diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/MultiDimPIDController.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/MultiDimPIDController.h
index f25048c8fec61c0923c8da06532f1a05570fba87..97ecb3dcc73811482a8c9e2be738c2753709aa07 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/MultiDimPIDController.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/core/MultiDimPIDController.h
@@ -37,214 +37,215 @@ namespace armarx
     template <int dimensions = Eigen::Dynamic>
     class MultiDimPIDControllerTemplate :
-        public Logging
+	public Logging
-        using PIDVectorX = Eigen::Matrix<float, dimensions, 1>;
-        MultiDimPIDControllerTemplate(float Kp,
-                                      float Ki,
-                                      float Kd,
-                                      double maxControlValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
-                                      double maxDerivation = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
-                                      bool threadSafe = true,
-                                      std::vector<bool> limitless = {}) :
-            Kp(Kp),
-            Ki(Ki),
-            Kd(Kd),
-            integral(0),
-            derivative(0),
-            previousError(0),
-            maxControlValue(maxControlValue),
-            maxDerivation(maxDerivation),
-            threadSafe(threadSafe),
-            limitless(limitless)
-        {
-            reset();
-        }
-        void preallocate(size_t size)
-        {
-            stackAllocations.zeroVec = PIDVectorX::Zero(size);
-            stackAllocations.errorVec = stackAllocations.zeroVec;
-            stackAllocations.direction = stackAllocations.zeroVec;
-            stackAllocations.oldControlValue = stackAllocations.zeroVec;
-        }
-        ~MultiDimPIDControllerTemplate() {}
-        void update(const double deltaSec, const PIDVectorX& measuredValue, const PIDVectorX& targetValue)
-        {
-            ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
-            if (stackAllocations.zeroVec.rows() == 0)
-            {
-                preallocate(measuredValue.rows());
-            }
-            ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(measuredValue.rows(), targetValue.rows());
-            ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(measuredValue.rows(), stackAllocations.zeroVec.rows());
-            processValue = measuredValue;
-            target = targetValue;
-            stackAllocations.errorVec = target - processValue;
-            if (limitless.size() != 0)
-            {
-                ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(limitless.size(), (size_t)stackAllocations.errorVec.rows());
-                for (size_t i = 0; i < limitless.size(); i++)
-                {
-                    if (limitless.at(i))
-                    {
-                        stackAllocations.errorVec(i) = math::MathUtils::angleModPI(stackAllocations.errorVec(i));
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            double error = stackAllocations.errorVec.norm();
-            //double dt = (now - lastUpdateTime).toSecondsDouble();
-            //    ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam() << VAROUT(dt);
-            if (!firstRun)
-            {
-                integral += error * deltaSec;
-                integral = std::min(integral, maxIntegral);
-                if (deltaSec > 0.0)
-                {
-                    derivative = (error - previousError) / deltaSec;
-                }
-            }
-            firstRun = false;
-            stackAllocations.direction = targetValue; // copy size
-            if (error > 0)
-            {
-                stackAllocations.direction = stackAllocations.errorVec.normalized();
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                stackAllocations.direction.setZero();
-            }
-            if (controlValue.rows() > 0)
-            {
-                stackAllocations.oldControlValue = controlValue;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                stackAllocations.oldControlValue = stackAllocations.zeroVec;
-            }
-            controlValue = stackAllocations.direction * (Kp * error + Ki * integral + Kd * derivative);
-            if (deltaSec > 0.0)
-            {
-                PIDVectorX accVec = (controlValue - stackAllocations.oldControlValue) / deltaSec;
-                float maxNewJointAcc = accVec.maxCoeff();
-                float minNewJointAcc = accVec.minCoeff();
-                maxNewJointAcc = std::max<float>(fabs(minNewJointAcc), fabs(maxNewJointAcc));
-                if (maxNewJointAcc > maxDerivation)
-                {
-                    auto newValue = stackAllocations.oldControlValue + accVec * maxDerivation / maxNewJointAcc * deltaSec;
