf = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(forceTorqueObserver->getTorqueDatafield(FTDatefieldName));
-    setZero();
+    ForceTorqueHelper::ForceTorqueHelper(const ForceTorqueUnitObserverInterfacePrx& forceTorqueObserver, const std::string& FTDatefieldName)
+    {
+        forceDf = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(forceTorqueObserver->getForceDatafield(FTDatefieldName));
+        torqueDf = DatafieldRefPtr::dynamicCast(forceTorqueObserver->getTorqueDatafield(FTDatefieldName));
+        setZero();
+    }
-Eigen::Vector3f ForceTorqueHelper::getForce()
-    return forceDf->getDataField()->get<FramedDirection>()->toEigen() - initialForce;
+    Eigen::Vector3f ForceTorqueHelper::getForce()
+    {
+        return forceDf->getDataField()->get<FramedDirection>()->toEigen() - initialForce;
+    }
-Eigen::Vector3f ForceTorqueHelper::getTorque()
-    return torqueDf->getDataField()->get<FramedDirection>()->toEigen() - initialTorque;
+    Eigen::Vector3f ForceTorqueHelper::getTorque()
+    {
+        return torqueDf->getDataField()->get<FramedDirection>()->toEigen() - initialTorque;
+    }
-void ForceTorqueHelper::setZero()
-    initialForce = forceDf->getDataField()->get<FramedDirection>()->toEigen();
-    initialTorque = torqueDf->getDataField()->get<FramedDirection>()->toEigen();
+    void ForceTorqueHelper::setZero()
+    {
+        initialForce = forceDf->getDataField()->get<FramedDirection>()->toEigen();
+        initialTorque = torqueDf->getDataField()->get<FramedDirection>()->toEigen();
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/KinematicUnitHelper.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/KinematicUnitHelper.cpp
index b0482a8db..cf01c7caf 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/KinematicUnitHelper.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/KinematicUnitHelper.cpp
@@ -23,39 +23,39 @@
 #include "KinematicUnitHelper.h"
-using namespace armarx;
-KinematicUnitHelper::KinematicUnitHelper(const KinematicUnitInterfacePrx& kinUnit)
-    : kinUnit(kinUnit)
+namespace armarx
+    KinematicUnitHelper::KinematicUnitHelper(const KinematicUnitInterfacePrx& kinUnit)
+        : kinUnit(kinUnit)
+    {
+    }
-void KinematicUnitHelper::setJointAngles(const NameValueMap& jointAngles)
-    kinUnit->switchControlMode(MakeControlModes(jointAngles, ePositionControl));
-    kinUnit->setJointAngles(jointAngles);
+    void KinematicUnitHelper::setJointAngles(const NameValueMap& jointAngles)
+    {
+        kinUnit->switchControlMode(MakeControlModes(jointAngles, ePositionControl));
+        kinUnit->setJointAngles(jointAngles);
+    }
-void KinematicUnitHelper::setJointVelocities(const NameValueMap& jointVelocities)
-    kinUnit->switchControlMode(MakeControlModes(jointVelocities, eVelocityControl));
-    kinUnit->setJointVelocities(jointVelocities);
+    void KinematicUnitHelper::setJointVelocities(const NameValueMap& jointVelocities)
+    {
+        kinUnit->switchControlMode(MakeControlModes(jointVelocities, eVelocityControl));
+        kinUnit->setJointVelocities(jointVelocities);
+    }
-void KinematicUnitHelper::setJointTorques(const NameValueMap& jointTorques)
-    kinUnit->switchControlMode(MakeControlModes(jointTorques, eTorqueControl));
-    kinUnit->setJointTorques(jointTorques);
+    void KinematicUnitHelper::setJointTorques(const NameValueMap& jointTorques)
+    {
+        kinUnit->switchControlMode(MakeControlModes(jointTorques, eTorqueControl));
+        kinUnit->setJointTorques(jointTorques);
+    }
-NameControlModeMap KinematicUnitHelper::MakeControlModes(const NameValueMap& jointValues, ControlMode controlMode)
-    NameControlModeMap cm;
-    for (const auto& pair : jointValues)
+    NameControlModeMap KinematicUnitHelper::MakeControlModes(const NameValueMap& jointValues, ControlMode controlMode)
-        cm[pair.first] = controlMode;
+        NameControlModeMap cm;
+        for (const auto& pair : jointValues)
+        {
+            cm[pair.first] = controlMode;
+        }
+        return cm;
-    return cm;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/PositionControllerHelper.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/PositionControllerHelper.cpp
index a54284c3a..8443046e1 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/PositionControllerHelper.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/PositionControllerHelper.cpp
@@ -29,246 +29,247 @@
 #include <VirtualRobot/math/Helpers.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-PositionControllerHelper::PositionControllerHelper(const VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr& tcp, const VelocityControllerHelperPtr& velocityControllerHelper, const Eigen::Matrix4f& target)
-    : posController(tcp), velocityControllerHelper(velocityControllerHelper), currentWaypointIndex(0)
+namespace armarx
-    waypoints.push_back(target);
+    PositionControllerHelper::PositionControllerHelper(const VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr& tcp, const VelocityControllerHelperPtr& velocityControllerHelper, const Eigen::Matrix4f& target)
+        : posController(tcp), velocityControllerHelper(velocityControllerHelper), currentWaypointIndex(0)
+    {
+        waypoints.push_back(target);
+    }
-PositionControllerHelper::PositionControllerHelper(const VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr& tcp, const VelocityControllerHelperPtr& velocityControllerHelper, const std::vector<Eigen::Matrix4f>& waypoints)
-    : posController(tcp), velocityControllerHelper(velocityControllerHelper), waypoints(waypoints), currentWaypointIndex(0)
+    PositionControllerHelper::PositionControllerHelper(const VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr& tcp, const VelocityControllerHelperPtr& velocityControllerHelper, const std::vector<Eigen::Matrix4f>& waypoints)
+        : posController(tcp), velocityControllerHelper(velocityControllerHelper), waypoints(waypoints), currentWaypointIndex(0)
+    {
+    }
-PositionControllerHelper::PositionControllerHelper(const VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr& tcp, const VelocityControllerHelperPtr& velocityControllerHelper, const std::vector<PosePtr>& waypoints)
-    : posController(tcp), velocityControllerHelper(velocityControllerHelper), currentWaypointIndex(0)
-    for (const PosePtr& pose : waypoints)
+    PositionControllerHelper::PositionControllerHelper(const VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr& tcp, const VelocityControllerHelperPtr& velocityControllerHelper, const std::vector<PosePtr>& waypoints)
+        : posController(tcp), velocityControllerHelper(velocityControllerHelper), currentWaypointIndex(0)
-        this->waypoints.push_back(pose->toEigen());
+        for (const PosePtr& pose : waypoints)
+        {
+            this->waypoints.push_back(pose->toEigen());
+        }
-void PositionControllerHelper::readConfig(const CartesianPositionControllerConfigBasePtr& config)
-    thresholdOrientationNear = config->thresholdOrientationNear;
-    thresholdOrientationReached = config->thresholdOrientationReached;
-    thresholdPositionNear = config->thresholdPositionNear;
-    thresholdPositionReached = config->thresholdPositionReached;
-    posController.KpOri = config->KpOri;
-    posController.KpPos = config->KpPos;
-    posController.maxOriVel = config->maxOriVel;
-    posController.maxPosVel = config->maxPosVel;
+    void PositionControllerHelper::readConfig(const CartesianPositionControllerConfigBasePtr& config)
+    {
+        thresholdOrientationNear = config->thresholdOrientationNear;
+        thresholdOrientationReached = config->thresholdOrientationReached;
+        thresholdPositionNear = config->thresholdPositionNear;
+        thresholdPositionReached = config->thresholdPositionReached;
+        posController.KpOri = config->KpOri;
+        posController.KpPos = config->KpPos;
+        posController.maxOriVel = config->maxOriVel;
+        posController.maxPosVel = config->maxPosVel;
+    }
-void PositionControllerHelper::update()
-    updateRead();
-    updateWrite();
+    void PositionControllerHelper::update()
+    {
+        updateRead();
+        updateWrite();
+    }
-void PositionControllerHelper::updateRead()
-    if (!isLastWaypoint() && isCurrentTargetNear())
+    void PositionControllerHelper::updateRead()
-        currentWaypointIndex++;
+        if (!isLastWaypoint() && isCurrentTargetNear())
+        {
+            currentWaypointIndex++;
+        }
-void PositionControllerHelper::updateWrite()
-    Eigen::VectorXf cv = posController.calculate(getCurrentTarget(), VirtualRobot::IKSolver::All);
-    velocityControllerHelper->setTargetVelocity(cv + feedForwardVelocity);
-    if (autoClearFeedForward)
+    void PositionControllerHelper::updateWrite()
-        clearFeedForwardVelocity();
+        Eigen::VectorXf cv = posController.calculate(getCurrentTarget(), VirtualRobot::IKSolver::All);
+        velocityControllerHelper->setTargetVelocity(cv + feedForwardVelocity);
+        if (autoClearFeedForward)
+        {
+            clearFeedForwardVelocity();
+        }
-void PositionControllerHelper::setNewWaypoints(const std::vector<Eigen::Matrix4f>& waypoints)
-    this->waypoints = waypoints;
-    currentWaypointIndex = 0;
+    void PositionControllerHelper::setNewWaypoints(const std::vector<Eigen::Matrix4f>& waypoints)
+    {
+        this->waypoints = waypoints;
+        currentWaypointIndex = 0;
+    }
-void PositionControllerHelper::setNewWaypoints(const std::vector<PosePtr>& waypoints)
-    this->waypoints.clear();
-    for (const PosePtr& pose : waypoints)
+    void PositionControllerHelper::setNewWaypoints(const std::vector<PosePtr>& waypoints)
-        this->waypoints.push_back(pose->toEigen());
+        this->waypoints.clear();
+        for (const PosePtr& pose : waypoints)
+        {
+            this->waypoints.push_back(pose->toEigen());
+        }
+        currentWaypointIndex = 0;
-    currentWaypointIndex = 0;
-void PositionControllerHelper::addWaypoint(const Eigen::Matrix4f& waypoint)
-    this->waypoints.push_back(waypoint);
+    void PositionControllerHelper::addWaypoint(const Eigen::Matrix4f& waypoint)
+    {
+        this->waypoints.push_back(waypoint);
+    }
-void PositionControllerHelper::setTarget(const Eigen::Matrix4f& target)
-    waypoints.clear();
-    waypoints.push_back(target);
-    currentWaypointIndex = 0;
+    void PositionControllerHelper::setTarget(const Eigen::Matrix4f& target)
+    {
+        waypoints.clear();
+        waypoints.push_back(target);
+        currentWaypointIndex = 0;
+    }
-void PositionControllerHelper::setFeedForwardVelocity(const Eigen::Vector6f& feedForwardVelocity)
-    this->feedForwardVelocity = feedForwardVelocity;
+    void PositionControllerHelper::setFeedForwardVelocity(const Eigen::Vector6f& feedForwardVelocity)
+    {
+        this->feedForwardVelocity = feedForwardVelocity;
+    }
-void PositionControllerHelper::setFeedForwardVelocity(const Eigen::Vector3f& feedForwardVelocityPos, const Eigen::Vector3f& feedForwardVelocityOri)
-    feedForwardVelocity.block<3, 1>(0, 0) = feedForwardVelocityPos;
-    feedForwardVelocity.block<3, 1>(3, 0) = feedForwardVelocityOri;
+    void PositionControllerHelper::setFeedForwardVelocity(const Eigen::Vector3f& feedForwardVelocityPos, const Eigen::Vector3f& feedForwardVelocityOri)
+    {
+        feedForwardVelocity.block<3, 1>(0, 0) = feedForwardVelocityPos;
+        feedForwardVelocity.block<3, 1>(3, 0) = feedForwardVelocityOri;
+    }
-void PositionControllerHelper::clearFeedForwardVelocity()
-    feedForwardVelocity = Eigen::Vector6f::Zero();
+    void PositionControllerHelper::clearFeedForwardVelocity()
+    {
+        feedForwardVelocity = Eigen::Vector6f::Zero();
+    }
-void PositionControllerHelper::immediateHardStop(bool clearTargets)
-    velocityControllerHelper->controller->immediateHardStop();
-    if (clearTargets)
+    void PositionControllerHelper::immediateHardStop(bool clearTargets)
-        setTarget(posController.getTcp()->getPoseInRootFrame());
+        velocityControllerHelper->controller->immediateHardStop();
+        if (clearTargets)
+        {
+            setTarget(posController.getTcp()->getPoseInRootFrame());
+        }
-float PositionControllerHelper::getPositionError() const
-    return posController.getPositionError(getCurrentTarget());
+    float PositionControllerHelper::getPositionError() const
+    {
+        return posController.getPositionError(getCurrentTarget());
+    }
-float PositionControllerHelper::getOrientationError() const
-    return posController.getOrientationError(getCurrentTarget());
+    float PositionControllerHelper::getOrientationError() const
+    {
+        return posController.getOrientationError(getCurrentTarget());
+    }
-bool PositionControllerHelper::isCurrentTargetReached() const
-    return getPositionError() < thresholdPositionReached && getOrientationError() < thresholdOrientationReached;
+    bool PositionControllerHelper::isCurrentTargetReached() const
+    {
+        return getPositionError() < thresholdPositionReached && getOrientationError() < thresholdOrientationReached;
+    }
-bool PositionControllerHelper::isCurrentTargetNear() const
-    return getPositionError() < thresholdPositionNear && getOrientationError() < thresholdOrientationNear;
+    bool PositionControllerHelper::isCurrentTargetNear() const
+    {
+        return getPositionError() < thresholdPositionNear && getOrientationError() < thresholdOrientationNear;
+    }
-bool PositionControllerHelper::isFinalTargetReached() const
-    return isLastWaypoint() && isCurrentTargetReached();
+    bool PositionControllerHelper::isFinalTargetReached() const
+    {
+        return isLastWaypoint() && isCurrentTargetReached();
+    }
-bool PositionControllerHelper::isFinalTargetNear() const
-    return isLastWaypoint() && isCurrentTargetNear();
+    bool PositionControllerHelper::isFinalTargetNear() const
+    {
+        return isLastWaypoint() && isCurrentTargetNear();
+    }
-bool PositionControllerHelper::isLastWaypoint() const
-    return currentWaypointIndex + 1 >= waypoints.size();
+    bool PositionControllerHelper::isLastWaypoint() const
+    {
+        return currentWaypointIndex + 1 >= waypoints.size();
+    }
-const Eigen::Matrix4f& PositionControllerHelper::getCurrentTarget() const
-    return;
+    const Eigen::Matrix4f& PositionControllerHelper::getCurrentTarget() const
+    {
+        return;
+    }
-const Eigen::Vector3f PositionControllerHelper::getCurrentTargetPosition() const
-    return math::Helpers::GetPosition(;
+    const Eigen::Vector3f PositionControllerHelper::getCurrentTargetPosition() const
+    {
+        return math::Helpers::GetPosition(;
+    }
-size_t PositionControllerHelper::skipToClosestWaypoint(float rad2mmFactor)
-    float dist = FLT_MAX;
-    size_t minIndex = 0;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < waypoints.size(); i++)
+    size_t PositionControllerHelper::skipToClosestWaypoint(float rad2mmFactor)
-        float posErr = posController.getPositionError(;
-        float oriErr = posController.getOrientationError(;
-        float d = posErr + oriErr * rad2mmFactor;
-        if (d < dist)
+        float dist = FLT_MAX;
+        size_t minIndex = 0;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < waypoints.size(); i++)
-            minIndex = i;
-            dist = d;
+            float posErr = posController.getPositionError(;
+            float oriErr = posController.getOrientationError(;
+            float d = posErr + oriErr * rad2mmFactor;
+            if (d < dist)
+            {
+                minIndex = i;
+                dist = d;
+            }
+        currentWaypointIndex = minIndex;
+        return currentWaypointIndex;
-    currentWaypointIndex = minIndex;
-    return currentWaypointIndex;
-void PositionControllerHelper::setNullSpaceControl(bool enabled)
-    velocityControllerHelper->setNullSpaceControl(enabled);
-std::string PositionControllerHelper::getStatusText()
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss.precision(2);
-    ss << std::fixed << "Waypoint: " << (currentWaypointIndex + 1) << "/" << waypoints.size() << " distance: " << getPositionError() << " mm " << VirtualRobot::MathTools::rad2deg(getOrientationError()) << " deg";
-    return ss.str();
+    void PositionControllerHelper::setNullSpaceControl(bool enabled)
+    {
+        velocityControllerHelper->setNullSpaceControl(enabled);
+    }
-bool PositionControllerHelper::OptimizeNullspace(const VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr& tcp, const VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr& rns, const Eigen::Matrix4f& target, const NullspaceOptimizationArgs& args)
-    CartesianPositionController posHelper(tcp);
+    std::string PositionControllerHelper::getStatusText()
+    {
+        std::stringstream ss;
+        ss.precision(2);
+        ss << std::fixed << "Waypoint: " << (currentWaypointIndex + 1) << "/" << waypoints.size() << " distance: " << getPositionError() << " mm " << VirtualRobot::MathTools::rad2deg(getOrientationError()) << " deg";
+        return ss.str();
+    }
-    CartesianVelocityControllerPtr cartesianVelocityController;
-    cartesianVelocityController.reset(new CartesianVelocityController(rns, tcp, args.invJacMethod));
+    bool PositionControllerHelper::OptimizeNullspace(const VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr& tcp, const VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr& rns, const Eigen::Matrix4f& target, const NullspaceOptimizationArgs& args)
+    {
+        CartesianPositionController posHelper(tcp);
-    float errorOriInitial = posHelper.getOrientationError(target);
-    float errorPosInitial = posHelper.getPositionError(target);
+        CartesianVelocityControllerPtr cartesianVelocityController;
+        cartesianVelocityController.reset(new CartesianVelocityController(rns, tcp, args.invJacMethod));
-    float stepLength = args.stepLength;
-    float eps = args.eps;
+        float errorOriInitial = posHelper.getOrientationError(target);
+        float errorPosInitial = posHelper.getPositionError(target);
-    std::vector<float> initialJointAngles =  rns->getJointValues();
+        float stepLength = args.stepLength;
+        float eps = args.eps;
-    for (int i = 0; i < args.loops; i++)
-    {
-        Eigen::VectorXf tcpVelocities = posHelper.calculate(target, args.cartesianSelection);
-        Eigen::VectorXf nullspaceVel = cartesianVelocityController->calculateJointLimitAvoidance(); // calculateNullspaceVelocity(tcpVelocities, 1.0f, vrmode);
-        float nullspaceLen = nullspaceVel.norm();
-        if (nullspaceLen > stepLength)
-        {
-            nullspaceVel = nullspaceVel / nullspaceLen * stepLength;
-        }
-        Eigen::VectorXf jointVelocities = cartesianVelocityController->calculate(tcpVelocities, nullspaceVel, args.cartesianSelection);
+        std::vector<float> initialJointAngles =  rns->getJointValues();
-        //jointVelocities = jointVelocities * stepLength;
-        float len = jointVelocities.norm();
-        if (len > stepLength)
+        for (int i = 0; i < args.loops; i++)
-            jointVelocities = jointVelocities / len * stepLength;
+            Eigen::VectorXf tcpVelocities = posHelper.calculate(target, args.cartesianSelection);
+            Eigen::VectorXf nullspaceVel = cartesianVelocityController->calculateJointLimitAvoidance(); // calculateNullspaceVelocity(tcpVelocities, 1.0f, vrmode);
+            float nullspaceLen = nullspaceVel.norm();
+            if (nullspaceLen > stepLength)
+            {
+                nullspaceVel = nullspaceVel / nullspaceLen * stepLength;
+            }
+            Eigen::VectorXf jointVelocities = cartesianVelocityController->calculate(tcpVelocities, nullspaceVel, args.cartesianSelection);
+            //jointVelocities = jointVelocities * stepLength;
+            float len = jointVelocities.norm();
+            if (len > stepLength)
+            {
+                jointVelocities = jointVelocities / len * stepLength;
+            }
+            for (size_t n = 0; n < rns->getSize(); n++)
+            {
+                rns->getNode(n)->setJointValue(rns->getNode(n)->getJointValue() + jointVelocities(n));
+            }
+            if (len < eps)
+            {
+                break;
+            }
-        for (size_t n = 0; n < rns->getSize(); n++)
+        float errorOriAfter = posHelper.getOrientationError(target);
+        float errorPosAfter = posHelper.getPositionError(target);
+        if (errorOriAfter < errorOriInitial + 1.f / 180 * M_PI && errorPosAfter < errorPosInitial + 1.f)
-            rns->getNode(n)->setJointValue(rns->getNode(n)->getJointValue() + jointVelocities(n));
+            return true;
-        if (len < eps)
+        else
-            break;
+            rns->setJointValues(initialJointAngles);
+            return false;
-    float errorOriAfter = posHelper.getOrientationError(target);
-    float errorPosAfter = posHelper.getPositionError(target);
-    if (errorOriAfter < errorOriInitial + 1.f / 180 * M_PI && errorPosAfter < errorPosInitial + 1.f)
-    {
-        return true;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        rns->setJointValues(initialJointAngles);
-        return false;
-    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/RobotNameHelper.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/RobotNameHelper.cpp
index 9d0551330..b4d16c5e2 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/RobotNameHelper.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/RobotNameHelper.cpp
@@ -24,212 +24,212 @@
 #include "RobotNameHelper.h"
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/util/StringHelpers.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-const std::string RobotNameHelper::LocationLeft = "Left";
-const std::string RobotNameHelper::LocationRight = "Right";
-RobotNameHelper::RobotNameHelper(const RobotInfoNodePtr& robotInfo, const StatechartProfilePtr& profile)
-    : root(Node(robotInfo))
+namespace armarx
-    StatechartProfilePtr p = profile;
-    while (p && !p->isRoot())
+    const std::string RobotNameHelper::LocationLeft = "Left";
+    const std::string RobotNameHelper::LocationRight = "Right";
+    RobotNameHelper::RobotNameHelper(const RobotInfoNodePtr& robotInfo, const StatechartProfilePtr& profile)
+        : root(Node(robotInfo))
-        profiles.emplace_back(p->getName());
-        p = p->getParent();
-    }
-    profiles.emplace_back(""); // for matching the default/root
+        StatechartProfilePtr p = profile;
+        while (p && !p->isRoot())
+        {
+            profiles.emplace_back(p->getName());
+            p = p->getParent();
+        }
+        profiles.emplace_back(""); // for matching the default/root
+    }
-std::string RobotNameHelper::select(const std::string& path) const
-    Node node = root;
-    for (const std::string& p : Split(path, "/"))
+    std::string RobotNameHelper::select(const std::string& path) const
-        node =, profiles);
+        Node node = root;
+        for (const std::string& p : Split(path, "/"))
+        {
+            node =, profiles);
+        }
+        if (!node.isValid())
+        {
+            throw std::runtime_error("RobotNameHelper::select: path " + path + " not found");
+        }
+        return node.value();
-    if (!node.isValid())
+    RobotNameHelperPtr RobotNameHelper::Create(const RobotInfoNodePtr& robotInfo, const StatechartProfilePtr& profile)
-        throw std::runtime_error("RobotNameHelper::select: path " + path + " not found");
+        return RobotNameHelperPtr(new RobotNameHelper(robotInfo, profile));
-    return node.value();
-RobotNameHelperPtr RobotNameHelper::Create(const RobotInfoNodePtr& robotInfo, const StatechartProfilePtr& profile)
-    return RobotNameHelperPtr(new RobotNameHelper(robotInfo, profile));
-RobotNameHelper::Arm RobotNameHelper::getArm(const std::string& side)
-    return Arm(shared_from_this(), side);
-RobotNameHelper::RobotArm RobotNameHelper::getRobotArm(const std::string& side, const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& robot)
-    return RobotArm(Arm(shared_from_this(), side), robot);
+    RobotNameHelper::Arm RobotNameHelper::getArm(const std::string& side)
+    {
+        return Arm(shared_from_this(), side);
+    }
-RobotNameHelper::Node::Node(const RobotInfoNodePtr& robotInfo)
-    : robotInfo(robotInfo)
+    RobotNameHelper::RobotArm RobotNameHelper::getRobotArm(const std::string& side, const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& robot)
+    {
+        return RobotArm(Arm(shared_from_this(), side), robot);
+    }
+    RobotNameHelper::Node::Node(const RobotInfoNodePtr& robotInfo)
+        : robotInfo(robotInfo)
+    {
-std::string RobotNameHelper::Node::value()
-    checkValid();
-    return robotInfo->value;
+    }
-RobotNameHelper::Node RobotNameHelper::Node::select(const std::string& name, const std::vector<std::string>& profiles)
-    if (!isValid())
+    std::string RobotNameHelper::Node::value()
-        return Node(nullptr);
+        checkValid();
+        return robotInfo->value;
-    std::map<std::string, RobotInfoNodePtr> matches;
-    for (const RobotInfoNodePtr& child : robotInfo->children)
+    RobotNameHelper::Node RobotNameHelper::Node::select(const std::string& name, const std::vector<std::string>& profiles)
-        if (child->name == name)
+        if (!isValid())
-            matches[child->profile] = child;
+            return Node(nullptr);
-    }
-    for (const std::string& p : profiles)
-    {
-        if (matches.count(p))
+        std::map<std::string, RobotInfoNodePtr> matches;
+        for (const RobotInfoNodePtr& child : robotInfo->children)
+        {
+            if (child->name == name)
+            {
+                matches[child->profile] = child;
+            }
+        }
+        for (const std::string& p : profiles)
-            return;
+            if (matches.count(p))
+            {
+                return;
+            }
+        return Node(nullptr);
-    return Node(nullptr);
-bool RobotNameHelper::Node::isValid()
-    return robotInfo ? true : false;
+    bool RobotNameHelper::Node::isValid()
+    {
+        return robotInfo ? true : false;
+    }
-void RobotNameHelper::Node::checkValid()
-    if (!isValid())
+    void RobotNameHelper::Node::checkValid()
-        throw std::runtime_error("RobotNameHelper::Node nullptr exception");
+        if (!isValid())
+        {
+            throw std::runtime_error("RobotNameHelper::Node nullptr exception");
+        }
-std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getSide() const
-    return side;
+    std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getSide() const
+    {
+        return side;
+    }
-std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getKinematicChain() const
-    return select("KinematicChain");
+    std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getKinematicChain() const
+    {
+        return select("KinematicChain");
+    }
-std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getTorsoKinematicChain() const
-    return select("TorsoKinematicChain");
+    std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getTorsoKinematicChain() const
+    {
+        return select("TorsoKinematicChain");
+    }
-std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getTCP() const
-    return select("TCP");
+    std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getTCP() const
+    {
+        return select("TCP");
+    }
-std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getForceTorqueSensor() const
-    return select("ForceTorqueSensor");
+    std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getForceTorqueSensor() const
+    {
+        return select("ForceTorqueSensor");
+    }
-std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getEndEffector() const
-    return select("EndEffector");
+    std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getEndEffector() const
+    {
+        return select("EndEffector");
+    }
-std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getMemoryHandName() const
-    return select("MemoryHandName");
+    std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getMemoryHandName() const
+    {
+        return select("MemoryHandName");
+    }
-std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getHandControllerName() const
-    return select("HandControllerName");
+    std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getHandControllerName() const
+    {
+        return select("HandControllerName");
+    }
-std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getHandRootNode() const
-    return select("HandRootNode");
+    std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getHandRootNode() const
+    {
+        return select("HandRootNode");
+    }
-std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getHandModelPath() const
-    return select("HandModelPath");
+    std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getHandModelPath() const
+    {
+        return select("HandModelPath");
+    }
-std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getHandModelPackage() const
-    return select("HandModelPackage");
+    std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::getHandModelPackage() const
+    {
+        return select("HandModelPackage");
+    }
-RobotNameHelper::RobotArm RobotNameHelper::Arm::addRobot(const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& robot) const
-    return RobotArm(*this, robot);
+    RobotNameHelper::RobotArm RobotNameHelper::Arm::addRobot(const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& robot) const
+    {
+        return RobotArm(*this, robot);
+    }
-RobotNameHelper::Arm::Arm(const std::shared_ptr<RobotNameHelper>& rnh, const std::string& side)
-    : rnh(rnh), side(side)
+    RobotNameHelper::Arm::Arm(const std::shared_ptr<RobotNameHelper>& rnh, const std::string& side)
+        : rnh(rnh), side(side)
+    {
+    }
-std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::select(const std::string& path) const
-    return rnh->select(side + "Arm/" + path);
+    std::string RobotNameHelper::Arm::select(const std::string& path) const
+    {
+        return rnh->select(side + "Arm/" + path);
+    }
-std::string RobotNameHelper::RobotArm::getSide() const
-    return arm.getSide();
+    std::string RobotNameHelper::RobotArm::getSide() const
+    {
+        return arm.getSide();
+    }
-VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr RobotNameHelper::RobotArm::getKinematicChain() const
-    return robot->getRobotNodeSet(arm.getKinematicChain());
+    VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr RobotNameHelper::RobotArm::getKinematicChain() const
+    {
+        return robot->getRobotNodeSet(arm.getKinematicChain());
+    }
-VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr RobotNameHelper::RobotArm::getTorsoKinematicChain() const
-    return robot->getRobotNodeSet(arm.getTorsoKinematicChain());
+    VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr RobotNameHelper::RobotArm::getTorsoKinematicChain() const
+    {
+        return robot->getRobotNodeSet(arm.getTorsoKinematicChain());
+    }
-VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr RobotNameHelper::RobotArm::getTCP() const
-    return robot->getRobotNode(arm.getTCP());
+    VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr RobotNameHelper::RobotArm::getTCP() const
+    {
+        return robot->getRobotNode(arm.getTCP());
+    }
-VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr RobotNameHelper::RobotArm::getHandRootNode() const
-    return robot->getRobotNode(arm.getHandRootNode());
+    VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr RobotNameHelper::RobotArm::getHandRootNode() const
+    {
+        return robot->getRobotNode(arm.getHandRootNode());
+    }
-Eigen::Matrix4f RobotNameHelper::RobotArm::getTcp2HandRootTransform() const
-    return getTCP()->getPoseInRootFrame().inverse() * getHandRootNode()->getPoseInRootFrame();
+    Eigen::Matrix4f RobotNameHelper::RobotArm::getTcp2HandRootTransform() const
+    {
+        return getTCP()->getPoseInRootFrame().inverse() * getHandRootNode()->getPoseInRootFrame();
+    }
-RobotNameHelper::Arm RobotNameHelper::RobotArm::getArm() const
-    return arm;
+    RobotNameHelper::Arm RobotNameHelper::RobotArm::getArm() const
+    {
+        return arm;
+    }
-RobotNameHelper::RobotArm::RobotArm(const Arm& arm, const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& robot)
-    : arm(arm), robot(robot)
+    RobotNameHelper::RobotArm::RobotArm(const Arm& arm, const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& robot)
+        : arm(arm), robot(robot)
+    {
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/RobotStatechartHelpers.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/RobotStatechartHelpers.cpp
index 720addebc..295251d4e 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/RobotStatechartHelpers.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/RobotStatechartHelpers.cpp
@@ -21,8 +21,3 @@
 #include "RobotStatechartHelpers.h"
-using namespace armarx;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/VelocityControllerHelper.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/VelocityControllerHelper.cpp
index c1a2369f9..d4d9a8846 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/VelocityControllerHelper.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/RobotStatechartHelpers/VelocityControllerHelper.cpp
@@ -25,68 +25,68 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/time/TimeUtil.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-VelocityControllerHelper::VelocityControllerHelper(const RobotUnitInterfacePrx& robotUnit, const std::string& nodeSetName, const std::string& controllerName)
-    : robotUnit(robotUnit), controllerName(controllerName)
-    config = new NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRampConfig(nodeSetName, "", CartesianSelectionMode::eAll, 500, 1, 2, 1, 2);
-    init();
-VelocityControllerHelper::VelocityControllerHelper(const RobotUnitInterfacePrx& robotUnit, NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRampConfigPtr config, const std::string& controllerName)
-    : robotUnit(robotUnit), controllerName(controllerName)
+namespace armarx
-    this->config = config;
-    init();
-void VelocityControllerHelper::init()
-    NJointControllerInterfacePrx ctrl = robotUnit->getNJointController(controllerName);
-    if (ctrl)
+    VelocityControllerHelper::VelocityControllerHelper(const RobotUnitInterfacePrx& robotUnit, const std::string& nodeSetName, const std::string& controllerName)
+        : robotUnit(robotUnit), controllerName(controllerName)
-        controllerCreated = false;
+        config = new NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRampConfig(nodeSetName, "", CartesianSelectionMode::eAll, 500, 1, 2, 1, 2);
+        init();
-    else
+    VelocityControllerHelper::VelocityControllerHelper(const RobotUnitInterfacePrx& robotUnit, NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRampConfigPtr config, const std::string& controllerName)
+        : robotUnit(robotUnit), controllerName(controllerName)
-        ctrl = robotUnit->createNJointController("NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp", controllerName, config);
-        controllerCreated = true;
+        this->config = config;
+        init();
-    controller = NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRampInterfacePrx::checkedCast(ctrl);
-    controller->activateController();
-void VelocityControllerHelper::setTargetVelocity(const Eigen::VectorXf& cv)
-    controller->setTargetVelocity(cv(0), cv(1), cv(2), cv(3), cv(4), cv(5));
-void VelocityControllerHelper::setNullSpaceControl(bool enabled)
-    if (enabled)
+    void VelocityControllerHelper::init()
-        controller->setJointLimitAvoidanceScale(config->jointLimitAvoidanceScale);
-        controller->setKpJointLimitAvoidance(config->KpJointLimitAvoidance);
+        NJointControllerInterfacePrx ctrl = robotUnit->getNJointController(controllerName);
+        if (ctrl)
+        {
+            controllerCreated = false;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ctrl = robotUnit->createNJointController("NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp", controllerName, config);
+            controllerCreated = true;
+        }
+        controller = NJointCartesianVelocityControllerWithRampInterfacePrx::checkedCast(ctrl);
+        controller->activateController();
-    else
+    void VelocityControllerHelper::setTargetVelocity(const Eigen::VectorXf& cv)
-        controller->setJointLimitAvoidanceScale(0);
-        controller->setKpJointLimitAvoidance(0);
+        controller->setTargetVelocity(cv(0), cv(1), cv(2), cv(3), cv(4), cv(5));
-void VelocityControllerHelper::cleanup()
-    if (controllerCreated)
+    void VelocityControllerHelper::setNullSpaceControl(bool enabled)
-        // delete controller only if it was created
-        controller->deactivateAndDeleteController();
+        if (enabled)
+        {
+            controller->setJointLimitAvoidanceScale(config->jointLimitAvoidanceScale);
