From 848fbaa5d2c479538432785d42e39fdab7ac842f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johann Mantel <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2021 10:43:27 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] clean up properties

 .../drivers/SickLaserUnit/SickLaserUnit.cpp   | 146 ++++--------------
 .../drivers/SickLaserUnit/SickLaserUnit.h     |  15 +-
 .../drivers/SickLaserUnit/SickScanAdapter.cpp |   3 +-
 3 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/drivers/SickLaserUnit/SickLaserUnit.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/drivers/SickLaserUnit/SickLaserUnit.cpp
index 6c84b806f..1dc755147 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/drivers/SickLaserUnit/SickLaserUnit.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/drivers/SickLaserUnit/SickLaserUnit.cpp
@@ -39,9 +39,18 @@ namespace armarx
             switch (runState)
                 case RunState::scannerInit:
-                    initScanner();
-                    //read the scanner parameters for initialization
-                    result = scanner->loopOnce(scanData, scanTime, scanInfo, true);
+                    if (initCnt < 5)
+                    {
+                        initCnt++;
+                        initScanner();
+                        //read the scanner parameters for initialization
+                        result = scanner->loopOnce(scanData, scanTime, scanInfo, true);
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        ARMARX_WARNING << "Maximum number of reinitializations reached - going to idle state";
+                        runState = RunState::scannerFinalize;
+                    }
                 case RunState::scannerRun:
                     if (result == sick_scan::ExitSuccess) // OK -> loop again
@@ -66,7 +75,8 @@ namespace armarx
                 case RunState::scannerFinalize:
-                    ARMARX_WARNING << "scanner offline";
+                    ARMARX_WARNING << "Scanner offline - stopping task.";
+                    this->task->stop();
                     ARMARX_WARNING << "Invalid run state in task loop";
@@ -124,12 +134,10 @@ namespace armarx
         def->optional(properties.topicName, "topicName", "Name of the topic");
         //Scanner parameters
         def->optional(properties.devices, "devices", "List of Devices in format frame1,ip1,port1;frame2,ip2,port2");
-        def->optional(properties.timelimit, "timelimit", "timelimit for communication");
         def->required(properties.scannerType, "scannerType", "Name of the LaserScanner");
-        def->optional(properties.angleOffset, "angleOffset", "offset to the scanning angle");
+        def->optional(properties.timelimit, "timelimit", "timelimit for communication");
         def->optional(properties.rangeMin, "rangeMin", "minimum Range of the Scanner");
         def->optional(properties.rangeMax, "rangeMax", "maximum Range of the Scanner");
-        def->optional(properties.timeIncrement, "timeIncrement", "timeIncrement??");
         return def;
@@ -137,12 +145,12 @@ namespace armarx
         // Topics and properties defined above are automagically registered.
+        offeringTopic(properties.topicName);
+        ARMARX_INFO_S << "SickLaserUnit is going to report on topic " << properties.topicName;
         // Keep debug observer data until calling `sendDebugObserverBatch()`.
         // (Requies the armarx::DebugObserverComponentPluginUser.)