-                    ARMARX_DEBUG << deactivateSpam(0.5) << VAROUT(maxDerivation) << VAROUT(maxNewJointAcc) << VAROUT(controlValue)  << VAROUT(stackAllocations.oldControlValue) << VAROUT(newValue);
-                    controlValue = newValue;
-                }
-            }
-            float max = controlValue.maxCoeff();
-            float min = controlValue.minCoeff();
-            max = std::max<float>(fabs(min), fabs(max));
-            if (max > maxControlValue)
-            {
-                auto newValue = controlValue  * maxControlValue / max;
-                ARMARX_DEBUG << deactivateSpam(0.5) << " Control value to big: " << controlValue << " max value: " << maxControlValue << " new value: " << newValue;
-                controlValue = newValue;
-            }
-            ARMARX_DEBUG << deactivateSpam(0.5) << " error: " << error << " cV: " << (controlValue) <<  " i: " << (Ki * integral) << " d: " << (Kd * derivative) << " dt: " << deltaSec;
-            previousError = error;
-            lastUpdateTime += IceUtil::Time::seconds(deltaSec);
-        }
-        void update(const PIDVectorX& measuredValue, const PIDVectorX& targetValue)
-        {
-            ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
-            IceUtil::Time now = TimeUtil::GetTime();
-            if (firstRun)
-            {
-                lastUpdateTime = TimeUtil::GetTime();
-            }
-            double dt = (now - lastUpdateTime).toSecondsDouble();
-            update(dt, measuredValue, targetValue);
-            lastUpdateTime = now;
-        }
-        const PIDVectorX&
-        getControlValue() const
-        {
-            return controlValue;
-        }
-        void setMaxControlValue(double value)
-        {
-            ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
-            maxControlValue = value;
-        }
-        void reset()
-        {
-            ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
-            firstRun = true;
-            previousError = 0;
-            integral = 0;
-            lastUpdateTime = TimeUtil::GetTime();
-            //    controlValue.setZero();
-            //    processValue.setZero();
-            //    target.setZero();
-        }
-        //    protected:
-        float Kp, Ki, Kd;
-        double integral;
-        double maxIntegral = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
-        double derivative;
-        double previousError;
-        PIDVectorX processValue;
-        PIDVectorX target;
-        IceUtil::Time lastUpdateTime;
-        PIDVectorX controlValue;
-        double maxControlValue;
-        double maxDerivation;
-        bool firstRun;
-        mutable  std::recursive_mutex mutex;
-        bool threadSafe = true;
-        std::vector<bool> limitless;
+	using PIDVectorX = Eigen::Matrix<float, dimensions, 1>;
+	MultiDimPIDControllerTemplate(float Kp,
+				      float Ki,
+				      float Kd,
+				      double maxControlValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
+				      double maxDerivation = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
+				      bool threadSafe = true,
+				      std::vector<bool> limitless = {}) :
+	    Kp(Kp),
+	    Ki(Ki),
+	    Kd(Kd),
+	    integral(0),
+	    derivative(0),
+	    previousError(0),
+	    maxControlValue(maxControlValue),
+	    maxDerivation(maxDerivation),
+	    threadSafe(threadSafe),
+	    limitless(limitless)
+	{
+	    reset();
+	}
+	void preallocate(size_t size)
+	{
+	    stackAllocations.zeroVec = PIDVectorX::Zero(size);
+	    stackAllocations.errorVec = stackAllocations.zeroVec;
+	    stackAllocations.direction = stackAllocations.zeroVec;
+	    stackAllocations.oldControlValue = stackAllocations.zeroVec;
+	}
+	~MultiDimPIDControllerTemplate() {}
+	void update(const double deltaSec, const PIDVectorX& measuredValue, const PIDVectorX& targetValue)
+	{
+	    ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
+	    if (stackAllocations.zeroVec.rows() == 0)
+	    {
+		preallocate(measuredValue.rows());
+	    }
+	    ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(measuredValue.rows(), targetValue.rows());
+	    ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(measuredValue.rows(), stackAllocations.zeroVec.rows());
+	    processValue = measuredValue;
+	    target = targetValue;
+	    stackAllocations.errorVec = target - processValue;
+	    if (limitless.size() != 0)
+	    {
+		ARMARX_CHECK_EQUAL(limitless.size(), (size_t)stackAllocations.errorVec.rows());
+		for (size_t i = 0; i < limitless.size(); i++)
+		{
+		    if (limitless.at(i))
+		    {
+			stackAllocations.errorVec(i) = math::MathUtils::angleModPI(stackAllocations.errorVec(i));
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    double error = stackAllocations.errorVec.norm();
+	    //double dt = (now - lastUpdateTime).toSecondsDouble();
+	    //    ARMARX_INFO << deactivateSpam() << VAROUT(dt);
+	    if (!firstRun)
+	    {
