diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/components/armem/server/ObjectMemory/ObjectMemory.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/components/armem/server/ObjectMemory/ObjectMemory.cpp
index e00518697c1b1c0dcc8d2d7c767df17d593e1e9e..bc8179ff695156ab4691f9a5feae5885699c2c4a 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/components/armem/server/ObjectMemory/ObjectMemory.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/components/armem/server/ObjectMemory/ObjectMemory.cpp
@@ -103,15 +103,15 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj
             catch (const LocalException& e)
-                ARMARX_ERROR << "Failed to init " << segmentName << " segment. Reason: \n" << e.what();
+                ARMARX_ERROR << "Failed to init `" << segmentName << "` segment. Reason: \n" << e.what();
             catch (const std::exception& e)
-                ARMARX_ERROR << "Failed to init " << segmentName << " segment. Reason: \n" << e.what();
+                ARMARX_ERROR << "Failed to init `" << segmentName << "` segment. Reason: \n" << e.what();
             catch (...)
-                ARMARX_ERROR << "Failed to init " << segmentName << " segment for unknown reason.";
+                ARMARX_ERROR << "Failed to init `" << segmentName << "` segment for unknown reason.";
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/ArmarXObjects/ObjectInfo.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/ArmarXObjects/ObjectInfo.cpp
index 6d20564f660aee832698ca9d1eda297b56de9f3c..3b97c8040f4687bf58e48b409aaa4c2669f9fe35 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/ArmarXObjects/ObjectInfo.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/ArmarXObjects/ObjectInfo.cpp
@@ -1,67 +1,84 @@
 #include "ObjectInfo.h"
+#include <filesystem>
+#include <optional>
 #include <SimoxUtility/algorithm/string.h>
 #include <SimoxUtility/json.h>
 #include <SimoxUtility/shapes/AxisAlignedBoundingBox.h>
 #include <SimoxUtility/shapes/OrientedBox.h>
+#include "ArmarXCore/core/exceptions/LocalException.h"
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/exceptions/local/ExpressionException.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/logging/Logging.h>
 namespace armarx
     namespace fs = std::filesystem;
-    ObjectInfo::ObjectInfo(const std::string& packageName, const ObjectInfo::path& packageDataDir,
-                           const path& relObjectsPath, const ObjectID& id) :
-        _packageName(packageName), _absPackageDataDir(packageDataDir),
-        _relObjectsPath(relObjectsPath), _id(id)
+    ObjectInfo::ObjectInfo(const std::string& packageName,
+                           const ObjectInfo::path& packageDataDir,
+                           const path& relObjectsPath,
+                           const ObjectID& id) :
+        _packageName(packageName),
+        _absPackageDataDir(packageDataDir),
+        _relObjectsPath(relObjectsPath),
+        _id(id)
-    ObjectInfo::ObjectInfo(const std::string& packageName, const ObjectInfo::path& packageDataDir,
+    ObjectInfo::ObjectInfo(const std::string& packageName,
+                           const ObjectInfo::path& packageDataDir,
                            const path& relObjectsPath,
-                           const std::string& dataset, const std::string& className) :
-        _packageName(packageName), _absPackageDataDir(packageDataDir),
-        _relObjectsPath(relObjectsPath), _id(dataset, className)
+                           const std::string& dataset,
+                           const std::string& className) :
+        _packageName(packageName),
+        _absPackageDataDir(packageDataDir),
+        _relObjectsPath(relObjectsPath),
+        _id(dataset, className)
-    void ObjectInfo::setLogError(bool enabled)
+    void
+    ObjectInfo::setLogError(bool enabled)
         this->_logError = enabled;
-    std::string ObjectInfo::package() const
+    std::string
+    ObjectInfo::package() const
         return _packageName;
-    std::string ObjectInfo::dataset() const
+    std::string
+    ObjectInfo::dataset() const
         return _id.dataset();
-    std::string ObjectInfo::className() const
+    std::string
+    ObjectInfo::className() const
         return _id.className();
-    ObjectID ObjectInfo::id() const
+    ObjectID
+    ObjectInfo::id() const
         return _id;
-    std::string ObjectInfo::idStr() const
+    std::string
+    ObjectInfo::idStr() const
         return _id.str();
-    ObjectInfo::path ObjectInfo::objectDirectory(const bool fixDataPath) const
+    ObjectInfo::path
+    ObjectInfo::objectDirectory(const bool fixDataPath) const
-        if(fixDataPath)
+        if (fixDataPath)
             return _relObjectsPath / _id.dataset() / _id.className();
@@ -69,7 +86,10 @@ namespace armarx
         return path(_packageName) / _relObjectsPath / _id.dataset() / _id.className();
-    PackageFileLocation ObjectInfo::file(const std::string& _extension, const std::string& suffix, const bool fixDataPath) const
+    PackageFileLocation
+    ObjectInfo::file(const std::string& _extension,
+                     const std::string& suffix,
+                     const bool fixDataPath) const
         std::string extension = _extension;
         if (extension.at(0) != '.')