+            controller->setKpJointLimitAvoidance(config->KpJointLimitAvoidance);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            controller->setJointLimitAvoidanceScale(0);
+            controller->setKpJointLimitAvoidance(0);
+        }
-    else
+    void VelocityControllerHelper::cleanup()
-        // if the controller existed, only deactivate it
-        controller->deactivateController();
+        if (controllerCreated)
+        {
+            // delete controller only if it was created
+            controller->deactivateAndDeleteController();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // if the controller existed, only deactivate it
+            controller->deactivateController();
+        }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/SimpleJsonLogger/SimpleJsonLogger.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/SimpleJsonLogger/SimpleJsonLogger.cpp
index 696acf03e..11336c50b 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/SimpleJsonLogger/SimpleJsonLogger.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/SimpleJsonLogger/SimpleJsonLogger.cpp
@@ -23,44 +23,44 @@
 #include "SimpleJsonLogger.h"
-using namespace armarx;
-SimpleJsonLogger::SimpleJsonLogger(const std::string& filename, bool append)
-    : autoflush(true)
-, append ? std::ios_base::app : std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
-void SimpleJsonLogger::log(JsonDataPtr entry)
+namespace armarx
-    file << entry->toJsonString() << "\n";
-    if (autoflush)
+    SimpleJsonLogger::SimpleJsonLogger(const std::string& filename, bool append)
+        : autoflush(true)
-        file.flush();
+, append ? std::ios_base::app : std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
-void SimpleJsonLogger::log(const SimpleJsonLoggerEntry& entry)
-    log(entry.obj);
+    void SimpleJsonLogger::log(JsonDataPtr entry)
+    {
+        file << entry->toJsonString() << "\n";
+        if (autoflush)
+        {
+            file.flush();
+        }
+    }
-void SimpleJsonLogger::log(SimpleJsonLoggerEntryPtr entry)
-    log(entry->obj);
+    void SimpleJsonLogger::log(const SimpleJsonLoggerEntry& entry)
+    {
+        log(entry.obj);
+    }
-void SimpleJsonLogger::close()
-    file.flush();
-    file.close();
+    void SimpleJsonLogger::log(SimpleJsonLoggerEntryPtr entry)
+    {
+        log(entry->obj);
+    }
-    if (file.is_open())
+    void SimpleJsonLogger::close()
+        file.flush();
+    SimpleJsonLogger::~SimpleJsonLogger()
+    {
+        if (file.is_open())
+        {
+            file.close();
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/SimpleJsonLogger/SimpleJsonLoggerEntry.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/SimpleJsonLogger/SimpleJsonLoggerEntry.cpp
index fde6f96c9..75096ffed 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/SimpleJsonLogger/SimpleJsonLoggerEntry.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/SimpleJsonLogger/SimpleJsonLoggerEntry.cpp
@@ -24,151 +24,152 @@
 #include "SimpleJsonLoggerEntry.h"
 #include <IceUtil/Time.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-    : obj(new JsonObject)
+namespace armarx
+    SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::SimpleJsonLoggerEntry()
+        : obj(new JsonObject)
+    {
+    }
-void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::AddAsArr(const std::string& key, const Eigen::Vector3f& vec)
-    obj->add(key, ToArr((Eigen::VectorXf)vec));
+    void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::AddAsArr(const std::string& key, const Eigen::Vector3f& vec)
+    {
+        obj->add(key, ToArr((Eigen::VectorXf)vec));
+    }
-void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::AddAsArr(const std::string& key, const Eigen::VectorXf& vec)
-    obj->add(key, ToArr(vec));
+    void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::AddAsArr(const std::string& key, const Eigen::VectorXf& vec)
+    {
+        obj->add(key, ToArr(vec));
+    }
-void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::AddAsObj(const std::string& key, const Eigen::Vector3f& vec)
-    obj->add(key, ToObj(vec));
+    void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::AddAsObj(const std::string& key, const Eigen::Vector3f& vec)
+    {
+        obj->add(key, ToObj(vec));
+    }
-void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::AddAsArr(const std::string& key, const Eigen::Matrix4f& mat)
-    obj->add(key, ToArr(mat));
+    void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::AddAsArr(const std::string& key, const Eigen::Matrix4f& mat)
+    {
+        obj->add(key, ToArr(mat));
+    }
-void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::AddMatrix(const std::string& key, const Eigen::MatrixXf& mat)
-    obj->add(key, MatrixToArr(mat));
+    void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::AddMatrix(const std::string& key, const Eigen::MatrixXf& mat)
+    {
+        obj->add(key, MatrixToArr(mat));
+    }
-void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::Add(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
-    obj->add(key, JsonValue::Create(value));
+    void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::Add(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
+    {
+        obj->add(key, JsonValue::Create(value));
+    }
-void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::Add(const std::string& key, float value)
-    obj->add(key, JsonValue::Create(value));
+    void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::Add(const std::string& key, float value)
+    {
+        obj->add(key, JsonValue::Create(value));
+    }
-void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::Add(const std::string& key, const std::vector<float>& value)
-    obj->add(key, ToArr(value));
+    void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::Add(const std::string& key, const std::vector<float>& value)
+    {
+        obj->add(key, ToArr(value));
+    }
-void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::Add(const std::string& key, const std::map<std::string, float>& value)
-    obj->add(key, ToObj(value));
+    void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::Add(const std::string& key, const std::map<std::string, float>& value)
+    {
+        obj->add(key, ToObj(value));
+    }
-JsonArrayPtr SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::ToArr(const Eigen::VectorXf& vec)
-    JsonArrayPtr arr(new JsonArray);
-    for (int i = 0; i < vec.rows(); i++)
+    JsonArrayPtr SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::ToArr(const Eigen::VectorXf& vec)
-        arr->add(JsonValue::Create(vec(i)));
+        JsonArrayPtr arr(new JsonArray);
+        for (int i = 0; i < vec.rows(); i++)
+        {
+            arr->add(JsonValue::Create(vec(i)));
+        }
+        return arr;
-    return arr;
-JsonArrayPtr SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::ToArr(const std::vector<float>& vec)
-    JsonArrayPtr arr(new JsonArray);
-    for (float v : vec)
+    JsonArrayPtr SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::ToArr(const std::vector<float>& vec)
-        arr->add(JsonValue::Create(v));
+        JsonArrayPtr arr(new JsonArray);
+        for (float v : vec)
+        {
+            arr->add(JsonValue::Create(v));
+        }
+        return arr;
-    return arr;
-JsonObjectPtr SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::ToObj(Eigen::Vector3f vec)
-    JsonObjectPtr obj(new JsonObject);
-    obj->add("x", JsonValue::Create(vec(0)));
-    obj->add("y", JsonValue::Create(vec(1)));
-    obj->add("z", JsonValue::Create(vec(2)));
-    return obj;
+    JsonObjectPtr SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::ToObj(Eigen::Vector3f vec)
+    {
+        JsonObjectPtr obj(new JsonObject);
+        obj->add("x", JsonValue::Create(vec(0)));
+        obj->add("y", JsonValue::Create(vec(1)));
+        obj->add("z", JsonValue::Create(vec(2)));
+        return obj;
+    }
-JsonObjectPtr SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::ToObj(const std::map<std::string, float>& value)
-    JsonObjectPtr obj(new JsonObject);
-    for (const std::pair<std::string, float>& pair : value)
+    JsonObjectPtr SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::ToObj(const std::map<std::string, float>& value)
-        obj->add(pair.first, JsonValue::Create(pair.second));
+        JsonObjectPtr obj(new JsonObject);
+        for (const std::pair<std::string, float>& pair : value)
+        {
+            obj->add(pair.first, JsonValue::Create(pair.second));
+        }
+        return obj;
-    return obj;
-JsonArrayPtr SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::ToArr(Eigen::Matrix4f mat)
-    JsonArrayPtr arr(new JsonArray);
-    JsonArrayPtr row1(new JsonArray);
-    JsonArrayPtr row2(new JsonArray);
-    JsonArrayPtr row3(new JsonArray);
-    JsonArrayPtr row4(new JsonArray);
-    row1->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(0, 0)));
-    row1->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(0, 1)));
-    row1->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(0, 2)));
-    row1->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(0, 3)));
-    row2->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(1, 0)));
-    row2->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(1, 1)));
-    row2->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(1, 2)));
-    row2->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(1, 3)));
-    row3->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(2, 0)));
-    row3->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(2, 1)));
-    row3->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(2, 2)));
-    row3->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(2, 3)));
-    row4->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(3, 0)));
-    row4->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(3, 1)));
-    row4->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(3, 2)));
-    row4->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(3, 3)));
-    arr->add(row1);
-    arr->add(row2);
-    arr->add(row3);
-    arr->add(row4);
-    return arr;
+    JsonArrayPtr SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::ToArr(Eigen::Matrix4f mat)
+    {
+        JsonArrayPtr arr(new JsonArray);
+        JsonArrayPtr row1(new JsonArray);
+        JsonArrayPtr row2(new JsonArray);
+        JsonArrayPtr row3(new JsonArray);
+        JsonArrayPtr row4(new JsonArray);
+        row1->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(0, 0)));
+        row1->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(0, 1)));
+        row1->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(0, 2)));
+        row1->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(0, 3)));
+        row2->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(1, 0)));
+        row2->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(1, 1)));
+        row2->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(1, 2)));
+        row2->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(1, 3)));
+        row3->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(2, 0)));
+        row3->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(2, 1)));
+        row3->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(2, 2)));
+        row3->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(2, 3)));
+        row4->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(3, 0)));
+        row4->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(3, 1)));
+        row4->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(3, 2)));
+        row4->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(3, 3)));
+        arr->add(row1);
+        arr->add(row2);
+        arr->add(row3);
+        arr->add(row4);
+        return arr;
+    }
-JsonArrayPtr SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::MatrixToArr(Eigen::MatrixXf mat)
-    JsonArrayPtr arr(new JsonArray);
-    for (int i = 0; i < mat.rows(); i++)
+    JsonArrayPtr SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::MatrixToArr(Eigen::MatrixXf mat)
-        JsonArrayPtr row(new JsonArray);
-        for (int j = 0; j < mat.cols(); j++)
+        JsonArrayPtr arr(new JsonArray);
+        for (int i = 0; i < mat.rows(); i++)
-            row->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(i, j)));
+            JsonArrayPtr row(new JsonArray);
+            for (int j = 0; j < mat.cols(); j++)
+            {
+                row->add(JsonValue::Create(mat(i, j)));
+            }
+            arr->add(row);
-        arr->add(row);
+        return arr;
-    return arr;
-void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::AddTimestamp()
-    IceUtil::Time now = IceUtil::Time::now();
-    obj->add("timestamp", JsonValue::Create(now.toDateTime()));
+    void SimpleJsonLoggerEntry::AddTimestamp()
+    {
+        IceUtil::Time now = IceUtil::Time::now();
+        obj->add("timestamp", JsonValue::Create(now.toDateTime()));
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/SimpleTrajectory/exceptions.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/SimpleTrajectory/exceptions.cpp
index 5e3db572f..0a1bbdbc9 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/SimpleTrajectory/exceptions.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/SimpleTrajectory/exceptions.cpp
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
 #include "exceptions.h"
-using namespace armarx::trajectory::error;
-TrajectoryException::TrajectoryException(const std::string& msg) : std::logic_error(msg)
-InterpolateDifferentTypesError::InterpolateDifferentTypesError() :
-    TrajectoryException("Interpolating between two different types.")
-NoTrackWithID::NoTrackWithID(const TrackID& id) : TrajectoryException(makeMsg(id))
-std::string NoTrackWithID::makeMsg(const TrackID& id)
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << "No track with ID '" << id << "'. \n"
-       << "Add a track with ID '" << id << "' before before adding keyframes.";
-    return ss.str();
-EmptyTrack::EmptyTrack(const TrackID& id) : TrajectoryException(makeMsg(id))
-std::string EmptyTrack::makeMsg(const TrackID& id)
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << "Track with ID '" << id << "' is empty. \n"
-       "Add a keyframe to track '" << id << "' before updating.";
-    return ss.str();
-    const TrackID& trackID, const std::type_info& type, const std::type_info& expected) :
-    TrajectoryException(makeMsg(trackID, type, expected))
-std::string WrongValueTypeInKeyframe::makeMsg(
-    const TrackID& id, const std::type_info& type, const std::type_info& expected)
+namespace armarx::trajectory::error
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    ss << "Tried to add keyframe with value type '" << << "' to non-empty track '"
-       << id << "' containing values of type '" << << "'. \n"
-       << "Only one value type per track is allowed.";
-    return ss.str();
+    TrajectoryException::TrajectoryException(const std::string& msg) : std::logic_error(msg)
+    {}
+    InterpolateDifferentTypesError::InterpolateDifferentTypesError() :
+        TrajectoryException("Interpolating between two different types.")
+    {}
+    NoTrackWithID::NoTrackWithID(const TrackID& id) : TrajectoryException(makeMsg(id))
+    {}
+    std::string NoTrackWithID::makeMsg(const TrackID& id)
+    {
+        std::stringstream ss;
+        ss << "No track with ID '" << id << "'. \n"
+           << "Add a track with ID '" << id << "' before before adding keyframes.";
+        return ss.str();
+    }
+    EmptyTrack::EmptyTrack(const TrackID& id) : TrajectoryException(makeMsg(id))
+    {}
+    std::string EmptyTrack::makeMsg(const TrackID& id)
+    {
+        std::stringstream ss;
+        ss << "Track with ID '" << id << "' is empty. \n"
+           "Add a keyframe to track '" << id << "' before updating.";
+        return ss.str();
+    }
+    WrongValueTypeInKeyframe::WrongValueTypeInKeyframe(
+        const TrackID& trackID, const std::type_info& type, const std::type_info& expected) :
+        TrajectoryException(makeMsg(trackID, type, expected))
+    {}
+    std::string WrongValueTypeInKeyframe::makeMsg(
+        const TrackID& id, const std::type_info& type, const std::type_info& expected)
+    {
+        std::stringstream ss;
+        ss << "Tried to add keyframe with value type '" << << "' to non-empty track '"
+           << id << "' containing values of type '" << << "'. \n"
+           << "Only one value type per track is allowed.";
+        return ss.str();
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianFeedForwardPositionController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianFeedForwardPositionController.cpp
index dedc54059..18f347139 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianFeedForwardPositionController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianFeedForwardPositionController.cpp
@@ -24,87 +24,88 @@
 #include "CartesianFeedForwardPositionController.h"
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/MathUtils.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-CartesianFeedForwardPositionController::CartesianFeedForwardPositionController(const VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr& tcp)
-    : tcp(tcp)
+namespace armarx
+    CartesianFeedForwardPositionController::CartesianFeedForwardPositionController(const VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr& tcp)
+        : tcp(tcp)
+    {
-Eigen::VectorXf CartesianFeedForwardPositionController::calculate(const ::math::AbstractFunctionR1R6Ptr& trajectory, float t, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode)
-    int posLen = mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::Position ? 3 : 0;
-    int oriLen = mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::Orientation ? 3 : 0;
-    Eigen::VectorXf cartesianVel(posLen + oriLen);
+    }
-    if (posLen)
+    Eigen::VectorXf CartesianFeedForwardPositionController::calculate(const ::math::AbstractFunctionR1R6Ptr& trajectory, float t, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode)
-        Eigen::Vector3f targetPos = trajectory->GetPosition(t);
-        Eigen::Vector3f errPos = targetPos - tcp->getPositionInRootFrame();
-        Eigen::Vector3f posVel =  errPos * KpPos;
-        if (enableFeedForward)
+        int posLen = mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::Position ? 3 : 0;
+        int oriLen = mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::Orientation ? 3 : 0;
+        Eigen::VectorXf cartesianVel(posLen + oriLen);
+        if (posLen)
-            posVel += trajectory->GetPositionDerivative(t);
+            Eigen::Vector3f targetPos = trajectory->GetPosition(t);
+            Eigen::Vector3f errPos = targetPos - tcp->getPositionInRootFrame();
+            Eigen::Vector3f posVel =  errPos * KpPos;
+            if (enableFeedForward)
+            {
+                posVel += trajectory->GetPositionDerivative(t);
+            }
+            if (maxPosVel > 0)
+            {
+                posVel = math::MathUtils::LimitTo(posVel, maxPosVel);
+            }
+            cartesianVel.block<3, 1>(0, 0) = posVel;
-        if (maxPosVel > 0)
+        if (oriLen)
-            posVel = math::MathUtils::LimitTo(posVel, maxPosVel);
+            Eigen::Matrix3f targetOri = trajectory->GetOrientation(t).toRotationMatrix();
+            Eigen::Matrix3f tcpOri = tcp->getPoseInRootFrame().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
+            Eigen::Matrix3f oriDir = targetOri * tcpOri.inverse();
+            Eigen::AngleAxisf aa(oriDir);
+            Eigen::Vector3f errOri = aa.axis() * aa.angle();
+            Eigen::Vector3f oriVel = errOri * KpOri;
+            if (enableFeedForward)
+            {
+                oriVel += trajectory->GetOrientationDerivative(t);
+            }
+            if (maxOriVel > 0)
+            {
+                oriVel = math::MathUtils::LimitTo(oriVel, maxOriVel);
+            }
+            cartesianVel.block<3, 1>(posLen, 0) = oriVel;
-        cartesianVel.block<3, 1>(0, 0) = posVel;
+        return cartesianVel;
+    }
+    float CartesianFeedForwardPositionController::getPositionError(const ::math::AbstractFunctionR1R6Ptr& trajectory, float t)
+    {
+        Eigen::Vector3f targetPos = trajectory->GetPosition(t);
+        Eigen::Vector3f errPos = targetPos - tcp->getPositionInRootFrame();
+        return errPos.norm();
-    if (oriLen)
+    float CartesianFeedForwardPositionController::getOrientationError(const ::math::AbstractFunctionR1R6Ptr& trajectory, float t)
         Eigen::Matrix3f targetOri = trajectory->GetOrientation(t).toRotationMatrix();
         Eigen::Matrix3f tcpOri = tcp->getPoseInRootFrame().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
         Eigen::Matrix3f oriDir = targetOri * tcpOri.inverse();
         Eigen::AngleAxisf aa(oriDir);
-        Eigen::Vector3f errOri = aa.axis() * aa.angle();
-        Eigen::Vector3f oriVel = errOri * KpOri;
-        if (enableFeedForward)
-        {
-            oriVel += trajectory->GetOrientationDerivative(t);
-        }
-        if (maxOriVel > 0)
-        {
-            oriVel = math::MathUtils::LimitTo(oriVel, maxOriVel);
-        }
-        cartesianVel.block<3, 1>(posLen, 0) = oriVel;
+        return aa.angle();
-    return cartesianVel;
-float CartesianFeedForwardPositionController::getPositionError(const ::math::AbstractFunctionR1R6Ptr& trajectory, float t)
-    Eigen::Vector3f targetPos = trajectory->GetPosition(t);
-    Eigen::Vector3f errPos = targetPos - tcp->getPositionInRootFrame();
-    return errPos.norm();
-float CartesianFeedForwardPositionController::getOrientationError(const ::math::AbstractFunctionR1R6Ptr& trajectory, float t)
-    Eigen::Matrix3f targetOri = trajectory->GetOrientation(t).toRotationMatrix();
-    Eigen::Matrix3f tcpOri = tcp->getPoseInRootFrame().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
-    Eigen::Matrix3f oriDir = targetOri * tcpOri.inverse();
-    Eigen::AngleAxisf aa(oriDir);
-    return aa.angle();
-Eigen::Vector3f CartesianFeedForwardPositionController::getPositionDiff(const ::math::AbstractFunctionR1R6Ptr& trajectory, float t)
-    Eigen::Vector3f targetPos = trajectory->GetPosition(t);
-    return targetPos - tcp->getPositionInRootFrame();
+    Eigen::Vector3f CartesianFeedForwardPositionController::getPositionDiff(const ::math::AbstractFunctionR1R6Ptr& trajectory, float t)
+    {
+        Eigen::Vector3f targetPos = trajectory->GetPosition(t);
+        return targetPos - tcp->getPositionInRootFrame();
+    }
-Eigen::Vector3f CartesianFeedForwardPositionController::getOrientationDiff(const ::math::AbstractFunctionR1R6Ptr& trajectory, float t)
-    Eigen::Matrix3f targetOri = trajectory->GetOrientation(t).toRotationMatrix();
-    Eigen::Matrix3f tcpOri = tcp->getPoseInRootFrame().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
-    Eigen::Matrix3f oriDir = targetOri * tcpOri.inverse();
-    Eigen::AngleAxisf aa(oriDir);
-    return aa.axis() * aa.angle();
+    Eigen::Vector3f CartesianFeedForwardPositionController::getOrientationDiff(const ::math::AbstractFunctionR1R6Ptr& trajectory, float t)
+    {
+        Eigen::Matrix3f targetOri = trajectory->GetOrientation(t).toRotationMatrix();
+        Eigen::Matrix3f tcpOri = tcp->getPoseInRootFrame().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
+        Eigen::Matrix3f oriDir = targetOri * tcpOri.inverse();
+        Eigen::AngleAxisf aa(oriDir);
+        return aa.axis() * aa.angle();
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianFeedForwardPositionController.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianFeedForwardPositionController.h
index bec043def..4c2704aca 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianFeedForwardPositionController.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianFeedForwardPositionController.h
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace armarx
         CartesianFeedForwardPositionController(const VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr& tcp);
-        Eigen::VectorXf calculate(const math::AbstractFunctionR1R6Ptr& trajectory, float t, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode);
+        Eigen::VectorXf calculate(const ::math::AbstractFunctionR1R6Ptr& trajectory, float t, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode);
         float getPositionError(const ::math::AbstractFunctionR1R6Ptr& trajectory, float t);
         float getOrientationError(const ::math::AbstractFunctionR1R6Ptr& trajectory, float t);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianPositionController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianPositionController.cpp
index 60c62092f..9ce26dd28 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianPositionController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianPositionController.cpp
@@ -25,86 +25,86 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/MathUtils.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-CartesianPositionController::CartesianPositionController(const VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr& tcp)
-    : tcp(tcp)
-Eigen::VectorXf CartesianPositionController::calculate(const Eigen::Matrix4f& targetPose, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode) const
+namespace armarx
-    int posLen = mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::Position ? 3 : 0;
-    int oriLen = mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::Orientation ? 3 : 0;
-    Eigen::VectorXf cartesianVel(posLen + oriLen);
+    CartesianPositionController::CartesianPositionController(const VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr& tcp)
+        : tcp(tcp)
+    {
+    }
-    if (posLen)
+    Eigen::VectorXf CartesianPositionController::calculate(const Eigen::Matrix4f& targetPose, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode) const
-        Eigen::Vector3f targetPos = targetPose.block<3, 1>(0, 3);
-        Eigen::Vector3f currentPos = tcp->getPositionInRootFrame();
-        Eigen::Vector3f errPos = targetPos - currentPos;
-        Eigen::Vector3f posVel =  errPos * KpPos;
-        if (maxPosVel > 0)
+        int posLen = mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::Position ? 3 : 0;
+        int oriLen = mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::Orientation ? 3 : 0;
+        Eigen::VectorXf cartesianVel(posLen + oriLen);
+        if (posLen)
-            posVel = math::MathUtils::LimitTo(posVel, maxPosVel);
+            Eigen::Vector3f targetPos = targetPose.block<3, 1>(0, 3);
+            Eigen::Vector3f currentPos = tcp->getPositionInRootFrame();
+            Eigen::Vector3f errPos = targetPos - currentPos;
+            Eigen::Vector3f posVel =  errPos * KpPos;
+            if (maxPosVel > 0)
+            {
+                posVel = math::MathUtils::LimitTo(posVel, maxPosVel);
+            }
+            cartesianVel.block<3, 1>(0, 0) = posVel;
-        cartesianVel.block<3, 1>(0, 0) = posVel;
+        if (oriLen)
+        {
+            Eigen::Matrix3f targetOri = targetPose.block<3, 3>(0, 0);
+            Eigen::Matrix3f tcpOri = tcp->getPoseInRootFrame().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
+            Eigen::Matrix3f oriDir = targetOri * tcpOri.inverse();
+            Eigen::AngleAxisf aa(oriDir);
+            Eigen::Vector3f errOri = aa.axis() * aa.angle();
+            Eigen::Vector3f oriVel = errOri * KpOri;
+            if (maxOriVel > 0)
+            {
+                oriVel = math::MathUtils::LimitTo(oriVel, maxOriVel);
+            }
+            cartesianVel.block<3, 1>(posLen, 0) = oriVel;
+        }
+        return cartesianVel;
+    }
+    float CartesianPositionController::getPositionError(const Eigen::Matrix4f& targetPose) const
+    {
+        Eigen::Vector3f targetPos = targetPose.block<3, 1>(0, 3);
+        Eigen::Vector3f errPos = targetPos - tcp->getPositionInRootFrame();
+        return errPos.norm();
-    if (oriLen)
+    float CartesianPositionController::getOrientationError(const Eigen::Matrix4f& targetPose) const
         Eigen::Matrix3f targetOri = targetPose.block<3, 3>(0, 0);
         Eigen::Matrix3f tcpOri = tcp->getPoseInRootFrame().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
         Eigen::Matrix3f oriDir = targetOri * tcpOri.inverse();
         Eigen::AngleAxisf aa(oriDir);
-        Eigen::Vector3f errOri = aa.axis() * aa.angle();
-        Eigen::Vector3f oriVel = errOri * KpOri;
-        if (maxOriVel > 0)
-        {
-            oriVel = math::MathUtils::LimitTo(oriVel, maxOriVel);
-        }
-        cartesianVel.block<3, 1>(posLen, 0) = oriVel;
+        return aa.angle();
-    return cartesianVel;
-float CartesianPositionController::getPositionError(const Eigen::Matrix4f& targetPose) const
-    Eigen::Vector3f targetPos = targetPose.block<3, 1>(0, 3);
-    Eigen::Vector3f errPos = targetPos - tcp->getPositionInRootFrame();
-    return errPos.norm();
-float CartesianPositionController::getOrientationError(const Eigen::Matrix4f& targetPose) const
-    Eigen::Matrix3f targetOri = targetPose.block<3, 3>(0, 0);
-    Eigen::Matrix3f tcpOri = tcp->getPoseInRootFrame().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
-    Eigen::Matrix3f oriDir = targetOri * tcpOri.inverse();
-    Eigen::AngleAxisf aa(oriDir);
-    return aa.angle();
-Eigen::Vector3f CartesianPositionController::getPositionDiff(const Eigen::Matrix4f& targetPose) const
-    Eigen::Vector3f targetPos = targetPose.block<3, 1>(0, 3);
-    return targetPos - tcp->getPositionInRootFrame();
+    Eigen::Vector3f CartesianPositionController::getPositionDiff(const Eigen::Matrix4f& targetPose) const
+    {
+        Eigen::Vector3f targetPos = targetPose.block<3, 1>(0, 3);
+        return targetPos - tcp->getPositionInRootFrame();
+    }
-Eigen::Vector3f CartesianPositionController::getOrientationDiff(const Eigen::Matrix4f& targetPose) const
-    Eigen::Matrix3f targetOri = targetPose.block<3, 3>(0, 0);
-    Eigen::Matrix3f tcpOri = tcp->getPoseInRootFrame().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
-    Eigen::Matrix3f oriDir = targetOri * tcpOri.inverse();
-    Eigen::AngleAxisf aa(oriDir);
-    return aa.axis() * aa.angle();
+    Eigen::Vector3f CartesianPositionController::getOrientationDiff(const Eigen::Matrix4f& targetPose) const
+    {
+        Eigen::Matrix3f targetOri = targetPose.block<3, 3>(0, 0);
+        Eigen::Matrix3f tcpOri = tcp->getPoseInRootFrame().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
+        Eigen::Matrix3f oriDir = targetOri * tcpOri.inverse();
+        Eigen::AngleAxisf aa(oriDir);
+        return aa.axis() * aa.angle();
+    }
-VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr CartesianPositionController::getTcp() const
-    return tcp;
+    VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr CartesianPositionController::getTcp() const
+    {
+        return tcp;
+    }
@@ -112,52 +112,53 @@ VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr CartesianPositionController::getTcp() const
 #define SET_FLT(x) obj->setFloat(#x, x)
 #define GET_FLT(x) x = obj->getFloat(#x);
+    CartesianPositionControllerConfig::CartesianPositionControllerConfig()
+    {
+    }
-std::string CartesianPositionControllerConfig::output(const Ice::Current& c) const
-    std::stringstream ss;
-    SS_OUT(KpPos);
-    SS_OUT(KpOri);
-    SS_OUT(maxPosVel);
-    SS_OUT(maxOriVel);
-    SS_OUT(thresholdOrientationNear);
-    SS_OUT(thresholdOrientationReached);
-    SS_OUT(thresholdPositionNear);
-    SS_OUT(thresholdPositionReached);
-    return ss.str();
+    std::string CartesianPositionControllerConfig::output(const Ice::Current& c) const
+    {
+        std::stringstream ss;
+        SS_OUT(KpPos);
+        SS_OUT(KpOri);
+        SS_OUT(maxPosVel);
+        SS_OUT(maxOriVel);
+        SS_OUT(thresholdOrientationNear);
+        SS_OUT(thresholdOrientationReached);
+        SS_OUT(thresholdPositionNear);
+        SS_OUT(thresholdPositionReached);
+        return ss.str();
+    }
-void CartesianPositionControllerConfig::serialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const Ice::Current&) const
-    AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
+    void CartesianPositionControllerConfig::serialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const Ice::Current&) const
+    {
+        AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
-    SET_FLT(KpPos);
-    SET_FLT(KpOri);
-    SET_FLT(maxPosVel);
-    SET_FLT(maxOriVel);
-    SET_FLT(thresholdOrientationNear);
-    SET_FLT(thresholdOrientationReached);
-    SET_FLT(thresholdPositionNear);
-    SET_FLT(thresholdPositionReached);
+        SET_FLT(KpPos);
+        SET_FLT(KpOri);
+        SET_FLT(maxPosVel);
+        SET_FLT(maxOriVel);
+        SET_FLT(thresholdOrientationNear);
+        SET_FLT(thresholdOrientationReached);
+        SET_FLT(thresholdPositionNear);
+        SET_FLT(thresholdPositionReached);
+    }
-void CartesianPositionControllerConfig::deserialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const Ice::Current&)
-    AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
+    void CartesianPositionControllerConfig::deserialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const Ice::Current&)
+    {
+        AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
-    GET_FLT(KpPos);
-    GET_FLT(KpOri);
-    GET_FLT(maxPosVel);
-    GET_FLT(maxOriVel);
-    GET_FLT(thresholdOrientationNear);
-    GET_FLT(thresholdOrientationReached);
-    GET_FLT(thresholdPositionNear);
-    GET_FLT(thresholdPositionReached);
+        GET_FLT(KpPos);
+        GET_FLT(KpOri);
+        GET_FLT(maxPosVel);
+        GET_FLT(maxOriVel);
+        GET_FLT(thresholdOrientationNear);
+        GET_FLT(thresholdOrientationReached);
+        GET_FLT(thresholdPositionNear);
+        GET_FLT(thresholdPositionReached);
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianPositionController.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianPositionController.h
index e5f2c832e..c3fab807b 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianPositionController.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianPositionController.h
@@ -63,19 +63,20 @@ namespace armarx
         VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr tcp;
+namespace armarx::VariantType
+    // variant types
+    const VariantTypeId CartesianPositionControllerConfig = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::CartesianPositionControllerConfig");
-    namespace VariantType
-    {
-        // variant types
-        const VariantTypeId CartesianPositionControllerConfig = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::CartesianPositionControllerConfig");
-    }
+namespace armarx
     class CartesianPositionControllerConfig : virtual public CartesianPositionControllerConfigBase
         // inherited from VariantDataClass
         Ice::ObjectPtr ice_clone() const override
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianVelocityController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianVelocityController.cpp
index 0f84e0a0a..6bb30d988 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianVelocityController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianVelocityController.cpp
@@ -30,191 +30,192 @@
 #include <VirtualRobot/math/Helpers.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-CartesianVelocityController::CartesianVelocityController(const VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr& rns, const VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr& tcp, const VirtualRobot::JacobiProvider::InverseJacobiMethod invJacMethod, bool considerJointLimits)
-    : rns(rns),
-      considerJointLimits(considerJointLimits)
+namespace armarx
-    //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << VAROUT(rns->getRobot()->getRootNode());
-    ik.reset(new VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK(rns, rns->getRobot()->getRootNode(), invJacMethod));
-    this->tcp = tcp ? tcp : rns->getTCP();
+    CartesianVelocityController::CartesianVelocityController(const VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr& rns, const VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr& tcp, const VirtualRobot::JacobiProvider::InverseJacobiMethod invJacMethod, bool considerJointLimits)
+        : rns(rns),
+          considerJointLimits(considerJointLimits)
+    {
+        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << VAROUT(rns->getRobot()->getRootNode());
+        ik.reset(new VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK(rns, rns->getRobot()->getRootNode(), invJacMethod));
+        this->tcp = tcp ? tcp : rns->getTCP();
-    this->cartesianMMRegularization = 100;
-    this->cartesianRadianRegularization = 1;
+        this->cartesianMMRegularization = 100;
+        this->cartesianRadianRegularization = 1;
+    }
-Eigen::VectorXf CartesianVelocityController::calculate(const Eigen::VectorXf& cartesianVel, float KpJointLimitAvoidanceScale, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode)
-    Eigen::VectorXf nullspaceVel = calculateNullspaceVelocity(cartesianVel, KpJointLimitAvoidanceScale, mode);