         // setDebugObserverBatchModeEnabled(true);
-        ARMARX_INFO_S << "initializing SickLaserUnit.";
         std::vector<std::string> splitDeviceStrings = Split(properties.devices, ";");
@@ -152,10 +160,10 @@ namespace armarx
             if (deviceInfo.size() != 3)
                 ARMARX_WARNING << "Unexpected format for laser scanner device: " << deviceString
-                               << " (split size: " << deviceInfo.size() << ")";
+                               << " (split size: " << deviceInfo.size() << ", expected: 3)";
-            SickLaserScanDevice& device = scanDevices.emplace_back();
+            SickLaserScanDevice device;
             device.scanTopic = topic;
             device.isSensorInitialized = false;
             device.frameName = deviceInfo[0];
@@ -165,37 +173,36 @@ namespace armarx
                 device.ip = deviceInfo[1];
             device.port = deviceInfo[2];
-            device.angleOffset = properties.angleOffset;
-            device.timelimit = properties.timelimit;
             device.scannerType = properties.scannerType;
+            device.timelimit = properties.timelimit;
             device.rangeMin = properties.rangeMin;
             device.rangeMax = properties.rangeMax;
-            device.timeIncrement = properties.timeIncrement;
+            //scanInfo
+            device.scanInfo.device = device.ip;
+            device.scanInfo.frame = device.frameName;
             //scanner Parameters
                 device.parser = new sick_scan::SickGenericParser(device.scannerType);
-                device.parser->set_time_increment(properties.timeIncrement);
+                device.parser->getCurrentParamPtr()->setUseBinaryProtocol(false);
             catch (std::exception const& e)
                 ARMARX_ERROR_S << "Could not create parser. Wrong Scanner name.";
+                scanDevices.push_back(device);
-            device.parser->getCurrentParamPtr()->setUseBinaryProtocol(false);
-            device.colaDialectId = 'A';
-        }
-        //addPlugin(heartbeat);
-        //configureHeartbeatChannel();
+            //addPlugin(heartbeat);
+            //configureHeartbeatChannel();
+        }
     void SickLaserUnit::onConnectComponent()
         topic = getTopic<LaserScannerUnitListenerPrx>(properties.topicName);
-        offeringTopic(properties.topicName);
         for (SickLaserScanDevice& device : scanDevices)
@@ -217,23 +224,9 @@ namespace armarx
         // The data can be viewed in the ObserverView and the LivePlotter.
         // (Before starting any threads, we don't need to lock mutexes.)
-            setDebugObserverDatafield("numBoxes", properties.numBoxes);
-            setDebugObserverDatafield("boxLayerName", properties.boxLayerName);
-            sendDebugObserverBatch();
-        }
-        */
-        /* (Requires the armarx::ArVizComponentPluginUser.)
-        // Draw boxes in ArViz.
-        // (Before starting any threads, we don't need to lock mutexes.)
-        drawBoxes(properties, arviz);
-        */
-        /* (Requires the armarx::LightweightRemoteGuiComponentPluginUser.)
-        // Setup the remote GUI.
-        {
-            createRemoteGuiTab();
-            RemoteGui_startRunningTask();
+        setDebugObserverDatafield("numBoxes", properties.numBoxes);
+        setDebugObserverDatafield("boxLayerName", properties.boxLayerName);
+        sendDebugObserverBatch();
@@ -266,81 +259,4 @@ namespace armarx
         return "SickLaserUnit";
-    /* (Requires the armarx::LightweightRemoteGuiComponentPluginUser.)
-    void SickLaserUnit::createRemoteGuiTab()
-    {
-    using namespace armarx::RemoteGui::Client;
-    // Setup the widgets.
-    tab.boxLayerName.setValue(properties.boxLayerName);
-    tab.numBoxes.setValue(properties.numBoxes);
-    tab.numBoxes.setRange(0, 100);
-    tab.drawBoxes.setLabel("Draw Boxes");
-    // Setup the layout.
-    GridLayout grid;
-    int row = 0;
-    {
-    grid.add(Label("Box Layer"), {row, 0}).add(tab.boxLayerName, {row, 1});
-    ++row;
-    grid.add(Label("Num Boxes"), {row, 0}).add(tab.numBoxes, {row, 1});
-    ++row;
-    grid.add(tab.drawBoxes, {row, 0}, {2, 1});
-    ++row;
-    }
-    VBoxLayout root = {grid, VSpacer()};
-    RemoteGui_createTab(getName(), root, &tab);
-    }
-    void SickLaserUnit::RemoteGui_update()
-    {
-    if (tab.boxLayerName.hasValueChanged() || tab.numBoxes.hasValueChanged())
-    {
-    std::scoped_lock lock(propertiesMutex);
-    properties.boxLayerName = tab.boxLayerName.getValue();
-    properties.numBoxes = tab.numBoxes.getValue();
-    {
-    setDebugObserverDatafield("numBoxes", properties.numBoxes);
-    setDebugObserverDatafield("boxLayerName", properties.boxLayerName);
-    sendDebugObserverBatch();
-    }
-    }
-    if (tab.drawBoxes.wasClicked())
-    {
-    // Lock shared variables in methods running in seperate threads
-    // and pass them to functions. This way, the called functions do
-    // not need to think about locking.