@@ -85,23 +105,26 @@ namespace armarx
         return loc;
-    PackageFileLocation ObjectInfo::simoxXML() const
+    PackageFileLocation
+    ObjectInfo::simoxXML() const
         return file(".xml");
-    PackageFileLocation ObjectInfo::urdf() const
+    PackageFileLocation
+    ObjectInfo::urdf() const
         return file(".urdf");
-    PackageFileLocation ObjectInfo::sdf() const
+    PackageFileLocation
+    ObjectInfo::sdf() const
         return file(".sdf");
-    std::optional<PackageFileLocation> ObjectInfo::getModel() const
+    std::optional<PackageFileLocation>
+    ObjectInfo::getModel() const
         if (fs::is_regular_file(simoxXML().absolutePath))
@@ -121,22 +144,26 @@ namespace armarx
-    PackageFileLocation ObjectInfo::articulatedSimoxXML() const
+    PackageFileLocation
+    ObjectInfo::articulatedSimoxXML() const
         return file(".xml", "_articulated", true);
-    PackageFileLocation ObjectInfo::articulatedUrdf() const
+    PackageFileLocation
+    ObjectInfo::articulatedUrdf() const
         return file(".urdf", "_articulated", true);
-    PackageFileLocation ObjectInfo::articulatedSdf() const
+    PackageFileLocation
+    ObjectInfo::articulatedSdf() const
         return file(".sdf", "_articulated");
-    std::optional<PackageFileLocation> ObjectInfo::getArticulatedModel() const
+    std::optional<PackageFileLocation>
+    ObjectInfo::getArticulatedModel() const
         if (fs::is_regular_file(articulatedSimoxXML().absolutePath))
@@ -156,33 +183,37 @@ namespace armarx
-    PackageFileLocation ObjectInfo::meshWrl() const
+    PackageFileLocation
+    ObjectInfo::meshWrl() const
         return file(".wrl");
-    PackageFileLocation ObjectInfo::wavefrontObj() const
+    PackageFileLocation
+    ObjectInfo::wavefrontObj() const
         return file(".obj");
-    PackageFileLocation ObjectInfo::boundingBoxJson() const
+    PackageFileLocation
+    ObjectInfo::boundingBoxJson() const
         return file(".json", "_bb");
-    PackageFileLocation ObjectInfo::namesJson() const
+    PackageFileLocation
+    ObjectInfo::namesJson() const
         return file(".json", "_names");
-    std::optional<simox::AxisAlignedBoundingBox> ObjectInfo::loadAABB() const
+    std::optional<simox::AxisAlignedBoundingBox>
+    ObjectInfo::loadAABB() const
         nlohmann::json j;
+            ARMARX_CHECK(std::filesystem::exists(boundingBoxJson().absolutePath));
             j = nlohmann::read_json(boundingBoxJson().absolutePath);
         catch (const std::exception& e)
@@ -194,28 +225,52 @@ namespace armarx
             return std::nullopt;
-        nlohmann::json jaabb = j.at("aabb");
-        auto center = jaabb.at("center").get<Eigen::Vector3f>();
-        auto extents = jaabb.at("extents").get<Eigen::Vector3f>();
-        auto min = jaabb.at("min").get<Eigen::Vector3f>();
-        auto max = jaabb.at("max").get<Eigen::Vector3f>();
-        simox::AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb(min, max);
+        try
+        {
-        static const float prec = 1e-3f;
-        ARMARX_CHECK_LESS_EQUAL((aabb.center() - center).norm(), prec) << aabb.center().transpose() << "\n" << center.transpose() << "\n" << id();
-        ARMARX_CHECK_LESS_EQUAL((aabb.extents() - extents).norm(), prec) << aabb.extents().transpose() << "\n" << extents.transpose() << "\n" << id();
-        ARMARX_CHECK_LESS_EQUAL((aabb.min() - min).norm(), prec) << aabb.min().transpose() << "\n" << min.transpose() << "\n" << id();
-        ARMARX_CHECK_LESS_EQUAL((aabb.max() - max).norm(), prec) << aabb.max().transpose() << "\n" << max.transpose() << "\n" << id();