+		integral += error * deltaSec;
+		integral = std::min(integral, maxIntegral);
+		if (deltaSec > 0.0)
+		{
+		    derivative = (error - previousError) / deltaSec;
+		}
+	    }
+	    firstRun = false;
+	    stackAllocations.direction = targetValue; // copy size
+	    if (error > 0)
+	    {
+		stackAllocations.direction = stackAllocations.errorVec.normalized();
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		stackAllocations.direction.setZero();
+	    }
+	    if (controlValue.rows() > 0)
+	    {
+		stackAllocations.oldControlValue = controlValue;
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		stackAllocations.oldControlValue = stackAllocations.zeroVec;
+	    }
+	    controlValue = stackAllocations.direction * (Kp * error + Ki * integral + Kd * derivative);
+	    if (deltaSec > 0.0)
+	    {
+		PIDVectorX accVec = (controlValue - stackAllocations.oldControlValue) / deltaSec;
+		float maxNewJointAcc = accVec.maxCoeff();
+		float minNewJointAcc = accVec.minCoeff();
+		maxNewJointAcc = std::max<float>(fabs(minNewJointAcc), fabs(maxNewJointAcc));
+		if (maxNewJointAcc > maxDerivation)
+		{
+		    auto newValue = stackAllocations.oldControlValue + accVec * maxDerivation / maxNewJointAcc * deltaSec;
+		    ARMARX_DEBUG << deactivateSpam(0.5) << VAROUT(maxDerivation) << VAROUT(maxNewJointAcc) << VAROUT(controlValue)  << VAROUT(stackAllocations.oldControlValue) << VAROUT(newValue);
+		    controlValue = newValue;
+		}
+	    }
+	    float max = controlValue.maxCoeff();
+	    float min = controlValue.minCoeff();
+	    max = std::max<float>(fabs(min), fabs(max));
+	    if (max > maxControlValue)
+	    {
+		auto newValue = controlValue  * maxControlValue / max;
+		ARMARX_DEBUG << deactivateSpam(0.5) << " Control value to big: " << controlValue << " max value: " << maxControlValue << " new value: " << newValue;
+		controlValue = newValue;
+	    }
+	    ARMARX_DEBUG << deactivateSpam(0.5) << " error: " << error << " cV: " << (controlValue) <<  " i: " << (Ki * integral) << " d: " << (Kd * derivative) << " dt: " << deltaSec;
+	    previousError = error;
+	    lastUpdateTime += IceUtil::Time::seconds(deltaSec);
+	}
+	void update(const PIDVectorX& measuredValue, const PIDVectorX& targetValue)
+	{
+	    ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
+	    IceUtil::Time now = TimeUtil::GetTime();
+	    if (firstRun)
+	    {
+		lastUpdateTime = TimeUtil::GetTime();
+	    }
+	    double dt = (now - lastUpdateTime).toSecondsDouble();
+	    update(dt, measuredValue, targetValue);
+	    lastUpdateTime = now;
+	}
+	const PIDVectorX&
+	getControlValue() const
+	{
+	    return controlValue;
+	}
+	void setMaxControlValue(double value)
+	{
+	    ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
+	    maxControlValue = value;
+	}
+	void reset()
+	{
+	    ScopedRecursiveLockPtr lock = getLock();
+	    firstRun = true;
+	    previousError = 0;
+	    integral = 0;
+	    lastUpdateTime = TimeUtil::GetTime();
+	    //reset control
+	    controlValue.setZero();
+	    processValue.setZero();
+	    target.setZero();
+	}
+	//    protected:
+	float Kp, Ki, Kd;
+	double integral;
+	double maxIntegral = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+	double derivative;
+	double previousError;
+	PIDVectorX processValue;
+	PIDVectorX target;
+	IceUtil::Time lastUpdateTime;
+	PIDVectorX controlValue;
+	double maxControlValue;
+	double maxDerivation;
+	bool firstRun;
+	mutable  std::recursive_mutex mutex;
+	bool threadSafe = true;
+	std::vector<bool> limitless;
-        struct StackAllocationHelper
-        {
-            PIDVectorX errorVec;
-            PIDVectorX direction;
-            PIDVectorX oldControlValue;
-            PIDVectorX zeroVec;
-        } stackAllocations;
-        using ScopedRecursiveLock = std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex>;
-        using ScopedRecursiveLockPtr = std::unique_ptr<ScopedRecursiveLock>;
-        ScopedRecursiveLockPtr getLock() const
-        {
-            if (threadSafe)
-            {
-                return ScopedRecursiveLockPtr(new ScopedRecursiveLock(mutex));
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                return ScopedRecursiveLockPtr();
-            }
-        }
+	struct StackAllocationHelper
+	{
+	    PIDVectorX errorVec;
+	    PIDVectorX direction;
+	    PIDVectorX oldControlValue;
+	    PIDVectorX zeroVec;
+	} stackAllocations;
+	using ScopedRecursiveLock = std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex>;
+	using ScopedRecursiveLockPtr = std::unique_ptr<ScopedRecursiveLock>;
+	ScopedRecursiveLockPtr getLock() const
+	{
+	    if (threadSafe)
+	    {
+		return ScopedRecursiveLockPtr(new ScopedRecursiveLock(mutex));
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		return ScopedRecursiveLockPtr();
+	    }
+	}
     using MultiDimPIDController = MultiDimPIDControllerTemplate<>;
     using MultiDimPIDControllerPtr = std::shared_ptr<MultiDimPIDControllerTemplate<>>;