-    std::scoped_lock lock(propertiesMutex, arvizMutex);
-    drawBoxes(properties, arviz);
-    }
-    }
-    */
-    /* (Requires the armarx::ArVizComponentPluginUser.)
-    void SickLaserUnit::drawBoxes(const SickLaserUnit::Properties& p, viz::Client&
-    arviz)
-    {
-    // Draw something in ArViz (requires the armarx::ArVizComponentPluginUser.
-    // See the ArVizExample in RobotAPI for more examples.
-    viz::Layer layer = arviz.layer(p.boxLayerName);
-    for (int i = 0; i < p.numBoxes; ++i)
-    {
-    layer.add(viz::Box("box_" + std::to_string(i))
-      .position(Eigen::Vector3f(i * 100, 0, 0))
-      .size(20).color(simox::Color::blue()));
-    }
-    arviz.commit(layer);
-    }
-    */
 } // namespace armarx
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/drivers/SickLaserUnit/SickLaserUnit.h b/source/RobotAPI/drivers/SickLaserUnit/SickLaserUnit.h
index 69d6385c1..2829a8e8f 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/drivers/SickLaserUnit/SickLaserUnit.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/drivers/SickLaserUnit/SickLaserUnit.h
@@ -56,26 +56,23 @@ namespace armarx
         //scanner parameters
         std::string scannerType = "sick_tim_5xx";
-        double angleOffset = 0.0;
-        double rangeMin;
-        double rangeMax;
-        double timeIncrement;
         //communication parameters
         std::string ip;
         std::string port;
         int timelimit = 5;
+        double rangeMin  = 0.0;
+        double rangeMax = 10.0;
         bool useTcp = false;
-        char colaDialectId = 'A';
         //data and task pointers
         IceUtil::Time scanTime;
         LaserScan scanData;
         LaserScannerInfo scanInfo;
+        int initCnt = 0;
         RunState runState = RunState::scannerFinalize;
         RunningTask<SickLaserScanDevice>::pointer_type task;
         std::string frameName = "LaserScannerFront";
         LaserScannerUnitListenerPrx scanTopic;
-        sick_scan::SickScanConfig cfg;
+        //scanner pointers
         sick_scan::SickGenericParser* parser;
         SickScanAdapter* scanner;
         int result = sick_scan::ExitError;
@@ -134,12 +131,10 @@ namespace armarx
             std::string topicName = "SICKLaserScanner";
             //scanner parameters
             std::string devices = "LaserScannerFront,,2112";
-            int timelimit = 5;
             std::string scannerType = "sick_tim_5xx";
-            double angleOffset = 0.0;
+            int timelimit = 5;
             double rangeMin  = 0.0;
             double rangeMax = 10.0;
-            double timeIncrement = 0.1;
         Properties properties;
         std::vector<SickLaserScanDevice> scanDevices;
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/drivers/SickLaserUnit/SickScanAdapter.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/drivers/SickLaserUnit/SickScanAdapter.cpp
index 1e9a011f3..0d2e9368b 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/drivers/SickLaserUnit/SickScanAdapter.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/drivers/SickLaserUnit/SickScanAdapter.cpp
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ namespace armarx
         if ((cola_dialect_id == 'a') || (cola_dialect_id == 'A'))
@@ -347,6 +346,7 @@ namespace armarx
         // 23: Starting angle (FFF92230)
         if (updateScannerInfo)
+            scanInfo.device = hostname_;
             uint starting_angle = (uint) - 1;
             sscanf(fields[23], "%x", &starting_angle);
             scanInfo.minAngle = (starting_angle / 10000.0) / 180.0 * M_PI - M_PI / 2;
@@ -438,7 +438,6 @@ namespace armarx
             ARMARX_ERROR_S << "Number of distance measurements does not match number of intensity values - Skipping";
             return sick_scan::ExitError;
-        //TODO: Write ScanSteps with intensity
         for (int i = 0; i < (int) distVal.size(); i++)