-    return calculate(cartesianVel, nullspaceVel, mode);
+    Eigen::VectorXf CartesianVelocityController::calculate(const Eigen::VectorXf& cartesianVel, float KpJointLimitAvoidanceScale, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode)
+    {
+        Eigen::VectorXf nullspaceVel = calculateNullspaceVelocity(cartesianVel, KpJointLimitAvoidanceScale, mode);
+        return calculate(cartesianVel, nullspaceVel, mode);
+    }
-Eigen::VectorXf CartesianVelocityController::calculate(const Eigen::VectorXf& cartesianVel, const Eigen::VectorXf& nullspaceVel, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode)
-    //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << VAROUT(rns.get());
-    //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << VAROUT(tcp.get());
-    //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << VAROUT(ik.get());
-    jacobi = ik->getJacobianMatrix(tcp, mode);
+    Eigen::VectorXf CartesianVelocityController::calculate(const Eigen::VectorXf& cartesianVel, const Eigen::VectorXf& nullspaceVel, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode)
+    {
+        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << VAROUT(rns.get());
+        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << VAROUT(tcp.get());
+        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << VAROUT(ik.get());
+        jacobi = ik->getJacobianMatrix(tcp, mode);
-    //    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "nullspaceVel " << nullspaceVel.transpose();
-    Eigen::FullPivLU<Eigen::MatrixXf> lu_decomp(jacobi);
-    //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "The rank of the jacobi is " << lu_decomp.rank();
-    //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "Null space: " << lu_decomp.kernel();
-    Eigen::MatrixXf nullspace = lu_decomp.kernel();
+        //    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "nullspaceVel " << nullspaceVel.transpose();
+        Eigen::FullPivLU<Eigen::MatrixXf> lu_decomp(jacobi);
+        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "The rank of the jacobi is " << lu_decomp.rank();
+        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "Null space: " << lu_decomp.kernel();
+        Eigen::MatrixXf nullspace = lu_decomp.kernel();
-    //    Eigen::MatrixXf nullspace = Eigen::MatrixXf::Identity(jacobi.cols(), jacobi.cols()) - inv * jacobi;
+        //    Eigen::MatrixXf nullspace = Eigen::MatrixXf::Identity(jacobi.cols(), jacobi.cols()) - inv * jacobi;
-    Eigen::VectorXf nsv = Eigen::VectorXf::Zero(nullspace.rows());
-    for (int i = 0; i < nullspace.cols(); i++)
-    {
-        float squaredNorm = nullspace.col(i).squaredNorm();
-        // Prevent division by zero
-        if (squaredNorm > 1.0e-32f)
+        Eigen::VectorXf nsv = Eigen::VectorXf::Zero(nullspace.rows());
+        for (int i = 0; i < nullspace.cols(); i++)
-            nsv += nullspace.col(i) * nullspace.col(i).dot(nullspaceVel) / nullspace.col(i).squaredNorm();
+            float squaredNorm = nullspace.col(i).squaredNorm();
+            // Prevent division by zero
+            if (squaredNorm > 1.0e-32f)
+            {
+                nsv += nullspace.col(i) * nullspace.col(i).dot(nullspaceVel) / nullspace.col(i).squaredNorm();
+            }
-    }
-    //    Eigen::VectorXf nsv = nullspace * nullspaceVel;
+        //    Eigen::VectorXf nsv = nullspace * nullspaceVel;
-    //nsv /= kernel.cols();
+        //nsv /= kernel.cols();
-    inv = ik->computePseudoInverseJacobianMatrix(jacobi, ik->getJacobiRegularization(mode));
+        inv = ik->computePseudoInverseJacobianMatrix(jacobi, ik->getJacobiRegularization(mode));
-    if (considerJointLimits)
-    {
-        adjustJacobiForJointsAtJointLimits(mode, cartesianVel);
-    }
+        if (considerJointLimits)
+        {
+            adjustJacobiForJointsAtJointLimits(mode, cartesianVel);
+        }
-    Eigen::VectorXf jointVel = inv * cartesianVel;
-    jointVel += nsv;
+        Eigen::VectorXf jointVel = inv * cartesianVel;
+        jointVel += nsv;
-    if (maximumJointVelocities.rows() > 0)
-    {
-        jointVel = ::math::Helpers::LimitVectorLength(jointVel, maximumJointVelocities);
-    }
+        if (maximumJointVelocities.rows() > 0)
+        {
+            jointVel = ::math::Helpers::LimitVectorLength(jointVel, maximumJointVelocities);
+        }
-    return jointVel;
+        return jointVel;
+    }
-Eigen::VectorXf CartesianVelocityController::calculateJointLimitAvoidance()
-    Eigen::VectorXf r(rns->getSize());
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < rns->getSize(); i++)
+    Eigen::VectorXf CartesianVelocityController::calculateJointLimitAvoidance()
-        VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr rn = rns->getNode(i);
-        if (rn->isLimitless())
-        {
-            r(i) = 0;
-        }
-        else
+        Eigen::VectorXf r(rns->getSize());
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < rns->getSize(); i++)
-            float f = math::MathUtils::ILerp(rn->getJointLimitLo(), rn->getJointLimitHi(), rn->getJointValue());
-            r(i) = cos(f * M_PI);
-            //r(i) = math::MathUtils::Lerp(1.f, -1.f, f);
+            VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr rn = rns->getNode(i);
+            if (rn->isLimitless())
+            {
+                r(i) = 0;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                float f = math::MathUtils::ILerp(rn->getJointLimitLo(), rn->getJointLimitHi(), rn->getJointValue());
+                r(i) = cos(f * M_PI);
+                //r(i) = math::MathUtils::Lerp(1.f, -1.f, f);
+            }
+        return r;
-    return r;
-Eigen::VectorXf CartesianVelocityController::calculateNullspaceVelocity(const Eigen::VectorXf& cartesianVel, float KpScale, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode)
-    Eigen::VectorXf regularization = calculateRegularization(mode);
-    Eigen::VectorXf vel = cartesianVel * regularization;
-    return KpScale * vel.norm() * calculateJointLimitAvoidance();
-void CartesianVelocityController::setCartesianRegularization(float cartesianMMRegularization, float cartesianRadianRegularization)
-    this->cartesianMMRegularization = cartesianMMRegularization;
-    this->cartesianRadianRegularization = cartesianRadianRegularization;
-Eigen::VectorXf CartesianVelocityController::calculateRegularization(VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode)
-    Eigen::VectorXf regularization(6);
-    int i = 0;
-    if (mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::X)
+    Eigen::VectorXf CartesianVelocityController::calculateNullspaceVelocity(const Eigen::VectorXf& cartesianVel, float KpScale, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode)
-        regularization(i++) = 1 / cartesianMMRegularization;
-    }
+        Eigen::VectorXf regularization = calculateRegularization(mode);
+        Eigen::VectorXf vel = cartesianVel * regularization;
+        return KpScale * vel.norm() * calculateJointLimitAvoidance();
-    if (mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::Y)
-    {
-        regularization(i++) = 1 / cartesianMMRegularization;
-    if (mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::Z)
+    void CartesianVelocityController::setCartesianRegularization(float cartesianMMRegularization, float cartesianRadianRegularization)
-        regularization(i++) = 1 / cartesianMMRegularization;
+        this->cartesianMMRegularization = cartesianMMRegularization;
+        this->cartesianRadianRegularization = cartesianRadianRegularization;
-    if (mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::Orientation)
+    Eigen::VectorXf CartesianVelocityController::calculateRegularization(VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode)
-        regularization(i++) = 1 / cartesianRadianRegularization;
-        regularization(i++) = 1 / cartesianRadianRegularization;
-        regularization(i++) = 1 / cartesianRadianRegularization;
-    }
-    return regularization.topRows(i);
+        Eigen::VectorXf regularization(6);
-bool CartesianVelocityController::adjustJacobiForJointsAtJointLimits(VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode, const Eigen::VectorXf& cartesianVel, float jointLimitCheckAccuracy)
+        int i = 0;
-    bool modifiedJacobi = false;
+        if (mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::X)
+        {
+            regularization(i++) = 1 / cartesianMMRegularization;
+        }
-    Eigen::VectorXf jointVel = inv * cartesianVel;
-    size_t size = rns->getSize();
+        if (mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::Y)
+        {
+            regularization(i++) = 1 / cartesianMMRegularization;
+        }
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
-    {
-        auto& node = rns->getNode(static_cast<int>(i));
+        if (mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::Z)
+        {
+            regularization(i++) = 1 / cartesianMMRegularization;
+        }
-        if (node->isLimitless() || // limitless joint cannot be out of limits
-            std::abs(jointVel(i)) < 0.001f // If it the jacobi doesnt want this joint to move anyway, there is no point in recalculating the inverse jacobi
-           )
+        if (mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::Orientation)
-            continue;
+            regularization(i++) = 1 / cartesianRadianRegularization;
+            regularization(i++) = 1 / cartesianRadianRegularization;
+            regularization(i++) = 1 / cartesianRadianRegularization;
+        return regularization.topRows(i);
+    }
+    bool CartesianVelocityController::adjustJacobiForJointsAtJointLimits(VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode, const Eigen::VectorXf& cartesianVel, float jointLimitCheckAccuracy)
+    {
-        if ((node->getJointValue() >= node->getJointLimitHigh() - jointLimitCheckAccuracy && jointVel(i) > 0)
-            || (node->getJointValue() <= node->getJointLimitLow() + jointLimitCheckAccuracy && jointVel(i) < 0))
+        bool modifiedJacobi = false;
+        Eigen::VectorXf jointVel = inv * cartesianVel;
+        size_t size = rns->getSize();
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
-            for (int k = 0; k < jacobi.rows(); ++k) // memory allocation free resetting of column
+            auto& node = rns->getNode(static_cast<int>(i));
+            if (node->isLimitless() || // limitless joint cannot be out of limits
+                std::abs(jointVel(i)) < 0.001f // If it the jacobi doesnt want this joint to move anyway, there is no point in recalculating the inverse jacobi
+               )
+            {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if ((node->getJointValue() >= node->getJointLimitHigh() - jointLimitCheckAccuracy && jointVel(i) > 0)
+                || (node->getJointValue() <= node->getJointLimitLow() + jointLimitCheckAccuracy && jointVel(i) < 0))
-                jacobi(k, i) = 0.0f;
+                for (int k = 0; k < jacobi.rows(); ++k) // memory allocation free resetting of column
+                {
+                    jacobi(k, i) = 0.0f;
+                }
+                modifiedJacobi = true;
-            modifiedJacobi = true;
+        if (modifiedJacobi)
+        {
+            // calculate inverse jacobi again since atleast one joint would be driven into the limit
+            inv = ik->computePseudoInverseJacobianMatrix(jacobi, ik->getJacobiRegularization(mode));
+        }
+        return modifiedJacobi;
-    if (modifiedJacobi)
+    bool CartesianVelocityController::getConsiderJointLimits() const
-        // calculate inverse jacobi again since atleast one joint would be driven into the limit
-        inv = ik->computePseudoInverseJacobianMatrix(jacobi, ik->getJacobiRegularization(mode));
+        return considerJointLimits;
-    return modifiedJacobi;
-bool CartesianVelocityController::getConsiderJointLimits() const
-    return considerJointLimits;
-void CartesianVelocityController::setConsiderJointLimits(bool value)
-    considerJointLimits = value;
+    void CartesianVelocityController::setConsiderJointLimits(bool value)
+    {
+        considerJointLimits = value;
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp.cpp
index 775d29544..3c9f18f9b 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp.cpp
@@ -25,67 +25,68 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/logging/Logging.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp::CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp(const VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr& rns, const Eigen::VectorXf& currentJointVelocity, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode,
-        float maxPositionAcceleration, float maxOrientationAcceleration, float maxNullspaceAcceleration, const VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr& tcp)
-    : controller(rns, tcp), mode(mode)
+namespace armarx
-    setMaxAccelerations(maxPositionAcceleration, maxOrientationAcceleration, maxNullspaceAcceleration);
+    CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp::CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp(const VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr& rns, const Eigen::VectorXf& currentJointVelocity, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode,
+            float maxPositionAcceleration, float maxOrientationAcceleration, float maxNullspaceAcceleration, const VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr& tcp)
+        : controller(rns, tcp), mode(mode)
+    {
+        setMaxAccelerations(maxPositionAcceleration, maxOrientationAcceleration, maxNullspaceAcceleration);
 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
-    setCurrentJointVelocity(currentJointVelocity);
+        setCurrentJointVelocity(currentJointVelocity);
 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+    }
-void CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp::setCurrentJointVelocity(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXf>& currentJointVelocity)
-    Eigen::MatrixXf jacobi = controller.ik->getJacobianMatrix(controller.tcp, mode);
-    Eigen::MatrixXf inv = controller.ik->computePseudoInverseJacobianMatrix(jacobi, controller.ik->getJacobiRegularization(mode));
+    void CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp::setCurrentJointVelocity(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXf>& currentJointVelocity)
+    {
+        Eigen::MatrixXf jacobi = controller.ik->getJacobianMatrix(controller.tcp, mode);
+        Eigen::MatrixXf inv = controller.ik->computePseudoInverseJacobianMatrix(jacobi, controller.ik->getJacobiRegularization(mode));
-    Eigen::FullPivLU<Eigen::MatrixXf> lu_decomp(jacobi);
-    Eigen::MatrixXf nullspace = lu_decomp.kernel();
-    Eigen::VectorXf nsv = Eigen::VectorXf::Zero(nullspace.rows());
+        Eigen::FullPivLU<Eigen::MatrixXf> lu_decomp(jacobi);
+        Eigen::MatrixXf nullspace = lu_decomp.kernel();
+        Eigen::VectorXf nsv = Eigen::VectorXf::Zero(nullspace.rows());
-    for (int i = 0; i < nullspace.cols(); i++)
-    {
-        nsv += nullspace.col(i) * nullspace.col(i).dot(currentJointVelocity) / nullspace.col(i).squaredNorm();
-    }
-    cartesianVelocityRamp.setState(jacobi * currentJointVelocity, mode);
-    nullSpaceVelocityRamp.setState(nsv);
+        for (int i = 0; i < nullspace.cols(); i++)
+        {
+            nsv += nullspace.col(i) * nullspace.col(i).dot(currentJointVelocity) / nullspace.col(i).squaredNorm();
+        }
+        cartesianVelocityRamp.setState(jacobi * currentJointVelocity, mode);
+        nullSpaceVelocityRamp.setState(nsv);
+    }
-Eigen::VectorXf CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp::calculate(const Eigen::VectorXf& cartesianVel, float jointLimitAvoidanceScale, float dt)
-    Eigen::VectorXf nullspaceVel = controller.calculateNullspaceVelocity(cartesianVel, jointLimitAvoidanceScale, mode);
-    return calculate(cartesianVel, nullspaceVel, dt);
+    Eigen::VectorXf CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp::calculate(const Eigen::VectorXf& cartesianVel, float jointLimitAvoidanceScale, float dt)
+    {
+        Eigen::VectorXf nullspaceVel = controller.calculateNullspaceVelocity(cartesianVel, jointLimitAvoidanceScale, mode);
+        return calculate(cartesianVel, nullspaceVel, dt);
+    }
-Eigen::VectorXf CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp::calculate(const Eigen::VectorXf& cartesianVel, const Eigen::VectorXf& nullspaceVel, float dt)
-    return controller.calculate(cartesianVelocityRamp.update(cartesianVel, dt), nullSpaceVelocityRamp.update(nullspaceVel, dt), mode);
+    Eigen::VectorXf CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp::calculate(const Eigen::VectorXf& cartesianVel, const Eigen::VectorXf& nullspaceVel, float dt)
+    {
+        return controller.calculate(cartesianVelocityRamp.update(cartesianVel, dt), nullSpaceVelocityRamp.update(nullspaceVel, dt), mode);
+    }
-void CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp::setMaxAccelerations(float maxPositionAcceleration, float maxOrientationAcceleration, float maxNullspaceAcceleration)
-    cartesianVelocityRamp.setMaxOrientationAcceleration(maxOrientationAcceleration);
-    cartesianVelocityRamp.setMaxPositionAcceleration(maxPositionAcceleration);
-    nullSpaceVelocityRamp.setMaxAccelaration(maxNullspaceAcceleration);
+    void CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp::setMaxAccelerations(float maxPositionAcceleration, float maxOrientationAcceleration, float maxNullspaceAcceleration)
+    {
+        cartesianVelocityRamp.setMaxOrientationAcceleration(maxOrientationAcceleration);
+        cartesianVelocityRamp.setMaxPositionAcceleration(maxPositionAcceleration);
+        nullSpaceVelocityRamp.setMaxAccelaration(maxNullspaceAcceleration);
+    }
-float CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp::getMaxOrientationAcceleration()
-    return cartesianVelocityRamp.getMaxOrientationAcceleration();
+    float CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp::getMaxOrientationAcceleration()
+    {
+        return cartesianVelocityRamp.getMaxOrientationAcceleration();
+    }
-float CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp::getMaxPositionAcceleration()
-    return cartesianVelocityRamp.getMaxPositionAcceleration();
+    float CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp::getMaxPositionAcceleration()
+    {
+        return cartesianVelocityRamp.getMaxPositionAcceleration();
+    }
-float CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp::getMaxNullspaceAcceleration()
-    return nullSpaceVelocityRamp.getMaxAccelaration();
+    float CartesianVelocityControllerWithRamp::getMaxNullspaceAcceleration()
+    {
+        return nullSpaceVelocityRamp.getMaxAccelaration();
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianVelocityRamp.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianVelocityRamp.cpp
index 21cc73a78..e904576b7 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianVelocityRamp.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianVelocityRamp.cpp
@@ -25,65 +25,67 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/logging/Logging.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-{ }
-void CartesianVelocityRamp::setState(const Eigen::VectorXf& state, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode)
+namespace armarx
-    this->state = state;
-    this->mode = mode;
+    CartesianVelocityRamp::CartesianVelocityRamp()
+    { }
-Eigen::VectorXf CartesianVelocityRamp::update(const Eigen::VectorXf& target, float dt)
-    if (dt <= 0)
+    void CartesianVelocityRamp::setState(const Eigen::VectorXf& state, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode)
-        return state;
+        this->state = state;
+        this->mode = mode;
-    Eigen::VectorXf delta = target - state;
-    int i = 0;
-    float factor = 1 ;
-    if (mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::Position)
+    Eigen::VectorXf CartesianVelocityRamp::update(const Eigen::VectorXf& target, float dt)
-        Eigen::Vector3f posDelta = delta.block<3, 1>(i, 0);
-        float posFactor = posDelta.norm() / maxPositionAcceleration / dt;
-        factor = std::max(factor, posFactor);
-        i += 3;
-    }
+        if (dt <= 0)
+        {
+            return state;
+        }
+        Eigen::VectorXf delta = target - state;
+        int i = 0;
+        float factor = 1 ;
-    if (mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::Orientation)
-    {
-        Eigen::Vector3f oriDelta = delta.block<3, 1>(i, 0);
-        float oriFactor = oriDelta.norm() / maxOrientationAcceleration / dt;
-        factor = std::max(factor, oriFactor);
+        if (mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::Position)
+        {
+            Eigen::Vector3f posDelta = delta.block<3, 1>(i, 0);
+            float posFactor = posDelta.norm() / maxPositionAcceleration / dt;
+            factor = std::max(factor, posFactor);
+            i += 3;
+        }
+        if (mode & VirtualRobot::IKSolver::Orientation)
+        {
+            Eigen::Vector3f oriDelta = delta.block<3, 1>(i, 0);
+            float oriFactor = oriDelta.norm() / maxOrientationAcceleration / dt;
+            factor = std::max(factor, oriFactor);
+        }
+        state += delta / factor;
+        //    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "CartRamp state " << state;
+        return state;
-    state += delta / factor;
-    //    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "CartRamp state " << state;
-    return state;
+    void CartesianVelocityRamp::setMaxPositionAcceleration(float maxPositionAcceleration)
+    {
+        this->maxPositionAcceleration = maxPositionAcceleration;
-void CartesianVelocityRamp::setMaxPositionAcceleration(float maxPositionAcceleration)
-    this->maxPositionAcceleration = maxPositionAcceleration;
+    }
+    void CartesianVelocityRamp::setMaxOrientationAcceleration(float maxOrientationAcceleration)
+    {
+        this->maxOrientationAcceleration = maxOrientationAcceleration;
-void CartesianVelocityRamp::setMaxOrientationAcceleration(float maxOrientationAcceleration)
-    this->maxOrientationAcceleration = maxOrientationAcceleration;
+    }
+    float CartesianVelocityRamp::getMaxPositionAcceleration()
+    {
+        return maxPositionAcceleration;
+    }
-float CartesianVelocityRamp::getMaxPositionAcceleration()
-    return maxPositionAcceleration;
+    float CartesianVelocityRamp::getMaxOrientationAcceleration()
+    {
+        return maxOrientationAcceleration;
+    }
-float CartesianVelocityRamp::getMaxOrientationAcceleration()
-    return maxOrientationAcceleration;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianWaypointController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianWaypointController.cpp
index 675dc505f..af8d731a9 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianWaypointController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/CartesianWaypointController.cpp
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ namespace armarx
     const Eigen::Vector3f CartesianWaypointController::getCurrentTargetPosition() const
-        return math::Helpers::GetPosition(;
+        return ::math::Helpers::GetPosition(;
     size_t CartesianWaypointController::skipToClosestWaypoint(float rad2mmFactor)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/FramedOrientedPoint.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/FramedOrientedPoint.cpp
index 1494cd9e3..fa5ea9fe7 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/FramedOrientedPoint.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/FramedOrientedPoint.cpp
@@ -27,162 +27,160 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/remoterobot/RemoteRobot.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-    = default;
-FramedOrientedPoint::FramedOrientedPoint(const FramedOrientedPoint& source) :
-    IceUtil::Shared(source),
-    OrientedPointBase(source),
-    FramedOrientedPointBase(source),
-    OrientedPoint(source)
+namespace armarx
+    FramedOrientedPoint::FramedOrientedPoint()
+        = default;
-FramedOrientedPoint::FramedOrientedPoint(const Eigen::Vector3f& position, const Eigen::Vector3f& normal, const std::string& frame, const std::string& agent) :
-    OrientedPoint(position, normal)
-    this->frame = frame;
-    this->agent = agent;
+    FramedOrientedPoint::FramedOrientedPoint(const FramedOrientedPoint& source) :
+        IceUtil::Shared(source),
+        OrientedPointBase(source),
+        FramedOrientedPointBase(source),
+        OrientedPoint(source)
+    {
+    }
+    FramedOrientedPoint::FramedOrientedPoint(const Eigen::Vector3f& position, const Eigen::Vector3f& normal, const std::string& frame, const std::string& agent) :
+        OrientedPoint(position, normal)
+    {
+        this->frame = frame;
+        this->agent = agent;
-FramedOrientedPoint::FramedOrientedPoint(const OrientedPoint& pointWithNormal, const std::string& frame, const std::string& agent) :
-    FramedOrientedPoint(pointWithNormal.positionToEigen(), pointWithNormal.normalToEigen(), frame, agent)
+    }
-FramedOrientedPoint::FramedOrientedPoint(Ice::Float px, ::Ice::Float py, ::Ice::Float pz, Ice::Float nx, ::Ice::Float ny, ::Ice::Float nz, const std::string& frame, const std::string& agent) :
-    OrientedPoint(px, py, pz, nx, ny, nz)
-    this->frame = frame;
-    this->agent = agent;
+    FramedOrientedPoint::FramedOrientedPoint(const OrientedPoint& pointWithNormal, const std::string& frame, const std::string& agent) :
+        FramedOrientedPoint(pointWithNormal.positionToEigen(), pointWithNormal.normalToEigen(), frame, agent)
+    {
+    }
-std::string FramedOrientedPoint::getFrame() const
-    return frame;
+    FramedOrientedPoint::FramedOrientedPoint(Ice::Float px, ::Ice::Float py, ::Ice::Float pz, Ice::Float nx, ::Ice::Float ny, ::Ice::Float nz, const std::string& frame, const std::string& agent) :
+        OrientedPoint(px, py, pz, nx, ny, nz)
+    {
+        this->frame = frame;
+        this->agent = agent;
+    }
+    std::string FramedOrientedPoint::getFrame() const
+    {
+        return frame;
+    }
-void FramedOrientedPoint::changeFrame(const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& robot, const std::string& newFrame)
-    FramedPosition  framedPos(positionToEigen(), frame, agent);
-    FramedDirection framedDir(normalToEigen(), frame, agent);
-    framedPos.changeFrame(robot, newFrame);
-    framedDir.changeFrame(robot, newFrame);
-    this->px = framedPos.x;
-    this->py = framedPos.y;
-    this->pz = framedPos.z;
-    this->nx = framedDir.x;
-    this->ny = framedDir.y;
-    this->nz = framedDir.z;
-void FramedOrientedPoint::changeToGlobal(const SharedRobotInterfacePrx& referenceRobot)
-    VirtualRobot::RobotPtr sharedRobot(new RemoteRobot(referenceRobot));
-    changeFrame(sharedRobot, GlobalFrame);
+    void FramedOrientedPoint::changeFrame(const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& robot, const std::string& newFrame)
+    {
+        FramedPosition  framedPos(positionToEigen(), frame, agent);
+        FramedDirection framedDir(normalToEigen(), frame, agent);
+        framedPos.changeFrame(robot, newFrame);
+        framedDir.changeFrame(robot, newFrame);
+        this->px = framedPos.x;
+        this->py = framedPos.y;
+        this->pz = framedPos.z;
+        this->nx = framedDir.x;
+        this->ny = framedDir.y;
+        this->nz = framedDir.z;
+    }
-void FramedOrientedPoint::changeToGlobal(const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& referenceRobot)
-    changeFrame(referenceRobot, GlobalFrame);
+    void FramedOrientedPoint::changeToGlobal(const SharedRobotInterfacePrx& referenceRobot)
+    {
+        VirtualRobot::RobotPtr sharedRobot(new RemoteRobot(referenceRobot));
+        changeFrame(sharedRobot, GlobalFrame);
+    }
-Eigen::Vector3f FramedOrientedPoint::positionToGlobalEigen(const SharedRobotInterfacePrx& referenceRobot) const
-    return getFramedPosition().toGlobalEigen(referenceRobot);
+    void FramedOrientedPoint::changeToGlobal(const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& referenceRobot)
+    {
+        changeFrame(referenceRobot, GlobalFrame);
+    }
-Eigen::Vector3f FramedOrientedPoint::normalToGlobalEigen(const SharedRobotInterfacePrx& referenceRobot) const
-    return getFramedNormal().toGlobalEigen(referenceRobot);
+    Eigen::Vector3f FramedOrientedPoint::positionToGlobalEigen(const SharedRobotInterfacePrx& referenceRobot) const
+    {
+        return getFramedPosition().toGlobalEigen(referenceRobot);
+    }
-Eigen::Vector3f FramedOrientedPoint::positionToGlobalEigen(const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& referenceRobot) const
-    return getFramedPosition().toGlobalEigen(referenceRobot);
+    Eigen::Vector3f FramedOrientedPoint::normalToGlobalEigen(const SharedRobotInterfacePrx& referenceRobot) const
+    {
+        return getFramedNormal().toGlobalEigen(referenceRobot);
+    }
-Eigen::Vector3f FramedOrientedPoint::normalToGlobalEigen(const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& referenceRobot) const
-    return getFramedNormal().toGlobalEigen(referenceRobot);
+    Eigen::Vector3f FramedOrientedPoint::positionToGlobalEigen(const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& referenceRobot) const
+    {
+        return getFramedPosition().toGlobalEigen(referenceRobot);
+    }
+    Eigen::Vector3f FramedOrientedPoint::normalToGlobalEigen(const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& referenceRobot) const
+    {
+        return getFramedNormal().toGlobalEigen(referenceRobot);
+    }
-FramedOrientedPointPtr FramedOrientedPoint::toRootFrame(const SharedRobotInterfacePrx& referenceRobot) const
-    return new FramedOrientedPoint(positionToRootEigen(referenceRobot), normalToRootEigen(referenceRobot), frame, agent);
-FramedOrientedPointPtr FramedOrientedPoint::toRootFrame(const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& referenceRobot) const
-    return new FramedOrientedPoint(positionToRootEigen(referenceRobot), normalToRootEigen(referenceRobot), frame, agent);
+    FramedOrientedPointPtr FramedOrientedPoint::toRootFrame(const SharedRobotInterfacePrx& referenceRobot) const
+    {
+        return new FramedOrientedPoint(positionToRootEigen(referenceRobot), normalToRootEigen(referenceRobot), frame, agent);
+    }
-Eigen::Vector3f FramedOrientedPoint::positionToRootEigen(const SharedRobotInterfacePrx& referenceRobot) const
-    return getFramedPosition().toRootEigen(referenceRobot);
+    FramedOrientedPointPtr FramedOrientedPoint::toRootFrame(const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& referenceRobot) const
+    {
+        return new FramedOrientedPoint(positionToRootEigen(referenceRobot), normalToRootEigen(referenceRobot), frame, agent);
+    }
-Eigen::Vector3f FramedOrientedPoint::normalToRootEigen(const SharedRobotInterfacePrx& referenceRobot) const
-    return getFramedNormal().toRootEigen(referenceRobot);
+    Eigen::Vector3f FramedOrientedPoint::positionToRootEigen(const SharedRobotInterfacePrx& referenceRobot) const
+    {
+        return getFramedPosition().toRootEigen(referenceRobot);
+    }
-Eigen::Vector3f FramedOrientedPoint::positionToRootEigen(const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& referenceRobot) const
-    return getFramedPosition().toRootEigen(referenceRobot);
+    Eigen::Vector3f FramedOrientedPoint::normalToRootEigen(const SharedRobotInterfacePrx& referenceRobot) const
+    {
+        return getFramedNormal().toRootEigen(referenceRobot);
+    }
-Eigen::Vector3f FramedOrientedPoint::normalToRootEigen(const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& referenceRobot) const
-    return getFramedNormal().toRootEigen(referenceRobot);
+    Eigen::Vector3f FramedOrientedPoint::positionToRootEigen(const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& referenceRobot) const
+    {
+        return getFramedPosition().toRootEigen(referenceRobot);
+    }
-FramedPosition FramedOrientedPoint::getFramedPosition() const
-    return FramedPosition(positionToEigen(), frame, agent);
+    Eigen::Vector3f FramedOrientedPoint::normalToRootEigen(const VirtualRobot::RobotPtr& referenceRobot) const
+    {
+        return getFramedNormal().toRootEigen(referenceRobot);
+    }
-FramedDirection FramedOrientedPoint::getFramedNormal() const
-    return FramedDirection(normalToEigen(), frame, agent);
+    FramedPosition FramedOrientedPoint::getFramedPosition() const
+    {
+        return FramedPosition(positionToEigen(), frame, agent);
+    }
+    FramedDirection FramedOrientedPoint::getFramedNormal() const
+    {
+        return FramedDirection(normalToEigen(), frame, agent);
+    }
-std::string FramedOrientedPoint::output(const Ice::Current& c) const
-    std::stringstream s;
-    s << OrientedPoint::output(c) << std::endl << "frame: " << getFrame() << (agent.empty() ? "" : (" agent: " + agent));
-    return s.str();
+    std::string FramedOrientedPoint::output(const Ice::Current& c) const
+    {
+        std::stringstream s;
+        s << OrientedPoint::output(c) << std::endl << "frame: " << getFrame() << (agent.empty() ? "" : (" agent: " + agent));
+        return s.str();
+    }
-void FramedOrientedPoint::serialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const Ice::Current&) const
-    AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
-    OrientedPoint::serialize(serializer);
-    obj->setString("frame", frame);
-    obj->setString("agent", agent);
+    void FramedOrientedPoint::serialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const Ice::Current&) const
+    {
+        AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
+        OrientedPoint::serialize(serializer);
+        obj->setString("frame", frame);
+        obj->setString("agent", agent);
-void FramedOrientedPoint::deserialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const Ice::Current&)
-    AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
-    OrientedPoint::deserialize(serializer);
-    frame = obj->getString("frame");
+    }
-    if (obj->hasElement("agent"))
+    void FramedOrientedPoint::deserialize(const ObjectSerializerBasePtr& serializer, const Ice::Current&)
-        agent = obj->getString("agent");
+        AbstractObjectSerializerPtr obj = AbstractObjectSerializerPtr::dynamicCast(serializer);
+        OrientedPoint::deserialize(serializer);
+        frame = obj->getString("frame");
+        if (obj->hasElement("agent"))
+        {
+            agent = obj->getString("agent");
+        }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/FramedOrientedPoint.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/FramedOrientedPoint.h
index 7f2231c17..3504cad3a 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/FramedOrientedPoint.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/FramedOrientedPoint.h
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/interface/core/RobotState.h>
 #include "FramedPose.h"
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::VariantType
-    namespace VariantType
-    {
-        // variant types
-        const VariantTypeId FramedOrientedPoint = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::FramedOrientedPointBase");
-    }
+    // variant types
+    const VariantTypeId FramedOrientedPoint = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::FramedOrientedPointBase");
+namespace armarx
     class FramedOrientedPoint;
     using FramedOrientedPointPtr = IceInternal::Handle<FramedOrientedPoint>;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/FramedPose.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/FramedPose.h
index 390396d22..0880da76b 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/FramedPose.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/FramedPose.h
@@ -45,16 +45,17 @@ namespace VirtualRobot
     class LinkedCoordinate;
+namespace armarx::VariantType
+    // variant types
+    const VariantTypeId FramedPose = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::FramedPoseBase");
+    const VariantTypeId FramedDirection = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::FramedDirectionBase");
+    const VariantTypeId FramedPosition = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::FramedPositionBase");
+    const VariantTypeId FramedOrientation = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::FramedOrientationBase");
 namespace armarx
-    namespace VariantType
-    {
-        // variant types
-        const VariantTypeId FramedPose = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::FramedPoseBase");
-        const VariantTypeId FramedDirection = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::FramedDirectionBase");
-        const VariantTypeId FramedPosition = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::FramedPositionBase");
-        const VariantTypeId FramedOrientation = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::FramedOrientationBase");
-    }
      * @ingroup RobotAPI-FramedPose
      * Variable of the global coordinate system. use this if you are specifying a global pose.