+            nlohmann::json jaabb = j.at("aabb");
+            auto center = jaabb.at("center").get<Eigen::Vector3f>();
+            auto extents = jaabb.at("extents").get<Eigen::Vector3f>();
+            auto min = jaabb.at("min").get<Eigen::Vector3f>();
+            auto max = jaabb.at("max").get<Eigen::Vector3f>();
+            simox::AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb(min, max);
+            static const float prec = 1e-3f;
+            ARMARX_CHECK_LESS_EQUAL((aabb.center() - center).norm(), prec)
+                << aabb.center().transpose() << "\n"
+                << center.transpose() << "\n"
+                << id();
+            ARMARX_CHECK_LESS_EQUAL((aabb.extents() - extents).norm(), prec)
+                << aabb.extents().transpose() << "\n"
+                << extents.transpose() << "\n"
+                << id();
+            ARMARX_CHECK_LESS_EQUAL((aabb.min() - min).norm(), prec)
+                << aabb.min().transpose() << "\n"
+                << min.transpose() << "\n"
+                << id();
+            ARMARX_CHECK_LESS_EQUAL((aabb.max() - max).norm(), prec)
+                << aabb.max().transpose() << "\n"
+                << max.transpose() << "\n"
+                << id();
+            return aabb;
+        }
+        catch (...)
+        {
+            ARMARX_WARNING << GetHandledExceptionString();
+        }
-        return aabb;
+        return std::nullopt;
-    std::optional<simox::OrientedBox<float>> ObjectInfo::loadOOBB() const
+    std::optional<simox::OrientedBox<float>>
+    ObjectInfo::loadOOBB() const
         nlohmann::json j;
+            ARMARX_CHECK(std::filesystem::exists(boundingBoxJson().absolutePath));
             j = nlohmann::read_json(boundingBoxJson().absolutePath);
         catch (const std::exception& e)
@@ -227,48 +282,60 @@ namespace armarx
             return std::nullopt;
-        nlohmann::json joobb = j.at("oobb");
-        auto pos = joobb.at("pos").get<Eigen::Vector3f>();
-        auto ori = joobb.at("ori").get<Eigen::Quaternionf>().toRotationMatrix();
-        auto extents = joobb.at("extents").get<Eigen::Vector3f>();
-        Eigen::Vector3f corner = pos - ori * extents / 2;
-        simox::OrientedBox<float> oobb(corner,
-                                       ori.col(0) * extents(0),
-                                       ori.col(1) * extents(1),
-                                       ori.col(2) * extents(2));
-        static const float prec = 1e-3f;
-        ARMARX_CHECK(oobb.rotation().isApprox(ori, prec)) << oobb.rotation() << "\n" << ori << "\n" << id();
-        // If the object is too large, the above precision will trigger a false positive.
-        if (extents.squaredNorm() < 1e5f * 1e5f)
+        try
+        {
+            nlohmann::json joobb = j.at("oobb");
+            auto pos = joobb.at("pos").get<Eigen::Vector3f>();
+            auto ori = joobb.at("ori").get<Eigen::Quaternionf>().toRotationMatrix();
+            auto extents = joobb.at("extents").get<Eigen::Vector3f>();
+            Eigen::Vector3f corner = pos - ori * extents / 2;
+            simox::OrientedBox<float> oobb(
+                corner, ori.col(0) * extents(0), ori.col(1) * extents(1), ori.col(2) * extents(2));
+            static const float prec = 1e-3f;
+            ARMARX_CHECK(oobb.rotation().isApprox(ori, prec)) << oobb.rotation() << "\n"
+                                                              << ori << "\n"
+                                                              << id();
+            // If the object is too large, the above precision will trigger a false positive.
