From 27f4dbbeb845a09331c52242d6be588d4fe20dbc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Frederik Koch <>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 18:59:49 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] KneeHip balance controller now works

 .../NJointKneeHipController.cpp               | 146 ++++++++++++++----
 .../NJointKneeHipController.h                 |  46 ++++--
 2 files changed, 146 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/NJointControllers/NJointKneeHipController.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/NJointControllers/NJointKneeHipController.cpp
index faefcca81..1fe823ca4 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/NJointControllers/NJointKneeHipController.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/NJointControllers/NJointKneeHipController.cpp
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
 #include "NJointKneeHipController.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
 #include <SimoxUtility/math/distance/angle_between.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/logging/Logging.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/interface/observers/VariantBase.h>
+#include "RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/ControlModes.h"
+#include "RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/ControlTargets/ControlTarget1DoFActuator.h"
+#include "RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/SensorValues/SensorValue1DoFActuator.h"
 // #include <armar7/rt/units/njoint_controller/common/controller_types.h>
 // #include <armar7/rt/units/njoint_controller/knee_hip_controller/aron/ControllerConfig.aron.generated.h>
@@ -28,8 +34,8 @@ namespace armarx
         // config
-        ConfigPtrT cfg = ConfigPtrT::dynamicCast(config);
+        // ConfigPtrT cfg = ConfigPtrT::dynamicCast(config);
         // const arondto::Config configData = arondto::Config::FromAron(cfg->config);
@@ -55,13 +61,19 @@ namespace armarx
-            _rtKneeCtrlTarget = useControlTarget<armarx::ControlTarget1DoFActuatorPosition>(
-                kneeJointName, armarx::ControlModes::Position1DoF);
-            ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(_rtKneeCtrlTarget);
-            _rtHipCtrlTarget = useControlTarget<armarx::ControlTarget1DoFActuatorPosition>(
-                hipJointName, armarx::ControlModes::Position1DoF);
+            // auto kneeBase = useControlTarget(kneeJointName, armarx::ControlModes::Position1DoF);
+            // _rtKneeCtrlTarget = kneeBase->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorPosition>();
+            // ARMARX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(_rtKneeCtrlTarget);
+            // _rtHipCtrlTarget = useControlTarget<armarx::ControlTarget1DoFActuatorPosition>(
+            //     hipJointName, armarx::ControlModes::Position1DoF);
+            auto hipBase = useControlTarget(hipJointName, armarx::ControlModes::Velocity1DoF);
+            _rtHipCtrlTarget = hipBase->asA<ControlTarget1DoFActuatorVelocity>();
+        const SensorValueBase* sv = useSensorValue(_rtKneeNode->getName());
+        velocitySensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity>();
+        // positionSensor = sv->asA<SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition>();
         ARMARX_RT_LOGF("Nodes set up successfully");
@@ -93,42 +105,88 @@ namespace armarx
     NJointKneeHipController::getClassName(const Ice::Current&) const
-        return "KneeHipController";
+        return "NJointKneeHipController";
+    }
+    double
+    NJointKneeHipController::calculate_dAnkle_dKnee(double kneeAngle, double shank, double p1, double p2, double p3)
+    {
+        constexpr auto squared = [](const double t) { return t * t; };
+        const double k1 = shank / p1;
+        const double k2 = shank / p3;
+        const double k3 = (squared(shank) + squared(p1) + squared(p3) - squared(p2)) / (2 * p1 * p3);
+        const double theta = kneeAngle;
+        double T_fkt = sin(theta) * (((squared(k1)+k1+1)*k2-k1*k3)*cos(theta)-squared(k3)+(k1-1)*k2*k3+k1*squared(k2)+k1+1)
+        +((k3+k2)*cos(theta)+k1+1)*sqrt(-squared(k1)*squared(cos(theta))-(2*k1*k3-2*k2)*cos(theta)-squared(k3)+squared(k2)+1);