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/JointVelocityRamp.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/JointVelocityRamp.cpp
index 33128cf1f..3619a4fc6 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/JointVelocityRamp.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/JointVelocityRamp.cpp
@@ -24,43 +24,42 @@
 #include "JointVelocityRamp.h"
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/logging/Logging.h>
-using namespace armarx;
-{ }
-void JointVelocityRamp::setState(const Eigen::VectorXf& state)
+namespace armarx
-    this->state = state;
+    JointVelocityRamp::JointVelocityRamp()
+    { }
-Eigen::VectorXf JointVelocityRamp::update(const Eigen::VectorXf& target, float dt)
-    if (dt <= 0)
+    void JointVelocityRamp::setState(const Eigen::VectorXf& state)
-        return state;
+        this->state = state;
-    Eigen::VectorXf delta = target - state;
+    Eigen::VectorXf JointVelocityRamp::update(const Eigen::VectorXf& target, float dt)
+    {
+        if (dt <= 0)
+        {
+            return state;
+        }
-    float factor = delta.norm() / maxAcceleration / dt;
-    factor = std::max(factor, 1.f);
+        Eigen::VectorXf delta = target - state;
-    state += delta / factor;
-    //    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "JointRamp state " << state;
-    return state;
+        float factor = delta.norm() / maxAcceleration / dt;
+        factor = std::max(factor, 1.f);
+        state += delta / factor;
+        //    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "JointRamp state " << state;
+        return state;
-void JointVelocityRamp::setMaxAccelaration(float maxAcceleration)
-    this->maxAcceleration = maxAcceleration;
+    }
+    void JointVelocityRamp::setMaxAccelaration(float maxAcceleration)
+    {
+        this->maxAcceleration = maxAcceleration;
-float JointVelocityRamp::getMaxAccelaration()
-    return maxAcceleration;
+    }
+    float JointVelocityRamp::getMaxAccelaration()
+    {
+        return maxAcceleration;
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/LinkedPose.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/LinkedPose.h
index 414309200..c0cceefce 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/LinkedPose.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/LinkedPose.h
@@ -37,22 +37,20 @@
 #include <sstream>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::VariantType
-    namespace VariantType
+    // variant types
+    const VariantTypeId LinkedPose = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::LinkedPoseBase");
+    const VariantTypeId LinkedDirection = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::LinkedDirectionBase");
+    inline void suppressWarningUnusedVariableForLinkedPoseAndDirection()
-        // variant types
-        const VariantTypeId LinkedPose = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::LinkedPoseBase");
-        const VariantTypeId LinkedDirection = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::LinkedDirectionBase");
-        inline void suppressWarningUnusedVariableForLinkedPoseAndDirection()
-        {
-            ARMARX_DEBUG_S << VAROUT(LinkedPose);
-            ARMARX_DEBUG_S << VAROUT(LinkedDirection);
-        }
+        ARMARX_DEBUG_S << VAROUT(LinkedPose);
+        ARMARX_DEBUG_S << VAROUT(LinkedDirection);
+namespace armarx
     class LinkedPose;
     using LinkedPosePtr = IceInternal::Handle<LinkedPose>;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/OrientedPoint.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/OrientedPoint.h
index 4bb8955e8..a347e4954 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/OrientedPoint.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/OrientedPoint.h
@@ -30,14 +30,14 @@
 #include <sstream>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::VariantType
-    namespace VariantType
-    {
-        // variant types
-        const VariantTypeId OrientedPoint = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::OrientedPointBase");
-    }
+    // variant types
+    const VariantTypeId OrientedPoint = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::OrientedPointBase");
+namespace armarx
     class OrientedPoint:
         public virtual OrientedPointBase
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/PIDController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/PIDController.cpp
index 5a4700dc5..684a62747 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/PIDController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/PIDController.cpp
@@ -30,157 +30,157 @@
 #include <memory>
-using namespace armarx;
-PIDController::PIDController(float Kp, float Ki, float Kd, double maxControlValue, double maxDerivation, bool limitless, bool threadSafe) :
-    Kp(Kp),
-    Ki(Ki),
-    Kd(Kd),
-    integral(0),
-    derivative(0),
-    previousError(0),
-    processValue(0),
-    target(0),
-    controlValue(0),
-    controlValueDerivation(0),
-    maxControlValue(maxControlValue),
-    maxDerivation(maxDerivation),
-    limitless(limitless),
-    threadSafe(threadSafe)
+namespace armarx
-    reset();
-void PIDController::reset()
-    ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
-    firstRun = true;
-    previousError = 0;
-    integral = 0;
-    lastUpdateTime = TimeUtil::GetTime();
-    if (pdOutputFilter)
-    {
-        pdOutputFilter->reset();
-    }
-    if (differentialFilter)
+    PIDController::PIDController(float Kp, float Ki, float Kd, double maxControlValue, double maxDerivation, bool limitless, bool threadSafe) :
+        Kp(Kp),
+        Ki(Ki),
+        Kd(Kd),
+        integral(0),
+        derivative(0),
+        previousError(0),
+        processValue(0),
+        target(0),
+        controlValue(0),
+        controlValueDerivation(0),
+        maxControlValue(maxControlValue),
+        maxDerivation(maxDerivation),
+        limitless(limitless),
+        threadSafe(threadSafe)
-        differentialFilter->reset();
+        reset();
-ScopedRecursiveLockPtr PIDController::getLock() const
-    if (threadSafe)
-    {
-        return std::make_shared<ScopedRecursiveLock>(mutex);
-    }
-    else
+    void PIDController::reset()
-        return ScopedRecursiveLockPtr();
+        ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
+        firstRun = true;
+        previousError = 0;
+        integral = 0;
+        lastUpdateTime = TimeUtil::GetTime();
+        if (pdOutputFilter)
+        {
+            pdOutputFilter->reset();
+        }
+        if (differentialFilter)
+        {
+            differentialFilter->reset();
+        }
-void PIDController::update(double measuredValue, double targetValue)
-    ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
-    IceUtil::Time now = TimeUtil::GetTime();
-    if (firstRun)
+    ScopedRecursiveLockPtr PIDController::getLock() const
-        lastUpdateTime = TimeUtil::GetTime();
+        if (threadSafe)
+        {
+            return std::make_shared<ScopedRecursiveLock>(mutex);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return ScopedRecursiveLockPtr();
+        }
-    double dt = (now - lastUpdateTime).toSecondsDouble();
-    update(dt, measuredValue, targetValue);
-    lastUpdateTime = now;
+    void PIDController::update(double measuredValue, double targetValue)
+    {
+        ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
+        IceUtil::Time now = TimeUtil::GetTime();
-void PIDController::update(double measuredValue)
-    ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
-    update(measuredValue, target);
+        if (firstRun)
+        {
+            lastUpdateTime = TimeUtil::GetTime();
+        }
-void PIDController::setTarget(double newTarget)
-    ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
-    target = newTarget;
+        double dt = (now - lastUpdateTime).toSecondsDouble();
+        update(dt, measuredValue, targetValue);
+        lastUpdateTime = now;
+    }
-void PIDController::setMaxControlValue(double newMax)
-    ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
-    maxControlValue = newMax;
-void PIDController::update(double deltaSec, double measuredValue, double targetValue)
-    ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
-    processValue = measuredValue;
-    target = targetValue;
+    void PIDController::update(double measuredValue)
+    {
+        ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
+        update(measuredValue, target);
+    }
+    void PIDController::setTarget(double newTarget)
+    {
+        ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
+        target = newTarget;
+    }
-    double error = target - processValue;
-    //ARMARX_INFO << VAROUT(target) << ", " << VAROUT(processValue) << ", " << VAROUT(error);
-    if (limitless)
+    void PIDController::setMaxControlValue(double newMax)
-        //ARMARX_INFO << VAROUT(error);
-        error = math::MathUtils::angleModPI(error);
-        //ARMARX_INFO << VAROUT(error);
-        //error = math::MathUtils::fmod(error, limitlessLimitHi - 2 * M_PI, limitlessLimitHi);
-        //ARMARX_INFO << "Limitless after mod:" << VAROUT(error);
+        ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
+        maxControlValue = newMax;
-    //double dt = (now - lastUpdateTime).toSecondsDouble();
-    //    ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam() << VAROUT(dt);
-    if (!firstRun)
+    void PIDController::update(double deltaSec, double measuredValue, double targetValue)
-        if (std::abs(error) < conditionalIntegralErrorTreshold)
+        ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
+        processValue = measuredValue;
+        target = targetValue;
+        double error = target - processValue;
+        //ARMARX_INFO << VAROUT(target) << ", " << VAROUT(processValue) << ", " << VAROUT(error);
+        if (limitless)
-            integral += error * deltaSec;
-            integral = math::MathUtils::LimitTo(integral, maxIntegral);
+            //ARMARX_INFO << VAROUT(error);
+            error = math::MathUtils::angleModPI(error);
+            //ARMARX_INFO << VAROUT(error);
+            //error = math::MathUtils::fmod(error, limitlessLimitHi - 2 * M_PI, limitlessLimitHi);
+            //ARMARX_INFO << "Limitless after mod:" << VAROUT(error);
-        if (deltaSec > 0.0)
+        //double dt = (now - lastUpdateTime).toSecondsDouble();
+        //    ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam() << VAROUT(dt);
+        if (!firstRun)
-            derivative = (error - previousError) / deltaSec;
-            if (differentialFilter)
+            if (std::abs(error) < conditionalIntegralErrorTreshold)
-                derivative = differentialFilter->update(deltaSec, derivative);
+                integral += error * deltaSec;
+                integral = math::MathUtils::LimitTo(integral, maxIntegral);
+            }
+            if (deltaSec > 0.0)
+            {
+                derivative = (error - previousError) / deltaSec;
+                if (differentialFilter)
+                {
+                    derivative = differentialFilter->update(deltaSec, derivative);
+                }
-    }
-    firstRun = false;
-    double oldControlValue = controlValue;
-    double pdControlValue = Kp * error + Kd * derivative;
-    if (pdOutputFilter)
-    {
-        pdControlValue = pdOutputFilter->update(deltaSec, pdControlValue);
-    }
-    controlValue = pdControlValue + Ki * integral;
-    if (deltaSec > 0.0)
-    {
-        double deriv = (controlValue - oldControlValue) / deltaSec;
-        if (fabs(deriv) > maxDerivation)
+        firstRun = false;
+        double oldControlValue = controlValue;
+        double pdControlValue = Kp * error + Kd * derivative;
+        if (pdOutputFilter)
-            controlValueDerivation = maxDerivation * deltaSec * math::MathUtils::Sign(deriv);
-            controlValue = oldControlValue + controlValueDerivation;
+            pdControlValue = pdOutputFilter->update(deltaSec, pdControlValue);
-    }
-    controlValue = std::min(fabs(controlValue), maxControlValue) * math::MathUtils::Sign(controlValue);
-    ARMARX_DEBUG << deactivateSpam(0.5) << " error: " << error << " cV: " << (controlValue) <<  " i: " << (Ki * integral) << " d: " << (Kd * derivative) << " dt: " << deltaSec;
+        controlValue = pdControlValue + Ki * integral;
+        if (deltaSec > 0.0)
+        {
+            double deriv = (controlValue - oldControlValue) / deltaSec;
+            if (fabs(deriv) > maxDerivation)
+            {
+                controlValueDerivation = maxDerivation * deltaSec * math::MathUtils::Sign(deriv);
+                controlValue = oldControlValue + controlValueDerivation;
+            }
+        }
+        controlValue = std::min(fabs(controlValue), maxControlValue) * math::MathUtils::Sign(controlValue);
+        ARMARX_DEBUG << deactivateSpam(0.5) << " error: " << error << " cV: " << (controlValue) <<  " i: " << (Ki * integral) << " d: " << (Kd * derivative) << " dt: " << deltaSec;
-    previousError = error;
-    lastUpdateTime += IceUtil::Time::secondsDouble(deltaSec);
+        previousError = error;
+        lastUpdateTime += IceUtil::Time::secondsDouble(deltaSec);
+    }
-double PIDController::getControlValue() const
-    ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
-    return controlValue;
+    double PIDController::getControlValue() const
+    {
+        ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
+        return controlValue;
+    }
@@ -196,4 +196,3 @@ double PIDController::getControlValue() const
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Pose.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Pose.cpp
index 400b2839c..7ec5b2f98 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Pose.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Pose.cpp
@@ -31,32 +31,20 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/exceptions/local/ExpressionException.h>
-using namespace Eigen;
 template class ::IceInternal::Handle<::armarx::Pose>;
 template class ::IceInternal::Handle<::armarx::Vector2>;
 template class ::IceInternal::Handle<::armarx::Vector3>;
 template class ::IceInternal::Handle<::armarx::Quaternion>;
-namespace Eigen
-    template class Matrix<float, 3, 1>;
-    template class Matrix<float, 3, 3>;
-    template class Matrix<float, 4, 4>;
 namespace armarx
         x = 0;
         y = 0;
-    Vector2::Vector2(const Vector2f& v)
+    Vector2::Vector2(const Eigen::Vector2f& v)
         x = v(0);
         y = v(1);
@@ -68,9 +56,9 @@ namespace armarx
         this->y = y;
-    Vector2f Vector2::toEigen() const
+    Eigen::Vector2f Vector2::toEigen() const
-        Vector2f v;
+        Eigen::Vector2f v;
         v << this->x, this->y;
         return v;
@@ -111,14 +99,14 @@ namespace armarx
         z = 0;
-    Vector3::Vector3(const Vector3f& v)
+    Vector3::Vector3(const Eigen::Vector3f& v)
         x = v(0);
         y = v(1);
         z = v(2);
-    Vector3::Vector3(const Matrix4f& m)
+    Vector3::Vector3(const Eigen::Matrix4f& m)
         x = m(0, 3);
         y = m(1, 3);
@@ -132,9 +120,9 @@ namespace armarx
         this->z = z;
-    Vector3f Vector3::toEigen() const
+    Eigen::Vector3f Vector3::toEigen() const
-        Vector3f v;
+        Eigen::Vector3f v;
         v << this->x, this->y, this->z;
         return v;
@@ -175,13 +163,13 @@ namespace armarx
         = default;
-    Quaternion::Quaternion(const Matrix4f& m4)
+    Quaternion::Quaternion(const Eigen::Matrix4f& m4)
-        Matrix3f m3 = m4.block<3, 3>(0, 0);
+        Eigen::Matrix3f m3 = m4.block<3, 3>(0, 0);
-    Quaternion::Quaternion(const Matrix3f& m3)
+    Quaternion::Quaternion(const Eigen::Matrix3f& m3)
@@ -199,19 +187,19 @@ namespace armarx
         this->qz = qz;
-    Matrix3f Quaternion::toEigen() const
+    Eigen::Matrix3f Quaternion::toEigen() const
         return toEigenQuaternion().toRotationMatrix();
     Eigen::Quaternionf Quaternion::toEigenQuaternion() const
-        return Quaternionf(this->qw, this->qx, this->qy, this->qz);
+        return {this->qw, this->qx, this->qy, this->qz};
-    void Quaternion::init(const Matrix3f& m3)
+    void Quaternion::init(const Eigen::Matrix3f& m3)
-        Quaternionf q;
+        Eigen::Quaternionf q;
         q = m3;
@@ -224,15 +212,15 @@ namespace armarx
         this->qz = q.z();
-    Matrix3f Quaternion::slerp(float alpha, const Eigen::Matrix3f& m)
+    Eigen::Matrix3f Quaternion::slerp(float alpha, const Eigen::Matrix3f& m)
         return Quaternion::slerp(alpha, this->toEigen(), m);
-    Matrix3f Quaternion::slerp(float alpha, const Eigen::Matrix3f& m1, const Eigen::Matrix3f& m2)
+    Eigen::Matrix3f Quaternion::slerp(float alpha, const Eigen::Matrix3f& m1, const Eigen::Matrix3f& m2)
-        Matrix3f result;
-        Quaternionf q1, q2;
+        Eigen::Matrix3f result;
+        Eigen::Quaternionf q1, q2;
         q1 = m1;
         q2 = m2;
         result = q1.slerp(alpha, q2);
@@ -296,23 +284,23 @@ namespace armarx
-    Pose::Pose(const Matrix4f& m)
+    Pose::Pose(const Eigen::Matrix4f& m)
         this->orientation = new Quaternion(m);
         this->position = new Vector3(m);
-    void Pose::operator=(const Matrix4f& matrix)
+    void Pose::operator=(const Eigen::Matrix4f& matrix)
         this->orientation = new Quaternion(matrix);
         this->position = new Vector3(matrix);
-    Matrix4f Pose::toEigen() const
+    Eigen::Matrix4f Pose::toEigen() const
-        Matrix4f m = Matrix4f::Identity();
+        Eigen::Matrix4f m = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
         m.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = c_orientation->toEigen();
@@ -348,11 +336,8 @@ namespace armarx
         this->c_orientation = QuaternionPtr::dynamicCast(this->orientation);
     void Pose::ice_postUnmarshal()
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Pose.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Pose.h
index acd23ad09..4c9669d0c 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Pose.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Pose.h
@@ -34,21 +34,19 @@
 #include <sstream>
+namespace armarx::VariantType
+    // variant types
+    const VariantTypeId Vector2 = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::Vector2Base");
+    const VariantTypeId Vector3 = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::Vector3Base");
+    const VariantTypeId Quaternion = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::QuaternionBase");
+    const VariantTypeId Pose = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::PoseBase");
 namespace armarx
-    namespace VariantType
-    {
-        // variant types
-        const VariantTypeId Vector2 = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::Vector2Base");
-        const VariantTypeId Vector3 = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::Vector3Base");
-        const VariantTypeId Quaternion = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::QuaternionBase");
-        const VariantTypeId Pose = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::PoseBase");
-    }
     const Eigen::IOFormat ArmarXEigenFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, Eigen::DontAlignCols, " ", "\n", "", "");
      * @brief The Vector2 class
      * @ingroup VariantsGrp
@@ -278,10 +276,3 @@ extern template class ::IceInternal::Handle< ::armarx::Pose>;
 extern template class ::IceInternal::Handle< ::armarx::Vector2>;
 extern template class ::IceInternal::Handle< ::armarx::Vector3>;
 extern template class ::IceInternal::Handle< ::armarx::Quaternion>;
-namespace Eigen
-    extern template class Matrix<float, 3, 1>;
-    extern template class Matrix<float, 3, 3>;
-    extern template class Matrix<float, 4, 4>;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/RobotAPIObjectFactories.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/RobotAPIObjectFactories.h
index 17ca6912b..4bdf585bb 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/RobotAPIObjectFactories.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/RobotAPIObjectFactories.h
@@ -24,23 +24,17 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/system/FactoryCollectionBase.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::ObjectFactories
-    namespace ObjectFactories
-    {
-        /**
-         * @class RobotAPIObjectFactories
-         */
-        class RobotAPIObjectFactories : public FactoryCollectionBase
-        {
-        public:
-            ObjectFactoryMap getFactories() override;
-        };
-        const FactoryCollectionBaseCleanUp RobotAPIObjectFactoriesVar = FactoryCollectionBase::addToPreregistration(new RobotAPIObjectFactories());
-    }
+    /**
+     * @class RobotAPIObjectFactories
+     */
+    class RobotAPIObjectFactories : public FactoryCollectionBase
+    {
+    public:
+        ObjectFactoryMap getFactories() override;
+    };
+    const FactoryCollectionBaseCleanUp RobotAPIObjectFactoriesVar = FactoryCollectionBase::addToPreregistration(new RobotAPIObjectFactories());
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/SimpleDiffIK.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/SimpleDiffIK.cpp
index 27a2f4ed2..04139e259 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/SimpleDiffIK.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/SimpleDiffIK.cpp
@@ -25,77 +25,76 @@
 #include "CartesianVelocityController.h"
 #include "SimpleDiffIK.h"
-using namespace armarx;
+namespace armarx
+    SimpleDiffIK::Result SimpleDiffIK::CalculateDiffIK(const Eigen::Matrix4f targetPose, VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr rns, VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr tcp, Parameters params)
+    {
+        tcp = tcp ? tcp : rns->getTCP();
+        CartesianVelocityController velocityController(rns);
+        CartesianPositionController positionController(tcp);
+        Eigen::VectorXf currentJointValues = rns->getJointValuesEigen();
+        for (size_t i = 0; i <= params.stepsInitial + params.stepsFineTune; i++)
+        {
+            Eigen::Vector3f posDiff = positionController.getPositionDiff(targetPose);
+            Eigen::Vector3f oriDiff = positionController.getOrientationDiff(targetPose);
+            //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << VAROUT(posDiff) << VAROUT(oriDiff);
-SimpleDiffIK::Result SimpleDiffIK::CalculateDiffIK(const Eigen::Matrix4f targetPose, VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr rns, VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr tcp, Parameters params)
-    tcp = tcp ? tcp : rns->getTCP();
-    CartesianVelocityController velocityController(rns);
-    CartesianPositionController positionController(tcp);
+            Eigen::VectorXf cartesialVel(6);
+            cartesialVel << posDiff(0), posDiff(1), posDiff(2), oriDiff(0), oriDiff(1), oriDiff(2);
+            Eigen::VectorXf jnv = params.jointLimitAvoidanceKp * velocityController.calculateJointLimitAvoidance();
+            Eigen::VectorXf jv = velocityController.calculate(cartesialVel, jnv, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::All);
-    Eigen::VectorXf currentJointValues = rns->getJointValuesEigen();
-    for (size_t i = 0; i <= params.stepsInitial + params.stepsFineTune; i++)
-    {
-        Eigen::Vector3f posDiff = positionController.getPositionDiff(targetPose);
-        Eigen::Vector3f oriDiff = positionController.getOrientationDiff(targetPose);
-        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << VAROUT(posDiff) << VAROUT(oriDiff);
+            float stepLength = i < params.stepsInitial ? params.ikStepLengthInitial : params.ikStepLengthFineTune;
+            jv = jv * stepLength;
-        Eigen::VectorXf cartesialVel(6);
-        cartesialVel << posDiff(0), posDiff(1), posDiff(2), oriDiff(0), oriDiff(1), oriDiff(2);
-        Eigen::VectorXf jnv = params.jointLimitAvoidanceKp * velocityController.calculateJointLimitAvoidance();
-        Eigen::VectorXf jv = velocityController.calculate(cartesialVel, jnv, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::All);
+            Eigen::VectorXf newJointValues = currentJointValues + jv;
+            rns->setJointValues(newJointValues);
+            currentJointValues = newJointValues;
+        }
+        Result result;
+        result.jointValues = rns->getJointValuesEigen();
+        result.posDiff = positionController.getPositionDiff(targetPose);
+        result.oriDiff = positionController.getOrientationDiff(targetPose);
+        result.posError = positionController.getPositionError(targetPose);
+        result.oriError = positionController.getOrientationError(targetPose);
+        result.reached = result.posError < params.maxPosError && result.oriError < params.maxOriError;
-        float stepLength = i < params.stepsInitial ? params.ikStepLengthInitial : params.ikStepLengthFineTune;
-        jv = jv * stepLength;
+        result.jointLimitMargins = Eigen::VectorXf::Zero(rns->getSize());
+        result.minimumJointLimitMargin = FLT_MAX;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < rns->getSize(); i++)
+        {
+            VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr rn = rns->getNode(i);
+            if (rn->isLimitless())
+            {
+                result.jointLimitMargins(i) = M_PI;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                result.jointLimitMargins(i) = std::min(rn->getJointValue() - rn->getJointLimitLo(), rn->getJointLimitHi() - rn->getJointValue());
+                result.minimumJointLimitMargin = std::min(result.minimumJointLimitMargin, result.jointLimitMargins(i));
+            }
+        }
-        Eigen::VectorXf newJointValues = currentJointValues + jv;
-        rns->setJointValues(newJointValues);
-        currentJointValues = newJointValues;
+        return result;
-    Result result;
-    result.jointValues = rns->getJointValuesEigen();
-    result.posDiff = positionController.getPositionDiff(targetPose);
-    result.oriDiff = positionController.getOrientationDiff(targetPose);
-    result.posError = positionController.getPositionError(targetPose);
-    result.oriError = positionController.getOrientationError(targetPose);
-    result.reached = result.posError < params.maxPosError && result.oriError < params.maxOriError;
-    result.jointLimitMargins = Eigen::VectorXf::Zero(rns->getSize());
-    result.minimumJointLimitMargin = FLT_MAX;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < rns->getSize(); i++)
+    SimpleDiffIK::Reachability SimpleDiffIK::CalculateReachability(const std::vector<Eigen::Matrix4f> targets, const Eigen::VectorXf& initialJV, VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr rns, VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr tcp, SimpleDiffIK::Parameters params)
-        VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr rn = rns->getNode(i);
-        if (rn->isLimitless())
+        Reachability r;
+        rns->setJointValues(initialJV);
+        for (const Eigen::Matrix4f& target : targets)
-            result.jointLimitMargins(i) = M_PI;
+            Result res = CalculateDiffIK(target, rns, tcp, params);
+            r.aggregate(res);
-        else
+        if (!r.reachable)
-            result.jointLimitMargins(i) = std::min(rn->getJointValue() - rn->getJointLimitLo(), rn->getJointLimitHi() - rn->getJointValue());
-            result.minimumJointLimitMargin = std::min(result.minimumJointLimitMargin, result.jointLimitMargins(i));
+            r.minimumJointLimitMargin = -1;
+        return r;
-    return result;
-SimpleDiffIK::Reachability SimpleDiffIK::CalculateReachability(const std::vector<Eigen::Matrix4f> targets, const Eigen::VectorXf& initialJV, VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr rns, VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr tcp, SimpleDiffIK::Parameters params)
-    Reachability r;
-    rns->setJointValues(initialJV);
-    for (const Eigen::Matrix4f& target : targets)
-    {
-        Result res = CalculateDiffIK(target, rns, tcp, params);
-        r.aggregate(res);
-    }
-    if (!r.reachable)
-    {
-        r.minimumJointLimitMargin = -1;
-    }
-    return r;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/SimpleGridReachability.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/SimpleGridReachability.cpp
index c13ea798a..c8b8ec74e 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/SimpleGridReachability.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/SimpleGridReachability.cpp
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
 #include "CartesianVelocityController.h"
 #include "SimpleGridReachability.h"
-using namespace armarx;
-SimpleGridReachability::Result SimpleGridReachability::calculateDiffIK(const Eigen::Matrix4f targetPose, const Parameters& params)
+namespace armarx
-    VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr rns = params.nodeSet;
-    VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr tcp = params.tcp ? params.tcp : rns->getTCP();
-    CartesianVelocityController velocityController(rns);
-    CartesianPositionController positionController(tcp);
-    Eigen::VectorXf initialJV = rns->getJointValuesEigen();
-    for (size_t i = 0; i <= params.stepsInitial + params.stepsFineTune; i++)
+    SimpleGridReachability::Result SimpleGridReachability::calculateDiffIK(const Eigen::Matrix4f targetPose, const Parameters& params)
-        Eigen::Vector3f posDiff = positionController.getPositionDiff(targetPose);
-        Eigen::Vector3f oriDiff = positionController.getOrientationDiff(targetPose);
+        VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr rns = params.nodeSet;
+        VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr tcp = params.tcp ? params.tcp : rns->getTCP();
+        CartesianVelocityController velocityController(rns);
+        CartesianPositionController positionController(tcp);
+        Eigen::VectorXf initialJV = rns->getJointValuesEigen();
+        for (size_t i = 0; i <= params.stepsInitial + params.stepsFineTune; i++)
+        {
+            Eigen::Vector3f posDiff = positionController.getPositionDiff(targetPose);
+            Eigen::Vector3f oriDiff = positionController.getOrientationDiff(targetPose);
-        //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << VAROUT(posDiff) << VAROUT(oriDiff);
+            //ARMARX_IMPORTANT << VAROUT(posDiff) << VAROUT(oriDiff);
-        Eigen::VectorXf cartesialVel(6);
-        cartesialVel << posDiff(0), posDiff(1), posDiff(2), oriDiff(0), oriDiff(1), oriDiff(2);
-        Eigen::VectorXf jnv = params.jointLimitAvoidanceKp * velocityController.calculateJointLimitAvoidance();
-        Eigen::VectorXf jv = velocityController.calculate(cartesialVel, jnv, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::All);
+            Eigen::VectorXf cartesialVel(6);
+            cartesialVel << posDiff(0), posDiff(1), posDiff(2), oriDiff(0), oriDiff(1), oriDiff(2);
+            Eigen::VectorXf jnv = params.jointLimitAvoidanceKp * velocityController.calculateJointLimitAvoidance();
+            Eigen::VectorXf jv = velocityController.calculate(cartesialVel, jnv, VirtualRobot::IKSolver::All);
-        float stepLength = i < params.stepsInitial ? params.ikStepLengthInitial : params.ikStepLengthFineTune;
-        jv = jv * stepLength;
+            float stepLength = i < params.stepsInitial ? params.ikStepLengthInitial : params.ikStepLengthFineTune;
+            jv = jv * stepLength;