+            if (extents.squaredNorm() < 1e5f * 1e5f)
+            {
+                ARMARX_CHECK_LESS_EQUAL((oobb.center() - pos).norm(), prec)
+                    << VAROUT(oobb.center().transpose()) << "\n"
+                    << VAROUT(pos.transpose()) << "\n"
+                    << VAROUT(extents.norm()) << "\n"
+                    << VAROUT(id());
+                ARMARX_CHECK_LESS_EQUAL((oobb.dimensions() - extents).norm(), prec)
+                    << VAROUT(oobb.dimensions().transpose()) << "\n"
+                    << VAROUT(extents.transpose()) << "\n"
+                    << VAROUT(extents.norm()) << "\n"
+                    << VAROUT(id());
+            }
+            return oobb;
+        }
+        catch (...)
-            ARMARX_CHECK_LESS_EQUAL((oobb.center() - pos).norm(), prec)
-                    << VAROUT(oobb.center().transpose())
-                    << "\n" << VAROUT(pos.transpose())
-                    << "\n" << VAROUT(extents.norm())
-                    << "\n" << VAROUT(id());
-            ARMARX_CHECK_LESS_EQUAL((oobb.dimensions() - extents).norm(), prec)
-                    << VAROUT(oobb.dimensions().transpose())
-                    << "\n" << VAROUT(extents.transpose())
-                    << "\n" << VAROUT(extents.norm())
-                    << "\n" << VAROUT(id());
+            ARMARX_WARNING << GetHandledExceptionString();
-        return oobb;
+        return std::nullopt;
-    std::optional<std::vector<std::string>> ObjectInfo::loadRecognizedNames() const
+    std::optional<std::vector<std::string>>
+    ObjectInfo::loadRecognizedNames() const
         return loadNames("recognized_name");
-    std::optional<std::vector<std::string>> ObjectInfo::loadSpokenNames() const
+    std::optional<std::vector<std::string>>
+    ObjectInfo::loadSpokenNames() const
         return loadNames("spoken_name");
-    std::optional<std::vector<std::string> > ObjectInfo::loadNames(const std::string& jsonKey) const
+    std::optional<std::vector<std::string>>
+    ObjectInfo::loadNames(const std::string& jsonKey) const
         const PackageFileLocation file = namesJson();
         if (fs::is_regular_file(file.absolutePath))
@@ -283,7 +350,8 @@ namespace armarx
                 if (_logError)
-                    ARMARX_WARNING << "Failed to parse JSON file " << file.absolutePath << ": \n" << e.what();
+                    ARMARX_WARNING << "Failed to parse JSON file " << file.absolutePath << ": \n"
+                                   << e.what();
                 return std::nullopt;
@@ -291,7 +359,8 @@ namespace armarx
                 if (_logError)
-                    ARMARX_WARNING << "Failed to read file " << file.absolutePath << ": \n" << e.what();
+                    ARMARX_WARNING << "Failed to read file " << file.absolutePath << ": \n"
+                                   << e.what();
                 return std::nullopt;
@@ -304,8 +373,8 @@ namespace armarx
-    bool ObjectInfo::checkPaths() const
+    bool
+    ObjectInfo::checkPaths() const
         namespace fs = std::filesystem;
         bool result = true;
@@ -314,7 +383,8 @@ namespace armarx
             if (_logError)
-                ARMARX_WARNING << "Expected simox object file for object " << *this << ": " << simoxXML().absolutePath;
+                ARMARX_WARNING << "Expected simox object file for object " << *this << ": "
+                               << simoxXML().absolutePath;
             result = false;
@@ -322,7 +392,8 @@ namespace armarx
             if (_logError)
-                ARMARX_WARNING << "Expected wavefront object file (.obj) for object " << *this << ": " << wavefrontObj().absolutePath;
+                ARMARX_WARNING << "Expected wavefront object file (.obj) for object " << *this
+                               << ": " << wavefrontObj().absolutePath;
             result = false;
@@ -330,10 +401,10 @@ namespace armarx
         return result;
+} // namespace armarx
-std::ostream& armarx::operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ObjectInfo& rhs)
+armarx::operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ObjectInfo& rhs)
     return os << rhs.id();
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/class/Segment.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/class/Segment.cpp