+        double B_fkt = sqrt(-squared(k1)*squared(cos(theta))-(2*k1*k3-2*k2)*cos(theta)-squared(k3)+squared(k2)+1)
+                * (sin(theta) * sqrt(-squared(k1)*squared(cos(theta))-(2*k1*k3-2*k2)*cos(theta)-squared(k3)+squared(k2)+1)
+                + k1*squared(cos(theta))+(k3+(k1+2)*k2)*cos(theta)+k2*k3+squared(k2)+1);
+        double dAnkle_dKnee =  T_fkt / B_fkt;
+        return dAnkle_dKnee;
+    // double NJointKneeHipController::calculate_psi(double kneeAngle, double shank, double p1, double p2, double p3)
+    // {
+    //     constexpr auto squared = [](const double t) { return t * t; };
+    //     const double k1 = shank / p1;
+    //     const double k2 = shank / p3;
+    //     const double k3 = (squared(shank) + squared(p1) + squared(p3) - squared(p2)) / (2 * p1 * p3);
+    //     const double theta = kneeAngle;
+    //     /* Solution of Freudenstein Equation*/
+    //     double psi = 2 * atan((cos(theta) + sqrt(cos(theta) * cos(theta) -
+    //                                             4 * (k1 * cos(theta) + cos(theta) + k2 + k3) *
+    //                                                 (k1 * cos(theta) - cos(theta) - k2 + k3))) /
+    //                          (k1 * cos(theta) + cos(theta) + k2 + k3));
+    //     return psi;
+    // }
     NJointKneeHipController::rtRun(const IceUtil::Time& /*sensorValuesTimestamp*/,
-                             const IceUtil::Time& /*timeSinceLastIteration*/)
+                             const IceUtil::Time& timeSinceLastIteration)
-        const float currentHipJointValue = _rtHipNode->getJointValue();
-        const auto hipRotation =
-            _rtHipBodyNode->getOrientationInRootFrame() * Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY();
-        // angle between robot root and hip body in the yz-plane
-        // leaning forwards < 90° = upright < leaning backwards
-        const float hipAngle = simox::math::angle_between_vec3f_vec3f(
-            Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY(), hipRotation, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX());
+        auto& debugData = bufferRtToOnPublish_.getWriteBuffer();
-        // hip joint has positive angles leaning forwards (inverse to hipAngle)
-        float targetHipAngle =
-            currentHipJointValue + hipAngle - M_PI_2 + rtGetControlStruct().bowAngle;
-        float targetKneeAngle = rtGetControlStruct().kneeAngle;
+        double kneeVelocity = velocitySensor->velocity;
+        debugData.kneeVelocity = kneeVelocity;
+        double kneeAngle = _rtKneeNode->getJointValue();
+        debugData.kneeAngle = kneeAngle;
-        // check reachability
-        const bool targetReachable = _rtKneeNode->checkJointLimits(targetKneeAngle) &&
-                                     _rtHipNode->checkJointLimits(targetHipAngle);
-        if (not targetReachable)
-        {
-            // limit joint ranges to avoid damage
-            targetKneeAngle = std::clamp(
-                targetKneeAngle, _rtKneeNode->getJointLimitLow(), _rtKneeNode->getJointLimitHigh());
-            targetHipAngle = std::clamp(
-                targetHipAngle, _rtHipNode->getJointLimitLow(), _rtHipNode->getJointLimitHigh());
-        }
-        _rtKneeCtrlTarget->position = targetKneeAngle;
-        _rtHipCtrlTarget->position = targetHipAngle;
+        double deltaKnee = kneeVelocity;
+        double dHip_dKnee = 1 - calculate_dAnkle_dKnee(kneeAngle, 280, 84.372, 269.964, 45);
+        double deltaHip =  dHip_dKnee * deltaKnee;
+        double hipVelocity = deltaHip;
+        debugData.hipVelocity = hipVelocity;
+        std::clamp(hipVelocity, -0.5, 0.5);
+        _rtHipCtrlTarget->velocity = hipVelocity;
+        /*  Position approach  */
+        // double theta = _rtKneeNode->getJointValue();
+        // double psi = calculate_psi(theta, 280, 84.372, 269.964, 45);
+        // double target = theta - psi + M_PI/5;
+        // _rtHipCtrlTarget->position = target;
+        bufferRtToOnPublish_.commitWrite();
@@ -141,5 +199,27 @@ namespace armarx
+    void
+    NJointKneeHipController::onPublish(const SensorAndControl&,
+                                       const DebugDrawerInterfacePrx&,