-        for (size_t n = 0; n < rns->getSize(); n++)
-        {
-            rns->getNode(n)->setJointValue(rns->getNode(n)->getJointValue() + jv(n));
+            for (size_t n = 0; n < rns->getSize(); n++)
+            {
+                rns->getNode(n)->setJointValue(rns->getNode(n)->getJointValue() + jv(n));
+            }
-    }
-    Result result;
-    result.jointValues = rns->getJointValuesEigen();
-    result.posError = positionController.getPositionDiff(targetPose);
-    result.oriError = positionController.getOrientationError(targetPose);
-    result.reached = result.posError < params.maxPosError && result.oriError < params.maxOriError;
+        Result result;
+        result.jointValues = rns->getJointValuesEigen();
+        result.posError = positionController.getPositionDiff(targetPose);
+        result.oriError = positionController.getOrientationError(targetPose);
+        result.reached = result.posError < params.maxPosError && result.oriError < params.maxOriError;
-    return result;
+        return result;
+    }
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Trajectory.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Trajectory.cpp
index 7f6a00fbb..cea227464 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Trajectory.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Trajectory.cpp
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 #include <VirtualRobot/TimeOptimalTrajectory/TimeOptimalTrajectory.h>
 #include <memory>
+#include <cmath>
 namespace armarx
@@ -1568,16 +1569,6 @@ namespace armarx
         CopyData(filteredTraj, *this);
-    // gauss macro
-#define g(x)  exp(-double((x)*(x))/(2*sigma*sigma)) / ( sigma * sqrt(2*3.14159265))
-#define round(x) int(0.5+x)
     Trajectory::__gaussianFilter(double filterRadiusInTime, typename ordered_view::iterator centerIt, size_t trajNum, size_t dim)
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Trajectory.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Trajectory.h
index f4e02ebe1..318c66bef 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Trajectory.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/Trajectory.h
@@ -42,16 +42,14 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/interface/core/Trajectory.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::VariantType
+    // Variant types
+    const VariantTypeId Trajectory = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::TrajectoryBase");
-    namespace VariantType
-    {
-        // Variant types
-        const VariantTypeId Trajectory = Variant::addTypeName("::armarx::TrajectoryBase");
-    }
+namespace armarx
     using DoubleSeqPtr = std::shared_ptr<Ice::DoubleSeq>;
     class Trajectory;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/ColorUtils.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/ColorUtils.h
index 6bbb60e30..ab333c362 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/ColorUtils.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/ColorUtils.h
@@ -25,160 +25,156 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/interface/visualization/DebugDrawerInterface.h>
 #include "MathUtils.h"
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::colorutils
-    namespace colorutils
-    {
-        DrawColor24Bit HsvToRgb(const HsvColor& in)
+    DrawColor24Bit HsvToRgb(const HsvColor& in)
+    {
+        double      hh, p, q, t, ff;
+        long        i;
+        double r, g, b;
+        if (in.s <= 0.0)        // < is bogus, just shuts up warnings
+        {
+            r = in.v;
+            g = in.v;
+            b = in.v;
+            return DrawColor24Bit {(Ice::Byte)(r * 255), (Ice::Byte)(g * 255), (Ice::Byte)(b * 255)};
+        }
+        hh = in.h;
+        if (hh >= 360.0)
-            double      hh, p, q, t, ff;
-            long        i;
-            double r, g, b;
-            if (in.s <= 0.0)        // < is bogus, just shuts up warnings
-            {
+            hh = 0.0;
+        }
+        hh /= 60.0;
+        i = (long)hh;
+        ff = hh - i;
+        p = in.v * (1.0 - in.s);
+        q = in.v * (1.0 - (in.s * ff));
+        t = in.v * (1.0 - (in.s * (1.0 - ff)));
+        switch (i)
+        {
+            case 0:
                 r = in.v;
+                g = t;
+                b = p;
+                break;
+            case 1:
+                r = q;
                 g = in.v;
-                b = in.v;
-                return DrawColor24Bit {(Ice::Byte)(r * 255), (Ice::Byte)(g * 255), (Ice::Byte)(b * 255)};
-            }
-            hh = in.h;
-            if (hh >= 360.0)
-            {
-                hh = 0.0;
-            }
-            hh /= 60.0;
-            i = (long)hh;
-            ff = hh - i;
-            p = in.v * (1.0 - in.s);
-            q = in.v * (1.0 - (in.s * ff));
-            t = in.v * (1.0 - (in.s * (1.0 - ff)));
-            switch (i)
-            {
-                case 0:
-                    r = in.v;
-                    g = t;
-                    b = p;
-                    break;
-                case 1:
-                    r = q;
-                    g = in.v;
-                    b = p;
-                    break;
-                case 2:
-                    r = p;
-                    g = in.v;
-                    b = t;
-                    break;
-                case 3:
-                    r = p;
-                    g = q;
-                    b = in.v;
-                    break;
-                case 4:
-                    r = t;
-                    g = p;
-                    b = in.v;
-                    break;
-                case 5:
-                default:
-                    r = in.v;
-                    g = p;
-                    b = q;
-                    break;
-            }
+                b = p;
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                r = p;
+                g = in.v;
+                b = t;
+                break;
-            return DrawColor24Bit {(Ice::Byte)(r * 255), (Ice::Byte)(g * 255), (Ice::Byte)(b * 255)};
+            case 3:
+                r = p;
+                g = q;
+                b = in.v;
+                break;
+            case 4:
+                r = t;
+                g = p;
+                b = in.v;
+                break;
+            case 5:
+            default:
+                r = in.v;
+                g = p;
+                b = q;
+                break;
-        HsvColor RgbToHsv(const DrawColor24Bit& in)
-        {
-            double r = 0.00392156862 * in.r;
-            double g = 0.00392156862 * in.g;
-            double b = 0.00392156862 * in.b;
-            HsvColor         out;
-            double      min, max, delta;
-            min = r < g ? r : g;
-            min = min  < b ? min  : b;
-            max = r > g ? r : g;
-            max = max  > b ? max  : b;
-            out.v = max;                                // v
-            delta = max - min;
-            if (delta < 0.00001)
-            {
-                out.s = 0;
-                out.h = 0; // undefined, maybe nan?
-                return out;
-            }
-            if (max > 0.0)    // NOTE: if Max is == 0, this divide would cause a crash
-            {
-                out.s = (delta / max);                  // s
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                // if max is 0, then r = g = b = 0
-                // s = 0, h is undefined
-                out.s = 0.0;
-                out.h = 0;                            // its now undefined
-                return out;
-            }
-            if (r >= max)                            // > is bogus, just keeps compilor happy
-            {
-                out.h = (g - b) / delta;    // between yellow & magenta
-            }
-            else if (g >= max)
-            {
-                out.h = 2.0 + (b - r) / delta;    // between cyan & yellow
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                out.h = 4.0 + (r - g) / delta;    // between magenta & cyan
-            }
-            out.h *= 60.0;                              // degrees
-            if (out.h < 0.0)
-            {
-                out.h += 360.0;
-            }
+        return DrawColor24Bit {(Ice::Byte)(r * 255), (Ice::Byte)(g * 255), (Ice::Byte)(b * 255)};
+    }
-            return out;
+    HsvColor RgbToHsv(const DrawColor24Bit& in)
+    {
+        double r = 0.00392156862 * in.r;
+        double g = 0.00392156862 * in.g;
+        double b = 0.00392156862 * in.b;
+        HsvColor         out;
+        double      min, max, delta;
+        min = r < g ? r : g;
+        min = min  < b ? min  : b;
-        }
+        max = r > g ? r : g;
+        max = max  > b ? max  : b;
-        /**
-         * @brief HeatMapColor calculates the color of a value between 0 and 1 on a heat map.
-         * @param percentage value between 0..1
-         * @return color on a heatmap corresponding to parameter. 0 -> blue, 1 -> red. Color has full (255) saturation and value.
-         */
-        HsvColor HeatMapColor(float percentage)
+        out.v = max;                                // v
+        delta = max - min;
+        if (delta < 0.00001)
-            percentage = math::MathUtils::LimitMinMax(0.0f, 1.0f, percentage);
-            return HsvColor {((1.0f - percentage) * 240.f), 1.0f, 1.0f};
+            out.s = 0;
+            out.h = 0; // undefined, maybe nan?
+            return out;
-        DrawColor24Bit HeatMapRGBColor(float percentage)
+        if (max > 0.0)    // NOTE: if Max is == 0, this divide would cause a crash
-            return HsvToRgb(HeatMapColor(percentage));
+            out.s = (delta / max);                  // s
+        else
+        {
+            // if max is 0, then r = g = b = 0
+            // s = 0, h is undefined
+            out.s = 0.0;
+            out.h = 0;                            // its now undefined
+            return out;
+        }
+        if (r >= max)                            // > is bogus, just keeps compilor happy
+        {
+            out.h = (g - b) / delta;    // between yellow & magenta
+        }
+        else if (g >= max)
+        {
+            out.h = 2.0 + (b - r) / delta;    // between cyan & yellow
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            out.h = 4.0 + (r - g) / delta;    // between magenta & cyan
+        }
+        out.h *= 60.0;                              // degrees
-        DrawColor HeatMapRGBAColor(float percentage)
+        if (out.h < 0.0)
-            auto color = HsvToRgb(HeatMapColor(percentage));
-            return DrawColor {0.0039215686f * color.r, //divide by 255
-                              0.0039215686f * color.g,
-                              0.0039215686f * color.b,
-                              1.0
-                             };
+            out.h += 360.0;
+        return out;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief HeatMapColor calculates the color of a value between 0 and 1 on a heat map.
+     * @param percentage value between 0..1
+     * @return color on a heatmap corresponding to parameter. 0 -> blue, 1 -> red. Color has full (255) saturation and value.
+     */
+    HsvColor HeatMapColor(float percentage)
+    {
+        percentage = math::MathUtils::LimitMinMax(0.0f, 1.0f, percentage);
+        return HsvColor {((1.0f - percentage) * 240.f), 1.0f, 1.0f};
+    }
+    DrawColor24Bit HeatMapRGBColor(float percentage)
+    {
+        return HsvToRgb(HeatMapColor(percentage));
+    }
+    DrawColor HeatMapRGBAColor(float percentage)
+    {
+        auto color = HsvToRgb(HeatMapColor(percentage));
+        return DrawColor {0.0039215686f * color.r, //divide by 255
+                          0.0039215686f * color.g,
+                          0.0039215686f * color.b,
+                          1.0
+                         };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/LinearizeAngularTrajectory.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/LinearizeAngularTrajectory.h
index 81a649e7a..f50d96328 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/LinearizeAngularTrajectory.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/LinearizeAngularTrajectory.h
@@ -26,29 +26,25 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include <memory>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::math
-    namespace math
-    {
-        class LinearizeAngularTrajectory;
-        using LinearizedAngularTrajectoryPtr = std::shared_ptr<LinearizeAngularTrajectory>;
+    class LinearizeAngularTrajectory;
+    using LinearizedAngularTrajectoryPtr = std::shared_ptr<LinearizeAngularTrajectory>;
-        class LinearizeAngularTrajectory
-        {
-        public:
-            LinearizeAngularTrajectory(float initialLinearValue);
+    class LinearizeAngularTrajectory
+    {
+    public:
+        LinearizeAngularTrajectory(float initialLinearValue);
-            float update(float angle);
-            float getLinearValue();
+        float update(float angle);
+        float getLinearValue();
-            static std::vector<float> Linearize(const std::vector<float>& data);
-            static void LinearizeRef(std::vector<float>& data);
-            static std::vector<float> Angularize(const std::vector<float>& data, float center = 0);
-            static void AngularizeRef(std::vector<float>& data, float center = 0);
+        static std::vector<float> Linearize(const std::vector<float>& data);
+        static void LinearizeRef(std::vector<float>& data);
+        static std::vector<float> Angularize(const std::vector<float>& data, float center = 0);
+        static void AngularizeRef(std::vector<float>& data, float center = 0);
-        private:
-            float linearValue;
-        };
-    }
+    private:
+        float linearValue;
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/MathUtils.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/MathUtils.h
index 0607aa0d9..ce3299509 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/MathUtils.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/MathUtils.h
@@ -26,156 +26,152 @@
 #include <Eigen/Eigen>
 #include <vector>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::math
-    namespace math
+    class MathUtils
-        class MathUtils
+    public:
+        static int Sign(double value)
-        public:
-            static int Sign(double value)
-            {
-                return value >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
-            }
+            return value >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
+        }
-            static int LimitMinMax(int min, int max, int value)
-            {
-                return value < min ? min : (value > max ? max : value);
-            }
-            static float LimitMinMax(float min, float max, float value)
-            {
-                return value < min ? min : (value > max ? max : value);
-            }
-            static double LimitMinMax(double min, double max, double value)
-            {
-                return value < min ? min : (value > max ? max : value);
-            }
-            static Eigen::Vector3f LimitMinMax(const Eigen::Vector3f& min, const Eigen::Vector3f& max, const Eigen::Vector3f& value)
-            {
-                return Eigen::Vector3f(LimitMinMax(min(0), max(0), value(0)), LimitMinMax(min(1), max(1), value(1)), LimitMinMax(min(2), max(2), value(2)));
-            }
-            static double LimitTo(double value, double absThreshold)
-            {
-                return LimitMinMax(-absThreshold, absThreshold, value);
-                //int sign = (value >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
-                //return sign * std::min<double>(fabs(value), absThreshold);
-            }
+        static int LimitMinMax(int min, int max, int value)
+        {
+            return value < min ? min : (value > max ? max : value);
+        }
+        static float LimitMinMax(float min, float max, float value)
+        {
+            return value < min ? min : (value > max ? max : value);
+        }
+        static double LimitMinMax(double min, double max, double value)
+        {
+            return value < min ? min : (value > max ? max : value);
+        }
+        static Eigen::Vector3f LimitMinMax(const Eigen::Vector3f& min, const Eigen::Vector3f& max, const Eigen::Vector3f& value)
+        {
+            return Eigen::Vector3f(LimitMinMax(min(0), max(0), value(0)), LimitMinMax(min(1), max(1), value(1)), LimitMinMax(min(2), max(2), value(2)));
+        }
-            static Eigen::Vector3f LimitTo(const Eigen::Vector3f& val, float maxNorm)
-            {
-                float norm = val.norm();
-                if (norm > maxNorm)
-                {
-                    return val / norm * maxNorm;
-                }
-                return val;
-            }
+        static double LimitTo(double value, double absThreshold)
+        {
+            return LimitMinMax(-absThreshold, absThreshold, value);
+            //int sign = (value >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
+            //return sign * std::min<double>(fabs(value), absThreshold);
+        }
-            static bool CheckMinMax(int min, int max, int value)
-            {
-                return value >= min && value <= max;
-            }
-            static bool CheckMinMax(float min, float max, float value)
-            {
-                return value >= min && value <= max;
-            }
-            static bool CheckMinMax(double min, double max, double value)
-            {
-                return value >= min && value <= max;
-            }
-            static bool CheckMinMax(const Eigen::Vector3f& min, const Eigen::Vector3f& max, const Eigen::Vector3f& value)
+        static Eigen::Vector3f LimitTo(const Eigen::Vector3f& val, float maxNorm)
+        {
+            float norm = val.norm();
+            if (norm > maxNorm)
-                return CheckMinMax(min(0), max(0), value(0)) && CheckMinMax(min(1), max(1), value(1)) && CheckMinMax(min(2), max(2), value(2));
+                return val / norm * maxNorm;
+            return val;
+        }
-            static std::vector<float> VectorSubtract(const std::vector<float>& v1, const std::vector<float>& v2)
-            {
-                std::vector<float> result;
+        static bool CheckMinMax(int min, int max, int value)
+        {
+            return value >= min && value <= max;
+        }
+        static bool CheckMinMax(float min, float max, float value)
+        {
+            return value >= min && value <= max;
+        }
+        static bool CheckMinMax(double min, double max, double value)
+        {
+            return value >= min && value <= max;
+        }
+        static bool CheckMinMax(const Eigen::Vector3f& min, const Eigen::Vector3f& max, const Eigen::Vector3f& value)
+        {
+            return CheckMinMax(min(0), max(0), value(0)) && CheckMinMax(min(1), max(1), value(1)) && CheckMinMax(min(2), max(2), value(2));
+        }
-                for (size_t i = 0; i < v1.size() && i < v2.size(); i++)
-                {
-                    result.push_back( -;
-                }
+        static std::vector<float> VectorSubtract(const std::vector<float>& v1, const std::vector<float>& v2)
+        {
+            std::vector<float> result;
-                return result;
-            }
-            static std::vector<float> VectorAbsDiff(const std::vector<float>& v1, const std::vector<float>& v2)
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < v1.size() && i < v2.size(); i++)
-                std::vector<float> result;
-                for (size_t i = 0; i < v1.size() && i < v2.size(); i++)
-                {
-                    result.push_back(std::fabs( -;
-                }
-                return result;
+                result.push_back( -;
-            static float VectorMax(const std::vector<float>& vec)
+            return result;
+        }
+        static std::vector<float> VectorAbsDiff(const std::vector<float>& v1, const std::vector<float>& v2)
+        {
+            std::vector<float> result;
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < v1.size() && i < v2.size(); i++)
-                float max =;
+                result.push_back(std::fabs( -;
+            }
-                for (size_t i = 1; i < vec.size(); i++)
-                {
-                    max = std::max(max,;
-                }
+            return result;
+        }
-                return max;
-            }
+        static float VectorMax(const std::vector<float>& vec)
+        {
+            float max =;
-            static float fmod(float value, float boundLow, float boundHigh)
+            for (size_t i = 1; i < vec.size(); i++)
-                value = std::fmod(value - boundLow, boundHigh - boundLow) + boundLow;
-                if (value < boundLow)
-                {
-                    value += boundHigh - boundLow;
-                }
-                return value;
+                max = std::max(max,;
-            static float angleMod2PI(float value)
-            {
-                return fmod(value, 0, 2 * M_PI);
-            }
+            return max;
+        }
-            static float angleModPI(float value)
+        static float fmod(float value, float boundLow, float boundHigh)
+        {
+            value = std::fmod(value - boundLow, boundHigh - boundLow) + boundLow;
+            if (value < boundLow)
-                return angleMod2PI(value + M_PI) - M_PI;
+                value += boundHigh - boundLow;
+            return value;
+        }
-            static float angleModX(float value, float center)
-            {
-                return angleMod2PI(value + M_PI - center) - M_PI + center;
-            }
+        static float angleMod2PI(float value)
+        {
+            return fmod(value, 0, 2 * M_PI);
+        }
-            static float Lerp(float a, float b, float f)
-            {
-                return a * (1 - f) + b * f;
-            }
+        static float angleModPI(float value)
+        {
+            return angleMod2PI(value + M_PI) - M_PI;
+        }
-            static float LerpClamp(float a, float b, float f)
-            {
-                return Lerp(a, b, LimitMinMax(0.f, 1.f, f));
-            }
+        static float angleModX(float value, float center)
+        {
+            return angleMod2PI(value + M_PI - center) - M_PI + center;
+        }
-            static float ILerp(float a, float b, float f)
-            {
-                return (f - a) / (b - a);
-            }
+        static float Lerp(float a, float b, float f)
+        {
+            return a * (1 - f) + b * f;
+        }
-            static float AngleLerp(float a, float b, float f)
-            {
-                b = fmod(b, a - M_PI, a + M_PI);
-                return Lerp(a, b, f);
-            }
+        static float LerpClamp(float a, float b, float f)
+        {
+            return Lerp(a, b, LimitMinMax(0.f, 1.f, f));
+        }
-            static float AngleDelta(float angle1, float angle2)
-            {
-                return angleModPI(angle2 - angle1);
-            }
+        static float ILerp(float a, float b, float f)
+        {
+            return (f - a) / (b - a);
+        }
-        };
-    }
+        static float AngleLerp(float a, float b, float f)
+        {
+            b = fmod(b, a - M_PI, a + M_PI);
+            return Lerp(a, b, f);
+        }
+        static float AngleDelta(float angle1, float angle2)
+        {
+            return angleModPI(angle2 - angle1);
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/MatrixHelpers.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/MatrixHelpers.h
index 6a2d1c086..80b8fba70 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/MatrixHelpers.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/MatrixHelpers.h
@@ -25,46 +25,44 @@
 #include <math.h>
 #include <Eigen/Eigen>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::math
-    namespace math
+    class MatrixHelpers
-        class MatrixHelpers
+    public:
+        static void SetRowToValue(Eigen::MatrixXf& matrix, int rowNr, float value)
-        public:
-            static void SetRowToValue(Eigen::MatrixXf& matrix, int rowNr, float value)
+            for (int i = 0; i < matrix.cols(); i++)
-                for (int i = 0; i < matrix.cols(); i++)
-                {
-                    matrix(rowNr, i) = value;
-                }
+                matrix(rowNr, i) = value;
+        }
-            static Eigen::Vector3f CalculateCog3D(const Eigen::MatrixXf& points)
-            {
-                Eigen::Vector3f sum(0, 0, 0);
-                for (int i = 0; i < points.cols(); i++)
-                {
-                    sum += points.block<3, 1>(0, i);
-                }
+        static Eigen::Vector3f CalculateCog3D(const Eigen::MatrixXf& points)
+        {
+            Eigen::Vector3f sum(0, 0, 0);
-                return sum / points.cols();
+            for (int i = 0; i < points.cols(); i++)
+            {
+                sum += points.block<3, 1>(0, i);
-            static Eigen::MatrixXf SubtractVectorFromAllColumns3D(const Eigen::MatrixXf& points, const Eigen::Vector3f& vec)
-            {
-                Eigen::MatrixXf matrix(3, points.cols());
+            return sum / points.cols();
+        }
-                for (int i = 0; i < points.cols(); i++)
-                {
-                    matrix.block<3, 1>(0, i) = points.block<3, 1>(0, i) - vec;
-                }
+        static Eigen::MatrixXf SubtractVectorFromAllColumns3D(const Eigen::MatrixXf& points, const Eigen::Vector3f& vec)
+        {
+            Eigen::MatrixXf matrix(3, points.cols());
-                return matrix;
+            for (int i = 0; i < points.cols(); i++)
+            {
+                matrix.block<3, 1>(0, i) = points.block<3, 1>(0, i) - vec;
-        };
-    }
+            return matrix;
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/SVD.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/SVD.h
index 54262287b..4160bc058 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/SVD.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/SVD.h
@@ -25,36 +25,34 @@
 #include <math.h>
 #include <Eigen/Eigen>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::math
-    namespace math
+    class SVD
-        class SVD
+    private:
+        Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixXf> svd;
+    public:
+        Eigen::MatrixXf matrixU;
+        Eigen::MatrixXf matrixV;
+        Eigen::VectorXf singularValues;
+        SVD(Eigen::MatrixXf matrix)
+            : svd(matrix, Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV)
-        private:
-            Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixXf> svd;
-        public:
-            Eigen::MatrixXf matrixU;
-            Eigen::MatrixXf matrixV;
-            Eigen::VectorXf singularValues;
-            SVD(Eigen::MatrixXf matrix)
-                : svd(matrix, Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV)
-            {
-                matrixU = svd.matrixU();
-                matrixV = svd.matrixV();
-                singularValues = svd.singularValues();
-            }
+            matrixU = svd.matrixU();
+            matrixV = svd.matrixV();
+            singularValues = svd.singularValues();
+        }
-            Eigen::Vector3f getLeftSingularVector3D(int nr)
-            {
-                return matrixU.block<3, 1>(0, nr);
-            }
-            float getLeftSingularValue(int nr)
-            {
-                return singularValues(nr);
-            }
+        Eigen::Vector3f getLeftSingularVector3D(int nr)
+        {
+            return matrixU.block<3, 1>(0, nr);
+        }
+        float getLeftSingularValue(int nr)
+        {
+            return singularValues(nr);
+        }
-        };
-    }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/SlidingWindowVectorMedian.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/SlidingWindowVectorMedian.h
index ca2ad0feb..17f9c0a70 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/SlidingWindowVectorMedian.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/SlidingWindowVectorMedian.h
@@ -29,69 +29,67 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/exceptions/Exception.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::math
-    namespace math
+    class SlidingWindowVectorMedian;
+    using SlidingWindowVectorMedianPtr = std::shared_ptr<SlidingWindowVectorMedian>;
+    class SlidingWindowVectorMedian
-        class SlidingWindowVectorMedian;
-        using SlidingWindowVectorMedianPtr = std::shared_ptr<SlidingWindowVectorMedian>;
+    private:
+        size_t windowSize;
+        size_t vectorSize;
+        std::vector<float> data;
+        size_t currentIndex;
+        bool fullCycle;
+    public:
+        SlidingWindowVectorMedian(size_t vectorSize, size_t windowSize)
+            : windowSize(windowSize),
+              vectorSize(vectorSize),
+              data(vectorSize * windowSize, 0), // initialize all data to 0
+              currentIndex(0),
+              fullCycle(false)
+        {
+        }
-        class SlidingWindowVectorMedian
+        void addEntry(const std::vector<float>& entry)
-        private:
-            size_t windowSize;
-            size_t vectorSize;
-            std::vector<float> data;
-            size_t currentIndex;
-            bool fullCycle;
-        public:
-            SlidingWindowVectorMedian(size_t vectorSize, size_t windowSize)
-                : windowSize(windowSize),
-                  vectorSize(vectorSize),
-                  data(vectorSize * windowSize, 0), // initialize all data to 0
-                  currentIndex(0),
-                  fullCycle(false)
+            if (entry.size() != vectorSize)
+                throw LocalException("Vector of wrong size added. Execting: ") << vectorSize << "; Actual: " << entry.size();
-            void addEntry(const std::vector<float>& entry)
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < entry.size(); i++)
-                if (entry.size() != vectorSize)
-                {
-                    throw LocalException("Vector of wrong size added. Execting: ") << vectorSize << "; Actual: " << entry.size();
-                }
+       + currentIndex * vectorSize) =;
+            }
-                for (size_t i = 0; i < entry.size(); i++)
-                {
-           + currentIndex * vectorSize) =;
-                }
+            currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % windowSize;
+            fullCycle = fullCycle || currentIndex == 0;
+        }
-                currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % windowSize;
-                fullCycle = fullCycle || currentIndex == 0;
-            }
+        std::vector<float> getMedian()
+        {
+            std::vector<float> median;
-            std::vector<float> getMedian()
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < vectorSize; i++)
-                std::vector<float> median;
+                std::vector<float> samples;
-                for (size_t i = 0; i < vectorSize; i++)
+                for (size_t n = 0; n < windowSize; n++)
-                    std::vector<float> samples;
-                    for (size_t n = 0; n < windowSize; n++)
-                    {