index 5506ddbf598ed92ac11522769b9e7b0734d20162..a9b406a13c1fa22384705afa88777a5a9c504a9e 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/class/Segment.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/class/Segment.cpp
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #include <SimoxUtility/shapes/AxisAlignedBoundingBox.h>
 #include <SimoxUtility/shapes/OrientedBox.h>
+#include "ArmarXCore/core/logging/Logging.h"
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/application/properties/PropertyDefinitionContainer.h>
 #include <ArmarXCore/core/time/TimeUtil.h>
@@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::clazz
         if (p.loadFromObjectsPackage)
+            ARMARX_VERBOSE << "Loading objects from package";
@@ -71,6 +73,7 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::clazz
     Segment::loadByObjectFinder(const std::string& objectsPackage)
+        ARMARX_TRACE;
@@ -84,6 +87,8 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::clazz
+        ARMARX_TRACE;
         const Time now = Time::Now();
         const bool checkPaths = false;
@@ -96,15 +101,23 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::clazz
         Commit commit;
         for (ObjectInfo& info : infos)
+            ARMARX_TRACE;
+            ARMARX_VERBOSE << info.idStr();
             EntityUpdate& update = commit.add();
             update.entityID = providerID.withEntityName(info.id().str());
             update.arrivedTime = update.referencedTime = update.sentTime = now;
+            ARMARX_TRACE;
+            ARMARX_VERBOSE << "object class from info";
             arondto::ObjectClass objectClass = objectClassFromInfo(info);
             update.instancesData = {objectClass.toAron()};
+        ARMARX_TRACE;
         ARMARX_INFO << "Loaded " << commit.updates.size() << " object classes from '"
                     << objectFinder.getPackageName() << "'.";
@@ -179,6 +192,8 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::clazz
         namespace fs = std::filesystem;
+        // ARMARX_VERBOSE << info.idStr();
         arondto::ObjectClass data;
         toAron(data.id, info.id());
@@ -203,9 +218,14 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::clazz
         setPathIfExists(data.meshObjPath, info.wavefrontObj());
         setPathIfExists(data.meshWrlPath, info.meshWrl());
+        ARMARX_TRACE;
+        ARMARX_VERBOSE << "AABB";
         auto aabb = info.loadAABB();
         toAron(data.aabb, aabb ? aabb.value() : simox::AxisAlignedBoundingBox());
+        ARMARX_TRACE;
         auto oobb = info.loadOOBB();
+        ARMARX_VERBOSE << "OOBB";
         toAron(data.oobb, oobb ? oobb.value() : simox::OrientedBoxf());
         if (auto recogNames = info.loadRecognizedNames())
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/class/Segment.h b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/class/Segment.h
index 89c13ce4c4a6baf346f977ce0a1a66cee0eb1630..ba42e0072097beb531b1fedbef3f6344eb208cc4 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/class/Segment.h
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/class/Segment.h
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::clazz
         void visualizeClass(const MemoryID& entityID, bool showAABB = true, bool showOOBB = true);
-        static arondto::ObjectClass objectClassFromInfo(const ObjectInfo& info);
+        arondto::ObjectClass objectClassFromInfo(const ObjectInfo& info);
diff --git a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/instance/Segment.cpp b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/instance/Segment.cpp
index 1bf0200459eb987e6ad842c38d9138c40401dcb3..865fa2ae35b1ce975b3be920214035674c3c9050 100644
--- a/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/instance/Segment.cpp
+++ b/source/RobotAPI/libraries/armem_objects/server/instance/Segment.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 #include "Segment.h"
+#include <filesystem>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <Eigen/Dense>
@@ -1013,6 +1014,7 @@ namespace armarx::armem::server::obj::instance
+            ARMARX_CHECK(std::filesystem::exists(path)) << path;
             return simox::json::read<armarx::objects::Scene>(path);
         catch (const simox::json::error::JsonError& e)