+                                       const DebugObserverInterfacePrx& debugObservers)
+    {
+        StringVariantBaseMap datafields;
+        const auto& debugData = bufferRtToOnPublish_.getUpToDateReadBuffer();
+        datafields["localTimestamp"] = new Variant(debugData.localTimestamp);
+        datafields["kneeAngle"] = new Variant(debugData.kneeAngle);
+        datafields["kneeVelocity"] = new Variant(debugData.kneeVelocity);
+        datafields["hipAngle"] = new Variant(debugData.hipAngle);
+        datafields["hipVelocity"] = new Variant(debugData.hipVelocity);
+        debugObservers->setDebugChannel("NJointKneeHipController",
+                                        datafields);
+    }
 } // namespace armarx
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/NJointControllers/NJointKneeHipController.h b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/NJointControllers/NJointKneeHipController.h
index 94fc676f8..270d36a68 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/NJointControllers/NJointKneeHipController.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/NJointControllers/NJointKneeHipController.h
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
 #pragma once
+#include <ArmarXCore/interface/core/BasicTypes.h>
+#include "RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/SensorValues/SensorValue1DoFActuator.h"
 #include <RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/ControlTargets/ControlTarget1DoFActuator.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/NJointControllers/NJointController.h>
 #include <RobotAPI/components/units/RobotUnit/RobotUnit.h>
@@ -41,23 +43,17 @@ namespace armarx
         float bowAngle;
-    TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE(NJointKneeHipControllerConfig);
-    class NJointKneeHipControllerConfig : virtual public armarx::NJointControllerConfig
-    {
-    public:
-        std::string deviceName1;
-        std::string deviceName;
-        std::string controlMode;
-    };
+    // TYPEDEF_PTRS_HANDLE(NJointKneeHipControllerConfig);
     class NJointKneeHipController :
         virtual public armarx::NJointControllerWithTripleBuffer<Config>
-        using ConfigPtrT = NJointKneeHipControllerConfigPtr;
+        // using ConfigPtrT = NJointKneeHipControllerPtr;
+        using ConfigPtrT = NJointControllerConfigPtr;
         NJointKneeHipController(RobotUnit* robotUnit,
                           const armarx::NJointControllerConfigPtr& config,
@@ -67,7 +63,10 @@ namespace armarx
         // void updateConfig(const ::armarx::aron::data::dto::DictPtr& dto,
         //                   const Ice::Current& iceCurrent = Ice::emptyCurrent) ;
+        void onPublish(const SensorAndControl&,
+                       const DebugDrawerInterfacePrx&,
+                       const DebugObserverInterfacePrx& debugObserver) override;
         // NJointControllerInterface interface
@@ -85,6 +84,8 @@ namespace armarx
         void rtPreActivateController() override;
         void rtPostDeactivateController() override;
         // ----------------
@@ -93,9 +94,28 @@ namespace armarx
         VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr _rtKneeNode;
         VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr _rtHipNode;
         VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr _rtHipBodyNode;
+        const SensorValue1DoFActuatorVelocity* velocitySensor;
+        // const SensorValue1DoFActuatorPosition* positionSensor;
+        static double calculate_dAnkle_dKnee(double kneeAngle, double shank, double p1, double p2, double p3);
+        static double calculate_psi(double kneeAngle, double shank, double p1, double p2, double p3);
+        // armarx::ControlTarget1DoFActuatorPosition* _rtKneeCtrlTarget;
+        armarx::ControlTarget1DoFActuatorVelocity* _rtHipCtrlTarget;
+        struct DebugData
+        {
+            std::int64_t localTimestamp;
+            double kneeAngle;
+            double kneeVelocity;
+            double hipAngle;
+            double hipVelocity;
+        };
+        TripleBuffer<DebugData> bufferRtToOnPublish_;
-        armarx::ControlTarget1DoFActuatorPosition* _rtKneeCtrlTarget;
-        armarx::ControlTarget1DoFActuatorPosition* _rtHipCtrlTarget;
 } // namespace armarx