-                        samples.push_back( + n * vectorSize));
-                    }
-                    std::sort(samples.begin(), samples.end());
-                    median.push_back(StatUtils::GetMedian(samples));
+                    samples.push_back( + n * vectorSize));
-                return median;
+                std::sort(samples.begin(), samples.end());
+                median.push_back(StatUtils::GetMedian(samples));
-        };
-    }
+            return median;
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/StatUtils.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/StatUtils.h
index f32c3d56c..d2245928e 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/StatUtils.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/StatUtils.h
@@ -25,50 +25,48 @@
 #include <math.h>
 #include <vector>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::math
-    namespace math
+    class StatUtils
-        class StatUtils
+    public:
+        static float GetPercentile(const std::vector<float>& sortedData, float percentile)
-        public:
-            static float GetPercentile(const std::vector<float>& sortedData, float percentile)
+            if (sortedData.size() == 0)
-                if (sortedData.size() == 0)
-                {
-                    throw LocalException("GetPercentile not possible for empty vector");
-                }
-                float indexf = (sortedData.size() - 1) * percentile;
-                indexf = std::max(0.f, std::min(sortedData.size() - 1.f, indexf));
-                int index = (int)indexf;
-                float f = indexf - index;
+                throw LocalException("GetPercentile not possible for empty vector");
+            }
-                if (index == (int)sortedData.size() - 1)
-                {
-                    return - 1);
-                }
+            float indexf = (sortedData.size() - 1) * percentile;
+            indexf = std::max(0.f, std::min(sortedData.size() - 1.f, indexf));
+            int index = (int)indexf;
+            float f = indexf - index;
-                return * (1 - f) + + 1) * f;
-            }
-            static std::vector<float> GetPercentiles(const std::vector<float>& sortedData, int percentiles)
+            if (index == (int)sortedData.size() - 1)
-                std::vector<float> result;
-                result.push_back(;
+                return - 1);
+            }
-                for (int i = 1; i < percentiles; i++)
-                {
-                    result.push_back(GetPercentile(sortedData, 1.f / percentiles * i));
-                }
+            return * (1 - f) + + 1) * f;
+        }
+        static std::vector<float> GetPercentiles(const std::vector<float>& sortedData, int percentiles)
+        {
+            std::vector<float> result;
+            result.push_back(;
-                result.push_back( - 1));
-                return result;
-            }
-            static float GetMedian(const std::vector<float>& sortedData)
+            for (int i = 1; i < percentiles; i++)
-                return GetPercentile(sortedData, 0.5f);
+                result.push_back(GetPercentile(sortedData, 1.f / percentiles * i));
-        };
-    }
+            result.push_back( - 1));
+            return result;
+        }
+        static float GetMedian(const std::vector<float>& sortedData)
+        {
+            return GetPercentile(sortedData, 0.5f);
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/TimeSeriesUtils.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/TimeSeriesUtils.h
index 0eef86b42..d56d2f656 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/TimeSeriesUtils.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/TimeSeriesUtils.h
@@ -25,31 +25,29 @@
 #include <memory>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::math
-    namespace math
-    {
-        class TimeSeriesUtils;
-        using TimeSeriesUtilsPtr = std::shared_ptr<TimeSeriesUtils>;
+    class TimeSeriesUtils;
+    using TimeSeriesUtilsPtr = std::shared_ptr<TimeSeriesUtils>;
-        class TimeSeriesUtils
+    class TimeSeriesUtils
+    {
+    public:
+        enum class BorderMode
-        public:
-            enum class BorderMode
-            {
-                Nearest
-            };
-            TimeSeriesUtils();
-            static std::vector<float> Resample(const std::vector<float>& timestamps, const std::vector<float>& data, const std::vector<float>& newTimestamps);
-            static std::vector<float> ApplyFilter(const std::vector<float>& data, const std::vector<float>& filter, BorderMode mode);
-            static std::vector<float> ApplyGaussianFilter(const std::vector<float>& data, float sigma, float sampleTime, BorderMode mode);
-            static std::vector<float> CreateGaussianFilter(const float sigma, float sampleTime, float truncate = 4);
-            static std::vector<float> MakeTimestamps(float start, float end, size_t count);
-        private:
+            Nearest
-    }
+        TimeSeriesUtils();
+        static std::vector<float> Resample(const std::vector<float>& timestamps, const std::vector<float>& data, const std::vector<float>& newTimestamps);
+        static std::vector<float> ApplyFilter(const std::vector<float>& data, const std::vector<float>& filter, BorderMode mode);
+        static std::vector<float> ApplyGaussianFilter(const std::vector<float>& data, float sigma, float sampleTime, BorderMode mode);
+        static std::vector<float> CreateGaussianFilter(const float sigma, float sampleTime, float truncate = 4);
+        static std::vector<float> MakeTimestamps(float start, float end, size_t count);
+    private:
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/Trigonometry.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/Trigonometry.h
index f9ef05646..1fd7ad174 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/Trigonometry.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/math/Trigonometry.h
@@ -24,35 +24,33 @@
 #include <math.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::math
-    namespace math
+    class Trigonometry
-        class Trigonometry
+    public:
+        static float Deg2RadF(const float angle)
-        public:
-            static float Deg2RadF(const float angle)
-            {
-                return angle / 180.0f * M_PI;
-            }
-            static double Deg2RadD(const double angle)
-            {
-                return angle / 180.0 * M_PI;
-            }
-            static float Rad2DegF(const float rad)
-            {
-                return rad / M_PI * 180.0f;
-            }
-            static double Rad2DegD(const float rad)
-            {
-                return rad / M_PI * 180.0;
-            }
+            return angle / 180.0f * M_PI;
+        }
+        static double Deg2RadD(const double angle)
+        {
+            return angle / 180.0 * M_PI;
+        }
+        static float Rad2DegF(const float rad)
+        {
+            return rad / M_PI * 180.0f;
+        }
+        static double Rad2DegD(const float rad)
+        {
+            return rad / M_PI * 180.0;
+        }
-            static double GetAngleFromVectorXY(const Eigen::Vector3f& vector)
-            {
-                return atan2(vector(1), vector(0));
-            }
-        };
-    }
+        static double GetAngleFromVectorXY(const Eigen::Vector3f& vector)
+        {
+            return atan2(vector(1), vector(0));
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/MatrixFilters.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/MatrixFilters.h
index 17407c34d..cdb7046db 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/MatrixFilters.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/MatrixFilters.h
@@ -27,283 +27,281 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/util/variants/eigen3/MatrixVariant.h>
 #include <algorithm>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::filters
-    namespace filters
+    class MatrixMaxFilter :
+        public MatrixMaxFilterBase,
+        public DatafieldFilter
+    public:
+        MatrixMaxFilter()
+        {
+            this->windowFilterSize = 1;
+        }
-        class MatrixMaxFilter :
-            public MatrixMaxFilterBase,
-            public DatafieldFilter
+        VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current&) const override
-        public:
-            MatrixMaxFilter()
+            ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
+            if (dataHistory.size() == 0)
-                this->windowFilterSize = 1;
+                return new Variant(new MatrixFloat(1, 1));
-            VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current&) const override
-            {
-                ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
+            VariantPtr currentValue = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.rbegin()->second);
+            MatrixFloatPtr matrix = MatrixFloatPtr::dynamicCast(currentValue->get<MatrixFloat>());
+            return new Variant(matrix->toEigen().maxCoeff());
+        }
+        ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current&) const override
+        {
+            ParameterTypeList result;
+            result.push_back(VariantType::MatrixFloat);
+            return result;
+        }
+    };
+    class MatrixMinFilter :
+        public MatrixMinFilterBase,
+        public DatafieldFilter
+    {
+    public:
+        MatrixMinFilter()
+        {
+            this->windowFilterSize = 1;
+        }
-                if (dataHistory.size() == 0)
-                {
-                    return new Variant(new MatrixFloat(1, 1));
-                }
+        VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current&) const override
+        {
+            ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
-                VariantPtr currentValue = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.rbegin()->second);
-                MatrixFloatPtr matrix = MatrixFloatPtr::dynamicCast(currentValue->get<MatrixFloat>());
-                return new Variant(matrix->toEigen().maxCoeff());
-            }
-            ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current&) const override
+            if (dataHistory.size() == 0)
-                ParameterTypeList result;
-                result.push_back(VariantType::MatrixFloat);
-                return result;
+                return new Variant(new MatrixFloat(1, 1));
-        };
-        class MatrixMinFilter :
-            public MatrixMinFilterBase,
-            public DatafieldFilter
+            VariantPtr currentValue = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.rbegin()->second);
+            MatrixFloatPtr matrix = MatrixFloatPtr::dynamicCast(currentValue->get<MatrixFloat>());
+            return new Variant(matrix->toEigen().minCoeff());
+        }
+        ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current&) const override
-        public:
-            MatrixMinFilter()
-            {
-                this->windowFilterSize = 1;
-            }
-            VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current&) const override
-            {
-                ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
+            ParameterTypeList result;
+            result.push_back(VariantType::MatrixFloat);
+            return result;
+        }
+    };
+    class MatrixAvgFilter :
+        public MatrixAvgFilterBase,
+        public DatafieldFilter
+    {
+    public:
+        MatrixAvgFilter()
+        {
+            this->windowFilterSize = 1;
+        }
-                if (dataHistory.size() == 0)
-                {
-                    return new Variant(new MatrixFloat(1, 1));
-                }
+        VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current&) const override
+        {
+            ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
-                VariantPtr currentValue = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.rbegin()->second);
-                MatrixFloatPtr matrix = MatrixFloatPtr::dynamicCast(currentValue->get<MatrixFloat>());
-                return new Variant(matrix->toEigen().minCoeff());
-            }
-            ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current&) const override
+            if (dataHistory.size() == 0)
-                ParameterTypeList result;
-                result.push_back(VariantType::MatrixFloat);
-                return result;
+                return new Variant(new MatrixFloat(1, 1));
-        };
-        class MatrixAvgFilter :
-            public MatrixAvgFilterBase,
-            public DatafieldFilter
+            VariantPtr currentValue = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.rbegin()->second);
+            MatrixFloatPtr matrix = MatrixFloatPtr::dynamicCast(currentValue->get<MatrixFloat>());
+            return new Variant(matrix->toEigen().mean());
+        }
+        ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current&) const override
-        public:
-            MatrixAvgFilter()
-            {
-                this->windowFilterSize = 1;
-            }
-            VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current&) const override
-            {
-                ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
+            ParameterTypeList result;
+            result.push_back(VariantType::MatrixFloat);
+            return result;
+        }
+    };
+    class MatrixPercentileFilter :
+        public MatrixPercentileFilterBase,
+        public DatafieldFilter
+    {
+    public:
+        MatrixPercentileFilter()
+        {
+            this->windowFilterSize = 1;
+        }
+        MatrixPercentileFilter(float percentile)
+        {
+            this->percentile = percentile;
+            this->windowFilterSize = 1;
+        }
-                if (dataHistory.size() == 0)
-                {
-                    return new Variant(new MatrixFloat(1, 1));
-                }
+        VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current&) const override
+        {
+            ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
-                VariantPtr currentValue = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.rbegin()->second);
-                MatrixFloatPtr matrix = MatrixFloatPtr::dynamicCast(currentValue->get<MatrixFloat>());
-                return new Variant(matrix->toEigen().mean());
-            }
-            ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current&) const override
+            if (dataHistory.size() == 0)
-                ParameterTypeList result;
-                result.push_back(VariantType::MatrixFloat);
-                return result;
+                return new Variant(new MatrixFloat(1, 1));
-        };
-        class MatrixPercentileFilter :
-            public MatrixPercentileFilterBase,
-            public DatafieldFilter
+            VariantPtr currentValue = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.rbegin()->second);
+            MatrixFloatPtr matrix = MatrixFloatPtr::dynamicCast(currentValue->get<MatrixFloat>());
+            std::vector<float> vector = matrix->toVector();
+            std::sort(vector.begin(), vector.end());
+            return new Variant(GetPercentile(vector, percentile));
+        }
+        ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current&) const override
-        public:
-            MatrixPercentileFilter()
-            {
-                this->windowFilterSize = 1;
-            }
-            MatrixPercentileFilter(float percentile)
-            {
-                this->percentile = percentile;
-                this->windowFilterSize = 1;
-            }
+            ParameterTypeList result;
+            result.push_back(VariantType::MatrixFloat);
+            return result;
+        }
-            VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current&) const override
+        static float GetPercentile(const std::vector<float>& sortedData, float percentile)
+        {
+            if (sortedData.size() == 0)
-                ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
+                throw LocalException("GetPercentile not possible for empty vector");
+            }
-                if (dataHistory.size() == 0)
-                {
-                    return new Variant(new MatrixFloat(1, 1));
-                }
+            float indexf = (sortedData.size() - 1) * percentile;
+            indexf = std::max(0.f, std::min(sortedData.size() - 1.f, indexf));
+            int index = (int)indexf;
+            float f = indexf - index;
-                VariantPtr currentValue = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.rbegin()->second);
-                MatrixFloatPtr matrix = MatrixFloatPtr::dynamicCast(currentValue->get<MatrixFloat>());
-                std::vector<float> vector = matrix->toVector();
-                std::sort(vector.begin(), vector.end());
-                return new Variant(GetPercentile(vector, percentile));
-            }
-            ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current&) const override
+            if (index == (int)sortedData.size() - 1)
-                ParameterTypeList result;
-                result.push_back(VariantType::MatrixFloat);
-                return result;
+                return - 1);
-            static float GetPercentile(const std::vector<float>& sortedData, float percentile)
-            {
-                if (sortedData.size() == 0)
-                {
-                    throw LocalException("GetPercentile not possible for empty vector");
-                }
-                float indexf = (sortedData.size() - 1) * percentile;
-                indexf = std::max(0.f, std::min(sortedData.size() - 1.f, indexf));
-                int index = (int)indexf;
-                float f = indexf - index;
+            return * (1 - f) + + 1) * f;
+        }
+    };
-                if (index == (int)sortedData.size() - 1)
-                {
-                    return - 1);
-                }
-                return * (1 - f) + + 1) * f;
-            }
-        };
+    class MatrixPercentilesFilter :
+        public MatrixPercentilesFilterBase,
+        public DatafieldFilter
+    {
+    public:
+        MatrixPercentilesFilter()
+        {
+            this->windowFilterSize = 1;
+            this->percentiles = 10;
+        }
+        MatrixPercentilesFilter(int percentiles)
+        {
+            this->percentiles = percentiles;
+            this->windowFilterSize = 1;
+        }
-        class MatrixPercentilesFilter :
-            public MatrixPercentilesFilterBase,
-            public DatafieldFilter
+        VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current&) const override
-        public:
-            MatrixPercentilesFilter()
-            {
-                this->windowFilterSize = 1;
-                this->percentiles = 10;
-            }
-            MatrixPercentilesFilter(int percentiles)
-            {
-                this->percentiles = percentiles;
-                this->windowFilterSize = 1;
-            }
+            ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
-            VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current&) const override
+            if (dataHistory.size() == 0)
-                ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
-                if (dataHistory.size() == 0)
-                {
-                    ARMARX_IMPORTANT_S << "no data";
-                    return new Variant(new MatrixFloat(1, 1));
-                }
+                ARMARX_IMPORTANT_S << "no data";
+                return new Variant(new MatrixFloat(1, 1));
+            }
-                VariantPtr currentValue = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.rbegin()->second);
-                MatrixFloatPtr matrix = MatrixFloatPtr::dynamicCast(currentValue->get<MatrixFloat>());
-                std::vector<float> vector = matrix->toVector();
-                std::sort(vector.begin(), vector.end());
-                std::vector<float> result;
-                result.push_back(;
+            VariantPtr currentValue = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.rbegin()->second);
+            MatrixFloatPtr matrix = MatrixFloatPtr::dynamicCast(currentValue->get<MatrixFloat>());
+            std::vector<float> vector = matrix->toVector();
+            std::sort(vector.begin(), vector.end());
+            std::vector<float> result;
+            result.push_back(;
-                for (int i = 1; i < percentiles; i++)
-                {
-                    result.push_back(MatrixPercentileFilter::GetPercentile(vector, 1.f / percentiles * i));
-                }
-                result.push_back( - 1));
-                return new Variant(new MatrixFloat(1, result.size(), result));
-            }
-            ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current&) const override
+            for (int i = 1; i < percentiles; i++)
-                ParameterTypeList result;
-                result.push_back(VariantType::MatrixFloat);
-                return result;
+                result.push_back(MatrixPercentileFilter::GetPercentile(vector, 1.f / percentiles * i));
-        };
-        class MatrixCumulativeFrequencyFilter :
-            public MatrixCumulativeFrequencyFilterBase,
-            public DatafieldFilter
+            result.push_back( - 1));
+            return new Variant(new MatrixFloat(1, result.size(), result));
+        }
+        ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current&) const override
-        public:
-            MatrixCumulativeFrequencyFilter()
-            {
-                this->windowFilterSize = 1;
-            }
-            MatrixCumulativeFrequencyFilter(float min, float max, int bins)
+            ParameterTypeList result;
+            result.push_back(VariantType::MatrixFloat);
+            return result;
+        }
+    };
+    class MatrixCumulativeFrequencyFilter :
+        public MatrixCumulativeFrequencyFilterBase,
+        public DatafieldFilter
+    {
+    public:
+        MatrixCumulativeFrequencyFilter()
+        {
+            this->windowFilterSize = 1;
+        }
+        MatrixCumulativeFrequencyFilter(float min, float max, int bins)
+        {
+            this->min = min;
+            this->max = max;
+            this->bins = bins;
+            this->windowFilterSize = 1;
+        }
+        VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current&) const override
+        {
+            ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
+            if (dataHistory.size() == 0)
-                this->min = min;
-                this->max = max;
-                this->bins = bins;
-                this->windowFilterSize = 1;
+                return new Variant(new MatrixFloat(1, 1));
-            VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current&) const override
-            {
-                ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
-                if (dataHistory.size() == 0)
-                {
-                    return new Variant(new MatrixFloat(1, 1));
-                }
-                VariantPtr currentValue = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.rbegin()->second);
-                MatrixFloatPtr matrix = MatrixFloatPtr::dynamicCast(currentValue->get<MatrixFloat>());
-                std::vector<float> vector = matrix->toVector();
-                std::sort(vector.begin(), vector.end());
-                std::vector<int> result = Calculate(vector, min, max, bins);
-                std::vector<float> resultF;
-                for (int v : result)
-                {
-                    resultF.push_back(v);
-                }
+            VariantPtr currentValue = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.rbegin()->second);
+            MatrixFloatPtr matrix = MatrixFloatPtr::dynamicCast(currentValue->get<MatrixFloat>());
+            std::vector<float> vector = matrix->toVector();
+            std::sort(vector.begin(), vector.end());
+            std::vector<int> result = Calculate(vector, min, max, bins);
+            std::vector<float> resultF;
-                return new Variant(new MatrixFloat(1, resultF.size(), resultF));
-            }
-            ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current&) const override
+            for (int v : result)
-                ParameterTypeList result;
-                result.push_back(VariantType::MatrixFloat);
-                return result;
+                resultF.push_back(v);
-            static std::vector<int> Calculate(const std::vector<float>& sortedData, float min, float max, int bins)
-            {
-                std::vector<int> result;
-                float val = min;
-                int nr = 0;
-                int lastCount = 0;
-                for (size_t i = 0; i < sortedData.size(); i++)
-                {
-                    if ( > val && nr < bins)
-                    {
-                        result.push_back(i);
-                        nr++;
-                        val = min + (max - min) * nr / bins;
-                        lastCount = i;
-                    }
-                }
+            return new Variant(new MatrixFloat(1, resultF.size(), resultF));
+        }
+        ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current&) const override
+        {
+            ParameterTypeList result;
+            result.push_back(VariantType::MatrixFloat);
+            return result;
+        }
+        static std::vector<int> Calculate(const std::vector<float>& sortedData, float min, float max, int bins)
+        {
+            std::vector<int> result;
+            float val = min;
+            int nr = 0;
+            int lastCount = 0;
-                while ((int)result.size() < bins)
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < sortedData.size(); i++)
+            {
+                if ( > val && nr < bins)
-                    result.push_back(lastCount);
+                    result.push_back(i);
+                    nr++;
+                    val = min + (max - min) * nr / bins;
+                    lastCount = i;
+            }
-                return result;
+            while ((int)result.size() < bins)
+            {
+                result.push_back(lastCount);
-        };
-    }
+            return result;
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/MedianDerivativeFilterV3.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/MedianDerivativeFilterV3.h
index 0c9178cab..c7881099c 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/MedianDerivativeFilterV3.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/MedianDerivativeFilterV3.h
@@ -28,50 +28,46 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/FramedPose.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/interface/core/PoseBase.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::filters
-    namespace filters
+    /**
+     * @class PoseMedianOffsetFilter
+     * @ingroup ObserverFilters
+     * @brief The MedianFilter class provides an implementation
+     *  for a median for datafields of type float, int and double.
+     */
+    class MedianDerivativeFilterV3 :
+        public ::armarx::MedianDerivativeFilterV3Base,
+        public MedianFilter
+    public:
+        MedianDerivativeFilterV3(std::size_t offsetWindowSize = 1001, std::size_t windowSize = 11);
+        // DatafieldFilterBase interface
+    public:
+        VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current& c) const override;
-         * @class PoseMedianOffsetFilter
-         * @ingroup ObserverFilters
-         * @brief The MedianFilter class provides an implementation
-         *  for a median for datafields of type float, int and double.
+         * @brief This filter supports: Vector3, FramedDirection, FramedPosition
+         * @return List of VariantTypes
-        class MedianDerivativeFilterV3 :
-            public ::armarx::MedianDerivativeFilterV3Base,
-            public MedianFilter
-        {
-        public:
-            MedianDerivativeFilterV3(std::size_t offsetWindowSize = 1001, std::size_t windowSize = 11);
-            // DatafieldFilterBase interface
-        public:
-            VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current& c) const override;
+        ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current& c) const override;
-            /**
-             * @brief This filter supports: Vector3, FramedDirection, FramedPosition
-             * @return List of VariantTypes
-             */
-            ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current& c) const override;
+    private:
+        Eigen::Vector3f currentValue;
+        Eigen::Vector3f currentOffset;
+        std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> valueData;
+        std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> offsetData;
+        std::size_t valueIndex;
+        std::size_t offsetIndex;
-        private:
-            Eigen::Vector3f currentValue;
-            Eigen::Vector3f currentOffset;
-            std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> valueData;
-            std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> offsetData;
-            std::size_t valueIndex;
-            std::size_t offsetIndex;
+        float median(std::vector<float>& values);
+        Eigen::Vector3f calculateMedian(std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> const& values);
-            float median(std::vector<float>& values);
-            Eigen::Vector3f calculateMedian(std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> const& values);
+    public:
+        void update(Ice::Long timestamp, const VariantBasePtr& value, const Ice::Current& c) override;
-        public:
-            void update(Ice::Long timestamp, const VariantBasePtr& value, const Ice::Current& c) override;
+    };
-        };
-    } // namespace Filters
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/OffsetFilter.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/OffsetFilter.h
index b5f668bae..d161d4ca3 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/OffsetFilter.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/OffsetFilter.h
@@ -27,128 +27,126 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/FramedPose.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/util/variants/eigen3/MatrixVariant.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::filters
-    namespace filters
+    /**
+     * @class OffsetFilter
+     * @ingroup ObserverFilters
+     * @brief The OffsetFilter class returns values
+     * relative to value from the first call of the filter.
+     * E.g. this is useful for Forces which should be nulled
+     * at a specific moment.
+     */
+    class OffsetFilter :
+        public ::armarx::OffsetFilterBase,
+        public DatafieldFilter
+    public:
+        OffsetFilter()
+        {
+            firstRun = true;
+            windowFilterSize = 1;
+        }
-        /**
-         * @class OffsetFilter
-         * @ingroup ObserverFilters
-         * @brief The OffsetFilter class returns values
-         * relative to value from the first call of the filter.
-         * E.g. this is useful for Forces which should be nulled
-         * at a specific moment.
-         */
-        class OffsetFilter :
-            public ::armarx::OffsetFilterBase,
-            public DatafieldFilter
+        // DatafieldFilterBase interface
+    public:
+        VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current& c = Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
-        public:
-            OffsetFilter()
-            {
-                firstRun = true;
-                windowFilterSize = 1;
-            }
+            ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
+            VariantPtr newVariant;
-            // DatafieldFilterBase interface
-        public:
-            VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current& c = Ice::emptyCurrent) const override
+            if (initialValue && dataHistory.size() > 0)
+                VariantTypeId type = dataHistory.begin()->second->getType();
+                VariantPtr currentValue = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.rbegin()->second);
-                ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
+                if (currentValue->getType() != initialValue->getType())
+                {
+                    ARMARX_ERROR_S << "Types in OffsetFilter are different: " << Variant::typeToString(currentValue->getType()) << " and " << Variant::typeToString(initialValue->getType());
+                    return NULL;
+                }
-                VariantPtr newVariant;
+                if (type == VariantType::Int)
+                {
+                    int newValue = dataHistory.rbegin()->second->getInt() - initialValue->getInt();
+                    newVariant = new Variant(newValue);
+                }
+                else if (type == VariantType::Float)
+                {
+                    float newValue = dataHistory.rbegin()->second->getFloat() - initialValue->getFloat();
+                    newVariant = new Variant(newValue);
+                }
+                else if (type == VariantType::Double)
+                {
+                    double newValue = dataHistory.rbegin()->second->getDouble() - initialValue->getDouble();
+                    newVariant = new Variant(newValue);
+                }
+                else if (type == VariantType::FramedDirection)
+                {
+                    FramedDirectionPtr vec = FramedDirectionPtr::dynamicCast(currentValue->get<FramedDirection>());
+                    FramedDirectionPtr intialVec = FramedDirectionPtr::dynamicCast(initialValue->get<FramedDirection>());
+                    Eigen::Vector3f newValue =  vec->toEigen() - intialVec->toEigen();
-                if (initialValue && dataHistory.size() > 0)
+                    newVariant = new Variant(new FramedDirection(newValue, vec->frame, vec->agent));
+                }
+                else if (type == VariantType::FramedPosition)
+                {
+                    FramedPositionPtr pos = FramedPositionPtr::dynamicCast(currentValue->get<FramedPosition>());
+                    FramedPositionPtr intialPos = FramedPositionPtr::dynamicCast(initialValue->get<FramedPosition>());
+                    Eigen::Vector3f newValue =  pos->toEigen() - intialPos->toEigen();
+                    newVariant = new Variant(new FramedPosition(newValue, pos->frame, pos->agent));
+                }
+                else if (type == VariantType::MatrixFloat)
-                    VariantTypeId type = dataHistory.begin()->second->getType();
-                    VariantPtr currentValue = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.rbegin()->second);
-                    if (currentValue->getType() != initialValue->getType())
-                    {
-                        ARMARX_ERROR_S << "Types in OffsetFilter are different: " << Variant::typeToString(currentValue->getType()) << " and " << Variant::typeToString(initialValue->getType());
-                        return NULL;
-                    }
-                    if (type == VariantType::Int)
-                    {
-                        int newValue = dataHistory.rbegin()->second->getInt() - initialValue->getInt();
-                        newVariant = new Variant(newValue);
-                    }
-                    else if (type == VariantType::Float)
-                    {
-                        float newValue = dataHistory.rbegin()->second->getFloat() - initialValue->getFloat();
-                        newVariant = new Variant(newValue);
-                    }
-                    else if (type == VariantType::Double)
-                    {
-                        double newValue = dataHistory.rbegin()->second->getDouble() - initialValue->getDouble();
-                        newVariant = new Variant(newValue);
-                    }
-                    else if (type == VariantType::FramedDirection)
-                    {
-                        FramedDirectionPtr vec = FramedDirectionPtr::dynamicCast(currentValue->get<FramedDirection>());
-                        FramedDirectionPtr intialVec = FramedDirectionPtr::dynamicCast(initialValue->get<FramedDirection>());
-                        Eigen::Vector3f newValue =  vec->toEigen() - intialVec->toEigen();
-                        newVariant = new Variant(new FramedDirection(newValue, vec->frame, vec->agent));
-                    }
-                    else if (type == VariantType::FramedPosition)
-                    {
-                        FramedPositionPtr pos = FramedPositionPtr::dynamicCast(currentValue->get<FramedPosition>());
-                        FramedPositionPtr intialPos = FramedPositionPtr::dynamicCast(initialValue->get<FramedPosition>());
-                        Eigen::Vector3f newValue =  pos->toEigen() - intialPos->toEigen();
-                        newVariant = new Variant(new FramedPosition(newValue, pos->frame, pos->agent));
-                    }
-                    else if (type == VariantType::MatrixFloat)
-                    {
-                        MatrixFloatPtr matrix = MatrixFloatPtr::dynamicCast(currentValue->get<MatrixFloat>());
-                        MatrixFloatPtr initialMatrix = MatrixFloatPtr::dynamicCast(initialValue->get<MatrixFloat>());
-                        Eigen::MatrixXf newMatrix = matrix->toEigen() - initialMatrix->toEigen();
-                        newVariant = new Variant(new MatrixFloat(newMatrix));
-                    }
+                    MatrixFloatPtr matrix = MatrixFloatPtr::dynamicCast(currentValue->get<MatrixFloat>());
+                    MatrixFloatPtr initialMatrix = MatrixFloatPtr::dynamicCast(initialValue->get<MatrixFloat>());
+                    Eigen::MatrixXf newMatrix = matrix->toEigen() - initialMatrix->toEigen();
+                    newVariant = new Variant(new MatrixFloat(newMatrix));
+            }
-                return newVariant;
+            return newVariant;
-            }
-            ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current&) const override
-            {
-                ParameterTypeList result;
-                result.push_back(VariantType::Int);
-                result.push_back(VariantType::Float);
-                result.push_back(VariantType::Double);
-                result.push_back(VariantType::FramedDirection);
-                result.push_back(VariantType::FramedPosition);
-                result.push_back(VariantType::MatrixFloat);
-                return result;
-            }
-        private:
-            bool firstRun;
-            VariantPtr initialValue;
+        }
+        ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current&) const override
+        {
+            ParameterTypeList result;
+            result.push_back(VariantType::Int);
+            result.push_back(VariantType::Float);
+            result.push_back(VariantType::Double);
+            result.push_back(VariantType::FramedDirection);
+            result.push_back(VariantType::FramedPosition);
+            result.push_back(VariantType::MatrixFloat);
+            return result;
+        }
+    private:
+        bool firstRun;
+        VariantPtr initialValue;
+        // DatafieldFilterBase interface
+    public:
+        void update(Ice::Long timestamp, const VariantBasePtr& value, const Ice::Current& c) override
+        {
+            DatafieldFilter::update(timestamp, value, c);
-            // DatafieldFilterBase interface
-        public:
-            void update(Ice::Long timestamp, const VariantBasePtr& value, const Ice::Current& c) override
+            if (firstRun)
-                DatafieldFilter::update(timestamp, value, c);
+                ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
-                if (firstRun)
+                if (dataHistory.size() == 0)
-                    ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
-                    if (dataHistory.size() == 0)
-                    {
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    initialValue = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.begin()->second);
-                    firstRun = false;
+                    return;
+                initialValue = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.begin()->second);
+                firstRun = false;
-        };
-    }
+        }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/PoseAverageFilter.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/PoseAverageFilter.cpp
index e7a3eb89f..5b0cf4dbe 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/PoseAverageFilter.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/PoseAverageFilter.cpp
@@ -23,94 +23,91 @@
 #include "PoseAverageFilter.h"
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::filters
-    namespace filters
+    VariantBasePtr PoseAverageFilter::calculate(const Ice::Current& c) const
+        ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
-        VariantBasePtr PoseAverageFilter::calculate(const Ice::Current& c) const
+        if (dataHistory.size() == 0)
-            ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
-            if (dataHistory.size() == 0)
-            {
-                return NULL;
-            }
+            return NULL;
+        }
-            VariantTypeId type = dataHistory.begin()->second->getType();
+        VariantTypeId type = dataHistory.begin()->second->getType();
-            if ((type == VariantType::Vector3) || (type == VariantType::FramedDirection) || (type == VariantType::FramedPosition))
-            {
+        if ((type == VariantType::Vector3) || (type == VariantType::FramedDirection) || (type == VariantType::FramedPosition))
+        {
-                Eigen::Vector3f vec;
-                vec.setZero();
-                std::string frame = "";
-                std::string agent = "";
-                VariantPtr var = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.begin()->second);
+            Eigen::Vector3f vec;
+            vec.setZero();
+            std::string frame = "";
+            std::string agent = "";
+            VariantPtr var = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.begin()->second);
-                if (type == VariantType::FramedDirection)
-                {
-                    FramedDirectionPtr p = var->get<FramedDirection>();
-                    frame = p->frame;
-                    agent = p->agent;
-                }
-                else if (type == VariantType::FramedPosition)
-                {
-                    FramedPositionPtr p = var->get<FramedPosition>();
-                    frame = p->frame;
-                    agent = p->agent;
-                }
-                Eigen::MatrixXf keypointPositions(dataHistory.size(), 3);
-                int i = 0;
-                for (auto& v : dataHistory)
-                {
-                    VariantPtr v2 = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(v.second);
-                    Eigen::Vector3f value = v2->get<Vector3>()->toEigen();
-                    keypointPositions(i, 0) = value(0);
-                    keypointPositions(i, 1) = value(1);
-                    keypointPositions(i, 2) = value(2);
-                    i++;
-                }
-                vec = keypointPositions.colwise().mean();
+            if (type == VariantType::FramedDirection)
+            {
+                FramedDirectionPtr p = var->get<FramedDirection>();
+                frame = p->frame;
+                agent = p->agent;
+            }
+            else if (type == VariantType::FramedPosition)
+            {
+                FramedPositionPtr p = var->get<FramedPosition>();
+                frame = p->frame;
+                agent = p->agent;
+            }
+            Eigen::MatrixXf keypointPositions(dataHistory.size(), 3);
+            int i = 0;
+            for (auto& v : dataHistory)
+            {
+                VariantPtr v2 = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(v.second);
+                Eigen::Vector3f value = v2->get<Vector3>()->toEigen();
+                keypointPositions(i, 0) = value(0);
+                keypointPositions(i, 1) = value(1);
+                keypointPositions(i, 2) = value(2);
+                i++;
+            }
+            vec = keypointPositions.colwise().mean();
-                if (type == VariantType::Vector3)
-                {
-                    Vector3Ptr vecVar = new Vector3(vec);
-                    return new Variant(vecVar);
-                }
-                else if (type == VariantType::FramedDirection)
-                {
+            if (type == VariantType::Vector3)
+            {
+                Vector3Ptr vecVar = new Vector3(vec);
+                return new Variant(vecVar);
+            }
+            else if (type == VariantType::FramedDirection)
+            {
-                    FramedDirectionPtr vecVar = new FramedDirection(vec, frame, agent);
-                    return new Variant(vecVar);
-                }
-                else if (type == VariantType::FramedPosition)
-                {
-                    FramedPositionPtr vecVar = new FramedPosition(vec, frame, agent);
-                    return new Variant(vecVar);
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ARMARX_WARNING_S << "Implementation missing here";
-                    return NULL;
-                }
+                FramedDirectionPtr vecVar = new FramedDirection(vec, frame, agent);
+                return new Variant(vecVar);
-            else if (type == VariantType::Double)
+            else if (type == VariantType::FramedPosition)
-                //                    auto values = SortVariants<double>(dataHistory);
-                //                    return new Variant(;
+                FramedPositionPtr vecVar = new FramedPosition(vec, frame, agent);
+                return new Variant(vecVar);
-            else if (type == VariantType::Int)
+            else
-                //                    auto values = SortVariants<int>(dataHistory);
-                //                    return new Variant(;
+                ARMARX_WARNING_S << "Implementation missing here";
+                return NULL;
-            return AverageFilter::calculate(c);
+        else if (type == VariantType::Double)
+        {
+            //                    auto values = SortVariants<double>(dataHistory);
+            //                    return new Variant(;
+        }
+        else if (type == VariantType::Int)
+        {
+            //                    auto values = SortVariants<int>(dataHistory);
+            //                    return new Variant(;
+        }
+        return AverageFilter::calculate(c);
+    }
-    } // namespace filters
-} // namespace armarx
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/PoseAverageFilter.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/PoseAverageFilter.h
index 34dae88a9..6ba6fa1e5 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/PoseAverageFilter.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/PoseAverageFilter.h
@@ -29,40 +29,37 @@
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::filters
-    namespace filters
-    {
-        class PoseAverageFilter :
-            public ::armarx::PoseAverageFilterBase,
-            public AverageFilter
+    class PoseAverageFilter :
+        public ::armarx::PoseAverageFilterBase,
+        public AverageFilter
+    {
+    public:
+        PoseAverageFilter(int windowSize = 11)
-        public:
-            PoseAverageFilter(int windowSize = 11)
-            {
-                this->windowFilterSize = windowSize;
-            }
+            this->windowFilterSize = windowSize;
+        }
-            // DatafieldFilterBase interface
-        public:
-            VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current& c) const override;
+        // DatafieldFilterBase interface
+    public:
+        VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current& c) const override;
-            /**
-             * @brief This filter supports: Vector3, FramedDirection, FramedPosition
-             * @return List of VariantTypes
-             */
-            ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current& c) const override
-            {
-                ParameterTypeList result = AverageFilter::getSupportedTypes(c);
-                result.push_back(VariantType::Vector3);
-                result.push_back(VariantType::FramedDirection);
-                result.push_back(VariantType::FramedPosition);
-                return result;
-            }
-        };
+        /**
+         * @brief This filter supports: Vector3, FramedDirection, FramedPosition
+         * @return List of VariantTypes
+         */
+        ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current& c) const override
+        {
+            ParameterTypeList result = AverageFilter::getSupportedTypes(c);
+            result.push_back(VariantType::Vector3);
+            result.push_back(VariantType::FramedDirection);
+            result.push_back(VariantType::FramedPosition);
+            return result;
+        }
+    };
-    } // namespace
-} // namespace
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/PoseMedianFilter.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/PoseMedianFilter.h
index be995fa04..8b43dd548 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/PoseMedianFilter.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/PoseMedianFilter.h
@@ -27,127 +27,125 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/FramedPose.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/interface/core/PoseBase.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::filters
-    namespace filters
+    /**
+     * @class PoseMedianFilter
+     * @ingroup ObserverFilters
+     * @brief The MedianFilter class provides an implementation
+     *  for a median for datafields of type float, int and double.
+     */
+    class PoseMedianFilter :
+        public ::armarx::PoseMedianFilterBase,
+        public MedianFilter
+    public:
+        PoseMedianFilter(int windowSize = 11)
+        {
+            this->windowFilterSize = windowSize;
+        }
-        /**
-         * @class PoseMedianFilter
-         * @ingroup ObserverFilters
-         * @brief The MedianFilter class provides an implementation
-         *  for a median for datafields of type float, int and double.
-         */
-        class PoseMedianFilter :
-            public ::armarx::PoseMedianFilterBase,
-            public MedianFilter
+        // DatafieldFilterBase interface
+    public:
+        VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current& c) const override
-        public:
-            PoseMedianFilter(int windowSize = 11)
+            ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
+            if (dataHistory.size() == 0)
-                this->windowFilterSize = windowSize;
+                return NULL;
-            // DatafieldFilterBase interface
-        public:
-            VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current& c) const override
+            VariantTypeId type = dataHistory.begin()->second->getType();
+            if ((type == VariantType::Vector3) || (type == VariantType::FramedDirection) || (type == VariantType::FramedPosition))
-                ScopedLock lock(historyMutex);
-                if (dataHistory.size() == 0)
+                Eigen::Vector3f vec;
+                vec.setZero();
+                std::string frame = "";
+                std::string agent = "";
+                VariantPtr var = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.begin()->second);
+                if (type == VariantType::FramedDirection)
-                    return NULL;
+                    FramedDirectionPtr p = var->get<FramedDirection>();
+                    frame = p->frame;
+                    agent = p->agent;
-                VariantTypeId type = dataHistory.begin()->second->getType();
-                if ((type == VariantType::Vector3) || (type == VariantType::FramedDirection) || (type == VariantType::FramedPosition))
+                else if (type == VariantType::FramedPosition)
+                    FramedPositionPtr p = var->get<FramedPosition>();
+                    frame = p->frame;
+                    agent = p->agent;
+                }
-                    Eigen::Vector3f vec;
-                    vec.setZero();
-                    std::string frame = "";
-                    std::string agent = "";
-                    VariantPtr var = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(dataHistory.begin()->second);
+                for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+                {
+                    std::vector<double> values;
-                    if (type == VariantType::FramedDirection)
-                    {
-                        FramedDirectionPtr p = var->get<FramedDirection>();
-                        frame = p->frame;
-                        agent = p->agent;
-                    }
-                    else if (type == VariantType::FramedPosition)
+                    for (auto v : dataHistory)
-                        FramedPositionPtr p = var->get<FramedPosition>();
-                        frame = p->frame;
-                        agent = p->agent;
+                        VariantPtr v2 = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(v.second);
+                        values.push_back(v2->get<Vector3>()->toEigen()[i]);
-                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
-                    {
-                        std::vector<double> values;
-                        for (auto v : dataHistory)
-                        {
-                            VariantPtr v2 = VariantPtr::dynamicCast(v.second);
-                            values.push_back(v2->get<Vector3>()->toEigen()[i]);
-                        }
-                        std::sort(values.begin(), values.end());
-                        vec[i] = / 2);
-                    }
+                    std::sort(values.begin(), values.end());
+                    vec[i] = / 2);
+                }
-                    if (type == VariantType::Vector3)
-                    {
-                        Vector3Ptr vecVar = new Vector3(vec);
-                        return new Variant(vecVar);
-                    }
-                    else if (type == VariantType::FramedDirection)
-                    {
+                if (type == VariantType::Vector3)
+                {
+                    Vector3Ptr vecVar = new Vector3(vec);
+                    return new Variant(vecVar);
+                }
+                else if (type == VariantType::FramedDirection)
+                {
-                        FramedDirectionPtr vecVar = new FramedDirection(vec, frame, agent);
-                        return new Variant(vecVar);
-                    }
-                    else if (type == VariantType::FramedPosition)
-                    {
-                        FramedPositionPtr vecVar = new FramedPosition(vec, frame, agent);
-                        return new Variant(vecVar);
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        ARMARX_WARNING_S << "Implementation missing here";
-                        return NULL;
-                    }
+                    FramedDirectionPtr vecVar = new FramedDirection(vec, frame, agent);
+                    return new Variant(vecVar);
-                else if (type == VariantType::Double)
+                else if (type == VariantType::FramedPosition)
-                    //                    auto values = SortVariants<double>(dataHistory);
-                    //                    return new Variant(;
+                    FramedPositionPtr vecVar = new FramedPosition(vec, frame, agent);
+                    return new Variant(vecVar);
-                else if (type == VariantType::Int)
+                else
-                    //                    auto values = SortVariants<int>(dataHistory);
-                    //                    return new Variant(;
+                    ARMARX_WARNING_S << "Implementation missing here";
+                    return NULL;
-                return MedianFilter::calculate(c);
-            /**
-             * @brief This filter supports: Vector3, FramedDirection, FramedPosition
-             * @return List of VariantTypes
-             */
-            ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current& c) const override
+            else if (type == VariantType::Double)
-                ParameterTypeList result = MedianFilter::getSupportedTypes(c);
-                result.push_back(VariantType::Vector3);
-                result.push_back(VariantType::FramedDirection);
-                result.push_back(VariantType::FramedPosition);
-                return result;
+                //                    auto values = SortVariants<double>(dataHistory);
+                //                    return new Variant(;
+            else if (type == VariantType::Int)
+            {
+                //                    auto values = SortVariants<int>(dataHistory);
+                //                    return new Variant(;
+            }
+            return MedianFilter::calculate(c);
+        }
+        /**
+         * @brief This filter supports: Vector3, FramedDirection, FramedPosition
+         * @return List of VariantTypes
+         */
+        ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current& c) const override
+        {
+            ParameterTypeList result = MedianFilter::getSupportedTypes(c);
+            result.push_back(VariantType::Vector3);
+            result.push_back(VariantType::FramedDirection);
+            result.push_back(VariantType::FramedPosition);
+            return result;
+        }
+    };
-        };
+} // namespace Filters
-    } // namespace Filters
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/PoseMedianOffsetFilter.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/PoseMedianOffsetFilter.h
index 584b51e38..73d79140c 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/PoseMedianOffsetFilter.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/observerfilters/PoseMedianOffsetFilter.h
@@ -28,48 +28,46 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/libraries/core/FramedPose.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/interface/core/PoseBase.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::filters
-    namespace filters
+    /**
+     * @class PoseMedianOffsetFilter
+     * @ingroup ObserverFilters
+     * @brief The MedianFilter class provides an implementation
+     *  for a median for datafields of type float, int and double.
+     */
+    class PoseMedianOffsetFilter :
+        public ::armarx::PoseMedianOffsetFilterBase,
+        public MedianFilter
+    public:
+        PoseMedianOffsetFilter(int windowSize = 11);
+        // DatafieldFilterBase interface
+    public:
+        VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current& c) const override;
-         * @class PoseMedianOffsetFilter
-         * @ingroup ObserverFilters
-         * @brief The MedianFilter class provides an implementation
-         *  for a median for datafields of type float, int and double.
+         * @brief This filter supports: Vector3, FramedDirection, FramedPosition
+         * @return List of VariantTypes
-        class PoseMedianOffsetFilter :
-            public ::armarx::PoseMedianOffsetFilterBase,
-            public MedianFilter
-        {
-        public:
-            PoseMedianOffsetFilter(int windowSize = 11);
-            // DatafieldFilterBase interface
-        public:
-            VariantBasePtr calculate(const Ice::Current& c) const override;
+        ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current& c) const override;
-            /**
-             * @brief This filter supports: Vector3, FramedDirection, FramedPosition
-             * @return List of VariantTypes
-             */
-            ParameterTypeList getSupportedTypes(const Ice::Current& c) const override;
+    private:
+        Eigen::Vector3f offset;
+        Eigen::Vector3f currentValue;
+        std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> data;
+        int dataIndex;
-        private:
-            Eigen::Vector3f offset;
-            Eigen::Vector3f currentValue;
-            std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> data;
-            int dataIndex;
+        float median(std::vector<float>& values);
+        Eigen::Vector3f calculateMedian();
-            float median(std::vector<float>& values);
-            Eigen::Vector3f calculateMedian();
+    public:
+        void update(Ice::Long timestamp, const VariantBasePtr& value, const Ice::Current& c) override;
-        public:
-            void update(Ice::Long timestamp, const VariantBasePtr& value, const Ice::Current& c) override;
+    };
-        };
+} // namespace Filters
-    } // namespace Filters
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/remoterobot/test/ArmarPoseTest.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/remoterobot/test/ArmarPoseTest.cpp
index 0c7f49a96..6454d71cf 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/remoterobot/test/ArmarPoseTest.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/remoterobot/test/ArmarPoseTest.cpp
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 *             GNU General Public License
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE RobotAPI::FramedPose::Test
 #include <RobotAPI/Test.h>
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/test/DebugDrawerTopicTest.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/test/DebugDrawerTopicTest.cpp
index a18af95c2..bd36e5307 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/test/DebugDrawerTopicTest.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/test/DebugDrawerTopicTest.cpp
@@ -66,16 +66,37 @@ public:
     PointCloud(const VectorT& points) : points(points) {}
     // Container methods.
-    std::size_t size() const { return points.size(); }
+    std::size_t size() const
+    {
+        return points.size();
+    }
-    PointT& operator[](std::size_t i) { return points[i]; }
-    const PointT& operator[](std::size_t i) const { return points[i]; }
+    PointT& operator[](std::size_t i)
+    {
+        return points[i];
+    }
+    const PointT& operator[](std::size_t i) const
+    {
+        return points[i];
+    }
     // Iterators.
-    typename VectorT::iterator begin() { return points.begin(); }
-    typename VectorT::const_iterator begin() const { return points.begin(); }
-    typename VectorT::iterator end() { return points.end(); }
-    typename VectorT::const_iterator end() const { return points.end(); }
+    typename VectorT::iterator begin()
+    {
+        return points.begin();
+    }
+    typename VectorT::const_iterator begin() const
+    {
+        return points.begin();
+    }
+    typename VectorT::iterator end()
+    {
+        return points.end();
+    }
+    typename VectorT::const_iterator end() const
+    {
+        return points.end();
+    }
     /// The points.
@@ -112,7 +133,10 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(test_drawPointCloud_PointXYZ, Fixture<PointXYZ>)
     drawer.drawPointCloud(id, pointCloud.points, DrawColor {0, 0.5, 1, 1});
     drawer.drawPointCloud(id, pointCloud,
-                          [](const PointXYZ&) { return DrawColor{0, 0.5, 1, 1}; }, pointSize);
+                          [](const PointXYZ&)
+    {
+        return DrawColor{0, 0.5, 1, 1};
+    }, pointSize);
@@ -122,7 +146,10 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(test_drawPointCloud_PointXYZRGBA, Fixture<PointXYZRGBA>)
     drawer.drawPointCloud(id, pointCloud.points, DrawColor {0, 0.5, 1, 1});
     drawer.drawPointCloud(id, pointCloud,
-                          [](const PointXYZRGBA&) { return DrawColor{0, 0.5, 1, 1}; }, pointSize);
+                          [](const PointXYZRGBA&)
+    {
+        return DrawColor{0, 0.5, 1, 1};
+    }, pointSize);
     drawer.drawPointCloudRGBA(id, pointCloud, pointSize);
@@ -134,7 +161,10 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(test_drawPointCloud_PointXYZRGBL, Fixture<PointXYZRGBL>)
     drawer.drawPointCloud(id, pointCloud.points, DrawColor {0, 0.5, 1, 1});
     drawer.drawPointCloud(id, pointCloud,
-                          [](const PointXYZRGBL&) { return DrawColor{0, 0.5, 1, 1}; }, pointSize);
+                          [](const PointXYZRGBL&)
+    {
+        return DrawColor{0, 0.5, 1, 1};
+    }, pointSize);
     drawer.drawPointCloudRGBA(id, pointCloud, pointSize);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/visualization/DebugDrawerTopic.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/visualization/DebugDrawerTopic.cpp
index ca6e0b439..e1b3adfc8 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/visualization/DebugDrawerTopic.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/visualization/DebugDrawerTopic.cpp
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ namespace armarx
     void DebugDrawerTopic::drawBox(const VisuID& id, const Eigen::Matrix4f& pose, const Eigen::Vector3f& extents,
                                    const DrawColor& color, bool ignoreLengthScale)
-        drawBox(id, math::Helpers::Position(pose), Eigen::Quaternionf(math::Helpers::Orientation(pose)),
+        drawBox(id, ::math::Helpers::Position(pose), Eigen::Quaternionf(::math::Helpers::Orientation(pose)),
                 extents, color, ignoreLengthScale);
@@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ namespace armarx
         const DrawColor& color, bool ignoreLengthScale)
         const Eigen::Vector3f center = .5 * (boundingBox.getMin() + boundingBox.getMax());
-        drawBox(id, math::Helpers::TransformPosition(pose, center),
-                Eigen::Quaternionf(math::Helpers::Orientation(pose)),
+        drawBox(id, ::math::Helpers::TransformPosition(pose, center),
+                Eigen::Quaternionf(::math::Helpers::Orientation(pose)),
                 boundingBox.getMax() - boundingBox.getMin(), color, ignoreLengthScale);
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ namespace armarx
         const Eigen::Vector3f& extents,
         float width, const DrawColor& color, bool ignoreLengthScale)
-        drawBoxEdges(id, math::Helpers::Pose(position, orientation), extents, width, color, ignoreLengthScale);
+        drawBoxEdges(id, ::math::Helpers::Pose(position, orientation), extents, width, color, ignoreLengthScale);
     void DebugDrawerTopic::drawBoxEdges(
@@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ namespace armarx
             Eigen::Vector3f start = { bb.col(x1).x(), bb.col(y1).y(), bb.col(z1).z() };
             Eigen::Vector3f end = { bb.col(x2).x(), bb.col(y2).y(), bb.col(z2).z() };
-            start = math::Helpers::TransformPosition(pose, start);
-            end = math::Helpers::TransformPosition(pose, end);
+            start = ::math::Helpers::TransformPosition(pose, start);
+            end = ::math::Helpers::TransformPosition(pose, end);
@@ -298,8 +298,8 @@ namespace armarx
     void DebugDrawerTopic::drawBoxEdges(
-            const DebugDrawerTopic::VisuID& id, const Eigen::Matrix32f& aabb,
-            float width, const DrawColor& color, bool ignoreLengthScale)
+        const DebugDrawerTopic::VisuID& id, const Eigen::Matrix32f& aabb,
+        float width, const DrawColor& color, bool ignoreLengthScale)
         drawBoxEdges(id, aabb, Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity(), width, color, ignoreLengthScale);
@@ -311,8 +311,8 @@ namespace armarx
         const Eigen::Vector3f center = .5 * (boundingBox.getMin() + boundingBox.getMax());
-        drawBoxEdges(id, math::Helpers::Pose(math::Helpers::TransformPosition(pose, center),
-                                             math::Helpers::Orientation(pose)),
+        drawBoxEdges(id, ::math::Helpers::Pose(::math::Helpers::TransformPosition(pose, center),
+                                               ::math::Helpers::Orientation(pose)),
                      boundingBox.getMax() - boundingBox.getMin(),
                      width, color, ignoreLengthScale);
@@ -324,8 +324,8 @@ namespace armarx
         const Eigen::Vector3f center = 0.5 * (aabb.col(0) + aabb.col(1));
-        drawBoxEdges(id, math::Helpers::Pose(math::Helpers::TransformPosition(pose, center),
-                                             math::Helpers::Orientation(pose)),
+        drawBoxEdges(id, ::math::Helpers::Pose(::math::Helpers::TransformPosition(pose, center),
+                                               ::math::Helpers::Orientation(pose)),
                      aabb.col(1) - aabb.col(0),
                      width, color, ignoreLengthScale);
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ namespace armarx
         const Eigen::Vector3f& pos, const Eigen::Quaternionf& ori,
         bool ignoreLengthScale)
-        drawPose(id, math::Helpers::Pose(pos, ori), _poseScale, ignoreLengthScale);
+        drawPose(id, ::math::Helpers::Pose(pos, ori), _poseScale, ignoreLengthScale);
@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ namespace armarx
         const VisuID& id, const Eigen::Vector3f& pos, const Eigen::Quaternionf& ori,
         float scale, bool ignoreLengthScale)
-        drawPose(id, math::Helpers::Pose(pos, ori), scale, ignoreLengthScale);
+        drawPose(id, ::math::Helpers::Pose(pos, ori), scale, ignoreLengthScale);
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ namespace armarx
         const DebugDrawerTopic::VisuID& id,
         const Eigen::Vector3f& pos, const Eigen::Quaternionf& ori, bool ignoreScale)
-        updateRobotPose(id, math::Helpers::Pose(pos, ori), ignoreScale);
+        updateRobotPose(id, ::math::Helpers::Pose(pos, ori), ignoreScale);
@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ namespace armarx
         auto toVector3 = [&scale, &isIdentity, &pose](const Eigen::Vector3f & v)
-            return scaled(scale, isIdentity ? v : math::Helpers::TransformPosition(pose, v));
+            return scaled(scale, isIdentity ? v : ::math::Helpers::TransformPosition(pose, v));
         ARMARX_INFO << "Drawing trimesh as polygons";
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ namespace armarx
             Eigen::Matrix4f out = pose;
-            math::Helpers::Position(out) *= scale;
+            ::math::Helpers::Position(out) *= scale;
             return new Pose(out);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/widgets/DebugLayerControlWidget.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/widgets/DebugLayerControlWidget.cpp
index 249afb6e1..8737c606c 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/widgets/DebugLayerControlWidget.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/widgets/DebugLayerControlWidget.cpp
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ DebugLayerControlWidget::~DebugLayerControlWidget()
     delete ui;
-void DebugLayerControlWidget::setEntityDrawer(DebugDrawerComponentPtr entityDrawer)
+void DebugLayerControlWidget::setEntityDrawer(armarx::DebugDrawerComponentPtr entityDrawer)
     this->entityDrawer = entityDrawer;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/widgets/DebugLayerControlWidget.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/widgets/DebugLayerControlWidget.h
index 607a6b0fe..619e936e8 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/widgets/DebugLayerControlWidget.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/widgets/DebugLayerControlWidget.h
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
 /* System headers */
 #include <string>
-using namespace armarx;
 namespace Ui
@@ -59,7 +58,7 @@ class DebugLayerControlWidget : public QWidget
     DebugLayerControlWidget(QWidget* parent = 0);
     ~DebugLayerControlWidget() override;
-    void setEntityDrawer(DebugDrawerComponentPtr entityDrawer);
+    void setEntityDrawer(armarx::DebugDrawerComponentPtr entityDrawer);
 public slots:
     void updateLayers();
@@ -67,7 +66,7 @@ public slots:
     void layerToggleVisibility(QString layerName);
-    DebugDrawerComponentPtr entityDrawer;
+    armarx::DebugDrawerComponentPtr entityDrawer;
     SoTimerSensor* timerSensor;
      * @brief Maps events to toggle a layer's visibility from checkboxes contained in the table to layerToggleVisibility.
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ForceTorqueUtility/DetectForceFlank.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ForceTorqueUtility/DetectForceFlank.h
index 2ac702f87..de0a5494a 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ForceTorqueUtility/DetectForceFlank.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ForceTorqueUtility/DetectForceFlank.h
@@ -23,33 +23,31 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/statecharts/ForceTorqueUtility/DetectForceFlank.generated.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::ForceTorqueUtility
-    namespace ForceTorqueUtility
+    class DetectForceFlank :
+        public DetectForceFlankGeneratedBase < DetectForceFlank >
-        class DetectForceFlank :
-            public DetectForceFlankGeneratedBase < DetectForceFlank >
+    public:
+        DetectForceFlank(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
+            XMLStateTemplate < DetectForceFlank > (stateData), DetectForceFlankGeneratedBase < DetectForceFlank > (stateData)
-        public:
-            DetectForceFlank(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
-                XMLStateTemplate < DetectForceFlank > (stateData), DetectForceFlankGeneratedBase < DetectForceFlank > (stateData)
-            {
-            }
-            // inherited from StateBase
-            void onEnter() override {}
-            void run() override;
-            void onExit() override {}
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-            // use stateparameters instead,
-            // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
-        };
-    }
+        }
+        // inherited from StateBase
+        void onEnter() override {}
+        void run() override;
+        void onExit() override {}
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // use stateparameters instead,
+        // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ForceTorqueUtility/DetectForceSpike.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ForceTorqueUtility/DetectForceSpike.h
index 03bd9170b..9ee5ce9e2 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ForceTorqueUtility/DetectForceSpike.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ForceTorqueUtility/DetectForceSpike.h
@@ -23,33 +23,28 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/statecharts/ForceTorqueUtility/DetectForceSpike.generated.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::ForceTorqueUtility
-    namespace ForceTorqueUtility
+    class DetectForceSpike :
+        public DetectForceSpikeGeneratedBase < DetectForceSpike >
-        class DetectForceSpike :
-            public DetectForceSpikeGeneratedBase < DetectForceSpike >
+    public:
+        DetectForceSpike(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
+            XMLStateTemplate < DetectForceSpike > (stateData), DetectForceSpikeGeneratedBase < DetectForceSpike > (stateData)
-        public:
-            DetectForceSpike(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
-                XMLStateTemplate < DetectForceSpike > (stateData), DetectForceSpikeGeneratedBase < DetectForceSpike > (stateData)
-            {
-            }
+        }
-            // inherited from StateBase
-            void onEnter() override {}
-            void run() override;
-            void onExit() override {}
+        // inherited from StateBase
+        void onEnter() override {}
+        void run() override;
+        void onExit() override {}
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-            // use stateparameters instead,
-            // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
-        };
-    }
+        // use stateparameters instead,
+        // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ForceTorqueUtility/ForceTorqueUtilityRemoteStateOfferer.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ForceTorqueUtility/ForceTorqueUtilityRemoteStateOfferer.h
index e1299f985..8fe4acb8b 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ForceTorqueUtility/ForceTorqueUtilityRemoteStateOfferer.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ForceTorqueUtility/ForceTorqueUtilityRemoteStateOfferer.h
@@ -25,28 +25,24 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/statechart/xmlstates/XMLRemoteStateOfferer.h>
 #include "ForceTorqueUtilityStatechartContext.generated.h"
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::ForceTorqueUtility
-    namespace ForceTorqueUtility
+    class ForceTorqueUtilityRemoteStateOfferer :
+        virtual public XMLRemoteStateOfferer < ForceTorqueUtilityStatechartContext > // Change this statechart context if you need another context (dont forget to change in the constructor as well)
-        class ForceTorqueUtilityRemoteStateOfferer :
-            virtual public XMLRemoteStateOfferer < ForceTorqueUtilityStatechartContext > // Change this statechart context if you need another context (dont forget to change in the constructor as well)
-        {
-        public:
-            ForceTorqueUtilityRemoteStateOfferer(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
+    public:
+        ForceTorqueUtilityRemoteStateOfferer(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
-            // inherited from RemoteStateOfferer
-            void onInitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            void onConnectXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            void onExitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        // inherited from RemoteStateOfferer
+        void onInitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        void onConnectXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        void onExitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static std::string GetName();
-            static XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static std::string GetName();
+        static XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-        };
-    }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/OrientedTactileSensorGroup/OrientedTactileSensorGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/OrientedTactileSensorGroup/OrientedTactileSensorGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h
index 92ea07c58..6d132d9bc 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/OrientedTactileSensorGroup/OrientedTactileSensorGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/OrientedTactileSensorGroup/OrientedTactileSensorGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h
@@ -25,28 +25,24 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/statechart/xmlstates/XMLRemoteStateOfferer.h>
 #include "OrientedTactileSensorGroupStatechartContext.generated.h"
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::OrientedTactileSensorGroup
-    namespace OrientedTactileSensorGroup
+    class OrientedTactileSensorGroupRemoteStateOfferer :
+        virtual public XMLRemoteStateOfferer < OrientedTactileSensorGroupStatechartContext > // Change this statechart context if you need another context (dont forget to change in the constructor as well)
-        class OrientedTactileSensorGroupRemoteStateOfferer :
-            virtual public XMLRemoteStateOfferer < OrientedTactileSensorGroupStatechartContext > // Change this statechart context if you need another context (dont forget to change in the constructor as well)
-        {
-        public:
-            OrientedTactileSensorGroupRemoteStateOfferer(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
+    public:
+        OrientedTactileSensorGroupRemoteStateOfferer(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
-            // inherited from RemoteStateOfferer
-            void onInitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            void onConnectXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            void onExitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        // inherited from RemoteStateOfferer
+        void onInitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        void onConnectXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        void onExitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static std::string GetName();
-            static XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static std::string GetName();
+        static XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-        };
-    }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/OrientedTactileSensorGroup/OrientedTactileSensorTest.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/OrientedTactileSensorGroup/OrientedTactileSensorTest.h
index 690c8756d..b9d5a2c02 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/OrientedTactileSensorGroup/OrientedTactileSensorTest.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/OrientedTactileSensorGroup/OrientedTactileSensorTest.h
@@ -24,33 +24,29 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/statecharts/OrientedTactileSensorGroup/OrientedTactileSensorTest.generated.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::OrientedTactileSensorGroup
-    namespace OrientedTactileSensorGroup
+    class OrientedTactileSensorTest :
+        public OrientedTactileSensorTestGeneratedBase <OrientedTactileSensorTest>
-        class OrientedTactileSensorTest :
-            public OrientedTactileSensorTestGeneratedBase <OrientedTactileSensorTest>
+    public:
+        OrientedTactileSensorTest(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
+            XMLStateTemplate <OrientedTactileSensorTest> (stateData), OrientedTactileSensorTestGeneratedBase <OrientedTactileSensorTest> (stateData)
-        public:
-            OrientedTactileSensorTest(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
-                XMLStateTemplate <OrientedTactileSensorTest> (stateData), OrientedTactileSensorTestGeneratedBase <OrientedTactileSensorTest> (stateData)
-            {
-            }
+        }
-            // inherited from StateBase
-            void onEnter() override;
-            // void run();
-            // void onBreak();
-            void onExit() override;
+        // inherited from StateBase
+        void onEnter() override;
+        // void run();
+        // void onBreak();
+        void onExit() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-            // use stateparameters instead,
-            // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
-        };
-    }
+        // use stateparameters instead,
+        // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ProsthesisKinestheticTeachIn/CyberGloveProsthesisControl.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ProsthesisKinestheticTeachIn/CyberGloveProsthesisControl.cpp
index cf1bcd9ab..f49336429 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ProsthesisKinestheticTeachIn/CyberGloveProsthesisControl.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ProsthesisKinestheticTeachIn/CyberGloveProsthesisControl.cpp
@@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ void CyberGloveProsthesisControl::run()
     // should check constantly whether isRunningTaskStopped() returns true
     // get a private kinematic instance for this state of the robot (tick "Robot State Component" proxy checkbox in statechart group)
-//    VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot = getLocalRobot();
+    //    VirtualRobot::RobotPtr robot = getLocalRobot();
-//    DebugDrawerHelper debugDrawerHelper(getDebugDrawerTopic(), "RemoteTeachIn", robot);
-//    ProsthesisPositionHelperPtr prosthesisPositionHelper;
+    //    DebugDrawerHelper debugDrawerHelper(getDebugDrawerTopic(), "RemoteTeachIn", robot);
+    //    ProsthesisPositionHelperPtr prosthesisPositionHelper;
     RemoteGui::detail::VBoxLayoutBuilder rootLayoutBuilder = RemoteGui::makeVBoxLayout();
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ void CyberGloveProsthesisControl::run()
     std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> start, end;
-// uncomment this if you need a continous run function. Make sure to use sleep or use blocking wait to reduce cpu load.
+    // uncomment this if you need a continous run function. Make sure to use sleep or use blocking wait to reduce cpu load.
     while (!isRunningTaskStopped()) // stop run function if returning true
         // do your calculations
@@ -274,32 +274,32 @@ void CyberGloveProsthesisControl::run()
             //SimpleJsonLoggerEntry e;
             shapeHand(indexValue, thumbValue);
-//            e.AddTimestamp();
+            //            e.AddTimestamp();
             NameValueMap handMotorValues = getHandUnit()->getCurrentJointValues();
-//            e.Add("indexValueTarget", indexValue);
-//            e.Add("thumbValueTarget", thumbValue);
-//            e.Add("indexValueActual", handMotorValues["Fingers"]);
-//            e.Add("thumbValueActual", handMotorValues["Thumb"]);
+            //            e.Add("indexValueTarget", indexValue);
+            //            e.Add("thumbValueTarget", thumbValue);
+            //            e.Add("indexValueActual", handMotorValues["Fingers"]);
+            //            e.Add("thumbValueActual", handMotorValues["Thumb"]);
             if (record)
                 end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
                 double elapsed_milliseconds = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>
-                                             (end-start).count();
+                                              (end - start).count();
                 logger << elapsed_milliseconds << "," << indexValue << "," << thumbValue << "," << handMotorValues["Fingers"] << "," << handMotorValues["Thumb"] << std::endl;
-//                if (storeCalibrationValuesForCyberGlove)
-//                {
-//                    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "Recording raw joint values for calibration.";
-//                    e = getRawJointValuesForCalibration(openValues, closedValues);
-//                    storeCalibrationValuesForCyberGlove = false;
-//                }
-//                else
-//                {
-//                    addCurrentRawJointValues(currentValues, e);
-//                }
-//                logger->log(e);
+                //                if (storeCalibrationValuesForCyberGlove)
+                //                {
+                //                    ARMARX_IMPORTANT << "Recording raw joint values for calibration.";
+                //                    e = getRawJointValuesForCalibration(openValues, closedValues);
+                //                    storeCalibrationValuesForCyberGlove = false;
+                //                }
+                //                else
+                //                {
+                //                    addCurrentRawJointValues(currentValues, e);
+                //                }
+                //                logger->log(e);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ProsthesisKinestheticTeachIn/CyberGloveProsthesisControl.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ProsthesisKinestheticTeachIn/CyberGloveProsthesisControl.h
index 522338b6a..dccc99d23 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ProsthesisKinestheticTeachIn/CyberGloveProsthesisControl.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ProsthesisKinestheticTeachIn/CyberGloveProsthesisControl.h
@@ -24,49 +24,47 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/statecharts/ProsthesisKinestheticTeachIn/CyberGloveProsthesisControl.generated.h>
 //#include <RobotAPI/libraries/SimpleJsonLogger/SimpleJsonLogger.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::ProsthesisKinestheticTeachIn
-    namespace ProsthesisKinestheticTeachIn
+    class CyberGloveProsthesisControl :
+        public CyberGloveProsthesisControlGeneratedBase < CyberGloveProsthesisControl >
-        class CyberGloveProsthesisControl :
-            public CyberGloveProsthesisControlGeneratedBase < CyberGloveProsthesisControl >
+    public:
+        CyberGloveProsthesisControl(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
+            XMLStateTemplate < CyberGloveProsthesisControl > (stateData), CyberGloveProsthesisControlGeneratedBase < CyberGloveProsthesisControl > (stateData)
-        public:
-            CyberGloveProsthesisControl(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
-                XMLStateTemplate < CyberGloveProsthesisControl > (stateData), CyberGloveProsthesisControlGeneratedBase < CyberGloveProsthesisControl > (stateData)
-            {
-            }
+        }
-            enum class PhaseType
-            {
-                CalibOpen,
-                CalibClose,
-                StartPose,
-                TeachIn
-            };
+        enum class PhaseType
+        {
+            CalibOpen,
+            CalibClose,
+            StartPose,
+            TeachIn
+        };
-            // inherited from StateBase
-            void onEnter() override;
-            void run() override;
-            // void onBreak() override;
-            void onExit() override;
+        // inherited from StateBase
+        void onEnter() override;
+        void run() override;
+        // void onBreak() override;
+        void onExit() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-            // use stateparameters instead,
-            // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
+        // use stateparameters instead,
+        // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
-        private:
-            void shapeHand(float fingers, float thumb);
-            //SimpleJsonLoggerEntry getRawJointValuesForCalibration(CyberGloveValues& openValues, CyberGloveValues& closedValues);
-            //void addCurrentRawJointValues(CyberGloveValues& currentValues, SimpleJsonLoggerEntry& e);
+    private:
+        void shapeHand(float fingers, float thumb);
+        //SimpleJsonLoggerEntry getRawJointValuesForCalibration(CyberGloveValues& openValues, CyberGloveValues& closedValues);
+        //void addCurrentRawJointValues(CyberGloveValues& currentValues, SimpleJsonLoggerEntry& e);
-        };
-    }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ProsthesisKinestheticTeachIn/ProsthesisKinestheticTeachInRemoteStateOfferer.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ProsthesisKinestheticTeachIn/ProsthesisKinestheticTeachInRemoteStateOfferer.h
index 916c56613..2a6b6114c 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ProsthesisKinestheticTeachIn/ProsthesisKinestheticTeachInRemoteStateOfferer.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/ProsthesisKinestheticTeachIn/ProsthesisKinestheticTeachInRemoteStateOfferer.h
@@ -25,28 +25,26 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/statechart/xmlstates/XMLRemoteStateOfferer.h>
 #include "ProsthesisKinestheticTeachInStatechartContext.generated.h"
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::ProsthesisKinestheticTeachIn
-    namespace ProsthesisKinestheticTeachIn
+    class ProsthesisKinestheticTeachInRemoteStateOfferer :
+        virtual public XMLRemoteStateOfferer < ProsthesisKinestheticTeachInStatechartContext > // Change this statechart context if you need another context (dont forget to change in the constructor as well)
-        class ProsthesisKinestheticTeachInRemoteStateOfferer :
-            virtual public XMLRemoteStateOfferer < ProsthesisKinestheticTeachInStatechartContext > // Change this statechart context if you need another context (dont forget to change in the constructor as well)
-        {
-        public:
-            ProsthesisKinestheticTeachInRemoteStateOfferer(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
+    public:
+        ProsthesisKinestheticTeachInRemoteStateOfferer(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
-            // inherited from RemoteStateOfferer
-            void onInitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            void onConnectXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            void onExitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        // inherited from RemoteStateOfferer
+        void onInitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        void onConnectXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        void onExitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static std::string GetName();
-            static XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static std::string GetName();
+        static XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-        };
-    }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/RobotNameHelperTestGroup/RobotNameHelperTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/RobotNameHelperTestGroup/RobotNameHelperTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h
index dccee7089..3553f8e4b 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/RobotNameHelperTestGroup/RobotNameHelperTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/RobotNameHelperTestGroup/RobotNameHelperTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h
@@ -25,28 +25,26 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/statechart/xmlstates/XMLRemoteStateOfferer.h>
 #include "RobotNameHelperTestGroupStatechartContext.generated.h"
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::RobotNameHelperTestGroup
-    namespace RobotNameHelperTestGroup
+    class RobotNameHelperTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer :
+        virtual public XMLRemoteStateOfferer < RobotNameHelperTestGroupStatechartContext > // Change this statechart context if you need another context (dont forget to change in the constructor as well)
-        class RobotNameHelperTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer :
-            virtual public XMLRemoteStateOfferer < RobotNameHelperTestGroupStatechartContext > // Change this statechart context if you need another context (dont forget to change in the constructor as well)
-        {
-        public:
-            RobotNameHelperTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
+    public:
+        RobotNameHelperTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
-            // inherited from RemoteStateOfferer
-            void onInitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            void onConnectXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            void onExitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        // inherited from RemoteStateOfferer
+        void onInitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        void onConnectXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        void onExitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static std::string GetName();
-            static XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static std::string GetName();
+        static XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-        };
-    }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/RobotNameHelperTestGroup/TestGetNames.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/RobotNameHelperTestGroup/TestGetNames.h
index 84b0ac8e9..a273d15b5 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/RobotNameHelperTestGroup/TestGetNames.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/RobotNameHelperTestGroup/TestGetNames.h
@@ -23,34 +23,32 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/statecharts/RobotNameHelperTestGroup/TestGetNames.generated.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::RobotNameHelperTestGroup
-    namespace RobotNameHelperTestGroup
+    class TestGetNames :
+        public TestGetNamesGeneratedBase < TestGetNames >
-        class TestGetNames :
-            public TestGetNamesGeneratedBase < TestGetNames >
+    public:
+        TestGetNames(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
+            XMLStateTemplate < TestGetNames > (stateData), TestGetNamesGeneratedBase < TestGetNames > (stateData)
-        public:
-            TestGetNames(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
-                XMLStateTemplate < TestGetNames > (stateData), TestGetNamesGeneratedBase < TestGetNames > (stateData)
-            {
-            }
-            // inherited from StateBase
-            void onEnter() override;
-            void run() override;
-            // void onBreak() override;
-            void onExit() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-            // use stateparameters instead,
-            // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
-        };
-    }
+        }
+        // inherited from StateBase
+        void onEnter() override;
+        void run() override;
+        // void onBreak() override;
+        void onExit() override;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // use stateparameters instead,
+        // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/SpeechObserverTestGroup/SpeechObserverTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/SpeechObserverTestGroup/SpeechObserverTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h
index d3891271c..cc843a739 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/SpeechObserverTestGroup/SpeechObserverTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/SpeechObserverTestGroup/SpeechObserverTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h
@@ -25,28 +25,26 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/statechart/xmlstates/XMLRemoteStateOfferer.h>
 #include "SpeechObserverTestGroupStatechartContext.generated.h"
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::SpeechObserverTestGroup
-    namespace SpeechObserverTestGroup
+    class SpeechObserverTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer :
+        virtual public XMLRemoteStateOfferer < SpeechObserverTestGroupStatechartContext > // Change this statechart context if you need another context (dont forget to change in the constructor as well)
-        class SpeechObserverTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer :
-            virtual public XMLRemoteStateOfferer < SpeechObserverTestGroupStatechartContext > // Change this statechart context if you need another context (dont forget to change in the constructor as well)
-        {
-        public:
-            SpeechObserverTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
+    public:
+        SpeechObserverTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
-            // inherited from RemoteStateOfferer
-            void onInitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            void onConnectXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            void onExitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        // inherited from RemoteStateOfferer
+        void onInitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        void onConnectXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        void onExitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static std::string GetName();
-            static XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static std::string GetName();
+        static XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-        };
-    }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/SpeechObserverTestGroup/TestTextToSpeech.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/SpeechObserverTestGroup/TestTextToSpeech.h
index 5911942a0..8488ecc11 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/SpeechObserverTestGroup/TestTextToSpeech.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/SpeechObserverTestGroup/TestTextToSpeech.h
@@ -23,35 +23,30 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/statecharts/SpeechObserverTestGroup/TestTextToSpeech.generated.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::SpeechObserverTestGroup
-    namespace SpeechObserverTestGroup
+    class TestTextToSpeech :
+        public TestTextToSpeechGeneratedBase < TestTextToSpeech >
-        class TestTextToSpeech :
-            public TestTextToSpeechGeneratedBase < TestTextToSpeech >
+    public:
+        TestTextToSpeech(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
+            XMLStateTemplate < TestTextToSpeech > (stateData), TestTextToSpeechGeneratedBase < TestTextToSpeech > (stateData)
-        public:
-            TestTextToSpeech(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
-                XMLStateTemplate < TestTextToSpeech > (stateData), TestTextToSpeechGeneratedBase < TestTextToSpeech > (stateData)
-            {
-            }
+        }
-            // inherited from StateBase
-            void onEnter() override;
-            void run() override;
-            // void onBreak() override;
-            void onExit() override;
+        // inherited from StateBase
+        void onEnter() override;
+        void run() override;
+        // void onBreak() override;
+        void onExit() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-            // use stateparameters instead,
-            // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
-            void waitForSpeechFinished();
-        };
-    }
+        // use stateparameters instead,
+        // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
+        void waitForSpeechFinished();
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/StatechartExecution.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/StatechartExecution.h
index 6d410eb07..a9e3ec9b5 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/StatechartExecution.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/StatechartExecution.h
@@ -23,34 +23,29 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/StatechartExecution.generated.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::StatechartExecutionGroup
-    namespace StatechartExecutionGroup
+    class StatechartExecution :
+        public StatechartExecutionGeneratedBase < StatechartExecution >
-        class StatechartExecution :
-            public StatechartExecutionGeneratedBase < StatechartExecution >
+    public:
+        StatechartExecution(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
+            XMLStateTemplate < StatechartExecution > (stateData), StatechartExecutionGeneratedBase < StatechartExecution > (stateData)
-        public:
-            StatechartExecution(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
-                XMLStateTemplate < StatechartExecution > (stateData), StatechartExecutionGeneratedBase < StatechartExecution > (stateData)
-            {
-            }
+        }
-            // inherited from StateBase
-            void onEnter() override;
-            // void run() override;
-            // void onBreak() override;
-            void onExit() override;
+        // inherited from StateBase
+        void onEnter() override;
+        // void run() override;
+        // void onBreak() override;
+        void onExit() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-            // use stateparameters instead,
-            // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
-        };
-    }
+        // use stateparameters instead,
+        // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/StatechartExecutionGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/StatechartExecutionGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h
index 3ffadd3fe..030cac2fe 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/StatechartExecutionGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/StatechartExecutionGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h
@@ -25,28 +25,24 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/statechart/xmlstates/XMLRemoteStateOfferer.h>
 #include "StatechartExecutionGroupStatechartContext.generated.h"
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::StatechartExecutionGroup
-    namespace StatechartExecutionGroup
+    class StatechartExecutionGroupRemoteStateOfferer :
+        virtual public XMLRemoteStateOfferer < StatechartExecutionGroupStatechartContext > // Change this statechart context if you need another context (dont forget to change in the constructor as well)
-        class StatechartExecutionGroupRemoteStateOfferer :
-            virtual public XMLRemoteStateOfferer < StatechartExecutionGroupStatechartContext > // Change this statechart context if you need another context (dont forget to change in the constructor as well)
-        {
-        public:
-            StatechartExecutionGroupRemoteStateOfferer(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
+    public:
+        StatechartExecutionGroupRemoteStateOfferer(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
-            // inherited from RemoteStateOfferer
-            void onInitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            void onConnectXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            void onExitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        // inherited from RemoteStateOfferer
+        void onInitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        void onConnectXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        void onExitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static std::string GetName();
-            static XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static std::string GetName();
+        static XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-        };
-    }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/Substates/Executor.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/Substates/Executor.h
index 73eaf61e8..5735c14d9 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/Substates/Executor.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/Substates/Executor.h
@@ -26,32 +26,30 @@
 namespace armarx
-    namespace StatechartExecutionGroup
+namespace armarx::StatechartExecutionGroup
+    class Executor :
+        public ExecutorGeneratedBase < Executor >
-        class Executor :
-            public ExecutorGeneratedBase < Executor >
+    public:
+        Executor(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
+            XMLStateTemplate < Executor > (stateData), ExecutorGeneratedBase < Executor > (stateData)
-        public:
-            Executor(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
-                XMLStateTemplate < Executor > (stateData), ExecutorGeneratedBase < Executor > (stateData)
-            {
-            }
+        }
-            // inherited from StateBase
-            void onEnter() override;
-            // void run() override;
-            void onBreak() override;
-            void onExit() override;
+        // inherited from StateBase
+        void onEnter() override;
+        // void run() override;
+        void onBreak() override;
+        void onExit() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-            // use stateparameters instead,
-            // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
-        };
-    }
+        // use stateparameters instead,
+        // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/Substates/PrepareNext.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/Substates/PrepareNext.h
index 7b0831d25..922c8c159 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/Substates/PrepareNext.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/Substates/PrepareNext.h
@@ -23,34 +23,29 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/PrepareNext.generated.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::StatechartExecutionGroup
-    namespace StatechartExecutionGroup
+    class PrepareNext :
+        public PrepareNextGeneratedBase < PrepareNext >
-        class PrepareNext :
-            public PrepareNextGeneratedBase < PrepareNext >
+    public:
+        PrepareNext(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
+            XMLStateTemplate < PrepareNext > (stateData), PrepareNextGeneratedBase < PrepareNext > (stateData)
-        public:
-            PrepareNext(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
-                XMLStateTemplate < PrepareNext > (stateData), PrepareNextGeneratedBase < PrepareNext > (stateData)
-            {
-            }
+        }
-            // inherited from StateBase
-            void onEnter() override;
-            // void run() override;
-            // void onBreak() override;
-            void onExit() override;
+        // inherited from StateBase
+        void onEnter() override;
+        // void run() override;
+        // void onBreak() override;
+        void onExit() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-            // use stateparameters instead,
-            // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
-        };
-    }
+        // use stateparameters instead,
+        // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/Substates/WaitForNext.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/Substates/WaitForNext.h
index b98d39ef1..de648b883 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/Substates/WaitForNext.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/Substates/WaitForNext.h
@@ -26,32 +26,30 @@
 namespace armarx
-    namespace StatechartExecutionGroup
+namespace armarx::StatechartExecutionGroup
+    class WaitForNext :
+        public WaitForNextGeneratedBase < WaitForNext >
-        class WaitForNext :
-            public WaitForNextGeneratedBase < WaitForNext >
+    public:
+        WaitForNext(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
+            XMLStateTemplate < WaitForNext > (stateData), WaitForNextGeneratedBase < WaitForNext > (stateData)
-        public:
-            WaitForNext(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
-                XMLStateTemplate < WaitForNext > (stateData), WaitForNextGeneratedBase < WaitForNext > (stateData)
-            {
-            }
+        }
-            // inherited from StateBase
-            void onEnter() override;
-            // void run() override;
-            // void onBreak() override;
-            void onExit() override;
+        // inherited from StateBase
+        void onEnter() override;
+        // void run() override;
+        // void onBreak() override;
+        void onExit() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-            // use stateparameters instead,
-            // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
-        };
-    }
+        // use stateparameters instead,
+        // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/Testing/TestStateForStatechartExecution.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/Testing/TestStateForStatechartExecution.h
index 09cd6baf8..7bee11d15 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/Testing/TestStateForStatechartExecution.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/Testing/TestStateForStatechartExecution.h
@@ -23,34 +23,29 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartExecutionGroup/TestStateForStatechartExecution.generated.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::StatechartExecutionGroup
-    namespace StatechartExecutionGroup
+    class TestStateForStatechartExecution :
+        public TestStateForStatechartExecutionGeneratedBase < TestStateForStatechartExecution >
-        class TestStateForStatechartExecution :
-            public TestStateForStatechartExecutionGeneratedBase < TestStateForStatechartExecution >
+    public:
+        TestStateForStatechartExecution(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
+            XMLStateTemplate < TestStateForStatechartExecution > (stateData), TestStateForStatechartExecutionGeneratedBase < TestStateForStatechartExecution > (stateData)
-        public:
-            TestStateForStatechartExecution(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
-                XMLStateTemplate < TestStateForStatechartExecution > (stateData), TestStateForStatechartExecutionGeneratedBase < TestStateForStatechartExecution > (stateData)
-            {
-            }
+        }
-            // inherited from StateBase
-            void onEnter() override;
-            void run() override;
-            // void onBreak() override;
-            void onExit() override;
+        // inherited from StateBase
+        void onEnter() override;
+        void run() override;
+        // void onBreak() override;
+        void onExit() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-            // use stateparameters instead,
-            // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
-        };
-    }
+        // use stateparameters instead,
+        // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartProfilesTestGroup/StatechartProfilesTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartProfilesTestGroup/StatechartProfilesTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h
index 73f191c9a..40d04d844 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartProfilesTestGroup/StatechartProfilesTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartProfilesTestGroup/StatechartProfilesTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h
@@ -27,28 +27,24 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/statechart/xmlstates/XMLRemoteStateOfferer.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartProfilesTestGroup/StatechartProfilesTestGroupStatechartContext.generated.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::StatechartProfilesTestGroup
-    namespace StatechartProfilesTestGroup
+    class StatechartProfilesTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer :
+        virtual public XMLRemoteStateOfferer < StatechartProfilesTestGroupStatechartContext > // Change this statechart context if you need another context (dont forget to change in the constructor as well)
-        class StatechartProfilesTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer :
-            virtual public XMLRemoteStateOfferer < StatechartProfilesTestGroupStatechartContext > // Change this statechart context if you need another context (dont forget to change in the constructor as well)
-        {
-        public:
-            StatechartProfilesTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
+    public:
+        StatechartProfilesTestGroupRemoteStateOfferer(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
-            // inherited from RemoteStateOfferer
-            void onInitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            void onConnectXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            void onExitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        // inherited from RemoteStateOfferer
+        void onInitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        void onConnectXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        void onExitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static std::string GetName();
-            static XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static std::string GetName();
+        static XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-        };
-    }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartProfilesTestGroup/TestState.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartProfilesTestGroup/TestState.h
index 1737f94b0..adad16ef6 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartProfilesTestGroup/TestState.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/StatechartProfilesTestGroup/TestState.h
@@ -26,30 +26,26 @@
 #include "TestState.generated.h"
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::StatechartProfilesTestGroup
-    namespace StatechartProfilesTestGroup
+    class TestState :
+        public TestStateGeneratedBase<TestState>
-        class TestState :
-            public TestStateGeneratedBase<TestState>
-        {
-        public:
-            TestState(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData);
+    public:
+        TestState(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData);
-            // inherited from StateBase
-            void onEnter() override;
-            void run() override;
-            void onBreak() override;
-            void onExit() override;
+        // inherited from StateBase
+        void onEnter() override;
+        void run() override;
+        void onBreak() override;
+        void onExit() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-            // use stateparameters instead,
-            // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
-        };
-    }
+        // use stateparameters instead,
+        // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/TrajectoryExecutionCode/PlayTrajectory.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/TrajectoryExecutionCode/PlayTrajectory.h
index afc11e6ea..d28777d5f 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/TrajectoryExecutionCode/PlayTrajectory.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/TrajectoryExecutionCode/PlayTrajectory.h
@@ -24,33 +24,31 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/statecharts/TrajectoryExecutionCode/PlayTrajectory.generated.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::TrajectoryExecutionCode
-    namespace TrajectoryExecutionCode
+    class PlayTrajectory :
+        public PlayTrajectoryGeneratedBase < PlayTrajectory >
-        class PlayTrajectory :
-            public PlayTrajectoryGeneratedBase < PlayTrajectory >
+    public:
+        PlayTrajectory(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
+            XMLStateTemplate < PlayTrajectory > (stateData), PlayTrajectoryGeneratedBase < PlayTrajectory > (stateData)
-        public:
-            PlayTrajectory(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData):
-                XMLStateTemplate < PlayTrajectory > (stateData), PlayTrajectoryGeneratedBase < PlayTrajectory > (stateData)
-            {
-            }
-            // inherited from StateBase
-            void onEnter() override;
-            // void run();
-            // void onBreak();
-            void onExit() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-            // use stateparameters instead,
-            // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
-        };
-    }
+        }
+        // inherited from StateBase
+        void onEnter() override;
+        // void run();
+        // void onBreak();
+        void onExit() override;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // use stateparameters instead,
+        // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/TrajectoryExecutionCode/TrajectoryExecutionCodeRemoteStateOfferer.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/TrajectoryExecutionCode/TrajectoryExecutionCodeRemoteStateOfferer.h
index 155861772..46df35ec3 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/TrajectoryExecutionCode/TrajectoryExecutionCodeRemoteStateOfferer.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/TrajectoryExecutionCode/TrajectoryExecutionCodeRemoteStateOfferer.h
@@ -25,28 +25,26 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/statechart/xmlstates/XMLRemoteStateOfferer.h>
 #include "TrajectoryExecutionCodeStatechartContext.generated.h"
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::TrajectoryExecutionCode
-    namespace TrajectoryExecutionCode
+    class TrajectoryExecutionCodeRemoteStateOfferer :
+        virtual public XMLRemoteStateOfferer < TrajectoryExecutionCodeStatechartContext > // Change this statechart context if you need another context (dont forget to change in the constructor as well)
-        class TrajectoryExecutionCodeRemoteStateOfferer :
-            virtual public XMLRemoteStateOfferer < TrajectoryExecutionCodeStatechartContext > // Change this statechart context if you need another context (dont forget to change in the constructor as well)
-        {
-        public:
-            TrajectoryExecutionCodeRemoteStateOfferer(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
+    public:
+        TrajectoryExecutionCodeRemoteStateOfferer(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
-            // inherited from RemoteStateOfferer
-            void onInitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            void onConnectXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            void onExitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        // inherited from RemoteStateOfferer
+        void onInitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        void onConnectXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        void onExitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static std::string GetName();
-            static XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static std::string GetName();
+        static XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-        };
-    }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/WeissHapticGroup/WeissHapticGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/WeissHapticGroup/WeissHapticGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h
index 9fd3d4457..33ab41528 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/WeissHapticGroup/WeissHapticGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/WeissHapticGroup/WeissHapticGroupRemoteStateOfferer.h
@@ -27,28 +27,26 @@
 #include <ArmarXCore/statechart/xmlstates/XMLRemoteStateOfferer.h>
 #include "WeissHapticGroupStatechartContext.generated.h"
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::WeissHapticGroup
-    namespace WeissHapticGroup
+    class WeissHapticGroupRemoteStateOfferer :
+        virtual public XMLRemoteStateOfferer < WeissHapticGroupStatechartContext > // Change this statechart context if you need another context (dont forget to change in the constructor as well)
-        class WeissHapticGroupRemoteStateOfferer :
-            virtual public XMLRemoteStateOfferer < WeissHapticGroupStatechartContext > // Change this statechart context if you need another context (dont forget to change in the constructor as well)
-        {
-        public:
-            WeissHapticGroupRemoteStateOfferer(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
+    public:
+        WeissHapticGroupRemoteStateOfferer(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
-            // inherited from RemoteStateOfferer
-            void onInitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            void onConnectXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            void onExitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        // inherited from RemoteStateOfferer
+        void onInitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        void onConnectXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
+        void onExitXMLRemoteStateOfferer() override;
-            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static std::string GetName();
-            static XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static std::string GetName();
+        static XMLStateOffererFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(StatechartGroupXmlReaderPtr reader);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-        };
-    }
+    };
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/WeissHapticGroup/WeissHapticSensorTest.h b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/WeissHapticGroup/WeissHapticSensorTest.h
index 247302b36..209f76d76 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/WeissHapticGroup/WeissHapticSensorTest.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/statecharts/WeissHapticGroup/WeissHapticSensorTest.h
@@ -25,31 +25,29 @@
 #include <RobotAPI/statecharts/WeissHapticGroup/WeissHapticSensorTest.generated.h>
-namespace armarx
+namespace armarx::WeissHapticGroup
-    namespace WeissHapticGroup
+    class WeissHapticSensorTest
+        :
+        public WeissHapticSensorTestGeneratedBase<WeissHapticSensorTest>
-        class WeissHapticSensorTest
-            :
-            public WeissHapticSensorTestGeneratedBase<WeissHapticSensorTest>
-        {
-        public:
-            WeissHapticSensorTest(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData);
+    public:
+        WeissHapticSensorTest(const XMLStateConstructorParams& stateData);
-            // inherited from StateBase
-            void onEnter() override;
-            void run() override;
-            void onBreak() override;
-            void onExit() override;
+        // inherited from StateBase
+        void onEnter() override;
+        void run() override;
+        void onBreak() override;
+        void onExit() override;
-            //            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
-            static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
-            static SubClassRegistry Registry;
+        //            // static functions for AbstractFactory Method
+        static XMLStateFactoryBasePtr CreateInstance(XMLStateConstructorParams stateData);
+        static SubClassRegistry Registry;
-            // use stateparameters instead,
-            // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
-        };
-    }
+        // use stateparameters instead,
+        // if classmember are neccessary nonetheless, reset them in onEnter
+    };